The Wedding Date 6 free porn video

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The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by no one Chapter Six **** Looking for a new editor so anyone interested please email me at [email protected] and thanks **** Over to his mother's car scampered Lee as she was sitting in it sending texts until he interrupted her getting in. "Ok then," said Lee taking a breath after getting in. "Sorry I kept you waiting long mom?" "It's fine honey," said his mother putting down her phone buckling in. "I told you I had a few calls to return and that I wasn't rushing you." "I know but now I'm done," said Lee buckling his seat belt up as well now. "So please tell me we're going straight home." "No you tell me?" said his mother pulling out of the parking spot. "Are you done? Since I just watched you kiss him?" "Were you spying on me?" snapped Lee mortified. "Uumm? Try waiting for you?" said his mother giving him a look. "And like any mother waiting for her child all I did was glance over a few times since that little goodbye chat lasted quite a while? Didn't it?" "Oh?" grumbled Lee ashamed. "Yeah maybe? We had a lot to talk about I guess?" "Which is perfectly fine and I figured as much so I told you not to rush," said his mother. "It's just, when I did glance over one time I became a bit concerned since your conversation looked a little animated." "Yeah," thought Lee swallowing. "But that was nothing." "Nothing like the next time I looked for sure?" smiled his mother. "You want to talk about it?" "It wasn't like that mom?" defended Lee. "If it wasn't then we shouldn't be going right home then should we?" said his mother tapping her chin. "What does that mean?" grumbled Lee. "Of course I want to go home! I'm done! I lived up to what I was supposed to do and did what I had to do." "It means going straight home means you are certainly not done!" said his mother tapping her fingers on the dash. "Done means we are not heading home for a while since did you forget we had a nail appointment later today to soak them off?" "Oh?" thought Lee stretching his fingers. "We set that up the day I got them on didn't we?" "Yup," nodded his mother. "You're idea remember?" "Now that you mention it?" said Lee staring at his shiny manicure. "Yeah?" "Exactly so straight home means you keep the pretty nails and I keep the pretty daughter?" said his mother touching his hair. "So then you're not done are you?" "I am done and I just want to go home," said Lee getting upset. "I broke up with him mom." "Wait?" said his mother stunned. "So then I didn't see you kiss him and then walk away?" "Yeah well ok? Maybe you did?" cringed Lee beat red feeling uncomfortable. "But I still told him it was over." "I'm so confused Keleigh," said his mother holding her head. "I'm pretty sure I saw that it was you that kissed him and then left with a smile on your face." "You think you're confused mom?" shrugged Lee ashamed. "Try standing in my shoes?" "So then I'm canceling the nail appointment and you're staying like this just without a boyfriend that you've been avoiding kissing but needed to kiss?" said his mother scratching her head. "Did I even say that right?" "Maybe?" said Lee almost feeling humiliated. "So can we just go home then?" "Good because I don't know what the hell I said and last thing you told me was you needed time to think so start now because I'm exhausted just thinking about this myself," said his mother frustrated. "You and me both," laughed Lee staring out the window. She had to laugh as well as she reached over squeezing his hand knowing how his head was spinning wishing she could help. He turned up the radio now staring aimlessly at the trees and sky as she drove providing a few minutes of silence. Eventually she'd pulled up at a traffic light and then she reached over turning off the volume. "So did you know the average traffic light around here is like thirty seconds?" said his mother breaking the silence. "Oh not really?" said Lee giving her a weird look. "Yeah it's short," said his mother very matter of factly. "You think to yourself it's enough time to check a text and figure out a response but really you can't get much done at a light?" "Ohh kkkk?" said Lee confused. "Or learn much from kiss that short?" said his mother looking him dead in the face. "So did you?" "It wasn't thirty seconds mom?" said Lee rolling his eyes. "It was more like the blink of an eye." "Oh then I guess it didn't tell you much?" smirked his mother before looking him dead in the face. "Unless that wasn't the only one right?" "You know it was mom," said Lee looking right back into her eyes. "If you say so," grinned his mother reaching over petting his hair. "But you know thirty seconds is way more than long enough to say something you might regret?" "Really mom?" sighed Lee pushing her hand off his hair turning looking away out the window. "And do we really need to talk about this now?" "Just checking and of course not honey," said his mother shaking her head pulling over. "Text me when you're done and I'll pick you up?" "We're at the nail salon?" questioned Lee noticing where they were out the window. "What happened to going home?" "Girls sometimes change their minds in the blink of an eye honey?" said his mother tapping his leg. "See you in an hour or two." "Oh, so I'm still getting them off and you're not coming in with me?" said Lee getting anxious. "But I thought we were going home?" "I didn't say you were getting them off but what I do know is I do some of my best thinking when I'm getting my nails done," educated his mother. "It's relaxing, the workers are in masks and don't speak much English. It's a great place to think and you've got some thinking to do." "I don't understand?" said Lee surprised. "If I'm here then I'm getting them off and I really am done." "Then there not much to think about? You broke it off, have no more commitments agreed to anyway and it should be a relief?" reasoned his mother. "Right?" "True," nodded Lee. "I guess?" "But on the other hand you can soak these off and go a bit longer, maybe pick a new tip shape and select a new a new color," tapped his mother. "Both these things will take some time so go ahead. It'll be good for you?" "But mom I'm not comfortable going in there alone?" gulped Lee. "And what if I still need more time? Why do I have to decide now?" "That's the thing honey? You're quite comfortable as a girl which I know makes this so so much harder. Now you're getting to an age where you need to decide things for yourself and I'm not the one pressuring you?" smiled his mother. "Wasn't me that snapped breaking up with my boyfriend and then freaked again needing to kiss him?" "But mom?" groaned Lee. "Is not the one that started you down this road or needs to get her head on straight?" said his mother reaching over pulling the handle on the door. "Now get out or you'll be late and you hate being late." He leaned over hugging his mother and then did as she asked getting out walking into the nail salon. It would be his first time walking into a place like this alone yet it wasn't too intimidating as he sat awaiting his turn paging through some magazines. When finally they took him she was right that it would be quite tranquil allowing his mind to drift off while they worked on his fingers. His school friends, Gary, his mother and Gary's family would fill his mind with things he needed to sort out and come to terms with. It would an awful lot to think about for a teenager never expecting to be thrust into these situations yet there he was faced with things no boy would normally deal with. Eventually, he would text his mother when they were finished and then just wait in the lobby until finally she interrupted him after pulling up. "Sorry if I made you wait a few minutes honey," said his mother as he got in the car. "I was behind such a slow person in the store." "It's fine," smiled Lee buckling his seat belt. "Gave me a few minutes to return some texts." "I bet," said his mother. "And you were a lot quicker than I expected to? Weren't you?" "I guess you didn't expect me to just soak them off then did you?" said Lee holding up his hand wiggling his fingers. "When you left after you kissed Gary?" smiled his mother. "Look in the back?" "You went shopping?" questioned Lee looking over his shoulder. "Yup time to kill and you needed some things don't you?" said his mother. "It's nothing crazy just a few things that caught my eye, shorts and a few shirts." "Mom that bag says Bebe and the other says Forever 21?" gulped Lee looking in the back. "They don't sell boys clothes there do they?" "Exactly! So what's going on then?" said his mother looking him dead in the face. "Because your nails might say you're done but obviously you're not? Are you?" "Actually no," said Lee looking down and then back up at her. "But how do you know that?" "Because I'm your mother and I know you better than anyone?" said his mother patting his arm as she drove. "Except I did think you'd get the almond shape nails. All the teenagers are getting them done like that these days." "Well not the ones that have to change diapers," said Lee giving her a look. "And I figured that you or more likely Mrs. Baxter wouldn't have an issue sending me back here for whatever nails Lauren expects on her girls since obviously I'd have to redo them anyway." "Guess you've made some decisions then?" questioned his mother. "I really haven't mom," sighed Lee shaking his head. "But what choice did I have?" "Oh you had a choice so don't look at me like that or try the guilt trip bullshit?" said his mother looking him dead in the face. "You've always had a choice." "Did I?" said Lee with some attitude. "Did I really?" "At birth?" said his mother before raising her voice a tick. "No! But since then? You going to blame the rest on me?" "I wanted to play football and who's the one that encouraged me to try acting in school?" said Lee stretching his neck. "Then told me? Just do it. It's a great part. It'll be fun to play the girl?" "I'm sorry for caring that you'd get hurt! I was letting you play baseball but it again it was your choice not to," reasoned his mother. "And I would have encouraged you to play any part but blame your father for making you small. It's his family where everyone is tiny and even if you made the team I would have been a nervous wreck worried every second you stepped on the field." "I know you would have been," smiled Lee letting out a small chuckle. "And you also knew baseball is too boring for me so it's not even like that was a real option?" "Going to blame me for that too?" laughed his mother tapping his arm gently. "That I suck at that boring game anyway and throw like a girl?" laughed Lee. "Yes! Absolutely. And took me to so many shows and plays that made me fall in love with acting and theater once I tried it! Should I not blame you for that?" "Still didn't force you to play the female parts?" said his mother. "And do whatever else you've done?" "I was acting mom?" explained Lee defending himself. "And yes confused about some things and curious but..." "But what?" said his mother interrupting. "And I get that this has been a confusing time but you still telling me you were acting at home because I wasn't exactly ironing my clothes and leaving them for you on your bed." "I didn't sneak around in your clothes that much and...?" said Lee defending himself again. "And for the millionth time honey," interrupted his mother with some attitude. "It's ok if you did? I love you no matter what!" "I know and look at where that's got me?" said Lee shaking his head. "Why couldn't you have let me just have my head handed to me on the football field and then maybe I would have known I should just become a cheerleader?" "Really?" said his mother stunned. "You know how much I loved being a cheerleader when I was your age and do you really want to try out for cheer? Oh my gawwd I'd love that and you'd be adorable as a cheerleader?" "Do you even hear yourself mom?" yelped Lee smacking his forehead. "Sorry?" laughed his mother. "My bad?" "Thank you," said Lee shaking his head. "I just meant maybe I would have learned that wasn't for me and come to some realizations myself." "While giving me a heart attack watching your brains being beaten in?" said his mother turning the wheel. "Thank goodness for acting since what mother would do that with a son this delicate?" "Certainly not the one who thinks her son is delicate and better off as a girl?" said Lee giving her a look. "No one that knows he needs to find out if he should be?" lectured his mother. "So that's what we're doing aren't we?" "Which is not so simple when people so easily look at me like I am one?" sighed Lee frustrated. "And yeah of course that's part of what I'm trying to figure out so maybe I didn't make it that tough on you like I could have if I played football but don't forget it was you that tossed me in all this with both feet." "Which sometimes every parent needs to do with their child when they're indecisive since they both know they need to see if they can sink or swim?" lectured his mother. "So remind me how you've done Miss model girlfriend, begged for babysitter and coveted junior bridesmaid that the future brides have been fighting over?" "Swimming?" chuckled Lee. "I guess?" "Oh you're doing better than that aren't you Michael Phelps?" joked his mother. "Then why do I feel more like I'll drown without floaties," laughed Lee. "Careful what you wish for their Keleigh?" joked his mother elbowing him. "If Rita finds out you kissed her son she'll have you fitted for a nice pair of those like she did Holly which would keep Boobs O'Keefe next to me floating forever." They both burst out laughing as he looked down at his little fake mounds and then back up at her shaking his head wiping under his eyes. It was a nice laugh in a way that broke some more serious thought and then he elbowed her gently. "Ok, don't make laugh like that again mom or you are going to make me more of a wreck than I already am?" grinned Lee finally regaining his composure folding down the mirror checking his face. "And then maybe you should have said like Natalie Coughlin or Amanda Beard because looks like it'll be a while before I'm spending any time like Michael Phelps?" "Maybe if I knew anything about swimming or who the hell they are?" laughed his mother calming down after her chuckle reaching over rubbing his arm. "Now see if you like any of the outfits in the back for later or did we have to head back to the mall because last thing we both know is you'll look like is anyone with a beard." "Oh my gawwwwdd mom! Later? Couldn't you have shopped for yourself?" gulped Lee as quickly the amusement was gone. "Now what?" "You're asking me?" said his mother giving him a look. "I'm not the one that's been texting on her phone non-stop during this conversation and needs casual outfits a teenager wears that she will mostly not find in her mother's closet." "Ok fair and sure I texted Lauren and Holly and some of the girls?" said Lee tossing his phone on the seat. "Read my texts if you want but new outfits I will not need later? I want to go home and you clearly said later?" "Honey I had to get prepared when you left for.. you know later?" said his mother pushing it back towards him. "In case there was one?" "Which to you was inevitable?" said Lee folding his arms. "Like I was wrong?" said his mother rolling her eyes. "Now don't be a pain in the ass over nothing and I bought some cute stuff to just hang out in or baby sit and two outfits that are more dressy but still casual enough." "Like casual to hang out with the girls or you saying more dressy for something I'm thinking I'm not looking to do," said Lee annoyed. "Be specific here mom because I'm not liking where you are headed with this?" "I'm not the one that's in need of a new wardrobe or headed anywhere?" said his mother. "So let's talk about what you can wear to what and which I'm sure will lead us to exactly what other outfits you'll still need won't it Keleigh?" "You want to talk?" groaned Lee not liking what she was insinuating. "Let's talk about why you went shopping for me period and how you didn't expect me to soak off my nails at all then did you?" "Shopping relaxes me honey. You know that," smiled his mother. "And you did soak them off didn't you?" "So then you knew I'd be babysitting and not changing back yet?" said Lee getting upset. "You knew the second I left the car?" "Yup?" said his mother. "And agreeing to be in Lauren's wedding party?" moaned Lee. "Yup," sighed his mother. "But how? Why?" questioned Lee. "How could you be that sure after I already told you I broke off with him and was done!" "Because we both know three days wouldn't be enough to really know and maybe you were playing the part as Gary's date but the caring sweetheart of a person underneath the makeup is no act," smiled his mother touching his face. "Is it?" "But mom?" said Lee dying inside. "Is proud that you are that person," nodded his mother. "And also is sure you've been confused longer than you'd like to admit so even if you did soak your nails wanting to tell me you're through, I kind of expected you might wake up tomorrow with a change of heart?" "Mom that was so sneaky?" said Lee giving her a look. "So then you're saying regardless of what I did with my nails you just sent me there to think knowing I still had so many unresolved issues it didn't matter what I did with my nails then did it?" "Ok this time you do get to blame me for being sneaky. Guilty," giggled his mother raising her hand. "Now could you pick an outfit or did we need to hit a few more stores?" "Mom, please I'm spent so I do not want to go shopping and I just want to go home," said Lee frustrated. "Now what did you mean by later because I have no desire to go out again!" "We are going home since it's not like I expect you to change in the car and I know all this is a lot on you but please don't play stupid with me?" lectured his mother. "It's insulting honey?" "Oh my gawwdd! Did Rita buy all these clothes?" Shivered Lee covering his mouth. "She does know then doesn't she? Please mom I'm doing everything with the kids and the bridal parties but I need some time. That kiss was a mistake and he's been texting me non-stop. Is that what you mean by later? Like you're expecting me to see him?" "Maybe reply to a text then instead of avoiding him since he's already texted me three times if he could come over and see you?" grinned his mother. "Please tell me you didn't say that was ok? Mom, we both know he's asking if he can take me out and I'm not ready for a date alone. I can't do it," panicked Lee. "Please mom! I can't!" "Oh stop," said his mother with a sigh. "You're stronger than that. You two have been alone together since you were toddlers and since you got a little flustered you're ducking him? Really?" "Like that was the same?" grumbled Lee. "He wants real date mom without his mother around and if he's not supervised he won't be able to keep his hands off me!" "Oh Keleigh? Like you can't handle that?" questioned his mother shaking her head. "Just deal with it and that's who's fault exactly?" "Don't say that?" groaned Lee. "No I'm saying it and it's true," lectured Allison. "So deal with it and say it yourself. I want to hear it!" "Mine?" cringed Lee. "Bingo loose lips Lee-girl," said his mother rolling her eyes. "You made it all weekend and if that's really what you didn't want then how could you fuck up it in like the last minute?" "Yeah the blink of an eye! I get it," sighed Lee tossing up his hands. "When did I get so stupid?" "When you went from confused to curious I pretty sure?" laughed his mother patting his arm. "And I bought the clothes. I mean of course on her account but trust me she could care less and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know. Really if she did I'm thinking my phone would be ringing off the hook!" "You're right?" thought Lee breathing a minor sigh of relief. "Of course I am," giggled his mother. "And on the flip side imagine if she knew you already broke it off or decided against anything in the future? She'd be sending out a search party for both of us." "That's not even funny?" chuckled Lee flicking his wrist at her. "He probably doesn't want to tell her I broke it off so that's why he's texting me like crazy and begging to talk to me!" "So then what are you going to do about it?" smiled his mother. "Besides avoiding him?" said Lee rolling his eyes. "Ahhh yeah?" said his mother pointing to her brain. "Me? Uuumm.... oh no mom?" said Lee as she stared at him nodding and batting her lashes. "Don't look at me like that? You're not saying?" "I'm just saying if it was me and I looked like you.... I'm thinking pick the denim skirt in the Bebe bag and the peach top in the Forever 21 bag," smiled his mother. "But it's your choice honey because I told you I bought you a number of cute things and I knew you wouldn't know how to handle this stuff yet, which is exactly why I texted him he could come over later but only for a short time." "Oh gawwd that's what I was worried about that you meant by later?" gulped Lee wanting to puke. "And without even asking me mom?" "And if I did, would we have done all this wonderful talking?" grinned his mother. "Again so sneaky mom!" said Lee rolling his eyes. "So sneaky! But no chance!" "And no chance he's walking into our house without his tail between his legs on his best behavior," said his mother looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. "So now that you decided on all these new commitments wear the short skirt, play the game so you can wrap him around your finger so you deal with things at your own pace and then you can thank me later." "Oooooooh?" smiled Lee as the light bulb went on. "I do have the upper hand don't I?" "See now you're thinking like a girl?" winked his mother. "Really mom?" Snorted Lee before smiling. "But I do like that." "And he likes you," grinned his mother. "And what do guys always want the most honey?" "Eeewww mom," sighed Lee holding his chest. "That's disgusting!" "Think again and without you mind in the gutter," scolded his mother. "You're barely a teenager!" "Where's your mind mom?" said Lee giggling. "I meant my lips!" "Sorry? Not what I mean either," laughed his mom. "Think about the hottest girl in school? The girl they all wanted to take out?" "You mean before you and your friend made that me?" cringed Lee making a face. "I like the confidence for a change don't get that cocky?" said his mother shaking her head. "Remember last year when you were crushing on Sophie Bellari and she blew you off all the time?" "Oh?" smiled Lee squishing his cheeks. "What they can't always have? Right?" "You sure you should be doubting which way to go on all this princess?" grinned his mother teasing him. "You sure you won't let me try out for football when I get to high school?" snapped back Lee not amused. "Like you wouldn't hide that from me too and do it if it's really what you wanted?" said his mother. "Making my point stronger though when you can't take a joke honey?" "Crap!" grumbled Lee. "When the hell did I get so sensitive?" "Whenever it was that you felt more comfortable with only one spike on each shoe and you're really making this too easy on me honey?" joked his mother giving him a nudge. "Get the bags please and let's get you changed because he'll be here in twenty minutes." "Ok," nodded Lee. "But thing is I don't even really know when that was or why?" "Honey we both know you're holding back on a bit of this you may not want to talk with me about just yet, but I'm not sure you always weren't a bit sensitive and maybe we missed a few things?" said his mother crunching her shoulders giving him a look. "But all that is ok and that's part of what we're both trying to figure out?" "Which we will not be figuring out anything differently than we already know in about in twenty minutes!" said Lee carrying the bags. "On my living room couch even with me letting you wear that really cute short skirt I got you?" joked his mother. "I should hope not?" He just had to shake his head and laugh as into the house they went heading straight to her bedroom. It felt great for a moment to step out of his heels and then even a quick reprieve as she helped him out of his dress would be nice. As he stood in his underwear she'd empty the bags onto her bed and then waste no time having him model. First a pair of black denim shorts would serve as something not too crazy as he stand allowing top after top to be sampled. Her explaining what went with what and how he could mix and match would only partially register as instead his mind would be stuck on his upcoming strategy. He at least took notice of how a few things didn't fit right that she tossed in a pile of future returns and nodded like he agreed with her assessments. A few complaints about how some things didn't run true to size or wisecracks about his stringy figure would be only acknowledged by his quiet agreement nodding, until eventually a pinch at his scalp would destroy his motionless posture. "So you're good with that then?" questioned his mother pulling out the sponge ad tossing the bow on the bed. "Uuummm," nodded Lee as she tossed all of his hair in his face. "Sure mom." "Really?" smiled his mother. "So which one then half or full?" "Oh?" answered Lee. "Which ever you think I guess." "Well at your age of course I'd go half," said his mother. "Unless you're lounging then it would still be adorable if I didn't wind them because otherwise it's not like you're.. well anymore? So half?" "Sure," shrugged Lee. "Just do whatever mom? Half is great." "Is it?" laughed his mother. "Do you even know what I asked you?" "Sure half or full?" answered Lee. "How about the ten minutes before that?" giggled his mother. "Not just the conversation about the type of braid or what's in right now but how about every other damn thing I said?" "Maybe not?" shrugged Lee. "No kidding," laughed his mother. "Don't be nervous. You two have always been adorable together so it's not like it's your first date." "Oh no mom," freaked Lee. "You even said yourself it's not a date." "Yeah I don't think I did?" said his mother shaking her head. "I just said you've got the upper hand like we talked about so he'll be the nervous one." "Oh gawwdd then he does think it's a date!" panicked Lee. "Mom this is not something I hid from you so of course it's our first date if he thinks it's one? Those were family functions and he knew it wasn't! I don't want to be on a date even if it's in our living room." "Honey, I'm not saying you hid anything like that at all but I was asking a few questions about some of those things to see if they jogged your memory a little?" questioned his mother. "So anything? Because maybe I did too much talking and you did tune out everything?" "I'm sorry," acknowledged Lee. "My mind was kind of elsewhere. Maybe ask again?" "Ok one sec," said his mother. "This jog a memory?" "Did you just put me in pigtails?" said Lee looking at her weaving his hair on one side. "Well no but kind temporarily in half pigtails while still leaving the back of your hair down," said his mother. "It's just the transition before turning into double top knots which I'm sure you'll recognize from other girls is school is a cute casual style there days. Hand me a few more bobbi pins." "Oh yeah," watched Lee as around her finger she spun the braid pinning it in place and handing her some pins she shoved between her teeth. "A lot of girls do wear their hair like that." "Which I know is your way of saying it's cute on you but I know that makes you uncomfortable so you don't have to admit it," said his mom with a mouth full of pins now. "It's' just before I twist up the other side? Anything? "Anything?" questioned Lee confused as she stroked down his solo left side hanging half pigtail. "Like clue me in here mom?" "How about full or half?" said his mother separating it into sections. "Ring a bell and think quick before he does?" "Ok that one I get?" laughed Lee as he began braiding. "But no and he's here already?" "Calm down and not yet?" laughed his mother weaving and then holding out her hand. "Give me a little band. He's going be here any minute though and I don't think he remembers either." "Remembers what mom?" groaned Lee annoyed. "And what's with the riddles? Clue me in here mom?" "That this is something I didn't want to trigger in your head until I thought it would have no influence on things?" said his mother. "No influence on the choices you'll eventually make." "Oh gawddd?" said Lee confused. "What are you talking about mom?" "About that obviously you don't remember?" said his mother pinning. "But this isn't your exactly first date? Obviously now is not the time to talk about it but that ring a bell?" "Of course he knows I dated Mandy and went to the prom with her," said Lee getting annoyed. "He knows everything about me, her and how could either of us forget? You saying sometimes he doesn't remember it's still me in a dress? Like he's blocked that out?" "Maybe next time listen to our entire conversation but we'll continue that talk about that another time," smiled his mother looking out the window. "Right now whether he remembers or not is irrelevant since it may not be your first date but as far as I know it'll definitely be the first on the receiving end of the big bouquet of roses coming up the driveway unless there's another secret I've been out of the know on?" "Oh my gawwdd mom!" gulped Lee jumping up running over to the window wanting to die. "Now he's gone too far! I told you not to let him think it's a date!" "Again I didn't and no matter what you're ready!" said his mother before teasing him. "It's not Valentine's day is it?" "It's June mom and..." said Lee confused. "Ooohhh? I see what you mean here?" "Thinking like a girl again honey," winked his mother patting his shoulder and taking his hand walking out of the bedroom together. "Good job and go get the door." "I am catching on then aren't I?" laughed Lee as he walked her behind her down the stairs. "Like a blonde when you're a brunette," joked his mother playfully giving him a nudge at the bottom and giving him the once over. "Go ahead and thank gawwwd you're so pretty." "You know I heard that right?" said Lee shaking his head as he walked away from her. "With your selective hearing who knows and it was mostly a compliment," laughed his mother walking into the kitchen as he headed towards the front door. "I'll be in the kitchen and get you a vase." "Shouldn't I not hate my mother and my boyfriend?" Mumbled Lee peeking out the sidelight and then glancing at his reflection in the hallway mirror. "And I heard that," shouted his mother half laughing. "No you shouldn't and but ok that's makes us even so get the door already!" He would need one more second hearing the doorbell ring again as he stood trying to get his brain right staring at himself. For the first time he'd be donning a more casual teen look in mismatched sparkly ankle socks and silver glittered girl's sketchers. Above them his bare legs would be fully on display before a stretchy acid washed denim mini skirt surrounded his bony ass and above it a silver t-shirt with pink glittery letters read "JUICY" across his faux mounds. His hair still sat in a middle part except now two top knots sat at the crown spun in thick braided buns. Behind them his spongy permed curls still rolled down his back and now big silver hoops bounced off his cheek bones. With his makeup still quite fresh the glisten from his dewy cheeks and glossed lips would light up his face and only a thin long flat ironed strand from each side of his middle part would disturb the full view of his bright ocean blue eyes and teen radiance. "Woooow," said Gary as he opened the door. "Hi?" "Really?" said Lee with some attitude. "Wow? That's what you came here to say? The first thing you say when I open the door?" "Oh.... Uumm no it's I just wasn't sure you'd..." stuttered Gary. "Well you know but..." "No I don't know?" said Lee putting his hands on his hips. "You mean see you or did you mean still look like this? Or maybe even open the door at all if I knew you were there?" "Can I pick all of the above?" said Gary trembling. "But mostly the second one." "Well maybe I wasn't sure either," said Lee starting to close the door in his face. "So is that it because now you saw me so if you're done then B-BYE now." "No please," said Gary sticking his foot in the door. "But I did say Hi after that and these are for you." "And why would you bring me flowers?" sighed Lee as the door rebounded to open wide now. "Because no matter what you're my best friend and I can't handle where we left off," said Gary holding out the roses. "So please take them and can we please start again?" "Fine," said Lee taking the flowers. "And I never said we were no longer best friends did I? I'm pretty sure we left off with me calling you bestie?" "True I think. So ok? Starting again," said Gary wiping his hands on his pants. "Uuumm hey? It's great to see you?" "Hey," sighed Lee very softly looking down at his arms covered in flowers. "And thanks again for the flowers but now that you know that we're fine? I guess you expected I'd still look like this?" "Yeah maybe?" sighed Gary as his hands were trembling. "Maybe?" said Lee rolling his eyes. "Because you didn't exactly come here to bring flowers to your best friend if he answered the door now did you?" "Yeah fair point!" swallowed Gary. "Kind of didn't think of that?" "You didn't?" said Lee looking up at him getting irritated. "But you were still wowed when I answered the door like this?" "By the girl that's no longer dressed all fancy in what she wore to the shower?" shrugged Gary. "But still dressed you know.... and looking unbelievable? You're really asking me that?" "Ok maybe not?" said Lee shaking his head not really knowing how to push back on that. "So is that it?" "Of course not!" Pleaded Gary. "Please I know you saw all my texts and wanted to see you! Please can't we just talk?" "Aaaahhh! Just come in!" grumbled Lee rolling his eyes and turning his back going inside. "But not for that long! I'm so sick of talking!" "Ok," nodded Gary following him in. "Mom!" yelled Lee slamming the door. "I need a vase!" "Coming right up honey and hello Gary!" said his mother coming in giving him a hug. "How beautiful are these! That's so thoughtful." "Thank you Mrs. O'Keefe," smiled Gary hugging her back. "I was hoping it was." "Well I'm sure she appreciates it don't you Keleigh and thanked him for wonderful gesture after what I fabulous weekend you two had!" winked his mother taking the flowers from Lee. "Sit sweetheart and would you like a drink or anything to eat honey while I put these in water." "He's not staying long mom," said Lee as Gary sat on the couch. "Even if he's not go get him a drink of water and bring out a few snacks," said his mother giving him a look. "He's still your guest isn't he young lady?" "Since when?" shrugged Lee. "He knows where everything is and been here a million times." "And not here for a play date to have a catch or play video games?" said his mother shooting him a look as she walked off with the flowers. "Keleigh? Kitchen!" "Fine," nodded Lee starting to follow her. "It's ok," said Gary grapping his hand before Lee could walk away. "I didn't come here for you to serve me. Please just sit with me and I promise I won't stay that long." "Ok," Agreed Lee before pulling away his hand. "Wow your nails are gone?" said Gary inspecting. "Yeah?" said Lee giving him a look stretching his fingers. "You noticed?" "Well I held that hand for three days so how could I not?" grinned Gary. "But you still look..?" "Like a girl?" said Lee giving him a side eyed stare. "Go ahead. I know you want to say it." "I was going to say still look amazing?" smiled Gary looking him up and down. "Guess you couldn't spin that really cool double bun thing you've got going on with your nails like that?" "Think again?" shrugged Lee pointing to his own head. "Mom's idea. She's my personal hairdresser in case you didn't know but I do seem to have a ton of stylists that put me together don't I?" "Maybe," laughed Gary. "And her idea for you to still be dressed to make any guy's head pop off that sees you or should I be flattered you did all this since you knew I might be stopping by." "You mean knew she told you it was ok to stop by without even asking me?" grinned Lee. "And yeah I'm not sure what I would have changed into by now so yeah you should be flattered if it matters." "Of course I'm flattered but you're saying it wouldn't have been Lee's clothes?" questioned Gary curiously. "You know your old stuff?" "So then you did stop by expecting to see me still like this?" said Lee getting annoyed. "You really shouldn't have? I told you it was over and I was done" "And you're right and I admit it," said Gary holding up his hands. "Fine be mad but if I did would I have brought you flowers?" "You're such a dick," scolded Lee. "Agreed," nodded Gary. "But one that who needs you and wants his girlfriend back." "For what?" said Lee tossing up his hands. "I did what I had to for you and now I need my space. You have any idea how fucked up my head is?" "Can't even pretend I do but that doesn't mean you didn't leave mine spinning after you kissed me," said Gary. "Ok time to go," said Lee standing up. "Thanks for the coming and the flowers." "No!" said Gary grabbing his arm not letting him walk away. "Not before I know what the hell happened? I felt it! I know I did?" "Sure you're not imagining shit?" smiled Lee turning his back to him. "Don't say that," said Gary. "Now at least look at me." "Fine," said Lee turning around. "Last I remember we broke up? That's what happened." "You're not getting off that easy?" said Gary folding his arms. "Have you met me yet?" smirked Lee almost mocking him. "Yeah since birth but this version of you? Who the fuck knows!" said Gary not amused. "Now please Keleigh I know I was the one revived up by how gorgeous you are dying to kiss you all weekend but then it was you that did that. You kissed me? Didn't you?" "Did I?" said Lee squishing his cheeks and tapping his temple. "Hard to say?" "That's not fair?" said Gary grabbing his head with both hands frustrated. "I'm worshiping the ground you're walking on and you're messing with me! Did you or did you not kiss me?" "So you noticed I soaked off my nails but you're not sure if I kissed you?" said Lee breaking eyes contact stretching his fingers. "Really?" "Well yeah and kind of?" said Gary thinking before getting frustrated. "What does one have to do with the other? You're not making any sense Keleigh? "Exactly!" said Lee putting his hand on Gary's chest getting close to his face yet using his hand keep them separated. "Girls never do really make sense and that's what I've learned since I've been one." "No kidding?" gulped Gary breathing in his friend's minty breath as Lee pushed back. "Then finally something I've learned? So you're staying as one?" "For now and for your family," nodded Lee swallowing hard a little embarrassed. "And of course to some degree for myself? I'm going to do the summer commitments and then we'll see after that." "That's awesome," said Gary excited grabbing his hand. "I knew you would have to and that means I have my girlfriend back!" "You didn't know shit!" scolded Lee pulling away his hand and then sticking his finger into Gary's chest. "You're my best friend and sure you think you know me better than anyone but I'm not even sure I'm that same person anymore." "No you're even better," smiled Gary grabbing the finger and not letting go of his hand. "And either way I'm with you every step of the way but you still didn't answer my question?" "Like I have to?" sighed Lee barely able to look at him then taking a break for a moment. "Yes you have your girlfriend back you jerk!" "Not that question and thanks for not making me completely beg because I would have?" joked Gary lifting his chin looking into his eyes. "The other question you've ducked repeatedly?" "Let's just leave it as I don't think I did?" winked Lee before stepping back a little. "Maybe you moved your face a little when I kissed your cheek good night but you've dated a lot of girls haven't you and did you ever not know when you shared a kiss before?" "No," said Gary a bit disappointed before smiling. "But also never been with one like you before either?" "Not shit Sherlock," laughed Lee teasing. "Then I guess you're going to have to let me take you out?" grinned Gary moving him grabbing his hand looking into his eyes. "How about tonight?" "Oh gawwdddd!" sighed Lee. "Don't do this. We just had such a nice weekend together." "Exactly," nodded Gary rubbing his finger. "Come on. I want to take you out. Please." "You're really asking me out?" gulped Lee wanting to die. "Like on real date?" "Absolutely!" said Gary leaning in closer as he wiggled his fingers between Lee's. "We can go anywhere you'd like?" "Let go and I've never felt your hands so sweaty," said Lee pushing back. "I'm your girlfriend but we are not dating. Not like that anyway?" "Why not?" said Gary disappointed. "I'll treat you like a princess! Better than any guy ever would and how you going to ever know?" "I know you would and even if I doubted that we both know your mother would never allow differently," said Lee leaning in hugging him. "But taking me on a date? Like a real date? Don't make this weirder than it already feels like it is?" "Well it doesn't feel weird to me," said Gary enjoying the embrace. "Yeah that I do feel," smirked Lee pushing him back. "So please calm down." "Sorry," said Gary. "But that I can't control and It wasn't like..." "The first time I know. Or like I didn't feel it all weekend. Yeah I get it and I know it's just you being a boy," said Lee pressing his hands down in the air trying to stay composed. "Trust me it's gross and a compliment at the same time but again part of why I'm not ready to deal with more than I need to. Please just let's take things slow and leave it as I'm your girlfriend ok?" "If that's what I have to do," nodded Gary disappointed. "Then what choice do I have and ok." "None! And thank you," smiled Lee leaning in kissing his cheek. "And that's why I love you." "Me too and you better," smiled Gary. "But you're still not making it any easier with how badly it makes me want to kiss you?" "And neither are you that you want to that much?" smiled Lee staring at him. "Not happening bestie!" "If you say so but it's a long summer and I'm thinking when it happens will be worth the wait?" smiled Gary before joking. "We both know I'm irresistible." "More like a pompous asshole and if in the unlikely event it happens," said Lee tapping his chin. "It would be on my terms and only my terms. Understood?" "I'm good with any terms," agreed Gary nodding. "Good then the deal is if I decide we should ever kiss which I have not by a mile then I get to kiss you," said Lee squishing his cheeks then pointing at him. "Make a pass at me even once and kiss me regardless of where we are without my consent and it's over. Over that instant. Deal?" "But how would I know?" said Gary not on board with that. "What if I can't control myself and slip. You know I don't always think with the right head and what if it's just an instinct?" "Really? An instinct?" snarled Lee getting irritated. "Kissing your lifelong best friend who you suddenly think is pretty is no instinct. That boner issue you have, that's an instinct." "Not my fault you're so damn pretty," laughed Gary. "Men are dogs though bestie and I doubt I need to tell you that." "Which is why I'm keeping you on a leash," smiled Lee wiggling his fingers between Gary's and then batting his lashes up at him. "Want a girlfriend like me and that's deal Rover?" "This is going to be almost impossible?" said Gary as Lee leaned in against him. "Fetch my pocketbook over there like a good boy and let's find out," said Lee rubbing his hair like a dog before yelling out to his mother. "Mom, be back in a bit. "What's going on?" yelled his mother from the kitchen before hurrying into the room. "Everything ok? Where are you going?" "Everything's fine?" said Lee giving her a look. "We're just going out for a walk! Ok?" "Oh," said his mother a bit surprised. "Sure? How nice! Just not too late though you two." "Of course not mom," winked Lee towards Gary as he opened the front. "I have my phone in my bag." "Ok," nodded his mother watching them leave. "What is going on here?" said Gary confused handing Lee his pocketbook as out the door they went. "Where are we going?" "For a walk. Did you not hear me?" said Lee taking Gary's hand. "Unless you don't want to?" "You kidding?" said Gary looping their fingers. "Did you not hear me for the last half hour? Of course I do." "Which is why we needed a little privacy away from my mother's probable eavesdropping right?" said Lee swinging their hands as they stepped off the porch. "Oh so everything you just said?" thought Gary stopping dead in his track swallowing hard getting excited. "Still stands so don't get stupid two steps off the porch," said Lee but leaning in allowing Gary's arm all the way around him. "But this does feel nice to even walk a few steps together without everyone watching us doesn't it?" "I don't care whose watching and I'd be more concerned about who's sniffing around instead so I hope you planned on showering later," said Gary snuggling him in a little as they stepped together. "So sorry about that because I did forget to put on deodorant and I forgot how short you were without heels." "You think you're funny?" elbowed Lee giggling as he pushed away from being under his arm pit. "How the hell have you possibly scored all these girls through the years?" "Chicks always dig the funny guy?" laughed Gary flexing his brows and then extending his arm. "Now come back here. Did you really think I'd come here all stinky?" "No and maybe you used to be funny when we weren't together like this? But you're not that funny?" smiled Lee allowing his arm back around him then pausing pushing it off. "You know before we get too far maybe I should go change my shoes though then if it bothers you that much?" "Keleigh wait! You don't need to be in heels to walk with me," said Gary chasing him a few steps back towards the house. "I was only kidding and you look great in sneakers too?" "I should right?" thought Lee looking down at his legs. "I guess that shouldn't matter then?" "Of course not! You still look amazing and it's a beautiful night," said Gary grabbing his hand again. "So come on! Where we headed?" "Us? Nowhere except for a walk," grumbled Lee with a little twinge of attitude looking right into his eyes. "You got it." "Yes ma'am," giggled Gary looking back at him. "Thank you and that's better but I'm not your mother so don't fuck this up by being a dick," smiled Lee before he began softly rubbing his thumb. "But then I was thinking if you're still a good boy, maybe some ice cream and did you maybe want to see a movie?" "But that sounds like a date?" sighed Gary letting out a big breath. "Well?" smiled Lee stopping reaching his arms up around his neck looking up at him sliding his fingers through his hair. For a split second they looked at each other as all Gary could see was the world grow fuzzy and Lee's lips grow plump slowly puckering. "Really?" smiled Gary feeling the air feel return to his lungs as he leaned down to kiss him. "Well even if I would have allowed it to be one you already failed the first test," smiled Lee sticking up his finger intercepting Gary's lips. "You like barely made it out the door?" "Oh shit," gulped Gary as Lee smirked at him. "You baited me?" "Aaahhhmmmm," grumbled a voice clearing their throat nastily from the curb. "Finishing saying good night Gary since I texted you twice to be ready with no answer and your already five minutes past when you knew I'd be here." "Oh shit is right," gulped Lee pulling down his arms from around Gary's neck. "Maybe it's you that baited me?" "Mom, we were talking and it just slipped my mind," fumbled Gary. "Really, I didn't realize what time it was?" "And I was led to believe this is not where you two left off?" scolded his mother. "Your father is waiting so in the car please pronto mister and I'll deal with anything that slipped from more than just that mind when I get home." "Ok," said Gary walking off with his tail between his legs. "Call you tomorrow Keleigh. Good night." "Ok then?" waved Lee standing there on his sidewalk. "Goodnight." "Certainly looks like it was?" said Mrs. Baxter as her son got in the car and it drove off. "Your mother know you're out here with him?" "Of course," sighed Lee. "She knows we were going for a walk." "That was some walk?" questioned Rita. "What did you make it maybe two steps off the driveway?" "Only because we've been mostly talking Mrs. Baxter," explained Lee. "And what it maybe looked like is not what it was?" "You mean the part that was the not mostly talking?" grinned Rita before tapping his arm gently. "So as long as it keeps the princess in the fold as his little honey bunny and the tramps away from my son your lips being a little loose I'm fine with. Now here take one of these bags please." "Ok and like I don't know that?" grumbled Lee taking a shopping bag from her. "And believe me my lips are far from loose. Ask him yourself when you get home." "Sweetheart you forget I've been with you all weekend and you know I think of you almost like a daughter not some floosy so let's go inside," said Rita turning her back walking towards the front door. "But just remember and I told you this already that your mother and I tell each other everything so while you were playing kissy face on the couch with my son, did you not think we were telling each other everything we know on the phone?" "That was not what we were doing," said Lee mortified following her. "But about that..?" "Oh please she told me you kissed him after the shower then panicked broke up, were a wreck and now..." said Rita as they got to the porch before she turning making eye contact. "Obviously made up? Did I miss anything?" "Do you ever?" questioned Lee in frustration. "Oh dear don't worry I can tell without even talking to my bullshit artist of a son that you did succeed as advised by your brilliant mother with your little diva act you're getting quite good at," smiled Rita tapping his arm. "The boy left here certainly wrapped around your finger so that I commend you for a job well done but don't forget what comes with that?" "More time as Keleigh and with my boyfriend?" nodded Lee looking away. "Yeah I know." "Which I couldn't be more appreciative that you've committed yourself to for my family," said Rita lifting his chin to look at him again. "Oh and of course for yourself dear. Honestly I'm overjoyed." "Your welcome," half snarled Lee. "My mom told you that as well I assume." "Of course and the girls but besides as a controlling woman myself I'm quite pleased with your continual advancements being a bit in control of my undisciplined son," said Rita nodding. "In fact its impressive young lady now find your house key in your bag please dear." "Is it?" smiled Lee digging through his pocketbook. "I guess thank you then Mrs. Baxter." "Your welcome darling," said Mrs. Baxter putting his hand on top of his once he put it in the lock and then twisting it atop his. "But never forget even when you've got his balls twisted in the palm of your hands tighter then the knots of the pretty buns on your head. I'm the woman that still calls the shots." "Like I could forget?" grumbled Lee she manipulated his wrist unlocking the door. "Good girl. Now let's go see your mother and if you're ready we'll discuss the process of twisting off yours," Teased Mrs. Baxter as she opened the front door and then shouted out to his mother. "Allison? You in the kitchen and look who I found outside." "Oh Rita, you're early?" said Mrs. O'Keefe coming out of the kitchen. "Back from the walk already honey?" "Yes mom," smiled Lee. "We didn't get very far." "I wouldn't say that?" smirked Mrs. Baxter at him. "But I'd say the kids had a nice walk anyway." "Excellent and I'll look forward to hearing all about that then tonight Keleigh," grinned his mother catching on. "So where's Gary then? You didn't send him away already did you Rita?" "Headed for a cold shower," joked Rita. "And yes I send him home with my husband before he even realizes what time it is so we could have a little girl time." "I though you said he kept you waiting and you were late?" questioned Lee folding his arms. "Did I?" winked Rita covering her mouth. "Once again you're learning my darling?" "She really has been," laughed his mother. "This week we begin baking?" "We are?" said Lee caught off guard. "Yup while you're off from school now for summer I figured what better time to develop a few things you're lacking," said his mother. "It'll be a good skill to have as a sitter and a fun activity with the kids. Plus with all the kiddie activities I anticipate you'll be attending it's not like you can show up empty handed." "So like baking cookies and stuff?" said Lee not loving the sound of that. "Yes plus the coffee should be ready and I have an apple pie in the oven so let's go in the kitchen to talk," said Allison. "You can start by setting the table and she likes two sugars with her coffee." "Fantastic," nodded Lee as into the kitchen they went. Living alone with his mother he was already used to helping with a few chores and it was really no issue as he'd set the table many times with her. Mostly though she had babied him waiting on him hand and foot as seldom did he do much in the way of serving as he cautiously poured her coffee after setting the table. "Thank you dear," said Rita as he cut her a piece of pie. "Your welcome," said Lee pouring his mother some coffee. "Anything else ladies or should I start the dishes now mom?" "Don't ruin it being a wise ass," grinned his mother. "I hope you weren't this sarcastic doing diapers or cleaning up after the kids?" "Would they have invited me to every one of their events if I was?" joked Lee. "Every young lady needs to learn to be domesticated honey," said Rita sipping her coffee. "Now refill my cup and be nice to your mother before we have you serving Latte's until 2am all summer." "Of course Mrs. Baxter," smiled Lee giving a fake curtsey. "But pray tell how you developed yours with a house full of servants?" "By breaking my ass working until I stepped in the right shit also known as reeling in a rich husband," laughed Rita gently tapping his forearm. "Now please bring in my bags we left inside then sit and relax so we can really talk. You do deserve a break after all you've done this weekend and not that you wouldn't have the boys fighting over you once we put you in the Swiss Miss outfit but you're much too pretty for a life as a barista." "Glad you're always looking out for me?" laughed Lee rolling his eye. "The shopping bags in the living room?" "Believe me I am," joked Rita with a nod. "Yes princess." "Oh gawwwdd what did you buy now Rita?" said Allison giving her a look. "You do realize I just went shopping and already spend some of your money." "Invested my money," said Rita slapping her friend's wrist. "Now you shush and with all she'll be doing she'll need so much more." "Which is not your problem Rita," said Allison. "You helped me and us enough." "No it's her opportunity with all her commitments and she's not getting any younger but you know that better than anyone so don't argue with me," smiled Rita. "Of course I do," said Allison starting to tear up. "And I'm trying to be strong about this." "Then be strong because you're a stronger woman than any I know," lectured her friend. "Raised a child on your own, beat more ungodly diseases than five women would have handled and never missed a beat." "You were sick mom?" Walking in dropping the bags stunned. "When? How did I not know about that?" "Uumm in the past honey and no big deal," said his mother wiping under her eye. "But how could I not know?" said Lee almost getting emotional. "How?" "How?" said his mother sternly as he came in hugging her. "Because I raised you to not let anything get in your way or make excuses? Did I not?" "No you did," said Lee in her ear while hugging her. "But that's different?" "No different than what we're dealing with right now," said his mother pushing him gently from the hug. "You got me?" "Yes mom," nodded Lee. "That's my gi..." started his mother with some emotion. "Sorry honey. Maybe I should just say child right now." "No girl," smiled Lee. "You can say it and it's not like you haven't been calling me one for days now anyway so why would right now be any different." "It shouldn't be but that was a sensitive moment," smiled his mother. "But could a mother have a more caring daughter? I doubt it and you're so beautiful inside and out." "Let's hope I am?" laughed Lee pointing to himself. "I mean I'm a great actor but this would be so much tougher if I was ugly since I am kind of stuck like this for the summer." It was nice light hearted moment as they all shared a few giggled and then he sat back down while his mother sipped her coffee. "Which is why we have lots of shopping to do and some other things I'd like to discuss if we're done with the water works ladies," joked Rita. "Rita if you don't take a breather with all the shopping you're going to give me a heart attack," giggled Allison. "Oh please! You damn well are not sending me any raggedy emotional drama queen. The girl is in two bridal parties, we got events to dress her for and she's off my watch for a few hours and already her nails are a fucking wreck," winked Rita sipping her coffee trying to control her laugh. "Now I know I'm a fortunate woman so don't be a pain in my ass Allison because we both know life is to short and I can't take it with me?" "Wow," smiled Lee looking at his mother. "And I thought it was just me?" "No she's over bearing with everyone but has the biggest heart and which is why we love the bitch," joked his mother. "You're not too bad at being the bitch yourself already Keleigh," joked Rita slapping his arm. "But did you not have even a shitty color in your bag until we get you an appointment again because those nails have got to go?" "I've got a nice fuchsia right here in the junk draw because my friend's got a point," said Allison getting up getting the nails polish and shaking the bottle. "Lay your right hand flat on the table sweetheart." "Wow a nice stinky one," smirked Lee as his mother began painting his nails. "Yeah the quick dry colors can be pretty pungent but you'll get used to it," said his mother painting away. "Part of being a girl and this takes practice so once I'm done with your right hand since I know you're a righty so you'll do the left." "Jezz I always sucked at painting in school," said Lee watching his fingers turn bright pink. "I'm thinking I'll never do that or complain about the nail salon again." "See what you've done spoiling the kid already," laughed his mother giving Rita a look while painting. "So she's a diva? Better than the tomboy I told you she wouldn't be," grinned Rita looking at her own nails now. "You'll still need to learn how to paint them or do repairs yourself anyway Keleigh because chipping is dreadfully inevitable?" "You expected me to be a tomboy?" thought Lee as she was up to his thumb now. "Truth be told no," said his mother stroking. "We discussed it but we both thought you wouldn't be. It's just no one was sure how you'd really do and don't get crazy here that you're that girly because there are still lots the other things you'll need to advance in! Like hair and makeup and get to work on that other hand now princess." "Ok," said Lee slowly gliding the color across his pinkie nail. "I figured once I committed to this stuff I would?" "Oh I think you still know more than you're letting on but that doesn't matter anymore," said Rita lifting his right hand and looking at Allison. "What matters is we're here for you dear and don't mind me Keleigh but that's a great color on her." "She knows and it is right?" Agreed his mother as they studied his nails on his right hand. "So what's in the bags?" "Well after the girls texted me the good news she is going to be in plenty of pinks but all I picked up were some basics like underwear, some stockings and a few push ups," said Rita pulling things out of the first bag. "Nothing crazy as I only had time for two stores so just five or six outfits plus two pairs of cute sandals, some basic black flats and this one sling back that I was lucky to find since it was last pair in her size. Just stuff like that." "That's nothing crazy? And how cute is this going to be on her?" said Allison shaking her head and then holding up a top against him. "A half dozen outfits, underwear and shoes?" "Like you weren't a clothes horse as a teenager? The girls needs a wardrobe and it's not like we haven't been dying to shop for a someone like her for years," joked Rita taking a shoe out the box. "And tell me these aren't to die for? I could not pass on these pink bow pumps which reminded me of shoes you used to wear and I'm not sure what she'll wear them with but I could so see her in them?" "Which even though are a size too big for me I am so borrowing!" laughed Allison taking the spikey pink sling back from her friend and inspecting the shoe's attached leather bow at the toe line. "Wouldn't that be a switch honey?" "Really mom?" smiled Lee rolling his eyes and then taking a shoe from her. "Although I could so so see you in shoes like this?" "Like mother like daughter," joked Rita taking back the shoe. "And watch the wet nails with those but we are so going to find you something cute this week to wear with those shoes?" "Didn't you already they look like they match the letters in my top so would have been perfect when I was out with your son earlier because he's made it quite clear he likes his girlfriend in heels which actually I'm comfortable in and more confident in if that makes sense and also would have come in so handy with them being so spikey because I was pretty much cuddled in his arm pit cradled by that muscular man arm and then had to stretch when I leaned up to..." spewed Lee painting his last nail now on his thumb as both women were silent staring at him until he stopped mid-sentence noticing. "Why are you both looking at me like that? I thought I was doing a decent job?" "You are," sighed his mother with her eyes wide open. "Continue honey." "Amazing," said Rita with her jaw dropped. "Pick up right where you left off please." "I was rambling again wasn't I?" said Lee stretching his nails. "It's ok. Not here to judge a run on sentence Keleigh," said his mother cupping her face in her palm softly smiling at him. "Go on honey." "Yes please," nodded Rita holding her chest. "Because now what I thought I saw I guess I did see?" "You are not looking at me surprised because I'm doing a decent job on my nails are you?" sighed Lee stretching his fingers. "Beautiful job sweetheart but you were about to lean in and...." said Allison giving him a little smirk. "It sounded so romantic so please go on and we're dying to know all about it." "Dying to know?" gulped Lee turning beat red. "Oh gawwddd maybe that sounded like?" "You were never going to be a tomboy and very right those shoes would look adorable with that skirt and top but..." smiled his mother. "You don't need to get embarrassed about the rest but go on because it's ok you can tell us?" "Please honey?" smiled Rita. "I love to hear all about that." "We both would," nodded his mother. "Forget I'm your mother for second and think of us like girlfriends?" "Not possible and leaned in to talk to him! Talk!" said Lee backing away from them. "Like speak to him so nothing could be misunderstood like it is now so not at all what you were thinking." "Oohh?" shrugged his mother. "I'm sorry. Maybe we're pushing?" "Maybe?" said Lee. "No not maybe and haven't both you done nothing but been pushing?" "Maybe your mother has but you couldn't mean me?" laughed Rita. "No not you Mrs. Baxter?" smiled Lee being sarcastic. "It's not like you've even dropped a hint here or there have you?" "Oh please little miss innocent of course I never beat around the bush," said Mrs. Baxter. "Now you can say all you did was lean in and talk and I'll take you at your word but don't forget I'll be relaying back to your mother whatever I find out is the other side of the story so did you want to change that answer before we move on?" "Of course I don't," groaned Lee mortified. "And do you seriously ask your son for details about his dates and especially details about kissing?" "Not when the girl who claims she was acting spills the beans that their actually dating and I've seen them kissing with my own eyes," joked Mrs. Baxter softly tapping his cheek. "But ok it was kind of dark and theses eyes aren't getting any younger but if you don't realize yet that these are the types of juicy conversations that women share with each other I'll chalk that up to experience but consider yourself now in the know honey." "In the know of what I don't know," laughed Lee tossing up his hands. "Except we didn't kiss like you think we did and we're not like dating dating if that makes sense. Those things I do know!" "All I know is you sound even more like a teenage girl than you even look like one," said his mother half pulling her hair out. "So where the hell where we in this conversation?" "I'm not sure either except down to the last shopping bag because the shoes took us off on a tangent," said Rita placing a bag on the table. "Your nails should be dry enough to pull it out by the hanger Keleigh but I'll get off the plastic." "Really Rita?" lectured Allison. "You went dress shopping too already?" "It's not a dress and this is just part of a gift for what she's already done for me," said Rita. "All jokes aside regardless of the future I knew she was going to shine for my family this weekend so a token of my appreciation." "But you know you'd never need to thank me and?" Started Lee watching her pull off the white concealing plastic and pausing. "Is that?" "A girl's uniform?" said his mother making a face. "Like a school uniform?" "No it's a uniform for the recipient of the first ever Baxter foundation scholarship to Crescent School for theatrics," said Ms. Baxter holding up the hanger. "Congratulations Keleigh. The enrollment documentation and your acceptance letter are in the bag." "Rita doing anything for your family, allowing you to be pushy with her because I know you mean well and even helping to determine if this path into femininity she should go down are all well and good and one thing," gulped his mother almost falling out of her chair. "But sending her to private high school as a girl already is another." "The most prestigious acting school in the country which is right in our backyard twenty minutes away," explained Rita. "Now Allison I knew you'd say that but let's talk for a moment." "Do not misunderstand my appreciation for your generosity and wow!" said Allison stunned. "But..." "But wait mom I also don't understand?" said Lee looking at the form. "It says Lee on the paper?" "Of course it does dear," said Rita cracking a smile. "That is your given name even if it may not be the one some of us prefer for you." "That school is dream and impossible to get in but I'm still confused?" said lee staring at the letter. "You got me in but still bought me a girl's uniform." "Well if you read down a few lines you'll see you can fill in a nickname or preferred named which is blank and then down a few more lines so is gender," said Rita. "Boys uniforms are in stock but girls tend to be scarcer and take 6-8 weeks to get so I bought your size while they had it. It's a gender neutral school which most of these high end liberal arts prep schools are so regardless of how this summer goes I thought we'd be prepared." "Rita this is crazy!" said his mother. "You know you're like a sister to me but I cannot take this kind of money from you for high school." "You're more than my sister and the scholarship has been already funded so someone is getting it if not you," said Rita. "Actress, real girlfriend or my hunch somewhere in between at the moment, you know the kid has talent and a passion you'll regret if you make her waste it. Now why should you? Sure it's expensive but I'll be spending twice that on Holly's dress for one day than a year for daughter's school." "And what about the other three years?" shouted Allison. "It's a full scholarship for all four years and she's not going anywhere is she?" laughed Rita. "Even if the skirt collects moths in her closet and we get the boys uni my son still needs his wedding date and Holly would die if we pull her bridesmaid." "You know that won't happen and I'd never," said Lee still a bit stunned. "But you're not saying there are other things I need to do that I don't even know about yet or especially like actually date your son to get this do I?" "Read the dates on the letter honey. You think this happened over night? You were getting this well before you did what you did for your friend this weekend," explained Rita. "It's just after what I saw it made me snatch up the skirt and blazer while I could! What you do from here you do partially for my family and partially for yourself but the rest is just icing on the cake." "So I could go there as a boy or a girl or..." gulped Lee cautiously excited. "Or anything in between? Or unsure? Or transitioning," nodded Rita. "Or I don't even know the right terms except I've had some very detailed discussions with the school and everyone there without judgement is accepted." "But that doesn't mean you won't be pushing me any less to really be a girl?" thought Lee. "Does it?" "Well?" hesitated Rita before smirking. "Want to try it on?" "She doesn't!" yelled Allison wiping a stray tear and then looking over at him. "Do you? Oh gawwwwwd! And I'm sorry it's ok if you do?" "There no rush and I realize this is overwhelming," said Rita reaching over grabbing her friend's hand. "I just wanted both of you to know the news so you could plan accordingly but like everything else not my choice to make." "Thank you Mrs. Baxter?" said Lee lifting the uniform inspecting it. "I'm honored and humbled but if I don't take then it goes to someone else? Maybe someone more deserving?" "The scholarship yes but the uniform no," giggled Rita. "That I can't return and is immaterial but there is no one more deserving so take your time." "Not true at all but thank you," nodded Lee. "How long do I have to decide?" "Your whole life," said Mrs. Baxter touching his face. "But hormonally the sooner the better since your body will be changing more than ever in these teen years and you think you'll be this adorable with some stubble on those pretty lips." "I meant the school," smiled Lee. "Did ya?" joked Mrs. Baxter tapping his wrist. "All summer honey or realistically maybe two weeks before labor day to give me time to get you some extra blouses and skirts or pants if you go the other way and if you don't decide to go there at all my scholarship will roll over to someone for next year." "Wow that's awesome!" said Lee getting excited. "I have plenty of time to think then." "Maybe you could have started with that Rita?" said Allison feeling better. "The way you presented this I thought you expected her to decide this second." "No I just asked if she wanted to try it on?" laughed Rita sipping her coffee. "It's the high strung emotional drama queen in both of you that I imagine helps with her talent over reacting to everything else." They all shared a few seconds belly laugh and then Rita heard her phone buzz and looked up at Allison. "So any more questions princess because we're almost out of time before the girls will be here and you really do need the clear coat on those nails," said Rita pushing towards him the clear nail polish top coat and then texting. "What girls?" said Lee surprised opening the nail polish. "People are coming here?" "Just Holly and Lauren," said his mother watching him clear coat his nails. "After the way things were left off and you texted them you were committed to their bridal parries they sat and worked things out. They asked if they could stop for five minutes so I told them that would be fine." "Oh that's great actually," said Lee stroking away. "I mean not great like I'm dying to do this but great that they're friends again. They're both so sweet and that was really uncomfortable." "Of course it's great and once you're done hold it by the hanger then go run this uniform up to your room," said his mother clearing the table. "Or wait before you do? Did you want to see how you'd look in it first?" "What happened to she doesn't?" said Lee rolling his eyes still very unsure stretching his fingers. "Uuumm even if I did? Nails are wet." "And I also said it would be ok if you did?" laughed his mother loading the dishwasher. "So should I get the quick dry spray?" "How about we just focus on our shortly arriving guests for now?" Though Lee blowing on his fingers. "Besides what I have to do already mom I'm far from ready to be in a skirt every day and you knew that!" "Oh you're only in uniform three days a week Keleigh so who's pushing the princess now Allison?" Teased Rita. "Once you read up you'll find out Fridays are casual and Wednesday is Come in Character day depending on what you're working on. I mean would I love to see you in it sure but I can wait because come on? You really think she'll need the whole summer to decide?" "Well?" cringed his mother looking at him. "Please don't answer that mom," said Lee shaking his head and taking the hanger. "Putting it in my room and I'll be right back."

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

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Barb Chapt4 The Wedding

Waking with Barb in my arms, I think to the dinner the night before. I am sure now that Barb’s ex-husband’s girl friend is named Jane Jones. I remember what she had done to my brother just two years before. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. She moved in the following week and set to making his place her home. Two weeks after she moved in, he had to call me to come get him from work for he got too sick to drive and she was not answering the phone. We arrived to find not only was she...

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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Wedding

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...

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The Best Stand At The Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

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The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party By Jeanne Darc I hadn't heard from Jake in over a year. We'd met at the software firm where I worked, and discovered a lot of common interests including the standard painful high school nerd autobiographies. I hadn't completely escaped my past - people still called me na?ve; I preferred devoid of guile. We'd been good friends, becoming best friends, when he dropped off the radar. I'd tried to contact him several times but he sent texts saying he was busy and would get i...

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Wedding Dress Surprise

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Wedding Dance

"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...

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The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Amanda's Wedding Album Chapter 1 - The Photo Shoot Michael realized just how fortunate he was. He was one of the lucky few whose wives actually preferred them to keep their bodies hairless. She often asked him to shave his chest and legs, and he would reluctantly give in after putting up a brief fight, making it seem like it was all for her while secretly enjoying every minute of it. She had no idea that he was a closet crossdresser, and he was pretty sure that she would neither...

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Kate boarded the plane heading to The Bahamas for her cousin Mara and Brad’s wedding. She had not seen either of them since her last visit to them in Miami. She was excited to see the family and celebrate their wedding.“Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” Kate looked up from her phone to see an incredibly erotic looking woman pointing at the seat next to her. She shook her head no and went back to her phone.The woman reached up to put her bag in the overhead compartment. Kate couldn’t help but look...

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My Wedding Gift

I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They kept track of each other through social media, phone calls and the occasional chance meetings when they came home. I kept track of Linda for Shellie through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk when we stumbled into each other at the grocery store or post office. We'd update each other as to our...

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The Wedding PlannerChapter 3

While she sat at her desk and waited for the computer to come up she took the small spiral note pad she had purchased Saturday out of her purse. She still hadn't made up her mind how she wanted to record her illicit meetings. The date and number of times? Just the date and a check mark? Just a check mark on each line to represent a lover? There would be no names or descriptions; no number of stars to denote how great the time had been. She smiled as she remembered Friday night with Scott. He...

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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 03

She walks down aisle dripping with others men's cum. Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the...

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Lacey's Wedding Daybyrockandroller©My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a...

3 years ago
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Tales from the FrogLady Part 1 of 2 Wedding Night

Notes: This is the revised version of my previously published story. Thanks to Mr. Ram for pointing to a mistake, just for you to know my problem, in Portuguese ladder is "escada" and stair is "escada", so you see why I do these silly mistakes once or twice. This is the first part of a two part story, but both can be read as independent stories (of course, they are more fun if read in the right sequence), this is why I marked it "finished" in the form. The second part, called "A night...

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