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A CHANGE OF LIFE-STYLE BY Sandy Sullivan CHAPTER 1 Marty Williams was in about as deep an emotional shock as a human can get and still exist. He had just left a meeting of the employees of his group where they had all been given their termination notices. Marty just could not believe it! He had graduated at the head of his class and had been sought after by every prominent engineering firm in the nation. How could he not be needed just three years later? Oh he knew the recession had been getting worse and with the huge cut back in defense spending his company had been scrambling to find other work. But to be laid off was unthinkable. Being laid off was bad enough, but what was worse he had gotten married only six months before and it had taken all of his savings to make the down payment on the house his new wife demanded. Marty knew he was being irresponsible, but Joan had made it very clear before their marriage that she expected him to provide her with a high standard of living. Even while they were dating Joan had been very demanding, but for some perverse reason the more demanding and authoritarian Joan became the more infatuated with her Marty became. In his more reflective moments Marty realized he was setting himself up for more emotional torment and stress by continuing to see Joan but somehow her imperious manner seemed to excite him all the more. After their marriage he had been shocked when Joan would not allow coitus and required him to perform oral sex on her as their only means of sexual relations. However he soon had been trained by her to come as he performed oral sex by rubbing against the bed while bringing her to climax. Marty certainly would have preferred a more conventional form of satisfaction, even though he had no experience, he certainly had gathered ideas from reading the girlie mags for years. Marty had been a modern day rarity, he was still a virgin when he and Joan were married. Marty had always been shy and being late maturing had been small for his age and unable to compete for attention with the athletes. But since Joan had not allowed any contact for a week when he had been foolish enough to complain he soon learned life was much more pleasant when he followed instructions. Oh my gosh, what is Joan going to say now. No job and head over heels in debt how was he going to make her happy now. Joan had quite openly shown her displeasure when he had refused to hire a her a maid. His explanations of how he could not afford such a luxury fell on deaf ears and she only said he wasn't trying hard enough to please her. Joan was employed with a pharmaceutical firm but Marty had no idea what she did there or how much she made although he did know she held some sort of executive position.. Joan had insisted that her earnings were hers and that it was his duty to provide for her needs and wants. Obviously Joan was going to have to help him financially while he looked for another job. But Marty was not really looking forward to that scene. "Well I don't suppose I have any choice do I?" said Joan. "But since you have nothing else to do except mail out resumes you will have to take over all of the household duties. I will expect you to keep the house spotless and to cook the meals and have them ready when I arrive home. I will write some instructions for you so you will be able to perform those tasks that are unfamiliar to you. In the meantime I will also inquire within my circle of acquaintances and try to find some kind of work for you." Marty was very apprehensive this evening, it was Friday and the fourth week had now passed since he had been laid off and he had still not found another job. He knew Joan would not hesitate to show her displeasure at being required to continue to support him. It had been particularly humiliating to have to ask Joan for any money he might need. She was very careful when she gave him a signed check that it was always made out to the grocer or dry-cleaners. He could only fill in the amount which of course had to match the sales ticket. She only allowed him the exact amount necessary for taxi fare when he had to go out shopping. He had sold his car and Joan had insisted he give the money to her to help pay the mortgage payments on the house. Just yesterday she had refused to give him money for a hair cut, saying he could wait until he got a job interview. Joan even required him to sign over his unemployment check to help pay the expenses of the household. Joan was relentless in her criticism of his performance in caring for the house. Although Marty worked endlessly cleaning, cooking, ironing, shopping, washing and folding clothes, she always found something that had not been done to her satisfaction. When he pointed out that he was doing everything much better than when she was doing it, she quickly turned this against him saying she had done the household duties in addition to working full time, so certainly someone who didn't work had plenty of time to do things better. She also said he obviously had some hidden talents that enabled him to do womans work. Joan continued to insist that things would never be satisfactory until he could provide her with a full time personal maid. In his present financial condition that seemed impossible to Marty so he could only suffer through her abuse. Joan had made it very plain to him that he must satisfy her demands in regards to caring for the house or he might find himself on the street homeless and hungry. Knowing that Joan would surely make a big issue of his still not finding a job Marty had slaved all day to make the house perfect and to prepare Joan's favorite meal. The table was set to perfection and he was mixing her martini exactly the way she liked it when he heard her enter the door. "Well I believe I see some improvement in the house today! You might be starting to get the hang of it." Joan said. "Thank you dear I have tried real hard to please you." Marty said, bringing Joan her martini as she relaxed in her lounge chair. "I know you have dear, but I still think I should have a personal maid to attend me." Joan replied. Knowing he was unable to provide her with a maid Marty could only stand there silently and wait for her next criticism. "Don't just stand there, come remove my shoes and rub my feet, you have no idea how tired your feet can get wearing heels all day." Joan said. Kneeling at the foot of her chair Marty began to rub her beautiful feet as she had commanded. Marty still resented her bossing him around like this, but he knew he was going to do anything she asked. What was a little humiliation when he could be close to the fabulous beauty of Joan. "I don't suppose you have found a job yet, have you?" Joan asked. "No dear I haven't" replied Marty. As he admitted his failure he was overcome with shame and began kissing Joan's lovely feet while sobbing "Please, don't be angry I have tried so hard. Please don't be mean to me, I love you so much and I am trying to do every thing you want." "Now dear you don't have to cry, I know you are trying in your own way, and although you aren't pleasing me yet, I do appreciate your efforts. Of course you know I won't completely pleased until I have a personal maid. But I do have some good news for you." Joan said. "Good news?" Marty asked, raising his head. "Yes good news." Joan said "Come close and lay your head in my lap and I will tell you all about it. I know you will be thrilled that I have found a way for you to make money and be useful again." Marty quickly moved to comply with her wishes as Joan spread her legs so he could move closer. Marty could not help but be excited, since this was as close as Joan had allowed him to approach her since he had lost his job. Joan raised her skirt and carefully guided his head until his mouth and nose were nestled directly on her womanhood, only her lacy bikini panties separated him from this most desired prize. Joan placed her hands on his head as she wrapped her legs around his neck and crossed her ankles behind his back. Marty, still on his knees,was now secured in her perfumed trap and could not have been happier. "The department I am the director of has developed several new products and they are now ready for human trials. Since these programs pay a thousand dollars to each participant, I signed you up in three of the programs. Each program only requires a few hours a week, so you will still be able to do all of your maid duties here and we will get the extra money. Isn't that wonderful? Joan said. Marty started to raise his head to talk but Joan held him firmly in place saying "I can hear you from there, what did you want to say? "Do you think it is safe to take part in tests like this Joan?" Marty asked. "Oh don't worry, of course it is safe these products aren't really experimental, let me explain. One of the products is a skin cream that is supposed to soften the skin and remove all signs of aging it is made of already proven ingredients just in a new combination. The second trial is of a combination of a shampoo and a styling lotion designed to improve hair growth and condition; and the third is a course of treatment with several proven drugs that have been in use for years, this will just be a different use for them, but we believe that this combination will reduce your risk of heart attack, prevent prostrate cancer, and increase the life expectancy of males. So you see there is nothing to worry about all you have to do is participate in the trials and we get the money. That amount of money is certainly not enough to meet my needs, but at least you will be contributing something." Joan said. While Joan had been talking she had been ever so subtly thrusting her womanhood against Marty's mouth and that motion along with her fragrance was having a decided effect on him. Marty wanted to protest about her signing him up without asking him first but was afraid he might disturb this more kindly attitude she was displaying toward him. "You are happy about my good news aren't you Marty?" Joan asked. "Of course dear." was Marty's muffled and somewhat restrained reply. "You do want to participate don't you?' Joan asked as she continued to hump Marty's mouth. "Yes, dear." Marty gasped, the combination of Joan's actions, and the fact that he had been denied any sex for a month had Marty breathing very heavy. Suddenly Joan released him from his perfumed prison and said "Good you will need to sign these contracts and then you can start earning money again tomorrow morning." Joan reached into her leather brief, brought out three contracts and a pen and showed Marty where to sign. "My name is not correct on these contracts, it ends in an I instead of a Y, and your maiden name is used instead my last name." Marty said. "Well that is no problem, my secretary just made a natural mistake since I still use my maiden name professionally, just go ahead and sign them the way they are made out." Joan replied. "But shouldn't I read them first?" Marty protested weakly. One look at Joan's face made Marty realize he was making a serious mistake and he hurriedly signed the three contracts Marti Smythe. "Very good, you have made an excellent decision Marty. Your agreement could lead to a more satisfactory relationship for us if you successfully complete these trials." Joan said approvingly. Joan took the signed contracts from Marty and locked them in her brief. " I think you have earned a reward Marty, lay on your back so I can give it to you." Joan said. Marty thought this was unusual, but soon realized he was not going to be disappointed. Joan removed her bikini panties and knelt over his face. Positioning her clitoris on his nose and pressing her vaginal lips against his mouth she immediately began to rock back and forth. Marty was having a hard time breathing but this only added to his excitement as he gazed up at his beautiful wife as she wantonly screwed his face to climax. Marty had been so long without release that long before Joan came he had filled his shorts with spurt after spurt. He was so excited by her perverse use of him he had never had such a satisfying sexual experience. Marty could not believe how pleasant a weekend he and Joan had spent together. Joan had volunteered to help with the cooking and housework and had shown him several different ways to do things that made the work easier. She had even insisted on a twice a day repeat of their Friday night sexual escapade. Marty was so happy that he had agreed to participate in Joan's drug trials. He was sure that was the cause of the favorable situation he was now enjoying. Joan had told Marty that if he did well in the trials and was cooperative with the technicians she might be disposed to grant even further favors. Marty was starting to feel much better about his marriage now. It certainly had not turned out as he had dreamed it would, before he had lost his job he had even thought about divorce since he did not seem to be able to make Joan happy. Marty had learned all too well that if Joan wasn't happy she certainly would see to it that he wouldn't be either. Monday came all too soon for Marty and Joan was now driving him to the research institute where he was to begin his participation in the trials today. "Your first stop today will be with the medical department where you will be given a complete physical examination and numerous blood tests. This is necessary to make sure that none of the trials will be harmful to your long term health. If everything checks out then they will start you on the medications. You will receive injections every two weeks. But the skin cream and the hair products will be used every week day. I will bring you in each morning and then you will take a taxi to do your shopping and errand running. You should still have plenty of time to handle your regular household duties. I am sure you will enjoy these trials. You will be having many new experiences and you will be able to get out and about more." Joan explained. "Yes dear, I am so thankful to you for arranging this opportunity for me. I will cooperate fully with the technicians so your choice of me will be a credit to your wisdom in selecting me." Marty replied. Actually Marty was still quite apprehensive about being experimented on, but had decided he must do everything to make the trials go well so as to please Joan. Marty was impressed when he saw the building that Joan worked in. He had never been here before since it was on the opposite side of the city from where he used to work. It was a art deco styled multistory building with an attached parking garage. He was really impressed when Joan pulled into a parking space marked "Reserved for Director Joan Smythe". Joan brought Marty to the Medical Director's office and introduced him to Bobbie her nurse-receptionist, telling him Bobbie would see that he got to all the places he needed to go and that she would see him at home this evening. "If you will come with me I will get you ready for the Doctor to give you your examination." said Bobbie leading Marty down a hall to an exam room. "Please remove all of your clothing and put on these." said Bobbie while handing Marty one of those famous paper gowns and a pair of paper slippers. Bobbie did not act like she was going to leave the room so Marty turned his back and began disrobing. He did not have much to remove since Joan had provided him with a pair of pale yellow satin boxer shorts and a matching color v-neck satin jumpsuit to wear this morning. Marty had been a little disturbed when he realized she had brought these clothes home Friday, even before he had agreed to taking part in these trials. When he saw that "Marti Smythe" was embroidered above the right breast pocket he was angered at her presumption. He was angry, but was careful not to show it to Joan. After he thought for a moment he realized that if he had refused at first she would have made him so miserable he would have eventually given in anyway. He also removed the pale yellow ankle high hose and sneakers Joan had provided. When he had asked about the type of material Joan explained that everything was made of polyester so it would not absorb the cream and could be laundered easily. "Please step in the rest-room, face the commode and bend over please" Bobbie said. Although Marty found this whole experience humiliating he was determined to be as cooperative as possible. He had no doubt that Joan would get a full report on his behavior. Bobbie quickly inserted an enema nozzle in Marty's rectum and he could feel the warm liquid beginning to distend his bowels. He had always hated receiving an enema from his mother and this experience with a stranger was certainly no more pleasant. Bobbie allowed him to expel the enema and handed him a cup to urinate in while he was sitting. When Bobbie returned after taking the urine sample off somewhere she gave him a second enema. Marty knew he had to be cleaner than he had ever been, he certainly felt weak now. Bobbie led him back into the exam room, took his blood pressure, weighed him, measured his hips, waist, and chest and drew several vials of blood. She then left him alone in the exam room sitting on the end of the short table his bare butt on the cold paper cover. "Hello Marti, I am Doctor Black and I will be conducting your examination this morning. This will probably be the most complete examination you have ever had and I will try to make you as comfortable as possible." said the tall and attractive woman. She wore glasses and her dark hair was pulled back into a severe bun but still made a striking appearance. Bobbie the nurse removed his paper gown and the doctor listened to his heart and breathing with her stethoscope. When she had finished this the doctor said "Marti please lay back on the table now." and then to Bobbie "Secure his legs in the stirrups please." This was certainly a first for Marty. Bobbie had him scoot his butt to the end of the table and place his legs in the stirrups strapping them firmly in place. Bobbie elevated the upper part of the table so that Marty was now looking through his spread and elevated legs. She then pulled a metal piece out each side of the table strapping Marty's arms firmly to them. Another strap across his abdomen and Marty was now unable to move. He was very disturbed about being placed in such a helpless position and started to complain, but he caught himself just in time. He was not going to give Joan anything to criticize him about. "Okay now that we are ready I am going to do a rectal exam to see if you have any polyps or growths in your intestines. I will be inserting this fiber optic cable into you, it should not be too uncomfortable." said Dr. Black. Marty could only watch in fear as the bulbous end of the proctoscope approached his rectum, pressure, more pressure, PAIN, finally it was in. Now more pain as the doctor continued to insert and rotate more and more of the cable. At last she began to retract the device, more pain as it passed his sphincter. Marty took a deep breath and shuddered when it was finally out. "Now all we have left is to do is check your prostrate gland by extracting some fluid, and check the density of your testicles. Testing the density of your testicles will cause some severe pain and you will have this pain for a couple of weeks, if you don't want to experience this painful procedure you may refuse and we will drop you from the trials. If you want to continue in the trial you must have this test and it will have to be repeated monthly. Of course if you choose to have this test done now and then decide it is too painful to do again, we can drop you from the trial then, or we can perform an alternate procedure at that time. The alternate procedure is only painful for a day or so and won't ever have to be repeated." Doctor Black explained. "Why can't you just do the alternate procedure now instead of the painful one?" asked Marty. "We have to do at least one density test, and I would have to have permission from the director to do the alternate procedure. So your only option today is to proceed with the painful density test or be dropped from the trial. I will provide you with a pain reliever to use when the pain becomes too bad. If you go ahead with the trial and just don't think you could stand the pain of another density test, then we can ask the director to approve the alternate procedure. Well Marti what is your decision?" Doctor Black asked. Marty new his choice was very limited. He could either suffer this pain and whatever other humiliations Joan had gotten him into or leave now and just keep on going. There would be no living with Joan if he quit these trials, even if she would let him. It was either suffer and do everything she wanted or become a street person, homeless and broke. Marty thought a moment and then decided. Might as well make it sound good too he thought and then said "Please continue with the tests, I want very much to finish these trials." "Excellent Marti, I am going to insert this device in your rectum and leave it there while I check the density of your testicles." said Doctor Black. Darn thought Marty, that looks like a skinny curved penis, I wonder what the wires are for? Doctor black lubricated the curved phallus like device and slowly forced it into Marty's hole. It hurt terrible going in and was so large it made Marty gasp when she finally seated it in him. Marty thought surely it would pop out when she let go of it but it seemed to sort of lock in place and no amount of effort on his part could dislodge it. While Marty had been focused on the huge plug that had been shoved up his butt, the doctor had brought out a new device. This looks like a pair of C-clamps hooked together Marty thought. "Are you going to clamp my nuts in that thing?" Marty asked fearfully. "Yes." replied Doctor Black. "As I tighten the screws the gauges you see here indicate the amount of resistance. I will tighten each one until the gauge stops going up, when the screw can be tightened without a corresponding increase indicated on the gauge I will know I have passed the maximum resistance." "But that will crush my nuts!" Marty exclaimed. "I told you there would be severe pain. There should not be any permanent damage and the pain will go away in a week or two. I already told you I would give you something to relieve the pain. Are you so afraid that you want to back out now." the doctor said, giving Marty a very contemptuous look. "Uh no, I have to go through with the program." Marty said in resignation. "Very well, I shall proceed. Bobbie, the gag please." said Doctor Black. Bobbie pinched Marty's nostrils closed until he opened his whereupon she inserted a rubber mouth piece to muffle his cries. Strapped down and gagged, Marty could only watch in desperation as the doctor began to tighten the clamps. At first there was only the feeling of pressure, but this rapidly gave way to a dull ache and then intense, searing, burning, pain. Marty was revived, after he had fainted, to a horrible throbbing ache. The doctor and Bobbie were both smiling sweetly as the doctor said "Now I will show you how to make the pain stop for a while, watch closely now." She picked up a small black box attached to the wires the went to that plug in Marty's rectum and pushed a button on it. Immediately the plug began to vibrate against Marty's prostrate gland, he felt himself being brought to orgasm and his penis hadn't even begun to erect! Marty was overcome with pleasure right away and forgot the pain. However the doctor neglected to turn the vibrations off and Marty fainted again as his cum continued to flow in an almost steady stream. Doctor Black turned the vibrating plug off as soon as Marty fainted and then rapidly injected each of his testicles with Novacaine. "That will stop the pain for five or six hours which should be enough time for him to complete his other obligations today. After it wears off he will be absolutely miserable of course. Go ahead and prepare the other injections. I had better get him started on the hormones now, the way his testicles popped he will be begging for the "alternate procedure" very soon." Doctor Black said. Marty started returning to consciousness in a few moments and was surprised to find the pain in his groin was gone. Bobbie had removed the gag and he saw the Doctor getting ready to give him an injection. "What are you going to do to me now?" Marty asked in a weak trembling voice. "Oh this is what you are here for. We have your lab results back and you will happy to learn we are starting you on your combination drug treatment trial today. These injections will get you started and then you will take some pills each day and come back every two weeks for more injections." Doctor Black said as she injected a syringe in each hip."Bobbie will help you get dressed and take you to the cosmetic department to finish your trials. These are your pills, take four a day of the purple ones, and one a day of the white ones for twenty one days. After that take four purple ones each day for seven days and then start the cycle over again. If you begin to feel any pain just press the red button on this controller and the plug will relieve you again." she continued. "You mean I have to keep this thing up my ass all the time?" Marty asked angrily. "No, but that is the only way to relieve the pain when it comes back. You do feel better since I used it on you don't you?" asked the doctor. "Well yes, in fact it was quite nice, and I don't feel any pain now, but how can I have a bowel movement with this thing in me? Marty asked. "Oh don't worry about that, Bobbie will remove it tomorrow morning and give you another enema. Then it can be replaced if you want it back in. Of course since that is what will relieve the pain you will probably want it back. If you find that you just can't stand the pain then please have Joan call me and if she approves we could possibly go ahead with the alternate procedure. That will stop any pain you have and will prevent you from having any further pain from your testicles." Doctor Black told him. Bobbie assisted Marty from the table after giving him the little control box to hold. Marty was mortified when she put an adult diaper on him and then hooked the control box to the diaper. He then put on the rest of his clothes. He wasn't pleased with the diaper but realized if he had to use the plug the diaper would be necessary. Bobbie and Marty took the elevator back to the ground floor where she led him into what appeared to be a cross between a laboratory and a beauty salon. There were men and women all over having various things done to their hair, nails and faces. Marty couldn't help but wonder what sort of humiliation was in store for him now. Bobbie took him to the receptionist and gave her Marty's paperwork which identified the trials he was to participate in, and his schedule. "Hi Marti, I'm Rene'. You can give me your purse, I will put it up for you until we are finished with you today." Marty gave her the handbag that Bobbie had packed his pills and extra diapers in and followed her down a hall to a small room. "Marti, just wait in here, I will have someone in here soon to give you the body cream treatment. What a day this has been already and it has just started Marty thought as he slumped into a chair to wait. While Marty was waiting for the next event, unknown to him Doctor Black had called Joan to give her report. "Yes Joan everything went well, you really should have been here when I did his testicles, I know you would have enjoyed hearing them pop. I gave him his first injections of estrogen and progesterone, I used a rather large dose because I think he will be begging you for the alternate procedure right a way. When the testicles pop like his did there will be a lot of swelling and excruciating pain. They are deadened with Novacaine right now but you should probably leave work early today if you want to have some time with him before that wears off." -------- By the way thank you for bringing him in you know how I really enjoy popping their nuts for them Ha Ha Ha." Marty only had to wait a few minutes in the little room before a young woman came in. She was dressed in a pink smock over a white skirt, it looked like a beauticians uniform, except for the white high heeled pumps. "Hi, I'm Jamie, I will be doing your cream application today. Please remove all your clothes and lay face down on the table." the young woman said. Oh,no, Marty thought as he hesitated,she is going to see the diaper and that darned plug in my butt. "Don't worry about the diaper and plug, all the men that come for the cream applications are wearing them. There is no need to be embarrassed." Jamie said. "We will be seeing each other every week day for the next few months so you will just have to get used to me rubbing cream all over your body without being embarrassed." Jamie told him. Marty complied with her instructions, and as he went to get on the table Jamie held the controller that was connected to the plug. Jamie had him spread his legs a little an laid the controller on the table. She put on rubber gloves and began to rub the cream all over his body, taking special care to get in and around the crack in his butt cheeks, then she had him roll over and this time she started on his face. Marty was amazed that when he rolled on his back he didn't feel the cream. "That's funny, I don't feel the cream on my skin." Marty said. "That's because it is instantly absorbed, this is really a wonderful cream it will make your skin look as smooth and soft as a child. It removes all the wrinkles and signs of aging." Jamie said. Jamie applied cream to his face carefully avoiding his eyebrows and scalp hair. Marty got a little nervous again as she neared his groin area but Jamie sensed his mood again told him "I will be very careful with your scrotum, I know the Doctor popped your balls. They won't hurt at all for a few more hours though." Jamie applied the cream all over his scrotum and penis and then finished his legs and feet. "Now I am finished for today, put your clothes back on and I will take you back up front and do your hair. Unless your balls hurt too bad I will give you your next application here tomorrow." Jamie said. "Oh they feel fine now, I'm sure I will be back tomorrow. Thank you, it was very pleasant having you apply the cream." Marty told her. "I hope you will be, but no one ever makes it back the second day. Once she pops them nobody can stand the pain. Everybody goes back to the Doctor for the other procedure just to get relief." Jamie said. Marty was starting to get frightened about the pain coming back so he asked Jamie "Does the alternate procedure the Doctor talked about really stop the pain?" Jamie laughed and then replied "It sure does, if you get the alternate procedure your balls will definitely stop hurting you." Jamie brought Marty back to the front area where she sat him in a shampoo chair and placing a towel around his neck began to shampoo his hair. Marty thought to himself I could get to like this. Having a good looking woman rub cream all over your body and give you a great shampoo like this is really nice. Jamie led Marty to a styling chair and began to cut his hair. "Hey this is great I have been wanting a hair cut and now I can get one for free." Marty said. "I am not cutting much off Marti, just shaping it so I can get the prescribed style for the trial. Jamie replied. "Prescribed style? You mean different from the way I have been wearing it?" Marty asked. "Yes, everyone in this trial gets the same exact style to start with. On you Marti, I think it will look real good. You have been wearing your hair longer in the back so I will not cut it quite as much as I should. I will just curl it a little tighter and we can get the same shape that way." Jamie said. "What do you mean curl it a little tighter, I wear my hair straight." Marty said. "You mean you used to wear it straight, now it is going to be curly. The way we do it in this trial using the styling lotion, is to set the hair on rollers, dry it under the hair dryer, and then comb it out. When I finish it will look just like mine." Jamie said. Marty looked in the mirror at the reflection of Jamie. Her hair was a mass of fluffy curls all over, he had thought when he first saw her that her hair was pretty. Thinking her hair was pretty and then realizing that if his was going to be done just like that, then his was going to be thought of as pretty also really shook Marty. Oh my, he thought, with my hair looking like that and this swishy jumpsuit I am going to look very strange. Marty realized he was going to be in for much more embarrassment today. He still had to stop at the grocery store before going home. Since he had been doing all the shopping for the last month some of the women at the store knew who he was since he always paid with his wife's check. "You don't like my hair?" Jamie asked. "Oh yes, in fact when I first saw you I thought how pretty it was." Marty quickly replied, afraid he might have hurt her feelings. "Well don't worry, it won't be long before you start to like your new look Marti." Jamie said smiling at him in the mirror. Marty sat quietly for a few moments as Jamie finished trimming his hair. As she began to take out the rollers and clips she planned to use, he asked "Are you wearing your hair like this because you like it, or are you in this trial too?" "I do like it like this, and yes I am in the trial also. I really want to let it grow out until it is at least shoulder length, but I will have to wait another year until I complete my time in the trial." Jamie replied Jamie. "How long have you been in the trial Jamie? asked Marty. "For a year of course, you didn't read the papers you signed either did you? she replied. "Ah no, I guess I didn't really read them. Do all three trials last for two years?" Marty asked. "No the skin cream trial only lasts six months. But you have to take the medication from Doctor Black for two years." Jamie told him. Marty had to think about this for a while, he had no idea this could last so long, how could he get another job if he had to come here every day. He surely couldn't go to work with his hair like Jamie said she was going to do it. He was going to have a talk with Joan about this, if he got a job offer he would just have to quit these trials. Jamie had been parting and rolling his hair on pink rollers as Marty watched in the mirror. Marty thought how strange this is, and I have to have this done for two years! "See Marti, you are starting to look pretty already." Jamie laughed. Finally she finished rolling his hair and placed him under one of the hair dryers. Marty noticed that there was someone under almost all of the dryers. Jamie had given him some womans magazines telling him to read them so he could learn all about what women were interested in. Marty really wasn't interested at looking at magazines and he started scrutinizing the other people sitting under the hair dryers. He continued this for some time, but finally gave up and looked at the magazines. He had tried to decide if some of the people under the hair dryers were men like him or if they were all women, but ended up with more he couldn't identify than the ones he could. Marty was glad that he was finally on his way home. Jamie had, after what seemed forever, retrieved him from the dryer, removed the rollers that had covered his head and combed his hair out. Jamie was true to her word he thought. Here I am in a taxi with a head full of shiny bouncing curls, just like hers. If there is any consolation in this, my hair really is pretty. But I can't get over how different I look. I still have to stop at the market and face those people that know me with my hair like this, carrying a handbag, and wearing a satin jumpsuit. This has to be the most humiliating day of my life. Marty almost made it through his shopping without incident. Then the checkout girl noticed who he was and had said "Gee you really look great today honey, your hair is really pretty." Not knowing what else to do Marty had thanked her for the compliment as if it was normal for people to say things like that to him. " Where are you Marti?' Joan called as she entered the front door. "In the kitchen dear. You are home early, I haven't even had a chance to start the dinner. I just got the groceries put up and the house cleaned. I'm sorry I didn't have your drink ready." Marty replied. "That is all right, I am early today, I wanted to see how you are doing. Oh don't you look good, I just love your hair, it is really pretty." Joan exclaimed smiling at Marty. "Joan we have to talk about all of this, I have never been so humiliated in my whole life. I have been stripped naked in front of women I don't even know, this hair business was embarrassing enough, but that Doctor Black is horrible, I thought she was going to kill me! I hate this whole thing. You made me wear a womans jumpsuit, have my hair done just like a woman in front of all those people, and that doctor may have ruined me for life. She crushed my balls in a clamp! I actually heard them pop before I fainted. And now I have this big plug shoved up my butt. They even put a diaper on me and made me carry a purse. How can I even think about looking for a job in this condition!" Marty complained to Joan. Marty couldn't help himself this outburst had been building up all day. As soon as he had unloaded on her he regretted it as he saw her smile fade into that look he so feared. "Marty go make my drink, and bring it to me in the living room. Make sure you compose yourself before you enter my presence again. If you can control your self I may discuss this with you." Joan said as she left the kitchen. Marty stood before Joan after giving her the drink she expected. Joan didn't say a word, just gave him that look. Marty sunk to his knees before Joan and with his eyes lowered said. "I apologize for lashing out at you Joan. But this has been a terrible day." Joan stared at him for a few moments and then said "Perhaps to your way of thinking today has not been very pleasant. However I fail to see a problem here. Let me go over these complaints of yours, I think your hair is very pretty, but of course as the director of this project I decide what hair style I want to see on the participants. Are you saying that my choice is not acceptable to you? That you don't want to please me by wearing your hair according to my instructions?" "I didn't realize that this was your personal choice, and I don't think it is not attractive, it is just so different I'm afraid I let it unduly disturb me. When Jamie told me I would have to wear it like this for two years I thought it might be a problem when interviewing for a job." Marty carefully replied. "Since you weren't very successful in finding a job I found a money making opportunity for you. Since you will be involved in this obligation for two years I am afraid the job interview is a non-issue now. What else, oh yes the clothing. This clothing you don't like was also designed by me for this project and is the required item of dress for everyone. As far as the handbag, those are issued to each participant, really a nice gesture I think, or would you have rather carried the diaper box in public. You should realize the necessity of the diaper, it is provided to keep you from soiling the clothing I furnished you with. As far as the Doctor she is following my instructions. That plug up your butt as you describe it is there to provide relief from this pain that you men cry about. Since I know that it gives you pleasure when activated you should be grateful for that kindness. Now about being ruined for life, I personally see no problem with Doctor Black crushing your balls as you put it. Even if you were ruined for life, I have no need for those things anyway. Surely you have noticed that they have not been required in our marriage. Unless you are planning to divorce me, I don't see that you have any use for them either. You signed binding contracts to participate in these trials and there is no legal way you can break them. You are in for the whole program so you may as well accept it. Frankly this program will make you much more suited to your role in this household. Your new hairstyle is perfect for a maid. Now get back to your work and finish dinner." Joan said in a steely voice. Marty worried as he prepared their dinner. He had probably known she would never have normal sex with him, but her callous attitude about her having no need for his balls had really upset him. He thought for a while more trying to reconcile his present position in their relationship. He realized he had always hoped she would allow a more normal situation, obviously she had no intention of that. It seems she wants me to remain in my present role of housemaid and servant. Servant is probably the right description, even when she has allowed any intimacy I have never received anything from it. She requires me to service her, any pleasure I might derive from that is only incidental, she has never done anything to provide pleasure for me. Marty had rolled these thoughts around in his mind until he was starting to become angry again. What he needed to do, he decided, was to stand up to her and remind her that as a man and her husband he had certain rights and needs. Marty had been so engrossed in his thoughts and preparation of the meal he had failed to realize the pain was beginning again. Marty hurried his work but the throbbing ache was becoming more insistent and Marty found himself gasping for breath when another pain would hit him. All of a sudden he began to doubt the wisdom of his decision to confront Joan. He was not going to be able to put up a convincing front to Joan while he was nearly doubled over with pain. Perhaps he should wait until he felt better, besides he realized if she refused he had no money, no car, and nowhere to go. "Why are you all bent over like that? Joan asked. "Because my balls hurt terribly!" Marty gasped while holding on to the dining table. "Well you can't very well serve my dinner like that, you will just break something." Joan said, coming to his side. "Here let me take your apron off, and you sit in that chair." Joan quickly removed Marty's apron and once he was seated she unzipped his yellow jumpsuit and reached for the controller clipped to his adult diaper. Immediately the vibrator began to move against his prostrate and Marty started to feel some relief. Again he was amazed at how he could start coming without an erection. He looked up to see Joan smiling at him as his body began to jerk and spasm as the fluids continued to flow out of him. "You always did want me to make you cum didn't you Marty? Is this good enough? Joan smiled as she continued to press the red button. Marty tried to tell her to stop but everything turned black as he fainted. Marty awoke in a few moments to see that Joan had returned the controller and zipped up his jumpsuit. "Do you think you have had enough fun now? If so maybe we can have dinner." Joan asked sarcastically. "Yes dear." Marty said as he rose from the chair. Marty put his apron back on and began to carefully walk back to the kitchen. The pain had receded to just a dull ache now and he started serving the rest of the meal. On his way back to the table with the last of the dinner the sharp searing pain hit him again. Marty was able to set the dish down before he fell to the floor writhing in agony. "Not again." Joan said. Joan again obtained the controller and as Marty began to feel some relief, he looked imploringly at Joan and cried through his tears "Please call the Doctor, she said she could do something to stop the pain. PLEASE" It was taking much longer this time for Marty to start coming. As Joan continued to press the red button she asked "Are you sure you want to have the alternate procedure Marti?" "Yes, yes please, I can't stand this pain! Marty cried. Joan continued to hold the button as she helped Marty to the car. Marty had not cum yet but the vibrations did ease the pain somewhat. Joan gave him the controller, called the Doctor from her car phone, and advised her what time they would arrive. Marty realized it was still early evening just before he passed out. Marty woke up in a strange room and as he looked around he saw Bobbie, Doctor Black's nurse, sitting in a chair reading. "Where am I" Marty croaked from a dry mouth. "Well you are back with us I see. I am sure Joan will be glad to know you are awake." Bobbie said. Marty realized he was again trussed up on the table where the doctor had examined him. He tried to raise his head high enough to see what had been done but he was covered with some sort of gown. Since he was still strapped down he couldn't move the gown. At least his feet weren't up in the stirrups this time. Doctor Black and then Joan entered the room along with Bobbie. Joan smiled sweetly at Marty while the Doctor asked "How do you feel now Marti?" "A little weak I guess, but I don't feel any pain." Marty said. "Good, you may have a little soreness tomorrow but I will give you some pills to take care of that." Doctor Black told him. "What if that terrible pain comes back?' Marty asked. Joan spoke up saying "Marti, don't you remember coming here? You insisted that I bring you here so the Doctor would stop the pain. You even signed the consent form, and since you wanted the alternate procedure so badly I also signed giving my approval. You won't have to worry about pain in your testicles ever again dear." "Oh yes, I remember now, the pain was so terrible. But I am afraid I don't remember much but the pain. How long have we been here anyway." Marty asked. "You have been here all night and most of the day. It is too late now to get your cream application and have your hair done so you will just have to skip a day." Joan said. The doctor had pulled his gown up and was pulling a catheter out of his penis while Joan was talking. All Marty could see below his penis was a bandage, he also noticed he had been shaved from his knees to his navel. While the doctor was removing the catheter, Bobbie had been removing the restraints. Bobbie gave him a sponge bath while Joan and Doctor Black left the room. Joan had brought a fresh jumpsuit outfit for Marty and although he wasn't pleased with the pink color, with Bobbie's help he was soon ready to go. He was a little shaky getting into the car but as Joan began to drive Marty really began to enjoy the ride. The colors of the trees and grass seemed brighter and more pleasing today. "Thank you for taking me to the doctor Joan. I really appreciate it." Marty said. "You didn't think I would let you suffer any longer than necessary, did You?" Joan asked sweetly. "I didn't really know Joan, at times I have thought that you enjoyed humiliating me. I have thought several times about leaving and if I had some way to do that I probably would have." Marty said. He did not know why but he had started crying while talking to Joan. Marty had turned his head away so Joan could not see his tears. She will probably criticize me for crying he thought. "Marti I have not tried to humiliate you. It appears you entered our relationship with rather unrealistic expectations. I made it plain from the beginning how I expected you to behave. Obviously you did not pay attention, and have made yourself miserable by failing to meet my requirements. But there is really no reason to cry. Although you have not been a financial success, or behaved in a manner that pleases me, you now have a second chance to do so. You see shortly before you lost your job, I was promoted to director of a special project at a much higher salary. I have been very successful in making that project meet the expectations of management. Today I was promoted again, to the head of all special projects. I now make more money than you and I both made before. You should be pleased to know that you played a big part in my last promotion. Although my original project was going well, when I was able to recruit you, that convinced management that I would be able to recruit the large numbers of men necessary for these projects. You no longer have to worry about finding a job and can devote you full time to being a good housewife . With diligence and effort I am sure you will be able to adjust your attitude to please me. You will find that it will be much easier to please me as you continue participating in these trials. In fact I predict that within only a few months you will begin to enjoy your new role in our relationship as it evolves." Joan counseled Marty. "Housewife, is that what you want from me? What happened to husband, lover -------" Marty started to exclaim forcefully. "Yes Marti, were you going to finish with provider?" Joan asked cattily. As Marty's words had trailed off he turned from looking at Joan to stare down the road. "Oh I see, you decided not to finish that little whine. Marti you are not the provider, I am. You have never fulfilled the normal role of husband because I would not allow it, nor do I ever intend to. If you weren't so hung up on these disgustingly male ideas of yours, you could have been enjoying a much more pleasant life. You are my lover, but surely you understand by now that I only expect one kind of sex from you. However, if you can properly adapt to the role I have just outlined for you I will take great joy in showing you more affection. As you make progress for the next two years in this program you are participating in I will allow you more and different opportunities for sexual satisfaction." "As your mental, and physical states become more amendable to my desires we shall be able to share even more intimacies. Marty what you need to do is accept that my will for your life is the proper thing for you. The best thing you can do for now is to adapt yourself to my wishes. If at the end of your two years in my program you still desire to leave, I will provide you with a car and money, and you can go on your way. Since you may still have problems finding a job I will start looking for retraining opportunities for you. You may need to make a career change to be successful in the future." Marty had continued to stare straight ahead as Joan continued to give him her advice. He kept looking ahead because he couldn't think of anything to say. He had finally listened to what she was saying without filtering her words through his own desires. Marty continued to think about each word she said until Joan pulled her car into the garage. "You have been so quiet Marti, are you all right?" Joan asked. "Uh yes Joan, I have just been thinking about what you have said." Marty replied. "Well don't worry yourself about it now, let me help you in the house and get you ready for bed, I am sure you must be tired." Joan told him sweetly. "But I have to fix dinner for you and besides I am real hungry also." Marty replied. "Don't worry about a thing, I called for a caterer to bring dinner here. They should be along in a few minutes. If you like you can just sit at the dining table until they arrive." Joan told him. Joan left Marty sitting at the dining table while she went to the bedroom and bath. Joan returned in time to let the caterer in with their dinner. The young man set out the cartons and arranged the table, then Joan signed the credit card receipt giving him a large tip. "Thank you ladies, I hope you enjoy your meal." the boy said as he left. Marty blushed at his words but managed not to say anything. Joan proceeded to fill his water and wine glasses, and made sure everything was in easy reach for Marty. He ate because he was so hungry, but his mind was still mulling over everything Joan had said earlier. Joan meanwhile kept up a steady stream of chatter about her new job, and her exciting new projects. Marty, lost in his own thoughts, wasn't listening. He was to learn later he should have been. "Marti, don't worry about the clean up I will take care of it. You just go on upstairs to my bed room, I left some night clothes on the bed for you. Go ahead and get dressed for bed, I will be right up to help you get tucked in. You will sleep with me tonight so I can make sure you do all right." Joan said sweetly.

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Teen couple start cuck lifestyle

My sexy wife Julie and I have been together 10 years now since we first met in college. I want to tell your members about some sexual adventures that we had back when we were still newlyweds. Because of the bizarre experience we had when we first got married I am a big fan of your wife sharing stories, especially the ones involving innocent young wives being seduced by older, dominant men right in front of their husbands. And I have been sharing my sexy bride with other men since our first year...

3 years ago
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Introduction to The Lifestyle

This story from a He-MAN wit a INSpired MInd involves becoming a Slave training.... I both enjoy the fantasy and situation.I have been talking to Jennifer through emails, instant messages, and on the phone for the last several months and it was now time for us to finally meet in person. We had discovered each other in a chat room quite some time ago during a discussion about a woman's natural tendancy to be submissive to a man, and somehow we ended up going to a private room to further our own...

3 years ago
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How we got into the Lifestyle

I had been trying to get my wife to try bringing someone else into the bedroom for a while. Another woman would have been perfect, since we are both into women. However, my wife wasn't comfortable with seeing me with another woman yet. So I suggested another man. She was more comfortable with that, but still not exactly on board with the idea. For the next couple of years I would bring it up occasionally, until she started to get accustomed to the idea. Then eventually on board with the idea....

3 years ago
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My Blowjob Lifestyle

I've decided to share my story about being a blowjob girl. What I mean when I say blowjob girl is that I regularly perform oral sex on groups of guys. To try and keep it short I'll tell you briefly the highlights of my sex life from age 14 up to now. I haven't used any real names and changed enough detailsto insure my anonymity, and with all the changes I'vemade you should just consider this story to be fiction, although basically it's not.When I was f******n I met Tom, my future and now...

3 years ago
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My introduction to The Lifestyle

This is an exerpt from a story i wrote a few years ago with a chrismas theme, i may repost it around christmas time inits original entirety.  When i was a teenager and first started dating, my father gave me sage advice, "Belle, if a boy hits you, he doesn't like you." I nodded and absorbed that information as all teen aged girls do. At the time i had no idea what he was saying to me or why. All the boys I had dated were nice boys who treated me well. When i started dating and i had a few nice...

4 years ago
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Swinger lifestyle

Holiday in Cap d'Agde This is Dan. My wife Mandy and I spent a two-week holiday in Cap d'Agde in the south of France in September. We stayed in the naturist section, called Port Ambonne, which has a reputation as a place where couples come to have fun after the family holiday season has finished. We had such a wild time that we just had to write down our holiday experiences so that you can enjoy them too. Here's the result. The sun was hot as Mandy and I packed our luggage into the bright green...

1 year ago
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Entering the lifestyle

                After being awake for over thirty hours, sex was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was working two jobs at the time in hopes of knocking back these damn student loans.   As I was standing against the wall smoking a cigarette trying to fight off the sandman I felt someone behind me. “What’s up man?”, I say having no clue as to who was behind me, just knowing that someone was there. “How ya doin Jarhead?” came the reply from behind me. Upon hearing this I knew it was my...

Group Sex
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A purportedly true story about a man8217s 8220BI8221 lifestyle

I’m a closet bi-sexual. I started masturbating to orgasm and I started to experiment with nudism by stripping nude from the waist down and masturbating in my back yard behind the garage. I found national geographic for pornographic excitement about the same time. The lady who lived next door to us used to sunbathe topless and I’d take peeks through the fence at her, then masturbate. At the age of 18, when we moved to another house and I finally got a private room, I ...

3 years ago
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My Blowjob Lifestyle

After enjoying many of the stories on the net, I've decided to try and share my story about being a blowjob girl. What I mean when I say I'm a blowjob girl is that I regularly perform oral sex on groups of guys. To try and keep it short I will tell you briefly the highlights of my sex life from age 14 to now. I haven't used any real names and changed enough details to insure my anonymity, and with all the changes I've made you should just consider this story to be fiction. When I was...

3 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 8 Thursday February 1 Anne And My Violent Lifestyle

I didn't see her until after the second ball of the practice session, she'd taken up her position on one of the seats directly behind the lanes. At the first available opportunity I went back and spoke to her. "Still on for tonight is it?" She nodded her head enthusiastically. "After what's been happening at home I don't want to spend any more time there than I have to." "What happened? Is there anything... ?" "I have this extraordinary feeling that you already know but if you...

2 years ago
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The CircleChapter 22 Kyles Mother Joins The Circle Lifestyle

Jim came home from work one day and much to his surprise he found Kyle’s mother, Lynn Broadhurst, sitting on the sofa making ga-ga and cooing sounds at both Ariana and Marshall, who she’d propped up against the back of the sofa amid pillows and baby blankets. The babies seemed fascinated with her antics. “Hello, Mrs. Broadhurst. I’m pleased to see you here.” “My grandbabies are so adorable. I can barely stand it. I made a big mistake, and now I’m making up for it.” “Mistake?” Lynn picked...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 24 New York Lifestyle

The sleek Cessna Citation’s tires squeaked slightly as they gently touched the concrete of the seven thousand feet of runway one. The runway was a hundred-fifty feet wide; much wider than the fifty-foot width of the paved runway at Circle Airport. She’d had to compensate for the difference in sight picture so she didn’t slam into the ground. Alice was known at Signature Air where she parked in a space indicated by one of the linemen. The novelty of a single woman piloting a corporate jet had...

4 years ago
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Changeling it up

Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...

2 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 5 Alternative Lifestyles

"I've never been on a plane." "And you'll need a passport, damn I didn't think of that. I don't think we can get one expedited. Sorry, the nude beach will have to wait until summer." Shay happened to be walking from the shower on a Saturday morning. This generally mean her hair in a towel and nothing more. She found that clothes just slowed the process since Kent would be asking for something soon anyway. "Aww the poor people of Spain will be denied this", her hand indicated her...

2 years ago
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

4 years ago
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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

2 years ago
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Changeday Five Years

CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...

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ChangeDay Advent Part One

======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: The following story is based on the ChangeDay universe, created by BobH. However, below I use exact dates that are NOT conducive with the universe canon and should not be confused as such. As part of my creative process, it helps if I have exact dates, but, again, these dates are NOT universe canon. If you feel the inspiration to write in this universe, I would suggest contacting BobH first. He's a...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 1

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland in Deutschland Teil 1 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________- Es war der erste Juni als es das erste Mal passierte. Ich Mirko 18 Jahre war grade zu Besuch bei Paul (19) und seiner Freundin Heike (grade 18). Wir waren kurz vor unserem Abi. Ich bin ein stabilere Junge kurzen...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul, und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und i...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und ich i...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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