MY DATE P 1-4 free porn video

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My Date - Part 1 By [email protected]

Through some friends, I had met Jane and had gone out with her. On my first date, I met her at a movie theater, and I was about ten minutes late. Sometimes I don’t keep track of time very well, and nothing was said about me being late.

On our second date, we met at a restaurant, and I was twenty minutes late. Jane was upset about me being late, but we still had a good time together. So at the end of the date, I asked her if I could pick her up at her house when we went out again. She said that it would be okay with her, but she would no longer tolerate me being late. If I wanted to keep going out with her, I would have to be on time. She indicated that she liked me, but that I was disrespect of her by showing up late all of the time. I told her that I would be on time, and that I really enjoyed her company.

Our third date happened on a Friday night. Everything went wrong in traffic for me. The traffic was heavier and a whole lot slower than usual and I got lost twice, in trying to find her house. When I finally got there, I was a half-hour late. I rang her doorbell, Jane opened the door and said, “Well, you finally got here. Your are a half-hour late. Come on in for a moment.”

Once I was inside, she quickly shut the door behind me and said, “You said that you wanted to keep going out with me and that you would be on time!”

“I’m sorry. Traffic was backed up and I had trouble finding your house.”

“That’s just an excuse. If you really cared about me, you would have been on time. I should forget about our date and send you home right now, if this is the way you respect and treat me.”

“No, don’t do that. I really like you, and I would do anything to make it up to you.”


“Anything,” I said, again.

There was a table near the door, and Jane grabbed a paddle that was sitting on the table. “Do you agree to a spanking from me? It’s either a spanking, or you walk out of the door right now, and you never see me again.”

I really liked Jane, so I said, “I really want to continue to see you, so I guess I will agree to a spanking.”

“I was hoping you were going to say that. I like you, too, but you have to show me more respect by being on time.”

“So what’s next?” I asked.

“You were thirty minutes late, so I am going to spank you sixty times with this paddle. Drop your slacks and bend over the table.”

I unbuckled my belt, and let my slacks fall to the floor and bent over the table. “I was wondering if you wore briefs or boxer shorts for underwear, and now I can see that you are wearing shorts,” Jane said. Then I felt her fingertips in the waistband of my shorts. I quickly stood up and grabbed the waistband of my shorts to keep them in place.

“If you want to ever go out with me today or ever again, you better bend over the table again and let me pull down your shorts. I always give a spanking on the bare bottom, it has a better effect that way.”

I didn’t like it, but I bent over the table again and felt Jane pull my shorts down to my feet. Now I was naked from the waist down, in front of a woman that I was just getting to know.

“Lift your feet up so that I can get these out of the way.” Jane said. I didn’t want to get her mad at me, so I lifted my feet and I soon saw her put my slacks and underwear on a nearby chair.

“These are the rules. I will give you sixty swats of the paddle on your bare behind. You are to count out each one. If you forget to count, that swat will be given again. For everytime you rise up or put your hands behind you to protect your bottom, you will receive five extra swats. You are to say nothing unless asked to, and even then you should answer with either “Yes, madam or No, madam. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I answered.

I felt a swat and Jane said, “Yes, what?”

“Yes, madam,” I answered.

“That’s better,” Jane said. “Now spread your legs apart a bit, and I will start your spanking.” I spread my legs, but Jane said, “ A little bit more.” Now I was aware that my penis and balls could be clearly seen by Jane hanging between my legs, and I was totally exposed for a spanking by her.

“That’s better,” Jane said. “Remember my rules.”


The first swat stung me more than I had anticipated. I automatically stood up and rubbed my bottom.

“Bend back over the table again. You stood up and forgot to count, so you will now get sixty-five swats of the paddle. We are starting at one again.”


“One,” I said.

“Good, you’re learning.”


“Two,” I said. I did pretty well until I got up to fifty swats. My poor bottom felt on fire, and I wasn’t sure if I could take anymore. I kept bent over the table and said, “I have learned my lesson. Can’t you stop spanking me. It really hurts.”

“It’s suppose to hurt,” Jane said. “That is the only way you will learn your lesson. But for speaking when not being asked to, that adds five more swats, so now you will get seventy swats.”

“Yes, madam,” I reluctantly said.

SWAT Then my spanking continued.

When Jane got to my last swat, before she spanked me she said, “I expect you to stay in position after your last swat. Do not stand up until I tell you to. Is that understood?”

“Yes, madam,” I said.

There was a long pause, then SWAT. It really hurt but I stayed bent over the table. “Seventy,” I said.

Then I felt her soft hands rubbing my bottom. “Do you agree to a spanking like this for everytime your are late, and two swats for every minute you are late.”

I really wanted to keep dating Jane, so I said, “Yes, madam.”

“And do you agree to a spanking from me for anytime I feel that you are disrespecting me?”

I wasn’t sure what I was agreeing to, but I said, “Yes, madam.”

“To show me that you are sincere, I want you to stay in position while I five you five more swats in quick concession. You don’t have to count these, but stay in position, even after they are given to you.”


My bottom was really on fire, but I stayed in position. Jane rubbed my bottom, again, and said, “Your bottom is bright red, now. You may have trouble sitting, during our date. I look forward to keep going out with you and giving you more spankings. You can stand up, now.”

So I stood up and immediately rubbed my bottom. I forgot that I was naked from the waist down, and was showing Jane my erect penis and balls. Although the spanking really stung my bottom, I guess it also excited me.

Jane noticed and said, “It looks like you also enjoyed the spanking. Here are your clothes. Get dressed now, so that we can get on with our date. I have found out a lot about you, already, and I want to get to know you better.”

This was my first but not my last spanking from Jane. But those are other stories.

MY DATE Part 2

In my last story, you found out about my girlfriend named Jane. She has a great personality and a nice body. I like being with her because we seem to think the same way. Anyway, she had warned me about being late on my dates with her, and on my last date, she spanked me for being so late. The following story is what happened on my next or fourth date with Jane.

I had really tired to be on time; I even left with what should have been ten minutes to spare. When I rang Jane’s doorbell, I was ten minutes late. Her door was open and Jane yelled out from inside the house, “Come on in.”

After entering her house, I saw a paddle on the nearby table and a note that read, “You are late, again. Take off your slacks and underwear and put them on the chair. Then bend over the table. I will be out, shortly, to spank you.”

I was aware that I was late, but I was hoping that I wouldn’t be spanked, again. On our last date, Jane told me that I should expect to be spanked for being late and for any other thing that I did wrong while on a date. I had to agree to be spanked, or else never see Jane again.

So now I was naked from the waist down and bent over the table, awaiting my spanking. Next, I heard footsteps and smelled Jane’s sweet perfume, and Jane said, “It’s too bad you are late, again. Now, you will receive another spanking. Let’s see, you were ten minutes late so you will receive twenty swats of the paddle.”

I felt the paddle hit me in my inner thighs and Jane said, “Spread your legs some more and remember to follow the rules.”

One of Jane’s rules is to speak only when spoken to, and to answer with either “Yes, madam” or “No, madam.” So I answered with, “Yes, madam.” When I had my legs spread like this, I am sure that Jane could easily see my penis and balls hanging down.

“Remember to count,” Jane said.


I had forgot how the paddle stung my bare bottom, but I said, “One.” It had been a whole week since my last spanking from Jane.


“Two”, I said.

As Jane continued to spank me she said, “I thought you had learned your lesson from your last spanking, but I guess not. Also, remember that during our date, if you do something that is disrespectful to me, you will receive another spanking. Do you understand?”

So between spanks I said, “Yes, madam.”

After the nineteenth swat, Jane said, “This will be your last and hardest swat. Remember to count it and stay in position.”


Jane really must have put a lot into that swat. I automatically stood up and grabbed my burning bottom. “I was hoping that would happen,” Jane said. “You just earned yourself five more swats. Bend over again, and we are still at nineteen swats.”

Although my bottom was on fire, I bent over the table again for my six more swats. This time I stayed in place and didn’t stand up. After the last swat if the paddle, I stayed in place while Jane examined my bottom.

“Your bottom looks red, again. You will probably feel your spanking during our entire date. You can stand up and get dressed, now.”

Like last time, I had a good erection when I stood up and rubbed my poor naked bottom. Jane noticed it, too. But I quickly got dressed and soon we were off on our date.

We ate out at a fine restaurant and saw a good movie. When we got back to Jane’s house, she invited me in, which I thought was a good sign. Jane sat down in the middle of a long couch in her living room, and I sat beside her.

“We need to talk,” Jane said.


“If you really want to keep going out with me, you need to show me more respect.”

“I respect you. What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I noticed how you were turning your head away from me and watching the other women while we were eating in the restaurant. You also have a habit of walking way ahead of me instead of walking with me.”

“I didn’t realize that I was doing that,” I replied in my defense.

“Well, if you want me to keep going out with you, I want you to be aware of those things.”

“Now that you told me, I will be more aware of my behavior when I am with you,” I said.

“I want to make sure you about that. Remember that during your spanking, today, I told you that I would spank you again if you were disrespectful during our date?”

“I guess so.”

“Well, that’s what I intend to do. Stand up and stand in front of me.” Once I was standing in front of her, she said, “Now put your hands on your head and leave them there until I tell you to let them down again,”

Once my hands were atop my head, Jane unbuckled my belt, and slid down my slacks. Then she slid down my undershorts and had me step out of my clothes again. My penis was erect again but Jane said, “Now stand beside me, let your hands down, and lie over my lap with your penis between my legs.”

Jane hiked up her short skirt and soon her thighs pinned me in place. “Now I will give you a good handspanking, until I think you will really respect me.”

“Yes, madam,” I obediently replied.

After a few minutes, the spanking was really hurting my already paddled bottom. I started to squirm around, but Jane said, “You better stop moving about. It will only let your spanking last longer.”

Jane then pulled me closer to her body and squeezed her thighs tighter together, and continued my spanking.

“Your bottom is bright red, again. You can get up and sit by me again, but don’t put your clothes back on.”

I was glad my spanking had quit, and I carefully sat down beside her.

Then, with one of her hands on my penis, she gave me a long kiss and said, “I’m so glad that I have met you and that you are willing to receive spankings from me. I am looking forward to going out with you and also spanking you some more.”

Then we talked some more, and then I was allowed to get dressed and leave. What a date that was!! MY DATE Part 3

Traffic was backed up again. I was running late. My car was low on gas and I needed to fill up. I was really trying to be on time, but I was running late again. When I got to Jane’s house, I ran the doorbell, and she yelled from another room, “Come on in. You’re late.”

As usual, there was a paddle on the table and a note that just said, “You are late, again!” I knew what that meant, that I was going to get paddled, again. Jane expected me to take off my slacks and underwear, put them on the nearby chair, and bend over the table. So that’s what I did. I felt very exposed and vulnerable like this, and Jane always waited a few minutes before she came out of her bedroom to spank me. As I waited, I thought I heard Jane talking to someone. Maybe she was on the phone. But then, something unexpected happened. Jane and another woman her age approached me.

Once they were close to me, Jane said, “This is my friend, Mary. Mary, this is Clyde. Clyde, this is Mary.”

“I’m glad to meet you,” Mary said. “Jane told me that she spanks you if you are late, and it looks like it is true.”

“Mary also has a boyfriend who is always showing up late,” Jane said, “and I told her that she could spank you. This way she would know how to spank her boyfriend. Is that alright, Clyde?”

What was I supposed to say? So I simply said, “Yes, madam.”

“I guess you do follow Jane’s rules when being spanked.” Mary said. “I do see why you like him. He does have a nice ass. Is it okay if I feel him between his legs?”

When I heard that, I quickly put my legs together and started to stand up. I didn’t want a woman who I had just met to touch my private parts.


Jane had picked up the paddle and had given me three quick swats.

“You can either put your clothes on right now, walk out the door and never see me again, or get spanked by Mary and all the preliminaries to your spanking. So which will it be?” Jane asked.

“I really like you, so I guess I’ll take the spanking from Mary,” I said.

“I thought you would say that,” Jane said. “So bend over the table and spread your legs for me. By the way, that will cost you five extra swats.”

Once I bent over the table, Jane raised up the back of my shirt and pressed down with one hand on the center of my back. I spread my legs and Jane said, “Spread your legs a little bit more than that.”

Then I felt Mary’s hand cupping my balls, and then she put a hand around the shaft of my penis. “He has good equipment,” Mary said. “No wonder you like him.”

“Feel how firm his bottom is,” Jane said. Next, I felt Mary’s hands feeling my bottom cheeks.

“Clyde does have a firm bottom,” Mary said. “I see why you like spanking him.”

“Well Clyde, you were fifteen minutes late. That gets you thirty swats of the paddle, plus five more for standing up. So Mary, give him thirty-five swats with the paddle.” Jane said.

“Are you all set for your spanking from me?” Mary asked.

“Yes, madam”, I obediently answered.

“Remember to count,” Jane said.


“One,” I said.


“Two” Compared to how Jane spanked me, I could barely feel the swats.

But then after five swats Jane said, “You can spank him a lot harder than what you are doing. Give me the paddle and let me show you.”


“Six.” I could sure feel the difference. Jane continued with four more swats.

“See how his bottom is turning red. That means that you are spanking him with enough force. Now you take over and finish giving him his thirty-five swats.” Jane said.


“Eleven.” Now it felt like Jane was spanking me. I knew that my bottom would be burning hot, by the time I got the thirty-five swats from Mary.

Mary kept paddling my poor bare bottom until she got up to thirty-four. Then Jane said, “After your last swat, please stay bent over the table so that we can examine your bottom.”



“See how bright red his bottom is.” Jane said. “That shows that he really felt the spanking. Also, go ahead and feel his bottom. You will see that it is real hot.”

Then I felt four hands on my bare bottom. “Yes, it is rather warm,” Mary said.

“Now, Clyde, you can stand up now and rub your bottom.” Jane said. But when you do, face Mary and thank her for spanking her.”

“But then she will…” I started to say.


“You know you are not to answer me that way during your spanking,” Jane said. “Either stay bent over and I will spank you some more or stand up and thank Mary.”

I didn’t want to be spanked anymore, so I stood up, and while rubbing my burning bottom, I said, “Thank you, Mary, for spanking me.”

I knew that Mary could easily see my erect penis. When I get spanked, it has this affect on me.

“Now get dressed so that we can go out on our date,” Jane said.

While I was getting dressed, I heard Jane tell Mary that she could spank me again at another time. Then Mary left, and Jane and I went out on our date.

MY DATE Part 4

If you remember from Part 3, I had just been spanked and paddled by Mary, Jane’s friend. I had just received thirty-five swats from the paddle, plus some extras. My bottom was sore and hot with fire, but I was now on my way, out the door, with Jane, my girlfriend. I had reservations at a really nice restaurant in a shopping center. I hadn’t told Jane, because I wanted it to be surprise.

At first, Jane wondered why we were going to the shopping center. But when we got to the restaurant, we both got a surprise. It was a formal place to eat, which required a tie and suit coat for men, and most of the women were in gowns. I was told that I could rent a coat and tie at the restaurant for $45.00, which would be added to the bill. I asked Jane if she still wanted to eat there. She said she had always wanted to, but she thought it was too expensive. She told me that she wanted to by a nice dress at a nearby shop, and for me to rent the tie and coat. Jane came back wearing a beautiful dress. We were seated, had wine together, and had a fantastic meal. We had a great conversation, and I felt so happy that I had found Jane, because we shared so much in common. As we were eating, she told me that I should have told her where we were going to eat, so that she could have dressed appropriately. She also told me that she would take care of my breakdown in communication, once we got back to her place.

The check came, and I paid by my credit card. I guess I was over my limit, and it was denied. I had left my checkbook at work, and I had no other credit cards. I also realized that I had only ten dollars in cash. So I turned to Jane, explained the situation, and she gave them her credit card, which was good. Jane was silent as we let the restaurant. On the way to her house, she was really mad! She told me that not only would I have to pay her back for the restaurant, but also for the dress she bought. Also, that she was going to spank me in a way that I would never let this happen again.

As we walked through the door of her house, she told me to take off my shoes and socks, my shirt and undershirt, and put them on the chair near the table. Then to go out to the living room and sit on the couch. She would be out shortly. When she came out, she was wearing a short black skirt and a black halter-top. She was also carrying some things in her hands. She sat down beside me and said, “Stand up and stand directly in front of me.” Jane grabbed a hold of my hips and had me stand in front of her. “Now put your hands on your head and keep them there until I tell you can take them down.” She unbuckled my belt, zipped down my zipper, and unbuttoned my jeans. Then she glided them to the floor. As I felt her fingertips inside the waistband of my under shorts, she said, “I was hoping that I would never need to spank you like this, but tonight you really messed things up.” Then she slid my under wear down my legs. I had to step out of them, and then she put them beside the couch. I was now completely naked in front of her. It made me feel like a naughty little boy, who was just about to be spanked by his teacher.

Jane scolded me, “You really embarrassed me tonight. First, with not telling me where we were going, so that I could have dressed appropriately. Second, by not being able to pay the high restaurant bill. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. Hopefully, by spanking you, your behavior will change. Now don’t you agree that you deserve to be spanked?”

There wasn’t anything else I could say but, “Yes, madam.” I really liked Jane, and if enduring this spanking meant that she would keep going out with me, it was worth it.

“Your spanking will take place in two parts. The first part for not telling me where we were going, and the second part for me having to pay for our meal. So go over to the end of the couch and bend over it.”

The couch was at just the right height that it put my poor bottom at the very top of it. “Lean over some more and spread those legs.” My legs were already spread, and this made the tender insides of my bottom cheeks really exposed. “I am going to use a strap on you. It hurts more than the paddle, and you will receive thirty strokes. As usual, count them out, and if you get out of position, you will receive five extra strokes. Do you understand?”

“Yes, madam.”

Earlier that evening, I had received thirty-five swats from the paddle, and now thirty with the strap. I would never forget this evening.

“Here’s your first one!”


The strap hurt much worst than the paddle. I quickly stood up and rubbed my poor bottom.

“That will be five extra. Bend over, again. Now you will receive thirty-five strokes. Start counting at one, again.”

I didn’t want to, but I bent over the couch.


“One.” I had to really concentrate on staying bent over.



“Are you going to keep in better communication with me?”

“Yes, Madam,” I said



Although my poor bottom was on fire, I was able to stay in position for the thirty-five strokes of the strap. “Stay in position while I get ready for the next phase of your spanking,” Jane said. She then placed a wooden chair in the middle of the living room.

“Now stand up and walk over to that chair and bend over it. Since the bill came to a little over one hundred dollars to eat, plus the rental of your coat and tie, I am going to give you ten strokes of the cane. Have you ever been caned before?”

“No, madam,” I said. I heard of them being used in schools in England, and I knew they really hurt. I was hoping that I would only be paddled. But now I will get the cane.

“If you move out of position or forget to count, the stroke will be given again. Are you ready?”

“Yes, madam”


The cane was even worst than the strap. It felt like a hundred bees had stung me in a row on my poor bottom. I stood up, and rubbed my bottom.

“You stood up and forgot to count, so that stroke will be given again. I know this really hurts, but bend over again.”


The cane really hurt my already spanked bottom and I stood up again.

“I can’t have you standing up after every stroke. Let me try something different with you.” Jane turned around the chair so that the seat was facing me. “Put your knees on the seat of the chair and bend over it.” I did as I was told, and Jane said, “I think this will work. Stay like that while I get something.”

Jane left the room and came back with rope and some other stuff. “I’m going to put these wrist cuffs on you, and tie your arms to the legs of the chair. This will keep you in position.” Then she proceeded to secure me to the chair. After she was done, Jane said, “Now try to move.” Of course I couldn’t, so she said, “Good, now I can continue on with your caning.”


“One”, I said.


“Two,” I tried to move, but I was secured in place.


“Three.” This continued until we reached eight strokes. Then I complained, “Do you really have to give me all ten strokes. This is really painful.”

“I want you to learn your lesson. Now you will receive eleven strokes, one extra for talking.”

Then my caning continued until I had received all eleven strokes. Jane put down the cane and examined my poor bottom. “Your bottom looks really sore. I’m going to get something to sooth the pain.”

Jane left the room and came back with a towel and a jar of something. She put them on the couch and came over to where I was secured to the chair. “I’m going to untie you from the chair, and then I am going to sit on the couch. Come over and lie face down on the couch so that your penis is between my legs.”

It felt good to be released from the chair, and I felt the ridges the cane left on my poor bottom. I laid on top of Jane, and she rubbed something cool on my bottom. It felt real nice and it made me excited.

“Spread your legs so that I can rub this all over your red bottom.” Soon, I felt her hands between my legs, rubbing the cream all over me.

“Clyde, you can talk openly to me now. It looks like we are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend now, and I would like you to meet more of my friends, besides Mary. Do you agree?”

“Yes, that sounds good. I would like to meet them,” I said.

“Instead of going out next weekend, what if I invited them over for a pot-luck and to meet you?”

“That sounds good.” I said.

Then Jane spanked me a few times with her hand and said, “And you better be at your best behavior, or you will be spanked again.”

“I’ll be real good for you,” I said.

“Good, I’ll set that up with my girlfriends for next week. Now stand up in front of me.”

When I stood up, I had an erection from Jane rubbing my bottom with the cream. She said, “Keep your hands to your sides and come closer to me.” Then she proceeded to stroke my penis until I came. She wiped me off with a towel that she had on the couch and said, “I think you have had enough spankings for one evening. You can get dressed now and I will see you at 6 PM next Saturday. Be good, and I am looking forward to showing you off to my friends.”

I got dressed, we hugged, and I kissed her good night. As I drove home, I wondered if next week I would be spanked in front of her friends.

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Sir has told me that we will be going out to dinner tonight, and to take particular care as I dress for the occasion. We've been seeing each other casually for a few weeks now; he has told me that tonight was to be a special occasion, and that he had a surprise for me. After I bathe I carefully shave my labia smooth, leaving just a small patch at the very top. As I begin to choose my outfit for the evening, I'm filled with conflicting emotions. There is no question that I'm attracted to...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. Pam waits for my arrival anxiously while she prepares my favorite dinner. She can't believe this is the day we are finally going to meet. We've been waiting for this day to come for months but it felt more like a lifetime. The ringing of the...

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The bets and dares between us

As of the end of January there have been three bets between us. I have won two and Jane has won one. Its quite hard to think of dares for each other. So when I won the first bet I was struggling a bit for ideas and just came up with daring Jane to model some of her underwear. I dared her to model 5 sets. Like a catwalk model, she gets changed in my bedroom then enters the front room and slowly walks the whole length of the room twice before returning to the bedroom to change for another walk....

1 year ago
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Summer CampEpisode 19 Puppy love

"Our parents always had a lot of money; Grandfather had a chain of hotels all over the world as well as a lot of business interests in countries that always seemed to be at war. When he died, Father took over the business. He met Mama in Europe somewhere and they always lived there. When we were born, not that we remember it, we were always shuttling between the French Riviera, Biarritz, places like that. Mama died in a skiing accident, somewhere, when we were very young." "Father is a...

4 years ago
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Youtube Star German version

Eva war schon ganz aufgeregt heute würden Sie den ersten Schritt ihrer Star Karriere machen. Sie würde gleich ihren ersten Youtube Stream senden. Sie bereitete sich seit Tagen darauf vor. Sie hatte ein Hairstyling Tutorial vorbereitet, was sich bei ihrem wunderschönen blonden Haar natürlich angeboten hatte. Sie hatte sich schon ein Outfit vorbereitet sie trug eine eng anliegende Jeans, die sich sanft an ihre Beine und po schmiegte, darauf hatte sie aber nicht soviel wert gelegt. Sie würde ja...

Mind Control
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A Christmas Conversation

A Christmas Conversation Katie Leone Chapter One Kathleen walked down the hall of the church towards the pastor's office. It was a meeting that was a long time in the making, but it was one that she was dreading. She listened to the sound of her heels clicking against the highly polished tile floor and imagined a clock ticking down towards zero hour. Church was an important part of her life; she couldn't deny that, but Jessie was the most important. Kathleen paused and...

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Pep Spirit and Facials Chapter 1

Eloise heard the terse dismissal as she peered through the fingerprint-smudged square foot of glass situated just high enough on the door to the gymnasium that she, an only-slightly-shorter-than-average young woman, had to arch up onto her tippy-toes in order to barely see what was on the other side. She blew sharply from between her lips to clear a strand of tangerine-colored hair from her eyes. What she had strained herself to see, however, made her wish that she hadn’t spent the effort. The...

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Sharing my Wife An evening with Ginger and Eric

Shortly after lunch, Michelle called. She said that Shaun has a rodeo conference of some kind in Bozeman, Montana Tuesday through Thursday and asked if she could go with him. She said she’d already let her office know that she needs those days off and wanted to let me know where she’d be. I’d already told her she could spend a few days with Shaun so I didn’t think it’d be reasonable to tell her no. She wasn’t really asking anyway, just telling me what she was doing. She said she’d be home...

Wife Lovers
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Walter NatalieChapter 3 A Different Life

Our next session was fascinating. As requested, I went into Doctor DeVire's office first while Natalie waited in the reception area. "You mentioned that things were much improved between your wife and you. Can you tell me about it?" "Yes. I came home the other night in a good mood and I suggested to her that I would like to make love to her. I told her I wasn't angry and wanted her to know that I loved her." "How did she respond?" "I don't think she quite believed it at first,...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 68

“Foster Chevrolet. How may I help you?” Annette’s sweet voice answered. “You can bend over and let me fuck you with my naked cock again.” “JOSEY! How are you? Are you coming by to see me again?” “Not right away, but soon. I need another pickup, and I need it delivered to Sheriff Mona Glass’ Ranch. If you have one that’s got a radio and kinda sleek and sporty, I’d like to have that one. Tell your daddy I’ll be by and pay cash for it.” “I’ll take care of that for you, Josey. Please come by...

2 years ago
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SciFurz Kittypet

*The story of how I met my beloved Kittypet and our first intimate online encounter. *Any spelling mistakes are deliberate as part of the online messages (speech). *Literotica rules apply *Once more to be clear, all characters are at least 18 years old. In fact, Kittypet had just turned 19 when we met. * Disclaimer All characters engaging in copulation, drinking, substance abuse or other so-called adult behaviour that might appear in this totally not made up story are of the magical...

2 years ago
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Erotic 8211 Ultimate Pleasure And Fun With A Friend

Hi I am Roy (name changed), I am fan of Indian sex stories. I read it regularly & I liked the most of the stories of the writers. I am new, please pardon me for any mistakes I made. :) You can give the feedback to my story on Note : Story is divided in two parts Part 2 is very erotic. Now story is about 4 years back I was in 12 th. At that time I was average looking guy. I was not that open to public and I used to avoid an eye contact with beautiful girls because I didn’t felt gold to stare...

4 years ago
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My Fantasy About My Aunt

My aunt is 60 years old she is not a super model nor is she a skinny chick. For me she is super always has been in my eyes. I travel allot and move around the country for my job. I happen to have a chance to be close to where my aunt lived. My uncle had left her for another woman about 6 years ago. I had stayed loyal to my aunt even though my uncle was my blood kin. Well I contacted her to let her know I would be close to her and wanted to know if I could come see here. She insisted I stay with...

2 years ago
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The Lure of Babysitter UndiesChapter 3

Poor Tony’s revenge-driven spouse Roxy didn’t mind that he was screwing the brigade of babysitter’s that substituted for her when she was on the continuous road-trips that her business demanded if they were to make the income necessary for their current lifestyle. The thing that bothered her was that the middle-aged bitch of a neighbor from next door had been coming over in her absence to supposedly “borrow sugar” from her husband and stop long enough to give him a glorious blow-job in the...

2 years ago
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StockingsChapter 12 Blessed

MOM WAS RIGHT. Totally. Giving is power. Giving is foreplay. Giving makes me so freaking horny I’d gobble the cat if she didn’t get away. OK, the thing about the cat, probably not. But I’d gobble or be gobbled by Danny or Mom or Ruth or David, for sure. Maybe someday even Dad. As it turned out, this time Danny and Mom did the honors. The day after Danny and I experimented and Mom pegged Danny for the first time, it was my turn with Danny. “Go slow,” Mom told me, and I did at the beginning....

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The CEOrsquos Wife

My boss liked to share his wife and she loved to be filmed having sex!I had been working for a Florida high-tech company for only five months when my boss, the CEO, invited me and two other new employees for a Sunday afternoon cruise on his sixty-foot yacht. I’d never been on such a luxurious and expensive boat before, so I was excited, not only for that reason but also for being invited by my boss since I was his newest employee.We pulled away from the slip around noon and headed through the...

4 years ago
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Who is a BBW and how to get one Part 2

While it is never a good idea to generalize, following steps can help you get a bbw in bed.When you see a woman you think is a BBW, remember two things about her. She is always insecure about her body AND she knows what kinda assholes men can be (she's probably married to one). 1) Smile at her. Look into her eyes and only her eyes. No ogling her mammoth tits and ass - no matter what your cock says.A simple, sincere smile melts her heart. It says "hello! I see you and I accept you as you are." A...

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Baiting the Hook

He went back for coffee at exactly the same time the next day. As he walked there from the office he did a quick analysis in his head. He considered a number of factors. If she was a regular she would be there. It was rare that he got coffee in the afternoon so for all he knew she was there every day. If he had planted the seed he hoped to have planted she would be curious to see if he returned. For a long time he had operated under the theory that a honest compliment, made simply, when...

4 years ago
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Saving His Job

It was bound to happen eventually. Dave got called into his bosses office because his boss (Alan) found our pictures on here. Up until this point, our private lives had been kept...well...private. Alan started going on about how this affected the company and how Dave was likely going to be fired...unless...Paul paused."Maybe there is a way out of this." he said."What do you mean?" Dave asked."Call Sara". Alan said, giving Dave this knowing look.That was when I got the call, I had just gotten...

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WildOnCam Theodora Day Small And Petite Theodora Day Is Fucking LIVE

Theodora Day is ready to get naughty with Joshua Lewis. She loves to be a tease to you in her sheer bra and panties with their colorful frills but she knows that you want to see those perky little tits be set free so you can fully admire how petite that figure is. Did you expect her to be shaved with a bald pussy or maybe you were expecting a little trim. Either way there is no way you would not dive in and devour that pussy with your tongue to taste how sweet she is. Make Theo cum with that...

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Traffic Jam

My names is Craig Brook, I'm 43 and very fit for my age. I have a beautiful daughter named Courtney. She is 18, has long blond hair, blue eyes, and 34B breasts. I am in a very bad mood today because I just lost a huge deal at work, and I've been stuck in this fucking traffic jam for 30 minutes now. What really pisses me off though is the fact that Courtney has been home alone for almost 15 minutes now, and god only knows what kind of trouble she's getting into by now. Its not that she's a bad...

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Velvet Pushing the Boundaries

I was lying in bed, my legs bent at the knees and pulled up to my breasts as the 10 inch black cock slowly stroked my wet cunt. It slid in and out slowly, spreading my labia wider with each stroke, delving deep into my slit, as my vaginal walls spasmed and closed tightly around its stiff rod. Another 10 inch black cock moved slowly in and out of my well lubed ass also, moving in unison with the other penis. I controlled the pace, both of my hands full as I gripped two of my biggest, black...

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Texas Girls and Shemale part 2 She look like a gi

Part2 A few day laters I went to store to get some beer, I seen this girl walking out. She was fucking HOT.Sould I say something? maybe her boyfriend near by, she is to hot to be single. Nope dont say anything, you might get messed up. Your not from around here. I got my beer and was going to my friends place and what do I see, but the same girl walkin with the bag of grocery. Hell I'm going to say something this time. Beep beep hey how far are you going. She got in and I tryed my best...

4 years ago
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licking clean my cheating wife

We went out for an Italian meal to our local restaurant after a few drinks in the pub first. After our meal we had some more beers in the downstairs bar. The owner Dave joined us as he knew Elaine. We had booked a 60th party for my dads 60th some months before and Elaine and Dave had met a few times to organise the food and band etc. Dave kept ordering free rounds and we were all half pissed. Dave kept putting his hand high up on Elaine's leg, and I pretended not to notice. On the way out at...

1 year ago
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I have lewd thoughts about Lewd Thots pretty much from the time I wake up until I go to bed at night. It’s an all-consuming obsession that results in a lot of lost productivity, sticky personal belongings, and a number of incidents at local coffee shops, restaurants and bars. (I’d tell you more about those, but my lawyer said I’d better not.) I’ve realized I’m not the only one who suffers this terrible affliction, because I found a website designed to indulge this non-stop lusting after social...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Cougar creampies from college guys

I like younger men. Something about their hard bodies on top of you with an equally hard cock inside of you. Don't get me wrong. I love being with my husband and he knows all the right tricks to get me going. But it's nice to have a younger man now and then. Since this guy was new, he didn't know much about our lifestyle. I had met him a few weeks ago at a local coffee shop and he knew I was married, but he flirted with me anyway. We met daily and I knew he was very interested in me. I talked...

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ValChapter 26

It was now just two days until graduation from high school. And to my utter surprise, I will now be going as a graduate. The funny thing is, Val still hasn't found out yet. I want to surprise her. I hope that doesn't backfire. Val ended up getting sick before the trip, so she stayed with us. She spent some of her time getting to know Hank, her biological dad, and my step dad or adopted dad or whatever you want to call him. And then we would also make out a lot. But for some reason, she...

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Pyari Chachi Se Masti

Hello readers, I’m dev from Delhi and I’m 25 years old with absolute normal body stats and looks. Today I’m gonna share a sex experience with you and the lady indulged with me is my neighbor Guddi chachi. Wo 33 saal ki hain ek beta hai unka uncle job kartey hain our unki happy married life chal rahi hai hum log kareeb 10 saal se padosi hain wo itni gori hain ki kya bataaoon, ek dum doodh ki tarah hoth gulabi hain, brownish hair medium height aur kafi bhari hui kasi hui body hai unki. Aksar...

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A Date With My Friend8217s Sister In Theatre

Hi all I am a fan of desi gang bang stories and I am follower of this website from 2004, there is not a single day without masturbating after reading story from this site. This all about my romantic day with my girl friend; a brief intro about me I am a little darker but looks attractive (my friends use to say) I am Kumar from Chennai working in an IT company in OMR road. This is about the day with my girlfriend in theatre which happened 3yrs back. She is Roopika (name not changed) she is an...

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As was her normal practice, as soon as her lesson finished, Holly made her way quickly to the female toilets. She was a little disappointed to see all the stall doors were open, indicating no-one was in the toilets but she knew it would not be long before girls started to enter. Choosing the middle stall, she entered, locked the door, raised her skirt, lowered her black lace panties and sat down on the toilet, her hand subconsciously moving to gently rub her clit. Her breathing quickened as she...

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What A Cruise loyalsock

I'm really pumped as I am about to take a Trans Atlantic cruise in October. My last cruise was over-the-top great. We traveled from Los Angeles to Miami, via the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal cruise was my reward to myself as I was very tired as I had just finished up a long, long three-year project so I took two weeks off for the cruise. I even paid the higher price to cruise alone. I was looking forward to good food and wine, time alone, reading and generally forgetting the 70- to 80-hour...

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How I Met My Domme 1

"Hey everyone!", I chimed. It was genuinely nice to see them. Nikunj with his premature potbelly and scruffy beard. Dev in his characteristically casual hoodie and flip-flops. And Saloni in a thin black dress and jeans. As always, she had made an effort to look nice - but not too fancy. Her wavy auburn hair - she coloured it regularly - was drawn to one shoulder, leaving the other side of her dark, smooth neck bare. Her lips were a dark purple and went nicely with her hair. My eyes dropped...

3 years ago
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Blessings Part 1

June 15th, 2025 It had been a rough few years for Anthony Russo. His parents had perished in a horrific crash due to drunk drivers hauling dangerous chemicals crashing into one another and sandwiching their car killing the couple instantly. He was left to care for his eight-year-old sister while finishing his high school diploma and fighting social services off as they tried to his sister into custody due to his young age. Anthony and his sister Rose inherited a large sum of money...

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Pot of Gold

Pot of Gold I was the Vice-chair of the Board of Directors at the First Church of , and one of its sextons. Those are volunteer positions that basically meant I attended monthly committee meetings, and that I'm one of the people who unlocked the church when there were events and locked it back up afterward. For a short wedding, if I had nothing better to do, I might stay the whole time reading and lock up afterward. But most of the time, I'd drive to...

1 year ago
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The Porn Map! How nice would it be to have a map that pointed you to all of the porn you could find on the Internet? What kind of cartographer do you have to be to get a job like that, anyway? Does it involve mapping out perfect titties and wet pussies? Because if so, you know I’m all fucking in!That’s the promise behind The Porn Map. Even though it’s not a literal paper map that you keep in your glove box for road trips, it’s still a guide that introduces you to all kinds of porn you never...

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Going DownSunday May 6 2001

Tommy Cornelson loved May. Actually, he loved all the months from May through October, but May was special. May marked the end of the Winter season and the beginning of the summer season, so business on his fishing pier picked up considerably, as it did on the entire oceanfront, but it was still early for most of the tourists, so the May business was mainly locals. He almost regretted doubling his prices. Almost. But they'd double again in mid-June when the Canadians and damnyankees invaded...

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The Future of Miss PowersEpilogue

Valerie Powers did not know what to say after hearing his story. There were elements to it that were remarkably similar to her life. The main difference was that her parents had taken steps to get her out of the public school system early, and facilitated her entry into college. “That’s a very interesting story,” Valerie said. Danny said, “I thought you would understand. That’s why I wanted you to do the interview.” “You named a lot of famous people – Steve Sharp, Sam Stanton, and your...

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New Passions New Lovers

Ashley is eighteen-years-old and has just left school. He has blonde, has curly hair, a surfer's body and is six-feet-two-inches tall. He lives with his mum, Jane, and has just finished school for good. His mum and dad separated when he was eight years old and he has lived with his mum since and his nineteen-year-old sister lives with their dad in France.Jane, their mother, had a series of relationships with women and men since she got divorced. Later, she made a conscious decision to be...

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Moana in Australia second day pls read the f

Next day we went back to the beach, same place, relaxing, swimming, sun bathing. In the early afternoon all over sudden two guys appeared next to us and asked us whether we would like to join them again. We looked at each other and agreed. We wanted to take our clothes but the guys told us just to come with them barely naked as we were. We looked again at each other and followed the guys. It was bit strange because we were naked and they were clothed. After a few minutes we arrived at the same...

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After the WarChapter 17 Out Of The Freezing Hole

As the time passed the naked Countess thought more and more that she might freeze to death, and after some time, she knew not how long had passed, she was fervently hoping that she would. Eventually she heard boots tramping along the corridor above her and the grating was pulled up. A rope ladder was lowered and she was ordered to hang on to it. She tried, she tried desperately to comply, but as she was lifted off her feet her grip failed and she fell to the floor in a heap. A soldier...

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Katies ride home

Katie is a mature geek who loves puzzles. Married to another geek, she took pretty good care of herself but we all have what genetics give us. No amount of bike riding was going to slim those 50 inch hips or 44D tits! She kept her waist at a comfy 32 inches via frequent biking, walking, and a yoga class. She wasn't a looker, but she knew there were men who couldn't resist a fine big ass and wasn't against using her double x chromosomes as needed for leverage. It was a sneaky snow day in North...

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Absolute DelightsPrologue Families

She was a natural blonde with a slim figure and good teeth. Her hair was worn shoulder length and straight. Amelia Smith was just twenty and reading medicine at the University of London when she met Prince Abdullah from the Emirate of Kobekistan and fell head-over-heels in love with his dashing good looks and enormous fortune. Dinners at restaurants, the like of which a country doctor's daughter could only dream about soon led to visits to his sumptuous apartment overlooking Hyde Park. She...

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My first meeting

After some persuading I had agreed to meet with Len. He was going to be on holiday in Spain, and I was there with my yacht.We agreed to meet at the marina bar and see what happens.When we eventually met up, I knew all I wanted was his cock, but I needed to be in control, and as he has a severe stockings fetish, I was wearing the right clothes to entice him into my way of thinking.After a quick chat and few drinks we went back to my yacht, as we started to kiss and just as we got into the...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 23 Joyce and Kara

July 1981, Milford, Ohio Tuesday’s lunch at Kara’s was similar to Monday’s, though Kara’s mom spent a bit more time talking to us. It became totally clear to me that she was supportive of our relationship. I didn’t think she’d do anything to clearly violate her husband’s decisions, but knowing that she was there for Kara made me feel a lot better. Kara and I exchanged a nice kiss when I left around 2:30pm for my date with Joyce. I went home and showered and dressed. I left a bit earlier...

4 years ago
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Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work VENGEANCE By Wyrdey Even by the standards of funerals, the girl's had been quiet and sombre. Not too many had been in attendance - she had been far from popular, and no-one had gone out of their way to circulate the details to her fellow students. The priest had intoned with the requisite solemn dullness, and the eulogy had been short and flat with that first, still-unbroken wave...

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Playing house

Note : This story is completely fictional! Back when we were eighteen my cousin would want to play house, it was around the age when we were exploring our sexualities. She always wanted to play when we were alone, it didn't hit me for a little while that that was her way of flirting. We knew where babies came from and knew the basics of making a baby, so she wanted to incorporate that into playing house. It started out with us just rubbing our fully clothed bodies together acting like we were...

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Sheena Didi ek sath ek raat

Hi my name is Rahul am from Mumbai this is my true story, please if u like my stories send your feedbacks to my yahoo id I am 19yr old single guy studying in some college in Mumbai, and love to live to the fullest. The incident I am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back. Ye story mere or mere sister ki hai ki kaise maine apni sister ko choda. Mere ghar me mere mummy papa ke alava mai aur meri 21 saal ki bahan sheena hai,wo bahut hi khubsurat hai, bil kul katrina jaisi...

1 year ago
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18 the floor housekeeping closet

The 18th floor:These pass events happen during the recent New Years during the time of Nov and Dec 2019 while I was working a huge amount of time at work. I kind of fell into it with a manager from one of the departments. During the time I was having the hots for her I unknowingly spark the hots of one and possibly my only actual friend “Subby’ for short. His a flaming queen stands about 5’8 clean and shaven cut he keeps a very nice clean look sometimes I think his a undercover cossdresser. His...

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Can I fuck your Ass

Well I honestly must say, I have always loved anal sex. In porn it has always been the thing to get my cock diamond hard. Just to find a woman who was willing to say "yes shove your cock up my tight ass" just did it for me. While this has always been a must in my jerk off sessions, translating this fantasy to reality never seemed to come to fruition. I remember hinting to every girl I've ever fucked, only to have each say "eww", or "hell no, let me stick a sumthin up your ass? See how that...

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