Who I Am Ch. 05 free porn video

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New Readers: Thank you for checking me out! Each chapter builds from the previous. I highly suggest you start from chapter 1.

Returning Readers: Thank you so much as always. I appreciate every email and comment. I hope you continue to read my stuff!!

Please excuse any typos. I am self-editing.

Ms. Angel Sand

All copyrights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system without specific permission from the author.



‘Hello Juicy! Sorry I missed your call earlier. Are you free to talk?’

‘I was going to run some errands with Tom, but he can go alone. What’s up?’

‘Oh no, I don’t want to interrupt your plans. Just call me when you are free.’

‘Stop it Sissy. It’s 11am on a Tuesday morning. I know you would normally be at work by now so this must be serious. What is going on?’

‘Well, I kind of just wanted to talk with you about something that happened with Jamie last night.’

‘Oh! Jamie you say? Hold one sec’, I could tell she was on the move before I could say ok. She came back on the line out of breath, ‘Alright, Tom is going to run the errands. He’ll be gone a while so we have plenty of time to catch up.’

‘You know you didn’t need to do that’, but I was actually very glad she did. I really needed to talk with someone about Mr. Jamie Johnson.

‘Oh yes I did! You think I want to miss an opportunity to hear about Jamie? Especially, when you said you didn’t think you’d ever speak to him again. Chile please! Now spill it.’

‘Well, I kind of called him out of the blue on my lunch break and we decided he should come over last night when he finished a business engagement.’

‘That’s kind of sudden from where you said you left off with him. How did all of this come about?’

‘Well, I’ve been really thinking about things and you know I kind of thought…well, I think, you know, that I’m…you know ready for ‘it’ to happen.’ Why am I so nervous? This is my baby sister for goodness sakes. Maybe it’s not nervousness I’m feeling, but I am surely less confident than I thought I’d be in sharing this information.

‘What do you mean by ‘it’ to happen?’

Ah, now I see why I’m feeling the way I’m feeling. I am not in the mood to be teased by her today. Most days I think Juicy is hilarious and would join in the joking with her, but I just can’t today.

‘Dang it Juicy’, I said in frustration, ‘You know full well what I mean by ‘it’. You know what ‘it’ is.’

‘Ok, yeah, I do know what ‘it’ is. But, I need you to make me sure that YOU know what ‘it’ is and that we are definitely talking about the same thing.’

I was not feeling the humor at all. ‘If you were a couple thousand miles closer, I’d kill you. ‘It’ means to ‘do it’. It being have sex with him. Are you happy now’, I said through gritted teeth.

‘Oh really now? You’re ready to have sex are you? But, not only have sex, have sex with a guy you have seen once in the past 9 years or more. I’m a bit confused but that’s pretty much an irrelevant fact…did you go through with it?’

‘Somethings did happen. You have to let me go through the whole thing though.’

‘Oh shit! Now you have to tell me what happened. If you skip or rush through this, you’re going to get it.’

‘Um, why do you think I called you’, I stated sarcastically. I don’t know if it is her fault or not but nerves are starting to get worked over. If I didn’t want to hear someone else’s opinion, I’d hang up in her face right now. On a normal day this banter would have just made me laugh, but today it was getting on my nerves. I decided to continue nevertheless, ‘Anyway, I’ve kind of been on this quest to get rid of my V by almost any means necessary. I kind of had a blundered event with Carter the other night, which I am not ready to discuss at this moment’, I felt the need to warn her against this tangent and continued. ‘But after that, I was really thinking about finding the right guy for the job. I know I could go to a bar or club and easily find someone attractive and willing, but in the end I realized I also wanted someone I could trust. Immediately, Jamie came to my mind.’

‘Did he come to mind out of guilt or desire?’

‘Desire Katherine! Are you going to let me finish my thoughts or are you going to keep interrupting me?’

‘Sorry, sorry, keep going. You won’t hear another peep from me unless you ask a question.’

‘Good! I hope you can honor that’, I replied mockingly. ‘Now back to my story. Jamie, seemed like the perfect person because it really felt like he was the same guy I used to love and maybe never completely stopped loving. I am pretty sure there isn’t hope for a relationship, but I thought he might be willing to revisit what we left on the table. That being finally having sex, to clarify before you interrupt me again.’ I fell quiet for a few moments waiting for Katherine’s response but she remained silent as well, ‘Juicy? Are you still there?’

‘Of course, I am. But you said I couldn’t honor my word of remaining quiet until you finished your thought. I wasn’t sure you had stopped thinking, so I kept quiet.’

‘You really know how to be a smart aleck don’t you?’

‘What else are baby sisters for?’

‘Ha Ha’

‘All jokes aside Sissy, I think you were being pretty brave. So can you move on to the good stuff now?’

‘I need you to consider it all good stuff, because I don’t know how to tell it in bits and pieces. I seriously need to let it all out. So be serious.’

‘You know I’m not good at being serious. I am going to concentrate on every word and let you tell me all you need. So keep going. I’m here to listen.’

‘Ok, basically I was getting worked up on the excitement of having sex and I started fantasizing about how I was going to seduce him. Then, I started thinking, I haven’t done a reality check on this guy. I labeled him the perfect sex mate based off of one dinner and memories of years ago. What if he had a girlfriend, you know? Or, how many people was he currently sleeping with? I didn’t want to play the STD version of Russian Roulette.

So that led to thoughts about what I really wanted. Did I want to have a hot and heavy sex session that resulted in my deflowering or did I want to be romanced? It was definitely the latter. I didn’t want to be the vixen in this scenario. I wanted to at least pretend I was being swept off of my feet. Then that led me to thinking about how I was going to ask him. It didn’t go quite like I thought it would.’

‘Well, it didn’t turn out bad did it?’

‘At first I thought it had. He came over right on time. He looked and smelled so good. I wanted to dive into his arms, but I had to catch myself. I hadn’t considered some key things and I was about go in head first.

Number one did he have a girlfriend? And did he even see me sexually anymore? I feel like the past six weeks of my life have been full of so much turmoil. I just needed to make sure I wasn’t going to be disappointed due to being scared or stupid — once again. It was already stupid enough to ask him to do it.

But anyway, when he walked in and gave me that bright smile, I couldn’t help myself. I just blurted out, ‘Do you have a girlfriend or are you married?’. I don’t know why it was the first thing out mouth. It just ran out of me. It was after ten at night and I was so worried that someone was waiting for him. I didn’t want to be a homewrecker you know.’ At this point I couldn’t continue due to my sister’s insistent laughing.

‘I’m sorry Sissy but just imagining you in a seductress role is too much. But I’m proud of you for asking the right questions though’, she said through her still continuing laughs.

‘You better stop laughing if you want me to continue. You were being so good.’
‘Ok ok, I just had to get that out. I’m back on my best behavior.’

‘I can’t lie, it sounded funny to me too. But, stop being silly so I can keep my train of thought.’

‘I said I’m on my best behavior.’

‘Ok then- so, I was incredibly embarrassed that that ran out of my mouth before I was able to fully close the door behind him. But, the damage was already done. I think I saw him physically struggling to wipe the confused look off of his face. He managed to reply in a pretty calm voice that he wasn’t married, and had never been married. He is currently dating though they haven’t made it exclusive.

My heart went from fluttering to sinking and I just decided to get on with the night. The way I saw it was there was no point in him telling me about dating if he didn’t have some real feelings for them’, I sighed heavily before continuing, ‘So, I just brushed it off and invited him to the kitchen where I’d set up a pretty impressive banana split bar. I had all the toppings I remembered him liking. Almonds, caramel and chocolate, M&M’s and broken waffle cones. His smile when he took in the spread made me feel a little better about the whole thing.’

‘I’m sorry to interrupt, but since when did you start eating bananas?’

‘I didn’t eat any bananas. I just had vanilla ice cream and caramel. And of all things I’ve said, you needed to clarify that?’

‘Actually, I did. I’m just trying to make sure you aren’t becoming a conformist.’

‘Whatever, I was embarrassed, but not enough to change my eating habits’, I had to chuckle a little at the thought of someone doing that. ‘But Juicy, if you hold all questions until the end, I will get to the good part pretty quick from here.’

‘Oh Shit! There IS a good part! And it sounds like it is going to be way more romantic than the first time I fucked.’

‘Man, you’re vulgar. And you know your first time was with Tom and therefore you made love.’

‘Well, as you know, my first time wasn’t with Tom and the guy definitely fucked me.’

‘Ok, you’re just trying to freak me out.’

‘And you can keep telling yourself that. You and Dad keep wanting to make Tom the only guy I’ve ever had. That is not the case. I wasn’t a slut, but I wasn’t a virgin when I got married either. And that is O-K. It just makes me respect the amazingness of Tom’s dick more.’

‘Alright, that’s a little too much for my liking. And you should let me keep my fantasy of you being this overtly sexy innocent person alive. It gives me peace.’ I knew my sister wasn’t a virgin when she got married, but it always is entertaining to hear how she will remind me of that fact.

‘Well, it will give me peace to know how your first time went down, so continue.’

‘We ate our ice cream and eventually engaged in small talk pretty comfortably. Then he had to ask the question. ‘Why did you invite me over here tonight? I know it wasn’t just for this ice cream, which was very good I might add.’ I replied the normal thank you and played with my empty bowl. I didn’t want to tell him why I invited him over anymore. I was using the silence to think because I didn’t have a backup story prepared.

I started thinking about how good he looked and how nice the conversation flowed between us. I was chastising myself for letting him get away from me. He was a good guy that I beat up emotionally for wanting what any red blooded man would want from the woman he loves. Even all of these years later he wasn’t after revenge, he was after clarity. And I totally disregarded his question and concentrated on one that’d been running through my mind since he told me.

I finally decided that I’d take a chance and I asked, ‘How long have you been dating your girlfriend?’. He kind of furrowed his brow but he didn’t call me out for skipping around his question. And I was grateful for that. After a moment he answered, ‘She’s not my girlfriend. I’ve been seeing her for about three months. I feel like we get along pretty well and I haven’t really thought about dating anyone else. I guess you could say we’re comfortable together, or for now at least.’

Juicy, it definitely stung to hear him say that. But, what he didn’t say was, that he didn’t have the desire to have sex with anyone else. And sex is all I really wanted from him. Just a little sex and pretend romance, then we could go our separate ways.

I took a deep breath and exhaled all the air out and answered, ‘So, the reason I invited you over tonight is because I wanted to ask a favor. Well, it has been a while since we’ve seen each other before this weekend and I, well, I was kind of wondering if you could…well, let me explain a little better. I have done sexual things with guys in the nine years we’ve been apart, but I have never crossed the threshold of losing my virginity. And right now I am seeing my virginity as somewhat of a handicap. So, I guess I’m asking if you could, you know, um…take it from me. I mean I want you have it and I want to give it to you.’

Yes, Juicy, I stumbled over my words just like that before you interrupt me. I am trying to paint a realistic picture for you. Moving on, I closed the space between us and asked him to please take my virginity one last time.

He didn’t immediately respond. He just stared at me directly in my eyes. His gaze was so captivating that I was afraid to look away. For that moment I was without thought. I only hoped my eyes revealed my sincerity, and that he would agree to my request. I no longer cared about that girl. I knew it was just about tonight for us.

Then he surprised me by grabbing my hands and kissing each of my palms. It felt like his hands glided up my arms and he placed one of his palms on each of my cheeks, still not breaking eye contact with me. Finally, he leaned in and we shared the softest most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. His hands held my face in place, while his lips tenderly connected with and parted mine. It felt like if he wasn’t holding me, my head would have floated away. Then he just stopped. He dropped his hands and sat back in his chair. Now that we were reengaged in our staring contest, I wasn’t sure what was next. Right as I am trying to think of something to say he stands and pulls me to my feet as well. I can’t deny my heart was beating at double speed because I am sure he’s about take me to an expected end.

He led me to the couch and pulled me into his lap. This time, when I looked into his eyes they weren’t the normal sea green with golden flecks, they were like a forest green and incredibly intense. I knew at that moment that my body was a willing sacrifice to his every whim and desire. My entire being was tense as I anticipated ultimate pleasure. I was afraid to speak so I gave a slight smile, wanting him to interpret this as the welcome to devour the last bit of innocence I contained. I guess he wanted to be totally certain because he asked if I was sure and I answered with a firm nod. The quick flicker in his eyes didn’t escape me. And my anticipation turned into nervous excitement.

He leaned in and kissed me so tenderly. I felt tingles to the ends of my hair. He continued to kiss me and began to lightly run his fingertips up and down my arms from my wrists to my shoulders. The feather light touches turned into soft massages as he deepened the kiss. Then he fully moved me beneath him on the couch. He took this opportunity to totally claim my mouth, and firmly pressed his erection against me. I needed him to know that I felt the same way so I lifted my hips to meet his pressure. He cursed to himself and lifted his shirt over his head. I started to reach for his belt buckled but he politely blocked my access saying, ‘not yet’. I knew he was hard as a rock, so I was confused by his willingness to prolong his torture. Being totally in tuned to me, he definitively stated, ‘I have to make sure you are totally past the point of return this time. Because, I can’t leave here without having you.’

‘Shit Sissy! I don’t know how
you felt, but from this end that sounded sexy as fuck.’

‘Well, all I can say is I physically felt myself get wetter.’

‘Damn! Keep going. I might be a little too into this.’

I laughed under my breath at my sister and continued. ‘Well, all of the emotions were so foreign and hypnotizing. It was like I’d never been aroused before. And when he broke our kiss, I found myself licking my lips intermittently. That action was rewarded with his moan of approval each time. Then he gave me one last peck on the lips proceeded to remove all of his clothing.

Finally, after all of this time, I was able to see what he was hiding behind his jeans. What I saw was pretty intimidating. He didn’t allow me to gawk for long and slid down my body until he was eye level with my mound. I sucked in air at the thought of him kissing me there again. In all reality, he was the best I’ve ever had in that department and I have been chasing the feeling ever since.

He lifted my dress up in the front only and pulled my panties to the side. I began to hold my breath and prayed he wasn’t about to put his fingers in there. As was the trend he caught me off guard and began to blow air directly on my clit like he was whistling a long note. And… it… felt… amazing! I can’t explain it. I mean, it was like air he blew was cool and warm at the same time. I kid you not Juicy, I felt like I needed him inside of me at that exact moment. I didn’t even want him to go down on me anymore and that’s saying a lot.

I was ready to be driven into next week. My mouth didn’t disobey my feelings and I heard myself beg, ‘Jaime, please put it in me now. I need to feel you inside me’.

He pulled my panties off at the speed of light and my dress and bra immediately followed. There I laid, butt naked in front of the man who’s heart I once owned and whose body I owned this instant. All of my fears had settled into desire and that was the confirmation that this was the right thing for me to do. I was just glad that he wanted it to.

Just above a whisper I commanded, ‘Take me Jamie’, and he covered my mouth with his before I could speak any more. He never stopped kissing me as I felt him prodding my entrance. For a brief moment I tensed because I realized he didn’t have a condom. Then I just decided to trust him, and began kissing him back with abandon. My tongue easily slipped past his lips and he not so easily pushed into me. OMG the pain! I knew it was going to hurt. But geez, it was so intense that I gasped and tears pricked my eyes and began strolling down my face. He was perfectly still at this point except for soft kisses he was placing all over my face between his whispered apologies. He placed his hands on each side of my face and looked me directly in my eyes and asked me, ‘Honey, do you want me to continue?’ I could only nod my affirmative answer and he began to slowly rock into me with smooth, soft strokes.

I was mesmerized by the fullness I felt. It was like I was being consumed by him. Every stroke added to my satisfaction and I was enjoying the ride. Then he interrupted my blissful journey by begging me to cum. To my surprise, I forgot that cumming was what this whole thing was about. Don’t get me wrong I was enjoying the feeling of him, but it was all consuming and kind of biological. I mean, I was thinking about how wide he was stretching me and how deep he could reach inside me. I am almost certain he passed my cervix and was dancing in my womb. It was too many sensations, pain, fullness, stretching, wonderment, and I just wasn’t in the frame of mind for an orgasm. But, I really didn’t want it to stop either.

While I am digesting my thoughts, he asks again through panted breath, ‘Please come for me Honey. I can’t take this sweet goodness for too much longer.’ I started holding my breath because I didn’t know what to do or say.’

‘Sissy, I am sorry to tell you that I am going to fuck the shit out of Tom when he gets home’, Katherine interjected on the first pause she heard. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t be thinking about Jamie, but this shit is sexy as hell. Finish telling me, did you cum or not?’

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Introduction: I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I love using my power for bad, its just too naughty. It feel too good to refuse, it excites me beyond anything Ive ever felt. Even thinking about it right now makes me want to push my fingers into my dripping pussy. I guess I just know what a man wants, I know what I want and I know how to get it. Power lies with whoever...

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I awoke confused; the bed beside me was empty, thank God! But that still didn’t explain the who of it from last night, because I know for damned sure the woman I fucked last night wasn’t my wife, although I’m pretty sure she was family. ‘Start at the beginning, ‘ I thought, let’s go over the events and see just what we can figure out. Karen and I had been invited to a party at her parents’ house. Well, they call it a house; it’s pretty palatial by my standards with eight bedrooms, plus a...

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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

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How I became gay pt 2

After my experience being fucked by a shemale I became very curious if I would enjoy being with a man. I had absolutely loved sucking her cock and tasting her cum that I would get hard at the thought of somene's cock cumming in my ass or all over my face. The way it happened however was way different than I would've thought.Just a couple weeks after having been pounded by a shemale I had to travel upstate for a wedding. I figured to myself maybe there would be a guy there I would be...

3 years ago
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hellipand then along came Sally

Lisa and I had moved on from one another. I was quite relieved in some ways. She’d do almost anything I wanted and I was feeling guilty. I honestly think that some things cost you small chunks of your soul. Threesomes, gangbangs, public displays, cummy fingers of strangers in the dark, going to her house at a moments notice, banging her mouth and leaving her in a puddle on the floor. I thought that in the end I’d do her permanent damage. She went on PoF and found a nice ineffective guy who was...

4 years ago
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Part 1 June School Holidays

The weeks leading up to our June school holidays Cassi and I save up a bit of money so that we could book into a hotel room and spend some quality time together. It was Wednesday morning of the first week of holidays when we planned for cassi to be dropped off at the mall "to spend the day shopping and watching a movie with her friends". Of course that wasn't the case shortly after 9 when she got dropped off I picked her up and we made our way to the formula one hotel. We booked in and made our...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 130 Conventional Wisdom

August 2, 2000 We were sitting in the green room behind the stage at the Union Center. It was the four of us, five if you included Stormy, and she seemed to be getting a kick out of jumping from lap to lap. I was looking forward to spending a night at home with her locked in the laundry room. It wasn’t like I had never had a dog sleep in bed with me, but this idiot critter seemed to prefer sleeping in between Marilyn and me, and under the covers no less! It wasn’t exactly the crazy nights...

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Just an OldFashioned Romance

Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...

4 years ago
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Shes PregnantChapter 4

Monday started quiet; I left the girls -- almost without worries -- and went to work as usual; they could have cleaned me out before this, and it certainly appeared that they were better off not doing so. I still tended to underestimate the value of their 'training'; theoretically, they would rather live, so they wouldn't chance crossing me, even though they ought to have realized by then that they were perfectly safe. Actually, from their perspective, they were a lot safer 'working' for...

3 years ago
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The gnomes ring

The weather in the Alps had been perfect when Jim departed from the summit station of the cable car. He had hiked for about an hour and now was on his way down into a small valley, heading for an alp, where he planned to make a break at a hut. It was managed and he was looking forward to eat something small and have some cool drink. He just was climbing down a narrow, rocky pass and stopped for a second to take some pictures of the beautiful landscape, as he heard a noise from the distance. It...

Mind Control
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The OutsiderChapter 2

After leaving school for the last time I had a break of five weeks before I was due to start a business apprenticeship at a local factory. A few days into this break, I was walking home from a visit to a high street tailor where I'd been measured for my very first suit, something that my forthcoming job required, when I first heard and then saw Mrs. Jacobs, a near neighbour. What I heard was a heavy wheezing and after a brief visual search saw her lying on her lawn clutching her chest. I...

1 year ago
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Black Porn Tube

I watched BlackPorn all morning, trying my best not to bother the neighbors with all the grunting, the banging, and the yelling. Sometimes I get a little too excited watching ebony porn, but can you blame me? Nothing beats a thick-ass, chocolate-skinned mama giving it all she’s got in a dirty fuck flick, and this next website’s got them in Costco quantities. Anyway, the cops didn’t show up this time, so I guess it helped that I was cranking off in my apartment instead of the lobby again. You...

Black Porn Sites
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Caleb JacksonChapter 14

Caleb's life settled into a comfortable routine with Susan. She was now bulging in the belly to the point that she could hardly walk, and her mother was spending most of her time at the Circle J supervising the usual household chores. Caleb had the good sense to stay out of the way of the two women and let them run the house the way they wanted to. On the other hand, Hank Smith was doing such a good job as foreman that Caleb figured that, most of the time, he was excess baggage. This left...

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Santa and the MILF

The day dawned bright and cheery and Santa was in a jolly raunchy mood. He had slept with his favorite elf and had been well serviced. It was a slow day appearance wise. There was one gathering in East Palo Alto for a very large group of neighborhood Mexican children. When that was done Santa was looking forward to a nice soak in the hot tub with his two favorite elf maidens. His sleigh was cleaned and polished and ready to transport him to EPA for his appearance. He climbed in his sleigh and...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 42

The next morning I got up first, so after kissing my baby I slipped into the shower. I came back out and found Linda standing next to the door to the rest of the suite, the door cracked open. I slipped behind her and gave her a hug and looked to see what she was looking at.Mandy was once again laying on her back, with Peggy between her thighs. But this time she was turned 180 degrees, and they were involved in a tender 69. I watched for a moment, then pulled Linda back and silently closed the...

1 year ago
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The taboo sisters

Before I had met Dawn I was fucking around with her sister Julie and Julie was about 5'5" around 130 lb and she wasn't fat by any means but built just like her mom who was thick with huge tits and Dawn was very thin what's a nice little booty and smaller tits and a thick bush just like her mom. So the three of us we're hanging out at the house and Julie who was studying to be a bartender had made us some Long Island teas, while we were sitting around bullshiting I reached over and grabbed an...

2 years ago
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Mature Leicester CoupleHoliday Part 3

Once we were in her bedroom we sat on bed and she asked me did i like porn?............... I said I loved watching porn and she told me to turn on the large screen TV. She took out a box of DVD's and told me to pick one and put it in the DVD player. The DVD came on and the first thing I saw was two teenage guys who both had good bodies and were sitting on a sofa wearing just swimming trunks enjoying what like like cocktails. They were talking to a lady who was out of the picture who was...

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The NeighborChapter 4

Three days later, the neighbor called me. He told me that he was preparing another session for my wife and that he wanted to make it coincide with one of my business trips. As he sensed that I was rather reluctant to be absent, he said to me: - Do not worry, even from a distance I guarantee you that you will not miss anything. - In that case, okay, but how do you plan to do it? - You’ll see in due time! When are you on the go next time? - Next week, three days. - Perfect! When I left...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Aria Lee Step Sibling Fall Classic

The biggest series of the baseball season is upon us and Aria Lee is ready. She puts on her team colors as soon as the alarm goes off, but even though she’s a superfan she’s lacking the most important thing: Tickets. Her stepbrother, Brad Sterling, has some, though, so Aria sneaks into his room to take them for herself. Brad catches her in the act and sees through her lie. Switching tactics, Aria claims that she really needs the tickets. She offers to do some of Brad’s chores,...

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Make Me Man Mum

All started at the age of 18. I was a teenager just trying to explore his self and his sexual appetite. I can say my friend since primary school John; help me a lot on that. John is quite a feminine guy, he has light voice, and he moves his hands a lot. He never plays with the other guys, and I know I was the only friend he had at the time. Well we were about to graduate and I was still a virgin. The bad thing was that I didn't have any interest in young girls, but neither in older.. You could...

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Preludes Ch 12 Flipped Pt 01

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

4 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 30

By the time they reached their hotel room, Paige could not contain her mirth and Max couldn’t stop blushing. “I swear I didn’t know!” Max protested. “All I thought was that we’d be close to a topless beach if we maybe wanted to go check it out for a little while! I...” “You overshot the mark.” Paige stepped into his arms and kissed him, then grinned broadly. “And I overpacked. So did you, I imagine. You brought clothes?” “I assume I’m going to need them at the casino.” Max ran his hand...

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A Voyeur And Two Lesbians

I am Rohit, please feel free to contact me at Even when my mind was very young, literally too goddamn young, I always fantasized about voyeuristic lesbianism. I always dreamt of watching lesbians do their act and also watching and masturbating my juices out. I nurtured this dream-wish for many years and finally this wish came true when I was in college. I always believe that dreams and wishes can penetrate time and space and come true. While in college, I fell in love with a girl named Sheeba....

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Pick a Fantasy

(Note- sorry about the short introduction. I am setting things up) This is your change. This is your time to explore your most wild desire. Nothing is off limits. Nothing is out of bounds This is your fantasy world brought to life by. You will not be judge by any of your action but they may be dangers in the path you takes. What may seem like a fun fantasy may lead to disaster when it's fulfilled. You can pick if your a male or woman. You can pick if you an old man or in your 20's. You can pick...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

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Chapter 4 Janets sin The unthinkable happens

Chapter 4: Oh my God, the unthinkable happens….Eric and I were inseparable the rest of the weekend. I counted the remaining condoms that Bob (my deceased husband, and Eric’s father) had left behind. We had seven remaining “Trojan Magnums” after using the two this morning. I anticipated that would last us through the weekend, but I would need to visit the pharmacy on Monday morning. I had never been condom shopping before but I figured I would just buy the same type Bob had left behind. They...

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Inge The Girl From Denmark episode 5

She had two weeks off and was visiting her family, just a few hundred miles north of Wiesbaden, Germany. She spent the night with my husband and me the night before. She was a local employee, dental technician, at the US Air Base where my husband, Ted, was stationed. I was also employed there as a secretary at the base fire station. We knew the same people, on and off base.  When she said she needed a ride to Frankfurt I offered bed and breakfast for convenience and a ride early the next...

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America Mein Bhabhi Ko Pattakar Choda

Hello everyone, how are you guys doing? This is flyerking and it is my first story hope you guys like it and it is a true story, which make sit a bit more interesting. If you girls want to message me message me at “” toh shuru karte hai Me 21 saal ka ladka hoon aur apne mami papa ke saath rehta hoon. Hamne niche basment mein ek nahi jodi ko floor rent pe di thi kuch 5 maine pehle, mein tubhi yaha nahi tah mein college mein tha kisi aur state mein. Woh ek 23 saal ki bhabhi thi aur unka pati 25...

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The House at Greenwood Lake

My name is Lisa, and I’m eighteen. I just graduated high school and am now on my summer vacation until I start college. I've been accepted to New York University. I’m so excited. I’m going to be studying to be a nurse. I've done very well in high school. I received a scholarship for Soccer. Even though we live in New York, I still will be living on campus. I'm five foot three inches tall, I have blonde long hair and blue eyes. I don’t have a huge chest. I guess I am 34 B-Cup. I have a shaved...

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Five Hour Car Ride

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things.I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Group Hug

Kyle and Lee both woke to find a man’s head between their legs and neither objected. Tony had no trouble sucking Kyle until he blew, and Sean had equal success in getting Lee to come as well when he sucked, and finger fucked her. All four enjoyed hearing each other give and receive pleasure; it spurred them all on. The boys would have been amused to learn that they both flipped their partners and did them from behind. The tents even rocked in time as the guys pumped enthusiastically into...

2 years ago
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Taking Care of Sydney Chapter 2 Day 1

Her hair was long, again, as she was always told to keep it. Brad poked his head out of the shower. “Go get Sydney ready and clean her up how I like. Straighten her hair and bring her to the living room. We need to set some new ground rules. It is supposed to be warm so wear what I have told you before and dress Sydney like you. If she does not have anything proper, then get close. We will go shopping today.” Melissa turned to walk out of the room. “What do you say?” Brad asked. His voice was...

4 years ago
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Chudai With Unknown Bhabhi

Yeh kahani shuru hui jab mein 19 saal ka tha, mera ek dost tha jo kafi aurto se baatein kiya krta tha aur unke sth usne kai bar chudai ki hai. Ek din mein aur mera dost aise he kisi café me bethe the aur mene use uska cell phone manga pehle to usne diya nhi qki wo janta tha ki mein uske cell phone se aurto ke number nikal lunga, par me bhi har manne wala nhi tha me use uska cell phone akhir le he liya aur usne mujhe kaha ki wo toilet ja kar aa rha h tab tak me kuch khane ka order de du, mene...

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Our first time pleasure

I remember the first time we touched each other. Our lips touched, and then our tongues You were nervous. But gradually our tongues met and we kissed slowly for the first time, tongues and touching. I felt your arse, such a gorgeous arse and God, I wanted you.I remember the first time we touched each other properly when we felt inside clothes for the first time. My finger touched you, so wet and excited for the first time and then you held me for the first time slowly sliding you hand up and...

First Time
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 15

When Captain Prawit and I arrived at the firing range, Lieutenant Chatchai had the men at work already repairing the area of the tam-nop (embankment) to be used for firing and the area on the next dike or embankment where the targets would be placed. With the rain that the area had received lately, the space between the two locations was filled with some eight inches of water, and it resembled a rice paddy – if a small one. The taller embankments were very visible now with the areas between...

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The Dice Game

I’m Chuck and in March 1999 I was twenty nine years old and had been divorced for five months. I met this eighteen year old girl that I thought looked good. Her name was Christy and she was five foot two and weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. She has blue eyes and long silky hair that looked reddish in certain light. Her skin was very pale and she has a lot of reddish freckles on her breasts and shoulders. Her breasts were a natural B cup topped with pinkish nipples that got about a half an...

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