Family Date Night free porn video

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I got into a great college--on full scholarship--that was like a million miles away from home. My mission, from the start, was to focus on my studies and wind up with a prestigious degree. Unlike most of the student body, I didn't have the family money in my wallet for extra frills. That didn't bother me, even if it did put me at a certain disadvantage. Like most kids going off to college, I was hoping for some wild sexual adventures. Maybe an occasional night of fucking some hot drunk Daddy's girl that would lead to nothing after the next morning when I didn't have the cash to treat her to breakfast at the local Denny's. And that's pretty much the way it went for over two years. I didn't care. I was there to get an education, to prove my brilliance among this crowd of legacy kids. If I got a few nights of pussy instead of my own hand, well, that was just icing on the cake.

And that is pretty much the way it went. A party here, a party there. A girl here and there tipsy enough to not care I didn't have a car because I certainly did have a cock, and that was what mattered at that horny moment. But beginning my junior year things changed. I guess the girls in my class were starting to get serious about things--if not their potential careers then at least their potential mates. I thought about fishing in the pool of underclass poontang, but I was never really the type of guy to use terms like poontang. I was busy enough with my coursework, and my work-study job at the library.

I loved working at the library, and was starting to think of maybe finding a way to finance my way into an MLS program. What I wanted to do with my life was continue writing the poetry that'd obsessed me basically ever since I learned how to hold a pencil. Even as a kid, I knew that would never pay the bills. Working in a library seemed like a better idea than my original slow-suicide notion of becoming an English teacher.

As a student worker I spent most of my time shelving books: a peaceful enough occupation. I could finish my truck quickly, and then spend some extra time sitting on the floor in the stacks scribbling in my notebook! On Monday evenings I got to work the check-out at the Circulation Desk. I'd always gently chat up the coeds, but to no real effect. I'll never forget the night a pair of girls walked away with their books, and I overheard their conversation. I'd had the one a year before.

"Dayum, he's cute!"

"Yea ... and he's great in bed. But that's the No-Car Guy."

"Oh? Too bad. Oh well, never mind!"

The sort of thing that makes you want to go home and just give up. That or stay put and be strong and try all the harder.

It was a few Mondays later that I met Ellen DeSoto, or rather, actually talked to her. She'd been in an Economics class with me the year before, one I'd struggled through because such things made no sense to my brain. She was a beauty with wild crenulated hair and a caramel skin tone reflecting her Mediterranean extraction. The type of girl I gave up on from the get-go.

We didn't actually have much of a conversation. She just said, as she waited for me to process her books, "Hey, I remember you from last year."

Suave library clerk that I was, I answered, "And how could I forget you and your beautiful hair?"

She flashed me a big smile, gathered her books, and with a little wave was gone.

Every evening I hoped to see her again, as I trundled the returned books through the stacks, but that didn't happen.

The best thing about working the Circulation Desk on Mondays was that I was mostly left alone. The weekends took their toll, and most the student body didn't bother with the library until later in the week. I generally sat at the counter for hours writing in my notebook completely uninterrupted.

Except the following Monday. I'd embarked on this imagining of Plath and Sexton meeting in the afterlife. It started pretty strong, I felt, but then I kept scratching out lines. I was pretending I'd solved the problem when somebody was dinging the call bell on the counter beside me. It was Ellen, with a stack of books.

"What are you writing?"

"Oh, nothing," I shunted the notebook away to process her books.

"Bullshit," she declared, grabbing my notebook.

Hair a lovely kelp bed

Waving in the breeze of the sea

Eyes anemones

Calling swim down to me

Winning over a woman with verse--what a 19th-Century conceit.

Ellen sort of shook her hair and smiled. "That's really sweet." But then she gathered up her books and left. An hour or so later the library was closing for the evening. I did my little bit to shut things down, and then my shift was over. I left through the main doors, and was shocked to see Ellen waiting patiently on a bench out front. She stood up to greet me. She took me home that night, and you better believe I carried her books!

From that evening on, we had an obsession that lasted the spring term. Suddenly I had a social as well as sexual life. I of course got to meet her roommates--they were all clearly curious why Ellen had chosen me. And then she was always dragging me around to parties, to present me--or show me off--to her friends. I managed to fake being able to talk to people I didn't know; after awhile, I began to know some of them, so things got easier.

Then it was summer break, and Ellen went home to Virginia. I kind of wanted to go home, too, but when we started talking airfare, my parents were broke. What little they had to pay for my education was bankrupting them. I got the message.

I wormed my way into this summer job on campus that let me stay in my dorm room for free.

I didn't have a laptop, and the library barely had any hours. I made the time to use the media center to send Ellen three emails. The first was longish, filled with the proper tang of longing, but mostly upbeat about what I was doing. A week later I sent her a much shorter email. She finally replied: great to here from you! we're going to the beach! Later!!

There was no later. Thinking of you. Missing you. And hope you're having a great summer! A week after clicking send on that and hearing nothing back, well, I quit making time to hit the library.

Instead I was so pathetic that I wound up spending my evenings sitting in my crappy dorm room, pen in hand, filling notebook pages with letters to Ellen. I copied her my latest poems, which tended to refer to her. The shameful thing was that I bought stamps and envelopes and actually mailed her the pages.

I got real mail, once, toward the end of July. God how I cherished the opening of the envelope. I turned it into a ritual. But it was just the one time, and inside was a scrap of paper scribbled great--good job! I wrote her back, asking what she meant, but she wasted not another stamp on me.

As August collapsed toward the Fall semester, the death inherent in autumn really worked at me. It sucked that Spring had been so fucking blooming. I was already thinking about readjusting classes, just so I wouldn't have to deal with even seeing Ellen. I didn't want to have to hear her apologetic summation.

It was insane, the human explosion the week before classes started up. I went about my business. My summer job ended with a big beer and pizza appreciation party for us students who'd kept campus working over the summer.

I stayed out too late, and slept too late. There was a big lunch thing I missed. I straightened up, having my own mission in mind. I ate a stale roll I'd snagged a day or two before. Then I steeled up, and marched my ass up the walkways to the library. I went to check in, appearing eager to resume my same duties from last year.

Just checking in, I was, but then I was in the librarian's office. Ms. Harver was a really nice woman, especially once she realized you were a cut above the usual warm bodies the Financial Aid office tossed at her every semester. She was total no-nonsense, and a bit icy at first. I'd seen her make a senior girl cry for her incompetence. But Ms. Harver definitely warmed up if you did a good job.

My very first semester, I changed a procedure on my shift. Instead of filling up a truck with returned books from all over the library, since there were spare trucks kicking around, I lined them up, putting fiction on one, history on another, sciences the third ... you'd have to shelve three or four trucks of returns a shift anyway, so it made sense that it'd take a lot less time if with each truck you could stay in one area, instead of going all over the entire library with each truck. My smarter coworkers soon picked up on the trick.

A few days later, Ms. Harver had come through during shift change, and for the first time noticed all the filling trucks. "What is going on? Why are there all these trucks cluttering up the place?"

All fingers pointed at me. Ms. Harver gave me the look, and I about pissed my pants. Stutteringly, I explained my reasoning. She cocked her head, thinking. Then she gave a quick nod. "Listen, buster, changes go through me. Nevertheless, I think that's an excellent idea. That's the new way to do things around here. I'll draw up a memo for the rest of the staff. I do greatly value having a worker who actually thinks about the job."

That said, she took the steps over to give me a hug. It was a very brief hug--a good-job hug--but one which would linger in infamy with my coworkers. It lingered in my mind as well. However briefly, I had that nice full bosom pressed against me. And I got teased about it for the longest time. Librarian's Pet became my nickname. Soon shortened to Pet, which I actually sort of liked. Having homely bookish girls call me Pet made me feel so British!

I felt pretty British too, the afternoon with Ethan. I really didn't like the guy, but I kept that to myself. We worked together about once a week. I was sitting at the high chair at the checkout counter when he sidled up to me with a smarmy smile.

"So, how are things with Old Lady Harver's boy-toy. What's that like, anyway, when you're shelving books with her? What's it like up in those stacks? I'd imagine it'd be rather dusty, and stinking of mildew."

He was so close he didn't notice me swing a foot behind his knees. My hands shot at his chest, and backwards he stumbled. His descent was in slow motion, the silly waving of his arms, like an ostrich that thought it could still fly. And seeing clearly his trajectory, how to land on the floor he would first have to go through a full truck of books, I was praying please don't break your neck, please don't break your neck.

Then things speeded back up. The truck squealed on its wheels, then tipped. These train-wreck long loud noises as books flew everywhere and Ethan and the truck crashed to the floor. I thought he was dead, but then his eyes opened. He glared at me. "What the fuck?!!"

He lay there, all a-sprawl. All his extremities were wavering--he looked just like a beetle on its back--so I knew I was safe. So I stood up and stepped over to him. "Here's the new rule, Ethan. You can call me Pet. But if I ever hear, or hear of, any of that other shit, I'm going to fuckin' hurt you. Understood?"

He got this stupid smiley look, like a light bulb in his brain had flickered back on. "So you are doing her!"

Pity Ethan; he hadn't understood.

He was lying there with his legs still wide apart from the spill. I took aim and kicked him as hard as I could on the outside of his left thigh. I gave him a taste of pain. "That's your only warning. A deep bruise. Notice how your legs are spread--I could've turned you into a girl. And for the record, no, I'm not doing her. Except in my dreams. I mean, c'mon on. If you were having wild sex with a hot experienced woman, wouldn't you be bragging about it?"

He pondered about a second. "Hell, yea. I hadn't thought about it that way. You're right. Say ... if you're not, mind if I try and tap it?"

That conversation was curtailed by the woman in question dashing around the corner. "I heard all the noise ... oh, my god! what happened?"

"Ethan came racing in to get a truck so fast he startled me and I swung around in my chair and then he tripped on my leg and crash boom bang." I felt like I was composing a poem.

"Are you okay, Ethan?"

"Yea, yea, just a little dazed." He rubbed where I'd kicked him. "The corner of the truck must've hit me right here. I'm sure I'll get a deep bruise, but otherwise I'm fine. It could've been a lot worse."

Drama over, Ms. Harver turned to the practical. "Looks like you boys have a mess to clean up." She did an about-face, and went back to her office. Ethan got up slowly, wincingly. "I'd like to make a mess on her and make her clean it up."

"Wouldn't we all?" as I guided him over to my chair. "Here, you're wounded; you sit and be the desk jockey. I'll take care of the books."

I was glad I wasn't alone in thinking, sure, it'd be lovely to get her skirt up and bend her over a reading table, and spank her for moaning too loud in a library.

But all that was years ago. This year I was suddenly seated in Ms. Harver's office. She was still quite beautiful enough to star in that Freshman Fantasy. But you don't think about that when you've been working for someone going on four years. Someone you like and respect, who respects you for your intelligence. That's a good soggy old blanket to muffle any little flicker of romance.

She began. "You shelve books much more accurately than any employee I've ever been dealt. But that's kind of a waste of your talents. I know your nickname. But you're the only sterling worker I've ever had. You care about books. You should considering shooting onward to get an MLS."

"I have been seriously thinking about that."

"Good! I will unveil why I think this in a minute. Cutting to the chase, some grant money came in over the summer, and I'll save you the boring details, except that I got a year's funding for a genuine assistant. You were easily my first choice. Would you like the job? You'd have to commit to full-time, though how you work your week would be up to you. With my approval, et cetera. You'll supervise staff, relieve me of scheduling, learn about cataloguing, assist in conservation projects. Other duties as assigned. For the school year, you'll earn thirty grand before taxes. And my understanding is that, through some quirk, since you have work-study money already allotted, you'll just get that as a tax-free check. I thought this might be a great opportunity for you to decide whether to pursue an MLS, while making a nice shitload of money." She gave me a gaze. "Any questions?"

Somehow I recovered. "I do have one question. I mean, seriously."


"Where do I sign?"

Ms. Harver giggled like a girl. "That's funny!" She began a smile that eventually grew to her eyes. She shoved a packet across her desk. "Fill out all these forms. And don't worry, you'll have plenty of time at the counter to chat up the pretty girls. And I also want to make sure you have lots of time to just sit and at least think about your poems."

I did not literally shit my pants, but I came pretty close. My poems?

I wasn't aware I'd said that last part aloud. "Yes, your goddamn poems," she hastened. "The ones you sent in. I'm faculty; I skim the student lit/art rag. That:

Hair a lovely kelp bed

Waving in the breeze of the sea

Eyes anemones

Calling swim down to me

"I mean, fuck you for being so young and saying something so pretty." Here she shrugged, and then said, "And here I get to my original remark. Want to know why I became a librarian?"

I did, nodding, and then getting confused about the wording of the original question, I started shaking my head no; no, I had no clue why she'd become a librarian.

"It's mostly low-stress, I get to work with objects I adore, and I have plenty of time to do this." With that she shoved an object across her desk at me. It was a slim hardbound book, properly dust-covered.

"My fourth collection just got published. That's your copy, by the way. It's inscribed. Now get out of here. See you on Monday, hopefully with all your paperwork ready to go."

Alone, and still in the light of the lobby, I flipped and read her ink: My Pet--let the words flow, always!

As I left the library, I felt kind of... curious. The bright glory of summer was already starting to fade. The sun sinking made me wish I had a sweatshirt against the chill. It was a new year, and it seemed the season was that of change. The new job was going to be excellent, and the big bump in pay well appreciated. And since the Ellen thing seemed to have evaporated over the summer, I was kind of intrigued by the looks and smiles I'd harvested from Ms. Harver during the interview process. It kind of seemed like it was up to me to make the old rumors and innuendos come true. I was of course weighing how awful it would be if I was absolutely wrong. I was liking if I was right. Maybe an affair with an older woman would be the best thing to happen to me.

I got distracted from my thoughts by some shouts and shrieks from a distance. I watched this figure charging along the path from nearly a block away. I couldn't figure the trajectory. There really wasn't anybody else nearby.

And then it was Ellen, Ellen the Cannonball just shrieking with speed. She hit me and knocked me to the ground and fell on top of me. "Where have you been? I've been searching for you everywhere!"

I was confused, and angry, and confused again, but I couldn't resist her kisses. I contributed to them, in a way that felt so natural. The lips I was meant to kiss.

Eventually we paused for breaths. "I was getting a cool new job at the library. What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" she smirked. "I believe, right now, that I'm trying to molest you. In public, with our clothes on. Like the crowd says, let's get a room." Ellen got up, then reached an arm down to help pull me to my feet. I knew next was the familiar walk to her place. But how could I not balk?

Ellen felt my tension, and stepped back, a hurt look on her face.

"Don't you dare look hurt," I declared. "I thought I'd met the Ellen of my life. And then two reply emails and one stamp later, the summer is over. And then you jump on me just when I'd learned to live with the certainty that you'd dumped me. Pardon me for being confused."

Ellen hung her head, looking contritely at her toes. "I fucked up." Then she whipped her head up, almost defiantly. "I fucked up, and then I felt so guilty I couldn't fix it and just kept on fucking up. I have a history of fucking up relationships. But ours is the first relationship I really really don't want to fuck up." She held my head in the vise-grip of her hands.

I'd never experienced a girl pleading to still be my girl. I didn't like it. But I wanted Ellen to still be my girl.

"I was wrong. I now see how my response was wrong," she nodded, "and I'm so terribly sorry. I'd receive your long missives, and I didn't feel worthy. I'm not a writer. What words could I answer back that wouldn't sound trite?"

Ellen was staring straight into my eyes. I could see nothing else. "Would you like to hear about how many nights I lay in bed re-reading your letters? How your poems to me would get me so wet I'd just have to touch myself, while whispering your name?"

I'd heard enough. I grasped her hand. I whispered her name. "Ellen, please take me home."

I'd banked a good sum of money over the summer. Given my new job, the bonus check, my savings became gravy. So I went and spent most of it. I was over and we were naked and starting to seriously mess around, when Ellen gave a little startled giggle and then hopped out of bed. "Sorry, but I'm a girl, and suddenly I really need to pee." She reached for my nearest hand, then curled my fingers around my cock, jacking me by proxy. "I'll be right back," she promised.

While she was gone I scrambled around, finding my pants, and the particular pocket. I shoved something under the pillow, and then lay back, my cock tall and ready when Ellen returned. She moved over me and then just sat down on it. She worked it, she worked me. When she got distracted by a further, harder, orgasm, I reached under the pillow.

Next Ellen knew she was still gasping as I slipped an expensive-for-me ring on her finger. While asking her to be my wife, of course. Her eyes went wide, and her cunt squeezed my cock. These were involuntary muscle reactions I'd learned about in college.

I did do good. Ellen gazed and marveled at her hand. "It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen," she whispered. Then she turned to me. "And I choose to keep it, because I want to keep you." She collapsed down on me, murmuring, "I want to be your bride for the rest of our lives."

For the rest of our lives certainly gave my cock a twitch. "Sorry," Ellen giggled, sitting back up in the saddle. "I got, um, distracted. See, I suddenly just got engaged. I kind of forgot we were fucking. Until you reminded me." She began working her hips, riding up and down on me. "Hope you don't have any hang-ups about pre-marital sex. Hmm, definitely doesn't feel like it."

Ellen rode me like a wanton whore, always sensing when to slow down and choke me back. She settled, sunk all the way down on me, but just sitting there, still, with a smirk on her face. I was dying, but never quite yet. Ellen wouldn't let me, yet. Ellen was holding my attention.

Then she began working it. Ellen was fucking me! "I can't wait for when we decide to start trying to have kids. My fertile womb, and your potent seed. Doing it all the time until you give me a baby. And then doing it all the time afterwards."

Well, you get those kind of groaning visions, with fingers tickling your balls, and you just finish. You spurt yourself into another fucking world. One in which the princess now wears your ring.

I still had to officially stay in my paid-for dorm room, where overnight visits were greatly discouraged. So as usual, as many nights, I was in bed with Ellen in her room in the off-campus apartment she shared with a couple of her friends. Fortunately her roommates were usually back on campus partying. Otherwise we would have been digesting their jovial but jealous complaints to keep it down, you slut! as we aimed towards lying there cuddling in our post-coital bliss. The bedding, the room itself, just stank of our juices, new and old. Ellen had confessed that she found it comforting, when she did have to sleep alone, to do it with sheets steeped in the scent of us.

As we slowly regained our senses, Ellen propped herself up on an elbow and looked down at me, running a lazy hand along my chest. "So what are your plans for winter break? Are you going home?"

"Naw," I shrugged. "Staying here I guess. The airfare is too much for me or my parents." I leaned up and kissed her lovingly on her lips. "So you'll go home, and I'll pine for you." I reached a hand up to caress one of her perfect breasts. Despite our satisfying encounter, the nipple rose up immediately, so my fingers played with it. "Think of me in my crummy room, missing you. While I mess around with my thesis and order in crummy pizza." Ellen pushed down, her breast full against my hand as she kissed me deeply. "Think about our reunion," I gasped back.

Ellen pulled back and looked down at me with her adoring eyes, reaching a hand down between us to run a finger along my slackened sticky cock. She gave me the cutest little smile. "How about you join me?"

"Well," I said, and then her finger trailed down, her hand opened up and she grasped the base of my shrunken member and gave it a loving squeeze.

"Well," I said, "I was really hoping to get some work done on my thesis."

Ellen gave me another squeeze. She gave me a wicked grin, "Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for you to get some work done."

She came down off her shoulder and started kissing my neck as she continued to fondle me. "You're my intended, and I want you to meet my family. Please."

"I met your family, that..."

"That one time they came up for Family Weekend."

She bit me on the neck, then started sucking, marking me as her own. She stopped long enough to breathe into my ear while squeezing my cock. "Baby, I don't think I can go another break without this."

"But, yea," I replied, stiffening in her grip, peppering her lips with kisses, "I just don't think I could stand weeks of lusting after you while having to, like, sleep on some broken down sofa in the basement rec room."

"I've already talked about it with my folks. You'll be sleeping in my old bedroom." God, but my girl had gotten me so fucking hard again.

"Where will you be sleeping?"

"Trust me, better believe not down on some broken down sofa in the basement rec room," Ellen grinned. "The only sofa in the basement is Italian leather. That's Daddy's man-cave. With a full bar. He may drag you down there," she giggled, "and get you drunk to question you about your intentions regarding his daughter. But otherwise, we're welcome to share my bed, all night long."

I looked Ellen in the eyes with my astonished own. "You're part of the family, now," she whispered, "I wear your ring. You are my man."

She grabbed me by the hips and pulled me over on top of her, settling me between her parted thighs. She guided my turgid member back to the slippery gates of her sweet wetness. I sunk in as she urged me, "Come with me, come with me, please come with me!"

I came with her, again that night, the both of us like crazy. And again, better believe I was beside her in the car when she drove home for the winter break. If nothing else, I am no fool.

It was a long drive, but so there we were side-by-side for nearly six hours. It was a relationship strengthening technique. The longer I sat next to Ellen, the more I was so certain of my choice that this was the woman I wanted to sit beside for the rest of my life. We talked, and listened to music while talking, relaxed enough to talk about pulling over for pee breaks. We did the truck-stop off the highway lunch thing, giggling together at our surroundings, creating a common memory, writing an early page in the book of our life.

Next page was several hours into the drive offering to take the wheel myself. Being around Ellen, well, I was half hoping that maybe if I did the driving, she'd get bored enough to giggle and lean over and give me a blow job. Lord knows I was stiff enough already. Sitting, waiting there. On-call, as it were.

Maybe I should have been more explicit about my offer. Instead, Ellen drove the whole way.

Finally after fucking forever we were pulling into a driveway.

Ellen tooted the horn, and then we clambered out. We barely made the stoop before the door was open. Mom was out and hugging Ellen so fast I was left to shake hands with Dad over them. He mumbled something about, "Welcome home, son." Then Mom was on me--"So good to meet my baby's lover again."--hugging me so tight I could tell where Ellen got her tits from. Which were evidenced, no doubt, by her Dad as they hugged just as tightly. This woman I'd met once, versus my fianceé and her father.

After finally managing to get inside, I was suddenly assaulted by Lauren. Though she had to be 17, she attacked like a hormone-crazed 14. She came flying, and leaped into my unoutstretched arms, landing against me arms wrapping my neck, legs locked around my waist. The only way to not topple to the ground was to grab down and hold her by the ass. That scenario lasted about five seconds. Following behind me, Ellen peeled her sister off me. "Sorry, baby, but he's mine. And I've got the ring to prove it."

The interesting thing was how pissed-off their 14 year old brother, Stephen, was. I offered my hand for a man shake, and he just tipped his head in reply. Stupid young jealous fucker, what was his problem?

We got our bags in over the threshold. Though I'd been promised, I was a little shocked when Mrs. DeSoto ordered young surly Stephen to carry all the bags into his sister's room. I could see a really big and long comfortable couch in the livingroom, with an endtable large enough to conceal my luggage. It looked like a great place to spend a visit. Much better than I'd expected. But apparently I would be bunking with Ellen.

The chore completed, Ellen's mom remarked, "You two must be exhausted from the drive. Why don't you all go lay down for a nap before dinner."

Ellen showed me into her bedroom, firmly shutting the door behind her. I was fascinated. It was the bedroom of my fianceé, years before I met her. It was a snapshot, a still-life, of high school Ellen, mostly frozen in time. I felt like I was 16, and maybe about to get lucky for the first time in my life.

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Me and Mom on Date Night

Me and Mom on Date Night My name is Jerry, short for Gerald, and I am 23 years old. When I was 10 I was adopted. Jim and Karen had moved in a few doors down when I was 6. My life up to that point was pretty lousy. My parents were what you might call white trash. We lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood only because my mom had won some lottery so we bought the house, a couple of new cars, a boat and the rest, my parents blew on drugs and alcohol. I guess you could say we were white trash...

2 years ago
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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Quick Flash Im SO Happy My Date Didnt Show Up Last Night

Andrea, You will not believe where I am right now! I’m typing this on my phone so I may be making some mistakes. OK, so last night I went to the bar to meet that guy that I had been talking to for a few weeks. Remember that really cute guy we met a few weeks ago at Charlene’s house? Well, His name is Matt and I gave him my number that night and we started texting…and then started sexting…and then started talking. After a few weeks of talking back and forth and flirting over the phone, I decided...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Date Night

It was Friday, mid-morning. and the five-nine, slender, yet curvy Dr. Rochelle Stewart had been off since Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. She was due back on duty Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Today, she was taking it easy while the boys were at school. The only item on her itinerary was an early afternoon appointment with her ther****t. The cleaning lady, Mirella, had left only ten minutes earlier. She employed the Ecuadorian to dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, and tackle the baseboards every two...

4 years ago
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First Date Nightmare

Let me introduce myself, my name is Moe. Yes, you read right, Moe. Well at least that’s what my friends call me. Frankly I’ve been called that for so long so often that I cannot really remember my real name unless I look at my driver’s license. I am not really a ladies man. In all truth, I’m the complete opposite. If I tried to pick up a lady at the bar I would crash and burn worse then the first fight of a military aircraft. My hands sweat, I turn beet red, and I sound like Porky Pig (no...

3 years ago
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Date Night

  I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husbands car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone.  My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was hitting my...

2 years ago
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Jenny and Mike Part 1 Date Night

'JENNY' & 'MIKE': DATE NIGHT BY hfernandez1983 It's been a while since I wrote a new story and I thought now was the best time to write. Please do comment and let me know what you thought about the story. Alternatively you can email me a [email protected]. Enjoy & Happy Fapping! *-*-* CHARACTERS: James Winchester / Jenny Michelle Winchester / Mike NOTE: This story is told from James' POV. ...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Eight Date Night

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Eight - Out on a...

2 years ago
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Terrys Date Night

Terrys date night By Lucille Chapter One Terry Wagner didn't know what to think as he sat down in front of his mother as she told him the news. Was she mad? Did she flip out finally? What was going on? He just stared at her and said, "What?" She stared back at him. "You heard what I said. Don't get mad at me. You were the one that asked me for help and I helped you. You could not ask a girl out yourself so you asked me to. I did exactly what you asked. The one I found will only...

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Jenny and Mike Date Night

It’s Friday night, but for me and my wife it’s Date Night. Most couples have date nights on Saturday, but we have it on Friday nights to get an early start on the weekends. Michelle and I have been married for a little over two years now and we live a very happy life. I was not always so happy because I am a crossdresser and have been dressing up ever since I was 16. I met Michelle when we were in college in 2005. She was studying law, while I was in the IT field. We met at a college party and...

1 year ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 28 Date Night

“So, what are you guys up to tonight?” asked Jessica. Her brother and his family were only going to be staying another couple of nights and she was curious about the kids’ plans. The four teens had decided to double date that evening. Toby shrugged. “The usual - movie, Mickey D’s, hang out at the mall, go parking. I figure we’ll teach the girls about what to do in the back seat.” “You know, just like they’re going to be doing back home.” commented Andrew loudly. Their uncle was over in the...

4 years ago
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Date night

It was the last Friday of the month, which only meant one thing, date night.Since they had met, Lyndsey and Steven had liked to keep things fun in the bedroom and try different things. Just one of the things they had recently started to do was date night. Once a month they would decide on a place to meet. They would turn up separately, sit in a bar and pretend they didn't’t know each other. Steven would then approach her and chat her up. Lyndsey played along, loving the excitement of it.Tonight...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 9 Date Night

I pulled my car into Fay's parent's driveway. I've been here so many times in the past, but it's been such a long time since I've last been here. I see Fay inside the front door with her back to the door, likely talking to her parents. I got out of the car and leaned up against it waiting for her to come outside. Fay opened the door and walked outside to me. I ran around to the other side of the car and opened the door for her. Fay was wearing a black and white polka-dot skirt with a...

3 years ago
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Date Night

Date Night 1 by Emile, 2010Usual caveats apply.---Penn was right, Trent's date was gorgeous.  Not just a muscle himbo, but a blonde chiselled rugged Abercrombie type.  He had turned up in a loose 80's tank and satin shorts, gym bag slung over his shoulder, and introduced himself as Nico, or "Nick" to his friends.  Despite the winning smile and firm handshake, that made his tanned pumped skin flex erotically, Trent could see it made him a little uncomfortable offering that intimacy up.  But this...

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A twist to date night

Dawn and I are happily married and we got in to a rut of staying in, Dawn had been to work one day and came home and said her friend Lisa and her husband go on date nights and they have rekindled their romance! I asked Dawn if that's what you want then every Friday we make it a date night and we do something different and make a thing of it? ok, Dawn said yes please lets get out and start living again.the week had come to an end and it was Friday evening and Dawn was all excited to go out and...

3 years ago
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Date Night

Mary had no luck with men. She was a very pretty petite blonde with a perpetually sunny smile and disposition. Yet all the men she was meeting were some mixture of arrogant, horny, desperate, and/or clueless about how to act on a date or around a woman. The worst of these was the horniness. You want men to have a healthy interest; but the guys she dated almost universally either would start pressuring her to have sex, or were so clearly worried about the question of getting into her pants as...

1 year ago
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Date Night

It all started out innocent enough. After sending the kids to spend the night at her sister’s house, she eagerly awaited her husband’s return so that they could spend some much needed time out together and a lot more when they got back home. But Patti, never the one to wait too long and feeling a bit randy, decided to give Nick a call on his cell phone. She figured that she would save a little time by meeting him at work instead of waiting for him, but was shocked when his friend Dick picked-up...

Group Sex
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A first date nightmare

Its 8.00 am in the morning, and an angered Chloe furiously tries to turn of the alarm, as she wanted to finish her dream of being chased by 1,000 chickens in Peru, but soon comes the realization, "Its rhe day of my first date!" she enthusiastically thought, while trying to tidy her long wavy black hair. Chloe was one of the coolest kids on her school, she was short, cute looking with a fun personality, but never had a lot of luck when finding a partner, mostly due to the competition in her...

1 year ago
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Date Night

It is the night of your big date. You are in the bedroom getting ready for your new stud. Applying your makeup, darkening your eyes, wanting to make sure you look perfect. You put on a nice thin, low cut top and my favorite short skirt. You leave off the bra and panties so you don’t have any lines. You are not quite ready yet when the doorbell rings. You say it is him and ask me to let him in. I let him in and introduce myself to your date. I can see why you like him. Tall, muscular and good...

4 years ago
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Date Night

Introduction: Husband takes his wife out for dinner, dancing, and some hot sex. I wrote this story as a very basic and plain kind of story that would allow me to practice my writing without relying on fetishes or kinkiness to make it good. Please feel free to provide any constructive criticism you might have. Date Night Eric walked in the door of his home excitedly, not because the day was over but rather because of the night he had planned to come. Tonight he was taking his wife Michelle...

2 years ago
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Honey Im HomeDate Night

This past weekend was amazing with Ally and Kyra.  I can’t believe all the experimenting Ally and I have been doing these past few weeks. I never dreamed of doing any of the things we have done.  We were both hesitant about spicing up things.  We have only grown closer and more attracted to each other as a result.  I want to do even more with Ally.  She doesn’t know it yet, but I have plans for the end of the week that will knock her panties off if she is wearing them.We went to bed after our...

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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Date night Getting off the bus I raced home in the stifulling August heat I only had a few hours to get ready for my date with Bill. As I climbed into the shower to clean off the days grime I created the nights menu. A mixed green salad, grilled salmon with a simple drizzle of Olive oil, Asparagus, and grilled fingerling potato's no hors d'oeuvre or dessert after all isn't that what I am? Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my hair and dried my self quickly...

2 years ago
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Win a Date with Quinn1

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

3 years ago
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Win a Date with Quinn0

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Date Night

He’s doing it again! CeeCee thought, before saying aloud, “Is something wrong?”“Huh?”CeeCee rolled her eyes, repeating the question as she pointed towards her companion’s knife, still tapping away at the side of his wineglass.   “Look, if I’m boring you, just say so.”“No, I was just...” His voice trailed off under her glare.  “I’m sorry, I was being rude.  My mind was just preoccupied, is all.”   He flashed a grin that would have made most women’s panties melt on the spot, before returning his...

1 year ago
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I had a date with a couple last night

I had a date with a couple last night. They’re laid-back, educated people, into nerdy things and kink. We met through an online dating site (thank you internet), and we’ve been chatting for a couple weeks, trying to find a night to get together. He’s my height but bigger than me, solid, like a football player, with strong arms and black frame glasses and wiry black hair covering his torso and legs. She’s small, curvy, with a cute laugh and a dry sense of humor. We meet for a drink near their...

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One Last Date She Said

There is no graphic sex in this story. I suggest you look at other authors if that is what you want. Comments are welcome and appreciated. It is the only way I can see if I'm improving. Thank you for reading my work. Enjoy. I was in love. At least I thought I was. In hindsight, it was probably just lust and an infatuation with the girl in question. Everything would have been okay if I had stood strong in my beliefs. Everything would have been okay if I hadn't been afraid of losing my girl....

4 years ago
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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

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Wife Dates a Real Man Blacken

I came out of the en-suite bathroom in the master bedroom I shared with my loving husband who was sitting just where I left him; gagged and handcuffed naked to the chair in front of the computer. He looked at me as I stood before him naked as well, rubbing some lotion into my skin. A grin formed on my face, as I look at him watching me so desperately. I saw his caged cock twitch as his eyes followed my hands working the lotion into my breasts and my grin grew larger.Retrieving my lotion bottle...

3 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

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Savannah And Kats First Date

"So, you're going on your first date now, Mom?" she asked, coming into my bedroom with me."Yes, Lena, I wanted you to meet her first, but she was persistent. She's just another teacher that started this year, and we just hit it off. I've never been with a black woman before either," I replied, doing my hair."She knows about me, though, right? Sometimes kids can be a dealbreaker.""Yes, Kat knows I have an eighteen-year-old daughter, and I'm a widow. So, now I just have to work in all the other...

4 years ago
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Date Night

It was Friday night; I had been looking forward to this all week. John and I had agreed to put work, friends, everything on hold to enjoy each other’s company on a date night. The restaurant I had chosen I had been to once before on a work function. It was very upmarket. High ceilings, luxurious décor and candlelight added to the atmosphere of opulent decadence.I had gone minimal with jewellery and make up, letting nothing distract from how the short backless black dress I'd bought earlier...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Date Night

Best Date Night Ever It was finally date night! We finally found some time to have a night with our friends and not have to worry about coming home late. I couldn’t help but be excited.  As I finished getting dressed, I heard the unmistakable clicks of the door locks being turned. Nate was home! I was so excited I ran out of the bedroom to greet him. He barely put his things down before I jumped in his arms. I hadn’t seen him in days, it was his first year in med school so he tried to spend...

3 years ago
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Date Night

Just a short one about something I did a few years back. 100% true!Back in 2011 I met Georgia, a girl I knew back in college and dated briefly. We never went far as I didn't know what I wanted back then and she wasn't looking to just give it up to anybody unless they were clear that they wanted a relationship. We broke it off when I moved to London for work. It was convenient. I didn't want to be in a relationship and it was quickly becoming something I didn't want so it was best to be honest...

4 years ago
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Blind Date For Eric

The small apartment was quiet as Eric settled down to an evening of television. He was looking forward to a night to himself after a long week of teaching at the Wood County Police Academy. His specialty was self-defense, but he taught all aspects of police work. It had been an especially tough week where things went wrong when they shouldn’t have and things didn’t get done when they should have. All in all, he was tired and sore and didn’t want to be bothered for a few days. Flipping through...

4 years ago
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My Date - Part 1 By [email protected] some friends, I had met Jane and had gone out with her. On my first date, I met her at a movie theater, and I was about ten minutes late. Sometimes I don’t keep track of time very well, and nothing was said about me being late.On our second date, we met at a restaurant, and I was twenty minutes late. Jane was upset about me being late, but we still had a good time together. So at the end of the date, I asked her if I could pick her up at her...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 14 Planning My First Date

Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 212 Pipeline Date 1A1 The First Half

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) The arrangement for the pipeline date was that I was going to be picked up from home at 6pm, and I was warned not to eat anything in advance because there was going to be an excessive amount of food. They refused to divulge any other information, but already I liked the sound of this date. Julia reminded me of the colored cards. I didn't really need the reminder, but she was mostly making sure of my resolve: Red: if I never wanted to date the girl ever...

4 years ago
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Things Girls Always Notice on a Date

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

2 years ago
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The Double Date That Didnt End Ch 1

****** SHANE ****** Most of my coworkers spent the day grumbling about the fact that they all had to come into the office on Christmas Eve. Everyone was so distracted by thoughts of hearty family dinners, mysterious pretty boxes, and little pine trees wrapped up with blinking lights, that hardly any work got done all day. But working on Christmas had never really bothered me. My parents had passed away a few years earlier, I had no siblings or extended family to speak of, and I’d never been...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

2 years ago
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The Date Revisited

The Date - Revisited It's now over 18 months since I wrote "The Date" and the positive reviews it attracted were really encouraging. The story was written in the form of a diary from the perspective of Mandy, a post-operative transwoman, who attracted the attention of Peter, a younger worker at the company Mandy had been sent to on a week's contract work placement. Mandy notices Peter taking furtive glances at her and we follow her during the week as Peter finally plucks up the courage...

1 year ago
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The Wedding Date 6

The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by no one Chapter Six **** Looking for a new editor so anyone interested please email me at [email protected] and thanks **** Over to his mother's car scampered Lee as she was sitting in it sending texts until he interrupted her getting in. "Ok then," said Lee taking a breath after getting in. "Sorry I kept you waiting long mom?" "It's fine honey," said his mother putting down her phone buckling in. "I told you I had a few calls to...

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A Hot First Date

  Charley Wilson hadn’t had a decent date in months. Twenty-two years old and full of raging hormones, he just had to find a suitable woman for his needs. He didn’t understand that he was a jerk; just that he had a pretty face and an athletic body. Charley finally signed up with an internet dating service, as all the women he approached in singles’ bars, restaurants and at work, walked off after a few words with him. He entered his profile into the database; including his age, great bod,...

2 years ago
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Daddy Daughter Date Days

Summary: Special Daddy-daughter alone time ends up very special.Note: This is a SUMMER 2020 Contest Story so please vote.Daddy Daughter Date DaysJill was devastated by the sudden and unexpected passing of her father. He had lived on the east coast and Jill's immediate family on the west coast, so she hadn't seen him since Christmas... six months ago. They had made plans to fly over and visit him this summer, but alas, he died just two weeks before their scheduled visit. So as it happened, they...

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