Zwei Freundinnen
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An einem gemütlichen Samstag-Abend.
"Nachher kommt Marie vorbei. Oh mann, das wird wieder gemütlich", denkt sich Jana, während Sie alles für den gemütlichen Abend vorbereitet. "So, Wein ist kaltgestellt, der Film eingelegt, jetzt fehlt eigentlich nur noch Marie. Wo bleibt sie denn so lange?", murmelt sie vor sich hin. "Hmm, was könnt ich jetzt noch machen?" Sie überlegt ein wenig...
Eine nach der AnderenEiner der Samstagnachmittage an denen ich allein zu Hause sa?. Um nicht wieder so einen einsamen Abend zu verbringen beschloss ich in das Cafe um die Ecke zu gehen. W?hrend ich meinen Kaffee trank sah ich der H?bschen am Nachbartisch zu. Ihre blonden Haare hatte sie zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie war etwa 1,60 gro? schlank aber mit ganz netten Br?sten. Meiner Phantasie freien lauf lassen dachte ich ?Komm zu mir?. Also h?tte sie mich geh?rt stand sie auf, lief in meine Richt...
Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch Heute mal ich, Kristin, der weibliche Part von uns beiden, und ich werde von einem Erlebnis mit Caro, meiner Schwester, erzählen: Mittlerweile waren Max und ich schon einige Monate zusammen. Neben anderen Gemeinsamkeiten, wie gut Essen gehen, ähnlichen Musikgeschmack und Reisezielen, lagen wir auch was Sex angeht absolut auf einer Wellenlänge. Missionarsstellung oder einfach nur im Schlafzimmer auf dem Bett waren natürlich die allerersten Erlebnisse, aber wir...
IncestVerena war Heute besonders nervös. Es war das erste mal das sie auf Streife fahren dürfte seit sie ihre Polizei Ausbildung abgeschlossen hatte. Kein Mensch hätte Verena für eine Polizistin gehalten dafür war sie viel zu hübsch. Sie trug ihr langes blondes haar zu einem strengen Pferdeschwanz nach hinten gebunden wodurch ihre kein Haar in die schönen blauen Augen hing. Die Uniform spannte über vollen DD Körbchen und selbst die hässliche Uni Sex Hose konnte ihren knackigen Arsch kaum...
Du erwachst in einem hell beleuchtetem leeren Raum. Die letzte Erinnerung die du hast ist dass dir jemand während du unter der Dusche warst heftig auf den Hinterkopf geschlagen haben muss. Dann bist du hier aufgewacht. Wer auch immer dich entführt hat, hielt es wohl nicht für nötig dich anzuziehen denn du stehst vollkommen nackt an diesem Fremden Ort. Vor dir steht ein kleiner Runder Tisch mit einem Zettel darauf. Du greifst ihn dir und kneifst die Augen zusammen um die schwungvolle Nachricht...
BDSMUnser zweites Date steht an. Ich freue mich, dass Du meiner Einladung zum Essen zugestimmt hast. Ich habe mir wirklich Mühe gegeben und bin gespannt, ob es Dir schmeckt. Noch ein letzter Blick auf den Tisch, ja es ist alles perfekt. In ein paar Minuten wirst Du bei mir sein und meine Aufregung steigt.Es klingelt und ich öffne die Tür. Und da stehst Du, wunderschön ist Dein Anblick.Ich helfe Dir aus Deiner Jacke. Ein leises WOW kommt aus meinem Mund. Wie schön Du in dem Kleid aussiehst, welches...
Dawn konnte ihre langen blonden Haare kaum kämmen, als sie nackt vor dem großen Spiegel stand. Ihre Hände zitterten, seit sie am frühen Morgen aufgestanden war, um sich von ihrem Ehemann Richard zu verabschieden. Ihr Mann würde in den nächsten drei Wochen geschäftlich verreisen, was ihr genügend Zeit verschaffen würde, um das Geld zu ersetzen, das auf ihrem Bankkonto fehlte. Sie war letzten Monat mit ihrer Freundin Lucy nach Las Vegas gefahren und hatte an den Roulettetischen mehr als...
This is my third story. Hope you guys and girls like this one. I’m not an exhibitionist but I do sometimes get undressed at night with my curtains open and I don’t really think anything of it. Then the other night I just happened to see the curtains twitch in the house opposite. There’s a young guy lives there. He’s 19, I know he is because they had balloons and everything for his birthday not long ago. I didn’t bother really but then the next night I was undressing at the same time. Just as I...
Quickie SexAnon Sharer, aka, aka NewChan, aka AnonPosted! Make up your damn mind, goddamnit! You’ve seen all of the newest, hottest pornstars hundreds of times and it’s just the same shit over and over again, right? Just some overproduced, probably fake scene of some chick who is just sucking dick for the money. It’s not real. You want real sluts exposing themselves. No, not that fake “amateur” stuff either. Nudes, videos, and gifs of real women baring it all. Pics you were probably never meant...
Porn Chan Sites***** Copyright © 2001 Manjaro ***** The pass wound down in front of me from my position at about 11,000 feet. Though they weren’t in sight yet, I knew the high plains stretched away from the eastern slope toward home. If I stopped for a half an hour to water Abacus and have a bite to eat, I could still make it to the mouth of the pass before nightfall. Abacus! When I asked the Chinese horse trader in California why he named the horse Abacus, he snorted and said, ‘Because you count on him.’ I...
Part 6 Adanna who had been taken to the salon part of the store was nude, in only her high heels, and still having difficulty some standing in them. She was a little surprised to see that all the sales girls were also nude and wearing only devilish type masks over their eyes. Never having her hair professionally done before and having no idea what to expect, and thinking only that this must be a normal thing, did exactly what any of the sales girls asked. There was a small...
Hello, guys, this is my second story on this site. This time it’s about me and my Archana bhabhi and her wild fantasies. Not wasting any time, getting to the main part, Archana bhabhi was the wife of my cousin brother Avinash. They used to live in Delhi. They both were visiting hyderabad for the first time, and it was the first occasion where I was about to see my beautiful and sexy bhabhi. I went to receive them on the railway station. And then the train arrives. They were traveling in first...
IncestAlex unlocked the door and tossed his keys onto the table by the door. "Anyone home," he called out. Receiving no answer he picked up his suitcase and headed upstairs to unpack. He figured he'd hop in the shower and clean up before one or both girls got home. Walking into his bedroom he received a surprise however. Lying on his bed, with her legs spread wide open, was Angela. Two of her fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy as she looked over at him. "Welcome home," she said....
The apartment was looking presentable, Allison thought. It was five to eight. He was almost due. She looked at the bottles standing on the sideboard. For a moment she thought a drink would be a good idea. She dismissed the thought, though. The conversation with Lionel was going to need all her attention. She’d decided that a rather formal, business-like look was probably the best for their initial meeting so she’d put on an outfit that she might well have worn to the office. The white...
-Brian- It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up...
I wasn't even sure what KIK was, but I quickly found out. My wife was at work and called me from her office number to tell me that she had left her phone at home, and in case I needed to reach her, to use her office land line. Later that day, I arrived home before her usual arrival time, so I went to find her phone, to verify it was where she had thought. I'm not sure what made me open her phone (easy password) but I began to look at her chats. I felt a bit guilty, particularly since most of...
"Chris, I love you.” Don’t say that honey. What am I going to do? I had just finished making love to Cass, a young 17 year old runaway I had picked up last night on Montreal’s infamous ‘Maine’. I met her when she’d propositioned me. I had turned her down. However, when I looked at her, it had torn my heart. She looked so tired, dirty and hungry, and there she was out on the street late at night. The fact that she was not a regular streetwalker was obvious. She had offered her services for just...
Teenwould think that after all the traveling, unpacking, greeting family and a serious bout of welcome home sex, I'd be able to sleep in for once. Ugh. Not in any hurry to get up, I cuddle up closer to your sleeping form. The room felt rather warm last night, so the covers are all kicked down in a bunch at the bottom of the bed. I slowly pull my arm free from under your head, propping myself up on my forearm, and slowly drag my hands across the goose-bumped flesh covering your ribs. You shiver...
This story is a continuation of the previous story. Please read it before you read this story about the boss’s prostitute. After a year of that incident, where I found that my mom had an affair with Sharif, he left the city. Now the penthouse remained empty. My mom and Sharif still don’t know that I know about them. My mom faced a tough time after Sharif left. She looked dull and depressed for a few days. When my dad asked her why she looked dull, she said that she felt bored at home. Being a...
IncestBack in 1971 I,d only recently emigrated to England and was still settling in. Most of the jobs I tried weren,t very satisfying or even helped pay our bills, but I was trying hard. Wife Sarah was a very sexy a****l, but we couldn,t afford babies so it was the pill and worrying that at times she,d forget to,take it so late periods could be worrying. When she was really sexy she,d put on the tightest minidress she possessed with no bra(she has magnificent 40D cup boobs) and crotchless fishnet...
‘Where are Tim and Ed?’ I asked my mom and the girls. ‘They ran into some of their asshole friends,’ Jenny stated, followed by Felicia shooting her a look. ‘They’re meeting us at the pizza place at the end of the boardwalk at 6,’ my mom said. ‘Do you know where they are?’ I asked, not wanting to hang out with 4 women and listen to them point out the hot guys on the boardwalk. ‘Last I saw they were by Midway,’ Jenny said with a little disgust still in her voice. ‘I’ll see you around 6 too,’...
Bill apologized, and explained how long he had necrophiliac fantasies, but thought that they had passed when they had married six months ago. He said he loved her more than anything and did not want to hurt her ever, but that he still had dreams of making love to a beautiful woman's dead body. Jennifer took the picture and looked at it for a long time. She had been to funerals, but they had always been closed casket. She had never seen anyone laid out in an open casket before, much less a...
You park your car and head towards the backstage door to get into the moderately sized local theatre. You punch in the code, and step up the stairs towards the dressing room, your brain swimming around with the thought of the show coming up soon. Tonight's only the dress rehearsal, but you're here early to make sure all your stuff is ready. You've learnt from experience not to piss off your director Claire. Claire may be a smoking hot MILF, with long flowing dark hair and a slender figure to...
By March, 2009, Julia had enough experience with the Army to have learned that it wasn't a system that was user friendly. Her conviction that Bob was either injured or dead was like acid in her belly, though, and she couldn't let it rest until she knew which it was. She was rock solid sure that he hadn't just decided to stop writing. She had tried everything she could think of, from contacting the public affairs office at Fort Leonard Wood, to going to the local Veterans of Foreign Wars...
Megan Richards threw herself into college life at Northwestern University. She devoted herself solely to her studies, wanting to absorb every aspect of creative and performing arts, speech and communications. Her courses varied widely from creative writing to music to drama to an introduction into directing, editing and movie making… and she excelled at and loved it all. Instead of bringing her attention to those aspects that better suited her talents and her interests, she found herself...
It was a snowy February day. The weather hadn’t been the least bit hospitable the last few weeks. Everyone in the area was getting tired and cranky because of it. We had been seeing each other for quite some time and loved being together. Oh sure there were hard times and fights. But we always seemed to get through them. He was perfect for me, and I was perfect for him. I remember this Valentines Day in particular because I had been busy, as had my sweetie. It had been several days since we...
June 7th 2015 a police station interrogation room in North Carolina 3 PM 30 year old Sergeant David Ripley a Green Beret stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina is sitting in a police interrogation room drinking a cup of black coffee and waiting for news after witnessing a bank robbery. An hour after he first sat down in the room a Police officer came into the room looked at David and he said to him "Sergeant Ripley, I called the FBI and one of their best agents will be here shortly to...
This is just a short one that I wrote for a quick chuckle. I was feeling a bit goofy (no, not the Disney kind) when I wrote this story. Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69 By Morpheus It was in the middle of Pittsburgh that the lightning struck. A bolt of pink lighting flashed out of the clear sky and struck in the parking lot behind an apartment complex. There was an explosion and a million sparks flying everywhere. And when they had been cleared, a strange looking pink...
At breakfast, I made up my mind about what to do today. “If I stay here, I’ll end up going over to look at the house, upsetting everyone working on it. I think I’ll take Missimo and scout the hills just south of the Zingha River,” I announced. I could see that Kazani and Saraki were torn, but they decided to stay home with the rest of the women since their brother was still here. I packed a lunch, grabbed a skin of water and my weapons, and headed to the horse barn. I didn’t even have to...
It was called the ‘Esimba’ for lack of better term but it was really combination of the local term ‘Isimba’ and the first letter of my name. It was on the on the right side of our homestead near my parents’ house. As the last born that location of my hut; traditionally was rightfully mine. The positives thing about my hut was that it had a spacious room compared to my other siblings and the negative thing about it was that it was close to my sister’s hut who was always pain in my ass.“Well...
Coming to the story. Me and my parents live in chennai, Velachery. We were one of the new occupants in the newly constructed apartments here. My next door neighbor just moved in. I introduced myself to the person there . He seemed friendly. He then introduced me to his wife, who looked quite lovely and gorgeous. She had a appearance of a morning glow people would love to wake up next day, she was wearing a white saree and they were all sweaty due to the shifting. I invited them that evening for...
“Oh, you’re home,” she called as I closed the front door. “Sit down, let me get you a drink.”I sat in the recliner, as instructed. A smile played over my lips as her hand slid over my shoulder, up my neck to my cheek, and pushed my face around. As her fingers touched my lips, I kissed them while turning to see the sight before me.Her eyes, black holes, surrounded by swirling bright blue accretion disks, the twin stars that sucked me powerlessly to her. My smile broadened, I had fallen into them...
Straight SexDear Summer, I am very thrilled to hear of your news about the three pregnancies, regardless of paternity, of course. I look forward to seeing those three bellies swell up with baby bumps from each of those babies on the way. We will grow our family and raise it together as a plural and group marriage, as a rare, unique family. I look forward to even more pregnancies with at least two possible fathers. I also look forward to seeing Joanna again. Naturally, I have no reason to doubt that I...
This is my first posting of a non-erotic story. This is actually a story taken from a new Matchmaker Bandits novel I currently have being edited. I have removed the Bandits and adult content leaving this, the PG-13 rated version. After four attempts, I have found all the errors I could. Please let me know what you think of it, rate it, leave feedback (even bad) and point out errors if you find them. *********** This story is fiction. According to my internet search, there is no town in...
It was not yet 10 AM when Ms. J ordered me out of her bed. “Get going. You still have to make up for missing yesterday.” I felt her eyes on me as I got dressed, but did not dare meet them. She was naked, still damp from her orgasm as were my lips and cheeks.Stopping by my apartment to get cleaned up, I was sorry to have to wash Ms. J off my face. I knew she would expect me to wear the buttplug today so I inserted it. Only then did I eat the waiting banana to end my two-day punishment fast. I...
FemdomBOOM! (More Lightning?) I was flipping through the ‘Bible’ and a number caught my eye. “Don’t worry you guys, a little lightning can’t hurt you,” I said to calm down some of those who were reacting a bit nervous. “Rose and Izzy, your turn. Number 136. It’s from the movie WHITE CHRISTMAS. There is some tight harmony. Do the best you can.” “We’re taking a break after this number. Settle down everyone, please?” “Ladies are you ready?”... BOTH Sisters, sisters There were never such devoted...
Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless skin. She was also as dumb as a brick. She used to be a chemist like me. Well, I guess that...
I was stunned.I could not believe my eyes and ears.All the wives in the world who cheated on husbands would act innocent,but here was a lady who was gloating. I was prepared for the husband to fetch the gun or chopper and was wondering how I could escape or defend myself.Then came the second shock. Rabbit asked her ” Did he come in your pussy?” Vijaya smiled” No,that honour went to Jehangir.(she told his name,but in my story names will be decided by me).He filled Mandakini’s hole”. Rabbit...
It was a late night at "The Cave" the local hot spot in the tourist resort of Montego Bay.The tourist outweighed the mix of locals, though most of the tourist showed signs of tiredness from the sun while the recent arrivals were still getting acclimatized.Earlier that night I returned from taking a group on a night-rafting tour on the river, dinner and a fire show which included native dance, fire walking and fire eating.We had a fun group of about 40 or so tourist, with plenty of alcohol...
BisexualPaul & His French Maid - Instalment # 2 Copyright JustinSilk 2002. All Rights Reserved Legal Notice: The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if: ** you are not 18 or over, ** it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, ** you object to non-macho males. ** you don't wish to read about people who might be gay/bi in love or having sex. The author...
February 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Pull up to the valet,” Kajri said as I crossed Goethe Street. I did as she asked. She reached into her purse and handed me a guest parking card for the building. I handed it to the valet and we went up to the doorman. “Miss Cooke and Mr. Adams to see Miss Lundgren,” Kajri said. “She said we don’t need to be announced.” “You’re on her list,” the doorman said, consulting a small leather-bound notebook. He opened the door for us, then walked us to the...
This is a bit of a confession. Actually it’s a lot of a confession and could get me into serious trouble but I feel compelled to write this down. My name is Sally and I’m an English teacher in a private school for boys in the Oxfordshire countryside. I’m 32 years old, curvy, 5’ 8′ and have long straight strawberry blond hair. I have bright green eyes and lots of freckles all over my body. My boobs are 36C and my hips are quite wide. My friends say I’m good looking and I have no difficulty in...
Curled up on the bench with my head resting on Jim’s chest I felt totally relaxed. It was so nice to be naked with this gentle older man. As I opened my eyes I could see his still hard cock standing up pointing at my face. I let my hand slide down slowly across his belly and curled my fingers around it. I’d only touched one other cock before apart from my own and this was so much nicer, being naked and relaxed in his garden, knowing how much we were both enjoying it. I started to slowly rub his...
IncestIt was just past noon and I was on my way home when I met Trent. We new each other from a summer festival in the city a month earlier, where we both had been working as volunteers. We'd had a lot of fun during the three days of the festival and so it was great to see him again. Within minutes it was like no time had passed and we were making the same kind of silly jokes we had done during the festival.After some time Trent invited me to his house for a drink alongside his pool. I happily...
It had been the longest month of my life. Waiting for my hair to grow enough for a return trip to see Ashley had been excruciating. The day had finally arrived and I was heading there in a hurry. I arrived just as Ashley opens the shop. She smiled at me as I opened the door and strode in. “Welcome back Honey, come have a seat.” Ashley said, patting her chair. She walked back to the door and locked it. My heart skipped a beat. Ashley was stunning. Her long dark hair was falling around her face...
Naturists Cou$in!Kim sweetie come in here.SUP?Your dad and I are going on a cruise this weekend for two weeks. We asked Uncle Mike and Aunt Franny if you could stay with them.WAIT, WHAT I'm old enough to stay home alone.You are for a few hours or so. You're si(x)teen two weeks is too long for you to cook, shop and do the laundry. They live out in the country a bit it will be fun for you.I don't want to go to the country.Oh Kim go and broaden your horizons.Your co(u)sins Donna and Johnny are...
Having the house to ourselves meant we could take our time and explore all of our unrealized fantasies at our leisure this time. In the past our threesomes with him had been exciting and arousing but sometimes a bit more rushed than we would have liked. This time promised to be different. And instead of being in a local hotel room, this time we’d be enjoying our tryst in our marital bed.She spent most of the afternoon prepping herself for him, pedicure, manicure, had her hair done and then took...
Daniel peeked out the window and watched his daughter standing next to a car, chatting with the young man who owned it. Though the day’s outing was a civil protest against a factory releasing contaminated wastewater, he could see in the manner of the couple that there was far more than a sense of civic duty motivating their time together.Though she was dressed in a conservative manner, it could do little to hide her natural allure. She had her mother’s willowy, shapely figure, and the same...
Supernatural“Anistagia Steel” I said as I shake the hand of my future sex master Christian Gay. “Nice to meet you ms. Steel, I’m Christian Gay” he said. He then walked over to the door to his office and locked it and then he called his secretary and told her to cancel his appointments for the rest of the day. “Take off you clothes ” he said. “Um excuse me” I said surprised. I stripped down to my underwear and he started to take his own clothes. “Underwear too” he said now full nude “I want to see how well...
TranssexualOver the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...
CheatingDylan’s bare ass was precisely what you’d think a nineteen year-old star tennis player’s ass would look like. It was tiny and round and firm. Her toned miniature cheeks made a tight cleavage. There were even two magical little dimples just above her ass on either side of her spine. It was the single hottest butt I’d ever seen. Even hotter than my wife’s.Dylan was staring at me as she swished her hips from side to side a little. Her tiny tush swayed back and forth without a single jiggle. Just a...
Introduction: re-write of, Not so picture perfect Picture perfect Trilogy Judys story (part 2) (The revised edition) Prologue, If you havent read, Picture Perfect Trilogy (Garys story) (the revised edition) I would advise reading that before this. My original story, although very popular, did have some criticisms that I thought were very valid so, I have revised the story. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the first story. Thank you very much, And now: Picture Perfect Trilogy...
I arrived at work with nothing on my mind. I didn't care what wasn't done from the night before, because whatever I discovered once I was there easily could be taken care of. As it turns out, one of the young women who work the registers called out."Can you call someone in?" my boss inquired upon seeing me. Her name is Lynn. She's petite to an extent. Compared to my tall stature, her eyes were level with my shoulders. Due to the outfits she wears and her immature yet judicious personality, I...
ReluctanceA high school hockey game: that's exactly where I wanted to be on my Saturday night. What a fantastic waste of my time. I was only there to film it for the crappy local news, that makes two things I didn't care about. I would have thought that leaving that shit of a town for my college in a distant state would have freed me from everything associated with my old high school, but there I was, back in my hometown. Of course, it seemed as if no one shared my opinion. The bleachers were packed, the...
Straight SexCarol had just left to pick her Mom up from the railroad station and I was quite pleased. Her mom Janice and I have always got along quite nicely, and I always enjoy having her over. In her early sixties, Janice is nicely endowed so far as boobs, ass and hips are concerned. Her hair is long and gray with a lot of highlights. Her style of dress is skirt and blouse with kitty heels and those shoes are usually in black or red patent and look quite nice. Carol thinks it is sweet of me when her...
FetishThis is a true story though names have been changed....I married when I was young and my wife had two k***s, a girl and boy, s*x and e***t. I was always nervous as to how life would progress as both had different dads and they were rarely in the picture and wasn't sure how well I would be accepted by them but that soon became clear pretty early on. It wasn't long before Mikes dad became more involved and I was very much in the step dad role and we got along but I can honestly say we never got...
Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se ...
Lisa and Jenn were walking back to their apartment after a very long and strenuous workout in the complex's exercise room. Both ladies were wearing exercise gear; spandex outfits, with towels draped over their shoulders. Usually, the pair of college students went to the local fitness club to get in their workouts. This afternoon, however, they decided to stay closer to home and exercise in the apartment complex's spacious fitness room. Jenn opened the door to their apartment, then followed...