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Introduction: Jessica is drafted by the meat agentcy and then runs away where she then finds herself on a dairy farm. Draft Dodger

Story: #30
Copyright 2005
Written: April 16 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected])

Jessica wasnt sure what to make of the man standing in front of her after she had answered the door bell to find him standing there holding a large yellow envelope. The envelope needed no introduction since Jessica had been told from the day she was old enough to understand such things. She knew it to be a meat draft notice ordering one of the female members of her family to give there meat at the state barbeque, But who? she though silently to herself as she accepted the large envelope and shut the door.

The state required all girls between the ages of 18 and 30 to register for the draft meaning that at anytime they could be called on to give there meat. Jessica knew that one day her time would come, but had it come now?, Jessica walked toward the kitchen slowly and approached her mother Mary and her father Steve, placing the envelope on the table and looking up toward her mothers face as they all took a moment of silence, Is that what I think it is honey? her father spoke, Yes dad I think its a meat draft notice Jessica replied, But for who?, mom is too old, they got sissy last year she added.

Taking the large envelope from the table her father then opened it to Jessicas shock the notice had her name on it, NO that cant be right I only tuned 18 two days ago, it has to be a mistake Jessica said as she stood and ran to her room crying and yelling IM TO YOUNG TO DIE!! as she ran up the stairs.

Placing the letter back on the table her father stood up, This says here a meat pickup truck will be by to pick her up at noon, Ill go talk with her he said as he grabbed his state issue emergency meat girl restraints, only used when parents though there draftees would run away, sometimes girls in Jessicas state of mind would run away when this happened the state would order the processing of every female member of the draftees family, so the state started handing out the state issue emergency meat girl restraints, for unwilling draftees.

This wouldnt be the first time he had to use the restraints, he had to use them on his oldest daughter Jessicas sister Lina, he had caught her trying to go out her bedroom window the night her draft notice arrived. Walking up the stairs to Jessicas room he hoped he wouldnt have to use the restraints he didnt like it when he had to use them on Lina, that look in her eyes when he turned her over to the processing plant made him cry. But her cunt fillet had tasted so great he didnt regret what he had done.

As Steve entered the room he was happy to see Jessica lying across her bed crying, happy that he wouldnt have to use the restraints of course, sad that he would soon be losing the second of his two daughters but then the taste of Linas fillet had reemerged in his mind and he set out to undress Jessica to prepare her for pickup.

Jessica now fully nude in front of her father continued to cry as he tied her hands behind her back, a rope around her neck and a ball gag in her mouth, taking her down stairs to wait. Before she knew it noon had come and the doorbell rang, Jessicas mother had answered the door allowing the pickup agent to enter.

Hello my name is Dave Im here for the meat he said as he then walked over to Steve who was sitting in the kitchen holding the end of the rope that was around Jessicas neck while she sat submissively on the floor, at his feet, crying. This meat is yours now Steve said as he handed over the end of Jessicas rope, Jessica looked up into the eyes of the man who was now her owner, pleading with her eyes for him to let her go.

Ignoring her plea Dave forced her to her feet, Would it be possible for me to get her fillet when she is processed? Steve asked before Dave had gotten to the door where Mary was still standing, I dont know sir you will have to discuss that with the owner Dave said as he lead Jessica out of the house and into the large truck waiting outside with large bold lettering on the door that read Hills Fine Meats then under that in smaller black print Best Meats in Town.

Traveling down the long dirt road that lead to the Hills Fine Meats Processing Plant Daves truck broke down, OHH CRAP! Dave yelled as he pulled the truck to the shoulder of the road and came to a stop, getting out of the truck he went to the back and opened the cargo hatch several pairs of eyes winced as the sunlight hit the girls chained to the walls inside the truck, What am I going to do with all this meat now he said.

Entering the truck he began to check the girls for damage, in all there were 10 meat animas none of them were damaged, Ok listen up cows, we have broken down in the middle of the road from here we will have to walk to the processing plant he said as he started to unchain the cows hands and legs from the wall of the truck one at a time and then enchained them to the bumper of the truck while he went back in for another.

It all happened so fast when it came time for Jessica to be unchained he had found himself lying on the floor of the truck in pain watching Jessica run away down the dirt road to freedom, Dave got up from the floor Damn that bitch I got to go after her he thought to himself Cant leave all this meat sitting here he thought again, looking up to where Jessica was running he could no longer see her, she had gotten away, twenty years of meat pickup not a single meat animal has gotten away! he yelled and then went to the cab of the truck, picking up the receiver of a CB radio.

Dave radioed the plant and told them what had happened, given them Jessicas address and they send another pickup agent to collect her mother, when that was done he then radioed Gene an expert in the recapture of escaped meatgirls. Gene, Gene, come in Gene he spoke into the radio, Gene here, go ahead Dave whats the problem? Gene responded, Ya well one of the meat animals I picked up today ran away, im going to need THEM. Dave said waiting for Genes response, Ok bud you got THEM, they are on the way Gene replied.

By THEM Dave meant, Genes pack of expert bounty hunters they would follow Jessicas trail until she was found no matter how long it takes, they never failed to get there meat.

MEANWHILE back on the road with Jessica

Pant, Pant, Pant was heard as Jessica kept running, Got to keep going, I will not be turned into meat! she thought to herself over and over again as she ran away. Jessicas hands were still tied behind her back and the ball gag was still in her mouth so there was no mistaking her for a human, it would be clear to anyone who found her that she was a meat animal, someones lost property.

As Jessica continued to run the heat of the day was getting to her she was getting tired and could not run anymore, her run slowed to a slow walk as she passed a large farm with huge fields and large shady trees, she decided to take a short rest under one of the trees and sat down. Not long after she had sat down she was fast asleep.

When Jessica woke up she knew she was no longer under the shady tree, her arms and legs were restrained, looking around she could see sevral girls hooked to large milking machines, Jessica knew now that she was in a dairy farm, realizing the ball gag had been removed Jessica tried to speak but couldnt, The owner must have found me sleeping and claimed me as his own she thought to herself, But why cant I speak she added.

The barn door opened and a young man entered the barn walked over to Jessica and sat down, looking into her eyes I bet your wondering why you cant speak he said, Thats if you even tried yet he added, Jessica looked up at him unable to move but if she could move she would have shaken her head Yes for him to explain why.

Well, ill tell you he said as he reached over and grabbed one of her breasts and began to fondle it, You vocal cords were cut by my private vet this afternoon after you were found, the most sound you will be able to make now is the slight Moo you can hear from the other cows in this dairy he explained as he continued to fondle the breast.

Also your new cunt tag reads, Cow #234, property of Banyon Dairy Farms he said reaching for the tag and giving it a tug causing Jessica now cow #234 to Moo loudly in pain, MOOO!!! was heard from her, Thats it my little cow-girl moo for me again he said as he tugged the tag again, MOOOO!! was heard from her again as she cried in pain.

Taking his seat again Of course it will take some time for your milk to begin flowing, we have started you on a hormone regimen that will induce lactation, but it will take several days he said as he got up and left the barn, This isnt so bad, at least here I wont end up on a spit or chopped into Jessica steaks she thought to herself as the door to the barn slammed shut sealing her and the other cows in darkness.

Jessica quickly fell asleep safe in the knowledge that she would not meet her end in the dreaded processing plant.

Back at Jessicas house.

Mary was a bit surprised when she opened the door to find another man standing at her steps with another large yellow envelope, taking a step back she called for Steve, Steve get in here quick she called, Whats wrong honey Steve said as he got to the door and saw the man standing there with the envelope, Im sorry sir, you must have the wrong house our daughter has already been picked up this afternoon Steve said as he took the envelope offered to him by the Alternative meat agent.

Opening the envelope Steve began to read it aloud to Mary as the man stood in the door frame waiting, It has come to our attention that the meat once known as Jessica Kast is now officially listed as a run away, this meat order gives the Alternative Meat Agency full rights to all meat currently residing at this address Steve didnt even have time to look up after reading the notice to respond to the Meat Agent quickly grabbing Mary, binding her hands behind her back, shoving a ball gag in her mouth and carrying her to the truck.

Steve chased after the man as they walked down the driveway to the truck where the meat agent dropped Mary onto the truck floor hard ripping off the few bits of clothing she was wearing and then chained her to the wall of the truck. Inside the truck could also be seen several other meat animals awaiting there trip to the processing plant.

There was nothing Steve could do but kiss the meat that was once his loving wife goodbye and wave as the truck drove off down the road. The truck had no more stops to make so it was off to the plant, once they arrived the truck pulled into the delivery entrance, the truck came to a stop and the doors flew open several men entered the truck and unchained the meat-girls and then lead them away to there fait, all except Mary she was left there still chained waiting for something to happen, being the mother of run away meat she knew her fait would be worse then that of the meat-girls she had been traveling with.

After a long wait a man appeared in front of the trucks open doors and then entered the truck, Hello Mary Im Jerry and Ill be your processor today, I see your hear being punish for your daughter running away, well the law has changed a little for women in your place, expert bounty hunters were sent after your daughter if she can be recovered and brought here before your scheduled processing Jerry said looking down at his watch, two hours from now, then you will regain your human status and return home he added looking into her eyes where he saw a spark of hope. He then unchained her and led her into the building placing her in a temporary meat-girl holding kennel to await news of her daughters recapture or news of her impending processing.

Mary had fallen asleep awaiting the news of her daughters recapture placing all her faith into what Jerry had told her, knowing her daughter could not out run expert meat hunters forever, before she knew it the time had flown by and in what seemed like only a few seconds while she was sleep passed two hours and Jerry was now there in front of her with a sad look on his face.

Looking up into his eyes Mary tried to be hopeful, was she caught?, can I go home now? Mary thought to herself looking into Jerrys eyes, I have terrible news for you Jessica was not caught, the boss has ordered your immediate processing you are to be sent through the processing line where you will be slaughtered, gutted, butchered and then sent to the freezer Jerry said as two large naked men entered the room and grabbed marry by the ankles and attached ankle cuff that were hooked to chains in the ceiling, once this was done Jerry pressed a button on a remote, the chains then lifted Mary up by her ankles, she was upside down and then she was moved along the ceiling to a door that read Slaughter line 1.

Back at the farm.

The door to the barn opened once again to reveal the farmer holding a large back as she entered the barn and switched on some fluorescent lights and walked over to cow #234 opened her stall and walked inside, the farmer unchained her from the stall wall and released her from all other restraints, with a rope around her neck the farmer tugged her forward, cow #234 was about to stand to walk beside him, only to be pushed down into the dirt again, You are a dairy cow now, you are only to walk on all four hoofs unless I say other wise. Cow #234 could only look up toward her new owner and Moo.

The farmer had lead her out into the sunlight where she could see the whole farm or at least what there was of it that could be seen from her level and view on the ground, he then lead her to a large shack not far from the barn once inside cow 3234 was beginning to get very scared she could see all kinds of tolls and even though she didnt know what they were all for they all scared her just the same. The farmer had her kneel on top of a work bench while he fetched some of the tools.

Taking two strange looking clamps back to the workbench the farmer sat down in front of cow #234 as she stared at the strange looking clams, holding one up in front of her face, This is a nipple camp that will allow your nipples to increase in size the longer they stay in place the longer your nipples will become he said as he attached one to each nipple causing them to stand out straight and hurt a lot.

The farmer then reached into his large bag and pulled out two hypodermic needles filled with some strange yellow liquid, This is a lactation inducing drug that will start you milk to flow, after it takes effect you will join the farm as a dairy cow he said as he took the first shot and placed it at the tip of cow #234s left nipple and pushed it into her milk ducts pumping the yellow liquid into it causing cow #234 to wince in pain and a tear to fall from her eye.

Taking the second needle into his hand he then placed it at the tip of her right nipple and pushed into her milk ducts pumping the yellow liquid into her right breast causing her to wince again and more tears to flow from her eyes, I can take any pain you can give me if it means ill still be alive when your done she thought to herself as she gave a slight Moo to her farmer.

After the farmer had finished injecting the lactation drug into her breasts he then had her lay on her back where he then chained each wrist to posts above her head and then spread her thighs wide and chained each ankle to posts a little further away causing her much pain as her legs were pulled apart exposing her tight little pussy to the farmers view, seeing her like this caused the farmers prick to go rigged and beg for attention, without a second thought the farmer dropped his pants and rammed his cock into cow #234s pussy as she screamed in pain at his violent entrance.

It didnt last long once the farmer satisfied his lust he deposited his seed inside her and pulled himself out, You could have at least waited until I got off cow #234 thought to herself as the farmer gathered more tools for the next step, holding the sharp tool up for cow #234 to see, This is a piercing tool it will soon pierce a small hole thought your clit where I will insert this ring he said holding up a small gold ring. Cow #234 tried to protest but was ignored and in seconds she was moooooing in pain as the ring was forced into her clits tiny hole.

With that done the farmer then smeared a thick white cream onto her clit, labia, and pubis, the cool cream felt good but she knew it was not an ordinary cream from the hot tingle as it was going into her pubis, This is a hair removal cream the farmer said as he wiped off the cream along with all her pubic hair, It is also permanent, for as long as your are alive your hair will never grow there again he added as he began to hose off cow #234. He then unchained her and returned her to her stall in the barn.

Back at the Processing Plant.

Entering the slaughter house Mary was place in line behind other meat-girls younger and prettier then she was waiting for slaughter, looking down the line Mary could see two female slaughter house workers working the line, one at a time taking the life from each meat-girl who found there throats under the knives held by the two lovely slaughter workers, one by one the line shortened bringing Mary one step closer to her impending death, Mary could see each girl before her, she could see the pretty throat of each girl as the knife slowly drew a thin line of red blood across her neck, the skin parting covering the slaughter workers silk like skin in the blood.

Mary knew that her time was short on this line of death that soon her own pretty throat would meat the sharp side of the lovely workers blade spilling her own blood to mix with that of the blood already covering the workers and the floor, before she knew it her time had come the last meat-girl in front of her had kept her date with the sharp blade, the line moved once more and Mary found her self staring into the eyes of the girl holding the knife that would soon take her life Mary closed her eyes in acceptance as she felt the blade touch the skin of her neck.

In second it was all over Mary felt the knife cut deep into her throat she could feel the warm blood flowing from her throat covering her body and that of the girl holding the knife that just spilled her blood, Mary tried to breath but couldnt with her throat cut like this she would never breath again only slowly drown as her lungs filled with her own blood each time she struggled for breath.

After she had been cut the line moved again to the next meat-girl whop had come in after Mary while Mary was moved along the line to the next room thought a set of doors that read Gutting Room.

Once inside the gutting room Mary could see a lot of young meat-girls being cut open and there insides being ripped out of there bodys carelessly, the message was clear to all who were still alive and conscious enough to see they were just meat now, Mary didnt have to wait long before a butcher came over and began to cut her open from breast to pelvis and then reach inside cutting everything out and dropping it into a garbage shoot. Mary could feel herself starting to slip away as the line again started to move she was moved over to the side where many other meat-girls were hanging, clearly dead being bleed out for the next step, Butchering.

Once in the butchering room Marys body was moved to one of the tables and the butcher was just about to start chopping her up into cuts of meat when Mike the plant manager came in, Save that one Mike told the butcher, We got an order in for a mature meat-girl age 40+, she is the only one we got on hand he added as a meat packer came over took Mary from the butchers table and began to wrap her up for transport, Why would anyone want to buy a mature whole roaster when we got so many younger ones? the butcher asked Mike as they followed the packer to a delivery truck, Because the mature ones are cheaper Mike said as the delivery truck drove off to deliver the meat.

Back at the farm.

Cow #234 woke up to a pleasant feeling as she looked to her left and found the farmer gently squeezing small amounts of milk from her nipples, Your almost ready the farmer said as he began to now fondle cow #234s breasts after several minutes the farmer stood up and walked outside the barn, cow #234 could not see him but she could hear what he was talking about with one of the farm hands, I have a roast planed this afternoon, cow #234 could hear him say, Ohh who you roasting? That new cow? #234? the farm hand said, No, I want to keep her around for awhile, ill roast her when she goes dry the farmer replied to the question.

I ordered a cow from Hills Fine Meats, It should be arriving shortly the farmer said as a truck pulled into the farm, Hills Fine Meats Presented on the door, a man steps out of the truck, Where do you want her? he asked the farmer, In the barn freezer the farmer replied, wheeling the meat into the barn on a hand truck Cow #234 could clearly see that the meat the farmer was talking about was once her own mother.


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I have always fantasized about being caught masturbating. It was always a thought that turned me on. No, I am not a slut. I am still a virgin, and I don't go around, fucking people. But, yes, I tend to leave the door open when I masturbate. My name is Abby, and I am 16 years old. I lived with my parents and my older brother and step-sister, though my step-sister was in college at the moment. My brother, Thomas, was 17, and we were always close, him being only a year older. He didn't mind if I...

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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt10

As my tentacles began to drink from big s*s’s new and improved tits, the ones plugging my own finally released. The pressure did not go away, my nipples not spilling a drop to my initial disappointment. They had grown again from the volume they now held, now about as big as Mommy’s, and I could feel the weight had significantly jumped from the thickening of the milk. I quickly got up again, pulling my soon to be breeding sister from the floor. She seemed hurt that I had stopped her from...

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Charlenes Dirty MovieChapter 7

"Shall we go ahead now?" Greg asked Charlene. "We can get in a few good tosses, then let Mr. Roberts catch up with the action as soon as he reloads the camera." "The hell you will!" Roberts snorted. "You can fuck her twenty-five times as far as I'm concerned. But I want every one of them on film!" Charlene was impatient to get into the next sequence. She wanted to feel that magnificent cock shoving into her pussy. Damn! How she wanted to get herself wrapped around that hunk of...

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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 1

Introduction: What do you do when the woman of your dreams isnt someone you can have? I remember the day so vividly, when I first saw her. In fact, many times after we made love I would think back to that day. Hard to believe it has been 20 years now. My hair is turning gray, my skin is getting leathery, ​I have developed a bit of a belly, though I try to work out a lot to keep it from getting too big. You dont want to be too fat when you are only 5 foot 10. The pounds show fast. I heard...

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Han Jobs Handjob Series

I’ve already written a few stories about my time with Han.  When I peruse the list of story categories on this site, I feel pretty sure that we made worthwhile content for most of them.  A few of the subjects, I would have preferred to have done without.Oddly, despite having this treasure trove of experience with Han, I sometimes have a hard time recalling specific occasions.  If I’d only slept with Han a few times, I surely would have remembered all the highlights.  Being together for over two...

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Energy Being

Whether your religious, spiritual or an atheist, one thing you cannot deny is that energy is a real thing. Scientifically its been proven, but have you ever found yourself using it in your everyday language? For example, "I like their vibe," "I'm feeling really energetic today."We both are spiritual ourselves, believing in the idea that we are all connected, and if you take the time to breathe, meditate and observe, the connection begins to unfold that we are as powerful as the universe. A good...

2 years ago
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The PiperChapter 25

I grabbed my flute, and sent Kasey a text - that I was on my way. When I arrived, I was out of my truck, about to walk to the front door, when she ran from the door and right up in front of me, with her face inches from my face. Carol had told me Kasey could be one of my most beautiful models, if I would give her a pair of titties like Marti’s. Now, I know why she told me that. “Hi, Kasey. I love your long hair.” “Hi, Lucien. I’m so thrilled that we get to meet. I hope we see some of my...

1 year ago
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Making Her Wet On The Dance Floor And What Came After

I was out for happy hour with a number of work colleagues. We were at a new club downtown that was having a grand opening. The drinks were flowing and our group started to mingle a bit. I started talking to this really hot girl named Chris who worked for a local media buying agency.I bought her a few drinks and as is often the case, the conversation turned to sex. I was quizzing her about the wildest experiences she had ever had or wanted to have, and she told me that she had often fantasized...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 14

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 9

The government sent a nice, small jet to whisk me out of danger. The agents were very uptight until we were in the air, and then pretty much ignored Sienna and me. We spent the flight westward engaged in a game of monopoly thoughtfully provided by the owner of the jet. I had just purchased Park Place when the jet banked and turned very sharply. Sienna looked at Agent Gottfried for some kind of explanation, but he was deeply involved in a phone conversation and turned completely away from us...

2 years ago
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Back when I was married, in the early naughties, my wife and I saw a holiday advertised incredibly cheaply, it was a week’s coach trip to Croatia, we usually don’t bother with this type of holiday, you find most are OAP’s,( as you know i do enjoy my older ladies), but at the price we couldn’t say no.There was a lady who was on her own; my wife got quite friendly with her. Her name was Ann; she was petite about 4’8” tall very slim, she had small tits, and short grey hair and was 69 years...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "Because you're the man and I'm the woman. That's why I'll never, never strap on one of those sick dildo contraptions. The very idea of it makes me sick. You make me sick." And that was the end of that. Asking Jennifer to fulfill a fantasy had turned to be a major mistake. And they had been talking about setting up housekeeping together, too. Ah well, maybe it was for the best. George figured he'd better clear up any misconceptions right from...

4 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 11

A Change of Lifestyle Part 11 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chris tries out his new ballet boots and goes out to dinner, as a guy. Chapter 32 - Ballet boots practice The following week was a bit crazy with work and social events. That weekend I did some maintenance work outside the house and did mundane tasks like servicing the cars and shopping. There was little or...

4 years ago
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It Was All In My Head Between Friends part 2

Its a new day, and all Im thinking about is him….Adam. I wrote him that story, and sent it to him. It was a mistake, of course. Hes told me before that he loves me as a friend, which means he wouldnt give me the time of day to fool around. Im outside, I text him, sitting on his porch. I wait outside, running my fingers through my choppy black hair. I look at my scuffed black Converse high-tops, and wonder about life. The door opens, and I turn around. I just…I dont think Im safe alone, I...

2 years ago
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Me and my cdhood friends Carly

This happened about 10 years ago when I was 11/12. My mam used to take me to her friends house every weekend so they could talk and drink. This weekend was exactly the same. We arrived at 6pm and were greeted like normal. My mams friend had a daughter called Carly the same age, who I went to school with so I knew her pretty well. We usually just messed about like k**s do and annoy our parents and today was no different, other than my brother wasn't here this time (I can't remember why). We...

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From Civilised Beast

I had a couple friend named Vijay and Hema. Vijay and I have been together from school days. Luckily I get along well with his wife Hema too though its been quite on a social platform and nothing else. They have been married for about 4 years or so. Last Friday I got a call from Vijay. He sounded kind pissed off which is not his nature. He has been a nice sweet guy, very gentle and soft spoken. In all these years I havent seen him angry on any subject. At times I teased him because he is not...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Japanese Wife

Some years ago when I was a single guy in my late twenties living and working in Japan for a few years I met a twenty-two-year-old Japanese woman named Keiko who I fell in love with, and for three months we had a passionate romantic relationship, then, as planned, she left for Sydney, Australia to study English and I was to meet up with her there later in the year after I tied up loose ends. Keiko was sexually experienced but only with one man and had just come off a long-term relationship with...

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This is a tell about my first time with an older woman.(The names have been changed to protect the ids of all charaters in this story.)It was back in 1995. I was still in fifth grade. It was getting real close to my t******h birthday. The day started out okay. I had finished my morning chores, and was putting the finial touches on my homework. When I heard the bus outside blowing the horn. I grabbed an oatmeal sandwich and ran out the door.As I boarded the bus, I was told that I had to sit in...

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PrettyDirty Zoe Parker Lily Adams What Happened Last Night

Teen Lily Adams invites her new friend Zoe Parker to study at home after school. They’re preparing for a biology quiz when Lily’s dad Marcus London interrupts to announce dinner’s almost ready. He’s delighted to meet Lily’s blonde friend from Texas and invites her to stay for the barbeque. The girls break from studying to set the table. Marcus serves them short ribs and salad then joins the teens for the meal. He’s quite attentive to Zoe and encourages her to...

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The time i got caught

It was the middle of the night i live at home with my mom while i go to school anyway i was watching lesbian porn on xhamster and while watching i was masturbating.after about 30 minutes i notice a shadow and i see my mom watching me masturbate...i never told her i was lesbian but i guess she knows now...i was so embarresed i ignored my mom for the next 3 weeks.

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Lillys Lacy Red Panties

Lilly was laying on the couch watching television and sipping on a delicious iced coffee. She was in her favorite pajamas: a pair of pink bottoms and a gray skin tight cami. She had long, wavy blonde hair and stood about 5'4." Her breasts were size 36C, which she was very proud of, and an ass that was nice and perky. Lilly loved her body, and often admired it. She was 18, and despite having such an amazing body, was a virgin. She wanted her first time to be special. She heard the door open....

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Lori and Jim A Mom and Her Son Become Lovers

My father, Jeff, and mother, Lori, divorced over eight years ago. I am Jim, named after Lori‘s father, James. I am now sixteen, tall at 6’ 1”, a some what thin but still a good build. I was considered a nerd preferring to read books because I have no athletic skills.Jeff left mom because he had been having an affair for some time with a woman at his office and knocked her up. Mom let him go, as long as he paid child support. We then lived with her daddy in his rented house, she always called...

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A small letter was found floating down river by an unknown soldier dressed completely in black coveralls on January 1st, 2018. The morning of that day began a cold breeze that made every other soldier shiver. This was a morning of a finished combat that had abruptly begun between two rivals. The soldiers that dominated this small field cover in battle bullet shells and blood were all dressed in black; with a flag on the right shoulder that only showed "black and white colors". There was a...

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Dianas Plan

Diana's Plan Tom was an engineer for a second-tier architectural firm. Mainly restrictedto scoping out refurbishment for county or city bridges, a once promising careernow was another 8 to 5 job. He now regretted never being married, there alwaysseemed time enough for that. Now 42, he still enjoyed playing the field, butit was getting harder to find a field to play with. He was a handsome man,not overly good-looking, with a 6'1" frame and a slim, athletic buildthanks solely to genetics prior to...

1 year ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 6 Lunch on Monday

"I'm just glad it's lunch time. I'm starving. I skipped breakfast and I can feel it now." She knew Paul said he was going to spank her at lunch but she wasn't going to think about it. She moved closer to Paul before they reached the lunchroom. She knew it would be crowded and a lot of hands would be ready. "What are you going to get?" She looked around for what she might like, then she decided she would just get whatever he did, she didn't feel like splitting up. As they walked...

3 years ago
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Erotic massage 2

I haven’t seen naveen, since that fateful day about a month ago. Deep down inside, i would like for it to happen again. It has given me a whole new outlook on life. I feel so much more sensuous and have so much more confidence in myself. Raja even commented on how attentive i’ve been to him. I am on my way home from work and raja is away on another business trip. I really would like to see naveen again. My heart begins to throb as i round the curve and see naveen in his yard. Then my heart...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 31 A Lost Chord

Seated one day at the Organ, I was weary and ill at ease, and my fingers wandered idly over the noisy keys. I do not know what I was playing, or what I was dreaming then; but I struck one chord of music, like the sound of a great Amen. It flooded the crimson twilight, like the close of an Angel's Psalm, and it lay on my fevered spirit with a touch of infinite calm. It quieted pain and sorrow, like love overcoming strife; it seemed the harmonious echo from our discordant life. It...

2 years ago
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Visiting mom

It was my normal break from study. Every weekend while at University, during which I lived away from home. It was only on the weekends that i would make it back to my family's houses. My parents split years back and i visit dad every other week. I think they fell out of love early and stayed together to keep me happy. In all honesty I was happy when they split. They both seemed unhappy together and we always had great times when I stayed over. In general we had all grown up. My parents had me...

3 years ago
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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 2

After I disconnected the call, I went to the yard to find the kids just sitting and watching the squirrels chasing around the trees. “Jack? Jill? I need to talk to you. Please come up on the porch.” The kids bounced up and sat with me on the big porch swing. I had it built to hold them and their mother and me. I sat in the middle and the kids sat on each side of me. “Kids, we need to have a talk.” “I cleaned my room.” Jack volunteered. “I know, and Jill did too. I am so proud of how you...

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Captive AudienceChapter 2

It wasn't shocking to me that the joint-efforts of Valerica, Bethany, and their fellow bridesmaid Carmen, plus the experience of licking Laila's yummy ass (and it was one sweet derriere), had me stiff as before. The reality that I had probably seeded my step sister didn't hurt at all. Bethany and I were always close, but I had wanted more from her than she seemed willing to give ... well, until now. Apparently, I had assumed wrongly that she didn't return my feelings. The blue pill...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 86 Heading into the Fire

Six hours later I was sitting in the command chair watching the displays as the four Castle class ships struggled to get into position for the mass jump. Corsica was slotted in below and to the left of Zulu. The destroyer was fighting to hold position as an errant attitude thruster intermittently turned on. Captain Prescott was holding position above the destroyer. His ship was bobbing a little as the helmsman kept over-reacting to the Zulu’s motions, but it was still in better position than...

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MomDrips Nina Elle Finger Flip Air Cock

Skateboarders have a way of bouncing back after nasty spills, but even the toughest skater is going to need a little time to regroup after taking a board to the nuts. That is what happened to Nina Elles stepson today, and he is definitely in some major pain. Nina hears him moaning through the bathroom door and her stepmotherly instincts immediately kick in. She goes inside and finds out her stepsons balls have been bruised. Even though she has to laugh a bit, she wants to make him feel better...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 21 A Good Time Was Had By All

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 21 - A Good Time Was Had By All I poked Kay's pretty pussy with my prick to wake her up. "What." She said groggily. I said, "I'm ready for my morning fuck." "What time is it?" she asked. "It's 7:15. What difference does it make?" "You have to be at the golf course by 8:30. We won't have time for your morning fuck." "Oh shit. I forgot all about golf. With my prick in your ass all night I couldn't think of anything else except getting your big...

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Sex Du JourChapter 8

I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...

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Naturists lesbians and a man

Daria and Julka are only 18 years old. For a long time both have shown interest in nature. They have always liked each other. They especially liked summer. They know each other from the beginning. Daria is lower, more "plump", as it is said, a teenager from Julki. This is a bit taller, slimmer. He also has slightly smaller breasts. Paradoxically faster breasts had Julia from Daria. In spite of this, girls have always been crazy about nature. Already in the junior high school on a holiday, they...

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