Daddy's Easter Bunny Surprise free porn video

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"Daddy! Daddy, I'm here!", she yelled, as she kicked off her shoes in the foyer before heading up the set of steps, her overnight bag draped across a shoulder.

Daddy's head popped around the corner from the kitchen. "Hi baby girl." he said, smiling at her. Abrielle's face broke into a huge smile, her dark skin really made her smile glow and Daddy loved it.

She darted up the last step and jumped onto her much older Daddy. He was taller than her by half a foot or more and easily caught the slight dark skinned nymph in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck . He kissed her soft lips and hugged her.

"Oh, I missed you, baby girl." he said.

"I missed you too Daddy" Abrielle's perfectly shaped B cup tits mashed into Daddy's chest through her thin halter top and lacy bralette. He moved his hands to her perfect little ass. He loved how he could easily cup one of her tight little cheeks in each hand. Daddy supported her weight with his hands and backed her against a wall. They began kissing again, Daddy pushing against her, Abrielle could feel his thick hard cock press against her princess parts. Abrielle lifted her legs to put more pressure on Daddy's hard cock with her covered pussy. Daddy was in his business clothes still, but continued to grind against his Caribbean baby girl. Her pussy getting wetter, and starting to put a wet spot in her panties and shorts.

They broke their kiss. "Daddy, what's the surprise you got for me?" Abrielle asked coyly.

"Its a surprise, if you're a good girl, you will be very happy with it."

She let a little pout form on her face, "I'll be good Daddy. I promise!"

Daddy slid his hands up to Abrielle's narrow waist, she was so thin his fingers almost encircled her entire waist. He loved how amazing her body shape was, the thin waist accentuated her plump little ass, making it look much bigger than it was. In truth her ass wasn't even as wide as her fit Daddy's hips. One of his favorite sights in the world was looking down at her heart shaped ass, watching his thick white cock working in and out of her tight little pussy, or her even tighter asshole, while holding her hips, or ass in each hand. He lifted her weight up and off him by her waist. "Why don't you get into your Easter outfit for Daddy." he said as he set the one hundred and eight pound girl down.

"Ok Daddy", she said reluctantly, her pussy was dripping and she wanted to get Daddy's cock in her right then and there.

"Go get dressed up for Daddy and I will make you a drink." the cute coed grabbed her bag and headed to the bedroom. She was only pretend disappointed, she couldn't wait for Daddy to see her in the outfit she put together for Easter. She was going to transform into the sexiest little bunny Daddy ever saw. She bet he'd be unable to hold back, and fuck her senseless over and over again. If she was lucky, she thought, she'd have daddy's cum in every one of her holes before they fell asleep exhausted that night.

Abrielle stood in front of the full length mirror of Daddy's bedroom, taking off her clothes, and then fishing through her overnight bag, pulling out all the items she'd need to complete her outfit. Once she'd laid everything out in front of her, making sure it was all there, she began getting dressed. First she pulled on the white thigh high stockings. The contrast of her dark skin against the white material was so sexy. They had pink bows at the tops of them, they were "Sooo CUTE!" she thought. Next the frilly pleated garter belt went around her waist, then the matching bra encased her perky tits. Next she put the white choker around her neck, it also had a pink bow and a bell. Jingle, jingle, jingle, it rang as she continued to get dressed. Two lacy upper thigh garter belts came next. Then she had to hook the garter straps into the tops of her stockings. Daddy had shown her how to do it, but it was always difficult, especially the straps that came over her round ass and down the back of her thighs. A little struggle and she had all 4 straps hooked on. "Mission accomplished!" she congratulated herself. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. She loved how the white contrasted with her brown skin. She hoped Daddy would like it, she thought she looked pretty good. The white frilly garter started below her belly button and all the belts and stockings and straps beautifully framed her hairless little pussy. She could feel herself moistening in anticipation. "Now", she thought. "Should I put on the white panties that went with the outfit or not?"

Abrielle decided go without the panties and reached for the fluffy pink bunny tail. It was a pink fluffball with a silver plug on one end. The metal was cold, she put it in her mouth to moisten and warm, then bending over, she pressed the metal against her tight asshole. A little pressure and her ass stretched open enough to accept the plug. As if moving on its own the pink bunny tail slipped deeper into her, securing itself tightly between her ass cheeks. Abrielle turned her ass toward the mirror and checked how she looked. She giggle a little at the site. Next, the fuzzy white and pink hair band bunny ears went on her head. She was a sexy bunny now, she thought, facing the mirror, her pussy wet and the feel of the plug in her ass a reminder of the tail she'd suddenly sprouted.

Last but not least, Abrielle reached for the restraints. She was Daddy's property when she was at his house and the best way to show it was the leash she attached to her white bell collar, and the pink leather wrist cuffs she bucked around her wrists. Her look complete, the sexy bunny girl hopped like a silly bunny into the living room.

Daddy was sitting on a chair, sipping a drink as the sexy brown bunny giggled and hopped in. The plug sent a shiver through Abrielle's body every time she landed.

"Oh my fucking god!" said Daddy, eyes as wide as saucers. His cock instantly stiffened in his pants at the most sexy sight he'd ever witnessed in the flesh. "You look amazing baby girl!" He stood up as she came close to him, her leash in one hand.

"You really like it Daddy?" she smiled, "Yay! I thought you would."

Daddy stood up, taking the leash with one hand and handing the sweet fruity drink he'd made for Abrielle with the other. "Drink up baby girl, while daddy drinks in his sexy baby bunny." He circled around her, she looked a like a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing, she looked so good that not only was his cock hard, but his mouth was salivating. When he got to the back of her, he noticed the pink tail all by itself puffing out from between her brown little ass cheeks. "oh fuck" he moaned, and precum dripped from his cock making a wet spot in the front of his pants. He ran his hand over her bare ass. Slipping down the crack and encircling the rim of her asshole. Abrielle's body shivered as Daddy's hands ran over her flesh. His fingers gliding along her sensitive asshole, verifying that the tail was a plug and it was inserted in her ass, before they slipped lower and rubbed along her wet pussy lips.

"Oh Daddy..." moaned Abrielle as Daddy rubbed between her labia and gently batted at her engorged clit. He pulled her back against his chest, his left hand cupping her right tit and holding the leash, his right hand worked at her hot little pussy.

"Who's pussy is this?" he whispered in her ear, his lips gently nuzzling at her neck.

"Its your pussy daddy." she responded.

His fingers left her pussy and tugged gently at the bunny tail, sending little shivers through her body with each tug. "Who's asshole is this?" Daddy asked.

"Its your asshole Daddy" she answered.

Daddy sucked on her neck as he sank his middle finger deep inside the girls dripping pussy. Slowly he withdrew his and and brought it to her mouth, he gently ran his pussy juice coated finger across Abrielle's plump lips. Her tongue came out to taste herself on his finger.

"Who's lips and tongue are these?" asked Daddy

"Yours Daddy, they're your lips and tongue", panted the horny young woman.

"Suck on my finger baby girl", he whispered to her. Abrielle's mouth closed around Daddy's finger and sucked on it, her tongue swirling and suction pulling the finger in, just like Daddy had taught her to do with his cock. She tasted herself on her finger, just as she knew Daddy had wanted her to. He pulled his hand out and brought it down in front of her, placing his hand between her legs. He pulled her ass firmly against his hard cock and began working his fingers into her pussy again as she subconsciously spread her legs apart to give Daddy better access to his pussy. Daddy rubbed back and forth on her clit with his right hand, his left still held her by her tit like it was a handle. Abrielle quivered and moaned as he worked her pleasure spots, she was gasping and moaning as her orgasm neared...

Suddenly a knock at the door.

"Oh, looks like your surprise has arrived." said Daddy. "Now, get on your knees and sit like a good bunny."

The flushed and panting Abrielle dropped to her knees on the carpeted floor, sitting down on her heels and leaning forward as Daddy went to answer the door.

Abrielle heard Daddy open the door and greet a woman, asked her to remove her shoes and hang her purse. He offered her a glass of wine, as they walked up the steps coming into the living room. Abrielle was on her knees, facing the entry as she saw Daddy and the Indian woman come into sight. The woman was a bit shorter than herself, guessed Abrielle, but probably heavier, as she had wide hips and big tits accentuating a narrow waist, she was in a dark skirt and white blouse, like she'd just gotten out of working at some office job. It was Nina.

Abrielle had shadowed at an office wear the young professional Nina had worked, and although they'd flirted a bit, nothing more had come of it. But Abrielle had shared with Daddy her desire for the buxom woman. And now, here she was, standing in Daddy's house, and Abrielle was wearing the sluttiest bunny outfit imaginable. She'd have been red with embarrassment if it showed on her dark complexion. She lowered her eyes and remained kneeling.

"Wow!" said Nina, taking in the sexy little thing, kneeling in the man she knew as Stark's home. "She looks so damn sexy"

"She truly is, isn't she?" admired Daddy "Now lets discuss this over your glass of wine." he said, gesturing for Nina to head into the kitchen. Nina took a sidelong look at Abrielle as she passed through the doorway to the kitchen area.

Abrielle heard some clinking glass on the granite counter top and a cork being pulled. Nina thanked Daddy for the wine and then the two of them headed into the living room. Daddy pointed Nina to a seat adjacent to the one he'd been sitting in before. He then took Abrielle's leash and sat down in his chair.

"Come here baby" he said, patting his lap, to Abrielle. She crawled the two feet over and still on the floor, laid her head in Daddy's lap. "You remember Nina, don't you baby girl?" said Daddy. The suddenly shy Abrielle nodded. "Use your words little girl" said Daddy.

"Yes Daddy" murmured Abrielle, "I remember Nina".

Nina took a big gulp of wine as she took in the sexy Abrielle kneeling at her Daddys lap. He lifted his drink from a side table and took another sip.

"Stand up baby girl" said Daddy

Abrielle stood, keeping her eyes diverted from Nina. Nina was only 5 or 6 years older than Abrielle, but at her relative age and still being in college, Nina felt like an older woman to her.

"Turn around, slowly. Let Nina see how magnificent you are." commanded Daddy

Abrielle completed a slow turn, hearing Nina gasp as her pink bunny tail butt plug came into view.

"Is that a plug?" asked Nina.

Abrielle remained silent as Daddy answered. "Yes, quite the cute plug too isn't it?"

"Amazing, truly amazing. May I touch her?"

"Go ahead, take a closer look, you can touch, but only with one hand, you stop when I say stop. Understood?"

"Yes, sir" responded Nina, adding "sir" almost as an afterthought

Nina stood up, her wine glass in one hand and approached Abrielle. She slowly walked around the girl. Abrielle shivered as she felt Nina's hand glide across her bear ass, from her right cheek, gently across to her left. Goosebumps stoop up on her skin as the older woman's hand traced up across Abrielle's smooth flat belly. Nina took a sip of wine and slipped her hand up to gently squeeze Abrielles lift breast through her white bunny bra. Abrielle glanced up at Nina, their eyes met and they both smiled , just as Nina found Abrielle's nipple through the thin material.

Nina bit her lower lip as she took in the sexy Caribbean girl. She lowered he hand gliding her full palm and fingers down Abrielles flat tummy, slowly the slip over the garter belt and her fingers began descending across the top of Abrielle's pubis, the finger's cupped and curled over her smooth hairless mound and slid between the folds of her wet pussy lips. Abrielle let out a moan of pleasure and Nina flushed and leaned in toward's Abrielle's parted lips.

"Stop!" commanded Stark, "step away please."

Nina shuddered as she withdrew from Abrielle, just inches from kissing those luscious lips. She brought her fingers to her mouth. Abrielle watched as Nina sucked her feminine flavors from her finger, then smiled and winked at the blushing bunny.

Daddy stood up, walked behind Abrielle and pulled her wrists behind her back. Making use of the pink cuffs Abrielle had put on with her outfit, he locked her wrist together behind her back. Holding the leash in one hand and Abrielle's elbow with the other, he turned his bunny baby girl toward his cheer then pushed her down so she was kneeling facing the chair. He then turned to Nina, who'd finished her wine and taken her seat again.

"Another glass of wine?" he asked Nina

"Yes please." she answered

"If you would join me." he suggested, and Nina got up and walked with Daddy Stark into the kitchen. He refilled her wine glass as Abrielle continued to kneel in the living room, feeling her pussy juices start to slowly drip down her thigh. They weren't very far apart so she could hear every word.

"You like what you see?" he asked Nina after refilling her glass of wine.

"Yes, very much so." she answered.

"Do you want my little bunny?"

"Yes sir, I do want your little bunny."

"Spread your legs." commanded Daddy. Abrielle couldn't see what was happening. There was silence for a moment. Then she thought she heard a slight moan from Nina. "Clean them off". Commanded Daddy. "It seems you are telling the truth." he said casually. "Are you willing to pay the price?" he asked.

"Yes sir" replied Nina.

"Very well then. We'll prepare while you finish your wine."

Nina and Daddy re-entered the living room. Nina took her seat with her wine glass, taking a few big sips as Daddy stood next to Abrielle. Daddy reached down, unhooked the cuffs, then, taking the leash, he pulled gently.

"Stand up baby girl"

Abrielle stood turning toward Daddy and Nina. "Undress me baby girl." he commanded.

Abrielle proceeded to unbutton his shirt, slowly making her way down, exposing Daddy's hairy chest, then pulling his shirt tails out of his pants and unbuttoning the cuffs. She walked behind Daddy and pulled his shirt off of him and set it on the nearby couch. He stood bare chested and looked toward Nina.

Nina took another gulp of her wine and watched the tableau before her.

Abrielle circled back to the front of Daddy Stark and unbuckled his belt, then dropping to her knees, she unclasped the front of his pants and slid them down his thighs along with his boxer shorts. Daddy's thick cock sprang out at her. His cock was longer and thicker than average and he wore a thick silver cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. The half inch thickness of the ring was just enough, to keep Abrielle's cervix from taking a brutal pounding, as it effectively shortened how much of Daddy's cock could go inside her by the depth of the ring. The ring also made his cock swell slightly thicker though, which meant it still filled her pussy to capacity and stretched her tight asshole a bit more than without.

Nina gulped as she saw the large cock of Mr. Stark, the amazingly sexy bunny Abrielle kneeling before him helping him step out of his pants, leaving the thick cocked man completely nude, except for socks.

Stark turned and sat down in his chair. "My socks please baby girl." he said and Abrielle bent to remove the last vestiges of his clothing.

Nina finished her glass of wine as Daddy, now completely naked, stood and walked behind the kneeling Abrielle. Once again he pulled her hands behind her back and clasped the cuffs together. Returning to his seat, he looked toward Nina. "Now its your turn."

Nina drew in a shaky breath and stood up.

"Move over here", he said, pointing to a spot directly behind Abrielle. Nina stepped to the location. "Now, remove your clothes, slowly" he said.

Abrielle could hear the rustle of clothes and imagined Nina was complying with Daddy's wishes. His cock was standing firm before her. He took a couple of wraps on her leash and pulled her head toward his cock. "Be a good girl and suck on Daddy while he watches your friend Nina get naked" he said.

Abrielle's mouth opened as Daddy guided her head onto his cock, with the leash and the other hand at the back of her neck. Abrielle sucked in his cock, suction and swirling tongue as she'd been taught, he pulled her head deeper onto his cock, she gagged as his cock knocked on the passage into her throat. He eased off and set a slow rhythm as Abrielle bobbed on Daddy's cock. She could imagine the view Nina must have, standing behind her, watching her bunny tail plugged ass rise and fall as here head moved forward and back on her Daddy's cock. She looked up and saw Daddy looking past her at the woman stripping out of her clothes behind her.

"That's good baby girl" he said. Abrielle didn't know which of them he was referring to, but then he looked down into her eyes and smiled. "You're going to like your present my little princess. I promise."

Abrielle continued to suck the thick cock into her mouth, tongue swirling across the thick cap of Daddy's magnificent cock. She flattened her tongue and pressed it against the ridge under his cock as he pushed into her throat. She was gagging on occasion and heavy snotty drool was running out of her mouth and covering daddy's cock and balls with a thick slime. Her nose was running and eyes tearing.

"Come stand here", he said, obviously to Nina this time. The woman cam to stand on his left side as he'd indicated. Abrielle could now make out the light brown skinned Indian woman, completely naked standing next to Daddy. Her big round tits hung down on her chest, her wide hips framed a hairless pussy. Daddy reached up with his left hand and squeezed Nina's tits. His right hand held Abrielle onto his cock by the leash. A few more gropes of Nina's big tits and then he was rubbing her pussy. Abrielle was grabbing quick glances, but could see Daddy pull his hand away from her cunt, all shiny with her juices.

"Get down her next my bunny." he commanded Nina.

"Yes sir", she said, and took to her knees beside Abrielle.

With his left hand, Daddy slid his hands through Nina's hair and cupped the back of her head, squeezing his fingers together, he now had a firm grip of her skull and hair and pulled her head toward his cock. Daddy slid his hips forward, spreading his legs wider, and turned slightly toward Nina, giving her room to get in alongside Abrielle. "Balls" he said. "Suck my balls into your mouth, gently." He lifted his left leg onto the arm of the chair and Nina face came in alongside Abrielle's and as Abrielle continued to suck on Daddy's cock. Nina sucked one of Daddy's big slime covered balls into her mouth. "Both of them" he instructed as he leaned a bit more away from Nina, giving her the angle she needed. Using one hand, Nina pushed Daddy's other big testicle into her mouth. Abrielle continued to work daddy's cock into the back of her throat as she was almost kissing Nina as their lips came close, one mouth filled to the throat with cock, the other filled with Daddy's heavy testicles.

"Oh fuck, this is amazing" said Daddy, one head held each head firmly down on him. Slobber was everywhere, coating his thighs and belly, all over the girls' faces and dripping down their necks and chests.

"Oh fuck baby, oh fuck, Daddy's going to cum" shouted Daddy. Abrielle felt his hand on her head tighten as she choked and gagged, his cock deeper down her throat than it had ever been before. Her face was pressed against Nina's. His balls had drawn up and she couldn't keep them in her mouth anymore. Daddy spun up out of the chair, keeping the choking Abrielle's skull impaled on his cock, but stepping between the kneeling girls, he pulled Nina's face into his ass. "Tongue my asshole!" he shouted.

Daddy's hips shivered as he pumped Abrielle's mouth onto his cock, and held Nina's head to his ass, she must have doing as she was told, thought Abrielle with what little thoughts she had other than not choking to death.

"Oh FUCK!" roared Daddy as his first spurt of cum splashed straight into Abrielle's throat. Abrielle couldn't take it anymore and spun off Daddy's cock, gasping and choking. Daddy spun around so fast, pulling Nina onto his cock that his was able to blast his third, fourth and fifth ropes of cum into her waiting mouth. Abrielle recovered to see Daddy with two hands holding Ninas head onto his cock as he shook through the final aftershocks of his orgasm.

Finally, coming down from his high, Daddy let Nina off his cock.

"God damn, that was amazing." He bent and lifted Abrielle to her feet next to him, pulling her in for a deep sloppy kiss. "You were amazing baby girl, and now your present." he said. Daddy unhooked her cuffs and turned her to his seat, sitting her down where he had previously been sitting. Nina was still on her knees just to the side of her. Daddy lifted her knees up and set each leg over an arm of the chair, opening her little bald pussy to the room.

Abrielle looked over at Nina. Nina was staring straight at Abrielle's exposed pussy with a focus and intensity she'd never seen in the woman before. Suddenly she lunged! Nina sprang between Abrielle's legs so fast she actually knocked Daddy aside, her mouth attached itself to Abrielle's pussly like a lion seizing its prey.

"Oh my god!" shuddered Abrielle as Nina's tongue flailed her clit and labia. "Oh Daddy! Oh my god! Oh Daddy! Oh, fuck... YES!!!" hissed Abrielle as the sexy Indian woman lashed her pussy with tongue and lips like she'd never experienced before. Nina wrapped her arms around the girls slender thigh's locking her face onto the young woman's cunt like she planned to never let it go.

Daddy, still recovering from his amazing orgasm at the mouths of the two women slumped onto the couch with the remains of his drink and watched the Indian woman eat his baby girls pussy.

Abrielle stared down into the eyes of Nina, who never once stopped looking at Abrielle's face, as she devoured the young hairless pussy of the darker skinned girl. Her tongue was strong and pushed into Abrielles's depths before coming back to lashing and sucking on her clit. It wasn't long before Abrielle was shaking and quivering. "Oh god! Oh my god, Daddy, can I cum, Please DAddy!" she screamed, "Please DADDY! CAn I CUM!"

Daddy just smiled as Abrielle's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she thrashed through a powerful orgasm at the mouth of the big titted Indian woman. She'd be punished later for cumming without Daddy's permission, but he was enjoying the show.

Abrielle was panting and squealing as she came down from her first orgasm. She looked down at Nina and tried to push her way up the back of the chair to get off the insatiable woman's devastating tongue. But Nina was having none of hit. With her arms hooked around the smaller girls thighs, she was able to keep her mouth latched onto Abrielle's pussy and in a few moments, Abrielle wasn't fighting anymore as a second orgasm began building.

Abrielle stared down locking eyes with Nina as she worked the girl into her second orgasm. "Oh Nina, ohhh NeeeeNAAA, Oh oh NeeenA, NeeNAAA!" Abrielle bucked like a wild animal in the chair as she came again, she had totally lost control and was squirting into the Indian woman's mouth. Nina held on no stopping in site as she continued to devour and slurp on whatever Abrielle's pussy could give her.

Abrielle stopped shuddering and passed out after her second orgasm. Nina remain latched to her pussy. Daddy got up and looked down at the pair, there were shiny juices all over the woman's face, all over Abrielle's white stockings, her pink tail was a completed matted soaked fluff ball. The leather chair glistened with all the mess and the rug had a dark puddle about 2 feet in diameter. Daddy shrugged and went to fix himself another drink.

He'd made a deal with Nina, she could suck Abrielle's cunt as long as she wanted to as long as she'd promise to help Abrielle suck him off. She'd done her part and now Abrielle's pussy was her's as long as she could keep it up. He was impressed with her staying power. Hopefully she'd leave some of Abrielle's pussy left over for him to fuck later.


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Blasphemy – A Thanatos Tale for Easter – Part One Spring is in the air as the Archdiocese prepares for the annual Easter Celebration.Bishop Andrew Wormsley sits in the spartan study of the Head Mistress of OurLady of Endless Misery School for Girls. His host, Mother Superior Avila sitsbeside him. The nun, like every teacher in the private high school, is a memberof the Sisters of Dolorous Countenance, one of the few holy orders whose memberscontinue to wear traditional black and white habits....

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Daddys secret girlfriend 1 completed

Introduction: This is for all those incest lovers out there. I love it myself and i honestly do not care if you dislike it or not. Please comment and tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and ENJOY <,3 It all started when i was real young. I had developed way faster than the other kids. I weighed 90 pounds and was about 52. I had already started my period and My breasts were now C cups.Yea, i was developed look wise, but i haddent done anything close to sexual. I had kissed one or two...

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Daddys little kitten

Introduction: kitten lust after her daddy When I was a kid I would sneak peeks at my daddy from the time I was 4 till I reached my early teen years. I always wondering about our differences and why I wasnt built the same way. Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the...

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Happy Easter

For those who don’t know me, my name is Brianna.  Everyone calls me Bri (pronounced Bree).I recently turned twenty-six. I’m a tall, curvy redhead. And I’m bi.My steady girlfriend of the past eight years is a short, small-breasted brunette named Tina. We met during our first week in college. I made the first move on Tina, who I thought - and still think – is the most beautiful and sensuous woman I’ve ever seen.Tina said no.She came back the next day and told me she had dreamt a very wet erotic...

Group Sex
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Twas The night Before Easter

Twas the Night Before Easter By Paul G Jutras Twas the night before Easter and nobody was asleep. In her bedroom, Paul's mom was reading a book while his dad sat watching TV. His cat, Salem, was lying on her lounge chair bed, staring at dad and Paul was on the den computer. With a yawn and a rub of the eye, Paul shut down Crystal's Story site and headed off to bed. Mrs. Jutras was aware of how long Paul was spending in the bathroom and was aware that he was trying to beat...

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Easter Break Part 2

This is a continuing work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or situations is purely coincidental. Easter Break Part 2 ? by: Lisa Elizabeth The next week went by so slowly! Eventually, Thursday finished and we started Easter Vacation. Mom had Janet and I go with her on Friday to pick up our outfits for Easter Sunday. Janet and Mom had matching dresses in a pale yellow. Another holiday of me being jealous because of the outfits Mom and Janet have to wear! They also had...

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Daddys Girl chapters 78

I wake up and its Monday ... Yuck school so i get up and shower and get ready. As I walk into the kitchen daddy is sitting there and says "good morning princess, did you sleep good"."Oh yes daddy you helped me sleep very well." I say as I walk over and kiss his lips and push my tongue in his mouth. As I kiss him I hear the front door open n think shit she has the worst timing. I turn to open the fridge to get some milk and fruit for breakfast as mom walks in and says hello. We both say hello as...

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daddys girl 3

As time went on things kinda fell into a happy routine. Mom skipped out of rehab with some guy and never came back. I did see her again but it was years later. April and I had started playing with buddy, our German Shepard. Man he could eat some pussy. It was great feeling his tongue all up inside me.So I woke up to sloppy bj noises and rolled over to see. Daddy had gotten used to his morning bj's, and we wanted to drain daddys balls and make sure he was happy always. I saw April on her knees...

1 year ago
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Bunny and the Slopes

Bunny Johnson was looking forward to the ski trip she had agreed to co-sponsor for the High School Seniors in the travel club at Smoky Hill High School in Tanner Oklahoma. She'd never been skiing herself, but it didn't look too hard and she loved snow and cold weather. Her position as History teacher and Drama coach for the school kept her very busy, and this was one of the only ways she was able to get away and have some fun. Besides that, she figured that chaperoning kids who would be...

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Sean and the Bunny just a fuzzy thing

Sean grew excited, hearing the knocking at his front door. The escort agency had dispatched a new girl to answer his call tonight, and he eagerly looked forward to meeting her. Imagine his disappointed when he opened his front door and saw a bunny rabbit standing there.Had the agency that had been so reliable made some sort of mistake, sending him a bunny rabbit? She was very cute, he supposed; she had large brown eyes and smiled at him sweetly, innocently. She was a grey rabbit, with long...

1 year ago
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The Bunny Breach Part 3

The Bunny Breach (Part 3) By Cupertino Abstract: Roberto tries to understand what memories are his and hers and whoever else's. Dressed as two sister Playboy Bunnies, Debs and Roberto stood side-by- side in an elevator heading to the top floor. She tried to holdback a smile, letting slip only the slightest of twinges lifting the corners of her mouth. He could tell she felt a little too smug in her secret plans. For himself, he felt completely defeated, drained by...

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The Bunny Breach Part 5

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 5) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Being an expert computer hacker sent undercover as a Playboy Bunny to break into a mobster's air-gapped data center, Roberto must now cope with the possibility of losing his mind to memories of a blonde porno star, and retrieving his exploit software hidden in a computerized dildo taken away by a nymphomaniac co-worker. CAST Roberto - Our hapless hero turned heroine, costumed as a Playboy Bunny. He kissed Bri while...

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The Bunny Breach Part 4

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 4) Author: Cupertino Abstract: The Mafia used a medallion to transform Roberto into a blonde bombshell named Bri. They forced him into a black satin Playboy Bunny costume and with the help of an insider, they placed him in a penthouse to hack an air-gapped computer database of the most fiendish criminal of the under world. "Psst," said a purple satin Playboy Bunny, leaning over a waist high half door that blocked the entrance to a cloakroom adjacent...

3 years ago
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Harebrained Or Lesbian Bunny Sex Cult

"The first rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: you do not talk about Lesbian Bunny Club. The second rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: you DO NOT talk about Lesbian Bunny Club! The third rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: remember that we are not Furries so if anyone here showed up because they were inspired by badly drawn furry porn on Deviant Art leave now before it’s too late."The Dominatrix-looking Bunny said this before cracking her whip for enfaces.Now you might be wondering how the fuck I got here...

2 years ago
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Easter Bunnies

"Uncle Dave?" said a familiar young female voice on the other end over some loud music in the background. "Jessie? Why are you calling me at this hour?" I couldn't fathom why my best friend's daughter was calling me. I'd known her for her whole life, so she's always called me uncle, even though we aren't actually related. I knew she had my number for emergencies, so I sat up and started to worry. "Are you alright?" "Yea, but my boyfriend ditched me and some of my friends...

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Bunny Holes

Master Albegas had informed her two weeks ago to make sure that she had no plans on Easter Sunday, and although she did not have any, as she was sure that He well knew, Miriam would have more than willingly canceled. He was being mysterious which meant that it was going to be one of two possibilities. He was either planning on taking her on a romantic getaway for the day, just the two of them, or He was setting up a scene for her to participate in that would be a new and unique experience...

1 year ago
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Bunny Beautys Bed Book 1

Bunny Beauty is a Fresh Fine Feminine Friend:Bunny Beauty is dear delicate and yummy youngBunny Beauty is lovely looking: as petite as prettyBunny Beauty writes big blogs: full of foxy fucks!Bunny Beauty is still a vintage virgin in my mind's eyeBunny Beauty is a seductive & successfull story-tellerBunny Beauty is busy in bed most of the day & nightsBunny Beauty is always losing count of her orgasms!Bunny Beauty foxy fantasies fall into a few categories:Bunny Beauty foxy frolics 1: with...

1 year ago
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An Easter Tale

An Easter Tale. By Kyorii. Chapter 01 The tale of me. I loved reading stories I've been an avid reader all of my life, Mum said that I was a dreamer, but I just loved stories especially the ones with happy endings. In stories the impossible seems possible and magical things can and do happen, I recently read an old fable about a goddess called Ostara who loved children and to entertain them she one day changed her pet bird into a rabbit, the new rabbit then created brightly...

4 years ago
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This story is a mix between romance and magic. Can a Bunnies save a man’s tortured soul? Constructive comments are very welcome. EVERYONE in the story is at least eighteen years of age and willing participants. Thanks to Headitor for editing support and creative assistance. Without them the story would never have made it - any remaining errors we missed - we don’t need to be told. I was headed home from my cousin’s house; they had thrown their yearly Easter cookout. Food and drink had been...

3 years ago
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The Bunny Breach Part 2

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 2) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Roberto needs to keep it together before his new blonde Bunny body pushes its original owner's thoughts into his pretty little head. The van bashed over speed bumps and zipped through stop signs. Warehouses blurred by as Bruno took advantage of the early morning hour to drive heavy on the gas, punching sharp jabs on the breaks to get in quick checks for an all-clear, only to hit the gas hard again. Roberto's female...

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Bookstore Bunny Gang Bang

Dressing as a sexy girl is my favorite way to meet men and have fun. There are so many different sexy outfits a girl can wear to attract men and turn them on, they ensure it never gets boring for a man. Every girl wants to be her sexiest when wearing lingerie and I am no different. Recently, I was on a business trip which included spending the night in a motel located across the street from an adult bookstore. Immediately upon checking into the motel, I got the urge to dress up in sexy...

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Daddys little girl

Self taught daddies little cumslut.My name is Ashley and I honestly never remember a time when I wanted to be with anyone else. I remember when I was mabye 6, I used to sit in daddys lap and just hang all over him. He would get uncomfortable and put me down and say "go get your mom". Well mom would come in and suck daddy off and then I could get back in his lap. I remember being aggravated, cause why couldn't I do it and stay in daddys lap. So one day mom was sucking dad off and I said "I can...

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Bunny and the TB Pirates Pt1

"Ahhhh" Bunny breathed in the fresh, salty air. She was finally here! Dutch Harbour Alaska! She stepped off the last step of the plane and walked towards the terminal. Things were good.They hadn't BEEN good, though. The last time she'd seen Phil was those few days back in Maryland when she kinda cheated on him with Russ. Well, actually, according to what Phil said after, it wasn't cheating. Afterall, Phil had taken the whole thing well. Very well, in fact, and he had said that she could have...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 5

All three girls, once dressed, had run off giggling, to see what was going on. Tiffany claimed to know where the black diamond slope ended and mentioned that Doug and Randy would be there too. Jack had a sinking feeling that everything was coming unraveled. He had visions of the motor home rocking on its springs as three boys lustily fucked three girls, squirting them full of babies in the process. Bunny was already in the room when Jack got there, his now shrunken prick firmly in his...

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My Captive Girl Bunny

DAY 1 It was already 2:00 am when I was driving home after a long day of work. Long hours at the office was constant, I never took a sick day and I can’t even remember the last time I was on vacation. Social life was non existent; I’ve been trapped in a routine that consists of waking up, drive to work, work a 12 hour shift, take shit from shitty people, drive home, watch an hour of tv, go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. But on this fateful night my life was going to get a jolt of excitement in the...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 9

Bunny had been sitting outside the room for half an hour, her mind in complete turmoil. Her man, as she now thought of Jack, was in that room, having sex with at least one, and possibly two teenaged girls. That made her belly tight, and she felt jittery all over. She was quite aware that what she was feeling was jealousy. Other emotions conflicted with that, however. Bunny had never had a single thought about the sexuality of another woman. When she saw Ronnie’s mouth lovingly suck on Jack’s...

2 years ago
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Bunny Girls

Bunny Girls It was 1973 and the UK was entering recession. My new wife and I both found ourselves unemployed and were worrying about the rent payments on our London apartment. My wife is a bit of a stunner, 36/23/36" and as a last resort applied to be a bunny girl at the London Casino. Apparently over 1,000 girls applied but only 50 were chosen. She was successful and as a special treat she wears her new costume for me at home sometimes. It is a bit of a squeeze,...even for...

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Banging Bunny

AUTHOR’S NOTE: All fictional characters are of legal age in the jurisdiction where they reside. Bunny required extra time in school so was 18 well before graduating. All sex in this story is quite consensual and portrays incidents common in real life. If you are offended by real life then you ought not to be on this site. ***** Banging. That’s what every guy did, or wanted to do, with Rosalyn. She was always called ‘Bunny’ because her shape was exactly like the classic Playboy ones from the...

3 years ago
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The Bunny Breach Part 1

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 1) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Roberto just found out he had been volunteered to wear the medallion. If he wants his body back, he better do as he's told. Roberto reached out his dainty feminized hand and clasped the big burly fingers of his betraying bastard friend, all in an effort to steady his newly made, magically induced female form, while stepping into a satin outfit held before him. The outfit was cut like a one-piece bathing suit,...

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More fun with Bunny

After the first time I had sex with Bunny, she became my personal whore for a while. That might see a bit harsh but she loved being called that. The next class we had together after we fucked she kept making eyes at me and blew me kisses. After class she pulled me into a closet and shoved her hand down my pants grabbing my cock. "I've been waiting to suck your nice cock all day" she said while stroking my stiffing cock. "May I suck it for cum?" Of course I said yes, and she dropped down to her...

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Snow Bunny 6

Snow Bunny By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 6 "You're next Monique," said Vicky waving him over as she was spraying a girl's hair. "Brittany will help you out of that dress and you're up." "Ok," said Mike wandering over as she stripped off his dress and stockings. She undid his garters from his corset and then he sat there in only his corseted undergarment as she wrapped a cape over his body covering him up. "I'll see you later at the party Monique," said a...

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Bunny The Slave Wife Fun down on the farm

Or maybe we should call it Little Bondage House On The Prairie“Fuck you look hot!” exclaimed Bunny’s husband as his smoldering gaze travelled up and down his slave wife’s curvy body.She grinned back at her husband and answered in a soft cute voice, “Thank you Master”.Bunny was dressed in a plaid shirt, gathered up and tied high on her waist, with its top buttons all undone. Her ample breasts on full display, the areola’s around her pert nipples peeking out. On her bottom half she had on her...

4 years ago
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Bunny the Slave Wife

Bunny The Slave Wife, A Day in the Barn.Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.”...

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Bunny The Slave WifeA Day in the Barn

Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.” He said as he ran his finger across the...

1 year ago
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Amy 7 Amy in Bunny Hoppin

Amy 7: Amy in "Bunny Hoppin'!" by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: In the Grand Tetons I'd been a girl for almost a year. Well, not really a girl per se. One thing I'd learned since this whole bizarro transformation deal was how physical sex and gender weren't always the same. Well, in...

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Bunny Boy Betsy Boss and the Butch and Bitch Bistro

Bunny Boy, Betsy Boss, and the Butch and Bitch Bistro By Pamela ([email protected]) It's pretty funny but my three best friends, who I've grown up with since childhood are named Tom, Dick, and Harry. We've had a lot of laughs over the years because of that. A funny coincidence. The four of us are now in our twenties, still single, still living in the same town and we're getting on with our lives. My name is Blake and I share a two-bedroom apartment with Harry while Tom and...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 8

What Ronnie had to do was make sure that her primary fear of being discovered ... and then being blackmailed ... would not happen. She wasn’t sure how this was going to work out, but she knew the psychology of teenagers, so she was going to take her best shot. She went straight to the motor home, relieved that the light was still on, and that the generator was still humming softly. She was afraid that the door would be locked, and snorted derisively when she found it open instead. How stupid...

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A Naughty Easter Tale

Mistress Rebecca and Master Dan were having their Easter Extravaganza tomorrow.  They have had two of these parties in the past.  It was always a fun holiday for them and their slaves to enjoy.Now you must be thinking why would a Mistress and a Master be a couple?  They’re both dominant people.  Nobody in the relationship wants to be a switch.  They both have their slaves to play with.Mistress Rebecca was having three of her best slaves come for the extravaganza.  Master Dan had three of his...

2 years ago
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Easter Weekend in Lockwinnock Part 2

The adventures of Beth and Aaron continue...Easter Weekend in Lockwinnock Part 2Beth stirred in the bed. There was noise in the kitchen and the smell of fresh brewed coffee. She slowly stretched and drew back the covers. Sitting up she found her terry robe neatly folded at the end of the bed and her slippers at her bedside. Beth slipped them on her feet and smiled. The touch of the soft sheepskin against her toes brought back the memory of the night before. Her left hand involuntarily caressed...

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Easter in Lochwinnoch

Easter in LochwinnochThe BMW turned onto the 737 and headed southwest towards the sunset. Aaron turned up the heat in the seats and his passenger burrowed into his shoulder. They were heading to Lochwinnoch to spend the Easter long weekend at his cottage just off the golf course. The cottage had been in the family for over 200 years. When the golf course had been constructed the crofter’s cottage, which overlooked the 15th fairway, had been left in tact. It was part of the agreement between...

1 year ago
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Kat New Easter Friend

My wife and me were at the G's it is a bar we go hunting for pussy at on Friday nite before Easter and in came this man and woman that caught are eye. The women about 30 maybe and around 5-4 but not heavy or sinky tits kinda small but a great ass and her man nothing to speak of just a man now don't get me wrong they looked good but I could not say why. They sat a couple of tables from us and when the band started Kat wasted no time getting her to move with her. After a few they sat with us...

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The Easter Parade

The Easter Parade By Cheryl Lynn This is a continuation of my "Eve" stories and they need to be read prior to his addition. It like the others involves strong humiliation at the hands of dominant women. Maybe downloaded for personal pleasure only. All other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Usual disclaimers apply. [email protected] The Easter Parade Easter is supposed to be a happy time with chocolate rabbits and colored eggs but Harold was miserable....

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ANNIE Part 2 Easter

Annie wasn't in the mood for having a drink after work but her colleague Sandy had talked her into it. It was Good Friday tomorrow, and every body had a long weekend to look forward to. On Sunday Annie would be twenty one years old. So on reflection it seemed to be a good idea at the time. Annie called home to let her mother know she would be back late and piled into the nearest pub with Sandy and three of their male work colleagues. All detectives from the same police station. It was already...

Straight Sex
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My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia

My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia I thought it was my dream job. I must have been mad! A new restaurant, The Rabbit Warren, was about to open in the city where I lived, and I applied for a job there. Part of a growing chain throughout the country, The Rabbit Warren's big selling point, apart from top class food, was that it was themed like a gentlemen's club, and the waitresses, called 'hostesses', all wore bunny girl costumes. It must have been licenced by the Playboy Corporation,...

2 years ago
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Bouncing Bunny

I felt ill and I had been sick a couple of times in the afternoon at work and really wanted to go home and lie down. I couldn’t get to talk to my husband, confounded new phone kept losing signal and going off-line,. Didn’t matter, I’d see him at home. Not sure what the problem was: something I ate? Something I was coming down with? It certainly wasn’t pregnancy, I'd been on the pill for over four years. All I knew was that I wanted to go home. Oh, by the way, my name is Nichole, but everyone...


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