Witch Ch. 04 free porn video

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Author’s note: This was a story that I started and only wrote two chapters for before taking a writing break that lasted years. I’m thrilled to finally be able to offer up a conclusion to this story, which I believe is at least close to the plot that I had originally planned for Leonard and Lyana. Writing fantasy is not my forte, especially a demon story that needs more backstory on how demons live their lives, but I’m pretty happy with what I’ve come up with. Are there some things that are a bit unexplained? Well… yes. But that’s what imagination is for. My purpose was to explore Leonard & Lyana’s relationship, not to explain my vision of demonology / morality / etc. I’ve enjoyed that exploration and the conclusion to Leonard & Lyana’s story and I hope you do too.


She woke up on fire.

Every part of her body screamed with pain. With a low moan through a throat that was scraped entirely to raw, Lyana peered at the window in her bedroom at the inn. It was still dark out. She’d woken up not because she’d gotten enough rest, but because her exhaustion was no longer greater than the pain she was in. Whimpering as her muscles twinged, Lyana didn’t move an inch as she closed her eyes and let her will work magic on her body. Although some part of her brain felt as if her magic worked better with gestures, all it actually took was her desires, her will. And right now she was too battered, to wretched to make any kind of movements.

Her shoulder muscles had been strained, her wrists and ankles ached from the bindings that had been on them, and every inch of her skin on her back, stomach, breasts, buttocks and thighs was on fire. Between her legs felt like a sad mess, from the clamps, the wax and finally Leonard’s fist brutally stretching her to her utter limit. The climax that he had forced on her had been ruthless and not something that had been for pleasure. In fact, the lingering pain from the way her muscles had tightened around his unyielding fist and arm seemed to have only increased the aching aftermath of the sexual torture.

Desperately willing her magic to heal her, she felt only a little bit of soothing. The strain in her shoulders disappeared completely. The pain from the whipping seemed to mostly fade, her back and stomach feeling almost completely normal, although her stomach still felt a little burned, probably from the aftermath of the wax. Her breasts still ached, but she no longer half-wished that her nipples would fall off because it might hurt less if they did. They still throbbed but it was bearable. The damage between her legs was still the worst. When she moved her legs she hissed as her thighs brushed against the tender outer lips of her pussy.

Grabbing a pillow, she gently maneuvered it between her knees to help keep her legs apart as she lay on her side. Another pillow cradled against her stomach and chest helped to soothe the burn with the cool fabric of its surface. No longer completely overwhelmed by pain, Lyana found that sleep quickly stole over her again.


Unfortunately when Lyana woke up again a few hours later she wasn’t able to do much else to minimize the damage. Although she could move around and walk, it hurt. Running was probably out of the question. Healing damage done by Leonard’s punishments never worked quite the way she hoped. There was no way to forget that she had been punished, and she had to admit that it made her extremely reluctant to earn more.

More than extremely reluctant. Just the idea of going out and killing the rest of the troop that had slaughtered her village was becoming almost untenable. Pursing her lips, Lyana hobbled to the door and asked a maid in the hall to have breakfast sent to her room. She needed peace and quiet to think.

Going forward to wreaking more vengeance and garnering more punishment… the idea made her want to weep. But she couldn’t turn her back on her people’s memory. She’d vowed to avenge them. And Leonard thought that she had some kind of decision to make. Last night he had seemed enraged. As if what he was doing was more than punishment, it was to teach her some kind of lesson. Before she had thought that there had been no consideration for her, no gentleness during her previous punishments with him, after last night she wasn’t so sure. It had been so much worse than before. The idea that a punishment could be even more devastating…

And her soul was his for eternity.

A rather tattered soul at this point. Stained with blood, torture and murder. Her innocence had been lost, and not just physically.

The knocking at the bedroom door startled her out of her reverie and she opened it to admit the maid, carrying a tray full of food. It smelled heavenly and Lyana realized she was ravenous. Not all that surprising considering the exertion she’d been put through last night. Thanking the maid, she let her back out of the door and sat down to eat her breakfast, her thoughts turning to the Prince and the rest of the troop that she had yet to revenge herself upon. Considering the poor condition of her body currently, she wasn’t sure that she could bear doing anything about them today and then having to endure more punishment tonight. That was something she was set on.

Yet allowing the Prince to be adored by the Court and hailed by his royal father seemed unconscionable. Infuriating.

Which was worse, the anger and torment that knowing he was being lauded as a reformed man, a hero, or the inevitable punishment that Leonard would wreak upon her?

Of course, killing him now might not do what she wanted it to either. Sighing, Lyana pushed the last of her breakfast around the plate, feeling her appetite slowly dissolving as she wearily considered her options. Every day it was becoming harder to continue the pursuit of her goals. But if she walked away now, she’d feel even worse about herself.

The soldier from yesterday morning came into her mind. The one she had let live, under conditions that she felt were appropriate payback for his part in her village’s fate. Perhaps there was something she could learn from that encounter.


That afternoon the entire court gathered in the largest room that the King had available, standing closest to the raised portion at the front of the room. Towards the back the townspeople lucky enough to find a space had packed themselves in, wanting to hear about the Prince’s journey to catch the spy and execute him. Gossip had spread all through the palace and all over town. Lyana was among those in the back, with a little judicious use of magic she’d managed to create a space for herself, blending in with the crowd. The dais at the front was quite far away, but the hall had wonderful acoustics, those around her were chattering with excitement and reassuring their neighbors that they’d be able to hear every word.

That afternoon the entire court gathered in the largest room that the King had available, standing closest to the raised portion at the front of the room. Towards the back the townspeople lucky enough to find a space had packed themselves in, wanting to hear about the Prince’s journey to catch the spy and execute him. Gossip had spread all through the palace and all over town. Lyana was among those in the back, with a little judicious use of magic she’d managed to create a space for herself, blending in with the crowd. The dais at the front was quite far away, but the hall had wonderful acoustics, those around her were chattering with excitement and reassuring their neighbors that they’d be able to hear every word.

Throughout the day Lyana’s body had slowly healed, thankfully, so that she no longer felt like she was hobbling when she walked. Areas were still… sore… but not overwhelmingly so and she was careful to use her magic to help her from being crushed by the mass of people surrounding her. A small smile played upon her lips as she considered the drama that was about to be played out.
The Prince marched in and stood at the head of a selection of his troop, all of them standing stiffly at attention. A moment later trumpets blared and the King and his Heir entered and sat. The King’s throne was at the center of the dais, the Heir’s on his right hand. They all certainly looked splendid up there, everything a royal family should be. But one of them was a snake in the grass. Lyana was fairly sure it was just one of them at any rate, considering everything she’d gleaned about the current King and Heir. But she’d know for sure after today.

The waiting seemed interminable, the crowd buzzing around her, as one of the officials stepped up to the center of the dais and began a long speech, basically describing the greatness of the country and King and the treachery of the spy that the Prince had been sent to hunt down. Apparently he’d worked his way up to a rather important level in their government before being discovered and then had managed to escape. There was no mention of the fact that the Prince had been sent to track him down in order to redeem himself because of his own nefarious activities, instead the official quickly moved on to declaring the Prince a national hero who had redeemed the country’s honor by bringing the traitor to justice. Then he bowed to the King, the Heir and the Prince and announced that they would be hearing from the Princes’ men to tell of their glorious mission.

Lyana felt her heart begin to race. This is what she had been waiting for. When she’d hunted down the first of the men this morning she’d spent time questioning him before making any final decisions on the rather hazy plan she’d had in her mind. It hadn’t taken that cloudy concept very long to solidify.

‘Colonel Noel Fair, please tell us in your own words, of the mission you undertook with the Prince,’ the official said, gesturing grandly as he stepped back, allowing the soldier to step forward.

The man stood proudly in the dais and began to recount their journey, from the travels all the way up to finding a trail that they believed the traitor had left, into the neighboring country and ending at the village of Werth. His voice was loud, projecting into every cranny of the room. The majority of the people had fallen silent to listen to this first witnessing and there were no voices to compete with his.

A look of confusion came onto the man’s face and he shot a frantic look at the Prince as his words began to spill from his mouth. ‘We were not sure where in the village the traitor had gone and so the Prince entered the first house we found, I and Captain Williams went with him. When they could not give us any information the Prince began to beat the man’s wife and then he ordered us to hold his husband while he took her and put her on the table, flipping up her skirts -‘

The room exploded with sound, people shouting in shock as the Colonel continued to recount his story, his voice getting higher and louder, trying to be heard over the room. Inside, Lyana silently laughed with triumph at the look of horror on the King and Heir’s faces, the rage on the Prince’s, the shock on the fellow soldiers. Colonel Fair continued to speak, phrases and words slicing through the din of noise, thanks to his place on the dais where the acoustics worked the best, recounting the destruction of her village in thorough detail. The Prince began shouting to have Colonel Fair removed…

The office who had introduced him finally shook himself out of his shock and horror and gestured hurriedly to some guards, who dragged the Colonel from the dais and out of the room. The Colonel continued to shout his experiences – the geas that Lyana had put on him would require him to tell every last detail before he would be able to fall silent. She wondered how the guards who were dragging him away would enjoy hearing the recounting of the Prince’s troops’ crimes. The official watched the Colonel go before standing at the center and waving his hands wildly for silence. His face as pale and pasty looking, in stark contrast to the purpling red of the enraged Prince’s.

‘He’s a liar! That man lied! He’s another traitor!’ The Prince shouted, before the official could say anything.

An uneasy murmur went throughout the room. No one wanted to say anything too loudly, but it was obvious that the majority of the people in the room knew of the rumors of the Prince’s ill conduct before he had left on his mission. Lyana pushed her fierce grin down behind a faked expression of confusion, not wanting anyone near her to see how much she was enjoying herself.

The King gave his son a measuring look and the Prince stood straighter, throwing his shoulders back and thrusting his chest out as if he could claim veracity based on nothing more than his bearing.

‘Ask him,’ the Prince said regally, pointing to another man under his command.

The official running the show gave his King a wary look, the King nodded his head and the official gestured to the man that the Prince had indicated.

‘Step forward please, Captain Williams, and tell us in your own words whether or not Colonel Fair spoke the truth about the actions taken at the village of Werth.’

The Captain stepped forward, his face shuttered of all expression. Lyana wondered if he might choose to speak the truth even if he had a choice. Unfortunately for the Prince, he didn’t.

‘It happened exactly as Colonel Fair stated-‘ Captain Williams began and the room exploded into sound again as the Prince began ranting – red faced and furious – the gathered crowd growling with anger that Lyana was gratified to see. Through the din, more choice words and phrases came through. ‘Raped,’ ‘Murdered,’ ‘None left alive.’

Upon his throne the King watched the proceedings with a completely blank expression, he hadn’t moved a single muscle since the proceedings had begun. His eldest son, the heir, was looking rather pale and he kept glancing at another man standing nearby the throne, a man who was looking angrier by the minute – the Ambassador from Lyana’s home country. This was becoming more than just an upset for the Prince, it was well on its way to becoming a diplomatic travesty. Considering the public venue and the ambassador, there was no way that the Prince was going to be allowed to get away with his crimes.

Like the Colonel, Captain Williams was dragged away, still reciting his crimes. The other soldiers standing by the Prince were shifting nervously, guilt writ large across their faces.

Finally the Heir stood, the room falling silent as he faced his brother. There was a palpable rage in the room, they had come to see their Prince redeemed and he was standing before them as a criminal.

‘Speak the truth, brother,’ said the Heir, his voice low and yet it echoed through all the corners of the room. ‘Are you responsible for these crimes?’

‘YES!’ the Prince shouted, and then blanched with horror as he realized what he had said. It only took him a moment to recover his wits, however. ‘And what of it? They were nothing but peasants, not even OUR peasants!’

The enraged crowed roared and made a movement forward, as if to attack the dais, and the King stood. It was only the deep respect that the people had for their King, who was a good King, that set them back, the roar dying down to a murmur. However, it would have been obvious to a blind man that the people would not tolerate any excuses made on the Prince’s behalf. Too many people had suffered by his hand within their own country, and no one wanted war. Except perhaps the Prince.

‘Take him into custody.’ The King’s voice was deep, heavy, and for a moment Lyana’s heart ached for him. But he had chosen to turn a blind eye to what his son had become, he had chosen to give his son men to do his will, and this was what came of it. The King nodded at the Ambassador, ignoring his son’s screams of rage and protests. ‘He is yours. His men will be dealt with.’

The King left the dais, his shoulders bowed with gr
ief as the Ambassador gestured at the guards who had bound the Prince’s hands. A sacrifice to prevent war.

‘Are you satisfied?’ asked a deep voice in Lyana’s ear, hands settling onto her shoulders despite the spell that she’d put in place to keep her from being touched by those around her.

Turning, Lyana tilted her head back to look up into Leonard’s strange eyes. The red fire that burned in his strangely black orbs seemed gentler somehow, more like a hearth fire that one might settle next to for warmth rather than the blazing inferno that she’d glimpsed so many other times before. All around them the crowd was still moving, swirling as the gathered people chattered excitedly to each other, the Official standing at the front of the dais and frantically trying to gain back attention, but it was as if Lyana and Leonard were in their own little bubble, drifting away from reality. The sounds muted to a humming buzz, the colors dimming, and Lyana found that she couldn’t focus on anything but Leonard’s cruelly handsome, almost human face.

‘Almost,’ she said. ‘I’ll be more satisfied when I find out what happens with him. And the rest of his men.’

‘The men will be sent to the quarries in your country and the Prince will be sent back to his father, after your country has been paid a hefty sum. At which point he will be locked away in a madhouse and forgotten.’ Leonard grinned at her, his arms sliding around her body and pulling her close to him, pressing her softness against his unnaturally muscled length. She had to tip her head back quite a bit to keep her eyes trained on his, making it look as though she was asking for a kiss. Pressing her hands against his chest she tried to wriggle away, just to ease the strain in her neck, but he didn’t let her. ‘Does that satisfy you?’

She thought it over for a moment, lowering her head to press it against Leonard’s chest between her hands, one of his hands slipping up into her hair and removing the pins so that it fell down her back. As he massaged the back of her head, she closed her eyes and pursed her lips thoughtfully before nodding.

‘Yes, I believe I’m satisfied.’

The men under the Prince’s command would spend the rest of their lives performing hard labor, toiling away for the benefit of others. There was never escape from the quarries, especially once people learned why they were there. As for the Prince, while she had hoped for something more… bloody, she could understand why her country couldn’t execute him. Plus, the idea that he would be locked away and forgotten was quite nice. No glory for him, not even under false pretenses. He had become an embarrassment and he would spend the rest of his days in ignominy, knowing that everyone had turned their backs on him. ‘He will not be comfortable there will he?’

Raising her eyes back up to Leonard, she was surprised to realize that they were no longer in the palace. No… they were in a masculine bedroom that looked vaguely familiar.

Leonard chuckled as she looked around. ‘No, he will not be comfortable there at all.’

He loosened his grip on her as she turned, looking around the room. It had no windows or doors and not much in the way of furniture. A large mirror on one wall, a comfortable looking brown leather armchair, and a very large bed with red silk sheets and hung with red velvet drapings. It was the bed that tickled her memory.

‘I’ve been here before,’ she murmured, noticing that his hands were now on her stomach, fingers gathering the fabric of her dress and drawing the skirt upwards.


‘Where are we?’

‘This is where I live.’

‘In one room?’

The deep chuckle that went through his chest vibrated through her back. Air flowed around her legs which were almost completely bared now. ‘There are other rooms. I just have no desire to leave this one at the moment.’

A trickle of excitement went through her, her thighs pressing together as she shivered with anticipation. It was a little humiliating to know that just his words could arouse such a response in her, and yet she found she no longer cared. The times when Leonard wasn’t punishing her were extremely pleasurable and she craved that bit of happiness in her life.

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Neither Melissa nor Eric minded the long flight to Switzerland. The excitement of skiing in Switzerland overcame the fatigue of the grueling trip. However, when they arrived and had loaded everything into the rental car they decided that they were too tired to drive to Zermatt that evening. Instead they rented a hotel room for the night. Eric said it was senseless to waste money on two rooms so they rented one with double beds. Then they went to dinner at the hotel restaurant. The restaurant...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 19 Surprises

Chris, George, Cathy, Vicky, Brittany, Grace, Kim and I went down to the county courthouse to process adoption papers for the two older girls. My attorney, Bruce Sutherland, met us there with all the paperwork filled out. It was a simple procedure since it involved a natural parent and step-parent situation in both cases. We appeared before the judge in family court and everything went smoothly and, for the first time in my life, I then had a daughter. It would be interesting to see if and...

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Best Time With My Ex girlfriend

This is one experience which I had in my life last month. Before I go forward let me introduce the heroine of the story. Her name is Yashaswi who was my love during my bachelor’s degree. She is an average girl with a cute face having 34b-28-36 size body structure. I met her after two years of our breakup due to our own personal issues. By that time, she had got married and divorced also. I really felt bad for her fate in her life. One month back I was sitting at home and while going through the...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 423

“You were right, the two groups are getting complacent, but that is only the part of the problem. One of the agency’s people is communicating in code to someone in Europe and using the JBG system and Google mail to do it.” “It looks like a report on activities. Whatever it is, the code is not being generated on JBG’s computer; there is no trace of it. He is probably using a laptop and a thumb drive to add the attachment to the email. It is always being done at the same time - 2 AM on...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 29

Monday, I woke before the alarm and even before Dawn was whining to get out. That surprised me and I glanced at the clock, noting that it was close enough to that time that I shouldn’t bother going back to sleep. I carefully escaped from the group hug that we’d become overnight and shut off the alarm, going to get a quick shower before I took Dawn out for her morning trip to the backyard. When I got back, Dawn was awake and watching me as I moved around quietly, getting dressed. “Come on,...

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The Courier Ch 16

Chapter 16 — The Prime Minister’s Dilemma The Sunday evening before Criminal # 101025 was to be transferred, Spokeswoman Kimberly Lee-Dolkivna sat alone in her office. She watched the news, catching a glimpse of her former host sister and future nemesis as she attended a dedication ceremony with her husband, the Grand Duke. Also present was the country’s Prime Minister, along with the country’s first lady, as they celebrated the opening of an important bridge in the northeastern part of...

4 years ago
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Cosine Shama Or Mene Pehli Mulakat Me Apni Virginity Todi Bade Pyar Se

Hi dost me sahil Mumbai me rehta hu or me ek bar fir apni story aplog ke sath share kar rahah hu pichli story meri babli masi ki chudai ki thi or aj ki kahani meri or cosine shama ki hai jab hum dono ne ek sath apni virginity todi thi wo bhi pehli mulkatat me uske college ke bathroom me pehle me apne bare me ek bar fir bata du meri age 29 hai hight 5.5 fair colour average body or penis size normal shama ki age 26 hai hight 5.3 clour fair hot body and strong figure bade gol matol breast kadak...

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The Beach Scene

Linda had been looking forward to going out with her girlfriends for the past few weeks. Every few months, she and four of her girlfriends from college meet for dinner, and then go dancing. The five of them have had the same routine since college. In fact, Linda and I met while she and her friends were partying. I wouldn’t dare interfere with the time she spends with her friends, nor her mine. We both believe it’s important for a strong marriage to nurture not only our relationship, but to...

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Falling for the kidnapper

Introduction: A girl is kidnaaped and falls for the man who kidnapped her She walked along a roadway, her car had broken down and she was going to get help, she had forgotten her cell phone back at her house. She wore a black mini skirt, a light pink short sleeved blouse, and navy blue flip-flops. She had dark blonde hair that was so short that you couldnt do anything with it, she had hazel blue eyes and she looked to be about 18 years old. As she walked past the woods a man who was walking in...

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Blind Date Ch 01

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and Paige was wearing a bath robe in the middle of a very expensive hotel room that had a view of the city. She wasn’t even a guest at the hotel. The room belonged to the naked man lying face down in the king-sized bed, half covered in the satin sheets. The guy who knew more sex positions than any man she had ever met not to mention stamina. The guy she had just screwed. It might have sounded coarse, but it couldn’t be classed as ‘making love.’...

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Molly and Tim After the ReceptionChapter 5

Several hours had passed since Tim left Molly and returned to the hotel lobby. He went directly to his new room, which was ready as he had expected. Even though Tim had showered once already that morning, when he got into his room he immediately stripped for the calming waters again. When he emerged, Tim felt more tired than refreshed. More than anything, he wanted to climb into his fresh bed and sleep for a long time, in hopes that life would make sense again when he awoke. But, he knew...

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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 8

Over the next few days, Laurel called several times, but Vickie always seemed to be unavailable or when Andrea convinced her she should at least talk to her mother, her conversations were short and curt. Laurel was having little luck at finding employment. She had had three interviews but so far, her lack of experience was working against her. She was far more troubled however, with Vickie's change of attitude. The girl was almost insolent and seemed as if she could hardly wait to hang up....

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Get Those Knickers Off

There had always been this sexual chemistry between Stella and Kieran. He was a client who spent a lot of money with the insurance company she worked for.They had a meeting at a hotel between their two respective offices.Kieran couldn’t help but notice how attractive Stella looked in her business-like brown shirt and white skirt. She was bare-legged with brown suede heels—her dirty blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders.They grabbed a coffee at a secluded table in the foyer.“Great to see you,...

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FidleChapter 36

“I can’t stop thinking about you spanking me.” Luke was still recovering from the morning’s long exchange of mutual oral pleasure, but any hope that his erection would fade long enough for him to use the bathroom disappeared in an instant. “Well, now I can’t stop thinking about it either.” She giggled as she poked his rock-hard shaft. “My devious plan worked. So I guess I can shower first.” “Bitch,” he playfully muttered. “I’m shocked at your language. Just for that, I’m going to take a...

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A wild and crazy night In Las Vegas

Well I want to tell this story. This story is about a virgin. Who goes to Las Vegas to have some fun. A young man from West Philadelphia. Plans a trip to go to Las Vegas. He saved a lot of money to get a plane ticket. He packs up a few things and he. Heads down to the airport. He definitely makes sure that he has everything. Once he gets to Philadelphia International Airport. He gets in line to show his plane ticket. He got on a first class flight to Las Vegas. He enjoyed flying first class for...

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 2

I looked at Jamilah trying to get a sense of her feelings. Her voice didn't convey any emotion that I could discern. That bothered me because Jamilah seemed less conservative than the other women and I was hoping to make her an ally. "What was decided?" I asked. "The war took Al Hassan from us and left us alone to eke out an existence from the land. Then just three days after our Iddah (period of time a widow must wait before she can remarry; four months and ten days unless she is...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 9

I had to have an ironclad response for when Cindi and Brenda want to talk about David's upbringing, childhood memories, and family, so I spent about thirty minutes coming up with an answer that solved everything. When I got back to the suite, Cindi AND Brenda were showered and resting on the bed, wearing fluffy bath towels and nothing else. It was clear that they had come to some kind of agreement about our sleeping arrangements, and Brenda was elected to inform me. Being the prudent man I...

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Darkest DaysChapter 12

Robert rolls the vial of liquid around between his fingers. His mind coming back to the moment. He is alone in the car, alone in the cemetery. Connie’s motionless corpse right in his line of sight. He thinks about how it is too bad he won’t have time to bury her like he did Carrie. But at least she is at a cemetery and will be buried like Cynthia. He pops the cork from the top and puts the opening to his lips. Tilting his head back, he mind goes to back to Cynthia. “So this is where I say...

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My Secretary

I work in a large office staffed with close to twenty people. Most of them are women and except for one or two all are married. Happily, I would guess since none of them seems the least bit inclined towards the odd sexual lesion in the janitor's closet. I really can't blame them. That closet smells bad. Julie came into my office on Monday. She handed me her papers stating she was to be my new secretary. Mrs. Jenkins had finally retired after thirty years. Her replacement was young, nice to...

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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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GSP Chapter 413 The Question of Ownership

G.S.P. Chapter 4 The Question about Ownership Jennifer ran down the street of the sleeping city. She didn't like the attention she attracted from the people that did not sleep. Yet it could not be helped, again and again she felt waves of nausea filled her body. It could be her imagination, but it felt like the period between bursts of weakness became smaller. "The magical energy we feel follow the breathing of the person invoking the spell," the demon inside her commented. The demon's...

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Working It In

When the wife and I went out of town, we hired Tanya, the college girl from down the street who babysat our kids occasionally, to housesit and take care of our dog. Tanya was twenty, maybe twenty-one, and built, as they say, like a brick shithouse. She had long dirty, brown hair and firm full tits, with curves that made it very hard to look her in the eye for long. She was a wet dream, and she knew it. Every time she came over to our place to babysit, she was wearing clothes that managed to...

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Gil Comes Back For Seconds

Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something with him again. Our story time, when Judy went over to his house was great, I wanted more. At this point, I had never seen Judy with another guy. I told her that I would have to think about it and let her know...

Cheating Wifes
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 22

Ken was lounging by the small pool when he felt the main gate open. Jane was back with Ally. Interesting, he thought. Not only could he tell they were on the property, but he could tell who they were. Jane was smugly satisfied, but Ally; poor Ally was in a serious state. A, 'Oh my Goddess please anyone fuck me now' state. He wondered what the hell Jane had done. Ken met them at the door as Jane pulled up in the X5. She got out of the car, but he didn't see Ally - even though he knew she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 61 Picking Up the Pieces

August 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “I’m glad you took me up on my offer to go out tonight,” I said. Jorge smiled, “You can thank Jennifer and Josie. They insisted. Where’s Abbie?” “Abbie’s meeting us there. She had dinner with Trish and Henry after work. You certainly spent a lot of time in the coach house this week.” “Jennifer and Josie are good listeners, and they’ve become like sisters. Jesse gave me hugs to make me feel better, too. I think it helped that Jennifer knows your little...

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For several years I had fantasized about my wife Trixie being part of a threesome. I finally set it up on New Years Eve and Day (2015/2016). I posted a personal ad on a swinger's web site asking for a single male to be part of the experience. A military man named Jim replied to the ad and we set up to meet him at New Years Party at the Hotel . We weren't sure if we were ready to go through with this and told him so, but we wanted to be ready if Trixie got turned on. Trixie is 50 years old but...

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A Satyre on the Andy Griffeth Show

A satyre on Mayberry, or the episode you won't see on t.v. Hi I'm Opie, you've seen me and Pa and Barneya million times on t.v. but what you did not know it that I am now twenty two years old and Aunt Bea is looking pretty freaking hot. Well, it had been a long hot summer down here and things were pretty shipshape law wise, no big crime wave and Pa figured it was time to go camping and fishing for a few days, bring his guitar an scare the crap out of any wilderness animals. Aunt Bea had a...

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CynthiaChapter 8

"Are you having company later?" "You tell me. I don't call her. The girls are right there" "I will make her day. Her little trysts are the highlight of her week. Okay, I love you. I need to call Laura and then get something to eat." "Do you have an alarm clock?" "Yes, daddy, but no one will lick my ear, or any place else." "I hope to see you tomorrow night. My life is better when you're here." Laura called while I was grilling the burger. I said, "I'm having onions. Be...

3 years ago
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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 12

Back at the hotel, I called Michele on my cell phone while Connie talked with Ted on hers. When I hung up, I found her sitting and smiling at me across the bed. "Everything okay?" "Absolutely," I nodded, "On your end?" "Fine, I told Ted that everything went smoothly without being more specific." "Same here, Remember, the less said about all this, the better." "Something still puzzles me," she said. I raid my eyebrows. "We're still leaving a trail." "What do you...

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Just a Get To Know You Meeting

Every now and then I have a little free time to burn and I’m bored, when I get a call from another aspiring model or actress to do some portfolio updates to keep their books up to date. I’ve never shot with Sue and I’ve seen some of her photos, mostly from shoulders down and I will say for a lady of her age, she would give most 19-year-olds a run for their money on her bad days. I don’t think she has any either! Anyway I tell her my rates but offer her my Test Shoot rate which is free for a...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Sea Girls Part Five

Sea Girls. Part Five. It took three weeks for our passports to be received and we were straight round to the American Embassy and they knew that we would be applying and it was Thomas who we had to thank that we didn’t have any problems there. The same day a telegram arrived from home asking me to give them a ring, which I did and dad passed over the message which was the date and time of the plane we were to catch at Heathrow airport. During that last week, we took all that we wouldn’t be...

First Time

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