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Switched By Trish Every year the big bosses would select the best and the brightest from middle management to attend the annual senior management training course. Although it was never mentioned everyone knew that being invited to attend it meant the company thought you had the right stuff to make it to the top floor. So I was more than a little surprised when the IT director pulled me into to his office and informed me that I had been assigned to an assistants slot for the course. This was kind of strange decision as I was not on the management or the managerial assistants career path, and had only joined the company as a technical translator to gain some real world experience before returning to university. We were each paired with one of the management trainees, and I got assigned to Nicola Dawson who by dint of pure hard work had already started making a name for herself as one of the rising stars in company. I had met her occasionally in the past and knew she had an impressive track record but I did not really speak to her until we were sent for a pre-course medical. Curiously I asked why we had to have one when the doctor was examining me. She told me that some of the team building exercise were physically demanding and because of it location the centre running the course insisted that all attendees passed a medical and had an up-to-date inoculation record. By the time I left the medical I felt a little like a pin cushion having been give four injections in my backside and one in my arm. Nicky seemed to have a very blas? attitude to the medical, but given her background that was not surprising. She had been a Team GB Olympic rowing squad member and an under eighteen world champion in the pairs class. Until injury ended her career she had been considered one of the UK's best medal hopes for the Paris Olympics. Having her Olympic dreams shattered through injury, she set her sights on the business world and turned all the determination that earned her a world champion's medal towards her career. A tall mannish girl she was used to being in charge and when we left for the course she immediately insisted on driving rather than using the autopilot like most normal people. Although university had knocked some of her upper class edges off, there was still a lot of that public school arrogance in Nicky's manner but she did have a lot to be arrogant about. From the outset she clearly thought she was better than me, even though on paper and pay, I was in a different league. Nicky had just an upper second in Politics Philosophy and Economics, while I had a first class honours degree in Digital Engineering, a Masters in Languages and had just submitted a doctorate application to develop a multilingual voice recognition systems. Other than a brief hello, pleased to meet you at the medical a couple of weeks earlier, I hardly knew Nicky. The course was programmed to take two weeks and when we set off I was still wondering why I had been selected and asked Nicky of she knew? "Personnel must have decided we would make a compatible team, I guess," she said. Adding that she could have used my skills when working on a deal in Russia, before she started telling me how she had been head hunted after the cycling accident that ruined her shoulder. From how she spoke about work it was pretty obvious why she was selected. Having lost her first goal in life she had turned her drive for success towards her career and had become the perfect company 'man.' She was dedicated, hard-working and prepared to put the job first, which if anything made my selection all the more confusing. I still could not for the life of me understand why I was picked after all it was common knowledge that I joined the company to build up enough experience for my doctorate... As we chatted in the car it quickly became clear that Nicky was sexually a bit of a 'Jack the lass,' and her two primary interests were sex and making lots money. In many respects she pretty much embodied everything I despised and Nicky was not someone I would choose to spend time with. Having said that I guess it would be fair to say that spending time with me, a lefty male nerd who liked reading and painting was not her idea of a perfect partner either. Like many in upper middle management Nicky's ego meant she had to dominate the conversation and she did. If she was not going on about how she got injured, and what she would do to the remote operator of the delivery drone who ruined her hopes if she got the chance, she was regaling me with her plans to become a director one day. When she was not bending my ear about her career, she was going about her girlfriend who was also a former athlete. Thanking the gods that I had brought a couple of books and had stashed a sketch book and water colours in my satchel. It was going to be a long two weeks! After a five hours drive exposed to her boundless ambition I felt a wave of relief when we pulled into the conference centre. It was an impressive place and with my fingers were itching for my brushes and sketch pad because of the amazing view as we walked into a very plush reception. While waiting to be seen by the organiser, a waitress came over and offered us a welcoming bucks fizz, which definitely hit the spot. "Hi! I'm Anne Wright," the organiser said when she got to us to holding out her hand Nicky. "And you are?" "Nicky Dawson," Nick said shaking her hand. "And Julian Carter from the Manchester office." "Dawson and Carter ah yes there we are," she looked down her list and said, "Nick Damson and Julia Carson is it... Oh?" she looked at us, "There appears to be a misprint in the enrolment list?" Looking on the table behind her, she found the Manchester envelope and handed us a pass each and a name badge adding, "Ah well there's nothing I can do about it now but until I get it sorted you'll need the card to get into the facilities, and your name tags for this evenings training group mixers." Nicky shrugged, taking the passes and passed me mine saying nonchalantly, "When every you can please Anne." "Wonderful," Anne said giving us a bright smile, "if you leave your bags here and I'll see they get sent to your suite. Now if you'd like to follow me and I'll show you to registration, and hand you over to Kim who'll sort out you out with everything." Leaving my case with Nicky's, I kept hold of my satchel for no other reason than it contained my wallet and wandered along behind them not really listening to Anne telling us how the programs had been individually tailored based on our applications forms. "I didn't fill in an application Anne?" I said. "You didn't?" she said looking at her clip board, "Are you sure, because I have one here for you." She smiled at me and said in a rather condescending tone, "Perhaps you forgot about doing it dear." Before I could point out that I had a near photographic memory when it came to paperwork she had already led us into a room full of people milling about, and introduced us to Kim an attractive brunette, who seemed to be in charge. Looking round I could not see any of the other people from Manchester office in the crowd, and blushed red when Kim said, "Oh yes Nick Damson, and Julia Carson," and ticked us off her list. "It's Julian or Jim," I said, "and the surnames are Dawson not Damson, and mine is Carter not Carson." I got the feeling she like Anne ignored me, but there was not a lot I could do about it so I just said hello and before I could get a word in Nick was already doing all the talking. Nicky being a former international rower was a big girl and she still liked to keep in shape, because the first thing she asked about was if there was a gym? "Of course, we have a full fitness centre, with everything you could imagine and a fifty meter pool," Kim said. At over six feet tall and still toned to near physical perfection Nicky's physical presence was amplified by that public school educated upcoming young executive aura, which made her stand out from the crowd. Nicky was in many ways the kind of person 'nerds' like me hate as they generally had trouble walking because of all the potential suitors falling at their feet. I on the other hand was a scrawny introverted geek with shoulder length hair and an educated Liverpudlian chip on my shoulder! I guess it would be fair to say that on first glance I was not much to look at but lurking behind my boyish face was an IQ of over 160 and a brain that could simultaneously translate and contribute to technical conversation verbally, while translating a written text in any of the other the four languages that I am almost native fluent in. Even Kim was affected by Nicky's charisma because when she finally managed to pull her eyes from Nicky's perfection and look down at her list she said with a giggle. "Ah yes, there you are, you're in Moorside 6," and handed us a couple of electronic keys, before telling me that my group B1 was registering in room 301, while Nicky was in group A1 in room 311. Waving us in the right directions I glanced at Nicky and said, "See you later," and wandered off into the crowd feeling a bit of a divvy wearing a name badge saying Julia Carson. After about five minutes I found my queue and unlike the other two registration queue's the one I was in was mainly made up of girls which put a new complexion on things. Having spent most of my life driven to escape my background by getting an education I had lived a monkish existence until I started work and discovered girls did not just make good lab partners! The queue moved pretty quickly and after about 20 minutes it was my turn. Walking in I found inside a bloke of about my age fiddling with a camera aimed at sheet draped over one wall. There was an array of indoor flood lights on either side of the camera on stands, which like the camera was wired into a laptop and a very fancy looking printer. "Manchester, right?" he grunted at me. "Yeah Julian Carter," I said, "but there's a cock-up on the list and I'm down as Julia Carson." "Typical!" he grunted. "Well let's get your ID photo done and laminated into your registration pass." "Where you want me?" I asked handing him the pass Anne had given me. "Just stand in front of the sheet," he said looking at the computer screen, "Smile if you want, it only takes a sec." I did as he wanted and was just pushing my hair back when the lights flashed. "Jesus!" the guy said, glancing at the image, as he held out his hand for my pass. "You can barely see your face, but I guess it will do." Unconcerned he dropped my pass into a slot on the back of the printer and pressed start, moments later there was a smell of hot plastic and my card slid out now laminated with my photograph. Giving it a few seconds to cool, he told me how the photo-pass would give me access to the health spa and beauty salon as well as acting as my room charge card for any treatments or purchases I might make, as he clipped it to a lanyard and handed it back to me. "Hell I look like my mum," I half-laughed hanging the my pass round my neck. "Right then that's you sorted Julia." He did not look up from the computer telling me in a patter he had clearly said many times before. "Dinner is at seven-thirty. A buffet in the club bar or a more formal meal in the main dinning room. Now your first tutor session is tomorrow morning at 9.30, so you might want to take a walk around and get acquainted with the place." "Okay," I said asking, "How many delegates are there in my group?" "In Beta 1? About a dozen, I think?" the guy said hearing the burble from the hall, and calling, "Next!" and waving me away. Wandering back into the chaos in the main room I glanced at my pass and saw it also identified me as Julia Carson, and said to myself, "I'll have to ask Anne and get it re-done." I was going to go and do it then but the view out of the window attracted my attention and ten minutes later I was sat on the terrace with a pot of tea, my water colours and sketch pad. The light was fantastic and I was soon away in my own little world painting the tangle of lilac bushes growing over the wall. Every now and again the odd delegate or two would wander out and confer over their drinks, but most of them remained in the big room networking like crazy. Eventually when the sun slipped behind the hotel I called it a day and I was about to go find our room when Anne intercepted me saying. "Oh there you are Julia...sorry Julian. The pre-dinner mixer is about to start," and led me to a nicely appointed caf? bar like room, adding that when she saw me painting she had not wanted to disturb me, and guessed I'd take the bar buffet dinner option. "How many of us are they?" I asked tensing seeing the crowd as we walked in. "We have forty-two attendees this year," Anne said, "broken into four groups, on two courses. One course for the two groups of managers, and this course for the two groups of executive assistants. About half of you work directly for GDS (Green, Dene and Shorts) Group, and the rest are from partner companies and subsidiary corporations." Oddly most of us in the club bar were from the B group, and in terms of 'totty' B was the group you wanted to be in! Most of the women in my B1 group were wearing nicely cut but unflattering 'serious' suits and low heels, which pretty much tied in with the uptight, attentive and career minded aura that filled the room. Never having been the most confident of people in this sort of situation I gravitated towards the other guy in my group. Although I am not a big drinker, I got a pint, and got chatting with the bloke who was called Brian Connors who worked for the brewing arm of the GDS conglomerate for a grumble about having to do this! Strangely his name badge said Bree Anne Connors, but I did not want to comment after all mine said Julia. "Dunno why I'm here with Pete my boss," he said emptying his pint. "I'm his maintenance engineering assistant not his bleeding executive secretary." He waved the barman over and said, "Two more please," before adding to me, "Still it's a fortnight of free beer on the company and the view." He nodded at rather tartily dressed girl from the other assistants group. "Isn't bad." Brian was a typical engineer. Blunt spoken and very funny whose wry sense of humour was largely based on spending most of his working life worrying about brewery sewerage. "All this executive assistant cobblers is gonna be a waste of time for me," he chuckled, "but I guess it better than standing up to my knees in shit." Overhearing us moaning when she was fetching a round of drinks Anne laughed saying. "Trust me you'll have fun!" Although the training course did not officially start until the following morning, since we were all there Anne decided to break the ice and got us doing the usual introduction type exercises. A few silly game's and a round robin where in turn everyone stands up and tells the group who you are and what you do. It was pretty obvious before they spoke that there was a definite whiff of 'dyke' around one or two of the women in my group, which did not bother me but it had Brian whispering into my ear that they probably just needed good fucking to straighten them out! Normally I would not have bothered attending a gathering like this mixer and was surprised to find I was having fun! To really mix us up Anne got us to pull a number each out of a hat to select where we were sitting. I remember swapping a 'how on earth did we get so lucky' a glance with Brian, as the chefs arrived with the buffet. Understanding my expression he echoed my grin as he was swept away by a gaggle of pretty girls! My table mates were three stunning looking girls from the other B group who worked as secretaries in the same departments as their managers on the other course. As I was a translator workwise I had nothing in common with them, and yet I found their conversation about their managers quirks fascinating, and found that much of what they said chimed in with my work as a technical linguist. Oddly I did not notice that they were calling me Julia, or that instead of my usual pints of lager I was sipping white wine. I obviously had a good time as it felt like I had only been there a half hour or so when the barman called time on the evening. Promising to 'do lunch' with 'the girls' the next day I toddled off feeling was quite tipsy with the best part of a bottle of wine sloshing round inside me. After a bit of a blundering round I eventually found suite 6 in a small three suite annex and walked into find Nick was already back watching a very cheesy science fiction film. "Tea?" I offered making myself one. "I've just got a beer from the mini bar Julian," she grunted, before I joined her in front of the television with my drink. I like bad sci-fi films and this one was about a virus on a space station and it quickly attracted my attention. It was not until the scientist in his lab saved the day that I finally took a look round our room. Our studio room was large and airy with a nicely sized living space. The a bedroom area secluded from the main space by a wooden partition and the bathroom that took my breath away. It was huge and dominated by a large whirlpool bath in the centre of the room! From the main area there was a pair of French windows that led out on to patio/sun trap and I could tell from the south-facing orientation that there had to be a stunning view over the wild moorland around the training centre. "Oh shit!" I said when I finally looked in the bedroom and saw it contained only a double bed, and asked Nicky if she had told Anne about the room? "What's wrong with it?" she said. "The bed... it's a double?" "Oh!" Nicky had the good manners to blush, before she said with her 100 watt smile. "Hadn't noticed, never mind I'll call Anne?" Picking up the phone she told her what about the room and listened for a few minutes before she said, "Okay, well do what you can but it not the end of the world if you can't sort it, yeah... Oh well isn't that just typical?" "Sorry Julia," Nicky said putting the phone back on its hook. "It looks like were going to have to make do tonight." "Oh!" I said, feeling rather unhappy. It was bad enough having to put up with Nicky's confidence and physical presence during the day, I did not fancy the idea of being in the same bed as her one bit! Nicky read my face, gave me a hard eyed look and asked bluntly, "You're not some kind of queer, are you?" "No," I nervously laughed thinking it was a bloody odd thing to ask given I was a bloke. "Where's the problem? People sleep in beds together with out fucking all the time. It don't mean anything." "Yeah, well I know... It's just?" I said. "Yes I know, but there's nothing they can do this time of night," Nicky said getting undressed. "Nick!" I gasped. "What are you doing?" "Going to bed it been a long day and its going to be busy in the morning?" Nicky said pulling off her pants. "Well, yeah I'm kind of tired myself." As if it was the most natural thing in the world Nicky stripped naked and padded to the bathroom. Quickly stripping off to my pants and tee- shirt I crawled under the covers and tried to relax. As if that was going to happen! A few minutes later I almost screamed when Nick's pussy brushed my face as she climbed over me rather than going round the bed! "What?" she said. Before giving me a grin adding, "Did I show you these," and pulled out her iPhone, bringing up a picture of a blonde girl. "That's my Gillian, hot or what?" She bounced experimentally up and down on the bed and laughed. "Hell could I do with her company about now, because I'm horny as hell with all the tidy girls around here!" "Give her a ring?" I said. "Wish I could but she's just gone and left me for a VSO contract somewhere in South America." Nicky flicked through the photographs as though fixated and I saw that 'Gillian' was about my height and build, and if her hair had been mousy brown we could have been twins. "Awa shit!" Nick rumbled. "I should not have bothered, because just thinking about her got me hot!" She did not have to tell me, as I could almost smell her arousal! "Jesus Nick!" I complained. "Must you!" "Yeah!" she said. "It feels good! How about you do us a favour and give me a stroke?" "Piss off Nick!" I said, tempted to punch her. "I'm not like that?" "I know but giving a mate a stroke isn't queer, hell at school all the lower classes had to stroke the seniors, it don't mean anything important?" I could see her nostrils flaring with annoyance as she snapped grabbing my wrist and holding my hand on her pussy in a vise like grip. "Unless your queer?" "I'm not!" I said blushing. "But it wrong." "Fuck wrong," she growled, "I'm horny, and you're here so make yourself useful Julia and get stroking!" I was going to try to pull my wrist from her grip, but I sensed her mounting frustration with me and combined with the smell alcohol on her breath I was suddenly assailed by a wave of fear of what she would do if I did not do as she wanted. Perhaps I should have noticed then something was wrong with my head because for all Nick's size, and powerful physique I grew up in an environment where extreme violence was the norm and as a small kid I had learned the hard way how to take care of myself when things got nasty and yet all that fled my mind. All I could feel through my mind numbing fear was a chilly certainty that she could beat me to a pulp, so I gave in gracefully and stroked her vagina blushing. Once she felt my hand relax she said in a contented voice, "Now stroke my big clit with your fingers." Returning her attention to her iPhone, letting out odd noises of contentment as her clitoris hardened and started to protrude from her pussy lips. I might have been sexually inexperienced but even I should have guessed something was odd about how it stuck out. Instead I was blushing like a beetroot as I stroked her lips and clitoris, shocked by how obeying her was giving me a weirdly submissive thrill. I caught a glimpse of the photo she was studying and I felt my anxiety shoot through the roof as I saw it was of 'Gillian' sucking her pussy. Letting out a long rumbling gasp Nick closed her eyes and relaxed back recalling the moment with a strange smile on her face as she muttered, "Yeah that's it." All of a sudden she wrapped a hand in to my hair and said, "Down you go Julia its feeding time!" She almost pulled my hair out by the roots before I moved and let her push my face into her groin. "Kiss me like you love me Julia, daddy Nick's got a present for you!" What could I do? Nick was already increasing the pressure on my hair, leaving me no option but to kiss her shockingly swollen clitoris and suck it between my lips. "Get sucking Julia!" Nick said crudely. "Yeah that's it babes, you know you love it! Get them lips going and show big Nicky why you're the best cocksucking tart in the company," she let out a long sigh of pleasure and said, "That's it sexy, suck daddy dry!" Weirdly neither of us noticed how her choice of words conflicted with her gender. God it was embarrassing, I could feeling her unusually large clitoris throbbing in my mouth as I tentatively sucked on it, and found to my amazement it was not as bad as I had expected. Nicky held me there sucking and licking what felt like and age, with her hands making my head bob up and down until she was ready to cum. Letting out a cry, Nick's hips thrashed like mad as her clitoris throbbed violently and then I felt hot almost salty metallic rush as she almost squirted into the back my mouth. Grunting, "Swallow it!" With her hands clamped on my head I had no choice but to obey and again I felt that weird sense of submissive satisfaction as swallowed as ordered. "Good girl!" she said in a sated tone as she all but collapsed her hands falling from my head as she farted and began to snore! Stunned by my willingness to succumb to her demands I tried not to think about what I had done as I dozed off unaware that of it own accord my body was spooning against her. I had a very strange dream that night full of images from the film Nick had been watching. We were laid side by side on trolley in a stark white room and Nick had a strange helmet over the top of her head as a disembodied male voice said. "Primary genetic adaptation has occurred in both subjects Doctor." "Excellent," a woman said, "both subjects were started at the pre- course medical?" "Yes Doctor," the male voice said. "Subject 20 Alpha is showing initial signs of secondary characteristics and is at around 80 percent adaption to level one neural realignment. "And 20 Beta?" The woman asked. "Excellent, we have a 100 percent neural realignment, but the subject is not as advanced as the alpha in terms of secondary development." "Proceeding as expected then," the woman said, "I think we can button them up for tonight and see how they are in the morning," she walked into my view and gave me an injection before placing a similar helmet on my head and said to the male voice. "Engage level two of the beta subjects neural realignment program please." I woke with a start next morning with the dream still in my head to the sound of Nick's snores in my hair. Telling myself not for the first time that I should not watch cheesy sci-fi movies before bed when I had been drinking I cuddled back against her warm body. There was something very comforting about having her heavily muscled hairy arm wrapped over my chest, and the feel of her blunt slightly calloused finger resting on my nipple felt very nice. Needing the loo and knowing that I needed to get ready for my first training session, I reluctantly slipped out of bed without disturbing her and padded over to the bathroom. After last nights antics I needed a shower, although I saw my reflection I did not notice that I was not wearing the tee-shirt and underpants I went to bed in as I slipped my satin nightie and panties off and stepped under the shower. I quite clearly recalled what Nick had made me do, and instead of it bothering me, I felt kind of pleased that someone on the path to the boardroom liked me enough to let me take care of her intimated needs. Padding from the bathroom unaware that I had tied a towel round my chest, and wrapped my hair in another. Nick's case was by the door along with a shocking pink one with a band round it saying Julia C, and I was looking round for my case when I noticed Nick watching me from the bed and saying, "Morning!" I asked her if she knew where my case went? "Not seen it," she said giving me a lopsided smile that had an air of 'I don't believe it' round her eyes. Before I could comment that hers was here, there was a knock at the door, and as I glanced at Nick she called, "It's open!" A smartly dressed maid walked in carrying a tray saying as she set it on the low table. "Good morning I am Sandy and if you are Mr Damson and Miss Carson this is your breakfast?" "That's us!" Nick said, rolling out of bed unconcerned that she was stark naked as she strode confidently to the bathroom. "Well if you need any thing else more tea or the like please dial zero?" Noticing my quizzical expression she said, "Yes dear?" "My case isn't here?" She looked at the cases, and said glancing at the tags, "Are you sure this one is tagged, Nick Damson, the other says Julia C?" "But I'm not Julia I'm Julia!" I said, explaining about the typo on the registration. "Oh well... erm.. yes?" Sandy with a confused look at my repeated name, and 'what that to do with me' expression on her face as she said in a disbelieving tone, "Are you sure Miss Carson because in the four years I have worked here its never happened before?" "Of course I am sure!" I said feeling a little bit more like myself until Sandy said. "Well can't you just manage for now, and I'll see what I can do?" "Manage with what?" I said. While I had been talking to Sandy, Nick came back into the room, and said popping open the pink case. "We'll nothing of mine will fit a runt like you Julia but some of this looks like it might fit?" "That's all girls stuff," I said. "Nick shrugged, saying, "Well you cannot wear towels all day and unless you putting back on your dirty travailing clothes?" she glanced in the case again and added, "They're some jeans and a tee in here that might work?" "Well now," Sandy said with a smile, "Now that's settled I'll see you later." And quickly left the suite. Nick held up a handful of lacy clothing and said, "Yeah look." She pulled out a pair of jeans, and then a cap sleeved short white tee- shirt. "This doesn't look to girlie does it?" Dropping them back in the case she said taking a suit and fresh white shirt from her case. "Take your pick towels or these?" I did not have much choice and as Nick had found the only outerwear in the case that were even remotely masculine. Briefly debating my options I found a pair of shiny satin panties that almost could have passed as briefs and reluctantly got dressed. I was surprised to find the clothes fitted me rather well and I felt a strangely comforting sensation of having the shirts breast band, bra thingy holding my chest which made up for the tee-shirt not quite reaching the top of the hipster jeans that were miles to long and felt like they were sprayed over my arse! Slipping on a pair of knee-length socks that were very fine in comparison to my usual boot socks I pushed my feet into a pair of flat ballet style pumps that I found in the case, and turned up the cuffs so I did not trip up. God only knows why I asked as I turned the cuffs of the jeans up. "Nick do these shoes go with my jeans?" "Yeah, they look good," she said in a why the hell are you asking me voice before adding in a more interested tone, "You know that really suits you?" Nick grinned at me her mug of strong black coffee and started shoving bacon and toast down her neck as I joined her at the table to nibble at my fruit and cereal breakfast. "What's your program like?" Nick asked. "Not seen it yet," I said topping up my tea. "Yours?" She grinned, and handed me an envelope with Julia C written on it that came with breakfast. "Seems to be classroom stuff in a morning and team building in an afternoon," she chuckled. "It looks like the afternoons could be fun. This weeks program had us going clay pigeon shooting this afternoon, and we've got rafting tomorrow, then an assault course with overnight bivvy paintball match Thursday night Friday morning." The envelope contained my program. "Well?" Nick asked. "Mostly office stuff, dunno what professional image means, or office deportment and decorum," I said glancing at the timetable as I ate my healthy low-fat breakfast. "A few team building afternoons and something called movement to please." "Well I'm sure you'll find out what everything means this morning Julia," Nick said shovelling bacon and mushrooms down her neck with gusto. Neither of us noticed that we were eating each other ordered breakfasts, I asked for the full English when we arrived and Nicky had ordered the fruit and cereal. I was just finishing the last of my tea when the room phone rang, reminding me that I needed to be in T3 in fifteen minutes for my first group session, entitled anticipating your managers needs. Picking up my satchel and without thinking gave Nicky a kiss on her slightly bristled cheek saying, "See you at dinner," and went to find room T3. There were about 20 delegates milling about in the room, and finding my friends from last night I felt absolutely delighted that they liked my look. A couple of minutes after I arrived our tutor turned up and introduced herself saying. "I'm Doctor Pamela Owen, but please call me Pam and I'll be group one's primary tutor this week, and Kim who you met last night will be taking group two." She looked round us and said, "If group one would like to follow me and take a seat and we'll start." With out much kerfuffle we followed her into a room and found our places. My group seemed to have the majority of the more uptight, academically driven and career minded delegates, while the more tarty 'dolly birds' all seemed to be in the other group. As I sat and looked at Doctor Pam it occurred to me that she reminded me of the doctor in my dream, but before I could think about it she was saying. "Now the company are investing a lot of money in sending you here and we like to provide them with a comprehensive report so I'm sorry if this seems a little schoolgirlish but I will begin with a register." And began reading out names. "Angie Bowers?" "Here?" "Julia Carson?" No one spoke and Pam looked up saying a second time. "Julia Carson?" One of the girls nudged me, and I said suddenly recalling the cock-up with my registration. "Here... Me I guess, sorry but?" I did not get any further as Pam said, "Next time Miss Carson please listen, I cannot be doing with girls who won't listen!" I wanted to tell her that I was not a girl and that my name was not Julia Carson, but for the life of me I could not fathom out how to, and under the chilly school ma'am look she gave me over her glasses all I could come out with was, "Um sorry I'll remember next time?" Pam harrumphed and called, "Sabina-Anne Connors?" "Here," a husky woman's voice said behind me, as Pam continued down the list and finished the register. I half-wondered where Brian was when I did not hear his name, but as quickly as the thought it came it slipped my mind once we started the training session with another round of introduce yourself games. I was still astute enough to notice that some of the really stiff uptight girls had relaxed and shed some of their inhibitions. It was rather strange because I had noticed when we were in the big room that some of the quite frankly sluttish trainee's from the other B group seemed moved in the opposite direction and over night gained a little more decorum. I was trying to process this when Pam distracted me by beginning a lecture on 'Interpersonal Dynamics' which I assumed was going to be a load of psychological bullshit. In truth once Pam got the session rolling it all got rather interesting as she explained how to recognise and read the subtle body language and sub vocal queue's 'men' radiated and before I knew it we were breaking for morning coffee. Separated from my dinner table circle I kept out of the limelight, still feeling rather self-conscious about how I was dressed. I was joined by (according to her name badge) 'Kerry Wright' one of the real stiffs from the night before. Giving me a shy smile she said, "This isn't as bad as I expected Julia?" I nodded, thinking she looked a lot better now she had lost the horn rimmed glasses and the austere bun she wore her hair in last night. Noticing with a shiver of envy that she had undone a couple of buttons at the top of her darted business woman blouse I could see the lace edge of her bra and the swell of her creamy breasts. She seemed awfully giggly and girlish this morning, which was quite a contrast to the stiffly formal career minded young woman I met the night before. At first her girlie girl chatter was a little irritating but as she rattled on in a deliriously excited tone how the centre had a fully equipped beauty spa offering all the usual treatments, I found myself becoming more and more interested in what she was saying. Strangely it did not strike me as odd that Kerry did not realise that I was a transgendered, but neither did strike me as strange that I saw myself that way. As we chatted with Kerry was painting her finger nails with a quick dry pink nail varnish. The scent of the drying nail varnish was lovely and seeing me watching she commented, "Sweetie, this new Rimmel polish is wonderful, you should try it?" Before I could say anything Kerry took hold of my left hand and started to a paint my nails scolding me about their condition and that I 'just' had to come with her to her appointment with the manicurists later. Having pink nails fascinated me and I loved how they looked holding my coffee cup. The break lasted about a half hour before Pam clapped her hands and said. "Right then girls, shall we crack on? I would like to discuss the practical uses of the skills we are learning today?" This time without any of the kerfuffle that accompanied getting started first thing this morning we all returned to our chairs and looked at her attentively. "Now there are times, and we have all experienced them when out mangers deal begins to turn sour, but often such happenings can be deflected by using the skills you learned before coffee to recognise when the client is reconsidering the deal, and provide a distraction early enough in the negotiations to allow your manager to rethink his strategy?" Explaining how this could be done with a coffee offer or fetching something Pam explained the value of being able to swish our hips, and use our managers biggest weapon in the negotiations, our bodies. She told us how a well placed flash of upper thigh, or a flick of our hair could make all the difference. Standing Pam said, "Right that's enough chalk and talk, let's try a few exercises to see what we've learned?" A few minutes later she had us all swishing our way to and fro, before demonstrating how to sit and stand in such away that it displayed out feminine charms in the best light. It was a lot of fun, and in my head I was secretly giggling to myself about how useful all this would be when I got home and had a dress up! That almost snapped me out of it, because until this morning I had never cross dressed or wanted to in my life, but before the thought could consolidate in my head, Pam was talking about boobs, or more specifically how to use ours! "Right then girls," Pam called, after we had all pretty much mastered the swishing, sitting and sub vocal flirting techniques. "Now a little practical exercises, in around a half hour you will enter one the rooms along the corridor where you'll find some of the A group. Your objective for the afternoon is to distract whoever your manager is dealing with from the contract details he is discussing as you serve the coffee and take notes of the conversation. Pam clapped her hands saying, "Now this is going to be fun. Is everyone excited?" Like someone had pressed a switch almost all of us said, "Oh yes Pam." "Good I knew you girls would like this, now if anyone is wearing flats, or pants and wants to change into something more appropriately feminine, you will find your various companies staff uniform's with your names on them in the room behind my white board?" I sort of woke up about now, and again started to wonder why I was down for this course? I was a technical linguist/translator rather than a secretary or office staff type who would find all this useful. Around me in a flurry of mirrors, make up and hair brushes my class mates were giggling and chattering excitedly about mixing with the 'men' next door. "Julia? You all right dear?" Pam asked seeing my distraction. "I'm not sure what to do Pam?" I shrugged, lowering my voice and adding, "I'm really a tomboy and have never done this before?" I did not notice my slip of the tongue as I said tomboy, rather than boy! "Well why didn't you say. If you come with me, Doctor Pam will sort you out?" I followed Pam behind her desk to a changing room with a long mirrored counter filling one wall. A couple of my course mates including Kerry were looking through the array of sexy short skirted 'office' uniforms and finding theirs hanging along the back wall, and ignoring me completely stripped off their 'butch' pants suits and changed into the provided alternatives. Giggling excitedly when Pam pointed out that their underwear was not exactly enticing and suggested they each wore a pair of the provided hold up stockings, and charge to a pair of the high heels on the shoe rack. Like Kerry they were the rather masculine, prim and proper 'office women' from last night and I smiled as they let out very girlish giggles of joy as they examined the shoes on offer. "I've never worn heels?" I told Pam as she flicked through the uniforms and found my supplied short skirted GDS head office staff uniform. "You surprise me Julia? I would have thought a girl with your figure would have discovered the value of heels years ago, but don't worry I'm sure you'll get to love them as much as I do once you've seen how erotic they make you feel as you swish your skirt and display your long slender legs!" Pam gave me a smile and said kindly, "You could do with a little extra up here?" she jiggled her round full breasts with a hand, "And I think we have a couple of things here that might help?" Reaching into a draw under the counter she produced a pair of false breasts and said, "Slip them in your... Oh I guess you don't need to wear a bra?" For a moment she scratched her head and then said with a smile, "Here borrow mine?" As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Pam pulled her shirt off and removed her bra. She had a pretty spectacular pair of boobs, and seeing them pop out in front of my eyes like that should have woken my cock, but instead all I felt was a wave of envy, and a deep sense of embarrassment about my flat chest! Still topless, Pam said clicking her tongue, "Your nails will do until you and Kerry get your manicure later but you must let me do something with your face?" Ten minutes later my eyes were heavily emphasised with lots of mascara and eyeliner, and my skin was smooth with foundation and concealer, before she painted my lips with a strident glossy red 'tattoo' effect lipstick, that turned my mouth into a sex object. "I'd advise you to pop to the salon later and speak to the staff about improving your look Julia," she said with a smile as she played with my shoulder length hair. "But don't worry I'll tell them you're coming for the full works rather than just getting your nails done while you're doing the practical." Pam brushed it this way and that before covering my eyes as she gave my hair a good dosing of hairspray to hold it in place before she slid a blue Alice band that matched my suit over my head to complete my 'look.' Nodding to herself, Pam told me to dress in the pale blue skirt suit, hold up stockings and the pair of matching blue three-inch 'beginners' heels as she pulled on her top and returned to the rest of the group. As I did as she asked, feeling shivers of excitement as I dressed, and slipped my slim watch and Pandora bracelet round my wrists as Pam she examined everybody. Feeling a little off-balance what with the change in my centre of gravity because of my new boobs and the heels, I tip tapped my way back into the main part of the room trying to 'swish' my skirt as I moved. I felt a little embarrassed about the clothes I was wearing, and the sensation having make up on my face, and yet I also felt great. Kerry giggled very girlishly and clapped her hands with glee as I joined her. "Jesus, Julia look at you?" she giggled and added, "God if we weren't straight, looking at you just now I could turn lesbian!" I blushed brightly, but before I could comment another of the girls said. "Wow, Julia! You've polished up into a managers wet dream of a girl Friday!" Their enthusiastic approval distracted me from my apprehension and embarrassment and even Doctor Pam commented about how much better I looked in a skirt. I giggled and automatically bobbed my knees in a mock curtsey as I said, "Thanks Doctor Pam... I feel wonderful." Oddly that was not what I meant to say, but before I could process why Pam handed me a coffee tray, saying, "Off you go Julia, room five for you and you're trying to distract the dreamy Mr McBride from what Mr Damson is saying." The swishing one foot in front of the other walk Pam had taught me this morning was much easier and more satisfying wearing a skirt and heels, and I relished the tip tap of my heels on the tiled corridor floor as I 'got' into roll. Nick looked really hot in his three-piece suit as he negotiated with a tall powerful looking Scottish bloke. He had a gentle Scottish university accent and his badge identified him as Lachlan McBride. "Ah coffee, as prompt as ever Julia," Nick said with a smile, as I swished up to the table making eye contact with him, before turning my attention to my 'mark' as I politely asked. "Coffee Mr McBride?" I made sure to waggle my bum as I poured the coffees, before I made eye contact with his guest and began my sub vocal flirting. I was really engrossed in playing the tarty secretary when an ear splitting alarm rang, Pam and the A group tutor jumped into action saying almost simultaneously. "Stop what you are doing everybody, that's the fire alarm. Can you all exit the fire door immediately and get with your groups in the car park please." I was half way to the door, when Kerry appeared at my side and handed me a shoulder bag saying, "You left it with mine so I grabbed it, as if you're anything like me you feel naked with out it?" "Thanks Kerry." I nodded with a bright smile, recalling bringing a bag with me as we walked out into the early afternoon sunshine. Counted out against the register by the male tutor, we joined our group in the car park as the centre management ran round like headless chickens! We were out there for ages, and eventually everyone broke up into loose groups. While I was chatting to my dinner partners from the night before I lost sight of Kerry, when she went to watch the boys shooting. Anne was off with Doctor Pam and Kim conferring about the rest of the day while the centre staff ran round trying to turn off the alarms. "We're going for a swim," my dinner partners said. "Want to come?" "I'd like to but my cossi is in my room," I grumbled feeling a little disappointed. As everyone started to disperse I saw a tall figure I vaguely recognised from the night before and decided to go say hello as I tried to place her. She had long blonde spiral permed hair with bright red lipstick and a pair of breasts that put a glamour model to shame! Enjoying the breeze on my legs I tip tapped over to her and said, "Hiya. I'm, Julia," praying she did not notice the masculine burr in my voice. "Oh my!" she exclaimed, "You too?" I saw her face break into a wide smile as she added, "I'm, Bree, or so they keep telling me?" There was an unmistakably male depth to her voice, and I said, "You mean you're trans as well?" "Yeah," she nodded, "I'm er not, um, er genetically?" "Female?" I supplied. "Yeah... There was a mix-up with my paper work and I was given this pass, and then my case went missing? So I ended up having to dress like this?" she giggled. "I don't mind though because I'm a cross dresser." Round her neck hung a pass like mine, with her photograph and the name Sabrina 'Bree' Wright... I looked at the pass and then at Bree saying, "Brian? Brian Wright?" Her expression turned quizzical as she looked at me more closely, saying in an amazed tone of voice, "Didn't we chat briefly last night?" I blushed and nodded. "Yes we did... Erm I'm Ji... Julia...... Julia Carson?" I was having real problems with my pronouns, and at times struggling to say my own name, but like all the other surreal happenings since I arrived it some how did not feel strange or unusual. "Oh goody!" she giggled, bouncing up and down with delight, "I thought it was you Julia! Who would have thought there would be two girls like us in the same group!" I could not stop my eyes watching her suddenly erect nipples sliding under her satin blouse as her boobs bounced from the surprise! Bree blushed when she saw where I was looking and said gleefully. "Great aren't they honey?" Captivated by her boobs still swaying alluringly under her blouse and I could not stop myself saying, "But Bree Anne?" "Call me Bree, please Julia," she giggled lightly and added, "What do you think about my lovely girls." She jiggled her breasts again giggling. "And it's so cool that they let us look like this." "But your boobs Bree?" I said enviously. "I mean, you look very feminine and pretty, but they look real?" "They are real!" Bree said happily. "Since I woke up this morning." She read my question and added, sounding embarrassed, "There was a little misunderstanding last night. As I am technical I asked Kim if she could let me see their plant room, anyway she thought I asked to go to the implant room, and well when I woke up bingo my girls were sprouting from my chest." She grinned brightly. "And they feel great!" "How big are you?" Bree grinned and tapped my chest. "How big are yours?" "36D," I said without thinking, "but mine aren't real, if I take them out, wash this makeup off my face and put my jeans back on it'll be back to normal old tomboy Julia again?" Bree flipped her hair back and grinned saying, "If you say so?" As she smiled I caught a glimpse of something sparkling in her ears, and a flash of gold behind her... No.. Hi... Her teeth! I was about to ask when Pam walked up swearing, "Bloody alarms, the more complex the system the bigger the problems!" Before saying, "You two might as well as go and get ready for dinner, since the boy's have gone shooting we've decided to scrub the rest of today. I had a word with the salon for you Julia, unfortunately the surge that triggered the fire alarms has blown something electrical in the salon so they can't do you tonight so I made you an appointment for six tomorrow night." "Thanks Doctor," I said with a blushing smile. As she swished away, I forgot to ask about returning my bra, boobs and outfit, and was soon sat with Bree, outside the bar reading a style magazine sipping one of the delicious fruit juice cocktails. "So?" she asked as we were about to go and get ready for dinner, "What's your program for the mornings classes?" I opened my handbag and glanced at my timetable. "Studio 406, Putting forward a professional image?" "Oh me to!" Bree replied. "It will be nice to have a sort of girlfriend to sit with, I guess?" I glanced at the slender woman's watch on my wrist saying, "We best get moving or we'll be late." Hooking her arm in mine like it was the most natural thing in the world Bree and I tip tapped back into centre. We were just walking towards the doors when a tall lanky bloke lopped up and said to Bree. "Hey sweetheart it been a hard day and I need a kiss?" The bloke was built like a marathon runner with a chiselled handsome square-jawed face, and as he finished speaking he swept Bree into his arms and gave her a long lingering kiss on the lips. Keeping a possessive arm about her waist he gave me a crooked grin and said, "Who's your cute friend Sabrina?" "This is Julia, she's in my group honey." "Hiya! I'm Pete!" he said leaning over and giving me a 'hello' kiss, which had me blushing and babbling like a school girl! Deciding to leave them to it, I saw Nick and hurried over to join him for dinner. I felt a thrill of pleasure when he said slipping his arm round my waist as we walked towards the dinning room. "You look sweet enough to eat Julia." I giggled and told him, "I'll be doing the eating later sweetheart." I did as well when we went to bed and really enjoyed sucking on Nick's swollen 'clockeris.' It felt really nice when he slid it between my lips and I think he really enjoyed it but after his exertions on the ranges that afternoon he again fell asleep on me. Over breakfast next morning he glanced at my program and commented. "It says staff uniform for your morning program today Julia, what are you doing?" he looked awfully handsome but really needed a shave because his upper lip and chin was decidedly stubbly when I kissed him in bed. "The first part of the office decorum and deportment training," I said titivating my hair in the mirror. "Not sure what that means yet though." Leaving Nick to finish his breakfast in peace I tip tapped my way to the study room and discovered that the session that day were all about how to project ourselves, and build a 'professional' image that would reflect well upon our managers. There was an awful lot about how we should conduct ourselves, and respond in such and such a given situation. This did not go down very well with a girl from London called Katrina who had grudgingly gone along with the previous days exercises without changing from her pant suit. During the questions this morning she had not hidden her rather militant feminist views and half way through the afternoon session she finally lost her temper. Doctor Pam was explaining how valuable looking good and dressing to appeal to male eyes could be in ensuring our managers success when Katrina shook her head and abruptly challenged her. "I'm sorry but I've just about had enough of this! This is all a load of sexist bullshit!" Her voice dripped with scorn as she told the Doctor, "When he's bloody wrong I'm going to tell him wrong! I'm not going to blindly go along with him like some pretty, obedient drone! Christ its frigging 2029, not 1959!" Pam smiled and said, "I'm sure it seems that way just now Katrina, but all we are doing is getting everyone on the same page. If you'll just let me finish this session, I'll be more than willing to sit down and explain why your wrong over our afternoon break?" Oddly even the most resistant of the girls had started to really get into the classes and in the main what complaints there were had faded during the morning as we all started to see the fun in what we were being taught. Our one exception was Katrina who sat there glowering while the rest of us got with the program. I like just about everyone else could not see how abnormal our rapid changes in attitude were or how differently we all were in comparison to when we arrived. I personally thought that even the most dim-witted of us had to see that the Pam and our tutors were right when she pointed out that showing some skin and a little flirting was a small price to pay for helping our boyfri, sorry managers climb through the company. Not that I was particularly interested in her disagreement with the awkward girl because the class was fun especially when she had us doing all these deportment and movement exercises that included a little dirty dancing. Well it was fun until something went wrong, all I saw was a blur swinging towards me and then my head and face erupted in pain before blackness swept me into oblivion! I came round with a splitting headache bathed in pain that radiated from my upper body and head! I could hear voices but I had something in my mouth that stopped me speaking, and as I let out a little sigh of pain, I heard Bree saying, "Julia? Julia?" Opening my eyes was a bad move as everything was blurry and distorted, but I could just about make out her concerned face looking down at me as she added, "Don't move or try to speak just yet, honey you took quite a bang when the fluorescent light fitting suddenly broke loose and hit you on your head and face." A blob wearing a white coat appeared, saying, "Awake is she... good then there unlikely to be any permanent damage?" I felt a prick in my arm and the pain began to subside as the white cost shined a light in my eyes and looked down my throat, murmuring to herself before she said, "I think we'll keep her in the infirmary overnight just to be on the safe side but I expect no complications." "Will she be alright?" I heard Bree saying as the doctor gave me a jab and then I was away with the fairies until later that evening. I was lay in a bed and everything around me was rather blurry. It was like my eyes still would not focus properly and I attracted the white coats attention to this by pointing at my eyes and waggling a hand. "A bit blurry are we... well let me have a look." She produced something and shone it in my eyes looking closely in what I assumed was an eyepiece. "Hum there is a little distortion of the lens, around +3?" she rattled round in the back ground and slipped a pair of glasses with adjustable lenses on my nose. After two attempts she found the right lenses and brought everything into focus as the doctor added, "You'll probably need to wear a pair of glasses for a couple of weeks until the bruising on the muscles that work your eyes recovers from the bang. I'll order you a couple of pairs sweetie." I painfully nodded, and started to feel a little drowsy, and the next twenty-four hours passed in a blur of confusing images that seemed to have little or no context. Guessing that I had been given pretty potent pain-killer I settled back to enjoy the high. I was still feeling the effects the Friday morning and it was after breakfast before the drugs completely wore off. I finally regained my senses when I walking to class with Bree and Kerry. I must have dressed myself, and I was surprised to see I had picked a short black miniskirt, a slinky red halter necked top and had a pair of bright red heels on my stocking covered feet. Since I was not wearing a bra, I guess I must have glued my boobs on to wear the top as they sensually bounced around under my top. They felt really nice and I could almost feel every thread of the satin sliding over my sensitive nipples. Coming round completely I felt strange. It was like my body no longer quite fitted, which distracted me from the gentle throbbing of my ear lobes, tongue and belly button, but not the itching on my left hip! Since I could see clearly I realised the weight on my nose was my glasses, and the comforting presence of my handbag hanging over my right shoulder told me everything was fine. Bree and the other girl were giggling excitedly about us getting professional make overs today, before an informal barbecue dinner dance this evening. I tried to complain about missing my manicurists appointment but my throat was still tender and when I spoke it really hurt just to croak a word. The faintly strangled sound seemed higher than usual but I put that down to my injury, and I wished I could have expressed how much I enjoyed the class. Learning about make up was fun, and it only got better when I got my hair done! Having conferred with the stylist by writing the hairdresser put extensions in my hair before she colored it a honey blonde colour and then cut into a sexy yet professional bob, which showed my earrings. Now when did I get them I asked myself before feeling the comforting presence of the ball stud in my tongue piercing. My throat was still to painful to ask where they came from, and as the hairdresser fussed round me, I was able to take a long look at myself in the mirror. My face seemed rounder and my nose less pronounced, while eyelashes seemed longer and darker. I really liked how she did my lips so they seemed fuller and somehow more sensual glistening with my favourite strident red long stay lip colour. My red lips really made my teeth look whiter and as I stuck my tongue out to see my ball I felt a giddy rush of glee about how much I loved my new look. It was like there was something in my mind blocking me from seeing that with my new hairstyle and make up I now looked like a clone of Nick's ex-girlfriend. I gazed at myself in enforced silence, unable to answer the hairdresser or thank her for making me look so good. Yet at the same time even though I liked how sexy I was looking I had this weird sensation that I should not really look this good, after all I was really more of a tomboy. Not that I had much time to think about things like that as the class lasted all day and we had a lot to learn. It was a very successful class because by the end of it I could do four different make ups, from the damned right slutty to the prim and proper office look! As the session began to end the tutor looked at me and said, "Don't you have an appointment with the doctor about now Julia, she said she wanted to see you?" The doctor just wanted to check my throat and after gazing down my neck for about five minutes she handed me a tot of medicine, which took the sting from my throat and, after a second dose and another long look she said, "Say something Julia?" "Hi I'm Julia," I tentatively said, hearing a high-pitched breathy voice coming from my mouth that was nothing like my old gruff Liverpudlian tones. "I'm Ji, Ji, Julia?" I said slowly shocked that my voice was now a musical feminine voice that came over as very deferential and demure. "Oh my word!" I gasped. "What happened?" "Hum the blow must have caused an accent shift, give it a month or two and it should return to normal." "A month or two!" I tried to sound as annoyed as I felt about having a voice more suited to the porn channels than a translator when I got back to the IT office, but even when I was annoyed my voice still sounded sweetly feminine. "Hey what happened to my accent?" My usual Liverpool accented speaking voice sounded wrong... really wrong, and I yelped like I had been smacked, "I sound like a bloody southerner!" "Well it's not that unusual after a trauma, it's called foreign accent syndrome Julia," the doctor smiled. "Although it's usually to something more exotic than an estuary English accent but then again isn't exotic in the eye of the beholder?" "Estuary English... that's an Essex girls accent!" I whispered to myself as I left the doctor's office, "I sound like an Essex girl?" Shocked I luckily bumped into Bree as I left the clinic and her usual 'don't worry be happy,' cheerfulness pulled me from my funk. As I complained about sounding like Victoria Beckham, Bree giggled enviously, "Some girls get all the luck!" "But it makes me sound like I'm a brainless Essex girl?" I companied. "No it isn't trust me Jules it sounds really sweet and sexy," Bree giggled, "I'm dead jealous!" I did not think it was that funny, and said, "If I could give it you I would because sounding like this really will be the pits when I get back to the office!" "Sugar, I'd be happy if my voice could change like that rather than having to do an elocution class. In fact, I'll have a word with Pete and see if the clinic can replicate what happened to you?" I felt a shudder or horror when I realised that very little of Brian was left in Bree! May be it was because of the blow to my head but for a split second I was able to see how much we had all changed and it scared me. It was like every time I saw her another slice of her masculine identity had been erased and in that flash of awareness I felt a genuinely fearful when I realised I was no different, because could not for the life of me workout how to pronounce my real name. What on earth was happening to me? I tried to piece together everything, but it was like trying to fit a jigsaw together with half of the pieces missing, and those that were there kept changing shape. Annoyingly trying to hold on to the thought was like trying to catch wisps of smoke in the wind because as quickly as the thought had surfaced in my mind, it slipped back into the depths of my subconscious. "You got the crabs or something honey?" Bree whispered, noticing me scratching my hip again. "Just an itch," I glumly said hating my new voice. Giving me a smile, Bree said, "Well I guess we best go and get ready honey, because we've all got to go to an informal dinner and barn dance with the boyfriends tonight." I nodded and said, "I guess," as she hooked her arm in mine and walked with back towards the accommodation, chatting about how great it was to have Pete as 'her' boyfriend! "Oh my!" I gasped as the breeze picked up sending a wave of sensation through me as my nipples suddenly erected under my halter. The sudden fizz of sensation stunned me, and there was no denying that a pair of erect nipples that were now denting my satin top. Gasping, "oh no!" I suddenly realised that the bobbling breasts I had enjoyed all day were not the breast forms Pam had given me the day before yesterday! Reading my face Bree giggled throwing her arms girlishly around me. "Congratulations on your first nipple rush sweetie?" 'Nipple rush' did not describe the wave of erotic sensation that coursed from my breasts to my brain and I hardly heard, Bree chortling, "Isn't so cool having real breasts Julia?" Giving me a big smile she pecked me on my cheek and said, "See you later honey," and tip tapped away towards her room. I had real breasts! The shock killed my sudden arousal, leaving me feeling a little sick as I asked myself what on earth had happened during the hours of blank space in my memory? I felt like crying as I mumbled to myself, "They must've made my tits real. I should have guessed when I saw what they tricked Bree into getting her breasts done, that it was going to be done to me." Lost in my angst I got back to 'our' room feeling a wave of relief when I found Nick was not back yet. Blown apart mentally by the monstrosities swelling under my satin top I was on autopilot as I went for a shower, well that was the plan until I found myself lazing in a hot highly perfumed foaming bubble bath. As I sunk into the scented bubbling water I giggled with delight at the sight of the pink pendant hanging from my belly button. I had a vague memory of asking the girl who did my nails to do it but I could not quite recall when. The mirrored wall had steamed up not that it mattered because without my glasses I was blind as a bat when it came to anything further than a meter from my face. I was curious to see what I looked like without any makeup the idea of getting out of the luxurious hot perfumed bath water just to fetch my glasses from the bathroom cabinet was a non starter. Lazing in the water, it did not occur to me that 'Gillian' had been wearing glasses in the photographs before I climbed out of the bath and dried myself off. Wiping the condensation off the mirror I slipped my glasses on to unpin my hair, and moisturise my skin. I was working the body lotion into my legs I saw myself, and gasped. "Oh my god! What have they done to me?" My emotions which had been somewhat up and down all day, went very down as I felt like crying as I sobbed to myself, "Jesus!" Through tearing up eyes I watched myself run my pink tipped hands over my boobs, and almost most fainted at hit of overwhelming erotic sensations that caressing my breasts triggered! It was a sensation similar and yet totally different to getting a hard on and so much better! Instinctively pinching a nipple I felt my legs buckling and I had to force my hands from my body! Almost vibrating with eroticism I felt a shiver of fear filled pleasure that made my lower belly feel very warm, wet and willing rather than the familiar sensation of my cock swelling in response to a turn on. Although I could not see it, my cock now resembled the clitoris I had sucked for Nick on Monday night. It was barely a half-inch long and instead of sitting above a pair of balls bellow it were folds of skin covering a newly formed entry into my body. However lost in the sexual explosion from my nipples I knew non of that and as I came down from that near orgasm a flash of purple and green colour on the back of my hip caught my eye. It was reflected via two mirrors and twisting round to see it I muttered, "What the hell?" Either I was seeing things or the purple mark was a tattoo, and rocking forwards I swore. "Where the fuck did that come from?" Looking more closely I realised that the small tattoo was a pair of damson's hanging off a leaf decorated vine! "Damson's fucking Damson's I'll kill him!" Just in case I gave the mark a scratched and confirmed that the damson's were indelibly inked on my hip! Promising myself that I would be having words with Nick, I padded into the main room wrapped in towels and opened my wardrobe. Seemingly aware of where everything I needed was kept I selected a matching set of Argent Provocateur lingerie and was slipping my boobs into my bra, which I knew was size, 36D. Jesus no wonder my balance had felt wrong this morning, I was stacked! My mind started to grasp something was wrong about this, but once again my train of thought was disrupted, first when I saw a wonderfully sexy yet perfectly suitable summer dress for the evening, and even better I knew I had a pair matching pair of heels and a nice belt to highlight my slender waist! Delighted to find that my top draw as expected was full to the brim with MAC cosmetics, I was just finishing my make up when Nick stumbled in unshaven, smelling of fire smoke, and wet woodland wearing paint splattered combat fatigues. Only it was not the Nick I vaguely remembered or was it? Then I realised why he looked different he had got his hair cropped really short and had not shaved for a day or two. "Hey sweetheart?" he said kissing me on the head as if it was the most natural thing in world. "How you feeling?" He had such a tender look in his eyes that my still burbling annoyance about him tattooing my skin faded as he said. "I've been so worried about you Julia, especially when you were out cold the whole time I sat with you before we went on the team building task last night." He grinned and said sheepishly ogling me in the mirror, "God you look pretty, and I cannot wait to show you off tonight!" "Get off," I giggled, batting his arms away, "you'll muss me, and you smell?" "Yeah!" he laughed. "Of muck and muscle just how you like me!" "You bathroom!" I demanded with a giggle, as he bent my head back and kissed me on the lips like he meant it before, saying, "Yes honey." And stomped away to the bathroom throwing off his clothes as he went! "Men!" I laughed, and started picking up the clothing he had strewn about, so I could put them out for a service wash. "Julia, make us a brew love?" Nick called from the bathroom, and it felt like the most normal thing in the world to make it and then take it into the bathroom. Nick was fresh from the shower, vigorously rubbing a towel over his sculpted body... God he looked hot, and then I saw that I was not the only one sporting a fresh tattoo, because inked in to his left bicep was chained heart, with 'Julia' in the centre. "Oh Nick, that heart!" I gushed when I saw it. "That's so sweet of you my love!" On one level at least I was asking myself why I was calling him my love, and why I was sinking to my knees to lick, kiss and then take his cock in my mouth? I did not know why I wanted to do it but as I processed what I was doing, there was little voice shouting in my head, "Something's wrong can't you see it, you stupid cocksucker!" That moment of emotional turmoil was derailed by Nick loving moans of appreciation as he enjoyed my oral attentions and quickly rewarded me with a 'yummy' mouthful of his cream! Licking my lips I made sure I cleaned him up properly which he just adored! Inhaling his heady fresh from the shower manly scent, I was almost tempted to say bugger the barn dance and let him fuck me senseless as I watched entranced as he dressed in a nicely cut pair of jeans, check shirt, and a worn leather waistcoat with a Route 66 pin on the breast. It seemed like the right thing to do when I knelt down and put his shoes on for him, as he brushed his hair back and fastened his watch. After a final touch up of my lipstick, I picked up my bag and said, "Ready honey?" as Nick shoved his wallet in his pocket and said slipping a possessive arm about my waist. "When you are." He chuckled leading me from out room. "My sexy girl!" I giggled at his words, and gazed up at him through my glasses thinking how lucky I was to be on the arm of a hunk like him. The best way to describe how I felt as we walked out of our studio room was special. I adored the sensations wearing five-inch heels and still being shorter than him added to the eroticism of my swaying long chandeliers hanging from my ears and the flirty feeling of my tiny summer dress! With Nick's very possessive presence beside me, I had never felt as safe and secure in myself and my place in the world. "Oh my I love Irish music!" I giggled as Irish folk music drifted to our ears on the evening breeze, and I giggled up at him. "I hope you're in the mood to dance Nick?" If I could have seen myself, or comprehended my completely altered behaviour I probably would have had a heart attack! Only a week or so earlier I had been sexually 100% straight male, and now I was a girl in love with my man! To pinch a phrase off one of my undergraduate house mates, I was 'fuck-struck' by Nick and the attraction I felt towards him was reciprocated and seemed so totally natural and normal even though it was not. Bumping into Peter and Bree as we skirted the building, we immediately became a foursome as 'our' men started joshing each other. I swapped a look with Bree, who gave me a 'men' look as we approached the barn. I felt a giddy rush of delight when I saw envy in some of the girls faces when Nick led me in on his arm! If we had seen a photograph of everyone less than two weeks ago, and compared to how we all looked at the Friday night barn dance you never would have believed that we were the same group of people. Gone were the sensible shoes and severe suits, replaced with saucy summer dresses and party heels! If I could have processed it at the time, I would have seen that we had all been altered in one way or the other, for some like myself, Nicky and Bree it had been a huge alteration but even our changes that paled when compared to the alteration of the feminist's who had argued with the tutors! Katrina, the lesbian girl who challenged the teachers first was barely recognisable! She now had long thick blonde hair, worn in two bunches held with pink little girl hair bobbles and lips that almost advertised oral sex! Gone was the man-cut pants suit, shirt and tie along with her flat shoes, instead she was wearing tiny pink tube dress that barely covered her 'improved' breasts and almost covered her ass and pink stripper heels. Sat on her hunky looking 'boyfriends' knee she seemed perfectly happy to let him paw her body as she kissed and cuddled the night away with her bloke! Even though the dinner, and then the barn dancing was fun it was also a part of the development training course, which meant we had to mix with the other couples and it was while the men were talking that I started to ask myself questions again, but this time they were not about me, but Nick. When he drove us down he had been very different, I could not put my finger on quite how different but I could recall him being at times almost rude, but now (like Pete) Nick was impeccably mannered and his plummy public school accent held a more international Mid-Atlantic timbre. Perhaps it was because I was looking for changes in someone else that I was at last able comprehend that changes which should take months if not years to develop and become totally natural had happened in less than a week. I felt a cold shiver run down my back when realise that things on the course were not what they seemed! The questions plagued me, and now I was looking for them I started seeing more changes. The beta's like me had become more feminine and submissive to the men, and correspondingly the alpha's had somehow got physically more powerful, masculine and confident! I could see it by just looking round the room, the way all the girls looked adoringly at their boyfriends and former managers. There was a dereference about them that clearly showed that the self-assured independent attitudes of young women who started the course were now an alien concepts! Groping my through the 'don't worry your pretty little head' that seemed to blanket my reasoning skills, my thoughts were derailed when Nick said once the barbecue started serving. "Off you go my lovely, I'll have a rare steak, ribs and coleslaw." Fixated on pleasing Nick I did as I was told, and queued up with all the other girls for the food. As we ate, the questions that had started to form in my head slipped away from me. Sometime later after a couple of hours of dancing, or making a mess of trying to folk dance the evening wound up early and as we all started to wind our way back to our rooms and a part of me hoped Nick was not going to be quite so gentlemanly once we were in the bedroom! That started me questioning again, but after a few drinks through the night I was finding it hard to make any sense of things until it all came back with a vengeance as we rutted like animals on heat later. I was on my back with my legs wide and I could feel every inch of his glorious cock making me moan and scream out with pleasure. "Oh god!" I sighed floating in a post orgasmic high, as we spooned together with his incredible cock still pulsing deep inside of me. "That was... like... wow!" "Like that did you honey?" Nick panted nuzzling the back of my ear. "Oh... yes you can do that any time my love." I slowly eased off his cock and automatically pressed my lips to his for a long lingering kiss. "Oh I intend to," Nick said still a little breathless between my increasingly ardent kisses, that ended when he put his hand on my head and said, "Clean your mess up Julia," and relaxed back with a sated grin on his face as I brought him off again with my mouth. It was when I had his thick seven-inch key to heaven squirting cum into my mouth, that the question's resurfaced. I was lay there between his legs lapping his cock, aware from his steady breathing that he had started to doze off that the weirdness of everything fell in to focus! For a moment I felt revolted... Then I felt the wetness dribbling from within me, and laughed at myself. That blow to my head a couple of days ago must have knocked me silly to think that I was a boy when I could feel my pussy leaking between my legs. Nick let out a comforting murmur of pleasure and displeasure as I lifted my mouth from his cock, and cuddled instinctively into him as he wrapped one of his hairy and muscular arms round my body. A voice in my head was telling me to relax and go to sleep in my 'mans' arms but I forced the desire away, and tried to piece together what I knew. Well that was the plan until he cuddled up behind me and I felt his sleepy arm pull me close. The questions I asked myself suddenly faded and felt a warm blanket of contentment fill me as I dozed off into another one of those weird dreams. A man's voice was asking, "And 20 beta?" "Doing very well sir," Doctor Pam said. "Like with the Alpha specimen the new genetic reprogramming procedure was completely successful, and her neural adaptation is proceeding as expected." "And her intellect?" Tthe voice asked. "All tests point to no loss of cognitive function or pre-treatment skills so it's safe to say that 20 beta is just as capable as she was prior to treatment." "And the neural framework?" the voice asked. "Integrating very nicely Sir. Once we installed the gender identification and sexual arousal protocols we decided to leave her core personality intact sir. It was perfectly suitable without adjustment to the fit corporate requirement. One interesting side effect of fixing her primary attraction on 20 alpha has been a reduction in her independence and an unexpected willingness to her subsume her desires in support 20 alpha's goals." Doctor Pam chuckled lightly. "We have created genuine love between them, and as 20 alpha is totally committed to the corporation 20 beta wants to use her skills to further his career." "And is she happy?" the voice asked. "Let's ask her," Doctor Pam asked. "So Julia are you happy?" "Yes Doctor," I said. "Very." "Are you aware of what has happened to you Julia?" "Yes doctor, you've turned me into a girl." She turned to the man and said, "She's still subconsciously aware." I think I surprised her when I said, "I'm not that upset about it, or the changes forced on Nick and me, because I like being a girl." "She's not supposed to be able to answer or hear anything not addressed by name?" the voice said sounding alarmed. "I warned you this might happen sir," Doctor Pam said. "The program was never intended to process subjects of her IQ and when that is combined with her near photographic memory. Sooner or later something will trigger full recall." "And the neural locks?" the voice asked. "They are fixed Sir," Doctor Pam said. "Fingers crossed even if she becomes consciously aware of what happened she'll never be able to tell anyone. However I think we can pretty much take it as read that if she is exposed to the right stimuli she will instinctively know the truth." "She's looking around, how can she do that when she's on the machine?" the voice said alarmed. "Can see us?" "Unlikely," Doctor Pam said twisting a dial that dampened down my mental questioning. "But perhaps possible, as I warned you when you suggested her as a candidate Sir. Her intelligence is of a level where even in this state she will still be able to differentiate between the VR input and reality." It was harder to speak now but I forced myself to talk. "You've rewired my brain..." "The machine is on full Sir, but she is still aware," Doctor Pam said. "Admittedly she will just think this a strange dream caused by a bad film and too much to drink." "Should we terminate?" the voice said coldly. "No," Doctor Pam said. "That won't be necessary. Although she is to a degree aware of the genetic reprogramming and her conversion. Her new gender personality is now starting to integrate nicely. I expect that once she becomes fully fertile and 20 alpha puts a bun in her oven then the maternal instinct we've given her will kick in and she'll be so gaga over her baby she'll not want to ask any awkward questions." "Is the Alpha fertile?" the voice asked. "Extremely," Doctor Pam chuckled. "They both are. We've programmed three children two males and one female and we expect all the resulting off spring to be of very high intelligence perhaps even exceeding our mother to be here." "Excellent, the board will be delighted, as will Number Ten," the voice said. "Who's next?" "Subjects 21A and B," Doctor Pam said, adding to someone I did not see, "Return 20B to her room." "Ah yes our gay chap and his now promotion acceptable partner," the voice asked as I felt the prick of a needle. "Correct Sir," Doctor Pam said, "Peter, and Sabrina-Anne." I woke with a start, and then felt Nick's cock pressing against my bum, and rolling my hips against him enjoyed the feeling until he abruptly farted and blundered from the bed, muttering, "Need a piss!" Some minutes later I heard the hiss of the shower, and realised it was time to get up, and begin my 'usual' morning beauty regime. I might have subconsciously recognised that I had only been doing this for less than two weeks, but in my still half asleep mind and it felt like I had been doing this every day of my life. "God I could watch you do that for ever," Nick said stood naked watching me from the bathroom door, smelling of clean skin and shower gel. I felt a purr of pleasure run down my back as I saw his cock sticking out from his groin like the gun of a ship, and shocked myself when I giggled sensually licking my lips, "Mm is that for my breakfast?" Grinning, Nick said, "It is now Julia," he chuckled as he sunk into a chair. Strangely I did not feel any embarrassment as I kissed and worshipped his cock, and carried on with my task even when the maid delivered our or rather Nick's breakfast. Feeling like I had hit the jack pot I felt delighted with my breakfast of fresh cum, and tea, and it was not until later that I felt shiver of confused glee as I looked at the large engagement ring on my finger. Something was bugging me but I could not for the life of me work out why, after all I was getting married soon. The End. Trish 2009. (edited in 2019)

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When we first met my wife and I got to know each other in the intimate sense almost immediately she said right out of the gate that she felt I had far more experience than she did which wasn’t entirely true but of course in a new relationship you have to ask the do’s and don’ts likes and dislikes and one of my likes was the use of sex toys with my partners. It almost given in my experiences that all women enjoyed using sex toys vibrators, dildos etc. and to be honest I had some pretty...

3 years ago
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Bowsette and her new foot pet

This really sucks... It's the worst thing I have ever felt, and it is not really because of the good beating that I have received and how much my body hurts. This is mostly about pride, as a self-proclaimed new hero of the mushroom kingdom I swore that I'd destroy the enemy and free the princess. But there I was, beaten by a few mere weaklings of the koopa and being guided towards their castle, I could take a look to the main gates and see that gloomy aura coming from it. "At the end I didn't...

2 years ago
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College Friends With Benefits 8211 Part 1

This is Rahul, and I am back with another story about friends with benefits. I know it’s been a long time since my last story. But I will make that up with this great story. If you haven’t read my previous stories, then I would suggest you read those first. Well, for my new readers, I am a 21-year-old guy from Odisha. I am around 5 ft 10 in with a 6.5-inch dick of decent thickness. I have brown tanned skin. This happened when our colleges opened after the lockdown. There is this girl Muskan in...

4 years ago
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 8 Farming

Ty and Willow headed upstairs after dinner. Ty made her sit on the bed beside him. “Willow, we have to discuss our relationship and how this is going to work. I know I did the wrong thing encouraging you to sleep with me. You are a breathtaking and desirable woman. But if you were to have a chance of finding a husband, it would be best we didn’t continue to sleep together. Willow looked at him, “So I’m not good enough for you is that it?” Ty rubbed his face and stood. He paced the room and...

3 years ago
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Playing in Bars

Alone on the tiny dance floor, Kristen Fowler’s hips swayed slowly in rhythm to the slow blues the band was playing. Her long tanned legs and flowing blond hair moved like wind and water. The guitar solo sent chills into her soul, reminding her of Jimmy, the way his fingers would dance on the fretboard and on her skin. Jimmy played better lead than this guy, but there was no denying that the guy was good, too good for a seedy little bar in the middle of nowhere. The world was full of guitar...

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In Feet First

In, Feet First It was a bright February morning, he had been out of bed since six preparing his body and hair, and it was now ten o'clock as he sat at the desk in the cramped flat, his freshly manicured hands, with the bright red extended nails, trembled as they broke the seal on the new pack of 10 denier tights. Carefully he pulled them from the pack and doughnutted each leg up to the panty, slowly and deliberately, removing the foam toe separators, placing each of his feet with...

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Equal Shares Ch 03

Chapter 3 It was a month later. Denise and Stan had been on six dates now and were firmly established as real friends and not just as work colleagues. Denise chuckled in her mind about being ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’, but they both didn’t really think of it that way. At least, Stan didn’t. Denise found that she was thinking more and more about the way Stan held his chin in his hand sometimes, or his strange habit of whistling some unknown tune, often out of key, when he was thinking. Her...

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GloryHole Brandi Love 09042021

Brandi Love is a hard working Professional Woman who is on the road a lot. It seemed a Wonderful life until she came home early one time and caught her bastard husband cheating but two can play at that game and so she found out about the Glory Hole. A place where she can show up and never know their name, suck and fuck to her hearts content and then come home to the cheating husband covered in multiple mens cum. What she was not ready for and was not prepared for was how much she was going to...

4 years ago
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a girls view everything has a Horn in Africa

I could hear the water run, so I got up and made my way across to the window and peeled back the curtain, just enough to be able to see out, and not attract attention to my action.I could feel my heart thump in my chest, I had anticipated this moment since I had arrived here, and now it had.I looked down onto the area where the water ran, bathed in the hot afternoon sun, reflecting from the wet stony floor, and onto the bodies of four young black men, of varying heights and body sculpture.My...

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Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns By Tabitha Nava No reprinting of this story may be made without the author's permission. __________________________________________________________________________ Today was the day; my class and I were going to the Carlsbad Caverns. I arrived at the school and I said hi to my best friend Joey. "Are you excited to go to the Caverns today?" Joey practically yelled. I replied, "No." We went to class and sat down; Mrs. Williams stood up and said,...

4 years ago
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Taking A Page Out Of Kaylees Playbook

"I love you, Kaylee," I whispered, placing her hands onto her butt. "You are one in a million," I made clear before I kissed her."I know, you don't have to keep reminding me," she let me know, letting her palms onto my butt as well. "I'm the one that went to your moms to help me be able to please you. I'm the one that got you to say 'Yes.' to me, but yet you keep praising me.""I just want you to remember how lucky I know I am. Even though we never showed each other our naked bodies until that...

3 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 11

We were pushed. Stretched beyond ourselves. Ellora Patil was exactly the right person for two 13 year old kids who already had Bachelors and Masters degrees in English Literature ... and we'd done it in less than a year. We turned 14 in May. It was Tuesday. We took the day off from engineering math. "Ellora?" we said like the twins we are. She looked up from her desk ... we had our heads in the door. "Happy Birthday!" she said. We both looked crestfallen ... we wanted to surprise her...

2 years ago
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Bus Mein Masti

Hi friends, I’m Aarav from Chandigarh and I’m new here and so friend’s if I made any mistakes please ignore it and well my story is about oral sex that I did with a desi girl in bus let me know if you like the story and here now the story begin.. It was the 2 pm and I was just back from the center where I was gone for my examination. I did well into my exam and I was happy I was at 43 sector waiting for bus. I saw the bus and I just book my ticket and get into the bus it was so much rush into...

3 years ago
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First Time Cumming Inside A Guy

So i’d been playing with this local guy a few times now, things were going pretty good, he was older, but attractive, we hit it off pretty good. It was convenient, he was on my way to work so I’d stop in early, climb in bed, get off and get on. I’ve never been much into top’s or bottom’s, I like a good blow job, like to give a blow job, we both leave happy, although I’m a basic rookie at any anal sex, so I never really worried about that. I encounter at hand was the fourth or fifth time we’d...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 5

He returned to his book, as he did not want to disturb any of the other members of the household. He would wait until his wives returned. He was wondering where Jessica had got to, and called through to Sidra. She heard him, and wandered through. “Sidra, where the heck has your mother got to? I haven’t seen her for ages.” “Mum? Oh, she went out to see about something that had come to her attention. I have no idea what it was, but she said she would be some time before she was...

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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

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I Cant Waste Any

I eased the screen door closed trying not to make noise. The summer night air was warm. I looked left then right to make sure the coast was clear. I quickly took off down the side walk. Two blocks later I pulled my phone out. “I’m here where are you?” I muttered under my breath and hit send on the text. Seconds later my phone buzzed with Joel’s reply. “Pulling onto Oak St… be there in a sec.” I typed a quick response and waited in the shadows trying not to be seen. I wore a red and black...

4 years ago
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Super Bowl Forfeit Mother Daughter

Introduction: Continuation of Going (On My) Back to School. Cheryl, a sexy older woman again meets up with her young lover, who is now dating her daughter and brought him home with her. Her hand moved across her body, washing and caressing the soapy body wash against her skin, but soon that wasnt enough. Her nipples were hard so she pinched at one gently and teased it fully erect while her other hand moved down to her groin. It was wet from more than just the hot water from the shower spaying...

4 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 10

I arrived at Kathryn's and Jill came out. She said, "What are you doing to my little sister? She is only a freshman." I said, "Jill I am not looking to marry her. We are just kids. I just turned fifteen and she will be fifteen in a couple months. I think she is cute in both her underwear and her bikini. Besides her sister is one of the prettiest girls in the school and she just wants to be friends. If Kathryn is half as pretty, half as smart and half as nice as her sister, then I will...

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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 12

For reasons that I could entirely appreciate and fully understand, Pete had not been crazy about the idea of using his lovely and rather private family beach house as our planned staged location to fend off a not-so surprise attack by one or two dozen paid mercenary killers. I didn't blame him, I wouldn't normally want bullet holes, not to mention various high explosives going off in my house either! He was frankly quite delighted that his uncle was now gone and he was enjoying the prospect...

2 years ago
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Me and my neighbor

We have a young male neighbor who likes to watch me whenever I come out to sunbathe during the summer months and this year was no exception. I always enjoy teasing Jason by slightly moving about in my lounge chair, making sure I show off my full cleavage and when I wear my string bikini, show off my full tits for him to see. I'll open my legs just enough for him to fantasize about my hot cunt and on an occasion, will slowly caress my crotch, teasing him even more. One day this past month when...

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Grey Area Wades Trade

My phone was ringing.  I fished it out of my pocket and checked the number.  It was Sophie, my wonderful, amazing, beautiful fiancée.  I waited a moment before answering.“Hey, Soph.  How are you?” I asked.“Hello, Mr. Grey,” she replied.  “I’m fine, thank you.  I’m just checking up on how your schedule is coming along?”“Everything is going right to schedule so far, Ms. Dunn.  Just this last client to go.  I’m parked outside, but he’s not quite ready for me to go in.”“I love you, Wade.  So…,...

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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 3 Solitaire

Shortly after high tide Doug paused and floated in place a quarter-mile out from shore, held up by the buoyancy of the salt water and the two life vests. He was certain that he was in the area where the boat had gone down. He dipped his face in the crystalline water and looked around. His diving mask would have helped, but he could see to the sand and coral of the bottom for some distance. He'd been searching for almost an hour now and decided that the boat had been farther out than he...

2 years ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 4

As 7:30 AM approached, my cock began its betrayal. I could not stop thinking about the effect on my body as his cock unloaded in my mouth. I was disgusted with myself as my mind turned to a week ago and tonguing his asshole. I ***********ed a pair of red full panties this morning, I could not believe how excited I was from the feel of silk against my skin. I felt like a hormone crazed teenager. My whole body just tingled all over, like 17 again. The knock at the door startled me. I greeted...

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Master Dragons Desire

Master / Dragon's Desire Once upon a time, in a land that existed long ago, there was a small and quaint little village. This village was absolutely marvelous. It had people that knew everyone in town and they all live in harmony for the good of the village. The men worked the fields and the mills and the women taught the c***dren and cooked the meals. They even had a beautiful little stream that run through the middle of the village. Even the buildings in the village were beautiful. The most...

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Exploring Adam 2

We lay on the floor like that for a long time, just kissing each other gently. I had my hand on his hard cock, just stroking it lightly. "You're not going to still make me sleep on the futon, are you?" Adam whispered, and I shook my head. "Then can I see where I will sleep?" He had only pulled my pants down as far as my knees, so I shucked them the rest of the way off, along with my socks, and led him into the bedroom. The sight of his hard, pert cock bouncing as he walked was intoxicating,...

Gay Male
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Pure Nudism! I’ll go on a whim and say that everyone already knows who nudists are, right? I mean if you do not know that, then what the fuck are you even doing on the internet? Nevertheless, I will explain all the shit you need to know and everything that one can expect from a site called purenudism.com. The sole title of the site should already give you an idea of what you will get to see.As explained by Google, nudists are people who engage in the practice of being naked wherever they can...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 220 Yahikos True Fight 2

(The police and Yahiko stand at one end of the narrow street, behind a low barricade of rubble; Kujiranami at the other.) Kujiranami (charging): BATTOUSAI! Yahiko (thinking): His weapon's different--that's not a cannon. (aloud) Shinichi! What is that! Shin'ichi: It's... It's called a grenade launcher-- (Kujiranami fires, blasting the barricade to pieces. His second shot is aimed at Yahiko on the roof.) Shin'ichi: Though its force and range are less than that of the cannon, its...

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Just For You Daddy part 5

Suddenly Dominick had an idea. Not only would he buy Mandy red roses, but rent a limousine and take her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town, which not only offered a great cuisine but dancing as well. His mind went back to the time they first met. Oh how lovely she looked all decked out in that fancy dress. The outfit not only accented her long slender legs, but set off her sapphire blue eyes as well. He recalled the light scent of her perfume which tickled his senses when they...

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