- 3 years ago
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Author’s note: This was a story that I started and only wrote two chapters for before taking a writing break that lasted years. I’m thrilled to finally be able to offer up a conclusion to this story, which I believe is at least close to the plot that I had originally planned for Leonard and Lyana. Writing fantasy is not my forte, especially a demon story that needs more backstory on how demons live their lives, but I’m pretty happy with what I’ve come up with. Are there some things that are a bit unexplained? Well… yes. But that’s what imagination is for. My purpose was to explore Leonard & Lyana’s relationship, not to explain my vision of demonology / morality / etc. I’ve enjoyed that exploration and the conclusion to Leonard & Lyana’s story and I hope you do too.
She woke up on fire.
Every part of her body screamed with pain. With a low moan through a throat that was scraped entirely to raw, Lyana peered at the window in her bedroom at the inn. It was still dark out. She’d woken up not because she’d gotten enough rest, but because her exhaustion was no longer greater than the pain she was in. Whimpering as her muscles twinged, Lyana didn’t move an inch as she closed her eyes and let her will work magic on her body. Although some part of her brain felt as if her magic worked better with gestures, all it actually took was her desires, her will. And right now she was too battered, to wretched to make any kind of movements.
Her shoulder muscles had been strained, her wrists and ankles ached from the bindings that had been on them, and every inch of her skin on her back, stomach, breasts, buttocks and thighs was on fire. Between her legs felt like a sad mess, from the clamps, the wax and finally Leonard’s fist brutally stretching her to her utter limit. The climax that he had forced on her had been ruthless and not something that had been for pleasure. In fact, the lingering pain from the way her muscles had tightened around his unyielding fist and arm seemed to have only increased the aching aftermath of the sexual torture.
Desperately willing her magic to heal her, she felt only a little bit of soothing. The strain in her shoulders disappeared completely. The pain from the whipping seemed to mostly fade, her back and stomach feeling almost completely normal, although her stomach still felt a little burned, probably from the aftermath of the wax. Her breasts still ached, but she no longer half-wished that her nipples would fall off because it might hurt less if they did. They still throbbed but it was bearable. The damage between her legs was still the worst. When she moved her legs she hissed as her thighs brushed against the tender outer lips of her pussy.
Grabbing a pillow, she gently maneuvered it between her knees to help keep her legs apart as she lay on her side. Another pillow cradled against her stomach and chest helped to soothe the burn with the cool fabric of its surface. No longer completely overwhelmed by pain, Lyana found that sleep quickly stole over her again.
Unfortunately when Lyana woke up again a few hours later she wasn’t able to do much else to minimize the damage. Although she could move around and walk, it hurt. Running was probably out of the question. Healing damage done by Leonard’s punishments never worked quite the way she hoped. There was no way to forget that she had been punished, and she had to admit that it made her extremely reluctant to earn more.
More than extremely reluctant. Just the idea of going out and killing the rest of the troop that had slaughtered her village was becoming almost untenable. Pursing her lips, Lyana hobbled to the door and asked a maid in the hall to have breakfast sent to her room. She needed peace and quiet to think.
Going forward to wreaking more vengeance and garnering more punishment… the idea made her want to weep. But she couldn’t turn her back on her people’s memory. She’d vowed to avenge them. And Leonard thought that she had some kind of decision to make. Last night he had seemed enraged. As if what he was doing was more than punishment, it was to teach her some kind of lesson. Before she had thought that there had been no consideration for her, no gentleness during her previous punishments with him, after last night she wasn’t so sure. It had been so much worse than before. The idea that a punishment could be even more devastating…
And her soul was his for eternity.
A rather tattered soul at this point. Stained with blood, torture and murder. Her innocence had been lost, and not just physically.
The knocking at the bedroom door startled her out of her reverie and she opened it to admit the maid, carrying a tray full of food. It smelled heavenly and Lyana realized she was ravenous. Not all that surprising considering the exertion she’d been put through last night. Thanking the maid, she let her back out of the door and sat down to eat her breakfast, her thoughts turning to the Prince and the rest of the troop that she had yet to revenge herself upon. Considering the poor condition of her body currently, she wasn’t sure that she could bear doing anything about them today and then having to endure more punishment tonight. That was something she was set on.
Yet allowing the Prince to be adored by the Court and hailed by his royal father seemed unconscionable. Infuriating.
Which was worse, the anger and torment that knowing he was being lauded as a reformed man, a hero, or the inevitable punishment that Leonard would wreak upon her?
Of course, killing him now might not do what she wanted it to either. Sighing, Lyana pushed the last of her breakfast around the plate, feeling her appetite slowly dissolving as she wearily considered her options. Every day it was becoming harder to continue the pursuit of her goals. But if she walked away now, she’d feel even worse about herself.
The soldier from yesterday morning came into her mind. The one she had let live, under conditions that she felt were appropriate payback for his part in her village’s fate. Perhaps there was something she could learn from that encounter.
That afternoon the entire court gathered in the largest room that the King had available, standing closest to the raised portion at the front of the room. Towards the back the townspeople lucky enough to find a space had packed themselves in, wanting to hear about the Prince’s journey to catch the spy and execute him. Gossip had spread all through the palace and all over town. Lyana was among those in the back, with a little judicious use of magic she’d managed to create a space for herself, blending in with the crowd. The dais at the front was quite far away, but the hall had wonderful acoustics, those around her were chattering with excitement and reassuring their neighbors that they’d be able to hear every word.
That afternoon the entire court gathered in the largest room that the King had available, standing closest to the raised portion at the front of the room. Towards the back the townspeople lucky enough to find a space had packed themselves in, wanting to hear about the Prince’s journey to catch the spy and execute him. Gossip had spread all through the palace and all over town. Lyana was among those in the back, with a little judicious use of magic she’d managed to create a space for herself, blending in with the crowd. The dais at the front was quite far away, but the hall had wonderful acoustics, those around her were chattering with excitement and reassuring their neighbors that they’d be able to hear every word.
Throughout the day Lyana’s body had slowly healed, thankfully, so that she no longer felt like she was hobbling when she walked. Areas were still… sore… but not overwhelmingly so and she was careful to use her magic to help her from being crushed by the mass of people surrounding her. A small smile played upon her lips as she considered the drama that was about to be played out.
The Prince marched in and stood at the head of a selection of his troop, all of them standing stiffly at attention. A moment later trumpets blared and the King and his Heir entered and sat. The King’s throne was at the center of the dais, the Heir’s on his right hand. They all certainly looked splendid up there, everything a royal family should be. But one of them was a snake in the grass. Lyana was fairly sure it was just one of them at any rate, considering everything she’d gleaned about the current King and Heir. But she’d know for sure after today.
The waiting seemed interminable, the crowd buzzing around her, as one of the officials stepped up to the center of the dais and began a long speech, basically describing the greatness of the country and King and the treachery of the spy that the Prince had been sent to hunt down. Apparently he’d worked his way up to a rather important level in their government before being discovered and then had managed to escape. There was no mention of the fact that the Prince had been sent to track him down in order to redeem himself because of his own nefarious activities, instead the official quickly moved on to declaring the Prince a national hero who had redeemed the country’s honor by bringing the traitor to justice. Then he bowed to the King, the Heir and the Prince and announced that they would be hearing from the Princes’ men to tell of their glorious mission.
Lyana felt her heart begin to race. This is what she had been waiting for. When she’d hunted down the first of the men this morning she’d spent time questioning him before making any final decisions on the rather hazy plan she’d had in her mind. It hadn’t taken that cloudy concept very long to solidify.
‘Colonel Noel Fair, please tell us in your own words, of the mission you undertook with the Prince,’ the official said, gesturing grandly as he stepped back, allowing the soldier to step forward.
The man stood proudly in the dais and began to recount their journey, from the travels all the way up to finding a trail that they believed the traitor had left, into the neighboring country and ending at the village of Werth. His voice was loud, projecting into every cranny of the room. The majority of the people had fallen silent to listen to this first witnessing and there were no voices to compete with his.
A look of confusion came onto the man’s face and he shot a frantic look at the Prince as his words began to spill from his mouth. ‘We were not sure where in the village the traitor had gone and so the Prince entered the first house we found, I and Captain Williams went with him. When they could not give us any information the Prince began to beat the man’s wife and then he ordered us to hold his husband while he took her and put her on the table, flipping up her skirts -‘
The room exploded with sound, people shouting in shock as the Colonel continued to recount his story, his voice getting higher and louder, trying to be heard over the room. Inside, Lyana silently laughed with triumph at the look of horror on the King and Heir’s faces, the rage on the Prince’s, the shock on the fellow soldiers. Colonel Fair continued to speak, phrases and words slicing through the din of noise, thanks to his place on the dais where the acoustics worked the best, recounting the destruction of her village in thorough detail. The Prince began shouting to have Colonel Fair removed…
The office who had introduced him finally shook himself out of his shock and horror and gestured hurriedly to some guards, who dragged the Colonel from the dais and out of the room. The Colonel continued to shout his experiences – the geas that Lyana had put on him would require him to tell every last detail before he would be able to fall silent. She wondered how the guards who were dragging him away would enjoy hearing the recounting of the Prince’s troops’ crimes. The official watched the Colonel go before standing at the center and waving his hands wildly for silence. His face as pale and pasty looking, in stark contrast to the purpling red of the enraged Prince’s.
‘He’s a liar! That man lied! He’s another traitor!’ The Prince shouted, before the official could say anything.
An uneasy murmur went throughout the room. No one wanted to say anything too loudly, but it was obvious that the majority of the people in the room knew of the rumors of the Prince’s ill conduct before he had left on his mission. Lyana pushed her fierce grin down behind a faked expression of confusion, not wanting anyone near her to see how much she was enjoying herself.
The King gave his son a measuring look and the Prince stood straighter, throwing his shoulders back and thrusting his chest out as if he could claim veracity based on nothing more than his bearing.
‘Ask him,’ the Prince said regally, pointing to another man under his command.
The official running the show gave his King a wary look, the King nodded his head and the official gestured to the man that the Prince had indicated.
‘Step forward please, Captain Williams, and tell us in your own words whether or not Colonel Fair spoke the truth about the actions taken at the village of Werth.’
The Captain stepped forward, his face shuttered of all expression. Lyana wondered if he might choose to speak the truth even if he had a choice. Unfortunately for the Prince, he didn’t.
‘It happened exactly as Colonel Fair stated-‘ Captain Williams began and the room exploded into sound again as the Prince began ranting – red faced and furious – the gathered crowd growling with anger that Lyana was gratified to see. Through the din, more choice words and phrases came through. ‘Raped,’ ‘Murdered,’ ‘None left alive.’
Upon his throne the King watched the proceedings with a completely blank expression, he hadn’t moved a single muscle since the proceedings had begun. His eldest son, the heir, was looking rather pale and he kept glancing at another man standing nearby the throne, a man who was looking angrier by the minute – the Ambassador from Lyana’s home country. This was becoming more than just an upset for the Prince, it was well on its way to becoming a diplomatic travesty. Considering the public venue and the ambassador, there was no way that the Prince was going to be allowed to get away with his crimes.
Like the Colonel, Captain Williams was dragged away, still reciting his crimes. The other soldiers standing by the Prince were shifting nervously, guilt writ large across their faces.
Finally the Heir stood, the room falling silent as he faced his brother. There was a palpable rage in the room, they had come to see their Prince redeemed and he was standing before them as a criminal.
‘Speak the truth, brother,’ said the Heir, his voice low and yet it echoed through all the corners of the room. ‘Are you responsible for these crimes?’
‘YES!’ the Prince shouted, and then blanched with horror as he realized what he had said. It only took him a moment to recover his wits, however. ‘And what of it? They were nothing but peasants, not even OUR peasants!’
The enraged crowed roared and made a movement forward, as if to attack the dais, and the King stood. It was only the deep respect that the people had for their King, who was a good King, that set them back, the roar dying down to a murmur. However, it would have been obvious to a blind man that the people would not tolerate any excuses made on the Prince’s behalf. Too many people had suffered by his hand within their own country, and no one wanted war. Except perhaps the Prince.
‘Take him into custody.’ The King’s voice was deep, heavy, and for a moment Lyana’s heart ached for him. But he had chosen to turn a blind eye to what his son had become, he had chosen to give his son men to do his will, and this was what came of it. The King nodded at the Ambassador, ignoring his son’s screams of rage and protests. ‘He is yours. His men will be dealt with.’
The King left the dais, his shoulders bowed with gr
ief as the Ambassador gestured at the guards who had bound the Prince’s hands. A sacrifice to prevent war.
‘Are you satisfied?’ asked a deep voice in Lyana’s ear, hands settling onto her shoulders despite the spell that she’d put in place to keep her from being touched by those around her.
Turning, Lyana tilted her head back to look up into Leonard’s strange eyes. The red fire that burned in his strangely black orbs seemed gentler somehow, more like a hearth fire that one might settle next to for warmth rather than the blazing inferno that she’d glimpsed so many other times before. All around them the crowd was still moving, swirling as the gathered people chattered excitedly to each other, the Official standing at the front of the dais and frantically trying to gain back attention, but it was as if Lyana and Leonard were in their own little bubble, drifting away from reality. The sounds muted to a humming buzz, the colors dimming, and Lyana found that she couldn’t focus on anything but Leonard’s cruelly handsome, almost human face.
‘Almost,’ she said. ‘I’ll be more satisfied when I find out what happens with him. And the rest of his men.’
‘The men will be sent to the quarries in your country and the Prince will be sent back to his father, after your country has been paid a hefty sum. At which point he will be locked away in a madhouse and forgotten.’ Leonard grinned at her, his arms sliding around her body and pulling her close to him, pressing her softness against his unnaturally muscled length. She had to tip her head back quite a bit to keep her eyes trained on his, making it look as though she was asking for a kiss. Pressing her hands against his chest she tried to wriggle away, just to ease the strain in her neck, but he didn’t let her. ‘Does that satisfy you?’
She thought it over for a moment, lowering her head to press it against Leonard’s chest between her hands, one of his hands slipping up into her hair and removing the pins so that it fell down her back. As he massaged the back of her head, she closed her eyes and pursed her lips thoughtfully before nodding.
‘Yes, I believe I’m satisfied.’
The men under the Prince’s command would spend the rest of their lives performing hard labor, toiling away for the benefit of others. There was never escape from the quarries, especially once people learned why they were there. As for the Prince, while she had hoped for something more… bloody, she could understand why her country couldn’t execute him. Plus, the idea that he would be locked away and forgotten was quite nice. No glory for him, not even under false pretenses. He had become an embarrassment and he would spend the rest of his days in ignominy, knowing that everyone had turned their backs on him. ‘He will not be comfortable there will he?’
Raising her eyes back up to Leonard, she was surprised to realize that they were no longer in the palace. No… they were in a masculine bedroom that looked vaguely familiar.
Leonard chuckled as she looked around. ‘No, he will not be comfortable there at all.’
He loosened his grip on her as she turned, looking around the room. It had no windows or doors and not much in the way of furniture. A large mirror on one wall, a comfortable looking brown leather armchair, and a very large bed with red silk sheets and hung with red velvet drapings. It was the bed that tickled her memory.
‘I’ve been here before,’ she murmured, noticing that his hands were now on her stomach, fingers gathering the fabric of her dress and drawing the skirt upwards.
‘Where are we?’
‘This is where I live.’
‘In one room?’
The deep chuckle that went through his chest vibrated through her back. Air flowed around her legs which were almost completely bared now. ‘There are other rooms. I just have no desire to leave this one at the moment.’
A trickle of excitement went through her, her thighs pressing together as she shivered with anticipation. It was a little humiliating to know that just his words could arouse such a response in her, and yet she found she no longer cared. The times when Leonard wasn’t punishing her were extremely pleasurable and she craved that bit of happiness in her life.
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One year later ... Llewellyn Estate, Island of Maui Dr. Joan Cregan walked slowly to the front of the group, surveying the sixteen faces that followed her every move. This was the final yoga session of the annual week-long retreat of the Mahana Mam and her Mams. Actually, fifteen Mams and Ami Davis. That Ami was the newest Mam was a little white lie perpetrated by the Mahana Mam this week that she was about to correct. Standing in front of these women she reflected on how she felt about...
My name is John Sanford and honestly, I had always wanted to fuck my little sister Janet for as long as I can remember. I was really big and eager to shove it in her fanny and pussy both. She had big tits and her pussy would always bulge out under her tight clothes. She had a way of pushing up her fanny and wriggling her ass. I knew she was a flirt and a fair game but I spared her for the time being. I waited this long and finally, I got my heart’s desire. I had come to visit my family for her...
IncestAgain her with load of love & sex namaskar to ISS reader from dhanbad Rajiv with rest part of my real happening. Jab swati ka chut ka ronyedar bal mere peir se sat raha tha to mera lund uchalne laga or uski lambai 9 inch se bhi jyada ho gayee jiske karan mere jhilli puri tarah khicha gayee maine swati ko pucha ki kya woh apne seal ko tudwaygee to usne kaha per apne pati se. yeh sun ker maine socha ki agar is seal mal ki chudai karni hai to pahele ise garam karna padega or maine remort se T.v....
Story is fiction…..I hurried down the hallway in front of him guiding him to the apartment door, my heart racing at the thought of Lulu on the bed blindfolded and unaware at what was about to happen. I opened the door as quiet as I could, there she was as I left her blindfolded and waiting “sorry I took a little longer than usual in the bathroom babe, I couldn’t find the handwash” I said. “its okay I was busy rubbing my clit anyway, im so wet adam” lulu exclaimed.As I closed the door, Jeromes...
She sat by the side of the road ... a board in her hands on which "play" was scribbled with felt-tip pen.She kept it to herself when we just passed by. The lunch in the small village where we could remain anonymous was successful, and satisfied but full of excitement about the topics discussed, I wanted to bring you home.We had only shared a fleeting kiss as an introduction, otherwise there had been no physical contact. We would agree on a next appointment online.I stopped the car and drove...
Many of my clients began meeting me at my condo for our appointments as the weeks passed. I was spending so many nights getting high with Shawn and staying up so late, that it became nearly impossible for me to keep my appointments. It was easier for them to come to my place and it allowed me to get ready shortly before they arrived. I felt bad about breaking my own rules, but I was still buzzing during many of my appointments and would have been hard pressed to drive to my destination. I was...
Last Minute Shopping by Miss Anonna The very last of my holiday shopping was nearly done but through all the hustle and bustle I had forgotten the most important person on my list, me. I figured I would run through a couple of stores and see what I could find for myself and at a semi ritzy department store I began rummaging through the juniors’ rack. Everything was so geared towards the teens that I had become extremely frustrated. I finally gave in to a little mini skirt and a knitted cami...
Something happened after we were married. As the junior associate at work, I was detailed to get some old files from storage in the basement of our building. When I returned to my office, I found a "dirty book" in the old box containing the files that were needed. Someone had stashed it there. Of course I read it. It was about a busty wife who had all sorts of reluctant sexual adventures, trying to get out of them with hand jobs or tit fucks, but if that failed she would allow only anal...
Like most young men Troy looked forward to summer, most summer’s were spent at his best friend Josh’s house. The two would camp out in the yard, stay up all night, play video games all day, and generally enjoy the freedom of their youth. One day in particular seemed like any other summer day. Josh and Troy were spending the whole day playing video games, and well into their fifth hour they ran out of several snacks. Troy felt like he needed a break and volunteered to ride his bike down to the...
It was a Saturday night in October. Amy was bored at home since her best friend's out of town. Amy was trying to decide if she should call Melissa up and see what she's up to. When she called Melissa, she instructed her to wear her sexy attire and come on over for fun with her.Melissa also told Amy what time to be at her house. Amy began to get ready for the meeting with her mistress. Melissa this evening. Amy figured she had enough time to jump in the shower giving her enough time to make it...
BDSMHi everyone, thanks for your response. As I’m a new writer, your replies and likes made me happier and boosted me to write the next part about my first threesome. I’m Sunny, a 24 years virgin guy from Hyderabad.A regular reader of ISS stories and a big fan. I am here to write my fantasy of having a threesome with a couple and . Before reading this, do read the previous part to be in a mood to continue reading this. I’m sucking her boobs hard like no tomorrow. She even told me that she doesn’t...
POV: Keisha "How are you four ladies doing?" Josh asked, walking towards us. "We're fine, guys," London responded, failing to look at them. I had to grin and cover my mouth. 'Oh, shit, you two are driving your wives nuts, dudes,' I thought, peeking at the floor. "Well, I know our granddaughters, that we're holding here, are definitely growing on us, and we're hoping you two start throwing up soon. We can have even more bundles of joy to snuggle with indeed. Keisha, Gia, what do you...
TabooOk so I've thought about this story many times on many nights over many years but I'll tell a version incorporating more of what I know about you now. There is no one way to tell it but I'll let my mind run with what it feels the best version of this story is... Ok, it is a very cold Christmas Eve. Both of us are two years out of college and now work full time. We were running around all day today looking for those last minute Christmas gifts for people we know. We had to babysit your sister's...
EroticI sit here. Staring into the computer screen, with my bright green-blue eyes, staring at the story written on the screen. Sitting here reading about two girls fucking, reading a love story, a chat, a story about masturbating, depending on my mood, I choose a story. I have a great imagination, picturing everything happening in the story, perfectly in my head. Every detail, drawn like a painting in my head. Some of these images, are images that help bring me to mind blowing orgasms. Even just...
Tamara 2094 The old lady staggered across the floor of Costa Starbucks while also carrying a tray on which unsteadily wobbled a mug of cappuccino and a slice of rich chocolate cake. It was obvious to Tamara that she needed help. There was also the fact that the coffee shop had no free tables available. "Can I help you?" Tamara asked as she stood up and approached the old lady who looked at Tamara with a startled expression on her face. "Help me?" she asked. "Yes," said Tamara....
The Spa By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Author's Note: This is story is radically different from the many othersthat I have written, and even radically different from those normally foundon the BDSM Library. There is no torture, no pain, no non-consensual sex, nobondage, and not even any spanking. This is merely an intense sexual experience,light in taste, and totally consensual. So why read it? Because I think thatalmost every man will tell you that this fantasy is one...
My wife and I get away for the annual tradition of deer camp in WI. Usually, it's just the two of us, but every couple of years or so, my older brother is able to make it. My brother and I are very close as we have a lot in common. My wife enjoys his company as well. My brother and my wife have always flirted with each other. I enjoy their flirting and often fantasize about them hooking up for more. I have told her about my fantasy which she always shrugs off as a crazy idea.Our cabin is...
Wife LoversMy name is Kellen and I dated Pamela for one year. The first months were really good but then I started getting mad at some details of the relationship. For example, she spent almost an hour to get dressed before going out. When we went shopping it was the same problem, we usually spent 2 hours to buy a dress or a blouse, the truth is I hated shopping but since I loved her it was like my duty to go with her. But the aspect that pissed me the most was her emotional whirlpool, one day she...
I don't own the characters and concepts in this story. The characters, plots and setup are from the American TV series and the settings and characters are owned and copyrighted to the respective owners of the Power Rangers licenses, no claims are intended by me. I do claim ownership of what is left of the story after the copyrighted elements Saban owns are extracted from this story. (The mind swap concept for this episode came from the original Japanese episode redone in America...
Dear ISS readers, love you all! Thanks for so much love and feedback for the Part 2 of the story. This true story is in continuation of my early true incident. After the oral sex session with my niece Priya, we both were standing in front of Swati, who saw us making out on the bed. I did not know since when she was watching us. I did not close the door of the room as Swati was supposed to arrive home late. Without saying anything, Swati came near me and caught hold of my dick and said: “How...
IncestIn spite of everything, we still managed to have a pretty good Christmas. Whatever my mother and father had agreed on seemed to satisfy both of them. Kate's punishment was that she could have no contact with Clara for one month. I think Kate was so relieved at not being sent back to Hungary, she forgot to protest about how unfair my parents were being to her. Christmas day, Agnes came over, and we all opened presents, had a big goose dinner, and then sat around in the living room, staring...
Darcy Dark and Kristi love balloons. Their mutual friend says he is a master of making toys out of balloons. Sure, both cuties feel intrigued and excited and ask him for a master class. First, he makes a balloon dog and gives it to Darcy Dark. Sure, Kristi wants a dog for herself, but the dude decides to do something spicier for the hottie. He makes a balloon dick, and asks if it fits him. Darcy Dark and Kristi take the initiative into their hands and mouths and give him a passionate threesome...
xmoviesforyouChapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they are...
NovelsI woke up the next morning after having sex yesterday with my Uncle Dave and I was happy that I did it but I felt like I needed to be pleasured again.As I walk out of my room I notice the time 10am in the morning that means my parents and brother are at work, which means I get Uncle Dave to myself again.I want to his room where he was still asleep and I could see his morning wood, so I made my way onto his bed and placed his cock in my mouth and began to suck.It did take long for him to start...
My husband and I decided to visit Amsterdam again for the third time. After walking the streets and admiring all the girls in the windows, we stopped to have a drink in a bar. We then decided to visit one of the sex bars.There were a lot of couples and single people inside all looking sexy, some getting turned on from what they had seen so far I guess. A topless waitress approached us wearing the smallest thong you had ever seen, and asked my husband if we wanted a drink. She took our order and...
VoyeurUnknown Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 by Couture We lay curled up to one another in the hotel bed, Sandra and I. I looked forward to the day we'd no longer have to make do with hotel beds and the occasional foray to my apartment. Yes, one day soon, she would leave her bastard of a husband and move in with me. God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was mussed up, as she lay on the pillow. Her face had the tranquil look that only comes during sleep. She...
I started talking to a guy on line and having cyber sex with him. It started innocently enough…he lived in a different state, was married and me being the kind of girl who dislikes commitment, our flirting and fun was a great alternative to actually having to go through all the dating rituals. He was eager to please, and always does. Our talks were fun in the beginning – I guess because we didn’t know each other that well, each other’s likes and dislikes – they were your average sex...
Cute, curly-haired Allie Addison flaunts her slender figure and perky booty in a bright blue dress. Dominant director/fucker Bryan Gozzling gives her a delicious rim job, and he rubs her clit as she squirms in delight. Allie wraps her lips around his big cock and delivers a thorough blowjob. He shoves his dick inside her tight cunt and porks her as she whimpers in orgasm. Allie climbs on top and mounts Bryan’s meat for a ride that makes her body shake. Bryan fucks her from behind, and...