Semina Vitae Ten free porn video

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Nine Thirty PM at the Foshay

The elevator ride and the walk to the room were filled with banter and laughter over Mary’s prank. John and Mack could not be more pleased with Mary at the moment. There was no doubt that she had left all the women wishing they were her and all the men wishing they were either Mack or John tonight.

As they entered the hotel room, Mack walked over to the bureau and pressed the record button on the stationary camera and then he checked that the handheld camera was ready.

“The other day John asked me to think about the time when we returned to the room and before we were in bed together. This is the time, he said, when I should know how I want the evening to begin. He said, "Mary will have the greater say in future events but this is your time, Mack, to decide how the adventure starts".

“Mary, will you please stand in the middle of the room?”

Mack was showing her off again. In truth, she wanted her husband to give her to John--like a gift. She moved to the middle of the open space.

Mack kicked off his shoes and sat on the bed with his back resting against the pillows and the head board. His erection had vanished someplace between the Prohibition Bar and getting off the elevator. He looked over at Mary and then at John.

“John, behold my wife, Mary. She has agreed that I may gift her to another man. Over the past few weeks as you know, Mary and I decided you should receive this gift. This is a special gift because Mary has not experienced any man but me. She is my partner in life. I treasure her. You know what I mean when I say that you are to protect her treasures and provide for her pleasures. Over this past week, we enjoyed a marriage adventure to prepare for this evening. It is now here and I would like you to unwrap my gift… our gift… my wife. Please remove my wife’s dress.”

John moved behind Mary and unfastened her dress. He pushed the shoulder straps forward. With a shrug and a twist and a wiggle from Mary, her dress fell to the floor. She stepped out of it and stood in her panties and lace-up heels in front of both men. She had been waiting for this moment. She had known Mack would show her off to John. Her shoulders were back, both nipples erect; she stood like a queen under the eyes of her public. She was Mack’s gift to John, and this was her regal moment to shine. She had a role to play.

John's eyes examined Mary’s physical beauty. Another man’s wife was being presented to him, gifted to him, given to him, to be pleasured, and to give pleasure in return. She was attractive, her hair healthy, her breasts full, her nipples hard, and her panty kept secret all the treasure that awaited him. Her thighs and ass were inviting and she stood on a pair of shapely legs wrapped in sexy lace-up shoes. John’s cock responded. Mary was more than a gift, she was a prize.

Mack looked over from the bed and watched as John inspected his wife. Mack could tell Mary was enjoying the moment just as much as he was.

“Come join me in bed, Mare. Keep the heels on.” Mary nestled her back against Mack’s body. Facing John, her heel points embedded in the bedspread. She stretched out her legs but held them together. Her panty highlighted her mound and the bulge added to her sensuality.

John stood motionless in the room and quietly waited for Mack. It was an honor when a husband gifted his wife like this. John’s life as a Bull was never about money or conquest or orgasms. Those were benefits. For John, the invitation to be a sexual provider in a marriage was his honor and reward. He loved married women. It was a husband’s invitation that made it an honor; it was the wife’s acceptance that made it a memorable reward.

Mack held Mary in his arms and caressed her breasts. He rolled her nipples under John’s gaze. Mack wanted John to see that Mary was his gift to him just as much as he wanted Mary to know that he was arousing her for John.

Mack was counting coup on John again. Mary was his mate, his treasure, his sexual provider and he was branding her with every caress. John was a guest. A special guest, for sure, but still a guest. And as a guest, John had a role to play.

John waited. He waited for a signal. The best bull and couple relationships began this way. A husband who loved his wife had a certain way of presenting his wife to another man. A husband who was indifferent was soon divorced. Some husbands were ceremonial, others reverent, and others playful.

John knew this but Mack and Mary did not. Mack was simply doing what Mack thought was right for Mary and himself. And what he was doing was exactly right for a long term relationship. John sensed he could become a surrogate husband for Mary. It was what he had hoped. To have Mack appoint him and to have Mary accept him as a sexual provider would be the best of gifts. He loved married women.

“John, please remove my wife’s panties and hand them to me.” Mary wetted herself almost immediately. Mack was allowing another man to see her pussy. Mary anticipated John gently stripping her panty from her.

John knelt on the bed. This was promising. Mary was leaning against Mack while Mack rolled her nipples. Now Mack was giving permission; not permission, really, but giving direction to John to remove his wife’s panties. John noted Mack was not using Mary’s name. He was saying “my wife” to convey it was personal and it was something he treasured. His wife.

John slid his fingers underneath the waistband of her panty. Mary lifted her hips and let John draw her panties past her hips, down her legs, and off her feet. John avoided getting her panty caught on her shoes. John touched her panties to his nose and smelled the Chanel No 5. He looked into Mary’s eyes and signaled his approval for the scent she had chosen. John handed the panty to Mack.

John rubbed the silk panty across her nipples to highlight the sexuality of it.

“Mary, open your legs wide. Show John your sex“.

Sweet Jesus.

This was what she wanted: a command from Mack. Mack, as her mate, showing her sexually to another man, not just any man, but to a man he himself considered an equal. Her body might as well have been struck by lightning. She tensed. Every sense of hers was alert. She smelled the cologne on Mack, she felt his heart pounding against her back; she spread her legs and heard the rustle of bed clothing. Her heels splayed outward exposing the pleasure that lay between her thighs. Mary’s legs were open wide and she became available to John.

Mary was so wet. This was happening. Mack was moments away from allowing another man access to her pussy. She nestled deeper into Mack, anticipating John pleasuring her. Mary was ready to be shared, ready to commit herself, and ready to surrender sexually to the two men in the room.

“Come touch my wife’s pussy, John.”

The blood rushed to Mary’s labia and clit the moment she heard what John said. John placed his face within inches of Mary’s pussy. He smelled her scent. He felt her heat. He placed his right hand on her vulva and caressed her mound in large and slow circles from the outside in. He paid attention to her movements and to her breathing. He was learning how she wanted to be touched. He moved his fingertips lightly to the outside of Mary’s vulva and worked his way to the space between her anus and her opening. He varied the pressure of the massage and the size of the circles. Mary was tense. She was tight with anticipation.

There was no hurry here. This was excitation and preparation. John penetrated her with one finger and pulled down on the bottom of her opening and held it for a moment. Then he slid his finger out keeping pressure on the bottom of her pussy. Then he re-inserted his finger high in her pussy and repeated the maneuver. Not quite scooping down the inside of her but he did curl his finger at the bottom as he removed it. John was waiting for that moment when the tissue under her opening relaxed and engorged with blood. In six strokes, John felt Mary’s opening soften, then loosen. He knew Mary was ready. He held a labial lip between his fingers and gently rolled it, massaging it, relaxing it, releasing it. Mary melted under his touch. Her pudendum opened like a flower. This was the signal to John; the signal of Mary’s acceptance.

John moved his face closer to Mary’s sex and let his ears brush the inside of Mary’s thighs. His nose touched her clitoral hood. Cleopatra’s nose lay just underneath. He again caught the scent of Chanel on Mary’s wheat. He inhaled deeply to let Mary know that he accepted her gift. He inhaled again and then he blew softly across her ‘scaped wheat and watched the individual hairs ripple under his breath. He nuzzled Mary, rubbing the tip of his nose against Cleopatra’s nose in an Eskimo kiss.

Mary was so ready for John to lick her. She wanted to be licked, deliciously licked, and to have this man lick her silly if he could. She moved her hips as an invitation to John and John teased her with another clitoral stroke of his nose.

“John, please look into my wife’s eyes. Mary, put your arms over your head and around the back of my neck.”

Mary and John looked quizzically at Mack before complying.

“Our marriage adventure this week has been incredible. We have explored and expanded our marital boundaries in ways we never considered. John, you are a good man and you know more about our intimacy than we do and you have been an excellent guide. I want to take this relationship a little farther than a single night. I want a bond between us as friends. I could have waited until the evening was over or until tomorrow but this is the moment when there should be an acknowledgement of what I hope the three of us will have as a relationship tonight and perhaps beyond.”

Mack paused for a moment, took a breath, and then continued.

“Mary, do you fully accept John within the confines of our marriage as a sexual provider? Will you allow him to treasure you and pleasure you; will you honor him and provide for his sexual needs and desires in the same way that you provide for mine? Will you freely give your body to the union of the three of us in the most intimate manner tonight and in the future?”

Mary turned her head and looked up at Mack; first, to judge the truthfulness of his words and second, to admire him. She had not expected any promise or vow like this. This was a vow of sexual intimacy for her to accept John as a lover. Until now, she never knew how much Mack liked John.

God, I love this man. It is not just permission for a marriage adventure; it is acceptance of a sexual relationship between John and I.

She wanted to please Mack and she wanted John as a sexual provider, too. Mary’s fingers interlocked in Mack’s hair and Mary gazed into John’s eyes and said simply, “I do and I will, Mack.”

“John, do you fully accept Mary and I, as a husband and wife, who invite you to provide for Mary’s sexual fulfillment? Will you pleasure her and treasure her? Will you provide for her sexual needs and desires and will you freely and intimately join this union now and in the future?”

John looked at Mary first and then at Mack, “I do and I will, Mack.” John felt blessed in the moment.

“On my side, I pledge to accept John as a sexual provider to Mary tonight and in future nights. I pledge to John that he will have all the sexual benefits that Mary permits and I pledge to Mary that I accept her appetites and John’s appetites in our marital bed.”

“John, taste my wife to seal this relationship.”

Mary’s body flushed. She trembled. She was gifted to John now. The relationship between the three of them was to be sealed with John tasting her at Mack’s request. She felt respected, desired, protected. She was chosen by Mack a long time ago and now she was offered by him to another. She was being chosen by John, too; two men accepting her. This wasn’t a traditional relationship, Mary knew that; yet she vibrated with the truth of being worthy of two men. Not entitled, but as a partner and a provider for two confident men; to be shared between them, to service them, and to be serviced by them.

She shifted her legs wider anticipating John’s head between her thighs providing her with the physical sexual commitment her husband required to seal this intimacy vow. Mary opened herself to John, to be tasted by him, to be desired by him, to be sexually accepted by him. By extension, she accepted her role as a sexual provider to John, too.

Mack caressed Mary’s nipples once more and then set her panty aside. He moved both hands to her labia and held them open for John. Mack exposed Mary’s budding clit as a symbol of intimacy between the three of them: Mack to share what was his, Mary to be shared, and John to satisfy. John leaned in to lick deeply into Mary’s opening and then moved upward to kiss the clit that was just gifted to him. He kissed and licked her and exhaled on her wheat. Mary creamed inside from the sexual tension she felt.

Mack massaged Mary’s labia with his fingertips as John kissed and licked her. Until this month, he had never imagined he would open Mary’s pussy to another man like this. And yet, here he was, holding her pussy open while another man licked her sex. Mack doubted that he could have done this with any man other than John. Other men that Mack knew were not worthy but John was worthy and that made all the difference in Mack’s mind.

A drop of spittle leaked out of the corner of Mary’s mouth. She yielded to the sensation of John licking and sucking her. Mary felt sinfully delicious while Mack held her and John explored her. She was breaking barriers she and Mack had honored for years. She considered that the three of them were truly popping her married cherry; breaking her married pussy into shards of physical pleasure. She could not be more aroused. Her desire in this moment came from knowing Mack approved this man for her. She was to be shared with John. She experienced a series of small quivers and an occasional shudder of her body. She was close. So very close. She waited for her orgasm to begin. The whole week, the entire day, and this fabulous evening was leading to this.

John once again tasted the pussy of a married woman. God, he loved how responsive married women were. Warm, willing, Mary was available to him. A gifted wife was better than any other pleasure John had ever experienced. Mary was a wonderful gift from Mack and the Chanel-scented pussy was a personal gift from her. It was all good.

John gave Mary a circular lick of her pudendum letting his tongue accidentally touch Mack’s fingers in the process then he raised himself on one elbow.

John looked at Mary’s outstretched body with her hands clutching the back of Mack’s head. She looked incredibly exposed to him and vulnerable to any carnal desire he might have.

“Are you coitus interrupting me, John?” Mary’s question was semi-serious.

Mack and John smiled at each other. “It would be cunnilingus interruptus and you can have whatever you want when you want.”

“Then keep your eyes on the prize, John, and finish me. I want this one.”

Mack and John exchanged a look between them. John dipped his tongue back into Mary’s sex and inhaled the Chanel he found there. He focused on her pleasure and in a few more minutes she was bucking against him and cumming hard on his face.

She vibrated just as much under Mack’s touch as she did under John’s tongue. She pushed John’s head away first as she climaxed through a series of diminishing spasms. Then she pushed Mack’s hands away and she let her body convulse until it stopped. She was so sensitive that she did not want to move until she had her body under control again. She expected she would be racked again with convulsions by the slightest touch.

“That was good,” Mary finally said. Respectfully quiet while Mary gathered herself, the men waited for her to speak. “I feel I should say something but I don’t know what.”

“What’s in your heart, Mare?”

“My heart says love this.”

Mary twisted her body to look at Mack’s face but kept her legs open towards John.

“My head says Mack, are you okay?”

“It is exactly what I wanted, Mare; an orgasm for you from the two of us. I relate to this on so many levels.”

Mary studied his face for a moment and then looked at John.

“John, you have done this before. What do you think? It is not new to you.”

“I confess it is different for me than it is for you and Mack. You and Mack have a twenty-year marriage that connects and binds you two together. I am showing you, sharing with you, a third relationship that a committed couple can have as part of their marriage. Just as Mack’s vow said… with his permission, I will be a sexual provider for you and share your marriage bed.”

Mary looked at Mack and then back at John. “I want this, too. I want both of you in my bed tonight. I want to be owned, I want to be cared for, I want orgasms, and I want you both to climax often and pump me full of seed until you are drained.”

“Mare, I want this, too. John, mi esposa es tu esposa. My wife is your wife. I think we all know what that means.”

Mary nodded.

“We started out to see what it would be like to have a threesome but now I want this to be more than that. I want to explore a three-sided relationship. That is what we have been doing all week, isn’t it?” Mack was serious at the moment.

Mary nodded in agreement. “I think so. This has been an incredible week and it has mostly been about Mack and I with John as catalyst who makes things happen. I’d like something more, too.”

John was thinking about Mack’s vow. No other husband had ever nailed it quite the way that Mack did. It was a shared marriage bed, implying that John had all the sexual benefits of Mary as long as Mary and Mack approved. This is exactly what John wanted, too, a married woman in a three-sided relationship with himself as surrogate husband. A woman was always at her best with a committed partner plus a committed lover.

John spoke softly. “A three-sided relationship is possible and we should talk about it in more detail. This is our threesome adventure so let’s not lose focus. This is a night of firsts. Mary just had her first orgasm with me while Mack assisted and it was all good between the three of us, wasn’t it? Mack, you have been leading this evening. What is next in your mind?”

“In my head, I had a scenario that I would have Mary unwrap you while I watched. The idea was for Mary to unveil you, reveal you as a desired lover, and then motion for me to join.“

“I like that idea,” Mary offered. “I want to touch John inappropriately in front of you and tease you.”

“As the pharaoh said ‘so let it be written, so let it be done’.”

“Ok, but a couple of things to say first.”

Mary mischievously smiled. “John, would you make us a drink? This might take a while.”

John rose and headed to the bar. Mary and Mack did not move. It was hot to see Mack fully clothed and Mary naked with her legs open towards him. John liked the view. “What’s on your mind, Mack? I see the Baileys is here.” John poured three short glasses and handed out two to them.

“I talked to Mary about the Bailey’s BullShot and we want to do this.”

Mary chimed in. “John, I thought this was an incredibly intimate idea.”

John nodded towards Mack. “Did you tell her everything?”

“Just as you told it to me.”

“Does that mean no condoms tonight?”

“Correct. In for a penny…” Mack began.

“ for a pound,“ Mary concluded.

“Semina Vitae afterwards?”

Mary, Mack, and John touched glasses and nodded to each other. “Semina Vitae”.

John finished his glass first. “Then let’s put on some music and get Mack and me out of these clothes and Mary out of these shoes.” He pressed play on the stereo and soft jazz filled the room.

John checked out the room. “Let me move the camera so it focuses on the end of the bed. Stand next to each other at the end. Now let me grab the handheld. Many people simply record their experience but you will like it better if we act like this is personal documentary and we describe what we are doing, thinking, and feeling. Let’s capture all of the firsts for both of you. From what I know about you both, you will do this really well. Just follow my lead, I am going to do a little intro. You will love this later when you play it back to hear your own words. This is perfect. Mary is nude-with-shoes and is next to her fully-clothed husband and me. Ready?

“Hi, I’m John. This is Mack and his wife Mary. They are on a marriage adventure this week in Mipple City. That’s Minneapolis, if you are not local. This marriage adventure was a series of challenges for both of them on a sexual journey that led us to tonight. Tonight the three of us are at the Foshay Hotel and we are about to have sex together. This is a first for Mack and Mary and a first for me with them. If you are a good friend, you should ask them about their journey to get here. They may share it with you. If you are not a good friend, then this recording was likely stolen and they want it back.

“We have spent a couple of hours in the Prohibition Bar tonight and had a great time. We are now going to spend a couple of hours in and out of bed with each other. This should be a great time, too. Mary has had one orgasm already and there is more to follow.

“The first part of the video will be about Mary stripping the clothes from Mack and she will do a little ‘show and tell’ about all the fun parts of his body she experienced over the past 20 years. Then she will unwrap me while Mack films and perhaps do some show-and-tell there also.

“Mack, did you have anything to say before we begin?”

“Yes. This has been an amazing week in our married life. It is difficult to describe what we experienced without telling you everything but we don’t have time for that now. We are about to have a couple more experiences in this marriage adventure. John and I will pleasure Mary. Two men, one woman. Imagine the possibilities. And to you married men, I am telling you that the journey to get here could not have been more intimate with Mary. This has strengthened an already strong and vibrant relationship and we are now adding John to it.”

“My turn,“ Mary said. “If you are a married woman like me, you married young, you raised good children, and you have a faithful husband in a loving relationship. You are a good person, you never did anything as a teenager to embarrass your parents, you never did anything to embarrass your husband, and when your kids were growing up, you never wanted to do anything to embarrass your children. This is us, too. This is the way Mack and I were until a couple of months ago. But the kids are out of the house now and Mack and I talked about what we might have done if we were more adventurous twenty years ago. We decided that one of the things we might have done was try a threesome. So here we are. We flipped a coin a month ago and I won. Two men for me. Mack is just as much into this as I am. He is an evolved alpha male and I am his mate. We are a couple. He is proud of me and I am proud of him. He likes to show me off and I like it when he does. I am his and he is mine. This is unshakeable. We selected John for this threesome and he began as our, okay, my sexual bull tonight but John has become an invited guest into our relationship as a result of this marriage adventure. We will enjoy his company and he will have the benefits of our marriage bed. Lucky me and lucky us!

“Now let me show you my husband, Mack, he is a hunk and he is all mine, ladies.“

While Mary stripped Mack, she talked about him physically and their first sex experiences. She was no expert at working a camera but John was able to keep her in the frame of the handheld most of the time while the stationary camera captured most of her actions. Mary was funny and sexy as she talked about their teenage escapades. The cameras captured a loving couple who were doing this adventure together.

Mary started to talk about Mack’s member at one point, she held it and presented it like a product with a personal testimonial.

“ … and this is what Mack looks like when he is completely naked and hard. This package right here is the real deal. He’s packing heat, ladies, and it is all for me. He can really keep a girl warm on a Minneapolis winter night.... Now let’s take a look at John, the only one here still in his clothes. John, give Mack the camera and come over here.”

Mary was playful as she stripped John. She talked about why she liked John’s body because it was different than Mack’s. She ran her fingers over the hair on his chest and described its texture; she talked about his broad back, thick thighs, his muscular butt, and his member.

“Look here, ladies. I didn’t tell Mack this but John’s cock is larger at the base and smaller at the head than Mack’s. John’s testicles are larger, too. I wondered how that might feel differently slapping my ass. I had a happy moment or two this week thinking about that.“

Mack commented, “The cat’s out of the bag now, Mary.”

Mary replied, “I can’t believe I am saying this but ‘Happy pussy, happy wife; happy wife, happy life’, right?”

“Works for me.”

“Give me the camera for a moment and stand next to John.”

Mack walks over and stands next to John. They contrast with each other.

“And ladies, take a look at the beefcake in front of me. Mack is looking like Johnny Weissmuller’s Tarzan and John is looking like a stockier and younger Sean Connery. What is not to like about tonight’s menu?”

John and Mack both strike a pose towards Mary and then towards each other.

“John, take the camera, please.”

Mary kneels in front of both men and looks up at the camera. She takes a cock in each hand and begins to stroke them. Looking at the camera, she says:

“This is a first for me to stroke another man in front of Mack. I want to say something clever or witty but all I can think of is this is freaking awesome.”

Mary gives full attention to stroking both cocks as John records.

Mack looks down at Mary; naked with her hard nipples, stroking both men. Her face is focused on how her hands pump their shafts. He is comfortable with Mary stroking John’s cock. It was natural to watch her with John even if it was a first. It was also erotic. Mack’s cock hardened a little more as he thought of John’s cock plunging into Mary. Mack got even harder when he thought about John watching him fuck Mary until Mary creamed on him.

Mary shifted position a few times while she stroked both men. Then she leaned in and tasted each of their cocks. Looking toward the camera, Mary said, “This is such a great feeling. I want to savor the taste of each man but I also want to just gulp what is in front of me. I mean, look at these cocks, ladies. Am I a lucky woman tonight or what?”

“Mack, take the handheld. John, climb into this bed. Let’s begin recording a few firsts for me and for Mack.”

Mary climbed into bed with John and then lay on his left side. She knew from videos that Mack was most turned on when he saw a wife’s wedding ring wrapped around a Bull’s cock. Mary wanted to feed his fantasy by stroking John so that her wedding ring showed.

Mary looked at Mack and tugged John. “Thanks for making this happen. I love you and I love this moment. Your wife is going to give another man a blow job. That’s pretty exciting, isn’t it? It is for me. His cock will slide between these lips and I will pleasure it until he shoots into my mouth. It’s in here and I want it. I want to taste his cum, Mack, and show you the evidence. In for a penny, Mack? Does your wife have permission to taste John’s seed?”

“In for a pound, Mare.”

Mack moved in close to capture Mary’s lips sliding over the shroom of John’s cock and then down its trunk until her lips touched the man-scaped hair at its base. She held John deep for just a moment before letting her lips slide up the trunk again and then very slowly she released the shroom between her lips. His cock was hard and erect. She pumped him twice before sucking him in again all the way to the bottom of his member. This time she bobbed her head at the bottom feeling his cock bump against the back of her throat. It was a little easier taking John in than it was Mack. John was a bit shorter.

Everything was different about John’s cock; his girth, its length, the texture of his loose skin sliding over the stiff and swollen tissue underneath and, most of all, the taste of him. It was all different than Mack’s cock. There was a musculature feel to John’s member. It was if his whole cock is a disciplined muscle trained to pump his cum at the right time and in the right place. Mary’s lips could feel that muscle underneath his skin. She tasted him and the difference in the taste of John’s cock amazed her. She had never imagined she would ever give another man a blow job. Mary’s body knew from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes this was a different man than her husband but there was no part of Mary’s body that knew it better than her mouth. She tasted John and found him delicious.

She wrestled his shroom with her tongue. Swirling her tongue around the head, she tried to capture it, trap it, and hold it. It was sinful and it was adulterous to suck John in front of Mack but it was delicious, too. John’s seed of life was inside and Mary wanted it. She sucked her cheeks in and compressed her lips tight behind John’s cockhead. She pumped his cock, encouraging it to give up its seed.

Mack watched through the camera as Mary pumped John’s stiff shaft. God, she looked so good, so hot, and so erotic with John’s cock in her mouth. It popped into Mack’s head that he wanted John to watch Mary suck him, too. He knew that John, of all people, would appreciate the physical and sexual beauty of Mary servicing Mack and Mack releasing into her mouth. And as Mack thought of that, his balls tightened up.

John spoke softly. “Let’s shift positions a little. Mary, lay between my legs with your head in my groin. Mack, stand behind Mary but up on that chair and film downward like this was an overhead camera.”

John repositioned himself so the stationary camera could record a side view of Mack standing naked on a chair, his hard cock in silhouette, and the handheld camera covering his face. John opened his legs wide and then put his arms up with his hands behind his head. In this position, Mary lay between his legs and turned her attention to pleasuring his cock.

Mack could hardly believe how hot this looked. John’s muscled guns, his thick and muscled thighs, his hairy chest, and his damn good looks were all spread-eagled on the bed while the back of Mary’s head was obviously servicing his cock. This was the hottest thing Mack had ever seen in person. Although the camera could not see what Mary was doing, the movements of her head exclusively over John’s cock told the story. “Fuck this is hot,” breathed Mack.

John knew that Mack would love watching Mary service him. From the handheld camera’s perspective, you could not tell it was Mary. It was just a hot guy being blown by a woman who was stretched out between his legs. But if you knew it was a husband and wife and a friend, it was sexually compelling: an erect husband watching and filming his wife service a sexy man’s cock. The camera captured John’s muscled arms and thighs as Mary’s mouth and hands continued to encourage him to cum. So hot. John’s cock swelled further. It was thrilling to have it in the mouth of a married woman.

Mary herself grew more aroused as she gave John a proper sucking. His cock filled her. She wanted to please him in front of Mack. She let her left hand walk its way up to John’s chest hair. In one way, she knew that Mack would get a kick out of seeing her wedding ring caressing John’s hairy chest while she sucked him, but in another way, Mary wanted John to know that this was also intimate for her. Not really just a blow job between casual partners, but an act of affection towards him. Her fingers curled into John’s chest hair and she played with it to send both John and Mack this message that she was gifting John an orgasm. She was not being submissive.

John knew what it meant. This is what John wanted from each of his married women. He wanted that special place in a wife’s heart. Not the place reserved for husbands--John had no desire to replace any husband--he just wanted that intimate space that a wife can give another man in a marriage bed. He had that place with Mary and Mack approved it.

John’s need for release increased. He put his left hand on the back of Mary’s head and pressed it down on his cock and held her there for a few seconds, feeling his cock at the back of Mary’s throat. Then he released his pressure and let Mary pull back. He did this three times in a row and then rested his hand lightly on her head as Mary bobbed up and down on him.

From Mack’s perspective, John was testing Mary. Of course John wanted Mary to service him, but John would not force her to do what she could not do or did not want to do. It was the same respectful authority that Mack had over Mary in their marital bed. How could he fault a man who wanted what he wanted, too?

John pressed Mary’s head down onto his cock again and Mary opened wide to take him in as deeply as she could. This was her gift to him. His cock filled her mouth and when he relaxed his grip, the front of her tongue tasted the sweetness of his pre-cum.

Mack is not this sweet. Her tongue coaxed another drop from John before he pushed her down again on his cock.

Looking up at Mack and catching his eye, John lifted one finger up as a signal to let him know that it would be soon. John could also see that Mack’s cock was bobbing and he needed release, too.

“Mack, step down so you can record Mary’s face for a while.”

Mack stepped down and found a position in which he could see Mary’s face.

“Mary, I want to finish in your mouth. If it’s too much, don’t gag, let it drip. Just save some for the BullShot.”

Mary pulled John’s cock out of her mouth with her wedding ring hand. Lightheartedly she said, “This is my second cock, John, not my second blowjob. Mack, hand me that glass. I won’t waste a drop.”

Mary placed the glass on her left side against John’s leg and then turned her attention again to John’s cock. She kept her wedding ring in view by splaying her fingers between John’s cock and his navel and holding his cock between her thumb and forefinger. She cupped John’s balls with her right hand and sucked.

Mack was getting all of this on video: Mary’s mouth on another man’s cock, her wedding ring, John’s erotically hairy abdomen in the foreground, Mary smiling at him mischievously from time to time. Mack had to touch himself. So he did. It was erotic as hell.

In this position, Mary could watch Mack while she sucked John. She was fascinated that Mack was masturbating in front of John. She never thought this would ever happen. Amazing. She licked John occasionally to give Mack a little something extra to think about while he stroked.

This is going so well, thought John. Mary and Mack were connecting together while she orally pleasured him. This is what sharing is about in a three-sided relationship: the married couple connecting emotionally while John and Mary satisfy each other physically; or connecting while Mack and John pleasure Mary for her exclusive benefit. John just needed both of them to grasp that he was not a toy for amusement but a sexual partner with wants and needs of his own for both of them to fulfill. John put his hand on the back of Mary’s head and pressed her head down onto his cock to take him all the way in. He held her like this for the longest time and then relaxed so she could breathe again. He hoped the camera caught his little hip thrust that pinned his cock in Mary’s throat. Mary gasped for air when she came up and Mack had it all recorded. She went right back down to take him all the way inside again. She wanted to serve John’s deep throat need. If his cockhead needed to be halfway down her throat, she was willing to give him that. She was the sexual provider now and she wanted to prove she was a good one. It was easy to see that Mack wanted it, too.

John held her head down again and lifted his hip to push a little bit farther inside. Mary’s face was pressed tight against his abdomen and John felt her teeth on the base of his cock. He gyrated in a small circle making his cocktip circle in her throat and then relaxed his grip again.

Mary came up gasping a second time with saliva dripping from her lips. She needed a couple of breaths.

“Just one more time, Mary, and I will be there. When you feel me swell again, pull my cock out and let me shoot onto your tongue. You both will like watching this later. Are you ready?”

Mary nodded. God, it was sexy that John announced his orgasm was pending; just a little more and she would have what she wanted from him. John pushed Mary’s head downward and she took him in deeply. He held her there for a moment then John pulled back a little and raised his hips to make three small thrusts at the front of her mouth. Mary felt his shroom enlarge. She pulled out his cock and held it on the tip of her lower lip. She blocked her throat to prevent swallowing. She held the base of his cock and let John pulse and squirt into her lips, twice, before closing her lips around his cock. Nine times John’s cock spurted. Her eyes closed in concentration. Mary heard him say, “Good girl.” She received his seed without leaking. She waited for John’s climax to end and a few seconds later she let John slip out. Mary sealed her lips to hold his cum. Her mouth was full. She savored its taste and an approving look crossed her face. Then she turned her head towards Mack to show him evidence of the deed. Then she raised the glass to her lips, and discreetly pushed his fluid between her lips into the glass.

Mack gave the camera to John. He needed relief, too. With Mary’s one hand still on John’s cock, Mack sidled up to Mary and guided his own throbbing cock to her mouth. With the taste of John still on her tongue, Mary felt Mack’s shroom slide inside and Mack began to cock fuck her lips and tongue. Mack’s longer cock was apparent and Mary felt him in the back of her throat without thrusting or positioning. Mary sucked hard and compressed her lips on the crown. Her mouth was tight and slippery from John’s cum. In less than a minute, Mary felt Mack’s cock enlarge. With a guttural sound, Mack erupted in her mouth and emptied himself inside. Mary’s face showed she struggled to hold it all. He withdrew his cock to give her room. She turned her head a second time, raised the glass, and let Mack’s seed drain between her lips to mix with John’s.

Mack had managed to capture all of this on the handheld camera. “What the fuck, Mare! That was so hot”.

She was a bit surprised at how good Mack’s seed tasted; not quite as good as John’s but so much better than he normally does. She pushed the remainder of Mack’s cum between her pursed lips into the glass. She swallowed the last drop of his cum as a trophy swallow. Mack had it all recorded.

John said softly, “Mary, would you prefer a drink or a kiss?”

Mary looked at John quizzically.

“Your mouth needs a cleansing. Would your mouth prefer one of us to French kiss you or would you prefer a drink?”

Mary looked at Mack, Mack looked at her. Almost telepathically, Mack shrugged.

“I’d like Mack to bring me a water and I’d like you to French kiss me.” This was more new territory for Mary and Mack. Mary handed Mack the glass she was holding. “Put this on the bar.”

Mary slid up the bed and lay on top of John. She felt every hair of his that touched her body. She felt his relaxed cock against her pussy, her nipples on his chest, and the manly warmth of him. She accepted him as a partner. She already had a mate, yes; this was not that. This was her accepting him as a lover, one she could share herself with physically and emotionally; one for whom loyalty was given and was received. She pressed herself against John and offered her lips to his.

John held her head in his hands while kissing her deeply. Mary kissed back and John’s tongue explored her mouth. First kisses were always the best, John thought. Mary proved it to be true. Mary let John lick across her tongue and teeth in a cleansing ritual. She stuck her tongue deep into John’s mouth and let him clean Mack’s seed from it. If there was any of Mack’s seed in her mouth anywhere, John licked and sucked it out of her. Mary felt good all over and aroused at this kissing. She tongued John as good as she got and felt connected. She thought the whole thing was incredibly intimate.

Meanwhile, Mack cracked open a complimentary hotel bottle of Evian and half-filled a glass for Mary. He watched in silence as the two of them kissed. He wasn’t sure that he liked this post coital kissing between John and Mary. He wasn’t even sure that he disliked it either. If it had been any other man, Mack might have cracked him a good one. But Mary was into it and she technically had his approval before hand. Well, Mack thought, at least John was tasting my cum with his tongue in Mary’s mouth and there is something to be said for that. Mentally, Mack counted coup on John and maybe that was enough for now.

Mary broke the lip lock with John slowly and rolled off him.

“What a wonderful experience; so many new things in one night. Mack, hand me that water now, please, and come to bed.”

Mary swallowed half the glass and handed it to John.

“John, would you mind putting the rest of this on the bar? Mack, wrap those big arms around me and give me a cuddle. John, we need some M&M time so I am going to turn my back to you for a while.”

John set the glass on the bar and watched Mary melt into Mack’s body. She held him close. Mack put his arms around Mary and he felt her press into him for emotional support in the same way she had for the past twenty years whenever she needed it. She needed him as a protector right now. She needed his assurance and his comfort. This is the intimacy Mack and Mary have with each other. John could never have this with Mary. Mack knew this the moment she melted into him and he softened inside. They have twenty very good years together and it was still all good with Mary. Mack asked her if she was okay. She nodded and snuggled closer.

John knew a bit about post coital affection in a three-sided relationship. The husband always had a concern the first sharing time. Was his wife smitten by her bull/lover/friend and would he have a lesser role as a result? Was the husband okay with his wife’s arousal in the arms of another man? This is what the two of them needed to work out between themselves. John would be, could be, a partner in their marriage but he must not become, and he would not become, a usurper of the relationship. They had to come to this conclusion themselves …that there was room for John in their marriage…John could not help them make that connection.


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Athai Kuthiyil Kuthu Aatam Poten

Hi friends, en peyar Senthil, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren. En athai uuruku adikadi sendru varuven, athai oril thiruvizha nadakum pozhuthu andru sendru thiruvizha rasithu vitu varuvom. En athaiku kanavan kidaiyathu, kanavan ilathathaal avargal ippozhutu veetil thanimaiyil thaan irukirargal. En athaiku vayathu 38 irukum, avargal miga sexiyaaga irupaargal, intha vayathilum gumunu irupaargal. En athai mulaiyai naan eppozhuthu avargal veetirku sendralum paarpen, iru...

4 years ago
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Public Shower Tentacles

You'd just finished up in the pool, having been swimming about for almost two hours. Heading back to the women's changeroom, you note with satisfaction that it was still empty, like it almost always was. Not that you minded other people being around, but privacy is never a bad thing. The changeroom itself was always a little dark; the white tiles that usually could be found in such places were instead replaced with light grey and darker blue tiles and walls. It fit the theme of the...

2 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 29 Warming up to Kristen

Kerri and Jenna had taken a day off together to go shopping. They had more money than each of them had ever had before, and hit some high-end clothing, shoes and lingerie stores, loving the spending power they now had. They figured that planning ahead for the upcoming 3-week cruise vacation involved lots of shopping. They returned around 7:30, toting about a dozen bags each, and walked into the main living room where a movie was playing on the big screen TV ... and where Ryan was casually...

3 years ago
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Attaining Tenure

************************Please Be Aware--this is meant to be "Played" like a game. Please see GAME INFO Below.*********************************** Leah Williams sat at her desk and poured over some poorly completed work. She eyeballed the worksheet that someone had answered all too hastily and made her marks. At least they tried. She wrote "7/10" then drew a large crimson C. Her computer monitor chirped as she saw she had received another useless email. Wait. It was from the principal. The...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thambiyai Kuthiyai Naka Viten

En peyar priya, enaku kaamam seivathu endraal migavum pidikum. En thambiyin nanban peyar Vicky, avanai epppadi usar seithu kaama uravu konden enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 24 aagugirathu, innum thirumanam seithu vaika villlai. Veetil maapilai paarthu kondu irukiraargal, athu varai enal kaamam seiyaamal kaathu kondu iruka mudiyaathu. Enaku oru mama irukiraar avarkum innum thirumanam aaga villai, naan mama udan thanimaiyil irukum...

2 years ago
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Jennys Detention

Jenny has to attend detention Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as...

1 year ago
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Jennys Detention

Jenny has to attend detention Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as...

1 year ago
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 4 Taken by the Demons Tentacles

Chapter Four: Taken by the Demon's Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine's guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 95 Tentacles

Introduction: A quick and kinky tentacles fantasy! ]Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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A soprano and a tenor

What do you do if you are stupidly rich, I mean way up the world rich list? Well for men, fuck beautiful women for a start would be a frequent answer. I am no exception and I thought this as I wrapped my legs around a gorgeous busty red-head who was stark bollock naked. Though I should mention that she was my fiancé. Also one of the rising stars amongst operatic sopranos.I was dragged into her magnificent bust to my evident pleasure. Running my hands down her back I pulled her sopping wet fanny...

2 years ago
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Jennys Detention

Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as three students who watched...

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Inconsistent by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Discontent is the first step to change, all you have to do is act on it Andy Inconsistent, inaccurate, and inept. That's how I feel about my dressing. I can never seem to do it the same way twice. I usually wear the wrong things or do my makeup badly, and of course, trying to do anything but a ponytail is out of the question. So far, every time I tried to do my best, I felt like a clown. I was disheartened...

3 years ago
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Free Kittens

I’m thirty-seven years old and I have found a new way to meet women. I like kids too and that’s a plus when you are my age. You see when you’re this old and still single you cannot find any women that are really available. If the women get to this age and are still single it’s because no one else wants them. So every woman that is available has been married and divorced or has kids. So now how do you find them? If you go to bars you find the drunks that the other guys wouldn’t put up with....

1 year ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 4 Taken by the Demonrsquos Tentacles

The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...

1 year ago
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Lorne Ascott pulled his coat tight around his body before stepping from the lobby of his downtown Chicago office building into the cold December winds that whipped unmercifully off of Lake Michigan! As usual the limo was idling silently at the curb, and when Charles, his chauffeur of fifteen years spied him coming through the revolving door, he quickly hopped out of his driver's seat and opened the rear door to allow his boss easy entrance into the luxurious car while he said evenly, "Thank...

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Was with tears rolling down her face, that she looked at her boyfriend. He had used her, and she knew that. Just to get off. It was goodbye, but she said to him some of her views of what a man is, what a boy is, in one letter, she wrote from her guts. She drove for more than one hour, and then she just parked by the side of the road. She wouldn’t cry, she promised herself. She called a friend. He didn’t answer, she left him a short voicemail message ‘I need you.’ After 10 minutes, he called...

2 years ago
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Nachbars Garten

Meine Freundin hat einen schönen Kleingarten mitten in der großen Stadt. So ist es auch kein Wunder das wir dort im Sommer viel Zeit dort verbringen. Immer wieder schön an einem heißen Tag etwas zu schaffen und dabei zu entspannen. Man hat unterhält sich gerne mal am Zaun mit dem Nachbar oder trinkt hier oder da mal ein Bier zusammen. Echt schön so ein Gärtnerleben.Leider war meine Freundin für ein paar Wochen weg und so musste ich mich ganz alleine um den Garten kümmern. Macht dann leider nur...

3 years ago
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18 Vayathu Penai Sunniyai Umba Vitten

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Prathap, vayathu 20. Naan ippozhuthu kalluri padithu varugiren. Enathu veetirku oru ilamaiyaana pen varuvaal avalin peyar sowmiya vayathu 18, aval ippozhuthu thaan 12th padithu mudithu irukiraal. Naangal siru vayathil irunthe pazhagi varugirom athanaal yaarukum naagal sex seivom endra santhegam varathu. Oru naal aval veetil ammavodu pesikondu iruntha pozhuthu naan avalin mulai pilavai paarthen athu sexyaaga irunthathu. Naan athai paarthathum enathu sunni viriaka...

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Public Pillory 1 The act and sentencing

The Humility bill of 2069 changed it all. It was a sweeping bill that changed the face of justice. Trials lasted days not months or years. Most sentences lasted hours or days not years. When a sentence was completed, the accused had a clean record. No more ruined lives due to past indiscretions before the accused learned their lessons. Almost overnight, all prisons were repurposed into rehabilitation and party centers. Serious crimes of murder dropped by 99.8 percent in a matter of months....

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