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The Traveling Companion

It was early Sunday evening and we were sitting at the dinner table, my husband William, my 15-year-old son John and me. My name is Rosa and I'll turn 39 next month. We had just finished dinner when the subject of my next business trip came up in the conversation. I am currently the vice president of new business development at a major healthcare company and as such responsible for sales to hospitals in the eastern third of the country. The company I work for develops and manages new...

2 years ago
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Fucking From Within the Closet

I had spent so many nights lying on my bed with my hand on my penis, thinking about men. I had never been lucky with girls so justified my sometimes unforgivable thoughts about guys with 'When I start getting attention from girls I'll stop'. But it didn't stop. I met a girl called Amanda who went to my school. She was a loud, bubbly and very friendly blonde with the looks of a Victoria's Secret model. She was the type of girl who everybody had to have had sex with. We went behind a club...

3 months ago
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Once a Slut

Nothing could have adequately prepared me for what I saw. I watched as the sexy woman on the screen was undressed by one of three men within the camera's view. The men all wore gold chains around their necks. The woman stood naked and smiling, breasts jutting out, as the first man began to paw at her body. The other two men circled in closely and began touching and rubbing her while the intro music played. The words "Workin' on the Chain Gang Bang" flitted across the screen. The startling...

1 year ago
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Do Not Forget Me

Copyright© 2002-2003 A do-it-yourselfer named Alice, Used a dynamite stick for a phallus. She blew her vagina To South Carolina, And her tits landed somewhere in Dallas. A cute friend of hers, Fanny Hill, Used two dynamite sticks for a dil. They found her vagina, In South Carolina, And part of her ass in Brazil. My Best Man was making some crude reference to the wedding night when he saw my mother approaching through the hand carved wooden doorway. "Uh... hi Mrs....

2 years ago
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She Was MargaretHes Now Kevin

Hi.I'm Margaret.Or that's my former name when I was a girl before the SURGERY.Now my name is Kevin. I remember lying in that hospital bed right after the operation, looking up at the ceiling and just thinking. Feeling as though a crocodile had just gone down on me, I was too nervous even to shift my position for fear of intense agony. Dr. Max had been in only once since I had woken up, to explain a few things to me with the help of his beautiful Thai assistant. I might have been shaken,...

5 months ago
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My Eighteenth Take It From Me

My first time having sex was quite different from most guys. I didn’t have sex for the first time until the day I turned eighteen. I also lost my virginity to a woman much older than me. Still neither of those were anything compared to who I lost it to. The first woman I had sex with was my own mother. Now, this didn’t just happen because of random events. This is exactly how I wanted it to happen. I wanted my mom to be my first. Unlike most guys, I wasn’t the kind who could just fuck anyone...

9 months ago
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Krystal the Exchange Student

When we met Krystal at the airport there were raised eyebrows on our side. God, she was lovely! Much prettier and sexier than her pictures had suggested. Dad and I had that instinctual male attention reaction and I suspect Mom had a bit of jealousy flare. Her English was good but accented of course. For me, that added to her already substantial allure. I struggled to avoid fawning over this vision. I was only fifteen so she wouldn’t be interested in me anyway. She stared out the car window as...

1 year ago
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The sunlight reflecting off the warm water coupled with periodic splashes as the boat's bow crashed through the waves painted an absolutely beautiful picture. It was about 85 degrees and sunny. The boat's throbbing motor pushed us farther and farther away from land until we could no longer see the shoreline. I leaned over the side to see if I could see any fish through the crystal clear blue waters. A tugging on my arm pulled me back inside the boat and back into the arms of the beautiful...

2 years ago
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Vibrating Valerie on National Nude Day

"I told you this was an exceptional car, Val. Al says that at exactly thirty-seven mph, the wheels or doors or something makes the car vibrate just perfectly for our delight, and arousal. The firm seats feel good as they vibrate our groins, but the best effect is where you are now, on the center console. Just lean your hips forward to press your clit against the huge vibrator between your legs." I drove quietly and dropped back down to third gear to add a bit more vibration to the mix. My...

1 month ago
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I Need Some Money

Gary and Laura had found their next house. It was perfect but their existing one wasn’t selling. How to make the down payment? Their credit was tapped out. Banks wouldn’t front them the $20K they needed. Shit! Then Laura had a brainstorm. At a recent high school reunion she’d visited with Toby, a boy who had wanted to date her but he was kind of a nerd and she had plenty of offers from jocks and cool guys. He’d gotten a lot better looking and developed an interesting personality and owned a...

1 year ago
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Jennas Fantasy

We had been drinking wine and beer; had even done a couple lines of coke that fateful night while fooling around on my couch. As I recall, I had a hand under her bra toying with her nipples when Jenna asked if I'd like to hear about her fantasy. "Of course I would, Jen," I replied. And why not, any insight into her deviously feminine mind might prove helpful in our relationship. Jen gave my dick a friendly squeeze, giggled nervously and said, "All right. I've been wanting to tell someone...

2 years ago
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Village Life

© 2004 Charmbrights. All rights reserved. From an idea by MsLinnet The eighteen wheeler was travelling at sixty miles an hour round a blind bend when it hit the car Nancy Young was driving. She never stood a chance. Her husband and her daughter, Martha, were devastated by her death, and Elias hardly noticed that the compensation paid by the owners of the lorry was enough that he never needed to work again. For Elias he worst part of the grief was the local widows, and a few would be...

2 months ago
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The Pool Hall

I guess, unless you are a total dumb shit, that you can pretty much figure that your marriage is over when your wife comes home trailing three black guys behind her and the four of them head straight for the bedroom. It is a rather blunt way of saying, "Fuck you dear." But I guess that I had asked for it. Well, the marriage was dead but I still had my pride and it was my house. I went into my den and unlocked my center desk drawer. Taking out the Colt 1911A1 I slid a magazine in and racked...

1 year ago
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My Blowjob Lifestyle

After enjoying many of the stories on the net, I've decided to try and share my story about being a blowjob girl. What I mean when I say I'm a blowjob girl is that I regularly perform oral sex on groups of guys. To try and keep it short I will tell you briefly the highlights of my sex life from age 14 to now. I haven't used any real names and changed enough details to insure my anonymity, and with all the changes I've made you should just consider this story to be fiction. When I was...

2 years ago
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Did Jan Do It

I walked off the elevator at seven forty-five on Tuesday morning and was not really surprised to see Ron, my regional manager, already at his desk. He usually came in around nine, but today was going to be a special day for him - how special he didn't yet know. He waited until I was in my office and then he came in to see me: "Olsen said he wanted to see both of us as soon as you got here. You have any idea what he wants?" I shrugged my shoulders, "It may have something to do with the...

1 year ago
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Zubway Zip Up

L'etrangier: You'd think the trains would be empty at 2:00 a.m., yet there were at least thirty commuters with me. Where were they all coming from? Much too late to be desk jockies. I don't remember ANY of them being in the sleazy strip club I just left. Damn, those women know how to tease! Mostly young and average looking late-night commuters, an obvious, drooling perv or two among them, balanced the few older couples. Nearly all were dressed formally, as if coming from an opera or even...

2 years ago
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The Couch Surfer

"Kerry will be here tomorrow", the wife called as she closed the door. Her husband gave a grunt for he knew that Kerry was always seeking accommodation. He didn't blame her because renting had reached a level that was geared towards 'greed' so that it was near impossible for a person on limited finances to find a place to put down their head. Kerry arrived the next day, carrying her rather limited luggage. He liked the woman for she had stayed with them before and certainly was no...

1 year ago
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Sharing Friends

At last it was 5 o'clock, and Tracy was more than ready to go home. The events of her day in the office had taken its toll on her and she wanted to go home and relax. During the day her computer had crashed four times, the fire alarm had been set off, and the Regional Manager had paid an unannounced visit. Tracy was 35 years of age, and had been married for 7 years to her husband Pete. At 35 Tracy was in great shape, having not had any kids had been a blessing to her well-kept body. Being...

2 months ago
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Party Pussy

I’d lost track of Roxy for a bit. Not that I always keep track of her at parties because I’m often too busy visiting myself. When she came up to me and clutched my arm and put her head on my shoulder so she could talk privately, I knew something was up. “I’m glad I wore a skirt. That sure made it easier to get fucked.” That got my attention! I quickly responded, “What the hell do you mean? Right here? You sure you haven’t had too much to drink?” She squeezed my arm, “I’ve never been so drunk...

2 years ago
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Copyright © 1995 He was beginning to snort. He always snorts just before he came. I love to watch him come. His face always scrunches up and he always clenches his teeth. Then when I feel his buttocks go tight, his mouth goes slack and his eyes roll up. He always lets out a long groan when he starts to beat frantically into me, grunting with each sharp thrust. He becomes such an animal! Just like always, when he was finished, he fell onto me, gulping air. His heaving chest pressed...

5 months ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Kathy

Sometimes a 'boys night out' can be a pretty life-changing event. I know one of them changed my life - big time! My 'boys night out' has always been a bone of contention between me and my wife Madge. But then it seemed like everything was a bone of contention between us. Truth be told Madge and I never should have gotten married at all. We mistakenly thought that sexual passion was love and when the fire went out about three years after the wedding we suddenly found out that we didn't...

11 months ago
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They Finally Meet

She arrived at the motel and checked into the room. Her hand reached for the light switch then stopped. "I'd rather not let this cold room ruin what I'm feeling right now" she thought. Quietly she closed the door and stood staring until her eyes adjusted to the darkness. He wouldn't be there for at least two hours so she had plenty of time to get ready. He had suggested how he wanted her to look when he walked in. She was puzzled that he didn't want her to wear anything sexy. All he...

11 months ago
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A Perfect Wife

It is a public scandal that gives offence and it is no sin to sin in secret. - Moliere Cathy I am a lawyer, that is an expert in the law, at least the law says so, and that makes me familiar with the absolute injustice and inequities of the current laws. I started as a prosecutor which rubbed my nose in these wrongs on a daily basis. I was a federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of California. I've worked in all three divisions prosecuting drug crimes, 'white collar' crimes, and...

1 year ago
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The Vacation

Sandy was looking forward to seeing her old friend Jill. They had been planning this vacation for mouths. Jill lived in the Mission Beach area of San Diego and Sandy was looking forward to spending her days on the beach and nights lounging around the beach house catching up with a friend. Jill met her at the airport that morning and they drove the short distance to the house. While Sandy unpacked, they chatted about this and that. Jill told Sandy about her boy friend Ron. She and Ron had made...

6 months ago
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Once Upon a Late Night

She opened the blanket just enough to get herself into bed with me. I noticed she'd taken off her pants. "Where've you been?" I asked. It was a small bed but neither of us touched. "I was out." "I didn't think you were really breaking up with me," I said. "I don't want to talk about it," she said. She put her arm around me. "Did you kiss him?" She didn't say anything, but hugged me closer. "Did you kiss him?" I asked again. She said, "Yes." "Two years. We've been...

7 months ago
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Sliding Down the Slippery Slope

I've always had a thing for my younger sister Melanie. Sure, in our childhood days we had our fights and disagreements, but in our teenage days we finally came around. She's always been the wild one. Being four years younger than me she always went head-on into trouble first, damn the consequences. And there were plenty of consequences as our parents tried to compensate with strictness what they couldn't cure while they were busy running their own company. In those cases I often acted as...

2 years ago
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Soup of the Day 1519

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt/ Martin and /Rita Soup of the day 15 through 19 On the following Wednesday my new family had all established a shaky relationship with me. Lucy of course was fine. Martin was more edgy about my new place in the family. I expected it was a hormone thing. All that raging testosterone, I thought. I know, I had read too much in the joint, but it looked as though he fit the profile of a male dog. One who had a share his home with new male dog. The fact that I wasn’t...

7 months ago
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First Korean Pussy

Chapter 1 Phil had been in Korea for nearly four months and he'd been totally sexless that entire time. He had a steady girlfriend back home in the States and he'd determined to remain faithful to her for the year he was away. At first it was no problem. He could just satisfy himself with sexual fantasies of his girlfriend Jane and his hand on those cold wintry nights in his room. But as the months began to pass and he steadily found himself growing hornier and hornier, Phil could also feel...

2 years ago
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Family Camping Trip

After three straight years of not taking a vacation James, my husband, finally bit the bullet and took two weeks off from his precious job so we could go on a family camping trip. It would just be the three of us, James, our son Robert and myself, Joyce Williams. The thought of being out of the confines of our house with my husband and son on a two week trek down a tranquil river conjured up thoughts of sexual intimacies with my husband, things we hadn't done in quite some time. I mean it...

1 year ago
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Sitting in front of the TV watching some male to male porn displayed while I stroked my dick became a sudden awakening of introspection. While still stroking my hard cock, I began evaluating what I liked but where my life was. My sex life was mostly with men but in reality I was more omni-sexual than gay. I liked sex of all varieties but I enjoyed sex with men possibly just a little bit more. I really enjoyed fucking a guy's asshole while jacking him off. There is almost nothing better...

2 years ago
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Pleasured Principles

She could tell that her screams thrilled Gage to the bone. With each impact her body would writhe, her breath catch and then explode. Her tears were his pleasure, the way her back arched drove him on to ever harder efforts until, finally, she collapsed. She had offered him everything, her obedience, her mind, her body, and soul. Gage took them and made them his without a single regret and no small measure of happiness. At least in her most recent dreams. Reality was entirely different. Jamie...

2 years ago
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Work Contact

It was a beautiful sunny day as I was driving to work. As I entered my office, Debbie was walking towards me. She cheerfully waved at me and said hello as usual. She was wearing a long yellow/green flowing dress which came below her knees. The dress had buttons from top to bottom, and she had the top button open. It was a summer dress and she must be wearing an inner shirt of same colour, as I could not even see an outline of her nice squeezable breasts as she walked by me. I admired her ass as...

1 year ago
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The Glass Blower

In olden times in a far off land there lived a glass blower, Malimcr was his name, and he was an expert at his art. With breath and fingers and fire he fashioned vessels beyond compare, glassware which the sun worshiped and the moon adored. His new bride, Cecile, a lithe wisp of a girl but nubile nonetheless, and said to be the prettiest creature within six villages, found deep pleasure in her husband's work, much as Malimcr found pleasure deep in her. On their wedding night to such a pitch...

10 months ago
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The House at Greenwood Lake

This is the story about when my father and I had sexual relations. My dad and I had went upstate to our house in Greenwood Lake, New York. We've had it since I was a little girl. It's the best place on earth. It's a two bedroom house, with a living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms. In the living room we have a fireplace. It's always fun making fires and enjoying each other's company. My mother is a doctor and she's gone to Africa to help out with a new hospital they're building there....

8 months ago
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F45130 The High Desert Inn

"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...

1 year ago
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There will be come

Ricks vision began to lighten; the world around him a kaleidoscope of pale swirls. His hearing was coming alive the hum of electric light tubes and a strange ventilation sucking noise filling the air. He sensed the passage of time-was it still evening? He didn't think so. His mind tried to retrace his steps. He remembered sat in his father's car; Beth was next to him. Beth was his all star girlfriend; going steady for ages now he still couldn't believe his luck. With her curly blonde hair;...

2 years ago
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Red Flags

A Thailand story The flight to Thailand was beginning to get me after twelve hours. I still had twelve hours to go and the economy seat became more of a torture chamber with every passing minute. I felt both fatigued and excited. I was on my way to becoming an expatriate, or ex-pat as they are known in Thailand. Two years after my divorce, I had cashed in my chips. I took my share of the equity in the house, half the savings and my secret nest egg, which my former wife didn't know about, and...

2 years ago
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My New Hire Tracy

I go back in time in this story, a forgotten time that I recently recalled reading other true stories. The Blond I Hired Tracy was a true-life stereo-typical blond. I knew I had hired her for her looks, hoping she could catch on to the job, a fairly easy one in the fast food industry. I was the manager at the time, fairly new to that job as well, but I could not help the challenge of training this sexy, young, eighteen-year old. I was 32 at the time, happily married I thought, and in charge...

6 months ago
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WWW Got Caught

Anita Dewitt came upon the web site purely by accident. Okay, 'purely' is probably a poor choice of words. But the 17 year old brunette, who was so used to googling her homework, had been stumped on an English literature assignment covering some of the Elizabethan poets other than Shakespeare. She had to do a report on Christopher Marlow and she was unsure of the definition of the word 'wonton' in this poem I Must Have Wanton Poets. It sounded kind of gay or even kinky. But instead of...

1 year ago
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My First Thong

That's start with a description and that stuff. My name is Carrie I am 19 have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am only 5'1'' tall. I weigh in just below 100 pounds. I know I look a lot younger than I actually am but according to one of my cousins that just means I'll live longer which I am totally okay with. On to my family It is quite large I am the youngest of 5 I have one older brother and three older sisters. It goes sister, brother, sister, sister and finally me. Anyway this is a story...

10 months ago
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A Casual Approach

When I was a kid, I remember Mom used to get angry a lot. She was never abusive or anything like that, but she’d throw ... tantrums, I guess you’d call them. She’d just have little fits of rage - not regularly, just every now and again. It must have been hard, raising two kids by herself, and sometimes it would just become too much for her - she’d stomp and storm around for about an hour before calming herself down again. One day, I did something - I think I stole my sister’s shoes or...

1 year ago
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Sometimes I Wish

Sometimes I wish I had a pussy. It seems to a guy that it would be easier to get laid when I wanted to. Of course that assumes that I’d have suitable partners available when I needed them. As an additional benefit, I would have parts that wouldn’t quit just when things were really getting going. This begs the question if more than one male is necessary for full female satisfaction. It has been my experience that even those delightful times I have been able to sustain coitus for an hour or...

5 months ago
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Seduction of a Young Mother

Sharon was the happiest mother in the world. She was fairly happily married; although her husband was on the road a lot with his job, yet she did her best taking care of a baby and the house without a man around a lot of the time. The best part of the day was taking her six month daughter for walks, which proved to be perfect bonding times for the two. It was during one of those daily walks through the neighborhood park that she met a young couple who had secretly watched her almost every...

1 year ago
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Katyas Story

Forward I received an email a short time ago from a perfect stranger named Milo. He has ending on his address, which I think means his ISP is in Czechoslovakia, if that country still exists by that name; I just don't follow political name changes in Europe. His note was as follows: "Hallo, i must writte you after i was reading your story.I like it very much. I was very excited when i read that.I love reading sex stories.I imagine my girlfriend in the storie.She is very beatifull, but...

3 months ago
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First Love

They were walking in the meadow. Both were young, very young. She was 12, pretty and innocent. He was 16, strong and handsome. They were laughing, playing and dancing in the meadows. The sun was setting. A cool breeze was caressing the grass. They were happy, happy to be together. They sit down in a shady spot to catch their breath and watch the setting sun. He faces her. She looks up to him. He says something to her. She blushes and lowers her eyes. He takes her face in his hands and kisses...

7 months ago
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The Sea Change

Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship The Sea Change is based on a series of dreams I had when I was a teen-ager. Enjoy. Chapter One - a beginning, close to an end The doctor tried to mask his feelings with an objective look, but failed. The patient, alone in his private room, looked up from the bed as the doctor entered. The man in the bed was very well built and attractive with grey streaked black hair, but didn't look a day over 40. "I'm sorry Mr. Babcock, our tests do...

2 years ago
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The Bridal Party

There were four luscious bridesmaids in the house this evening, the night before my sister's wedding. One, the beautiful maid of honor, who was too old and fat to interest me, was in her bed and sound asleep, two were wide awake in my bed chatting and the fourth and youngest and cutest was in the basement under me, gasping and creaming as I plowed her juicy silt and brought her to her third climax in ten minutes. She was supposed to be sleeping on the living room couch and had been a true...

1 year ago
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The Grand Halloween Ball

Her name, is Natasha, she runs a small costume store on the outskirts of Nashville. She looked to be about fifty years old, and it was a known fact around this part of the country that no man has been able to "tame" her. Her long red hair and a full figured body was alluring and the envy of many men and women. However, it was her seductive green eyes that set her sexy figure off, they seem to pull you closer to her. Meet Candice, a 35 year old single woman with shoulder length black hair and...

1 year ago
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Doing Traci Lords

"Acceptable age" for young people to engage in sex and to be allowed to appear in videos and photo layouts is an interesting proposition. One of the most famous "under-age" cases in the adult movie industry had to be Traci Lords. She's one of the hottest young women to ever participate in making porn films and she made well over 100 fuck movies before he was discovered that she'd actually been making fuck movies since she'd been 15 years old. The interesting thing is that Traci Lords...

1 year ago
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My Dads New Plaything

I got the Text at school. It simply said, "Delilah, come straight home after school" I didn't know what to make of it. I hadn't done anything wrong this time. I hadn't been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why my Dad wanted to see me. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled hoping I was in for a fuck session. After the last bell for the day rang I went straight home, wondering what was in store for me. There was a girl in my house sitting in a chair when I...

1 year ago
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A Perfect Holiday

It was only a little caravan on a small site at Skegness, but it was there that we spent our very first holiday together, we were both just sixteen and as horny as hell just like sixteen year olds the world over! It was raining when we arrived, but we spent half an hour in the site shop stocking up with food and booze until at last, the rain eased just long enough for us to go for a stroll on the beach, It was a lovely evening still warm even at nine o'clock, we found a lovely little pub...

2 years ago
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Mum Falls Off Her Pedestal

I grew up as an only child with a single working mother, my father having died in the war. At school I suppose that I was known as a bit of a nerd, very shy & always into books. I was a year ahead of myself & confident with school work, but not with people. When I was fourteen my teacher decided that the class bully & I could learn something from each other so we were seated together. John was older than the other boys, also bigger & taller, & coloured. I think I amused him...

10 months ago
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Molly Alyssa and Me

There is no sex in this story, if that is what you want I suggest you go elsewhere. This is a story about an older man and two much younger women, the relationship they form and his ultimate reward. I'm not sure how to categorize this story. I guess its best just to say it's a story. This is a little different tale than I have written before. I hope you enjoy it. Appreciate the comments, both good and bad. It is the only way a writer knows if his work is worthwhile. On with the story. The...

2 years ago
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Not Quite How I Thought It Would Go

It was Saturday night and our usual weekly fuck was over. Sharon had turned the lights back on and started reading, I was trying to fall asleep but couldn't settle.Sharon loved reading and I always found it annoying that within seconds of a fuck she would go back to her book. She claimed it calmed her after sex. My thoughts were not going to let me drift off to sleep. Sharon and I both turned forty this year. We have been together for twelve years and don't have children. We have good jobs...

1 year ago
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I Julie smiled nervously at her fiance Ron, but he didn't look back. He was looking warily down the line of people that stretched two blocks down the shadow-drenched late afternoon streets. The line then turned right, down Goddess Ave. for a half mile, through the heart of Oklahoma City, before reaching the temple. Electric cars whizzed silently down the center of the street, carrying commuters home from work. Ron had always seemed so self-possessed, so confident, to Julie. She had never...

1 year ago
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I stood before the full length mirror, naked, admiring myself. I was alone in the house. Thirty nine years old, I stand five foot four, shoulder length jet black hair, 36C breasts, areolas the size of a half dollar, nipples sticking out like pencil erasers, pussy hair shaved back to bikini-friendly. Ever since junior high school, I've been told that I was built like a brick shithouse. I know it's a compliment, but I'll be damned if I know what it actually means. I do know that I never had...

1 year ago
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Teasing Tom Again

[This sequel spans: exhibitionist, erotic couple, anal and perhaps mature and ... surprise... ] Previously: "I'll jerk you off again, I see you're ready, but no more than that today." His dick softened, then rose up again, a cock renewed. We talked about our exploits and his wife's for the next hour, naked. We learned enough about Valerie and her preferences to anticipate that tomorrow would be even MORE fun! The next day, Tom rang us and reminded us that we were invited to use his...

2 years ago
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Jen and Lisa

The anxiety is about to kill me. It is 12:30 am and no Jen yet. The evening has been pretty low key. Dressed to kill, Jen swept out the door about 7. But fair is fair, I have forced her to wait so many times. How many times have I teased her, making her wait for her pleasure, knowing the anxiety only adds to the magnitude of her release? Jen is off and to where I do not know. This is part of the game. Maybe to our swinger's club as the highly desirable single woman, maybe to a bar full of...

2 years ago
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Pink Zone Rising

“Girls of fifteen (Sexually Knowing!) The ushers are sniffing (Eau de Cologne-ing!) The seats are seductive (Celibate scene!) Pretty girls digging (Prettier women!)” -The Who, “5:15“ This ended up graduating from Note to Foreword. I got back into writing two years ago, starting with a little experiment in dialogue with no description about two best friends realizing that their soulmate had been staring them in the face their whole lives, thanks to their mind control powers. In that time,...

2 years ago
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My First Black Cock and Its a Double

My First Black Cock, and it was a Double! I had always wondered what it would be like to have another man give me a blow job. Never in my wildest imaginings did I ever think it would actually happen, especially at my age. I'm a white male, pushing 82 years of age now. I'm single. Well, actually I'm a widower, having lost my wife of nearly 60 years, fours ago. We'd been quite happy during all that time together. We seemed to have it all, except for children. I've never been able to father...

6 months ago
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Her Own Bucket List

"Before She Dies" After seeing the movie trailer for 'The Bucket List', the girls in the office discussed what they wanted to do before they died. Each had a long list. All except Mary. Today she would complete her list. She hoped. She had already sky dived, snorkeled in Florida, hiked in the Rockies. She had been to Rome, Paris and Cairo. She had stood on the steps of the Parthenon, had been to the Wailing Wall. She had walked the moors in England and had done a walk about in...

11 months ago
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A Trip Down Memory Lane

Susanna let out a long sigh and shook her head, damp brown hair falling into her eyes as she looked at the terracotta pot on the windowsill. The seedlings inside were wilted; their tiny, delicate leaves curled in a mockery of her tender care. She brushed the hair out of her eyes slowly and rubbed one hand across them, defeated. Plants just did not like her, she thought as she drifted out of the kitchen and went back to her computer. Sue's husband snored upstairs. He worked night shift, which...

8 months ago
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The Compliant Cuckold Series

Horace and Maude were wed when they were both only teenagers. Actually Horace was the youngest at the innocent young age of 18 and Maude was the elder and soon to be 20. They went on a honeymoon to Ireland because Maude was insistent on visiting the famous "Blarney Stone". She was quite the gabber and wanted to insure her continued gift of chatting at the drop of a hat would continue throughout her married life. It was the very first time that Horace had any inkling about his spouse's...

1 year ago
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Jeremiah Learns Invisibility

Jeremiah was not a bullfrog, but he was definitely invisible. This strange occurrence, to an unremarkable man, first happened on his 34th birthday. He was surfing the Internet, browsing through and enjoying the Page 2 feature. There, he was enjoying a feature called "10 burning questions" in which the site asks famous people (not all jocks) 10 burning questions. Invariable, one of the last questions is: Finally, which superpower would you like most -- the strength of 100 men, the...

1 year ago
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Lauren Newlywed And Expecting To Be A Mommy

Lauren and her new husband, Ron, were as happy as any young couple could be. They dated for 3 years and now they were husband and wife. Lauren knew her mom and dad had no idea what she and Ron had done when they were alone with each other while they were on dates and she hoped it always stayed that way. She knew her mom probably thought she was still a virgin up until her wedding night but that had stopped being possible about a year after she and Ron had started dating. Lauren would never...

1 year ago
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DDC2 All Holes Filled

Dirty Dan Chronicals #2 To: Serena From: Daniel Subject: All Holes Filled To set the scene. It is in the evening on a hot day. Your car has broken down. I am driving back home and in my car and with me is my sexy mother in law. She's 50 but looks early forties and her red lipstick and blonde hair make her look very Marilyn Monroe. It didn't take long for her to get on to the subject of sex talk in the car and although we haven't done anything yet there is a sexual attraction. That's when...

1 year ago
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The Dream January 2008

In this dream, I have a two month old baby girl Elizabeth and my son Corey; I am in what appears to be a hospital in London. I wake up in the hospital with some grungy man trying to kidnap/ rape me. He forces me to leave the hospital at knife point. After about fifteen minutes of walking he lowers his defenses just long enough for me to get the knife away from him and start screaming at the top of my lungs. A couple walking nearby hears me scream and the husband runs and tackles the man down to...

1 year ago
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Old Man Winter

Jared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator. Only five years before, he’d been...

2 years ago
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Mother and the Girls

Fiona, a thirty seven year old, slim blonde, was sitting on the sofa talking to Jenny, her nineteen year old, daughter. The only thing that was unusual about the situation was that Fiona was stark naked and Jenny was fully clothed. It was the beginning of their weekly spanking session. Fiona said, "Jenny, you know that I do enjoy you ordering me to strip and then you spanking me. We have been doing this each week for over a year when your father is out. However I have a fantasy which I would...

1 year ago
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Open Minded

"What the fuck?" A bit rough for a beginning, I am aware. Sorry about that. It was my initial reaction, and I'm afraid it's still a very accurate portrayal of what I'm feeling. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've been aroused by mind control of various sorts for as long as I can remember. Long prior to understanding what erections were, I was experiencing them while watching television show characters "put someone under". It was uncomfortable ... and thrilling, and I spent furtive...

2 months ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 149 Springtime

Most of the spring was spent, by me at least, with the legislation I was pushing and with trying to tone down the idiots on both sides who were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I was still being damned by Dick Cheney, but he was looking increasingly nervous. The Indians were circling the wagon train and getting closer and closer. It made his vitriol even more excessive, but it was taking on a very bitter and self-defensive tone. Regardless, I had my hands filled with...

1 year ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 25

The house was strong built and clean kept. The furnishings looked hand made by a master woodworker. There were fine rugs under the furniture in the main room and in the kitchen the floor had been smoothed down with a wood plane making the finish smooth and flat. The board floor had been scrubbed and mopped so many times the wood was nearly faded out white. Hilda Ehrlichmann was a fine cook and had prepared a feast for their supper. They had pork loin, cooked cabbage, field peas, mashed...

1 year ago
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FlintkoteChapter 44

The patrol-car pulled up to the the last NO PARKING sign at the dirt side of the Tee pier ... the sole patrolman got out and surveyed the boats. He opened the backdoor and let out a mob ... yes ... three 8 or 9 year old boys can be a mob. He sighed and started walking out to the end of the dock and the boat. He was herding the boys. Tyche sighed in turn, she knew. He was coming to see her. “Junior?” Junior was fixing to join the Ludington Saturday Tanning Club. Meets every Saturday it...

8 months ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 42

They were all sitting around the kitchen table and each of them had a name picked out. Mr. Clyde ‘n Miss Berty had a name and Tag ‘n Bobbi had one together, she’d thought of it though. “Willa, you write down the names as we call them out,” Mr. Clyde said. Willa got her school tablet from last year and sat down with her pencil and waited, she smiled at Ray and he smiled back. “Who wants to go first?” Mr. Clyde said. No one said a thing. Cole stood up and said, “Hanks Brothers Cattle...

1 year ago
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Light and DarkChapter 15

We stood side by side each one fightin' for the other, we said until we died Blood Brothers, Bruce Springsteen Holiday Inn, Edinburgh, December 10th Sophie sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window to where Gabriel stood in the biting, early-morning wind. The hard, stern set of his face seemed at odds with the bright, tinny music of the children's programme Christophe had on behind her. The music muffled the sound of Caerys' approach, and she jumped a little as a tendril of...

9 months ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 7

Rolly and Melanie rode into town the next day and Roland went about trying to secure lodging. "Roland, please let me hang around until you have to go. I promise I won't get in the way of your rescue operation, and maybe there is a chance I can get in trouble, but at the very least give me a few days to feel safe until I have to go back out there." "OK, maybe you can help me out. You know the value of things down here and I need to deal with Crimson Jack's belongings. I have a plan for...

8 months ago
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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 6

The party progressed through the evening with nice people in attendance. I got to know Lois’ younger brother though he was older than she. Mark and his wife, Angie, were thinking about starting a family after the first. They seemed nice people and lived on the other side of town. The four of us talked for almost an hour. I got to know them both and liked them. I hoped they liked me. I learned more about Lois, too. I liked what I heard. I knew that she was an elementary school teacher for a...

10 months ago
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Morning LightChapter 21

The following Wednesday night, Todd called Jimmy and asked if he wanted to go to the basketball game. Jimmy asked his mom if it was okay and she said fine because she was going to invite Shelly over anyway. When Jimmy heard that, he almost said that he would rather stay home. However, it appeared that his mom wanted an evening alone and besides, Michael Jordan was back on the court. Within minutes of Jimmy leaving, Shelly and Jennifer were naked on her bed and in each other's arms. They...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 9

When they recovered from the orgy, the dyke night manager was standing by the bed, her clothes opened, one hand twisting a nipple while the other was shoving fingers quickly into her pussy until her whole big body was rocked by orgasm. "Hi Jeanette," said SHE, her body embedded in the pile of bodies. "What brings you here?" "People have been complaining," explained Jeannette, putting her clothes back together, her face beat red from a combination of embarrassment and intense orgasm,...

8 months ago
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Opus OneChapter 28 Interlude

"Bob, come away from that goddamn thing!" Betty called out from the back door. "Just another minute," he said. "The light is on again." Bob grinned as he heard Betty's footsteps tapping across the patio stones. "What's happening?" she asked. "Nothing yet." "Let me see," she urged. Bob moved aside. "Lights out," she said, straightening up. Bob crouched down, confirming her observation. "Oh well," he said, and started putting things away. He turned to find Betty...

1 year ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 16

Day 3—Treatment When Perry and his family got off the elevator on the office level, they ran into Richard's family in the hallway. The Youngs were just coming out of the photo studio. Holly stopped the group. Richard held his hand out to Perry. "It's been quite a vacation, huh?" Perry clasped it with both in return. "You can say that again. Having fun?" Sardonically, Richard replied. "It's been an experience, that's for sure. What membership did you get?" "We went Diamond. I...

1 year ago
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My Dear Sweet SlaveChapter 6

Isaac yawned and smiled, opening his eyes to the sight and ecstasy of two soft wet tongues around his cock, stirring it to a full erection. Holly and Alice were bobbing their heads, running their tongues up the shaft of his cock, and stopping momentarily to kiss each other every time they slurped on the head. It had been a week since he had accepted Alice as his slave, so this had become a common occurrence for him. "Good morning, girls," he groaned happily, rubbing them behind the ears...

1 year ago
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Jessicas StormChapter 4

We relaxed in bed most of the morning. It was almost noon when I heard a belly growl and looked at Jessie. "Hungry," she said with a smile. We got up and threw the pancakes from breakfast away and made some sandwiches for lunch. Jessie had put on a pair of panties because she said she was still leaking. I put on a pair of boxers. That afternoon I wrote a couple of chapters in my latest book while Jessie watched television. Around four I got a call from Sheriff Langston. "Hey, Ray. Was...

2 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 20 Daffodils

Thoughts Once in a great while an insightful person has asked, if robots had come first, would they have invented humans? I have to say that I'm not sure if we would have, if the circumstances were such that we are the way we are and they are the way they are. Humans invented us to provide them with what they didn't already have otherwise. A more usable human form that doesn't come with all the emotional baggage of an actual human. They often succeeded well in that regard. You could -...

7 months ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 24

If people on the street were turning on their lights Carol didn't see it. That would have meant turning her head, diverting her focus from home... home and her razor. She kept blowing the whistle. Something was nagging at the back of Margo's consciousness... something she was hearing... something that meant... her eyes widened. "Nicki, stay here, something's wrong." She grabbed her purse with its mini-arsenal courtesy of Eddy and dashed out the door. As she made it down the steps...

1 year ago
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The BartenderChapter 3

As the young woman stormed into the bar, Kent couldn't help but admire her body. The girl was stick-thin, with a perfect face - cheekbones that a model would have killed for, surrounded by long and curly black hair. Though she was conservatively dressed, the large bartender could imagine exactly what she'd look like unclothed; like a pixie, lithe and graceful, slender without ever being bony. The room was empty - the Friday night crowd wouldn't start drifting in for another hour or so,...

1 year ago
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The Third SexChapter 2

Leslie soon returned with the replacement gown. She was wearing a crisp new nurse’s outfit. I was waiting patiently, nude. “Thank you for such a memorable experience. It was so hot!” she said softly. The nurse gave me a peck on my cheek, then left. I sat down at the table and tried to collect my thoughts. So that was what it was like to fuck a girl. It was very sexy. I would not object to doing it again. I felt tired, so I turned out the lights and climbed into bed. It was around...

11 months ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 3 The Student

So ... I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I'm 22, single, virgin, overqualified for dumb jobs and under-qualified for smart ones. Michigan is not a great state for paleoarchaeology so I went to Montana to study. Both Universities have good programs but Missoula is buried in smog 9 months of the year. I have allergies. Nerd slash geek in high school, I was too busy getting grades and ducking bullies to even think about getting laid. By the time college ran me down, I was too...

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Tentacle RomanceChapter 3

Minako let out a long sigh as the tension she felt was finally released with the gentle touch of Yuriko's soft tongue. Watching with great interest, her mind swimming in ecstasy, Minako took twin fistfuls of her bed sheet when she felt the way Yuriko wove her tongue teasingly around and around her clit, avoiding it by mere millimeters, after licking it but once. "Oh! I think you're teasing me way to much!" Minako replied, moaning softly under her breath as Yuriko's tongue sent little...

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Walos MistressChapter 6

Earl was thinking of Rachel while Rudy drove the Volks at a good clip through the pleasant night toward Mexico. The sea air bathed his face and whipped his hair exhilaratingly, wearing the pot effects thing. He smiled to himself. He was glad now that he hadn't killed Lynn... not yet, anyway. She might turn out to be of some value before he was finished with her, and he knew he didn't have to worry as long as the dum-dum was looking after her. Shit, Walo'd give up his life rather than...

2 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 11

I had no idea where we were, and the name on the sign in the terminal didn't help. "Welcome!" That was eal informative. We were definitely in a tropical climate. In the early evening I could see palm trees, people in shorts and tees, and the women were in sandals. I couldn't smell much, just hot asphalt, slightly scorched rubber, and jet fuel. Maybe those are the smells of the tropics. There was a woman standing in a corner. Dad asked her something and we were directed to a open air bus...

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SkinFlick SlutChapter 3

I put all my clothes back on before I went. As I walked out, I couldn't help noticing Phil's receptionist. She was gorgeous, a tall blonde girl with her hair pulled up in a bun on the top of her head; she looked very businesslike but I could tell from her bright eyes that she had her wild side. I noticed her when I came in earlier. All the time I'd sat there waiting for Phil, she'd kept glancing at me flirtatiously and making me squirm uncomfortably, my eyes roving over her body. Her face...

1 month ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 34

Day 8 (15) –Time to Go Richard tapped his watch. The thing felt uncomfortable after not wearing it for over a week. Wait, actually it's been two weeks, hasn't it? Damn, keep forgetting the changes took a week. Need to remember that, or I'll say the wrong thing and people will really wonder WTF when I get home. Note to self... The whole family stood waiting in the lobby. Not the lobby they'd arrived in, oh no. That was ... elsewhere. This one separated from the rest of the hotel by...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 46

I was dead tired when my alarm woke me at seven am Sunday morning. Kelly was sound asleep. I hustled upstairs and got the shower before Trevor or Jay. The three of us were expected to have breakfast with the coaches, parents and recruits this morning. Trevor and I both left our cars in the parking lot by our apartment instead of returning them to the East Parking Deck. Nobody got ticketed for parking there on a weekend. Trevor volunteered to drive the three of us over to the hotel for...

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The BootleggerChapter 18

The first of the year found me kind of busy. People were dying left and right of course. I didn’t clean up after them all, but I did three in January. Their kids usually took care of any valuables, and the city trash man picked up what they managed to get out to the curb. So there really wasn’t much cleanup left for me. Since I no longer needed it to clean money, I lost interest. I spent a lot of the dark money on renovating the motel. I did it one room at a time. It wasn’t truly a...

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Lost ToysChapter 5 What is Love

Deborah Flynn - Thursday, June 18th, 2015 I yawned, sprawled out on the sofa. Everything was so routine. Netflix was on the TV through my game console but I wasn't paying much attention to the new show about the tranny and her psychic friends. That black Doctor Who girl was showing off some lovely tits though. It was lonely in here. My apartment was great and I loved it but it could use some people over. I had my two sisters, even if I didn't seem to have any close friends. I could call...