Ambassador’s Life Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘Master, Eupas has returned,’ Prima informed the Ambassador, who had just finished shaving himself.

‘Let him in,’ Kalitz instructed her.

Eupas entered his boss’s office, apparently satisfied from a few encounters with youths. He also looked pleased for another reason. Abel instantly sensed that the meeting with the Vorindun Consul must have gone well. How well was the question whose answer he would know soon.

‘Ambassador, the Consul agreed to recommend an alliance to his superiors. The Vorindun Senate will consider the Akrosian threat to the entire solar system. It’s strange how much power that world gives to a body elected by common people. They even call them THE PEOPLE, as if to give commoners a group title. All of their top officials are directly elected, such as their Head of State, Supreme Executive Council, Executive Boards and Commissions, Treasurer, People’s Advocates, and High Courts. They even have a People’s Assembly. No other world in this system gives as much authority and influence to regular people and magistrates chosen by them. They are so… ,’ Eupas rambled.

‘DEMOCRATIC? Well, the Vorindun Republic has ancient laws that demand respect for the sovereignty of the people. They are similar to many Earth nations in the past and several in the present, particularly ancient Rome, Carthage, and Greece. They are not as advanced as the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Australasia, perhaps, but they are light-years ahead of Red China or the Akrosian Empire.

‘Sure, they have so-called ‘patricians’ and ‘plebeians’, but the distinction is social and carries no legal weight after centuries of intermarriage between the Orders. The only major difference is that they still practice debt-bondage and indentured servitude. Slavery was abolished when they realized that it created a potential ‘fifth column’ in interplanetary wars. Of course, being pragmatists, they emancipated their slaves gradually. They also compensated slaveholders. They replaced their appointed Senate with an elected one in stages too.

‘The Vorindun Revolution was more inclusive than some revolutions in Earth history, especially that of ancient Rome. The King and titled nobility were overthrown by about half of the lesser aristocracy, including children born out of wedlock. It was nicknamed ‘The Bastard Rebellion’ for that reason. These second and bastard sons wanted the abolition of primogeniture and entail. They overthrew the monarchy to achieve it when the King refused to set such a ‘dangerous’ precedent. Since they faced a strong counterrevolutionary faction in the deposed King and lords of the realm, they appealed to the mercantile and peasant classes for support. They promised them voting rights and other concessions.

‘Since that time, the confiscation of royal lands and the termination of the practice of entail have caused the line between the upper and lower classes to blur. As families split the inheritances and women began to receive property rights, the effect was the opposite of what happened in ancient Rome. Smallholders increased in number and large estates became passé. Actual titles were abolished as part of the compromise with the plebeians. There is no longer any real difference between patrician and plebeian.

‘The end of discrimination against bastards and the official elimination of the use of the term ‘illegitimate’ to refer to them moved society in the direction of a permissive attitude toward sexuality. The Vorindun were never more than slightly prudish since the formation of the Kingdom, the Republic removed the last traces of sexual priggishness.

‘Its evolution in that sense was boosted by the number of women with independent incomes from farms and professions. Not having to rely on men for financial security has caused them to welcome the push toward complete sexual freedom. The government program to eradicate STDs intensified that trend. With no fear of disease or pregnancy, the Vorindun inevitably became the most sexually liberated culture that I have ever known.

‘Eventually, they repealed the laws that forbade women to hold public office, since they had a hard time keeping female smallholders and businesswomen from seeking political influence anyway. They figured that it was best to hold such powerful characters accountable to the electorate. Now they have a society that would make many liberals on Earth green with envy, aside from the debt-bondage and indentured servitude, of course,’ Ambassador Kalitz explained, falling back into his old pattern of lecturing people. At times, he suspected that he should have TAUGHT interstellar law instead of practicing it.

‘That is a VERY different culture and history than ours, Ambassador. We have a lot of bastards here who would love to revolt and seize their fair share of their fathers’ estates, but ‘no such luck’, as you Terrans say. In some matters, we have a more sensible society than some of your Earth nations, from what I have read. However, when it comes to legal rights and social justice, we have a lot of problems. I would love to see my world move forward. Maybe the fight against the Akrosians and their damned Occupation will be enough to achieve that. Something tells me that our civilization will be very different after the war than before it, whether for the best or the worst.

‘What I find disturbing about your culture, if you’ll pardon my saying so, is that your progress on certain issues has not increased your freedom. Your own nation has several member-states that still frown on my lifestyle, for instance. Why is homosexuality condemned by so many people on your planet? Is that due to a religion or something? If so, which religion?’ Eupas stated.

‘It is mainly two and a half religions that condemn what they call ‘sodomy’. By ‘2 and half’ I mean Christianity and Islam, plus the Orthodox branch of my own faith: Judaism. I’m more secular and was brought up Reform, however. That is the more liberal branch of a religion which is based on an ancient civilization that was destroyed by more powerful ones. The survivors dispersed to other continents for centuries and were culturally affected by other peoples. They were also persecuted for their beliefs and murdered en masse.

‘The rule against homosexuality was part of the old legal and moral code of my people and was inherited by the offshoots called Christianity and Islam. The latter of those two is technically the majority faith in the Federation. Fortunately, much of West Asia is adopting a more open-minded view of sex. Only the fanatics really push for the imposition of Sharia, that is Islamic, law. The Second Iranian Revolution in 2015 greatly weakened the militant factions.

‘Eventually, all of the corrupt and incompetent regimes ruled by Islamic clergy were toppled by a combination of elections and armed uprisings. There was even a military coup that ousted the Saudi King and installed a benevolent dictatorship, which instituted drastic reforms and clamped down on the extreme Wahabi sect. Leaders like that started to wink at things like homosexuality, not enforcing laws that were directed at gays and lesbians. When the Federation was formed, anti-sodomy laws were revoked by legislatures and courts as unenforceable and unconstitutional under the new charter of civil rights.

‘Ultimately, social mores were relaxed and only a minority of people still adhere to a strict version of any sect. The Major is somewhat more conservative, but many of his subordinates are not. We have a couple of Maronite Christians from Lebanon too. They are part of the Eastern Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian sect on Earth.

‘We also have another Jew on the staff, but she is more devout than myself. Anyone much more conservative than her would not have gone on this mission, as they spend their time studying Torah and Talmud instead of pursuing secular careers. Practically all of my security troops are Yemeni Arabs, all but one of whom are Muslims. The
sole exception among the Yemenis is Corporal Karl Marx Hakim, an atheistic Marxist.

‘Anyway, despite the official teachings of the various religions, there are plenty who do not condemn your lifestyle. I suspect you overheard some negative comments, that is all. Perhaps you heard some from the only non-Yemeni on the security team: Private Omar Sayeed from Jordan. He’s from an old Bedouin family and they tend to be stricter,’ Abel clarified.

‘That explains a few things, but what is a Marxist?’ the aide asked.

‘A Marxist is a person who believes in the political theories of Karl Marx, a German expatriate sociologist, who taught that the lowest class must overthrow all of the higher classes and seize control of the means of production. He wanted to abolish private property. He also denounced religion as a tool of the higher classes to distract the lower classes from their misery by focusing on a non-existent afterlife.

‘His chief supporter in this cause was Friedrich Engels, another German. Marx and Engels wrote Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Marxism was popular in the 20th Century, but became insignificant after the fall of Communism,’ Kalitz told him.

‘That sounds like a rather extreme way to better oneself. That could only work if all of the higher classes were exterminated. Otherwise, there would be enough of them to resist the new system. They would do that, too, since they were being excluded from any share of wealth. I wouldn’t mind a violent revolution, if it didn’t mean the annihilation of half of the people. I just want more of a future. I am NOT from the very bottom level of our society. I’m a simple clerk and my father was a clerk. In fact, most of my ancestors were clerks. I would be eliminated myself in such a scheme. A more just society is all that I seek for my world,’ Eupas reacted.

‘That’s very understandable. In the meantime, we have to get those damned Akrosians off your world. Contacting the Macureans will be the next step, although a tad difficult. I still haven’t heard anything about whether any of the Magnates survived the attack. As bad as they were, they might be necessary in some conservative circles to organizing resistance. Of course, they won’t be able to lead it alone.

‘I think that we can expect something like the situation in Nazi-occupied Europe during the Second World War. Right-wing and leftist groups will cooperate to a limited extent, but also compete with each other for the allegiance of the people. There is no guarantee of what kind of world might emerge from the destruction of the old regime. There is also some question as to WHEN the invaders will be expelled. However, that WILL happen, sooner or later. It is inevitable that the conquerors will be driven off your planet. No military conquest is permanent.

‘Have you heard any news, by the way? I don’t care if it is a rumor, broadcast, or something that you witnessed in person. The only privacy that I get is in my office here. Everywhere else, that damned lieutenant and his men escort me and keep ignorant of my surroundings. I haven’t even seen all of the damage to the capital,’ the Ambassador inquired.

‘From what I have heard, 4 Magnates are missing. 3 of them were captured alive. The rest are dead, including Lord Parlas. This was something that I learned from one of the youths, a peasant who had just gotten off work from cleaning up the rubble. The principal government buildings are largely intact, but the Akrosians have arrested most of the peers.

‘About a dozen of the vermin swore fealty to the Empress and agreed to ‘advise’ the Occupational Authority. Evidently, they are going to become Akrosian puppets, in the dubious hope of ruling this world when the Empire restores our independence. They are collaborators, betraying the people. When we get our planet back, they will be punished!’ the assistant announced.

‘Spoken like a true freedom fighter. I guess I should have asked about that earlier, but I got sidetracked with the history of Vorindun and human religious beliefs. Then again, so did you. A rather strange pair of geeks, aren’t we, talking politics and religion while the world ends?

‘In any case, the death of Lord Parlas and the arrest of much of the aristocracy means that the former government no longer exists at all. I suspected as much. Whatever regime the collaborators establish will be a sham, not really benefiting the people, either. You’re no longer a subject of the Dekerin Domains, because are no such ‘domains’. You are still on the payroll of the Federation of West Asia, however, and I expect loyalty to me as the Ambassador.

‘Naturally, I will also help you and your friends organize a progressive resistance movement, since we should at least TRY to improve the lot of your people after the war. A good place to start your guerilla force will be with your fellow homosexuals, but you should also recruit their friends and relatives as well your own. Tell them that they have the unofficial backing of the West Asian Ambassador. That is ALL that you should say about me for now.

‘I also think that you should begin setting up a political wing of your faction. You need some basis on which to rival the Magnates, such as promising a more enlightened future for your world. That is something that would be believed more easily from you, given your social background. In order to do that, however, you need to set up a ‘shadow government’ of sorts. That way, you can possibly be ready to create a different government for your civilization after the Akrosians have been defeated. You will also embarrass the Red Chinese, who would have to explain why they are helping a monarchy suppress a populist front. You need some kind of decentralized command structure, with cells that operate independently and can strike ruthlessly without warning.

‘You also require a name for your heroic liberation movement. Call it something that will appeal to the masses. You know the Dekerin people more than myself. Don’t just borrow titles from similar groups in Earth history. Pick a name with a Dekerin flavor to it. Just because you want to change their customs doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t USE those traditions to your advantage. I guarantee you that the Magnates will not hesitate to do that themselves. With the right name, manifesto, organization, dedication, and courage, you can defeat these invaders and be in a stronger position than the more conservative elements,’ Kalitz declared.

‘What about Prima and Secunda? Shouldn’t they be inducted into my underground?’ Eupas probed.

‘Certainly. They have a stake in the future and should not revert to being peasants. They cannot be maidservants in the old sense forever. Their present status is little better than serfdom or slavery. The 12 peers will probably make only slight changes to the social order, mainly ones to accommodate the Occupational Authority. I’ll let you recruit Prima and Secunda to spy on the lieutenant and other Akrosians here at the Embassy,’ Abel agreed.

‘Thank you, sir. As a matter of fact, the peers HAVE announced their program: the abolition of the Council of Magnates and all distinctions between Magnate and peer, the execution of all who fail to swear fealty to the Empress, the confiscation of all estates belonging to dead or captured Magnates and peers for division among the remaining nobles, the execution of all Dekerins who seduce or attempt to seduce Akrosians, the confiscation of all estates and assets of people who resist the Occupation or aid said resistance for division among the peers, and the creation of a new Dekerin government subordinate to the Occupational Authority and consisting entirely of nobles.

‘As you can see, these proposals benefit none but the peers and Akrosians themselves. It concentrates wealth further in the hands of the peers and doesn’t improve the lot of second sons, daughters, or bastard children. They are behaving in a manner contrary to the warrior ethos of this world, by simply submitt
ing to the new regime. They have dispossessed people still alive and haven’t really even done the Akrosian soldiers a favor in the sexual sense. The populace will be too frightened to sleep with them. I guess that was a concession to the prudish ways of the Empire. It will hurt their morale in the long run, however. That will be worsened by the fact that Akrosians frown upon masturbation as a waste of DNA. We will take full advantage of this by getting our operatives to wear only as many clothes as necessary.

‘I think that ‘The Forces of the Warrior People’ will work for us. The ‘People’ part will be the first clue that we are not trying to restore the old system. The name of our political front will be ‘The Dekerin Society for Justice’.

‘We will advocate the following: the execution of all collaborators and other traitors, the confiscation of the property of all collaborators and other traitors, the redistribution of all confiscated assets and estates to the middle and lower classes, no seizure of any estates belonging to patriotic nobles, the abolition of all titles of nobility and legal distinctions between the classes, revocation of laws depriving second sons and bastards of inheritances, a tax on all inherited estates, property rights for women, revocation of laws forbidding certain people to marry, revocation of laws that forbid parents to name their daughters, and compensation to be paid to all victims of the Occupation.

‘Politically, we will promise: the dissolution of the puppet government, a charter of civil rights, a basic law for the organization of future government, a reformed penal code, election of the chief magistrates and a unicameral assembly by universal adult suffrage, lowering the age of majority to 16, mandatory militia service for all citizens at the age of majority, compulsory public education for all citizens from ages to 4 to 16, free college and trade school education for all who wish it, an independent judiciary, local administration by metropolitan areas with elected councils and commissions, standard weights and measures, a new currency and credit system, a central bank, independent trade unions, and a professional army and space fleet.

‘Socially, we will offer: a reforestation program to improve soil fertility and undo erosion, public ownership of all forests, regulation of logging through an appointed board, universal basic health care through the State, abolition of internal tariffs and duties, an income tax, excise taxes on certain products, the right of all citizens over 16 to marry and divorce any other citizens above 16, the right of all citizens above 16 to take or become concubines, protective tariffs on Akrosian exports, old-age pensions, disability subsidies, competitive bidding for public contracts to operate mines in the wastelands of the southern continent with AI mines, and the repeal of any laws against intermarriage or mating with extraterrestrials.

‘We will make it clear that we seek progress as well as liberation. We will also attempt to deal with any fears of the peasants and artisans that they will not have their lords and guilds to provide for their social welfare. That is why we MUST have a social safety net for the poor. Otherwise, without the nobles, they might not have the means to survive on their own. That is hardly an incentive to favor our side. This must be both a political and a social revolution to win the support of the masses.

‘We must also not seem to impose a new religion on the people, they love the old ways of worshipping their ancestors and spirits of Nature. In fact, that can be used to our advantage, in emphasizing the difference with the Akrosians and their efforts to establish this ‘cult of the Equals’ and building enthusiasm for our conservation measures. I entered government service in the hope of making many of these changes somehow. I just didn’t realize that I would do it as an underground resistance leader,’ Eupas commented.

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I’m a guy late forties fairly fit for my age, and like to swim regularly at the local swimming baths, that’s where I meet, a hot early twenty year old girl, she is a lifeguard there and she is very friendly and extremely hot, she is an American girl from T===Ss, her accent is so hot.Anyway we often chatted and I noticed she often come up to me to chat when I’m in my swimming shorts, and I’m sure she flirted with her eyes and body, I’m older guy but do get the odd look from younger ladies...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle42

Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...

3 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle26

Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...

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cuckold lifestyle5

Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...

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Why there are safety procedures when working with other lifeforms

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

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Want to see some interactive porn at Life Selector? Looking for some "choose your own adventure" porn? Simply watching porn is great, sure. But don’t you ever wish you could be right there in the action calling the shots? Of course, you do. Who the fuck doesn’t? Now, I can’t fly you out to the best porn studios to have you take Emma Hix in the ass, but I may have the next best thing. Remember those choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid? The ones where you flipped through the pages based on...

Best Porn Games
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Real Life Cam! Just face it: you are a creepy old man. Why else would you be interested in spying on other people on You are precisely the skeevy guy that girls are warned about and told to watch out for all their lives—the stranger danger stalker, the guy offering candy to girls if they’ll just get into his windowless van, the peeping Tom lurking outside in the dark, beating his meat while a girl gets ready for bed.There is one main difference, come to think of it, between you...

Live Voyeur Cams
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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

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Life Under Cam! Voyeurism is a fetish old as time. For as long as people have been fucking, there has been some sad, lonely guy who has wanted to watch those people fucking. I guarantee you that, even in the days when Neanderthals ruled the earth, there was a cave woman getting fucked monkey style by her mate and some other cave man was watching, unbeknownst to the couple, jacking his dick out of sight. It’s just human nature to be curious; it’s just human nature to want to see other people...

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Life Porn Stories! I’m a big fan of the kind of stories you find in pornography. There’s a good chance any trip to the doctor or real estate viewing will erupt into a full-blown orgy, just like you always wish would happen in real life. The thing is, a lot of really sexy stories also occur in the real world. That’s the premise, or at least the pretense behind LifePornStories, a site full of amateur porn movies showing just how sexy reality can was registered in 2018, but...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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Thots Life! How often do you see yourself walking by a hot bitch in public, only to find yourself secretly jerking off as you stare at them? Hopefully not a lot, because that’s how you will end up in jail, you dumb bastard! Do you want to be known as the creep fuck that can’t stop jerking off at women? Maybe you do, perhaps you don’t, but I get the sentiment. When you see a hot piece of ass, sometimes you have to tug on that peen!But consider this. Have you ever stopped to think that some of...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

2 years ago
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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

4 years ago
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How Many Lifetimes

*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...

4 years ago
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The Lifeguard

It was the waning days of what had been a long summer for Kathy. She had dreaded the idea that she had been asked to help her Aunt out, working at the campsite, and so far all of her worst fears had come true. She felt guilty, not wanting to be there, especially in light of the fact that her Aunt had broken her hip and was struggling with her recuperation. Just the same, she felt as though she was being cheated out of her summer, all of her friends at home going to parties, to the beach, having...

3 years ago
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Being Watched By The Wildlife

Billy and Tara were lounging by the splash pool from the waterfall they found on today’s portion of their hike. It had been completely by accident that they had turned down the wrong path but now they both were so glad they had. They found this beautiful spot at the base of this seventy-five-foot waterfall. It had a flat area covered in soft grass that would make a perfect camping spot.They spent several hours preparing the site. Billy gathered rocks to make a fire pit while Tara erected their...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories 15 ABS Wildlife

As usual, a hot mix of real experiences and fantasy. The part that is fantasy would surprise you- ENJOY and Comment please!!15 Playtime Stories 15 – ABS Wildlife “Just another trip to the arcade” turned into a very memorable time. I was away on business at a convention and very horny. I hadn’t been able to indulge in nearly a month and a half. The first night of the trip I had been fairly lucky for a Wednesday. I had done a lot of cock sucking, but as a guy. Thursday afternoon I still...

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Ambassadors Daughter

The Ambassador’s Daughter.I am Danny, a Chauffeur in the Diplomatic Corps, I’m a career man with fifteen years of service behind me. My job is to drive the Ambassador’s Daughter, Francine to and from her place of business and residence, to keep her safe. Giving my employer, His Excellency peace of mind, whilst conducting business across the globe. Francine isn’t a typical Girl, not a spoiled brat like most of them, she’s assured, calming and very attractive, 22 years old, blonde and...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 330 Archangel Michael with the Police FBI and Lifeguards

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...

3 years ago
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Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle

My wife, Liz, and myself have been married for 5 years now. However, we have been in the cuckold lifestyle for almost 2 years now. I write this story out because maybe it will serve as a guide for someone else who wants to enter into this lifestyle--but also for people who are entertained by this lifestyle too.This is how we entered the cuckold lifestyle.Now, for the first 2.5 - 3 years of our marriage we were the typical young married couple. At the time of our marriage I was 27 and Liz was...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

I must give Cheryl Lynn credit as the basis of this story is a take off, a different look at her story entitled "Mother-In-Law." My version is a bit different but I hope maybe a bit deeper and every bit as exquisitely and inescapably feminizing as the original. Anonymous writer- "An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle" It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found his large...

4 years ago
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A Day In A Life

Bill had left for work an hour earlier. His last action before shutting the door was a perfunctory kiss on her cheek as he hurried out the door, his mind already occupied on the day’s events. Again, he had missed the significance of her squeeze on his upper arm, again he missed entirely, the questioning look she gave his retreating back. ‘Jay, get up, you’re going to be late.’ Jean shouted at the top of her voice over the edge of the banister. Jamie was a typical angst ridden teenage young...

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The Swingers Lifestyle

As I write this both my wife and I are sitting in jail waiting to go on trial for murder. We are telling everyone we are not guilty of murder but I’m coming to the conclusion that what we say is irrelevant. It’s irrelevant to the police and the District Attorney who think that we killed the young woman named Sandra Hamilton and nothing that we say or do is going to make them change their minds. Day after day my wife Debbie and I sit in our prison cells and we day dream about the day that we...

4 years ago
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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although the situation had calmed down things had changed. Tim’s wife had found his large black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistake but it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticed the lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simple fix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end of story. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story! Tim had...

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An Exquisitely Ordered Lifestyle

It had been a bit of a rough deal and six weeks later, although thesituation had calmed down things had changed. Tim's wife had found hislarge black suitcase in the garage by accident. It was a stupid mistakebut it had happened. He was working at home as usual and had noticedthe lightbulb on one of the garage door openers had gone out. A simplefix, get the ladder out, put in a replacement light bulb and end ofstory. But, in this case it was only the beginning of the story!Tim had gotten...

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Sadie was a well paid whore. She was beautiful and very sexy. She also loved to fuck and was good at pleasing men. She sold herself the first time at a very young age when her dad's friend paid her to get naked and let him lick her tits and pussy. Then he would finger fuck her but when he first fucked her cunt he paid her a lot. He loved fucking her young body and she loved the money. He soon was fucking her once or twice a week. She would meet him after school and they would go park in his car...

2 years ago
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The sun peeking through your shades stirs you from a restful sleep. As you sit up in your bed you can hear the coffee pot perking, and you thank a god you don’t believe in for coffee timers. You shuffle to the kitchen nook in your studio apartment hoping a cigarette and a hot cup of Joe would combat the pounding of your head. As you prepare your cup you smell something you can’t place, and look at your constantly filled sink silently laughing to yourself. With the warm cup in hand you look for...

2 years ago
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Good Advice From the Afterlife

With a sigh, Anne Evans stepped into the duty room and looked at the journal on the desk. Mr. Gondorf was running a mild fever she learned, Mrs. Lansing’s blood pressure was 167 over 102, with her heart rate at 106, and Dr. Childers would look at both on the next morning. The rest of her patients were not showing any changes. That was not surprising since Anne was a nurse in a hospice specialised in caring for comatose people. Some of them had been there from before Anne had joined the staff...

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