- 2 years ago
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Introduction: A shopoholic finds a dark new high as another bizarre Minus Three romance begins. || {s}mall 1 of 6 ||
My arms felt like rubber and my knees were weak and I no longer felt like a man.
The dull throb in my head was turning into a screaming pain in slow, even, measured paces. It had gone on for weeks now, never ceasing or letting up for a second. The pinky finger on each of my hands was tingling, the pins and needles getting worse. It was like this all the time now and I needed to just fucking get it out and stop all this senseless meandering. To and fro like a mouse in a maze, all of us. The only time I felt anything close to the spiritual enlightenment of a fulfilled existence promised us in our youth was when I shopped.
Id sought addiction counseling without telling anybody who knows me, about three years ago, without any results. I could just as soon cease my addiction to water as I could my addiction to the fucking mall. The lights, the buzz, the endless commerce, it was like some kind of perverse mana to me. I nuzzled at the teat of raw consumerism like I was sick and the cure was inside.
Until a few weeks ago. Eighteen days of a building headache ago. Eighteen almost-sleepless nights ago. Eighteen more reasons not to go to the mall ago. Eighteen days since Id hit her with my car.
I could still see it like it was happening right now, me coming around the parking lot corner by the foodcourt doors a little too fast and she stepping off the curb when I didnt expect. Bam. Up and over the hood, rolling up the windshield to stop on the roof with the sound of metal buckling as I braked. Small and crumpled and limp. She actually said she was okay when I got out and helped her up. I was numb. She had rolled with it on instinct, and though she was clearly shaken she insisted everything had been fine. She was small, fit, maybe 19 or 20. We exchanged information on my insistence that something might come up later, she had been hit by a car after all.
As I had stepped out of the car right after it happened I had felt a rising tension, I had hit someone with my car after all. When I watched her walk away I was shocked to find that I was a little let down. It seemed so anticlimactic. Two days later she came to my house. I stood at the door while she explained she had used my phone number to find my address and had come to let me know that she was still fine and that if I was still worried I shouldnt be. I felt that sudden let-down again and I invited her in. When I closed the door behind us and she stood in front of me looking into my living room I put my hands around her throat from behind, I put my hands around her throat and I killed her.
Im not bragging. Im surprised to admit though that I also dont care. Since then I couldnt stop thinking about it, I couldnt stop thinking about how it was over too fast. Eighteen days of regret that I didnt drag it out longer. Eighteen days of wishing I could do it over again, like the first time I had sex. Make it last. Eighteen days of being half-assed at work, eighteen days of barely eating, eighteen days of wondering why I felt like I didnt do it right instead of feeling guilty that I had done it at all.
Eighteen days of not being able to shop.
Id gone to the mall every day after work since then, gone to the mall and wandered around like a flesh starved ghoul. Nothing worked, the mall felt dead. I felt like I was trying to jerk off drunk, banging and slapping at some flaccid piece of numb flesh. Knowing that it wasnt any good to try but pressing on anyways. It was like getting a handjob from a 73 year old man. I kept telling myself, shop as usual, and avoid panic buying, but my purchases mounted as I stopped even looking at most of what I bought. I was pulling and pulling but never got off.
Sitting on the bench watching the mall go past, trying to get up my shopping wood, I saw her looking at me. She was small. Some might say plain in the face, but where they saw commonness I saw confidence and reserve. Her eyes betrayed an innocence. Her blonde hair was clean and plain as well, to her shoulders and simple. She looked soft. I looked away before I let my gaze dwell on her neck.
I left. To my chagrin so did she, I saw her as I pulled out of the parking lot, watching me from the sidewalk by the foodcourt doors. My heart raced and I fought the urge to swerve and batter her down with the front of my car. I didnt like this anymore, the headache was going away and I started to miss it, fearing what its absence said about me.
She waved, I went home angry and pent up.
I tried everything after that. I drank, I tried to lose myself in my work, I even started staying up all night working out on a home gym I purchased online. Despite its losing its ability to satisfy me I still felt the urge to buy things so I started shopping online. My garbage had turned from bags from the mall into mail order packaging. I couldnt go back to the mall in case I saw her again, soft and breakable.
I couldnt get off on anything anymore. I tried porn, then strippers, then prostitutes. The third time I was with one I found myself putting my hands around her neck and she told me that that would cost extra, I lost my temper and slapped her across her whore mouth and kicked her out of the shitty motel room Id paid for to fuck her in.
Twenty-three minutes later, as I sat on the end of the bed trying to subdue myself from going and finding her and doing something stupid again, there was a loud pounding on the door. It sounded like someone thumping on it with palm of their hand.
Eh, yo! Open the fucking door! a voice yelled.
I sat at the foot of the bed, not knowing what to do. Was it cops? It was probably some angry pimp.
Open this fucking door motherfucker! the voice yelled, Open it right now!
I took in a long breath and walked to the door. I put my hand on the door frame to steady myself and opened the door, keeping the shitty brass security bar locked. The door surged inwards, banging to a stop on the bar, and a black skinned hand reached through to grab at me.
Open this door and give me my money motherfucker!
I felt a calm come over me. The headache was gone. The shakes were gone. I picked up the lamp and unlocked the door. It burst inwards almost at once, a black guy in a nice jacket coming through it reaching for me. My face was placid, my body at rest, and everything slowed down as I brought the lamp upwards in a short swing and shattered it against the underside of his jaw. I saw shards of glass cut his right cheek and the left side of his lips as his scrunched up in surprise and pain. He was still reaching for me with his outstretched hands and I stepped back and to my left out of his grasp. Dropping the ruins of the lamp I grabbed the back of his jacket, noted the brand and probable retail price, and used his own momentum to throw him face first into the dresser.
It was so much different from the first time, he was stronger and struggled more. My legs straddled over him as he tried to rise and I clenched my hands around his neck and dug my fingers into his throat, interlacing my fingers and digging them in. I had to lean my weight fully into him to keep him from breaking free. I felt the hunger I had been feeling being savagely sated as his resistance failed and he went limp under me. The first time I had become suddenly aroused, and it happened again now. I felt my erection straining inside my jeans and I slammed the door leading out of the room closed as I ran past into the bathroom and yanked open the front of my pants to free it. Ramming my hand up and down my fiercely clutched cock I gritted my teeth and I saw myself in the mirror, my face a primal grimace of fury. In one hot lunge I smashed the mirror with the palm of my free hand and came so hard I shot my junk over the sink to splatter on the mirrors fractured surface, issuing one hoarse scream.
AHHHHH! I leaned forward sharply, my elbows on the counter on either side of the cracked and stained porcelain sink and my cock hanging out, already half-limp. My upper body chugged and surged with the rhythm of my ragged breathing, slowly subsiding to measured pants.
I looked back into the room as I fastened my belt. The pimp lay on the floor beside the bed looking dead and heavy. Not like her, she had been light and small and easy to move. A wave of disgust rolled over me when I realized that I felt&hellip,gay. It had been a man. I wanted to vomit but didnt have time, I had to get the fuck out of here. I knew I was fucked no matter what I did, my fingerprints were everywhere. Id used a fake name to get the room but Id been trying to be under the radar, not dodge&hellip,murder.
Id never said the word to myself before. My body went cold and the calm came back. With a wet towel from the bathroom I wiped everything off that I could remember touching including the pieces of broken lamp, cleaned my cum from the mirror, and left. My thoughts refused to race, even when I prodded them to, as I drove calmly from the low rent edge of the city back towards my home. Murder. It didnt sound as bad as Id thought it would. Murder. I tried it out loud.
Murder, I said into the silence of my car. I frowned and shook my head slightly, quickly. I knew I was going to have to find that fucking whore before she talked to the cops.
Instead though, the next day I called in sick and went to the mall.
He looked nice, maybe a little serious, but nice.
Id realized I liked older men when I was pretty young, just a girl really. Not that that was that long ago. There were guys in school that seemed interested in me but I couldnt bring myself to think about letting any of them near me with their silly little penises. Id had a boyfriend last summer, a year ago. hed been one year ahead of me in school and visiting his family over the holidays. Id let him kiss me and put his hand on one of my breasts but thats as far as I let it go. I started thinking about the stories hed tell me when he went back home when summer was over and I lost interest. I didnt want to be one of those summer fling stories Id heard the guys at my own school talk about.
Two days in a row now Id seen him at the mall. I didnt really have a lot of money to spend but I didnt have much else to do, my friends were mostly away this summer. Today he seemed to have noticed me noticing him. I couldnt tell how old he was but I knew he had to have at least ten years on me. He sat on a bench trying to look like he was looking around at the mall traffic but I knew he was looking at me. I looked away for a second and I saw him turn his gaze back to me. Smiling a proud little smile I licked at my yogurt cone. I saw him shift forward and lean his elbows on his knees with his head still turned towards me. I looked back to him and caught his gaze for a second and his eyes went wide. I took another lick and smiled as he tried to make it look like he had just been sweeping his gaze past and had caught my eyes by accident. For an older guy he sure acted shy. I smiled again. I knew how he felt. Id been pretty shy my whole life too.
What could be his reason? Me, Id never gotten over Kevin Clarke pulling my pants down in grade 4. Out on the playground, playing girls chase boys, hed come up behind me and pulled my pants and panties down to my knees and slapped me on my bare bottom and all the kids had laughed really hard at me. Its the single worst thing thats ever happened to me. Why would a grade 6 boy do that to a grade 4 girl? Nope, Id never gotten over that, not even after the few years between then and now.
Some yogurt had dripped onto my chin and the front of my pale green shirt so I wiped it off with my finger and then licked it, sucking the end of my finger into my mouth. He was still looking at me, so I licked the end of my finger and put it back between my soft lips. Without turning my face towards him I shifted my eyes and tried to catch his again. He looked away again. A little frown furrowed my brow as I tried to catch his attention by uncrossing and then crossing my legs again, not enough to let him see my soft white panties under my little white skirt but enough so he might think he could. This was about as forward as Id ever been towards a guy and I knew I was pretty, so what was I doing wrong? People liked my soft blonde hair, they liked my cute face, and they liked my cute little body. Wait, why was I even doing this? Id never seen myself as one of those slutty girls. I felt desperate for him to notice me though, and though I felt a little dirty doing it I uncrossed my legs and put my feet apart with my knees together. I held my ice cream while I licked at it with one hand and slid the other into my lap. When I knew he was looking I moved my knees apart slowly lifted a the soft fabric of the front of my skirt with my fingers so he could see all the way from where it started at my knees up to my little cotton panties.
Why was she doing that?
She was better when she looked clean and innocent and soft, small. Now she was trying to get me to look up her skirt, and I couldnt stop myself from doing it. This isnt what I wanted her for and now I was getting confused. Both urges simmered inside of me as I looked at her, soft and small. Her panties looked as soft as her neck. I licked my lips as she licked her ice cream with a long stroke of her tongue. She caught my eyes again and I looked to the floor of the malls hall in front of me. I saw her cock her head slightly and with a quick flick of my eyes saw that she was frowning and standing. She moved with a huff and turned and walked away. I got up and followed her, keeping several people between us as I did. Soon she was at the exit that goes through the parking lot under the elevated one above and out to the bus stops.
I felt my pulse quicken as everything else went calm and slowed down.
I felt pretty stupid and low as I left the mall and crossed through the shadowed parking lot to catch my bus and go home. What a dumb girl, exposing herself to some stranger in the mall. What had I been thinking? I felt like such a slut.
The rush of motion came fast, something slamming into me from the side. An arm went around my stomach, lifting me off the ground, and before I could scream another shot over my shoulder from behind and a hand clamped on my open mouth. I tried to bite at it but it clenched its grip on my face and my head was pulled back at a sharp upwards angle. The hand around my stomach roughly slid down my front and I felt a hand grab me violently between the legs, lifting me further from the ground as its fingers pushed into my little pussy. I jerked my body around trying to get away but I wasnt strong enough. I was too small. I heard a laugh and felt hot breath on the back of my neck.
Youre going nowhere, a quiet and mean voice hissed, strained like through a clenched jaw.
Unremitting horror was all I could feel inside.
I could feel his hard dick pressing against my ass through our clothes and I tried to scream again as I thrashed uselessly. With those awful fingers pushing into me and that hard hand around the lower half of my face I was whirled around and he slammed my chest against the side of a car. I was pinned there between the hard glass and metal and his thrusting body, and the hand groping at me went quickly between us and I could feel the back of his hand against my ass and heard the sound of a belt buckle being opened. I was still trying to scream and tears flowed from my eyes. I started jerking and thrashing harder, but then the hard hand on my face yanked my head back really hard and everything went white for a second as a searing pain shot from my neck down my back.
His other hand was grabbing at my ass now, and as my white skirt went upwards with one fast yank I could feel his rock hard cock pushing against my ass through my panties. With one more yank they were gone, pulled down to mid thigh, and I felt his shaft pressed between my cheeks as he thrust against me. Screaming into his hand in vain I fought harder, but he let go of my face for a second to yank at my hair and hit the side of my head off the roof of the car he had me pinned against. Everything flashed white again with the new explosion of pain. His mean, hard hand went back to my face and clutched it tightly. I felt something hard poke roughly against me between the legs, stabbing randomly and fiercely as he tried to force himself inside me.
I clenched my eyes shut and screamed as hard as I could into his hand.
She was mine.
Of course there were others like me, but there was only one of her and she was mine.
Shocked, I had watched up until now not knowing what else to do. Is that what I looked like? Gareth Nicks, all tensed fury and violent motion? My body was frozen and the calm evaporated as I looked on while he had sprung out from behind a car and grabbed her, slamming her hard into a car and ripping at her clothes. It was too much, I couldnt watch this anymore. I couldnt let him have any part of her and had to stop him before his manic thrusts found what he was looking for.
The calm returned in one cool wash and I had his hair in my left fist. My right slammed into his face from the side and he dropped her. Screaming frantically for help she stumbled to the side as she tried to run with her panties around her thighs. As I bashed the mans skull against the car as he had hers she clumsily pulled her underwear up and ran and screamed. There were other people coming now, and as my grip on him slackened for a second he pulled free. I lunged to grab him again but the way he looked at me stopped me before I had him. There was a knowing look there, a familiarity that fed shock, rather than anger, that I had stopped him. A small grin flashed across his face and he fled as I faltered.
No, talking to mall security and police isnt fun right after you were about to&hellip,murder. It makes your heart race and sweat run down your face like youre in a sauna and its you instead of water being used for the steam. Descriptions given and statements taken I left as fast as I could, through the halls to the stairs of the police station. I caught her eye through a window in one hallway half way to freedom and she stood up suddenly and ran for the door of the room she was in. The plastic brace on her neck hid it from me and the livid bruise on the left side of her face hid that from me too. She was still crying, hunched looking, and her voice was shaky and small as she spoke.
Thank you, she sobbed in a small, scared voice as she came to me, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning against me, thank you so much, mister.
What I saw in her eyes as I looked down at her stopped my heart. She was so terrified. I put my hands on her shoulders and slid them around her to rub her back. I had been so close&hellip,and then shed been taken from me. I couldnt let anyone do that again. I would have to watch her, guard her, make sure no one else tried to take her again. She was mine.
A cop had come into the hallway and asked her to come back in and sit down. He said her name, Cori. Was it the way I pictured? Cori with an I? I hoped so. She pulled away from me reluctantly and through her tears said it one more time.
Thank you.
My pleasure, I told her. It hadnt been though, and was getting less so.
The headache had returned.
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This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. This story contains extreme BDSM, degradation, incest and new levels of bondage. If you are not into that stuff, I would suggest you go back and read other stories else just enjoy. My English might not be up to mark but it is better than the other stories. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a...
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I know the family has money ... wouldn’t have been able to buy a hundred foot catamaran without it ... the same pile of cash would buy a hundred fifty foot monohull. Dinner out? Sure. Many times. Posh places? Uh huh. Sailing the world put me in exotic restaurants wherever we went. Our nanny would pick up a phone book ... find something interesting, and call for reservations. “Party of four,” she would say. “Flintkote ... yes, 8:30.” She always included a credit card number...”In case we...
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This story is X-rated. The sequel to chapters 5+6, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. Again, I'd like to express my thanks to Catfish Hunter, who did a great job in hunting down my grammatical errors. ==== Chapter Seven: Theory ==== I was lying in a lukewarm gooey puddle, my legs outstretched. I enjoyed the calm moment. On my left side, there was my best...
You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend Rashiwho has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. Rashi has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...
IncestHi this is Rajesh again from Chennai. This is my third story in ISS. I’m 26 yrs old and working in a Software company. Mail me at This happened to me during final year of my college. This story is about how I had an encounter with my classmate. Her name is Vanathi (36-28-36). She is wheatish, good-looking and a bit plumpy. To give a background about the story, I studied engineering at a reputed college in Tamil Nadu. Mine was a usual gang of friends with mix of boys and girls. To tell about...
Hi. My name is Crissy. I'm a 19 year old female. This story is about how my fascination with sex began. I was maybe 4 or 5 years old when it started. What me off was the first porn I saw. I remember sitting in my grandparents bed at their house with my older brother Joe (he’s two yrs older then me), and my cousin Derrick (he’s a year older then me). Well, we were watching TV when my brother and my cousin decided to put in this movie they found in grandpa’s desk. They thought it was one...
Erik exhaled noisily as he exited the room, placed his hand to his lips and stared blankly into space. "I cannot believe what just happened in there! We kissed! We touched! Oh mon Dieu! We just did those things in front of Meg and her mother! Merde!" The look on his face half smirk, half grimace. "She touched my face and still, she smiled at me and kissed me." The smirk and the grimace replaced by a look of stunned realization. His eyes slipped closed. He relived and reveled in the...
The Marriage Contract ? by: adhi "You dirty little piece of shit!" my wife spat at me. "Did you really think that I wouldn't notice that you cheated me with this secretary slut of yours? How dumb do you think I am? But I'll be kind. I'll give you a choice on this: 1. You may sign over all your assets to me and get a divorce. We'll never see again and you can become happy with your secretary. 2. Be doomed! I'll make your life a living hell so you'd wish you'd never have been...
Have fantasies of me succumbing to my secret homo desire to become a sissy cock whore. My plan for my first experience starts innocent enough. I invite the guys over to watch movies, chill. My plan is that we binge watch a couple of Marvel series but what the guys don't know is I am also recording some porn movies using the jail broken fire stick that I bought recently. The day comes for the get together and I shop for snacks,etc.... The guys show up and we start watching the first Marvel...
Copyright 2001 swl all rights reserved except: 1. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. 2. As these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use any of us in their own story with the same veto restrictions that I gave each person; weather or not this is a continuation of this story. 3. Permission is given to a reader to download one copy for personal use. Included in this copyright is Fictionmania's copyright of the Hyperboard. The Hyperboard...
These days the bus is crowded like anything and I need to travel by a hectic crowded bus everyday. Most of the days we get nice enjoyments. After my bus reached the 3rd stop from my get in, the crowded started increasing and 3 ladies & 2 men started falling on me as they were not able to stand properely. So I had to move to extreme back. There was one more lady – bit fat in her 40’s was standing. One more person pushed my right hand away when she tried to stand properely while the driver...
Peter Graham had an erection! He had had it all morning, ever since Sue had arrived for work. She was dressed in the shop uniform of white blouse and navy blue skirt as usual but she seemed different somehow. She had given him a big smile and came to stand in front of him. "I'm feeling on top form today Peter," she glowed. Peter gasped. His eyes popped out of his head. Sue had two buttons of the blouse undone, one more than was allowed by his father. She was wearing a very flimsy bra and...
Hi, dear friends and this is Mohsin once again with a beautiful encounter with my lovely and sexy maid Lakshmi. I am thankful to for the replies you had given to my previous story. This is all happened in the last month. I am 30 years horny guy living with wife and a kid. I am good looking and somewhat friendly man. So everybody in our locality loves me very much. As I am a self owned business man I have lot of time to spend at home. I am very much horny guy who loves to attract the females for...
Hi my name is vishal and my wife name is rohini, we have been happily married from past 1 year.My child hood best friend is vivek tall and muscular guy. We were best friends from child hood, always shared our things from pen to underwear and while we were in college we often used to tease each other that we will share our wives too after getting married. Rohini was my girlfriend in my college and vivek used to help us a lot, like providing his vehicle when ever we wish to go some where for...
In order to fully enjoy these practices, you must ensure you understand all of the potential ramifications prior to engaging in them.Three is not a crowdIt is a common dream which in today’s time and age has the potential to be oh-so real. It involves you, your partner, and another person. Most people enter it to experience a new form of sex as they are bored of the ‘vanilla’ sex they have with their partner. However, the best would be if all three of you are reasonably well known to each other...
We arrived at the car park and as we drove in B noticed a car with three young lads in and around it. “That looks a bit strange.” She said and I agreed. Still we parked up and made our way to the path that leads along by the river amongst the trees. I noticed that the young lads, all around the middle to late twenties, had left their car and had followed us down the path. We didn’t think much of it and carried on with our walk watching the Swans and Ducks on the river.We walked for about ten...
For as long as I could remember I was infatuated with my brothers, we all slept in "The Man Cave", as they called it, a room above a 3 car garage that my father had added onto the house. I have 3 older brothers,Bill, Charlie and Doug, also two older sisters, yes I am the baby. My brothers were not modest at all,being that it was just us guys they very rarely wore any clothes while in the "cave".My older brothers hairy bodies were always on display and I loved it! During the summer of 1990, I...
Kindness at all costs. Sure. Nice Sunday school saying. My mother's favorite, in fact. I wasn't thinking very much about kindness at that point. After four months here, I decided I had to find a girlfriend. Sure, I had a girlfriend back home. So call me a creep, which I probably was. I was far from home, lonely, and horny. I didn't officially have a girlfriend back home, not really, at least I told myself I didn't, and that was almost as good as being true. So it wasn't as much of a...
His next stop was Intrepid Security Solutions. He needed to talk to JJ. When he arrived, Carol at his side and with an armored Suburban leading the way, the receptionist tried to tell him that JJ wasn’t there. Doug just stared at her, then turned and wheeled past her desk, ignoring her protests. He pushed open JJ’s office door and barged inside, interrupting a discussion between JJ and a lady he had seen before, an employee. “Excuse me miss, I hate to interrupt, but I have urgent business...
Cath awoke to the red rays of a Fijian sunrise filtering through the windows. She was spooned into James’s, his arms wrapped around her. She rolled over, pushed him onto his back, bent down and took him into her mouth. As he started to harden and come awake, she crawled up and kissed him, and asked him to make love to her.“Take your time.” She murmured. “This will be the last time.” He looked questioningly at her, but said nothing, and for the next half an hour he worked at bringing her to a...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Hot slut is introduced to the world of BDSM through rape, and loves it. Submission She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but shed rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black...
Mein Name ist Nadja. Ja das hatten wir schon. Ich bin 175cm gross, habe weibliche Rundungen, einen klasse Arsch und mit 80c auch ordentliche, feste Brüste. Mich ziert langes rotes Haar und ausser meinen Augenbrauen ist das auch schon alles Haarige an mir. Von daher wurde ich auch mit der Güteklasse A- ausgezeichnet. Das Minus da ich leider ein paar Probleme mit der Leber habe. Nichts gefährliches, aber die Leber ist entsprechend nicht zu gebrauchen. Auch das hatten wir schon.Was wir jetzt aber...
A CHANGE OF LIFE-STYLE BY Sandy Sullivan CHAPTER 1 Marty Williams was in about as deep an emotional shock as a human can get and still exist. He had just left a meeting of the employees of his group where they had all been given their termination notices. Marty just could not believe it! He had graduated at the head of his class and had been sought ...
Mr. Larkin, the general manager of the company's west coast division, was annoyed. Normally, his was a quiet and orderly department, everyone doing their jobs with little fuss or bother but the last two weeks had been abuzz with whisperings and suppressed giggles and then this morning an outright shouting match between one of his employees and her assistant had upset the entire office.Susan Blake, his department head, had explained that one of her assistants had been a little out of sorts and...
Oral SexBeing the most popular free porn website on the internet is nothing to laugh about. Pornhub does a lot of things right when it comes to providing good, quality, free porn from its creators and from noteworthy studios in the industry. Having an active Twitter account that people find, for a company of this size, is incredibly important in today's age. Social media is important in more ways than just your own benefit. It's how we learn a lot about things now. Pornhub's Twitter account is sitting...
Twitter Porn AccountsIntroduction: i needed some help with this so thanks for the comments heres the final draft My new house Today was the first time my daughter had set eyes on the new house I had built for us after it got strange staying in the house my wife and I had built together after she had been killed by a drunk driver just over 2 years ago now. Oh my god its amazing my 15-year old daughter Amy said as we pulled up and in to the driveway Wait till we get inside I said with a smile knowing what the...
Bobby and Carl were old college buddies. They lived in the same dorm for three years and they partied together, played intramural sports together, and sometimes even studied together. Carl was a year ahead of Bobby but they ended up graduating at the same time. Once they graduated they worked multiple jobs for a few months to save money, and then piled into Bobby’s car and traveled the United States for almost six months. Sharing that experience pretty much bonded them for life. They were...
Lily Larimar works at Cheery Cherry Cleaning Services and has been busy vacuuming up Charles Dera’s home, but one big problem! She is not allowed to go into the backroom and Lily is not getting the message! As she worked her way in there, she was shocked to find a collection of toys and film equipment. What in the world is happening in this room?! She decided to give one of those toys a whirl and started fucking herself with it. Charles rushed up and was shocked to find her in bed and...
xmoviesforyouMISSEDThe Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan July 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...
Reddit RealAhegao, aka r/RealAhegao! Sometimes, I feel like such a fucking Boomer… with all these new fetishes rising, and them having some weird-ass names, I can’t help but think that I am getting old. Good thing one can never be too old for porn, and that is why you are also here. Let me just start by saying that Reddit has it all, no matter what the fuck you might be searching for.As for those who have read the name of this subreddit and instantly clicked, yes, I am here to talk about...
Reddit NSFW ListI was taking the summer off after graduating high school and was pretty much doing nothing but hanging around the house and using the pool all the time. I was in great shape since I had played football and I was starting college in a couple of months. My parents were divorced and it was just me and my dad at the house now since mom had moved out.I had friends over occasionally and we would usually just hang out around the pool and drink beer!One afternoon, it was hot as hell outside and I had a...
I walk swiftly into the airport and am greeted with a blast of warmth from the central heating. My dress swirls around my thighs, brushing softly against the tops of thigh high stockings, thick black cotton to protect against the cold. My dress is a soft blue, made of heavy material, with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Underneath I am wearing a white corset, that holds my DD’s high, just hiding my nipples in the crisp white lace, stretching down my stomach to connect to my thigh highs....
I woke to find a smiling Priya still in my arms. She kissed me, and said, "Good morning, Husband." I kissed her back, and said, "Good morning, Wife. How do you feel this morning?" "Somewhat well used, but not damaged," she said, "I should be in good shape for tonight, assuming you take out all your aggression on your new toy." Smirking slightly, I said, "Speaking of which, I need to give her the good news, and put her to work. I didn't do a very good job of cleaning you last...
Because I was a sexual girl with a history spanning my early teens, I had both the experience and confidence to control a woman more then twice my ageShe was my boss, and her addiction to sex, was the tool I used, feeding my voyeuristic and sometimes sadistic needs, whilst abusing my position to gain control over my destiny.My name is Mariel and I have been trained in the arts of pleasuring men since I first watched my first porn movie, long before entering those double digits that see those...
2 nd Session —PART TWO I did love that weekend so much and although they had promised her that she could whip meit did not transpire , as his wife flogged me her friend Gill contented herself with stroking mychest , back and then hand inside my slacks playing with my cock until I was on the verypoint of coming , but stopping at the last second , stepping back she wanted to watch Valfinish me off as Stu laid on the last few lashes - never ever...