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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 3

Madeleine could not sleep. She lay restless in the large bed of their expensive Ville de Hampstead apartment, waiting for Antoine to join her. He had wanted a nightcap, but she had been too upset and had gone straight to bed. Now, she could hear the soft music from the tape-deck and visualized him sitting in his favorite chair with his feet up on the ottoman, comfortably stretched out and leisurely enjoying a scotch... entertaining no idea in this world of the abhorrent secret she must now...

4 months ago
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Hidden VideoAmandas Revenge

The prologue: Suspecting something strange was happening around the house, he had installed some hidden video cameras in a few different locations. He had sprung for good ones, complete with sound. At first there was nothing unusual, and he had almost decided it wasn't worth the effort, that the things moved and strange occurrences were just the cat playing while the family was out. However, after discovering his voyeur side by 'catching' his son on the video, fucking a girl from...

11 months ago
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Net MommyChapter 3

I looked at my draft reply. Hello Hothamburger, Nice to learn about your li'l secret, now I would like to share mine with you. You had asked, why my son would feel jealous, it's simple, because he is my lover also. Yeah, I have been screwing my son since last year. After my messy divorce with my husband, I was very lonely and down. My son took care of me and helped me to stand again on my feet and I repaid him by offering him my love and my body. Now we fuck regularly and I enjoy it...

2 months ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 22 The Rest of the Vacation ndash Part 5

Going Home With Diana It was very late, or early, when I left The Glade and walked back, in the dark, to our cabin. I found Diana already asleep or faking it really well. She had separated the beds, so I got into mine and quickly fell asleep. “Good morning, lover,” I said quietly. “Good morning, lover?” Diana replied questioningly. “We have been lovers, right?” “We have. I didn’t hear you come in last night?” “I didn’t come in last night; I came in this morning.” “I messed you up...

6 months ago
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EverywhenChapter 8

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I met Sam back at the table with his lunch. I offered him a choice, “Sweet tea, or Coke?” He opted for the Coke. We shared a side of the picnic table with a comfortable space between us as neither of us wanted to lose the best views. I opened a bag of potato chips and started my questions with, “Well, I guess there is no sense tiptoeing around. Feel free not to answer any questions you feel are too personal and I won’t hold it against you. The personal ones are...

2 years ago
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EvolutionistChapter 11

FOX News' Darren Thornburg: "Domestic spying is a non-issue with the American public. Everyone knows that godforsaken heretical elements, hostile to our American way of life, have infiltrated our cities and towns. Their intent is to stir up unrest and discontent with this new golden age in which we find ourselves. With the New Destiny Patriot Act in place, our democratically elected government has the ability and the power to root out these subversives and remove them from our neighborhoods...

3 weeks ago
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EchoesChapter 15 Glad Handing the Fates

The future was in my hands. Literally. Dad always told me not to underestimate the value of a firm handshake. Now it seemed a handshake from me would mean the difference between life or death. It was difficult to get my head wrapped around the reality of that. How many hands can a man shake in four years, if he works at it? If I shook a hundred hands a day, every day for four years, I could save 146,000 people. Less than the population of even a middling sized American city. There was...

2 years ago
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ShilohChapter 38 Key Base

Fifteen days later Kyle is lying on a thick branch halfway up a large tree as he examines a fortification through his telescope while talking to Dana, Larry, KK, and Nadia - who are also on thick branches. The tree they’re in is just below a high ridge and they’re about two miles from the fort they’re studying. Sighing, Kyle says, “Well, we’ve studied them for three days and the only things they do the same each day are their meals and sending out the patrols. I don’t think it’ll matter if we...

1 month ago
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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 3

Mission 9 Convoy Ambush Planet: Untron Lance: Poltergeist – Panther Dekker – Vindicator Behemoth – Shadow Hawk Medusa – Centurion We had a 14 day trip to a new planet, Untron, for this contract. We were busy with general maintenance on our mechs, helping out the techs and training in the sims. That’s not to say we didn’t have time to relax and play around. We didn’t have the Blackjack for this mission because Yang still had a lot of repairs to make to it’s internal structure because...

2 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 12 Choices

Helen's choked breath heaved from her lungs, almost giving a voice to the complete revulsion she felt. Her mind reeled in shocked horror as she struggled against the hands that roamed, groped, pinched, poked and clutched over the ripe, young curves of her body. Her young, strong yet, small hands grappled against the much larger and stronger ones that attempted to pin her to the hard, dusty ground. She knew the battle in which she currently found herself engaged was already lost, but still,...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 8

The next day Alan came to finish off the wardrobes. I was pleased with them; they were as I wanted them. I gave Alan his money, which was next to nothing considering the lovely job he'd done. But then I'd done a lovely job on him, so we were even. We had a shag before he went, but before he could take me up the arse, his phone rang calling him to another job. After cleaning up and dressing, we went down stairs, but before I opened the door for that last time, I felt a pang of guilt that he...

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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 3

Tim watched a bit helplessly as Abby practically ran from the room. Looking down at the man at their feet, he asked Tony, "What now?" The guy was stirring and Tony nudged him with the tip of a foot. "Get up." He motioned to Tim to hold his weapon at the ready as the guy stirred while Tony drifted into the corridor in case the guy had backup. Abbs should have been covering it, but she'd disappeared, heading for the sanctuary she'd find with Mike and Ziva. He didn't blame her, had told...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 183

From a friend of J & G. A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years old. One evening the wife comes home and finds a note from her husband that says, “My dear, now that you are 60 years old, there are some things you no longer do for me. I am at the Holiday Inn with my 20-year-old student. Don’t bother waiting up for me.” He returns home late that night to find a note from his wife: “You, my dear, are also 60 years old and there are also things I need that you’re not giving...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 14

When Sofia woke up in the morning, she didn't know where she was at first. In the back of her mind, she thought that something had awakened her, but she wasn't sure what it could have been. It had sounded like somebody screaming, but she was alone in the room and couldn't hear anything besides herself breathing. She decided to get up and walked over to the door to check it, as expected, the door was locked. She placed her ear against the door, but again she couldn't hear anything. She...

8 months ago
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My LifeChapter 7 Sheila

Wow. The man could definitely kiss. I hadn't felt sparks like that since, well last night. Mentally I groaned. Last night. No matter how many times I went over it in my head, I was still in disbelief that Nat would go down on me that way. Nat? Good ol' Nat, honorary brother number 6 who had never looked at me as more than a sister in his life? I dropped my head against the wall in my tiny entry and closed my eyes. Mark had really thrown me asking if Nat was a spurned lover. Lately,...

2 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 10

Bruno contacted both the TV station and the local rag, asking them to call for volunteers to help us dismantle the café equipment. The response was staggering. There were all the tradesmen needed to legally disconnect services and render the equipment in a safe condition, also the offer to reinstall it when the cabin is completed. A spin off from the call for the volunteers was offers to assist with the completion of the cabin. The owner of a floor covering store Ray Hartley, rang me at home...

2 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 31 Thabatarsquos thoughts

At first, May thought it was an aquarium. But on closer inspection, she saw no entry or any fish inside. Curious, she asked. “What is it?” “This is the Bubble Lie, an ancient relic.” The appearance of the glass sphere filled with water did not look “old” and so May quickly showed her skepticism. “It doesn’t look old.” “But it is. You know, it’s one of those items found in other dimensions, worlds, or in ancient tombs around the planet.” “What do you want with this item?” “This item,...

7 months ago
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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 5 Friday Daytime

What a day. What a day, what a day. I floated to school on cloud nine. Because I got to pitch today. And because of what had happened last night. I got in the car, started it, and turned on the radio. U2 was singing. "It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." Damn straight. The sun was shining, I was in love, and I got to pitch today. In love. What a concept. Though I hadn't actually said it, and neither had he-just that "I'm falling" bit. Which isn't quite the same thing....

9 months ago
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The GameChapter 8

Sarah Crenshaw opened her apartment door and wearily removed her gun and badge putting them in a table drawer. It had been another tiring day although they had finally caught up to an armed robber who had taken down two banks and a series of convenience stores. But then had come the paperwork and Frank's endless kidding when she had brought up the missing Cameron woman. Even the LT. was beginning to wonder if she hadn't become obsessed with the beautiful black woman. In the weeks which had...

8 months ago
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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 A Change of Plan

“I will have to go after them.” The expression that appeared on Mimi’s face caused me to make a swift amendment. “We will have to go after them, but we cannot leave the encampment until Sayeed arrives, and that may not be for several days.” Mimi and I were relaxing in reclining chairs in the shade of the awning of our tent. The missing bedding had been replaced, and the ripped canvas of the tent repaired. A quick smile had flickered over Mimi’s face when she heard my revised statement, but...

2 years ago
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95Chapter 7

In the days following the Valentine's Day Dance, Lu was happy. She was seeing Anson every day at school, I assumed, and being her normal cheerleader self. She acted like Cinderella. I said 'Hi' and routine everyday things, but nothing significant. Frankly, I was pissed off at her for taking that asshole back. I mean, Anson had shoved her to the ground and I know that he would have done more! Not even counting what he did with her – tried to do to her – in private. That's no way to treat a...

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BD Bridal ShowerChapter 8

Donna spent the trip back to Tom's house in a semi-conscious daze, her hand trailing absently over her cunt, her eyes half closed. Her whole world was filled with pain now, pain and confusion, but the one time she'd tried to ask Tom a question she'd gotten a punch in the stomach for a reply. Now, she just lay in a huddle at the far side of the passen- ger's seat, and Tom drove in silence with his window rolled down so that he wouldn't have to smell her. Tom stopped the car in front of...

1 year ago
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NyxChapter 10

Temporarily, we forgot about the South End Motorcycle Gang and went back to my first love: rapists and pimps. Another trip to Humboldt St. with me in my African-American disguise proved that we were a long way from getting rid of those bastards. I had hardly stepped out of the alley and started down the street when I was accosted by a man who looked like the very stereotype of a pimp, with his wide-brimmed hat, his black pinstriped suit, and his overload of chains and bangles. He looked like...

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Honeymoon HotelChapter 11

With Dick gone, Sue decided to have dinner by herself in their suite. The meal was brought up by a little Irish redhead about 18 years old who looked exhausted -- almost as if she'd had no sleep for a couple of days. Sue felt a trifle guilty about causing extra work for the poor girl and decided to make sure that Dick gave her an extra large tip when they left. She ate the solitary meal then changed into a long powder- blue nylon gown and a blue lace peignoir. The feeling of nylon against...

1 year ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 8 First Impression

"Oh? That's great news. Yes. Sure I can make into town tomorrow, nine? Alright Rick, see you then." I hung up the phone puzzled. Larry looked up at me a silent question. "Was Rick." I said needlessly. "The loan has been approved. I'll have to go in tomorrow and sign the papers." Larry raised one brow. "I dunno either. Anyway, you were saying?" With Larry a conversation always tended to be a bit one sided. He pointed back to the paper a finger under the estimated cost, the...

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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 8

I The animal led her deep into woods, the night air blew gently across her skin increasing the erotic adventure of walking nude through the woods, soon the trail Kaizer was following disappeared and they were soon walking through virgin forest. Kaizer's name tag bounced between Katherine's large breasts raising goosebumps and causing her nipples to harden at this sensation, after a time the trees began to close in, deep folds in the ground appeared like wide moats choked with forest debri...

7 months ago
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BugsChapter 2

In less than an hour, they had collected enough firewood to last them for a few days if they only used it for cooking. The problem was, what would they cook in? Julie had the answer to that is a few moments. She looked at the hub caps (wheel covers) and had a moment of inspiration. These were rather large chromed steel discs that were about three inches deep. Jeff popped all four off, and they took them to the stream to be washed. A few minutes later, they returned with four pots of...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 3

I was on cloud nine the morning after I formally "met" Sarah. All thoughts of Heather were out of my mind. The issue with Ashley still nagged at me, but I was in such euphoria that it was on the back burner a bit too. I whistled cheerfully as I showered and got ready for my day with Sarah. Sarah had arranged for Brianna to spend the day at one of her friend's houses so we could spend the day together out and about. I asked, rather I demanded, that I plan out the day. The order for the...

7 months ago
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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 5

Brenda was really getting into the mode of multiple fuck and suck scenarios. But, one of her sexual adventures got her more dick than she'd ever imagined possible. It was after a party one Friday night and Brenda had gotten what she thought was a date with Hank, one of the big tackles on the football team. But, when Brenda got to Hank's house, she didn't sense that things were quite like she'd expected. Instead of it being only Hank, the one who she'd decided to fuck that evening, there...

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Party of FiveChapter 3

Ned was on watch, sitting at a ledge at the mouth of the cave. He hadn't really slept all that well; the physical exertion made his muscles ache but his troubled mind couldn't rest, and so he fidgeted nervously, never really getting a proper rest. Dark thoughts wrestled in his mind, and the need for revenge made his stomach churn and his heart thump mightily in his chest. He looked at the cloudy sky from the lip of the cave, his fingers gently caressing his drum, his sole possession in the...

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Jennys Favorite ColorChapter 2

Thursday was the one day of the week that Ben got home later than usual. He liked to spend a couple of hours interviewing those who took advantage of his offer of free legal assistance to sort out those who really needed him, and he had designated Thursday night for this purpose. Sue had never complained about this fact, but tonight she was impatient for him to arrive. He found her pacing back and forth when he got home. He noticed her uneasiness the second he entered the apartment, and he...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 216

Got a match? A brunette doing laundry asked her blonde friend to help her find a match for her sock. The blonde replied, “What for? Are you going to set it on fire?” ✧ ✧ ✧ TEE SHIRTS MOTTOS If I’m ever on life support, unplug me then plug me back in. See if that works. You know that little thing inside your head that keeps you from saying things you shouldn’t? Yeah, I don’t have one of those. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. You know you’re getting old when you can’t...

1 year ago
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Maesons AssistantChapter 17 Honing her blade

The next morning was like most mornings, her parents getting ready for work and leaving almost before she was awake. Kimber smiled as she recalled the one oddity of that particular morning. Dipping her toe into the water, before diving in to begin her workout, she remembered the look on her mother’s face as she caught sight of her daughter returning to her room sans clothing. As she stroked through the water, she felt only a little guilty that she had perhaps delayed a bit in the bathroom,...

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Sex Ed Class High SchoolChapter 6

Rob couldn't believe how lucky he was that he not only taught high school sex education classes and had been able to actually have various sexual experiences with many of the female students, but tonight here he was with three of the hottest babes he'd ever taught. He had experienced this with different girls (but only one at a time) in the past but he'd never had a group sex session with several of his female students at one time. He loved this and he loved the fact that the girls had...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E06 Grace Wong Pei Qing 33 from StokeonTrent with Dennis

We open this week’s show with a dreary, rain-soaked, grey-skied scene ... An establishing shot of a wide street, an industrial district on the edge of a large city. Long car-park/fore-courts, leading back to unexciting, single story industrial units ... Car dealerships, mechanics, etc. A large caption fills the screen, telling us that we are in: “STOKE-ON-TRENT, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to rest on a car rental yard. Signage out front in green and black reads, “Enterprise...

3 months ago
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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 2 Home Sweet Home

"Shit me around," moaned Sharon. "I ain't going no place until I get my twat good and hot, massaged the way it's supposed to be." She was preparing herself for the battle with her mother. Mrs. Pettibone, as if right on cue, pushed open the bedroom door. "Now, now, young lady," she scolded Sharon, "you get yer ass up and out of bed. No more of this SWINE FLU bullshit. I'm not going to listen to that kind of nonsense." Mrs. Pettibone was wearing a lace robe which showed off her big...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 25

The first aid course wasn't going too well. I was having fun of course, feeling up Evie and she touching me up. But that was the problem. I wasn't taking in enough of the information. I was sure I wouldn't pass the fairly tough exam at the end of the week. I was beginning to think that I might have to bribe George the instructor in to giving me a pass. Not money of course. Even though George looked in his fifties, I reckoned I could persuade him to pass me if I offered him shag. I'd have...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 19 A Girl from Aizu

Kaoru: Yahiko! (Kenshin and Hanya continue to stare each other down. Hanya holds up a hand.) Hanya: Stop. I see to fight any further here for Takani Megumi is pointless. I myself want to collect these two and report back to the Okashira. Kenshin: You were the ones who started this. We won't stop you from leaving. But the little one will stay here to give us the antidote for> Hanya: I have no such duty to an enemy. Kenshin (charging): Then we'll have to take it! (Hanya...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 9

For the second morning in a row I woke up early wedged between Irene and Kari. This time there was no knee on pressed against my bladder and no urgent reason to leave my comfortable confines. I guess most married men know that one of the joys of marriage is the wonderful feeling of being snuggled close to your mate. For me this pleasure was multiplied threefold and on our second night sleeping together we seemed to have each discovered our place in the nest. My hand, seemingly of its own...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 3

I found Matthew and together, we went to the seat’s office. I filled out a brief report, stating my understanding of the situation in Passion Mill, and dispatching myself and Lord Matthew to render aid. While writing, I shared Elk’s comments with Matthew. “Fucking mess. I am glad they called,” he said. “Do you think the three of us will be enough?” “Assuming they embrace slut and lover and stay within the boundary, should be,” he said. “I agree; with Rocky Point tomorrow, I’d hate to...

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Sex Education WorkshopChapter 2

SEX EDUCATION PRACTICE DUMMY Chrissy Jones was pushed into the sex education cycle because her students had all written such glowing reports about the professional standards of her all-day workshops. In retrospect, it was really quite amusing because she was certain that the supervisory staff would be dismayed at her "hands on" instructional methods. Her immediate boss, Mr. Prodhard gave her his full support and was firmly behind her, especially when she bent over his desk at lunch...

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A DaemonHorn BladeChapter 22

The ocean trip to the city of Tellismere was somewhat delayed by contrary winds, which at this winter season came near head on, from the northwest. The fleet was running close-hauled, tacking back and forth beating their way upwind. In better weather, the trip could have been made in less than a week, but instead they felt lucky that the trip had only taken two full weeks. From off-shore, the situation with tracking the progress of the Eorfleode horde remained simple. With their slow...

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Blood LustChapter 9

Shortly before noon, Tom was awakened by the sound of heavy footfalls moving through his apartment. He reached to the night stand for his gun before recalling with a curse that he had left it in the living room. Before he could think of any other course of action, his bedroom door banged open and Mark walked in. "Rise and shine, lover boy," Mark called out boisterously. He didn't seem especially surprised to see Mia occupying the bed. "I used the keys you gave me so I could water your...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 123

The old men sat quietly for the most part. The oldest of them hadn't been part of the business from the beginning. The others had been brought in when it started to need more hands. His input was as important as anyone's. "I personally wish Sylvia would stay and be our go between on this thing," he said. "If it weren't for her we would all be sittin' on the porch with a finger up our ass. Don't seem right to do this without her." "Duke the plan was always to turn my share of the...

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The Ice Cream ManChapter 4

Jen and I were a bit at odds before she left for her vacation with her parents. Since I found out her friends Nicole and Marty were going I developed a distrust very quickly. That's when I asked my friend Keith, who was a Private Investigator, to get me a background check on Nicole. He previously had gotten pictures for Marty of his ex wife cheating on him. He told me it was a pretty easy gig since Marty had given him all the details of where his wife would be and who she would be with. It...

10 months ago
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GreeniesChapter 17B

"Valentine, man the eighty!" Sanchez ordered. "Command reports the marines are reinforcing the units on this flanks. At least two platoons heading this way!" "What about the tanks?" Zen asked as another laser shot slammed into their barrier, burning through another section of their rapidly crumbling defensive emplacement with enough energy left over to peel a layer off the front of their turret. "Fuck the tanks!" Sanchez replied. "Our job is to protect the infantry, not ourselves....

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Ebony EyesChapter 7

It was near the end of senior year when Tabby's parents died. I sat with her and her aunt Kathy at the funeral home, watching her trying to keep it together and almost crying myself. It seemed life was always bound and determined to shit into my cornflakes. The funeral director was a huge fat guy named Alfred Barnestead, the complete antithesis of the stereotypical mortician. The only thing typical about him was the black suit he was wearing. He was rosy cheeked and white haired, almost a...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 5

I got up and put the DVD in the player, and lay back down on the bed, to see what my darling wife had to say to me that she couldn't say to my face. I pushed 'play' and after a few seconds, Elizabeth appeared on the screen. I pushed 'pause' right away and just looked at her. My God! I know it had not been long, and I certainly hadn't forgotten what she looked like, but I was stunned at seeing her beauty on the screen once again. Tears stung my eyes as I just looked at her. I doubted...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 13 Porquenta and the Allies

“I liked the Ghouls,” said Andrea. “They were delightful to speak to and very friendly. Every single one I spoke to apologized for their behavior and told the same story of recalling previous wonderful times with your people, Jason. “Finally, you are accepting your role as an Emperor. Your major opposition comes from Lisirra, yet she is always close to you and touches you whenever she can. The Ghouls had no hesitation in ratifying Ixal as their Queen, and you Jason as the Emperor of...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 10

The summer rolled along with Betsy fixing her new house. There wasn't too much wrong, but she meticulously remodeled and redecorated things until all the rooms were the way she wanted them. The house had a nice backyard, which gave her the chance to plant beautiful flowers, and she felt like a real homebody for once in her life. It was a wonderful feeling and soon she developed a longing for deeper roots. Nothing out of the ordinary happened until winter was almost over. That was when GE's...

5 months ago
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The AbbottsChapter 4

"Nervous baby?" my daddy asked me. "Isn't every girl before she takes the long walk down the aisle?" "Not being a girl I can't answer that. I was nervous when I married your mother, but it was different with me. I had to stand there with the minister and my best man and hope and pray that your mother would really walk down that aisle to me. I was scared to death that she would change her mind and not show up. You at least get to peek through the curtain and see Jason standing there...

1 year ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 5

We followed Evan out to his car. Thankfully he had parked in our driveway and Kat didn't have to parade around outside in that slutty outfit. Evan drove a couple of miles to a small bar I had never paid any attention to. As he pulled up into the parking lot he said, "This place doesn't look like much. But they have the best fucking hamburgers in town. Oh, and do you guys play pool?" "Play at it," I said. I was never going to impress anyone with my skill at pool. He told Kat to wait in...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 259

Dear God: It’s me, the Dog Dear God: Is it on purpose that our Names are spelled the same, only in reverse? Dear God: Why do humans smell the flowers, But seldom, if ever, smell one another? Dear God: When we get to Heaven, can we sit On your couch? Or will it be the same old story? Dear God: Why are there cars named after The jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, The colt, the stingray, and the rabbit, but not ONE Named for a Dog? How often do you See a cougar riding around? We love a nice...

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A Second ChanceChapter 37

Since he knew what he was talking about, there wasn't much sense in discussing it. "Sergeant Major, When we get to London ... I need clothes ... have you any suggestions?" "You're certainly calm about it." "You know. I know. I know you know. You know I know you know ... ya know?" "Very funny." "Thank you, Sergeant Major. I imagine you'll tell me what else you know," I reached in my pocket and took out a wooden nickel. I handed it to him. One side had an ink-stamp of a...

8 months ago
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Scenes From an AffairScene 11 2009 New YorkChicago

Every six months, Marisol flew to New York to visit her son bearing presents and abundance of love. Early summer she came for his birthday and every Christmas she joined Luisa's family for the celebration. The presents didn't hurt, but Nate loved his "aunt's" visits more for her presence. She seemed devoted to his every word. She shared little of her life, telling him his "mother" had all the luck and she was just a mousy old maid. "But you're not," he said on Christmas of his...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 30 Solutions

Tuesday, June 18, 1996, Sanford Maine “Tiger! Tiger! Where are you!? I got my car!! Come quick, David!” CC screeched through the front door as she startled me awake from where I had nodded off on the couch. “Huh?” I said as I rubbed my eyes and sat up, disorientated. I quickly realized where I was as pain shot through my ribs when I jolted upright. CC spotted my head as it popped up over the couch and proceeded to screech at me again. I glanced over at the clock on the mantle and saw that...

7 months ago
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Wife Does DogsChapter 8

Leaving the cabin, Carson had cut through the woods and angled down to the stream, further along and down current from where his son was jerking off on the bank. Intent on seeking the stag, Carson failed to notice the thick globs of jism that flowed along, bobbling on the surface of the water, nor the open-mouthed catfish that nibbled at the stuff. He followed along a narrow trail, his camera ready, hoping to get a picture that might be published in "Field and Stream." Although he had not...

1 year ago
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RoomersChapter 4

'Whaddya mean, leave?' I was outraged. 'We're halfway through the dam' year, Rosie. How the hell you expect me to find someone for just four months? What the hell's come over ya? Suddenly don't like it here?' I ran out of words and looked at her closely. Nice girl, or used to be, anyway. She was sitting quietly on the couch, looking calm. 'It's fine here, Doug, but God has called me and I must answer. I came to tell you that, and to say that I'll pray for you.' Shit, what can you...

9 months ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 34 I dont see what you expect me to do

The next few days were dominated by preparations for my fiftieth birthday weekend. I telephoned all the girls I had primed and told them to present themselves at George's house on Friday. They were to travel separately so as not to attract attention. Most of them did not have ready access to a car so they would be arriving by train at the nearest station, nearly four miles away, where I would arrange to have them met. (I did not want local cab companies to wonder why they were ferrying so...

1 year ago
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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 24

As we got in my old car, I said, "Okay, where do we look? What are we looking for, anyway?" She said, "Something nice but not ostentatious. I'm thinking American. What about a Buick, a Caddy, a Lincoln, or Chrysler? You can get anything but I don't think a Mercedes or BMW would be your choice." "No, dear. I have had the driving courses according to my records but there is no indication that I really liked performance cars. They're nice. They're just not me." We made the rounds....

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 25 Bliss

She sat stiffly wrapped within the rigid embrace of the wooden rocking chair and stared blankly out her bedroom window, her mind lost in silent contemplation of how different her life was from the one she envisioned as a child. As a girl, she believed she led a charmed life and dreamed of the day her handsome prince would come to claim her heart, then carry her away to their happily ever after. Instead, as a young woman, she lost her childish notions of happiness and love one bright...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 31 Prisoner

Unlike warmly remembered Boston, we did not find many welcoming women out there in the swamps and hills. Nancy, Melissa and Cecelia were the satisfying exceptions, along with a few others. Much of the frozen countryside was deserted, the animals confiscated or driven off and the farmhouses and barns empty if they still stood. For some reason the Crown sent a new minister into the wilds of New Jersey. The old one had fled during the confusion after the fights at Trenton and Princeton. The new...

1 year ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 7

I didn't sleep at all that night. Despite all that I had been through I was far too terrified of what was going to happen tomorrow morning to get any sleep. The next morning is a bit of a daze. I took a shower with Joni. But she inspected the dorm by herself. Deshane took me to the mess hall and turned me over to Mr. Moore. I saw the arrogant look on his face and I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. In a loud voice I said, "You arrogant prick! You set me up right from the start....

1 month ago
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Cock CandyChapter 4

Luke walks into class and sits at his seat. Candace winks at him quickly and then starts to lecture about the topic of the day. He takes his usual seat nearest her desk and as the class gets busy on their work, he leans in and says softly, “I miss you.” “I do too,” she says. “It’s only been a few hours.” “Yes, but it’s been too long,” he replies. “That’s true,” she agrees. “I need you. I’m getting wet just thinking about it.” “I’m ready when you are,” Luke replies. “Not as easy as you...

8 months ago
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Mommys Hypnotic DisciplineChapter 3 Mommyrsquos Hypnotic Surprise

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “So what did you want to speak to us about?” my neighbor Rita Bowers asked. She was the mother of Wendy, that little slut that helped my daughter destroy my kitchen a few days ago. Her daughter was turning into a handful the way my daughter had. And Wendy’s older sister, Sheila, was even worse. Holly Anderson, another one of my neighbors, nodded. “This isn’t some sort of pyramid scheme, is it?” I laughed at that. I stood in Rita...

1 year ago
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My Twin SistersChapter 4

We got in the SUV and Mom started to drive. About an hour out of town, her phone rang. I looked at it and said, "It's Dad, can I talk to him or do you want to?" "Go ahead," she said. "Hey Dad, what's happening?" I answered. "I came home and found a letter from your mother, put her on the phone!" he directed. "Why, so you can lie to her some more, telling her you have to work late, so you can screw your assistant all night on your office desk?" "Charles, put your mother on...

2 years ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 2

I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...

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The Lady in BlueChapter 6 Flying with the Hawk

Hawk's point of view The lovers looked a bit shocked when they came into the kitchen. Judging from the volume at which Lisa had been proclaiming her pleasure, their embarrassment wasn't because there was an audience; it was because I was part of the audience. With the shiner she was sporting, I would have scowled harshly at Ted if the trio had not already given me the gossip. That pissed me off. The fact that Lisa kicked him in the nuts made it a lot better. I had spent a good amount of...

2 months ago
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RetreadsChapter 16

We had a conference as soon as we got home. When I explained my suspicions about Becky it was a done deal as far as the girls were concerned. It wasn't for me though. As far as I was concerned, Amy was not to be included. Not only that, but I was going to have to be sure about Becky before I did anything with her. Eventually, a plan was formed that might work and the plan was put into motion. I called Becky but not to say I'd be over. Instead, I invited them to come over to our place. I'm...

1 year ago
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Helping HandsChapter 6

About a month after camp, Sam got a letter from Mary Beth. She invited him to come and visit them for a weekend when he could. They lived about halfway in between the farm and the camp in a good-sized town. She said that she missed seeing him and hoped it would be soon. Sam smiled as he thought that she might mostly be missing his bigger pecker, but he arranged to use a farm car the next weekend. When he found Mary Beth’s nice house in a nice neighborhood, the young twosome came rushing out...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 62

August 16th, 2020 Today is the third anniversary of becoming this person. This different self. You don’t grow up thinking that your personal identity can be taken from you, but it can. If you’re lucky, you have something left that has been rearranged into something, someone else. Some of the changes are quite dramatic. I went from being a known Christian theologian to an avowed Heathen who honors the Old Ones of my ancestors. What? You posted stories here how are you a theologian? Simple,...

2 years ago
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The Mind DrugChapter 8

So there was my dilemma; give up the exquisite multi orgasms that I experienced while screwing with the drug or, do the right thing and flush all the drug in to the waste solvent container. I could easily persuade Ian to part with his supply with the dirt I had on him. But then how could I go through life never experiencing the sheer heaven of my 'special' orgasms? Yet, to continue on and drug innocent people and use them for my own ends was too low and underhand to contemplate. This was a...

1 year ago
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Game Of Thrones A Better EndChapter 2

Disclaimer: this is a parody, farce and covered by the rules of satire. It is loosely based on the books and show known and loved by fans as Game Of Thrones. However, just like the show and characters I do not own, the plots will differ from the actual plots. There is no financial gain in the writing or posting of this story. All characters are eighteen years-old or older in this ongoing story as new chapters are added in the future. Votes and Comments: Please read and vote and realize as an...

1 year ago
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My Twin SistersChapter 6

Hope and I woke up as the SUV came to a stop. "We're in OK City. Charles, find us a nicer hotel than last night. There was something hard up against my back all night," mom said with a giggle. Faith handed me the laptop, and with a couple of clicks, I asked Mom, "Hyatt Regency, Holiday Inn or Courtyard?" "Hyatt Regency, honey!" "OK — I-40 past the I-44 exchange and turn South onto South Meridian Ave — It'll be on your left. Can't miss it," I said. We were there pretty quickly;...

1 year ago
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A Critical PathChapter 27

Nick apologetically cancelled his Friday night rehearsal. That he had bothered to do so was well received. Sally rang her mother to say that she would not be visiting. That was resignedly accepted. Catriona and family arrived just after six. Having been cooped up in the car for two hours the children were bursting with energy and bedtime was delayed. Sally was enchanted with them and was thrilled when Nina brought her a picture book, climbed on her knee and demanded to be 'read'...

11 months ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 30 Despair

Christine sat bolt upright in Erik's bed gasping amidst a tangle of bed sheets and Erik's limbs, which sleepily attempted to hold her firmly against him. "What is it? Did you have a bad dream? Come here, mon amour, and I shall chase away the darkness with a kiss." His quiet words and gentle caresses softened the crease of the frown that marred her brow and she turned back to him, allowing a distracted smile to brush the corners of her lips. Her eyes raked appreciatively over the body of...

1 year ago
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25 August 2007Chapter 6

Wendy woke up to the wonderful sensation of Holly licking her pussy. Dan soon opened his eyes to the girls sharing his cock. Their day began with Dan fucking Wendy doggy while she licked Holly’s pussy. “I never thought I’d need a change of clothes. I have a super sexy dress I’d like to wear for you and Dan,” Holly mentioned. “If you’ll spend the day with us after we eat breakfast, we could drive you home to grab a few things,” Wendy offered, much to Dan’s delight. “I’d love to spend the...

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Abbey the Pinay Sex SlaveChapter 12

Abbey was glad that her Master had accepted her suggestion and that he had agreed not to post the video of her being made to act like a slave and especially a slave who deserved to be punished. She shuddered at the thought of how she had licked the dog shit from the shoe – but this shudder was not of disgust, rather it was one of acceptance of her position as someone who would agree to any form of punishment or humiliation if that is what was needed to please her Master. Joe could see that...

1 year ago
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Cathy DouglasChapter 8

Chris had another headache, they had been increasing in number and severity over the past week, but he tried not to show this to his men, although Grogan was aware of them. "You've got to do something boss, get that quack back and let him deal with it!" Grogan demanded. Chris shook his head, "No Grogan, it's not a thing he can deal with; I've got too much in my mind trying to get out! I can ... can manage ... it!" Chris said but his hands went into fists and then started to turn...

2 years ago
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Parents AwayChapter 6

Around 8am Pam and Tom came around for breakfast. Pam explaining what occurred last night and laughed, We walk in, Jill, Neil and Eddy were sitting at the dining table waiting for us with a box of tissues in front of them. Tom announced to them about our engagement, they broke out into tears. Cuddles and hugs all around. Eddy was so pleased. Later she told us, she had a warning from a person, that she did not know weather to kill or hug, and all they were told was, to have a box of tissues...

11 months ago
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Eden RescueChapter 15

Hatred, Meiersdottir mused. Unreasoning hatred. And unreasoning fear, too. How terrible that they drive so much human thinking, and by thinking actions as well. In the two days since the dramatic confrontation in MacPherson's cabin there had been a great deal of activity. First and most immediately, the Ark's course had been righted. The ship had been on the proper trajectory, merely moving far too slowly to reach worm speed in anything like adequate time. But with all of its thrusters...

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Eden RescueChapter 17

By the time the planning revisions were complete the Ark had, at last, entered worm space for its faster-than-light transit to the Eden system. As MacPherson had noted in his greatly abbreviated pre-launch briefing, the transit was in objective terms instantaneous; from the moment they entered the wormhole to the moment they emerged no time whatever would elapse in the physical universe; the two events would occur simultaneously. Subjectively, though, it would seem aboard the Ark to last...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 15

Beauregard Marshall 12/24/2012 11:51:15 PM The wind loosened awning took that moment to develop enough of a hole to emit a low, long howl that sounded surprisingly like woman crying. The slightly guttural and thoroughly disquieting sound didn’t travel very far due to the hammering winds of the blizzard, though far enough to get the undivided attention of one, very strange person as he arrived. Slowly trudging up the deserted street came a living, breathing paradox. He was one of those...

11 months ago
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Diplomatic BaggageChapter 4 The New Intern

"So you see, Ambassador," Kashim went on fondling the helpless and struggling Suzie, "Mr Daniel's present makes a very acceptable addition to my harem. I've felt for some time that a new blonde would be a worthwhile acquisition." Gerry noticed the slightest raising of an eyebrow by Sir Patrick. He clasped his hands across his belly and nodded understandingly. "I remember you saying so Minister, I remember you saying so and it was for exactly that reason that I was worried." A look of...

2 years ago
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Coming Onto MomChapter 8

Standing up in the tub, Billy allowed his mother to soap his body. Joan sat in the water, smearing soap about his body from the waist down. She found it exciting to feel his cock and balls soapy and slippery. Her eyes glowed with pleasure, and she was washing her son’s body as if he were a helpless baby. She took erotic pleasure in the simple chore. She had him covered with soap, sitting back and looking at him. Her tits jutted up from, the water as she rested her head on the rim of the...

1 year ago
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A String of PearlsChapter 2

Part of our relationship was based on teasing. My reference to calling her a scrawny little girl is an example. We teased each other a lot. She called me old and fat. She’d say something like, “You’re not stupid, Uncle Bob. You’re just ignorant. There’s a difference, you know.” I’d say something like, “You couldn’t hit the ten ring if you put the muzzle on the paper.” I was pretty stupid about it. I say stupid rather than ignorant, because I was not ignorant of the fact that all girls...

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An Orphan No MoreChapter 2

We made love three more times that night, he was a fantastic lover just as I knew he would be and he told me I had the prettiest little cunt he'd ever seen. "Tell me that again daddy" I giggled as I lay in his arms, "It made me go all gooey" "It ain't just pretty" he said and eased me off his chest, "It's a beautiful little cunt" I shuddered as he lay between my legs and felt his warm breath on me, he kissed the flesh of both my inner thighs gently while I lay there in complete...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 21 Newcomers Find a Place

Joseph stayed in the sparring pit and took on all comers with a variety of weapons until he was drenched in sweat – and he no longer was angry at the world. Liala and Octavia had stayed for the entire time but Julia had stalked away after seeing Liala sitting across Joseph’s midriff. Her mother had looked on helplessly but Victoria had followed her sister into the castle. Finally Joseph reached the point that he could barely lift his arms and he called a halt to the battles. He sat heavily...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 9

My alarm went off, I got out of bed, putting my robe on to go shower, but before I could do that, I was going to pee in my mouth once again. I hated morning piss. I did drink my piss 3 times yesterday, it wasn't near as bad as morning piss. I showered, brushed my teeth and went down stairs to have breakfast with mom and dad before we all had to leave. Dad left first. I was up stairs getting dressed in normal clothes, I had put my slut clothes in my book bag. I knew I was going to be exposed...

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HomelessChapter 6 I try and FAIL

The next day, she came down in the shortest skirt I had bought her (the jeans one), the tight top and the jacket again. She wore black tights under the skirt and her high heeled shoes for the first time. After work, she was excited again about her new clothes and the comments she had gotten. I was feeling generous after last night, so we went to the mall and I let her buy whatever she wanted for her room. I was surprised that she bought stuffed animals mostly, plus a few knickknacks. She...

5 months ago
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AngelicaChapter 32 Snow Job

Wednesday morning the snow continued falling heavily and Jordan stared out his bedroom window and sighed. "I've never cancelled a trip up north, but I wonder if we should stay home today." Angel yawned and stretched, "I vote yes." She was cozy and warm in the bed and didn't want to move. But as usual, Jordan's sense of duty would not allow him to shirk his responsibilities. He knew people were counting on him as their doctor and he couldn't bring himself to let them down. He smiled...

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A Kittens TailChapter 14

My heart had jumped into my throat when she walked up carrying her tail. I knew she had given me no reason to doubt her love for me, but the scars from both of my ex-wives betraying me were hard to get past. Her smirk at my relief when Katherine explained made it clear she knew what I was thinking, but it didn’t make me feel any better about the pain I had to be causing her. “You need to stop worrying about her leaving you,” Julien said as we watched the girls getting set up for their yoga...

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BitchChapter 3

It always takes me a while to wake up. So it took a bit for me to notice that something was wrong. There was a smell in the air, that I hadn’t had in the room since Rex was a little puppy. The events of the day before slowly came back to me, and I realized that Rex was not the source of said smell. I went to bitch an, sure enough, she lay in a puddle of not only her own piss but also her own shit. Well, that answered the question of the previous day. It also actually made me happy. This...

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Photographic MemoryChapter 1

I wandered back to my aunt's house in a daze, absently removing the film from the camera, and replacing it with a fresh one as I walked. I was still stunned at the antics of the girls at the beach, and I'd been replaying it in my mind, over and over. By the time I got back, I could see my aunt through the kitchen window, her smile so like the one my mother flashed from time to time. The one I'd so seldom caught on film. Aunt Sally was a few years younger, and definitely a little more...

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Photographic MemoryChapter 3

"Because..." "Hey, you called him Stud." "Yeah. Stud. Because, Stud, we have..." "... a story..." "... to tell you." I managed a single response. "A story?" Vicki was the quickest this time. "Yeah, a story." "Not just any story." "Nope." "Our story." "Yeah." "So shut up." "And listen." This last was a giggling Heather, from the front of the car. I was mesmerised. It had been another exhausting day. Jake liked the work on the farm, and was pleased to...

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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 4 First Week

I felt emotionally numb that night after they voted to keep me as their toilet slave. Damn! They have no right to keep me their slave because they voted to keep me! During the night, a thick muff, either Erica, Darcie, or Francesca came to me to shit. Then again some time later, maybe the same person even, came to me to pee. Then later still, a shaved pussy that I knew was Laurie came to pee. Once, Julie came to me to pee and lick her bloody pussy clean. I dozed between being used as a...

9 months ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 25 Dancing in the Dark

The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...