Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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She followed us for a short distance then turned aside while we continued straight. The hall opened into a foyer and we took a wide stairway to the next level. In one direction was another narrower hall, in the other, beyond the landing, sunlight beaconed in the distance. We went in this direction and walked out onto a verandah. This platform overlooked the clefts farther south of those we had seen earlier. It was a breathtaking view.
"Beautiful," I remarked.
"Yes it is," said a woman's voice.
I turned to find a woman in a silk robe sitting at a marble patio table at one end of the verandah. She rose to her feet and walked toward us, her long raven hair drifting in the breeze, the hard shapely body moving beneath the translucent garment, a work of art. The smile on her finely chiseled face seemed genuine yet somehow secretive. Something about her eyes, the way they roamed over my whole body, made me uncomfortable. I felt like a bird standing before a predatory cat.
"Andrea, this is Kim and you may recognize Horton from his pictures. Horton, Kim, this is my lovely wife, Andrea."
Andrea stopped to embrace Horton briefly. They were the same height. When she turned to me, and took me in her arms, I felt her hands caress me in places I wasn't comfortable with a woman touching.
She drew away to stare into my eyes for a moment before saying, "I'm glad to finally meet you. Horton has had nothing but praise to describe you and I'm glad to see that it wasn't exaggeration. You're taller than I expected."
I had to smile at the strange breathless way she said the last part, as if in awe.
"The family curse," I remarked. "Nothing fits me."
"I don't know, that's a rather stunning outfit," she said, walking slowly around me to see the whole effect. "Very sensual."
When a finger ran down my bare spine, I shivered and moved away. When I turned to face her, she gave me an amused smirk and walked back to the table to take her seat again and don a pair of sunglasses. James urged us to join her, seating me next to her while he and Horton sat on the opposite side of the table. Shortly, Lin appeared with a cut-glass decanter, four pieces of crystal stemware and a covered dish containing finger sandwiches and fresh cut vegetables. She poured four brandies and handed one to each of us. When she gave Andrea hers, the Asian smiled at her and leaned to give her a kiss on the lips. Andrea responded by giving the woman an affectionate pat on the rump before she walked away.
Catching my surprised stare, she smiled and said, "I don't know what I would do without Lin. She runs this household with an iron fist, yet is the most gentle and responsive lover I have ever known."
"Hers is a very sad story," remarked James. "Sold into virtual slavery when she was just a girl because her parents couldn't afford another child, she spent her teenage years in a brothel, servicing soldiers from a nearby army base, seven days a week. She might have eventually been sent to the sweatshops to live the remainder of her life if it hadn't been for Andrea. My wife met her on our first trip to china and was so intrigued by the girl that she found where she was staying and under what circumstances and arranged to buy her contract. We had to work through third parties, because the government wouldn't have allowed Americans to do this directly. After a year, we gained her freedom, and though she can leave at any time, she insists on remaining with us."
"That's terrible," I said. "I mean the way she was treated."
"The terrible thing is, she is only one of thousands," replied Andrea. "We can't save them all. Only two, or three a year, then what do you do with young women who've known nothing but prostitution for the larger part of their lives? You can school them, find them work, help them adapt to a new society, but they always seem to end up in relationships little better than slavery."
"For the last couple of years we've been fostering them with friends, until they develop some independence," said James. "The friends sometimes use them, but it's still a better life than they've known."
"Horton," said Andrea, "Why don't you take one of our stray kittens, unless that would interfere in your relationship with Kim?"
"You know Kim is married to someone else," replied Horton.
"Silly me. I suppose I'd forgotten. So there's no reason for you to refuse one of these sweet young girls to warm your bed and to guide toward a new life in the states."
"Andrea," her husband groaned, "Let the man be. He said in his last letter he was about to move to another city. His life will be too unsettled to take care of a charge the way they should be assisted. Maybe later."
"I don't think I would be comfortable with such an arrangement," Horton frowned. "I'm willing to help where I can, but this is a bit much."
"Just give it some thought," Andrea said with a smile for his benefit.
"I will," he replied, "But don't expect me to change my mind."
I thought to myself, if the women needing homes were anything like Chung Lin, there was no way he would be able to refuse. The conversation turned to the castle and how the Pascal's came to possess it. They were actually the third owners. The main building was originally begun as a monastery by Franciscan monks. When an uprising drove the brotherhood from the island, the place fell into ruin. In the eighteenth century, an eccentric shipping magnate bought the place and finished the building.
He was obsessively fearful of being attacked by pirates, even though no such threat existed and had the battlements erected about the house, turning it into a castle. According to the couple, a troop of mercenaries had once lived full-time in the servant-quarters beneath the house, on constant guard. When the tycoon was killed in a shipwreck, the place stood vacant until the Pascals learned about it and bought it for the taxes owed. After millions in remodeling costs, it was the showplace we now saw.
"It is a beautiful place," I remarked.
"It's a white elephant," replied Andrea. "But James loves it, and our friends never grow tired of exploring the castle and grounds. Believe it or not, we've never seen the entire thing. Probably fully a fourth of it is still unfinished. There are masons and carpenters working somewhere, yet I rarely hear the sound of construction."
"We caution our guests to stick to the finished areas, unless they make a map as they go," James said with a smile. "I would hate to find a mummified body somewhere years from now and realize we had misplaced a friend."
We continued to chat about the house for a while, then Andrea suddenly turned to me and asked, "What has Horton told you about us?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what has he said about our lifestyle? Surely he has mentioned our strange sexual practices?"
"I told her you call yourselves swingers," Horton answered for me.
Andrea nodded, yet continued to look into my eyes as she said, "We enjoy love-making with a variety of people. Sometimes it's very good, other times mediocre, but always interesting. Would you like to watch?"
I frowned and glanced at Horton to see if he thought she were serious. He shrugged, which was no help at all.
"As long as I'm not expected to participate," I replied.
"Of course," smiled Andrea.
When Chung Lin returned for the utensils and to ask for further instructions, Andrea said, "Please prepare my bed and have Lucas join us. You may play with us if you like, Dear. Oh, and see if Dai is free."
Lin smiled and gave her a small bow, saying, "As you wish."
After Lin left us, James told his wife he thought she was very naughty to include the young girl in her escapades.
"She's eighteen and has more sexual experience than both of us combined," she reminded him. "I can't help it if she looks like a child. Besides, Dai enjoys sex with Lucas so much, she'd be hurt if we didn't include her."
"She'll be hurt anyway," James remarked evenly.
"If it worries you so much, you could take part and have her all to yourself," Andrea offered.
"Thanks, but you know I prefer to watch."
Andrea leaned toward him with a slightly contemptuous smile to say, "And that My Dear is why I arrange these little entertainments. If I waited for you to come to my bed, I would never be satisfied."
"Bitch!" he growled.
"Prick!" she snapped, then jumped to her feet and moved quickly around the table.
He pushed his chair back as if he would rise to confront her. Instead, she leaped onto his lap and they began to kiss passionately.
At last, she drew away to look into his eyes and say tenderly, "I hate you."
James smiled in return and said, "I hope Lucas fucks you to death."
"Sweet thought," she replied. "Shall we?"
She stood, offered him her arm, and they strolled into the hallway. Horton and I hurried to catch up with them. They led us to a large bedroom containing a wardrobe and two sofas facing a truly huge canopy bed.
"My God," I swore. "That's amazing."
"It came with the house," James informed us. "I suppose the frame was too large and heavy to steal. The mattress, we had to have specially made."
Andrea took my arm and led me closer saying, "You have to see this. Look here and here, rings for ropes and bindings, on each post, the headboard and foot-board. Someone was into pain as well as pleasure. See the ones higher up? I had James suspend me from those once to see how it felt. Hurt like hell, but when he went down on me, gave me the most incredible rush."
I was examining the intricate woodcarving when Lin entered the room, followed by a tall, very muscular man with long blond hair.
"Kim, Horton, this is Lucas, our perennial guest," said Andrea, running a hand over the swell of his cotton shirt. "We furnish him with the space and equipment to maintain this magnificent prize-winning body and in return, he helps us with our little eccentricities. Lucas, would you mind showing our guests why you are so much in demand at our parties?"
"Not at all," he replied.
While we watched, he unbuttoned his cotton shirt and seemed to burst out of it. I'd never seen such a massively developed body. Every muscle on his torso stood out in amazing detail and when he removed his pants, the same was true below the waist. However, what caught everyone's attention wasn't his fantastic muscles, but the huge bulge in his underwear. When he released this beast, it reached over halfway to his knees and I couldn't have closed my hand around it, even though it was limp. Andrea laughed quietly as I backed away.
"It is intimidating," she remarked. "Unless you've had it buried in your cunt a couple of times. Right, Lin?"
The Asian woman covered her mouth and looked away with an abashed expression. I heard a tiny voice say something in an unknown language that could have been Chinese and everyone glanced toward the doorway where a pretty, young, Asian girl in faded jeans and a tee-shirt stood.
"Come in Dai," called Andrea. "Horton, Kim, this is Xen Dai, my finest discovery. She's small, as you can see, but a bundle of sexual energy. Anyone who has ever made love to her will agree, she's one of a kind."
Dai seemed mystified by all the attention, but judging by the way she smiled at the body-builder and stroked his arm as she walked bye, she wasn't at all intimidated by him. She fell into Andrea's arms and laughed as the woman fondled her body, then kissed her. When Andrea turned her to us and made the introductions, she immediately embraced Horton and kissed him passionately, then turned to me and gave me the same treatment. I'd never been kissed by a woman and though I was shocked, at the same time, I couldn't help but notice how different it felt. Her lips were so soft and yielding, they invited a stronger kiss than I was willing to give. When our lips parted, she smiled at me in a way no preteen girl would have done.
Andrea said something in Chinese, causing the girl to laugh and immediately shuck her shirt, revealing tiny breasts and creamy skin. When her jeans came off, she had no underwear covering her underdeveloped body. She was unmistakably feminine, and she had more curve than the girl of twelve she appeared to be, but her small mound was hairless and barely cleft. She danced about gleefully showing-off her slim legs and body, then bounced onto the bed.
Lin kissed Andrea, then helped her out of her robe. Andrea was as beautiful in body as face, with medium-sized breasts, wide hips, a neat triangle of fur, and heart-shaped ass. When Andrea unzipped her gown and let it fall away, Lin was also completely bare. Her pubic hair grew only on the upper edge of her vaginal crease, making her seem younger than she was, her body slim, her breasts small and firm. Andrea climbed onto the bed, while Lin took Lucas bye the hand and led him to the side. She kneeled before him and took the head of his dick in her mouth, began sucking at it while she stroked his shaft and scrotum.
James motioned us to the nearest sofa and we sat, Horton near one arm, and myself in the middle. To my embarrassment, James removed his own clothing and took his seat beside me.
"I hope you don't mind," he said with a smile, "This always gets me so hot, I've got to pump myself. I figure I might as well be comfortable."
"It's your home," I replied.
Andrea noticed the exchange and whispered something to Dai, who slipped from the bed and ran to her husband. He seemed as surprised as me when the girl pushed his legs apart and began to give him head. Soon she had him stiff as iron and tapped it a couple of times, laughing as it bobbed before her face. Dai suddenly straddled his lap and forced his rod into her bare sex. If he had been reluctant to join the orgy, he wasn't strong enough to resist the pleasure her petite body offered. James gripped her narrow hips and helped her bounce on his erection.
From my vantage point, I could look down at the dick splitting her pink tissues. I could hear the whisper of flesh moving inside damp flesh, and the occasional slap of bare skin as their bodies met. Dai began muttering something in her native language and panting as she peaked. I heard the hiss of inhaled breath and she grimaced as she had one. James broke out in a sweat as he fought to control his reflex to cum. I felt Horton's hand on my stocking-clad thigh and caught it before it could go further, but I didn't push it away.
I glanced toward the bed and stared at Lucas' monster dick, now completely erect. Lin could no longer get it inside her small mouth. Instead, she was slowly licking its length. I was in time to see Lucas take it from her and lift her by her sides. When he had her above his head, she caught his sides with her slim legs and pulled herself against him. With one hand he caught a cheek of her ass and with the other raised his taunt dick, then slowly lowered her onto it. As soon as his penis was lodged against her opening, he began to bounce her upon it. Lin moaned and shook her head as it began to penetrate. He shifted his grip, placing both hands on her hips, slowly sliding her up and down his shaft, letting her take a little more each time.
Lucas stopped for a moment as Lin jerked in his grasp and wailed in the throes of orgasm, then caught her tight against him and pushed hard into her already stressed passage. She screeched and took a couple more inches as he groaned and emptied his nuts into her womb. Cum gushed from around his embedded shaft. After it slowed to a trickle, he took her by the thighs and began to bounce her again. This time he was raising her high and slamming her down as far as she could go. She no longer tried to help him. It was all she could do simply to breath and hold on. Lin's moans became louder, the rocking of her pelvis more violent, as she neared her second orgasm. When she came, it was with a scream of pain and ecstasy. A short time later, she came again, shaking uncontrollably in the big man's grasp.
"Give her to me," demanded Andrea.
Lucas more or less tossed the dazed woman onto the bed where Andrea dragged her toward the center and began to kiss her, working her way toward Line's wet, open vagina. When she was between Line's legs, licking at her sex, Lucas grabbed her ankles and dragged her to the edge of the bed. Andrea held on to Lin and pulled her crotch back to her mouth. He stood behind her legs, hanging from the bed, probed at her pussy until her found her opening, then grasped her hips and forced his meat up her. Andrea hissed her discomfort, but immediately called for him to fuck her hard. While he did so, she spread her feet far apart easing his way.
Meanwhile, Dai was nearing her fourth orgasm, moving faster and bouncing more violently on James' lap. Suddenly James hugged her tightly, holding her against his groin and jerked. I could see something pale and wet splatter the floor before us while the girl clawed at his back and squealed in reaction. After James slumped back on the sofa, exhausted, she sat smiling for a moment with her eyes closed, slowly twisting her pelvis about, then she looked over at Horton and noticed the bulge in his pants. She smiled at him and said something in Chinese. When he didn't reply, she leaped from James' body to the floor before Horton and began to unfasten his pants. Despite his objections, giggling and chattering, she soon dragged his trousers from his legs. She immediately spun about and sat on his lap, she reached beneath her crotch, found his penis and guided it into her wet opening. Grasping his knees, she began slapping her dripping derriere down on his swollen organ.
I couldn't help but laugh at the way he held his arms out at his sides to keep from touching her very active body, while his mouth worked in mute shock. On the bed, Lucas had turned Andrea over and had her ankles propped on his strong shoulders while he pounded her womb. Lin was now squatting over her face, wearing a look of immense pleasure, as her mistress licked rapidly at her drooling pussy and finger-fucked her tight anus. I have to admit, all of this going on around me was definitely having an effect on me. I could feel my panty damp between my legs. I wanted to touch myself there in the worst way.
Horton had given in to his desires and caught Dai's girlish hips, helping her impale herself on his dick. He had eyes only for the sweet rump undulating over his lap. I felt a hand on my bare back and tensed as it caressed the length of my spine. James smiled in a friendly way when I glanced at him.
"I hate to see you left-out," he told me. "Isn't there something I can do for you?"
"I'm sorry," I said. "I'm really too sore to try anything, but thank you anyway."
He leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the mouth before saying, "Please let us know if you change your mind."
James turned his attention to the activities of his wife and her lovers, with a relaxed smile. I heard Horton swear and glanced over in time to see him slamming his crotch against the girl's slim ass. She moaned and trembled as he blasted cum into her small body. When they stopped moving, the girl sighed contentedly and lay back on him, while he muzzled her neck and fondled her small breasts. Dai looked over at me, with a curious expression, then reached to run a small hand over the swell of my breasts. She made a sound of surprise and before I could react, slipped the hand inside my halter and grasped my tit. She seemed intrigued by the size of my bust and soon slipped from Horton's lap to sit close beside me chattering and making sounds of awe.
"What's she saying?" I asked of James.
"She says you have the most wonderful large breasts she had ever felt. She wants to know if you will please let her see them?"
"They're really not that remarkable," I replied, hoping she would lose interest.
"Kim, to a girl who's never seen a breast larger than Andrea's they must look huge. I hope you don't mind, but she's quite insistent."
Dai was trying to peep between my panel and my skin, where her hand rested. I was afraid she might tear it, so I told James to tell her I would unfasten the halter if she removed her hand. She looked on in excited expectation as I reached to release the button holding the garment together. As soon as the halter fell to my waist she gasped and reached to bounce my breasts on her small palms. She smiled and jabbered happily while teasing my nipples to hard points. I didn't need a translation to know that she found my titties extraordinary interesting. When she placed her hand on my thigh and leaned over to rub her face against the skin between my cleavage, I almost drew away. She sniffed at my skin then just as suddenly, lost interest in my breasts. Dai had noticed my stockings.
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Taboo"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....
Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....
Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...
There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed. The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs. Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and there she was with her sign with my name on it, I...
An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...
Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...
For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...
Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....
I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...
FetishCopyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...
Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...
Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...
FantasyWhat can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...
Escort SitesScat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...
Scat Porn SitesHave you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...
Reddit NSFW ListWhat’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...
Premium Scat & Piss PornAs a porn enthusiast, I have seen too much to know that everybody has their favorite mode of smut consumption. Most people, myself included, have a favorite porn tube that somehow seems to always have what they are craving. Others have a preferred photo galleries archive, and others porn games they wouldn’t go a day without playing. Sometimes, dudes even have an ideal VR site. However, there are those days when even your bookmarked videos get you off. Usually, you are craving something more...
Phone Sex Sites``````````Her long chestnut hair was fixed in a pony tail. Her face freshly scrubbed, no make-up. She wore a man's large flannel shirt, yellow and black plaid, her long, shapely legs bare. ``````````We greet by touching fingertips affectionately, touching lips in a brief and conspiratorial kiss. ``````````"I come to you pre-fucked," she said wryly. "He threw a quickie into me this morning. I made him pull out and cum in my mouth, though." ``````````"Yeah?" I said, playfully drawing...
In the morning I woke up, and wondered if it had all been a dream. My come-stained shirt, lying in the corner near the head of my bed, where I had tossed it before getting in, showed one thing- the part about wanking myself was certainly true, but what about the rest? I showered and put on fresh clothes for the day, and a short time later, Tina came to join me at breakfast, straight from her bed, and wearing her nightie and brunch coat. Although as usual, we talked and chattered over...
This story follows directly on from my previous story, Two Fridays – Part 2. Once again, Saturday morning came, and for a second time, I awoke to memories of what my sister Tina and I had done the night before. Had we really fucked each other like that, and taken each other’s cherries? I felt that roller coaster feeling, and then the hardening of my cock, as I lay there, contemplating what Tina and I had got up to, and then after a few moments, I heard a knock, even though my bedroom door...
IncestThis story continues on directly after my previous story, Two Fridays – Part 1. In the morning I woke up, and wondered if it had all been a dream. My come-stained shirt, lying in the corner near the head of my bed, where I had tossed it before getting in, showed one thing- the part about wanking myself was certainly true, but what about the rest? I showered and put on fresh clothes for the day, and a short time later, Tina came to join me at breakfast, straight from her bed, and wearing her...
IncestI love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...
ReluctanceI was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...
Fetishmrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...
Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...
HumorI checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...
(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...
By Phyllisroger Teenaged boys in school attend classes, and have lots of recess, lunch and free time and what do they talk about? You remember, surely. They talk about girls, of course, and lots of girls and all the stories made up and real and my well-endowed son, Eric, was no different except now he was different. He had a real story to tell and it wasn’t long after I sucked every bit of sperm from his long, stiff, hot cock that he began to tell his friends. I should have guessed this...
My dad didn't congratulate me in front of the principal, but he wasn't mad at me since those two suckers were bullying an asian freshmen, and since I can't stand it, well I just prevented them to put the poor kid’s head in the toilet and I basically just threw a punch to one and shove the other to get to the scared kid. Then after some threats, we ended up in the principal's office and the nephew said I called him a “nigger” which I never used and it escalated from there. After an...
An opening. A couch against the wall. Some people are watching and laughing, others are steering clear and pretending nothing's going on. A guy with bleached blonde hair and gym-toned arms lies naked on the couch; a young woman in her bra and panties fellates him at one end of the couch; another young woman as naked as he sits on his face, gyrating. The cell phone pushes right up to a close up on the face-sitting woman. Her eyes, when they flutter open, are glazed over and red. She's on...
The sun slowly sinks below the horizon as we sit in silence on the isolated beach. Late October, a beautiful time for the shore. True companions of the sea come to the sandy dunes at this time of year to listen to the Divine power whisper truth across the foam that settles at your toes. Day stars glitter and captivate you to open your soul to all that is to be in this universe. Only those who are of the sea come here and listen. There is no need for us to talk. We hear each other clearly,...
Ms. Marietta Miller was a slave driver in the old sense. She tolerated no slacking, didn’t allow breaks and made you redo your work if she found just the tiniest mistake. And all this even though she wasn’t old -- in fact, she was the second youngest in the office, which didn’t make things easier. With her twenty-five years -- ten less that my thirty-five, for example -- she often rubbed us the wrong way, but there was nothing we could do about it. Mr. McCormack was hardly ever in the office,...