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Julie smiled nervously at her fiance Ron, but he didn't look back. He was looking warily down the line of people that stretched two blocks down the shadow-drenched late afternoon streets. The line then turned right, down Goddess Ave. for a half mile, through the heart of Oklahoma City, before reaching the temple.

Electric cars whizzed silently down the center of the street, carrying commuters home from work.

Ron had always seemed so self-possessed, so confident, to Julie. She had never seen him jittery before. He couldn't seem to stop fidgeting. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He craned his neck from side to side down the line, rattled the coins in his pocket. None of this was normal behavior for him.

"Nervous?" she asked, shaking her long brown hair.

"A little," Ron said, with a small smile.

"Is the goddess that terrible?"

"Oh no! Not at all! The goddess is truly the most beautiful and wonderful creature I've ever seen. It's just that, it's been years since I've seen her."

"Well, you've been sleeping with me the last two years. And then there was Angie for a year before that. I can see why you haven't been here."

"It's been longer than that," said Ron, nervously running a hand through his short sandy brown hair. "More like five years."

"Five years?!" Julie exclaimed. She raised an eyebrow, "did you have other lovers that you didn't tell me about?"

"I didn't lie. You are my second love, after Angie." A slight reddish tinge spread across his cheeks. "It's just that, for a few years, I kept to myself."

"You masturbated?" Julie exclaimed, with more than a hint of incredulity in her voice.

Ron nodded.

"But why? The goddess is free to all."

The nineteen year old didn't answer at once. He waited to round the corner onto Goddess Avenue, to collect his thoughts. The temple loomed ahead of them, as the line proceeded at a slow but steady pace towards it.

"When I was twelve, I had my first wet dream. The next day I went to the temple for the first time to see the goddess.

"You have no idea what it was like. You're just a kid, and you are required to come face-to-face with your deity for inspection.

"There is a special entrance for the first timers. No waiting. This is supposed to make it easier for us kids.

"Anyway, I was almost dragged into the curtain-lined room, by one of the priestesses. It was an empty room, except for a king sized bed with silk sheets in one corner. The priestess escorted me to the center of the room, then left. As soon as she left, the goddess stepped out from behind a curtain.

"Now, you have heard, Julie, all the descriptions about the goddess; her beauty; her majesty; her charms. None of them do her justice. Nothing anyone can say, can actually measure up to the actual experience. Therefore, I won't try. Besides, you'll see for yourself soon."

Ron motioned toward the ever-nearing temple.

"I'll just tell you that the goddess I met was very young. Maybe a year older than I was. She had long red hair and bright green eyes.

"You know that the goddess always has green eyes, don't you?"

"I know," acknowledged the blue-eyed Julie.

"Anyway, regardless of her youth, this goddess was indescribably beautiful. She was all my desires, lusts, and fantasies rolled into one. I remember that I came in my pants just seconds after I saw her.

"She must have realized this, but ignored it, she just walked, smiled, and asked me my name. Her voice had both a child-like innocence and a wanton suggestiveness that aroused me yet again.

"I managed to stammer out my name.

"She took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I didn't realize I had fallen to my knees. She lead me to the bed.

"It was with her that I lost my virginity. It was the greatest sex I have ever had."

Julie was not offended by this. After all, how can sex with a mere mortal compare with the goddess.

"She was insatiably passionate. For hours she teased and stimulated me to repeated erections. I finally passed out. When I woke, she was gone. A priestess was waiting by the door to escort me out.

"The goddess taught me much of what I know of how to please a woman, that day."

"She was a very good teacher too," said Julie, as she embrace her love.

"But in that encounter I sensed her joy, passion, and desire, but the one thing I didn't feel is love.

I went back a few more time the next eighteen months, but every time, after the ecstatic sex, I got this creepy feeling. It was like, I don't know, I just engaged in bestiality. Only I was the beast.

"When I turned fourteen, I vowed I wouldn't step foot inside a temple, until the marriage ceremony."

"Which is today," added Julie.

"Damn right it is," confirmed Ron, with a long passionate kiss.

"If the goddess approves," she said, pulling away.

"Of course she'll approve!" cried Ron. "Why shouldn't she? Only a tiny percent of all marriages get refused by the goddess."

"I suppose you're right. All the same, I'll be glad when this is over."

The temple was only a hundred yards away. The line of men, women, and couples could be seen going up the steps and through the large double doors.

After bearing his soul, Ron decided it was Julie's turn. "You've never told me, darling, why you have never come to see the goddess. Aren't you curious?"

About the goddess? Of course. About having sex with a woman, no way. The thought of exchanging bodily fluids with another female gives me the creeps ... Now, I know that it's completely different with the goddess. But still, I could never work up the never nor the desire to confront the goddess.

"Besides, it's not required of women, like it is with men."

"Not until want to marry," finished Ron.

Their conversation between the two died as they approached the base of the temple, and followed the line up the steps, entering through the massive gold doors. Inside the doors was the large elliptical common room, about the size of a football field. The room had a glass ceiling and green carpeting. Twelve hallways branched from the room. A priestess, by the doors, was acting as receptionist.

The priestess, a trim woman in her fifties, was wearing the traditional plain green dress. She entered the names of the young couple into a computer, and directed them toward the hallway farthest from the entry.

They thanked her, and proceeded across the vast room.

Their route across the common room was not a straight one; too many obstacles for that. Besides, there was so much to see.

There was a large group of people around an elderly priestess at a grand piano, who seemed to know every song ever written.

The bar near the piano, tended by priest, was stocked with everything from carrot juice to Jack Daniels.

Julie proposed that they celebrate with champagne on their way out.

Ron readily agreed.

A dozen yards away from the bar was a priest seated in a chair, reading to a swarm of kids, sprawled on the carpeted floor. They were waiting on their parents. More kids were frolicking in the swimming pool and Jacuzzi nearby, all under the watchful eyes of some priestesses, wearing green one-piece swimsuits.

The garden and health spa were off to the right. Both looked alluring, but neither Ron nor Julie wanted to make side trips. They both wanted to get the ritual over with.

"You know," said Ron, "I think I enjoyed the common room more than I did with the goddess."

Julie piped in, "I remember having a blast with the priests and priestesses, when I was a kid."

"Yeah, me too. But when you're an adult, after about an hour in the common room, the goddess calls to you. It's irresistible, just like she is."

Julie pulled on Ron's arm. "Then let's get going."

After skirting around the casino, the young lovers finally reached the entrance of their designated hallway. Two priestesses stood in the entranceway with another couple. The shorter of the two priestesses, a teenage Hispanic girl, wearing the pastel green of a novice, escorted the two couple down the hall.

As they walked down the wide hallway, the noise of the common room fell away. Soft strains of the hymn "One Goddess, Many Avatars" played through the ceiling speakers.

The other couple, Erica Chang and Jose Svendsen, both of which were a little inebriated, started singing and swaying with the music. Jose asked Ron, "Are you having a consecrated or regular ceremony?"

"What's the difference?"

"Well, in a regular ceremony, it you, a goddess, and some dozen other couples.

"In the consecrated version, it just you, your mate, and the goddess in a private ceremony. She blesses and consecrates your union by pleasing the both of you for the whole night."

Julie cringed, "you're kidding, right."

"No, it's a gas!" enthused Erica. "It's said that any consecrated marriage will maintain the goddess' passion all its days."

Ron decided to be diplomatic. "Gee, that sounds great. But Julie here has never met the goddess..."

Erica let out a shriek, and grabbed Julie's hand. "Never met the goddess?! You poor thing! I wish I could go back and re-experience my first time. It changed my life forever."

With Julie occupied, Jose pulled Ron aside. "You know Ron, with a little persuading, I bet you could get Julie to agree. It would be a first time for the ages!"

"Well, I could," began Ron carefully, "but I'm not sure I'd want to. You see, the goddess, she kind of intimidates me."

Jose took a step back. "Oh, you're one of those.

"For Pete's sake, guy, what's there to be intimidated by. The goddess is the greatest source of pleasure in the universe.

"I know, I know. It just seems so ... demeaning ... for the goddess, I mean."

"Of course its demeaning for the goddess, you sap! That's part of the miracle! The goddess is so awesome, we're not worthy to wipe her ass. Yet she humbles herself to be our lover."

"I know, I know," said Ron shaking his head. "It's just that ... I don't know."

"Look, you said you're studying to be an engineer, right? You got to stop thinking so much. When you're with the goddess, put your mind in neutral and let the sensations take over."

It was then that the priestess, tapped both men on the shoulder. For the past few minutes, the two couples had been standing instead of walking down the corridor. The other priestess, from the head of the hall had delivered two more couples to join their group. Their young guide urged them to follow her.

As it turned out, they only had only another hundred feet to go. During that time, both Erica and Jose urged them to come to the Saturday night services. "It's the best party in town!" said Ron.

The waiting area at the end of the hall was guarded by one of the priests. He was wearing an earpiece and microphone. He told the group to wait by the far doors until more couples arrive. Three couples were already waiting, one of which were both female. Jose and Erica asked the priest about their special ceremony. He said that he would arrange it, then whispered something into his microphone.

Most of the couples were nervous, staying mostly to themselves. A few though, who had been through this before, were talking and joking amongst themselves.

It was only five minutes until fourteen couples were waiting. The priest acted as an usher. He told the couples that a nurse would be waiting by the exit to remove the contraceptive implants on any woman who desired to have it done, after the ceremony.

Julie was planning to do so. Her and Ron's dream of having children was the main reason for making their relationship "legal."

Through the door, the priest turned left down the hallway. The couples followed. They passed a dozen or so closed doors on both sides. A priestess was waiting by one such door. The priest left Jose and Erica with her.

A few doors later, another couple was dropped off with a priestess. They too, evidently, wanted a special consecrated ceremony.

The remaining twelve couples were lead to the double doors at the end of the hallway. Two priestesses were standing by the doors. The priest left, as the priestesses lead them into the marriage room.

The room was thirty by thirty foot, with at twenty-five foot diameter circle in the middle. The circle seemed to glow white on the dark green, almost black carpeting. Evenly spaced around the circle were twelve lines to stand behind. One for each couple.

The priestesses lead the group around the circle, clockwise, placing a couple behind each line. Ron and Julie were set three quarters of the way around the circle.

After everyone was placed, the priestesses retreated up again the walls. Their dresses camouflaged them in the green curtain-lined room Julie noticed that there were two other priestesses already in place, making for a total of four. One for each wall.

Just seconds after the priestesses took their place. There was a soft hum. A hole opened in the center of the circle. Out of the hole rose a naked woman with glittering dark skin and vivid green eyes, and no pubic hair. She was in her late twenties and at least eight months pregnant.

Even in her condition, Julie thought was she beautiful. Not the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen, but still very attractive. There was also a timeless quality to her, as if she were made of obsidian, and would not change in one hundred years. Who was this person? Julie thought.

She glanced at Ron, and saw that he was on his knees. Tears were streaming down his face. He was whispering to himself. " ... beautiful, so beautiful. How could I have forgotten. How could I've forgotten..."

Julie looked over at the other couples. All the others were also on their knees. Some were singing the praises; others, like Ron, were weeping; still others were groaning as they rubbed themselves through their clothes; and a few knelt silently, in shocked awe. All had their eyes locked on this naked woman.

Were these the same giggly people she had walked in with, just a moment ago?

Just as Julie realized that the woman was looking at was the goddess, she felt a slight pinch on her neck. Everything became hazy and indistinct. She felt two arms lead her away from the circle.

The last thing she saw, before losing consciousness, was the goddess blessing the first couple.

Ron watched, mesmerized, as the goddess moved from couple to couple, giving them her blessing. After she laid her hands on them, each dazed couple was lead out by a pair of priestesses.

He looked forward to his encounter with the goddess with a mixture of anticipation and dread. To have his deity bless him and Julie would be a great honor. But to be in the presence of a being who was so above him, whom he would obey unquestioningly, was a truly a frightening thought. It was unbelievable that such a creature would care for the likes of him.

Finally, it was his turn. The dark-skinned goddess stood before Ron.

"Ronald Vague, please stand."

Ron tried to, but found that his legs had fallen asleep. The only way to stand was to sit first; not very dignified. The goddess seemed to realize his problem, and reached down to help him to his feet. A shudder of ecstasy swept through him when the goddess' skin touched his.

It turned out that this goddess was half a head shorter than him. She had to look up meet his eyes. This did not seem right. He wanted to get back on his knees, but didn't want to disobey her.

"I am sorry that I can't marry you and Julie Cavanaugh."

Ron, for the first time, realized that Julie was not beside him anymore.

"Your fiancée possesses a rare gift that is needed in my service."

It took a few seconds for him to realize what she just said. When it did, his heart skipped a beat. "She's gone?" he whispered. "My Julie? Forever?" Tears began to fall.

"Of all my duties as a goddess, this is my least favorite. I usually bring such joy to my followers, but this time I bring sorrow."

Ron felt a pinch in his neck. Suddenly, it was hard for him to think about Julie, or anything that really mattered, except for the vision before him.

"But I will try and relieve you sorrow..." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. " ... At least for one night."

This time, it was the goddess' turn to kneel, in one graceful motion. Once down there, the deity leaned forward and unzipped Ron's pants with her teeth. Ron's aching penis sprang out. She gazed upon the organ. A lusty grin spread across her face. "Ooh, a big one," she cooed. With great delicacy, she kissed the head.

Ron let out a groan. He wanted to grab her hair, but didn't dare.

She skillfully held the shaft with one hand, and took the head of the organ in her mouth.

Ron's loins erupted. He was unable to hold back.

The goddess didn't seem to mind. She just swallowed, smiled, and stood up.

"Bridget, Carla," she said to her attending priestesses. "Undress this strapping young man, then take him to the adjoining room. One of my sisters should be there by now. She will see to his need."

The two complied.

The goddess looked on with great longing, then caressed her bulging tummy. "I just wish I were in shape to handle him."

The priestesses lead him out of the room, Ron tried to think. He was upset about something, but what? The more he tried to recall, the harder it was remember. One of his escorts pushed back the curtain aside, revealing the goddess. She was tall, pale, and thin, with small pert breasts, platinum blonde hair, and vivid green eyes. All other thoughts fled from Ron's mind. His cock was swelling with renewed vigor.

The Nordic beauty presented Ron with what looked like an open jar of cold cream. "Rub this on your balls, please," she said.

He readily complied.

While doing so, his testicle started to tingle and swell. It was an incredibly erotic feeling. His achingly hard cock twitched and throbbed.

"What was that?" he gasped.

The goddess smiled. "A new toy we've been working on. It increases you semen production by about ten times. It lasts about twelve hours. It will help you keep up with me, at least in the short term."

She lead Ron to the king-size bed in the room. "The doctors say that you shouldn't use it more than once a month, but today is a special occasion."

The goddess laid him on his back, then straddled Ron's ten inch cock. As she lowered herself onto his aching member, they both let out a sigh of relief,

And Ron knew no sorrow, at least for that night.


The next thing Julie remembered was lying on a gurney. She felt a stick in her arm. She looked blearily, and saw a syringe drawing blood, but couldn't focus on who was doing it.

Good thing I'm so groggy, she mused. I usually get sick at the sight of blood.

To her left was a white blur that was crying. Julie turned her head and tried to focus her eyes. After a minute, she managed to make out the outline of a young girl with brown hair and a heart-shaped face, no more than twelve years old. She also was lying on a gurney. She was covered with a sheet. Her face was streaked with tears.

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(AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this story about my first wife. I've posted it on a couple of other erotic story sites, and have corrected a few grammar and spelling mistakes and posting it here now.) Anne It was another hot Texas summer day! Anne, I and Tom decided to head out to the quarry for a swim. Anne was beautiful! I can still see her standing there with us, 5' 6", and short brown hair in a pixie cut. Her tanned 34 22 34 body was almost covered in a tiny little bikini that she crocheted. What...

Wife Lovers
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To Hell with Men

Dru is a pettie 22 year old woman with large breast, strawberry blond hair, and blue eyes. She had been use to dating assholes and was getting sick of it. "Why do men only care about the size of a woman's breast? All they want to do is fuck me and leave me." She would think to herself. "To hell with men! I'm done with them for now. But how do I still get to go out to the bars and not get hit on by them?" She keep thinking about this while cooking and eating dinner then figured to go out...

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The teacher

It was over, this time she had had it!Luckily Anja had her own tiny apartment in a boring Copenhagen suburb. She had just turned 19 and worked at the local supermarket while she waited for something better to show up. Like a job in fashion or a job at a cafe or something exiting. It was Friday night a little after 7 and she was walking home from work. She had the weekend off, but since her ex had moved out, she had spend most of her salary on boring things like rent.She lived on a street that...

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College Daze

I went to a medium-sized college on the West Coast that had coed dorms available to third- and fourth-year students. I went and filled out an application, being first, curious, and, secondly, very horny. Well, you never know, right? The housing cost was the same, so I did it. In filling out the request, there was a place to fill in if you wanted a roommate of your sex or the opposite sex. That's when I knew this was the right choice. I had already been amazed at the liberal attitude about...

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Fathers friend and wife

My name is justy . This incident happens two months back. About me working as female nurse here in bhilai ,raipur. My age is 26 and an average looking guy.`m staying with my parents here for last 5 yrs . Now let me tel abt th incident.here in ourplace buses are not so common here all used to travel by tempos , as specia vehicle. On that day i used to travel by one such tempo i got seat in th back seat of th vehicle n i sat beside a good looking lady .after some time it get more crowded n me got...

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Dolly Time with Sasha

Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...

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Devlins StoryChapter 27A

She was horny. As the light filtered past the blinds Devlin shifted in her bed and pressed her hand between her legs. She was hot and could feel the dampness of her panties. She knew what it was: the last time she'd been with a man was... Sunday? Yeah, because she and Danny hadn't gotten together on Monday. She'd been going to go to Cindy's on Tuesday, but that whole mess with Jeff had blown up instead. A whole week. She'd gone longer than that before; when she was 16, Danny had been...

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Linda and MeganChapter 4

"Boy, you sure do squirt a lot of stuff, Unka D," Linda said as we reclined in the chair. "And you taste a lot different than everyone else. It's kinda like the bread Mama makes when we have sketti. I think it's called garlic bread." "Well, I do eat a lot of garlic, so that's probably why you tasted that." "It tastes really good. But you squirt so much and the first squirt almost went down my throat without me swallowin' at all. It really came out strong." "That's probably...

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TJ MorgChapter 46

"All personnel, resume cruising stations" The Leading Hands dealt with the bags, many with contents even if only gastric juices. "These are the only non body thing you are permitted to flush into the waste lines; the bag is a degradable fabric. Everything and that is everything that has not passed through your body goes into the waste containers. Welcome to the joyous sensation of translation into hyper. For information, "Sundowner" is in hyperspace heading for the Kingdom of...

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My 43yearold wife really let herself go sexuality

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

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Seducing Jennifer Pt 35

After we had all eaten more than we wanted, the clan mothers led us to a small guest house made of wattle and daub. We knelt to crawl inside, the old ladies close behind us. There was a central fire below the smoke hole and beds of piled hides and furs at opposite sides of the single room. Jennifer and I sat down on one bed and Tommy and Mary Louise took the other. The old ladies crawled into the room and stood up. One of them placed a large bowl of roasted venison near the fire. ‘In case...

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A Casualty of Chance Part 5

The carnal session is briefly interrupted Kelli Zellers was mortified. Being naked on a motel room bed with a stranger's dick shoved up her ass was bad enough, but now there was a knock at the door and the other man in the room had turned to answer it. There wasn't nearly enough energy in Kelli's tank to pull herself off Rico's impaling shaft so she could run and hide. In fact there wasn't even enough time for Kelli to reach for a pillow to cover herself before Gerald grabbed the knob and...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 7 The barriers begin to fall

“I want your project,” Samuel said out loud as the door closed behind him with a loud click. Startled, Edward slowly looked up at Samuel with a look of surprise on his face that was quickly followed by irritation, “Have you been snooping through my notes?” Edward asked him angrily. For a while, Edward had suspected that someone had been rifling through his papers. It wasn’t anything solid, but all too often things felt a little too much out of place. “Well you can’t have it, as you well...

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The Quarterback and MemdashPart 2

This is a true story of what happened to me during college. Go back and read part 1 (The Quarterback and Me) to hear how Joe and I hooked up. I'm Sam. I work in the college Activity Center. It's a place where students can come work out, play intramural sports, and just hang out. Joseph was our college football quarterback. Standing at 6'3", 180 pounds, abs of steel, tanned skin--he was perfect--and totally straight up until that night I found out he wasn't! (But again, that's for the first...

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Lost Love

 During the summer of twenty-twelve, Anna missed her goody two shoes Christian school. It was an insane thought that drove her to decide to re-visit the old school. She’d been there once, about a year later after she left seventh grade. Being nearly twenty-one now, she wanted to see her former teachers, like Mrs. Gradle, Mrs. DeJohnson, and Mr. Howard. When the summer of twenty-thirteen finally rolled around, she squared her shoulders and made up her mind. After her mother’s reception party in...

Straight Sex
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Barry had a problem. He'd had it since hitting puberty. For some reason he could not explain and was too embarrassed to discuss with a doctor, he often found himself in serious need to, uh, releasing some tension. He wasn't a perv, but even the slightest thing was enough to get him aroused, and the only way to make it go away was to stroke it out. Seeing an attractive woman at the mall. Seeing a hot woman in a television commercial. Anything was enough to cause him to get him locked and loaded,...

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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 37 Tinas Special Request

“Oh, hi there, girls. What brings you guys in to see me on this bright, sunny morning?” It was only 6am on Sunday morning at the Narrows Nudist Camp. The morning summer sun was just peaking its way over the eastern horizon and already the day was proving to be another warm one. Keith Poata had spent the last six days in this place and was now preparing to leave. The generosity of the camp’s owners had seen Keith being given a new canoe to complete his original, summer holiday quest. That...

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Exculsively for EvilAngel.com members: Naked but for a teddy bear-themed bikini, stockings and high tops, buxom stunner Scarlet Chase plays in the woods, twerking and stripping, spreading and jiggling her amazing ass. In bright sunshine, the pale, longhaired blonde douses herself with honey, pouring golden goop all over her fine body. The sticky treat collects in her deep cleavage. Scarlet rubs honey into the crack of her shapely butt and into her bald twat. Her fingers penetrate her pussy....

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10:00pm im laying in my bed because i just had sex with my man but im mad because he didnt let me cum. So i get up and go in the living room to look at nasty movies on the notebook laptop. Im browsing on pornhub.com when i come across sexy milf geting pussy creampie. i watch it over and over again. i was so horny that when i was ready to go up stairs my legs buckled. i woke daddy up and instantly he knew what i wanted. he threw me on the bed from behind pushing his dick towards my pussy so deep...

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MomsTeachSex Aila Donovan Lexi Luna I Will Not Look At My Stepmoms Tits

Rion King is already in trouble for looking at his stepmom, Lexi Luna’s, tits. Lexi’s friend, Aila Donovan, comes over to go shopping with Lexi and happens to glance down to see what Rion is up to. When she realizes what Rion is writing out, she also sees that Rion is looking down her shirt. Aila is ticked, but she and Lexi duck out to get groceries. When they return, they ask Rion to come help put everything away. Things are going okay until a bag of oranges spills. Seeing his...

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Superman HaChapter 11

OK, it's now worked out. The ground crew came up with a set of mounts that would let the pilot change ammunition drums in the AA-12s without having to move around too much in his seat. The bigger problem was working out how to store the drums so that the pilot could reach them without being a contortionist. However, they came up with that solution, too, so it looked to me like we were in business. We were anxious to have our fighters fly their first cover mission. Training the fighter...

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My Hubby friend I

Hello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...

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Mature ex mother in law The Story

ok well .....i met her daughter 5 years ago and got married 3 years ago. the whole family got along fine with me. we went on trips and did a lot of stuff as a family. until a year and a half ago her daughter cheated on me with one of her co workers. her mother (widowed) was ebarrassed at the fact that her daughter cheated on me, and also stated "i didn't raise no daughter to be a slut". she told me i was her best son in law and i didn't deserved to be cheated on. so months later her daughter...

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I love that adorable Sues butt

I had met Burt and his wife Sue a bar that Anita and I used to go to. We had become friends. Both guys were very friendly.Sue was hot. A bit bubbly, but her curves made her very sexy…After a year of meeting at that bar, they held a party at their house.I went alone, since Ana was on a business trip away. It was spring time and people were all outside in their back yard; most of us were just talking, drinking; enjoying the warm evening.Sue came over me and asked if I could go with her inside....

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Jessicas Capture Part 3 of 10

Story: #17 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 22 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 3 - The Auction Walking down the hall into a large room with a large tank and set's of stairs leading into it "This is a hair removal tank, our meat animals must be hairless for auction" came the voice from the man who led them to this...

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Seans Story Chapter 4

Introduction: Enjoy Seans Story Chapter 4: Ride the Wave The house next door to my parents house had been empty for almost two years when the Purcells moved in. It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school and hot as hell. The Purcells moved into town from California and their son, Josh, was the adonis I had been waiting for all my life. He fit the image of a California surfer boy that I had in my head perfectly. He took his shirt off to help move boxes into the...

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PornWorld Dee Williams Stud Neighbor Bangs Big Tittied MILF Dee Williams Ass

Dee Williams is alone and home, waiting for a massive dildo she ordered off amazon to arrive in the mail when she hears a knock at the door. When she opens it, she finds her stud neighbor, who she’s never met before, on the other side with her package. Shocked at his studliness and kindness in bringing the package to her front door, she invites him inside. The mood changes when she opens the package and pulls out the dildo. From there, things turn sexual and within minutes the neighborhood stud...

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Taking the Risk Ch 07

This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and please give feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Froo stood at the kitchen counter, stretched up reaching into the cupboard for the coffee and the mugs, standing on one foot. As she...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 7

I had gotten almost to the garage when I remembered that my unit had no call sign, and I had forgotten to tell Andy how many keys I wanted for each lock change. I did a U-turn and headed back to the department. I came through the front door and there was not a soul in sight. I heard the sound of raised voices coming from Andy's office and headed that way. The sight that greeted my eyes was an impromptu meeting of about all the civilian employees with a few uniforms mixed in. I listened in...

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Why Me MChapter 9 Penny from Heaven

Eric Stewart loved his wife Candy, and he was determined that he would love her son, too. He had never expected that he’d ever have a relationship with someone as beautiful as Candy, let alone marry someone like that. He was quite clear that she wouldn’t have married him if she weren’t pregnant and desperate. Well, he’d be a good husband and a good father. That was what she would need. They would need a larger apartment, and he found them one. It was on the “first floor,” which meant a...

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A New Style of Education Part 10

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 10 Mix-up Monday arrived and we all had to dress differently from how we were when it was announced. Since I'd been dressed as a male at the time of announcement, then I'd have to be Jayne for most of the day. Well, until after orchestra practice, when I'd have to attempt androgynous. After my shower, I dressed as Jayne. I still had to stop myself from choosing the male clothes. Since I was doing this for the next few weeks, I...

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G4 and More

I walked into the bar. More of a club, I guess, but real relaxed. I walked right to the bar, I had a rough day. I was only here because my car got totaled,I needed a drink,and this was the only bar in walking distance. A deep voiced bartender with a beard asked me, "What to drink?" "Something heavy..." Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman. A strikingly beautiful woman.

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DevilsFilm Ella Knox Ready For A Busty Ride

Ella Knox has a couple of the biggest and nicest fun bags you have ever seen on a girl. Built for titty fucking and man-pleasing Ella has landed the perfect job. What better way for a student to pick up some side income than using her number one assets to their full potential. These titties should be getting groped, squeezed, fondled and fucked non stop every minute of the day. With this job that is a very real possibility. Ella loves her Boober career and loves all the sexy men that get in her...

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My First Time As A Girl Chapter 3

My First Time as a Girl, Chapter 3 By Erin McGee After Mom and I got all talked out, I went to my room to get ready for bed. I removed my makeup, put my hair back into a pony tail, undressed, cleaned my ears and my new piercing, let it soak in the sea salt and put on my satin pajamas. They were too tight on my new piercing. I started thinking that I need to wear a night gown or baby doll set. I went out and asked Mom if...

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