Apocolypse Chapther 5+6 free porn video

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Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it This is a fictional story that is in no way true. If you are offended by
gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading
and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been
kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of
different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind of like
to set the theme for the story and get it going first before I get to the
good parts with the boys. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you like
the story.

Chapter 5

Days go by as the younger 2 boys, the dog, and I manage to get by on what
provisions we have. Josiah seems to be getting stronger and gaining more
energy by the day. Chris fashioned him a make shift set of crutches so
that he can get around on his bad ankle. The first couple days were the
worst with Joe since he needed help going to the bathroom. Chris and I
had to carry him outside and then steady him as he went to the bathroom.
Now that he is more mobile hes been managing that task on his own. The
three of us have been bonding and learning different things about each
other. In fact we learned quite a bit about each other. We found out that
Josiah was in the boy scouts and had survival training before, and also
that Chris was a pretty handy engineer. He proved that fact early when he
came up with our intruder alarm.

We made small talk most of the time we were in the mine to pass time.
Sometimes we played the video games we got from the wal mart, and some
times we tried to come up with plans to explore the area more. One thing
was for sure with three people here now and a dog our supplies would be
stressed even more and will need to be restocked soon. We loaded up the
atv and prepared for a trip back to town for supplies. Ok Joe I know
youre probably not going to like this idea, but Chris and I are going to
have to leave you here alone for a few hours. We have to go into town for
food and stuff. Were getting low on other supplies to. Im going to
leave you a shot gun and the dog. Were going to close the mine entrance
back up securely so if you hear anything at all or the alien alarm starts
making noise get that gun ready. You will hear us when we come back,
well make noise so you know its us for sure. Plus you will hear the atv
running so dont shot at us. I told the still injured Josiah before we
set out for town. Chris and I piled onto the atv and attached the trailer
we got from town to it and secured the mine entrance before leaving.
Inside the mine Josiah decided he would just try and wait out our trip by
sleeping so he stripped down most of the way and slid his nearly nude
body under a blanket and closed his eyes. Lucky crawled up next to him
and with a deep breath he closed his eyes for some more sleep to. Mean
while on our way to town we tried to make as little noise as possible
with the atv just incase anything in the area might hear us. As we
approached the outskirts of town he heard a low toned rumble. We knew
right then that we needed to take cover. I steered the atv into a thicket
of dense bushes to hide us and our vehicle from view. I killed the engine
and we slowly and quietly dismounted. We stayed low and quiet in the
bushes trying not to make a sound as we crept closer to town. We were
both armed so the fear factor wasnt as high as our previous trips was,
but still that element of the unknown was scary to us. We finally came to
the edge of the woods and saw something we had never seen before. It
seemed to be like some sort of machine. More like a robot or droid or
something or other we would see in the movies on earth. It wasnt very
big and didnt look very menacing, but we knew from the moment we saw it
that we couldnt let it see us. We knew it was alien if it saw us our
game was over. Think we should shoot it? Chris asked. Hell no! We
dont even know if that would hurt it. Plus if it didnt it would know we
were here then wed be dead. I whispered to him. Just then an alien
craft appeared above the town and the machine levitated up to it and into
a door in the bottom of it. At the same time we saw 5 other machines do
the same from other parts of the town. Those must be some kind of
scouting robots looking for survivors. We have to be on our toes from now
on. Who knows when we might run into one of those things. I said to

Once the alien ship was gone we cautiously proceeded to town on foot with
our guns at the ready. We had to walk across a large hay field from where
we were t reach town. In the field were large voids of flattened out hay
in circular patterns. I looked down and thought for a moment and thats
when it hit me. Holy shit I dont believe it! I said. What? Chris
asked looking puzzled. Do you know what were standing in right now? I
asked. He shook his head now. Dude its a damn crop circle. I knew they
were made by aliens. I said. The spot where we were standing is directly
under where the alien ship was hovering. It was clearly freshly made so
that was all the proof I needed. Now with one of the greatest mysteries
of the 20th century solved we pushed on. Soon we were walking on paved
ground again and more apprehensive than ever. We looked in every
direction with guns pointed and ready to blast holes in what ever we came
across. We made our way in the direction of the grocery store when Chris
stopped dead in his tracks. Shh! Be quiet a second. He said. We stood
quietly for a second then he spoke again. Do you hear that? It sounded
like a phone ringing. He said. I dont know. I thought I might have
heard something but I dont know. I answered. We took a few more steps
and he stopped again. This time I did hear it to. We looked at each other
in agreement that we both heard it this time. We walked further down the
road and the sound seemed to grow louder. We turned a corner and there
was the source of the sound. A payphone on the corner was ringing off the
hook. Should we answer it? Chris asked. Im not sure. I mean what if
its a trap or something. Maybe those monster set it up for us. I
replied. Agreeing Chris nodded. So we marched on and left the phone to
ring. We went back to the wal mart and grabbed a few back packs and
essentials we needed and headed on to the grocery store. Since we didnt
bring the atv all the way to town this time we could only grab a few days
worth of food, what ever we can cram in the back packs.

On the way to the store Chris and I chatted quietly as we kept our guard
up. I sure do miss what we did when we first me. Chris said referring
to our sex play in the mine. Yea me to. Every time I see you or Joe
naked I just want to grab you and suck the life out of you. I said with
a little giggle. Yea maybe we can try and get Josiah to play later. Who
knows maybe hes as horny as we are. Chris said with an evil smile. As
we pushed on another noise caught our attention that we hadnt heard
before. It sounded like static from a radio. You hear that? I said. He
nodded yes. We redirected our paths from the grocery store towards the
static. We crept slowly down the road and we found the sound coming from
the police station which is now in shambles. The aliens must have came
back ere since the day I was here and torn the place up. The sound seemed
to be coming from a police radio. They must have turned it on some how
and just left it. I told Chris explaining how the place wasnt this bad
when I was here before. We walked over to the radio and checked it out
just incase. We flipped switches and turned dials trying to find
anything. Wait! Stop! I said as Chris turned a big dial in the middle.
Did you hear that? It sounded like a voice. I told him. He very slowly
turned the dial back and the voice reappeared. It was garbled and
staticy, but it was definitely human. I turned a dial next to the big one
and some of the static seemed to clear up. The sound was still a bit
garbled but we could now make out a signal a bit better. Can any one
hear me? Hello is any one there? May day may day may day, hello? Is any
one still alive out there? the voice said. Oh my god! Some one else is
a live! Chris said excitedly. The voice seemed to be what sounded like a
younger boy or possible a younger lady, we couldnt tell because of the
distortion in the signal. We stood there in total awe of what we were
hearing. Some one else out there survived the invasion. You think we
should answer? Chris asked. That question was quickly answered as I
picked up the microphone showing Chris the severed cord leading to it.
Dont think well be able to. I said. We stood there and listened for a
few more minutes as more of the same came through the speaker. Then what
we needed to hear came out. If any one out there can hear this Im in
Kingston hiding out. Im almost out of food and I need help, Im trapped
in a bomb shelter. If you can hear me please help me. The voice said.
oh my gosh1 Derrik Kingston is like 10 miles from here. Do you think we
can help them? Chris asked. I dont know Chris. Theres no way we can
get there today. Plus we have no idea where they are in that town. That
shelter could be any where. I explained to him. Well we cant just
leave them there to die. We have to help them. Chris said with a look of
intent on his face. Look dude they said they were almost out of food not
that they were. We cant do anything for them today its too late.
Kingston is like you said 10 miles away, but thats on paved roads. If we
go its going to have to be covert in the woods. So it might take us all
day long to get there on the atv. Lets just get what we came for and get
back to the mine. Well come up with a plan tonight. I told him trying
to calm him. Agreeing that we couldnt help today I turned the volume to
radio down and he followed me to the store.

It appeared that animals or the aliens had made it into the grocery
store. The place was a total mess. As we approached the meat department
it was clear who had been here. All of the meat was gone. The plastic
wrappers were still here, but the food its self was gone. Those things
have been here. I said. Fearing that they may still be here we gathered
what food we could and packed our packs full. Oh yea I forgot
something. Chris said before he ran back into the store. He emerged a
minute later with a small bag of dog food. Good idea bud. Now we dont
have to feed Lucky our food. I told him as I rubbed the top of his head.
We trekked back out of town and through the hay field till we reached the
edge of the woods. At that point we re entered the bushes and could now
increase our pace since we had cover now. Not much longer after that we
reached the atv. We pushed it back out of the thickets and back on the
trail. We both climbed back on and started the engine. Lets get back to
the mine. We have a lot of things to talk about. I told Chris as we sped
up the trail.

Back at the mine Josiah was getting very worried that something had gone
wrong. He was told that they would only be gone a few hours and here it
was now almost dusk. He was too scared to venture out of the mine on his
own, but he did have Lucky to protect him. He sat in deep thought
thinking of what may have happened to his new friends. Just then the dogs
head came up and his ears perked up. He let out a slight woof which
caught Josiahs attention. He grabbed the gun and aimed it at the door as
he shook like a leaf in fear. Shhh. Lucky. Be quiet. He told the dog as
he was ready to piss him self in fear. He sat for another 30 seconds in
total fear until his fears were relieved. He heard the engine of the atv
backing inside the mine entrance. The next sound made his heart go from a
100 mile per hour pace to a nearly normal one. Hey Joe its us dont
shoot. He heard coming from the other side of the door as Chris pushed
it open. Oh my god you guys scared me to death. He told us. Sorry to
scare you bud. We kinda got tied up trying to get to town. We had to walk
most of the way. I explained to him. Why what happened? he asked.
Aliens happened. Chris said. Yea we had to hide the atv in the woods
and walk into town. So we didnt get many supplies. Only what we could
carry on our backs. But we got enough for a few days, maybe a week if
were careful. Oh yea and we got our fierce guard dog some food to. I
told him. Chris and I sat our packs on the ground then I went to secure
the mine for the night and set the alien alarm. When I came back Chris
had poured a small pile of dog food on the floor and Lucky was wagging
his tail devouring it. He then unpacked the food and stowed it away in
the coolers. We also got held up by a few more things today. I told
him. He looked at me puzzled. We saw something new from the aliens. They
were some kind of robots in town. Only thing we can think of is they were
some kind of scouts looking for life. We had to wait till the aliens flew
over and picked them up before we went into town. I explained as I slid
my sox and shoes off. Tell him the rest. Chris said. Oh yea the
biggest thing I almost forgot. We were walking through town and heard a
noise so we went to check it out. We found some kind of radio in the
police station. Well to make a long story short we heard another person
calling for help on there. Some one else is alive. They were calling from
Kingston they said. The said they were in a bomb shelter trapped and they
were almost out of food. I told Josiah. I then stood up to remove my
dirty sweaty shirt. By now Chris was already in his boxers. Josiah sat
for a moment soaking in this information as I slid my shorts off leaving
me now in my undies to. Wait a minute did you say Kingston? Thats where
I lived. Those monsters chased me from my house and into the woods to
where you found me. I wonder if its some one I know. Josiah said. I
dont Know Joe. We couldnt tell if it was a boy our age or a younger
lady. The signal was really messed up. We couldnt make it out to well.
But we deffinately heard the part about needing help and where they
were. I told him. Still he sat and wondered if it could be some one he
knew since Kingston was a small town. Chris looked to me and gave me an
evil grin like he knew something was getting ready to happen. Something
did happen at that point. He dropped his boxers to the floor exposing his
nude body to us. I knew what he was trying to do but I didnt let on
about it. I just let it go as normal behavior. He then got a rag and out
jug of bathing water and began to wash his body off. I glanced to Josiah
and now his eyes were fixed on Chris naked slender body. I moved my eyes
to his crotch and he surely had a tent going. As Chris washed he made
sure to show us as he washed his small dick and balls. Josiah tried not
to stare at Chris but he couldnt help it. He watched as Chris washed his
smooth cock and balls with the rag making him grow hard from the contact.
I looked to Chris and saw him smile at me in a knowing way, as if he knew
Josiah liked what he was seeing. I then decided to join Chris. I stood up
and let my boxers fall to the ground to. I then walked over by Chris and
took another rag and began to wash my own body off. As I washed Chris
handed me his rag and turned to face away from me which made him facing
Josiah. I knew he wanted me to wash his back so I did. As I washed him he
stood and enjoyed the feeling making his small hard cock pulsate with his
heart beat. Josiah was sure getting a good show from us if nothing else.
Once I got to Chris ass cheeks I washed each of them in a circular
pattern as he tilted his head back to rest it on my shoulder. The sheer
contact between our bodies was too much for me to take any more. I hadnt
had an orgasm since the day we found Josiah and I was about to explode. I
dropped the rag and wrapped my arms around him as I kissed him on the
side of his neck. I then heard Josiah make a gulping sound as he
swallowed. I then stopped kissing Chris neck and looked up to Joe. Chris
turned and looked into my eyes and I then knew what he had planned. I let
go of his body and he turned and walked over to Josiah. Time for your
bath mister. Chris told him in a kinky tone. He then snatched the
blanket from off top of Joe and gently pushed him down on the bed to a
laying position so that he didnt hurt his ankle. Now the tent in Joes
boxers was very pronounced. Chris grabbed his undies by the waist band
and gently pulled them down. Josiah tried to resist at first but soon let
Chris have his way as soon as his hard cock popped out. Chris continued
sliding his boxers off till he reached Josiahs hurt ankle at which time
I took over and took then off the rest of the way. now all three of us
were totally naked and hard as rocks.

I then sat and watched as the two younger horny boys carried on with
their sex play. Please guys Im not, I mean I dont like Josiah tried
to say. Just say it Joe. I told him. Im not gay guys. I never did
anything like this before. He said. So what try it you might like it. I
sure did. Chris told him. You sure seemed to like watching us have fun.
Why not have some with us. I asked. He didnt have an answer for that. I
think his mind was soon changed as he felt Chris hand wrap around his
little hard tool. He inhaled sharply as Chris squeezed him gently. Come
on Josiah youll love it. Just try it once if you dont like it you dont
gotta do it now more. Youll just have to watch me and Derrik have fun.
Chris said laughing as he slowing fondled Josiahs little dick. Not
knowing exactly what he should do Joe just nodded ok and the fun went
from there. Chris smiled and got into a position so he could inhale the
other small boys dick into his mouth. With in seconds Josiah gasped
sharply and clinched his eyes shut as the head of this small boy cock
slid between Chris lips. Chris clamped down on him and began to give him
the biggest thrill of his life. Hows it feel? I asked him. Oh my
gosh, its awesome. I never thought it would be like this. He moaned as
Chris head bobbed up and down on his shaft. His smooth slender body was
more than inviting to my wondering hand as it found its was over to
Josiahs smooth hairless torso. I began to rub up and down on his chest
and belly as Chris continued to suck on his prepubescent cock. I
occasionally tickled his nipples as Chris would pop his cock out licking
all around the tip of it. Next thing I knew I felt a hand encircling my
own cock. Chris had grabbed Joe by the wrist and brought his hand up to
my cock. The boy grabbed me with no contest followed by Chris hand. I
now had to boys hands in complete control of my dick and it felt great.
So warm and tender it felt like warm velvet around my dick. Chris began
to speed up sucking him as they both began to stroke me. Not gay huh?
Guess we proved that wrong didnt we? I said enjoying the moment making
Joe smile through his slight moans. Wait stop I have to pee. Josiah
said. Once Chris heard that he chuckled with the boys dick still in his
mouth and I told him go for it. Chris began to bob his head up and down
furiously now. Stop Chris I have to pee. Im going to pee in your mouth
if you dont. he cried out. Chris had no intention of stopping. Next
thing I saw was Josiahs whole body go tense and he inhaled very deeply.
Chris went all the way down on his cock till his lips were resting on
Joes belly. He then very slowly slid up the boys dick making his body
shutter. He then let out the deep breath he had taken and began breathing
heavily. Oh my gosh what was that? It felt so good! Joe said through
his breaths. Well its called an orgasm. Feels fucking great dont it?
I said. He still in orgasmic bliss with is eyes still closed nodded yes.
Chris only now started to withdraw his small dick from his mouth giving
Joe one final surge of pleasure as his dick popped out of his mouth. I
continued to gently rub his tender chest as he came back to earth from
heaven. He then opened his eyes about a minute later. Like it? Chris
said licking his lips. Oh my gosh yes. Man that was great than you. Can
you do it again please? he asked. Chris and I instantly cracked up
laughing. You know its only fair if you return the favor some how. I
told Josiah. How? he asked. Well I got an idea. I dont know how good
we can do this but I wanna try it. Chris told him. I want Derrik to
fuck me and you can jack me off at the same time. Chris explained.
How? Josiah asked. Like this I said as I lay down and let Chris mount
me. Chris lined my cock up with his tight pucker and slowly began to sink
onto it. Like before my cock not being very huge slid inside him with
little problems. Once I was in him and he was settled on me I brought
Joes hand up to Chris little hard 3 incher. As Chris began to slowly
move up and down on me Josiah began to slowly move his small finger on
his good hand up and down on Chris dick. Mmmmmmm Chris moaned as he
got pleasure from to sources. Not much time went by till I felt my cock
start to pulsate in Chris love tunnel as my orgasm over took me. With in
seconds of my own his orgasm began to rack his body as I felt his
sphincter clamp down on my shaft making my force my dick in him even
deeper. Josiah had gotten a good rhythm down as he stroked up and down on
Chris as he felt wave after wave of pleasure shoot through his small
body. Once his orgasms peak had passed he collapsed onto my chest and lay
there in a heavily breathing mass with my still hard dick in him. A few
minutes later he opened his eyes and planted a huge sloppy kiss on my
lips. He then looked to Josiah who was smiling at us. That felt great.
Thanks. He told him for stroking him off. He then rose off my chest and
stood up slowly letting my cock slide out of him then he sat down next to
Josiah. Chris moved his face to with in inches of Joes and their eye
seemed to be locked on each others. Joe began to breath heavy once again
as Chris face came closer and closer. Finally their lips met in a tender
loving first kiss. Chris slowly drew back then. He then looked to me. No
offense Derrik, but every since I first saw him I fell in love with him.
Chris said to both mine and Josiahs shock. He then turned back to Joe
and placed his hands on Josiahs cheeks and planted another deeper kiss
on him. This time Joe didnt resist he let it happen and even placed his
hands on Chris sides under his arms. A few seconds later the kiss broke.
Oh gosh. I never though anything would feel like this. I never thought I
would feel like this about another boy. I think I like it. I like it a
lot. Joe said quietly. Seeing the two smaller boys seem to fall in love
made me feel good. I was attracted to Chris and I loved to have sex with
him, but as for love I wasnt sure. I loved him as a close friend but as
a lover I wasnt sure about. It seemed he had found his love and opened
Josiahs eyes to a world he never knew existed for him. The two kissed a
few more times and lay down. By now I was famished from all of the
walking from the day and sex play we just had. I got up and went to the
cooler as the love birds lay as they held each other. I made a peanut
butter sandwich and lay down next to the boys. I ate my sandwich as the
next thing I heard was the distinct sound of two cute boys snoring. They
had fallen asleep in each others arms.

I how ever sat up for a while longer and thought of plans for the next
day of how we were going to go about finding the person in Kingston. The
more I thought about it the more I realized I was going to have to go
alone. Josiah was in no position to go with me due to his injuries and he
sure couldnt be left alone for a day or two. And I surely wasnt going
to let Chris go off on his own to look for the person. I had decided that
I would go alone and take the atv and since lucky had a keen sense of
smell which found Josiah I would take him along. He just might be able to
sniff the person out. I set my alarm on my watch for 6 am and turned out
the lantern for the night. I settled in next to the two sleeping boys and
draped an over the two making them both sigh in their sleep. I pulled the
covers over us and then proceeded to the land of dreams. Tomorrow was
going to be a long day.

Chapter 6

My eyes opened to a dimly lit rock room. The sound from my watch pierced
through the quiet darkness of the room bringing me slowly back to earth. I sat up
and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tried to wake up with out waking the
other boys. 6 Am came all to early. I felt like I had just laid down and fell
asleep only minutes before. Now it was time to prepare to set out to find that
person in Kingston that needed help. I carefully got up from the bed without
waking the 2 sleeping bys and got dressed quietly as Lucky watched. I slid my
shoes, grabbed a gun, then I called the dog to follow me outside for our first
piss of the day. Lucky sniffed at every tree outside the mine entrance pissing
on the ones he found inviting to his nose while I went on the first one I came
to. As I stood and drained my bladder I yawned with a roar. I finished my
business and was zipping my pants when I Noticed Lucky squatting his hind end down
doing a bit more business. We should have named the dog Egypt since he shit
piles the size of pyramids. Once he w done we re entered the mine to find Chris
awake. Morning. How ya feeling? I asked. Fine. You getting ready to leave
for Kingston? he asked me. Yep. I need to wake Josiah up so I can get some
info on that town before I leave. I said. Thats easy Ill wake him for you.
Chris said with a wicked grin. He reached over to Joes bare penis under the
blanket and began to fondle it while he slept. Not even a minute after he
started Joe began to stir. He moaned slightly and smiled as he opened his eyes.
Once he was awake Chris stopped messaging his little cock. Ok hes awake now.
Chris said giggling. Hey no fair. That felt good! Josiah whined. Sorry to
let Chris wake you up like that Josiah, but you guys can always finish later.
Right now I need you to tell me some things about your home town. I told him
as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

As Josiah answered the questions I could think of I packed the gear I would
need for a 2 day trip to Kingston to look for the survivor. I packed food for
the dog and myself, 2 guns for protection, a sleeping bag and blanket, some
first aid supplies just in case, and some climbing ropes. I packed it all as
compact as I could then I placed the leash on Luckys neck. Ok guys heres what
we have to do. Me and the dog are going looking for the survivor. You guys need
to stay inside or at least close to the entrance of the mine. Joe is still in
rough shape and hes going to need your help Chris. I only plan on being gone
for 2 days, but it might turn into 3, who knows. If I get there and I cant
find anything Lucky and I will be back. If we do find something that might hold
us up longer. So if were not back in 2 days dont freak out right away.
There should be enough food to last until we get back so dont pig out you guys.
And keep a gun by the door to the safe room ready at all times. I said as I
slung a back pack over my shoulder. Chris and Josiah both agreed that what I
said will be law for now and they both nodded. I could tell that they were both
eager to get back to their fun as I grabbed the dogs leash. I bid them both
good bay and told them Id see them in a few days, then headed out to the atv
with the dog. I pushed the atv outside the mine entrance with Lucky sitting on
the passenger side tied up so he couldnt jump off. Once I had the atv outside I
heard Chris yelling from inside the mine shaft. I turned to see him run out
of the entrance still completely naked and smiling. He ran to me and engulfed
me in a hug. Be careful. We need you to come back to us. He said as he hugged
me. I wrapped my arms around the smaller boy and squeezed. I will. I
promise. I said as I kissed him on the top of his moppy hair. We released the hug
and he turned to re enter the mine, but I lightly slapped him on his bare ass as
he went back inside making him laugh. Seeing his smooth bare buns walking
away from me made my cock twitch a bit. That twitch quickly faded because I knew
I was in for a long next few days. I climbed on the atv and cranked the engine
to life. Lucky and I were no off for Kingston.

I cautiously drove the atv through the woods and wilderness towards Kingston
trying my best to keep out of sight from the air just incase a ship flew over.
The miles went by relatively quickly as we made it to the outskirts of
Kingston in a few hours thanks to the atv. I parked it in a thick brush pile making
sure to cover it completely from view, but not so much as to make it
noticeable that I did. I slung my pack over my shoulders and proceeded on foot with a
shotgun held by one arm and the dogs leash by the other. I figured since Lucky
had a way better sense of smell and hearing than I did hed be a good early
warning system to danger. The dog and I trekked on into the streets of the small
town as I now had the shotgun at the ready. I followed the directions that
Josiah had given me and quickly found the police station. It was torn to shreds
by the aliens. All around in this town just like in the other destruction
reigned. Most of the buildings were either destroyed or severely damaged. I walked
on to the small single school that all the kids in town went to see if it had
and old cold war style bomb shelter like my school had. When I go to the
School it was clear there was no way to check it out. The building had been
leveled to the ground and seemed to had been burning for days and had finally burned
its self out. There was no way that the person was transmitting from here.
The dog and I searched on for a while longer with no success. I then decided to
find a place to hold up for the night. It was now nearly sun set and I decided
we would wait out the night in the old post office since it was one of the
few buildings in town left standing. I laid my sleeping bag and blanket out on
the floor and grabbed a sandwich I made this morning for dinner. I poured a
pile of dog food out on the floor for the dog which he clearly had no problem
wolfing down. I tied his leash to an old heavy tables leg so he wouldnt run off
on me then I lay down for some rest myself. I checked my watch and as the
light level outside confirmed it was nearly 9 pm. Once Lucky was done eating he
lay down next to me on the floor and let out a sigh as he closed his eyes for
some rest. I had the dog on one side of me and a 12 gauge shotgun on the other.
For the moment I felt vulnerable from being in an unfamiliar place, but I was
secure for the moment.

The sleep I had that night certainly wasnt great. I tossed and turned all
night long dreaming and thinking about what the other boys and I would do in the
future. Thoughts of how we would make it through the cold months of autumn
and winter plagued my mind while I slept. Visions of seeing Chris and Josiah as
frozen blocks of ice haunted my dreams. I found myself being woken up by Lucky
licking the sweat from my face some time during the night. I sat up and
looked at my watch. 4 am it read and as hard as I tried I couldnt go back to sleep
after that. I sat petting the dog and pondered the visions and dreams I had
in the previous hours of sleep. The one big thing that stuck out was what we
were going to do when it gets cold. Theres no way we can survive in the mine in
the winter time with no source of heat. Some how I knew it was probably going
to be up to me to find out what we were going to do. The pressure of
everything that has happened in the last week was beginning to tear at my senses. A
boy of my age should not have to make these decisions and be responsible for the
lives of other people. I should be in school and enjoying life as a kid, but
instead Im just getting by from day to day hiding from something no one could
have ever imagined. A tear streamed down my cheek as I sat with Lucky and
thought about my situation and everyone I had lost in my life. All of my family
and friends were now gone as far as I knew. They were killed or worse by the
invading creatures. I was drawn out of my self induced sorry very fast by a
faint sound in the night. Can any one hear me? Hello? Is any one there? I heard
in the distance. This time it wasnt staticy like before. It sounded like some
one asking for help in person. I jumped to my feet grabbed the gun and flash
light and Luckys leash and cautiously began following the sound. I stopped
about every 50 feet or so to listen for the voice to make sure I was going in
the right direction. As we stopped to crouch and listen Luckys ears perked up
as he let out a muffled woof. He definitely heard the voice this time. I gave
him about 8 foot of leash and let him lead the way to the voice I heard. He
walked along sniffing the ground and stopped a few times to listen. He led the
way to a collapsed rubble pile that looks like it use to be a house. He then
stopped and sat on down. I crouched down on one knee next to him and listened. I
nearly jumped out of my damn skin from what I heard next. Help me. Is any one
out there? Please! I heard very close now. In fact so close it sounded like
it was coming from right in front of us, from underneath the rubble pile.
Lucky broke away from me yanking his leash from my hand and he raced to the pile
and began sniffing and scratching at it. I then knew that some one was alive in
that pile of destroyed wood that use to be a house. Hello can you hear me?
I said in a low voice trying not to give away my position. There was no
response so walked around the pile and repeated myself a few more times. I knew some
one was in there now, but that was about all I knew. I didnt know where they
were in the pile, if they were hurt, and so on. I stopped and listened to the
voice which now did sound like a boy close my age calling out. I got a
general idea of where the voice was coming from and I began to dig through the
rubble. Who ever was inside could definitely hear me since they started to yell
once they heard me moving the splintered wood around. Shh! Dammit be quiet! I
said sternly and loud enough for the person to hear me. I didnt want anything
else to hear him. After nearly 2 hours of digging through the rubble it was
nearly dawn and I was getting some where. I got to a lower level of the home
which seemed to be the basement. The basement was surprisingly intact compared to
the upper floors of the house. The first floor held up most of the debris
from getting into the basement. Dont get me wrong the basement was a hell of a
mess but I had room to move down there. I called out to the persona and they
seemed to be frantic now about being saved. Help me! please get me out of
here! the voice was crying now. I dug through some debris and finally found what I
was looking for. A thick steel door that was barricaded shut by a large
wooden beam that had fallen from above. I knocked on the door and called out.
Hello can you hear me in there? Im gonna get you out of there just hold on.
Theres a big wood beam holding the door shut I have to move it Please hurry I
dont know how much longer I can stay in here. A young sounding voice said
from the other side of the thick door. I tried my best but to no luck to move
the beam. It was just too heavy to move with my level of strength. I thought for
a few minutes and then one of those things you learn in school that you think
will never come in handy in real life hit me. If I find a lever big enough I
can move this beam and get that kid out of there. I checked around the
basement for something that would work and found a large piece of old cast iron drain
pipe. I grabbed it and quickly ran back to the door. I shoved the pipe under
the beam and then pried with all of my might on the other end to get the beam
to finally move some. I pushed myself to the point of nearly passing out
prying on the beam to get it off that door. I wasnt going to stop until I had that
door open.

I pried with one finally all strength gathering grunt and forced the bead off
of the door. O fell on the ground next to the bean nearly passing out from
putting every ounce of muscle I had into freeing the door. I lay there trying
catch my breath as I heard the door unlock and slowly swing open making a
squeaking noise. I lifted my head to see a form step out of the room. As I regained
my breath and got my wits back I could see it was indeed a boy. A younger boy
than myself probably around 11 or so. Are you ok? he asked sounding like an
angel. I looked on him seeing that he was dirty but still had the looks that
could make him a model instantly. He asked again if I was ok and I muttered,
Yea Ill be ok in a minute I just winded myself prying the beam off the door.
Im Derrik. My names AJ. The boy said. I sat up and took a few deep
breaths before getting back to my feet. Once I was back upright again I was a full
head taller than this new boy. Bet it feels good to be out of there now. I
said to him noticing the rank smell that came from inside smelling like urine.
Yea it was so hot in there. And I had to go to the bathroom I there to. He
said with an embarrassed look on his face. Its kool dude you gotta do what you
have to some times. How about we get you out of here and to some place safe?
I asked him. He smiled and nodded ok. He only had on a pair of shorts and
socks. It seemed he was in the house and ran down here in a hurry. I stepped into
his stinky confines to check it out before we left. There was a lot of food
wrappers and empty water bottles on the ground. He had a lantern going for
light and in the corner sat the short wave radio he was using to find help in the
out side world. AJ now we have you out of there lets get out of here. I have
a place about 10 miles from here that is safe, and we have plenty of room for
you to join us. I told him. We? Us? You mean there are more than just you
alive? he asked with a smile. Yea theres me, Chris, and Joe. Oh yea we have
a dog to his names Lucky. I told him. He looked scared, amazed, and confused
all at the same time. I walked in the room he was stuck in and grabbed the
radio he had in the corner and turned it off and brought it with me. I then led
him through the twisted mass of wood that use to be his home. Once we got
outside he looked at his house and began to cry. My house. its&hellip, its gone. So are
my parents and every body else. Every body is dead! he said as he wept. I
wrapped him in a hug to comfort him. That might be true. But AJ you got us now.
We have to stick together if we are going to make it through this. If those
things catch us we are dead. They have no mercy at all their vicious. Trust me
I know. If you want to stay and take your chances here thats fine, but you
are welcome to come back with me. I told him. Theres no reason for me to stay
here now. Everything I ever knew is dead and gone now. Ill go with you. He
said as he wiped his eyes. I picked up my gun off the ground and grabbed the
dogs leash and headed back to the post office to collect my gear I left there.

A short time later we arrived at the post office and everything was just like
I left it. AJ sat down in a chair as I rolled up my sleeping bag and blanket.
As I was rolling the bag up I heard the distinct sound of his stomach
growling. Hungry? I asked. Starving. I ran out of food last night. He answered. I
handed him one of the sandwiches I had wrapped up and he dug into it with no
complaint. He had the food eaten before I even had my back pack ready to go.
Ok kid heres the plan. We are going to have to walk a little ways back into
the woods. I have an atv stashed there that I drove here to find you. Only
thing is its about a ½, mile in the woods away from here. You think you can make
it that far bare foot? I asked. If it gets me to a safe place Id walk that
far but naked. He answered with a giggle. Its then I noticed how cute he
really was. He had dimples in both cheeks when he smiled, and his green eyes were a
stand out feature. He did indeed look like an angel only with brown hair. I
slung my pack over my shoulder and handed him Luckys leash. I grabbed the shot
gun and we were off to find the atv. We walked for about 20 minutes through
town and the woods till we found the pile of brush I placed on the atv the day
before to hide it. There it is. I pointed to pointed to the pile. We
uncovered it and climbed aboard, AJ next to me and Lucky in the back with the gear.
I fired it up and we were on our way back to the mine. On the way I kind of
got to know AJ a bit better. Like his name, AJ it stood for Adam Joseph. I
learned he was an only child that lived with his parents. He is 11 years old and
was in the 5th grade. The one thing that stuck out was just like me he lost
everything he knew and had. It didnt take as long to get back to the mine as it
did to get Kingston since I knew which way to go to get back to the mine. By 2
pm we pulled up to the mines entrance. Ok here we are. I said. Where? I
dont see nothing. He said. Home. This is the mine entrance. Trust me its not
as bad as it seems from the outside. We have plenty of room inside. I told
him. Just wait here a few minutes, Im going inside to let the others know
were here so they dont shoot us. I said. I then went inside the mine making
sure to let Chris and Josiah know it was me that was coming in. Chris! Joe! Its
me dont shoot. I said before I entered the safe room. I pushed the door
open to find them in a rather compromising position. The boys were laying on
their sides in a 69 position sucking each others cocks. Fuck you guys why werent
you ready with the gun? What if I was an alien? I asked with a bit of an
attitude. Chris pulled off Josiahs stiff 3 inches to tell me, We heard the atv
motor so we didnt stop what we was doing. Then he went back to sucking Joes
dick. Well sorry guys, but youre going to have to stop your fun for now. I
FOUND THE SURVIVOR! I said excitedly. They both popped the others cock from
their mouths and looked at me in awe. No way?! Chris said smiling. Yep I
sure did. Hes outside. You two at least put some clothes on before I bring him
inside. I told the younger love birds. The boys stopped their sex play and
slid shorts and a shirt on and stood and waited as I yelled for AJ to come in the
mine. AJ! Come on in! Just come in the entrance and you will see me standing
by the door to the safe room. He got off the atv and entered the mine and
saw me. I waved to him to join me and he walked my way. A second later he
stepped in the room and saw Chris and Joe. The next thing I heard was Josiah yelling
out in great awe and happiness, ADAM!

Hope you like the story so far. Guess I should explain something you might be
wondering about. The atv, its like one of those large gas powered 4 seater
golf carts or a utility vehicle I guess you could call it. If you can think of
any other things drop me a message or if you like story message me.

[email protected]

Same as Apocolypse chapther 5+6 Videos

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Apocolypse chapter 1516

you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know Apocalypse Chapter 15 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he's...

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If you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know [email protected] Apocalypse Chapter 13 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them...

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If you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know [email protected] Apocalypse Chapter 11 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them...

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if you dont like this stuff you shouldnt be here. this is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. it has situations and axcts of a sexual nature between young boys. like i said if you dont like that then LEAVE NOW. if you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know Chapter 7 I stood dumbfounded that the two younger boys knew each other on a first name basis. "You guys know each other?" I asked. Without even answering they ran to each other and wrapped each...

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gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind of like to set the theme for the story and get it going first before I get to the good parts with the boys. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you like the story. Chapter 5 Days go by as the...

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gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind of like to set the theme for the story and get it going first before I get to the good parts with the boys. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you like the story. [email protected]. Chapter...

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Heaven and Hell Lucifers Daughter

Lucifer's Daughter OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Satan A Heaven and Hell tale by Dr. Bender Chapter 1 - Ashes to Ashes "I'm sorry, Rowe, but I've got to let you go." My lips pursed. It was a completely involuntary reaction. I sat in that putrid, tatty, mottled, dark green, spring-upholstered, swivel chair reject from 70's office d?cor stunned more thoroughly than any mullet ever ripped from the bosom ...

3 years ago
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A Mothers Love

Beatrix looked back into the dense London fog; someone was following her. Turning into the next alleyway she waited. They had made a really bad mistake if they were trying to take her life. The soft click on the street stones plus an even softer tapping let her know they were close. A moment later a hooded figure started to turn the corner when she leaped out. Swinging her Kitana she took the top of the hood completely off the figure. “Damn it, Beatrix!” The headless body issued, dropping a...

2 years ago
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AIChapter 17

Lisa Our honeymoon was in Hawaii, the most exotic location we could find that was in the U.S. It had to be the U.S., because one of the few things Spook couldn't arrange for us was passports. Passport applications are reviewed by real live human beings, not just filtered through computers, and for women they require maiden names, and in that cloistered environment "Lisa Anne Wentworth" was almost sure to set off alarms. But Hawaii did it nicely; we booked into an A-list resort on the big...

4 years ago
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Spencer Gets Cornered Fucks Trina

by Riotstarter1214[This takes place during the ‘iParty With Victorious’ episode. Trina sees Spencer and notices him from iCarly and tries to seduce him.]Trina was wandering around Keenan Thompson's house looking for Lane's k!ds, why you might ask. It is because she brought them to the party on leashes and never realized k!ds can undo Velcro and buckles. She wandered outside and saw Beck, Jade, Sikowitz and someone she recognizes. She made her way over, "Hey Beck.”Beck looked over and was going...

2 years ago
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The Fire Grows

The sun was setting and the sky was turning in gentle hues from a bright blue to a gentle pink, and finally a dark navy blue, as night often is. It was a clear night, the stars shining brightly down and the moon was fully lit, glistening off the lake. The trees were a dark green, and the stillness was so peaceful and calming, it made for a very pleasant setting. Michael stretched out next to the hearth and started to build a fire. Amanda was in the tent, looking for food to roast on the open...

4 years ago
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The DecisionChapter 3 Mike Speaks

I've known Linda for quite a few years. She's about as nice a woman I have ever met. There was just something special about her. She had the looks and personality, besides being an excellent teacher. I'm the school Superintendent in our district. I had been married for ten years when my wife was killed in an auto accident last year. I was devastated. We had a good marriage which had given us two daughters who are now eight and six. It was hard for the girls, without their mother. My...

4 years ago
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The Doll Collector Part 2

As if from a dream he woke up and there standing before him was the maid......Gemima..yes maid doll Gemima. And he was.....Sissy Gurl Doll Davina. He struggled with this knowing he was a man.....or he thought he was. His reverie was broken by maid Gemima releasing him from his bonds, he also noticed there was nothing in his sissy pussy and much to his shame lamented this. "Follow me," instructed maid Gemima. Obediently he did, she led him to a room off the Doll room and when...

3 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 8

A Change of Lifestyle Part 8 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many, many stories on fictionmania (and other sites) and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Desi gangbang in college

I am a 21-year-old female. Mai Delhi se hu or ek college going student hu. Ye story ek tarah se shuruat hai mere multiple sex pleasures ki. I won’t waste much time and sidha start karti hu.Baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke 1st year me thi. Mai college me kafi popular ho gayi thi apne looks ki wajah se. Mera complexion wheatish hai, kaale baal jo ke mere boobs se niche tak jate hai. 34 ke chuche, 30 kamar or 36 ki gaand hai.Mere college me kai ladko ne mujhe propose kiya but mujhe uss waqt kisi...

1 year ago
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Momrsquos black ldquofriendrdquo Charles two

continued...A routine of sorts eventually shaped itself, where Charles would have his way with me in the mornings while everyone was still asleep. When mid-afternoon rolled around, I would always need a nap if C, Charles son, was also at our house. I especially enjoyed those afternoons when we were the only ones home. I was one of those k**s that liked building forts with blankets, and I would climb in there for “my nap.” C would wait a short while before he approached me. He would try to...

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie part 9 breeding Amy

Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...

3 years ago
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Shes Bound to Like It

I had been “chatting” with a stranger, on the internet now for several weeks. We had revealed very intimate details of our sex lives to each other and I knew I had found someone whom I could be completely uninhibited with and who would not judge me. He came to the area on a business which meant we could finally meet. We met for drinks and conversation. There was sexual tension between us as we discovered more in common about each other than we had realized from our emails. He apparently liked...

1 year ago
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The Revenge

Sally was walkingback and forth. She needed a plan. I can’t do this on my own. I need some help. She thought to herself. Filled with mixed emotions she reached for the phone. “Hi Leah, it’s me. I need help with a plan.” “I’ll be right over.” Putting down the phone she walked over to a cabinet and picked up a picture. The picture was a fraud she knew that now. It was taken at a beach, she couldn’t recall which one. The sun was setting in the background and she was standing in that...

3 years ago
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One Bad WishChapter 3 The Dairy

Jack Connors Jr. felt like he had woken up to a nightmare. While he was deep asleep, he was tased, mace sprayed in his eyes, his underwear was stripped off, and he was hurried out into the cold night. Through red and burning eyes, he thought he had seen his mother standing by, watching all this. When he finally oriented himself, he found himself handcuffed to the back of the driver's seat in the back of a police car. Was he under arrest? He hadn't done anything wrong. What were the...

3 years ago
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Dream Comes True With Priyanka Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Rohan. I have been reading the stories in ISS since last 2 years and I am a big fan of it. But never really got a chance to write my own sex story, though I have had several small oral counters with my gf and ex-gfs but they weren’t that steamy and hot. About me: currently I am in my last year of graduation from a reputed college in bhubaneswar and I am a resident of it. I am a friendly guy. I am tall enough for any lady highest heels (6ft 2in) and so does my d**k (7) to...

1 year ago
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my first sailor

My first time was totally unplanned, and I didn't even know the guy before we met that night. I had dropped my mom off at the airport, and while we were waiting before she went through security, I noticed a sailor wearing dress blues who had just come through the security gate and was on his way to pick up his bags. We made eye contact and he smiled at me, a big grin that made me melt inside. After saying good bye to my mom, I turned to walk away when he came up to me and started a...

First Time
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BreederChapter 12 Lab Rats

Diane entered the procedure room alone. She was a few minutes ahead of Dr. Curtis and Jessie. Basically her job was to make sure everything was in order for the procedure to remove the implant from beneath Rick's penis. They had studied the X-ray and CAT scan of the implant and weren't any farther ahead than when they started. The implant looked like a virtually hollow vessel with a hollow ring attached. They could make out some kind of liquid within it. They could also see what appeared to...

2 years ago
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Daddy gave me a Black Man to play with

Daddy called out for him, by name, for him to enter our living room. I stood to the side, then decided to sit down on the wooden chair by the side of the cabinet, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, after all what has a girl of thirteen got to do with dealing with servants, no, I would leave that to daddy, I was here on vacation and just wanted to get a tan.When he entered the room the first thing that struck me was his colour, jet black, was the only thing that sprung to mind, I had...

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Bobbys Punishment

Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I...I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat...

2 years ago
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Wife Pegged Me

Stella got out the candles and lit them. Sitting them around the lovely small cottage anticipating that the electric may go out and if so then it would be the ideal time for them to have a nice playful night. And this would be the night that she gave Dave, his one most memorable fantasy that he had been begging her for.Once the candles were lit, she went into the master bath to prepare for the evening. She filled the luscious tub with warm water, adding the bubbles to it, and stepping in to...

2 years ago
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Consummation With A Massage Included

Hey readers of ISS, its Prasad back with another tale of my own. Hope you read my last story “Consummation at Coimbatore”. I received good responses from both guys and girls. So I am gonna proceed with this new story now. Leave your responses at So, after the first time with Riya, we were both hot and horny for each other and we used to just have sex whenever we get a chance. So finally choice of college and we both chose the same college and course and mainly out of our hometown so we could...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang In Lonavala 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, thanks for liking my previous stories. It had been a long time since I had got any action. I had gone off from the dating sites and was quite busy with my routine. However I and my friends decided to go to Lonavala for a night out since it is so close by to Mumbai and since it was a Saturday night. We left for lonavala at around 10 and bought some alcohol on the way. I started drinking since i was too stressed with my routine work life. I was feeling much relaxed with alcohol in my...

Gay Male
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Tmkoc Episode 7 Auraton Ke Bich Chudayi

Hi friends I am back with the next episode of our series Tmkoc. This is humraaj and any female want to contact can mail me at So let’s start the episode. As you all know there was a fuck sesion going on in Babita’s house aur Babita Tarak se bilkul satisfy nahi hui. Fir Babita bhi Jethalal ke pass gai aur apni chut ki pyaas bujhai. Subah hui aur sab apne apne kaam pe chale gaye. Babita din bhar isi khayal mein rehi ki Jethalal ka lund kitna mast hai aur Mehta saab kitne fuss hai. Fir usko...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Angel Wicky Slip Into Something

Busty Angel Wicky takes a warm bath. The water slips and slides all over her sensitive skin from her hairy twat to her huge boobs with their pierced nipples. After she has soaped herself up, Angel slips into a bra that can barely contain the bounty of her breasts and some panties. A swipe of makeup is the last step to getting ready. Strutting in to the living room, Angel comes up to Michael Fly from behind so that he can feel her generous knockers resting against his head. He squeezes them,...

1 year ago
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Where the magic happens Part 1

My stomach growled as I slipped my red skinny jeans over my black lace panties. I sighed and checked the fridge, which was practically empty. "Damn," I muttered, slipping on my black two inch heels and I walked out of the house. Since I just turned sixteen, I don't exactly have my license, so I began walking to the nearest Taco Bell. I was about to pull out my iPod and listen to techno when my ex-boyfriend drove by with his hot friend Nick. I blushed and felt butterflies in my stomach - I still...

First Time
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One of My Wet Dreams

Wow! I had the best, the hottest wet dream yet last night! Before I tell you about it, let me tell you about my date with my AdultFriendFinder friend the night before that one.I am 40-years-old, but I look, feel and sound younger; I shave my body smooth, including my legs and genitals, and I am fem and a sissy, being a submissive bottom boy for older men and Daddies. One of my lovers from AdultFriendFinder, "B," is in his upper-50s but looks older, with wrinkles, gray hair, a hairy chest, the...

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