A Casualty Of Chance Part 5 free porn video

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The carnal session is briefly interrupted

Kelli Zellers was mortified. Being naked on a motel room bed with a stranger's dick shoved up her ass was bad enough, but now there was a knock at the door and the other man in the room had turned to answer it. There wasn't nearly enough energy in Kelli's tank to pull herself off Rico's impaling shaft so she could run and hide. In fact there wasn't even enough time for Kelli to reach for a pillow to cover herself before Gerald grabbed the knob and opened the door.


59 year old Maria Guiterrez wasn't even legally supposed to be in this country. Like thousands of transplants from El Salvador however, she'd come to the US about eight months earlier with her son and his family, in their case to make a new life for themselves in the land of opportunity.

To uproot herself from the only life she'd known, and to do it at such a late age, hadn't been easy for Maria. The acclimation process compelled her to find a steady job as a maid at the motel. Like any normal, hormone driven and insecure 19 year old however, Isabelle was starved for attention. For a formerly stay at home Grandma, this job was tough, but she was good at it.

She could vacuum, dust and fold sheets better than most of the other women working at the motel, which found her favor with the owner of the place who appreciated her work ethic and had even agreed to raise her pay.

But there was much about this job that she hated, she didn't like the neighbourhood in which the motel was situated but then you'd have a tough time finding a person who actually liked East St. Louis, she knew what sort of an establishment this was, she routinely had to clean rooms filled with condoms, syringes and all other sorts of nasty stuff. She had performed the unpleasant task of knocking on the doors of over vigorous guests who were disturbing the other occupants, mostly the girls were hookers who would dash into the bathroom on hearing a knock, sometimes they would stay put, but at least cover themselves before the door was opened. She wasn't surprised by this, though most certainly appalled by it. She knew this motel was mostly used by junkies,hookers and nearly homeless destitutes.

Just a few minutes earlier she'd been going through her daily routine of cleaning the rooms on the second floor after morning checkout when one of the walls in the room she was in the process of cleaning began to rattle. Maria trembled in fear for a moment thinking another earthquake was hitting the St. Louis area but she quickly realized nothing else besides that particular wall was shaking.

Maria knew the two men staying in the room next door, she'd cleaned their room many times, she had seen their gun which they had unsuccessfully attempted to hide by putting it in the toilet tank over the commode, she had seen their red bandanas,not to mention the little packets of marijuana and cocaine that she often found during her cleaning. They were gang affiliated drug dealers, she had always been nervous to knock on their door as were the other maids and most of the other residents of the motel. They knew these people were truly dangerous, armed hoodlums nonetheless.

Then Maria heard the shrieks and groans coming from next door. Quickly realizing the two men were fucking another woman in their room, she pressed her ear up to the wall and listened for several minutes as Gerald relentlessly drilled Kelli's pussy less than a foot away, sandwiching the thin blonde between his immense body and the vibrating wall separating the rooms.

Maria's heart bounced into her throat as the sound of Kelli's back sliding up and down the other side of the wall filtered through the room. She continued to listen until the feminine screams on the other side of the wall became muffled and replaced, first by the slapping report of human flesh colliding, and then finally the animalistic groans of a man about to cum.

Shaken by what she had heard, after the violent crescendo of release eventually played out and the wall separating the two rooms grew still, Maria pulled herself away from the wall and tried to resume her cleaning.

There was a tug-of-war now between Maria's sense of duty and her instinct for self preservation. On one hand it was nothing new, they routinely brought hookers into their rooms, but this was too much, their adjoining room could have been occupied and she felt duty bound to go and tell them so. She thought it was just another hooker being ravaged in the next room. She knocked on the door of the room, just as her job entailed, and when the door swung open, her small brown eyes were filled with the most vivid and potent sexual image of her long life.


Maria had heard the incredulous rumour that apparently a middle aged, possibly rich,suburban white lady with dirty blonde hair had pulled up into the motel driving an expensive outback, closely following two black youngsters and their beat up old ciera. She was supposed to be a nurse,dressed in their trademark scrubs as she exited her vehicle, followed by a very public makeout session with the two black youth half her age before one of them literally picked her up and carried her to some room in the second floor. She had refused to believe it even though there was an outback parked in the lot, just behind a ciera, it could have belonged to anyone, a rich kid perhaps looking to get a fix of crack or weed. Such rumours were common place amongst the staff, while some were believable, this one was beyond incredulous and made zero sense. Why would some rich,white woman, a nurse nonetheless decide to hook up with a couple of hood niggas and risk getting robbed or worse, contraction of an STD or even possibly getting raped or murdered. She was sure there were other places she could get a fix.

Yet when she gingerly knocked on the door of these two thugs,she had no idea what she was about to witness. She learnt the hard way that sometimes rumours find a way of being true,even the most incredulous ones.


Kelli watched as Gerald swung open, stark naked, his erect tool hanging proudly in front of him. He found a stern faced hispanic maid standing in front of it, probably in her late fifties. Kelli saw the maid's awestruck gaze scan the buff,burly and stark naked body of this young black guy who happened to be standing in front of her before her gaze turned towards the rest of the filthy room before predictably landing on her and Rico.Kelli found herself feeling as naked emotionally as she was physically when her and the maid's eyes met.

Her ass still skewered on the spit of Rico's dick, a disjointed gaze of shame and dread leeched across Kelli's face as she watched the maid's eyes widen in disbelief as she saw realized that for once the rumours had been true. She looked incredulously at the middle aged white woman, lying by her side as she got sodomized by the black thug half her age.

"What?" Gerald enquired impatiently,his tool on display

This made her return to her senses, as she pulled up her best poker focus and stoically told him in broken english "Senor...the sound...too loud", trying her best not to stare at either Gerald's tool nor at Kelli and Rico, who had resumed screwing.

"She's thinks I'm a slut," Kelli thought, judging from the occasional judgemental glances the maid threw at her while trying her best to maintain her poker focus and gaze straight ahead.

"We pay aight?....dinero" Gerald said

"Si si senor... but..." the maid try to explain, trying her best to look straight at Gerald's eyes and not break their gaze,

"No buts bitch, we pay aight?" Gerald said impatiently, before gazing in the direction of Rico and Kelli, a grin spread across his face as he saw them rutting anyhow, Kelli looking at the Maid with a look of horror and shame all over her ashen face.

"We're busy...ocupado as you can see" Gerald told the maid with a shit faced grin on his face.

Kelli saw a look of disgust spread across the maid's face at that moment as she looked squarely at her,locking her gaze at her as Kelli struggled to look the maid in the eyes.

Kelli felt a blistering shot of white hot electricity race down her spine as she continued to be sodomized by Rico, his face buried in her hair, sniffing it curiously while she looked straight at the maid.

"Dios Mio" the maid gasped and uttered softly as she noticed Kelly's wedding ring, a palpable degree of disgust in her voice and gaze before leaving in a huff as Gerald closed the door and walked back to the bed.

Kelli knew what the hispanic maid had just witnessed, she had seen a married white woman being sodomized by a black kid half her age. A disgusting slut, that's what the hispanic maid thought of her. Yet she strangely liked it, the idea of being discovered. It generated an erotic spark in her to know that someone thought of her as a skank on account of her act of moral depravity, while the rest of the world thought of her as a polite, moral,upright and married nurse.

The pungent and musky scent of Kelli's virgin asshole mixed quickly with the healthy stench of sex that already hung in the air, and the density of the smell only intensified each time Rico churned his cock deeper in Kelli's ass. Reaching around Kelli with his left hand, Rico flicked his fingers repeatedly across the nub of the married woman's clitoris as he nibbled at the back of her neck.

The synapses in Kelli's brain sizzled as her nostrils absorbed the raunchy scent of her asshole, allowing it to leech into every corner of her senses.

Gerald was close enough now to the bed that each time he stroked his cock back and forth with his fingers, it's smell radiated out in all directions, landing like warm rain across Kelli's naked flesh.

Kelli was struck by the sight of Gerald's dick steadily re-inflating, seeming to grow a little larger each time he stroked it until it was fully grown and seemingly ready to pillage again. It wasn't long before it began to generate copious amounts of precum which Gerald began to collect by placing his left palm just below the tip of his dick.

She watched as the puddle in Gerald's palm began to grow slowly before he decided to stop stroking his cock and spread the precum over both his palms before smearing them over her boobs and her face causing even more goosebumps to rise across Kelli's nude body as she watched and felt Gerald smear his fluid over her body. Secretly, Kelli prayed Gerald was going to use his re-energized cock to fuck her face silly, finding herself mesmerized by the thought of how it would look to be for a girl as small as her to be DP'd by two large black men, the image from the gas station returning to her. But the way he was standing in front of her, stoically viewing the two ,Kelli sensed he was more than content to merely watch the two at this moment.

She'd become so engrossed watching Gerald play with his manhood, Kelli had lost track of just how deep Rico had buried his cock inside her ass. That was until the stabbing presence was simply too much to ignore. His left arm wrapped tightly around Kelli's waist to hold her in place, Rico lurched forward until he'd bottomed out inside the married woman's rectum.

A guttural groan belched from Kelli's throat when she felt Rico's dick slither all the way up inside her.

"All the way in, Baby... just wiggle you tight sweet ass around until you're use to it," Rico whispered soothingly into Kelli's ear.

Digging the fingernails of her left hand into Rico's thigh, Kelli's squeezed her right hand around Rico's directly above her head as she tried desperately not to scream, not wanting to attract anymore unwanted attention, now matter how stimulating it was.But it was of no use, the pillaging of her virgin asshole simply being too much for her to handle.

An incessant barrage of "AAAHHHHS", "OOHHHHS" and "MMMMMS" crackled continuously from Kelli's lungs, as her toes dug into the mattress, desperately looking for an outlet for the pain that was coursing through her.

For several minutes Gerald kept his hands on his waist, staring down at Kelli. His blood boiled seeing the ungodly beautiful contrast of Rico big black dick lodged all the way inside the married woman's gorged ass.

"Ready to DP her?" Rico finally asked his friend, the implication of the query sending immediate shivers down Kelli's spine.

"Let's do it," Gerald quickly replied,turning his attention towards the bed.

The wheels were set in motion before Kelli even had a chance to contemplate her fate.

Keeping his dick pushed to the hilt in Kelli's asshole, Rico clamped his left hand down on top of her thigh and used his right to brace her by the chest. Rotating her weight backwards and then down on top of him, Rico spread his feet wide on the mattress and allowed Kelli's impaled behind to come to rest on top of his crotch.

A ongoing series of "arrgghs", and "ahhhs" shot from both Rico and Kelli's mouths as Rico spun the married woman around, every subtle movement their genitals made creating tense spasms to ripple through each of their loins until Kelli was resting squarely on top of the man who'd just taken her anal cherry.

"Now lean back," Rico whispered up to Kelli, extending his hands up to her shoulders and helping her down until her back was balanced on top of his chest.

"All Right," Rico let out a sigh of accomplishment when Kelli's weight settled on top of him.

His dick still snugly buried in Kelli's ass, Rico watched from over the naked woman's right shoulder as Gerald approached from the foot of the bed, making his way between Kelli's parted thighs.

The bedsprings, already straining under Rico and Kelli's combined weight, screamed that much more when Gerald dropped his right knee down on the mattress, adding his nearly 300 pounds to the frame's burden.

The added jostling Gerald’s presence created as he crawled between Kelli's legs did nothing to calm the earthquake rumbling inside her. Every movement Gerald made forward caused the bed to creak, which in turn caused the cock Rico had buried in her ass to vibrate unmercifully.

"What do we have here?" Gerald said as a hungry grin ignited across his chiseled face.

Taking each of Kelli's thighs in his hand, Gerald pushed them a tad further apart, his eyes fixated the whole time on the obscene image of Rico's penis jutting straight up inside Kelli's quivering rectum.

"You know what we're about to do, don't you?" Gerald muttered down to Kelli, his dick now swaying ominously above the rim of her shaved and smoldering cunt.

"... Yes," Kelli answered in a voice that sounded as distant as her good judgment. This was definitely not the DP she had in mind.

"Alright," Gerald replied with dry intention before dropping the shaft of his uncircumcised penis on the already stretched fissure of Kelli's swollen labia.

Rico's breath caressing the back of her neck each time he exhaled, Kelli could feel the man's strong hands sliding down off her shoulders and coming to rest on each side of her waist.

"I'll hold her tight... see how much you can get inside her," she heard Rico shout up to Gerald, who was now towering like a crouched animal between her outstretched legs.

Looking down the length of her torso, Kelli could see her nipples standing like two fat grapes on the top of her chest as she watched Gerald aim the head of his cock against the puffy opening of her cunt. The instant Gerald penetrated her, the resulting shot of pain that fired through her body caused Kelli's head to roll to the left. When it did she could see her precious louis vuitton purse on the floor, discarded in a corner,just like her morals.

"My body is gonna be sore for days now," Kelli thought to herself before clenching her eyes shut when Gerald shoved another inch or two of his dick between her quaking vaginal walls.

"AAAWWWWWWW," the married woman grunted helplessly, her body now sandwiched between over 500 pounds of muscle and intent.

Digging her heels into the sweaty and crumpled sheets below, Kelli clawed her fingers into each side of Gerald's rotund waist, the unleashed slut inside of her prodding him on as he pressed his weight forward.

"You in yet?" Kelli heard Rico call up to Gerald.

"Goddammit... you know he's in,you cruel Son-of-a-Bitch," Kelli found herself screaming back at Rico, knowing he knew from the way she was squirming and squealing on top of him that Gerald had completed the DP.

Gerald simply laughed in reply to her uncharacteristic outburst, slapping his huge hands hard down on each of Kelli's thin and trembling thighs as if to tell Rico, "Yep... we own her now" as Rico joined him in his sadistic laughter.

Progress was tedious, but within two minutes Gerald and Rico had shoved as much of their dicks inside Kelli's plumbing as humanly possible. With more than a foot of their collective cocks filling her cunt and ass, Kelli swore she could feel every vein, nick and indentation of each of their marbled manhoods as they see-sawed back and forth between the tender, flimsy and thin strip of flesh that separated the two orifices.

With an inferno raging from her head down all the way down to her toes, Kelli franticly tried humping her crotch back and forth in a desperate attempt to make the two men cum before they either crushed her or split her in half. Even though there was a powerful force in her body trying to end the ordeal as quickly as she could, there was another less tangible force aching to make it last as long as the men would let it. Each time she tried forcing them cum, there was a quick internal reflex to slow down and allow things to run their course in order to enjoy every possible sensation of the men's synchronized assault.

Through the intertwined tangle of flesh corralling her, Kelli tilted her head and opened her eyes just enough to see,much to her horror or maybe delight, a strange, almost creepy face of a girl, filled with blisters,gaunt and ugly, glued to the window, witnessing the carnal play in the room. Clearly she was some sort of a junkie. Kelli could tell by the way the girl's pupils flared, and lips quivered ever so slightly, that she was diddling her fingers through her cunt as she watched her get throttled from both ends.

The four legs of the bedframe creaking in pain each time Rico and Gerald pressed Kelli's body between them, it didn't take long before the physical toll overloaded the married woman's circuitry and the only way for Kelli to compensate without totally going mad was to shut her eyes and allow her whole world to go black. The two kids ruthlessly continued to fuck her in what seemed like well practiced unison, and in that self imposed darkness she'd created, Kelli was left to conjure the image of the junkie girl's eyes staring down at her on the bed,watching her get ravaged like a horny rabbit being bred by two virile bucks.

Her body going limp between Gerald and Rico and her nipples pressing like two stones into Gerald's massive chest as he lowered his full weight down on top of her, Kelli could feel Rico's abs grating against her lower back each time the grinding pair hit paydirt.

Clutching her thin, freckled arms all the way around Gerald's back, Kelli clenched her eyes closed even tighter and held on for dear life, knowing her future was now completely in their hands.

"I wanna hear you scream... come on... I want to hear you scream... wake the whole damn world up... let 'em hear you," Gerald hot breath shot repeatedly into Kelli's right ear.

"Yeah Bitch... scream," Rico wasted no time whispering harshly into Kelli's other ear from behind, until the two men's crude prodding rattled around Kelli's swooning skull like a stereophonic blaze.

Like a volcano building to eruption, it appeared steam was rising from the vents in Kelli's body, but it wasn't until Gerald reached up between the crush of bodies on the bed and squeezed Kelli's right breast between the fingers that the lava of Kelli's release finally burned through the crust of her caldera.

"AAAAWWWWWWW AAAHHHHHWWWAAWWWWWW," the married woman choked and coughed as the two men showed her no mercy.

"YEESSSSSS... GODDDDDAMMIITTT... YESSSSSSSS," Kelli cried over and over until every else in the room's ears were ringing.

Impossibly stuck between the two men, all Kelli could do was transfer every bit of that long pent-up energy erupting from her pores out to Rico and Gerald as they brutally carved their cocks like twin drill-bits straight through to her molten core. Kelly wouldn't know just how hard she'd screamed during those debilitating moments of release until the next day when her vocal chords were just as sore as the rest of her taxed body. Thankfully Gerald's gigantic chest was there to absorb most of Kelli's fitful screams or the police might have just been called to investigate what was happening inside the room.

Her neck and back twisted as if she'd been in a wreck, Kelli's ass and cunt bore the full brunt of the two men's lust.

Looking down at the 43 year old married mother of two writhing and turning under him as an avalanche of pleasure coursed through her was the death blow to Gerald's self control as well. What jizz that was left floating in his bloated and heavy balls spat into her pussy followed almost simultaneously by Rico shooting his wad deep into the bowels of Kelli's virgin ass.

For nearly a minute the three of them were almost like a huge disabled ship at sea which first happened to slow down, then start listing a little to the left, then to the right before finally careening all the way over and sinking when the three intertwined,sweat drenched bodies collapsed in separate, side by side heaps on the strewn sheets below.

Leaning up to get a better look when it was finally all over, Kelli could see the mattress was half askew on top of the boxsprings. As a fact the whole bed had seemed to change its position bearing the brunt of over six hundred pounds of weight rutting on it like a bunch of frenzied animals.

Once she'd got back to her senses and was able to survey the carnage on the bed, Kelli's senses were immediately innundated by the scent of sex and perspiration coming from the three exhausted bodies spread out in front of her. Staying still as Gerald rose to his feet, Kelli could see the lather of sweat that coated his brow and chest as he walked up to grab the bottle of water he had sitting by the TV. Rico was next to swing his legs off the bed and the married woman's gaze instantly focused on the half deflated club of his manhood dangling between his muscular thighs, the battered girth etched with the clear evidence of what he'd just done.

Kelli turned gazed at the window, looking for the creepy girl who had been enjoying their show for a while,but she was nowhere to be found, seemingly having departed once the deed was done.

With both men walking nakedly around her, Kelli once again felt as small as she did in the shower, sandwiched between these two hulking black dudes.

Kelli's nearly comatose body sprawled out on the ransacked mattress below, Rico looked down at her,filled with something akin to admiration for what the naked white woman on the bed had just endured. He decided to test her limits.


Kelli knew her descent back to reality wouldn't be immediate. She wasn't sure she'd ever be able to put both feet on the ground and see the world quite the same way ever again after how her morning had turned out. For the moment, all she could even think about doing was laying as still as possible on the bed and trying to take mental stock to make sure all her internal and external parts were still attached and functioning. By the time she'd worked down the checklist to determine if her eyes were still operable, the only thing Kelli could really see was Rico's dick once again, now hovering near her face, her eyes looked up at Rico in her moment of exhilarating shame and vulnerability.

Focusing her gaze a little tighter on Rico's cock, Kelli could make out his right palm holding the monster in it as Rico appeared to say something. The pure illicitness of what Rico was suggesting caused several beads of damp dew to seep from Kelli's raw,gaping, cunt as it didn't take her long to realize what Rico wanted her to do now and that her morning ordeal was far from over...


Once again Kelli felt the rancid odor of Rico's dick waft into her nose and infiltrate her senses,only this time it came mixed with the musky and tangy essence of her formerly virgin,now gaping asshole mixed in it. The strong scent made her back away a bit,though only temporarily, a feeling of repulsion and excitement washing over her simultaneously.

Though drenched in sweat and feeling drained and exhausted, Kelli slowly extended her right palm towards the flaccid but still sizeable cock while slowly turning to her left side, using her left palm to prop up her head and bring it close to the cock. Being a nurse, she knew that going ass to mouth wasn't exactly the safest thing to do, but then she had thrown her caution to the side a long time ago. These two could be carrying STDs for all she knew.

The eroticity of what she was about to do had a visible effect on her. She felt her body shiver with anticipation as she tried to steady her hands and extended her tongue, licking Rico's tip, wet and covered in his own juices and the lube. Soon she decided to take it all in, a jolt of pleasure travelling through her body when she reached his base, this time having no trouble deepthroating him. The taste of her asshole,combined with the salty,alkaline flavour of his cum coating the insides of her mouth as she used her tongue to rinse it clean. She raised her eyes to look at Rico who was watching her intently and just how much further she could sink in her descent into depravity.

"YEEEAAAHH!! Go on bitch milk my cock, we ain't got no listerine" Rico said from above, as Kelli felt him start to thrust ever so slightly while his cock slowly began to grow again.

"He's hard again," Kelli marveled at his stamina.

That's when she felt someone roughly grab her knees and literally yank her out of the bed, Rico's cock sliding out of her still hungry mouth in the process. It was Gerald, as he effortlessly grabbed waist and placed it on the dirty floor.

"On your knees skank" he thundered as she came to look at his cock which had regained its turgidity, while Rico waltz towards the both, his erect cock dangling in front of him.

Kelli could feel the dust from the filthy carpet stick to her sweaty legs as she went on her knees, two erect demanding cocks in front of her.

"Get to work bitch" Gerald grumbled as she decided to look up at the two a look of lust in her eyes, her formerly ashened face now looked flushed as a red hue had creeped onto her heaving chest, while Rico and Gerald waited for her intently.

Kelli decided to go for the balls this time, starting with Gerald. She proceeded to devour his egg sized balls while holding his dick in place so as to get uninterrupted access to them. The now all too familiar aroma of sweat and sex greeted her as she gingerly sucked and licked his massive balls while simultaneously stroking his cock.

Soon soft moans began to escape Gerald's mouth as he found himself in the verge of cumming.

"ARRRGGHHH FUUUUUUCKK....shit" he grunted violently as Kelli rushed to take his tip in her mouth, soon feeling the torrents of steaming cum coating the entirety of her mouth. She squeezed his cum shamelessly, looking for the last drops of the precious fluid even as unsurprisingly a few drops did manage to escape her mouth and flown down her chin, before extracting her mouth from over his cock and looking at the window, praying for an audience. And there she was again, the scab filled junkie girl peering in through the window, the white slut now on her knees in front of the two black dudes who had been ravaging her not ten minutes ago.

Only this time Gerald too followed her gaze seeing the gaunt,gaudily dressed girl by the window. He grabbed the gun which had been just behind him and casually pointed it towards the girl watching it have the desired effect as she dashed for her life.

Kelli found herself unexpectedly overcome by a sense of sadness, almost as if the mother of two shared a kinship with the girl,though she proceeded towards the familiar figure of Rico's dick, doing the same with it,raising it up a bit so that she could get an uninterrupted access to his balls. She soon felt his hands rest on her head,pushing it ever so gently as she liked and sucked on his balls. Soon she felt his knees and hands tremble while she tilted her head in front of his tip, waiting for his load as she continued to aggressively jerk his cock. Soon she felt his spunk on her face as she gasped loudly with joy.

The delayed orgasm had done the trick on Rico as his dick kept spitting rope after rope of cum coating Kelli's face,hair and plenty of it trickling down to her breasts,neck and shoulders as she remained in place, a wry smile spread across her face.


Her knees too weak to carry her anywhere or even to pick her up, Kelli collapsed right there on the disgusting floor, her freshly washed hair now coated with ropes of spunk and dust from the dirty carpet as she sprawled on her back.

"Oh jesus!" she exclaimed, exhausted to the point of collapse

"Bitch you'd be crawling out of the room once we're done with you" Rico said, grinning sadistically as he lighted up a cigarette.


Kelli drifted into sleep for around an hour on the floor, dust sticking onto her sticky back and dried ropes of cum covering her face and hair. She was awoken by some sensations between her legs only to see Gerald in between them. She could sense exactly what was about to happen when she stared down the length of her torso and saw Gerald's gaze focused squarely on the freshly shaved pink slit of her overfucked pussy. Biting down on her lower lip to brace herself for what she knew was coming, Kelli's rear end still lurched off the sheets when Gerald's lips brushed across the steaming fissure for the first time.

Having grown use to the powerful way Rico and Gerald manhandled her body, Kelli was startled as she laid there while Gerald gently spread out her upper thighs using his huge hands.

"She almost looks like a cat curling up from down there," Gerald thought to himself seeing the way the mature woman rolled onto her side and positioned herself around his face before he extended his tongue to start licking at the rubbery and slick bloom of Kelli's vagina.

The blush that had already blotched its way across a large portion of her ultra fair skin only darkened when she rolled her eyes to the right to see Rico sitting on the bed with his feet up, his cock hanging from his groin like a well used weapon.

Kelli had no choice but to lay there and allow Gerald to have his way down there. The sound of the young boy's coarse lips lapping at her cunt filled Kelli's ears, and she found it increasingly difficult to keep her hands still and down by her side each time the glorious electrical pulses darted off Gerald's tongue and radiated through her entire body.

"AAHH... AAHHHH... AAAHHHHH," Kelli winced, her throat clearly beginning to churn each time she tried to breath.

It wasn't long before the rest of her body was responding as well. It started when her hips began to twist on the carpet, followed quickly by her knees swaying side to side as they bracketed Gerald's huge frame. Within a minute Kelli's heels were digging at the floor, making it abundantly clear the thug's mouth was having the desired effect.

The pupils in Kelli's eyes beginning to dance once again in their sockets, she was sure she could see Rico lean forward from his seat to get a better view of what was happening between her legs. Just as Kelli was starting to get use to having Gerald's mouth glued to her pussy, suddenly he pulled his lips away and stared down at the married woman writhing beneath him.

Keeping the pressure of his left hand firm on Kelli's clitoris as he allowed the naked white woman a chance look up and make eye contact with him, when Kelli finally did Gerald just grinned and dove his face back between the woman's parted thighs, only this time instead of gouging his tongue inside Kelli's sopping wet pussy for a second time, he aimed it just a tad lower.

"WWAAAHHHH," Kelli's voice cracked the instant Gerald's tongue slipped inside her just fucked anus.

Her back and shoulders squirming across the carpeted floor, both of Kelli's hands shot straight down to her crotch. Extending her 10 fingers out around Gerald's head, Kelli held on to the boy's bald head as he darted the tip of his tongue in and out of her ass, devouring the traces of her lust that had stayed behind.

If having someone eating her pussy seemed a little foreign for Kelli, then having someone delicately lick her ass after just getting it fucked was something she just couldn't fathom. Kelli's spine buckled and her head bounced up and down on the pillow as Gerald swiveled and twisted his tongue deeper into Kelli's anus, the entire time never relieving the glorious pressure of his thumb and forefinger pinching the married mother of two's bulging clit.

"Holy Shit," Rico's husky voice echoed though the room as he stood up for a better look.

Turning her blurry gaze in Rico's direction as he approached her on the floor, Kelli watched as he dropped down to his knees directly beside her, then leaned his face forward. It only took a few seconds for Kelli's tiny body to lurch and her warm breath to wash across Rico's head when he placed his mouth on the married woman's swollen nipples.

"MYYY... GODDDDD,'" Kelli quivered out loud upon realizing what was happening, swinging her hips up off the floor and rubbing her pussy hard against Gerald's now face.

Gerald's huge tongue digging deeper into Kelli's raw shithole, the married woman wrapped her short legs around Gerald's head as her dewy cunt kept leaking it's aromatic juices.

The energy transfer between the three was palpable for Rico but when he saw Gerald begin to rub his cock back to hardness as he ate Kelli out, he too knew the morning was far from over.

"Got one more good nut left in ya?" Rico yelled down to his friend.

"Yeah... only live once," Gerald briefly removed his greasy mouth from Isabelle's cunt and replied.

From her prone position on the bed, all Kelli could see of Gerald was the top of his head bobbing a little each time he scoured his tongue through Kelli's ass. And like clockwork, every time the younger man licked her brown,gaping asshole within a second or two Kelli's facial features would wrench and another gushing breath would rush from her throat and sweep across Rico's head as he continued to bite and nibble at her nipples. Over and over that interplay continued for several minutes until Gerald ate Kelli right up to the point of cumming. Just before he'd let her however, Gerald abruptly pulled his mouth away from her crotch and left the mature woman with a look of deprived desperation etched across her flushed white face.

As if he was a bear rearing up on his hind quarters, Kelli watched as Gerald sat up and put his hands on her knees.

"He's hard again," Kelli marveled, her dazed eyes filled with the image of Gerald's dick re-inflating as he took the woman's hips in his huge black hands and pulled her towards him.

"God... he's gonna fuck me right here on the floor" Kelli muttered to herself, stunned by the sudden change of plans.

Kelli did her best to calm her nerves as she instinctively spread her feet all the way apart to allow Gerald enough room to maneuver into place. Dropping her right hand down to her crotch, Kelli gracefully rolled her fingertips between her soaked and swollen labia as she felt Gerald cradle her tiny asscheeks in his hands before spreading them apart. With Gerald's face framed directly above her pussy, Kelli saw Gerald just before he effortlessly flipped her over on to her stomach. He was gonna take her ass.

Rico reluctantly rose from his position and sat back on the bed, as Kelli found herself facing the footboard of the joint bed, waiting apprehensively for the monster dick to enter into her asshole.

The veins in Kelli's neck, not to mention all the muscles in her arms and legs, twitched and fired when Gerald began shoved his dick inside her ass.

"GGGRRRAAAHHHH... AAAAAHHHHH," a loud gasp burst from the mature woman's throat each time Gerald steadily pushed his groin forward.

The contrast between the two was amazing for Rico as he leaned his head up to get a better look at Kelli on her stomach under Gerald, and the way her almost miniature body buckled each time he plowed into her from behind.

Kelli's hands grabbed the rails of the footboard in an attempt to keep herself up, Kelli turned her head back and looked into Gerald's eyes and saw the clear and frightening look of determination on his face, knowing he'd had that same look when he fucked her pussy so savagely just an hour earlier.

"Your dick must be raw by now," Rico shouted from his chair on the other side of the room.

"Yeah... a little... but she's drenched... like fucking a wet velvet glove," Gerald replied as the sound of his cock splashing through Kelli's tight asshole resonated clearly through the room.

Watching Kelli's small, freckled breasts flopping across her chest each time Gerald pounded her from behind, Rico couldn't help easing his right hand back between his legs and stroking his cock as the smashing sound of Gerald's thighs crashing into the Kelli's backside echoed around her. Rico could see the mother's elbows withering and bending a little more on the rail each time Gerald's dick hit home but Kelli still gasped and re-coiled slightly when Gerald's arms completely gave way and he crashed face first on top of Kelli's back.

Turning her head back,Kelli had the perfect view of Gerald's huge black ass as it kept on digging like a shovel between the mature woman's raised asscheeks before he flipped her again, onto her back.

Her pussy turning into a molten stew beneath Gerald's heaving chest, the nurturing, motherly instinct inside Kelli caused her to lower her right hand down to the side of the boy's head as Gerald continued to drill forward. Massaging her fingertips tenderly across Gerald's sweaty temple and cheek, Kelli stroked his head over and over as she absorbed the energy coursing from Gerald's clammy flesh. Her own tits bouncing now under the force of Gerald's resumed assault on her pussy, Kelli raised her left hand up to her chest to cradle and cup her breasts as Gerald plowed on.

There was little doubt what would happen next. Kelli could see the growing mixture of strain and delight etched across Gerald's face, not to mention the increased ferocity of his breaths as he drove forward into the quaking flesh of Kelli's thin thighs.

"Make me cum," Kelli heard herself say, with urgency, up to Gerald.

A tawdry wave of aroused detachment flooded Kelli's system the moment she told the hulking black stranger to drive her to orgasm, her pussy literally gushing now against his dick.

Gerald's eyes instantly lit up, and if it was humanly possible, the pace of his thrusts sped up when those three words from Kelli's mouth sounded in his ears. It wound up being all the prodding he needed. Slamming his cock all the way against Kelli's cervical wall, Gerald scooped his left hand under the married woman's naked body and squeezed his fingers hard around her clitoris.

"AAAAHHHHHH... AAAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHHHH," Kelli immediatly grimaced, her voice slicing through the room like shattering glass for nearly a minute as she squirmed like a speared fish under Gerald.

The sound of the woman's orgasmic bliss combined with the look of joyous and wanton guilt in her eyes was too much for Gerald, and within a few seconds his balls had bloated past the point of no return.

"GGRRAAA... GGRRAAAAA... GGRRAAAHHHHHHHH... GGRAAHHHHHHH," Gerald savage voice drowned out all the other noises in the room as he shot what creamy seed he had left in his testicles deep into the mother's welcoming womb.

Same as A Casualty of Chance Part 5 Videos

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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

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Perchance to Dream Pt 2

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Perchance To Dream

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Perchance to Dom Ch 05

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Perchance to Dream

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Perchance To Dream Part 4

(Three weeks later, and we find Jim has moved out to a hotel. He and Mel have been seeing each other for three Friday nights, and she stays over but goes back to Alice on Saturday. We catch them as she's leaving on a Saturday morning.) “Jim, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Honey?”“Yeah,” I responded to Mel. “Of course, babe. I was just… just missing you already!” I forced a smile and a small laugh.I watched Mel as she walked away from me towards the hotel elevator. She gave me a smile and a...

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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

After a beautiful afternoon of lovemaking and some sodomy, Melanie has just revealed to our hero, me, that debonair and dapper gentlemen only twenty-some-odd years older than her, that she is sleeping with my daughter. And she told me this as I was cooking her dinner!I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf.“Did you hear me?” she asked.“Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a...

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Perchance To Dream Pt 2

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Perchance To Dream Pt 1

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Summering in Femininity Part 7 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream

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Summering in Femininity Part 8 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream Continued

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

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Perchance To Dream

Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned 21 today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal cocktail together, she was going out after work with her new friends from the law firm where she just started interning a month ago. Since it was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured my wife Suzie had cracked open that new box of chardonnay by now. Yeah, I know. Wine in a box. At least it’s cheap that way, like a volume...

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Perchance to Dream 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her purse, shoes, and clothes from last night and we...

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Perchance to Dream

"You want us to watch Shannon until the fireworks are over, and then to bring her home?" Ryan Cameron didn't really have a question about what Rev. Powell wanted; he just needed a minute to consider the consequences. It was Saturday, July 4, and the fireworks were scheduled for later that night. "Oh could I, Mr. Cameron?" Shannon Powell begged. "I would appreciate it," Rev. Powell said. "I don't have to read my sermon from the pulpit, but I do have to write it down. And today I've...

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Perchance to Dream

She was driving home from the Doctor’s appointment; steering with her right hand while her left rested on her stomach. She was thinking of the future and her husband as she approached the intersection. The light was green her way and had been for a bit as the stopped traffic had cleared out. She was half way through the intersection when the street racer, who was trying to out run the police, hit her broadside. He awoke from the dream, covered in sweat and shaking. Scrubbing his hands over...

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Perchance to DomChapter 3

I called off my date with Gina. I told her in person. "Too bad. I was considering buying black fishnets for the occasion." "On you, they might have turned into a fetish for me." "Instead, you turned into a shit." Her shaking head underscored disapproval. "Look. You're only interested in playing, pretending more than participating. I won't get what I need trying it with you. "I would have made it worth your time and, ahem, effort." Her swallow following her words spoke truer....

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Perchance to DomChapter 4

I never saw Tamara again. She didn't respond to my one text congratulating her. After thinking about it, that probably wasn't what she wanted from me. Mother pouted. Dad had actually laughed in public. It was like she'd never known the man, and she blamed me. In a bizarre form of punishment, she started wearing lipstick. It was blatant. She applied a deep red pigment to her cumulus lips, weekdays while Father was at work. One day, her father caught her wearing it. I was given twenty...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 40 To Sleep Perchance to Dream

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The DilemmaChapter 2 Gareth Chancelor Friday Morning

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The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor

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The DilemmaChapter 4 Jennifer Chancelor Friday

There was a really loud silence around the table after Dad left for work that Friday morning. Bonnie and I were finished eating so we stood up and started tidying away the breakfast things. Mum stirred and looked at me. I could tell she was about to ask a question, so I cut her off. “Just don’t, okay?” I said rather forcibly. “I’m not ready to talk about it so don’t even start.” “There’s no call to talk to me like that,” she snapped back at me. So I got in her face and screamed at her to...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 5 Gareth Chancelor Friday Evening

I don’t think the bank got their money’s worth from me that day. I couldn’t concentrate on my work and I had to check each job I did three times to catch all the mistakes. During my lunch break I called my sister, Maggie, and told her all about what had happened last night. She made all the right noises though she did suggest I might have been in the minority by refusing Jen’s offer. She thought that a lot of fathers probably wouldn’t hesitate to accept if they were in my position. I’m not...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 6 Bonnie Chancelor Friday Evening

Like I said last time this is all my own writing. I’m typing it into the computer and I’m going to get Jen to read it and tell me if there’s anything stupid but mostly it’s my own writing. I know how to use the spelling checker so hopefully I won’t get any words wrong but if I get some wrong then I’m sorry but I’m trying my best. And Jen says I still have to learn more about grammar so if you don’t like reading what I write ‘cause I don’t know enough grammar then I’m sorry about that too. Jen...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 7 Jennifer Chancelor Friday Evening

I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was incredible. It was outrageous. Little Bonnie, her face tight with rage, was taping Estelle’s mouth closed – gagging her and binding her to the chair. It was all happening right in front of me and I didn’t do a thing to stop her. Not only that, but I helped. I expected Dad to put a stop to it at any second. He’s such a gentle man. There was no way he would tolerate such a violent, physical attack on his wife – even if it was his children doing...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 8 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I moved from sleeping to waking in that easy way that happens when it’s a Saturday and your alarm is switched firmly to the off position. The warm body cuddled up against me was still and relaxed which meant she was still asleep. I lay still for a moment until the idea percolated into my head that Estelle was sleeping in the other room so therefore I should’ve been on my own. I carefully rolled until I was lying face to face with Jen, my elder daughter. Her arms had allowed me to roll and...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 9 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I was in the 2nd garage polishing my other car. This one is a 1948 Holden FX that my father restored. People tell me that the Holden FX was the first true Australian car, even though it was based on a Chevrolet design from the U.S. I gather it’s not as big as the U.S. Chevrolets of that era, but it has a very similar shape. Holdens were built in Australia and the Holden FX and its successors dominated Australian roads for many, many years. If you’re interested, the FX is a mid-sized 4 door...

1 year ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 3

The first half of this summer’s interns arrived in late May. We met them Monday morning, shaking hands as we moved through the much larger than normal group. The first half of the interns was more than we had in total last summer. Of course, we also had a lot more work to do. I noticed a timid-looking young Hispanic woman near the back of the group as we approached. When I neared her, she genuflected to one knee. “Holy Shaman Parker,” she said reverently in Mayan, her voice quivering with...

4 years ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 4

Sally was released from “sleep-jail” in time to join us for breakfast. The room was full of knowing smirks when she immediately claimed my lap, and she almost behaved herself with only one quick grope she claimed was an accident. She made no excuses for the kiss she gave me right before we left for work. She worked like a girl possessed all morning, again claiming my lap at lunch. That’s where her parents found her when they came by to get her. Sally looked very pleased with herself when they...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 10 Jennifer Chancelor Saturday Evening

There is nothing in my life comparable to driving around in an antique car. They look different. They sound different. They feel different. They even smell different. People you go past turn their heads to look at the car. They look at you riding in the car and wonder, ‘Who are those people? What’s special about them that they get to drive around like that? Why are they all dressed up? What’s the special occasion?’ This particular antique car is a Holden FX. Her name is Mabel. She’s been in...

4 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 11 Jennifer Chancelor Saturday Night

The first half of the drive home was accompanied by non-stop chattering from Bonnie as she told us everything about her night and everything she thought we should know out about her new friend Marcus. Eventually Dad said, “So, you had a nice time then?” “Totally,” said Bonnie. “Am I in trouble for butting in at the start and talking to Marcus?” asked Dad. “Or are you going to let me off the hook for that?” “No, that’s okay,” said Bonnie. “It was embarrassing at first, but I think you...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 12 Bonnie Chancelor Sunday

Estelle was in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast. I went and helped because that’s what sisters do. When I said that to Estelle she smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my cheek. As we worked together I saw that the benches and the kitchen table had all been wiped down. The benches had been tidied, too. I think she’d been up for a while and she’d been cleaning things. I think she was in a really good mood because she was humming to herself as she cooked. As each pancake was cooked we...

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