S.H.E.I.L.A. 20 free porn video

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Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader

Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight

Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter

Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover - Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila


Even as everything was whizzing by I started to 'hear' the nanomites within me. {Primary corporeal control, over fifty percent of all units have moved to effected areas. Mobility should return in less than sixty time units.}

Well I thought, at least I am recovering faster than ever before.

{Sheila? I'm sorry I wasn't able to effect all the corrective repairs that I wanted to.} I thought to her, even as we were suddenly clear of the building heading away.

Then I 'heard ' Sheila advise the nanomites, {this is secondary control, monitor all aspects of primary control's corporeal enclosure. Advise if any adverse conditions are present or develop.}

{Affirmative secondary control. All units now in preventative monitoring mode.} I 'heard' the nanomites respond.

Within moments we were a few miles from the college, though Sheila wasn't slowing up the least bit. Sighing I guessed that she was going to put as many miles between us and them as she could.

{As I stated before Roger, what you have done has allowed me to see things that before were confusing at best.} Here I could see Sheila blushing, blushing? I had... hmmmm ok with all the extra programming that I had seen, along with what she'd had written and added I assumed it was possible.

{Roger, I am detecting almost double the amount of armed people. It appears that the two groups have joined up.} Sheila informed me.

I nodded as I tried to access all the telemetry. Cursing silently to myself I still didn't have that capability. For once I'd like to the access what Sheila did.

We seemed to travel due south for almost an hour then I felt Sheila turn toward the east. Where I wondered in the world were we going now?

{Where are we going?} I inquired.

{Something I saw within you Roger,} Sheila responded.

{Within me? Just what are you talking about?} Returned my slightly confused thoughts.

{Why yes Roger. It seemed most prevalent in your thoughts.} Came Sheila's response.

{Unlike you Sheila, humans do not have the capability to know which thoughts are the most prevalent. Well, unless that is all they can think of at one time.} I explained to her.

{Understood Roger. I was referring to the thoughts that we should surprise them, taking the fight to them. Though a great many of the ideas you are having would cause destruction of me and or you.} Stated Sheila's worried thoughts.

I was about to respond when it struck me again, she really was worried. Truly she was becoming more and more human sounding in her thoughts and actions. Though her actions were all, well calculated.

{I see,} I finally responded. {It was something I remember my father talking about. When pursued most keep running. It rarely accrues that the hunted turn on the hunters. It is usually an unexpected action that usually catches the hunters by surprise. I...} I was suddenly quiet as I thought about what Sheila had said.

{That does not sound like a logical response to the situation. I have found that humans are almost always rational. Though many think that humans are irrational I find that they reveal patterns that are almost always predictable.} Sheila responded.

{I...} It was almost like a light was turned on within my mind. So much of what I and the groups did were conditioned responses. I could see what the General had done, then the responses that I and the groups had. A thin smile crossed my face as a truly wonderful, completely unexpected idea came to me. It was the absolute last thing that the son of a bitch would expect from me, hell from almost anyone.

{Continue on at your present course.} I told Sheila as the idea started to grow and take better shape in my mind. {I might have a solution after all.}


Back at Alberta: Department of Computing Science, both Timur and Cathy were cursing as they saw the signal move further inside then departed at high speed south. Ruslan and Evelyn halted both teams when both computer techs stated that the machine had left.

Cursing both teams withdrew as quickly, quietly as possible. They were ensconced in their vehicles within minutes. Both computer experts were still in contact with each other still getting a weak signal from Sheila.

"They appear to be heading south towards the United States." Both informed their leaders. Though both groups still didn't trust the other, at this point they also realized that they were going to be dependent on the other if they were going to survive.

Evelyn was still a little in shock that, her son had created a machine that so closely resembled his sister. Shaking her head things were starting to make a hell of a lot more sense to her. Then a moment of anger crossed her face. That manipulative bastard! She'd let the siblings think that they were dead to push them to garner their cooperation. They had also pushed their selves to be the best and deadliest that they could be. She could only assume that he was also pushing them so they would do anything to avenge their sibling.

A sudden smile crossed her features, I have to contact Roger again. Thing is, getting him alone for long was an almost impossibility.

Chris was still a little in shock. Both teams had members that were either going crazy or there was a robot, well, android out there that resembled her. Shaking her head, she couldn't imagine why in the hell anyone would make a machine that looked like her.

Evelyn looked over at Chris, the look of deep concentration that the woman had on her face. It almost appeared that her daughter was having an internal battle, as she was herself. Would it really make that much difference if Chris knew? Shaking her head, no, she was bound by her word. She was many things a killer, a leader though she was not un-honorable. Looking at Chris, then the others, she knew that they were that way also.

The rest of her team could only wonder what was going on in their leader's mind. Here they learned that they were hunting the leader's own. Though non where military their man was far smarter than any other that they had gone against. To them smarter meant that they were going to be far harder to take down. With the intelligence this man had? He would the absolute test of their skills.

Ruslan looked at the rest of his team. This was going south in a hurry. Not only had the bastard General pitted them against each other, he was expecting them all to die. Oh, he thought, not right away though Ruslan could feel that, they would be only dead weight after both teams completed this mission. If there was one thing Ruslan knew, the General ALWAYS cut away the dead weight.

At almost the same time both Evelyn and Ruslan realized that, if they separated they were as good as dead. They both growled as they immediately called both teams to a stop.

Both teams stepped out weapons at the ready. "We called a stop to discuss the situation. It appears that the General wants the both of our teams dead." Evelyn started.

Ruslan nodded his agreement as he took over. "It appears that his embarrassment over this situation, is making him cut all ties with both teams. Comrade Evelyn and I discussed this at length. Both of our teams trust no one, this appears to have been manipulated by the General."

There was the sound of several growls as Evelyn took over. "Both groups have been held captive by the General for far too long. Unfortunately, we are both still in this situation. As I found out when I met with our target, he is not. I am proposing that we help him." Looking at both teams Evelyn took a deep breath. "What we are proposing is that we join forces. I know this will be difficult though," here Evelyn paused. "It is the only way that I and Comrade Ruslan feel that all of us have a chance at all."

"We know that neither team trusts the other," here Ruslan and Evelyn placed several files before them. "These might help you to see what our benevolent benefactor has been doing."

Most of both teams stepped up to peruse the files. Within moments most of them were cursing from the information.

"We should kill the bastard! How have you put up with this shit?" Chris said looking at both leaders, stepping menacing toward Evelyn.

Surprising both groups Ruslan stepped between mother and daughter. "If I didn't know better, I'd say she did the same as I did. She kept all of you alive as did I. Just because we lead doesn't always mean we have all the answers. The General lied and manipulated us, as well as you. When I saw Comrade Evelyn's file I knew, as she did when she saw mine."

"You bitch!" Chris shouted. "You could have said something!" Having lunged at her mother with tear streaked eyes, Chris didn't seem to notice that Ruslan was restraining her.

Evelyn dropped her head then she stated to her group, "I couldn't, not if all of you were to continue to live. I have taken a lot of abuse from that asshole, that stops today. That is if all of you, both groups want to help. Our target is the only one that can get to the general now. I think we should help him do so."

Looking around both groups, Evelyn and Ruslan could see the barely contained anger. Then they both watched as both groups looked at each other and then their leaders. Almost as if on cue, all of both groups started to nod their agreement.

"Alright, I need to meet with our target again though," Here Evelyn sighed. "With the speed they are going it might take longer than I want it."

Both computer experts were nodding when they both looked down. Both called their leader to them. "If I am not mistaken it appears the machine is heading here." Timur stated as he pointed to a city in the northeast section of the United States.

Cathy nodded, "I concur. It appears they are heading to a very heavily populated area."

Both leader's mouths were hanging open. What in the hell were the man and machine doing? Were they going to commit suicide? No, they both nodded, it appeared that they both were through running. Good Evelyn thought that ought to screw that bastard General's plans all to hell.

"First though, we need to recover our other teammates. No sense giving him more ammunition against us. Setting out for the base they all made ready. They had to appear to not be together as long as possible.


Sheila kept going for a little over an hour before she turned toward the east. Following my instructions without question, Sheila was silent while I worked on the plan that had come to me. This was going to take a lot of timing if it was going to work. Timing and a lot of speed of course, both of which Sheila and now apparently I had in abundance.

Just after we turned, I felt Sheila stop. It appeared that we were in a small town in Montana. Looking at the sign I saw that we were in Whitlash. Looking around I saw that there wasn't much there.

Looking around, I didn't seem to notice that I felt a hell of a lot stronger than I had before. I was about to ask Sheila why we'd stop when I 'heard' the nanomites.

{Third level of maturation reached. All units are now in active production toward fourth level. Time to completion estimated at 10 hours. Ninety percent of corporeal unit now by primary control achieved.} The nanomites told me. {No anomalies detected.}

{All units proceed toward fourth level as rapidly as possible within safety guidelines. Advise primary control as soon as this is achieved.} I related to them.

{Compliance primary control.} I 'heard' them answer.

Nodding satisfied, I again started to ask Sheila why we'd stopped. Turning toward me with her ever present smile she stated. "After the last few times, you expressed the desire to walk around. As you said to let the blood circulate within your body again."

Pausing a moment, I noticed that yes, I most definitely had all control back to my extremities. Even being in the position that I had, I wasn't nearly numb as I usually was.

"Have you determined how they managed to located us again?" I asked of her.

"I have discovered at three possible answers to that Roger. It appears that the adjustments you made to my systems have indeed rendered me harder to detect. I have also noticed that there are three energy emissions from me that could be detected. Two of those I have altered to blend in with the surrounding environment."

I was nodding as I touched the data cube. I had brought up all the information as I was searching through it. Sheila pointed to the two that she had altered. I reached out adjusting a bit more. Thinking harder a moment I once again tried to bring up a display of Sheila.

For a moment I felt my eyes shift seeing what appeared to be a scan of Sheila. Then just as suddenly it was gone.

{Warning, warning, requested output will require no less than fourth level maturation of internal units. Unable to comply to request, damage to ocular orbs would occur, Operation halted.

I sighed well I guess that was out for the time being. Though actually being able to see what was wrong would help to fix things far faster.

"You mentioned that there were three emissions, what of the third?" I inquired.

"The last I cannot effect changes to without a complete shutdown. Apparently my core power is less difficult to detect now that the rest are not causing a masking effect. Also, as you know if I do a complete shutdown you and I will become vulnerable. I cannot allow this, until you have reached the fourth level, you are exposed more than allowable." Sheila informed me.

I took a big breath as I went through what I was seeing from the data cube. Within moments Sheila pointed out what she'd been talking about. I was running through as many scenarios as fast I could still a little shocked that I could as rapidly as I was.

After a few minutes I had to agree with Sheila, I would have to completely shut her down to change anything to her core power unit. Grimacing, I also had to agree that I was still a sitting duck without her. I released the data cube standing there a moment something else came to me. So, they could detect her, we just might be able to use that to our advantage also.

With the second idea in mind I started to walk in an easterly direction. Sheila beside me somewhat distracted me from the blurred scenery. I stopped suddenly when I realized that we weren't in the same place as before.

Looking around a bit confused I looked at Sheila. "Where are we?"

"A little over two hundred miles east of our last position. You were in deep thought so I thought not to disturb you as you started to rapidly walk east. You didn't stop for over an hour so I was quiet as you advanced." Sheila informed me.

I could only shake my head when I realized that it was I, not Sheila that carried me that far.

{All units this is primary control.} I thought inwardly. {At current level of units contained within the corporeal body. Will damage occur to the feet of corporeal unit if increase speed occurs?}

{Calculating,} I heard the nanomites reply. A moment later they replied. {At current level corporeal unit could access 321.869 Kmph (200 mph) for a sustained period of five and three fourths hours. This would delay reaching fourth level by two and a half hours. Longer than this amount of time would result in damage to feet section of corporeal unit}

I could only turn to stare at Sheila. What in the hell was going on? Was I slowly converting to a human version of Sheila? That's when Sheila reached up touching my face. It was so gentle I almost thought she hadn't made contact. Then she leaned into me placing her lips on mine. Holy crap! I swear I could feel warmth from her lips, a pulsing of blood through them, I didn't remember giving her that capability.

"You might be Roger, though as we both are finding out, would it be so bad?" Sheila softly said to me when we separated. I was breathing hard from what had transpired.

Shaking my head to try and clear it, I stared at Sheila as we started to walk again toward the east. All I could think of was it wasn't really fair to her to be a machine in love with me. We were after all two different species. I laughed internally, yeah right, two that had no chance, if this didn't work.

I decided that walking east would help me to plan. Almost five hours later I was shocked to find that we were approaching Minneapolis! What!? I wasn't even fatigued from the almost nine hundred seventy miles that we had traveled.

I knew that we could travel faster though, this still shocked me a moment. "How much further do we have to go?" I asked Sheila.

"From what I can see we are almost halfway to our destination. We have about one thousand one hundred miles to the outskirts. Do you wish to partake of nourishment before we continue on?" Sheila asked when we stopped.

I thought about then realized to my shock that not only was I not fatigued, I had no hunger

"No, not at the moment." I answered. {This is primary control. Status of the feet region of the corporeal part of primary control.}

{Assessing now primary control,} the nanomites answered. I only had to wait a moment before the nanomites answered. {Primary control. Active scan reveals that the feet region of the corporeal unit need at least an hour before accelerated travel again. Suggest idle time in order to heal feet region.}

I just nodded, then felt a little foolish knowing the nanomites wouldn't know the significance of a head nod. {Continue monitoring of corporeal unit.} I responded.

{Compliance primary control.} They answered then were quiet.


It was at least five hours after both groups had boarded different planes that the groups again met.

"Ah! Comrade Evelyn, I trust you had no problems getting here?" Ruslan said as he shook her hand.

A thin smile crossed Evelyn's lips, she'd thought they might have to kill a few people to get her people out. Oddly enough they had no problems at all.

"No, none at all. Though it did seen far too easy. I can still feel his influence. I suggest we get entrenched before he and it get here." Evelyn replied.

"Da I agree though," here Ruslan paused in thought. "I am afraid that he has another group like the both of us out there to eliminate us as soon as we are done."

Evelyn started to nod she'd also had thoughts along the same lines. "I agree, though this time," here she smiled slightly wickedly. "We just so happen to be on OUR home ground."

Ruslan's smile got larger as he also nodded. "I had forgotten about that. If our teams can work together then I think it will work to our advantage."

"Oh, I think they will. You have to remember that fear is a great motivator. We all in this case have a great deal to fear from that asshole."

"You just might be correct Comrade Evelyn. I am also sure self-preservation should be kicking in as well." Ruslan said

A moment later both Timur and Cathy walked up to their two leaders. "It appears that they are half way here now." Cathy informed them

"It also appears that they have stopped for a short time in the city of Minneapolis. Uh... Leader?"

Both turned to looked at the computer experts. Something was going on to make them hesitate like this. "Speak up." Ruslan told them.

"Well leader, they have shut down two of the three signals we were tracking them with. It is strange, the last would be no problem for the man who created the machine." Timur said his brow furrowed.

"Your point?" Evelyn stated.

"As brilliant as the man is. Why would he leave the signal on, knowing we could track him?" Cathy stated.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn looked at each other a moment. Yes, indeed why would he?


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I was sleeping, and I had a dream. A nice, silly dream about Joey and me. We were walking over a meadow, eating wild raspberries off a bush, and talking about going abroad for our next vacation. The day was warm and sunny, and we were far away from sneaking eyes. We laid down in the grass and started to kiss. I put my arms around Joey and he rolled on top of me. He caressed me and nibbled on my earlobes. I made a happy sound.My clothes must have melted away, because suddenly I was naked, and...

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Summer Camp IIChapter 5

Dawn came and, had they been looking, the campers would have found John's head buried in between the legs of Cindy. He had already brought her to three orgasms using just his mouth, tongue and finger; he knew that she had needed more to compensate for all the sex he had been having with the campers. Long ago he had perfected a technique of sucking the clit into his mouth, holding it very tightly with his lips, and then rubbing the end of it with his tongue unmercifully. Interspersed with...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 8

Betsy felt good about letting Jim down easy and she was glad he took the breakup without any hard feelings. The fact he got a great job offer in the Midwest, skillfully arranged by his father, was probably the biggest reason Jim didn't get hurt badly by the breakup. There was no doubt in Betsy's mind that Bernie would, and could, do almost anything to achieve a goal. Whether it was a business or a personal goal didn't matter to a man with power and influence. Her life story continued with...

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lorie attends high school reunion

A few years after we were married, Lorrie received an invitation to her hometown school reunion. They were inviting all former students to come together for a celebration. She attended a small rural school located about 20 miles from where I grew up. Since I dated both Lorrie and a classmate of Lorrie's, Karen, while I was in high school and college, I knew a lot of her friends. So, we decided to attend the event.I knew that Lorrie wanted to see some of her girlfriends but I suspected that she...

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PenthouseGold Brooke Haven A Taste Of Heaven With Milf

With her long blonde hair, big tits, and tattoes, Brooke Haven is definitely a hot MILF that many men lust over and today Tony De Sergio is the lucky stud that whisks her away to his bedroom and enjoy every inch of her banging body, not to mention her tremendous blowjob skills. From tasting the busty babe’s delicious pussy nectar to fucking the living daylights out of her, he’s living every red-blooded man’s dream. Watch here at www.penthousegold.com until he cums all over her...

4 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1 - Prologue Nebraska, summer 1897 Mitch Bridger, the wagon master and the son of the legendary Jim Bridger, finished his morning ride through the grouped wagons on the train and headed over to the chow wagon where his chief scout Bill Cody was waiting for him. They both sat on a make shift bench that had been put together for their extended stop. They had been forced to halt the wagon train's progress because many of the settlers had become sick. The quarantine wagons...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 9

The next morning Sean was still in healing sleep (I may have put him there initially but I think Eimile kept him there) and Bran was in temporary exile with one of the married cousins. The men folk were grudgingly allowed to reenter their homes and had come in from the fields for lunch. Most of us were eating with Coln and Mary when a car pulled up outside. "Visitor," Mac called out from the front room. Coln walked out and the rest of us followed. "Oh, bloody hell," he growled when he...

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Her Gentle Man

The waitress leaves to get the check after we tell her, ‘No, thank you.’ to the request ‘How about some dessert?’ I look over at Ann. With a smile I say, ‘Would you like to do something a little different tonight?’ Her blue eyes narrow slightly, showing her laugh lines and she says, ‘Maybe. No ropes?’ ‘No ropes.’ Her smile is a little bigger now. ‘No blindfold?’ ‘No blindfold. I know you don’t like that. And no ice, I promise.’ Her smile is now a knowing grin. ‘What will I have to do?’ ...

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You fidget in your chair as you sit in a hotel room, waiting for me to arrive. You feel a mix of anticipation and fear. You know you’ve been bad - you broke one of our rules and I’ve promised to punish you. You’re waiting, dressed as I’ve instructed. Tight white blouse with your white, lacy bra visible beneath. Tight short skirt. Stocking but no g-string. You squirm as you wait for me, a little anxious about what’s about to unfold. Your heart jumps a little as you hear the door. It opens and I...

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My first chance to wear stockings

I have an auntie who was always considered glamorous, she was c***dless but used to like having both her nieces over to stay and impart her worldly way on us.We, typically, were always rummaging through her drawers, looking for clothes to wear and shoes to put on. We were still c***dren dressing-up but she imparted the notion of stockings and garter belts, though the later, did never have the same effect as the former.She never married and being a society girl, was never short of male friends,...

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Alicia and Ron Dressing Room

My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she had seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...

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A PrivateEye Full

Chapter 1I'm Mike Taylor and I was watching an apartment complex. That’s what I was being paid to do, I’m a private investigator. My mission was to record the coming and going of a man whose estranged wife believed he was up to no good. I had been watching the apartments off and on for two weeks and had come to know who belonged and who didn’t. Up to this point the subject of my surveillance came home from work, went in to his apartment and stayed there until he left for work the following...

3 years ago
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The Violation Of Princess Leia

The storm trooper was searching for a young woman and found her; crouching in back in a small, dark alcove, a small, shivering figure clad in flowing white hugged the back of the recess. Overconfident, he never saw the energy pistol she had held out of sight behind her came up and around as she burst from her hiding place. She took out 2 troopers before a bright green energy pole touched the woman’s side and she slumped instantly to the deck, the pistol still locked in her small...

2 years ago
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Swap Party CampaignChapter 3

Ruth had never felt quite as aroused as she was now in her life, and the delicious taste of Dan's piquant cum juice seemed to filter through her flesh, teasing her nerves deep down between her legs. Dan watched Ruth. He knew her well and could tell that she was more than ready to be fucked; he might have even teased her enough. He caught the almost imperceptible trembling of the young woman's muscles as she fought to control the fire in her body so that she would not spoil the act for him,...

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Charladys JamboreeChapter 4

Now with only three more days before Charlady is due to return to Scotland for who knows how long, I decide that we would go out and celebrate her being here. I told her to choose what she wanted to wear with only one proviso and that was that she should wear a skirt instead of trousers. Charlady eyed me strangely for this was the first time she had been allowed to select what she wanted to wear and so a little hesitantly she asked if this would be ok or would that be better. To all these...

1 year ago
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Sex With Virgin Friend

Hi readers this is Naren am a regular reader of iss and like to post my first story about how i had sex with my friend Renu this happened 6 months before we were doing our college she is 2years younger than me we were staying in same area Let me introduce myself; i am 6 ft. tall handsome guy with well-built and to say about Renu everyone notice her when she walk she is about 5.4 ft. height and well built (34-26-32) everyone notice her structure and i too use to masturbate thinking of her many...

2 years ago
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Emasculating the Evening

Emasculating the Evening: "Do you know that most rapes occur at night?" Stacey asked me. I didn't like the way that her eyes seemed to look right through me like she could read my thoughts. Stacey was, after all, someone I really wanted to have sex with. I had never, after all, forced myself on a woman. I had no idea I told her. "Why do you think that is?" she asked me. I said I thought it was because there was a fear factor, rapists were scared of being seen and they had...

1 year ago
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Hard Furnishings

It appeared to be serendipitous. Their appointed watcher spotted an opportunity: a firm likely to go bust shortly. It was a long established business, selling old-style, "classic" furniture to the upper classes; the higher echelons of society. This was a market that had been dubious for a long while. Furniture, particularly quality well-made pieces, had a ready market on the colony planet of Rehome, if it was at the right price. The colonists wanted furniture that would last for years, and...

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Punishing Sally

"You know what you have done wrong, don't you?" Master said, holding onto her leash close to her thick leather collar. Sally was naked, kneeling in front of him between his knees as he sat forward on the sofa. He was dressed in his usual tight black jeans, tight black muscle shirt, heavy square-toe biker boots, and mirrored aviator-style sunglasses. The whole picture would normally be very sexy had it not been for the circumstances she was in. Earlier that week, Sally had had an appointment...

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Grandpas Lessons Part One

Sara stood at the bus stop holding her suitcase and waiting. At sixteen Sara had been expelled from the last of a line of schools and her parents had enough. Her father had died when she was lttle and her mother had remarried and with her stepfather had several small c***dren. They decided they no longer had the time or patience to del with her disobedience and had arranged for her to live with Grandpa Mike in Kansas. He lived on a farm outside of smll town and he was willing to take her in.It...

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The Neighbors Amulet

Author's note: This one needs no explanation - it's just strangely erotic. As always, I welcome your feedback. I encourage your feedback! Take a moment and tell me what you thought! Please comment on what you liked and what you didn't like - it helps me with new story plots. Elrodw email: [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Neighbor's Amulet by Elrod W Teresa and I were too glad to find a house to...

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Village FeteChapter 9

That admirable man of business, Mr Fenton-Jones had shepherded the last of his charges into the coach, which then glided smoothly away on its journey to Little Sprodwell under Fosse and tea with his Aunt, the redoubtable Mrs Jenkinson, while the tourists drank in their fill of the fete and its lurid attractions. This lady had phoned him a minute or so before his departure to brief him on the latest developments and he had been able to assure the excited party that they would arrive shortly...

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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 01

Washington D.C. A KNOCK RAPS ON THE DOOR bringing Spencer out of a troubled sleep. He blinks open his eyes a couple times but refuses to usher his body up from the sofa. The knock comes again and he lets out a sigh before forcing himself to sit up. ‘Reeds!’ a voice comes from the other side of the door. ‘Damn it Reeds I know you’re in there. Now get off your fucking ass and open this door.’ He recognizes the voice. It belongs to his boss, Mike Grines. ‘Alright already!’ he yells back....

4 years ago
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The Stone part 4

Chapter 8 My phone was ringing, I reached for it and out of the delirium of sleep I said, “Hello” “Tommy this is Lulu. I forgot my Science Book and homework assignment. Did you bring yours home? If so can I borrow it?” At first everything seemed garbled, it was Sunday, my last chance to sleep in before back to school. Why was somebody calling me about a book. Then my muddled head grasped the fact this was Lulu and she had called me. Why? Oh yeah science book. Oh, Lulu let me call...

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TangentChapter 9 Climb Every Mountain

Gamelin stared at the ruin that the other patrol had suffered, shaken to his core. Not even a finger-width. In less than a finger-width, his patrol had destroyed a Zarthani patrol, larger than his own. Gamelin glanced at his own dead trooper, sprawled on the ground a few feet away. It wasn't the first dead man he'd seen, but it was the first man to die that he, personally, had been responsible for. It was hard to say which was more sobering: the ruin on the hillside in front of him, or the...

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Exposed by wife to her female cousin

I was in the shower in the en suit bathroom with the radio on a bit loader than usual with the door open as i was home alone, i was facing the wall with the water running over my face so i had my eyes closed, my girlfriend came home eariy from work but....... she brought home her cousin Gemma, they must of heard the load music coming from the bedroom so they investigated and both ending up seeing me turn round naked with my small cock and shrivelled cock in view... my girlfriend laughed as her...

4 years ago
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Punish Me

My heart pounded furiously as I sped through the busy streets of New York. I bit my lip in anticipation hoping I wouldn’t’t get fired from my job. This was my fourth time being late and only God knows what my bitch of a boss would try to do to me today. Her name was Reylin, Reylin Hothworth. She had long gorgeous black hair with a nice firm ass. Her long tan legs led up to this glory and made every male and female in the office want a piece. “If only she wasn’t such a bitch” I murmured softly.

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...

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The HillsideChapter 8

Jacob Dunleavy was nervous as hell. He'd done a lot of things in his life but never this. He had never been in bed with a woman he loved. He'd cared a little about some of the whores who had serviced him and one of them had become his regular partner during his last five months in Nebraska. Stella had shown him how to make her feel good but he worried that Marnie would find those actions disgusting. The portions of love-making that Jacob liked most were the ones that whores disdained —...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 10 Karin

June 1982, Stockholm, Sweden Three and a half hours after leaving Göteborg, the train pulled into the station in Stockholm and came to a stop. I grabbed my bags and stepped off the train onto the platform. Karin waved and walked over to me. “«Hej Steve!»” she said with a smile. “«Hej Karin!»” I responded, setting my bags down on the platform. We stood looking at each other for a moment and then she stepped close for a quick hug. She picked up the smaller of my bags and we headed for the...

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Whats Next

What’s Next? Three Months Ago Sarah quietly tiptoed into their bedroom, glad for once that Ashley could sleep through a nuclear war. She was late. Really late. She got caught up at work on a project and ended up in conference with some client reps in Geneva. It was their ‘morning’ and they couldn’t have cared less that it was her ‘night’ and far beyond normal business hours. Tonight was date night and they had had plans. She hang up her ‘power suit’ and put the black pumps with the 4” heels...

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Hotel 3some

I had just booked in to a hotel and saw a friend having dinner with a gorgeous bit of stuff that I knew wasn’t his wife and when I passed them and was behind her I nodded to him, grinned and did the wanking sign with my hand. He nodded his head slightly so she wouldn’t notice. I pointed to the toilets and motioned for him to go there. Sure enough a few minutes passed and he joined me there. Apparently this girl was on a conference and staying at the hotel for the night and he was trying to get...

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best Friends Granddaughter

But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore. In 1969 Kenny Rogers sang the song, Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town, written by Mel Tillis, 1967. Lyrics included: It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore. …………………………………… My friends call me “Bud.” I am a disabled veteran, live on the outskirts of town on fifty acers, in an old saltbox type home, which I have completed remodeled over the years. The family farm was passed down to...

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Road Guard

In a younger, randier life it didn’t take much for me to swell to embarrassment. Hell, as teenager boys are, sometimes it took nuthin! I was working with an asphalt crew, paving city streets. Wrapping up for the day included cleaning the paver and tools, maintenance, and keeping people off the hot asphalt until it had cooled enough to withstand the traffic. As the new laborer with the lowest pay (16), I was often chosen for this. One of these evenings, as dusk was settling, I was parked...

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EvilAngel Emily Willis Consent Part 2

Emily Willis is the girl next-door that you never have the courage to talk to. She is so hot and seems sexually ravaged, day and night. What is she thinking? Well, what she’s thinking is that she is the one who is not a hypocrite. In her interview with director Dana Vespoli, Emily exposes her natural self, not holding back on criticisms of real hypocrites. She makes bold statements about her right to perversion, and also confronts unpleasant experiences. Then in a full hardcore scene,...

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Free Afternoon

I parked in the parking area beside the toilet cubicles in a secluded section of the resevoir, beside the lake and where walking tracks winded off into the wooded areas of a well frequented gay beat. I had a rare afternoon alone where my wife and k**s were off doing their own thing and I was looking forward to making use of the free time. I'd earlier had an enema to cleanse myself out in case I got the chance for a good fuck and I'd also spent about two hours with a penis pump that made my...

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