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Eine Serie von falschen Entscheidungen

Es begann am Ende unseres letzten Jahres in der High School. Wir waren zwei Mädchen, die gerade 18 geworden sind und so stolz darauf, erwachsen zu sein (ohne alle Folgen dieses Begriffs zu verstehen), und wir stehen vor dem Eintritt ins College. Wir waren zwei naive weiße Mädchen, die in sicheren Vorstadtvierteln, in gut situierten Häusern aufwuchsen. Wir hatten ein Leben, auf das wir uns freuen konnten, das erste College, und wer weiß was? Warum wir die dummen Sachen gemacht haben, verstehe...

2 years ago
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Zoeys Blackmail

"Another boring Friday night for your insomniac ass," Zoey said to the girl in the mirror. She was right, of course. The night had been fairly boring indeed. Zoey had less friends than she would have liked, and it seemed they always made plans without her these days. Likely it was due to her shyness, she thought - Zoey barely said a word when she was invited places. When at a party, she was the type to make fantastic friends with the house cat. On such boring Friday nights, Zoey would first...

11 months ago
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You started your day like any other. Wake up, jack off in the shower, eat breakfast with the family, then go upstairs to enjoy some hypnoerotica online before work. Except, this time, there was an email. You click on the bookmark for your email page, head tilted as you look at the title. 'Your Life Changes Today'? Sounds like spam... but a quick glance at the address shows it's your friend X from the forum. He always liked showing you any new porn he found, even though you started talking a...

2 years ago
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Change or Listen

After a bad day, you, Jacob Ryan, are reading in the library. Suddenly, you spot a weird american history book, it talks about the Native Americans and their curses. The only one that catches your eye is the "Change or listen" curse. The book explains that the curse was passed down amd changed into its neutered, powerless, younged sibling, "either you'll change yourself, or youl listen to what i have to say." Supposedly, the Natives used it to correct wayward children,explaining why parents use...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Campaign

"Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons. A game of adventure, ingenuity, and most importantly, imagination. This will be a game unlike any other you have ever played before. You will play the role of a character that you create, you will in a very real way inhabit this character. You will live their life, you will suffer through their struggles, and you will celebrate their victories. You are heroes and adventurers. Your travels will take to the far off corners of my magical realm. Together you will...

2 years ago
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Lang lebe das Knigreich

Prolog. "Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub", es waren die letzten Worte die der Priester vor dem offenen Grab sprach. Die Regentschaft von König Rudolph II. war tatsächlich zu ende. So war es auch für die Trauergemeinde Zeit, endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Dem Rang entsprechend erwies der designierte König, Ferdinand, als erster dem Toten die letzte Ehre. Ihm folgte seine Mutter, Königin Adelheid. Es folgten die ranghohen Mitglieder der Königsfamilie, Klerikale, ranghohe Militär und...

3 months ago
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Fucking Dodie

“Hi I’m Dodie, pleased to meet you. What was your name again?” John Doe “That’s a really lovely name” She stands in front of you wearing a tiny white top that is basically a bra (the slut loves showing herself off as we will see). A pink jacket, a grey skirt that doesn’t even reach her knees” “I really love your outfit, you look amazing” you say “Omg that’s so nice, do you want to know something though?” “What?” You reply puzzled “My outfit isn’t complete” she says with a naughty smile “How...

2 years ago
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Mommas sissy boy

My name’s Sam but you can call me Samantha, that’s what my mom calls me. When I ask her why she says because she loves me like I’m her little princess, regardless of me being a guy... Well the most manly thing about me is my penis and that’s not that big. I was born with a severe case of Kleinfelter's syndrome meaning I have very pronounced female features. I have large, round juicy hips and thighs, my ass is big round and perky like a bubblebutt, my boobs are a cup B size and my face looks...

2 years ago
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Sapphos daughters

This a place for stories about women loving women .It doesn't matter what type of story it is ,as long as it contains lesbians it's welcomed here.Whether you like horror ,romance ,mystery,drama or adventure there's something for everybody here.

2 years ago
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The Musketeers in Sexworld

Paris, 1630. Or possibly 2017, it's up to you. Athos, Aramis, Porthos and d'Artagnan are known for their devastating good looks, swashbuckling swordplay and military prowess, but it's their success in the bedroom (and salon and palace and tavern and stable and basically everywhere else) that I find more interesting. This is a "sexworld" AU, so public sex is commonplace while STI's and pregnancy are not a concern. Ah, the joys of fiction. Different paths may not align. Hope you enjoy!

1 year ago
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The Perils of Kimberly Williams

Kimberly stepped gingerly off the small transport boat. It had been over 15 hours of plane flights followed by this latest 3 hour boat ride to her final destination. She smiled as she felt the warm sun bathe her soft pale skin. Her husband quickly followed her off the boat carrying their two large suitcases. "Thank you dear." She said with a smile as her hand brushed his strong arm. He returned the smile and passed the two bags off to some dark skinned native boys who were working the docks...

1 year ago
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Dragon Ball Z Universe Tournament Saga Onwards

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED DISCONTINUED, AS THE CHARACTER IS NOW IMPLEMENTED AS A SECONDARY PROTAGONIST AND MAIN CHARACTER IN DRAGON BALL: THE SON OF KARKOREAN! PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR STORY:}}} THE LINK:!:!!:!!: Craiger was the Grandson of Cruegiuse, and a Pure-blooded Saiyan who was considered Royalty by all the Gods of Destruction, but since Cruegiuse sacrificed himself to Wound Goku Black and died...

1 year ago
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You wake up this morning to the sight of your younger sister Sarah pulling your covers off of you. "Get up Cody, you don't want to be late for school." You get dressed for school after Sarah leaves your room. you never mind school that much, you mostly get B's and A's in your classes but given the opportunity you would like to just stay home and watch movies or play video games. You go downstairs and see everyone eating pancakes for breakfast. Your mother is talking on the phone to her...

3 years ago
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Gomorrah Harem

(READ SYNOPSIS) Seagulls are making the usual noise, polluting your ears as you waited in your throne room. Harir, your Matrimonial Adviser-such a title became frequent as harems became popular- had set an appointment with Duke Farhel Mortron of Bradan. You were not appointed to marry him of course, rather it was his daughter, lady Shasa. You heard very little of the Mortron family, in fact their family is rather young amongst the nobility that come to you. Apparently Duke Farhel's great...

2 years ago
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Your Tiny Housemate

You drive home after a very stressful day at work. Pulling into the driveway and letting yourself into the rustic, spacious home, you plop down on the couch by the crackling fireplace. Beneath the soft crackling, however, you swear you can hear some sounds coming from the kitchen. You live too far from anybody for it to be a burglar, but investigate anyway. Maybe a raccoon got in. Well, you were half right. There was something in your kitchen, and they were stealing from you, but they weren't...

3 months ago
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Orc Toy

The first thing you remember were the screams, the guttural high pitched shrieks of pain and death. Then the door being kicked across the tiny hut your family had seeked shelter in, followed by the hulking dark green beast that stalked through, her eyes glowing bright red as she swung her axe and cleaved through your mother and sister's necks. In a desperation you grabbed the nearest knife and managed to wound her just below the rib. Howling with fury the she orc slammed you across the jaw...

11 months ago
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Dziennik Gigantki

W latach 2008 dowiedziałam się czegoś niesamowitego o sobie. Nikomu o tym jeszcze nie powiedziałam i wątpię czy komukolwiek o tym powiem. Mianowicie jedną myślą potrafię zmniejszać ludzi! O kimkolwiek pomyśle że chciałabym żeby był mały, to się automatycznie zmniejsza! Sama nie wiem czy to przekleństwo czy dar. Na samym początku nie wiedziałam co robić, bałam się myśleć o kimkolwiek, bo bałam się ze się zmniejszy. Ale w końcu nastał dzień co zaczęłam to akceptować a nawet i polubić. A to...

2 years ago
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Artifical Twins

Die meisten von Katjas Freunde hatte nach den Abitur bereits mit dem Studium oder einer Ausbildung begonnen. Nur Katja ließ sich Zeit. Zum einen weil sie sich nicht entscheiden konnte was sie letztendlich Studieren soll und zum anderen hatte sie auch keinen Druck seitens ihrer Familie. Ihre Mutter sagte immer das Katja das Leben erst einmal genießen soll. Katja hatte sich daher entschieden erst mal eine Auszeit nach der Schule zu nehmen und Verwandte in den USA zu besuchen. Das war vor zwei...

2 years ago
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A Change

I walk up just like any other day, miserably while rolling out of bed. Reason why, I'm always miserable because I can't get some pussy in my life. Yes that's common but, all my friends are getting and I feel like I'm being left out. My hard on never helps either, no matter how many times I stay up all night beating my meat. It just pops right back up....I guess that's a good thing. If I had some pussy in my life. Whatever, nonetheless I get dressed and say goodbye to my mother and sister and...

6 months ago
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Die Nacht im Fitnessstudio

Sonntag 16.08.2017, 22:55 Uhr. Das Fitnessstudio „Fit and Fun“ in einem Vorort von Frankfurt ist fast menschenleer. Kein Wunder, es ist ein lauer Sommerabend und um 23 Uhr macht das Studio wie üblich dicht. Hinter der Theke ist die 23-jährige Bianca dabei die Tageseinnahmen zu zählen. Viel ist es nicht, aber 322,50 € sind für einen Sonntag gar nicht mal so übel. Sie kann es gar nicht erwarten endlich nach Hause zu kommen. Die lange Steherei hinter der Theke hat sie müde gemacht. Ihr...

1 year ago
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My Slut Whore Wife P1

Early last week my wife came from the mountain to spend couple of days with me, since we were alone without our kids for a change I booked a small chalet in a Beach Resort instead of staying home. When she arrived home we packed few things and headed towards the Resort about an hour drive from the city. On our way there stopping by a market to bye few things we decided taking with us few bottles of Vodka and Rose Wine with some snacks to have for our stay . Going out from the market she took a...

8 months ago
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Amber and the Professor

Amber was late for her appointment with Professor Crimson. He was kind enough to let her come by his home for her oral dissertation. Unfortunately, Amber got stuck in college traffic and arrived a half hour late. She rang the bell but got no response. Hearing voices coming from the back, she crept quietly around the corner of the house and hid in the bushes. The Professor led his wife by the hand to a chair in the center of a screened porch. He used his stern teacher voice.."what did we agree...

2 years ago
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Attack of the Undead

Amber was helpless, surrounded on all sides by zombies. Exhausted, out of ammo, and all alone. Her situation has dire. 'Fuck!' She exclaimed through panted breath. Having just managed to slam the gate shut so they could not get her, buying her a few moments respite. She had been separated from her group when the zombies attacked, and had no choice but grab what she could and flee in the confusion. When they came she had been in a state of undress, having just washed. So, barely dried, she...

5 months ago
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Turning Some Heads

John kept thinking about his luck as he clutched the shiny gray gun in his hand. One day the nondescript box containing the gun and a short message appeared in his post box. "You've been given this gun to do with what you wish. We wish you luck." At first John dismissed it as just a toy and a simple prank, considering how much like it looked like of those space guns one would find in the kids' section of any store. However, John pulled the trigger for fun's sake and was taken aback by the beam...

2 years ago
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Falling Clouds

“Scccrreeeeeeaaaaa!” A dinosaur known as a pterosaur flies above the atmosphere screaming. After screaming it bellows out a massive stream of fire at the airship. Men had built only to see it charred and falling down below the clouds. Once it lands with a massive thud breaking up into ashes another dinosaur comes in rushing out of the forest named an Allosaurus. Opening its jaws and tearing apart segments of the ship discover dead carcasses of men to devour. This the land of fantasy where men...

1 year ago
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Mage quest

Welcome to mage quest. In this world, before a mage can fully graduate a leave the mage tower that they've spent the last 10 years in (imagine if high school to masters were all one building) to face the final trial, the hall of near infinite dungeons. If they pass the trial, they will receive their degree and be able to journey the world. Your name is Taylor. And you are eager to get out. And all magic requires you to have your magical tool. Though occasionally magic will happen wildly around...

6 months ago
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Presidential Perks

You stand in the middle of your new office, and slowly turn in a circle, taking in every detail. You still can't believe the events of the last few days, and how you got to this point. It seems like a dream, and yet when your eyes settle on your new desk, you know this is absolutely real. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT You pick up the sign from your desk, and twirl it over in your fingers. When your father, the previous president of your country, had called you to his death bed you had expected the...

2 years ago
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Antique shops treasures The lost stories

Setting sun’s streaks shined through the windows, illuminating the rooms with the red light, creating an unmistakable magical atmosphere in the antique shop... and the things that were in the shop, were no less magical. Beautiful old tables, chairs and cabinets, crafted from the fine wood with a beautiful hand carved decorations. The handmade carpets, curtains, tablecloths and clothes with elaborate designs – some of the scenes on them, told their own stories. The earrings, paintings, chamber...

1 year ago
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Hot For Teacher

"Mr. Johnson? Mr. Johnson?" The voice of one of my students snapped me out of my daydream. "Yes, er, Heather?" I said, rubbing my stubble absent mindedly. "The dismissal bell rang, could we be excused?" She asked. I looked at my watch and saw it was dismissal time. "Alright, everyone you can go. Have a good weekend, sorry about that." I apologized. I'm Matthew Johnson, teacher of Advanced World History to the seniors at Northcliff High School. I'm not what many people would describe as...

3 months ago
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Choose a fetish

Billy was all was a kinky boy. He wanted to discover all his kinks and explore it all by the time he turned 21. He had been planning this sense he was 14. He knew that he couldn't find a regular girl to do this thing. He was into some nasty stuff, he like being piss on and use as a toilet; also sometime he could be submissive. He like getting breast milk, and doing fat girl, smother, etc. A lot of these things he had even tried or attempted. No he had to find the right woman to do it. That is...

1 year ago
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A Nameless Joes Story

One -Where our protagonist is introduced and not much else happens- This is the story of someone. And this certain someone will be called JOE for simplicity's sake. That doesn't mean that his real name is JOE. He's just JOE. Wearing a white tank top and boxers. Slouching on the rotating chair in front of his small laptop on a corner of his small apartment room was one of the things that would occupy most of his days since graduating from college. Not even in his late 20's, he already felt...

2 years ago
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A Greninjas Adventure

"Ugghhh....why do I always have to gather food for you again...", said the you pokemon cleary irritated by her mother. "Because im your mother, and because I told you to, I warned you that you would have to help me with your have to stop doing things just for yourself sometime krystal, you're helping whether you like it or not. "Fine...", krystal headed off into the trees looking for berries and plants for them to eat, the two greninja's lived in a small forest area abundant with...

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Your life to live

Before we begin, I'll need to know who you want to be. It all starts here: Put yourself into the same situations as different people. This will all depend on your sex, age, and orientation. There are multiple girls and two writers working on this project. If you want to join please do so.

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Blind dating

This story is not limited to only humans and regular sex, and things might get weird. You have been warned. You are Dick Coney a 23-year-old college student, you have black hair and brown eyes, and is about 1.75 m tall. Your best friend Ajax, ginger with blue eyes and a tad bit taller than you, he was showing off his girlfriend in front of you the other day, what a dick.You felt a little jealous and thought that it was time you found a girlfriend for yourself, and what better way to find one...

10 months ago
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The Book Of The Damned

The library is empty, only the three of you, and the librarian, are left in the building. Thanks to the permission of the dean, you are allowed to stay all night researching for the assignment. The sky is full black, no stars, and a bright half moon. The three of you are in the first floor, in three different tables, with different mountains of books, a few tables in front of you is the librarian. The three students don't get along, they are very different from each other. But they have to work...

10 months ago
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Time Stop Watch

The shrill ringing of your alarm clock fills your room, forcing you to wake up. You sit up in your bed and a sharp pain displays itself in your head. You feel different somehow. Getting out of your bed, you head out of your bedroom and into the small apartment kitchen, your stomach growling loudly. As you enter the room you notice your roomate, Charlie (24), sitting on the couch reading a book, his reading glasses making his eyes look twice as big as they really were. When he heard you, he...

2 years ago
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Stories of religiously minded girls trying to preserve their virginity and women trying to avoid pregnancy the old fashioned way (when/where birth control is not available), but feel free to use your imagination. Vaginal sex isn't off the table, but would only occur later in a story arc after alternative methods have been tried. If your story includes non-consent, incest, or other similarly controversial elements, tag appropriately in the title of the start of your thread, ex. [non-consent]....

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The Perverted Overlord

In the year 2126 AD the world of online games was revolutionized by the game YGGDRASIL. Named after the World Tree of Norse mythology, YGGDRASIL is a fantasy-themed open world MMORPG. YGGDRASIL captivated gamers from around the world for more than a decade for 2 distinctly immersive reasons: -A highly customizable system consisting of more than 2000 classes for players to multiclass with, endless item drops and craftable items and equipment, fully customizable bases and NPCs to defend against...

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An Intruder

Just to set the scene, "You" are a wealthy bachelor, spending a night alone in your secluded mansion. The other character in this story is Alice, a 19 year old college student from a poor family, who is forced to steal in order to support herself while she studies. Now lets get started.... You wake up with a raging hard-on, the image of a young blonde with legs spread wide still fresh in your mind from your dream. You try to go back to sleep, hoping the blonde will still be there, but you are...

1 year ago
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Locker Room Kombat

The Battle Has Begun! It's the start of the game, and of one boy's journey to dominance over his peers! This journey will include four boys, each engaging one-another in one-on-one combat, wagering sexual humiliation for the loser! Choose your moves carefully, or that could be you! It's time to pick your champion! 1: Nicky the Nerd! Don't let his lack of upper-body strength fool you! Nicky is as scrappy as they come, and if anybody has something to prove, it's this guy! Tall and lean, Nicky has...

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The Slut Farm

The beat up green Toyota that Beth Anne drove along the bumpy rural road to Arakawa Acres wouldn't raise an eyebrow from most. But, to Beth Anne it was a thing of beauty. Her pappy once told her that everything is more beautiful if you earned it with your own two hands. It was a beautiful car, even though it had a few parts missing. A part time job will only earn you so much. One of the parts missing was the driver's side window. Without it, the sounds of the farm was the radio station she...

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Der Duft des GenMais

Robert Langhans saß angespannt in seinem großen Sessel und las konzentriert in einem Bericht den ihm seine Sekretärin am morgen auf seinen großen, modernen, gläsernen Schreibtisch gelegt hatte. Langhans war der Chef des Forschungslabors III der Biggehaus Gen-Food Co. und das was er aus diesem Bericht entnahm war nicht gerade dazu angetan ihn in naher Zukunft beruhigter schlafen zu lassen. Es handelte sich um die Analyse eines Versuchs den seine Firma in einem freien Gelände mit genverändertem...

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The Hooterville Stories

Welcome to the picturesque town of Hooterville, population 1298. Situated in the boring backwoods of the American rural country, take East Tapp Rd out of New Witchshire for about 23 miles, and then take a left on to state road 33 for quite a few more miles. But then you get to city limits at Camden Crossing Rd, cross the Montgomery river, named so for a local civil war general who saved the town during a northern invasion at this very bridge. A memorial to the battle stands on the far side of...

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A Special Breeding Project

A large, well-dressed man stopped at the entrance of a huge cement building to look up at the sign hanging above the entrance. His dark brown eyes glimmered with excitement. The massive black Great Dane at his side readily met his master's gaze when he looked down to him. The man took a moment to sweep his salt-and-pepper hair back and readjust his suit before taking the Great Dane's collar in one hand and pulling open one of the doors with the other. "Tex, my boy," the man told his dog....

6 months ago
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The Invention of Lying

It all started out innocently enough, I had been eating a home cooked meal that my girlfriend, Kelly, had tried to cook and it wasn't very good. The meat was dry and overdone, the vegetables were wet and almost tasteless, however I had managed to say, "Thanks honey, that dinner was great" It took a second for me to comprehend what I had just said, I didn't quite know what I had done. I certainly didn't enjoy the meal and wanted to tell Kelly that she could do with some cooking lessons. I had...

1 year ago
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a Home Away from Home

I stare listlessly through the glass window pane, watching as the trees woosh past in a blur; every now and then i see a stag or doe proudly standing, munching on grass and barely looking at us when we drive past; cars are so common here that the wildlife doesn't have the sense to be afriad. We take a sudden turn onto a dirt path, the car's suspension groans and soon the sound of gravel being crunched under the wheels fills the air as we turn the corner and the house comes into view. It's an...

1 year ago
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Die Rocky Horror Truthahn Story

Jannette und Bill waren unterwegs. Sie wollten zu einem Hochschullehrer von Bill, der draussen auf dem Land wohnte. Es war Nacht, es war stürmisch und es regnete in strömen. Ausserdem wurd die Strasse immer schmaler. Schon seit Kilometern waren sie sich sicher, sich verfahren zu haben. "Wir sind hier falsch!" sagte Bill in dem Moment, als der Asphalt aufhörte und nur noch eine Piste weiterging. "Ich werd wenden." Er versuchte umständlich auf dem schmalen Weg zu wenden. BÄNG! Ein Knall. "Was war...

1 year ago
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Lost downtown

The usual complex of gay guys living in the sticks, Jason needed to escape his small town, it was the only reason to get a license and a job to get his beaten up car to get him the hell away from his soul destroying home! Jason had to stop, the car wasnt going to take him any further. But he could see the lights of the city on the other side of a huge dense forest so knew he was still in the right direction. Abandoning his car Jason grabbed his backpack and started on the road. After half an...

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Grander Treasure

It is well known that an adventure needs to start somewhere. In your case, it could have started with your engagement, or even the day you embarked on the long journey to meet your future spouse. However, I am sorry to say, your adventure started a few weeks after both of those things, in a pile of rotting hardtack. Smoke was filling the small hole you were hiding in. The space had been for food storage, but now you were cramming yourself in between infested rations, while a battle raged...

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Liberation of Anloo

It's late September 1944 and me and my squad are on the outskirts of Anloo,The Netherlands.I"m Sergeant John Ridgeway of the First Canadian Army. In all there are ten of us on a road that leads through Anloo. We've been tracking a group of Nazi trying to get back to German soil. So far they responsible for the outright slaughter of two towns and we made it our job to bring them to justice or death,whatever came first. From inside a dense wooded area i have three of my men check out the...

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Sanguine Rise

Vampires, creatures of extraordinary beauty and strength, blood drinkers of fairy-tales and nightmares. Capable of not only literally tearing a person limb from limb but extremely hard to kill as well unless one knew how. Silver and wooden stakes being the best options. Garlic was just a bullcrap myth created by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could handle the sun just fine, instead of being lethal it only weakened them. Another turn on the myth is that vampires were the living...

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High School DXXXD

Life. It can be pretty funny. Or it can totally suck ass and be wrenched from one in the most unfair of ways. You know, I'd like to say I went out bravely, fighting for my ideals, protecting a babe from a vicious creature, or making a hard choice and dying so that others may live. Sadly, the truth is nothing nearly as amazing. First day as a freshman at Kuoh academy. No friends, no direction and no clue. You silently shook your first in anger at your parents choice to move to Japan.( I mean,...

10 months ago
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Labours Day

Last Saturday my client called me saying that she is arriving on Sunday noon to the airport to transfer her to the south of the country where she lives and work. She is a Marocan lady in her late 36 of age nicely fitted like a doll and we are so close friends but never had any sexual thaughts or intention. Picking her from the arrival terminal she delighted me with her outfit, she had such a very short slim leather skirt which shows clearly her nice rounded cracks and on the top a tiny nearly...

2 years ago
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Hallo, ich bin Sarah Neumann. Ich studiere Biologie mit Schwerpunkt Biomechanik. Das ist ein hochinteressantes Feld. Als studentische Hilfkraft arbeite ich an einem militärischem Projekt mit. Wir erforschen den Aufbau und die Steuerung künstlicher Organismen. Unser größter Erfolg ist ein Organismus, der hochbewegliche Greifarme ohne Knochen bildet. Das muss man sich wie die Arme einer Krake vorstellen. Nur wir haben sie noch deutlich größer hinbekommen! Die Arbeit in dem Labor machte mir...

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Tales of the Sea Witch

The five women stood in the middle of the deck, surrounded by leering men. Mere hours ago they’d been happy at the thought their long sea voyage would soon be over. But then the pirates had struck like lightning out of a clear sky. The raider’s ship was called the Sea Witch. Its figurehead showed a naked, dark-haired woman. Her nipples were gilded, and her pose was lewd, with her head thrown back and her mouth open in a moan of pleasure. The ship’s flag was red, the sign of a pirate, and after...

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Hardly Working and Working Hard

Character Descriptions Main Garrett is of average height and build with moderately defined shoulders and arms, has locked dark hair down to his shoulders, and a trimmed beard. He is a Black and Indigenous transman and college student who wears whatever clothes he wants, eats whatever ever he wants, and plays video games and works out occasionally. Partners Oliver is taller than Garrett, meatier, dark hair just past his shoulders, with a trimmed stubbly face. He is Indigenous from the plains and...

1 year ago
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Wanting to be bred

Your sitting in your room with one of your hands down your shorts and the other is scrolling through an exotic story on your phone. Your rubbing your clit it desperation trying to get your release from your built up frustrations. But no matter what story you pull up it does not help and your frustration grows to a new level. So you throw the useless device across the room, pull your hand out of your pants, and scream. You are so tired of not being able cum with your own fingers. You're tired of...

2 years ago
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Train Copulation

You was sitting in the train, waiting for your stop to come. The problen was that its been 30 minutes and Google maps said it would take at least 10 minutes to get there. Never relying o that thing again, you thought. You wanted to do something that was less boring and began to think pervertedly.

1 year ago
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Carvers Caves

When you open your eyes you immediately realise you don't know where you are. Slowly you stand up and notice four things. You are in a field. There is a large cave opening up ahead. You do not know who you are. You are completely naked.

1 month ago
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Id Love to Rule The World

Your life was pretty normal until your 18th birthday. It was just you, your mom and your Grandma living in sunny California. You weren't rich, but lived a comfortable upper middle class life. When your father died he left behind quite a bit in life insurance. Honestly you like to think of it as the most worth while thing he's ever done. While your home life was pretty nice, school was another story. When everyone found out you were not only a lesbian but you also had a dick, they avoided you...

1 year ago
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Es war eine dieser typischen langweiligen Stunden in der Schule. Wie jeden Tag hatte mich das Taxi zu dem alten Gebäude, welches die Rockwell Privatschule beherbergte, gebracht. Draußen drückte die Hitze und allmählich drang diese auch in die Zimmer. Ich saß da und sah gelangweilt aus dem Fenster. Die Blätter an den Bäumen ruhten. Die Zeit schien einfach nicht zu vergehen. Mein Stuhl knackte. Meine Banknachbarin klopfte mit dem Fuß leicht dagegen. Doch das störte mich nicht, denn in meinem Kopf...

2 years ago
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The BBW Next Door

I'm a 30 year old married man with no children. My wife and I are happy enough, but I guess you could say I have an over active sex drive. We could make love three times a day and I would still eventually end up jerking off in the bathroom. My wife is 24, 5'4'', blonde and built like the marathon runner she is. I'm 6'1 about 230, but fit. I love my wife, but there are things missing from our sex life. For as long as I can remember I've always had a thing for big girls. The bigger the better. A...

6 months ago
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Rape Cop

Ashley is a rape cop. She's 21, blonde, athletic, with small firm tits. She wears a blue and black police uniform, with a short skirt and sheer black stockings. Ashley enters the dark rape lair, finding video equipment, whips, ropes and chains, knockout drugs, everything a hard-core serial ass-rapist would need. She follows the sounds of sobbing and moaning, and finds a bunch of hot, naked brunette girls tied up and bent over. The girls' young asses are all red and sore from being spanked and...

1 year ago
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How to become a pornstar

You walk into a unmarked building alone on a warm August night. You read an advertisement on Brazzers website, giving a phone number on how to apply to become the next big thing in porn. You didn't believe it, but you decided to apply anyway. And when Saturday came and you realized that you had nothing better to do you decided to go to the address that the man on the phone gave to you. When you see a receptionist, you see that she is very attractive. Long black hair, 36C chest and legs that are...

1 year ago
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Naughty Holiday

We arrive at the hotel and climb out of the taxi. The sun beams down on my face and reminds me of the great week I'm going to have. I'm on holiday in a tropical paradise with my family. Jenny, 22, is my older sister. She is a typical bimbo. Tall and slim with long blonde hair.She has tanned skin and is never without her make up. Jenny is always wearing sexy outfits to show off her body. Jenny is not nearly as dumb as her bimbo friends but she is never going to be a professor either. Sarah,...

1 year ago
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Rest Stop From Hell

I am not a fan of road trips, I much prefer flying but my faithful companion Rex, doesn’t like flying. We tried that once and when I saw him after the flight, he almost shed almost all his fur off. So in that instant, I decided no more flying, just the two of us on the open road. Where we are going? Well, Rex and I are taking a trip to see my parents for the weekend. We always traded, they would see me one year and then I would visit them, etc. I noticed Rex was looking a little uneasy,...

2 years ago
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Jessica Rabbits Massive Mammaries Many Mishaps

Jessica liked to shower. As strange as it sounds, the shower was the only place where she felt more or less normal. It wasn't the act of cleaning herself that gave her that feeling, but the mist: she liked her shower so hot that within seconds, everything around her disappeared behind a thick layer of vapor. The shower head, the ceiling, the walls, the shower glass door, everything vanished from her sight... even her tits. And that was when she felt normal. She was a strong woman, confident in...

1 year ago
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Der dreissigjaehrige Krieg

Wir schreiben das Jahr des Herren 1625. Es ist ein diesiger Morgen im September. Die Bewohner des kleinen Bauernhofes liegen noch schlafend auf ihren Strohsaecken. 30 Paar Augen starren gierig durch die Daemmerung. Sie sind 3 Tage am Stück maschiert und haben keine Beute machen koennen. Ihre Vorraete sind fast vollständig verbraucht. Aus dem Stall hoeren sie das Muhen einer Kuh, Schweine sind ebnfalls zu hoeren. Hungrig werden sie hier nicht weg gehen. Noch ahnen von all dem der 40 jährige...

2 months ago
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The ringing in your head has become a constant bother nowadays. What started as an occasional buzzing has now grown to an all out assault on you eardrums. Your eyes scrunch shut as you desperately wait for the aspirin to kick in. Flying has never agreed with you, and it's starting to show in the agitated looks your getting from your fellow passengers. You don't know when or how, but you manage to get to sleep. With a little luck, you'll sleep through the whole flight. A gentle breeze and the...

1 year ago
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Tempting Ashly

As the plane landed, Ashley couldn't help but think how she had gotten herself into this. It wasn't that she didn't like her cousin Tiffany, but she didn't like being sent away. She had been dating the school bad-boy for almost two years now and she had grown to love him deeply. But that didn't stop him from hurting her over and over. She wanted to save herself for marriage and hadn't slept with him and only occassionally gave him blowjobs. Because of that, he had often found other girls that...

7 months ago
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Enter the Porn

You opened the door to your room and shut it behind you. Dropping your bag on the bed you pulled out your brand new and now favorite possession, the Porn Experience. By luck you found out about it when you did because their was a mad rush to get it and you only got it because you were one of the first 10,000 to pre-order and from what the company who produced it told you your order for the Porn Experience was the 99,831th order. You looked down at the helmet that had the products names and logo...

2 years ago
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Lost in Wrong Side of Town

There's a sudden lurch as the bus hits a pothole and your head bangs against glass you were resting on. Not hard, but definitely hard enough to wake you with a jolt. It takes you a second to remember who you are and where you are, literally. Four hours of nonstop drinks and grinding can take a toll on your memory. Even then, you feel more groggy and tired than usual. You take a quick look at yourself in the barely visible reflection of yourself in the window. You are Elizabeth - wait no, you...

11 months ago
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One Version of Share and Share Alike

 PROLOGUEOf the two of us, Don and myself, I am the more outgoing, adventurous and willing to take a chance. When we got new neighbors three years ago, it fell to me to do the meet-and-greet ritual. I baked cookies for this round.“So, Rickie, how did it go?” My husband’s quizzed me as soon as I returned, that summer afternoon.I cautioned, “Names are Alice and Arnie. At least remember that.”I summed up, “They seem nice, moved here from California and they both have jobs doing computer...

2 years ago
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Wrestle Crisis

Your name is Mikey. You have been hired by an Unknown Wrestling Organization that mainly consist of female wrestlers of All Types. From Powerhouses to High-Flyers, These women are well-trained and anyone of them can become a legend. However, you are not alone in this crisis as you have your trusty manager to get you out of sticky situations..... well maybe.... Her name is Tina, a former wrestler in her own right that will train you at her gym today. You will be put through the ropes of...

2 years ago
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The Downward Spiral of Katelyn Haynes

Katelyn Haynes was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. It all started in March when the red-haired, green-eyed 22-year-old was an intern at an accounting firm. A man at the company had pulled her aside one day and asked her to dirty a pair of panties. Katelyn chose to report him to the company Vice President Deborah Stanley, which to her dismay ended up being an error. It turned out the man had made the request because he was being blackmailed by the VP for stealing from the...

3 years ago
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Fifth Fantasy Fifth Task

Hello,It's been a while. What’s your greatest fear, pet?You don’t know? I do. It’s being exposed to people you know. To your friends, to your family. If they could suspect even the slightest thing your whole world would get overthrown. This is why you will keep showing yourself off to strangers for me. Because they don’t know you. Nobody knows your name. Maybe in a little while nobody will even remember your face, but everyone will remember what you did for me. And most of all you will know...

1 year ago
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Lisa das AnnoncenLuder

So ein Mist -- Lisa sah verständnislos in ihr Portemonnaie. Aber darin klimperten nur noch ein paar wenige Münzen Kleingeld. Und übermorgen würde Meier, ihr Vermieter, wieder vor ihrer Tür stehen. Eben hatte er nur gedroht. "Lisa," hatte er gesagt, "ich kann ja verstehen, dass euch Studenten manchmal das Geld ausgeht. Vor allem Mädels wie dir, du gibst bestimmt viel für deine Kleidung aus. Aber auch ich muss leben. Du bist mit deiner Miete jetzt seit zwei Wochen überfällig. Ich komme am Freitag...

4 months ago
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Office Girl Sarah

The office job you wanted turned out to be less than what you'd hoped. The pay was good, and you owned your house and car and could afford a moderately-expensive vacation every so often, but the work was tedious and time-consuming. You've lacked for a relationship for a long while (remember your last fling? Back in COLLEGE?), and you're considering looking up some escort services. Of the thirty people who work on your floor, only seven are women: four of them are happily married, two have...

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Room Mate Dominates part 2

John lay there in utter bliss.Jennifer had left him on his back covered in his own cum. She slipped her strapon from his ass, got up and walked out the door, closing it behind her.He'd never believed being fucked in the ass could feel so good. His dildo, that he'd used on himself, paled in comparison. The feeling of Jennifer's cock pounding into his ass had been pure heaven.The way he'd taken him had been such a shock. The barging in while he was masterbating and then fucking his ass with her...

1 year ago
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Just this one time

They'd been sitting in the corner booth for almost two hours, originally sucking down some inhibition-killing drinks before turning to nursing the later ones to at least preserve some of their intelligence. "How about that one?" Bob asked, nodding his head toward the end of the bar. Lois followed his gaze, confirmed his good eye, then nodded a different direction and said, "Second booth ... the one tapping at the tablet." Bob studied her choice and agreed. "Perfect. Which one, though?" Lois...

2 years ago
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My Little Clopping Book

It's a beautiful day in Equestria, specifically, Ponyville. The birds are singing the glorious songs that Fluttershy taught them. The pegasi set out some rain clouds last night, but cleared it all up today, making everything crisp and clean. The Cakes have recently made a batch of warm, gooey cinnamon rolls so that their scent is causing every pony's mouths to water. Yes, it is a beautiful morning in Equestria indeed. Especially since it's high summer and every pony is in heat right now! But...

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Es war ein schöner, lauer Sommerabend. Die Klasse 10B feierte ihre Abschlussparty am Strand auf einem idyllischen kleinen Campingplatz, der direkt am See gelegen war. Die Party hatte sich rumgesprochen, so waren neben den Schülern auch noch einige Geschwister der Absolventen, Freunde und ein paar Eltern anwesend. Es wurde gegrillt und getrunken, ein paar Jungs waren grade dabei, noch etwas mehr Holz für das Lagerfeuer zu sammeln und dieses in Gang zu bringen. Ein paar Mädchen spielten...

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Your scream echoes through the cold wasteland, and you let the darkness embrace you, letting it soothe the pain in your heart. You can see your life pass through the millenias, and you wish nothing but too get a second chance. You ask yourself the question that you have noot been able to ask before, the heaven forbid. Who are you? You were willed into existance at the same time as light, your life starting several millenias ago. You were a warrior, and a protector. Your life was never your...

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Making Dreams Come True

Jim Fox was looking for an address for a building located someplace along this crowded city block. "I know they told me that the number was nine something Central Street." Jim started walking slowly down the block looking left and right and not one number was posted on one building until he reached the middle of the block. Well, what do you know?" He said to himself once he saw the building he was looking for. It was kind of strange to find the building in the midle of the block but there it...

11 months ago
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Fetish Stories Inc

There are many many things in the world around us that humans find sexy. Some of them we are supposed to find sexy. others....not so much. this place is for everyone with a bit of a weird side to show it. Make a story, keep it kinky. Keep it fun. Besides that, the world is your oyster? Where should we begin?

6 months ago
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You awaken slowly from your sleep, enclosed in the warmth of your soft bed. You stretch languorously, before sitting up and taking stock of your surroundings. The aroma of a rich coffee piques your nose and it quests towards your your door, which you see lies slightly ajar. Your mind is still emerging from sleep, and through the fuzz you can't quite remember if the door should be open. You're fairly certain you shut it before retiring, as you always did. Dismissing thought of the door however,...

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Island of Fantasy See Fantasy Island Redux

You are Jason a 30 year old young male that has had many interesting fantasies over the years. You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Night Elf

Alaria was a young Night Elf, only 257 (Physically the same to a 20 year old Human more or less). She was a quiet, secluded girl who had never travelled farther than Teldrassil-Her only knowledge of the rest of the world came from her friends and the many books she read. The mighty halls of the Dwarven city Ironforge, the savage Orcs of the Horde, the obscure impossible inventions of the Gnomes and the Goblins-all stories to her. While her friends adventured the continents of Azeroth, she...

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Service With a Smile

What a shitty day, it seemed like everything had gone wrong today. His boss chewed him out for something that wasn't his fault, a co-worker spilled coffee all over his new shirt at morning meeting. He called his wife on the way home from work and she was pissed off that he never took the garbage out last night. He pulled into the garage and slammed the car door with a loud noise that resounded through the whole house. He walked into the kitchen and grumbled that he was home. There was no...

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Wie ich eine Nutte wurde

Ich bin immer schon etwas klamm gewesen, komme nie zurecht mit dem Geld, was ich verdiene, wie viel es auch ist. Doch diesmal hat es dem Fass den Boden ausgeschlagen. Ich habe mal wieder über Monate verdrängt, wie groß das Loch auf meinem Konto ist, habe mir eine schöne Sache nach der anderen gekauft und als ich dann doch irgendwann einmal einen Blick auf den Kontostand werfe, trifft mich der Schlag: Über 3000 Euro in den Miesen. Der Dispo geht bis 3500 Euro. Was dann passieren wird, will ich...

4 months ago
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Immer wenn deine Frau heimkommt

Deine Ehefrau kommt zurück von ihrer Verabredung. Du schiebst ihr Höschen beiseite und blickst erstaunt auf all die Wichse, die Jochen in sie geschossen hat. Als du herabschaust auf die süße Möse deiner Ehefrau und Jochens Samen herauslaufen siehst, erinnert sie dich daran, dass es deine Idee war und dass sie ihren Teil erfüllt hat. Nun ist es an dir. "Nun gut mein Schatz, es ist soweit. Hinab mit dir und leck mich sauber wie versprochen.“ Und als du anfängst zu lecken lässt sie dich wissen,...