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An Awkward SituationChapter 14

"Well?" Charles asked as they sat themselves down in the reading area of the school library. "What did you think?" "I'm impressed," Connie said in reply, gazing intently into Charles' face. "I'm not happy with making Amy prance around half naked, but I have to admit that the experiment showed results. The question is, are they permanent?" "Yes," replied Charles with confidence. "If a girl was to walk topless through the school in the near or distant future, everyone would now...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 20

Saturday morning we went downtown to pick up the Alfa Romeo. Carl met us at the underground garage to let us in. He told us that he would mail the papers to his lawyer, as he had to leave for Vancouver on Sunday, and he was not quite sure, he should get the opportunity to come back in time for signing the final papers, but he had authorised Henny to sign the papers for both of them. He was still fairly satisfied with the deal, although he laughed, and once more told me that I drove a hard...

1 year ago
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DchasChapter 14

When he saw everyone was finished with breakfast Jim tapped on his coffee cup to get their attention. "We would like to form three groups this morning. Hopefully we can focus on some immediate issues for the next week. Let's have Sarah's group plus Tara, Erin and Claudette start an accelerated training program this morning on Donna's systems. The nominal leaders will be Sarah and Rusty. Then Bob and Stan can lead another team consisting of Stan, Julia, Nancy, Susan, Alice, Jean, Andy, and...

7 months ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 30 Supernatural Me

Mother Nature knew how to put on a great show; of course she did. She presented a cavalcade of my accomplishments as the breeder livestock skilled with satisfying supreme goddesses and their needs to be serviced with requirements unlike any other human before. I was an accomplished fucker although a rather humble one. She spoke of how I was groomed from the extreme distant past before time began, a rather difficult concept for most of the crowd attending. And it was a diverse crowd for...

6 months ago
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Lick N TiffChapter 5 The Big Cheater

"Licorice!" I yelled. "Lick! Where are you?" He wasn't in the backyard, but I found the gate open. "Lick!" I yelled some more. "Licorice! This isn't funny!" He wasn't in the front yard either and we didn't even have a fence there. "Tiffany..." Mom stood in the open front door. "Dinner's on the table. Come inside now." "I can't find Licorice," I told her and then yelled again. "Lick! Licorice!" "I'm sure he'll be back," she said, but that didn't make me feel...

2 years ago
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My Nieces High School GraduationChapter 11

As we tore down the expressway, I thought about what had happened today with both Tanya and Claudia. It was amazing. I had heard those stories about guys that take puppies to the park or even borrow a friend’s kid and baby carriage to try and pick up women. Those guys had no idea! It seemed as if all I had to do was show up with an attractive looking young girl on my arm for their competitive juices (and maybe some other juices) to start flowing! I had never had any problem meeting women and...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 9 Two Questions One Decision

Don waved her hand, repealing the bits of blood and dusty remnants of her former teacher from the sleeve of her neat suit. "Allow me to explain", seeing the petrified expression on Binjo's face and the restrained expression on Dureil's face, Don calmly said. "It came to my attention that a longtime teacher of my school has been takings bribes from students and their families to alter students' records in his class. He was also selling sensitive information about our cultivation...

9 months ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 803

For the Politically INCORRECT!! The “M” word ... by Jeff Foxworthy. Have you ever wondered why it’s OK to make jokes about Catholics, Jews, Christians, the Pope, the Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Hungarians, the Chinese, the French (including French Canadians), the elderly, bad golfers, men/women, blacks/whites, Republicans/Democrats etc, but its insensitive to make jokes about the Muslims? Well, it’s time to level the playing field and be politically incorrect, by including our...

1 month ago
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The AcademyChapter 28

Jack: It was almost as painful to watch as it probably was for Vera. We set up in the improved area of the basement, which was somewhat soundproofed. Oliver and I and Tara (I found THAT interesting; she not only volunteered, but appeared knowledgeable) rigged up a set of ropes from the top and bottom of a pair of lolly columns and spread-eagled Vera in a set of makeshift wrist and ankle cuffs made of Velcro straps over cloth toweling wrapped in vet wrap. Vera assisted with this almost...

2 years ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 6

BRIGHTON 1984 The Polish woman was a special case because she was more the professional and her experience equaled his own. Danny didn't like that fact but it was orders from up above and he was stuck with her. Besides, she had contacts that he didn't have and would most likely prove more valuable on the back-end rather than in the middle of the mess. Pretending to be an ignorant tourist, Danny traveled around the area noting the military and police strong points and was astonished at...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 2 Nexus

Shea tried to catch her breath, her suit was in restore and repair mode and the system assured her that it would be fully functional in less than an hour. Krabbel was not so lucky and her Archa friend was missing a leg. Hans and the Y’All and the marines were unharmed, except for a few bruises. The island was destroyed, and the shaft leading into the deep had collapsed. Hans was sitting by Krabbel who assured her that the Auto-Doc of his suit kept him pain-free and that losing a leg was not...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 22 Escape

Arron had started counting the days since he had been locked in the dungeon. When the first door was opened he expected to be led away for his execution, but so far all that happened was the hatch lifted and a plate of gruel was pushed through. He ate, then placed the empty plate by the hatch, then an hour later the door would open followed by the hatch and the plate was snatched away. Once he had not placed the plate to be collected and the next day he was not fed so he made sure he always...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 14 Death and Plague

09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...

1 year ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 52

"Come on," Brock said with a gentle pat on her hip. "If we don't get back down there, people are going to think we're getting naked up here." "We are naked," Meredith said, wiping away her tears. "Let's grab a shower and get changed." "Are you sure it's a good idea?" Brock wondered. "Being naked with you is always a good idea," Meredith said firmly. "But no funny business, I don't want to miss Dad and Erin heading off for their honeymoon." Brock and Meredith emerged...

1 year ago
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Loris and MorgChapter 10 Windshift Piracy Witches and Perfect Timing

"Wendy?" he asked. "Boatman," she replied. "You're a ... a ... mermaid?" "No." She grinned. "I'm a seawitch ... if you want to call it that." "What else would you call it?" "A Clean water-witch." "Clean?" "Yup ... that's the reason I didn't change in the harbor ... disgusting filthy water in there." "Oh." "Can you imagine my gills opening in that ... shit?" She frowned. "My lungs would be full of turds in a second. I need to conjure up a storm and clean it...

2 years ago
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Love and CourageChapter 4 Oddities

Friday finally rolled around after what seemed like a long week. My brother arrived from work late every day and he either brought a small pizza or only half of a large one. The other half he had already devoured along with several cans of beer. He refused to eat the food I made and not once did he sit down together with Susie and me to talk or complain about his boss. So when it was ten o’clock and he still hadn’t arrived, I started to get worried. Susie told me that he probably didn’t have...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 22 The Lost Semester

Spring semester, 1982 (January – May) No sooner had I arrived back at my dorm room than I experienced a flashback to the other timeline. Benny, my soon-to-be-ex-roommate, was in the process of moving his belongings out of the room. He told me that he'd decided to live at home and commute to his classes. He shook my hand, told me it had been great to have me for a roommate, and left. Technically, the housing office had the authority to assign someone else to the room, but I knew they...

1 year ago
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The AcademyChapter 30

Judith: I actually think Jack was pleased! He hurt me with that whip five or six times -- I cried and my mouth tasted nasty and I was embarrassed. Jack had Beth take me to the bathroom and Momma cleaned up the mess on the floor -- but I cleaned the mess off Tara and apologized humbly -- Jack made sure of it! "Now get your tongue in her and get her off!" Jack demanded, "Twice!" I did it. I got control of my stomach and I stuck my tongue in there. I was able to console myself that I'd...

2 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 14 The Fates Intervene

We had decided to stop at Dory's house first and let her parents know about our engagement. It seemed the right thing to do. I already knew we had their approval if Simone's comments were any indication. "Hi, Mom, we're back," Dory called as we walked in the front door. I didn't hear a response, but a few seconds later Simone came out of the kitchen area and into the living room. She looked different. "Mom ... are you all right?" Dory asked, seeing what I could now see. Her mother...

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Claudias ConditionChapter 39

Brooke spent the day trying to be pleasant while stealing glances at Claudia’s new wedding rings. She was also jealous of the sparkling gold and diamond ring now adorning Dan’s left finger. He and Claudia decided not to show her the video of their wedding but was proud to offer Brooke pictures and videos of their new home. “I’m really grateful that you’re including me in your married life,” Brooke said, hugging her two lovers. “Will you tell her?” Dan said, looking at Claudia. “Brooke my...

1 year ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 2 Darrick Elf Kin Cleric

As Darrick faced the morning light, he felt a glow of inner satisfaction. The day had dawned bright and sunny, yet with a hint of the departing winter's chill to give it zest. He savored the feeling, knowing that only a few more decades remained to him of the two centuries of life allotted a Half Elf. "These villagers are sure an ugly lot." He gestured a warning to Furdick, who had joined him on the inn's porch. "Keep it down. We have to get along with these people." He led the way...

2 years ago
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ScoutChapter 13

It finally got hard dark, so we headed back to Jake Witherspoon's ranch house. No lights were showing, so we checked both front and back doors to see if either one was unlocked. The back door was unlocked, so we decided to go in that way. I had a premonition of danger, so I stood to one side as I opened the door. Damn, was I lucky I paid attention to my hunches. An explosion like both barrels of a 10-gauge shotgun went off, and segments of the door frame disappeared. Shit, that Witherspoon...

9 months ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 6

Monday morning I woke up and did my usual morning run, but already I was getting nervous trying not to overtly watch for my watchers. Now that I was a 'person of interest', I had the pretty distinct idea that most of my usual sources for official information were not going to be too happy to be hearing from me, at least anytime soon. Heck, these were probably the exact same group of assclowns that had set me up, pushing me slowly into the position of being their willing private executioner....

1 year ago
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BeckyChapter 4

Brad’s turn: In retrospect, mistakes were made. Family weeks in a rented cabin, they’re fine for getting the kids out of the house and doing a vacation without forking over a hundred and fifty bucks a head to stand in line waiting for centrifugal bumblepuppy. Rented cabins are fine for family reunions. Rented cabins are wonderful for secluded, romantic trysts. I guess that when I came up with the idea, it was the first kind. Ends up as the third. If I was chasing The Great Bearded...

4 months ago
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Jessie Michael and ClaireChapter 4

Hi! I’m Michael. Not “Mike,” please. Just “Michael.” The girls call me “Mike” but they’re privileged. One thing you’ve got to know about me right away. I’ve got a really high libido. Always have, ever since I can remember. My teen-age years were hell, and college wasn’t much better. I’d have to go back to my dorm room or the library and jerk off every afternoon, because the morning and evening cums just weren’t enough for me. But now that I’m in a relationship with two women who wouldn’t...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 44 War On Many Fronts

March 3, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “I can’t tell you,” she said, looking down. “Because you’re afraid?” “No, I can’t tell you, because I don’t know who it was.” “Because you don’t remember having sex with someone?” She shook her head, “I remember.” “Now I’m even more confused.” “You remember I told you about the wedding that Dustin and I worked?” “Vaguely, yes.” “Well, I had a few drinks like I said, but instead of going to my room, I stayed at the party and got to talking with a guy....

1 year ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 10

We began to feel that the world was going to hell faster than we could keep up with it. This Freedom of Drugs Act was tearing hell out of society. More and more people were being shot so that somebody could buy drugs or shot because somebody had bought drugs. We never thought that we would be ones to promote prohibition of anything, but we were starting to come down harder and harder on drugs. We wished that we could find somebody who was politically inclined and felt about drugs the way we...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 25 Captain Susan

"Somewhere in those hills," Lt. Foster said, jabbing at the crude map, "in one of these thin valleys most likely, there's a company of militia. George, you go find them and see if you can persuade them to come in and join up with us. Might make up for some of the recent desertions." He turned to me with a sneer. "And, sirrah, if you are not too busy with the girls, would you please go find the irregulars in this area, just a small bunch we're told, and see if you can bring them in."...

2 years ago
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Justice DelayedChapter 4

I stayed away from Brenda for almost a month, honoring her request for me not to go see her. I was seeing Dr. Fleming on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but she was telling me that I should concentrate on working through my own problems. She didn't come right out and say it, but I thought, almost from the beginning, that she wanted me to stop seeing Brenda. I was in her office, telling her about how concerned I was becoming because Brenda hadn't called me. I had already explained what had gone on...

1 year ago
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The GovernorChapter 9 The Fifth Commandment

As soon as Lucy arrived home from school, she knew that something was wrong. There was an atmosphere in the house. Something had happened. She glanced anxiously at her mother and saw that that she'd been crying. Her face was flushed, and she wouldn't look at Lucy directly, and so Lucy was anxious. "What is it? What's going on?" Lucy demanded, but her mother would only say that Lucy should go see her father. He was in his study. That's what she kept saying over and over. He was in his...

5 months ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 6 Constance

"I've rented you out," the Madam said with a smile. "You and my best carriage with the team of grays." I waited, knowing it would all become reasonably clear when she felt like it. "My good friend, Mrs. T--. is going to a ball or some such thing and plans to wear her jewels. And wait until you see them! She needs a guard and since you know how to drive, you are most qualified. Take a pistol." I nodded and returned her smile. "There's more isn't there?" "Yes, all the enemy's...

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SacrificesChapter 5

Travis and Elwood had hidden in their cabin since raping and killing Cathy Melton. They had spent the first couple of days laughing and bragging, exchanging crude and insulting remarks about the dead woman. But, by now, the thrill had largely worn off and the two were simply horny again. "You gotta admit though Travis, she was purty tight, especially at first." "Well the next one is gonna be even tighter." "We gonna git us another one?" "Sure. They's plenty whur she come from. But...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XII 5 Sisters of Deceit

My head was hurting again by the time I reached the room where Suzi was. It was well after midnight, and I was absolutely beat. I almost left, however, when I found Suzi didn't recognize me again. But after a few minutes of letting a few of my tears flow, I felt it all come back to her again a moment before she called my name. Despite my tiredness, I didn't get much sleep that night. Even though I was comforted by Suzi's physical presence, something else about her made me feel...

10 months ago
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Earths CoreChapter 34 Besieged

Zax was lying on the ground. Beside him was Laivien, with eyes emanating great reverence. Next to Laivien was the group of young and adult Krikitories, with all kinds of bizarre expressions plastering on their bear's faces. "Woah!" Zax exhaled, spitting grass, stones and mud from his mouth. His jaw, his tongue, his teeth, his lips and his stomach were astonishingly hurting. 'Too frightening! Too frightening!' Zax bellowed in his mind. 'The third bottleneck of insight ... How many days...

2 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 7

I seated everyone around the kitchen table. After the initial surprise had worn off Syliva had gotten a lot cooler towards me and refused to answer questions saying she had some for me first. Melissa sat close to me. A few years ago I had torn down the wall to the dining room and merged it with the kitchen. That allowed me to have a decent-sized table in the kitchen which was useful sometimes. By now everyone had a bottle of water from the fridge and after Sylvia had given it the silent once...

2 years ago
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Getting a Room FChapter 2 The Kiss

Carolyn Nolan loved her family; really, she did. Some days, true, they drove her up the wall. But if, this summer, she was anxious to get back to Northwestern, it had little to do with feeling stifled at home. It hadn’t all that much to do with her classes at Northwestern, although those were becoming more and more fascinating. What she wanted to get back to was her evolving relationship with Bill Pierce. The man could be infuriatingly opinionated, but he also turned her on. He’d invited her...

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The SubmissiveChapter 5

And so the pattern of Marianne's life was established. Living virtually as a recluse with only her sadistic husband to remind her daily of her inadequacies and almost every night torture her sexually for his amusement and carnal satisfaction. As time passed, Marianne fell into the routine, coming to expect the defamings, whippings, other grotesque positions and outrageous humiliations both physical and psychological. A year passed and another. Marianne, despite Cornelius' continual...

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Out of the ClosetChapter 3

Liam wakes up with the usual erection, but as he touched it, his mind goes right back to last night in the living room with his sister. It feels like it was a dream, and that can be because once she leaves in the morning tomorrow, it will have been like one. Perhaps what is most important is how they are going to feel about it this morning. Of course Liam has only good memories of it especially after all they did with each other. He closes his eyes and can at once see Rebecca as she jacks him...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 16

Dusty started to run into the room, but he stopped and took a good long look around first looking for traps. As he stepped into the room he saw Galvin as he basically finished hanging his wife next to Daniel and Rachel from a hook by a chain around both of her wrists. When Galvin stepped back he could see that her shirt was ripped badly in the front and one of her breasts was in danger of spilling out of her already heavily overworked bra. He watched Galvin seem to take a good long look at...

9 months ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 9 Out Of Time

Russ let himself back into the house and crept to the foot of the stairs. Time for an hour's blessed rest before going to meet Ethel again. He was absolutely shattered. Delia had been virtually insatiable. How insatiable, he didn't know: he had lost count after seven times. Without even removing his tracksuit, he rolled into bed and fell asleep instantly. What was that? He sat up, disoriented. Silence. That was it. The church bells had stopped suddenly and woken him. Peace, perfect...

2 years ago
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Ton a Tits TessChapter 3

Despite getting away very early, we found out that with slow highway speeds, an inexperienced RV jockey (me) and that big, clunky vehicle, Hammond, Indiana was a very long one-day drive. Hammond may be, technically, in Indiana, but it's right up against Chicago, Illinois, which meant it was as far to the northwest as we could go, on a drive from North Carolina, and still say we were in Indiana. The three-day tournament was to begin on Friday, June 30, but we arrived late Tuesday so that...

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RockmanChapter 35

Cassie was not needed during the night, and on Friday morning they both slept deeply and awoke groggy, with a dawning sense of giddiness that they were truly back together. Ged's erection became obvious as her hands wandered over his body, and his muttered, "I have to go to the..." was enough to make her spring out of bed and accompany him to the bathroom. He bent forward to allow her to aim his wilting penis into the bowl, and, having finished and being wiped by her now expert hand,...

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The PsychicChapter 8 Scared shitless

Victor Victor opened the door to the suite, and swept Amber off her feet before she could walk in. Letting his mom, sister and daughters go before them. Then with a kiss, he carried a giggling Amber into the room, and set her down. "What's so funny?" he asked. "You're supposed to wait until after you get married to do that," Annabelle replied. "Oh!" Victor said as he scratched his head and then added, "Why didn't anyone tell me that?" "Because it was cute that you thought of...

2 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

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Belfast RulesChapter 22

(BELFAST – 1972) It was far too early in the morning for whiskey in his coffee but Danny had that urge to soak up the bite of the dog before facing the stern faces of his masters in Belfast. His recollection of the evening before was a bit cloudy but he distinctly remembered inviting his landlady in for a drink and then found her stretched out next to him snoring when he woke up the next morning. It would have been a matter of amusement except for the fact her jealous husband was on the...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 81

Dear Brother, I bet you received a letter from Phoebe long before this one reaches you. It's not that I haven't wanted to write, but Colonel Yarnway is a complete idiot and Erica and I haven't had a break in ages. I hear that troops often complain about the general officers they serve under, but Colonel Yarnway is the first one who's so bad that I've heard someone mention fragging the officer. The man was originally in charge of a training center, and from what I've seen the marines...

2 years ago
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The Mob Book 2Chapter 5

Jason stretched and made his way to the refresher, taking the dogs with him. They enjoyed the invigorating experience as much as he did. He found it a very easy way to clean both himself and the dogs, while enjoying patting, rubbing, and wrestling with them. They dashed into the refresher enthusiastically every time he entered it. They were the cleanest dogs he had ever encountered. Jason was surprised at how much Rover enjoyed the rough play despite his sentience. The dogs emerged...

1 year ago
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 27

Victor sat in his comfortable padded chair on his terrace under his patio umbrella, enjoying the October afternoon sunshine. The garden was still full of autumn colour – not his work, but his gardener’s: Victor was not a gardener, but enjoyed his garden immensely. It was unseasonably warm, and he was making the most of it before the cooler days arrived. His thoughts meandered aimlessly and eventually touched on Susan, who had been his protégé. He employed her on a whim because she was a...

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The AcademyChapter 38

Vera: Poor Ollie! He knew I was different when I walked through the door that morning! Uneasiness and guilt were written all over his face -- and guilt was similarly there in Britney's -- but I wasn't upset that they enjoyed one another while I was gone -- look how much I'd enjoyed myself! I had to wonder how jealous Ollie would be... The revelation had come in the middle of the night, while the Major was draped atop me, snoring softly. He was a simple man, really -- hard, a forged...

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VolleyballChapter 3

We pulled up in front of the gym. My face felt warm and I hoped my sweat wasn't messing up my make-up. Yes, honestly. I know it sounded wrong. I just didn't want to be discovered. I warmed up with the other girls. My new hair felt strange as I moved. Gaby had an extra clip and put it in a ponytail for me. "Kayla" was introduced to the three freshman girls. I would be taking one of their starting jobs if everything went okay. Coach Addams showed up late and when I saw her my heart beat...

1 year ago
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Depression SoupChapter 9 Mary Potter

Mary Jean Potter had an unearned reputation. "She's a wild 'un, she is," opined Mrs. Edger, mother of Wilmer Edger and his older teen age brother Delmar Dean. "Oh I do so worry she will get my Delmar Dean into trouble. Good Lord. Can you imaging having a young hussy like her for a daughter in law? I shudder to even think it. But what else can you expect of a young girl running wild and doing God knows what at all hours of the day and night. Remember her trollop of a mother and how she...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 12

Maria led the people from the helicopter into the Hogan. The head doctor came over to Jason and saluted. Jason responded, “Colonel, I’m no longer in uniform. You’re not supposed to salute me.” “Sir, a few years ago, you pulled my ‘chestnuts’ out of the fire. As far as I’m concerned some people are always worth saluting. Now, fill me in.” “The girl who led you in here is my granddaughter, Little Ground Squirrel, but she’ll answer to Maria. This is her husband, Robert Gray Hawk. She was...

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The Elf and the LadyChapter 2

“Ir’ll fookin murder yon fookin dags if they’n mither me sheep, Yon toffy git. Take theeself awa!” It was unfortunate that Krill’s first human was an earthy Yorkshire farmer. He took longer to understand the exact meaning of the words being spoken, though he could tell this creature (as he thought of him) was not happy. When his mind sorted through to find relevant similes in his own tongue, he was angry. This was clearly some serf, how dare he speak in those tones to him! He was tempted to...

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The DolphinChapter 9

I do not understand these creatures. I do not understand why they do what it is that they do. There are two who are nearby on the land almost always when it is light above. The one that Kitik cares for is bigger and the sounds it makes are lower. It is the one that usually asks us to do things when there are many other of the creatures near. I think I am right that the other creatures come to watch. I do not know why they wish to watch, but I think it is what they do. The smaller of the...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 30

I walked out of my bedroom right into the cross face slap of my sister. Her skinny little arms lacked the space alien granted muscle. Thankfully. “Zoë!” Mom shouted as I staggered out of surprise not injury. “What is wrong with you?” “It’s OK, Mom,” my sister threw her hair and stalked off to the bathroom, “He already apologized for it.” “Then why did you hit me!” I whimpered manfully. Mom rushed over to me. “Is it over? Do you want me to punish her?” She asked. “No Mom,” I smiled as I...

3 months ago
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OceaniaChapter 16

Having reached a stage with Janus where she could get free access to him, Emily did not feel she could press him for details of his involvement with extremism without arousing suspicion. Whilst determined to spend more time around him, she refused to accept the only logical course of action that would bring them close enough to persuade him to draw her into his confidence. Greg had come to the apartment that evening and Valerie had cooked dinner for them all. She watched as the pair flirted...

6 months ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 14

I'm going over to help decorate for prom after school. Do you want to race me to the country club? Same bet. Jake laughed to himself as he read the card. He checked the "yes" box and sent it back to Ann Marie with Abby Tabor. He spent the next four periods plotting a way to get a jump on his girlfriend. If he could get out of his room immediately after the last bell rang, he could probably beat the buses, which would hold up traffic in and out of the school for at least ten minutes. His...

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GenerationsChapter 14 Lessons Given and Lessons Learned

“So, you really want me to set this thing up?” asked Peter, a curious tone to his voice. It was Thursday afternoon, and he was calling Lauren at her office. “What? Oh, the camera!” she answered in surprise, then lowered her voice and looked around the empty lobby with a guilty look. “Yes, it might be fun! Will it take long?” “I have no idea,” he replied. “It all depends on how long it takes to run the cable. Why?” “Mmmm, I’d sort of like to surprise Heather with this, you know. She’ll be...

7 months ago
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The Presidents ClubChapter 7

Standing up suddenly, he deposited her unceremoniously on the floor. "Stay there!" he said commanded. Karin smiled to herself, the tingles in her belly starting already. Her man was back to normal. Or at least, what passed for normal in their short relationship. She didn't want him to be gentle when he needed to be rough. That just made him confused. There would be a lot time for gentleness - for 'normal' sex - later, she was sure. Right now, she wanted him to be her master, her...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 139 Half a Lunch with the Ducklings

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The rest of the time before lunch didn't have anything major happen, mostly just some friendly chatting with quite a few girls, including more 11th graders than normal - some of the politer ones that'd been to our lunch yesterday. Several girls asked about lunch today, checking that Julia and I were still going to be busy elsewhere, as Julia had apparently told them yesterday. I noticed one of the football chasing guys listening in to one such...

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Ryans SummerChapter 12

Ryan walked naked across the balcony to the stairs. He thought it felt funny to be walking down the grand staircase naked. At the bottom of the stairs, he looked for Ms. Baker. When he saw her in the kitchen standing at the counter fixing a cup of coffee, he walked up quietly behind her, dropped his clothes to the floor and placed his hands on her waist. When she didn't say anything, he moved in close and bent his head to her neck. "I saw you watching," he whispered. "I was thinking about...

1 year ago
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Keris FamilyChapter 1

Keri Simpson was mad, hurt, and felt betrayed by her father, whom she adored. He had told her earlier in the day that he was planning on getting married again, to Susan Adams, the woman he had been dating for the past four months. It wasn't that Keri didn't like Susan, she did, but she just never considered her as a mother, or as someone who would take her own place in the life of her father. Since the death of her mother six years ago, twenty-year-old Keri had taken over all the household...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 26 Three In A Tub

October 20, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio The girls erupted in fits of giggles at my double entendre. “Handsome AND funny!” Summer observed. “What?” I asked innocently. “I was talking about the pizza!” “Of COURSE you were,” Autumn tittered. “It’s not MY fault if your mind is in the gutter,” I replied. “Oh, please! Give me a break! You meant it the way we took it!” Summer exclaimed, laughing again. “I simply meant I would very much enjoy the varied flavors of each of the seasons, that’s...

8 months ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 9

Deedee and I had surprises for each other Tuesday morning. I walked up to her locker just before classes started and handed her a freshly pressed gray jersey. She eagerly took it and opened her locker to hand me my white jersey. I made a show of pressing it to my nose. “How does it still smell like you?” “A girl has to have her secrets,” Deedee giggled, tapped my chin dimple and gave me a peck on the cheek before spinning off to the girl’s room to change into my jersey. “Get a room!” Mike...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 29 Home Again

October 27, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Dad!” seven screaming voices exclaimed. I dropped my bags and crouched down and was rushed by three little girls, while their brothers more nonchalantly walked towards me. Everyone got hugs, and the girls got kisses on their foreheads. When they’d all had their turn I stood up. “Hi, Tiger!” “Hi, Snuggle Bear!” “Hello, lovely wives!” I took them both in my arms and we held a three-way hug, each of us kissing the other two once, and then doing our...

4 months ago
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Off on a TechnicalityChapter 7

Gambling was not a big deal in Sola Vista, what with Las Vegas being so nearby, but there were some slot machines and poker parlors in operation. As expected, the Carnoli family took a piece from the pie. I think that it was not a big deal for them—more of the principle of the thing. Nevertheless, such places were illegal, so the cops were supposed to take notice of them. The point of my remarks was visible standing under a streetlight. Wherever there is gambling, there must be prostitution...

10 months ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 15 Malfunctions

It’s mid-October, and the Fall Dance is getting close. It’s basically the homecoming dance but with a different name and always fall themed. I told Danny that I would take him and Beth out for this dance. My streaming tips have been great over the last month, and I’ve been saving up since school started. Danny tried to argue and say he can take us both, but I shot him down and he eventually relented. The twins, Cindy and Mindy were going to go with themselves again this year, guess Jake can’t...

1 year ago
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There were always the three of us, Billy Wagner, Terry Goodman and myself Robert (Rob) Cook all of us life long friends. We were the Three Amigos, The Three Musketeers maybe even the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse (naw, there were four of them), anyway we were all 17, seniors in high school and right now very much on the look out for some pussy. We lived in the very upscale gated community of Metropolis just north of San Diego and our families all had money, real money if you know what I...

9 months ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 29

Six more chapters left, getting close to the end. Just as I thought, last night was a long night. I thought three hours was long, we went damn near double that, if not more. I felt like I’d just finished a triathlon. We didn’t bother getting in the shower last night, I couldn’t even if I wanted to, there was no way I was leaving the bed as exhausted as I was. She lay there in the bed still asleep with a smile on her face like she was dreaming about bunnies and rainbows and unicorns, but the...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 8 Anas Soulmate Vs Anas Teacher

The bell rang signaling the end of the third period class, and the Andersons walked out trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Third period had ended up being the first class they went to because for some reason the school delayed opening for more than an hour. No one had been told why, but there had been rumors of a mysterious substance being present throughout the halls of the school. No one gave an official word as to what was found, but obviously it wasn't...

10 months ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 28 Emerald Dreams

Friday, September 15th, 2006, Faerie Pocket I swallowed my last bite of sausage and leaned back contentedly, sipping on a coffee that was just as good as what Jaques’ had brewed. I was glad that—at my request—Crann had conjured up comfortable chairs for us last week. Picnic-style benches were not nearly as pleasant as these royal court-inspired padded thrones. It seemed that anything associated with the middle ages and earlier was within her disposal to create at a whim. When Stacy had...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 48

Flashback – Ben and Jack – The trip to hell ... at the hospital. I informed the Captain of the piece of metal stuck in Jack's ass. The Captain glanced at it and ordered, "Hell, pull it out, slap a Band-Aid on his ass and get both your asses to the roof." I glared at the Captain and complained, "Sir! That is not the recommended treatment for this type of injury." The Captain challenged my statement, "Sgt. Blaine, since when did you become a medic?" I should have known better (and I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 46 Boca Raton Part I

January 3, 1997, Boca Raton, Florida “Good afternoon, Sir!” a young man in a VERY expensive suit said, opening the door to the limo. “You must be Greg,” I replied. “Yes, Sir. May I get your luggage?” “I just have my weekender and my satchel,” I replied. “I’ll take them to the master bedroom for you. Ms. Jaworski arrived a few minutes ago. You’ll find her in the great room. Kenton will take you there.” I nodded and followed Greg into the house where we were met by Kenton, the butler, who...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 15

Andy unlocked the door as quietly as he could and stepped inside. He doubted it would make a difference. He was certain his mother would be sitting on the couch looking at her watch. She wasn't. He didn't see light in her bedroom so he figured that she was asleep. She wasn't. He found a note for him on the table. "I went out to a late dinner with Evan. Don't wait up. Love, Mom," it read. Andy put the note down with a frown. He couldn't recall the last time his mother went on a...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 25

"Are you ever going to ask me to marry you?" Bonnie suddenly asked. It wasn't an accusatory or challenging tone, it was a quiet question, but one that had come with no preamble. Brent turned toward her in the bed. His hand stroked her belly and breasts beneath the covers as she lay naked beside him. His initial surprise at the question had dissolved, and a smile formed on his lips. "Yes." "When?" "Uhmmm ... I don't know ... maybe tonight, maybe next week ... sometime ... I...

9 months ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 18 Solving a Problem

"I'm sending you to help a friend of mine," the old lady said looking very stern. "She has a young daughter, and you are not to touch her, you hear?" I nodded. "Her family is of divided loyalties, sadly," she said. "Something odd is going on, and I think she is in danger." The Madam, as usual, was right. The woman had a company of British infantry camped in the stubble of her cornfield and their officers ensconced in her home. Her slaves were now their servants, and she and her...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 37 The Rave

9:10 PM Kathy Thorenson was talking to her closest friend Peggy Stinson on the phone. No one else was home. In fact, as the reader knows, Rosa and Dutch were at the Rourk's having an orgy, but none of the 16 year old's knew or suspected as much. Kathy: Ya know exams have been so crappy. Peggy: Yeah, today's math was pathetic. Yuck, I could barely understand the questions. Kathy: right and tomorrow I've got a history paper due. Peggy: Me too. Hmmm, we better start reading those...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 25A

Back at Renton Robert reported to Alan in his office and gave him chapter and verse about the meeting at the ministry. Alan sat back in his chair picking up a note pad “Robbie all the hard work has just about paid off. The final A10 arrives today, and Taff,” referring to Warrant Officer Selwyn Jones ground chief of all the RAF engineers involved with maintenance and servicing of the squadron, “has assured me it will be fit for duty in thirty-six hours. You’ll have two weeks for flight...

6 months ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 5

Fawn quickly left the school. The deserted hallways gave her the creeps. She was sure that the teachers were lurking behind the doors, just waiting to pounce on her. And she had this gut- level feeling that all of them had been watching her seduce Big Jim. She smiled to herself at the thought. It didn't really matter, she decided. So what if they had been watching? She'd enjoyed the bout with the basketball player. Never in her fifteen years had she seen a prick so huge, so powerful. It...

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Slut9Chapter 20 Party Preparations

Saturday, December 23. Late Afternoon/Early Evening Dave was still in the family room when the girls started coming down. The first ones to appear were Olivia and Jennifer. They were holding hands when they entered the living room. Both were freshly showered and both had glowing smiles on their faces. Dave muted the rerun of Andy Griffith he'd been watching and smiled at the two women. "You two look ... relaxed." It was the only word Dave could find to describe them. "Thank you,"...

11 months ago
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GunslingerChapter 2

Shortly before seven o’clock the coaches led the Mustangs on to the field. Then, while the team went through calisthenics and warm-up exercises, Kevin was off by himself going through a series of Tai Chi forms, loosening his muscles and centering his focus. By seven-thirty, they were ready. The actual kick off was scheduled for seven forty-five, and just before the team took the field Jennifer came over to Kevin and gave him a kiss on his cheek for good luck. Immediately afterwards the...

4 months ago
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Last One StandingChapter 2

“Let me get this straight. Three months of tracking, nearly two dozen victims, and a wrecked company car. I suppose you’re expecting congratulations that you managed to catch one untrained wilder.” Elizabeth tried not to shrink back as High Priestess Theodora looked up from the report. The priestess was a stern, middle aged woman. Despite traces of gray in her hair, Theodora was still an attractive, albeit intimidating woman. The years left her with a mature, aristocratic beauty that...

5 months ago
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Earths CoreChapter 21 Cinder Mercenary Band

Zax’s attention on the party of five, below the mound, waned after his warning statement. He silently remained in his place, scrutinizing the three wraiths, particularly the one the chased. He was infatuated with the dark attribute’s essence after so much exposure to its fluctuations, and partly aware of it. He knew that his judgment is affected, probably for the worse, yet pushed this thought to the back of his mind. If he recalled his eventful past, then he would have realized that it is...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 196

I awoke the next morning at 5AM. I took off on my bike shortly thereafter. As I rode along the empty roads I realized that I had gone from nothing going on in my life, to three major projects all at once. It would be funny if either of them was the least bit lighthearted. I was about to enter into the drug business. Yeah I had been in the illegal enterprise before, but it had been only as a peripheral player. I was about to become a serious player. The kind of player that gets killed or goes...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 5 Jonathon

"Am I okay? What do you think? I was uprooted from my home and friends and now I find out kids go naked in school! Hell no, I'm not okay!" I said. "I can see how it might be upsetting. I guess I should have told you about it before we got here this morning. I'm sorry, I thought you'd be surprised and like what you saw," Jackie said with a giggle. "It's not your fault, but it would have been nice if I would have known about it. I was going to ask what your parents think, but I guess...

3 months ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 4

"Shit!" yelled Betty. Her father appeared to have fainted ... or gone back to sleep. "Grandma!" squealed Fran, wriggling to try to get away from her great grandfather's head, and pressing up against the end of the couch. Things just weren't meeting her expectations at all, here. She had believed that, when Great Grandfather Bob woke up, he'd remember everything, and know who he was, and what had happened. Her fantasy hadn't included, however, him remembering what she'd done to him...

5 months ago
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The Find Book 3Chapter 19

Meg got back to Grenada Island and landed. Ellen called and had the big helicopter set down by the hanger so they could be brought out to the Island. Meg rounded up Yuri and Vlad to take with them and meet the other people. The Captain wondered how they got an MI-26. About the same way, they got the Sub. They got everyone in the helicopter and Andy took off. Thirty-five minutes later they set down and the guys looked at the sub and then the Captain. Yuri and Vlad opened up the sub and they...

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Doing MandyChapter 19

It had been nearly a year since I'd last been with Mandy sexually. What a run we'd enjoyed not only before my "last two weeks" were over but then for quite some time after that, Mandy had been MORE than willing to fuck me. Ahhh, Mandy, what a hot pussied fucking bitch you were, babe. What an amazingly sexy and orgasmic woman you turned out to be. Truly a delight to fuck and to make you suck my cock like your favorite personal lollipop. Well, almost a year to the day that I'd last fucked...

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Three Valleys SammiChapter 13

By the time she got back to the hotel Sammi was ready to burst. So many good-looking guys, and they were all off-limits. The most frustrating thing about Seaside, she decided, was that it was all look but don't touch'. All of the guys were gorgeous. Oh, she knew there had to be fat, older men somewhere with bald heads, but right now she was so wound up they all looked good enough to make her melt. She didn't dare sit down, she'd leave enough wetness on the seat that everyone would...

11 months ago
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Pauls RedemptionChapter 9

In Atlanta, Paul drove his Ferrari to the bus station. There he shipped his luggage to Gainesville. He drove east towards Augusta until he came to Highway 1 and then headed south. That evening, in the Okefenokee Swamp south of Waycross, he turned his car onto a rail line that headed into the swamp. He followed the railroad bed until he came to a bridge. It was hard driving over the rail road bed in the low-slung Ferrari. After numerous tries, he finally got the car to jump the rail so that...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 12

It was evening and Jake had prepared a stew from some canned vegetables and rabbit meat from his morning hunt. Béla was still excited about his morning hunt, as well, but not the food part. ‘Target’ was Béla’s favorite new game. She loved being shot at, stabbed or skewered with something. “You could throw knives at me!” she said, really serious about getting into another game. “Tell you what,” Jake said to her, gingerly favoring a very raw dick as he sat down at the table. “Let’s look...

2 years ago
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My MariaChapter 4

Maria had to translate some of her yelling for me. “Nyet”, I understood. I’d never heard Russian words spoken with so much venom before. Maria held her from behind and pushed her up against me so we could both hold and soothe her. She finally woke and looked around, started crying, and as we held her, she apologized. She thought her commander was raping her. She didn’t let it happen before, the first time, and she wasn’t about to let it happen in her dream, the second time. Her dream was just...

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Human PhoenixChapter 7

Veterinary Clinic, Fort Stockton, July 10, 2006 "Come on back Mr. Piotrowski. Wanda says you found him out near the Broken Creek Ranch?" the veterinarian was looking at the patient information sheet that Scott and Mr. Piotrowski had filled out. "My assistant, Scott, found him out there." "You've fed him some meat scraps, and cereal." "That's right." "Let's take a look," the vet carefully ran his hand under the dog's head and down his flank. "He seems to be very calm, good...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 174 Death and Deception

For the next three days the world revolved around Cheryl and her family. I worked on Smiley some, but since I hadn't planned to start the introduction for two more weeks, nothing had to be changed. On that third day, Cheryl's father had another stroke and it was fatal. I had been expecting it and I am sure Cheryl and her step mother were as well. I rushed to the hospital the moment I heard. I did it to show my love for Cheryl, but also to be sure nobody tried to bully her. I had no idea...

7 months ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 175 Cowboys and Flaming Fags

It was a little odd to see someone else passing out bags at the Sit Down, but it had been that way for a couple of days, so I shouldn't have felt let down. I did feel it, whenever I looked up and the washed out blood woman wasn't there. I rode the bike that morning, even though it was still a little chilly. the stretching and pull of the muscle while going up some of those nasty hills was my rehab for the day. I didn't ride the bike far and I did stop it now and then at the top of the...

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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 5

When Lana awakened the next morning, her first thought was that she was still married. It was instinctive; as she rolled over and yawned, she realized there was another body with her in bed. Then she opened her eyes and saw Richie, and the memories of the past night returned to her. Lana winced, feeling the puffy, sore lips of her pussy and the tenderness of her huge tits, which Richie had sucked as eagerly as a nursing child. Lana sighed and lay back, her enormous tits rolling on her...

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My Journey Book 1 CollarsInterlude 2

After I’d kissed him, he groaned and I could tell he was in pain. His eyes were tearing up and the look on his face was screwed up, trying to brace against it. He was turning red and reached up for his chest and I was afraid his heart was in trouble again. I yelled for help and there were doctors and nurses pushing past me to try to help. He fought against them, not understanding what they were doing and then one of them pushed him back down with a hand on his chest and he screamed in agony...