"RUNAWAY" Chapter 13 "Consequences" free porn video

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But within a few minutes of hearing it close Roger opened the bathroom door, "Come with me" he ordered and with her following he turned and walked back to her mom and his bedroom. She followed behind him wrapped only in a towel and noticed he was carrying a black skirt of hers as well as her black high heel pumps and a medium sized cardboard box. When they got into his room he set the skirt on the bed, the shoes on the floor and then set the box on the bed as well.

Immediately she noticed that the top of the box had been cut open. He reached in the box and pulled out a few bagged items. He looked at them and lifted them where he could see them but not clearly in her view until he found the item he wanted. First he opened a clear bag with thin sheer boy short panties. The white mesh material was a loose enough weave it was mostly see through.

He set the panties down on the bed next to him as well as the skirt. He then once again reached into the box and pulled another clear bag out holding it up so he could see it. He then removed it from the bag and held it up so he could examine it. A subtle smile came to his face.

He then pointed to the floor in front of the full length mirror and told her, "Stand there."

She walked to where he had pointed and once again she could see herself in the mirror. Even though she had showered when she looked at her reflection her mind envisioned the nasty fluids still on her flesh.

He grabbed and jerked hard removing the towel from around her leaving her standing there naked. He moved behind her slightly to one side looking at her in the mirror over her left shoulder.

"Your bruises are beginning to heal. Can you tell" he said but then reached around her from each side taking hold of her breasts with both of his hands and squeezed then hard working his finger and thumb tips into the soft breast flesh.

She let out a cry of pain as his hands gripped her breasts, "AAAAHHOOOOOOWWWW."

She was in too much pain to notice but he let out an odd type of hum of satisfaction, "mmmmmuuuhhhmmm yes."

When he let go of her breasts he grabbed hold of her neck with his right hand, her chin just in the crook at the base of his thumb and hand but the base of his hand by his pinky finger he used to press hard on her airway. By standing behind her he was able to squat enough to where her head would pull back over his shoulder.

Roger delighted in the power and control he had to restrict or allow her to breath. He had been doing research on choke holds on the Internet and with their weight and height difference this position was working better then he hoped.

His desire for dominance and degradation was rewarded more when he suddenly heard the sound of liquid falling to the floor in a steady stream. Out of fear of not being able to breath she lost her bladder and began to urinate on her own legs, feet and the floor. Only once the stream was fully flowing did he lift the base of his hand off her neck but he continued to grip her jaw and chin letting her draw in air but still holding her tightly, her upper back against his chest and his other arm around her chest his left hand still squeezing one of her tits.

"Dirty, filthy, pain slut, you just pissed yourself and the floor, you liked it when I squeezed your tits and throat didn't you" he asked softening the grip on her chin so she could talk, nod or shake her head.

She started shaking her head no but the moment she did he pushed the base of his hand hard against her throat, "Try again."

"Yes sir" she replied in tears.

"That's better" he said and let go of her. He then grabbed a towel and tossed it to her, "Clean up your mess dirty, filthy, pain slut."

Once she wiped the pee from the floor, between her legs, off each of her legs and feet he took the towel from her, walked her into the master bedroom bath and pushed her into the tub. He turned on only the cold water but put his hand on her hip forcing her to stand under the shower head from the waist down. Once he felt she had washed off well enough he turned off the water and handed her a clean towel.

He then pulled her out of the tub by one arm and the back of her neck. He walked her to the foot of the bed through another towel over the place on the floor where she had urinated and handed her the white sheer panties telling her, "Put these on."

Once she had the panties on he tossed the skirt at her. She put it on without being told and that made him smile. Once she had it on he picked up the other item he had ordered walked over to her and softly spoke to her as he started lacing up the black corset, "This will help create some cleavage for those inadequate titties of yours."

He continued to lace the corset up pulling hard on the laces to make sure it closed tightly, "It will also suck in that fat disgusting belly of yours."

Once he had it fully laced up he walked her around to the side of the bed being careful to not guide her to step where she had peed. He walked her a bit closer to the mirror then he had that morning facing her to look at herself.

"Look at that dirty, filthy, pain slut there Holly. Look at that pale colorless flesh, the freckles and moles. That girl has no natural color in her lips or cheeks, she looks dead Holly, you look dead. You should thank me for finding men who are willing to use that inadequate, dirty, filthy body. Thank me Holly!"

"Thank you sir" she replied fighting to not let the horrible things he was saying get into her head but it was difficult. Roger was taking advantage of the fact she had on no makeup and had no time to brush her hair. Her self-esteem was already rock bottom because her mom seemed to back him up. While she tried to ignore the horrible things he said about her some were getting through to her. It was hard to ignore it all.

"Here Holly, take a picture with my phone. I want to remember the day you threw up all over yourself and pissed yourself and how horrid you look" he said handing her his phone. That corset hides your fat and helps make cleavage with those inadequate tits doesn't it Holly?"

"Yes sir" she replied.

As she took the photograph he picked up her black high heel pumps and set them down beside her, "Put these on and let's get going. I have a few more surprises for you."

Before she knew it they were in the car going somewhere of which she had no idea. He pulled into the driveway of a house in a neighborhood that didn't appear to be in a good part of town.

Roger parked the car, got out and then walked around opening her door. He guided her to the side door to the house and just as they walked up to the door it opened.

An older woman with grey hair put up in a bun greeted them at the door waiving for them to come in without saying a word. Once she closed the door she led the way into a small room with an odd looking table, covered in a black sheet. The old woman looked and pointed at Holly and then patted the table.

Holly hesitated but one look at Roger was all she needed to know she'd better get up on the table. The grey hair woman slid a plastic step out from under the table for her to use to get up on the table. Once she was sitting on the table the woman guided her to lie back and placed a pillow under her head. Holly was terrified about what was about to happen.

The woman went towards the wall and there was a cart covered by a black vinyl cover that she removed and rolled the cart closer. She then came back to the table, lifted Holly's skirt and pulled it up from underneath her bottom pulling it down and off. The look of fear of the unexpected on Roger's young slut was that of sheer terror.

The old woman then removed Holly's shoes, took hold of her panties and very firmly and quickly pulled them down and off her feet. She then reached under one side of the table and pulled out a metal arm and then did the same on the other side of the table. Each metal arm, once rotated to a 45 degree angle from the table, seemed to be spring loaded and popped up into place.

The grey haired woman then took hold of one of Holly's left calf and foot and lifted it up onto the spring loaded arm resting the back side of her knee over a rubber coated pipe and placed her heel into a rubber coated metal ring. She then quickly did the same with the other leg.

Holly's legs were now lifted and open similar to during a gynecologist exam. She felt so vulnerable and exposed to both the woman and Roger.

She then walked over to the cart and returned to the table and began to lightly dust Holly's left leg with just a bit of powder from the ankle to the knee. She then very quickly took a wooden stick, similar to a tongue depressor, dipped it into a small electric appliance with hot wax and smeared the hot wax onto Holly starting at the base of her ankle by her foot. Holly let out a gasp at the warm temperature of the wax but the powder kept it from burning her skin.

Once the old woman had the wax smeared in a small area she placed a white cloth over the wax and pressed it against Holly's leg. Then very quickly she pulled the cloth away from her leg the cloth and wax pulling the hair from her leg where it made contact. Holly let out a grunt of pain almost like that of a woman tennis player when she hits the ball, "HUHHHHH."

But no sooner then she let the grunt out of her body the grey haired woman once again had a fresh wooden applicator and was smearing hot wax on her leg next to where she had a few seconds early. Then once again she used the cloth to pull the hair from her leg and another grunt, "HUHHHHH."

The process was repeated over and over and occasionally the old grey haired woman changed to the other leg. Poor Holly continued to let out grunts and groan as the hair was pulled from her legs. She had shaved her legs many times and even used the cream that makes the hair wash away but she had never waxed her legs before. It was quite obvious that the woman doing this had done it many times before as she was fast and efficient. It wasn't very long before the grey haired woman was waxing Holly's thighs.

Roger was enjoying hearing the grunts and groans of mild pain, but his anticipation was growing as he knew everything he had arranged to be done. As the process moved off her legs onto her bikini area her groans began to grow louder. His heart beat faster when he saw the look on Holly's face as the old woman began to smear wax with the wooden applicator to his young toy's bikini area and he was delighted when her reaction was louder then it had been.

The skin in her pubic area was much more sensitive then the flesh on her legs and the groans turned more into higher pitched cries. Then to Holly's surprise the old woman adjusted the spring loaded brackets holding her legs higher and wider. Once it was adjusted she moved from the side to between Holly's legs and immediately started waxing more to the center of her pubic area.

The closer to her sex the more painful it was when the old woman pulled the fabric with the wax and hair off the young girls flesh. Roger's heart was pounding and he watched intently enjoying Holly's cries as the hair was pulled out with its root. He moved right next to the grey haired woman as she placed the cloth right over Holly's sex ripping the hair from the so sensitive place on her body. She let out an intense cry of pain and Roger almost had an orgasm from knowing where she felt the pain and the sound of her cry. He was delighted to see an increased redness to the flesh and it appeared that it was possible that even her vaginal lips had been pulled by the hot wax stuck on the cloth because they too were very red.

But it wasn't over the grey haired woman continued to take advantage of Holly's position with her legs wide open and lifted up and used another wooden applicator to apply was at the base of her young customer's sex and down into her ass crack. Once again her cry was intense and tears streamed down her face. Roger couldn't resist touching her red smooth flesh but the moment he did the old woman swatted his hand away. She wasn't quite done.

Fortunately that was the last of the waxing of her lady bits and the woman moved to first one then the other of Holly's underarms. Once she had pulled the underarm hair she went back to her cart and got some type of cream. She put on gloves and then began to rub the cream starting at Holly's ankles and worked all the way up her body.

The cool cream did help to relieve some of the sting and ache from the waxing and it felt strange to feel the grey haired woman rub cream in such intimate and sensitive places on her body. But relief was needed more then the embarrassment and shame the young woman felt.

Holly was so relieved when the woman finishing applying the cream and cleaned up and put away her things. The woman then moved to the end of the table and put Holly's panties and skirt back on her body and assisted her to sit up and get down off the table.

Roger then handed the grey haired woman an envelope and took hold of Holly's arm and headed back to his car.


Holly was hopeful that Roger's plans for the day were complete but it didn't take long before she realized that he was not driving in the direction of home. In fact the car headed to the outskirts of town to old plants and factories that had been shut down. Her apprehension grew as she saw less traffic around. Eventually he pulled the car into an alley between buildings, parked, walked around to her side of the car, opened her door and then put his hand out for her to take.

She couldn't help think about the offer of a hand to a girl to get out of the car would be polite from most guys, but not her mother's boyfriend who had been raping her. She took his hand reluctantly, knowing there would be consequences if she didn't.

He led her on a pretty long walk around the end of the building and then passed one other building before walking just through an opening in a chain link fence and then another 100 yards to a large piece of plywood that had been pried open.

Roger held it open for her to walk through in her black high heel pumps, black skirt and the black corset. On the backside of the plywood was a heavy door that was ajar and she pushed it a bit further open, heard him pull the plywood back mostly closed and followed her though the heavy door.

She couldn't believe what she saw inside when she walked through the door. It was strange that in this all but deserted part of town, where all the plants, factories, warehouses and other businesses had closed their doors several years back was a brightly lit bar that's door was boarded up by plywood.

Just inside the door was cherry wood highly buffed floor that led to an old style thirty foot bar wth multiple bar stools. Behind the bar were multiple bottles of liquor lit up by lighting. On the wall opposite side of the bar were sofas as well as wing back chairs. At the far end of the bar there were several tables as well as more sofas and comfortable chairs facing a large screen TV and across from the television seating area was a full sized billiard table.

As Holly looked towards the far end of the bar around the television she felt her entire body tighten as she saw three men sitting there by the TV that was broadcasting sports.

Roger startled her from her thoughts taking hold of her elbow and walking her towards where the men were sitting.

Once they reached there he introduced her one by one to each of the men. The first was Dwayne a tall, athletic black man, then there was Vincent an older, obese hairy Italian man and Hector, a shorter younger Hispanic man with a few visible tattoos on his arms. Roger then said to the men, "Gentlemen, this is Holly, she will be servicing, I mean serving us for the next few hours." He laughed, as did they, at his slip of the tongue but she didn't laugh. He then said to her, "Ask them what they'll have."

Hector ordered a Corona with lime, Dwayne asked for a whiskey on the rocks, Vincent ordered a Scotch neat and Roger then told her I'll take a Cape Cod and a Bud.

Poor Holly looked clueless but Roger grabbed her wrist and walked her behind the bar. For the next several minutes he was nicer to her then he had ever been without her mom around. In almost a teacher type voice he showed her behind the bar and told her what on the rocks meant, what neat meant and how to use the shot glass to pour the drinks. He then placed five empty glasses on a tray and showed her how to lift and hold the tray and had her walk around with it a few minutes and then once she did okay with that he had her put the drinks on the tray that everyone ordered and carry it back over to the TV area.

Holly did okay carrying the drinks and did okay giving each of the men their drink. When she got to Roger, he returned to his cruel self when she started to give him the two drinks he ordered and said, "The Cape Cod is for you stupid, I wouldn't drink a girly drink the Bud is mine."

His 'friends' laugh at the insult but Dwayne broke the laughter making a toast, "To a good game." Again they all laugh. When Holly hesitates to drink when the others did with the toast Roger quickly corrected her, "Don't insult everyone, when someone makes a toast, everyone drinks that includes you dumb girl."

Holly, scared of his tone of voice, quickly sipped the Cape Cod and was surprised it didn't taste bad at all. For the first hour things seemed pretty normal and she actually was starting to let her guard down as she continued to serve the men getting them nuts, nachos and more drinks.

Things changed after one more man arrived, a very rough looking man with a heavy accent named Viktor. Viktor was very stocky and just a few inches shorter then Dwayne. He had very tan skin that looked very leather like and was partially balding.

Only a few minutes after his arrival and she had gotten Viktor a vodka rocks, Roger summoned her over to him. He pointed at the floor in front of his chair and told her to kneel.

Holly felt a lump in her throat that fell into her stomach. She knew things were going to take a turn for the worst. She stood where Roger pointed but didn't realize or didn't want to believe that he wanted her to kneel there. He caught her unprepared and punched her in her lower belly and it worked like he wanted and made her drop to her knees.

She let out a loud exhale of pain and it took the air from her lungs for a moment but she thought she heard a few chuckles but she couldn't tell from whom they came.

It took her a moment to catch her breath and her composure but once she did she realized Roger had taken his cock out of his pants. She could still hear the game on the TV but she couldn't help but to look out of the corner of her eyes and to the left she didn't see anyone but to the right she saw Dwayne and he definitely was watching.

Roger didn't give her a chance to move her mouth to his cock before he grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled her head to his groin. She knew better then to resist so she immediately opened her mouth, took his cock into her mouth and began to suck it.

Like that morning Roger was cruel and aggressive intentionally thrusting his hips and forcing her head down with his hands onto his cock forcing her to cough and gag. The sounds were loud enough that even with the volume of the game pretty loud the men could hear her coughing and gagging. Roger had been very aroused watching the old grey haired woman wax Holly so he was quickly fully hard and working towards exploding in her mouth.

The other men watched the action on and off making a few comments that she could hear things like "cock sucker" "slut" and "cum slut" but she couldn't tell who said what except when Viktor spoke with his heavy accent.

It wasn't long before Roger shot his load but unlike that morning when he had fun humiliating her squirting it all over her face this time he gripped her head as hard as he could, forced his cock deep into her mouth and squirted over and over into her mouth and throat.

To poor Holly it felt like gobs of cum and to her horror she quickly accidentally took a breath pulling part of the cum into her sinuses making her cough and gag harder but he held her head tight and continued to squirt another load and out of reflex she swallowed rather then pull more of his cum into her sinuses and lungs. She was still coughing and gagging and the smell and taste was overwhelming and she almost lost it and threw up but somehow maintained her composure gagging down more cum. Finally Roger finishes and withdrew his cock from her mouth, handed her the Cape Cod drink and then asked loudly to his 'friends', "Who's next?"

Hector stood up and came and sat down next to where Roger had been sitting and Holly was kneeling. He didn't hesitate at all and opened his shorts and pulled his cock and balls out from his boxers. The moment they were hanging out he reached out his arm hard and fast and caught her by the hair yanking her face to his groin.

Holly was horrified. It was so gross having Roger's cock in her face but at least she had known him for a while. It was embarrassing enough when Roger made her suck him in front of these men but having her head and face pulled to the groin of someone she had never met before was very humiliating. His smell and taste and even the feel of his cock in her mouth was different from Roger and made her gag more from a psychological aspect.

Hector was not thrusting as hard and deep as Roger had but was disappointed that Holly did not seem skilled at giving head. He had no idea that this was only the third time she had a cock in her mouth. But to make it better for himself for a moment he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He then grabbed hold of her shoulders spun her around with her back facing the sofa. He then pushed her shoulders back against the sofa and then pushed her head down where the back of her head was flat against the sofa cushion.

He quickly straddled her shoulders and leaned on the sofa over her head and pushed his cock to her face. Before pushing it into her mouth he poked his cock around her face and even drug his balls all over her face including her chin, mouth, nose and even over her eyes but finally after amusing himself degrading her he pushed his cock to her lips. When she didn't immediately open her mouth he simply grabbed a handful of hair on each side of her head and yanked hard. She quickly let out a painful groan opening her mouth.

He thrust his hips hard pushing into her inexperienced mouth. Holly was horrified because with her head on the sofa cushion she had no ability to pull her head back much at all. Hector quickly started moving his hips, his cock pistoning over and over her tongue. His movements were steady and to her shame she somehow adjusted to the disgusting steady strokes in her mouth. Hector's cock wasn't very long but that also allowed him to push fully into her mouth and eventually his pubic hair was brushing against the tip of her nose and his balls were slapping just under her chin. She felt very dirty and filthy and very much a slut.

It only took a few more thrusts before he exploded into her mouth. As he felt his cum ready to release he thrust his cock fully into her mouth and the fluids gushed into the back of her mouth. Rather then rush pulling the fluids into her sinuses and lungs she intentionally swallowed. It felt to her like she drank a gallon of cum but in reality it was barely a spoonful. It was thick and salty and felt degrading swallowing it. She was relieved when after five squirts he finally withdrew his cock from her mouth.

It was only then that she realized they were all watching Hector fuck her face and she felt even more ashamed. Roger grabbed hold of her lifted her back up on the sofa and handed Holly her drink and said, "Have a drink!"

She didn't really want to drink more alcohol but the texture of goo in her mouth was disgusting and tasted nauseating. She took a few sips and regardless of the fruity taste of the cranberry juice or the antiseptic properties of the vodka she couldn't get the taste or stickiness of the cum out of her mouth.

Suddenly the obese man with chest hair hanging out above the top button of his button down shirt walked over to her, took hold of her hand and pulled her to her feet walking her over to the pool table. He led her to the end of the pool table turned her back to it and leaned over and kissed her.

Holly felt demeaned by the overweight late middle aged man she never met kissing her like she was his girlfriend. It felt gross for his mouth to be on hers and his rough hands to touch all over her bare shoulders. He kissed her hard and rough and even pushed her upper body back over the pool table forcing her to arch her back. She didn't realize what he was doing when he turned her slightly to one side until she felt her skirt tugged down and it fell to her ankles, realizing he had unzipped her skirt.

She had foolishly grabbed for the skirt trying to stop it from falling but Vincent, the older Italian used his arms to block her arms like a fighter might block punches and then slapped her face, not very hard but first with one hand and then the other. Her cheeks stung from the slaps and she barely noticed the other men had moved over to the tables closest to the pool table to watch.

Abruptly Vincent grabbed and tugged hard at her panties. He pulled so hard her entire body moved into his body but he just shoved her back and yanked on the panties again this time tearing the fabric more. On the next hard pull they tore away from her body the fabric causing painful friction as it ripped off her soft skin.

Out of nowhere the obese man lifted her off her feet, causing her shoes to fall off her feet, spun around to the side of the pool table and tossed Holly on her back her head close to the near end. His eyes opened wide when he saw the smooth pale white pubic area between her legs and his hand immediately went there and he gasped, "She's as bare and smooth as a baby's bottom" he said rubbing his hand all over between her legs feeling from her pubic bone down over her smooth slit all the way around till his finger found her butt hole.

He grabbed firmly onto her leg on the side of the pool table where he was standing and pulled her hips up on the bumper and then slammed his mouth on her sex. His facial hair poking at the very sensitive flesh of her sex as he licked and sucked at her pussy until his tongue worked between her lips. She felt shame and humiliation as his wet mouth moved all over her sex and the poky facial hair scratched the tender flesh.

"Damn she taste sweet" he proclaimed but then walked to the end of the table grabbing one arm and then the second pulling her head to the bumper. Once he had her there he lifted her head up and onto the bumper and then took hold of her under the arms and eased her to the end of the table until her head hung slightly over the edge.

She wasn't even sure how or when he took his cock out of his pants but it poked at her forehead, nose, eyes and finally her mouth and once again a stranger was pushing his cock into her mouth this time with her head hanging slightly off the end of a pool table. She was alarmed when she felt fingers groping between her legs as the hairy mans cock pushed into her mouth.

Not only did the fat man have hairy arms and chest his groin including the shaft of his cock was covered in long hair and she could feel hair on her lips and tongue. Fingers roughly felt and explored her sex even pinching and pulling on her vaginal lips and clit as the obese Italian worked his cock in and out of her mouth. It felt like hairs were loose in her mouth and made her cough and gag.

The edge of the pool table was hard and held her head firmly while the fat man fucked her face as the fingers continued to torment her sex. Vincent caught her completely off guard when he pulled his cock out of her mouth and smeared the fluids from her mouth all around her face and then pushed it once again into her mouth making her face feel disgusting.

It seemed like the fat hairy man would last forever as it seemed like she had a mouthful of his hair and his cock continued to move in her mouth. It was extremely uncomfortable to have her head hanging off the end of the pool table while his hips kept thrusting against her face.

She had almost forgotten that she was still wearing the corset until she felt it loosen its tight grip on her body. It was a relief to feel her lungs once again be able to fill fully as the corset loosened more and more eventually opening. But the relief quickly changed to fear as she felt hands begin to grope, squeeze, pinch and pull at her breasts and nipples while fingers continued to pull and poke at her pussy. She heard one of them say, "Look at those tiny tits, that corset made them look much bigger."

Finally as the attention to her breasts was growing more intense the overweight Italian squirted his first few squirts into her mouth and then pulled out and shot the last few loads on her now bare tits.

Roger then grabbed hold of one arm and one leg pulling her to one side of the pool table until her could pull her legs off the side and help her sit up the corset fell off onto the felt. He then handed her another Cape Cod and she took a few sips but not wanting to drink too much alcohol she set it back down. She noticed that all the men were watching. She had to cough a few times trying to expel pubic hair from her mouth.

Then for a moment Viktor, the tall, tan, stocky man with the heavy accent walked to the bar and then returned with a bucket with a beer logo on the outside and a bottle of vodka. He opened the vodka bottle and poured it straight into an empty glass and then held it out to her, "Drink."

She took the glass and brought it to her face and she could smell the vodka. Once again she just set the glass on the edge of the pool table.

"You are a brave but stupid girl" Victor said in his heavy accent.

He looked at Roger and asked, "Where's her bag?"

Roger stood up and walked over to where they had first been seated by the TV, found her small clutch purse, brought it back over and handed it to Viktor.

Viktor opened Holly's purse and dumped the contents of it on one of nearby tables. There wasn't anything of significance in the bag, loose change a key chain with just a few keys, three tampons, a school ID badge and a wallet.

Everyone was watching out of curiosity and Hector even with a chuckle asked, "What are you doing, ripping off the high schooler?"

Viktor let out a sarcastic chuckle, rolled his eyes and poured about two inches of vodka into the beer promotional bucket. He then took one of the tampons and pulled the protective paper wrapper off of it and dropped the tampon still in the applicator into the bucket and used his fingers to hold it under the fluids.

Viktor then looked at Roger and said, "Lay her back." Roger stepped over to the pool table took hold of Holly's shoulders and pushed her down across the table.

Viktor looked at Hector and Dwayne and added, "Lift and open her legs."

Since she had been sitting on the side of the pool table her bottom was still near the edge. Despite the fact she resisted with each man grabbing, lifting and holding one leg each neither man had to exert too much effort. She still struggled in fear terrified of what was happening.

Viktor then carried the bucket and walked up between Holly's legs, "You see young lady, when you are told to do something by your superior, you must do as you are told or you risk consequences for your disobedience. You needed only drink a glass of good Russian vodka, something I truly enjoy every day. But you chose to deny our offer, which you may do, but every choice has its consequences. So now you will have some good Russian vodka in a manner I choose."

With that Viktor lifted the tampon from the bucket, used his left hand to open her pussy lips, pushed the tip of the plastic applicator to her sex and then slowly inserted it. Once he had the outer part of the applicator fully inserted he said, "This might hurt a bit but Roger said you respond nicely to pain." As he said this he pushed the the inner part of the applicator inserting the vodka soaked tampon inside her.

She immediately started to sense the wetness inside her and then it started to sting and she let out a little whimper. The three men stopped holding her and Viktor pulled her back up in a seated position. He picked up his drink and pushed his fingers into the drink pulling out an ice cube. He moved the ice cube to her breast and started circling it just outside the pink flesh of her Areola. He then moved the ice cube to her other breast and did the same delighting as her nipples quickly began to harden.

With the alcohol Holly had already drank having finished her first drink and also having sipped part of her second as the vodka began to absorb into her bloodstream from the tampon inside her she started feeling a bit more of a buzz. Viktor continued alternating from one breast to the other but now was circling the ice cube directly on the pink Areola slowly working to her nipples. "You see young slut, it is difficult for a pain slut such as yourself to focus on more then one sensation at a time" he said in a low voice to her.

He then picked up metal ice tongs and pinched her right nipple that was already hard from the ice. "Now your mind has to choose what hurts more, the acidic alcohol inside you or the pinch and squeeze of the tongs" he added squeezing harder with the tongs.

He then set the tongs down stepped right in front of her took hold of her head and gently stroked her hair with his hand. He even pulled her head to his chest, held her close and stroked her hair. While holding her to his chest he made eye contact with Roger and said, "Lie on your back on the end of the table."

Roger did as Viktor asked but did so hesitantly wondering what Viktor had in mind. Holly pulled her head back thinking the tall, tan man might have been talking to her. He bent down and gave her a short gentle kiss giving Roger a little longer to get in position. When he broke the kiss he picked her up around the back and under her knees and carried her to where Roger was lying at the end of the pool table.

Victor then set Holly on top of Roger on her back using his knees to separate hers, her bottom directly over Roger's groin and he felt her butt cheeks against his cock and understood what Viktor intended. Viktor quickly gripped her butt cheeks opening her to Roger who's cock was already hard. The moment she felt his cock poke at her butt hole she tried to push her hips up.

But Viktor gripped her butt cheeks firmly and starred in her eyes and said, "Keep your hips down young lady or there will be consequences for disobedience!"

She did as she was told and felt her mother's boyfriend begin to push his cock into her previously un-penetrated ass. It hurt like nothing she had ever imagined or would have chosen to do. As Roger started working his cock into her virgin anus Viktor grabbed the string and pulled the tampon out of her sex. He then looked over to where Dwayne was sitting, made eye contact and then glanced at Holly.

Dwayne got what he meant by his look and stood up walking over to the end of the pool table. Viktor moved out of the way and the tall African American man moved between her legs as Roger continued to work his cock deeper into her ass. The black man opened his pants and pulled his underwear down enough to release his cock and balls. His cock looked enormous and without hesitation he leaned down over Roger and Holly.

With the height of the pool table few men would be tall enough to stand and then lean over a woman lying on top of a man lying on a pool table but Dwayne did so easily. Without hesitation he leaned down and began to push his cock into Holly's pussy.

The intense stretch from Roger's cock forcing into her ass was already very painful for Holly, then she suddenly felt the tall black man Dwayne begin to penetrate her vagina at the same time her mother's boyfriend was forcing deeper into her ass. The stretch and ache were so intense and painful she let out cries and even screams.

"Yes my young friend there are always consequences for not doing as you are told by your superiors" Victor stated in a calm resolute tone.

Roger could hardly believe how incredibly tight Holly's ass felt on his cock. It felt incredible and he needed to push deeper and deeper into her. He was amazed at the effort it took to do so and at first it was hard to do so as her hips moved back some. But once Dwayne started lying on top of her it kept her body from moving away.

Not only did it feel amazing to his cock, but watching the black man, someone Holly had never met before lying on top of her and obviously beginning to take her against her will only excited Roger that much more.

When he first met his girlfriend Rachel and then saw her beautiful daughter he never would have imagined wanting another man to touch her. But he was discovering so many new things about himself, mostly that he loved to control, degrade and humiliate another person and treat them as something less then a person. Now he was lying underneath her as a stranger was pushing into her cunt.

Dwayne was amazed how tight this girl felt and he had never fucked a girl while another man fucked that girl's ass. He tried to time his down thrusts as Roger thrust up so they would both push at the same time.

Holly felt like she was being ripped in half with her anus being raped for the first time and a second man forcing into her sex. The tightness and stretch was something she could not have imagined.

To her horror suddenly Viktor got up on the side of the table and came over to her and once again started stroking her hair, "Can you feel them Holly? Can you feel the two men inside you that you are servicing? I know it hurts right now but it will get better. This is what girls like you were born to do Holly. I have known many girls like you. Girls who men cannot resist. Girls who become good at this. Girls who do this everyday. Girls who can't stop thinking about how this feels, how you are feeling right now. You will be good at this Holly!"

He was starring in her eyes as the two men were both working their cocks in and out. Roger had finally worked his cock almost fully in her ass. Dwayne's enormous cock was thrusting just short of fully in her pussy occasionally striking her cervix with the head of his cock.

Lying underneath her Roger heard Viktor's words and loved how he was trying to get in her head. But he didn't anticipate what Viktor would do next. "You can service more cocks Holly. Your body was meant to service multiple men" as Viktor said this he got over her head on his hands and feet and then lowered his cock to her face.

Holly was already aching and in pain feeling a cock in her pussy and a second in her ass with every ounce of her being she wanted to turn her face away from the cock in her face but she remembered that there would be consequences for what she chose to do and reluctantly she opened her mouth and the man who pushed a vodka soaked tampon into her sex lowered his cock into her mouth. Her head was spinning but it didn't seem to help with the stretch or pain. Holly was now servicing three cocks in her body at one time.

With the fact she was on her back Viktor had all of the control. Her body felt like a piece of meat being shoved this way and that by the three men. Dwayne's cock was brutal even in her vagina his thrusts seemed to fill her fully on every stroke and almost every movement of Roger's cock felt painful pulling on the flesh inside her butt hole.

The cock in her mouth moved at will causing her to gag and cough often saliva and his precum coating his cock and plunging onto her lips and face. The physical exertion her body was expending was tremendous as the three men pushed her this way and that. Finally Roger erupted in her ass. He could hardly believe how deviant things had become with his girlfriend's daughter and it excited him like nothing ever in his life. He just laid and relaxed under her feeling the other two men push her body this way and that.

Viktor was the second to squirt his fluids into the young naked woman. His body control holding his hips over her face exhausting but he enjoyed tormenting the exhausted girl. He quickly got off the pool table to watch the dark skinned tall athletic man fuck her smooth and steady.

Dwayne was skilled at sex and had been with multiple partners. He could tell Holly had only had sex a few times and with Roger inside her anus she felt incredibly tight. He was enjoying fucking the young woman and had varied his pace to allow him to last longer. He was cocky and had a big ego and he loved the idea that women remembered what it felt like when he fucked them.

Assuming the other two men had cum, since Viktor had gotten up and off her and Roger was not thrusting any longer beneath her he picked up his pace but tried to stay focused on long strokes pulling his cock just to the point only his cock head was still inside her and then pushing almost every inch into her that he could.

The black man caught everyone off guard when he slid his hands behind Holly's back and lifted her up to him, keeping his cock inside her it standing up her body impaled on his cock. He walked slowly to the side of the pool table away from Roger and then slowly lowered her back down onto her back, "There you go young lady. Now it's just you and me. I want you to remember me inside you. Look in my eyes baby girl. I want you to remember what it feels like to have me inside you."

As Dwayne said this he slowly pushed his cock until it was pressing against her cervix and held it there, leaning over her but supporting his own weight as his eyes locked with hers. He then pulled back slowly and then back in till his cock head again pressed against her cervix. He used his hands to pull her knees up some and said, "Move your body baby girl. Move to how it feels better. Let your body moves how it needs to as Dwayne's dick fills you with what you need."

Holly was so sore and exhausted but when he lifted her legs it relieved some of the pressure in her back and made it less painful and she couldn't help but move her legs wider, higher, moving them around trying to lesson the pain. The men watched as her feet bounced a bit with Dwayne's rhythm and she ended up pointing her feet and curling her toes. "That's it baby girl, just move like you need to move feel me stroking inside your body so so deep" he said to her softly in a deep sultry voice.

"You're a natural baby girl. You needed Dwayne's cock didn't you. Ain't no body fucked you like this before have they? Close them eyes just feel me inside you" she was just so exhausted and sore yet his body kept moving and his voice kept getting in her head. She closed her eyes not wanting to be here, not wanting Roger or his 'friends' to be watching.

Suddenly Dwayne grunted loud, in a strong almost painful sounding grunts as he shot his load of cum inside her. As he shot the last load he pushed his cock deep inside her pressing against her cervix and collapsed on top of her for a few minutes


When she opened her eyes she realized she wasn't in the bar in the abandoned industrial area of her hometown she was in the hotel with Joseph, he was starring at her with a concerned look in his eyes his lips moving a few times before she heard the words, "Sammi, are you okay, you're scaring me. . ."

To be continued...


Same as "RUNAWAY" Chapter 13 "Consequences" Videos

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RUNAWAY Chapter 10 Feeling The Pain

Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good. As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 4 Tonight It Was Special

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                                                              Runaway     Luke Shank saw the headlights, heard the pickup stop by thehouse.  By the time he got the door open, his brothers, Matthewand Mark, were standing on the porch.  Between them was Luke'swife, Lucy.  Matthew held her right arm, Mark her left.     "You found her.  Thanks," said Luke.     "She was waiting for the bus.  Runaway for sure," saidMatthew.  "You best see she don't do that again, brother."     "I can't keep her...

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‘What the fuck!!’ Ray exclaimed, ‘Am I ever going to catch a break?’ The left rear tire on his SUV was again losing air from the slow leak and was noticeably flatter when he pulled into the truck stop diner to grab a bite than it was when he had set out in the morning. At least I’m at a truck stop with a garage, he thought. They should be able to either fix the leak or sell me a new tire. The past two months had been nothing but one kick in the ass after another for Ray Blanton. He had...

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This story is dedicated to the great Elaine, who is bright and kind and generous. Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, reprinted or reposted without the express consent of Jane Howard. Although there is no sex in this story, it depicts a budding romantic relationship between two male teens, one of whom is transgendered. If such a premise offends you, please don't read it. RUNAWAY By Jane Howard copyright 2003 She had decided to...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 19 Toke and Relax

"I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don't you think Senorita" he asked? "Sure" she agreed with a yawn. They both got out of the truck and she headed to the ladies room for a potty break. When she got back he had the two chairs out and he was seated smoking a joint and also had a cooler out and a beer in his hand, "Would you like Cerveza" he asked holding up a green can with two large green letter X? Sammi wasn't sure what it...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 16 Pleasing Others

She took another look at the map and made the decision to walk along a Northwest interstate. It took her almost 45 minutes to get along the interstate she wanted where she thought she might get a ride. She continued to walk but also looked back at the cars and trucks and on occasion would put her thumb out. Finally after another 45 minutes a sleek black big rig pulled over. Sammi had to walk almost 100 yards as it took the truck time to pull over and stop after passing her. Finally...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 17 Pain or Milking Cum

Viktor walked over by her head and said softly by her ear, "You see Holly, men can be entertained by women in many ways, dancing, stripping, serving, submission, pain, sex and many more ways. Typically sex is the end goal but there are a variety of things that stimulate men sexually. If you want, you can entertain us more now by milking more cum from our cocks. What do you think, Holly, do you want to use your body to milk more cum now?" Feeling so overwhelmingly used Holly shook her...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 15 The Letter Goodbye

"I'm just being stupid aren't I, Ol'Jack? Lot lizards come and go and I'm too old to think a young woman like her would have feelings for an old goat like me. It's just you and I again. I'm sure you were ready to have all of your space back in the truck. Hell that sleeper is barely big enough for one man, let alone an old trucker, a hitchhiker and a dog, don't ya think" he said to his long time best friend. Ol'Jack let out a whine and rest his head on the passenger seat where...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 11 The Person in The Mirror

Joseph noticed that Sammi was smiling and seemed more upbeat. Before long they were talking about the truck wash, how much Ol'Jack loved water and how much fun they had playing in the water. They were both laughing really hard about it when the waitress brought their food. As they were eating he said, "There's something I need to make sure you are aware of. Now that I've made my delivery what I typically do is pick up a load and transport it back East and after dropping it I try to...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 7 Dirty Filthy Slut

As she thought about the kiss she realized he puckered and placed his lips gently against hers. In full anticipation of a hit or punch like Roger would have done it was her who actually escalated the kiss by opening her mouth. But Joseph didn't aggressively shove his tongue deep into her mouth or even push his mouth hard to hers. He softly held and kissed her. And yet like a frightened animal she shivered uncontrollably. Being alone in the hotel room, the fear mostly passed that she...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 6 Discipline

Joseph had not slept in close proximity with a woman since his wife's passing several years previous. He had hooked up with a few lot lizards but it was just for quick sex and he wasn't sure he could even remember their names. He wasn't sure how young, this young lady was but he was sure any man would find her attractive. He of course had not been with a young woman sexually or even physically in years but it wasn't hard to remember how attractive their smooth skin, tiny waist, wide...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 9 Pushing The Limits

After staring at the one on her wrist she looked at the cross on her finger, the clover inside her arm by her elbow and the dragonfly that was paid for by her first gang rape. For a few moments it was hard to breath. Her very quickly planned decision to run away so far had gone pretty well, one puzzle piece at a time. She thought about the dragonfly she had wanted. Like many mothers and daughters she felt like her mother was too strict and was constantly changing the rules when she would...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 5 Meeting The Belt

But her mother was the grown up. She could have kicked him out or called the police. Holly didn't know what else to do. Every day she spent with him things just seemed to get worse and what was even harder with each day's passing she found she was resisting him less. Not only was she making less effort to fight him off but slowly more often she just did what he wanted. The more often she found herself just doing what she was told the less of a human being she felt like. But it was...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 8 It Defines Who You Are

He was trying to let his passenger not feel like she was being interrogated but he also couldn't help question the things she did that seemed odd. He took a deep breath and decided to ask something that was bothering him, "Did something happen back at the cafe...with you and Ben?" It was strange the number of emotions that went through her mind while she thought about how to answer his question the strongest emotion shame. She looked around and even squirmed in the seat before making a...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 3 Escalation From Physical to Sexual Abusse

Sammi just nodded affirmation that she was okay but then thought about her dream and what she might have been saying and asked, "What was I talking about?" "Not much of nothin I could understand" Joseph replied but enough ya woke yourself up. He continued, "Why don't ya go stretch out in the sleeper back yonder it's as good a mattress as in most road side motels and ya look pretty tired. Ya probably haven't gotten much shut eye since ya hit the road anyway." Sammi thought about...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 1 Taking A Beating

It had not been easy traveling across multiple states with limited money she had earned babysitting. It didn't take her long to realize it also wasn't easy to find even the most basic job without any type of identification or a birth certificate. She didn't know if her mom had reported her missing but not wanting to take a chance she took the first name of her beloved childhood dog, Sammi, and thought herself clever to take the sir name Shepherd. Sammi was a chocolate lab but she had...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 2 Reason To Run

"Sure" Sammi replied noticing she was hungry and letting her mind wander to the question if the place was expensive? Only a few minutes after making the suggestion Joseph pulled the big rig off the interstate and into the truck stop diner. Before getting out of the truck himself, he instructed Sammi how to safely crawl down from the cab of the truck. As the two walked from the truck to the diner Joseph realized how short and petite Sammi stood. They both went to the washroom first...

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Runaway DreamChapter 1 Remembering Fear

It was dark when I woke up and it took me a second to remember where I was. Curled up in the passenger seat of a Honda Civic. The engine was off and it was quiet. There was some light, more grey than any real color, coming from the windows and I blinked, looking around. I was in a parking garage it looked like, underground and not very full. A few cars scattered here and there, but most of them crowded against a distant wall. The light was coming from a couple ramps mostly, daylight. I...

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Runaway DreamChapter 2 The Turning

"You move pretty fast for being so small," the woman said. "I almost caught up with you in Boise." I didn't say anything, even though I had a lot of questions. It was like I couldn't settle on just one to ask, so I didn't ask any. Or maybe I was afraid of the answers. I had been running fast, very fast and even if this woman hadn't been dead, which I was pretty sure she had been, she shouldn't ever have been able to find me. Not by herself, not without help. We got back to the...

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Runaway DreamChapter 3 Awakenings

The sunlight hurt my eyes, even the very little escaping from the drawn curtains. Just a slender fissure and I turned weakly away from it. I felt tired and empty inside, not so much hungry as just ... empty. My skin was cold and clammy and the light seemed to crawl across my flesh. I trembled and wondered if this wasn't DT, the withdrawl eating away at my brain. I hadn't fixed since I'd seen Vin and I had no idea how long ago that had been. I didn't think I was really addicted to the...

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Runaway DreamChapter 4 Audrey

We actually drove through what there was of the town of Newrock, and pulled onto a dirt road that was even worse than the one we'd been traveling. After a mile or two there was a big silver, double wide trailer ahead of us, and Angela parked next to an old pickup truck. There were no lights and if anyone was there, apparently they hadn't been woken up by our arrival. I got out of the car, following Angela as she walked to the mobile home, which had a small wooden porch up a few short...

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Runaway DreamChapter 5 Lessons

She was weak now, but still alive four days later. I mean Audrey, of course, who'd become something of a pet to me. We'd brought her home, to our house in Klamath Falls. It was really Angela's place, but she'd made it mine as well. We were mated now, there really was nothing of mine that wasn't Angela's as well, and so the opposite was also true. And I'd been changing. Every hour, every minute, I was becoming something else. There were obvious things, like the way I talked, the way I...

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Runaway DreamChapter 6 Survival

I dreamt. Everyday, sleeping in the cool dark with Angela to hold me, I was dead. And yet I dreamed. And that my dreams were bad I had little doubt, but I could never remember them. They were small snippets and fragments, all jumbled together in one confused memory. And even that much was quickly forgotten as well. But just knowing that I had them troubled me greatly. I thought there must be some meaning there, as Angela had divined me from her own dreams. She'd sought and found me, guided...

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Runaway DreamChapter 8 Anamorphosis

I was asleep, and I knew that because my parents were still alive. We were in the car with the darkness all around, as if we'd entered a long tunnel and we had to drive through it. I didn't want to, but in my dream I didn't seem to care as I sat in the backseat, buckled up tight and holding Edgar. I smiled in my sleep I think, because I'd forgotten him completely. Edgar the Bear, soft and stuffed and in my arms. What a nice dream, except for my shoulder. It hurt and when I looked down at...

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Runaway DreamChapter 9 Dissonance

"There's someone here," I said. "I know," Angela replied from her bath as I entered the small room. I'd been resting, just being lazy really, and talking with Natalie in her bed. "Who is it?" I asked, frowning a little. My power to sense other vampires was growing, but still weak. I had no real idea how near or far this other one was, or what the creature's purpose might be. I didn't believe in coincidence though; this other vampire, whoever it was, would have come to Sacramento...

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RunawayChapter 02

David finished the first term of Year 10 before he left Australia but the US schools start in August not February. The different start dates and the time he missed has David unsure about what level to start at in the Window Rock High School, so he arranges to be tested by the local school board. In some subjects he tests well enough to be a Junior, what they call Year 11 in the US, and in others he tests out as a Sophomore, the Year 10 equivalent. So he registers as a Sophomore, but in the...

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RunawayChapter 03

David waits until the Walkers leave the area before he starts to ask around about someone he can talk to in law enforcement in Texas. He’s very careful about who he asks and how he asks them because of his concerns about what he suspects from the records he’s read. On a Tuesday evening in mid December Jerry Fasthorse, the police officer who lives down the street, drops in to talk to David. He says, “I found a contact for you. To talk to them we have to attend a meeting near Albuquerque on...

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RunawayChapter 04

In the November before his high school graduation David speaks with the trustee of his US based trust about attending university and emails him a copy of what courses he’s finished with a list of what he wishes to do for the next few years. Based on the course information from the university he can start studies in the summer after high school finishes to attend the uni for two years, plus summer classes before, between, and after those two years to have degrees in both business management...

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RunawayChapter 06

The plane from Auckland, New Zealand, lands at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport in Mascot just before six in the evening local time after a three and a quarter hour flight in the Emirates A380 Airbus. This isn’t the first time David has flown in an A380 but this is his first time in the Business Class of an Emirates plane, and he found it to be the most comfortable flight he’s had in Business Class of any airline he’s used. He has an easy and quick trip through immigration due to being an...

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Runaway TrainChapter 129

I had to depart for my afternoon workout session with Kim as soon as the call ended. We were almost to the end when Liz appeared in the room. “Come back to the office when you’re finished here, please,” she said. I grunted my assent since I was in the middle of forcing my arm outward with a stick and it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling I’d ever experienced. Liz stood and watched for a moment before smiling sadly and heading back to work. “Is she mad?” Kim asked from the...

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Runaway TrainChapter 130

I had almost made it to my feet but I dropped back on the couch. The fact I was wearing the soft sling didn’t do my arm any favors. “Wait!” I said. “What?” “I’m not comfortable with her working out here any longer,” Liz said. “She’s been on vacation all week!” I said. “That’s part of the problem,” Liz said. “She’s missed a lot of work recently and I ... I’m not happy with how she’s come to view her job here.” “First off, she was sick for two days,” I cut in. “The vacation has been...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 131

Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 132

I had barely gotten started when Liz arrived in the workout room. In spite of the fact that I was bent forward with my arm hanging downward, I felt a stirring below my waist when I saw her. She wore a pair of white transparent workout shorts that were rolled down at the top and up at the bottom. I was positive they were designed to be worn over leggings or a leotard or something. I was also positive from my first glance that Liz wore nothing beneath them. Her top was a white tank top that...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 133

I heard a snort of disgust from the lounger beside me. “Let me guess, ” she said, “you want your car and fifty bucks for gas.” “Pretty much, ” I said. “If this … if we can’t make this work then I walk out with what I came in with.” “It’s not going to work that way and I think you know that, ” she told me. “I think it should work that way, ” I noted. “Maybe it should, ” Liz said. “But it doesn’t. Do you know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t run into you again?” “Anywhere you wanted to...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 134

Liz and I were already in her office when Dayton popped his head in to let us know that Clayton Boudreau, the last person we were interviewing to take over my rehab, had arrived. “Right on time, ” Liz said. The man we’d interviewed earlier in the week had shown up 20 minutes early (and seemed put out when he had to wait because I was on a call). The woman had arrived 10 minutes late (and seemed put out that we’d mentioned that punctuality was important to us). But this guy had seemed to...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 135

Liz and I decided a “fancy dress” dinner held little interest for us. After tossing out a few suggestions – from the Internet and from her memory – Liz decided that she wanted to go to “El Rincon,” an authentic Mexican restaurant located, appropriately enough, in the corner of a downtown building. Even though the restaurant didn’t require a jacket and tie, any venture into public with Liz meant certain style standards had to be met. The temperature was pushing 90 degrees but there had been...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 136

The professor called me just as I was coming out of the workout room on Monday morning. “Good morning to you, Grasshopper,” he said. I looked at the time on my phone. It was a little past six in the morning in San Diego. “What in the hell are you doing awake?” I asked. “Didn’t you get the memo that you’re on vacation in the summer?” My normal entourage, minus Conny and Melissa, gave me a strange look but I shook my head. I made sure to watch Jill, Skye, Liz and Bobbi as they headed off to...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 137

“This is fucked,” Lucas muttered as he again looked at the stack of internal documents I’d acquired from an unknown source. “I agree completely,” Glen Carter said through the phone. It wasn’t the sort of language the man used and Lucas blushed. “I think we can all agree that what we’ve found is not only extremely troubling, but fits exactly with the narrative that we’ve been pushing,” I said. “I agree,” Susan said through another phone. “Travis, is this why you’ve tried to play up the...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 138

Conny sat back in her chair and lowered her head. “Sorry, Liz,” she said. “That came out worse than I meant it. It’s just ... the word has some ugly connotation. But, yeah, Glen’s right. We have something that requires fixing. I guess we came to the right place.” “Liz didn’t make me into anything,” I told the room in a voice that was probably harsher than the situation warranted. “Until you said it just now, it never occurred to me that was what I was doing.” “I get it,” Conny said. “And...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 139

My frantic, unhappy Monday rolled right into a hectic Tuesday. I had a pile of things on my plate a mile high and 50 miles wide. I had to talk to the professor to begin coordinating the events that stood to potentially reshape the music industry. That conversation wouldn’t be a short one. I had to spend three hours with George Carter – along with representatives from Liz’s other division – to convince him to take on the job of managing her career. I had to spend an hour (cut down from 90...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 140

The band was back together. Or at least that’s how it seemed to me when I walked into Liz’s conference room with her and Morrie Epstein. “Ain’t this a motley crew,” I said. “I want Brian to be the drummer!” Jill said, laughing at her own wit. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, looked befuddled. Dom leaned over, held his hands a foot apart and whispered in his friend’s ear. Brian grimaced, lowered his head and shook it. “That means you have to be the centerfold girl,” I said, coming to...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 141

Watching everybody in their nice duds had given me another layer to an idea that was already percolating in my head. The ASAs were not the Grammy Awards. People didn’t flock from around the globe to get photos taken on the red carpet to prove they were popular (or so I had been told). I checked with Ben and Lucas to explore the possibility of making Liz’s Saturday outing a “family” affair. The guys were assisting me on a variety of different projects already but took time to assure me that...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 142

Brea threw a monkey wrench into my plans for a teleconference the moment she walked in the door. “Good,” she said when she saw I was dressed. “What time are we leaving?” “Leaving?” I asked. “Doctor’s appointment,” she said. I covered my eyes. A day that I had been looking forward to for weeks had somehow slipped from my mind. “I don’t have time for that today!” I groaned. “Time for what?” Liz asked. “Travis has a doctor’s appointment,” Brea answered. “Is it Friday already?” Liz asked,...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 143

“Thank God!” Jill said. She had come out of the house to greet us as soon as we turned into the driveway. “Why aren’t you answering your phones?” I slid mine out of the sling and looked at it – off. Liz glanced down at the one in her hand and her face told me it was in the same shape as mine. “We’ve had other things on our minds,” Liz said. That caused Jill to pause and look at me. “Is everything still good?” she asked. “Yes,” I said. “Maybe,” Liz answered. This time I didn’t give her...

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