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Blinded by Assumption

School started in September and with it came relief. The summer had been too long – hot, stifling and overflowing with emotion. It had been almost two months since Dad’s funeral and talking to the same people had become as torturous as retreating to the four stark walls of my bedroom. Nobody knew what to say and I didn’t know what to say to them. I thought school could be an escape. New and different. The first year of sixth form would be the penultimate hurdle into adulthood and I figured it’d...

2 years ago
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Tits For Tats

Ivy placed items down, waiting her turn in line. She shifted and stretched, moaning in pleasurable pain at the slight burn in her defined muscles from tonight's lengthy and intense workout. Slim fingers brushed the long damp hair away from her face as she checked her phone for new messages.Private party needs 5 bikini models. $50hr plus a chance for extra. Call me. Jared She smiled. That sounded like fun. The late-night sessions at the gym were finally paying off.Baby, April is just a friend....

10 months ago
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My Black Adventure With Lacy

"So, are you looking?" she pondered, sitting on the bed with me.I rubbed my face with both hands for a moment. I stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say."I know you feel bad, but don't, because I've forgiven you," I told her before I glanced back at her. "It happened, and there isn't anything that can be done to reverse it. We've both come to terms that we might be bisexual now, so let's just call this a draw," I explained before I placed my right palm on her leg. "We got into a...

1 year ago
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Screaming For A Different Reason

Horror movies are a blast. But did you ever wish the nude scenes lasted a little longer? Or had a little more fun and flair? What about the grim stakes? Would you prefer a horror comedy? What if we gave these cute horror movie girls a bit of a break....but not entirely. What if we capitalized on some more harmless fears? Public nudity? Embarrassment? That would be fun. Why not, right? This is a story about all the horror movies you've watched with adorable women.....except this time, it's all...

1 year ago
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The Drum Majorette

It wasn’t just raining, it was pouring down with such force the drops bounced off the terrace floor and the surrounding grass. I stood under the roof looking out while smoking a cigarette. It had begun just a few minutes earlier but the grass and gardens where already soaked and slowly it crept over the flagstone floor and slid towards me. I returned to one of their several wicker chairs standing around a glass table on the terrace, I didn’t think the water would reach me there, or at least I...

3 months ago
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Beautiful female YouTubers are losing their clothes, for various reasons, and ending up naked and exposed. It's up to you just how! Feel free to add whoever you want to see end up naked. The list can grow as much as you all like.

1 year ago
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The Lottery

At South Bay University tuition is free. It is a haven for low income students and families who otherwise might not be able to send their children to a 4 year school. The reason they can afford this is their lottery. The lottery is a drawing where one student’s name is picked and for the remainder of their schooling they are to remain completely naked even when on weekends or break. The university thoroughly documents the naked student’s life and studies through both picture and video and...

1 year ago
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Dick or TreatThe XO Halloween Fundraiser

The pledges of the Chi Omicron (XO) sorority had endured weeks of insane and intense hazing. It started off innocently enough with weekly meetings and nightly study sessions as a requirement to maintain membership with a minimum 3.0 GPA, but quickly evolved to much harsher treatment leading up to hell week or inspiration period as the sisters called it because the term hazing had such a negative connotation and was frowned upon by many universities.During the inspiration period, girls were...

1 year ago
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The Nerds First Time

It isn't a bad thing to be the youngest of five children, especially when you are the only boy in the family. Let me explain. My name is Earnest Winston Mallone. I am the product of a loving couple who are still married to this day. When my Mom and Dad started out, like most couples, they wanted a son, a daughter, a nice house and the proverbial white picket fence.There first born was a girl, April. April was a perfect baby. She was in tumbling, ballet and eventually grew up into a beautiful...

1 year ago
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Das verrckte Theater

Die 18-jährige Laura war gerade mit der Schule fertig geworden und hatte derzeit etwas Leerlauf, wenn nicht sogar Langeweile. Das Studium ging erst im Herbst los und für den Sommer hatte sie absolut gar keine Pläne. Da kam ihr das Angebot von Angelika genau richtig. Sie hatte die Frau letzte Wochenende auf einer ansonsten langweiligen Party kennengelernt, auf die ihre Eltern sie geschleppt hatten. Angelika war Mitte 50 und eine wahre Frohnatur. Sie lachte viel und laut und war damit genau das...

2 years ago
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Die Verfhrung einer Hausfrau beim Betriebsausflug

Meine Frau und ich waren seit fünf Jahren verheiratet. Wir kannten uns bereits seit der Volksschule und lebten mitten in einer Kleinstadt vor den Toren Münchens in Deutschland. Sie ist die einzige Frau, mit der ich je zusammen war, und ich war der einzige Mann, den sie hatte. Ich bin ein normal aussehender Typ, dunkelblonde Haare, durchschnittlich gross und schwer. Meine Frau ist ein süßes bodenständiges Mädchen mit bayrischen Vorfahren. Sie hat schulterlanges blondes Haar und einen schönen...

1 year ago
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The Shockwaves

The explosion occurred billions, perhaps trillions of years ago. Two universes met as they crossed paths, and collided with each other. It was a collision of such grandeur, that its sheer vastness seemed to bend reality in its wake. The explosion that came from it, sent shockwaves through the vacuum of space, never to be stopped on their path, unless they met something in their way, similar to how they were created. For one such ripple in space to travel, it needed time, and lots of it. But...

2 years ago
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She was ten when she began her training to become a Valkyrie. Her father was a famous Warrior with his own glorious battle songs. She knew what to expect on battlefields, she ached for the thrill, the blood of her enemies. But she had to wait and train for six years to wield the sword in her first battle Six years which felt like eternity. It was then that she heard about Mothers. Mothers, she was told, gave birth to the Warriors and Valkyries. She had never understood why the marriage of her...

1 month ago
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What happened here

You sit at the dinner table with your little sister. She's only for years old and you have to keep an eye on her this evening since your dad is working late shifts tonight. Your still waiting for your sibling. Hannah , your twin sister is still upstairs. "HEYYYYYY SIS?", you shout, "DINNER'S READY AND LILLY IS ALMOST DONE! WILL YOU GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE TODAY OR NOT?" "Allright, Allright... Chill out, I'm coming" Hannah comes downstairs ready to go out. Ripped jeans, short top and with full...

2 years ago
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Watching over the friends

{Thank you for choosing my story to read. I hope you enjoy it. It is designed to be the most fun using the customization function so feel free to utilize as you wish. Please feel free to comment on the story or message me. I love to hear feedback. Just try not to be whiny. Suggest ways to fix things and I will do my absolute best to fix those issues. The story is moves a little slowAnyway, enjoy and drop likes and favorites if you want. The higher those numbers get, the harder I will work on...

1 year ago
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Lehrerin wird zum Sex erpresst

Jessica, 36 Jahre, arbeitete als Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium die 12. und 13. Klasse. Für die Jungs war sie ein Hingucker. Sie war blond, schlank und hatte eine Körbchengröße von 75 C. Ihre Fächer waren Deutsch und Sport. Jessica war geschieden und musste die Schulden ihres Ex-Mannes bezahlen, da sie von ihm in die Irre geführt wurde. Von daher war sie auf den Job angewiesen. Viele Schüler wussten von ihrer finanziellen Notlage. Mehrmals hatte sie auch Vertretung in eine Nachbarklasse, in der...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pets Pt 01 the Power Couple

When they came to my office after I posted the midterm exam grades, I knew exactly what was coming next. First, Todd swaggered into the room, a beautiful but dim-witted boy from my Intro to Feminist Studies class. He wore a tight black v-neck and athletic shorts that seemed to draw the eye to his bulge.Jessica followed him in, and I pretended not to notice that she locked my office door after closing it. She was a perky blonde wearing a blue plaid jumper that was not quite scandalously short....

1 year ago
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Die App

Simon saß gelangweilt zu Hause und sah fern, als sein Handy vibrierte. Ein kurzer Blick darauf verriet ihm, dass fünf Applikationen aktualisiert wurden. Der Junge sah sich die Details an, weil er sonst nichts Besseres zu tun hatte. Chrome, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Notizen und Hedo waren die fünf Apps die aktualisiert worden waren. Simon hielt inne, Hedo, die App sagte ihm nichts, verwundert öffnete er das Programm um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ein Bild von einem großen blauen Druckknopf...

6 months ago
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The Marauder

It is tradition among many peoples of the world for the first born child to strike out into the world to make a name for themselves whether for good or for bad. Many races would come to be known for certain things and fill certain niches this way through their natural talents. Humans for example were natural diplomats and more than once had their diplomats solved heated disputes between nations. Elves on the other hand were known for their natural skill in the arts in anything from music to...

1 year ago
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The Trick

I believe life is all about having fun, chasing thrills, and doing things that get your heart pumping. You’re not supposed to sit back and wait for something to happen. You’re supposed to make things happen otherwise it won’t happen at all.Sometimes the things you chase lead to good things, sometimes they don’t. The important thing is that you do them, because if you don’t you’re just going to be asking yourself “What if?” for the rest of your life.Do you agree?This adventure started because of...

9 months ago
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A Beast Unleashed

You will be taking on the role of creatures of Myth and Fantasy. From Minotaur's to Lamias and anything in between. Whilst there are no RPG elements to this story you will be able to choose between giving in to your more animalistic side(This path will tend more towards Forced/Non-con scenes) or using whatever intelligence you have (Still mostly reluctance/Forced but not nearly as hardcore). The end goal of all the creatures is to feed and breed and as such the end point of each story will be...

1 year ago
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The Desired Life of a Newlywed BlackOwned Couple

The Desired Life of a Newlywed Black-Owned Couple Every white wife wants to bask in glee on the day of her wedding. And why shouldn’t she? It’s unlike any other day ever in her life. It’s a day she’s never bound to forget. The sight of her as a Bride being escorted by her father into the chapel, saying her vows along with listening to that of her Groom — her future husbands — accepting his ring then sealing it with a kiss . . . after which they walk down the aisle under a flurry of excitement...

10 months ago
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The Taking Of My Wife Part 5 A trap is set

After that fateful night in Bangkok, where my wife cheated on me for the first time with a French model, we returned to our small town in Northern Thailand. Our life returned to normal, although my feelings about that night tormented me. I would get extremely aroused thinking about Viki being seduced by him in the nightclub and then being tricked into going to his villa where she was fucked all night. I could remember every detail and often masturbated to the memory.But at other times I would...

6 months ago
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Futa Sister Finds Wishing Stone

Me and Jane are brother and sister. One day Jane suggested we go for a hike in the woods. I am not really an outdoorsy person but I went along because I had nothing better to do. We live in a very woody area so over the course of our lives we have found many paths in the backyard around around our property. We started down the path that we always take which is directly behind our house, it was pretty muddy because of the rain the last few days. I was thinking to myself why my sister wanted to...

8 months ago
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Smut Anthology

This "story" is meant to be a replacement for my tumblr, since they decided to fuck themselves right after I started a blog, and since all my content was erotica anyways, this seemed like a serviceable choice. As such, within you'll find a variety of short stories and flash fiction, rather than an overarching plot. Fair warning, I lean heavily towards male-dom and dub-con themes but I'd like to think I'm just as likely to go lighter as I am to go darker. This collection is meant to be just as...

2 years ago
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The price of immortality

In her dreams, Rin was visited by a mysterious spirit. This spirit offered Rin immortality, allowing Rin to live forever without food, water, oxygen, ect. Rin eagerly accepted this offer without hesitation. The spirit still however informed Rin of the dangers she would face. For her first 1 million years as an immortal, she would have terrible luck, lending to many bad things happening to her, ranging from having her bikini stolen at the beach to being kidnapped and raped to even being trapped...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Sex Wrestling

I enter the gym with a little tension . The public is so much and can not wait to attend a match like the one scheduled for today ... I just know that my opponent will be a famous woman , but not who. The referee comes over and tells me : " I remember you the the only rule ... the first to have an orgasm loses and becomes the slave of the winner ... are you ok with this ? " I look at him and nods, convinced i can beat a woman in few seconds , and I get in the ring . After a few moments I see...

5 months ago
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Die Herzogin und die Strflinge

Herzogin Theresia von Böhmen Die 38-jährige Herzogin Theresia von Böhmen befand sich in einer Phase in der sie kurz davor war ihre Contenance zu verlieren, welche sie seit ihrer jüngsten Kindheit auszeichnete. Bis vor wenigen Minuten hatte sie noch mit ihrem Mann Herzog Achim am Frühstückstisch gesessen und eine gepflegte Unterhaltung geführt, als plötzlich drei schäbige völlig verschmutzte jüngere Männer in ihr Esszimmer gestürmt waren und sie mit äußerst vulgärer Wortwahl bedroht...

2 years ago
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Celeb bots

We provided top notch Sex Dolls for years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite television series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your lover in any way you see fit.

1 year ago
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Car Break Down

Brie Larson is driving through town on her way to a convention. She stops at a red light when suddenly her car dies. " oh no what the hell?" She asks. She tries to start it, but it won't come on. Frustrated, she gets out and checks under the hood. Since shes in the middle of the street, as soon as the light turns green, the person behind her honks. "Sorry, but my car wont start!" She yells to the person. The person gets out, a short chubby man. "Let me help you get it off the road" he tells...

1 year ago
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Your mom is a MILF The Story Archive

milf Mom I'd Like to Fuck, or Mature I'd Like to Fuck A MILF is any woman with children who has men that want to have sexual intercourse with her. The term is also sometimes used to describe women above a certain aged (30 or 40+) who are not mothers themselves, but are deemed to be sexually attractive, and also have men that would like to partake in sexual intercourse with them. PICK A STORY BELOW

2 years ago
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Weather Advisory

They rented a van because the five of them could not afford plane tickets to their college winter break destination of somewhere warm and sunny. They budgeted for hotel reservations, meals, and the free public beach. Tom and Daphne had known each other since they were kids and were next door neighbors growing up. Tom was your average early twenties college student with dark hair and a moderate athletic build. Daphne was your average college girl who worked hard to lose her "freshman fifteen"...

1 year ago
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Claimed Women

In this world, if you are a woman then when you turn 18 you will become the property of the first man who fucks you. Prior to this women are raised as normal, they go to school, have mixed classes, but when they turn eighteen they will submit to their role in society. After this she will do whatever her master tells her too. If her master tires of her there are several options. She may be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder, or sold to a breeding farm. A master may also dispose of his...

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Three Girls and a Swelling Cock

The three girls were best friends, Sue, Ann, and Jen. They were spending the night at Sue's house, and being normal 19 year olds the conversation turned to sex. They had been talking about all of the boys they desired, and Sue could see that all three of them were squirming in some wet panties now. Jen broke the ice though, as she usually did. "Let's each of us tell about some sexual experience, and masturbate while we do it. I am so ready to come, if I even touch my clit I am going to...

1 year ago
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Lovely Little Sister

You wake up slowly, and look at your phone. Today is the first day of winter break, and your parents will be spending the break on a cruise, while you were left home with your little sister, Megan. As you get out of bed, you think about your situation, and how to make the best of it. Each option keeps returning to Megan in one way or another. You put these thoughts aside, however, and head into the bathroom, relieving yourself before you step into the shower. You find your mind continually...

8 months ago
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Horny academy

Welcome to HOR academy, a very special school, al the students are eighteen or older and the teachers teach classes on subjects like sexual obedience and assfucking, and a lot of students and staff are extremly horny. You can only guess what is going to happen. Now let us see who's story we're going to follow If you ever have an Idea but don't feel like writing, why not comment it? And for writers, look at the comments every now and then, people can come up with very sexy scenarios

2 years ago
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Those Little Shops that Disappear

It was long weekend and you took a trip to the next town over. It was a familiar place and yet far enough to get away and clear your head. It was also a tourist town. So you did the tourist thing, when from trap to trap, and down to their antiquated and kitschy shopping district, Pounding the pavement, you find a new alleyway you have never seen before. Down that alleyway there is a row of shops. One, however, with a sign that reads "XXYChange" draws your attention. There is a display of...

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A new Uchiha with a Harem Restyled Edition

{Part One, the Second Survivor} Born amongst the Uchiha Clan to the Legendary Lord Zaskuare Uchiha, an Immortal, who was the Only Son of Izuna Uchiha and the Younger Sister of Hashirama Senju, After your father's dissappearance the Third Hokage and your Maternal Uncle Kakashi Hatake Struck a deal with the Fourth Kazekage, Lord Rasa, to send you to the Hidden Sand Village of Sunagakure. Despite being only a Child at the age of two, You were raised alongside the Kazekage's other Children: Temari,...

4 months ago
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Night of the Lust Fairies

Okay, these are a series of stories that I published but never finished. I figured it would be fun to post them here and see where they go. You can either continue the chapters where I left off, create different paths within the stories, or start something new entirely. As usual I leave my stories open, but be sure to abide by site rules. Have fun.

4 months ago
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A Sissys Life

A Sissy’s Life by Queen Diana Slutty pink lip gloss? Check. Ass cheeks practically hanging out of a scandalously short pink skirt? Check. Pink tube top, butt plug, and thigh high stockings? Check. “Check, check, and check! That’s everything!” I giggle. Looking over at the body length mirror. Writhing with satisfaction, as I realize, what a pretty little sissy I am. Pink everything of course, pink nails, neon pink hair dropping down below my tight bubble butt, and of course a perfect pair of...

5 months ago
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Your own naruto adventureu

ok this is a story where you create your own ninja or kunoichi or you could change the lives of naruto characters that already exist you could even change their gender just make sure to follow chyoa guidelines so go ahead and create your stories because I won't contribute much reason being because I want y'all to make y'alls fantasies to come true they have to be in the naruto universe but other anime characters can make a crossover so get Ready. Set. Write my fellow perverts

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet

“Ms. Davis, could I have a word with you?” Jessica Davis turned back as she was about to leave Mr. Smith’s class. The bell has just rung and she was heading to lunch. “Yes, Mr. Smith?” she asked as she walked over to his desk. Jessica was a short girl with long brown hair and glasses. Very pretty but too shy to really notice, she wore a top a size too big and baggy pants to try to hide her large breasts and ass. Still, as she turned around, Mr. Smith could see a hint of her breasts straining...

3 years ago
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Coming of Age

I have decided to give this story a complete overhaul having deleted every thing except the front page. Many parts of the story will be removed for pacing reason though they may appear later in the story making the story longer. Parts of both coming of age and a taste of things to come will be conjoined into this one story. I laid there in the boat with my arm out the side as it skimmed the lake. I looked down to see her as her hand wrapped her fingers around the shaft of my stiff schlong...

1 year ago
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Dark Angel

Im Jahr 2019 wurden die USA mit einem elektromagnetischen Terrorangriff lahmgelegt. Um zu überleben, schlägt sich die neunzehnjährige Max Guevara als Fahrradkurier in Seattle durch. Niemand ahnt, dass sie ein Geheimnis in sich birgt. Vor zehn Jahren floh sie mit elf anderen Kindern aus einer geheimen Militärbasis, wo sie als genmanipulierte Kampfmaschinen gezüchtet wurden. Seither versucht Max ihre einstigen Leidensgenossen zu finden - immer auf der Flucht vor dem Militär. Im Augenblick hat die...

2 years ago
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Gym Class Excuse

I haven’t been participating in P.E. class this last semester. The school got new gym uniforms that we all have to wear. I like them. They are very breathable and pretty comfortable too. The only problem is the shorts. They have a built-in liner so you don't have to wear any underwear with them. This isn't really a bad thing because it lets people not have to wear smelly underwear for the rest of the day or have to remember a fresh pair. However the material is some kind of silk or nylon, I'm...

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Chaldeas True Master

My name is John and I am currently in my room, I had been invited to Chaldea as a Master Candidate by an old toy of mine, it was interesting, to say the least. I had managed to 'convince' some of the mages back in the Clock Tower to come with me before arriving, something a bit harder than I wanted to admit since many feared and looked down on my clan. My family, the Anicans, were in the forefront when it comes to the field of bio-engineering, alchemy, and hypnosis. We never much cared for...

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Pipeline Survey

Dan Thompson worked for an oil company, which just had its contract accepted for building an oil pipeline through the Brazil Jungle. It was his honor to go ahead of the work crews and announce their coming to the natives. Our mutual adventure happened as he drove up the narrow dirt road to the small village of Ojo. The sound of his hard working truck making the steep climb up the dead end road announced to all of his coming. Stopping in front of the one large shack of several grouped in a bunch...

9 months ago
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The Dad next door

It was a hot summer day, Conner just got out of school for the summer and had nothing to do except just sit in his room watching TV and bake thanks to heat. While Conner was watching TV a loud sound from outside his window caught his attention. He looked out and saw his older neighbor Dan Thompson working on his front lawn. Dan had a wife and two kids 13 and 11 Conner would watch sometimes. When Conner got a better look out his window he saw that Dan was using his weed wacker and was shirtless....

4 months ago
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Judys Secret

Sam and Judy lived next to us. Sam was a carpenter by trade. Over a period of several years, my wife had built up a pretty good neighborly relationship with Sam and Judy. While Sam was in his middle forties, Judy was ten years his junior. They were good neighbors. Every now and then, we’d share tools and Judy and my wife Sandy seemed to get along well, trading recipes and sharing morning cups of coffee.Sandy and I had our ups and downs in our marriage. She was very conservative in her religious...

2 years ago
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Demon of Female Bodies

What’s her name again? Amy? Ashley? Allie? Fuck it, you can’t ask her now. The noise of the crowded frat party deafens you. And besides, the short, skinny freshman is all over you. You’re cleaning her alcohol-stained mouth with your tongue in the corner of your crowded frat house, one hand in her soft, messy blond hair and the other lifting up her skirt to squeeze her firm little ass through her thin panties. You’re only thinking of her nameless but very tempting body. “Let’s go somewhere we...

1 year ago
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Frivole HentaiMdchen

Seufzend starrte Aiko in die Dunkelheit über ihr. Einzelne Sterne erhellten die Nacht und hüllten den grasbewachsenen Hügel in ein beinah magisches Licht. Sie lag hier, nur bekleidet mit einem kurzen Rock und einer weißen Bluse, die kaum in der Lage war, ihre riesigen Brüste zu verdecken. Aber das passte ja, immerhin waren diese Monstertitten ja auch der Grund für ihre Probleme. Sie nahm eine Locke ihres pinken Haares zwischen die Finger und verzwirbelte sie, während sie in Gedanken noch einmal...

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Pink Star

Your parents were killed on your 16th birthday in a seemingly random double murder while you were out running errands for them. You managed to find a silver necklace with a pink star pendant attached to it while your were out. It turns out that necklace belonged to a woman before you owned it. You learned later that woman got killed, leaving the necklace to bestow it's powers on the next heroine! You found the necklace gave you superpowers. With your newfound power, you decided to fight crime...

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SJW Takeover

It happened by surprise. The SJWs took over. What they instituted was absurd, surreal, but strangely erotic. "Shanya! What are you doing?" cried Kevin, obviously anxious at the mad woman before him having siezed power. "Fuck off white boy. I am sick and tired of your racism and misogyny." "Look, I'm just asking you and your friends to consider your next move carefully. Your actions may have unintended consequences." "Nice try. But you are not going to stop me. The white supremacist patriarchy...

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Crossing the divide

It’s all messed up. During the run for the white house tensions between races in the US have been escalating. Arabs are being profiled, Asians got accused of faking climate change, unarmed black men got shot by police, Mexicans have been called rapists and native Americans protesting in the freezing cold had water cannons used against them. What is this country coming to. Everyone keeps getting divided into camps, bridges get destroyed and nobody wants to see things from the other person’s...

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Diesel City

Diesel City stretches like a rusted ulcer across the northern United States from Chicago to Cleveland. Motorcycles, trains, and airships constantly roar through the city streets belching smoke and rattling the oft-broken windows as great factories churn out everything from muscle cars to atomic bombs. Women tend to fall into three categories: Dames (easy labor or non-working women that favor late 40's-early 50's era fashion, hairstyles and makeup), Brass (women in the government and military),...

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La classe

Sono ormai al terzo anno di scienze umane, un indirizzo scelto quasi solo da ragazze, e sono rimasto l'unico maschio della mia classe. Tutto inizia bene e per i primi giorni nulla di strano accade, fino a che non...

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You are a PseudoDemon

Story Editor: Actiaeon You may look like an average human to everyone else, but you can transform into a demon! Well, not really, you are something called a pseudo-demon, a "normal" human with the powers of turning in a demon version of themselves. You are tall, have dark brown hair, blue eyes, 4 inches of dick (6 when hard) and mouth-watering muscles in your human "form." After you transform you are even taller, even more, muscular and have red eyes, horns, red skin, a tail that ends in...

2 years ago
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A would be Heroine

The cold night air kisses my young porcelain skin as I silently make my way through the empty park. A tiny girl of only 18, scans the darkness before quickly making her way to the public restrooms. I've heard the rumors of the sex crazed packs of horny men that have been gang raping girls in the area. It's always been my fantasy to struggle against several large, horny men, while they violate me against my will. That is why I have chosen such a revealing outfit. A small white top with a...

9 months ago
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Before we start, these are the characters. Jake (you): The only male member of the family. 18 years old. Kathy: Step-mom. Darla's wife. 52 years old. Darla: Step-mom. Kathy's wife. 50 years old. Edith: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 50 years old. Ellen: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 48 years old. Regina: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 46 years old. Mia: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 44 years old. Betty: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 40 years old. Morgan: Step-aunt. Darla's sister. 53 years old. Maggie:...

2 years ago
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Kiss of Life

You wake up in a hospital bed, sore and tired. Before long, a nurse comes in, asking you all sorts of questions, while checking your vitals. After being thoroughly questioned, you are met by a doctor, Dr. Waterman. "Well Mr. Barlow, you are quite the lucky man!" The doctor cheerfully says. "What happened?" You ask, confused and disoriented. "It appears you were struck by lightning, just walking down the street and ZAP!" He laughs, but alone. "Sorry. Um, I would like to take you in for a CT as...

2 years ago
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Monster Girl Domination

Alone in the Lonely Forest you prepared yourself for the quest you were planning for weeks. Your humble hut sat at the heart of the forest filled with all the essentials as you were a disciplined survivor. A new village a couple miles away were being constantly harassed by a group of bandits. They were stealing rescources, but that was the weird part. They took only the trade of the victims they kidnapped. Young travelers who depended on transporting and selling their humble goods. This village...

2 years ago
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Another world

You are a sexy woman at the age of 22. You were exploring the jungle when you stumbled across an ancient forgotten temple. The first room is a large and empty space with a stair case leading down at the opposite end you entered. Down there, there is a hallway leading to a room with a portal. The portal is a large white circle with a rainbow ring around it. You debate on whether or not you should jump through

1 year ago
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Mein Bro

Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich mich mit einem kleinem Büro erfolgreich selbständig gemacht. Die Mandanten kamen und bescherten mir guten Umsatz. Damals hatte ich nur mit einer guten Seele angefallen, Ursula. Sie war eine erfahrene Büroleiterin und wusste besser als ich, wie die Sachen liefen. Sie ist wohl eine der wenigen Frauen zu der ich nie eine sexuelle Anziehungskraft verspürte. Als sie vor fünfzehn Jahren in Mutterschutz ging, habe ich sie schmerzlich vermisst. Als Mutterschaftsvertretun...

10 months ago
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Age of Ramp

You go down the ramp and come across a young-looking, pretty mother seeing her son get safely onto the school bus. A black cat is curled up on the hood of the mother's car. A man is walking past with a spring in his step. They all seem so happy. Time for you to trash their lives............................................................ "Hey. Wait a minute" "Who are you and why should I listen to you?" "I am a representative of The Mighty Gods of Moderation and before you go down the ramp I...

5 months ago
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Batter Up

Carrie winced as the ball popped into a glove. The double play took the steam out of a ninth inning rally. With only one out left, she knew there wasn’t much hope of her boyfriend’s team pulling this one out.Sure enough, only three pitches later, the center fielder caught a long fly ball, ending the game. She gathered up her bottle of water and purse, knowing Greg was going to need cheering up. The team that had just beat them was their most bitter rival, and he hated them with a...

2 years ago
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Meeting my sensual teacher again

Frau Rach, the woman who introduced me to the life of sexuality had moved out of our house about a year ago. I was in high school, and eighteen years old.We had a casual phone conversation a few times. I had still had my sweet girlfriend who liked kissing and petting on dark park benches, but I also got to know the girl’s aunt, a very sexy mature woman, who was our neighbor and let me remember what I learned from Frau Rach; but that’s another story.On Easter weekend, I decided to take the train...

2 years ago
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Would You Like Ketchup With That 4

“Fries and a diet pepsi.” I’d been distracted and horny all morning, unable to dismiss the events of last night from my thoughts, trying to sort out my feelings and, most of all, worrying about the hold Violet obviously had on me.  After all, I’d decided, early on, that no, I would not be seeing her anymore and I certainly wasn’t going to allow her to dictate when I could or couldn’t get myself off.Don’t even think of taking care of yourself before I tell you to.Her parting words last night...

1 year ago
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10,000 years ago The Milky Way contains over 300 billion stars, and enough dust and gas to make billions more. And on a little blue planet, in a solar system 30,000 light-years from the galactic center, and about 20 light-years above the plane of the galaxy the human race lives. Earth and its neighbors don’t orbit within the plane of the galaxy but are instead tipped by about 63 degrees. As such the Earth has escaped some of the turmoil the rest of the galaxy has faced. More than half the stars...

2 years ago
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Seeds of Doubt

Gregory McPhim spread some bird seed from withered, trembling fingers. From close to the bench where he was sitting several adorable pigeons closed in quickly on the food he'd chosen to share with them. It was a nice day to be at the park, and it had rained a lot that winter so everything was very green. Gregory could feel the gentlest breeze just when a couple of lady joggers passed by chatting happily. "Oh my god, I know. He was so fucking cute. And she didn't even go over to talk to...

2 years ago
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Restless Penis Syndrome

Your name is John Doe, your just an average looking 18 year old high school senior with a far beyond average penis, It's literally the same size of a can of hairspray. Having such a big dick has its ups and downs, the big upside of it is, you know no one has a dick as big as yours, the downside has a bit more to it. Some times it's hard to walk, if you get aroused everyone knows it, girls are often intimidated by its size, and the biggest problem is some times it hurts, especially during...

6 months ago
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My Girlfriends a Succubus

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock blaring. After smacking it repeatedly till it shuts off you look at the time. 07:00 AM You roll out of bed and throw on some jeans before going to your bathroom. Looking over yourself in the mirror and you sigh at your messy hair. The fairness of it, and its blondish red tinge, makes it difficult to style which is why you wear it high and tight. You quickly fix up your hair, styling it with gel combing it up and over. After you finish up in the...

1 year ago
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Pretty Little Liars

You smell the fresh fall air as you arrived outside of you new large house. You got out looking up at the red bricks covering the outer layer if your new home. You was surprise to see a chimney at the top, back in New York they didn't have many of them. Your father just got relocated to a new firm in this small town of Rosewood. He also wanted to get away from the big city so he could have more peace and quiet. His job was getting a bit easier as he enter into his 10 year. Your tall dad got out...

1 year ago
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The Lap Dance

It had been a few months since the photo shoot with Matt. I had never been more attracted to Stephanie than that. Watching her playing with and cumming with another guy had taken us somewhere sexually I didn’t even know was possible. She had always been willing to roleplay my fantasy of seeing her with another guy in bed, but had been extremely resistant to actually doing it. That is, until she decided to help our friend Matt out by posing for some photos with him.She said she didn’t intend on...

1 year ago
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Sex On The Beach

John was an average 18-year-old guy. He was 6'0" & weighed 170 pounds. He played varsity football as a wide receiver and enjoyed it. Of course he had to lift weights regularly to keep in shape, so he was pretty buff, something the girls around campus would regularly comment on. It was Friday and Corey wanted to do something this weekend. Spring Break was next weekend, the girls would all be at the beach in their all too small swim suits. He figured he would go and have a little fun. Turns out,...

8 months ago
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The Girl Next Door

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to The Girl Next Door, a first-person choose your own adventure style story about an innocent looking girl who moves in next door to you. You will have the options to either try your luck as a polite guy and hope she might let you into that sweet teen, or you can get real dangerous and make your moves whether she wants it or not. This story is completely fictional and the course you take will be of your own interests.

1 year ago
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Home sweet home

You've finally done it! All finished with high school and college, you landed a job as an IT specialist at the hospital. Your mom loans you the money, and tells you to pay her out of your first paycheck, you have enough to get your own apartment. You pull up in the moving van and start unloading your boxes. After you get finished, you notice a woman watching you. She's about 5'3", straight blonde hair that's down to her shoulders. Her clothes fit her body like they were painted onto her 34 C's...

5 months ago
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Meine Schwester

Als meine Eltern zu meinen Grosseltern gefahren waren blieben meine Schwester Sandra und ich alleine zuhause. Ich war damals 18 Jahre alt und meine Schwester war 20. Wir spielten in meinem Zimmer an meinem PC. Meine Schwester bekam gar nicht genug und wollte gar nicht mehr aufhoeren. Nachdem ich keine Luste mehr hatte, meinte ich zu ihr, dass wir jetzt aufhoeren solltne. Aber meine Schwester wollte unbedingt noch etwas weiter spielen. Nach langem hin und her meinte ich zu ihr: "Ich mache Dir...

2 years ago
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His Brothers Cock

He bit his lip in anticipation as I paused my story. My hands still massaged his balls as he grasped his manhood tightly, trying not to continue jerking himself off, as this was one of my rules when I agreed to tell him details about the times I cheated on him and gave his brother a threesome."So I took his huge cock in my hand, fingers barely wrapping all the way around his shaft and started stroking him as I licked his sack that was tensing with pleasure. Meanwhile, Bianca was riding John's...

1 year ago
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Our First Time

We are used to reading the stories on here about couples first times at clubs or meeting others and they always seem to have been the perfect meet.Here is our story of our first meet.We had discussed for many years, our fantasies about swinging and having sex with other people, but had never felt ready to make the next step.On a lovely Sunday morning in August we decided to take a walk along the beach. The sand was clean, soft and the waves gently rolled up the beach. We walked hand in hand and...

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River Cums Through

Rivers Thomas wasn’t sure what he would find when he got home, but he was desperate to get there.  His wife had sent a text, maybe fifteen minutes earlier, containing only three short words, “Are you sure?”  As he read this, Rivers felt blood rushing to his cock as it sprang to life, tight against his fitted jeans.  He knew exactly what it meant and the reply to his wife, Jess, had been an immediate, “Yes.”As owner of a landscaping company he had flexibility with his hours and schedule and...

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My First Gang Bang and Golden Shower Part 2

As a reminder this is not a fantasy. It happened forty-one years ago and changed me forever. It brought me into the very erotic part of human sexuality known as, "The Lifestyle."  Hubbie, not Teach, and I are still in the lifestyle several times a week. We have played with Teach many time after Hubbie and I got Married.  I will be getting gang banged tonight.Several of the guys got up and went into the house. They came out carrying a king size mattress and a comforter. They placed the mattress...

1 year ago
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Cruise of a Lifetime

You can't believe what you're reading. You're holding a letter from the Walt Disney Company, staring at it in disbelief. You read the word, "Congratulations," and stopped. This couldn't be happening, could it? You won the contest? A few months back, you entered in the first contest of its kind, one where you could win an entire trip on a cruise ship. Not your run of the mill win a cruise, you got the ENTIRE ship, and you were allowed to bring whoever you wanted on board with you. You were...

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Jack Introduces A New Game Called Snap

Brian Keaton had just finished up his last year of college. He was hanging out with his kid brother who was eighteen. He told his brother about a game that they used to play at fraternity parties. Jack was really interested in the game and wanted to try it out with his friends.Jack was a popular football player. Hooking up was very popular at school and Brian said that the game “Snap” would be even more popular with his friends. He told his brother about the rules of the game.  Jack was very...

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Batman The Telltale Game Series Season 3 Bruce Wayne Becomes Mayor of Gotham

(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...

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The Perfect Gift

"Okay, I gotta head to work now," Dan said, before kissing me. "I'll see you two after work. Bye, Gabe.""See you later, Dad," Gabe replied, waving.He left the kitchen and then I glanced at Gabe. "Hey, Gabe, could I ask you something?""Sure, what's on your mind?" he pondered, strolling to the fridge.I watched him rummage through it for a moment as I was four feet away, and I clenched my fists. I couldn't seem to let the words flow out of my mouth, even after he rose back up and I saw his face...

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A Fantasy Adventure

In this fantasy world, magic and mystery is the norm, and those who seek adventure are rewarded with ample opportunity. In this sprawling world, anything can happen, and if you decide to take a part in this story, anything will happen.

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Unzucht mit Bruten

Nach 5 Jahren Ehe wusste ich, was sie fühlte. Es war das erste Mal, dass wir eingeladen wurden, eine dieser "Breeding Sessions" aus erster Hand zu sehen, und wir beide waren natürlich nervös. Nachdem wir die Videos gesehen hatten, wussten wir, was uns erwartet. Es war alles schwarz auf weiß. Tief durchdringender interrassischer Sex. Kathy mochte sowas wie ich auch. Wir hatten ja schon fast vier Monate die Abenteuer von Bob und seiner Frau Vikki verfolgt. Fasziniert und gleichermaßen begeistert...

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Wishing For A Furry Girlfriend

You are James Lancer a pretty average 19 year old guy. You currently live at home with your parents while you complete your studies at the local college. As a keen astronomer and animal lover you ultimately have been labelled as a nerd throughout your whole school career, which unfortunately has done nothing to enhance your reputation with the ladies. It doesnt help that your idea of a perfect lover would be an anthropomorphic animal... Still a virgin, you dream of having a loving girlfriend,...

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When experimenting gets out of hand

Chris was a 18 year old average guy who had recently lost his virginity to his childhood friend and now girlfriend Sam. They were both above average looking people and they had really come to like each other. Sam was a 5' 7" pretty and tall super skinny blonde with small features but it Chris cared more about her amazing butt anyway. Sam's father was out of town and the two were in the basement of her house bored out of their mind with the same thing consuming their every thought as they...

3 years ago
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The Demon Plug

"People think it's a myth, you know..." The young man looked up from the old book to reexamine the woman who ran the little bookstore. She was pretty non-descript. Not too young or too old, good-looking without being beautiful, dark hair with a plain face. Probably spent her weeks minding the store and her evenings reading with some cats. He had walked into the store on a whim. It was a tiny space along the main street of the little college town. Dark, cramped, and overflowing with books,...

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The new law

The new law has been put in place today. Many women were against it, but those women were no match for the millions of men and women who loved the idea of free use. The new law states that men over the age of 18 can use any woman over the age of 18 whenever and however he wants.

4 months ago
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The Masters of Azesis

Mike liked his job at the National Museum. He was working night shifts there to finance his studies and while he had to do tours through the building from time to time, he also had a lot time to learn or do other things. Today he had another shift and while most visitors were already leaving the building as Mike stepped into the surveillance room and put his bag beside his colleague Pete, who had done the late shift. “Hi Pete, any news?” he asked while he sat down and watched the guests moving...

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The Naked Curse

For this story, you will create a male main character who gets cursed with perpetual nudity. First, use the second chapter to describe your man; how old he is, what he looks like, his job, etc. Then, title the next chapter with who curses him and start writing! Feel free to use my chapters as an example.

2 years ago
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Von Beduinen gehrnt

Kürzlich erhielt ich meinen Doktortitel in Geschichte des alten Nahen Ostens und meine Frau Lindsay und ich zogen in den mittleren Westen der USA um mein Habilitation an einer Universität zu erlangen. Mein Name ist Ed, und wir waren da beide 30 Jahre alt. Ich trat die Stelle zur Jahresmitte an und sollte erst nach Weihnachten eine Klasse haben, so bezahlte uns die Universität einen 10-Tage-Forschungs-Urlaub in Jordanien bevor das Semester wieder anfing. Meine Dissertation handelte von der...

6 months ago
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“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...

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The Hollow Pill Part 1

Clue number one: Furtive, whispered conversations on his cell phone over the past three weeks, some of them very late at night.Clue number two: A box of six pink French-tickler condoms she’d found buried in his underwear drawer, beneath his novelty boxers, two days ago.Lucinda hadn’t been snooping. She just couldn’t remember if she’d bought Bob Fourth of July boxer shorts before. With Independence Day coming up in a few weeks, she had seen a pair at Target with the Stars and Stripes on the...

10 months ago
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Zombie Survival Quest

You saw the warning signs before anyone else. As soon as the news started airing reports of crazy biters, you started stocking your apartment up with supplies for a zombie apocolypse. Luckily, you live on the second floor at your apartment building and only have one neighbor across the hall and two below you. You figure your odds of survival are pretty good compared to the rest of the world. DAY 1 So far so good! You have enough food and water to last you weeks and your windows are boarded up...