Using Ginger
- 4 years ago
- 20
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I was surprised when Javon called to tell me to meet him at the snack bar. He never wanted us to be seen together on post. He usually just wanted to come over and fuck my brains out! He told me to come in a half hour so I didn't have time to get all dolled up for him, and wasn't sure how sexy I wanted to be in public and on post.
Since Richard had just left post and even the army under some pretty heavy rumors and Mike and Carolyn were due to leave in a week, people in our 'borderline situations' were being a little more discreet in public. I decided Javon must have had a really good reason for wanting me to be with him in public, so I wouldn't worry about it.
“Hi baby,” I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck, coquettishly kissing that velvety black skin, like it didn't matter who'd see us. He grinned at me and patted the chair next to him.
“Hey, Ainsely. I knew you wouldn't be afraid to be seen with me here,” he said. “You' a pretty brave girl. Not too smart, but definitely brave.”
“Well! I never... ” I huffed in mock outrage. Then I teased, “I guess I'm smart enough to get my man to do anything I want to me!”
He nodded in agreement and then told me he wanted me to know just how much he liked me thinking that way, “... 'cause I think I'm smart enough to get my little white girl to do anything I want for me too,” Javon told me.
I joked about letting him 'hump my rump' and silly things like that as I assured him I wanted to do anything he wanted so I could be fully his.
“Listen, baby, I want you to come with me to a little party on Saturday night,” he told me. “Bunch a black guys having an 'coming out party' for some o' you special married white girls.”
I was excited, happy about the fact that Javon seemed to want us to go a little more out in the open, but before I could respond, Lisa walked into the snack bar and came straight to our table, taking a seat on the other side of Javon.
“Hi Ainsely,” she said with this fake smile. “Did you tell her about the party yet, baby?” she asked Javon. My happiness evaporated on the spot, probably from the heat generated by my slow boiling anger at her very existence.
“Yeah,” he said, not seeming to pick up on the plastic niceness Lisa and I struggled to hang on to when we really would have preferred to scratch each others' eyes out. “Listen Ains, Lisa's got some experience at these parties so I'm taking both of you so it won't be so hard for you. Gonna be way more black guys than white girls and everybody's gonna want some of you, so you gotta be ready, and Lisa can help.
I didn't want to talk about this with Javon in front of Lisa, but she just sat there showing no sign of leaving.
“Now Ainsely, you gotta get your asshole ready. I'll come over this afternoon and show you how since you probably don't know what to do.” I tried to keep from being too snarky as I informed her that I was both informed and experienced.
She just patted my hand with condescension and told me that she was surprised to hear that about a naive young Southern girl, but she was glad I'd had a chance to learn something.
“But don't worry about your butt hole too much. You'll have me there and this girl from Valley Station who's a regular at these parties and we'll take on most of that. Besides, everyone will be wanting to fuck you and cum in your pussy. Javon's let it be known that you want a black baby, so the attendance will be up, didn't you baby?” she smiled at him. He nodded as she continued, “There's always lotsa guys that want to be in on knocking up a white girl.”
I must have visibly wilted on the spot. She looked at me with a concerned expression that surprised me.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut. “Javon,... baby,... I want to have your baby. That's what I was trying to tell you the other night. I love you and you love me. I can't believe you want me to be with other guys, even if they're friends of yours.”
“Ainsely, baby, you can't be that dumb. You gotta know you hang out with black guys, you're gonna get it from more than one, actually lots of us. We share. We brothers. We're not like white boys, all stuck up and selfish. An' besides, whaddyou care who the daddy is a long as it's a black baby?”
“Don't be so harsh, Javon,” Lisa interrupted with a smarmy smile. “She's just young and naive, but she has a good heart. All those little Southern girls do. Their pretty little heads are all screwed up with all that traditional love and marriage crap.”
As stunned as I was at Javon's crude dismissal of my heartfelt loving commitment, I was just furious at Lisa's snotty comments. The girl's very presence at what I'd thought was going to be a private moment with my man had been irksome enough, but now her interference was too much to take. I was not going to have it!
I stared at my black boyfriend with a stern expression. “Well since you and Lisa have so much to talk about, I guess I'll just go now. Maybe you'd rather talk about me behind my back.”
I did my best to look unruffled as I got up and walked out, struggling to keep from tearing up.
“Child!” I heard Lisa mutter under her breath.
“I'll call you about the party,” Javon called after her. “You' going!” he added.
I sat in the car sobbing for several minutes trying to get control of myself. Then another knife in the back, Javon came out of the snack bar with his arm around Lisa, got in her car and they drove off.
“You're so beautiful. It makes me happy just to come home to you,” I told her, taking her in my arms and kissing her. “Uh oh? What's wrong?”
My little teary eyed Ainsely didn't struggle, she just let me hold her. When she whimpered a little, I stroked her hair and waited for her to decide what to tell me. A quiet fear began knotting my gut, a fear that something bad had happened, or was going to happen, and I felt sure it was going to have something to do with her black lover.
She spoke softly into my chest, “Oh Jack... baby... I don't know what to do. Javon wants to share me with other black guys.”
I tried not to let her realize it, but at those words, my dick stiffened and began throbbing. “I was gonna tell him I wanted him to live with me while you're gone, but then he started saying all this, disgusting stuff, nasty stuff he wants me to do. Not only that but that bitch Lisa is hanging all over him all the time. I hate her. He wants me to go to this party tonight and expects me to be with other black guys at the party. I don't know if I can do that, baby. I don't know if I want to.”
Wow. Talk about a cuckold dream situation. I knew this was risky... no dangerous. Very dangerous. But I couldn't keep my hard on from throbbing with excitement. Still, her reluctance at being led farther and farther into this adulterous path made me feel good about her. “I thought you were in love with him, and he's in love with you,” I told her.
“Yeah,” she said, softly, wistfully. “Yeah, we are.”
“Well it doesn't sound like the thing you ask a girl you love to do,” I told her. She didn't seem to even notice the irony of me having done exactly the same thing to her before.
“No, it doesn't,” she said.
Unable to conceal my perverted interest, I kept talking. “But maybe he thinks it will be fun for you two once you get into it. I mean we're young and newlywed, and even though you've really gotten into it with Javon and really learned a lot about your sexuality, there's gotta be a lot of hot kinky stuff we don't even know about you. You might wind up finding you like it. He might think it would be good for you.”
“Jack,” she looked me in the eye. “He wants me to get pregnant.” She paused for effect as I struggled not to cum in my pants. “I told him I went off of the pill for him and that I would have his baby, and that's when he told me he wanted me to be with other guys.”
Barely pausing to let that sink in, she continued, “I'm scared. I'm afraid he's just setting me up to get pregnant and then dump me, like some kind of conquest.”
That possibility seemed very real. The only surprising thing to me was that my young dumb wife had finally figured out a little something about “her man,” as she kept calling him.
“Well,” I told my wife, “If he loves you,” I started, taking a deep breath, “...and if you love him...” I let the words hang as I watched her agonize. “Do you really think he just wants to mess you up, after as open and loving as you've been to him?”
“And maybe as dumb,” she said, her brow knitting in worry. “I just don't get how Lisa can do all this nasty stuff with him and any other black guys she wants and she never has any problems up like this.”
“Maybe it's because she just plays it fast and free and that gives her a kind of control over what's happening to her. Did you think of that?” She grabbed a beer out of the fridge and plopped down on the sofa obviously trying to think all this through. I went up to shower and change and give her the space she seemed to need at the moment.
I came down from my shower in a pair of running shorts and a tank top just as Lisa arrived carrying out Javon's request to “help” my wife get ready. Ainsley hadn't even gotten up off of the sofa, so I asked Lisa if she wanted a beer, and went to get her one when she politely smiled and said yes, please. The tension between the two girls was palpable.
I tried not to listen from the kitchen where I was fixing my sandwich as Lisa started telling her things in a soft voice. Ainsely just stared straight ahead, smoke coming from her ears. Not sure what was up, but hoping to ease the tension a little, I called out to them, “It's okay Lisa, I know about the party. You all can talk in front of me. It's okay with me if Ainsely wants to go.”
My wife's pretty head snapped around so fast I thought she'd hurt her neck. The look she gave me stunned me. There was murder in her eyes.
Lisa's face broadened into a huge grin. “Well that's just the best news ever,” she gushed. “Well baby, I'll leave you to get ready. Maybe your sweet little hubby will help you get ready,” she said, patting Ainsely on the knee as she got up to let herself out. “I'll be by to pick you up about 8 or... or so,” she giggled making her exit.
“I can't believe you just did that to me,” Ainsely said coldly, fixing me with an angry stare.
“What?” I asked innocently, wounded. “What did I do?”
“You are so absolutely gorgeous,” I told her as she stood there in her white satin bikinis and black push up bra brushing out those deliciously lovely big looping curls as each roller came off.
“You are going to be such a luscious fuck for Javon tonight,” recalling how pretty her bare shaven pussy looked as I finished touching it up and rubbing her with baby oil.
She'd been embarrassed about letting me help her with her enema, but she was totally clean and empty when we finished. She let me dab her waist, neck and lower back with Shalimar just before she stepped into the too-short, too-tight black dress she knew he liked. She let me zip her up and held her long curled hair up to let me fasten the black velvet choker that made her pretty neck look so totally sexy.
“I hope you realize what you've done,” Ainsely told me. “I mean, Jack, you're practically handing me to him... to them... and I am not sure they are thinking about giving me back. Do you understand that?”
Her anger and subsided somewhat, but there was still a slow boil going on beneath that pretty countenance as she spoke sounding calm and measured. “I think that's what Lisa's all about, the more I think about it. You know, breaking us up. Ruining our marriage.”
“Really?” I ask her amazed. “At this point, after all we've done and have let happen, that's what you're thinking about?”
“I guess. I don't know...”
“Ainsely, baby. Don't be so serious about all this. Think of tonight a just a fun party like any other fun party and realize nothing has to change unless you want it to change. Nobody is making you do any of the stuff you keep getting all dramatic about and you can still change your mind and do something else if you want. Just remember one thing, baby. I love you. I always have and always will, no matter what."
In a last minute change of plans, I drove her over to Bob and Lisa's. The girls would drive up to the party in Valley Station together. She was quiet on the way over, pensive. When I stopped the car, she looked over at me wordlessly for a long moment. Then she suddenly leaned over and kissed me, a warm loving kiss.
“Tell me again that you love me no matter what,” she asked softly. I did.
Watching her sexy ass sway up the walk to Lisa's, my dick was so hard that I knew I wouldn't make it home without coming in my jeans.
I was surprised that it was Richard who opened the door for me. Lisa was still getting ready he told me as he and Bob offered me a shot.
“You best get a few of these in you before the party, baby,” Richard told me. “You ain't gonna have much time to drink tonight. You' gonna be a busy girl!” He and Bob laughed.
“So what are you doing here,” I asked him after throwing down the first shot and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “I thought you all were in Tennessee.”
“Was,” he grinned, “But Ainsely baby, when I heard this gonna be your special night, I drove back up here just to get in on the fun. I been watchin' Javon get the best white pussy on post for the past six months, just waitin' my turn, an' now it's here. Tonight we gonna get to know each other a lot better baby,” he sneered, squeezing his hard dick through his pants.
“I'll take another one of those,” I told Bob as he brought in a tray of shots and downed the second one. It was getting to be obvious this was going to be a wild night and I wasn't sure I could handle it at all, much less handling it sober.
I felt myself getting a little tipsy after that second one hit so when Richard slipped his arm around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek, I just thought to myself, what the hell? I turned my face to his and kissed him back. By the time Lisa came down, we were full on making out, his hand busy under my skirt, and Bob was snapping pictures. I was feeling drunk and slutty and not caring who knew it. Just then Javon arrived.
He saw Richard all over me but just raised an eyebrow chuckling, “Good to see you're already getting warmed up for the evening.”
The four of us rode to the party together, Lisa driving and me and Richard in the back seat necking and feeling each other all over. That's how we went in, too, like Richard was my date and Javon was Lisas. I should have been mad at Javon. Maybe I was. But I was feeling dirty and stupid and used so in a drunk twisted kind of way it was like I was getting back at Javon, or Lisa, or... someone. Thought processes weren't exactly focused.
Looking back on it, the party was kind of a hazy dream for me. I remember being on my knees sucking some black guy and looked up to see it was Javon. That made me feel good for a bit, but then I remember looking over at Lisa on her knees across the room sucking a black dick. But when I looked up at that guy's face, that was Javon. When I looked back up at the guy I was sucking, I didn't recognize him! Freaky. Then later I remember being led around the room without my dress on. I remember that none of the white girls had dresses on and several were totally naked.
I remembered being under a black man, fucking him energetically, and realizing it was Richard, but not caring. I know I threw down several more shots—pretty much taking anything anyone gave me and drinking it. I was on my back, legs spread wide when guys would get off of me and another would get on, driving right in. I was on my knees and elbows getting it from behind several times, back arched, head pulled back by the hair, and I definitely remember taking it in the ass from someone, but I couldn't say who. It was pretty nasty.
My strongest memory about that party was waking up at Bob and Lisa's laying next to Bob. My head hurt, my pussy and ass hurt, I felt waves of nausea and I couldn't find my dress. Not only that, but it kind of grossed me out to have this perverted white guy fingering me and sucking on my sore breasts, already splotched red with hickeys and bite marks from all the black guys at the party.
I didn't feel desirable, I just felt dirty and used. But then Jack came in the bedroom to get me and take me home. Bob quietly got up and left. Jack wordlessly dressed me in a t-shirt and shorts and helped me back to our place. He let me shower and gave me a brief massage as I fell immediately asleep in my own bed.
How perverted am I? I think my beautiful wife has never been more beautiful than when I picked her up at Bob & Lisa's after what Lisa said had been a hell of a party. She said Ains had drained a lot of black balls and my spaced out wife had taken at least six loads in her horny little pussy. She stank of course and was marked up and sore and teary eyed, hair and makeup a mess, but to m, she had never been more beautiful, more sexual, more feminine. Did I mention that I'm in love with her?
I brought her a cup of tea and a couple of slices of toast in the morning when I heard her get up to go the bathroom. She was quiet, but sweet and thanked me and ate.
“You are so sweet to me,” Ainsely said. “I don't deserve you. I know I love you too because I married you. I guess I've been kind of crazy lately, haven't I?”
“You're wonderful baby. You aren't doing anything but what we want, and it's okay. And yeah, I am pretty sweet. But that's 'cause I love you. Did I happen to mention that?”
I let her sleep some more since I had to run to the PX to pick up some stuff I needed for my trip to the training camp. I kept going over and over in my mind what had just happened. Lisa said if Ainsely was ever gonna get pregnant, it sure happened last night. I figured she probably had asked Javon to move in with her while I was gone and assumed that would just cement the possibility. I realized I'd be coming back to post to find a pregnant wife and would have to figure out what to do about it after that, especially if her baby was black. But then, how could it not be?
Later that night, when I came downstairs after getting some packing done. Ainsely was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of wine, just staring off into space.
“I think I may have made a mistake,” she said softly.
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Hi Boys and girls kasy hain ap log ap logoon ka thanks kay ap ko mari story ko like kia or ap sub nay us ko enjoy bhi kia ho ga aj may ap ko us ka 3Rd part pahrny kay ley send kar raha hoon umeed hay ap is ko bhi like karaingayor enjoy bhi karian gay to boys apny lund hath may pakar layian or girls apni choot ko sahlana start kar dain Frind Thora sa part 2 ka ap ko recap day doon taky ap logoon ko part 3 ka maza aye . May kuch dar us kay upper para raha us ki choot nay mary lund ki sari mani...
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My very dear loves…I apologize almost every time I post, and this is no exception. You all have my deepest and sincerest sorries, from the bottom, top and all sides of my heart. First off, Chapter 8 was crap, and I really ought to have worked on it more. I feel awful about that. Second, this chapter took much longer to get on paper than I expected. So much has happened lately, it’s been hard to find time to write more than a word here and there. =( I hate excuses, but this one was real. Thank...
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Over the next two weeks Laura came to Jody's room every night. Twice they slept together after their carnal cravings were satisfied. Once they invited Shanti for a threesome. She amazed them by telling them in graphic detail how she had seduced each of her brothers and sisters, but it was the description of her seduction by her own father which aroused both Laura and Jody to the degree that, before Shanti had finished, both Walker siblings were naked and exploring each other's...
I was due to spend a week in London visiting the head offices of thecompany to present my ultimatum to the board. From Heathrow I took thecompany limo to my hotel in central London and settled in. I was a bit jetlagged from the trip so I enjoyed a quiet dinner in the hotel and an earlynight. The next morning, following an early breakfast and a jog in HydePark, I dressed carefully and conservatively for the first meeting. I tooka taxi, arriving at the company's City office building just after...
As always, a huge shout out to my editing team, PapaKilo14, Hal, Pixel the Cat (love my big brother), GeorgeAnderson and Olddave1951. Thanks, guys, I love you all. You all know what a mess I am and you make my stories shine. Special thanks go to my friend, GeorgeAnderson, on this story. You helped me when I was stuck and your huge contribution made this story complete. I owe you. Harddaysknight and Saxon_Hart give me peer review. I love what you do for me. You told me the first draft lacked...
Mia Martinez did an online fuck a fan contest and now one lucky S.O.B. is getting a chance to fuck her. And us at BangBros get to film it for all the other fans out there. We first had to go scoop up this fan at a bus station. Once we got him, Mia couldn’t contain herself and started blowing him in the car on the ride back to the crib. The moment we walked inside, she quickly had him eating her pussy. She twerked on his face until she had enough. Then she demanded to get her pussy properly...
xmoviesforyouJoshua cleared his throat and gave me it to me straight. “Mr. President. The people who murdered your wife were trying for you. Their pedigree points toward Russia and Africa. We will uncover their funding, but I can tell you right now, the people behind these attacks will have killed everyone that knows their identity by now, so we might have to follow the trail of dead bodies to find the real culprits. “The prisoners captured here in town are all foreign nationals with no usable...
In two months time, I joined another college in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I was an above average student. College life was amazing and I had some wonderful friends. My sex life also was great. I lost my virginity in the very first year. Though I did not talk to all the girls in the college, I had a fling with the ones I talked to. I had a playboy image throughout the three years in college. I ended up having dated 5 girlfriends. I even had a couple of encounters with mature women. Getting physical...
IncestIt's 8pm in the evening and you hear the doorbell ringing. It's the moment you've been waiting for. You just finished getting ready, putting on your colorful dress by your favourite designer Kenneth Cole, your summer heels. And now while you're walking towards the door, you feel a tingling sensation grow in your lower part of your tummy. You open the door and seeing me standing outside, dressed formal in a dark, tailored Hugo Boss suit, the jacket in my hands due to the still war, temperature,...
Fun Afloat. A naughty tale by Rings3. This story contains descriptions of Incest, Anal, Lesbian, Hetro, Bi and Wet Sex, All characters are over the Age of Consent. If you are offended by any of the above go no further, if your not…Enjoy. (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS – COMMENTS WELCOME) Chapter 1: Mind you, it was a very pleasant way to have been bought back to earth, I had been mindlessly working away at a jammed genoa winch when the knock against the hull interrupted me, I looked up the...
IncestHelo frnds mera naam ankit h ye meri 1st story h iss pe koi glti ho to maaf krna meri age 22 h hieght 5’9 fair looking with dick size of 6.5 so koi bhi bhabhi ya koi bhi ladki mujhse contact krna chahe to mujhe mail kre pe . So jyada bore na krte hue direct story pe aata hu ye baat aaj se 3 saal pehle ki h hum log bhopal ki ek society me rehte h waha pe club house common tha to shaam ke time me waha pe gym krne jaya krta tha usi time ek bhabhi bhi regular waha gym krne aaya krti thi. Humari hi...
The bell for the end of lunch sounded, and Mandy stood up, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she did so. Walking to home room, she wondered what her homeroom teacher would be doing when she arrived, reading, or marking papers maybe.In the hall now, kids were jostling and shoving one another, eventually making their way to their homerooms. Mandy followed suit, slipping into class 3 c after a group of chattering girls. She sat down at the back of the class, skimming the room for...
AnalHello friends, myself prithvi kapoor me indore me rehta hun kuch mahino se first time me apni story likh raha hun so please consider it. Meri age 24 years hai me ek healthy 6 feet height ka banda hun. Ye story thodi lambi hai so plz thoda time de isse specially womens and girls ke liye hai ye story I hope app sab ispe comment karenge.And enjoy karenge Me ek banking firm me area manager hun saath hi social worker bhi hun .Me unn aurato ko pyar deta hun jinhe pyar nhi mila. Jindagi ek baar milti...
Alekzander Kramarz rested comfortably in his hospital bed. His body and especially his face, did not bother him quite as much as it did yesterday. His teeth and jaw did hurt though but after checking with his tongue he knew that none of the former were missing or broken. Other places on his body were affected. He had, at one time, gained a medical doctor's degree and could basically diagnose his own problems. It looked like Mr Summers, the Vice Principal of his school, had kicked him when he...
My Step-Mom has the worse attitude she treats both my Step-Dad and I really bad. I need to have a special talk with her, I am over her telling me what to do thinking she runs the place. I confront her in the bathroom and tell her today I’m gonna get what I want. She threatens to tell my Step-Dad but I am gonna snitch on her, I know she hasn’t been faithful and I have no problem telling my Step-Dad about it. I tell her I want to see her sexy body as I jack it, but I quickly realize I...
xmoviesforyouI am a 38-year-old, successful woman, married with k**s, job, mortgage, the lot. I’ve lost count of the men I’ve slept with. Serious relationships are counted on the fingers of one hand, but 1-offs and even longer relationships I have no idea. I love my husband and my k**s, my jobs, the holidays abroad, our 5-bedroom house, my SUV etc. Sex is ok-ish and I do have a fling with an old ex-workmate of mine from time to time and a season, semi-regular shag-buddy in our Spanish villa. No complaints....
Those are four words you never wanna hear put together: 'We need to talk.' That always meant there was something bad coming. She didn't wanna wake Emily up. I just went along with it. We both just put on our undergarments, and went out to the living room. We sat down and she gave a nice hug and kiss."What's on your mind, sis?" I asked.She decided to hug me again."OK, I get it. You love me, and you are sorry. Don't worry about it," I said."Well, I just never met to hurt you. Even though we only...
IncestI live in the Satellite area of Ahmedabad which is one of the most posh areas in the city along with my parents. My dad Arun is 45 years old and mother Ami is 41 years old. My parents got married when my mom was just 19 years old. I was born 2 years later and am my parents' only c***d.I had always been a shy k** since the beginning. I didn't use to go out and play cricket or football with my friends when I was young. Instead I liked staying indoors and play video games or board games. My...
To say I was shocked would have been the understatement of the year. Hell, the century. Here I was laying front to front with one of the two cutest 13 year old girls in the whole world, and one I had seen completely naked involved in about every sex act you could imagine, albeit forced. She was kissing me, tongue in my mouth, softly rubbing my chest as she softly, gently, slowly rubbed my raging hard on and very sensitive balls. I guess I should have felt lucky - at least she wasn't sucking...
Hello readers how r u ? hope u will fine , thanks for your responses some male/female readers mail me your story is very good thanks for your comments need more support from u guys mail me at In last story u read how I satisfy Mousi and aunty in night , this is next part of my story. Aab apka jada samay na lete mai shuru karta hu kaisse maine rat ko autny ki chudai ki aur hum so gaye the aunty mere cine per apna sir rakhkar soyi hui thi aur Dusre baju meri mousi rani so gayi thi aab aage jab...
As I walked over to the TV room to shut the TV off I found my roomy laying on the couch by himself playing with his cock. I was shocked and froze for a sec and found myself watching for some reason. I never saw another guys cock before and I guess I was interested. He didn't see me or hear me come in and was just going at it. Guess cause he was close to coming cause when I got over there his eyes where closed and he was breathing hard. So I found a spot were I could see him and the movie and...
I looked at the message: COCKSUCKER! I know you are probably dithering right now. But let's make this simple so you don't procrastinate. Be at my house at 1:00AM or I'll never give you the privilege of servicing my cock. EVER! Fuck!My cock flinched in my pantyhose.I clicked on the uber app and asked for a pick up... entering the street Jamal was on. Unsure of the exact address.I pressed send and got a four-minute pick up time. Not much time to change my mind.I went downstairs and said, "Sorry,...
Namskar Mitrano ani Mitrinino and I am Ranjeet and thanks mazya pahelya story la response dilya baddal. Tumahala mazya baddal tar mahiti aahech ani mazya mavshi baddal pan tari parat sangto me aata 22 varcha aahe mavshi chi size 38-34-40 aahe nav Rani aahe. Mavshi barobar tya divshi pahilanda sex kele hote aata pudhe Tya ratri mavshila changlech zavle hote aani doghe amhi zoplo hotoDusryadivshi sakali khup ushira jag aali toparyant aai ani baba officela nighun gele hote. Mavshi ne mala...
My name is Alan i'm a very happily married man with a normal job and life, but what happened 2 years ago changed all of that.My wife is Kelly, and i'm proud to say she is a very sexy lady who gets lots of male attention. We met when we were both 17 and both virgins. So up until 2 years ago the only person i had ever had sex with was Kelly and the same goes for her. Like i said Kelly is a very sexy lady 32 years old average hight dress size 12 long blonde hair big full kissable lips but the...
“Hey, man, how did it go?” asked Vinnie. He looked up from the table that he was hunched over, a textbook and pages of notes spread across it in a more-or-less organized fashion. “You’re back pretty early. Is that good or bad?” Will made it down the last couple stairs and tossed his backpack towards the opposite end of the couch. He put his hands on the back of his head, rubbing them up and down. “It went ... well, I think?” He glanced at the television, recognizing the animated show that...
At his palace in Nova Magus the Roman Consul Petronius Arius gazed toward the estuary far down in the valley of the Ems River. Petronius was a hawkish man some thirty-eight years old; he was tired of this barbaric land with its heinous Anglo Saxon’s and marauding pirates from Germany and France. He lorded over some 200.000 soldiers of the Roman Empire who had been spread thinly all over the south coast of Briton. To him Briton was the most inhospitable place on Earth with its cold wet winters...
This isn't one of my better stories since my Muse has been a little lazy of late. However, I did want to at least put my two cents in for this contest so here it is. Once a Year By Morpheus Scott frowned as he looked around the dusty attic in the hopes of finding what he was looking for, though he still wasn't even sure what that something was. All Scott knew was that he needed some kind of costume for Halloween and he wasn't about to spend much money on something he...
Jack: It was a great relief that Nancy and I had come to an easy agreement about what we both wanted for our future. My hunger for my daughter never abated, it only grew as did her's for me. She was an eager learner and absorbed everything I showed her and everything in the book she had. I learned that Nancy had given it to her to spur her on in our sex together and to give her lots and lots of ideas for our future lovemaking. Oh, she sure had those. I've never been more tired or more...
Back on dry land, the group found that I had laid out four towels on the sand over near the fire pit. I was aware of the schedule of events and was doing my assigned tasks. Jess and Amelia both dropped down onto towels. Andre and Paul sat down on either side of Amelia; Jess had to pull the other two boys down next to her by their hands. All of the guys had shrunken as a result of the cold water (no sympathy here), so Amelia wrapped her hands around the guys’ cocks and started pumping. Andre...
One day I woke up on social media and got two invitations to weddings. One was Amber's. I thought about her and winced as I thought about our last sexual encounter. I still wasn't totally over her.The second one was Ashley's. I was not expecting that one. Now, I'm cool with the both of them. However, it would seem awkward to show up at Ashley's wedding with me fucking her in college not too long ago, and vice versa with Amber. I needed some advice from a female perspective."You...
ThreesomesSitting in the airport awaiting our flight home and my mind is constantly drawn back to last night. We took a further step into our kinky BDSM & spanking lifestyle. Having discovered this dungeon exists before we came away we knew we had to give it a go, and boy were we glad we did.They have several different rooms for hire all equipped with different variations of sexual apparatus and a massive array of whips, canes, floggers, paddles, crops, straps etc. There were chains and a multitude of...
SpankingOkay Swinging Fans! Part 3 of where our meeting with Mike & Julie at 'our' club led us......Last time, I told you about what happened when we went to visit Mike & Julie at their home. They introduced us to a very fit couple called Keith & Jackie, and at the very end I told you that my partner had arranged to meet Keith on her own, whilst I had been a 'good boy' and not made any such arrangement with Jackie - despite the fact that she was HOT! - Oh BOY was she HOT!!!!Anyway, a couple...
Ramya is a neighboring aunt whom I have always admired and gorged upon. She is a hot bomb sitting silently in the form of a housewife. Gorgeous real gorgeous aunt was she. Thinking of her voluptuous body gives me a hard on even now. Am writing this after having really made it with her till full satisfaction. Yes I have made it with her before but that was more raunchy and more of a quick on in haste. This happened today, she was standing in her portico drying her long hair. She had this nice...