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My Brothers Girlfriend

Chapter 1 My little brother had always come to me when he had a problem. Our parents had divorced when we were ten. We were identical twins, but I was fifteen minutes older. Our dad then cheated on our mom, and got his secretary pregnant. Shortly thereafter, our parent's divorced, and he married the bimbo. That was the last we saw of him except when he needed to trot us out for some event or large family function. He was a family man, after all. Mom didn't take it well and went...

4 months ago
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Under The Bridge

I've always admired a shapely calf and ankle. I couldn't say why. 'Personal aesthetics', I suppose. Then again, my appreciation of beauty was a little different to most. But I could certainly enjoy the simple things of life. Like calves and ankles. Kelly taught me to admire 'the thigh' without saying a word. It was difficult to avoid. The precocious length of her skirts ensured regular inspection. They were firm and deeply tanned and I swore her skin shimmered. It was clear she thought...

5 months ago
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The Night Nurse

My nurse's name was Kim. Having been hospitalized a few times over the years, I was convinced that all the "sexy nurse" stereotypes were not true at all. Most nurses were nice, helpful, but always in a hurry. They generally just took care of business. In my experience, the hospital situation never lent itself to anything sexy. Except for Kim. She was a pretty girl in her mid-thirties, maybe five years younger than me. I don't know what it was about her, but I couldn't keep from looking...

1 year ago
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Cashing In

Chapter 1 Ronnie, when he turned thirteen, three years earlier, was all excited about becoming a teenager. It seemed to him to be the big step beyond childhood on the road to becoming an adult, where he really wanted to be. But now, just on the cusp of turning sixteen, he was sick of being a teenager and was just marking time until he came of age. To him, that meant an age without the term, teen, in it ... twenty. So, when his parents threw him a sixteenth birthday party, he really wasn't...

9 months ago
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A New Beginning

"Sunny, are you going to the dance tonight?" The voice was a little louder than it needed to be. The caller often spoke that way during telephone conversations, because she wore hearing aids and turned them off, or removed them, for her telephone calls. "Oh Polly, I don't know." Sunny took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "It has not been a good day for me. I spent half the afternoon at the Social Security office. Mandatory retirement stinks." "You need to go to the dance...

7 months ago
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Worth Looking At

I stared out of my bedroom window into the blackness beyond. How could this have happened, what was the matter with me. The glass in the window reflected my image back to me; I wasn't wearing much, just a pair if bikini knickers. I sure I look alright, no one had any complained before. In the blackness I saw movement, someone was looking up at me. For the first time in days, a faint smile played across my face. Well at least someone thought my body was worth looking at. I didn't move away,...

4 months ago
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A Woodland Encounter

I was taking a nature walk in Prospect Park, which is some two hundred acres of woodland, with nature trails and a few clearings where they have picnic tables and a stone grill by them. It was the first part of June and up here in Northwest Pennsylvania it is just getting warm and it was a nice day in the lower 70s. I wanted to get some exercise and there was this one trail that wasn’t too long and should have had some nice scenery and a lot of the wild flowers would be blooming. I guess I...

1 year ago
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The sunset on her left was gorgeous as Jeanette Brennan hiked along the trail with Bob, but she looked to her right more often. The little radio had forecast rain before morning. Now, although the radio was not packed where she could reach it, she could make her own forecast. The rain would start sooner than morning. They wanted a campsite upslope from the trail. They reached one that had been used before but was empty now. They didn't change their pace as they turned off the trail, but they...

1 year ago
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Phantom Lover

© Copyright I felt his presence as near to me as he could get. He touched me with his gentle fingers, and he touched me with his hard organ. He sighed in my ear, and let his tongue lightly caress the parted lips of my mouth. He stole my breath, then handed it back to me. His gentle fingers played over my skin, making it sing. He had me arching against him as he let his fingers splay outward from my breasts or from my belly. Then, letting his tongue dance along the path his fingers had...

1 year ago
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Hollys Blowjob Lesson

I was leaning back on the sofa at my girlfriend Pam's apartment, with her snuggled up under one arm. She was wearing her typical at-home uniform of a long sleep-style tee-shirt that fell to mid thigh. Nothing else. No panties or bra. She had her knees drawn up beside her on the sofa, and my hand was draped casually across her big right breast. Her nipple was a stiff peak under my palm. Pam was 18, although when we first met a couple of months earlier she had tried to tell me that she was 21....

1 year ago
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The Sphere

A short sketch Connie had been told what to expect. After all, she was the one who requested the device and laid out some of its specs. But for all her experiences as a enthusiast of odd bondage scenarios, she was still unprepared for the sight of the globe standing in the middle of the spacious empty hall. From a distance it looked something like a glistening ball bearing resting on a small dais. "Whoa. That's... strangely beautiful." As she drew nearer, she observed in its sheen her own...

2 months ago
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Working From Home

I work from home, I really don't want to say what it is that I do, I mean, after all, it pays well and I don't want to jeopardize a good deal, right? I'm single, divorced about twelve years ago, I'm fifty-two, in pretty decent shape for a guy who sits at a desk all day. Not particularly dating these days, either, don't especially like the bar scene and the dating sites have worked sometimes and not worked at others. Don't ask me why. Any way, I do employ a woman to come in and clean...

1 year ago
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Those Dagenham Days

George Beckman picked up the mail that was lying on his doormat. There was the usual assortment of letters, statements, bills and ‘To the Occupier’ envelopes. “If you don’t even know who I am, Pal, you can go straight in the bin!” he said to himself after viewing the small pile comprising this last category. His attention was drawn to a hand-written envelope with no postage and no address; he had a few of these occasionally, from people who had somehow found out his address and posted things...

1 year ago
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A Poor Boys Spaceship

My name is Samuel sar Istaban and I was born here on Gavin. This planet is called the space ship graveyard because for thousands of years they brought old ships here to abandon or die. About ninety percent of the planet is covered in old ships. The ten percent that was not covered was the home of the wealthy and privileged. The planet was full of people of many different races almost all poor. Unlike many kids I grew up with kids from other races. The cat like Kaire were more my family than...

1 year ago
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Two Wives Two Lives

It's my thirtieth anniversary. I'm sitting here, typing, trying to find a way to relate what this anniversary is all about. My wife is upstairs sleeping, snoring that charming little singsong snore she produces when we've just made love. I can't be sure whether it's her third or fourth orgasm that turns on the snore button. Gretchen has been my wife for eighteen years. And it's my thirtieth anniversary. Life has been just grand for us. She's a very attractive woman, in a plain way,...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Night

I feel like the spy who saved the world. The monumental improbability of the scheme that I pulled off this week will never be recognised except by the two people closest to me in the venture, and in many ways neither of them knows the entire story. To be sure, it is not as though I have gone completely unrewarded; indeed as I write I can feel a tingle of excitement spreading through my loins at the memory of what I did ... and what was done to me. The first piece in the jigsaw fell into...

2 years ago
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Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...

2 years ago
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Thanks to You

"So, this is the place." Mac jammed his hands in his coat pockets and looked at the house. It wasn't quite a farmhouse, though they had a few acres of land attached. "It looks ... homey, Jet. I can see you probably had a great time here with your folks." Both of them had been only children, but Mac had grown up in the city, while this was countrified living at its best. Or worst. He could tell why Jet had enlisted to get out. Mac wrapped his arms around Jethro, being careful of his arm...

4 months ago
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Shock and Awe

My thanks to Randi Black for her editing of this work. Her efforts and suggestions have greatly improved this submission. Don Terwilliger was listening to Willie and beating out the tune of an old CW song on the steering wheel of his truck as he drove down the main drag of Wilson’s Mill. It was hot, dry and miserable outside, but he had the window of his old truck open as he drove. The sweat was running down his face, and dust from his combine covered his once white T-shirt. His hands and arms...

2 months ago
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Instinct and Comfort

#70 "Storm" Gibbs sat in the car for fifteen minutes before he screwed up the courage to lock up the car and enter the building. He'd never done this before, visiting DiNozzo when he needed comfort. Sure he'd been here to check up on his senior agent quite a few times, but never when he was the one who needed a shoulder. He probably could have gone to Ducky but that wouldn't have been right. He wanted to be here. Whatever came of it. He started to knock on the door but then just used his...

2 years ago
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Used and Abused

Did I really want to be used and abused? My fast beating heart suggested yes. I had been brought up as an only child, spoilt beyond belief, and in a very safe environment. As soon as I could, I moved out of the family home and initially shared a flat with an old school friend; but at last I had my key to my own front door. Most of the guys who asked me out were nice, very much so, but that's not what I was looking for. I seeing a nice guy called James who lived with three other guys in this...

2 years ago
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In Place of Strangers

My mother decided to resolve our year-long confusion by dating other men from work. She was reluctant to face up to the fact that I was now the man of the house who took care of her and all the household needs, and, who was entitled to the rewards and benefits of that position. My father had died over a year ago and it wasn't long before I filled his shoes in every sense of the word accept the one place which was forbidden for a son to go: his mother's bedroom. We had encountered this...

4 months ago
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Reluctant Photographer

"Why not?" my younger sister screamed at me, "mum it's not fair, he won't take any pictures of me." It was my birthday and I had received the Digital Camera that I had requested but Jill, my 15-year-old sister was bugging me to take some picture of her. "Look who wants to take pictures of a scrawny thing like you," I said nastily. "Mum, he's being horrible to me," she shouted. "Pete, be nice to your sister and take a few shots," said my mother. "Yeah ok," I said somewhat...

2 years ago
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A Conversation Amongst Equals

“Troy?” “Julie?” “What are we doing?” “Playing one of our games.” “I know that, but something feels different.” “It is, however, it will make sense soon. Go deeper and relax.” “Mmm ... thank you, Master. I wasn’t worried, it was just unusual.” “It is, a little, isn’t it?” “Well, yes. Not like the games we’ve played all our lives.” “Are you having fun?” “Always. I’ve loved this since we first started playing. Go deeper and remember.” “Ooh ... thank you, Mistress. I remember watching...

7 months ago
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The widow lived across the road. She didn't fit the image. She was my age; smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up and she had never remarried. It didn't appear to be for want of suitor's - there wasn't a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn't go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a handsome...

1 year ago
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Breaking the Sub

Annie staggered through the front door, wobbling, barely able to stand, blouse buttoned one off. Irritated pink splotches smudged her baby face. "What happened to you?" "I won!" The enthusiasm normally associated with such a statement was missing from her voice. "Won what?" I asked. "We had a contest. Hang on, I gotta sit down." "Before you fall down?" She plopped into the comfy chair and put her legs up on the footrest. Her legs splayed open, and I could see she was minus...

2 years ago
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Phantom Lover

It had been two years since Maya had passed away. Maya had been my soul mate and my whole life's purpose seemed to have died with her. My family had watched helplessly as my happiness turned to depression. In fact, I wouldn't have been on this cruise ship if not for my sister. Kara, my sister, gave me this cruise as a gift. This was a singles cruise and I was supposed to be having the time of my life meeting women and enjoying the ocean. I never would have told my sister, but I felt nothing...

2 years ago
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Hot Shorts Vol 01

Trade In It was a good thing I’d moved up to managing the dealership. I couldn’t have dealt with the public that day. I had my suspicions for a while, but I’d finally put in the time and effort to find out for certain that my wife was cheating on me. I’d filed for divorce on Friday, and moved my personal belongings into an apartment over the weekend. I was not in a cheery mood that Monday morning. Six years down the drain - counting the two years of dating before we got...

2 years ago
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Ediths Best Friend

I just came back to my apartment from a long day of work when the phone rang. I lived in Richmond, Virginia, and was a computer network consultant working on a project under a tight schedule. I hurried to pick up the handset and heard Edith crying into the phone. "Tony, he dumped me!" "I'll be right over," I replied. I dropped the phone and rushed to my car. Within fifteen minutes I was on Interstate 95 heading towards New York City. I lived more than six hours from Edith. I...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Copyright © 2001 Copyright Message This story was written by Laga Mahesa (aka Stone-D), 2001. The usual restrictions apply. No content changes allowed, these headers remain intact and attached to this story at all times. Permission to archive ONLINE is granted, providing the site does not make any DIRECT profit from this story (advertising is understood and allowed as long as this is not the only story and I am not the only author on the page) and that this story is not submitted to...

1 year ago
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Revenge Inc

Chapter 1 I sat in the parking lot and waited for the guard to walk to the door and open it. My crew was ready to perform their tasks as soon as the guard let us in. As soon as the door was opened we would then proceed to destroy Best For You Specialties, Inc. I looked at the can of dead roaches on the seat beside me and smiled. We would insert a roach into cups of yogurt and then put the infested cups of yogurt in different boxes that were ready for shipment in the huge refrigerators. The...

2 years ago
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Coffee and More

Chapter 1 Melody and I have had a happy life together, now married just over thirty-five years. We've raised two children, both girls, and they're long out of the house. We live in a medium-sized city and I'd worked for one of the larger companies in the area that, in recent years, had undergone several downsizing periods that saw a number of our friends retire including us. It was something I saw coming; I was not given early retirement in the first go-round but several of my long-time...

5 months ago
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Christmas Gifts

Mary Mae felt terrible. Christmas was almost here and she was struggling to get gifts. When you’re sixteen and there are no job prospects and your family is poor, that makes it real tough. She’d made three trips down to the truck stop and made enough money giving blowjobs to buy gifts for her father and her boyfriend, the two most important men in her life. Her mom was long gone so that made it a little easier. She’d walked to Walmart and picked out a couple of pocketknives that looked real...

1 year ago
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Brown Thursdays

©1997, All Rights Reserved Andie and I used to play around nearly every Thursday afternoon for most of a year. On Thursdays, her mother took her kid sister to soccer practice after school, and we had the house to ourselves. After the first few times, we seldom fucked in the conventional way. Andie worried too much about getting pregnant and neither of us much liked the feel of wearing a rubber. Sometimes I would slide my cock into her naked and withdraw just before cumming. But after an...

1 year ago
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A Sexual Slave

Robin was 17 years old and she'd already developed into a very sexy young woman with pretty face, nice hair and a very well developed rack of tits that sat high and firm on her chest. She still lived at home, being a senior in the local high school, but she worked after school and often didn't get home until late in the evening. She had her driver's license and her folks had bought her a car so Robin was able to drive herself to work after school and then home at night. That plan had worked...

2 years ago
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"Two weeks on the beach!" Ben thought to himself. It was going to be worth all the money it was going to cost. It was also going to be worth all the time he had spent researching the perfect beach, the time spent trying to outguess the hurricane season and the effort of beating down the travel agents for the best prices and the nicest place to stay. To say that Ben and Ally were looking forward to it, after working their butts off at their jobs without a proper break for the last several...

1 year ago
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Morning in the Park

After nearly 20 years in a rather unexciting marriage and finding myself single again at the age of 45, meeting Joyce seemed a bit like a dream come true. She was a rather leggy 23-year-old with perky breasts only a woman her age could possess. Like a lot of younger women, she wanted to try it all, including being with an older man. I was only glad to help out. She said she liked my maturity and the fact that I took my time in the bedroom. Heck, it was probably more middle age than any real...

1 year ago
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Suburban Surrender

Cathy Dupree had been single for some time, and the sexual rush she got that day, was more than welcome. The night before, she’d lain atop her bed, facing the mirror and watched herself masturbate with the large vibrator which had so long been her best friend, her orgasm magnificent as her imagination took her through a fantasy which saw her with the upper hand over masculinity, leading to a willingly subservient male servicing her orally. Duly sated, then sleeping soundly, she awoke to find...

1 year ago
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Deacons Song

At first I thought it was a fly that awoke me. I tried to shoo it away but instead got a hand full of hair. I awoke with a start since I didn't remember going to bed with a cat, dog, or rat. I looked down at the head of black hair sprawled across my shoulder and tickling my nose. The hair was so damned black it was almost blue. That hair told me it was Rose. Now I do some pretty dumb things when I am half asleep. That morning I tried to look at the clock hanging on the far wall of my one room...

11 months ago
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Devons Nude Day

He was preparing to enter yet another bedroom on his corridor. He knocked once just for show. Apparently no one was using it, so he tried the handle. The handle would not budge. He tried it once, twice, however it remained firmly in place, unmoving. He turned his head and observed the new predicament with wide eyes. He had the special tool that would allow him to breach the door that stood in his way. He used his deft fingers and the door beeped once. He quickly opened them and rushed...

11 months ago
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War Diary

I found this diary when I was clearing out a box of thing from my Dad’s. This appeared to be written by my uncle. It might be of interest [Sept 10 1939] – I’ve got my wings! It was obvious a while back we were heading for a fight so I joined up to avoid being called up. The RAF seemed the best option. Father had been in the 14-18 shout in the RNAS until he got shot down and made prisoner. It sounded exciting flying a plane held together by string and glue. [Sept 30] – posted to _. Not allowed...

1 year ago
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Peters Confession

I wonder how this is going to sound? I am going to admit to the world just how naive I was. Maybe some would say "dumb". I married as a virgin, however I knew my bride was not. I knew she dated a lot before we married. I actually felt lucky she said that she would date me. For months I watched her dating and it took me a long time to work up the nerve to ask her out. After our third date I massaged her breast as we passionately kissed. My head was spinning as I heard her moan and kiss...

1 year ago
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Poker Night

Donna was a bit of a prude. She had never cared much for sex. She and Frank never had it more than once, maybe twice, a week. She only wore lingerie on his birthday and Valentine’s Day. She didn’t have any wild stories about sex in weird places or with strange people. So it surprised even herself that she was actually following through with the bet she lost to her husband. She honestly thought the capitol of Kentucky was Louisville. Now she waits for Frank’s poker buddies to show up while he...

2 years ago
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Happy Valentines Day Daddy

John was looking forward to Lexi's weekend visit. She didn't usually get to come home from college in February, but she was in the middle of her internship, so she was on a different schedule than in previous years. Both Lexi and her boyfriend Raymond were working toward advanced degrees in exercise physiology. The two of them were coming to stay with him for Valentine's Day. Lexi had spent New Year's with her mother. John had gotten used to not seeing his daughter every holiday since the...

2 years ago
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Could He

Dan was startled by the instant message on his computer. He had been online for hours and it was unexpected, especially when he checked the profile and it was guy. They chit chatted a little until the guy finally popped the question, "Ever had your cock sucked by another man?" The question had caught him at a depraved moment. Dan hadn't had sex in a couple of months and his cock was well overdue for a good orgasm and began to stir as he typed the answer, "No." His cock continued to grow as...

2 years ago
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Just Joan

Work was hell, but at the very least I knew I was going to have a good time tonight. Sinne was in town, and with a couple of fibs about going out with the guys I'd be out the door without my wife any the wiser. Preparing my excuse-- it was going to be a "co-worker's last day" this time-- I opened the front door and saw any adulterer's nightmare: my wife was sitting there in the front room. With Sinne. Talking very intensely about something. All thought of what I was going to do that...

2 years ago
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O Tangled Web

“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!” Walter Scott That fit my situation precisely. I’m all tangled up in something now. My wife of a year has made her contributions too, as you will see. Annie was rather footloose and fancy free when we met. It wasn’t just her foot; her pussy was free too if she got a hankering for you. I was just another hard one when my friend Bill introduced us. Certainly no more than that since she wanted a threesome and he brought me to her...

4 months ago
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Bachelor Party

Intro The calendar had become a countdown; each day circled was a day nearer to her wedding. The big red blob around the 21st June signified the day, the day she'd cease being plain old Jane Fellows and become Mrs. Robert McCloud. It was now; Jane paused and mentally counted down using some virtual fingers, fifteen days. Fifteen days. She rolled over and kissed the half awake Robert on the mouth, slowly he started to kiss her back and then she felt his hand on her belly and her legs began...

2 years ago
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Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...

3 years ago
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Becky Plays Bitch 2

Becky was hurting for a few days after. She was afraid that something was damaged inside her at first, but after a few days she felt better. Naturally, she could not talk about it with anyone, so as time went on the memory of their encounter got foggier and a strange, morbid curiosity replaced it. Becky would look at herself in the shower, looking down at her small cunny and wonder how Rex's massive cock could fit in there without destroying it. She wondered how her little body could take it...

1 year ago
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All the Little Butterflies

Camille had gotten herself in an awful fix. She came to the mall with her friend Stacy and her mom. When they finished shopping and were leaving, Cammy told them she was going to have her mom pick her up. The young brunette had noticed the boys looking at her, and didn't want to go home yet. It was her skirt, she knew. It was really short and floppy. Just about every inch of her bare legs showed under it. Cammy's mom would never have let her out in public in it, not by herself. Only because...

2 years ago
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Expiration Date

My wife, Marcie, was in London again, shopping. She has been spending more time away from home every year. We no longer have a marriage but I cannot afford to give her a divorce and she has no desire to apply for one. In the last five years my software company has taken off, For over ten years, I was struggling just to keep our head above water, and than the hardware technology caught up with my software package and things went sky high. Three of the big companies had expressed interest and I...

11 months ago
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Mrs Evanss Revenge

My pantie stealing and phone sex with Mrs Evans went on for a couple of weeks with me changing the panties each time she did any washing. I was really enjoying myself now as I used an assortment of her underwear to wank into as I sat reading my ‘younger / older stories in my magazines. Then one day things changed dramatically!!! I was off school for half term and was in the house alone, when an envelope addressed to me popped through the letter box. No stamp and the fact that it was too late...

4 months ago
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Aeolus P Cerigo

In a sleep rough voice, Alex answered her ringing telephone, "Yes?" "Alex Reardon, please?" the female caller asked. Not caring to offend the caller, Alex did not clear her throat, although the temptation to do so was great. "Yes, may I help you?" "I am calling to confirm today's 10:30 appointment with Mr. Aeolus P. Cerigo." "Yes, I can confirm that time," Alex said, prepared to answer further questions, hoping her rough voice did not make her sound ill. "Thank you." The...

2 months ago
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Loving Cindy

Copyright© I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as... just kids. Mother, bless her; miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way — there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the bottle by his hand belies the truth in that. Cindy, one hand, Lee, me, the other. Drag him, pull him. Grunting with our childish lack of strength. "Push... Cindy, Pull! Get...

2 years ago
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White Rogue

The city of Mellor was full of dark mages, self proclaimed nobles, Werewolves, drakes, vampires, witches ... basically a lot of evil creatures. There were also greedy merchants, hunters, knights and sanctuaries. I even knew of a courtyard with a huge oak tree and a dryad. She sometimes hunted the night with her bow. As for me, I was a rogue and roamed the night. My prey was the evil nobles or greedy merchants and sometimes even a dark mage. There were also a few dark elves that lived on the...

2 years ago
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The Girls From The Office

Her car wasn't in the drive or the garage when I got home and that was rare. Ginny almost always beat me home from work and had dinner halfway done before I got there. I walked into the kitchen to get a cold one from the fridge, opened it and took a sip before seeing the box on the kitchen table with an envelope taped to it. I walked over and saw that the envelope had my name on it. I opened it and read the short letter inside: Dear Rob, I'm sorry, but I had to do it this way because I...

6 months ago
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Soul in Isolation

I was 15 when my dad died, it was quite sudden, he had a heart attack whilst doing the gardening. I loved my dad more than anything, he was my world and when he died my world ended. Mum was just as devastated as I was, even after 20 years of marriage they still loved each other as much as when they first met. She struggled along without him for a while, but found it hard. She couldn't keep up the payments on the mortgage and pay my school fees, so I would have to leave the grammar school at...

3 years ago
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John Deere Green

Some of you out there might have heard that country song by Joe Diffie called “John Deere Green”, about how a big heart and the words “Billy Bob Loves Charlene” showed up on the water tower, and about how everybody in town thought that was all sweet and stuff. Well, you see, the thing is that My Uncle Charley knows some folks over there in Nashville, and one of those people he knows is Mister Diffie, who wrote that song after Uncle Charley told him the story about that water tower ... except...

2 years ago
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Miss Foster

Miss Foster was my home room teacher in the seventh grade, and she also taught English. She was twenty seven years old and was unmarried, although I'm sure that she had received many proposals, because she was slender and beautiful. She had dark hair, and at school she always dressed conservatively. Still, one could see her bare calves and lower arms, which were so perfectly shaped that one could imagine, as I did, that she was perfect all over. She had modest breasts, and when she wore a...

1 year ago
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Devils Bargain

“How could I have ever done anything so stupid?” Angela Giordano asked herself, the question unanswered in the silence of the empty room. Not that the forty year old blonde really needed to ask the question. Her answer was as clear as the reflection in the mirror on the bedroom wall. She had allowed sentiment to overcome good judgment and made what was proving to be a disastrous decision. Last month, two days before he was supposed to deliver a check for their son’s tuition at Kingsbridge...

11 months ago
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Preparing for 16

My family has a tradition. It’s really an open secret in the family but I guess only a secret because we just don’t talk too much about it. Until now, that is. I don’t even know how I found out about this tradition. I think I was about ten when my cousin Rodney brought it to my attention. At the time I was interested when my twelve year old cousin talked about sex like he was all-knowing, even though now, thinking back he was so full of crap. So you could say it’s something I’ve always...

4 months ago
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Widows Tale

Pat had recently become a widow and was a still a very young looking fifty year-old woman. Lonny' s illness had lingered on for two years and her physical needs had not been met. She put her needs aside as she lovingly cared for her dying husband. It was now six months since the funeral and she was ready to get on with her life. Her girls had both moved on to start their careers and Pat still had her career as an lab technician with a local ceramics company. She had walked her basset hound...

5 months ago
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Hot Shorts Vol 03

To the Rescue The music was loud. The bar was crowded. Norm had a good buzz going, and hadn’t paid for a single drink all night. Actually, Natalie hadn’t paid for a drink all night, because that was the name he used - when he felt like offering it - on these little jaunts. He knew he looked good as a woman. Heads turned and men approached him relentlessly every time he dressed to kill and hit the town. There was no better cure for the sadness of a breakup than having a bar full of straight...

2 years ago
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Master Theron

"C'mon bitch! What did I just say to do?" "I'm sorry, Sir! Please don't pull the leash again! It hurts my throat!" "It hurts my throat, well, a lot more is going to hurt if you don't do what I fucking say! Now suck my cock!" "Yes Sir!" "And?" I felt the hard sting of Master Theron's hand come down hard on my cheek, and held back the tears that formed in my eyes. "Thank you! Thank you Sir, for letting me suck your cock!" "Such a polite bitch." My eyes cast to the floor...

4 months ago
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Your Ass Is Mine

Sandy always paid her debts. It's one of the things I like about her. When she owes me something; she always pays up, even when she doesn't want to. The same is true, fortunately, when I have to punish her. You see, Sandy gets very naughty at times. You wouldn't think of it, to look at her. She is very average looking, with a fine, ripe body usually hidden under sensible clothes. She is a librarian, and looks almost stereotypical. When she gets home, however, the reality is much different....

2 years ago
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You Bet Your Wife

It took Cian a long time to save up for it, and put him in debt for the next ten years, but he finally did it. He finally bought a brand new Jaguar XJ6--a car that was worth what he made in a year as a junior computer programmer for Megatelco in New York City. At least, being single, he had no other major expenses. He arrived home from work Friday night to his flat overlooking the river Hudson, and began to nuke his dinner. Then, as he sat down to eat, his phone rang. "Hello?" "Oh, hi...

1 year ago
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Consolation Prize

Copyright© 2003 Leticia Humphrey wasn't the world's richest woman. She wasn't even close. All the same, two and a half billion was nothing to sneeze at. Ruthlessness -- that was what had brought her this far -- utter and completely cold-blooded ruthlessness. (Her birth name had, in fact, been Ruth, but she had purged herself of that in a hurry, you betcha.) She always got what she wanted, no matter what the price. Always. And everything had a price. Lonely. She was terribly lonely....

2 years ago
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Love True Love

Copyright© As the handsome young couple walked hand-in-hand down the hallway, an old woman called out, "Oh, what pretty flowers. Who are they for? If you're not in a hurry could you stop for a minute and visit with me? I never have any visitors. Who are you here to see? Would they mind? What brings you here?" The couple stepped into the tastefully decorated room with a stunning view of the university campus. The young woman looked around the room noting Waterford crystal, oil paintings...

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Sometimes love is so close that no one sees it. I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her ... she was different. But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable. I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a...

2 years ago
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Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney Just Friends

Tim McGraw, his beautiful wife Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney have been good friends and buddies for quite some time and when Kenny toured with them in 2002, they became even more so. Tim and Kenny were like two little kids when they were together, they roughhoused and pulled pranks on one another constantly, Faith was just as bad, she was like one of Kenny's sisters, she teased him unmercifully about everything. Faith is a wonderfully put together 5' 9", while Kenny is 5'7". She was always...

6 months ago
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Why Some Men Prefer Transvestites

Introduction To set the scene, I am a middle-aged, married, businessman who also happens to be a part time transvestite. That is I like to dress like a woman and experience sex with men, other transvestites, crossdressers and women. I do NOT want to be woman, I don't stay dressed as a woman all day every day, nor am I interested in sex with men unless I am dressed as a woman. I used to consider myself a 'crossdresser' until a few years ago. To explain; that means I used to dress in female...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

Author's Comment: This is another attempt to take a tired old plot idea and spruce it up with a little humor and a LOT of satire. So, if you're tired of reading the same old wimp-husband story, or a wife-sharing story, try this one on for size. If you actually get off on those kinds of stories, I give you fair warning that this one might not do it for you. And for those of you who are tired of stories about dense blond women ... here's one about a man instead. You know, life is pretty...

1 year ago
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The Need for Strange

"For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her." Ain't that one of mankind's most enduring and ironic truths! It doesn't matter how great the pussy a guy is getting, after a while, the "grass is greener" syndrome must kick in. I've known guys who cheated on their ultra-hot girlfriends with girls who were practically dogs — but dogs they hadn't fucked yet. Okay, I'll admit, I used to do the same thing myself in my...

1 year ago
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The Chatter That Lead to the Reward

Richard was still smarting from the ‘coolness’ of Elizabeth and the final ‘goodbye’. She had been a very obliging woman, but during her holiday something had eventuated that ended the romps on the bed and the delightful working of the muscles of her mouth on his erection. ‘Fuck’ he muttered as he checked his time. The medical appointment was for nine thirty and although he wasn’t late, he knew that the appointment would not be on time for the doctor, although a nice individual was painfully...

1 year ago
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The Story of Hobo Jimmy

The years have come and gone. His melodious sweet mellow voice is now forever stilled. Yet... , sometimes late at night, in my memory, if I listen closely, I can still hear my dad's soft voice, singing sweet and low, floating languidly, out of that old back bedroom. One of the songs he often used to sing to my siblings and me, which we always loved, was entitled, "Hobo Bill's Last Ride." It was a song about the tragic life of a Hobo named Bill. That song, became my inspiration for this...

2 years ago
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"They want us to come." Dave looked up from his laptop and blinked. He'd been too immersed in writing yet another report to do more than say hi when Jennifer had come home. She'd met their friend Jen for dinner while he'd spent the evening in and tried furiously to catch up with work. Or more precisely, not fall further behind. "Come where?" "To the swingers' club. We did say we'd help them find another couple to play with." Dave let out a small sigh. He hit Control-S and closed...

2 years ago
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Discovering Ryan

Steve felt incredibly proud of his fifteen year old daughter, Lisa, when she got a full scholarship to a highly exclusive private school. Unfortunately, the school was over three hours away by car, which meant Lisa would have to go there and live on campus. But Steve knew it was the best thing for her even if he started missing her terribly the moment he drove away from the school after moving her into her dorm room. Yet Steve wasn’t the only one who was feeling lonely with Lisa away at...

7 months ago
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Missy The Joys of Pregnant Sex

Chapter 1 Sure enough, when Missy had asked her new husband, Bill, to fuck her and see if they could get her knocked up with another baby, she'd been right on the money. Missy had been there before and she felt that if her new husband would fuck her she'd conceive. It must have happened that first time, because in no time at all, Missy had taken an early pregnancy test and the results were very positive. She was tickled pink to know that she and Bill were going to have a baby of their own...

2 years ago
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Touched By His Song

Copyright © 2006 by Lady Glorfindel. All rights reserved. Wow, I can't believe I got such good tickets for this concert. I have been a fan all my life and the lead vocalist has been in my dreams since the first moment I laid my eyes on him. As I am sitting here in the front row, I wondered if he will even remember seeing my face when the concert is over. I am shaking as they come out on stage. They are more amazing in person than they are on their albums. He's watching me (or is it someone...

2 years ago
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A Day at the Y

The other day I was visiting my hometown and happened to drive by the local YMCA on my way home. That was the place where my friends and I used to go to play basketball and swim. We used to have pick up games that lasted for hours. You could almost always count on there being someone around to get a game of HORSE or enough for a three on three game. There seemed to be only two kinds of people at the "Y" in those days. Young guys and what we thought of as old men. You never saw the old men in...

9 months ago
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The Path of Pain

"I must be crazy," Elise thought fleetingly as she jabbed the needle into her left breast, two inches below the nipple. It hurt, but not as badly as the needle already buried in her right breast. That one was still stinging, sending a thrill through her that left her gasping. She had hoped that the one in her left breast would balance the pain. Pulling her breast up by the nipple, she withdrew the needle, blessed it in the smoke of the incense, and then stabbed again. This time, she hit the...

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Quickie Futanari Stories Caught

They were six minutes into class. I can't fucking believe this, why did she wear a dress today? Paige tried to look elsewhere in the room. Anywhere would have done it, the wall, the cute girl with the green wig. I like the wig, especially with those glasses. But she couldn't look away for long. She tried. Again. But Professor Hughes always brought her back. She would turn away from the white board on her heels, fast enough to swing her skirt wide and flash just a few inches of her thighs...

9 months ago
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A Fathers Gift

You don't just become a slut over night. No! You think about it as you play with your dick for years. You practice in your head, work out the details in your fantasies; go through the motions a thousand times. Fetishes are not like plants: they don't need the light of the day. They grow best at night, in the dark, where shapes are vague, and things are never clear. They are born behind closed eyes, living their lives in your dreams, growing stronger as you grow older, at first nothing more...

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Woodland Fantasy Boy

The boy whimpered under me in my bed in the darkened bedroom. He was on his back, his knees hooked on my hips and his hands clutching the tips of my shoulders. His back and head were arched back, his mouth open in a yawn or maybe a silent scream. I didn’t care which at the moment. I was lost in the fuck, on my knees between his spread thighs, palming the small of his back, tilting his pelvis up to give me a straight shot and deep access. I was lost in the whimper too—the youth and innocence of...

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Daddy Goes To War 2nd version

Copyright© 2005 It was late when Daddy came through the door. Wearily he threw his keys on the table and looked around, surprised and a disappointed that his little girl hadn't waited up for him. Daddy half hoped to have found her, perhaps fallen asleep on his recliner as she waited for him. He hadn't wanted to be so late. He was losing precious hours he had left before beginning his next military assignment overseas. More war. Daddy sighed, trying not to think of what lay ahead and climbed...

7 months ago
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Summer Internship

I was 18 when it happened. After high school I had scored a great summer job at my dad's big office on an internship program they had for employees' children. At least it was supposed to be great. Actually I found life under florescent lights as boring as would any 18-year-old. I had been a shy kid all through school and, in consequence, I was still a virgin. I thought I should be out trying to "get girls" (even though I still didn't really know how) rather than being cooped up in this...

2 years ago
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Shoe Store Pickup

My wife of thirty years Megan and I were out on a Sunday morning at the local warehouse stores complex. We were in a shoe store - Megan was trying on some trendy leather boots when I spotted her. Her ... was a blonde haired lady. Long straight blonde hair - not a natural blonde colour but dyed ash blonde with darker streaks. What attracted my attention first were the shoes that she was trying on - strappy black heels ... very high heels. Those shoes showcased her sexy well maintained feet with...

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Annas Anal Awakening

“That will be $52.27,” I say to the woman. She puts her credit card into the point-of-sale terminal and I watch my screen to make sure it processes correctly. No problem like normal. “Hi, Anna,” a friendly voice says. As the previous shopper wheels her bagged groceries away, I look up and smile. He’s a regular customer here at Food Marketeer and I notice he almost always chooses my line. As usual he’s wearing sunglasses and a ball cap with the logo of one of our local sports teams but I don’t...

7 months ago
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Gwens seein

There is something very romantic about lying back on a tub and drawing a warm washcloth up over the chest of the girl in your arms. A warm, soapy wash cloth being pulled slowly up her belly and over the nubile young tit, slowly, both of us watching and the Cat arching up against my left shoulder, slowly, so slowly I could see her nipple get visibly harder as my hand palmed the cloth around her breasts, but I just circled the cloth slowly around as a tease. The Cat made this half snarly thing...

3 months ago
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Losing Half

I would like to start by thanking Hotprof1973 for reading the story and sharing several insightful suggestions to make the story better. I would also like to thank SBrooks103x for correcting the grammar in the story. There was a great deal more correcting than I expected. I would also like to thank dragonmann72 for reading and commenting on the story as well. Warning: If you’re one of those depraved human beings who takes unnatural, debased and vile liberties of themselves, I refuse to provide...

8 months ago
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King The Beast in Me

Chapter 1 My name is Catherine and I was a flabby, overweight twenty eight year old. I have always been fat, even when I was a little kid. I always seemed to be hungry, so I ate big meals and big snacks in between meals. I loved candy and cake and any other sweet thing I could get my grubby little hands on. The kids used to make fun of me and call me names, I kept making myself promises to stop eating so much so that I would get skinny like the other girls. But the more I worried the more I...

2 years ago
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Break a Leg

It was the opening night for the Shakespearean festival's first offering of the season. Roberta James was nervous even though she had been in many different Shakespearean plays over the past few years whilst studying English Literature at University. Her past reviews had always been quite encouraging complimenting her on her excellent diction and commanding voice. It bothered her no end that no reviewer had commented on the depth or range of her emotional commitment to her performance. In her...

1 year ago
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New Life

He should have reached it by now. In this damn rain he may have driven past the street. He would go down a few more blocks before he backtracked. He was sure St John's place was here in the museum district. He had gotten the address from Jackie but hadn't bothered with directions being sure he knew how to get there. Was this an omen that he shouldn't go through with it? He was opening a new door in his life, one he couldn't be sure he was ready to step through. It was going to be something...

5 months ago
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Not the Day He Expected

Jim woke up with his usual erection, but today was to be so different. Today, his girlfriend Joan was returning and he looked forward to soaking his nine inches of manhood in her body. He was also looking forward to his girlfriend's return, after her spending a month in prison for fine evasion, well not one, but six. Anyway, he had paid the fines for her, since they were fines from speed camera's sent to an old address. Yes! He was feeling on top of the world and looking towards their...

10 months ago
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Luke was kneeling naked in a dark room, staring at the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. "You can't take your eyes off it, can you?" said the low, velvety voice behind his ear. Luke mumbled something in reply. "I'm going to tell you some things now. Things you will not remember hearing. But when the time comes, you will obey them anyway; automatically, instinctively. Are you ready to hear these things?" Luke mumbled something else. "The first thing is, meoooooowwwww....

1 year ago
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Megan Leigh Porn Starlet Extraordinaire

Most people don't know it but I had a stint of a couple of years working in the porn film industry and it was one of the most rewarding and certainly one of the hottest parts of my life. I've always been insatiably horny and never had any problems getting and sustain a very nice 7-inch erection that was nicely thick and plenty of hard horny cock to satisfy any woman. I managed to finally make some contacts in the adult film industry and got my foot in the door so I could have the chance to...