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Julie smiled nervously at her fiance Ron, but he didn't look back. He was looking warily down the line of people that stretched two blocks down the shadow-drenched late afternoon streets. The line then turned right, down Goddess Ave. for a half mile, through the heart of Oklahoma City, before reaching the temple.

Electric cars whizzed silently down the center of the street, carrying commuters home from work.

Ron had always seemed so self-possessed, so confident, to Julie. She had never seen him jittery before. He couldn't seem to stop fidgeting. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He craned his neck from side to side down the line, rattled the coins in his pocket. None of this was normal behavior for him.

"Nervous?" she asked, shaking her long brown hair.

"A little," Ron said, with a small smile.

"Is the goddess that terrible?"

"Oh no! Not at all! The goddess is truly the most beautiful and wonderful creature I've ever seen. It's just that, it's been years since I've seen her."

"Well, you've been sleeping with me the last two years. And then there was Angie for a year before that. I can see why you haven't been here."

"It's been longer than that," said Ron, nervously running a hand through his short sandy brown hair. "More like five years."

"Five years?!" Julie exclaimed. She raised an eyebrow, "did you have other lovers that you didn't tell me about?"

"I didn't lie. You are my second love, after Angie." A slight reddish tinge spread across his cheeks. "It's just that, for a few years, I kept to myself."

"You masturbated?" Julie exclaimed, with more than a hint of incredulity in her voice.

Ron nodded.

"But why? The goddess is free to all."

The nineteen year old didn't answer at once. He waited to round the corner onto Goddess Avenue, to collect his thoughts. The temple loomed ahead of them, as the line proceeded at a slow but steady pace towards it.

"When I was twelve, I had my first wet dream. The next day I went to the temple for the first time to see the goddess.

"You have no idea what it was like. You're just a kid, and you are required to come face-to-face with your deity for inspection.

"There is a special entrance for the first timers. No waiting. This is supposed to make it easier for us kids.

"Anyway, I was almost dragged into the curtain-lined room, by one of the priestesses. It was an empty room, except for a king sized bed with silk sheets in one corner. The priestess escorted me to the center of the room, then left. As soon as she left, the goddess stepped out from behind a curtain.

"Now, you have heard, Julie, all the descriptions about the goddess; her beauty; her majesty; her charms. None of them do her justice. Nothing anyone can say, can actually measure up to the actual experience. Therefore, I won't try. Besides, you'll see for yourself soon."

Ron motioned toward the ever-nearing temple.

"I'll just tell you that the goddess I met was very young. Maybe a year older than I was. She had long red hair and bright green eyes.

"You know that the goddess always has green eyes, don't you?"

"I know," acknowledged the blue-eyed Julie.

"Anyway, regardless of her youth, this goddess was indescribably beautiful. She was all my desires, lusts, and fantasies rolled into one. I remember that I came in my pants just seconds after I saw her.

"She must have realized this, but ignored it, she just walked, smiled, and asked me my name. Her voice had both a child-like innocence and a wanton suggestiveness that aroused me yet again.

"I managed to stammer out my name.

"She took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I didn't realize I had fallen to my knees. She lead me to the bed.

"It was with her that I lost my virginity. It was the greatest sex I have ever had."

Julie was not offended by this. After all, how can sex with a mere mortal compare with the goddess.

"She was insatiably passionate. For hours she teased and stimulated me to repeated erections. I finally passed out. When I woke, she was gone. A priestess was waiting by the door to escort me out.

"The goddess taught me much of what I know of how to please a woman, that day."

"She was a very good teacher too," said Julie, as she embrace her love.

"But in that encounter I sensed her joy, passion, and desire, but the one thing I didn't feel is love.

I went back a few more time the next eighteen months, but every time, after the ecstatic sex, I got this creepy feeling. It was like, I don't know, I just engaged in bestiality. Only I was the beast.

"When I turned fourteen, I vowed I wouldn't step foot inside a temple, until the marriage ceremony."

"Which is today," added Julie.

"Damn right it is," confirmed Ron, with a long passionate kiss.

"If the goddess approves," she said, pulling away.

"Of course she'll approve!" cried Ron. "Why shouldn't she? Only a tiny percent of all marriages get refused by the goddess."

"I suppose you're right. All the same, I'll be glad when this is over."

The temple was only a hundred yards away. The line of men, women, and couples could be seen going up the steps and through the large double doors.

After bearing his soul, Ron decided it was Julie's turn. "You've never told me, darling, why you have never come to see the goddess. Aren't you curious?"

About the goddess? Of course. About having sex with a woman, no way. The thought of exchanging bodily fluids with another female gives me the creeps ... Now, I know that it's completely different with the goddess. But still, I could never work up the never nor the desire to confront the goddess.

"Besides, it's not required of women, like it is with men."

"Not until want to marry," finished Ron.

Their conversation between the two died as they approached the base of the temple, and followed the line up the steps, entering through the massive gold doors. Inside the doors was the large elliptical common room, about the size of a football field. The room had a glass ceiling and green carpeting. Twelve hallways branched from the room. A priestess, by the doors, was acting as receptionist.

The priestess, a trim woman in her fifties, was wearing the traditional plain green dress. She entered the names of the young couple into a computer, and directed them toward the hallway farthest from the entry.

They thanked her, and proceeded across the vast room.

Their route across the common room was not a straight one; too many obstacles for that. Besides, there was so much to see.

There was a large group of people around an elderly priestess at a grand piano, who seemed to know every song ever written.

The bar near the piano, tended by priest, was stocked with everything from carrot juice to Jack Daniels.

Julie proposed that they celebrate with champagne on their way out.

Ron readily agreed.

A dozen yards away from the bar was a priest seated in a chair, reading to a swarm of kids, sprawled on the carpeted floor. They were waiting on their parents. More kids were frolicking in the swimming pool and Jacuzzi nearby, all under the watchful eyes of some priestesses, wearing green one-piece swimsuits.

The garden and health spa were off to the right. Both looked alluring, but neither Ron nor Julie wanted to make side trips. They both wanted to get the ritual over with.

"You know," said Ron, "I think I enjoyed the common room more than I did with the goddess."

Julie piped in, "I remember having a blast with the priests and priestesses, when I was a kid."

"Yeah, me too. But when you're an adult, after about an hour in the common room, the goddess calls to you. It's irresistible, just like she is."

Julie pulled on Ron's arm. "Then let's get going."

After skirting around the casino, the young lovers finally reached the entrance of their designated hallway. Two priestesses stood in the entranceway with another couple. The shorter of the two priestesses, a teenage Hispanic girl, wearing the pastel green of a novice, escorted the two couple down the hall.

As they walked down the wide hallway, the noise of the common room fell away. Soft strains of the hymn "One Goddess, Many Avatars" played through the ceiling speakers.

The other couple, Erica Chang and Jose Svendsen, both of which were a little inebriated, started singing and swaying with the music. Jose asked Ron, "Are you having a consecrated or regular ceremony?"

"What's the difference?"

"Well, in a regular ceremony, it you, a goddess, and some dozen other couples.

"In the consecrated version, it just you, your mate, and the goddess in a private ceremony. She blesses and consecrates your union by pleasing the both of you for the whole night."

Julie cringed, "you're kidding, right."

"No, it's a gas!" enthused Erica. "It's said that any consecrated marriage will maintain the goddess' passion all its days."

Ron decided to be diplomatic. "Gee, that sounds great. But Julie here has never met the goddess..."

Erica let out a shriek, and grabbed Julie's hand. "Never met the goddess?! You poor thing! I wish I could go back and re-experience my first time. It changed my life forever."

With Julie occupied, Jose pulled Ron aside. "You know Ron, with a little persuading, I bet you could get Julie to agree. It would be a first time for the ages!"

"Well, I could," began Ron carefully, "but I'm not sure I'd want to. You see, the goddess, she kind of intimidates me."

Jose took a step back. "Oh, you're one of those.

"For Pete's sake, guy, what's there to be intimidated by. The goddess is the greatest source of pleasure in the universe.

"I know, I know. It just seems so ... demeaning ... for the goddess, I mean."

"Of course its demeaning for the goddess, you sap! That's part of the miracle! The goddess is so awesome, we're not worthy to wipe her ass. Yet she humbles herself to be our lover."

"I know, I know," said Ron shaking his head. "It's just that ... I don't know."

"Look, you said you're studying to be an engineer, right? You got to stop thinking so much. When you're with the goddess, put your mind in neutral and let the sensations take over."

It was then that the priestess, tapped both men on the shoulder. For the past few minutes, the two couples had been standing instead of walking down the corridor. The other priestess, from the head of the hall had delivered two more couples to join their group. Their young guide urged them to follow her.

As it turned out, they only had only another hundred feet to go. During that time, both Erica and Jose urged them to come to the Saturday night services. "It's the best party in town!" said Ron.

The waiting area at the end of the hall was guarded by one of the priests. He was wearing an earpiece and microphone. He told the group to wait by the far doors until more couples arrive. Three couples were already waiting, one of which were both female. Jose and Erica asked the priest about their special ceremony. He said that he would arrange it, then whispered something into his microphone.

Most of the couples were nervous, staying mostly to themselves. A few though, who had been through this before, were talking and joking amongst themselves.

It was only five minutes until fourteen couples were waiting. The priest acted as an usher. He told the couples that a nurse would be waiting by the exit to remove the contraceptive implants on any woman who desired to have it done, after the ceremony.

Julie was planning to do so. Her and Ron's dream of having children was the main reason for making their relationship "legal."

Through the door, the priest turned left down the hallway. The couples followed. They passed a dozen or so closed doors on both sides. A priestess was waiting by one such door. The priest left Jose and Erica with her.

A few doors later, another couple was dropped off with a priestess. They too, evidently, wanted a special consecrated ceremony.

The remaining twelve couples were lead to the double doors at the end of the hallway. Two priestesses were standing by the doors. The priest left, as the priestesses lead them into the marriage room.

The room was thirty by thirty foot, with at twenty-five foot diameter circle in the middle. The circle seemed to glow white on the dark green, almost black carpeting. Evenly spaced around the circle were twelve lines to stand behind. One for each couple.

The priestesses lead the group around the circle, clockwise, placing a couple behind each line. Ron and Julie were set three quarters of the way around the circle.

After everyone was placed, the priestesses retreated up again the walls. Their dresses camouflaged them in the green curtain-lined room Julie noticed that there were two other priestesses already in place, making for a total of four. One for each wall.

Just seconds after the priestesses took their place. There was a soft hum. A hole opened in the center of the circle. Out of the hole rose a naked woman with glittering dark skin and vivid green eyes, and no pubic hair. She was in her late twenties and at least eight months pregnant.

Even in her condition, Julie thought was she beautiful. Not the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen, but still very attractive. There was also a timeless quality to her, as if she were made of obsidian, and would not change in one hundred years. Who was this person? Julie thought.

She glanced at Ron, and saw that he was on his knees. Tears were streaming down his face. He was whispering to himself. " ... beautiful, so beautiful. How could I have forgotten. How could I've forgotten..."

Julie looked over at the other couples. All the others were also on their knees. Some were singing the praises; others, like Ron, were weeping; still others were groaning as they rubbed themselves through their clothes; and a few knelt silently, in shocked awe. All had their eyes locked on this naked woman.

Were these the same giggly people she had walked in with, just a moment ago?

Just as Julie realized that the woman was looking at was the goddess, she felt a slight pinch on her neck. Everything became hazy and indistinct. She felt two arms lead her away from the circle.

The last thing she saw, before losing consciousness, was the goddess blessing the first couple.

Ron watched, mesmerized, as the goddess moved from couple to couple, giving them her blessing. After she laid her hands on them, each dazed couple was lead out by a pair of priestesses.

He looked forward to his encounter with the goddess with a mixture of anticipation and dread. To have his deity bless him and Julie would be a great honor. But to be in the presence of a being who was so above him, whom he would obey unquestioningly, was a truly a frightening thought. It was unbelievable that such a creature would care for the likes of him.

Finally, it was his turn. The dark-skinned goddess stood before Ron.

"Ronald Vague, please stand."

Ron tried to, but found that his legs had fallen asleep. The only way to stand was to sit first; not very dignified. The goddess seemed to realize his problem, and reached down to help him to his feet. A shudder of ecstasy swept through him when the goddess' skin touched his.

It turned out that this goddess was half a head shorter than him. She had to look up meet his eyes. This did not seem right. He wanted to get back on his knees, but didn't want to disobey her.

"I am sorry that I can't marry you and Julie Cavanaugh."

Ron, for the first time, realized that Julie was not beside him anymore.

"Your fiancée possesses a rare gift that is needed in my service."

It took a few seconds for him to realize what she just said. When it did, his heart skipped a beat. "She's gone?" he whispered. "My Julie? Forever?" Tears began to fall.

"Of all my duties as a goddess, this is my least favorite. I usually bring such joy to my followers, but this time I bring sorrow."

Ron felt a pinch in his neck. Suddenly, it was hard for him to think about Julie, or anything that really mattered, except for the vision before him.

"But I will try and relieve you sorrow..." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. " ... At least for one night."

This time, it was the goddess' turn to kneel, in one graceful motion. Once down there, the deity leaned forward and unzipped Ron's pants with her teeth. Ron's aching penis sprang out. She gazed upon the organ. A lusty grin spread across her face. "Ooh, a big one," she cooed. With great delicacy, she kissed the head.

Ron let out a groan. He wanted to grab her hair, but didn't dare.

She skillfully held the shaft with one hand, and took the head of the organ in her mouth.

Ron's loins erupted. He was unable to hold back.

The goddess didn't seem to mind. She just swallowed, smiled, and stood up.

"Bridget, Carla," she said to her attending priestesses. "Undress this strapping young man, then take him to the adjoining room. One of my sisters should be there by now. She will see to his need."

The two complied.

The goddess looked on with great longing, then caressed her bulging tummy. "I just wish I were in shape to handle him."

The priestesses lead him out of the room, Ron tried to think. He was upset about something, but what? The more he tried to recall, the harder it was remember. One of his escorts pushed back the curtain aside, revealing the goddess. She was tall, pale, and thin, with small pert breasts, platinum blonde hair, and vivid green eyes. All other thoughts fled from Ron's mind. His cock was swelling with renewed vigor.

The Nordic beauty presented Ron with what looked like an open jar of cold cream. "Rub this on your balls, please," she said.

He readily complied.

While doing so, his testicle started to tingle and swell. It was an incredibly erotic feeling. His achingly hard cock twitched and throbbed.

"What was that?" he gasped.

The goddess smiled. "A new toy we've been working on. It increases you semen production by about ten times. It lasts about twelve hours. It will help you keep up with me, at least in the short term."

She lead Ron to the king-size bed in the room. "The doctors say that you shouldn't use it more than once a month, but today is a special occasion."

The goddess laid him on his back, then straddled Ron's ten inch cock. As she lowered herself onto his aching member, they both let out a sigh of relief,

And Ron knew no sorrow, at least for that night.


The next thing Julie remembered was lying on a gurney. She felt a stick in her arm. She looked blearily, and saw a syringe drawing blood, but couldn't focus on who was doing it.

Good thing I'm so groggy, she mused. I usually get sick at the sight of blood.

To her left was a white blur that was crying. Julie turned her head and tried to focus her eyes. After a minute, she managed to make out the outline of a young girl with brown hair and a heart-shaped face, no more than twelve years old. She also was lying on a gurney. She was covered with a sheet. Her face was streaked with tears.

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Rory Phil and My mum came back to Marchester for Christmas and with Baby Emma despite having been here a few weeks ago. Rebecca and I had thought that they might want to bring in Christmas at home this year since it would be Emma's first. However my mum told me that they both felt the family should have a chance to get to know the baby and watch her grow. She seemed to be a contented little soul and she had a regular routine of sleeping for a spell in the morning and in the afternoon....

2 years ago
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Aint a woman that comes close to you

Angie slipped in the room for our occasional discreet encounter. This time she was dressed as a hot MILF wearing shoulder length blonde hair, dark red but lightly painted lips, trimmed dark eyebrows, lightly dusted eye shadow and rosy painted cheeks. She wore a pearl necklace with a white dress that covered her arms and stopped at her knees with nude colored hose and white heels. She wore two diamond rings that highlighted her freshly manicured fingers. “You look so sexy today” I whispered in...

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Manic Mom

Greg Fulton finished signing the paperwork, and then slid the small stack along with a check under the slot below the small glass window. The young woman sitting behind the glass checked the signature and the amount on the check, and then silently picked up a small telephone. She spoke softly and then hung up without acknowledging anything further from Greg. With a sigh the twenty-four year old returned to a small seat and waited. He looked up when in a few minutes a police officer exited,...

3 years ago
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It Likes Me

Peter loved the assignments to study the effects of climate change on marine life in the tropical Pacific islands. The lack of clothing on the small islands that he was most interested in made the scenery even more attractive. When young, the women were quite nubile but would morph into stouter matronly bodies with age and childbearing. There was a place on the western side of the island where he could sit under a small cluster of palms and look out over the ocean to watch sunsets. It was a...

2 years ago
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Peter fucks my wife pt 2

See part 1 for the beginningPeters's cock was raging hard. The veins were now bulging as if a tournequet was tied to its base. It's as if it knew that pussy was near. Peter was now between her legs, he lowered himself down on her. Their mouths met, he kissed her deeply. She looked as though she was trying to swallow him, that's how deep she was trying to kiss him. She moaned into his mouth, her arms wrapped around his thick muscular body. Her legs spread wide enticining him to enter...

1 year ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 3A

Delinsilversworth The next morning started with the two of us waking at the same time. This time I got to see some of her morning routine. She got up and went to the pool and splashed water on her face as well as took a drink. Then she got out a change of clothes from her pack and changed. This was nice because it gave me a chance to see her without her coverings on. When she was finished, she just looked at me. "You silly, go and stretch and get some flying in. We have a busy day of grass...

2 years ago
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I Do What Im Told

My name is Amanda, and I do what I'm told. Ok, so a little about me. I'm a 22 year old college senior, an RA in a freshman dorm. I'm a tall, slender brunette, dark hair, dark eyes....you know the type. Until this year, I was straight, with a dominant personality. Then, I met Sarah. She's a petite blonde, big breasted freshman, and gorgeous. When I first met her, there was something....consuming about her. Soon, we became friends. She was kind to me and I grew more and more attracted to her. I...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 49

Susan, her mood melancholy, had wandered the halls for a while now, occasionally stopping to sit in a window seat and stare out at the grounds, then after a while, walking on to idly explore as her thoughts, too, continued to wander. At the north end of the retreat, she found a little alcove with a window seat. Sitting, she slipped her shoes off and put her feet up on the lush leather. Most of the outside lights had been turned off, leaving only the security lights at various points about the...

3 years ago
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Friend8217s Sister Deepika Has Better Off Me

I had a childhood friend name Vikrant Senger. He is with me from 5 to 12. We are not that good buddies but we had lots to share in Cigarettes and etc. And we cherish our friendship. She has a younger sister name Deepika Senger. I had never wrong intention about her as she is a year younger to me. After my 12th I moved in different city for my college and stayed in hostel. And returned in holidays and went to my friend house to meet him but he was not there her mom insisted me to come inside and...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to BDSM

I had been in contact with Nicole for a few weeks on one of the sex sites, and as we got to know one another better we found that we were both interested in the idea of restraints and mild BDSM. I had enjoyed a few months with my own Scottish sub a couple of years earlier and we had, had a great time exploring new and exciting practices together, but the distances were just too large so we had had to break it off. Nicole however had found herself turned on by the 50 Shades series of books and...

1 year ago
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Feminized and fossilized

Feminized and fossilized. By Nasty Nana Natasha 2009. It was about ten thirty at night as shop owner Beverly Blackburn watched a rather weedy young man enter her store. Studying the young man who was about five foot six with blonde hair, Beverly realized she knew his kind, they were the kind who were out to get her, but then again in Beverly's world, all men were like that. Watching the young man who was light on his feet Beverly decided he must have been light fingered as well and...

3 years ago
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She really loved the summer weather, she mused, as she stepped through the doorway of the health club into the picture perfect late afternoon. A warm breeze, heavy with the sweet aroma of the azalea bushes planted beside the walk swirled around her, gently stirring her shoulder length blond hair and giving her a rush as it caressed her bare thighs and curled under the hem of her tiny nylon skirt. She looked down at her stiffening nipples pushing against her thin cotton tank-top and wondered if...

2 years ago
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Port a Potty

I had just drank 2 bottles of water running through the park. It washot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. Ihad to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portabletoilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still earlyand I was hoping they had not been used just yet.There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door andthey were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no whereto wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet...

3 years ago
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Just a Thought

Your boss had always been a bit of a bastard, but at least he had the decency to know it. Over the years, you had grown a kind of begrudging respect for him. So it came as no surprise when this week for no particular reason, he wanted the TPS report on Thursday instead of Friday. Luckily you were able to knock it out by Thursday afternoon (with the help of some clever Excel macros that he didn't know about). He actually seemed vaguely pleased when you told him the report had been uploaded. You...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Set Fire to the RainChapter 3

I didn't think about school and its effects on what was happening between Karen and me. I was getting laid and blown; school had nothing to do with my sex life! Karen must have put a lot of thought into it though--not the sex, but people's reaction to her changes. There was no way around Karen still being fat when we walked into school the first day of our junior year. The thing was that, regardless of the extra weight, Karen didn't think of herself as a 'fat girl' anymore! The martial...

2 years ago
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Continued from Jean elder sister

Continued from Jean elder sisterMaggie xmass presentOn xmass eve Jean Peter and Maggie were invited to Peter boss for dinner.I went to a pub for a drink with a friend, I came home early with the last bus around 12:30 I did not want to use a taxi it cost a lot. I went to bed around 1:00 at 2:30 I heart Jean Peter and Maggie returning home, soon everybody was to bed,Half an hour later Maggie came to my room, she said how was my evening, ok I said, yours, fine she replied, and sat to the bed next...

1 year ago
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The Hunting Grounds Run or be PART 1

----------------- Chloe could hear nothing over her own breathing, he chest rising and falling, her tight little breasts perked and pulled tight against her under the pressure… she had been running for what felt like a life time, and finally she felt like she was alone. She used a large tree as cover, looking through the sparsely wooded trees, and got to her knees. Keeping an eye out for the hunters, she reached back over her red ass, and gripped the head of the butt plug. She pulled it out...

2 years ago
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My French getaway

I wanted to tell you about my little trip last week .It’s a long story but I hope you enjoy it. I spent the week in France with an old friend and her family, my husband was away and I didn’t want to spend the week alone at home. Now we only see each other once in a while and it has been a few years since I saw the whole family, her husband and two sons. Once in France, they met me at the ferry. I was shocked at how well they all looked, especially their two sons Martin and Glen who were now...

Wife Lovers
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Racist Biology Professor and the Asian

This is a story I thought of during the year when after a lecture I over heard a girl asking about extra credit for her scholarship. It does get a bit dark in places and there is some strong racism throughout but I think it only adds to the sex, enjoy. "You please help me professor me need help big, yes?" A sobbing Asian girl on her knees sat begging for her professors’ help in getting a distinction in biology 101. She had won a scholarship to attend college in America but needed to keep...

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sr seduces br

As c***dren we lived near ‘The Colorado Railroad Museum’ on West 44th Street just outside Golden, Colorado at the base of North Table Top Mountain. Is quaint building was built to look like an old fashioned train depot. Behind and along the side of the building they had collected a large collection of actual steam era locomotives and freight and passenger cars. The neighborhood k**s hung out there because of the soda machine and candy counter. It was the only business within two miles. The...

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DoctorPatient Confidentiality Volume One Part Two

CHAPTER SEVEN Madame Vito finally makes her appearance, and the room quickly goes quiet. She doesn't say a thing, but then again, she doesn't need to. Her stern presence and the clicking of her signature moccasins are all that's necessary to make all the chatter scurry away into dead silence. The room gets so quiet you could probably hear a snowflake land. Vito's graying locks are pulled back into a tight bun as usual, and she's covered up in a dark cardigan and an equally dark, conservative...

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Oh You Poor Man

The first time I heard those words was on the second date with Rosie. I’d been advised by my buddy that she was the best way to rid myself of virginity. She taken his and several others he knew. It had taken a month to get the first date with her and three weeks to schedule the second. She was obviously quite popular. Wanting to make a good impression I had splurged on an expensive dinner and theater production for our first outing. Rosie did invite me into her small apartment afterwards and...

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BusherChapter 4 Dave

After we beat Potomac handily and had cleaned up and dressed, I was grumbling to Alex on the way out of the locker room about the fact that I hadn't brought anything decent to wear on this road trip, and the only sports coat I had with me, after our nine days busing around North Carolina, was almost too grungy to wear on the team bus -- much less in a Horse Country private club. "You look fine," Alex said, with all the sincerity of Martha Stewart interviewing a crack addict. "Don't...

1 year ago
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Candles Stocks

CANDLES & STOCKS        I lay tied to the bed posts, spread eagle.  A blind fold covered my eyes, music playing into the ear phones.  I lay listening to Neil Diamond.  We had a multi-CD changer with a random selector.  I could listen for hours and not hear the same songs repeated.  I wiggled a bit? butt itched? feels better.  I felt naked, exposed but had little more that I could sense about myself in the moment, nor did I care too.  I was enjoying myself.   My wife of 15 years, Joan, had tied...

2 years ago
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Bus Train Public HOME TRIP

This was my time when I was late to catch train to my home due to pending office job.So, I went to bus stand to catch any bus to my home, luckily I caught last bus from the stand, the bus was too much crowded, hardly I got last corner seat of bus where lot of booked luggage placed already.I hardly move to window seat and two more person also came there and stand infront of me, they talked on some topic.After sometimes bus was moved to destination and atmosphere of bus was cooled down.Bus was...

4 years ago
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The Accident

I was actually getting used to going to the library everyday and learning what the Internet was all about, I had no idea what I was missing until I got my own computer. A whole new world had been opened up to me. It was somewhat overwhelming, but exciting at the same time. The thought of being able to talk to someone on the other side of the world without calling them on the telephone or writing a letter was a fascinating concept. Thankfully, I had a friend who helped me "learn the ropes"...

2 years ago
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Taking a Midnight Stroll

I was sitting around my house smoking a blunt when I decided I would go for a walk, the way I saw it was, why not? It’s not TOO late. At around 12 o’clock I finally decided that I should get up and go. As I was walking I saw my neighbour going for a jog. Even though I was high I decided it would be fun to go and catch up with him, it wasn’t until I had caught up with him that I realized he was high as well. ‘Hey Tom’ he said when he noticed me. ‘Hey Anthony, how your night been.’ I replied....

3 years ago
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It was not too far from the middle of nowhere. I stood beside the rented truck, arms folded protectively against the wind, eyes searching the landscape for any sign of life. North, south, nothing but pale, dead fields. East, west, only a slim gray road. Both views for as far as the eye could see. ‘Well, Sanvalle is about ten miles west.’ I turned quickly to face the only other soul on this desolate patch of land, and the only person I’d spoken to in over eight hours. ‘Straight down this road,’...

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Briefs Buddy Part 1

As Dave woke from a deep sleep and stretched out in bed he fell to wondering about the events of the last two days. He was wearing a favourite pair of white M&S slip briefs. Nothing unusual about that - he always wore briefs in bed and possessed no other night wear. His briefs were soft from lots of use and felt good and tight around his arse, his cock and his balls. Nothing unusual about that either - he had a big collection of well broken-in briefs chosen just because he loved the feel of...

1 year ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 13 Ninas First Workout

The next morning Nina awoke actually feeling refreshed, and trouble-free. She had slept deeply and dreamlessly, exhausted physically from all the orgasms, both at Gretchen's hands, and at Scott's. During their morning shower, Scott took a little extra time soaping her newly denuded mound, delighting at the novelty. Nina could feel herself getting a little aroused at his attention, but knew that they didn't have time to do anything about it. After drying off, she went through her closet to...

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Just Say I Love You

Years ago I had been a member of a motorcycle club called The Rebels.   I still had my vest and every few years I would shake off the dust and wear it to a club reunion.   This year as I pulled up at the Sweet Water Creek Bar and Grill on my Harley I had Heather behind me.   I noticed a number of other bikes out front but I didn’t recognize any of them.   That was not unusual as this was a common biker hangout.   When we went inside I realized those bikes belonged to another club.   They were...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jenna Sativa Chloe Cherry The First Time I Squirted

Jenna Sativa is nervous. As she waits on the couch, her mind is racing. When Chloe Cherry knocks on the door, she practically falls off the couch. She greets her as Chloe comes and sits down next to her. This is their first date and Jenna has never used a dating app before. The girls make small talk as they’re both eager to get to know each other. They giggle and laugh but eventually stumble upon an awkward silence. Chloe looks around the room as Jenna thinks of something to say. Jenna...

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Kathy AgainChapter 2

I awakened the next day, still (again?) pulsatingly hard. Kathy had gotten up without awakening me, and I heard her rattling around in the kitchen, as the boys were heading out to school. Sandy had tried to slink out the door, as I heard Kathy interrupt her in mid slink. “Young Lady! You and your father and I have a conversation to have, this morning! And you are not going anywhere until we do!” For some reason, Sandy did not attempt to wheedle her way out of her mother’s sights. “Yes,...

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Union in CrisisChapter 11

"Next!" The 'Path' instructor, the man who Kat still thought of as the Chief, was Minerva's husband and the hand-to-hand combat instructor for the Citadel. 'Path' was fighting technique that traced its origins to several ancient disciplines on Old Earth. Part Savate, part Krav Maga with some Judo-style grappling included, it was a fast, brutal art that did not lend itself well to tournaments. It taught its practitioners to injure, disable and kill opponents as rapidly as possible. Kat...

1 year ago
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C our baby sitters first orgy

We all got ready during the day, each using the douche and having sneak plays with the toys to open our holes, although most times, I didn't do anal at the orgies, only the woman, but I wanted to be ready just in case. Chris and Sally turned up first, Shelia was wearing just a white mans shirt, nothing else, Chris nearly blew his load then and there, and also like me said she would be so full of cum by the end of the night, that she would leak for weeks. As more of the couples...

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