A Fixed Match - Part 3 free porn video

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Our constant and single minded pursuit to bring around my wife to succumb to our devilish designs and agree to be shared was at a decisive stage. If we were able to give one final conclusive well orchestrated push, we would be able to succeed in our mission. The final push was to make her believe that she was helping us resolve a friendship crisis. Well if she had to come down a few notches from her high moral altitude and compromise on her values a little, she had to think it was worth it.We provided her an escape route so that she could fulfill her carnal desire for extra marital sex and a different cock (a bigger cock woulld be a bonus in the bargain) without being labelled as promiscuous. The wife narrates after it was all over. 


When Dev came that evening, he looked morose and depressed. I felt really sad for him. Although I was excited that he had agreed to come. I wished I had not made that outburst on the day of Holi. Frankly, Dev’s fondling my boobs was a huge erotic experience for me too. It was ethically unfair of me to shout then. My husband Raj took my outburst seriously and acted on it, causing all that mess. I decided that I was primarily responsible for the mess and I had to clear it.

I received Dev at our door. Dev touched my husband’s feet first. He always did when he met him after some days. Raj raised him up, hugged him and went in the drawing room leaving Dev and me outside. Dev looked at me but kept quiet. His face was sullen. I extended my hand to him. He was hesitant at first and then held my hand keeping some distance. He said, “Bhabhi, I am sorry about that incident. Will you please forgive me? I promise you I shall not do so in future.”

I looked behind. Raj was not in sight. I whispered back in Dev’s ears, “I will forgive you; but only on one condition. The condition is that you just now withdraw your promise of not doing so in future. Remember what you told Raj; that we are all the same? We should not differentiate between each other?”

My one sentence brightened up Dev’s face momentarily. But then he again lapsed into his morose state. I felt that he was still unsure of me. He was not as forthcoming as I knew him to be. He asked, “Bhabhi don’t show me the moon and then throw me in the dust bin; like you have been doing so far. Tell me bhabhi. Why did you do this to me?”

I caught his hand and squeezed it. I said sorrowfully, “Dev, I am so very sorry, I was impulsive. But I promise, I will make it up to you. Trust me. Try me, if you are not sure. What about Devika? How is she taking this?”

Dev said, “Devika is very disturbed. I hope she will come around in time.”

I said, “Don’t worry about Devika. Leave her to me. When she comes here, I shall straighten out her mood. But first I need to straighten out your mood.”

Dev said, “Bhabhi, you have already straitened me out. There is nothing to be straightened now.”

I said, “Come on. We shall see about that. Let’s forget about what happened. You are here and that is important for us. Will you stay the night?”

Dev was forthright. He said, “No bhabhi. I would rather go. I don’t want to disturb you. Besides, I don’t want to cause you any more embarrassment than what I have already done. I am like a monkey who never improves. I don’t know if I stay and do something silly, it will cause you problems.”

I pulled Dev in my arms and hugged him tight and said, “I like this monkey. Look Dev! This is enough! Don’t rub salt in my wound. I have already said that I am very sorry for what I did and for what Raj did. What more do you want me to do to make you forgive me? You want that I should not throw you off for your mischief, right? Well, I have already agreed for that. By all means play your monkey tricks tonight. As I already said, go ahead; try me. But promise me, you won’t go away.”

Dev’s expressions changed a bit at my assurance. He said, “Bhabhi, do you promise me that you will be with us through and through and will not hesitate to join us in all that we do?”

I said mischievously, “Don’t ask me. As I said, try me.”

With my positive assurance, Dev’s face brightened up. He seemed to have regained some of his original flirty self. I had put on a short skirt and fluffy tight cotton top. My full breasts jutted out of the top prominently, catching his eye balls. He swept his gaze all over me and said, “Bhabhi you look stunning and radiant as ever in this lovely dress.”

That dress was gifted by Dev on my previous birthday. I said, “This is yours.”

Dev replied mischievously, “Are you not?”

Dev kept staring at me all over that sent chill along my spine. Dev hugged me delightedly and a little more intimately before we went in.

Dev had brought a crate of beer, a bottle of whisky for Raj and flowers for me. He presented the bottles to Raj and bowed before me to present the flowers. I thanked him smilingly and accepted the flowers.

Our son Munnu had just returned from the tuition. I asked out maid to put him to sleep after dinner at about 8.30 pm and wait for us to return. Dev played with Munnu for a while, told him a story and then we left for dinner leaving our son in the maid’s care.

We called an auto-rickshaw in which three persons could manage to squeeze in. We went to a restaurant for dinner. We were seated around a small circular table. Dev was still not his normal self. He did catch and squeeze my hand several times, but that was all. Under the normal circumstances he would have pinched my thighs under the table or would have tried some other pranks. However, Dev looked lost and forlorn. He was not Dev that I knew earlier.

We took a taxi at about 9 pm, on our way back home. To guide the driver, Raj sat in front and Dev and I had to sit at the back. When the seating arrangement was decided by Raj, I was happy that I would get some time to sit with Dev to ease his mood. Luckily, it was too dark inside the cab for Raj or the driver to see through the rear view mirror. Under normal circumstances, Dev would not have missed a trick in the book to grope me. However, he sat sulking, keeping a bit of distance from me.

I had to set right Dev first and then work to resolve their husband wife internal issues; created by that stupid call my hubby had made. I moved towards Dev and had my thigh touching his. I took his hand in mine and rubbing it warmly I said, “What has happened to my tiger? Until yesterday this tiger was roaring. Why suddenly has it turned wimp?” There was no reaction from Dev, although he responded to my rubbing his hand by holding my hand warmly. That was good enough for me.

I leaned on him and hissed in his ears, “Will you not forgive your dear bhabhi, for a small mistake she made? Or is it that you no longer consider me as your dear bhabhi? Do you consider me as someone not your own?” I dug my hand deeper on his thigh.

Dev shuddered visibly. He held my hand tight and said, “Bhabhi don’t ever say that. You are more than just bhabhi for me. You are my dearest and most intimate personal friend apart from my dearest bhabhi. Really, you are more than my own and that is why I have been taking these liberties with you. But then you know…..” and Dev trailed into silence, holding my hand tightly on his legs.

It was too dark for anyone to notice what was happening in the backseat. On top of it, Raj asked the driver to take the taxi through dark and deserted but longer road to our house. My hubby Raj said he wanted to avoid traffic. The driver and my hubby started talking loudly. The taxi driver too kept blabbering loudly and endlessly.

Dev’s words and his masculinity so close to me gave me goose bumps.

I said, “Ok, so? You forgot about all that happened before? Do you think I did not know what was going on in your mind? Come on dear. Don’t be a bore! Be your own self. Don’t feel sorry for making that mistake on the day of Holi. I want you to make the same mistake again and again. I also promise you I shall join in with you and shall not leave you alone tonight.” I shuddered knowing that I had inadvertently given out a full-fledged invitation to Dev not only to flirt with me, but to go beyond that. But then I thought I had no choice.

“Bhabhi, are you sure?” Dev asked.

I said, “You bet your bums, I am.” I said mischievously.

My words had the effect I knew they would have on Dev. I felt his hand creeping up my thighs. I wanted his hand to do things to me. God! I was going bonkers. When he dipped his hand between my legs, I didn’t know how; but my legs spread out as if they were driven by an unknown mechanism. As if I wanted him to feel the crevices and curves there.

Dev raised my skirt and caressed my thighs very close to my panty. When he tried to inch closer to my panty, I knew I was soaking wet there and Dev would guess my condition easily. I firmly pushed his hand away and said, “Come on monkey, be patient.”

Dev knew my mind and withdrew his hand. However, he caught my hand and placed it firmly between his legs. I tried to withdraw it but couldn’t. Under different circumstances, I would have hollered on him. But I didn’t and that made him bolder.

In one quick movement he unzipped his fly and pulled down his brief. I felt his rock hard thick and long cock in my palm. I should have cried out. But I didn’t. I should have shoved him, but I didn’t. Like a woman possessed, I wrapped my fingers around his girth to feel the thickness of his cock in my palm. All my pretence of being a moralistic woman evaporated at that moment. His cock was much longer than my husband Raj’s. It must have been about seven inches long. It was certainly thicker than my husband’s. The cock was coated with his slimy pre-cum.                               

It looked to me as if I had no control over my actions. Like a dumb hypnotised woman, I began stroking Dev’s cock lovingly.  I could feel that Dev enjoyed my stroking his cock; because his grip tightened around my hand. I rotated my fingers softly around the base of his thick and long cock and occasionally pushing my palm inside his trousers opening to grab and gently caress his large testicles in my palm.

Dev leaned on me and his one hand encircling my neck and shoulders, reached my breasts crossing over my arms. It was pitch dark inside and the taxi driver and my hubby Raj seated in the front were talking animatedly and loudly on something about automobiles, which I did not care to understand.

I did not allow Dev to uncover my breasts in spite of his repeated muffled requests in my ears. I did not want to land at home with torn blouse and bra. He relented and was satisfied by squeezing my breasts over my blouse and bra.

When we neared our house, I quickly retracted my hand from his pants. Whilst the taxi driver and Raj were arguing on which turn to take to get into our street, Dev leaned on me and whispered in my ears repeatedly, “Bhabhi, what about tonight? I will stay over, but you will be with me?”

I knew this was his decent way of telling me that he wanted to fuck me that night. I should have got cheesed off, however, I was so highly aroused at his repeated pleadings that I was almost on the verge of saying, “Ok, baba I will let you fuck me tonight.” However, I controlled myself, held his hand tight and squeezed it several times to hint to him that I shall be with him, if he could understand me. I thought he did.

By the time the cab reached our house, it started raining heavily. When I got down from the taxi, I was unsteady because of high level of excitement. Dev supported me when I staggered a little as I got down. It was raining so heavily that when I rushed a distance of less than 100 feet, I was fully drenched. My nerves were on edge as I ran to our apartment. Dev followed me. He was also fully drenched.

I was amazed at my vulnerability. Was it my desire to get seduced by him? Did I want to get fucked by Dev right and proper? I knew I had the answer but pretended that I didn’t.

My throat was dry and hands were shaking with the feel of Dev’s huge cock. I was amazed at my thought process. I was a woman who never thought of considering even one of numerous solicitations from attractive men earlier. And now I was wondering how it would feel to have Dev’s such a thick and long cock in my pussy. I wanted to hate myself. But there I was; too preoccupied in thinking of the possibility of sex with Dev. I shuddered excitedly at the very thought of feeling a new cock in my pussy. My husband’s perverted idea of seeing me fucked by another man seemed to be nearing fruition after all.  

I entered the house and let the maid go home. Munnu was already asleep in his room. We had a two bedroom apartment. One was our bed room and Munnu, our son, slept in the other room.

Raj, Dev and I were all fully soaked in water. It was a weekend. Raj took out one of his loose fitting pyjamas, gave it to Dev with a towel and said, “Dev you are wet. Here, change into this, stay over for the night and leave only tomorrow after breakfast. In any case, you will not be able to leave because it is raining cats and dogs at this time. We shall enjoy drinks. Ritu can have your wine and we shall all watch the match on TV.”

Dev looked at me. I supported my husband Raj and nodded approvingly.

After a little bit of mock haggling, like, “I hope, I am not inconveniencing you,” etc. Dev agreed to stay over; but he said, “Ok, I will stay, but on one condition. Ritu Bhabhi shall be with us throughout and join us in everything.”

I I asked, “What do you mean by everything?” I asked teasing him.

Dev said, “If I stay, then we shall all be together for the night. If we have a drink then you will also join us. You may just have one or two; but you will join us. If we watch the TV, you will not get up and leave us. If we all agree to be together throughout, then I shall stay; not otherwise. Raj, is that ok? Ritu, do you agree?”

I liked his coming down from Bhabhi to Ritu.

Raj looked at me. I nodded my head in acceptance. Raj confirmed that we shall all be together. I asked them to change and come to the drawing room. Dev went to Munnu’s room to change.

Raj took me with him into our bathroom and asked me what happened in the taxi? How Dev’s mood changed so much. What magic I did on him. I told him to wait and watch.

My hubby Raj made me change in front of him. I removed wet clothes one after another while my husband Raj watched keenly. When I was naked, He grabbed my breasts and fondled them hard. He also inserted his hand between my legs and fingered me for a few seconds. I moved his hand away and told him not to hurry.

Raj caressed my back lovingly and said, “Darling, does that mean that in time, you will let us do it tonight?”

 “Have I ever disappointed you?” was my terse reply.

“Darling, you are lovely. I love you.” Then as if on second thought, he asked, “Honey, did Dev appreciate your dress and tell you that you looked hot today?”

In spite of myself, I could not control my sheepish grin at Raj’s comment. I said, “Darling, your brother and friend Dev, more than appreciated my looks today without saying. Poor Dev was so hot that he made me check his temperature and measured mine too.” I looked mischievously at my hubby Raj. Sure Raj knew what I was talking about.

Raj pulled me up and kissed my lips hard. We must have kissed for about two minutes. I was trying to get over my nervousness. As we straightened up Raj whispered in my ears, “Honey, see how hot I am, hearing that. Let us celebrate tonight.” Raj took my hand and made me feel his erection.

I pushed his hands away saying, “What are you doing? Can’t you wait until we go to bed.”

He asked, “When shall we go to bed?”

I said, “That will depend upon you and your brother. If you will allow me, I am ready to go to bed even now.”

Raj said, “But you can’t go to bed alone. You promised that we shall be together all the time.”

I said making a face, “But I didn’t say we shall sleep together.”

Raj said cautiously, “Well, I didn’t say that either. But then I think we shall have to sleep in the same room. We can’t let Dev sleep in Munnu’s room, which is too small. Dev can sleep on the floor in our room. We can give him a mattress, a pillow, a sheet and blanket.”

I hugged my hubby and kissed him mumbling, “He can sleep on the floor, on the bed or wherever he likes. You decide that. But I shall sleep with you in bed, in your arms. I am not going to leave you. I am not going to allow you to leave my side even for a short time; whatever happens.”

I gave as good a hint as I could, that Dev can also sleep with us on the bed if my hubby wants. I saw Raj’s face brightening up at my tacit acceptance. He pressed me closer to him and inserting his tongue in my mouth said, “Thank you. You are my darling. I love you so much. I promise you I shall always be with you.”

When I picked bra and panty to wear, Raj in one quick motion snatched them from me and threw them away. He said, “You don’t need to put them on tonight. We never put them on in the night, anyway; then, why tonight? Is it because Dev is here? Come on! He is no longer an outsider.”

I looked at my husband helplessly and put on the night gown without any underwear. I wore one piece gown with large size flowing petticoat at the bottom.

Raj and I came out of the bathroom to find Dev already standing in the drawing room setting wine, whisky and beer bottles on the small low height table with three glasses. My first gaze fell between Dev’s legs. Dev had discarded his wet clothes. He was wearing my hubby’s pyjama. He obviously wore no under wear and his fat, long hanging cock could be seen projecting out under the cloth shaking and rolling as he moved. His hair was wet, uncombed and curled. He looked attractive. Top buttons of his kurta were open exposing a part of his firm and bulging chest. When Dev saw me in the loose fitting gown, he looked pointedly at my body and gave me an admiring nod. I was sure with no bra; he could see my boobs shaking with my each movement and my shapely ass made a silhouette with the gown draping over it.  

I felt weak between my legs. I could sense small droplets of liquid oozing out from my pussy. I fixed some snacks for them and sat on a sofa. My hubby Raj picked up three cushions from the next sofa and set them side by side covering them with a bed sheet, almost like a bed on the floor. Raj sat on one of them on the carpet, taking support of the sofa on which I sat; sitting between my hanging legs covered by my loose, flowing gown.

Dev sat by Raj’s side just next to my leg on the carpet on another cushion taking support of the sofa. My one leg was between Raj and Dev. Raj’s head was between my thighs.

Raj poured some wine in a wine glass and gave it to me and he filled their glasses with whisky and ice. I took a sip from my glass hesitantly. The wine tasted good, if slightly strong. Dev said the wine had to be finished in one shot. Raj switched on the TV. The match had started. I took a big swig and finished the wine. Raj and Dev finished their drinks quickly too. The match was interesting. Dev and Raj kept cheering their teams. I was getting bored.

Raj poured another drink for them; he saw my empty glass, took it and filled it up with more wine; presuming my acceptance. I just looked at him blankly. The wine tasted better the second time. I finished that too. I could sense the wine flowing through my nerves and brains raising my body temperature; giving me a damned good, soothing carefree elated feeling.

The guys watched the match keenly. I tried to watch it with interest too. I am not a great cricket buff and I didn’t care who won.  I kept asking Dev and Raj about who was winning. As the match progressed, I began massaging my hubby Raj’s head and combing hair with my fingers lovingly; to rid of the boredom. Raj saw me getting bored and poured one shot of wine and handed me the glass. I suspected that the guys wanted me drunk, perhaps to have their way with me. What the hell! I was in my consciousness fully; not to be swept away just because of a drink or two! I finished the third one too.

The third one hit me hard. I felt my head spinning for a while. I steadied myself. My hubby Raj was lodged between my hanging legs (covered by the gown) and his head rested right on my crotch. Dev saw me massaging Raj’s head and caressing his hair. He moved still closer to Raj and pressed his head onto my knee. He wanted me to caress his hair too. He was sitting a bit away. I had to stretch my hand.

Raj moved a little and made me spread my legs wider to let Dev move in with him between my legs. Gosh! My legs were spread so wide apart at that time. Fortunately the gown was quite large to allow that. I had two heads between my legs then with the back of their heads almost touching my crotch. I began combing Dev’s hair too with the other hand. I felt like a mother having two grown up children vying for mother’s affection. I felt liquid leaking out of my pussy wetting gown between my legs. Three quick gulps of wine were not helping me control my heat.

I was aroused as Raj started to caress my legs over the gown, keeping his eyes on the TV. When Dev saw that, he started caressing my leg on his side too. Both Raj’s and Dev’s heads pressed between my legs and hands caressing my legs were making me nervous and driving me up the wall.

There was a break in the match due to rain. There was a heated debate by commentators on some players taking bribes to fix the result of the earlier match. It looked as though the match would take some time to resume. My hubby Raj asked Dev (not bothering to consult me) if Dev would be interested in watching an interesting movie during the break in the match. I knew what my hubby meant by ‘interesting movie’; he meant porn. Dev looked at me, as if asking me if it was ok. I sat passively, not reacting. Dev shrugged his shoulders saying, “Why not?”

Raj played a film showing a husband and his wife hiring a simple motor boat for the weekend. The person who owned the boat (boatman) was the husband’s friend. The couple wanted to go out fishing and deep sea diving. The husband wanted to learn how to steer the boat. The boatman explained the basic nuances of steering the boat and then the husband got busy steering the boat. The boatman was with the wife. He kept touching the wife. The husband saw it but didn’t mind it. The wife gave the boatman her tacit acceptance of his flirting. I knew the direction in which the film was heading. I had half a mind to stand up and leave.

I decided to stand up. However, my gown was jammed under Dev and Raj and my legs were held by both the men; with three quick shots of wine inside; I was a bit fuzzed. I staggered and fell between them. Dev and Raj caught me and lodged me between them in their laps with my one buttock on Dev’s thigh and the other on my hubby’s. Gosh! What an erotic feeling to have your butts shared by two men! I pushed them apart to make room for me between them. I sat on the cushion tightly sandwiched between Dev and my hubby Raj. I tried to break away from them, when Dev whispered in my ears, “Bhabhi, don’t say you want to leave now. You made a promise to stay; come what may. Don’t leave please?”

I sat down helplessly. On the TV, the boat got caught in choppy waters. The boatman had a crush on his friend’s wife. The boatman and the friend’s wife (clad in a tiny bikini) stood close together with the wife in the front and the boatman behind her. They tried to balance the rocking boat by standing with their legs spread wide apart. The boatman kept thrusting his pelvis from behind between his friend’s wife’s spread out legs as the boat rocked. The husband from the other end watched them do that and didn’t mind the show.

I felt a bit creepy seeing similarity between what was happening on the TV screen and what was happening with me.

It would be a gross understatement, if I said that I was aroused. I was actually on fire with my two beloved strong men squeezing me between them watching that porn flick. I clutched Raj’s hand in mine. I felt Dev’s hand touching mine too. I began to caress Raj’s arm passionately. Dev on the other side poked me as if complaining of my one sided behaviour. I quickly seized his arm too and squeezed it in my fist to express to him my aroused state.

The TV flick showed that the engine suddenly died out, the boat lost its way and landed on an isolated island. The three pitched a tent on the shore for the night. When the hubby went away to fetch some dry wood for lighting a fire the boatman took his friend’s wife in his arms, kissed her hard and cupped her breasts. The husband made a sudden entrance and caught them in their act. The boatman and his friend’s wife had a momentary scare. However, the friend not only asked his wife and the boatman to continue but also joined them and cupped one of his wife’s breasts, while the boatman fondled the other.

Almost as if guided by the movie, I felt my hubby’s arm going behind my back, creeping up on my sleeve on the other side trying to reach my breast and cup it. I visibly trembled feeling him do that in Dev’s presence. To reach my breast Raj had to push Dev a little bit to insert his hand between me and Dev. Dev was not the one to be left behind. I was terrified to feel Dev’s arm moving behind me to come to Raj’s side. Dev gave nudge to Raj to push through his arm between Raj and me. I shuddered as I felt Dev’s hand creeping up over my other sleeve to find my other breast.

In spite of myself, I was amazed at my complete disinclination to offer any resistance or even a mild protest. There I was, sitting with my both breasts being cupped by the two men. It could be because I was rather drunk or because I knew that, that was the fate accompli. Well, my condition was then an open secret.

What was happening on the TV was happening in our drawing room too, except that Dev had not kissed me, until then. I had both my breasts cupped and fondled by Dev and my hubby Raj, albeit through the gown. When Dev’s hand touched Raj’s, Dev withdrew his hand. Raj noticed it. He made Dev turn to face me, caught Dev’s hand and made him squeeze both my breasts. The secret and the hide and seek game was over.

I looked at my hubby Raj. He smiled and winked at me encouragingly. I knew he wanted me to go ahead or at least not to react negatively to what was happening. I waited with bated breath to see what would happen next. I was not disappointed.

Raj began to caress my leg over the gown gently while Dev fondled my breasts. Raj caught my gown on my leg and started pulling it up a little by little, with one hand. My gown was pulled up above my knees exposing lower half of my thighs. With the other hand Raj pulled my head to press my lips on his. My gown cloth bunched up below my thighs. I felt a chill run over me as I sensed my semi nudity. 

The porn flick was showing highly erotic scenes. All the three had undressed each other and had fallen in the makeshift bed on the sand in the tent with the wife cranked both cocks and both men fondled the wife’s one tit each in their hands. The wife kissed each man one after the other. I had an instinct that the same scene could get repeated in our drawing room too and due time; so it did; as Raj disengaged me from his kiss, while Dev thrust his face hesitatingly on mine pouting his lips inviting my mercy to join his lips.

I was unsure and looked hesitatingly at my hubby Raj, who pushed me forward making my lips press onto Dev’s. Dev uncertainly held me in his arms. He pressed his lips on mine clumsily and perhaps hesitating a little. He tried to suck my tongue into his eagerly waiting mouth. His hold on me was so weak that if I wanted, I could have freed myself. But I didn’t want to. I looked at my hubby doubtfully, if he would approve of my kissing his friend. He was busy trying to push me up to raise my gown to my waist. It was clear that it did not matter to him that I was kissed hard by his friend and so called brother; right in front of him.

I told myself, “What the hell!” If it did not matter to my husband; then why should I restrain my desires? I surrounded my arms around Dev’s head and whole heartedly joined him in the French kiss, pressing his mouth harder on mine.

While I was engaged in the kiss with Dev, I stuck my hand and did not allow Raj to raise the bottom hem of my gown any higher. I did not notice that Raj then surreptitiously moved his hand behind me and quickly undid all the top buttons of my gown from behind. Only then I felt my gown flaps moving apart untied on my shoulders. Dev noticed it. He looked at the open flaps and lovingly caressed my shoulders to push the opened flaps down to my waist, exposing my breasts completely. I just sat there completely baffled at both Dev and Raj’s working together to undress me.

I had a feeling that both my hubby and Dev were following the TV flick; as if it was a tutorial showing how to seduce your friend’s wife with her husband’s approval. The husband was kissing his wife and caressing her back; while the boatman spread her legs apart and was inserting his head between her thighs in the porn on the TV.

I knew the rest of the story for both: wife in the reel and the wife in real. I knew they would be the same. I decided to deal with the things in a more comfortable way. I stood up, raised the top of my gown to my neck to cover my breasts, buttoned up and said, “I am going to the bedroom. Mind you, I am not breaking my promise. I am not leaving you. You fellows may join me in the bedroom (or on the bed? I didn’t clarify) now, if you want to; or watch this flick and come later after I go to sleep. But mind you; don’t disturb me once I am asleep. Ok? You decide, if you want to watch this video or join me.” I hinted indirectly at them that either they watch others do it or take the opportunity to do it themselves.


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The Perfect Match By RH Music Paul signs up for a service that promises to match him to his 'perfect mate'. Unfortunately, there are no perfect matches currently in the program, and so the company offers to match Paul to someone who is 'nearly perfect', if only he will agree to some modest modifications. Paul finds out that those modifications may not be so modest after all... Introduction: ** Zero Results ** ** There are no perfect mates in our database. ** "Damn." I...

1 year ago
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Game Set and Match

Game, Set and MatchGame, Set and Match by Paul1954 Prologue "Thank you mother, oh thank you" I whispered aloud as I kissed the old and dusty book that I had found in my father's trunk, and then put it down. If my mother hadn't asked me to come here and sort through my father's belongings then I would never have found it, the means to what I hoped would prove to be my salvation. My father had been missing for eighteen months now, after setting off on that fated polar...

1 year ago
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Game Set and Match

*** Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. Juvenal *** The character ‘Sheikha Tasnim’ was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ‘My Passage To Womanhood’. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! - Irene Game Set & Match. Extracts from ‘All Stars and Hollywood’ magazine, the ‘magazine for the followers of fashion, film and sport’. 05.05.2011 By our...

2 years ago
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The Little Match Girl

The little match girl by Susan Brown Loosely based on the tale the little match girl by Hans Christian Anderson (1846) 1 it was the night before christmas eve. A small child sat huddled and shivering on a doorstep watching everyone go by. It was a bitterly cold night and icy snow was on the ground. The wind was whipping up flurries of white flakes that settled on and around the place where the child sat. Many people walked past the tiny figure, not noticing, not...

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The Return Match Bet

So how did it get this far? A return wrestling match between two former high school wrestlers that were bestfriends who made a bet in who could pin who first. I won the last match two years ago and David called me last week and challenged me to a return match since both of us were gonna be back home from college. I laughed and accepted since I was ten times better then he was...well was. My friend David was known for not wearing a cup during practice...in fact during a match with me his cock...

1 year ago
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The Match

As Steve prepares for his next “new professional wrestling match” against his toughest opponent yet, Alundra Diaz AKA the goddess of poppers, he looks upon himself in the mirror, starched naked with his 7-inch fully erect penis and mammoth sized testicles that would make a fully grown male horse bewildered. His trainer Jamie Murdock stands beside him trying her best to make him relax while gawking at the monstrosity right in front of her. Steve isn’t a big man and he is barely 170 cm tall,...

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The Big Match

You never forget your first time do you? Good, bad, indifferent, it really doesn’t matter. However long you live you can always transport yourself back to that moment and replay it in your mind. Of course if anyone ever asks you, it was an amazing experience and the earth shook, in reality this isn’t always the case. I’m glad to say my first time really was earth shattering and still now fourteen years later it still ranks up there as one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had,...

First Time
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Game Set And Match

Wimbledon. A district and town of South West London, but the first thing you get when you look it up on the internet is the tennis results. Wimbledon is the home of the Lawn Tennis Association and hosts one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world.The internet contains abundant footage of top-class tennis players, umpires, line judges and ball boys and girls, all captured on high definition. What it doesn’t capture is what goes on behind closed doors, and it certainly doesn’t...

4 years ago
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The Sex Kabaddi Match

The Kabbadi match I was a teacher in a school at Bangalore. My wife Soundarya was a also a teacher in the same school. She teaches Chemistry and I teach Maths. Our life was quite peaceful. When I saw that two vacancies came up in the Ooty Boarding School and they paid much better, we both applied to the boarding school and we both got the jobs. Residential quarters were given to us and facilities were also good. The colleagues were also very friendly. One of my colleagues was Peter, a man...

4 years ago
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Fixed Penalty A Tale of Four Parts Part Two and

Meg was in the office and she was bending over a filing cabinet.She knew she was putting on a show for her boss with her G string hardly containing her arse at all . Megs cunt and asshole were clearly on display for her bosses enjoyment .“Come here Meg “ he said “I need you here” Meg walked over to his large desk “Yes Sir “ she said “what can I do for you”? “Just stand there and don’t move unless I tell you “ said Megs bossShe knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to feel her up and finger...

3 years ago
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My Unlikely Experience The Rematch

In the days following my loss to Dave, I was extremely sore from having my arms ensnared in the ropes and my legs tied spread eagle. I could've beaten him had he not trapped my arms in the ropes. I had never fought in a ring before and while I'd seen pro wrestlers do it on TV, I never gave much thought to how it works. Even if I had, I thought it was more for show than functionality. I was sure it would be easy to get out of. It wasn't.After the fight, I told Dave I could've beaten him had...

4 years ago
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A Fixed Match Part 2

My friend Dev was bewitched by my wife Ritu, who is quite an eyeful; although not an easy game for prowling eyes. I was fascinated at the prospects of witnessing their duel and possible outcome. I challenged Dev to try and entice her, if he could. I assured him my tacit support. On the other hand, I pooh-poohed my wife’s guarded objections of Dev’s advances. With time Dev literally advanced. I wondered if this could have relationship issues…But yes, there was one more thing to think about....

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Match And Fun 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Richa. I live at home with my brother Ravi (20), my mom and dad. My age is 18. I am good looking and fair color. My figure is 34 28 36. I am new in collage. I heard about “Sex stories and Sex” just three weak ago and I am also excited to share our incident. This is my first unforgettable incident of course real which I am going to present here in words. It’s about previous second weak incident when IPL was going on. Bhaiya and i are big fan of cricket. We watch cricket together...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Match

A Perfect Match? By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Chapter 1 Ed Ainsworth sat nervously outside the office of his boss. He had no idea why he was there; after all, he had only been working for the company for three weeks. Nervously he glanced at his watch again; it was now after six...

2 years ago
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Ann Meets Her Match ndash Part 1

It was now spring 1970 and Clare had just moved to a new home in the small rural town of Dunghill where she was the assistant manager in an agricultural machinery firm selling tractors and other items to farmers and servicing them. One day she went out to a farm nearby to drop of a brochure for combine harvesters. At the farm she pulled up in her blue Mini and watched a farmhand carry a freshly slaughtered Southdown ewe to an outbuilding to be butchered. Clare was met by Ann who was standing by...

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Fixed and fucked

Doctor visit with folow Fixed and fucked It’s a beautiful sunny warm summer day, Sandy and Melanie were preparing the morning on your last working day before before the practice for 14 days will be closed for holidays. Sandy and Melanie are working in a practice of gynecology and urology, with emphasis and focus: Ambulatory surgery as nurses. You are 22 and 25 years old. When we arrived, in practice, we looked forward to the earned Feierabend. Our boss Vivien was dead against us having...

2 years ago
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Erica vs Cindy death match

Erica vs. Cindy death matchI had met Cindy on-line and we became friendly and messaged each other often. We both had some interest in extreme fighting, and each of us was proud of her abilities. Well, we were friends but one thing led to another and I began to feel that Cindy was a bit too cocky for my tastes. So I challenged her and she took me up on it immediately. More trash-talking between us, and I suggested that it be a match to the death and be conducted in public and Cindy readily...

2 years ago
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Fixed Penalty A Tale of Four Parts Part One

Fixed PenaltyA look into the future …….The year was 2125 and the European Commission had a real dilemma.It had started in Estonia and quickly spread into the other two Baltic States.Poland and Hungary had followed suit and France and Germany were having heated debates in their respective parliaments.The E.U. Commission had declared it to be i*****l and eight member nations had threatened to leave the community unless they got their...

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The Match

It was Friday night, and time for the big sexual wrestling match that would be broadcast on pay-per-view nationwide. Jordan Driller was set to face Jillian Juggs in a inter-sex match. In this company, the winner gets to fuck the loser on national television, no strings attached. Jordan went to the gym around two to prepare for the match at Seven. He started his routine at the punching bags. He was magnificent at his kicks, with the grace of Bruce Lee as he performed them. His punches could have...

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Match Making

Match Making A RdL production Legally Copyrighted December 29, 2003 1. The remaining three hours in the day were the furthest thing from Mark's mind as he vacantly checked his email for the 3rd time that day. Work had been especially slow due to the approaching holiday. The office party had already been thrown and he, along with seemingly all of his coworkers, had taken that pitiful display of false camaraderie as the signal to coast until their elongated weekend. There had...

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Internet Sex Match

Chapter 1 Bill, a 35 year old man, 2 years after a divorce from a woman he wasn’t sure why he even married. She hated life where they lived, a place she grew up in, and she also wasn’t a big fan of sex. She enjoyed it sometimes, but not as often as Bill would have liked. She didn’t want kids, but that was told to him after they married. Love is blind in so many ways and Bill was caught in a marriage that pretty much lost any love there was, a few years into it. Then one day, his ex...

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Fixed my Girl

My friend Segufix fixed. I am a 28 years old woman and my name is Sandy. Today I woke up the morning. It was a beautiful day. Not just because the weather here in Germany was pretty sunny. It probably also for the fact that I have birthday and there will be a great party tonight. I went into the kitchen and made me breakfast. Drink a cup of coffee, then went to my job. Finally it was time the evening has begun and the first guests had arrived. Under there came an old friend whom I have not...

2 years ago
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Fixed my Girl

My friend Segufix fixed. I am a 28 years old woman and my name is Sandy. Today I woke up the morning. It was a beautiful day. Not just because the weather here in Germany was pretty sunny. It probably also for the fact that I have birthday and there will be a great party tonight. I went into the kitchen and made me breakfast. Drink a cup of coffee, then went to my job. Finally it was time the evening has begun and the first guests had arrived. Under there came an old friend whom I have not...

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Teela meets her Match

It was a seemingly ordinary day in the kingdom of Eternal. It had been several days' since the last time Selector had attacked, meaning his next attack plan was likely imminent. But for now, the Masters of the Universe were taking advantage of their opportunity to rest and prepare for the next assault. Teela and Prince Adam were in the midst of a climbing race up a cliff. Teela started off the race by taunting Adam, but that just made him want to win the climb even more. He would show her that...

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Football Khelto Ho Tum Ya Cricket Ka 20 Twenty Match

Football khelto ho tum ya cricket ka 20 twenty match? Mujhe to dono hi game bahut pasand hai. Koi heavy bat se mujhe mare, ya me apne khula hua goal post dikha ke goal karne ka offer du. To kya socha khula hua goal post zada mazadar hai na? Ab kya batau tumko, football ki to mai bari deevani thi. Mere ghar ke samne football maidan tha, jaha mohalla ke sare jawan larke khelte the. Aur me dekha karti thi har rozz apni balcony me khare ho kar un jawan lando ko. Par me to tis sal ke vidhwa aurat hu...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend and the Boxing Match

John is in late thirties, and average slim guy, still in great shape for his age. He has recently started dating Kate, a smoking hot brunette, five years younger than him who felt in love with him head over heels.The sex was amazing, they both found in each other a chemistry that neither had experience with anyone else before, and it didn't take long for them to start sharing their fantasies.John, unsurprisingly, was the more perverted, and timidly started to share his interest for being...

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The Wrestling Match

He couldn’t sleep. The clock next to his bed glowed green numbers, 12:48 AM but he was as wide awake as if it were mid-afternoon. He slapped the pillow in frustration, he kicked the blankets to the foot of the bed, restless, sleepless, head full of what might happen the next day. He had a high level of anxiety because at 11 the next morning he was going into the first match against the State middle weight high school wresting champion for the last two years. Literally going to the mat. He had a...

1 year ago
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Just A Little Tennis MatchChapter 2 Doubles Match

"Doubles match?" "Sure, why not?" Michelle had stopped me outside of class, accompanied by her teammate and roommate Nicole. Michelle was my former friend/now girlfriend whom I'd hooked up with about a month earlier. While Nicole had joined us in that first sexual session, Michelle and I had split off into a more personal one-on- one exclusive relationship. Still, I spent a great deal of time at the girls' apartment and gorgeous Nicole flirted with me more than ever, and sometimes...

1 year ago
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The wrestling match

It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over.… It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over. We were all chilling in the living room, eating, talking loudly, and laughing. It was a good old time. My girl call me in the...

4 years ago
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Paper MatchesChapter 2

Bill got home slightly before his wife that afternoon, and the first thing he did was to put the matches back in the bathroom on the shelf where they had been. Until he thought more about this he didn't want Linda to realize that he was interested in her paper matches. That evening they went out for supper at the Alibi Club, and had a good time together. Linda was even interested in having a drink in the attached lounge after their meal, and they spent an hour and a half there, getting up...

3 years ago
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The Badminton Match

                         The Badminton MatchThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym.Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a...

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Match Made

Match. Made.With every ounce of self control...I beat at the pleasure taking me over. The mightiest betrayal to date was having it's way with me......and so was she......Face against the filthy stall wall .....Hands behind me wrapped in my nice, soft, black leather, J-crew belt (which matched my boots exactly in color & material). I was fuzzy all over with confusion and to be quite honest, submission. Now, truth be told I am nearly germaphobic all public things considered. So, to be so...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Those naughty fingers during the soccer match

Saturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...

1 year ago
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Valeries Monday night tennis match

Valerie’s Monday night tennis matchValerie always looked forward to her games of tennis with Jill. In the summer they would play outdoors but in the winter they continued to play in the local school hall. Although she enjoyed the tennis it was really the after match sexual activities with Jill that she enjoyed the most. Both Valerie and Jill were happily married mothers but for several years now they had been enjoying satisfying each other sexually.Valerie was getting ready for her Monday night...

4 years ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Thirteen A Match

Time Stands Still Chapter Thirteen: A Match By r.gold 1:30 p.m. Sanchez moaned as I moved my hands over his under garments and body. He was enjoying the feeling as much as I was. I was slipping the strap of his top off when I heard the sound of footsteps. A voice came from outside the closet. "Uh, Detective Sanchez, we've found a close positive match." At the sound of the lab tech's voice, I knew that Sanchez had forgotten about me and was all cop again. We smiled...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 21 The Maze Match

Since returning to Norfolk after Simon disabled the Palladium, he and Arabella had been confined to the Little Creek Amphibious Base housing area. The days had been fairly calm; a few hours at work, early afternoons at the beach, and then enjoying warm nights together in the exciting city sprawl of that Norfolk and the rest of the area had become. As martial law had tightened its grip on the massive military and industrial complex in the Hampton Roads area, what had been a collection of...

2 years ago
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Two Birds a BlokeThe Football Match

Phil was a football nut; at least he had been when he lived up North. While living in Leeds, he had been a season ticket holder at Ellend Road, and he had also only missed fifteen away games in three years. When his job took him to London, in the middle of the football season, he had to sell his season ticket. He hadn't been to a footy game since. It wasn't as if there weren't teams he could go and see. Stamford Bridge, and Chelsea's cosmopolitan team, was very close. Arsenal had the best...

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The Nude Wrestling Match

I woke up and I knew my life was probably changed forever. Just over a month ago I experienced an evening that could not have been anticipated. Could not have been planned. And one I would never have had wish for … until now. Hi, I’m Kelly and I’m a sophomore majoring in electrical engineering at a state university. I room with two other girls, Christine and Lisa. We’ve been roommates, on campus since our freshman year. I think we are all above average in the looks...

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Football Match Resulted Into Sex With Neha

Hello Friends, first of all I like to thank all the ladies, girls and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense response which leaded me to submit my fourth story for you all enthusiastic people. So sit back and be ready for another real life encounter I had with Neha (name changed for privacy reasons). For those who are reading my story for the first time I wanted to tell you briefly about me. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company...

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Hot Sex After Badminton Match

Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...

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Its Not What You Expect At A Soccer Match

I have been a soccer official for almost fifteen years. I have been to small towns, large towns, huge communities, big schools, small schools, and have spent more time driving around to cities and communities that I'd never seen before. I have enjoyed it all the years I've done it. And it's one thing to do the things I love, but it's more enjoyable when things happen that I don't expect. What happened after my match on Tuesday night was one of those unexpected crazy things I will forever look...

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Sleeping With My Tinder Match Indian Housewife

Hi, I am Kalai from Bangalore and this is a story about how I met an unsatisfied housewife on Tinder and had sex with her. This is a real story and not fiction. This incident took place nearly a year ago when the first lockdown was partially lifted in Bangalore. I had never been in a relationship for a long time so I decided to get on Tinder and find myself a girlfriend. It took quite some time for me to find a match. After a month’s search, I was matched with an Indian housewife woman of age...

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Mandys Sexcapade Mandy the Matchmaker

Jacquelyn’s death was not unexpected, but that didn’t lessen the blow for her family and friends. A life was taken too soon from this world, and our only comfort was that she died peacefully in her sleep, without pain or suffering, and surrounded by those who loved her. Amanda wasn’t just the most beautiful, the most intelligent, and the most kind-hearted person I knew, and would ever know; she also possessed an inner strength that was like a rock against endlessly crashing waves. My wife...

3 years ago
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Shooting Match

It was the early part of June, 2005, when Howard T. Hallowell walked in as Gloria was sweeping the store. He watched for a moment and then said, ‘Swabbing the floor, huh?’ ‘Deck,’ Gloria said. ‘Huh?’ ‘It’s a deck, not a floor.’ Gloria straightened and then added, ‘and, no, I’m not swabbin’ it, I’m sweeping it.’ Howard chuckled and said, ‘You know Andy Zimmerman, the Sheriff in Carrolton?’ ‘Not really. I saw him a few times in Carrolton, but never met him.’ Howard grabbed the dust pan and...

1 year ago
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The Match

It was Friday night, and time for the big sexual wrestling match that would be broadcast on pay-per-view nationwide. Jordan Driller was set to face Jillian Juggs in a inter-sex match. In this company, the winner gets to fuck the loser on national television, no strings attached. Jordan went to the gym around two to prepare for the match at Seven. He started his routine at the punching bags. He was magnificent at his kicks, with the grace of Bruce Lee as he performed them. His punches could...

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Warmup match Van Persie mass shooting 3 assists

Phoenix Ticker July 20 17: 30,2013 / 14 season, Manchester United 2 games pre-season warm-up match at Sydney’s ANZ Stadium, race, Australia’s star ultimate team beat Manchester United 5-1. The first half, Ryan Giggs and Welbeck has scored assists Lingard. The second half, Australian super star pulled one back, but Lingard, Welbeck both scored twice to expand the score. Substitute Robin van Persie finally scored a goal. Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 This is the second warm-up match, coach...

4 years ago
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Warmup match Van Persie mass shooting 3 assists

Phoenix Ticker July 20 17: 30,2013 / 14 season, Manchester United 2 games pre-season warm-up match at Sydney's ANZ Stadium, race, Australia's star ultimate team beat Manchester United 5-1. The first half, Ryan Giggs and Welbeck has scored assists Lingard. The second half, Australian super star pulled one back, but Lingard, Welbeck both scored twice to expand the score. Substitute Robin van Persie finally scored a goal. Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 This is the second warm-up match, coach...

1 year ago
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Hike Match Se hua Match

Hi dosto ye meri pehli story hai aur real life insident hai jo mere sath delhi mai hua tha Mera naam jack(changed) hai aur mai delhi mai ek it company mai job krta hu toh agar koi girl ya lady mujhse chat krna chahe toh mujhe pr mail kar sakti hai Chaliye story start karta hu, baat 2016 ki hai hike messanger ne tinder ki tarah ek match making service start ki thi . Maine bhi vo service start kri aur match found hue. Unme s maine kafi ladkiyo s baat ki aur ek ladki laxmi nagar k pass ki hi thi...

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Tim And Abbie 71 Brians Matchmaking

Brian did not forget his promise to himself after the first dinner with Mark’s mother and sisters.  Well, the girls, definitely women of forty now, did deserve to meet men who would cherish and care for them.  Their youth and young adulthood had been totally ruined by the tyrant father they had.It is bad enough what Mark has endured from him, but to see his sisters and Mark’s mother so repressed just chills Brian’s soul. Well, perhaps repressed is not the correct term for all of them but held...

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Tim and Abbie 73 Brians matchmaking Jennifer

Patti and George's announcement comes at the start of November. Two of the three women are in happy and stable relationships now. But there remains Jennifer.Jennifer is a quandary for Brian. At forty-two, she is close to his own age and has lived a rather sexual life. Since her teens, Jennifer mastered the ability to look unostentatious at home. When needed, she could change that appearance with a bit of makeup, flipping up her skirt and opening her blouse to capture males' attention.And even a...


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