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Emend by EclipseChapter 37

October 19, 1977 The university’s semester was half over and Benny had mid-terms this week. He wasn’t exactly stressed out by them. His math class was a snap. He did have some concerns about the English class, which was taught by a woman who was in love with poetry; and the history class, which was taught by a ‘memorize the event and date’ type of professor. His chemistry class was something new for him, and was requiring him to work at learning new material. He was also taking a government...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 38

November 24, 1977 An odd kind of emotion appears in parents of young men and women who are about to venture out on their own. It is most pronounced during holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. There’s this sense that the family is starting to fragment with a child leaving the nest. As a result, there is a tendency to demand all of the children appear at home during the holidays. Sandra’s parents were coming to the realization that their daughter was already testing her wings in...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 39

February 8, 1978 Snow is a rarity in Oklahoma City. It doesn’t take much snow on the ground to bring ‘the world’ to a halt. It’s a result of not having salt trucks, or snow removal equipment. Unfortunately, it’s seldom just snow, alone. It’s often preceded by drizzle, rain, or sleet. If the ground is cold enough for the snow to stick, it’s cold enough for water to freeze. The result is ice covered by snow. The primary hazard of that kind of weather isn’t trip and fall accidents - although...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 40

April 22, 1978 The prom is a special occasion, particularly for seniors. It’s the last hurrah of high school. This makes it the social event to cap off the entire education experience which — as everyone knows, or should know — is more social than intellectual. It is a big deal and no one wants to show up without a date. Those without a date are more likely going to stay home rather than suffer the social embarrassment of showing up alone. Young men worry and fret if the young woman they ask...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 41

April 25, 1978 Reading the newspaper, Robert Kane sat behind the desk at the pawn shop in his high tech wheel chair. This one, the latest of many, had a motor that pushed it along and a little knob that he could use to steer it. He had lots of things that allowed him to overcome any difficulties posed by his lost legs. It wasn’t that he was lazy, but it did allow him to move around while holding things in his hands. He heard the jangle of the cowbells above the door and lowered the paper to...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 42

June 2, 1978 The weather was nice, but a little cold. It had in been in high 40s and low 50s all night. The wind was blowing, but not too hard. Sunset was around 7:00. Tim and Benny could grab eight hours of work on Tim’s house easily, even making allowance for the fact that they had to clean the office buildings. They could do the same Thursday. Friday afternoon would be spent putting out envelopes for curb painting and Saturday would be spent painting curbs. They would get a full day of...

4 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 43

August 6, 1978 Tim and Benny were sitting in their office chatting. It was one of those few occasions when it was just the two of them. They had felt a need to sit back and assess what was happening. There was a tendency for everyone to gather at Benny’s house to discuss business, but Benny objected to that. It was his home, his refuge, and he didn’t really want business intruding into it. Tim understood. Tim said, “It appears that I’m now a general contractor.” “Don’t you need a license?”...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 44

August 19. 1978 Sandra finally chose to buy a very plain set of furniture for the living room. She managed to find a middle ground between ‘middle aged stodgy,’ furniture and the trendy fashion furniture which was favored by people her age. She avoided the ugly browns, oranges, and greens that seemed to dominate the furniture world, and ended up with a cream colored living room set with matching end tables and a coffee table. She had picked up a cheap dining table from Target. Her father,...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 45

September 2, 1978 Tim woke up and scrubbed the sleep from his eyes. The birds were making such a racket, that sleep was impossible. He glanced over to the other side of the tent, and noticed the empty sleeping bag. Benny was up already. Tim poked his head out of the tent. Outside the tent was a remarkable tableau. Benny was sitting on the bench of the picnic table, appreciating the view of the lake. Three does were standing within twenty feet of him. One was eating some grass at the edge of...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 46

November 11, 1978 This year things were very different for Benny. In the past, he would have worked at the office building every evening from 5:00 until 7:30. It was as regular as clockwork, and brought the four of them together every workday. The four would often eat dinner together after work, but without exception Benny ate dinner with Tim. Since they had sold the business, Benny didn’t have that hanging over his head. Sandra and Cathy were still working there, but were now answering to...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 47

December 2, 1978 For early December, the weather wasn’t that cold. At 10:00 am, it was in the sixties although the wind was blowing at 20 mph with gusts up to 26 mph. The wind made it a lousy day to move. It seemed like anything bulky tried to take off on its own during the short trip from the van to the house. This was a major moving day for three of the four members of the group. Having made the decision to rent out her house, Cathy was moving into Sandra’s place. Tim, having finished his...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 48

January 9, 1979 It was a Tuesday and college was out for Christmas break for another week. This meant that Sandra, Cathy, and Benny were available all day. Tim and Benny had decided that it would be a good time for a business meeting. Everyone was getting antsy about the price of silver. It was oscillating around $6.00 and everyone, with the exception of Benny and Tim, was hoping that marked the beginning of the take off in silver. It was a dollar increase over the past year. Tim and Benny...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 49

January 16, 1979 It was cold that day, but not horribly so for January. It was a Tuesday and Tim was inside the house with his crew working on drywall. It seemed to Tim that his life was settling into a rut. First he’d tear out the walls, fix the wiring, put up new walls, tape them, paint them, and then put on the fixtures. Once all of that was done, the carpet layer would come in and install the flooring. Then it would be on to the next interior. It wasn’t that simple. There was also the...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 50

April 13, 1979 Ted Brooks peered over his half rim glasses to examine Tim and Benny. They had opened their books for him so that he could prepare their tax forms. Their records were first rate and he enjoyed working with them, although the quality of their books was due more to Cathy’s efforts than either of the two young men. It was hard to believe that two guys so young were worth so much. He had watched them slowly grow the net worth of their businesses. He looked over the page that...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 51

June 10, 1979 Happy to be ready to leave, Benny slammed the trunk of his car shut. He had finished packing for his trip to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area where he was going to camp for the next seven days. He had been planning to start this trip back on June 1, but the weather forecast had predicted rain for the next day. He figured he’d put it off for a day or two until the weather cleared. It was a fortunate decision since the weather had been terrible since then and he would have...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 52

June 16, 1979 Tim drove into the park and had to drive around the campground to find the spot where Benny was holed up. He drove around for thirty minutes before he noticed the tent tucked up out of the way. He parked his jeep and walked over to the tent. Benny was lying there, staring up at the sky. A golden eagle was circling above. Benny was watching the magnificent bird. Tim sat down, lay back, and looked up at the sky. The golden eagle was gone. A turkey neck buzzard had taken up in...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 53

August 10, 1979 At 11:00 in the morning, the temperature was already 82 degrees but it felt like 92 and the forecast suggested that temperatures would be reaching the high 90s by the late afternoon. Tim was seated on the step before the front door, waiting for their university guest, Dr. Frank Hennequin, to arrive. The visiting professor was an historian specializing in studies of the French support of the American Revolutionary War. Tim wasn’t sure what to expect, but the professor was...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 54

September 3, 1979 It was Labor Day weekend and, with the exception of Benny, the usual suspects were planning to participate in the annual Labor Day parade. Tim had missed last year since he had met up with Benny who was camping. This year Benny had taken off for lands to the south, for a change. He was heading towards Texas rather than the eastern end of Oklahoma. He didn’t have much experience traveling south like that, except to visit Tim once, in his first life, when Tim lived south of...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 55

November 22, 1979 Benny walked into his parent’s house without knocking. After all, this was his family home and he had been invited for dinner. It was his first visit in nine months. He had begged off on other invitations using the excuse of school or working on houses. There just weren’t too many excuses one could use to escape Thanksgiving. He did manage to surprise the whole family by being early. Not everyone was happy to see him. Upon entering the house, Lana screamed at him, “You...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 56

January 16, 1980 On Thanksgiving day the price of silver had been a respectable $16.19 and everyone in the business of investing was talking about the scarcity of silver. Your average person on the street was becoming aware that something quite unusual was happening in the silver market. The CBS, NBC, and ABC were now talking about the price of silver during the evening news. On Christmas, the price of silver was $24.60. If Thanksgiving dinners had quiet conversations about the price of...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 57

February 22, 1980 The dust was starting to settle as far as silver was concerned. Silver had hit its peak at $49.45 an ounce on January 18, then started dropping precipitously. After thirty days, the price had dropped to $30 an ounce and was still falling although it wasn’t plummeting. People who had waited to sell their silver were upset they hadn’t sold it earlier. People who had bought silver at the high were cursing the drop. Today, Tim, Benny, Sandra, and Cathy were meeting to assess...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 58

April 1, 1980 Tim and Lily drove up the road. Tim knew that he had gone too far when he saw the steel bridge. There was almost no traffic on the road, so he did a U-turn right there on the highway. Coming back they found the dirt driveway to Benny’s property. Tim slowed down and turned onto it. There was a cattle guard across the drive so he didn’t have to deal with a gate. The cattle guard was new. The posts of the barbed wire fence were wood tree limbs cut to size. The barbed wire was...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 59

June 22, 1980 The male half of the wedding party was gathered in the back of the church. Tim was the groom. Benny was the best man. Robert was the groomsman. It wasn’t a very talkative group. Tim was thirsty, but afraid of drinking much of anything lest he needed to go the toilet in the middle of the ceremony. Benny was lost in his thoughts about his new house. It was finished, but the second one for the help wasn’t. Robert was just watching the two of them amused by it all. It was amazing...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 60

September 11, 2001 The landscape around the house had changed significantly over the past 21 years. It was a lawn worthy of a golf course, front and rear. The lawn ended at a gravel path that led down to the river. To one side of the house was an orchard with apples, field pears, peaches, and pecans. There was also a little garden that was still producing vegetables, including tomatoes, bell peppers, beans, squash, and corn (despite the best efforts of the raccoons). Over 21 years, Benny...

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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 2 Transformation and Asparagus

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken. Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body be influenced by your spirit. Miyamoto...

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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 3 Peak experience

We fear our highest possibilities. We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments, under conditions of great courage. We enjoy and even thrill to godlike possibilities we see in ourselves in such peak moments. And yet we simultaneously shiver with weakness, awe, and fear before these very same possibilities. Abraham Maslow By knowing what exists, you can know that which does not exist. That is the void. People in this world look at things mistakenly,...

2 years ago
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Endangerment Spankings Always for the BestChapter 2 Ride Along

Addison Montgomery believed it was not enough as a citizen, doctor and aunt to her newly discovered niece, Christine to give public speeches and raise money to stop teen drunk driving. She decided to put her butt on the line and volunteer to take part in ride a longs with the Seattle Police where tipsy drivers would be pulled over and their parents notified by the college they were attending or high school as part of an intervention. She would have firsthand accounts of the dangerous and...

2 years ago
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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 2

The attack on the Lucky Swinger did not draw the attention of the newspapers, but the Steeles were not surprised, since, officially, the speakeasy didn't exist. However, there was no doubt that some gang leader noticed, since they had picked up over $24,000 from the office. That's too much lost money to ignore! Eagle and Hawk might even cause more mischief once Karl had a chance to go over the books they had picked up during their raid. Karl and Helen were enjoying a leisurely breakfast...

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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 3

Dammit! Still nothing in the newspapers about the Birdmen. There wasn't even a mention of the destroyed booze convoy. What did it take to get a little publicity? Helen and James tried to soothe Karl. James said, "Sir, you can be sure that the malefactors know the name 'Birdmen.' They are well aware of anything that costs them that much money." "Yeah, James, I know that intellectually, but my gut still wants the public to know that somebody is fighting the Mob." Helen said, "You...

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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 4

"Good evening, Sgt. Alexander, this is Eagle... Do you have anything for us, tonight... Eight trucks, marked as Hancock Foods... Which road?... Excellent! Thank you, good night. "It looks like there is a convoy of 8 trucks coming in from Sarnia tonight. At least, that's the rumor. Sgt. Alexander wasn't sure how reliable the information was, but his source usually has the right stuff. He did warn us to be careful. Shall we give it a try?" Hawk was immediately enthusiastic, "Of course,...

2 years ago
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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 5

Falcon really looked spiffy in her new costume. The four of them were headed to Black Widow to intercept a booze convoy coming in from the north. Again, the bridge to Sarnia, Canada, was the crossing point. The convoy was made up of a leading armored car, 4 trucks, and a trailing armored car. Black Widow had been reworked again, and jobs had been reassigned. Owl was the driver, with Falcon as gunner in the front seat. Hawk was the gunner in the back seat, with Eagle as operator of the smoke,...

1 year ago
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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 6

Moshe Attelman was about as pissed as he could be without actually shooting somebody. He was in charge of importing "the good stuff" from Canada, and he was hearing shit from higher up. "Who the hell do these 'Birdmen' think thay are? Don't they know that nobody messes with The Purple Gang?" Criticism from higher up in The Purple Gang was usually the last step before a visit from the Tommy gun crew. Moshe was not only pissed, he was sweating! He had to stop these Birdmen goyim, before...

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Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 7

Kingpin was really worried, now. His empire was going to hell in a hand basket. He had already lost three of his most profitable speakeasies and he was no closer to finding the people who were doing the damage. Sure, he knew that it was an organization known as Birdmen, but what did they want? He was used to buying off the opposition. In fact, he preferred to do business that way. Cops, courts, politicians, they were all on his payroll. If something got in the way, he just bought it. On the...

4 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 2

The snivelling male was brought up through the front of the courtroom, up through a trapdoor to a raised platform open to the world. Hundreds of women looked on, jeering and laughing, many applauding as the naked male was whipped toward a central position. Every angle was covered by automated cameras; his punishment would not go un-witnessed by any female with access to the humblest of TV's; his suffering would be cherished and enjoyed long after he was gone. His anus tingled continuously in...

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Dispatchment WeekChapter 3

The male squirmed in an erotically charged dilemma; his cock yearned to spurt yet the fear of what was to happen and the shadow of the noose rankled with his senses; the fear in turn, made his sphincter clench, the plug then massaging his prostate and bringing him full circle to the deliciously erotic predicament he was in. The women knew he would feel like this and delighted in his torment; they of course, were righteously comfortable in their positions of complete control over his fate, and...

3 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 4

Matron was as good as her word; every time the hapless male dozed off, his unconscious mind was treated to erotic dreams; drowning in a vat of pussy-juice; each finger and toe shooting cream, having become another penis; a goddess whose arms were whips. He would awake, jerking and squirming in his tight cocoon as his balls erupted yet again; the noose in full view, and Destiny's sexual aroma seemingly fresh each time he woke, panting through the gusset he would orgasm gloriously in honour of...

2 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 5

The huge crowd of women parted, and clapped in time as he was led on his leash through the arena; feminised and humbled, the women smiled and jeered at the pathetic site; his cock permanently erect and lifting the pink dress, stumbling forward in the precarious heels, he was brought down to a new level of humiliation. On the many screens above, the huge amazon who waited at a nearby destination, smiled down with wicked anticipation as she stroked the huge synthetic phallus before her. The...

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Dispatchment WeekChapter 6

The male's spirit was now broken completely; he now yearned for the pain that the third ring would offer him, and his humiliation started from the word go, as he convulsed in the cocoon in full view of the arriving women at first light. Miranda, Destiny and Matron looked up and applauded as a crowd of jodhpur- clad women laughed hysterically at the hoist male, as he squirmed and shook in his silken bondage to a glorious submissive orgasm; being in full humiliating view he spent in ecstasy as...

4 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 7

The victorious charioteer smiled with pleasure as she teased the shrouded male's erection with her free hand; the cameras focused on her supple arm and firm breasts, her pale skin dappled with light freckles, as she slowly placed the opened shears to the stretched neck of his scrotum. The ginger bitch's expression beamed with immense and increasing pleasure as she worked the doomed male's cock toward his final milking. His face, which was gagged but otherwise unmasked, grimaced in a blend...

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Dispatchment WeekChapter 8

As dawn broke, the women looked up gleefully to witness him jerking helplessly to another humiliating orgasm. As he panted through Destiny's richly soiled panties; squirming in the tight bonds and luxuriant silk, the women applauded loudly, jeered and laughed as he spent over and over as he was slowly lowered, adding to the milky mess he had made of the silk throughout a torrid night. Today was his last full day, and Matron, Destiny and Miranda were accompanied by a group of huge, buxom and...

1 year ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 9

The wretched male was allowed very little sleep on his final night; he was strapped extra tight to increase his discomfort, his erection remained stiff all throughout the night, despite discharging his balls on many occasions. The three main protagonists; Destiny, Matron and Miranda, had all worn thin panties on the fourth day, which they had soiled nicely in anticipation of the hanging on the following day. The male had been masked with all three pairs, and had shot his load wildly, shortly...

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HowWomenOrgasm Avery Black 01 09 2023

One of the things I love most about Avery Black is her bubbly sense of humor- especially when it comes to some of the ‘funnier’ aspects of sex! When we asked her about her first time masturbating, she bursts out laughing (and so did I). But then she shrugged and said, ‘It’s funny since… the first time you have sex is kinda funny, right?’ I mean… let’s be real, who HASN’T been there? But all comedy aside, Avery shares some deeply personal and...

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MylfXKarupsOlderWomen Briana Banks Mom Creeps Deep

Horny cougar Briana Banks was having a glass of wine when one of her son’s friends stopped by. Briana was chatting him up, telling him how horny she was while she sipped some wine. He suggested she get laid and she told him about her plan to go out that night, get drunk, and hook up with a guy. When he suggested that might not be a very good idea, the busty blonde MILF reached down, pulled his dick out of his jeans, and took it in her mouth. If there is one thing this mature bombshell knows how...

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Reddit Women of Color, aka r/WomenOfColor/! I must say that multiracial bitches pack quite a punch when it comes to the stuff they strut. It’s not that I have anything against white bitches. In fact, I don’t give a fuck about busting a nut into white bitches. But let me be honest. Mixed race bitches often pass off as sexier and more exotic compared to your ordinary white neighborhood whores. I am not sure what is your take on this. But fuck you! I don’t give a fuck about your fucking take....

Reddit NSFW List
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r/PornhubComments, aka Reddit PornhubComments! Masturbating increases mood and even boosts immune system function, so by now, people who masturbate several times a day like the PornGeek should be invincible, right? Well, not exactly, I mean too much of anything isn’t a good thing, but then again there are always other ways to make yourself feel better and not end up being miserable and self-loathing - and one of the most effective ways to do this is, believe it or not, through laughing. And no,...

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I thought Semenax was going to be a porn comic about a barbarian with a raging sword of flesh, hacking and slashing his way through big-titted orc sluts, elven nymphettes and probably some furry fox bitches in keeping with the typical formula. It turns out I was wrong. definitely still falls into a niche, one that may well be of more interest to the random pervert than some homemade hentai for neckbeards. What’s more appealing to you, a cum-based fantasy weapon or a real-life boost...

Male Enhancement Pills
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Haressment Backlash Part One

Judy pulled or rather jerked out that stubborn bottom file cabinet drawer. She hated doing that right in front of Wendy desk. There was always some kind of sexist remark. Lifting out the file folder, she stood up checking the contents. "Nice show, but you forgot to close the drawer honey. Of course we both know why, you're just looking for an excuse to shimmy and shake those sexy buns for me again." Judy ignored her remark and got down on one knee this time to close the drawer but that exposed...

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Gentemen prefer blondes

Chapter 1 It was a Friday night when I went to Ann's home party. We'd know each other for about ten years already, but were never really that close. We had been going to the same school, same parties for years then and shared lots of friends. Jessica was her best friend that I also knew very well. She went also to the same school as we did. Among lots of other people, there were also Ann's sisters Cindy and Kathy at the party. All four of them were just incredibly hot. And natural blondes,...

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The story which you are about to read may, at times, may seem quite preposterous. I have often wished that it was an episode of a nightmare or something, but I assure you that it is not. In fact it is probably true that I am enjoying my new life.? I have done so on the explicit instructions of my mistress’s who hopes that in the recounting of my life story, that in the process of the telling of my story that I may come to more fully realise how happy I am at being able to satisfy and accept...

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Fullfillment in Chicago

My hard breathing hissed through my clenched teeth as I arched my back and tightened every muscle I could find to keep from releasing a flood of cum into the ultra-petite Japanese school girl’s pussy on top of me. As my muscles flinched with quick pulses, I knew it was too late to hold back. I looked up at the sweet young face with full, tender lips as I pulled down hard with a hand on each of her curvaceous hips. With my cock buried so deep I could feel the top of her canal, I shot my hot,...

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Oldmen sex

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or circumstances, or somebody else's story are purely coincidental. It was another boring night in the nursing home. Infact, Arthur had not had an eventful time since his daughter had placed him here. He was angry because he was finding it difficult to make friends. He had no similar interests with anyone here. Even his room-mate Nigel, who was 77yrs old. The women did not appeal to him at all. Even at the...

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Mentor By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Featuring characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 Richard Greene arrived at his small apartment near the University of Connecticut and opened up his mailbox. He was getting ready to finish up his second year and he was looking forward to the...

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Mene Car Sikha Ke Meri Bhabhi Ki Gand Mari

Hi I am veer Dhaval….m a student doing my engineering….I am good looking guy….fair and height is 6’…..I stay in Bangalore….my id is ….mail me if you want to my contact no.this is my 1st story Yeh baat tab ki hai jab mai 12 class mein thha . Meri bhabhi ka naam Manisha thha. Unki age kareeban 32 saal thi. Vo dikhne mein bahot sexy thhi khaaskar unke hips moteh thhe. Unke breast bhi kafi bade aur bhari thhe. Vo ek typical indian women lagti thi. Heal wali sendal pahen ne ke karan...

3 years ago
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Commitment of the submissive

The ChairThe chair is made of mostly of 1/2” square wrought Iron bars. It is heavy, brutal and black. The seat is a removable iron plate rebated into a frame. It looks like a work of art until you realise its purpose which is to restrain and cause gradually increasing levels of discomfort and eventually pain. It looks like a stretched out dining chair with a very high back. The legs curve outwards to add stability. The rear legs and back are shaped in such a way that when occupied by the...

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The house looked so old and creepy compared to the pictures I had seen, someone must have got it on a good day, and extremely good day. Oh well, I was meeting the owner and estate agent, I pushed myself through the rusted gate which howled as an animal in pain. I cringed at the noise but saw the porch light come on and two shadows appeared. I walked towards them, gripping the edge of my skirt, making sure I wasn’t going to flash to them. Stepping up the wooden steps a hand met mine. “Miss...

Group Sex
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Experimentation and Exploration part 2

I am waiting in my room for my parents to leave. It’s 5 am in the morning on a Saturday and my dad and step-mom are going away to Barbados for a few days to celebrate their four year anniversary. My dad remarried when I was 14. With this marriage something came along with the step-mom- a stepsister. She was waiting for me, in her room. We had been having sex for a few months now. Ever since a trip to our parents ski cabin, we’ve been exploring our sexuality and trying new things. At first it...

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EXPERIMENTATION LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF THE HYMENRecently, I read a story which had been posted by another user, who since has retired from xHamster. It was entitled, Losing My Virginity. It brought back a very nice memory, from my own chil**ood in the mid-sixties, which I would like to share with you. When I was el**en, I lived across the street from an ei**t-year old girl named Judy. She was always outside in her front yard so we started to hang out and play together. At the time, I had a sort...

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Experimentation Goes Right

When Kate woke up, she found herself not in her own bed in her own room, but in what could only be described as a cell. Four barren walls and a door. Off to one side was an opening that led to a washroom. She woke up on a large, raised platform in the middle of the room, a makeshift bed? She was confused and frightened having no idea how she got here. Or even where “here” was. Scooting off the platform, she went to the door but found no handle, no way to open it. She pushed on it with all her...

4 years ago
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Men s Rights Activism in America

The name is Gina. And I’ve got a secret to share with you. Oh, man. I don’t know if I can do this. This is one of womankind’s deepest secrets. The sisterhood might want my head if they found out I told on them. But I don’t care anymore. I’ve found a wonderful man who loves me. And I don’t care what the sisterhood says or does anymore. I’m an independent woman, free to love whoever I choose and screw however I damn well please. End of story. Womankind has many secrets which baffle even the...

2 years ago
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"Anyway, I talked to a Michael Andrews, who seemed very shaken by this ordeal." "Who can blame him?" Margret asked. "Wait until you hear about his sister," Detective Miller pitched in. "Look, this Michael reported seeing a flashing light before everything happened, did anyone else get that?" "Yes," Christine answered, "Heather... Heather Andrews, Michael's sister also reported seeing a light, she also said she saw someone running away afterwards." "You think a...

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She saw an attractive brunette sitting quietly at a table. Placing the can on the table she introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Detective Miller, you can call me Christine.” “Hi,” the woman said, sitting up straight in the chair. Christine noticed that the woman wasn’t wearing a bra and from the look of her nipples, she was either very cold, or still pretty turned on. “I need to ask you a few questions about this morning,” she said, pushing the soda toward the woman. “Thanks,” she said,...

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They screamed at each other, just to be heard over the crashing waves. Everything they did was in complete abandonment, it was pure and animal as they growled and howled beneath the full moon. Johnson thought that a man never really felt like a man until his woman, with his cock buried to the hilt inside her, screamed as loudly as she could that she was coming, coming because of him. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Christine said, "Will you hold your horses. This is Detective Miller, can I...

1 year ago
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Juan Estaria pulled Lieutenant Johnson to the side, as Christine Miller continued canvassing the area searching for more witnesses to the spontaneous orgy that occurred in the ice rink at the local shopping mall. Estaria interrupted Johnson's lecherous gaze as he watched Miller slowly waddle from person to person. "Lieutenant, I know there is a lot of Miller, enough for the both of us, but I prefer my women skinny," he whispered. "Damn Juan, you don't know what you are missing,...

2 years ago
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Carmen s Step Mom Loves Her And Her Teacher Is Horny Too

"I know she's going to bitch, but fuck it," I whined, grabbing my laptop. "Maybe a little time with Mommy's Girl will make me feel better," I said, setting it down next to me.I went through the videos and found my favorite one. "Yes, 'Closer to Home' with Jill Kassidy and Kendra James, that should get me off, again," I giggled.I watched it and immediately let my right hand into my panties. "You might be a beautiful woman with blonde hair, but you're not my mom, Adria. You might love...

2 years ago
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Carmen s Fantasy

Carmen had voiced her fantasy of one day having two hard cocks all to herself. Rich wasn’t against it, he'd had a few threesomes with another guy before and found the idea arousing. He wasn’t sure if he was into cuckolding, or if it was just his sexual curiosities but the thought of his partner in pure bliss, being the center of attention, her fantasy being fulfilled and her pussy and mouth being simultaneously filled got him going. When he touched himself it’s what he most often thought of or...

Group Sex
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Carmen s Experience

I had crossdressed for as long as I could remember, but know one knew my secret. I was as careful as possible. I began buying female clothes for myself at local stores, mostly womens Lingerie that I could wear under my regular clothes. By the time I moved out of my parents house I began taking hormone pills, and soon enough I was developing into a beutiful lady. I wore a size C bra and filled it perfectly, my ripe ass fit into the nice tight jeans that I had always dreamed of wearing. I owened...

She Males
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I guess it was somewhat of a fluke. A combination of my situation and the internet. At least that's how I explained it to myself. My interest only occurred after eight years of marriage. Well more accurately, after my wife and I stopped having sex after six years of marriage. I know that seems unusual, perhaps even a fatal flaw that should have signaled our marriage was over. But the truth is, we were both happy that way. Donna had never been a highly sexual person. She hadn't dated a...

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Adjustments By Starson Daly **** This is my second story, and it's taking longer than the first, so any help and suggestions would be helpful. *** [email protected] *****ICQ 85215431****** I guess it was convenient, I mean after all, it's not like anyone would REALLY notice. Well, my friends would, but they are my friends so I think I could get them to understand, not matter how bad things seemed. I mean, as long as I was happy, isn't that all that mattered? Ah, but I'm...

3 years ago
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Atonement sex

It is rare but we had a totally unnecessary dispute about a small thing. And of course, become the prestige of who was right. The evening came and I saw that she went into the bedroom. But I thought: She says well if she is sleeping. After about 20 minutes I opened the door and discovered that it was extinguished." mature" I thought and went to wash me. After I was finished and turn off all the lights in the house, I sneaked into the room. She lay on her stomach completely under the blanket ...

1 year ago
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Atonement Act 3

Now when left off in our story Susan Gander had just finished reading letters and poems sent to her by Andy Savage a man who loves and adores her but that she feels is too homely looking to be with and yet after reading the poems she began masturbating and this is where we pick things back up in our story. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Sue works her finger up and down along her hot pussy lips enjoying the sensation of feeling her rose. She is very good at doing this because sadly she does...

1 year ago
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Atonement Act 2

It had been five days since the events that unfolded in the dining room between Andy Savage and the two women Jennifer Bliss and Susan Gander. The three have come to work every day since that night but have not spoken a word to each other. Jennifer is still upset because she did something nice for him that few other women would do and he abandoned her to go play with Susan just a few seconds after ejaculating in her. Susan is angry because she allowed herself to become so aroused watching the...

1 year ago
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Atonement Act 1

Susan Gander is a lovely 34 year old recently divorced blond who works as a waitress at the Casper Key marina. A tall woman she is no less than 5’9” tall and weighs about 130 pounds with long slender legs that look as if they go on forever when she is wearing short tight skirts. This is something she does often especially at work it gets men to notice her and she gets bigger tips. She has also become somewhat out of control since she cast off her husband and started doing what she calls dating....

2 years ago
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"I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." "Well.. I guess you better put up or shut up." Without another word, I dropped to my knees. We were lucky, his parents...

4 years ago
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‘Do I really have to go through with this?’ I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. ‘I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I’ll call the whole thing off.’ Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I’d daydreamed about the moment when I’d be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. ‘I told you bro, I’m broke.’ ...

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"Do I really have to go through with this?" I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. "I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." ...

Gay Male
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Gentlemen s Bet

My name is Steve, I’m in my late thirties. I am in realtor. I found myself downtown meeting with some clients. I have a fiancé who was in Mexico on a girl’s vacation. We have dated for 5 years. I have a good group of friends. We mountain bike, kayak and road trips. I knew the Giants had an afternoon game. I decided to stop by a sports bar and watch the game. I had just sat down and ordered my drink. The bar was busy. I had grabbed the last stool. There was a great little play to end the...

1 year ago
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Gentlemen s Club Part 2

He told them to to within reason anything they wanted with me that I was pretty much willing. I was ordered first to get on my knees and alternate between sucking each of their cocks until they were hard. They both had large cocks, much larger than my hubby has and I was somewhat amazedat this. It was later I would find out he actually ran an ad looking for well endowed men! As I obeyed he encouraged me to look at the camera. I mouthed one time, I love you, I winked I smiled and he really...

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Freshmen Year Part One The Creep

I slipped my hand under his blanket and felt his warm fuzzy stomach.He was just so handsome, I had to know what he was packing. Nothing too perverted, just alook.I could hear his soft shallow breathes, and it made my skin creep with excitement.His skin was so warm, he was like a space heater, I wanted to just crawl into bedwith him, and tell him I came home drunk... But he wouldn't go for that. I was freshlyshowered, I smelled of body wash.He let out a little gasp and I frozen. My heart leapt...

1 year ago
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Commandments Part 1

I walk into a dark room with the only light coming from the candles that are lit all around. I'm dressed as instructed: a blood red corset that gently cups my 38C breasts, a black miniskirt, white stockings and a pair of black kitten heel shoes with no bra or panties. My blonde hair down and laying around my shoulders. The wrist and ankle cuffs I'm wearing complete the outfit gleaming in the candlelight. The first thing I notice in the centre of the room is a padded bench complete with chains....

2 years ago
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Commandments Part 2

Sir looks at me with a gleam in his eye and I know he has something up his sleeve. He helps me sit up, gives me a kiss on the lips, then brushes his lips by my ear whispering, “We aren't finished slut. You will follow my instructions like the good girl you are, won't you?” I nod, and he nods back. He walks over to Samantha, grabs a handful of her long red hair and forces her to her knees. She looks up at him with uncertainty in her eyes. “You used my slut without my permission, so now it's time...

4 years ago
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Commandments Part 3

Simone stares at Him, still slightly in shock and says, “Umm, Okay.” “Excuse me?” Sir asks, then states, “I think you mean Okay Sir, or Yes Sir.” Simone swallows and replies, “Okay Sir.” Sir looks at her and orders, “Strip little girl, so I can have a look at you.” “But, but, but,” she stammers and turns red. He turns to me and states, “I think you need to give her a hand, pet.”  “Yes Sir,” I reply. I walk over to Simone and she looks at me, still red. “Auntie,” she whispers, “I've never...

2 years ago
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Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....

4 years ago
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Replacement Therapy II

Replacement Therapy II By Cheryl Lynn This is a copy written story by the author. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. Permission to download for personal use only is granted. Any other use without the permission of the author is strictly forbidden. This story contains forced feminization and punishment it is definitely NOT sweet/sentimental. If such fiction is not to your liking then do not read or post negative comments as...

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Experiment Eleven

Experiment Eleven By Walter Ego Captain's personal log. We reached the Baldec system ten standard days ago on a mission to investigate the apparent loss of several independent mining ships. I've come to understand why independents have been attracted to such a far away system. Baldec has a dense asteroid belt and ship's scans have already come across several formations that would set the entire crew up for life if we had the wherewithal to haul them back to Earth. Central Control can...

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RETIREMENT– by SENORLONGO ©2015. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between characters in this story and real persons is strictly coincidental and unintentional. Like most of my stories, this one contains elements that could fall into numerous categories such as Loving Wives and BDSM on Literotica. Normally I would split this story into segments to make it easier to read, but if I did that I’d hear from too many readers that Part 1 should be in ‘Loving Wives.’ However, if you look at...

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Retirement Community Neighbors

“Do you really wanna do this,” asked the newly retired university administrator.“I think it’s a great idea,” his sister replied.“Well, let’s make it happen!”“Absolutely!”“They’re starting to board the plane. I gotta run. Love you!”“Love you too! Have fun! Take lots of pictures.”Elliott rolled his carry-on towards the line. The 58 year-old was heading to Japan for seven days and six nights. He had purchased the trip through a agency specializing in seniors’ group travel. He didn’t mind having to...

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Retirement Party

Retirement PartyYou had decided to take early retirement, at 50 you still looked good, your breasts were still ample and firm and although your arse was slightly plump, it still looked sexy.You had been planning your leaving do for ages, a Suite had been booked and all your 15 employees were coming. The company specialised in gym equipment, and the manager had made something very special for you at your request.You had given a lot to the company over the last twenty years and wanted a very...

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Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan As I sat at the dressing table brushing my hair I noticed my wife looking at me oddly. She was sat on the edge of our bed, ready to go out for dinner. "What?" I asked, turning round to look at her. "Nothing really, darling," she replied. "It's just that in all my thoughts about married life I never once thought I'd be watching my husband sat at a dressing table getting ready to go out wearing such beautiful underwear," she finished with a smile. I paused with...

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Retirement party present

I’ve retired after 40 years as mailman the guys throw a retirement party in January for all the guy who retired the past year 6 of us had retired. The guy rent a ballroom in a local hotel so all of our coworkers and friends and family can come usually around 100 people attend. So as the party is going on Dee a woman I wrote about before (helping a coworker) hands me a room key without any seeing’s said for me to come get my retirement present when the party was over. I lost my wife about 11...

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This is something I wrote under a different screen name on a social media site with a journal facility. I toned the sex down in the original, but we’re all adults here right? I’ve put it in the non-erotic category, because although sex is a part of the tale, [a] it’s at homeopathic levels and [b] the story is about how lustful thoughts can keep one’s mind away from the prospect of an imminent mangling. When I put it up in the other place, both of the people who read it said it was almost not...

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Investment Banker 8211 Investor 8217 s Daughter

Hi all iss fans, this is Roy Rahul, one of many vivid iss fans. I am an investment banker by profession, age 25, living in Bangalore. Without further delay, let me start sharing my experiences with you. This story is the beginning of the series which i will continue posting in regular intervals. The only motive is to share my experiences, thoughts etc. which were buried within me since my childhood. Being an investment banker is not an easy job. This not only requires you to be sharp with a...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 2

"Good work, dork." Briana muttered in Tony's ear as they stepped out onto the pavement. "I told you what I told him... it didn't seem that big a deal to me." "He's probably embarrassed, you know how shy he is." She argued. "No, he's probably feeling guilty, at the moment." Shawna put in, distractedly. "He really doesn't like to upset people. Was he singing when he left?" "No idea, the band had started up again by then." Tony answered. "Which way's the quickest way...

4 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 3

The door clicked closed behind Tony and Shawna as they headed out, and Marcus slipped back down into his seat, putting the two bottles on the table. "Not that I don't appreciate your company, Bri," he said, popping the top off the bottles, "but why are you here?" "We're playing football, now shut up and pick up your controller." "Uh-huh..." he passed her bottle across and grabbed his controller off the floor." "Even when one of you and Tony knew what you were doing you were...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 4

"You aren't helping!" Elspeth snapped, crossly, flat on her back on the bed with her leg up on pillows. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh." Shawna giggled, and Elspeth finally managed a rueful chuckle herself. "It was... painful." "So what are you going to do about Briana?" "I don't know... give up, I think. She made it fairly clear she's not interested, and even if she were I think I blew that chance with talking to Marcus like that." "What are you going to do about him?...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 5

The bike pulled into the hospital car-park smoothly, Briana somewhat surprised that she wasn't more scared at the ride. If it had been Tony, she knew, she'd have converted to a religion and started praying before they left the end of the road, such was his aggression, but Marcus was cautious, controlled and calm, getting them there in plenty of time. She shook her hair out as she got off the bike, and handed the helmet back, letting Marcus put it away in the compartment beneath the...

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JudgementsChapter 6

"So, Bullfrog, what's this I hear about you and Hope Nakata?" Shawna slid down into the seat beside him, folding her long legs slowly under herself slowly enough that he actually missed a note. He put the guitar aside before he embarrassed himself. "We spoke at lunch today, she knows Elspeth and Briana." He nodded at the Elspeth across the table. "I know, we've met at a few parties here and there." He nodded — there wasn't really an answer to that. "So..." "So what?" "So...

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JudgementsChapter 7

Shawna trudged into her room to find Lorraine and Briana there with Elspeth, sat round a table doing nails and chatting. Sidling over to the window she opened it, dragging the bag inside and taking out bottle of beer from where they'd been chilling in the fourth-floor wind. "Anyone?" she asked, offering, but they all shook their heads. "Rough day?" Elspeth asked, and the others both turned to face her. "You could say that." She took a long, deep swig of the beer, shivering slightly...

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