Zwei Freundinnen free porn video

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Alinas Handy vibrierte. Es war eine Nachricht von Laura. „Komm schnell. Ich muss dir was Geiles zeigen.“ Alina lächelte.

Alina und Laura waren seit ein paar Monaten befreundet. Sie hatten sich bei der Arbeit kennengelernt. Beide waren damals neu als Sekretärinnen angefangen und fanden sich sofort sympathisch.

Alina war eher schüchtern. Sie war 24 und hatte erst einen Freund gehabt. Alina war jedoch fasziniert von Laura. Laura, 25, trieb es ziemlich wild. Sie nahm keine Rücksichten auf die Befindlichkeiten anderer Leute und lebte ihre Triebe hemmungslos aus.

Alina macht sich neugierig auf den Weg. Sie hatte es Laura nie gesagt, aber es erregte sie, wenn sie von Lauras Abenteuern erfuhr. Manchmal träumte sie, ein Teil davon zu sein. Vor allem, seit Laura sich nicht mehr nur auf einzelne Männer einließ, sondern es sich gleichzeitig von mehreren besorgen ließ und die Geschichten immer härter wurden. Als Alina ihr das erste Mal von einem der Gangbangs erzählte, kribbelte es in ihrem ganzen Körper. Sie konnte nur knapp dem Impuls widerstehen, sich zu reiben.

Laura ließ Alina sofort ein, als diese klingelte. Laura trug nur einen knappen Slip. Alina beneidete Laura um ihren Körper. Sie hatte tolle Beine, einen flachen Bauch, einen süßen kleinen Arsch, eher kleine Brüste, deren Nippel jedoch immer steif zu schein schienen. Alina war vielleicht nicht pummelig, aber ihr Hintern war groß ebenso wie ihre Brüste. Sie hatte manchmal Mühe schöne BHs mit der passenden Körbchengröße zu finden.

„Komm schnell rein. Schau dir an, was ich da habe,“ rief Laura und zog Alina an der Hand in ihr Wohnzimmer und schob sie zum Sofa, wo sie sich eng neben sie hinsetzte. Alina konnte Lauras harte Nippel an ihrem Arm spüren. Alina merkte, dass sie jetzt schon sehr erregt war. Ihre Wangen fühlten sich heiß an und in ihrem Unterleib fing es an zu kribbeln und zu ziehen.

„Ich bin gestern beim Sex gefilmt worden. Es ist so geil. Willst du es sehen?“, frage Laura. Alina nickte nur. Laura drückte die Fernbedienung. Auf dem Bildschirm war unverkennbar Laura zu sehen, obwohl sie eine Maske trug. Sie war über einen Billardtisch gebeugt und wurde gerade von hinten hart gefickt. Dabei keuchte und stöhnte sie vor Geilheit. Um sie herum standen 6 Männer und zwei Frauen. „Schau dir an, wie er mich stößt. Er hatte ein Wahnsinnsgerät. Du siehst es gleich, wenn er ihn rauszieht. Ich werde schon wieder geil, wenn ich daran denke.“

Alina wurde auch immer geiler. Bisher hatte sie nur Fantasien darüber gehabt, was und wie Laura es trieb. „Ich auch“, stöhnte sie. Laura schaute sie lächelnd an, hielt den Film an, rückte noch näher an Alina heran und flüsterte in ihr Ohr: „Willst du dir auch den Rest ansehen?“ Alina nickte nur. „Sag mir, warum?“, flüsterte Laura weiter. „Es erregt mich!“, keuchte Alina verschämt. „Das tut es schon die ganze Zeit, oder? All meine Erlebnisse und so?“ Alina nickte wieder nur. Laura dreht Alinas Kopf zu sich und gab ihr einen tiefen Kuss. Dabei griff sie Alina unter den Rock zwischen die Beine und fing an Alina durch ihren Slip zu reiben. Alina öffnete bereitwillig ihre Beine und gewährte Laura den Zugriff. Laura drückte wieder auf Play und ließ den Film laufen. Dann rutschte sie von der Couch, kniete vor Alina, griff ihr unter den Rock, zog Alinas Slip herunter und versenkte ihren Kopf zwischen ihren Schenkeln. Alina ließ es mit sich geschehen. Sie spürte, dass Laura nicht das erste Mal eine Frau leckte. Mit erfahrener Zunge spielte sie an Alinas Kitzler und fingerte dabei ihre Möse. Für Alina war es die totale Reizüberflutung. Sie griff sich an ihre große Titten und knetete sie durch ihr Top. Gebannt verfolgte sie dabei das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm, wo Laura nach und nach grob von allen Männern bestiegen wurde. Dabei wurden sie immer lauter und vulgärer. Laura hob kurz den Kopf. „Weißt du, dass sie mich dafür bezahlt haben? Wie eine Hure haben sie mich für die Ficks bezahlt. Und ihre Frauen werden mir gleich meine vollgespritze Fotze auslecken.“ Sofort versenkte sie wieder ihren Kopf zwischen den Schenkeln. Alina spürte, wie sich ihr Orgasmus anbahnte. Als es ihr kam, schrie sie laut auf.

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No FutureChapter 75

Promised Land Eugenie 2101 Not many were left in Eugenie's original posse after they'd been forcibly evicted from the mansion in which they'd been squatting in Hampstead. Ned had been shot in the back by the Security Officers while he was trying to escape by scrambling over the wall. Natalie had been bundled into the back of a van in which at the very least she'd be raped. Of the thirty or forty people who'd crammed into the Hampstead mansion after word about it had slipped out and...

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Harry listening to Hermione Ginny

It was going to the fifth year for Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort was now alive again, and out there somewhere. The paper had been saying a lot of mean things about Harry, and the Wizengamot Court and the Minister of Magic had tried to get Harry expelled from Hogwarts except that Professor Dumbledore had come to his hearing and had gotten him cleared. Now Harry was sitting in the room that he was sharing with his best mate Ron at Grimwauld Place that his Godfather owned and the Order...

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Garons power

Note from the author I intended this to be a female possession only, with garon using a womans body and have a man fuck her and stuff like that. But my only rule is no killing garon and other chacaters and don't make non gay people gay. Lesbian is fine, but gay. NO. Other than that have fun. Also I meant to make this a 1st AND a 3rd person view. So if youre doing 1st person, be sure to put POV in your chapter.

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 43

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at Chloe and Rose were impressed with my decoration of the master bedroom. Both my girls rewarded me by letting me fuck them. Wow! Fucking a pregnant lady was always my fantasy. I was living my dream by fucking...

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FaceoffChapter 2

Chapter 2 I will not bore you with a description of the wedding. To tell the truth, this affair was strictly for the women. I had very little to do other than to stand there and look noble, and no other men were involved once Sir Jorst verified that I was the man who had saved Anslee's life. After that, there was some sort of ceremony that I didn't understand. Anyway, when the ceremony was over, Anslee did confirm that we were indeed married. That was all I wanted to hear, and now I was...

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Medarchy of America

It is strange that it only took a single generation under a new system of healthcare to spawn the new nation of "Medarchy of America" or M.O.A. It lies nestled in the heartland of the original lower 48 like a beacon of reason in a convoluted world. The East Coast was another story entirely with constant struggles to contain urban unrest and dwindling white populations all heading west to the heartland and M.O.A. The old U.S.A. structure was still hanging on in Washington D.C. like some...

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Secret Affairs With My Friends Son Part 17

I was expecting that Adam might lose his control and cum inside me, but he didn’t. Adam fucked me nice and hard in missionary position, we kissed the whole time he was moving his cock inside my wet pussy and he told me how much he loved me. Instead of replying that I loved him back, I was moaning louder, asking him to fuck his mom’s friend. Yes, all the time I was reminded him that I was his mom’s friend and I was saying so because it was exciting him more and he was fucking me harder after...

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Amanda A Short Story By Implacable Copyright 2004 I met Amanda at the local village pub in one of those natural, casual waysthat happen when you've finally given up trying to pick up women and just acceptedthat you are going to be single for the rest of your life. I was living alone in the west country of England in a cottage on the coast.I had a modest regular income that allowed me to indulge my pretensions ofbecoming a serious writer. I adored the quiet of the country, the semi-isolation...

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Pucker Up 7

Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "I'm past that and you didn't come up with any last second brain storms, right?" said Paul, already knowing the answer. "No," said Kristen, staring at the big bump that looked even bigger with his head wrapped in a towel. "Stop staring at it and I'll be fine, mom," said Paul with a smile. "You always did say I looked like you when you were younger. Now go, so they can make me as beautiful as you too." She turned,...

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Studie junger Schlerinnen

Am Ende meines Studiums zur Gesundheitswissenschaft will ich nun meine Masterthesis vorstellen. „Wirkungen frischen Spermas in der Vagina von Schülerinnen auf das Glücksgefühl in den ersten Minuten nach Insemination“ Ich nehme in der Feldforschung das Hostel in Berlin Mitte und habe in 4 Wochen mit 450 Schülerinnen aus verschiedensten Bundesländern den ungeschützten Koitus vollzogen und die Wirkung meines Spermas auf ihre Gefühlslage wissenschaftlich untersucht. Ergebnis: Die Atmung wird...

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Forward to the Stars Ch 16

All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. ************** ‘I SAID NO LARIA!’ Brian snarled at a pouty Laria. ‘And DON’T think that since we’re separated by a few thousand miles and a view screen you can get away with what you’re about to do.’ ‘And what is it that I’m about to do?’ Laria pouted, acting innocent enough to give someone diabetes. ‘Laria, you just said that you all just...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 56 Andrea Cavalcanti

The Count of Monte Cristo entered the adjoining room, which Baptistin had designated as the drawing-room, and found there a young man, of graceful demeanor and elegant appearance, who had arrived in a cab about half an hour previously. Baptistin had not found any difficulty in recognizing the person who presented himself at the door for admittance. He was certainly the tall young man with light hair, red beard, black eyes, and brilliant complexion, whom his master had so particularly...

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POVLife Sofi Ryan Real Estate Sex

The hottest real estate agent named Sofi Ryan was showing Ike around what could possibly be his new modern apartment. She knew all the specs, but when it came down to the kitchen counters, Sofi really wanted to show Ike how sturdy they were. She hopped right up on it, forgetting that she didn’t wear underwear that day and completely flashing her hot pussy! Ike took that as an invitation to grab her booty and she was quite welcoming to it! This led to some hot ass pov cock sucking and dick...

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Imagination 7

Imagination 7 Training? It seemed to have more in common with the Army! I was made to sashay round the room - no way could you call it walking - with a constant stream of criticism as I went. "Shoulders back, arms straight down, don't swing them!" "One foot in front of the other, not like a duck!" "Toes pointing forwards and slightly downwards, short steps, flex your hips, make that bum of yours wiggle, girl!" "Keep your thighs together and any time I tell you to stop, your...

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PornWorld Vanna Bardot Teacher With BBC Plugs Slutty Student Vanna Bardot During Tutoring Session

Vanna Bardot isn’t a very good student but she is good at sucking and fucking cock—and she especially likes black cock. So, when she asks her black teacher for a private tutoring session, she has a little something planned that doesn’t involve using her brain. Within minutes of the tutoring session starts, she starts sending signals that she wants to be fucked, which the teacher immediately picks up on and then pursues. Soon after that, he has his BBC balls deep in Vanna’s pussy, and she’s...

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cyber lovers

This would be her first meeting with him, she had never met him before but had talked to him several times in the past on the phone. She’d seen his pictures and knew that she would probably like him. His voice captivated her and she approved of his looks, she hadn’t actually seen him naked, but what she had seen was very nice. The plan was for him to come round to her house, it would be easier for both of them. She had two hours to get ready and she wanted to look her best. She ran the...

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