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2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 36

Day 130-140: The Islanders of Sweetwater Port refused to allow anyone off the boat when they anchored. A swarm of canoes launched from shore a short while later. “No dock?” John asked. Vasin shook his head. “No, and the ground underneath the water is quite shallow near the shore as well. The natives consider it part of their protection.” One Islander, obviously the leader climbed up onto deck first, followed by a small, well-armed entourage. “You are a Raider vessel.” The Islander...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 37

Day 140: The angry blue reptilian form charged across the small island, neatly sliding around the central gazebo without pause. She jerked to a stop on the cliff overlooking Nefiume as the undead emperor hoisted Ozur’s body above his head. Typhon raised one double-thumbed claw, pointing at their foe. Nefiume appeared to finally notice the dragon, head jerking in a double-take right before a fountain of water welled up from the sea beneath. The instant wave crashed over the emperor’s body,...

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Demigod of WarChapter 39

Day 91: After armoring up, including her sword, spear and shield, and stepping out of her tiny barracks cell the Flight Leader led her up a stairway she’d been warned never to use. They passed several passages branching off, until reaching the very top. Geiravuir hammered the iron bound door they found there, and a grim faced Hrund opened it from within. She frowned at Veronyka, but motioned both women to enter. Beyond was a spartan office, holding a desk, several chairs, a weapons rack on...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 40

Day 91-92 / Unknown / Day 140 continued: Shouldering their way through the crowd of standing death made Veronyka’s skin crawl and her stomach heave. The stench was awful, clogging her nose with its eye-watering pungency. Bits of desiccated skin, scraped off by the rough exterior on their armor, clung until scraped off by yet more decaying flesh. The wet smack of still-damp tissues hitting the ground, and liquid squishing as their boots crushed the bio-litter underfoot were enough to make...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 41

Day 90-91: Welcome back Traveler. As you have achieved a journeyman rank from completing a recognized course of study in a field applicable throughout the Network, your provisional status has been removed. You have a total of four previously-encountered portals that you may choose to exit using. You have also met the Traveler criteria for any other portals connected with your organization on World number 5. Please indicate which destination you desire. Veronyka grinned. “The one outside the...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 42

Day 91-92 / Day 140 continued: The ice melted, revealing a woman easily mistaken for Hrund’s twin, with pitch black hair instead. Eyes as clear and cold as the glacier above their heads regarded her expressionlessly. Her shield was round on top, but elongated below like an inverted teardrop, and had a large metal boss in the center. Her other hand carried a long spear, with an axe head sticking out at the base of the blade, and a spike sticking out the other side: a halberd. It was the first...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 43

Day 141-143: The sun was just beginning to light up the Tower’s watery exterior when John and Veronyka got up. The former doctor had strung up a hammock, with enough material for two, between two of the pavilion posts at the island’s north end. In an amazing display of nonverbal communication, Sygraid, Hal and a few others comprehended Veronyka’s desire for privacy. They kept others away while the two lovers reunited. They spent the night pressed together, touching, caressing and finally...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 44

Day 143: John couldn’t be sure from the distance he watched, but this dragon felt like it was the largest yet. If not the biggest, then definitely the scariest. Her head reminded him of the worgh, with sharp spines lining every contour. A ‘mane’ of more horns flared at the base of her skull, leading to a row of them dotting her spine. Her wings were folded, and every joint, including her legs was defined by a jutting tapered spike. Her scales were deep red, with shiny platinum and gold...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 46

Day 149-153: Sergeant Major (Retired) Jeffrey Ellis jumped to his feet as Veronyka barged into the meeting. The unruly looking filthy men and women who’d been seated at the large table with him all stood quickly as well. Dead eyes and hopeless expressions greeted her entrance. It had taken her a week to fly across the Bay of Chaos and track the Ender population down. The high-altitude westward Jetstream sped her trip, but every Raider city she checked, starting at Final Harbor was deserted...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 47

Day 153-158: Though John was unmistakably a prisoner, the Legionnaires never tied or locked him up. They appointed two minders, who rotated every day. This meant he couldn’t make friends, since it was never the same two repeated. But it did mean he could interrogate them, subtly of course. None seemed to be operating under any restrictions on their tongues, so he took full advantage. The unit who captured him occupied a full section of subterranean ‘apartments,’ which emptied out onto the...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 48

Day 179: On the twenty-sixth day that John woke up in chains, he finally followed the formation out into open air. They’d diverted off the Great Road that morning, using a much rougher-hewn ramp to the surface. His head barely cleared the tunnel roof to find a road running straight and true sloping across broken foothills and out into farmland-rich plains. Off in the distance, he could see a wide levee-bordered river formed by the joining of several runoff streams trickling down from the...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 49

Afternoon (Chronological coordinate set undetermined): Welcome back Traveler. You have a total of four previously-encountered portals that you may choose to exit using. This list excludes your Sanctioned portal, and one deemed too hazardous for your use at this time. You have also met the Traveler criteria for any other portals connected with your organization on World number 5. Please indicate which destination you desire. Veronyka sighed in relief. Her entry into the Network via the...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 50

Day 193-200: John had a problem, and Dulgan was its source. Oh, the Dwarf was a fine traveling companion. After departing the camp, the Dwimar led them to a well-concealed entrance back underground. The Obsidian Peaks were honeycombed with passages and caves where far more Clans than John had figured made their homes. They zig-zagged their way between Dvergyr and Dwimar clan areas, never moving in a straight line. At first, Dulgan’s inquisitive nature charmed John while they walked. The...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 51

Day 202: Their second night in the jungle was when things came apart. They’d traveled for two days, turning to head directly into the thickest, wettest, deadliest part after midday that first morning. The trees they walked between emitted a rotting musk, and their boots squelched deep into soft, clinging, stinky mud. Detouring around puddles eventually devolved into slogging across putrid, stagnant ponds. Anything deeper than their knees had to be avoided, and they lost count of how many...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 53

Day 217: John and Dulgan were being followed. They were a day’s walk into the swamp, on a direct line toward the Hidden Ziggurat. Though he’d been occupied at the time, Vorigan sent his retainers to escort the duo back to their drop-off point via his boat. In addition, Jashul and the three Vampyri who comprised Cain’s embassy to the Dwarven clans traveled with them to the same landing spot. The four would cut across the north end of the swamp and enter the Onyxhart gate to begin their...

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Demigod of WarChapter 54

Day 219: “Head for that one! Run!” John shouted, pointing at the door to their right. The group veered to that side, picking up speed as they moved downhill. Jashul lagged behind the sprinting duo, and John’s longer legs carried him in the lead as they ran. The gap between all three widened as they closed with the two undead bracketing that opening. On the ledges above, the patrols congregated, staying on their level but clustering abreast of the group as the trio neared the ground-level...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 55

Day 225: “That ... you ... you ... how? Goddamit!” John cursed, unable to explain. “Your Task was your own.” The Patriarch admonished. “Not for any other to know. As you have finished the most difficult part, you are eligible for all three rewards. Are you prepared to select them now?” John held up his other hand. “Just a moment.” He turned around and closed his eyes. Don’t kill him. Don’t even attack him. You have no idea what would happen if you did. Let it go. Something even the...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarInterlude 2

World number 6,626,070,041,034 Day 140: Welcome back Traveler, please note that your Visitor status remains defunct. You and your companion have met the Traveler criteria for World number 6,626,070,041,034. You both will now be transported to that destination. Sygraid’s massive form disappearing from the platform was the only indicator that he’d arrived. He looked around at the uniform, unfathomable darkness for a clue, and noticed that the flames on the portal arch were now a complete...

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Demigod of WarChapter 56

Day 236: John and Adam brought up the rear of their little procession as they began the second day of their trek into the Endless Sands, the morning after leaving Southern Oasis. Vorigan and Dulgan were in the lead, with the Vamp interrogating the Dwimar about his newfound enchanting abilities, as well as the subject generally. On John’s advice, the day before when purchasing supplies for the trek, they’d gotten several serviceable daggers for each person, which Dulgan agreed to enchant...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 57

Day???: John dug a divot into the sand with his heel, then climbed back up onto the square stone platform. As a test, he walked through the ‘doorway,’ facing away from the Pyramid. Instantly he was turned around, and a glance at the hole in the ground showed he hadn’t moved to another spot. Okay, what do you think? He thought at Duin. And got no response. So he hopped down onto the sand. What do you think I should do? He asked again. Stand on the dust-cloud side of the platform and walk...

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Demigod of WarChapter 59

Day??? Adam was leaning in the open doorway when John walked up. “You solve it already?” John asked hopefully. Adam snorted. “I wish!” “Oh? What happened?” John wanted to know. Adam’s headshake was rueful. “You were right; it wasn’t that easy. After I pushed the octagon, there was a sound of lots of feet stomping around, and rock grinding like bricks rubbing together. While I was feeling my way over to the last button, I ran into a column that wasn’t there before. It was about a yard and...

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Demigod of WarChapter 60

Day??? “Well, that was ... interesting.” John said to Adam as he approached from the floor’s entry spot. The SEAL was leaning against the opposite side of the corridor by the now blank door that had borne Dulgan’s name. “Can you ... talk about it?” Adam asked. John shook his head. “I got a headache last time, so let’s go do yours.” “I wonder.” Adam mused. “Do you think all three of the hidden doors are on this level?” “Let’s keep an eye out.” John suggested. Back in the SEAL’s...

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Demigod of WarChapter 61

Day??? John stepped through the portal and found himself in a place very similar to the Labyrinth entry, where he’d written his name in the sand, and accepted the Rules. Same doorway with walls extending into the distance, like the first and third base lines on a baseball diamond. Unlike the other however, his stone platform this time was only as big as the ones out in the desert, that he’d looped through three times to enter. Beyond its small, square boundary was an endless sea of sand...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 67

Day 251: As Adam and Master Chief Chatman walked out of the planning meeting for Adam’s upcoming trip to the portal stone in South America, Adam signaled the older man with his chin. “Want to grab a quick bite before we split?” He asked, overly casually. “ ... Yes, let’s.” Chatman replied, after figuring out what Adam really wanted. Chatman put the sound dampener between them while they ate. “Is it just me,” Adam inquired, “or is there definitely something going on that I’m not privy...

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 68

Day 258/259: John and company were most of the way to the double-peak Ariel indicated as their navigation landmark when a massive wind and rain storm rolled in from the north. Within minutes, visibility in the air dropped to a yard or two, and the gusts were so rough that they decided to land and continue on foot. The group spent that night miserably trying to camp on the best rocky hill they could find. The rain stopped before dawn, but if anything the wind picked up with the sun’s rise....

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 69

Day 259/260: “Ho there, we see you!” The voice floated down from the darkness above. The sound carried an echoing quality indicating that the speaker was using a megaphone, or something like it. None of the four were surprised, given how high the walls of Gluboskal were. After separating from the Wardens: Ililyan and Sygraid, plus Rhys the other four companions flew up and around the double-peaked mountain, Gananora Heralis which Dulgan informed them was the backbone of the city’s...

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Demigod of WarChapter 70

Day 261: Right before the group departed Dadem’s house, Veronyka took a minute to leave Hal a message before bringing up the rear. A very young Dvergyr, Hotric Oakfall worked as the house doorman slash receptionist slash butler. He promised to pass along Veronyka’s words when Hal returned, and to keep an eye out for any unusual interest in their group. That Dulgan and Thedus had a longstanding relationship was apparent to all, as the two chatted continuously during their hike out of the...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 71

Day 261: With herculean effort, John staggered upright, and brushed off the debris coating his arms and helmet. He searched frantically through the too-slowly-dissipating dust cloud for his friends. After tripping twice on the churned-up slope, he stumbled onto both, crumpled into a pile and covered with a thick layer of earth. Heart in his throat, he pulled the pair apart and laid them side by side on a slightly less-torn patch of ground. Uncapping his canteen, he splashed water over...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 72

Day 262/263: “What the hell’s an Arcane Magi?” John wondered. Duin’s unmissable mixture of excitement and trepidation was palpable. “As I said, tha’s tween you’n th’ other one.” Dulgan insisted. “Then why doesn’t he want me to let you leave?” John wondered. Dulgan blinked in surprise. “He doesn’o’? I dunno. Le’s ask.” Repeat my words, so the Magi can hear them as well. Duin instructed. “Before the Arrival, there was a powerful, and secretive organization of Dwarves called the Dark...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 73

Day 263: “See ‘em how?” Dulgan pressed. John’s hands motioned aimlessly. “Like they’re really here. In this room with us right now. There. There, and there.” He pointed. Dulgan walked over to one spot he’d indicated. Vafthundryr shifted, so they wouldn’t ‘collide’. “Here?” The Dwimar asked. “He moved.” John’s finger indicated. Dulgan peered in the direction curiously. “I see nothin’. Wha’ do they loo’ like?” John kept his finger indicating Vafthundryr. “A Frost Giant, Vafthundryr is...

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Demigod of WarChapter 74

Day 263/264: Mokul kept John awake for several hours as the man from Earth described his adventures. He avoided giving too much detail about Earth and his life before becoming trapped on this world. But otherwise, he saw no reason to lie about anything he’d experienced since coming through the portals. Dulgan knew almost all of it anyway, and John knew all too well how impossible it was for that one to keep a secret. The Dwimar Huntmaster listened intently throughout, though many of his...

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Demigod of WarChapter 75

Day 264: After a heartfelt reunion between the two groups that afternoon at the Contested Oasis, John, Ariel and Spooky sat down with Ramla and Dire on a hastily-unrolled rug. Both of the newly met leaders were bursting with questions for the ‘Challenger from another world’, as the Amira put it. Now that he’d told the tale several times, John felt comfortable with what parts of the story he was willing to reveal, and what he obfuscated, or outright refused to answer. Also by unspoken...

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Demigod of WarChapter 76

Day 264: The Topaz Dragon roared, mouth gaping wide as it swooped toward her. Above and behind Veronyka, Ream’ch arched forward to protect. All three men flung themselves away, scrambling to circle around. Then the whole world chimed like a massive, deeply-rung bell and silence reigned afterward. Veronyka, who had both her Lance and shield out in a ‘brace-for-impact’ pose, blinked as she realized everything was frozen. The enormous tooth-filled maw heading right for her was stationary, like...

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Demigod of WarChapter 77

Day 264/265: By nightfall, the Odmaaran scouts reported back to their officers on the enemy situation south of the Contested Oasis. Two 100-person heavy cavalry units (called a Troop) were quartered in canyons branching off of where the supply camp was staged. Given the large, heavy body that the ‘thunder’ khimeran mounts carried, the breed was prone to a host of health and environmental issues. They both tired easily, and came down with both diseases and injuries more frequently. So, even...

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Demigod of WarChapter 78

Day 265: John and Spooky were back so quickly, Sygraid looked up at her lord blankly. “Did I ... fall asleep?” She asked in confusion. “No.” John replied. “But we’ve got problems. I need to get you both out of here.” He indicated the ruined fort, where the Peons had been firing their bows throughout the battle. Now, work teams were dragging whatever stones they could find into a rough wall facing south. “What is the ... problem?” She wondered, rolling to her side so she could plant both...

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Demigod of WarInterlude 3

Day 266: The Valley of Hidden Matters was inaccessible on three sides, surrounded by the most rugged mountains in the world. The only entry was a tiny sliver of beach at one end, where massive wind-tossed waves crashed into the stepping stones which led inward. Two streams flowed down the Valley, one hidden, of course. They brought ice melt to the grass and shrubs dotting the green valley floor. Only a single tree towered over the lesser flora carpeting the Valley. Had anyone from Earth...

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarInterlude 4

The Great Pyramid Day???: Vorigan, the Vampyr Death Knight stepped through the portal and found himself in a place very similar to the Labyrinth entry, where he’d marked his name in the sand, and accepted the Rules. His Tasks, his rooms were solved; the Labyrinth finished. He stood by an identical doorway, with walls extending into the distance, like the corner of an infinitely-large room. Unlike the first time, this stone platform was only as big as the ones out in the desert, where he...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 80

Day 265: “Cold approaches, even this far south.” Odmaaran Battle Lord Dire told Ariel and John the evening after their joint battle at Contested Oasis. “Tempest Squadron and I will be departing tomorrow for Odmaara. Your assistance was invaluable today, to my surprise. Many with great reputations fail to live up to them when the tides of battle turn, whereas you have lived up to every word of Ariel’s description. How shall we refer to you, when the song of today’s battle is sung?” John and...

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Demigod of WarChapter 81

Day 265/266: John slowly rose to his feet. “That’s how you want to play it, huh?” The conversation was starting to sound weird, as they argued in two different languages. Nunez copied him. “You give me no choice, Sergeant. You’ve gone native, and I need you back in uniform.” Ben jumped up and put himself between them. “Now hold on, both of you! John, just relax for a second. Okay?” John smiled. “I’m relaxed. It ain’t me you gotta worry about, but it’s cool. Have a minute; talk amongst...

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Demigod of WarChapter 82

Day 265/266: John tossed a pair of black-bladed, stiletto-style knives by the fire as he, Corporal Quick, Adam and Ben walked back into camp. “Sorry about that. Where were we?” Everyone’s eyes went to the weapons. “What happened?” About four different people asked him. “Mokul, the Dwarf assassin who tried to kill Veronyka, and got Hal came for me.” John explained. “Corporal Quick here took care of him for us. Thanks Quick.” The Odmaaran bowed. “It was a pleasure to avenge such a...

4 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 2 Familial Familiarity

Jake couldn't sleep. It was one o'clock in the morning, but he wasn't even the slightest bit tired. He had spent the last three hours staring at the ceiling, remembering his encounter with Tina that afternoon. It was incredible, but it was also scary as hell. He couldn't understand why she had acted the way she did. She had been a complete bitch up until he called her out for it, and then suddenly, she was the most submissive... something. His mind shied away from the words "love...

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DemiGodChapter 3 Conquest of the Mind

It was almost a month before the gradual changes in Jake became noticeable. His teachers observed that he didn't seem to pay attention in class anymore, not that it affected his grades. If anything, his test scores improved, despite the fact that he never took notes and always seemed to be staring into space. Most teachers just shrugged it off as angst, or some other derivative of teenage hormones. There were plenty of other kids that needed their attention. The students, with the exception...

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DemiGodChapter 4 Power and Responsibility

To say that Gary was suitably impressed with Pauline was something of an understatement. After cheerleading practice the next day, Jake found her waiting docilely at the front steps of the school for her Master to pick her up. She got in his car without comment, knowing what service she was supposed to provide that night. Her demeanor was subdued, even pensive as they stopped at Gary's house and stepped inside, but she did not resist in any way. This was what her owner required of her, and...

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DemiGodChapter 5 Twists of Fate

About once a week Jake's parents made a point of getting home early so that they could have a sit-down dinner with their children and "act like a normal family" was how they put it. Truth to tell, these dinners actually were quite pleasant little family get-togethers and Jake looked forward to them. Everyone was civil, and they got caught up on what was going on with everyone else. For whatever reason, they had not had a family dinner since things started going strange for Jake, but...

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DemiGodChapter 6 Plans

The next morning none of the Bourque family went anywhere. Jake had his mother call in sick, and went to work reconstructing a personality in her mind. Painstakingly he created a pseudo-personality that he decided should stand up to anything but the toughest scrutiny, and made sure that she would unquestioningly obey her only son. He hadn't intended to make his mom into a slave, but since she would not care anyway, he figured he'd cover his ass for a potential emergency. Besides, she no...

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DemiGodChapter 7 Assaulting the Fortress

Jake spent the next three days readying his defenses and inventing psionic attacks that he thought would be effective against another psionic. He had sent his mother to work, the girls were all in school, and Jake had visited the high school himself to ensure that his presence was not missed. Around sunset on the fourth day, he decided that he was as ready as he could be. He drove back out to the mansion and parked about a mile away. Jake had come to the conclusion that trying to sneak in...

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DemiGodChapter 8 The Chamber of Broken Souls

Councilmember Barrachus led the remarkable young man through the labyrinth of World Portals in silence. Ykir indeed. The story of Ykir was well known to even the lowest initiate-- their whole society was based on his teachings. He had made the Great Ether accessible to humanity, and his spirit still guarded the Fount of Ascendancy to prevent its misuse-- or so the legend went. Only the Seers really drew upon the Fount with any regularity-- mankind was never meant to handle that kind of...

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DemiGodChapter 9 Revelations

Jake stood speechless for a second. He hadn't been sure who Ykir was, but this was surely not what he was expecting. At the same time, he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt it was true. He could feel the kindred soul in this man. But what was he doing here? He asked as much. Ykir raised an eyebrow. "Here? Here is nowhere, Jacob. The Portal you went through is a direct path to a section of the Great Ether." With those words, the whole room blurred and reformed into a comfortable office,...

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DemiGodChapter 10 Enlistment

I have become used to surprising people, Jake mused as he stepped from the Portal. The gaping jaws and shocked features of Barrachus and the two ceremonial guards didn't faze him in the least. He just smiled like a Cheshire Cat. "Hello, Barrachus. Hello,... I'm sorry, what're your names?" he asked of the two Guardians. "I- I'm Rechart, and this is William. What are you doing out so quickly? It should be at least a day before you leave the Chamber of Broken Souls!" The man was clearly...

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DemiGodChapter 11 Between Breaths

The next day found Jake and Barrachus reclining in lounge chairs in Jake's back yard. "It's astounding, Lord Jacob," Barrachus commented. "The power is so easy to call, so much more versatile... We're going to have to create whole new methods for dealing with it. It will take centuries to learn how to master, if one even can master it." He took an iced tea from the tray Jake's mother offered him with a smile of thanks. "I would honestly recommend you divide the talent for Elemental...

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DemiGodChapter 12 Talamia s Story

I was thirteen years old when I began my menses. To me, it was a triumph, a rite of passage into womanhood, but to my parents, it was the signal that I was ready for apprenticeship. Of course, not knowing what would be required of me, I was eager to begin my tutelage. I couldn't understand why they didn't want to apprentice me to any of the local practitioners; they were always around, telling me that they would teach me to be a powerful Adept. But my parents refused them all. Bless them...

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DemiGodChapter 13 Promises to Keep

Jake was silent for a long time. He felt guilty for giving her such a choice- death or life as a concubine. Of course she had no options. He had been irresponsible with his power. "I will release you from your oath, if you wish." She looked at him strangely. He felt the need to explain. "It was wrong for me do take advantage of your situation like that. There is more than power. There is responsibility. The one implies the other, and I forgot that, letting my libido take charge of my...

4 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 14 Distractions

Talamia's gentle, even breathing lightly tickled Jake's chest. They had fallen asleep together hours before, but Jake only needed an hour or two of rest each night, and he had exhausted poor Talamia. With their limbs so entangled, he had not seen a way to extricate himself without waking her, so he gazed into her exquisite features and lost himself to introspection. In the brief time since he had possessed this power, he had made mistakes; that, of course, must be expected. But there was...

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DemiGodChapter 15

Somewhere, lost in the frosty heights of a forgotten mountain range, there was an old cabin. The cabin itself was not special in any way, simply a crude construction of logs, planks, and stonemasonry. It was only slightly unusual in the fact that it had a cellar, a feature that was not very common to its genre, but that, too, was a simple, rustic construction, and one that would never occasion much comment. The cellar's walls were of cold, rough granite, no doubt dragged to this forsaken...

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Gods and Devils The Unicorn Part II

I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming; Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long; it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...

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Why I dislike most porn 2

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I will list below some categories where well intended 'amateur'-shoots are almost always a failureI will list the alternatives and explain why those takes can not possibly fail in any way whatsoeverIt is always the guy who organises it who is to blame for the failure of his well-intended enterpriseIt...

2 years ago
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New in Dinosaurland with Superpowers

A bright light is all you can see. Your eyes squint against the glare all around you. You feel as though you are floating. Slowly your other senses start to wake up. The smells of nature waft over you as you try to clear your head. It feels as though you were asleep or maybe drugged? A flashback of pain from your face, your eyes! They took your eyes! As you panic you stumble and fall out of the light falling into a bush face first. The branches lightly scratch you, snapping you out of your...

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A Boy and His Powers

A few days after my escapade with chemistry, I was still a normal geek. You know, getting stoned. But then, one hit me in the head, and something snapped. I turned back to my tormentor, Kenny (my next door neighbor), and stared right into his eyes. He laughed but I could tell that he was creped out. He made to throw another stone. I thought, “STOP” and somehow pushed it into his mind. Suddenly, he was frozen, not even blinking. I moved out of the way and pushed “GO”. He threw the rock at where...

1 year ago
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The SaviorsChapter 5 The new powers

The next day mid-morning sun blazed down on them before any of the three stirred. Soon they awoke fully to the tempting smells of cooking Tricer steaks. "Good morning sleepy heads," said Kurt. Kathy groaned as she stood up, "My cookie is so sore I don't think I can hike to our next destination today." Getting to her feet Suzie added, "I'm sore too and I reek of sex so I vote we go to that pond and water fall to bathe. That is, if I can walk that far!" Kathy looked at Troy and...

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Goddess Phyllis

Goddess Phyllis Goddess Phyllis  I remembered that face as soon as I saw her. Phyllis?s younger sister. I had been jerking off to her, Phyllis and their mother, Elly, since I was a teenager. I always imagined that Elly, starting at a very young age, taught her girls all about the power of sex and the pussy. How to use both to get anything you want. How to seduce a woman or man. I never imagined that all that was true, and then some. So, thirty years later, here I was with Karen,...

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God is a Slut Chapter 1 The Purest Girl in the World 1

God was sitting across from me at the table of the Limbo Bar. She had blonde hair that flowed freely save for two braids that roped along the crown of her head. Her skin was light, but well colored, and her eyes were big and pale blue. She wore a white silk dress with a neckline that descended past her navel, revealing her torso and the inner portions of her ample breasts. The dress flowed gracefully down her thick backside and stopped just above a pair of sandals. Being the devil, my outfit...

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Goddess Terrie s Tea Party

Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood.  She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish.  She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face.  She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing.  She leans and...

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God is a Slut Chapter 4 The Gang Rape Movie 1

I sat in my office with famous psychologist Sigmund Freud and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We poured over the dossier I had on Rachel, trying to figure what made this pure girl tick. Smoke filled the air as we inhaled pack after pack of cigarettes. “…I think you’re overestimating the controlling nature of Rachel’s sexuality.” Freud said, “All humans desire control, but Rachel seeks to put that control in the hands of an idealistic interpretation of God.” “That’s where I think you’re...

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God is a Slut Chapter 6 Jesus is a Douchebag 1

Chapter 1 Lucifer and God are both women, and both very sexually active. They make a bet, where God tries to create a human of ultimate purity, and Lucifer (called Lucy), tries to corrupt that child. Rachel is the main character here, a god-fearing, virgin, college freshmen with a killer body. She gets sent to hell, much to her shock, and is given the details of her quest. She agrees to do it, and misinterprets God's slutty nature as a test of her faith. The first trial in Lucy's seven-day...

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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

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Goddess By Robyn "All praise be to the goddess, now and forever..." "Amen..." It was the normal mid-day ritual at the monastery of Zurcam. As monks, we practiced an acute form of asceticism to the high goddess of love and virtue. The function of the mid-day ritual was to calm our hearts and prepare our minds for meditation on her holiness. For many of us, the ritual did not serve its function today. Today was a special day in the monastery. Today was the Feast of Eros!...

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Godlike Wink

Today was no different than any other day in your average life. You went to your same old boring job at a marketing company. It had been a hard day at work, so you went to bed early, hoping to get some rest from the world. You didn't notice you left your clothes on In your dream, you found a strange looking textbook. You picked it up, and noticed it had only one paper left in it. The other ones were ripped out of it "Whoever has a piece of this textbook in his hand, in his pocket or anywhere at...

1 year ago
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Goddess and Axe Spanking

Goddess was working while Axe was home alone and bored to tears. He turned on the laptop to sync his work “outlook” with their combined calendar. He scanned the page she had up on the screen. When he saw her favorite chat sites listed he was stunned. He looked at one site and couldn’t believe his eyes. He moved the cursor and clicked on the site. Within a moment he was in a ‘spanking’ room, feeling confused and shocked. The host seemed to be personable, as she asked his ASL and welcomed him....

4 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 2 Rachel s Darkest Fantasy 1

“Today, Rachel, we begin the second test.” I said to the mortal, “I just need you to lie on your back and relax.” We were in a therapist’s office, with cream colored walls, brown carpeting and windows that looked out onto a hellish cityscape below us. I was dressed in a white dress shirt, with a black skirt, black high heels and rectangular glasses. I enjoyed playing the part of the therapist, and was fully committed to the role, though, I did unbutton my shirt low enough to reveal my...

4 years ago
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Vanessa s Empowerment

Vanessa sipped her coffee, enjoying the warm breeze and the evening sunshine as she sat in the park with Dieter, her boyfriend.Had Dieter been more attentive, he would have noticed that she had a faraway look in her eyes, as she stared away into middle distance to her left. Any psychologist would tell you that she was remembering, and her cute smile, showing her neat white teeth, affirmed that the memory was a pleasant one. What Dieter did not know either, was that as she sat there in the...

1 year ago
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Love s MastersChapter 6 Workshop of Empowerment

That Friday, right after the football camp let out at noon, I left for the Marlfield mansion and spent the night there. Saturday morning, I flew out to Knox with the twins and my parents. The girls attending the workshop wouldn’t arrive until Sunday afternoon, but there were a lot of people involved in preparing for the workshop. This wasn’t just an opportunity for my dad to have sex with them or adjust their programming. The workshop was designed to test their ability to think on their...

1 year ago
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PervTherapy Whitney Wright Sophia Locke Sexual Empowerment

Marcelo and his stepdaughter Whitney visit therapist Dr. Sophia Locke to talk about their issues with each other. Marcelo seems to have a problem with Whitney fucking all of her friends, while Whitney just wants to do whatever she wants. Dr. Sophia guides them through some exercises that will help Marcelo see Whitney as a full grown woman, starting by playing with her breasts! Soon after they both become very comfortable with each other, with the help of Sophia, the three of them end up fucking...

1 year ago
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Private Cindy Shine Anal Empowerment

Cindy Shine is an empowered woman in Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving, and just like all strong independent females, Cindy knows exactly what she wants, and how to get it! After a congress meeting, this sexy teen has invited one of the speakers, Christian Clay, back to her place for dinner and it’s now time for her favourite course… So watch the sexy Cindy in action on Private as she gets a mouthful of cock with sloppy deepthroat blowjob before going to enjoy a hot anal fuck that...

4 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 5 A Devil at the College Party

God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 6 Caritas

“Ok ... What the fuck?” Rose stared in shock at her screen, which showed a lot of different information. She didn’t even know what to think, so instead of trying to figure it out, she decided to let Lucas explain. “It will be a long explanation, I’ll warn you.” Pulling Rose close, Lucas set both screens beside the bed and was silent deciding how to explain it. “I’m a little confused about how to explain this, so if you think I left any point unexplained, or badly explained, let me...

4 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 8 The Final Test 2

GOD Anna and I sat in the lavish theatre room of my hotel in hell. Freshly buttered popcorn slickened our fingers and lips and crunched loudly between our teeth. The large projection screen displayed the dinner date between Lucy and Rachel in crystal clarity. It was shown to us as an actual movie, with differing camera angles and clear sound production. The two lead actresses of this production sat across from each other at the table, their postures leaning forward as their eyes locked....

2 years ago
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Goddess Anun s slave camp

Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...

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Goddess Rhiannon

Goddess Rhiannon By Wholeman Direction The first part of this story is narrated as if from an outside observer. The next chapters are from the viewpoints of the indicated person. Collusion - Narrator "Hello?" Rhiannon said into the receiver of her cell phone. "Rhiannon, it's Dawn. We have this year's candidate. Where and when can we meet to discuss things?" Dawn Whitham asked. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class right now. I'll stop by your tattoo parlor on my way...

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Goddess Worship

Goddess Worship (Fm, Femdom, TV, SM, Watersports) By plugged_tv Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, including sex, and bondage. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains...

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Goddess introduces a friend into the bedroom

In a previous story we found Goddess and her Master discovering new experiences with a willing participant which was all engineered and planned by the Master. But this time Goddess has her turn, orchestrating a novel homecoming for her man, returning after 6 months at sea. The Master had a long but very tough summer sailing in the Mediterranean. The winds were strong and on the bow for most of the time. It had been frustrating taking shelter for days on end. He had started to feel the effects...

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Gods of Power Ch 01

The temple shrine rose majestically above the ancient foliage of the Nilgiri forests in Southern India, shining brightly in the backdrop of the rising sun. The shadows of the numerous statues on the shrine depicting the glory of the forgotten civilization, gave it an eerie look. Hymns in the strange language filled the morning calm yet formed a melodious harmony with the sounds of nature. The thousand year old temple complex is the only structural remnant of a fervent religion, which at its...

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Gods I Love College

I saw her earlier when the librarian helped her access something on her computer but thought little of it. When I sat next to her I noticed her working on anatomy and studying the skeletal structure. I logged into my terminal and started working on my paper. I type pretty fast and it can become a racket on a loud keyboard so I’m always concerned about that. I’m working along and I noticed her looking at me several times. I stopped and asked her if I was typing too loud and disturbing her....

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Gods of high school

The power to persuade others to do just about anything is given to a kid in high school Maybe this was a mistake made by the gods who had planned to give it to someone else who'd use it for something much more...productive for humankind. Or maybe they just wanted to see a bunch of teenagers fuck. Either way you choose which of these horny sociopaths received the gift and how they use it. And no, none of them gives a shit about stopping world hunger.

1 year ago
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Gods Of College

"By the Gods what hour is it." You wake up bleary eyed and groggy. Pain is pooled up around your temples and bile threatens to make an appearance via your mouth. Clearly you had to much to drink last night. You shake off your hangover with a swig of leftover beer. You gulp, grimace, then sigh in relief. You look into a mirror...

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Gods Of Hentai

Goddamnit. I just got kicked off of yet another MMORPG for sending other players pictures of my dick. It’s not my fault if killing orcs and gathering treasure makes me raging hard. I need a new game. Gods of Hentai calls itself The First Hentai MMORPG Game, so maybe it’s exactly what I’m looking for.Unleash Heroes and Collect PantiesTo play GodsOfHentai, you’ll have to head over to Eroges. The site is full of anime sex games and visual novels, so there are plenty more cartoon titties to gawk at...

Best Porn Games
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Lusty Room Servant Riding Horsepower

For reviews & contacts – I was in Chandigarh recently for a meeting but due to some issues our meeting got postponed by a day, which gave me 24 hours more to explore this beautiful city. I thought of hiring a bike and roaming around in the streets of Chandigarh to satisfy my weird bike ride cravings and ordered a meal in the meanwhile to fuel up myself for the rough day. Within few minutes the order was here and there was this beautiful girl who was assigned for the room service. She entered...

4 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 7 A Date With The Devil

LUCIFER “So...” Rachel said as she sat across from me on the coffee shop patio, “you, Lucy Satan, are in love with me, Rachel Johnson.” “Yeah,” I sighed as I stirred my coffee, “I am.” “How…” Rachel said as she searched the brimstone sky, hoping to find the words written there, “how did that happen?” “A series of chemical reactions in the brain that form endorphins based off compatible immune systems,” I replied through a wry smile, “or an immortal goddess finally found someone...

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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.” He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the...

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God s Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

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God s Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

3 years ago
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2 Love Birds Alike

2 Love Birds AlikeBy: Londebaaz Chohan If not the ultimate, Jim was almost pretty close to be the geek of the high school. Accepted that he was virgin but far more than that; he was the model boy of being so desperate for the pussy and a physical contact but absolutely unable to succeed because girls always backed away from him. Surely this impossible distance between him and all sorts of femininity gave him a rigid and hefty hard on all the time to carry in front of him, between his legs. He...

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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man. One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don’t. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings. Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the...

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Goddess Initiation

A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a moviebut the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense ofarousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selectedfrom a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other.The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremonyfor one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organizationwas nothing more than a Black BDSM group...

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GOD By SsiRuuk25 The little boy stood by his mother's bedside. The mother didn't look well at all, and if you knew anything about reading medical charts, it was clear she was not long for this world. The child looked worried, but wasn't scared. He didn't understand such things as death or dying yet. He was too young. Being raised as a good Christian though, he knew about heaven and hell, mostly heaven. And he some how felt that his mother was going there. "Momma, are you...

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NOTE: For new contributing authors, to use the naming options in your chapters, type { First }, { Last }, { Meta } in place of where you'd use the First, Last and Meta names-without the spaces- and they will appear in the story, should you choose to change them. Also, starting with the first chapter you branch off from this chapter, all new contributing authors should post a note as to what the recommended first, last and metahuman name for your charcter is. It goes without saying the the male...

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God thinks I m funny Parts 1 2 and 3

I like church girls. I guess that's my MO. Won't every catch me though, that "good girl" tendency is the closest thing to a pattern they'll find. There’s always a pattern though. Constantly plagued by it. Even if you never have a pattern, never having a pattern becomes a pattern, right? Maybe I over-think it, but that’s what keeps me ahead. I definitely have one common factor in all my attacks though. I never let them live. For a while, I never left DNA evidence, but it became too much...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 24 John and the girls grow closer as they discuss his powers

John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...

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