Zwei Freundinnen free porn video

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Alinas Handy vibrierte. Es war eine Nachricht von Laura. „Komm schnell. Ich muss dir was Geiles zeigen.“ Alina lächelte.

Alina und Laura waren seit ein paar Monaten befreundet. Sie hatten sich bei der Arbeit kennengelernt. Beide waren damals neu als Sekretärinnen angefangen und fanden sich sofort sympathisch.

Alina war eher schüchtern. Sie war 24 und hatte erst einen Freund gehabt. Alina war jedoch fasziniert von Laura. Laura, 25, trieb es ziemlich wild. Sie nahm keine Rücksichten auf die Befindlichkeiten anderer Leute und lebte ihre Triebe hemmungslos aus.

Alina macht sich neugierig auf den Weg. Sie hatte es Laura nie gesagt, aber es erregte sie, wenn sie von Lauras Abenteuern erfuhr. Manchmal träumte sie, ein Teil davon zu sein. Vor allem, seit Laura sich nicht mehr nur auf einzelne Männer einließ, sondern es sich gleichzeitig von mehreren besorgen ließ und die Geschichten immer härter wurden. Als Alina ihr das erste Mal von einem der Gangbangs erzählte, kribbelte es in ihrem ganzen Körper. Sie konnte nur knapp dem Impuls widerstehen, sich zu reiben.

Laura ließ Alina sofort ein, als diese klingelte. Laura trug nur einen knappen Slip. Alina beneidete Laura um ihren Körper. Sie hatte tolle Beine, einen flachen Bauch, einen süßen kleinen Arsch, eher kleine Brüste, deren Nippel jedoch immer steif zu schein schienen. Alina war vielleicht nicht pummelig, aber ihr Hintern war groß ebenso wie ihre Brüste. Sie hatte manchmal Mühe schöne BHs mit der passenden Körbchengröße zu finden.

„Komm schnell rein. Schau dir an, was ich da habe,“ rief Laura und zog Alina an der Hand in ihr Wohnzimmer und schob sie zum Sofa, wo sie sich eng neben sie hinsetzte. Alina konnte Lauras harte Nippel an ihrem Arm spüren. Alina merkte, dass sie jetzt schon sehr erregt war. Ihre Wangen fühlten sich heiß an und in ihrem Unterleib fing es an zu kribbeln und zu ziehen.

„Ich bin gestern beim Sex gefilmt worden. Es ist so geil. Willst du es sehen?“, frage Laura. Alina nickte nur. Laura drückte die Fernbedienung. Auf dem Bildschirm war unverkennbar Laura zu sehen, obwohl sie eine Maske trug. Sie war über einen Billardtisch gebeugt und wurde gerade von hinten hart gefickt. Dabei keuchte und stöhnte sie vor Geilheit. Um sie herum standen 6 Männer und zwei Frauen. „Schau dir an, wie er mich stößt. Er hatte ein Wahnsinnsgerät. Du siehst es gleich, wenn er ihn rauszieht. Ich werde schon wieder geil, wenn ich daran denke.“

Alina wurde auch immer geiler. Bisher hatte sie nur Fantasien darüber gehabt, was und wie Laura es trieb. „Ich auch“, stöhnte sie. Laura schaute sie lächelnd an, hielt den Film an, rückte noch näher an Alina heran und flüsterte in ihr Ohr: „Willst du dir auch den Rest ansehen?“ Alina nickte nur. „Sag mir, warum?“, flüsterte Laura weiter. „Es erregt mich!“, keuchte Alina verschämt. „Das tut es schon die ganze Zeit, oder? All meine Erlebnisse und so?“ Alina nickte wieder nur. Laura dreht Alinas Kopf zu sich und gab ihr einen tiefen Kuss. Dabei griff sie Alina unter den Rock zwischen die Beine und fing an Alina durch ihren Slip zu reiben. Alina öffnete bereitwillig ihre Beine und gewährte Laura den Zugriff. Laura drückte wieder auf Play und ließ den Film laufen. Dann rutschte sie von der Couch, kniete vor Alina, griff ihr unter den Rock, zog Alinas Slip herunter und versenkte ihren Kopf zwischen ihren Schenkeln. Alina ließ es mit sich geschehen. Sie spürte, dass Laura nicht das erste Mal eine Frau leckte. Mit erfahrener Zunge spielte sie an Alinas Kitzler und fingerte dabei ihre Möse. Für Alina war es die totale Reizüberflutung. Sie griff sich an ihre große Titten und knetete sie durch ihr Top. Gebannt verfolgte sie dabei das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm, wo Laura nach und nach grob von allen Männern bestiegen wurde. Dabei wurden sie immer lauter und vulgärer. Laura hob kurz den Kopf. „Weißt du, dass sie mich dafür bezahlt haben? Wie eine Hure haben sie mich für die Ficks bezahlt. Und ihre Frauen werden mir gleich meine vollgespritze Fotze auslecken.“ Sofort versenkte sie wieder ihren Kopf zwischen den Schenkeln. Alina spürte, wie sich ihr Orgasmus anbahnte. Als es ihr kam, schrie sie laut auf.

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Partho woke up this morning from his bed and the thing he saw was that his dada was pounding his 14”cock in and out of his mothers black choot in doggie style. This is a usual stuff that happens in his family, they were fucking on the floor right in front of his bed. His mom Mala was wearing only her tight red blouse and her panty which she was wearing while getting fucked. Her blouse was already too small for her 38DD boobs which Partho’s says milk tanks. Partho was already naked as last night...

1 year ago
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ViperGirls Voyeur

Viper Girls has the fix for a voyeur like me, on top of everything else they offer. I’ve talked about the sprawling, anything-and-everything porn forum before here at ThePornDude, as they’ve been a popular masturbator pitstop on the internet for years now. With around 12 million visitors a month, they’re a legitimate hive of perversion, covering everything from celebrity nudes to lesbian porn, BDSM videos to hentai animations. They even dabble in some extreme deep niches that the other guys...

Voyeur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool Part 5

"Andrea's next!" one girl yelled and everybody grabbed her. She seemed to be joining the game and struggled against the grip of the girls but couldn't get free from the four girls that held each of her arms and legs. They proceeded to carry her upstairs into Hailey's room and we all followed. She mumbled something in Spanish and stuck her tongue out as we reached Hailey's room. The four girls continued to hold her as we made our way to the bed. Andrea had gorgeous mid-range skin,...

2 years ago
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The Beach House Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Once arriving at the house, Abel stares up at the palm tree which had grown to a towering height. The earth was more so a mixture of white sand and patches of thick green grass by now. Staring back at the trees he realizes just how scenic this beauty is. A white house accompanied by a tall palm tree and a border of wavy leaf mountain lilacs. Gourds grow near the back of the house, constantly watered, there’s so much vegetation how could one not enjoy such a land? Staring up...

2 years ago
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Boarding Troubles Pt 1

It’s supposed to be the best years of your life but my first year of University started off rough. I was disowned by my family. They didn’t understand my desire to go to school for the arts. My father said that majoring in English Literature meant nothing. I could already read so why pay thousands of dollars to get a piece of paper that said I could. They wanted me to settle down, find a man that could help my father out with his plumbing business but I was determined to go. They said they...

2 years ago
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summer fling with babysitter part 2

Summer Fling with The Babysitter part 2As I sat in the kitchen chair with my cock now exposed to the air and covered in Sissy’s love juice. I was given a full view of her love nest. She was still lying on the counter with her knees up and her feet planted on the marble counter top. The view of her swollen hole and the sight of my fresh cum running down and onto her anus were so beautiful. The extra seamen were now spilling onto the counter top too. She was winded and her pussy was full and...

2 years ago
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Rancho del ito

Rancho del i****tobyfictitious©I am Emanuel Luis Sanchez, the son of Cornelio Felipe Sanchez. My father was once a great man, being one of the richest and most powerful men in Mexico. Like most of the rich men in Mexico, my father had a beautiful wife and, like most of the powerful men in Mexico, my father had a rival. I don't know the full story behind it, but I knew my father hated his rival and wanted to see him dead. Unfortunately, it was my father's rival that was victorious.I was only...

2 years ago
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Shoplyfter Dakota Rain Case No 2115847

September 20th 9:56am – Case # 2115847 – Petty Theft – Suspect was cooperative with LP officer from initial interaction. LP officer was perplexed when stolen merchandise was recovered. Suspect had attempted to shoplift a cucumber. After explaining to LP officer the reason behind the theft and demonstrating what the stolen merchandise was to be used for, LP officer decided to teach suspect a lesson on site and let this one slide due to the trivial value of what was being taken....

4 years ago
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crossdressers 1st time

hi, im new to this. this happened about 3 years ago now.I had started off the night being at my ex gfs house looking at her sexy underwear thinking how it would feel etc. so, having just started a new job I felt it was time to relax a little while she was out working (from 10pm til 6am). from this simple thought I became massively aroused and started trying on her underwear, make up, and even a wig that was in the apartment. soon enough, I was looking like a slutty crossdresser.I thought enough...

2 years ago
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Help from Athena

She walks through the forest. Her body drenched with sweat. Her armor stained in dirt and blood. Her sword drops to the ground as she collapses upon a large grass covered rock. Out of breath, she’s gasping for air. Finally relaxing, she stretches her limbs. The warrior passes out, exhausted. Minutes pass since the warrior passed out. Xena’s awoken by a light nudge on her arm. ‘Xena?’ The figure speaks softly.’Time to wake up..’ ‘Nnngh!’ The warrior grunts, slowly drawing her eyes open. ...

2 years ago
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Cherry Hill Ch 02

Natalie Meyers, lifted her large floppy hat from her head and wiped her sweaty brow, though it was still pretty early for the sun to be beating down on someone and making them sweat. Natalie had been working since the sun first started to peak above the horizon, casting its warm rays over her little house on Kumquat Lane. She arched her back and stretched her muscles, lifting her arms over her head. Her knees were imbedded in the cool dirt and her gardening gloves were caked with filth, while...

2 years ago
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My wife and our fantasies

My wife is very conservative and somewhat sexually naïve. When we first got together she was 18 and I was 23, she had never sucked a dick or had her pussy eaten and had only had one prior sexual experience and it was not a good one. Over the years, we gave each other pleasure and did make some very passionate love, but with kids and work that spark kind of fizzled. I suggested to her that we should buy some sex toys to spice things up. My wife to my surprise eagerly agreed. We started...

3 years ago
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Summer Favor

I was having a banner day at the apartment complex pool. The day was clear and hot and Seraphine was there with some friends. Seraphine was a 34 year old with a nice round butt, full natural breasts and a perfect tan. I had gotten to know her from our mutual time spent at the pool. I liked being at the pool when she was there not just to watch her climb out of the pool but also because she talked to me like an adult. It may have been because on most days we were the only two there. I was only a...

3 years ago
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Cathy cook bio ch3 europe

Ile du Levant American nudists have an inferiority complex. We all know the real action is in Europe. I discovered that most European nudists don't even think of themselves as nudists, just normal people who sunbathe nude. What a difference from the USA! Most of us here on the Western side of the "pond" speak of Ile du Levant as if it were Camelot, once upon a time... Yet over there where you can go to the island for a day's visit most people don't even seem to know about...

2 years ago
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BBW and her bisexual husband

Toni was 26 and already a big girl when John met her. After 10 years together, she had grown huge. It had been her large breasts and curvy ass that had first attracted him to her, but now she was enormous all over and it had reached the point that John was having trouble getting aroused enough to have sex with her. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it, in fact she was hornier now then ever, but her body just didn’t do it for him as it once had. Although he sometimes felt bad about it and...

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