Stranger From A Tram - Part Two. free porn video

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After several minutes of tender contact, the girl pulled gently away and smiled.

“I know it was you,” she said.

The woman blushed as bright as her flame-red hair.

“I didn't stop using the tram because of you,” she continued. “It was the men. Almost every day a man would grope me and as much as I have nothing against men, I have slept with a few after all, I don't want them treating me like their own property. Someone to be mauled as they feel like.”

The woman looked abashed.

“But isn't that what I did?” she said quietly.

“Yes,” the girl agreed. “You shouldn't have, any more than they did but somehow it felt different. I don't know why. Perhaps it was because it was something new. I have slept with girls before they were friends, are friends. They are like me and it is just something we do, how we are but you...”

She paused and the woman waited nervously, heart thumping, not sure what to expect.

The girl didn't elaborate but instead leaned forward and pressed her lips against those of the woman who responded eagerly.

The kiss was passionate, breathless. The silence broken only by the sound of their mouths licking at sucking at each other.

They separated and each took a deep breath. The girl sat back.


“Well what?” the woman asked, puzzled.

“You've seen all I have to offer...”

“Oh,” the woman blushed again. “You want...”

The girl nodded.

“But I...”

The girl raised an eyebrow.

“I, I've never undressed in front of anyone but my husband and even then, rarely.”

The girl shrugged.

“If you don't want to...” she began.

“Yes. Yes, I do,” the woman assured her. “I'm just...”

She didn't finish but got to her feet and looked down at the girl who leaned back on her arms, crossed her ankles and smiled.

With trepidation, the woman began to unfasten her cream satin blouse, slowly and with slightly trembling hands.

First, she pulled the bow at her neck and let the long ribbons fall and then, button after button until she reached the waistband of her black pencil skirt.

She paused and looked at the girl who was watching with a faraway look in her eyes and an enigmatic smile.

Now the woman felt at ease, knowing that this was what she wanted. Knowing that she had suddenly found the one thing that had been missing from her life and she pulled gently at the sheer fabric, freeing it from the constraints of he skirt.

Once loose she unbuttoned first one cuff and then the other and with a slight shimmy of her shoulders, allowed the thin garment to slip to the floor behind her.

For a moment she paused and looked at the girl whose nipples revealed the level of excitement that she couldn't have concealed even if she had wanted to.

Without taking her eyes from the girl's beautiful face she reached behind and released the button at the back of her skirt and lowered the zip.

Slowly she pushed it down, wiggling her thighs just a little to allow the satin lining to slip easily over her black nylon stockings.

One thing the woman was happy for was her love of nice lingerie. She would never leave the apartment without being immaculately dressed and that included her underwear.

The girl was now leaning back on just one hand, her legs uncrossed and slightly parted. The other was gently toying between her thighs as she watched intently, her fingers absently moving slowly around her clitoris partially hidden in the chestnut curls. Even so, the woman could see the moisture glistening as she moved.

She could feel her own excitement building. What she was doing was the most erotic thing she had ever done and she was so hot that she was certain that her whole body must have been scarlet.


The girl didn't speak but her excitement was obvious and so, the woman reached behind her back and carefully released the three hooks that held her sheer white lace bra with its black trim.

The sudden release of the final hook sent a tingle right through her but she paused, only the loose straps keeping her modesty intact.

She could barely breathe but she forced a deep intake of breath and took the plunge, shucking the straps from her shoulders and allowing the now redundant garment to fall to the floor at her feet.

The air on her now naked breasts was exhilarating and her nipples strained to emulate those of her companion.

Although in her mid-forties, the woman was proud of her figure. Her breasts, whilst a little larger than those of this sweet young woman at her feet where nicely proportioned to her slim frame and still firm but her mind was not on them. She was drifting away into a surreal world where nothing but she and the girl existed and now she was so excited that she was willing for anything and everything that she could think of... and maybe even things that she could not!


Suddenly, she snapped back into reality. All that remained now were her sheer lace panties and although her bright red triangle was clearly visible they were the last barrier to her complete freedom.

She waited, unsure of herself.

Sensing her insecurity the girl looked up at her, a look of desire in her eyes as though willing her to finish what she had begun.

Immediately the woman submitted and hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband and eased the now damp briefs over her slim hips and released them.

The girl gasped in awe.

“You are beautiful...” she breathed as she got to her knees and studied the woman's form.

Twice her own age and yet still so sexy and perfect.

The woman blushed even more, if that was possible. She stood still, hands by her sides as the girl's eyes explored every inch of her body and she felt herself flooding as they came to rest upon the flash of red curls at the top of her legs.

“You really think so?” she asked.

She had always done her best to look good but standing naked save for her stockings and garter belt, in front of this much younger liberated woman she was suddenly filled with self-doubt.

“Yes,” the girl nodded. “Yes, I do. You are gorgeous. I want to see everything.”


“Of course, everything,” the girl repeated. “Turn around.”

Obediently, the woman did as she was bid and turned her back to the girl.

She heard a whispered, almost hissed, “Perfect!”

She smiled with joy.

“Part your feet a little and bend forward.”

She did as she was asked and leaned forward just a little.

“More,” the girl demanded gently. “Put your hands on the couch.”

The woman complied but was painfully aware that as she leaned further forwards her buttocks no longer hid the tight eye of her anus and her sex was revealed like never before.

She closed her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment but the wantonness she felt kept her from running to her room and shutting the world out.


After what seemed like forever but was, in reality, no more than a few seconds she felt the girl's warm breath close to her. She held her own breath, afraid to move even the slightest twitch.

And then...

The girl brought her face close, closer until her lips touched the hot moist leaves of the woman's labia. Extending her tongue, she ran it slowly along the moist valley until it reached the open and inviting entrance where it lingered, delving into the depths, savouring the copious fluid that revealed the woman's desire.

She didn't stop there but pressed her lips tightly around the opening and extended her tongue to its fullest, pushing easily inside.

The woman groaned.


Her husband had never done that to her. Sex with him had always been a five-minute affair. He would come home, usually drunk and late. He would pull her panties to one side and screw her, for that was all it was, a screw, a hump. Within a minute or two of rough thrusting, he would deposit his seed inside her, roll off and fall immediately to sleep, grunting and snoring like the pig that he was. So many times she had been grateful for that invention now know simply as 'The Pill'.

She had lost count of the number of time she had masturbated, dreaming of a moment just like this. Never imagining for a moment that one day, this day, her fantasy would become reality.


For her own part, the girl also had never realised how real sex could be. She had often had sex both with men, well, little more than boys really, and women of her own age. They had played at it with no inhibitions as the freedoms of the sixties and seventies had allowed, nay, encouraged.

This was different though. This wasn't just sex. There was something more here, something she couldn't quite explain.

With her friends, she would do everything they wanted but with little feeling, a means to an orgasm and nothing more but here, now, she wanted this woman, a woman she didn't even know, to experience her. She wanted her to really enjoy what they did and she wanted to enjoy her too. An orgasm was no longer the goal, her own pleasure now secondary. The joy of giving real pleasure was her ultimate aim now and she wondered, was this strange feeling how love began?


She sensed that the woman wasn't going to last much longer. She could feel the soft flesh pulsing around her tongue and she pressed her thumb against the woman's clitoris, firmly rotating and teasing.

A deep guttural sound was building from deep within, a sound that was uncontrolled and as natural as the earth and the sky.

The woman had let her arms relax and her head was now pressing into the deep cushions as she pushed back against the invasion that was taking her beyond her own wildest dreams.

She couldn't hold back any longer, didn't want to hold back and her back arched as her muscles contracted and tensed. She couldn't stop the growl that built into a crescendo of intimate release causing her to twitch and buck and cry out at the pure joy she was now experiencing.


For as long as she could, the girl kept her mouth pressed tightly against the woman's pulsating sex, swallowing the moisture that she expelled in her roller-coaster ride of emotions.

The woman's hand was holding her own tightly against herself and she stopped only when the woman's knees finally gave way and she sank to the floor, panting and sobbing.

The woman turned and sat back against the front of the sofa, her eyes moistened with the unexpected emotion and her hands pressed tightly against her sex as though holding on to those final lingering moments.

The girl sat back on her heels, waiting, smiling and the woman looked at her silently.

Without a word, the woman leaned forward and took the girl's face in her hands and their lips met.


After a minute, the woman stood, holding the girl's hand.

“Come on,” she said and guided her towards her bedroom.

The bed was large and inviting and the woman climbed upon it pulling the girl beside her.

“I want to experience everything,” she said. “I want to learn, to experience all the things I have missed out on over the years.”

The girl giggled.

“Maybe I will learn too.”

Without further ado, the woman pushed the girl gently back onto the bed and knelt astride her. Now it was her turn to take control.

She had been fascinated by the girl's nipples and now she took one in her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue. She felt it expand and sucked harder, drawing it into her mouth along with the majority of her breast.

Although small, the girl's breasts were exceptionally sensitive and in no time she was squirming with pleasure but when the woman began to squeeze the other, she couldn't control herself.

“Oh yes, Oh yes... Mmm...”

Encouraged, the woman gripped tightly with her teeth and pulled as far as she dared, the pliant flesh stretched to its limit.

The girl reached down and began to rub herself, slowly at first and then more urgently as the desire within her built up like a volcano waiting to erupt.

The woman slowly relaxed her grip, allowing her nipple to scrape slowly through her teeth and nipping the very tip before sucking her back inside.

Between finger and thumb, she squeezed and twisted the other as hard as she could which sent a shockwave crashing through the girl's already sensitive body, down towards her burning sex.

“Harder!” she cried, “Harder! I'm cumming!”

The woman obliged and clamped down with her teeth whilst simultaneously squeezing the other as hard as she could.

“Yesss....” the girl cried out. “Yesss...” as her fingers jammed into her own pussy.

The woman brought her knee up between the girl's legs and pressed it hard against her allowing her to push with an inhuman strength.


As the girl sank back into the soft quilt, the woman looked down at her knee. It was coated with the slick juices of the girl's release. She reached down and took some on her finger then raised it to her lips. It tasted good, like nothing she had tasted before. It had never occurred to her to taste her own.

Sliding down the bed she touched her tongue to the source of the nectar and began to lap up every little drop. She wanted more.

The girl gasped aloud.

“Oh my,” she said. “Don't stop...”

Still sensitive the girl began to writhe under her ministrations, raising her hips and pushing against the woman's inquisitive tongue.

“Don't stop,” she repeated. “Don't stoppp...”

Again the girl's back arched and she cried out but this time, each time the woman sucked or lapped at her streaming sex she twitched violently until she could take no more and put her hand against the woman's head, holding it against her until the final spasm subsided.


They lay in silence, entwined in each other's arms, bodies shiny moist in the evening light streaming through the window.

It was the girl who spoke first.

She turned to face the woman and kissed her gently.

“Thank you,” she said simply.

“For what?” the woman asked. “It should be me thanking you.”

The girl chuckled.

“For showing me the way.”

“You lost me, Hun. What have I done that you haven't done before?”

“You showed me that there is more to sex than, well,” she shrugged. “... Sex.”

The woman frowned.

“I don't understand,” she said.

“I told you that I have sex with my friends but that is all it is, just sex. A bit of fun. A release when we are horny, that's all. This was different, special. I could feel it, right here inside,” she pressed her fist against her chest. “I have never cum like that, not ever. Didn't you feel it too?”

The woman pondered the idea.

“Honey, I don't know what the hell I felt but you are right, there was something. Maybe it was something we both needed for different reasons, I don't know.”

“Do you think that was it, then? A gap that needed filling?”

“I... I'm not sure what to think. It all happened so suddenly.”

The girl looked up with sadness in her eyes.

“Was it just sex for you, then?”

The woman gazed at her.

“Aww, hell, Honey. No, of course not! It was wonderful. Unexpected and wonderful. I didn't bring you here to seduce you. I pinched your bum because... hell, I don't know why but didn't expect it to lead to this.”

The girl sat up and swung her feet to the floor. She waited a moment and then stood.

“I'm sorry,” she said quietly and then walked towards the living room.

The woman sat up.

“Honey, wait! Don't go.”

The girl stopped but didn't turn back.

The woman continued.

“It was special, Baby, I promise you. It was just such a surprise. I never expected it to feel the way it did. It will take a while to figure it out but honestly, it was special. Very special.”

“You mean it?”

“Yes, Honey, I mean it. Now come back to bed. Besides, your clothes won't be dry yet.”

The girl smiled to herself and walked back.

She paused beside the bed and looked down at the woman.

“Carly,” she said, suddenly.

The woman frowned.


“My name,” she explained. “Carly.”

The woman laughed aloud, a happy laugh.

“Of course, how silly of me.”

A moment.

“I like that. Carly. A nice name.”

Another pause and then, when the girl didn't move,

“Oh, erm, Margaret.”

The girl held out her hand and the woman took it.

“Pleased to meet you, Margaret,” she said and then tilted her head to one side as though considering something important. “Can I call you, Mags?”

For the first time in her life, the woman found herself totally at ease and nodded, smiling broadly as she decided it was time for a totally new beginning.

“Yes, Carly,” she agreed. “You can.”


“She always walked to work.

With her dress flats in her large bag and a good pair of walking shoes.

Normally, she'd take the tram on days like today.

She doesn't anymore.

Now she puts rubber booties over her sneakers and walks to work.

Besides, the tram was always overcrowded on rainy days.

Once, too many times, a stranger had groped her backside.

She never knew who exactly but someone always seemed to have a slimy smile.

The last straw was when she turned around one day.

Behind her, grinning, was a woman.

Now she always walks to work.”


Although he refuses to take any credit, this tale was still inspired and encouraged by Meredith!






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Stranger Inside My Wife

It began with a stranger joining us around our campfire at an Army Corp of Engineers campground in Kentucky. He told my wife she has amazing eyes. As Dave and I sat with a group of other campers, my wife and this guy continued chatting and appearing to get closer together. At first, his hands softly rubbed my wife's lower legs over her jeans. I could not really hear their conversation, but it was apparent they were deeply attracted to each other. As the evening continued, his hands moved...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

3 years ago
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A Trampoline And Teenage Girls

A Trampoline And Teenage Girls I have two beautiful teenage daughters. Bethany is fourteen years old and Chloe is thirteen years old. My lovely wife is thirty-five years old while I am thirty-eight. We live in a development where almost everyone is our age with children about the age of our children. Our daughters are very pretty and very popular so we have an abundance of teenage girls around the house constantly. Then I bought the best trampoline that money could buy. It was huge...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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Stranger in the DarkChapter 3 Youve Got Mail

After tossing and turning all night, I went in search of coffee. I found everyone in the kitchen. Brie and Jack were at the breakfast table, a laptop and a couple of books open in front of them. Fish was sitting at the kitchen island, watching Eddie make eggs and toast. I went straight to the coffeepot. Eddie handed me my favorite huge mug, and I filled it to the brim. The first sip was hot and tasted oh, so good. I closed my eyes and savored it. “Hey, Tess?” I opened my eyes and looked at...

1 year ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

4 years ago
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Stranger Bhabhi Ke Sath Rough Sex

Hello Friends kaise ho, Mai aapka story teller Rajeev dubara aaya hu apni new story leke.Meri pichli 2no story Wechat se room tak and teenage ladki ko blackmail krke choda ko aap sabne bhut acha response dia uske lie mai aapko thanks bolta hu. Aaj mai aapko bataung ek married bhabhi ki story jiski age 35 jo ki Indian sex story se hi mili muje, Usne mujse kaise chudwaya ye padhiye aage story thodi lambi hai but padhna jarur isko padh ke aapko jarur maja aaega. Again meri Wechat ID hai...

2 years ago
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Stranger Things Have Happened

“Oh God!” she screamed as he pounded her pussy from behind. Sure she’s had doggy sex before, but never like this. Maybe it’s that he’s a stranger; maybe it’s that they’re in a very public place and anybody could find them at any time. She never knew it could be like this, this good. Now that she knows what she‘s missing she doesn’t know if she could ever go back. Go back to missionary with her boring husband. The thought alone simply repulsed her so she focused on the wonderful feelings this...

1 year ago
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Stranger Than Fiction

STRANGER THAN FICTIONby VelvetgloveIntroduction to Part One?The truth is rarely pure, and never simple? (Oscar Wilde)This is a true story. Truth can sometimes be, as they say, ‘stranger than fiction’. During 2009, I have received many emails and messages enquiring whether I have given up writing stories and why I stopped posting. I apologise now to all those to whom I never replied. What follows will hopefully make the reason obvious – in short, I have had better things to do than write !Do not...

2 years ago
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Stranger satisfies wife

To me dout anywhere with my beautiful and vivacious wife provides enormous excitement mostly because of the attention she gets from prying eyes. Malavika is 21 and I am 24, but some friends say we look much younger. I get very stimulated watching men of all ages staring at her and trying to get a good look. I don’t need to think hard, to guess what these boys and men imagine while eyeing my wife. Sometimes in a place like a shop or park I will opt to stand at a distance and to try to see how...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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Stranger in the bar

Hey Phil. As I mentioned we have had several adventures that are worth telling about. I'm glad you're all ears because I have absolutely no one else in the whole world I could tell about our nasty fun and sometimes you just gotta tell someone. This session is about a trip to Patrick's in the Gaslamp district of SD. It's really not that big of a deal, but it was really exciting for us. We got a room and went to Patrick's to listen to some music and be ready for anything interesting to happen. We...

3 years ago
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Stranger Ch 01

Rosalie sighed as she ran around her flat, picking up the things she would need for the day. ‘…Mobile, keys, wallet,’ she murmured to herself, carelessly throwing the items into her bag. With one last glance around her apartment, she grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and left. Leaving her apartment block, she heard a ringing coming from her bag, and rummaged around for a while before pulling out her cell phone. ‘Yes?’ she answered impatiently ‘Nice to hear from you too Rose,’ came the...

2 years ago
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Stranger Affair

We met in a chat room, and it turns out we're both married and fantasized about being with a total stranger. I've had a couple one-night stands, but the thought of meeting a married woman just for sex was somehow erotic and naughty and intoxicatingly sensual. Long story short, we had an incredibly hot cyber-fuck and decided to meet and make it happen for real.She lives in South Carolina, so we decided to meet in the middle, at the SC welcome center on I-77. It was a warm evening, so I was...

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Stranger In The Rain

Ladies, if you like this story, and want to exchange more like this, please email me at The rain had continued all day. Standing at his office window, he looked at the street below. It was already flooded. This could easily get worse, he thought. He was the last one left at the office. As the director, he never left before all his employees had already left. Deciding to call it a day, he shut down the office and hurried to his parked car, holding his office bag and newspaper over his head....

2 years ago
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Stranger Fucking An Engineer

Thanks for the very good responses. After reading my stories. I got a mail from a couple. Their name is Saravanan and Jothy (Names changed considering their privacy – I have to keep the things secret you know. That’s good for them and I have to live up to their trust over me). Both are working for IT sectors in Chennai. They are 32 and 28 years old. Jothy looks great. She is fair in complex of 34-26-34 size. Very charming face and rosy lips. Whoever looks her, will like to have sex with her...

3 years ago
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Stranger in a Strange World

STRANGER IN A STRANGE WORLD By Deputy Duffy It was a cool early summer night as Bobbie Sue walked along the beach road.She was frantically searching for the small nightclub her cousin's band wasperforming at, but she just couldn't seem to find it. She was walking and walking-- wishing that she had written down the club's name and directions, but hercousin Amy had made it sound so easy. "Oh god! Where am I?" She scanned up at the buildings that all seemingly looked the same. BobbieSue...

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Stranger in the Bathroom at Work

When the government's bonus unemployment money dried up back in July, I at first reassured myself more would come in. But eventually I had to face reality and start looking for work. Success came in the form of a call from a local restaurant I'd worked at a couple years ago and who knew me. They offered me a position at the front, sending out orders, dealing with customers and other menial, but not unpleasant tasks. One of my favorite parts of working a job like this has always been (I...

3 years ago
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Stranger On A Beach

I tugged at my wicked weasel micro bikini bottoms that Terry, my partner, had bought especially for this holiday as I sat on the hotel sunbed on the Spanish beach. The tiny thin bit of material ridding deep up into my arse crack, splitting my large fat pussy lips apart.It was annoying the shit out of me. I can't believe I let Terry sweet-talk me into wearing the ridiculous, tiny swimsuits to the beach today. He had worked his charm on me, telling me how hot I looked and that I should live a...

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Topless Trampoline Jumping

Topless Trampoline Jumping My sister had her cheerleading squad over to sunbathe and swim in our pool. I wasn’t invited but Mom made me come out and pretend to be useful. I got them drinks like a waiter and then I picked up after them like a garbage collector. I listened to their shit about other girls, other guys, and then about one another. “My tits are bigger than yours.” “Yeah but mine are firmer than yours.” “Will you guys stop. Everyone knows my tits are what all of...

3 years ago
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The Trampoline

Max bounces his best mate’s daughter....“I’ll grab you a beer while this double matches finishes” I heard Toby say with his head in the bar fridge. Then after a truck load of expletives he added: “I kill the frickin prick.”Well not literally but I wouldn’t want to be his son Jayden when he got back from his afternoon of booze, sun and surfin.“Sorry Max” said Toby playing genial host again, “I’ll go to the bottle shop and get some cold’ll be twenty minutes....Enjoy watching the...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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Stranger in a bar part 2

We entered her room and she pushed me towards the double bed. “Wait here I’ll be right back” she said as she went towards the bathroom. I looked around the room and saw with some concern that there two sets of luggage. “Are you staying here with someone else” I called to her. “ Yes but don’t worry it’s only Hayley from work and she’ll be gone ages”. That was a relief. Helen came out of the bathroom in a cream coloured lacy vest and matching French knickers. Fuck me she looked hot. Her...

4 years ago
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Stranger Sex Part 1

Arthur was staying up late again. At 34 he knew he should be in bed spooning with his wife of ten years. But tonight, like so many nights, the thought of her warm curvy sleepy body did nothing to offset the need to follow his curiosity with the women who like to stay up late in the chat rooms. Never one for typing, these weren’t the web chat rooms but the premium phone lines. And though he was having hell hiding the bills, it was worth it! Making an illicit connection with a stranger and seeing...

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Stranger fucks my wife part 3

I was in a panic tony is still in the house I dont know what to do I just froze the only fiber in my being that was wide awake and ready to do work was my cock lol. She opens the gate, she takes out her keys, she opens the front door and as we go inside I see theres a light on and it's coming from her bedroom. It just hut me, a way to warm Tony to hide. I started to talk loud enough to make sure he heard it was me inside. I took out my phone and made pretend I was calling someone. I didnt call...

1 year ago
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Stranger fucks my cousins wife part 2

So I started talking to this black dude thirsting after my cousins wife. I was up front with him, I told him she isnt my wife shes my cousins and that I'm in the same boat as he is. I also been wanting to fuck her. So this turns into a jerk off buddy relationship, we exchange kiks and I start sending him all the pics I have of her, perv pics, panty pics anything and everything i have of her so we can jerk off to her. We would pretend I was thraot fucking her while he was balls deep in her...

2 years ago
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Stranger Housewive In Delhi Who Had Shown Me Heaven 8211 Part II

When she was wiping my body from the front she marked the bulge on my jeans. I tried my best not to show it to her but it was visible & I saw a naughty smile on her face….She told me to open my shoes & be comfortable & went to kitchen. I was seating in her drawing room watching the TV..I had no interest in TV by then as I was so much excited that I want to masturbate. After 5 mins she came & sat just next to me. I was still controlling myself. She asked me the normal questions which girls...

2 years ago
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Stranger Wanking 8211 Part II

Hi! I hope you all liked my last story “Stranger Wanking” and “Fucked By Beast, I was very stressed out by working on my project the whole day. It was nine in the night and wanted to watch a movie n decided to watch murder2. The show was at 10.30 in a nearby multiplex as it was rainy week I had hardly any good clothes to wear so I wore my gym clothes white muscle tee and grey track pants. I had spicy sizzler for dinner in the mall it very cold as the whole day it kept raining and still it was...

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