- 3 years ago
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With the summer still pounding down on us for at least the next few weeks, I thought I would share a story to bring you to a nice, chilled place. A little story to hopefully transport you to a place where it doesn't seem like your shoes are melting to the sidewalk, and you sweat to the point of dehydration after being outside for only five minutes. An icy place. A nippy place. A winterly place to cool off in while still getting hot in the sexy kind of way.
So crank up the AC, get naked, imagine standing on top of snow-covered hills while breathing in crisp, fresh, cold air, and come along with me on a frosty adventure.
A few winters ago I decided to get back into snowboarding on a more regular basis. It was something I did a lot when I was younger and thought it would be better than sitting on my ass for the next few months. I got a season pass to the small resort that was close to my home and started riding whenever I got the chance. That is, if you can call it a “resort”—it's really just a small group of hills.
I didn't know anyone that was really into it anymore and was forced to go out by myself most of the time. It wasn't a big deal, though. Snowboarding is a blast even if you are by yourself, and more often than not you will usually find someone cool to ride with at some point before the night is over. It was on just one of those occasions that I wound up meeting an angel and having one of the most memorable sexual experiences of my life.
It was a pretty untypical Midwestern winter night. The skies were clear with a full moon and the weather was actually excellent. It was a perfect temperature for riding. It wasn't too cold to be really uncomfortable and wasn't so warm that the snow conditions sucked, making them sticky and wet.
I got there right as the sun went down and was riding alone for a bit, having not found a new partner yet. It was after my fourth or fifth run that I was waiting at the end of the line for the chairlift when a guy came in behind me.
“Want to share a lift?” he asked.
“Sure, might as well,” I replied and slid over to make room for him.
We got on the lift and introduced ourselves to each other as the chair began slowly going up the hill. His name was Kyle, and as we climbed we chatted about the snow conditions and the weather and how long we had been riding. Pretty much your typical conversation for the situation I had learned.
“You here alone, I take it?” he asked.
“Same here.”
We took the next run and headed to the chairlift line.
“Wanna just keep riding together?” Kyle suggested.
“Love to!” I replied, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
I have to say that I thought he was really attractive right off the bat. He appeared to be a little younger than me but not by much and was about my same height. He seemed to be in good shape, and appeared to have a great ass, but it was impossible to tell exactly what his body was like given all the gear he was wearing. His face, although, was absolutely gorgeous with a great smile and beautiful blue eyes that dazzled like diamonds.
He was also an exceptionally good snowboarder. I've ridden with few people that were as smooth and graceful as he was while still being super aggressive. He absolutely attacked the hills and hit jumps at full speed that I wouldn't even slowly roll over. Though, in my defense, I had really only just started to get my legs back after so many years of not riding at all—at least that's what I told myself.
Kyle just had that daredevil, Evel Knievel type of attitude that makes someone a great rider and causes you to sometimes stop and just watch him. At the same time, he also had no ego about it.
“Whew! That one was frisky!” were some of the things he would say after a particularly impressive run. Or, “That was the dog's bullocks, that one!” with an English accent.
He had a very quirky yet dry sense of humor about him, and the more I caught on to it, the more I loved it.
“Dude, that was like soo fucking rad, like, dude! Fucking rad, dude!” he said jokingly at one point while we were going up a two-person lift in that kind of California, dude-bro voice.
I turned to him, gazing at his beautiful face and blurted out, “My God, you're cute!”
His eyes went huge, and I think mine shot out of my skull and landed somewhere on the hill below us. I immediately turned my head in the opposite direction, hoping that he didn't actually hear me. A few seconds went by (or maybe it was an hour, hard to tell) and I heard him giggle. “Thanks!”
“Hey,” he then said, and I turned my head back to him about one degree, “don't worry about that—I think you're really cute, too.”
I blushed six shades of red and didn't know what to say. Luckily, we came to the top and got off the chair so I didn't have to figure out something. I didn't even know what to think at that moment.
“You want to take a little break and go get a drink after this run?” Kyle asked while strapping into his board.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” I agreed, doing the same. We had been going for quite a while and I was in need of a short rest. I had no idea where that timeout would eventually lead us to.
The chalet bar was busy but not too packed, and after getting a couple of drinks and tall glasses of water, Kyle and I sat down at the furthest-end booth.
“Okay, large, bull, African elephant in the room. We've established that we both find each other cute, so the question is—are you into guys?” Kyle said, and I was thankful that he was the one to bring it up, given I still had no idea what to say.
“Yeah, I am,” I answered a bit bashfully but soldiered on. “Are you?”
“Definitely. Why do you think I asked to join you at that chairlift?”
I just shrugged. “You didn't want to ride alone?”
“Well, that's true, but it was more about how cute your ass looked,” he said with a huge grin. “I didn't think there was any way you were gay after we started talking, though. You didn't set off my gaydar in the least bit, and mine is top notch—I ordered it from Sharper Image.”
I nearly spit my drink out with laughter. “Mine didn't go off for you either. But it's a little defective I think—I got it on clearance from Radio Shack.”
That made Kyle laugh almost as hard.
“So, are you 100% gay or are you bi? Or is that too personal a question?” he continued on after regaining himself.
Personal? It was all quickly becoming very personal for someone I had pretty much just met, but I loved his boldness and how he got right to the point. And to be honest, we had already done a lot of the small talk, getting to know you stuff—the place didn't exactly have mountains, and it took you twice as long to get to the top of a hill then to get down it, leaving a lot of room for conversation.
“No, it's okay,” I replied. “I guess technically I'm bi. I'm way more into guys but I still like women. What about you?”
“I love the cock and only cock. But to each his own and all that. Pussy... or whatever, is great for some people.”
“Or whatever,” I joked. “I do really love tits—and pussy can be great—but personally I'm more into butt-holes, guys or girls.”
“Now we're getting somewhere!” Kyle exclaimed and gave me the look of pure intrigue as he stirred his drink. “Even more personal, now... I'm getting the sense that you're a top. Do you ever bottom?”
“Oh yeah! I'm probably more of a bottom than anything. It just depends on the situation or the person.”
“Same here!” Kyle interjected before I could barely finish my sentence. “Why limit yourself?”
I loved the direction our conversation was going and decided to get us another round to keep it going. When I got back with our drinks, things got surprisingly even more detailed.
“Do you eat ass?” Kyle asked, practically right out of the gate.
I didn't see any reason to hold back anything from that point. “Yeah—depending on the ass. I love getting mine eaten, too.”
“Good to know... I could definitely see myself burying my face into that sexy behind of yours.”
I was a little surprised by the suggestion of that statement but I'd be lying if I didn't say that the thought of his face stuck between my bare cheeks and him licking my hole didn't give me a serious rise in my snow pants. I also decided that if he was going to go there then I would certainly play along. “And I could see myself doing the same to yours. Then turning you around and sucking you dry.”
Kyle's whole face lit up. “Oh, you swallow too, huh?”
“Absolutely! It's always baffled me why some people don't. I fucking love the taste of cum—anyway I can get it!”
“I completely agree! It's only the best thing on earth,” Kyle replied and took a deep breath. “Wow, Fuck! This is really turning me on. Okay, so what's the craziest thing you've ever done?”
I had to think about it for a few moments.
“I'll start,” he said before I could think of any particular one thing.
He then went on about himself and a boyfriend he had at the time having a three-way with a complete stranger while staying at a hostel in Europe. He went into explicit detail with it, and it was a super hot story. I was completely erect by the time he finished it.
“Now, you go.”
It was hard to think with all my blood going to a certain point. I finally decided to tell him about the canoe trip I took down a secluded river with three other guys, and like him, I spared no detail in the telling—especially the part about one of them having a huge dick.
“Holy shit! That sounds like it was fucking incredible!” he said when I was done, and I swear by the end of my story he was playing with himself beneath the table.
Things were clearly getting very intense between us and as aroused as I was and how badly I wanted to drag him off to the nearest bathroom stall and fuck him silly, there wasn't a great deal of time left before the place closed. I spent a lot of money on my lift ticket and wanted to get out for a few more runs before that. I figured we would have the rest of the night afterwards to see where things went.
I suggested the idea to Kyle—the going out for a little longer, at least.
“We probably should,” he responded, “I'm not sure if I should stand up right now, though.”
I laughed, knowing exactly what he meant.
“How about a quick shot first?” I asked, standing up with only a slightly hard prick.
“That's a great idea,” Kyle replied. “Come over here, first.”
He all but dragged me over to him so I was standing in front of the opening to his booth seat. “See what you did to me?”
I looked down and saw his pants unzipped, long-johns pulled back, and his cock standing fully erect in plain view. It was a beautiful penis! Not particularly large—I'd guess about six inches—but well proportioned with a very sexy head, ever so slightly wet at the tip with pre-cum. It looked so good I would have bent down and sucked it right there if not for all the other people around.
“Now, show me yours,” he said. “Don't tell me you're not as hard as I after all that.”
I was more than tempted but there was a pretty good size group of people still in the place, and I wasn't that brave. “Not right here...”
“What? Nobody will see,” Kyle responded as if it was absolutely no big deal while gently stroking himself. “Just show it to me.”
I looked around and he was probably right—nobody would have seen it—but I shook my head and laughed. “No way! What do you want for a shot?”
“All right, you're no fun,” he chuckled with me. “Whatever you want... something sweet.”
I went up to the bar, taking the last bar-stool, and ordered two watermelon kamikazes. As the bartender began the process of making them I considered what a chicken I was being. He had shown me his, it was only fair that I showed him mine, right?
I decided to man up, turned a little in my stool, undid my pants, and pulled my semi-hard prick out under the bar. I then turned further so Kyle, and only Kyle, could see, and after getting his attention, waved my dick around.
His large eyes got even bigger when he saw it and gave me a seductive look well running his tongue across his lips.
“I'm gonna suck it,” he said without making a sound and made the blow job motion with his hand and mouth.
A gigantic smile went across my lips, and I blew him a kiss before turning back to the bar and putting my stuff back in my pants.
I went over to him with the shots and we both slammed them down.
“All right,” I said, wiping my lips, “let's get out there.”
“For sure,” Kyle said, doing the same. “Nice cock, by the way.”
“You, too!” I replied—hoping that at some point later it would end up in my mouth.
We decided to head to the far side of the place to finish the night. The area had some of the less steep yet longer runs, and we thought it would be good to take the rest of the night a little easier.
When we got to the chairlift for that area there was not a single other person in line. The chairlift was known locally as the “slow four”, being that it can seat four people and well...goes pretty slow. It also had the tendency to stop and then start again frequently.
We were about halfway up the hill when, of course, it stopped. Like I said, it happened all the time and wasn't any concern. I knew it would start again at any moment, but for some reason this time, it was taking longer than usual to get going again.
A minute or two went by and it still hadn't started up again. I started to wonder what the hell the problem was and then Kyle leaned over to me saying, “I hope they haven't forgotten about us!” with a big grin.
I laughed and we sat there for a moment staring at each other. I then thought, 'what the hell!' and asked if I could kiss him.
“Fuck, yes!”
Our lips met and our tongues lashed back and forth in each others' mouths. He was an amazing kisser! My whole body felt like it was on fire, and my cock got stiffer and stiffer as we kissed on the still motionless chairlift.
The thought of seeing his hard dick back at the chalet went through my mind and how much I wanted to touch it, so I decided to take full advantage of our situation. I pulled my left glove off my hand as we kept making out and slowly made my way down to his crotch with it. I started to massage him, and when I felt his erection through his snow-pants it was apparent that he was as aroused as I was.
“Here, let me help you with that,” he said, opened his coat, and then unzipped his fly.
I managed to slide my hand under Kyle's long-johns and grabbed his hard dick. It felt so hot in my cold hand as I began to caress it.
“Mmm, that feels good,” he hummed, pulling away from my lips and then went back to kissing me.
I rubbed his stiff meat and jerked it the best I could, given the circumstances, and would have sucked him off right then and there if it had been possible to actually reach his cock with my mouth and we weren't dangling thirty feet in the air.
We kept going at it like crazy until, suddenly, the lift started moving again. It gave us both a bit of start, having been lost in the moment and we laughed out loud as we sat back.
“I'm not sure if this a good thing or a bad thing,” I joked and Kyle agreed as he fixed his gear.
We got to the top of the hill and got off the lift. There were a couple of different ways we could take from there and I asked Kyle were we should go. He knew the place as well as me and quickly came up with what would turn out to be a great idea.
“Follow me,” he said and then headed down one of the runs.
The slope was bordered with thick woods to our left and about a third of the way down it had a small clearing along the side of it. It was a resting area with a fire pit and a couple of picnic tables. He pulled into it and stopped with me right behind him.
“Why don't we stop here for a minute?” he suggested.
We got out of our boards and he went to one of the tables and sat down with the top of it to his back. I knew right away what he was thinking and quickly moved in between his legs and bent down to kiss him.
We made out with a wild passion. With each touch of our wet tongues together I became more and more aroused, and my cock was soon straining against my long-johns. Kyle took off his gloves and reached up to caress my crotch.
“Stand up and open your coat,” he said. He then grabbed me by the waistband of my snow-pants and pulled me closer.
“Let me get a better look this time,” he said, gazing up at me.
I just nodded and smiled so he undid my fly and slowly pulled my gear down just enough to let my hard penis out to play.
He started out by first stroking it gently, and his hand felt cold yet thrilling against my hot skin.
“Wow! You have such a nice dick,” he said as he tugged on it. “Is it okay if I suck it?”
“Please do...” I purred quietly, feeling the heat of his breath against me.
He licked a slow line up the front of my shaft and then planted a few soft, wet kisses on the tip before licking the head, slowly making circles around it with his tongue.
I moaned with pleasure and even flinched a little when he finally took me into his mouth and began to blow me. He told me how wonderful my cock tasted as it slipped in and out past his wet lips, but as much as I was enjoying it, I was becoming somewhat hesitant.
“You do like this, right?” he asked, pulling my meat out of his mouth.
“Very much,” I responded, “but I think we should find someplace a little less in the open.”
We were pretty exposed where we were and anybody could have been coming by us at any minute. It was starting to make me a little nervous.
“Why don't we head back there?” I suggested while pointing to the woods behind us. Kyle agreed, so I pulled up my pants and we grabbed our boards and went into them, trying to take the easiest path we could find.
We hiked for a little way through the trees and soon found a small clearing. It was fairly flat with no underbrush and we figured it was far enough in that we wouldn't be seen.
“Here, lie on this,” Kyle said, taking off his coat and handing it to me.
I placed it on the snow, got on my back with it under my bottom, and opened my coat as he knelt down and pulled my snow-pants down to my knees. The cool air actually felt good on my naked skin and I started to become erect again as Kyle went beside me and began licking my balls.
He was soon sucking me again but more aggressively than before and was so hot looking with my dick in his mouth. He took me deep down his throat, occasionally taking my prick out to lick and stroke it and the sensation of hot to cold as he did so is hard to describe—other than it felt fucking unbelievable!
He continued to give me head and then slowly made his way back down to my sack. After a little more of playing with my nuts, he lifted them up and started to tongue my taint. It felt fabulous but with each slash of his hot tongue, I began to long for him to go further downward.
He must have read my mind because he pulled up, lifted my legs into the air, and moved around to the front of me. He wildly licked up and down my crack, and then teased my anus with his tongue playfully, driving me crazy, until finally going for the hole itself.
“Fuck, that feels good...” I sighed as he rimmed me and I became almost intoxicated with lust as his tongue dashed all around and in and out of my asshole.
“And you're delicious!” he mumbled with his face covered by my ass-cheeks.
It didn't take much of that before I could hardly take anymore and was overwhelmed with the desire to have a go at him—one way or another.
“You should let me suck your cock, now,” I suggested.
“Gladly!” he replied and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Without a word, Kyle let my legs go and as I sat up, came towards my face while pulling his gear down. His cock was already stiff and looked so inviting. He then pretty much just plunged it right into my waiting, open mouth.
I sucked it hard, taking down almost the entirety of his shaft. It was sweet to the taste and I relished every inch of it with my lips and tongue.
“That feels so weird!” Kyle giggled as I held his tool out and slowly kissed and licked the tip of his beautiful head.
“Hot to cold,” he continued before shoving himself back in and out of my face.
He then went back with his hand and slipped it between my legs. The chill of his hand felt strangely good against my sweltering crotch, but when he began to gently rub my O-ring, it was all I could stand. No more foreplay. It was time for the main event!
“I want you to fuck me!” I said, ready to beg for it.
“I don't know...” he replied with a smile.
I laughed, pushed him away, and held my legs up with my forearms, trying to get my backside as high up as I could. I then spread my asshole open with my fingers, showing it to him. “How about now?”
“How could I say no to that?” he answered, staring at it lustfully.
Kyle got into position over me, drooled spit down onto my ass, and then rubbed his hot pole between my ass cheeks, getting everything well lubed.
“Put it in!” I pleaded.
I first felt his wonderful helmet slip past my orifice and I gasped slightly. He then slowly drove his cock in, little by little.
“Deeper...” I panted with each inch.
“Fuck you're tight!” he growled when he got as far as he could go.
“Oh fuck!” I whimpered, taking all of it.
He pulled back out a little way and then proceeded to push himself back in. His cock felt breathtaking inside of me. It wasn't so big that it hurt too much but was big enough to fill me up to the brim, and each thrust sent ripples of pleasure through my whole body.
“Harder! Fuck me harder!” I cried as he banged me. He then got up a bit, leaned into my uplifted legs and began to pound the absolute daylights out of me.
I had a tremendous ass-gasm as he hammered my hole and it was all I could do to not touch my own pre-cum dripping dick. If I had, I would have come right there and I wasn't ready to be done quite yet—in fact, I was already forming a new plan.
Kyle finally slowed his pace after what had seemed like hours and slowly fucked my ass with long soft strokes.
“What do say we switch places?” I asked after catching my breath.
“You mean switch positions?” he questioned after stopping while still remaining inside of me.
“No, I mean I want to fuck you for a while now—unless you don't want me to.”
“Oh, that would be quite okay with me... How do you want me? On my back or what?”
“I think you need to come here and sit on my face for a bit first while we make up our minds.”
Kyle grinned and pulled his cock out of me. “I like the way you think!”
I let my legs down as he pulled his snow-pants down further and stood over top of me facing my feet. His ass looked stunningly sexy while he gradually lowered himself down to me, and as it got close I could smell his heavenly musk. When he had completely smothered my face, I breathed it in deeply, letting it fill my senses.
I proceeded to rim him like hell, licking his sexy button while he put his hands on my chest for balance. He tasted so savory and tangy and I pulled his ass wide apart and fucked it with my tongue, driving it in as deep as I could with him moaning and gyrating the whole time.
Kyle then moved forward to give me head. This took his backdoor just a bit out of my reach so I was forced to lift my head up to get at it. It did, however, give me a great view. His hole was a touch hairy but with no more than a slight peach fuzz and looked like a beautiful flower bud just waiting to bloom. It really was a breathtaking asshole.
I rimmed it the best I could as he sucked me until the strain on my neck became too much. I then lowered myself and instead caressed his balls and taint with my mouth, all the while sticking my nose against his hole to take in his scent as much as possible.
“Yeah, I need to sit on this,” I heard him say, pulling my tool out of his mouth.
With me well lubricated with his saliva, he slid down my body and mounted me in the reverse-cowboy position. He placed one hand on my leg for support and used the other to insert the tip of my rigid pole into his ass. He then gingerly sat down on it, taking it inside of him. Holy shit he was tight, and the full moon allowed me to see everything! When he got all the way down to the base of my shaft and put his other hand on my leg his ass looked so hot with my cock in it I almost came, right there.
“You like that ass?” he asked and began to rock back and forth, telling me how fantastic my cock felt. He then started to bounce up and down and it was all I could do to stay inside of him.
“Fuck me! Fuck me!” he wailed as he rode me, and we eventually got more synchronized.
I fucked him hard with short thrusts for a time and he then lifted up some and slammed his ass down aggressively on to my pelvis. I couldn't believe what an exceptional lay he was! He was so uninhibited and I grunted loudly each time he pounded onto me.
Kyle finally just sat down on me and wiggled for a minute. “I have an idea...”
He got up off of me and waddled the best he could to the closest tree. He then bent forward some, leaning against it, and waved his backside at me. “Come and get it!”
I managed to get up with my pants still barely past my knees and joined him. I first spread his ass open and rubbed my engorged prick through his crevice. I was absolutely gushing juices and it was so thick and whitish that it was more like semen than pre-cum.
I ran my head across his hole and glazed his ass with them before bending down and taking a few good swipes at it with my tongue. The blended flavor of butt-hole, cock, and ejaculate was exquisite. I then let it all drizzle out over his hole and went back to sliding my cock between his glossy cheeks.
“Put it back in...” he finally cooed and I guided my throbbing tool back up his ass.
“That's it, baby... now fuck me good,” he sighed as I re-entered him.
I was quickly plowing him more forcefully than ever.
“Fuck yeah! That's it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” he whooped as I slammed him and kissed and lightly bit the back of his neck.
The whole woods were filled with the sound of, “Whack! Whack!” as our bodies met with each thrust, and are combined howling was so loud that I'm surprised the whole resort didn't hear us.
I slowed down, heaved myself into Kyle as far as I could, and reached around to jerk his rock-like prick. I wasn't sure how much more I could take before I was going to orgasm and I whispered in his ear that I was going to cum very soon.
“You should cum in my ass,” he said softly between heavy breathes.
That was all I needed to hear and went back to grinding him hard and fast.
My whole body tensed up and I cried out loud as I started to spew. I pulled him close so his butt was pressed tightly against me, and I pumped my load deep into him.
“Euh! Yeah baby, fill me up!” Kyle whimpered I shot blast after blast of hot spunk up his ass and my knees began to shake from the intensity of the pleasure.
“Oh, God! That's gonna make me cum now!” Kyle all but shouted before I had even finished ejaculating and I stroked him hard while putting my other hand in front of his dick to catch as much of his load as I could.
Kyle bellowed hoarsely and I felt thick jets of jizz exploded from his pulsating cock. I managed to capture most of what gushed out.
I kept yanking on his meat as his sphincter convulsed strongly around the base of my shaft, and I didn't stop until he finally finished with a slight spasm. I then brought the handful of his sticky nectar to my mouth and slurped it down. It was absolutely delicious!
“Your cum is like candy,” I said after licking my fingers clean and kissing him on the cheek.
I then pulled out of him and my goo seeped out of his ass. He reached down and wiped it off with his hand and put his wet fingers in his mouth.
It was so dirty, hot, and sexy to watch him do it, it almost made me hard again. He was obviously as much of a cum lover as I was, and it made me like him even more.
He turned around and kissed me on the lips.
“Yours too. Reminds me of saltwater taffy,” he said with a chuckle. It was one of the stranger comparisons I've had made about my jizz but he wasn't wrong—it does taste a bit like that.
We stood there making out for a moment with our pants still down, enjoying each other's embrace as well as the flavor of our cum and rubbed our dewy, spent penises together. As the afterglow started to fade, I suddenly realized that the place was probably going to close very soon.
“As much as I'm enjoying this, we probably should get going,” I said.
“No shit, you're totally right! I have no idea how long we've been out here,” he replied. “Plus, I'm actually starting to get a little cold.”
We cleaned up the best we could, got back to the slope and rode down to the chalet.
It turned out to be none too soon. Just as we were getting off of our boards, the lights went off on the hills and we barely back in time to get our stuff out of the lockers before it was too late.
“Good timing, I guess,” Kyle said as we gathered our things, and I couldn't help but laugh. We had come really close.
I walked him back to his car and told him what an extraordinary time I had had and how glad I was to meet him—glad was a large understatement but extraordinary was spot on.
“Absolutely! Me too,” he agreed. “Here, take my number and give me call next time you wanna go out riding.”
“I will for sure—count on it!” I said after plugging in his digits and putting my phone away.
We then kissed affectionately one last time before he drove off and I headed to my car to leave. My face was still a little sticky with our sex, and the sweet aftertaste of it lingered in my mouth as I walked. When I got in my car all I could think was how happy I was that I started snowboarding again.
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We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...
Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...
So it was another freshman weekend at college, i was looking for something to do. Get drunk, find some slut, and get laid. I couldn't find anything right away, but then i went across the hall to my friend Brian's room. He had one of his friends, who was a Junior at the time, over and the friends twin sister. They had already been drinking, so they invited me to have a few beers with them. The friend, Jeff, and his sister, Jen, were both pretty drunk already. Jen was really hot; nice face,...
Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...
Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...
Hookup SitesVoyeur Style! Listen, guys, I don’t know about you, but when it comes to porn, there’s just something super sexy about amateur content. And not only that, but when they turn that amateur content into voyeur content? Now that’s some next-level fun if you ask me. Here’s the deal, I just like the fact that these chicks have no idea that there’s a video being taken of them while they’re sucking a cock, fucking, getting dressed or undresses, taking a bath and so on. I know some people take it to the...
Amateur Porn SitesHi friends this is Rehan. Main EK 20 saal ka ladka hoon. Meri Family me main, mere papa , mera chota bhai , aur meri Ma (jo bahut mast hai ) rehte hain. Main uttar pradesh ka rehne wala hoon. Mere papa apni kaam ki prati bahut imandar hai . Mera bhai mere se 2 sal umra me chota hai. Meri ma ek kushal grihani hai. wo mere mohalle ki sabse svndar aur sexy aurat hai. ohalle k sare mard unko chodna chahte hain. main kai baar suna hai kitne mardo ki mooh se kash ye mil jae. Main to iske chut ko...
(This is Mariam(Bane) and I decided to finish Max's story and to put as my guest I will use my favorite porn star, Nadia Styles.)Karen is back in her workstation when Megan walks in with a very sneaky look on her face. Karen shuts the door and begins yelling at Megan at what she had to corrupt her idea about a simple massager and use it to turn it into a device to deliver screaming orgasms. Megan says the both of them will become one of the richest people if they were to pursue this path. Karen...
TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Doggy Style By A.F. (contact via Yahoo e-mail account "afstories") "Okay, which exit is it?" Trish was driving with Penelope in the passenger seat up front. Meredith sat in the back behind Trish's seat with Angela behind Penelope. The four were sisters in a sorority attending an annual Alpha Phi together. Every year different chapters across Southern California sent between three and five members each to Las Vegas for the...
Freefalling Freestyle By Elliot Reid "What are we going to do with you?" the woman asked, flatly. There was no answer to that. I stared at my fingernails. They were long and well-manicured, though unpainted and unpolished. They were also unfamiliar. They belonged to a teenaged girl I'd never met. I was trapped in a duplicate of her body, powerless. I saw no way out. I was sitting in a bare office with closed blinds obscuring the neon New York night. The glazing kept out the traffic noise...
Southern Style by Ashley Michaels Prologue: (Ashley's Story) My wife and I have been living in a small city in the Northwest for several years. I told her of my cross dressing soon after we married and rather than be shocked by it, she made every effort to encourage me in my dressing. She took me from a very rudimentary phase of dressing to the lifestyle I now enjoy. When I first revealed my cross dressing to her I had only experimented with items such as bras and panties....
Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss (The names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ================================================== Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for...
Just like every couple, who enters the life style, April and I made a ton or rules at the beginning. We had a laundry list of things we would not do and things we agreed not to ask each other. And, just like every other couple in the life-style, we broke almost every rule. Every person and every situation is different, so willingness to try different things and relax enough to enjoy different things depends on the people and the situation. Every couple that stays in the life-style explores...
Just like every couple, who enters the life style, April and I made a ton or rules at the beginning. We had a laundry list of things we would not do and things we agreed not to ask each other. And, just like every other couple in the life-style, we broke almost every rule. Every person and every situation is different, so willingness to try different things and relax enough to enjoy different things depends on the people and the situation. Every couple that stays in the life-style explores...
Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...
My sister, Jessica, was paying us a visit. Jessica had been recently divorced, and I was glad to see him go. Anytime they were here, he thought he had free reign with his hands. They were all accidental, of course. I was surprised my husband, Fred, ignored his meandering with his hands on my body.Jessica has a terrific figure, and I sometimes wonder how our mother and father could create two different women. I am small-breasted in comparison to Jessica, and she is much curvier than I am. If the...
SeductionMy name is Anand. This incident happened on April 12th, 2010 when my dad decided to take me and my mom to Raipur to visit my grandma from mom’s side. We were staying in Mumbai at that time. My dad took a break from his work and grandma was eager to see us again. When we reached Raipur, dad drove about 17 kilometers then he stopped on what looked like a quiet suburban avenue that had several houses. We reached grandma’s home and she was very happy to see us. At the corner of my eyes, I noticed a...
Slender Sexy French Female Friends Ring The Secret Code For A Private SessionThree times the door bell rings at my sex shop for ladies only. Ha, unexpected special guests!Only best friends know my secret code for those who are welcome upstairs to our private rooms.Such a sexy nice naughty surprise to recognise the face of beautiful Betty, foxy French friend.I bet she's with Nathalie, who is her boss both at work as at home. Wonder whether Max as well?I went downstairs to open up myself. All my...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 19, The Morning After (Doggy Style)) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Hii iss readers… I am amit from jodhpur rajasthan, in looking i am slim and handsome,and age is 21 year, “my mail id = , its my first story and first experience!! Anyways now me apko borr ni karna chahhta so direct story- baat un dino ki h jab me b.Tech 2nd year me tha, mere colg me 1 pratibha name ki ladki padti thi jo meri junior thi, dikhne me sawli but bhut sexy lagti thi jeans and top me, college me usse meri dosti hoi, hum dhire dhire mobile cht karne lage, nearly 2, month baat ki or 1...
Copyright© 2003 - A.F. - All Rights Reserved "OK, which exit is it?" Trish was driving with Penelope in the passenger seat up front. Meredith sat in the back behind Trish's seat with Angela behind Penelope. The quarter were sisters in a sorority attending an annual Alpha Phi event together. Every year different chapters across Southern California sent between three and five members each to Las Vegas for the weekend. After a hard day poring over sorority business in workshops (with a small...
Hi every one I’m harsh from Gorakhpur, first of all i am a huge fan of ISS and i liked the incest part the most. This story gonna be a bit long because i have tried to give each incident clearly. I know u will think this as fake but believe me friends i swear this is a true incident in which i have given all the truth. Ok, now to the story, this happened just two week before i. e. On 27 November 2013. I am of 16 with 5. 3 inches dick in length and 5 inches in girth. ( its true because all...
IncestDamn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Hi, I am Ramanpreet Singh from Delhi I am 18 years old and my height is 5 ft and dick is large and thick too, lets come to the story There a lady in my neighborhood whom to i used to stare everyday when she went to pick up her 5 yr old child from the school bus stop. She got the best measurements i have ever seen (30-27-38) i was staring at her ass from almost 2 yrs , and i always make fantasies in my mind to slap her ass and make doggy style. Whenever i saw her passing by her ass makes my...
So now you are gooning. You’re primal and probably edged because you really just can’t get enough.At this point, all things gooney are possible. I’ve personally seen a great many masturbators gooning out in a variety of ways. Once you’ve reached this state you’re open to it all. Drooling, for example, is something a gooner might experience. I use to think about this one quite a bit and it was only after experiencing it that I understood. Not only do you become this experience with its hyper...
Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...
Wife LoversPlease email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: June 6, 2011) Chapter 39 - Riding in Style The next three days were similar to what I had gone through the week before. Somebody had set up a fake stage in a large building not too far from home, and that provided us with a...
Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...
Ike looked around the audience, not knowing exactly what he was looking for. He scanned all the faces, al the girls, completely bored out of his mind. ‘So, what are we gonna do tonight?’ Josh asked, sneaking up behind Ike and scaring the fucking shit out of him. ‘I was thinking of getting laid.’ ‘Good plan, found anyone yet?’ ‘Not yet, but it’s just a matter of time.’ Josh laughed a little, jealous of Ike’s high self-esteem. They both went back to their scripts, but Ike couldn’t help...
He told her of losing his virginity to a college co-ed, that she had seduced him in her room then fucked him several times in her car before discarding him for an older man. She was the older sister of his first girlfriend and screwed him because she was angry with the younger girl; he was a revenge fuck. The brother smiled at the memory, “I didn't care why she did it, it was awesome. After she and I stopped, my girlfriend found out what she did and started with me to show her big sister...
I spent most of the first week at home on my own, reading, surfing the net, walking the dog, and also, taking advantage of the privacy, masturbating. Before I only used to do it once or twice a day, normally at night, but soon I was frigging five or six times while home alone. Allowing my fantasies to run really wild for once, I ended up by my second week spending hours on porn sites and reading erotica, becoming more than a little bit obsessed with sex. I even went so far as to go into town...
Party, Roman Style BY Will Buster Virgillia Matellus Had kept her beautiful dark brown eyes and her smoldering desires on young Marcus for quite some time. After a number of unsuccessful invitations the over sexed senator’s wife finally enticed him to one of her more extravagant parties or perhaps it would be more accurate to say orgies. Virgillia was a busty Roman matron whose husband occasionally let her invite some handsome man to satiate her almost inexhaustible lusts. Her...
Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...
Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...
Introduction: When school is over, summer can be so boring for a young girl in the countryside. Luckily, she has a dog! See you in three weeks Sophie, my friend Nathan called as he left and I walked in the other direction to catch the bus home, kicking myself for once again not telling him that I fancied him. And now, when I was eighteen, had finished my A-Levels and had the longest holiday ever, he was off on holiday and I had three weeks to kill before I saw him again. Of course, Id be able...
Galveston, Texas. I decided to make a trek down to Houston for some business and decided to stay at a local downtown hotel, not knowing this past weekend there was a huge Mardi Gras celebration. What a nice little surprise.I was wandering through the massive street crowd, watching young ladies and a few older ones as well. Some of whom were drunk or on their way to being drunk, baring their breasts to people hanging over railings, tossing out all kinds of beads and plastic trinkets to any girl...
CheatingLove, Sibling StyleBy: Londebaaz Chohan Dustin had finished his 4 years of college in Economics and to the delight of her mother, he was back home to her mother’s house, hopeful to find a job soon. She was a widow and was most happy to have her young 22, son at home to love him but far more than that, she was happy to know that Dustin was now living close to his elder sister Marley as well who was divorced and living alone not far from her mother’s home. Marley was about 30 and lived in a nice...
I had left the Security Force, and had EVERY Saturday off, and worked on Sunday, while the rest of the personnel were off every Sunday. I spent most of the day alone, until around noon, ( I was the Dispatcher, and Shop Foreman) when Linda would come to the gate, and I would sign her in, and she would keep me company until around 1700. As we were, MOST of the time, alone, we could pretty much do as we wished. THIS consisted of several trips to our "hidden" room and using the bed there, for...
It's pronounced same as Sharon and Shar sounds just like it does in the full name. I know I need some help and some more work possibly on this story but it is set up to run for a while and future chapters. This is the 1st of what I hope are many. *****Meet Sharyn and let's start the story, shall we?We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is...
I guess it wasn't really a style. I was just a few friends I knew in training---no, not basic training, not much of a change to wank alone even then---but in our tech training.Now this was back in the days when in any way having sex with another man would get you kicked out. And yes, there were "witch hunts" back then when the military would go after everyone connected with gay sex. I knew a few men kicked out, or if of higher rank, forced to retire early.But Jim, Ron, Don, and I would have...
So we find ourselves at a Holi-dome for the weekend. It's big hotel with the indoor/outdoor pool, hot tub, a bar with dance floor, and a conference with a lot of partiers. Vicki, my wife is extremely hot and I love her dearly. I could tell she was in a very special mood when she wore my favorite outfit of hers. It's a denim skirt (that snaps all the way up the front) with no bra or panties. We get into the bar around 9pm and it's already hopping. As she hops up on the bar stool, she purposely...
After a few weeks of exceptional service, even by my high standards, I've decided to take my slave shopping as a reward. Soon she will be out of the shower, so I begin searching the closet. I stand and contemplate my choices for a few minutes. I think to myself, today she will be my slut. With a smile, I pick out a chainmaille top I had custom made for her, and her micro black suede skirt. I grab my favorite net stockings and a garter belt and walk into the bathroom as she is stepping from...
BDSMHawaiian StyleI was in the service, stationed at Schofield Barracks on Oahu, Hawaii. I was a young single 27 year old at a base tour that many wanted and I had.One evening, all my comrades had other plans and my lady friends were unavailable so I went to a Hawaiian aloha festival that night by myself for some evening entertainment. This lovely Hawaiian lady who I hadn’t scene before when I attended was my servant. She was in her mid 40’s with jet-black hair containing slight traces of gray. ...
Imagine. Im laying on my back. A women is strocking me. You are sitting and looking at itYou see me become harder and harder, you wanna suck meBut the women knows well. She knows how to stroke less or stop so I dont cumYou'r forced to see me having great timeThen, she tells you to come nearerYou hope having permission to suckShe tells you: slut, wrap your mouth tight around his glans. Your going to swallow fast every single drop of his cumIm really hardYou havent really the time to think about...
Ground Hog Day ? Wiccan Style By Jerrie526 Ground Hog Day will never be the same after seeing the movie with Bill Murray several years ago. It was nearly a freak show; but that changed, the day I received a little gift from the *CUTEST* little girl I have ever seen. She was about the age of 9, with flowing golden blonde hair and the tiniest little harp-bow mouth. Her big, soulful, blue eyes beseeched me to take the gift from her. "But honey, what is it that you are showing me?" I...
Adultery Mexican Style by VIProffri was living in a small town in western Mexico by the sea for a few years and I decided I wanted to try a mature Mexican pussy since I had already had a few teens and marriageable candidates. It was pretty simple. All the local women over 25 were married with c***dren and plenty were expecting. They all went to church regularly with the k**s and husband and you would never think that you had a hope of nailing one of them. I was feeling...
I got home from school and was feeling extra horny. It was the first really warm day of spring, which inspired all the girls to wear tops that showed off ridiculous amounts of cleavage. I was walking around with a boner most of the day.My plan was to head straight to my room and rub one out…maybe two.“Mom! I’m home!” I yelled as I kicked off my sneakers.The car was in the driveway, but there was no answer. I was excited to tell Mom about the National Honor Society award I found out I was going...
I got home from school and was feeling extra horny. It was the first really warm day of spring, which inspired all the girls to wear tops that showed off ridiculous amounts of cleavage. I was walking around with a boner most of the day.My plan was to head straight to my room and rub one out…maybe two.“Mom! I’m home!” I yelled as I kicked off my sneakers.The car was in the driveway, but there was no answer. I was excited to tell Mom about the National Honor Society award I found out I was going...
The sequel to Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks“What do we do next?” Chelsea asked me. We’d had so much fun playing Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks that we were dying for a repeat. “Who do you think you fucked?” I asked Chelsea. “Jack or Tyson or both?” “I don’t know!” she said. “But I have an idea for a new game tonight.” We told the guys we’d start at seven. Chelsea was so excited she came over at six. “I’ve got to take a shower,” I told her, stripping off my shorts, tank top, and panties and...
Warning: This story has Dom/Sub, Wife sharing, Brutal Anal, F2M Oral, male creampie cleaning, Alc., Humiliation, and Nascar. If you’re trying to quit watching cars drive in a circle, PLEASE STOP HERE.One thing that us Southern backwoods inbred, white trash trailer rednecks are known for it Nascar. Now add some friends, Alcohol, and me, a dutiful wife, and you got yourself a good time! Cum see how I pleased my hubbies desires. Don't forget the shine.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods...
At the middle of the back row of the triangle of cheerleaders, Ellie turned a perfect cartwheel and dropped into an elegant, controlled split. Rob sighed. She was one of the better ones on the cheerleading team but she didn’t get on well with the other girls. Laura, the team captain, always gave Ellie the spot at the back where no one could see her. He’d thought about intervening on her behalf, but he didn’t want to make things more difficult for her. “Coach? You okay?” One of the lads asked....
TabooREMARRIED IN STYLE Here's a belated Christmas present for all those who, like me, love a bridal fantasy ... ================================== When my wife of 14 years caught me cheating with my beautiful young personal assistant, Nicole, I thought our marriage was over for sure. Sophie didn't speak to me for the best part of a week. But over the next few days the ice thawed and we began talking again. I made a clean breast of my affair with Nicole and apologised profusely....
NoteThis is satire, OK? if you are looking for serious porn read something else, no body gets raped, no body dies, no one is underage, its just an ornery story of life in Hicksville USA Fuckaroolie Time Kansas Style."Hi, you are Ludmilla, right?" John Waldron greeted her as she stepped down from the greyhound bus with her luggage, her long blonde hair shining in the hot Kansas sun, her blue eyes holding him in a steely gaze, her ruby lips moist and inviting, her graceful legs, "I'm John, they...