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To the Rescue

The music was loud. The bar was crowded. Norm had a good buzz going, and hadn’t paid for a single drink all night. Actually, Natalie hadn’t paid for a drink all night, because that was the name he used - when he felt like offering it - on these little jaunts.

He knew he looked good as a woman. Heads turned and men approached him relentlessly every time he dressed to kill and hit the town. There was no better cure for the sadness of a breakup than having a bar full of straight men hitting on him.

For the first time since he’d caught Nick stepping out on him the previous weekend, he felt alive again. He should have known better. The moment Nick had called his kink of dressing up as a woman weird, he should have dropped him like a hot rock.

He had such a wonderful cock, though, Norm silently lamented. Then he thought, Enough of that.

Fortunately, the material of his little black dress was thick enough to hide his own cock, which had been rock hard from the moment he caught his ride-share driver checking out his ass upon arriving at the bar. It started throbbing when he saw a handsome man at the other end of the bar quickly try to hide his stare when their eyes met.

He hadn’t danced with anyone for an hour. If the gorgeous hunk made the move it appeared he was on the verge of, that might change very soon.

Norm’s two friends returned from the restroom at about that time. They were nurses at the hospital, whom he’d met through his job as an EMT. The girls were dressed to kill as well, and the three of them had garnered a large share of male attention the whole evening. Their only competition sat at a table, celebrating the twenty-first birthday of one member of their foursome.

Danielle said, “That guy over in the corner is checking you out, Natalie.”

His voice pitched upward into the well-practiced tone of Natalie, Norm said, “So is the guy at the end of the bar.”

Mary said, “He’s at it again.”

Danielle and Norm both turned toward the table of giggling young girls, having no need to ask who he was. Though none of them had ever seen him before, he had made somewhat of a spectacle of himself making overtures to the freshly legal girls several times over the evening. While he was relatively handsome, and Norm had noticed an interesting bulge between his legs, the man looked to be in his thirties, and the girls simply weren’t interested.

He was also becoming more obnoxious and insistent as his level of inebriation grew.

Mary leaned in close and said, “You could go rescue them.”

Danielle let out a purring moan. “That would be so perfect. He deserves it, too.”

Norm knew exactly what they were talking about. Because he wasn’t comfortable using either of the public restrooms while dressed up, he had convinced the owner to give him a copy of the staff restroom key. The first time he’d utilized it had inspired a fantasy. The thought of sucking off a straight man made his cock throb.

“That’s a fantasy,” Norm argued. “I never thought about actually doing it.” His eyes wandered back to the drunk, and he found himself trying to peer through the man’s jeans.

“You’re thinking about it now,” Danielle said knowingly.

Mary encouraged him as well. “Save them and every other girl in here from him, and fulfill that fantasy at the same time. What’s not to love?”

“Do it. Do it,” Danielle quietly chanted. Mary joined in on the third one.

Norm chuckled and said, “Okay, stop.” He had barely looked away from the man since Mary had brought up the fantasy. His cock was throbbing like mad, and he was certain he was leaking pre-cum into his panties. The lure was impossible to ignore.

He slipped off the bar stool.

One of the young women offered him a pleading glance as he approached the table. The drunk was saying, “Come on. Just one dance. That’s all I want.”

Norm tapped him on the shoulder. He turned with an irritated expression on his face, looking as if he was about to snarl something, but that faded quickly. The guy broke out into a smile and said, “Hello there.”

Don’t say ‘General Kenobi’, Norm thought, though the meme was difficult to resist, even in his nervousness. He hadn’t really thought about what he was going to say or do. He was caught up in a rush of aroused fantasy.

At a loss, but more or less committed, he took the direct approach. He leaned in close to the man’s ear - placing a hand on his chest in the process - and said, “Why don’t you leave the little girls alone, come with me, and let a woman suck that cock?”

The drunk leaned back and asked, “You serious?”

Norm didn’t answer. He was too nervous to think of anything to say. Instead, he turned and sauntered toward the restrooms with his ass swaying. He made a point of not looking at his friends. The girls would undoubtedly be giggling and watching with glee.

He did, however, look back to see that his ploy had worked. The guy was following - his eyes fixed on Norm’s ass. Norm grinned, twitched his eyebrows, and then directed his attention to picking a path through the other patrons.

The closer he drew to the restroom, the more the butterflies in his stomach frenzied. He nearly abandoned the idea, slowed his gait, and looked back in preparation to talk his way out of it. It so happened that he turned just as the man on his tail adjusted the even more swollen bulge in his jeans.

That was enough to make his mouth water, his cock throb, and his arousal to surge enough to drown his nerves.

Norm pulled the key to the restroom out of his clutch purse as he approached. When he stopped to unlock the door, the guy asked, “How did you get a key?”

Norm slipped the key back in his purse, stepped inside, and turned on the lights. “Come on,” he said in Natalie’s sultry voice.

Norm’s nerves reasserted themselves in the bright light of the restroom. It was entirely possible that the guy would realize he was cross-dressed without the concealing shadows of the bar. Fortunately, there was nothing but hunger in the man’s eyes as Norm locked the door.

Norm sat his purse down on the edge of the sink - and after a brief moment of worry for his stockings - dropped down to his knees. It was the easiest way to keep the man from pawing at him and discovering that his small breasts were falsies, or knocking his short, black wig askew.

“You don’t mess around, do you?” the drunk asked.

“Not when I see something I want,” Norm seductively replied while reaching for the button of the guy’s jeans. He then brushed away the man’s questing hand, looked up at him, and said, “No hands, and stay quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”

Thankfully, the drunk let his hand fall back to his side and said, “If the same goes for you.”

“Oh, I think I can do that,” Norm cooed, and then went to work on the fastenings of the guy’s pants.

Unhooking the button proved a little more difficult than he had anticipated with the fake nails, but Norm managed it. The zipper was another thing entirely. The pressure behind it made it slide easily downward, and Norm moaned at the sight of the bulge in the man’s briefs. He quickly tugged down both jeans and underwear, and then gasped at the sight of the erect organ.

“Like that do you, honey?” the guy asked.

Norm looked up at him, fixed him with a sultry gaze, and said, “Let me show you.”

The guy groaned as Norm lapped up the length of his cock - ending with a flick at the ridge of the helmet. He turned his head, licking along the side of the throbbing shaft, and filling his lungs with the scent of manly musk. After a few more licks, he turned his attention to the head.

“God damn,” the drunk growled as Norm’s tongue slathered all over the swollen tip.

His cock practically screaming for attention, Norm reached down and under his dress to assuage the ache, while he licked the cock in front of him. He mimed a woman playing with herself as best he could. After a little experimentation, he found that if he cupped his fingers under his balls, and used his palm to rub his cock, the slippery satin of his panties felt absolutely heavenly.

“Suck it, honey,” The guy said in a voice deep with need.

Norm wrangled the hard cock in front of him with his lips and tongue, and then took it in - almost to the root.

The man gasped, and then muttered, “Holy fucking shit.”

Norm moaned around the cock in his mouth as he sucked slowly back to the head. The moment his lips touched the ridge of the man’s cock helmet, he plunged back down again. Knowing that it was a straight man’s cock in his mouth, and that people were just outside in the bathroom hall gave him a thrill like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

The drunk’s hands clenched into fists at his side - tightening even more every time Norm swallowed his cock. He grunted his pleasure, and after a few sucks, growled, “You sure know how to take a dick.”

Norm let the delicious cock slip from his lips for a moment, and between teasing flicks of his tongue, mimed the man’s earlier comment of, “You like that, do you?”

“Fuck yeah, honey. Suck that dick.”

Norm was all too happy to comply. He was so turned on that he had to slow the circles of his palm over his cock, because the itch in the tip was swelling too quickly.

“You playing with that pussy, too?” the guy asked.

Norm moaned, “Mmm hmm,” as he sucked his way back to the tip.

“Make them panties wet.”

Norm was doing exactly that - though not in the way the guy meant. He could feel the slippery pre-cum where the head of his cock rubbed against his skin. There was a lot of it.

Excitement caused him to suck feverishly. He needed to fulfill his fantasy, and feel a straight cock explode in his mouth. The man’s hips began to buck, but Norm handled it with ease. He was still used to Nick’s slightly bigger cock, and his ex had frequently fucked his mouth hard.

Soon enough, his nose was pressing deep into the untrimmed hair above the guy’s prick, and tight balls were slapping against his chin. Norm kept his lips sealed around the rock-hard shaft, and maintained masterful control over his gag reflex.

The drunk’s grunts grew louder, and his thrusts harder. Norm took the big cock like a champ, which only seemed to push the man faster toward a peak. He felt the stiff organ swelling, and began to rub his own cock hard and fast through his slippery panties.

Chills shot all through Norm’s body when the man loudly grunted, and blasted hot, sticky cum directly down his throat. He wasn’t oozing - he was shooting. Norm could feel it spurting as the big organ pulsed. Some flooded back around the head in his throat, setting his taste buds alight with the bittersweet, salty flavor.

Norm shuddered as he erupted a moment later, saturating his pretty satin panties with a fierce ejaculation of semen. He fought against the shockwaves from his own throes of ecstasy to keep his lips locked on the man’s cock.

Again and again, viscous eruptions filled his mouth and slid down his throat. He could feel his own cum dribbling down his skin, and beginning to ooze through the creases in his tight balls. His panties were wet against his palm, and becoming wetter by the moment.

Norm couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so alive, or sexy. All the straight cum in his belly made him feel warm all over.

Eventually, the grunts arising from above took on a pained tone, and the gasps turned more desperate. Norm reluctantly let his lips slide along the sensitive, still-pulsing cock in his mouth, until it slipped from his lips with a wet pop. The man who had just filled his mouth stutter-stepped backwards, where he leaned heavily against the wall and gasped for breath.

Norm licked his lips and looked up, reveling in the man’s red-faced, surprised, and utterly satisfied expression.

“Holy ... Holy fucking shit,” the drunk muttered after a few seconds. “Never had a woman suck me off like that before.”

And you still haven’t, Norm thought with devilish amusement. It made him shiver.

“Did ... Did you come too?”

Norm’s fingers were damp from the cum leaking through his panties, so he nodded, lifted his hand, and showed the glistening fingers before sucking them clean.

“You’re fucking incredible,” the guy muttered, and then chuckled.

Norm reached out and daintily pulled the man’s briefs over his softening cock, which caused the drunk to stiffen and gasp. He then wrestled up the man’s jeans as well - though he left them unfastened. Then he stood up and was happy to see he hadn’t torn any runs in the knees of his stockings.

The drunk looked as if he was about to say something, but Norm cut him off. “This was fun, but it was just fun.” He gave the man’s crotch a playful pat and continued, “Why don’t you head home and sleep it off? You look a little spent.”

That earned him a weak chuckle and a comment of, “A little?”

“Maybe we’ll see each other again, but for tonight ... Go on. I need to freshen up a little.”

Though he looked disappointed, the man nodded, fastened his pants, and exited the bathroom. Norm quickly locked the door again, and attended to the first order of business - wiping as much cum out of his panties as he could with handfuls of toilet paper.

Once he felt he was presentable enough to make a brief appearance in public before calling for a ride home, Norm returned to his friends at the bar. They both smiled and simultaneously said, “You go girl.”

Norm chuckled and theatrically licked his freshly painted lips. He then sat down - keenly aware of the now clammy mess still in his panties - and asked, “Did he leave?”

They both nodded, and Danielle said, “He walked straight out the door. The look on his face was absolutely priceless.”

Norm pulled out his phone and said, “I need to call a ride and head home. I’m a mess.”

Mary said, “And beaming like the cat that caught the canary.”

Norm couldn’t resist. “More like the tiger that swallowed the cock.”

Weight of It

Josh pumped his legs, lifting the weights on the machine, and stole glances off to the side. It was all he could do not to stare at the handsome man doing easy reps on the bench, not far away.

He had a bulky, well-sculpted frame. He was broad-shouldered and square jawed. That jawline sported an immaculately trimmed beard that put Josh in mind of an idealized lumberjack. If it wasn’t his first time at the gym, Josh knew it was the first time they were there at the same time, because he wouldn’t have missed such an incredible specimen of manhood.

How he wished the man had asked him to spot, instead of the hulking black man who stood behind the bench. The spotter had his own charms, but Josh had never found the full-blown bodybuilder look particularly attractive.

Not that he would have known what to do with himself if either of them had approached. Growing up in a small, conservative town, he had kept his sexuality a secret out of fear. Despite the far more progressive environs of college, he still hadn’t found the courage to come out, or even attempt to act on his desires.

The barbell settled back into place, and the object of Josh’s lustful desire sat up. He offered a hand to his spotter and said, “Thanks.” His voice was deep and authoritative.

The black man’s hand clasped his, and he said, “No problem, man.”

Josh sighed, finished his set, and allowed himself a long look as the bearded man headed for the locker room. Thankfully, nobody was looking his direction. Despite his best efforts, Josh was half hard, and it was easy to see in his tight gym shorts. He took his time wiping down the machine, thought about what he was going to do with the rest of Saturday, and gave his erection time to go down.

He walked into the locker room at just the right - or perhaps wrong - time.

Only his fear of discovery prevented Josh from gawking as the man crossed into the shower. A patch of dark, well-groomed hair decorated his chest. More sprouted everywhere, though it wasn’t overly thick. A trail of hair on the man’s stomach pointed downward, bisecting his V-line, and terminated in a perfectly trimmed patch of kinky black.

Below that dangled the most gorgeous cock he’d ever beheld.

The vision lasted for only a pair of seconds, but it burned into Josh’s brain, and set his manhood to rising again. As he stood in front of his locker - trying to catch his breath while his cock swelled - he briefly considered skipping a shower to escape. The thought of putting on his street clothes over his sweat-coated skin quickly dissuaded him of that notion.

Again, the fear that someone would notice his erection and make the connection with his hidden sexuality helped, as did scrolling through social media posts on his phone. By the time the shower shut off and he heard heavy, barefoot steps slapping on the tiled floor, he’d drooped enough for it not to show through his shorts.

Josh waited, continued to scroll on his phone, and tried not to think about what was happening beyond the two banks of lockers. They were the only two in the locker room, so when he heard the sound of a bag zipping up, he breathed a sigh of relief. After that, he heard footsteps, and waited a few seconds longer before undressing for his shower.

Setting the temperature on the cool side encouraged him to hurry, and discouraged other things.

His heart nearly stopped when he exited the shower with a towel wrapped around him to see the bearded man leaning against the wall. It then began to race with fear and alarm as the man pushed away from the wall to follow him.

Sure enough, the object of his secret desire rounded the lockers and lifted a foot up onto a bench. He glanced toward the door to the gym, and then turned back to ask, “So, you just shy, or still in the closet?”

Panicking, Josh stammered, “I ... Uhm ... What?”

The man gave a nod and said, “In the closet, then. The weight of that will crush you, kid. Name’s Paul. If you want me to open that door for you, I’ll be outside. South corner. I won’t wait long, though.”

With that, he turned and headed for the door. Josh stood in stunned disbelief, his thoughts a whirl of chaos. It was an offer part of him was absolutely screaming to accept, yet he was deathly afraid. A dozen horrifying possibilities ran through his head. It could be a trap. It could be a prank. The guy could be a serial killer for all he knew.


Get dressed. The thought cut through the muddle in his head. It was a simple thing, and committed to nothing. Fortunately, it also required little conscious thought, because he had virtually none of that to spare as he descended into the whirlpool of lust and fear again.

Once dressed, he zipped up his gym bag, and knew he had to make a decision. Again, he took it one step at a time. He left the locker room, and made his way toward the lobby. As he approached the door, he slowed, and then stopped. He stared at the door - his heart pounding.

Josh looked away after a few seconds, still too fearful to commit. His eyes fell on the receptionist. She was staring at him with an expression that was easy to interpret as, What’s wrong with this guy?

The embarrassment was enough to push him out the door. He turned slowly toward the south.

There he was, leaning against the corner of the building. Paul waved a hand, beckoning him, and Josh found himself walking that way without much conscious thought.

“So, what’s your name, kid?” Paul asked. There was a hunger in his eyes Josh had never seen directed his way before.


“You just made it. I was about to leave. Walk with me. My place isn’t far.”

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Hott, Sticky, and Wetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I was glad that we had finally met, because after several weeks of chatting on the internet and talking on the phone, I was ready to find out if you were really as sexually charged as you said you were. As for me, I knew I was ready and had a lot of dreams of how I was wanting serve you and have you serve me. So, when I called you and let you know what hotel I was staying at, I couldn’t help but notice the joy in your voice, which enticed me even...

3 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 04

I had been told that generally on our daily weekday interviews, Zerzinski would be free to talk to me from 9 til 11 each morning, and 2 to 4 each afternoon. A nice amount of time, and a nice way to break it up, I thought. As I also wondered about the particular activities he was engaged with during all those other hours. The generalities were things many people were familiar with. The particulars, far less so. Not only had Zerzinski not given any interviews in a decade, but no member of the...

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Choto Temple Ch 06

6 For the first time since I arrived in Yamaguchi, I took a long walk on the mountain. Without leaving the property of the Purification Temple, there’s a walking trail that does a figure 8, passing by various houses and plenty of trees. And some large gardens, with women busily working among the beds of dark soil and healthy-looking plants. At the crossing of the figure 8, there’s a small stone foot bridge that passes over a bubbling creek. Beneath the bridge I noticed there’s a bench...

3 years ago
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Hotness Contest

*** Chapter One: It seemed like any other Wednesday, and I drove my girlfriend home fromClass. I would have liked to spend some time with Lisa, even justdoing boring things like shopping, but she'd told me at lunch that her Momwanted her home early that day to watch her little brother. I offered tohang out with her there, but she turned me down. So, I figured it was as good a time as any to drop the bad news. It waschicken-shit of me, but when I told her something that was bound...

4 years ago
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Bohot Natak Se Apne Padosan Mousi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera naam George hai aur me Orissa ka rehena wala hu,ye ek sachhi kahani hai,aur dosto me ye sochta hu ki har ek ladki ko aap chod sakte ho agar woh sex ki pyaasi ho to. Me apne baare me bata ta hu mene MBA kiya hai aur abhi ek MNC me kaam kar raha hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab me graduation me tha aur mere ghar ke saamne ek aunty rehete the waise aunty to bohot saare rehete the colony me par woh Hamare dur ke rishte dar lagte the unka figure 38-30-36 hai aur height 5f 4 hoga rang gora...

1 year ago
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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

1 year ago
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The Newlyweds Chapter 1 Boyshorts

The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...

4 years ago
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Photoshoot with Mom

It was the third morning of the trip and Evelyn was ready for the day's activities, dressed in a new bikini. While her son was washing himself in the bathroom, she checked her email on her phone and her heart nearly sank. The bathroom door opened and her son came out, noticing her despair. "Is everything okay?" Chris asked, confused by mom's sudden mood change.Evelyn put her phone away and stood barefoot in the hotel room, ready to have some fun. She did her best to be upbeat, even though the...

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Slaves Revolt

Slaves RevoltSynopsisDaddy sent Mummy, my sister and me to become virtual slaves for two days as a punishment for our behaviour towards him. Slaves Revoltby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF bg NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to...

3 years ago
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Choti Cikni Chut 8211 Part 1

Meri flat ke bagal mei Nellu aunty rahti hai.Unke husband Neeraj Uncle dusre city mei job karte the.Par sabse interesting baat toh yeh hai ki,un dono ki ek bahut pyari beti hai Shanvi.Abhi 3 din pehle 18 saal ki hui hai.Rang doodh ki tarah gora,Lambe-Lambe kale baal,Ankhee badi-badi,soft-soft skin,body figure aisa ki kuch bhi fissal jae,ekdum najuk kali ki tarah.Shanvi colony ki sabse sunder aur sexy ladki hai.jawani se bhari hui.Shanvi ek aisi barish ki tarah hai jo kisi bhi khet ko hara-bhara...

2 years ago
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Hott Sticky and Wetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Hott, Sticky, and Wetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I was glad that we had finally met, because after several weeks of chatting on the internet and talking on the phone, I was ready to find out if you were really as sexually charged as you said you were. As for me, I knew I was ready and had a lot of dreams of how I was wanting serve you and have you serve me. So, when I called you and let you know what hotel I was staying at, I couldn’t help but notice the joy in your voice, which enticed me even...

3 years ago
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Chhota Bhai

Mera naam Aasha hai. Mera chhota bhai dasvi main padhta hai. Wah gora chitta aur kareeb mere hi barabar lamba bhi hai. Main is samay 19 ki hoon aur wah 15 ka. Mujhe bhayya ke gulabi hoont bahut pyaare lagte hain. Dil karta hai ki bas chaba loon. Papa gulf main hai aur maan government job main. Maan jab job ki wajah se kahin bahar jati tu ghar main bas hum do bhai bahan hi rah jate the. Mere bhai ka naam amit hai aur wah mujhe didi kahta hai. Ek baar maan kuchh dino ke liye bahar gayi thi. Unki...

4 years ago
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Hotwife Brandis Slutty Vacation

Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...

1 year ago
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Seeds of Evolution

For those who are familiar with my previous stories, the universe in this one may seem to be something of a cross between my Twisted and Burke's universes. This is no coincidence since all three universes originated years ago from a single story idea, which split and went into several different directions. I've been sitting on this particular variation for a few years now and decided to finally play around with this one as well. Seeds of Evolution By Morpheus Spring had...

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Chhoti Bahan Ko Chut Chaat Ke Tadpaaya

Me apki kamukta kahaniya pad kar hi apni chhoti bahan ko chod paya hu Indian sex stories pe hi me jyada kahani padta tha. Kyuki ispe kahani post karna bahut easy h baki bahut sari websites me kahani read kar chuka hu Ab me apni chhoti bahan ki chudai ki kahani lekar aya hu kahani suru karne se pahle me apko mera intro de deta hu mera name arayaa maaran h (changed) hight 5’5 h or average athletic body h 6 inch ka saaman (loda) h or 5.5 inch diameter h bhopal mp ka rahne wala hu 25 saal ka hu or...

3 years ago
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Chote bhai se bathroom main chudai

My name is seema and i m from indore. Aap ko meri pahali kahani bhai se raat main sote huwe chudwaya kaise lagi agar aap ne we kahani to zaroor padi hogi agar nahi padi hain to use padh lijiye ga. Naye redars ko main apna intro. De doon. Wese to hamara parmanante ghar indore se 75 km door hain lekin main aur mere dono bhai indore me ek kamre ka room rent par lekar rehte hain. I m 25 year old ham 2 bhai aur 1 sister haien mera 1 bhai mujh se 2 saal bada hai and 1 bhai mujh se chota hai 2...

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Photographic Problems

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background Bad News Worse News New Management Sexy Shoot Next Day Truth Will Out The Plan Backfires Afterwards Background My friend Patrick, a photographer, asked me to write about a set of incidents in his life for him. He’s a great photographer and a good story teller, but a lousy writer; thus this commission. Yeah, commission, because he’s paying me to write this story for him. Well, sort of paying me,...

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Choto Temple Ch 12

A woman in a kimono with a painted white face stepped out of Zerzinski’s place just as I arrived. She smiled briefly in greeting, and opened a parasol above her head, before descending the stairs. Zerzinski seemed happy. I don’t know why that even seemed notable, but he smiled without any provocation as I entered the house. Soon enough we were sitting across from each other once again, cappuccinos in hand. ‘I’d like to ask you about your move to Yamaguchi. And life since then.’ ‘Well,...

1 year ago
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Choto bon chuse dilo

I live in dhaka and we are family of 5 , me ,my 2 sis and my parents. My younger sister Sajia is very friendly and she had lot of girl friends who came over to our house( amar chotobon sajia r onek maye bondhu chilo ).One of her friend liza caught my attention. Liza was short (may be 5 feet 2) but with huge boobs and ass.( choto boner ek bandobi Liza amar nojor a porlo , liza chilo bete khato kintu onek boro dudh chilo ar pasa ta o boro) day by day i fell in love with her. One day i found Liza...

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Photoshoot With Mom Turns Steamy

Coming to introuctons first, I am a nineteen year old boy studying in class 11. I work out and have a good body. I have a good stamina also and a nice 7 inches clean cock. I am not nymphomaniac but when I get horny, my desires dont die with a quick masturbation, it goes on for hours. My father seperated from her when I was a little kid and it was my Mom who took care of me since then. She is 40, working in a high end magazine as Editorial Manager. Unlike most Moms, she’s not fat or out of...

1 year ago
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by TedStv ©Chapter One: Nate’s Condition.Nate watched her enter the store. She had shoulder length red hair and was wearing a tan linen mini-dress. She had wide hips and a round ass that shook under the sheer cloth as she walked. The dress clung to her just enough to see her small waist. In the bright sun it was slightly see through, revealing her G-string panties and bare luscious ass. She grabbed a cart and passed through the automatic doors. He had not planned on picking up much more...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 11 Evolution

The next afternoon, Thursday, they were all back in the gloomy, secret little stone house with the aliens, and this time Grace’s mum was there too along with their erstwhile quarry Claude Simon. Grace knew the story, the basics anyway, and was waiting to see what Mia made of it and to hear it from the aliens themselves. Dr Simon had smiled at them, with his longish hair and little beard, and told them to call him ‘Claude’. He was obviously a kind person. He’d said it was rather clever how...

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Hotwife On The Beach

I woke up in a state of confusion.  My phone vibrated on the nightstand.  It took me a minute to remember I was sleeping in a rented beachfront townhouse.  I picked up the phone and saw that it was Stela.  It was just after midnight.  I’d been enjoying the kind of deep sleep that only comes after a long day, some good wine, and a mindblowing orgasm thanks to the blowjob she’d given me a few hours earlier.I didn’t understand why she was calling in the middle of the night.  She should have been...

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Hotwife Breaks The Rules

“I have a trip next week with my family,” Stela wrote in a text.  “You never mentioned that,” I texted back.A day earlier we’d spent the entire night fucking while her husband was at home with her kids.  It was only her third experience as a hotwife. I knew the other two men had left her unsatisfied, just like her husband usually did.  I’d given her the wildest night of her life, but she had warned me upfront that she was afraid of getting attached.  More importantly, her husband was afraid she...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Chloes Slutty Night Out

Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...

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HotWife in Vegas and The Bet

After a stiff drink in our resort room and some convincing, Ellen finally agreed to remove her panties and go without any undergarments. We headed down to the club with her wearing nothing but a slim fitting, black dress that went to above her knee, her sparkled champagne colored heels, a black lace choker and nothing else. Her 5' 2 inch 110 lb body looked amazing in the dress, the tight cut accentuating her bubbly ass and the heels highlighting her toned legs. A pair of small but perky tits...

2 years ago
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Photoshop 69Chapter 2

"Holy shit!" Pete was in heaven. "Honey, language please." "Sorry dear," said Pete hoping he hadn't upset her too much. Becky licked around the head of his dick apparently not too upset with his foul language. Becky was surprised with herself. This was not something she had ever considered doing. She was licking her husband's thingy. The thing he peed from. His penis. It was dirty and made her feel cheap. Still, Pete seemed to be enjoying it very much and she expected his little...

1 year ago
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Choti jawani ka maja

Wo ek masoom ladki thi jise maine waqt se pehle hi jawani ke maze dena shuru kar diya tha aur wo bhi ek masoom kali se khilkar phool ban gayi thi. Aaj saal ho gaye hamen ek doosre ke saath maze karte hue. Iski shuruat hui jab wo 18 saal ki thi aur uske seene per ubhar aana shuru hi hue the lekin usme kuch aisi baat thi jo mujhe jaise 34saal ke aadmi ko bhi madhosh kar deti thi. Usko main chidiya keh kar bulata tha wo hamare padose main rehti thi, 1 saal pehle hi wo yahan rehne aaye the..uske...

2 years ago
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Chhoti Bahan Ke Saath Maze 8211 Part I

Hi friends mai ajay ek baar phir aaplogo ke liye ek nai kahani lekar hajir hu meri pichhli kahaniyo ko pasand karne ke liye dhanyawad asha karta hu ye kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi agar pasand aaye to apna jawab is id par de Doston ye kahani meri nahi hai is kahani ko mere ek friend ne batai hai jo mai aap logo ke samane rakhta hu aur usi ke shabdon me prastut hai aage ki kahani hi dosto mera naam raju hai aur mai 20 saal ka hu ye meri sachchi kahani hai jo mere bahan ke baare me hai...

4 years ago
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Just something different I wanted to try unrelated to my sci-fi series. ************* Prologue Gabriel entered the dimly lit room. Machinery whirred and blipped. His sweet grandmother lay in a nest of wires and tubes, her silver hair a frothy halo around her head. She looked so frail, this woman who’d raised him with an iron fist. She’d wiped his nose, swatted his behind when he misbehaved, and soothed his fears when the nightmares had threatened to overwhelm him. She’d been his rock, his...

1 year ago
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I encourage anyone and everyone to submit chapters, I will be moderating and check the Guidelines, please. Text in Italics are Thought After getting ready to head out for college you go down to the kitchen for a slice of cold pizza, "What the fuck, Chad you asshole, you ate my food again!" You yell at the top of your lungs. "John if you didn't want it to be eaten, you should have wrote your name on it!" He shouts back. "What a colossal twat" you say under your breath. I wish I could afford to...

3 years ago
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Triburg Vollstrecker

Wehler und Richter saßen zusammengekauert im Sicherungsabteil einer Mitternachts-Minna. Wehler, riesig und haarig, starrte mit einer dumpfen Ungläubigkeit auf die elektrische Handschelle, die seine Arme lähmte. Richter, schmächtig und dunkel, atmete schwer und versuchte immer wieder, ein Gespräch mit dem Bullen anzufangen, der sie hier bewachte, von Hals bis Fuß in Nex-Kevlar gehüllt und einen Tazer stets in der Hand. Die Autoritäten gingen kein Risiko ein. Wehler und Richter hatten sie ein Mal...

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Doctor Who and the Temple of Voluptas

With a wheezing, groaning sound the TARDIS materialised a foot above the ground and promptly dropped heavily onto the field below. The door opened and a cloud of white smoke poured out along with a slim dark haired male in a blue suit. Closely followed by a gorgeous, curvy blonde who was coughing. The Doctor turned to Rose. "That solar storm really hurt the old girl," he said referring to the Blue Police box. "We'll have to stay here for a bit whilst she recovers." "Where are we?" asked the...

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Die schne Revolverheldin

Ed Lee lehnt im Türrahmen seines Büros. Eine dünne Zigarre im Mundwinkel, beobachtet er den Eingang zum Saloon. Das wettergegerbte Gesicht mit dem weißen gepflegten Schnurrbart und den dunklen gütigen Augen trägt sorgenvolle Züge. Schon seit fast einer halben Stunde ist es drüben totenstill. Fast alle Männer der Stadt und auch ein paar neugierige Frauen sind dort. Niemand will sich das Schauspiel entgehen lassen, welches da seit dem frühen Morgen abläuft. Ed allerdings wäre es lieber gewesen,...

2 years ago
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Game of Love Vol3

After the second time which I fucking him and we being couple, G.being “open minded” to everything! He didn't have any problem to being crossdresser...We were going together and buying girly stuff often!Indoors he was absolutely femine and I loved that! He wearing anything... Lingeries, skirts, dresses, wigs, high heels, jewels and using cosmetics...All this time we had a lot of sex and we spent enough time together!After, almost, 5 months of our relationship,Greek Summer were comming... I...

4 years ago
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Our swinger experience A test period nonrevolv

How is all this happened, I do not know? But it happened, a period of our life that is etched in our memories for many years to come. That was three years ago and it lasted about six months ... Where to start to tell this story?It's as simple as complicated, so I'll start from the beginning and do the usual introductions.Married for fifteen years. Carla My wife is a small woman of 1.55 m, full of energy, blonde hair shoulder-length, always dressed, makeup and fragrance. It says the bubbly,...

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