RoomersChapter 4 free porn video

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'Whaddya mean, leave?' I was outraged. 'We're halfway through the dam' year, Rosie. How the hell you expect me to find someone for just four months? What the hell's come over ya? Suddenly don't like it here?' I ran out of words and looked at her closely. Nice girl, or used to be, anyway. She was sitting quietly on the couch, looking calm.

'It's fine here, Doug, but God has called me and I must answer. I came to tell you that, and to say that I'll pray for you.' Shit, what can you say?

'Rosie, whyntcha have a coke or somethin', tell me what God said, stuff like that. Shit, girl, we known each other a while.' I talked some about Christian duty and she finally spilled.

Turned out she'd had the call, been thinking for a while, decided to answer it, spent months planning it carefully, was going to leave next day, go to Africa, join some mission, everything settled already, no arguments please. Hadn't told her parents, so as not to upset them. Hadn't told me either. No worldly possessions, nosirree, no problem with me keeping the security deposit, she knew it was an inconvenience but God's word was final, and did I know anyone who needed a car? I kinda tuned out. Hell, she was twenty-four, nice family, half-way through a doctorate, so why not just take off and live in a cesspit somewhere? Not my problem. Her car was another matter though. I knew someone who needed one of those suckers bad. I talked to her for a while, pointed out God moves in a mysterious way, stuff like that. Didn't say the person would be grateful as hell to anyone fixed up wheels for her. Didn't say I'd been thinking some about how to get her one. Didn't say this smelled like my dam' ability doing its usual ass-backward trick.

When she was gone I fetched a beer, thought kinda despondently about how life kicks people around: Rosie's parents, didn't know their daughter was going to disappear out of their lives, Rosie, blind to everything except God's word. Me, stuck with an empty room, no chance of renting it less I got real lucky. The poor bastards Rosie was going to be looking after, I guess. Better not to forget them. Hell, they probably needed someone like her to work their corner. God's pretty smart, getting good people to do his chores.

Couple more beers later I felt just as bad. I stood up, stared out of my bay window. Spring had snuck up while I wasn't looking: people in lighter clothes, brighter colors. Someone, somewhere was playing Frisbee. Day like this in my junior year was what it reminded me of. The day I finally realized what I was.

After that first night with Judy, the rest of my sophomore year was a fucking dream. Lot of guys had been watching her, taken their best shots and walked away with their ears smarting, so the first time she appeared for breakfast with me, looking like a tired and happy woman, you could almost smell the disappointment. They were pissed that I'd nailed the ice-queen, proved them all wrong, so I got the usual comments, had to deal firmly with a couple of persistent badmouths, but when she heard about that her reaction was real positive. Ice-queen, my ass.

Hell, I'd never been part of a proper couple before. I kinda forgot that I'd set the whole thing up, spent all that time pumping iron, studying just as if I cared, hating every minute, working on the fantasies, keeping my hands off my cock: I guess my brain just papered over the memory, wanted to believe she'd fallen for me all by herself. Beautiful feeling. And she was a conscientious girl too: grades first, then Doug. Meant I could take enough time out to keep it fresh, return the favors with enthusiasm.

I'd been kinda nervous about telling Annie, but she was way cool. Guess if you're a hippy and into free love and stuff, plus you got a steady guy as well as a college toyboy, you need to be tolerant. I spent a while telling her how nice it'd be to keep spending time with her, and I guess that tipped the odds a bit. She promised not to mark me up anymore, agreed not to come round to my place, said she'd be ready and waiting and would I please do that thing with my tongue before I left. Skinny little hippies sure have their good points. No problems anywhere: I thought I'd cracked it, was gonna be able to do it all my way. Didn't realize that my talent had a mind of its goddam own.

Like I said, catbird seat: from her birthday through to summer we cruised. I cut down some on the gym time, figured I was getting regular exercise anyway. Kept up the studying though: between Gary and her, I didn't have much choice. Kept up the imagining, visions of her and me trying new stuff together dancing through my head. When I checked the graph the lines were hanging in fine, running about eighty percent of the Patty Edwards high spot. Eighty percent and holding steady is better than a hundred percent once in a while, right? Happiest I ever been, I guess, looking back from here. I hadn't been honest with myself, that's why. Remember that: pure honesty is a killer. People can't handle it, and if they can't, neither will you.

I stayed at the apartment over the break. Mom and Dad were going through a bad spell and a small-town summer watching fights plain didn't appeal. I took a job stacking shelves, nights, Gary kept paying his share of the rent. I had a few nice times with Annie, smoked a little grass, managed an hour a day in the gym, hating every fucking minute, missed Judy some as well. She worked the whole break, interning in some child psychology department at a hospital on the coast. First week back we were at my apartment, kinda enjoying being together. At least, I was.

'What's going to happen, Doug?' she asked. She was propped up on one elbow, her head over my crotch, taking an occasional hesitant mouthful of cock. She'd raised one leg for me and I was doing much the same, teasing her a little, enjoying the build-up, the contrast of pale skin and dark pink pussy and trimmed auburn fur. Some of the rest of her was a different pink, little blotches where she'd peeled some. Redheads don't tan real well. She looked like she was color-coded.

'Right now? Gonna roll you over, practice makin' love the minute you say "Go". After that, depends. Then we can go get something to eat, then I gotta hit the library or you'll beat up on me.' Her lips slid down my shaft then up again.

'I guess I didn't mean right this minute. I'm a senior now, Doug. This year's going to be awful full.'

'And I'm a junior and I just changed my major. Gonna be pretty busy too. Hell, we can swing it. I'll be here for you, you'll be here for me, library's there for both of us.' She nodded absently, then took hold of my cock and ran her tongue teasingly over the head, peering up at me.

'You really like licking me, don't you?'

'You sure do jump around some. Lemme see, the answer is "sho' nuff". All the major food groups, great taste, great texture, great reactions, no calories. Perfect first course. You want me to show ya how much I like it?' No reply. Oh-oh. I reached round and hauled her up, settled her in the crook of my arm, hoping for a click. Nothing.

'There's somethin' more here, kid. Tell me what's buggin' ya.' She wasn't going to be coaxed.

'And you like it when I suck it, don't you? Why do you like it so much? '

'Jeez, Judy, what kinda question is that? Because it's fuckin' wonderful, is why. You want me to be serious, it's like a sign of trust, I guess, knowin'you ain't gonna bite down hard, stuff like that.' She thought about that.

'It's never felt like that to me. I mean I can do it now, and I know you love it, but I hate the taste, and the feel in my mouth, and my jaw hurts afterwards. It sorta feels like a chore.' She wasn't looking at me and her body had kinda tensed up. Still no click. Where's the dam' script when you need it?

'Shit, Judy, so don't do it. It ain't a dam' trade-off. You shoulda said. No problem if I keep right on with the food groups though, huh?' She shook herself and her old self smiled through.

'Whenever I want, Silvertongue, but right now I want it where I like it.' She rolled and straddled me, pinning my hands with hers, pale breasts swaying as she leaned over. 'Make it stand right up.' I flexed my cock, forcing it clear of my belly, and she shuffled backwards and managed to get it set right, then sank onto it. Looked pretty pleased with herself.

'See, mister, no hands.' No mouth either, I thought. Bummer.

'Good trick. Ya were readin' a book as well, that'd be prime time.' She bent forward and bit my nose softly, growling a little.

'No more talking.' Her hips began to tilt and I took her face in my hands, kissed her some while we warmed up. Soon we were moving together, feeling each other's needs as the pressure grew, and it was almost as good as before.

She'd rung a couple of bells though. When she'd left, cussing about the time, taking the car so she wasn't late for something, I went and turned on the PC. I'd bought it over the summer and transferred three years worth of ability data from my ratty old graphs onto a fancy spreadsheet program. I'd paid way too much for that sucker, didn't know why, but it looked kinda interesting. Business applications, but flexible, for cashflow, earnings predictions, floating variables, stuff like that. I'd spent some time figuring it out, then fiddled with it some till I found a way to factor all my stuff in.

That evening I ran it backward and forward, did my best to tighten up the parameters, thought about comments Patty had made, and Julie Anderson; Judy too.

'You know, there's a part of me that's been wanting this since last year. You caught me once, sneaking peeks in the library. Then when you fell down those steps, it was so weird. I mean, such a weird way to meet. You ever think that?' She'd said that the night of her birthday, first time we'd fucked, and the next morning she'd come back to it. 'Something kinda clicked when I saw you. Not straight away, more like gradually. Strange feeling, made me start noticing you more. If you'd hit on me, I don't think I'd have brushed you right off.'

I thought back to what I'd been doing and thinking back then, best I could, changed the weighting some, ran the program again, didn't like what I saw. I shut the machine off and went to find something to eat.

One of the things you have to understand about slackers is we don't think much beyond tomorrow. Worry is stress and stress is for other people. We kinda have enough self-esteem not to sweat it too much, believe we'll deal with problems when they arrive, manage OK somehow, stuff like that. Shit, it's in the Bible even: 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof'. Says it right there. So I let it alone, carried on the way I'd been: little gym time, some study time too, time thinking about Judy and how she looked when she was coming hard under me, how she tasted and smelled and felt. Funny thing, since I'd changed my major to History the studying came easier, caught my attention some. Twice I even broke a date with Judy so I could finish stuff up, maybe improve my grade. I knew it surprised her, but I got a reluctant nod of acceptance when I explained. Hell, she did it too, time to time. She didn't talk about BJ's again, and I didn't push. Annie went down on me like a fucking steamhammer every time I saw her, so I could handle it. Like I said, hippies have their talents.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, coming up to Spring break. You have to understand, nothing was bad, exactly. Hell, not like the year before, but the first six months of a relationship are always better, right? You're discovering new stuff, hot for a new body, new games, new everything. Even the new faults are adorable. How cute that she reminds me every day my hair needs cutting, till I go get it done in self-defense. How nice that she tells me everything twice, assumes I can't find my own butt without both hands and a map. How sweet she was upset that I went out with the guys for a few beers that time. It's a sign that she cares, right?

Hell, Judy wasn't like that, but you know what I mean. Stuff starts to grate after a while, no matter how good everything is. Often, the smaller the problem, the bigger it feels.

I guess we were jogging along. Everything was fine. Both busy, both still hot for each other, both unwilling to look around. Course, I was seeing Annie, but that was different. Didn't want to break her heart, and she and I, we laughed at stuff Judy didn't think was real funny. She was kinda quiet and thoughtful once in a while, but hell, senior year, she had a right. What I didn't realize was the important stuff. Important for her, I mean.

Saturday before Easter break I was out enjoying some early sun, playing Frisbee with some people, not thinking about much. When I heard a car horn, realized it was mine, I jogged over to her.

'Hi, kid. Come to collect me?' She smiled the way she did when she was being bad.

'Collect you, inspect you, strip you down and service you. You want to finish your game?' I was climbing into the car.

'What game?' She snorted and we took off.

In the apartment she was feverish. Pushed me onto the bed, stood over me looking down, eyes bright.

'We are going to screw this afternoon, and when we've done that we're going to screw again till we're too fuckin' tired to do anything else. You good with that?' She was stripping off her clothes as she spoke, and I hurried to catch up. I had my pants and shorts off, and was ripping at my shirt buttons when she landed on me. I ended up flat on my back again, her sitting astride me, outlined against the sunlight coming through the window. I squinted up at her, had the sense to keep my mouth shut. She never said "screw", and I remembered she only cussed when she was upset.

Upset maybe, but she was pumped, glowing with everything that was her. She knew I was staring, and she straightened up, put her hands behind her head, pushed her chest forward.

'You like what you see, Doug?' Her voice was soft and caressing, full of love, just a hint of something else hiding behind the soft purr. I wished I'd been putting in more gym time, having better fantasies, whatever. Not a click to be heard. Seemed like I was on my own.

'Ever since I saw ya the first time, Judy.' She smiled.

'Love that line. Me too, Doug. I love what I see.' She stayed there for a moment, like a carved statue. Her posture pulled her breasts up real high: the slight crease underneath them gone, just the soft swell of flesh, pale and freckled, familiar. Breasts I'd kissed a thousand times: nipples hard and pointy, the way they were when she was ready to go, small pink areolas pulled taut, pebbled and wrinkled, screaming to be soothed. Her breath was rapid and shallow, her stomach muscles tight, fluttering just enough so I knew she was full of something I didn't understand. She lifted herself onto her knees and pushed her pelvis forward.

'You like this, too?' Her knees were gripping my torso, the strong tendons in her thighs standing out clearly. Where her body forked I could see her pussy lips, full and plump, glistening with need. I wasn't entirely sure what she needed though. She lowered her hands and pulled herself wide open, thrusting herself forward even more. 'And this? You love this, don't you, Doug? Fucking it and eating it and making it feel so good.' Her voice was still a caressing murmur. I kissed the tip of my finger and laid it gently on the top of her slit. Still had the good sense not to say anything: this was her, and I'd do better listening than joining in. She shivered as I touched her, then swiveled so that her ass was facing me. When she spoke again her voice was different, still soft, but with an edge to it.

'This is for you, Doug, because I love you, and you better fuckin' not butt in.' I felt her take a deep breath, then her head dropped slowly and her lips closed round my slack cock, sucking me deep into her mouth.

Kinda took me by surprise, I guess, and it wasn't till her hand slipped between my legs, cupping my balls gently and stroking them, that I began to get hard. The big vein along the bottom of my shaft started pulsing and her top lip pressed down on it and her soft fingers rubbed it further down, behind my balls, right where the seam melts into the ass. My cock twitched and she began to work it with all of her, her head rising and falling, her hands fluttering over my balls and round my thighs and ass, her own ass sliding along my chest, out of reach. A hard, urgent aroma was coming from her, and her pussy lips were darker than I'd ever seen them.

I tried to reach out for her, but her hand left my balls and whipped round, slapped mine away. The rhythm of her movements accelerated, head bobbing fast, her tongue whipping round me, insistent pressure from her fingers. Her determination, all of her focused, pushed me right along and I was as hard as I'd ever been, straining upwards, trying not to fuck her mouth, spoil whatever she trying to prove. The warm slithery warning flooded through my groin and down to my balls.

'Uh, Judy... ' She took no notice, upped the tempo again, and my seed burst through my doubts, spurting into her warm mouth. She kept her lips closed tight, breathing hard through her nose, and when I'd finished she let my cock slip through them and straightened up, turned round again. When she was good and sure I was paying attention she opened her mouth and showed me my cum, white and thick, dribbling a little over her lips, then closed her mouth again and swallowed convulsively, her throat working as she forced it down, almost gagging but not quite. I saw her tongue running round inside, collecting saliva, and she kinda swished it round and swallowed again.

'That's how much I fucking love you, Doug.' Then the tears started trickling down her cheeks and I reached up and pulled her down and held her close against me, stroking her back slowly and feeling sorta helpless, not knowing what words would help her.

After a little while she quietened and we lay some more, not saying a word, then she twisted out of my arms and went to the bathroom. I heard her brushing her teeth and gargling for what seemed to be the longest time, then she came back and smiled brilliantly.

'Time for your food groups, I guess.' She climbed onto the bed and straddled me again, then kneewalked up my body till her pussy was over my mouth. She leaned forward and braced her arms against the wall above the bed, then let her body sink towards me.

'Go'. I went, wanting real bad to make it special for her. She was more than wet. Hell, her pussy felt like it had been dipped in a bucket, her taste stronger than usual. Funny, but I remember I noticed a visible pulse in the big vein in her thigh before my vision contracted and I dragged my tongue the length of her, the way I always did before the show. She grunted and settled herself, moving herself a little and her clit pushed against my nose straight away. Normally she wanted a little teasing while she warmed up, but not right now. I curled my tongue up and round, caught her low-slung G spot and began to work both sensitive areas the way she liked, trying for smooth, not wanting to force anything.

No chance. She took hold of the reins straight away, driving herself onto me, moving fast, pushing herself like a madwoman. Within minutes she was gasping, her thighs clamped round my head, the trembling of her orgasm beginning, then she cried out real loud and froze for a second before I felt her pussy contracting spasmodically round my face. Apart from that first sound she was silent while it flooded through her, and when she'd stopped and her body relaxed. I still didn't know what to do. Like always, her taste, experiencing her reactions, had got me hard again. She moved off my mouth and glanced over her shoulder, then rolled over and lay on her back, legs open wide, one hand rubbing her clit gently. Her belly was still fluttering.

'Now, Doug, and as hard as you fucking like.' Her other hand snaked out and grabbed me, pulling me towards her. Her breath was still fast, her breasts rising and falling, and I tried to kiss them, trying for calm, but she grabbed my hair and forced my head up.

Same as Roomers
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Chaste Cuckold Chiffon by Throne All I had on was this little nothing of a pale yellow top with spaghetti straps -- it ended right below my nipples -- and a matching thong that was barely there. It was so shameful, I was on the verge of crying. My wife looked at me with a critical eye, tilted her head to one side, and pursed her lips. "Really," she declared, "you need some make-up. It's a bother for me but I know Dante will want to see you in full twink mode." "Please." I...

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Amber at Home

Standing at 6’5”, Micaiah was very skinny, almost to the point of anorexic. He had red hair, hazel eyes, and a slightly athletic build. Amber was 5’8”, a little less skinny, and had more of a dancers body. The room was simple, a closet full of simple things and a large queen size bed took up most of the room. Micaiah slowly took off her clothes and she started to undress him as well. He took off her shirt, revealing her size 36 c tits, and then moved down to remove her miniskirt. She bent...

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Hookers Diary 2 My First Time

It's a beautiful Saturday morning but we need to go to school for our military class. I'm a little bit tired about my job last night working as a cashier in a night club wasn't easy but I don't care imagining the things that might happened to us this evening gives me enough energy to finished the class. Good thing that the teacher is hot. Watching his cock under his pants while he was walking in front of the class made my eyes open for the whole class. My boyfriend is waiting for me and then we...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Seduction

“Al, this is only the third time meeting with them. Is it too soon to seduce Clair and Chuck?” “She’s the shy one, yet she giggles at our innuendo even without drinks. He’s been flirting with you from the start, so it’s time to test the waters. If they aren’t ready, we’ll apologize for misunderstanding. If they are, we party! Your crop top, ribbed tank with the huge arm holes should be a great teaser if your sexy legs in those wide legged shorts don’t make him hard.” “What about you in your...

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It is the hottest night of the year. Rumor is that violence goes up when the temperature spikes. As a cop, I’d say that it is more than a rumor. Sweat rolls down the back of my tiny neck. Stickiness clings to my fingertips as I check the safety on my gun. I can’t believe I’m forgetting everything tonight. Glen sits beside me tapping on the steering wheel anxious. ‘You ok?’ I ask him and he just nods yes. The strip is a whirl of energy. I catch a couple college kids out the corner of my eye....

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Fucked The Email Girl Again

This is in continuation of my sexual experience with the same girl whom I met online, after our first encounter she left my house with a clear understanding that she will first approach me & no other communication should be done until then, I reluctantly agreed for the same. After 3 days on Sunday morning at around 4.00 in the morning my phone rang & I was disturbed from my deep sleep. I was pleasantly surprised that the same girl has called me again, i picked the phone & she said sorry for...

3 years ago
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Chudai Ka Maza First Time

Hi friends, mera nam ishita thakur h m punjab ki rahne wali hu but mere mom dad mumbai me job karte h to m mumbai me rahti ye ghtna mumbai me hi mere sath hui thi jobm ap sab se share karba chat hu. Aslam or junaid mere padosi h jinka mere ghar ana jana laga rahta h meri shadi 12 dec 2015 ko fix hui to ghat me bahut kaam tha to ye log mere ghar me help karne ke liye ate the mera mumbai me 3 bhk ka ghar h jisme mai or mere mom dad rahte h 12 dec ko ghar me bhaut ristedar aye hu the pass hi ek...

2 years ago
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Sniveling Sissy Sisters

SNIVELING SISSY SISTERS by Throne I got to my girlfriend Denise's house and was greeted inside the door by her sissy husband. He was in one of his typical outfits, very girly and tight enough to show off his slender figure. It was a cropped baby tee and yoga pants, along with ballet slippers. His hair was parted in the middle and only reached over the tops of his ears. He did a little curtsey, like he's been trained to do, which brought a slight blush to his cheeks. He didn't have...

4 years ago
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Getting Ready for PromChapter 2

It was while he was disrobing that he realized this was all real. He was about to expose his erection to his baby girl. That wasn’t unusual in and of itself ... but the setting was different. The purpose was different. The fact that she was obviously eager to see it was what made it impossible to resist doing. Then, when he finally stood up, his boner jutting from his loins, she didn’t close her legs. That protective hand on her belly moved, but her fingers didn’t bar entrance to her pussy...

2 years ago
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Teasing at lake

Hello babes read this story!!! This will make u horny Amy bass was a sexy twenty-two year old woman who now found her-self living in a strange town and married to a twenty-eight- year old workaholic… Amy and her husband had moved to a new town a couple of month’s ago when her husband took on a new sales job with a new company. Her husband just left again for another week long business trip and the five-foot three, hundred and ten pound blond found her-self lonely and bored again, so she drove...

1 year ago
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ArchAngelVideo Rachel Cavalli Shatter My Pussy

In heels and sexy lingerie, ArchAngel MILF Rachel Cavalli is always ready when the opportunity to fuck arises. And today, opportunity rises right out of Derrick Pierce’s pants. Crawling across the sofa, the busty blonde sucks his big cock into her drooling deep throat. She pops his knob from her mouth and spit drenches her big tits before she straddles him cowgirl. Every thrust makes her big ass ripple. She moans. She needs his hard-on, shaved pussy to mouth. Derrick wants her clit begging....

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She slipped into town, without anyone having a clue. No phone calls ahead, no planning, just a mad, impulsive decision made in the dead of night. She was waiting in the shadows as he approached, totally unaware - his mind focused on the tasks he must face when he got to work. She stepped into his path, the movement causing him to look up. Shock and disbelief crossed his face as he realized that he was not imagining this, but she was actually standing in front of him - in the flesh! He was at a...

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London 2012 Marathon Man

Weatherfield England, Summer 2012, the London Olympics year.This is Johnno Allthwaite 'Marathon Man's story in his own words.We was down the Flying Horse one night having a few bevvies Al and me when this bloke in a tracksuit with a clipboard and stopwatch walks in."Hey, no trainers allowed in here," some clever dick twat in a roll neck sweater pipes up."Very funny," the guy says, and he turns to this group of posh twats sat there and asks,"And what exactly are you doing here?" he...

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A Great Sex With My Uncle8217s Office Staff Person

Hello my name is Dharmesh Arora. I am a charter engineer graduated from USA and I am from Delhi. I am fair and good looking men 6ft is my height I am huge fan of iss stories, while studying in USA my age was about 19 and during every summer vacation I used to come India to visit my parents and family, when I visited India, I was feeling bored in home so I decided to visited my uncle’s house for 1 month stay which was in Gujarat by flight and I don’t want to mention where in Gujarat. My uncle is...

1 year ago
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Ch 01 Falling For Mr Lowenstein

‘Sure thing, Mr. Lowenstein. I’ll be there before they get home from school. Bye now.’ I hung up the phone and ran up the stairs to my room to gather my stuff. ‘Mom!! I’m going to babysit the Lowensteinses. Mr. Lowenstein said he’d probably be pretty late so chances are I’ll be sleeping over again.’ ‘Alright. Call me in the morning. Later.’ I went down the elevator and exited onto Park Avenue. I quickly hailed a cab and got in, I only had a half hour or so until the girls got home from...

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Santa Specials

I was building up the fire ready for departure, two shovels front right, two front left, when I heard the voice of a buffet steward calling to get my attention. I leant my head out of the cab door and froze, but not from the cold December air. Tilted up at me was a small pixie face, dusted with freckles, surrounded by shining brown hair, and smiling blue eyes. I was speechless. Suddenly I realised that she was talking to me, and I was staring, not hearing a word she had said. ‘Sorry — I didn’t...

2 years ago
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I get Fucked as a Woman part Two

In the first part of this 100% true story, I met with a guy that answered a CL ad I posted. We met and after some strange beginnings we arranged to meet and take things to a higher level.This is the continuation of that encounter.My wife was invited to visit her family about three hours away in the middle of the state. She was leaving on Saturday morning and coming home either later that night or on Sunday. I told he I had to work at the story on Saturday, and altho I really wanted to go with...

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CHAPTER ICould Masturbation Really Be A Sin? Emma and I had known each other since we were kids. We met at Sunday School at St Paul’s Cathedral, our local church. We attended Confirmation Classes together and later joined the youth group, the Fellowship Of St George. In our early teens we were invited by the Dean, Father James McLean, to become Alter Servers, helping officiate during services. Emma was a pretty girl about five foot six with shoulder length brown hair, freckles and beautiful...

2 years ago
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Evolution part 2

A brief note: I intended to finish this story a long time ago but things got pretty crazy. I hope the next part will be up with a substantially smaller delay. I hope you enjoy. 6- The next few weeks weren't too bad for Marko. He wore a bra and panties under his clothes every day and met Cal before school every weekday for underwear checks. He visited Max every day. She was only in the hospital for the first 6 days. Even after she was cleared and went home, Marko visited her at...

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Tiktok Sluts

Make sure to hit "Start Game" for a more interactive experience. In the not-so-distant future of 2024, Tiktok's true purpose has begun to come to light. Over the years, millions of women of legal age have come to use the app which has slowly driven subliminal messages into their minds, resulting in lower IQ, lower inhibitions, and a raised libido. Of course, men cottoned onto this and began to encourage the use of the app for all females. What's better than having a happy and willing ass...

Mind Control
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Hypnotising My Brother to Cure His Shyness optional part two

*Be warned this part is optional for a reason, it involves pegging which for the uninitiated is when a girl uses a strapon on a guy, it's not for everyone.* I then when I recovered got Adam to clean up and dress. One of the nicest things about hypnosis was ordering someone to clean up things. She couldn't wait for tomorrow but she had to set things up. ‘Ok Adam in your room in the top drawer I have placed a butt plug and a tube of lube you are to insert the plug and wear it for the rest of...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 14

After a surprisingly short rest, both girls regained their perkiness of before, and we prepared to leave. As we left, the three women embraced each other tenderly. I looked at Amud and smiled, holding out my hand. He took my outstretched hand in both of his in a sign of friendship. "Would you and your wife consider visiting us sometime?" I asked him. "There are so many questions I have, so much I have to learn." I paused, a little embarrassed at my admissions. "Sally is so far ahead of...

1 year ago
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Down at The Creek

I left my house pretty early because I figured I was gonna be out for a while. I found a creek yesterday, so today, I figured I’d walk along it and maybe find something cool. The early-fall breezes felt amazing on my skin, especially after a few hours of walking. The further into the forest I walked, the less breeze, and the stickier the air grew. The creek began to open up pretty wide with the trees also clearing up a bit. My jaw dropped in awe when I walked further and realized the creek...

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Adams ApplesChapter 17 Guess Whorsquos Coming for Dinner

“HELLO. I’M REBA SMITH. I’ve been sent by the alphabet soup department to collect a baby from Mr. Adams,” the redhead at the door said. Ramsey looked at her skeptically. Another Smith sent to collect Jack’s... Wait a minute. “It’s not right to make someone work on Thanksgiving,” I said. “Come in and join us for dinner. We’re just having drinks before we go downstairs for the meal.” “Oh yes, thank you.” Reba pranced into the room like she owned it, went directly to Jack and kissed him. He...

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Step Mom Comforts Me When it Thunders

I have always been scared of thunder and lightening since I can remember, wakening up to the banging and clashing of thunder and running in to my parents bedroom.Mom just knew after that first clap she heard, I would be joining her in their bed and she would have the bedclothes lifted for me to climb in next to her. She would cuddle us together, kissing the top of my head to pacify me as the noise continued. Dad never batted an eyelid and continued snoring, unaware I was in their bed. As I hit...

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The Awakening of Chris Part 6

I walked back through the coolness of the kitchen and out into the heat of the pool area. I walked back into my apartment and saw Caley and Paul sitting at the table eating breakfast. Caley was in a towel. She looked beautiful. Paul turned, "At last.....thought you had left for the day. Everything OK?" I could see that Paul was a little worried about how things might have gone regarding his little hook up last night. "Everything's fine, just needed to wait for Mom to get out...

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A cette époque, j'avais 18 ans, je m'étais bien rendu compte que je n'étais pas attiré par les filles. Au contraire, j'étais émoustillé par les hommes, quand j'en voyais dénudés à la télé ou plus rarement dans la vie de tous les jours....Et je fantasmais sur d'autres, comme mon prof de sport que je trouvais charmant, le petit copain de ma grande soeur que j'essayais d'espionner dans la salle de bain quand il restait dormir à la également mon oncle Damien, le petit frère de mon père...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 2

~~Darian~~ Darian growled, louder than he wanted to, and when he glanced at Medusa, she was looking at him with a confused expression. No luck there, she’d heard them, and she lowered her human half down next to him. She kept looking at him through the corner of her eye, but the monsters before them weren’t the sort you took your eyes off of. “It’s Darian now. Fuck off,” he said. The three winged women glared at him, exposed their shark teeth, and scowled. But they said nothing; the masks...

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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 26

Charles and Flower of Spring were ready to begin the distillation process as soon as they got the crude oil unloaded. They had found that the distillation process delivered several different "fractions" as it was boiled at different temperatures. As the lower boiling components came off the oil, the mass left in the pot became more and more viscous. Finally, they reached the point where nothing more was coming from the pot, so they dumped it before it could cool down and solidify. Part of...

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Getting Retribution

In the twenty-two years that my wife Jennifer and I have been married, I had always chosen not to stray. Don’t get me wrong. I would be an incredible flirt with all the ladies. However, if a girl was to actually accept my advances, I would wittingly get myself out of the situation and run home to the wife. After catching my wife Jennifer fucking her coworker, I gave her my blessing to fuck anyone she wanted to. Since then, our marital situation has changed dramatically. We could choose to be...

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CuffsChapter 4

We were able to get to the starting point before the cutoff, so we’d be able to march in the parade. I encourage you to search for New York City’s Village Halloween Parade and look at the pictures, it’s hard to understand how big it is otherwise. We had to wait about an hour in the staging area before we could start moving north. We had been chatting with other marchers while we waited. One couple we met recreated the farmer with the pitchfork and his wife painting. Another pair of girls...

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A Touch of Magic

Prologue We stood before the tribunal pleading for mercy. We knew it would fall on deaf ears but it was worth a shot. My father and I were facing certain death, we each took huge risks in supporting my wife and mother in their training but it was worth it. My name is Izod Hammel. I am a grand wizard and president of the Wizard's Council. My father is Ozmodias Hammel, a retired wizard who himself was once president of the Wizard's Council. We have spent the better part of four...

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ObserverChapter 18 Day 324

It's Friday, and Carol's 23rd birthday. I took her to Manhattan for dinner, and afterwards we went to see Andrew Lloyd Webber's play 'Cats', at the Winter Garden Theatre. I had seen it five years earlier as Peter, but it's such a wonderful play that I wondered why I hadn't come back again before this. I sat amused as I watched Carol absentmindedly play with the little bell on her collar throughout the play. Many of the actors on stage wore collars too, but I'm sure that theirs all...

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KJ a special show

PPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hey Ms.KJ, come peek in my window. I know you been looking at me over your apartment window. I can’t see you, but I feel your presence there. Your stair is deep I can feel it even if over and pass the courtyard of the building complex. I say to myself peeking over the red velvet curtain over my window panel. Damn, I know she's there! No, I have not gone totally mental I been staying in this apartment long enough to know everyone around me. About 2months ago...

4 years ago
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Sweet Sex With My Cute Girlfriend

Hi everyone, my name kumar and I am kind and loving person . Today I came before you to share my real-time experience with my sweet girlfriend whom I loved from head to toe for ages. If any female of any age wish to contact me then mail me to I will wait for ur comments and messages . As I am new to this iss , I appreciate if you give me suggestions after reading my personal experience which I love much.   Coming to the main part , the queen of my story is my sweet girlfriend swati (name...

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