A Fixed Match - Part 1 free porn video

It was not for nothing that my wife Ritu spent almost half a day in her make over for the “Couples Only” annual dinner and dance in our club. I was working at that time as an executive in a multinational corporation.
It was not rare but rather unusual for my wife Ritu to display her excellent vital stats this way. She usually avoided dressing up for male eye balls. However, she knew that she had the face and figure to make them rolling and that I loved to display her; particularly when there was an occasion like this to silently announce “My wife is more beautiful than yours”. Annual dinner was one such occasion, she figured; and she liked to make me feel proud of being her husband.
We were married for eight years and although the excitement and euphoria of seeing each other naked or the thrill of mating had not gone away completely; it no longer had that cutting edge. That was now replaced by emotional attachment, a desire of making each other happy and to care and understand each other’s feelings.
My wife Ritu was simple and emotional. She was not conservative, yet not too modern in her outlook. She liked to go to clubs and parties and meet new friends. Yet she disliked splurging money on fancy things. When we went to parties, I liked her to wear sexy outfits. However, I had to persuade her hard to do it “one last time”; and she agreed almost every time. She liked me to persuade her to do anything out of the way and I was always glad to do it; if I really wanted real hard.
It was not that she readied herself only to satisfy my ego. My guess was that she wanted to prove to herself too; that at that age after mothering a child, she had not lost her ability to set on fire, males’ libidos. I gave her a window of escape by going the extra mile to persuade her to do so. I argued each time that she must look desirable because I wanted to be the husband of the most beautiful and desirable woman in the party.
In the tightly wrapped sari that she wore, her shapely hips looked accentuated. Her saree was so tied that her waist right under breasts, curving inward to her tummy, flattening up until her deep navel and then flaring up towards her hips and up to that lustful rise just above her hairless mound; was completely naked and alluring. Her breasts were a dream for any male to watch and fondle.
Even at the age of 32, she hardly needed a bra to keep her breasts upright. On top of it, I made her (she was reluctant to) wear a bra that not only projected her nipples and shaped up her lovely breasts further; but revealed her deep cleavage that left one’s mind craving for those lovely soft and yet firm boobs. She deliberately left her hair untied and swinging in the air. That made her all the more desirable.
When she entered the party, I was thrilled to see hushed silence descending in the hall. I caught most of the men and some women eyeing my wife surreptitiously. It looked as though there was no other female in the hall. Of course there were not less than ten of them.
I began mixing with the lot and she did too. A series of introductions and “Hi, hello and how do you do?” followed liberally. I noticed complete awe in the eyes of men in particular and women too; when they met her. Among them, the most noticeable was Dev, a friend of mine, who kept staring at my wife so unabashedly that she felt unnerved and moved over to clutch my arm with concern in her eyes. When I saw Dev staring almost shamelessly at my wife, I decided to break the ice.
I introduced Dev to my wife Ritu and vice versa. Much against my wishes, Dev bent and touched my feet in a gesture of deep respect, got up and said, “My sincere apologies to my lovely bhabhi (Bhabhi = Sister in law, brother’s wife: a friend is like a brother) for staring.”
Then he looked at her and said, “But believe me bhabhi, I have not seen a more beautiful girl in my life and I have seen many. I can’t imagine that you are married. Bhaiya is so lucky.”
You could well imagine the state of any woman, who is more 30 years old and a mother, when she is called a girl and hears such compliments from a very smart and handsome man. Predictably, my wife was thoroughly impressed. Even for her this was a great compliment. No one ever complimented my wife so profusely and so directly. She blushed and said, “Thank you.”
When we retreated into a corner, she asked me, as if casually, “Your friend, what was his name? Oh, let me see, Dev? Yes Dev. He called you bhaiya. He respects you so much. He seems like a nice smart and handsome young man. Is he married?” I wondered what was going through her mind at that time. But I knew that for the first time she was so impressed by any male that she used four objectives for Dev.
Just at that very moment, a beautiful lady entered the hall. Dev quickly moved to the entrance to receive her. I saw all eyes following her. She impressed me with her grace and femininity. Well that was a decent way of saying that she hardened up my cock with her sexiness. She was Dev’s wife Devika. She was a beauty. She had all that men look for in a woman. Lovely bums and boobs, lovely figure, shapely thighs and walk, blood red lips and inviting smile et al.
She wore a loose top and a tight knee long Capri that hugged her bums and showed their shape. Her loose fluffy cotton top when rested on her bra left no scope for imagination about the size of her breasts. They were sumptuous and sizable. She was tall for an Indian woman and well built. My wife Ritu and Devika were almost as beautiful, but built differently.
I was taken in by her charm as much as Dev was with my wife's. I grabbed my wife’s arm and moved over to Dev and his wife Devika to introduce ourselves. After introductions, Devika walked away from us with some ladies. Ritu and I moved away from the crowd and sat on a sofa.
I saw Dev standing alone some distance away from us. However, his eyes kept returning to focus on my wife repeatedly. Ritu noticed it too. I guessed that she was feeling a bit awkward about it, but did not say anything. It was clear to me that Dev had fallen head over heels for my wife.
Dev was smart, handsome, smooth talker. He was well known as “Ladies man”. I heard a man saying that Dev had a reputation that once he fancied a woman seriously, it was a foregone conclusion that she would be in his bed sooner or later.
A thought suddenly cropped up in my mind. An excitement surged inside me. For some time, our sex life was going nowhere. In eight years I had exhausted all options to spice up our sex life. Ritu had lost interest in sex and I was feeling frustrated. Dev’s meeting my wife and her subtle admiration of Dev rejuvenated that kinky pervert bug that was eating my mind. I had been wondering how exciting it would feel to see my beautiful and sexy wife being fucked by another male and how excited she would get, if two males (including me) fucked her.
Earlier, when someone tried to hit on her, I had hinted to my wife Ritu of a chance of someone having a way with her. I had tried to hint that it was my fantasy that we invite someone else to join us in bed and we have a threesome mmf if she agrees. My wife said categorically she would have sex with no one else. Ritu always emphatically rejected my faint hint of any man even coming closer to her, which had put paid to my dreams, until then.
However, in that party, I saw that my wife Ritu was fairly impressed with Dev. That was perhaps one of the rare times that my wife expressed her liking of any man which I thought was a very good starting point. Besides, I saw an opportunity to get closer to Dev’s wife Devika, if I let Dev try to hit on my wife Ritu.
I walked over to Dev out of my wife’s earshot and asked him mischievously, “Dev, what’s the matter? Of all the women, you only found your bhabhi to hit on?”
Dev looked at me embarrassed and said, “Bhaiya, I am so sorry if you felt bad. My bhabhi is so beautiful. You are lucky bro. But perhaps you are right. I shall be more careful now.”
I took him aside, tapped on his shoulder and said jokingly, “Saale, pehle meri bibi par line maarta hai aur phir sorry bolta hai? (First you hit on my wife and then say sorry?).”
Then I said, “Look, I was just joking, pulling your leg. You are not the only one eyeing her. You may carry on, if you like. I am not much bothered about your overtures; because I know your charm is not going to work on her. She is not like your usual preys. She is a typical conservative Indian house wife. You may have had your way elsewhere but she is different.”
Dev looked at me quizzically and asked, “Bhaiya, are you serious? How can you be so sure?”
I said, “I know her like the back of my palm. We are married for 8 years now. People have tried to hit on her and finally given up frustrated. Mind you, not because I was jealous or something; but because she would not yield an inch.” I winked at him and said, “Even one of my seniors tried once and failed.”
For Dev, that was a hit on his ego. “Bhaiya, please believe me. You are sadly mistaken. There is no woman, who cannot be wooed, unless she is afraid of family isolation, being targeted socially or has any psychological or health issues. Of course, because she is my respected bhabhi and your dear wife; I do not want any tension between you two. I shall keep away from her. But I reiterate that there are no exceptions.”
I was rather cheesed off at Dev’s audacious confidence. I knew my wife and I knew that she was quite immune to any kind of solicitation from other men. I was sure that she could not be baited easily. Besides, I was excited at, rather than afraid of, the chance of Dev’s success. I was not afraid of Dev’s success. I was afraid of his failure. I also considered the possibility of meeting Devika more often, if things turned out as I thought they could.
I was thrilled seeing a faint possibility of my fantasy turning into reality, if by any chance Dev succeeded. That would also solve my anxiety of finding the right man to fuck my dear wife. Dev was as good a man as I would ever find to do the job. I knew him, I trusted him and I felt that if anyone could succeed in inciting my wife, he could. I had to be bold and try.
I decided to take the bull by the horn. I challenged Dev. I said, “Dev, come on! Don’t be so cocky. I know her well enough. I challenge you to do what you can to win her over. You try your best charms on her and see. But please, if you fail, don’t come back to me red faced, complaining. I give you three months”
I could see Dev’s expressions changing rapidly. He was excited at first, but then he sighed and said ruefully, “I accept defeat before the fight. I know bhaiya, she will not move an inch; if she has the slightest suspicion that you may not want her to. I know I cannot succeed if you don’t want me to succeed.”
He did not accept the defeat. He was subtly challenging me. I was not the one to let him off the hook easily. I said firmly, “And suppose I give you my tacit approval to go ahead?” Then I whispered in his ears, “Strictly between you and me, I tried to hint to her a number of times to be a little bit flexible on her strict moral standards. You know what I mean! But she refuses to relent.”
Dev’s face lit up and then suddenly turned suspicious. He asked, “Bhaiya, did I hear what I thought you said?”
I said firmly, “Yes Dev. You heard right. I assure you that I shall not come in your way. In fact I shall go one step forward. I shall tacitly support you in letting you come as close to my wife, as you want. But be clear, you will not do anything against her wish, you will not force her and you will keep me informed of all that transpires between you two. If that is clear, I dare you to go ahead and accept my challenge.”
I hinted to Dev as brazenly as I could that I was even open to him fucking her.
Dev could not suppress glee on his face. He came and embraced me and said, “Bhaiya, let me also make one thing clear. I will be a liar if I say that I am not attracted to Ritu bhabhi. All the same, I am fully conscious that she is my respected bhabhi and your beloved wife. I shall neither force her against her wish nor shall I do anything that will cause any social or family issue between you two. I shall be discreet and respect you and her as much for ever as I do now; come what may. I swear, I will never ever cheat on you. I will be open with you on everything that happens between her and me. But I shall show you that even she can be wooed, if you are ok with it.”
I told him in challenging voice, “I am. Go ahead. I wish you luck.”
Dev was smart and handsome; he was about 3 years younger to me and elder to Ritu by about two years. He called me “Bhaiya” (elder brother). He was a well muscled flat waist athletic man. He was taller than me and had excellent dress sense that made him look naturally attractive to women. On that occasion, he had put on an immaculate tee shirt and trousers with a red scarf tied around his neck. He was a smooth talker. In parties, women looked forward to meeting and talking with him.
My wife Ritu had not heard earlier about Dev or his reputation.
Very soon the music started. Couples descended on the dance floor. There were some couples who danced rather well. However, most were just tapping their feet and making awkward movements.
Even though Dev was some distance away from us, I could see his eyes riveted on my wife Ritu. I was subtly excited at Dev’s close interest in my wife. Normally a husband should get irritated at some other male’s paying extra attention to his wife. However, I felt otherwise. One of the reasons also was that I knew Dev and personally liked him. I felt that he was mature and trust worthy. If there was anyone, I could trust sharing my wife with, I thought it was Dev.
After a while, Dev sauntered in, as if casually, and stood in front of us. He bowed down a little in front of my wife Ritu and offered her his hand, looked at me and asked, “Bhaiya, may I have a dance with my beautiful bhabhi please?”
Ritu looked embarrassed at the offer. She looked at Dev and said, “But I don’t know how to dance.”
Dev shot back, “Bhabhi, how many people you see dancing here, know how to dance?” Then he replied himself, “None. Besides, I shall teach you some simple steps. It is not that difficult.”
Ritu looked at me. She wanted my permission. I nodded my head in approval. Dev and Ritu moved away from us as Dev held my wife’s waist in one arm and rested the other one on her shoulder. Very soon Ritu started getting the hang of steps and similarly held her arms around Dev.
When the music slowed, I saw Dev murmuring something in Ritu’s ears. In response Ritu smiled and nodded her head. Dev then gently pulled my wife closer to him. I quickly slipped away from their sight to a location from where I could see them but they couldn’t see me. Dev started taking a few liberties with my wife. He kept her tightly close in his arms and danced such that their pelvis ground against each other.
My wife Ritu looked around for me with concern in her eyes at Dev’s fresh advances. Not finding me anywhere, not knowing how to deal with the unexpected situation, she carried on dancing with Dev. While grinding his pelvis, thighs and abdomen against my wife Ritu in intimate dance steps, Dev kept whispering in my wife’s ears; perhaps telling her that he was demonstrating the dance steps; so as to make her feel at ease.
Surprisingly, I was excited seeing Dev rubbing his pelvis against my wife’s and holding my wife intimately close to his body. I should have got irritated, but I was getting aroused. My cock in my pants started hardening.
My eyes fell on Dev’s wife, Devika, who helplessly watched her husband dancing intimately with a strikingly beautiful woman. She looked at me with her typical probing stare. The devil in my trousers hardened further looking at her. I found her very seductive for three reasons: Her lovely deep blue eyes. It looked as though her eyes dared me to come and take her into my arms. Secondly, her ample bosoms: Her breasts constantly strained her blouse and bra; bursting to come out. They looked tantalizing and provocative. They shook when she moved like branches of a tree when gentle breeze blows. Thirdly her lovely bums. Her ass protruded out of her dress so seductively that it took me a great deal of restraint to control my urge to touch them or to kiss them.
I was aroused seeing her watching first her husband dance with my very pretty wife and then looking at me as if to challenge me. I obviously felt bad for her. I also felt that I had as good an opportunity I could get at that moment to try my luck to get close to her. I fancied my chances of fucking her, sometime in the future. I moved over to her and offered my hand for her to dance with me. How could she refuse an invitation from the husband of the beautiful lady who was dancing with her husband rather intimately?
It was tit for tat.
Then it was my turn to hide from Dev and my wife. I moved with Devika in a corner, where my wife Ritu and Dev could not see us. As we were dancing Devika asked me, “Dev is calling you bhaiya. Should I also call you bhaiya?”
I said, “Look dear don’t call me bhaiya. Dev’s calling me bhaiya and your calling me bhaiya have different connotations. Don’t you think?”
Devika nodded her lovely head, although I was not sure if she understood. Then she vented out her anguish. She asked me, “I shall call you Raj, ok? But, Dev calls you bhaiya and he has great respect for you. At the same time, he is dancing like this with his bhabhi. This is not good. What do you say?”
I understood her meaning. I said, “Well, firstly dancing is generally a social norm. Of course, intimate dancing is a bit different. I would say it is exciting, a bit flirty and it is fun. Actually I would rather my wife Ritu dance with Dev than anyone else; because at least I know him. I know you. That is better than some stranger getting close to my wife. I think it is better Dev, than someone else. Because Dev loves and respects me.”
Devika looked pointedly at me. Her looks said that she liked my interpretation. She might perhaps have guessed too that I wanted to get close to her and I was therefore perhaps pushing that theory; but she did not seem to mind it.
I repeated the steps Dev was taking with my wife Ritu. I began grinding my thighs with Devika’s. My cock had hardened and poked her thighs. Devika had no issues with that. She was happily letting me take the initiative and cooperated with me happily. She was hot and danced better than my wife.
As soon as the music stopped we separated and clapped. I saw Dev emerging from a corner holding Ritu’s hand and leading her to us. As soon as Ritu saw me she came running to me. She looked at Devika and for fleeting moment I saw a woman to woman jealousy in her eyes as she said “Hello” to Devika; turned to me and said, “Dev is a good dancer. I learnt some dancing steps from him. But where were you? I was looking for you.”
I was tempted to ask my wife, “You also experienced some intimate dancing and body touching with Dev didn’t you?” But I kept quiet.
Instead, I asked her, “I did not want you to feel embarrassed, seeing me watching you dance with Dev.”
Ritu asked me, “Why would I feel embarrassed? After all, a dance is just a party norm, isn’t it?”
I laughed at Ritu and to tease her, I said, “Darling, all things start with dance. First dance, then holding hands, then mischief here and there, then flirting and intimate body contacts and then sex.”
My wife stood still, looking at me wondering. She asked, “Is that so? My God! What a fool I was to accept Dev’s invitation? I should have refused Dev. Dev must be thinking that I was a game for him. That was perhaps the reason Dev kept asking me when I could meet him again.”
To set her mind at ease, I said, “No darling, don’t worry. I was just joking. Dancing is nothing special.”
Then I decided to tease my wife a little more. I said, “But, I saw that Dev became hot while dancing closely with you. I saw his big cock making a tent in his pants. Did you not feel it?” I hinted to her that I saw them dancing intimately.
My wife’s face turned pale at my swipe at her. It proved that she must have felt Dev’s cock poking her body while dancing; but she just kept quiet about it.
I said in pacifying voice, “Well, anyway, that’s ok. If his cock hardened dancing closely with you, it is not his fault. What could the poor chap do? With that sexy body of yours, it is natural. It can happen to any man dancing with such a beautiful and sexy woman like you.”
My wife blushed. She kept quiet for a while and then said in very low tone, “Did your cock not harden up when you danced so intimately taking Dev’s wife Devika so closely in your arms?”
It was then my turn to blush. I replied softly, “Well well, we are all at par now. Account settled.”
Dev stayed about 5 kilometres away. Some weeks passed after that party. Our families came closer during that period. Dev started talking to me more frequently than earlier (after meeting my wife Ritu). We started going occasionally to each other’s houses and went out together for movies or eating out on weekends.
Dev and I liked each other. Even before that party, we enjoyed each other’s company. After the party, however, our meetings increased. Dev always treated me like his elder brother. He called me “Bhaiya” (meaning elder brother) in spite of my forbidding him time and again (I didn’t like being branded older). He was the only son of his father and he did not have a brother or a sister. Perhaps that was the reason that he saw me as his elder brother.
I knew Dev craved for my wife. After our talk in the party, perhaps he fancied his chances with her. Well, I couldn’t fault him. I was mad for his wife, but kept my feelings suppressed. Dev was a bit flamboyant about it. As the familiarity grew, we both started discreetly cajoling each other’s wives. Admittedly, we didn’t get very far. Perhaps our wives realised it; but did not pay any serious attention to our subtle gestures. My wife Ritu and Dev’s wife Devika became good friends.
On many occasions Dev came to my house alone when I was away. Ritu offered him tea snacks etc.; but did not talk much and slipped away in the kitchen leaving Dev sitting idly in the living room. She knew that Dev was trying to hit on her.
Whenever Dev came to meet Ritu in my absence, both he and my wife Ritu would tell me about it. I got excited briefly, until I learnt that Ritu kept cold shouldering him. Ritu told me hesitatingly one day that she felt that Dev’s intentions were not above board. She suspected that Dev was trying to entice her, with his charms.
I took my wife in my arms and hugged her intimately. I put the onus squarely on her. I said, “Is that his fault? I don’t blame the poor fellow. You are so beautiful and sexy that why Dev, anyone would want to do that if they could. Is he the first person who tried that?”
Her blush told me that she was not very much offended by Dev’s overtures, after all.
When she told me about Dev’s visits in my absence; I saw two possibilities: One was that looking at Dev’s reputation of having the ability to conquer any woman that he fancied; I was pretty much optimistic that he would get over my wife’s resistance or reluctance and have a way with my wife; sooner or later. I seriously hoped that he would. My heart beat faster at the thought. Secondly, I was hoping that Dev’s coming closer to my wife Ritu could make Dev facilitate my easy entry into his bedroom.
One day when I was away on tour, Dev tried to gift a handicraft to my wife Ritu. Without any hesitation, Ritu snubbed him harshly. She warned him not to bring such gifts and try to tempt her.
Dev was crestfallen. He had never been snubbed like that before. When I returned from tour and met him, he almost cried narrating to me of the incident.
I told him, “See, I told you before.”
But then I realised that if I did not correct the situation, Dev would finally give up and my fantasy will remain only fantasy. So I assured Dev that I would talk to Ritu about it.
That evening after we retired to bed, I asked Ritu in a disappointed tone, making a face, “Ritu darling, why did you snub Dev for gifting you that handicraft piece? He bought a small gift for us and you just tore that poor fellow apart for nothing. That was not fair. He had told me about the gift earlier and I had asked him to give it to you (I lied).”
When Ritu heard that Dev had told me about the gift, she was at a loss to explain her behaviour. She said awkwardly, “I am so sorry. You should have told me about it. I did not know that he had told you about it. I thought he was trying to woo me behind your back.”
I tried to pacify her and said, “No, it is not true. Whenever he visits our house in my absence, he makes it a point to tell me. He told me that he loved to play with Munnu (our son) and I asked him to come and play with him in my absence. Please do not misunderstand Dev. He may be attracted to you; but then be honest and tell me, with your sexiness and beauty, which virile man wouldn’t?”
I knew that praising her beauty and sexiness was the best way to make her susceptible to my suggestions.
I had not exaggerated, had I? She smiled at my flattery, punched me lightly and said, “You are a crook. You know how to make me agree with you. Ok baba, sorry. Please apologize to your brother or friend on my behalf. I shall now be careful not to hurt his feelings. Ok? Happy?”
She seemed happy with my recommendation for Dev. I had a feeling that on hind sight, she must have felt sorry that she had admonished Dev so badly for (what she now felt was) such a trivial reason.
Ritu came closer to me and took me in her arms. Pressing her lips against mine, she murmured, “You are a good man and an understanding husband. Anyone else in your place would not have supported his friend like you are doing.”
She called me an “understanding husband”. My interpretation was that she appreciated my understanding her; because I supported Dev. So obviously it was her desire too that I should not take Dev’s advances negatively.
We kept kissing for some time. Ritu was getting hot. She moved her face away, looked at me and said, “I suspected that Dev was trying to hit on me. Sometimes I feel that he is a good man. Sometimes, I find him staring at me and trying to entice me. Now that you are supporting him and stopping me; what could I do?”
She was trying to express her confusion and helplessness. She paused for a while then suddenly in a naughty mood rolling her eyes, she said, “Be careful, Mr. Hubby. You are trading on thin ice. It’s not good to give your wife and your friend such a long rope, lest he may win away your wife from you and leave you rubbing your hands.”
I was not the one to let it pass. I replied with matching naughtiness, “Darling, I know and trust you more than I trust myself. I know that Dev or anyone can hit on you as much as he wants. In a delicate moment he might even be able to seduce you. All the same, I know you will remain mine forever. Our relationship means much more than just sex. Our marriage joins not just our bodies; it joins our hearts, it joins us with our children, family, society and all that. Am I right or not?”
In those sentences, spoken in one breath, I hinted to her a possibility of Dev seducing her. Ritu appeared thoughtful for a while and then gently nodding her head she said, “You have a point there. I guess you are right.” She embraced me closely and said, “Honey, do you really have so much trust in your wife?”
At that moment I understood that my darling wife Ritu was still unsure but surely had softened up a bit in her mind towards Dev. I inserted my hand in her night gown and squeezing her nipple, I said, “I trust you more than I trust myself.”
I grabbed her breasts in both my hands and further teasing her I said, “Poor Dev was heartbroken after you snubbed him. But you are right about one thing. Dev is crazy about you. Whenever I look at him suddenly, I find that his eyes are always focused on your shapely breasts.”
Ritu fidgeted a little. Moving away from me, she dismissed my argument with a wave of her hand and said, “Nonsense! I don’t think that is true. You males think of nothing but sex all the time. I do not think he is like that.” Her statement was a surprise for me. When she said that, an idea suddenly flashed in my mind.
I pressed my point further, “Do you really think he is not like any other man? Why? He is a male too! Well, if you really think Dev is not like that, let us take a test. Do one thing. Next time when he is alone with you, incite him a little. Just give him a sexy pose, or give him a bit of leeway and then see. If he does not pull you in his arms, then tell me. I will accept my defeat.”
Hearing my words, Ritu turned away from me in bed in anger and said, “You should be ashamed of yourself for talking to your wife like that and asking her to do such things.”
I leaned on her and took her in my arms from atop her and said, “Oh, honey! Don’t turn away from me. Please forgive me, I am sorry, I was joking.”
Ritu turned back to face me. She said smiling, “Never mind, I too was joking.”
I took my wife Ritu in my arms tightly and said, “Honey, poor Dev has gone bonkers over you. If by mistake, he teases you or even touches you; please don’t snub him and don’t break his heart please?”
Ritu was getting aroused at my constant goading her about Dev in our conversation in titillating manner. She looked at me mischievously and said, “You are a strange husband! You pamper your lecherous friend and ask your faithful wife not to fend off your friend’s sexual overtures. Why? Is it so as not to hurt your friendship with him, or you have some wrong ideas about Dev and me, huh? Have no wrong ideas about me, ok? But yes, I assure you that I will take care not to hurt your friend’s feelings, ok?”
There it was! On one hand Ritu felt that Dev was not like any other sex crazy man and in the same breath she also called Dev lecherous! On one hand she asked me not to entertain any wrong ideas about Dev’s flirting with her and immediately thereafter she said, she will be careful not to hurt Dev’s feelings! So she was pretty sure Dev had designs on her. I kept wondering in my mind what Ritu really thought of Dev.
I decided to push her a little more. I asked, “So you agree to test Dev right?”
She ignored my question. I asked her again more emphatically, “Are you going to test Dev tomorrow or not?”
Ritu’s irritation was palpable. She said, “Look honey, if you think I am going to expose to him like a model, no! I won’t; whether you like it or not. But yes, if he happens to be there when I am scantily dressed; say in a swimming pool, or in the night gown etc., then I promise you, I won’t make a fuss. I can do this much at the most for you. I am sorry, but I can’t go beyond that.”
I knew, I had stretched her to a limit. I had to relax her. The relaxation that she had made was some progress, even if small. I said, “Ok, that is good enough for me.”
She smiled relaxed. Looking at my engorged cock in my night dress, she spread her palm over it. She caressed it in her delicate hand and said, “You are so much worried about your friend, but look at my friend (pointing to my erection), this poor chap! How much eager he seems to be to meet (pointing to her crotch) his girl friend! Now come on! Let him kiss his girl friend. Please finish the job.” She invited me to fuck her. That was a special and an unusual invitation for me.
Ritu was hot as hell. I quickly removed my night dress and undressed my beautiful wife. Our two naked bodies were grinding against each other, generating fire of lust. She placed her hand on my cock and found it rock hard. Her pussy was oozing out her love juice liberally. She was aroused and the reason was just a fantasy of Dev seeing her partially clothed or undressed.
Feeling her juice flowing out of her pussy, I told her, “You are really hot!”
She replied equally mischievously, “You are making me hot by talking dirty to me.”
Ritu stopped talking to me. How could she? She had deep throated my rock hard cock into her mouth. She was almost getting gagged. She sucked it with her eyes looking at me to know if I enjoyed her extra effort to please me. Earlier she opposed my proposal of sucking my cock. But that night she wanted to please me. Why did she? I didn’t know. Or perhaps I did. I would remember that night for a long time. She made me fuck her hard. She had three orgasms. I ejaculated twice. That was rare. I thought my friend Dev’s arrows were hitting right on target.
After our love making session, I wondered, how I could create a situation, where Dev had an opportunity to see her partially naked. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. I knew that every morning after finishing her daily chores; she went to bath exactly at 11.30 am. She came out of bath at 11.45 wearing wet cloth or in a towel and went to our small temple in the dining room for brief prayers and worship. This was her strict routine for years.
In the early morning, when Ritu was still sleeping I got up quietly, went to our entrance door and with my tool set, I completely loosened the door stopper locking bolt screws, so that they would fall off with the slightest jerk and the front door could not be bolted.
She woke me up in the morning complaining that when she opened the door, the screws had come off and the front door could not be bolted from inside. I assured her that I shall get the carpenter during the day to set it right.
When I got ready and was leaving for the office the next morning, I kissed my wife bye and reminded her, “Do you remember your promise of testing Dev? Let us do it today and see who is proved right, you or me?”
Smiling awkwardly, she pushed me away saying, “Oh! Forget it! That was night fantasy. I have no time for such pranks.”
I said, “Look darling, as you have said yourself, if a situation arises where Dev is in front of you when you are partially dressed, or undressed, you won’t make a big fuss of it. Ok? I am not going to the office unless you make a commitment that you will do it. Say yes or no?”
Ritu was caught in dilemma. She hesitated and then said, “Oho! You are so adamant. Ok, baba. Let me think over it. Now will you go to the office or stand here and keep talking?” She was relieved seeing me slowly walking out of the house to our portico.
As usual she too came outside the house in the portico to see me off. As soon as we reached out, I turned her around and grabbed her by her waist. Placing my arms around her, I pulled her tightly close and bringing my mouth on to her mouth, I asked her, “You won’t think. You will do as I said. Ok? Will you keep your promise or break it? Tell me. Promise me you will do it.”
Ritu was out of her wits. There were people walking outside having a good view of us. Besides, Ritu always took pride in declaring that she never broke her promise. I took advantage of that. She was flustered at my obstinacy. She tried to push me away bombarding me with a series of questions in frustrated voice, “Have you gone mad? Are you testing Dev or me? After all, what is it you want from me? What is that you want me to do? Do you want me to pose naked in front of him? What is in your mind? You are bent upon making me do something weird; but mind you, if something goes wrong, don’t blame me. Ok?”
I pulled her closer and said, “I promise you, I won’t blame you. I have asked you to do it and I am responsible for whatever happens. Now will you or won’t you keep your promise?”
Ritu finally gave up and said, “What are you doing? People are watching us. Please don’t make a scene. Ok baba, don’t pester me. I will do it; but only as per my commitment to you. I promise you. It will happen only if and when such a situation comes. Now please leave me and go.”
I said smugly, “The situation will come today.”
Ritu looked at me awkwardly and said, ‘I don’t know what you mean. I don’t understand.” She paused a little and said again, “Now leave me and go. I don’t know what kind of husband you are.”
I released her with a smug grin. I walked out, waving her bye. She stood dumbly in our portico looking quite embarrassed and perhaps wondering what had gone wrong with me and what was in store for her that day.
At about eleven am on that day I phoned Dev. I told him, “Ritu had asked me to get her two packets of Maggy noodles. I just forgot about it. I am now tied up in the office. I will not be able to deliver them any time soon. If you are nearby, would you please buy two packets of Maggy noodles and deliver them to Ritu now? I shall be grateful.”
I knew that Dev always looked for an excuse to meet Ritu anyway. How could he pass up an opportunity like that? He immediately said that he was passing through that area and would positively pick up the packets and deliver them home.
Within less than half an hour of our conversation, Dev reached our house. He rang the door bell. There was no response. The door was not bolted. It opened when he pushed it a little. He found no one in the house. However, he heard sound from the bathroom that indicated that Ritu was bathing. Dev sat on a sofa in the drawing room, waiting patiently for Ritu to come out.
When she heard the door bell and the door opening and closing, Ritu called out loud from the bathroom, “Suchitra, go to the kitchen and clean the utensils. I shall come out soon.” Suchitra was our house maid, who came to clean utensils and do sweeping, mopping chores. Dev understood that Ritu thought that it was our maid Suchitra, who had come and opened our front door. Dev just kept quiet to surprise Ritu.
Very soon Ritu came out of the bath room wrapped in a towel. She first went to the kitchen and not finding anyone there, came to the drawing room. She saw Dev in the drawing room. When Dev saw Ritu wrapped in a towel almost half naked, he was out of his wits. His jaws fell open. My wife stood there in all her glory, barely wrapped in a towel, with half her body naked to the feasting eyes of Dev. Dev could clearly see the mystic rise of her lovely globes. The towel barely covered her thighs. Her lovely thighs made Dev’s head go spinning. Ritu’s wet hair was spread all over her face and partly covered her ample bosoms. At that time, Ritu, in her barely clothed state, appeared to Dev like a sex Goddess; who manifested from heaven to shower her mercy on poor Dev.
When Ritu saw Dev with his jaws open, looking unashamed at her half naked figure; Ritu let out a sharp shrill. Then suddenly realising that her sharp loud voice may alarm neighbours, she toned down her voice and asked, “Dev, how come you are here at this time?”
Dev was tongue tied, seeing my wife in that condition. He could barely muster out some incoherent words, “Ritu… please…. forgive me…. Ok.. I didn’t…. know that you were taking a bath….. I pressed the bell. When…. there was no…. response, I …. pushed the door open. Raj ph…phoned me and said that you… asked for two Maggi packets. Since he couldn’t come, he asked me to… give… these… to you. Here I am.”
Dev extended his hand to hand over the two packets to Ritu. However, his eyes were riveted on Ritu’s firm and sumptuous breasts. When Ritu came closer and picked up the packets, Dev could not resist his urge to look into Ritu’s towel. Although Ritu had tightly clutched her towel in her hands, the towel could not cover her breasts fully. Either she had to cover her chastity or her breasts. She preferred the first option. More than half of her breasts were exposed. Her thighs well above her knees were also exposed. Dev had a massive urge to take my wife Ritu in his arms, lay her on the sofa, climb over her and fuck her there and then.
Dev just could not suppress his overwhelming lust. He moved closer to Ritu and took her in his arms. Ritu must have guessed Dev’s ideas. She held her towel tighter. She had her own problems. Firstly she could not shout for help and make a spectacle for the neighbours. Secondly she had her towel in one hand and packets in the other. She was unable to resist Dev in that condition.
She shook her body hard to try and break away from the clutches of Dev’s arms. She was however, not able to break free from Dev’s strong grip. She felt Dev’s strong muscles around her straddling her completely.
Dev bent down to place his lips on Ritu’s. He wanted to kiss her. Ritu was scared like hell and knew very well that if she showed even a tiny bit of weakness, Dev would not spare her that afternoon. She also knew that because she was sexually aroused too; once Dev started to kiss and fondle her, she was not sure if she would resist him for long. She feared that finally she might surrender to Dev easily. Unless she did something drastic, Dev would overpower her, kiss her, disrobe her and fuck her.
She threw away the packets from her hand on the sofa and shoved Dev hard with her hand that became free to push him away from her. Dev staggered and released Ritu.
She ran to the bedroom in panic. Her chest was heaving up and down as she breathed hard; half due to the toil and half due to excitement of feeling Dev’s strong and forceful muscles on her body.
She suddenly realised that as she ran into the bed room in panic, she had forgotten to bolt the bedroom door behind her. She wondered, if it was indeed an error, or was it an unknowingly done deliberate act?
She looked behind her and was relieved to find Dev standing in the drawing room; looking in her direction; nonplussed at the unexpected development.
Ritu’s heart was pounding at bursting pace. She closed the door, wiped herself quickly, changed into a loose fitting gown hurriedly; not caring to put on bra and panty and came out to the drawing room rubbing her hair with the towel. She felt relieved seeing Dev standing awkwardly like a statue completely bereft of any aggressive intent looking baffled and embarrassed at his impulsiveness. It was a different Dev.
Ritu must have looked sexier in that loose gown with her wet hair wrapped in the towel; as she entered the drawing room to meet Dev. The gown was hinting at the treasure that it hid from the eyes of the beholder. But it gave sufficient hints of what was not visible, when it fell loosely on the naked curves of her body, as she moved. Dev saw that she had not put on any under garments. He hoped that it was a signal for him. Dev decided to play the game patiently.
Street smart that he was; as soon as my wife entered the drawing room, Dev almost fell on my wife’s feet, begging her forgiveness. He looked as if he was about to weep. He said, “Bhbhi, please forgive me for my stupid behaviour. I lost my bearing for a moment when I saw you in that condition. Please slap me hard or hit me with your sandals; but please forgive me for my intemperate behaviour. Please don’t tell Raj Bhaiya about my idiocy lest he might break relations with me. I shall not leave until you say that you have forgiven me.”
Ritu was taken aback at the sudden change in Dev’s behaviour. She was acutely embarrassed seeing him falling at her feet. She understood that it was her husband’s (my) game plan. She and Dev were mere pawns in the game. It was not poor fellow’s fault at all. In fact, she was impressed with Dev’s restraint that he did not follow her into her bedroom; or else the story would have been different. She would not have been able to stop Dev and Dev would certainly have pulled off that towel and undressed her. She was unsure that if that had happened, whether she would have resisted him strongly enough to prevent him from undressing and fucking her in her bedroom.
She bent down, caught Dev’s hand and gently pulled him up. She was touched emotionally at Dev’s act of repentance.
She smiled magnanimously at Dev and said, “Dev, come on. It happens. In fact, I have to apologize for shouting at you. It was my fault. I should not have come out dressed like that. It could have been someone else. Then it would have been terrible. Don’t worry. This will remain between us. I won’t talk this with my hubby. Please wait. I shall bring tea for you.” Ritu quickly retreated into the kitchen to make tea for both of them.
Ritu told Dev while she served tea, “In fact, I am the one to apologize to you for rejecting the gift you brought from Jodhpur. I am sorry that I misunderstood you. Raj told me that you had already talked to him about that.”
Then rolling her eye balls mischievously, Ritu said, “But Dev, mind you; now that will cost you dear. I am not going to be satisfied with just that one gift. I want many more. Now, if my demands increase, please do not back out.”
Dev quickly recovered and smiled broadly at his success and said, “Bhabhi, you just have to ask. I will sacrifice my life at your feet.”
My wife replied, “Let your life be for Devika. I only want gifts.”
I repaired the door knob as soon as I returned from the office that evening. Ritu saw me doing it without saying anything.
That night, when we retired to bed, Ritu asked me innocently, “Darling, why did you have to do all that? Do you know what could have happened today?” Then she poured her heart out telling me all that had happened in the morning and how she barely managed to prevent herself from being fucked by Dev.
It was best for me to keep quiet. While narrating the erotic incident, my wife got aroused and gave me such a treat that night that I was in cloud nine. I knew I was in the right direction.
It was as if Dev had hit a jackpot. From that day, Dev was no longer ignored in my house. When Dev arrived, my wife Ritu rushed to receive him at the door with a smile. She talked with him for a length of time, even asked him to join her in the kitchen or bedroom; if she was working there. Dev was a regular visitor then in our house; irrespective of whether I was there or not. When Dev made her laugh at his funny jokes; she did not hesitate to hold his hands or casually hug him; even in my presence.
Dev played the game like a professional hunter; waiting patiently for his prey to err and waited for his opportunity; which he knew will come his way sooner or later. He was careful to avoid impulsive sudden sexual overtures in their interaction so as not to scare her away.
Dev worked his way slowly and smoothly, increasing his level of intimacy with my wife Ritu by making tiny innocent looking gestures like holding her hands for a little longer than normal or pinching her waist occasionally when she cracked some funny jokes. This relaxed my wife, although I suspected that she had guessed Dev’s intentions. Dev came over to play with my son and brought chocolates and ice cream for him frequently. He had won over our son munnu too by his friendliness; which my wife greatly appreciated.
When Dev visited in my absence, both Dev and my wife Ritu made it a point to inform me about his visit. Ritu started to ask Dev to help her here and there. Ritu asked Dev to buy groceries or vegetables for her occasionally; in my absence. Dev was happy to help. I felt that something was brewing between them. If there was no obvious intimacy, then at least there was no indifference or distrust between them. My wife was no longer afraid or suspicious of Dev as before.
Naturally, I was the beneficiary. Dev became kinder to me. One day he landed at my house. Ritu was busy in the kitchen. There was usual hello, hi etc. He had a packet in his hand. Suddenly the packet fell off his hand accidently. I suspected that he had dropped it intentionally. As I bent down and picked it up, a picture slipped out of it. That was his wife Devika’s picture.
She was standing on a sea shore in her bikini. Her eyes looked as if they were challenging the viewer. Her fully swollen breasts bulged out of the bikini top. A small strip of cloth barely hid her pussy. Her shapely buttocks looked eager to be spanked and pinched. I was speechless looking at her picture for a while.
I realised suddenly that Dev was looking at me watching weird expressions on my face. I felt embarrassed at my staring at the picture so intently for quite some time. Returning the picture to Dev, I said, “Sorry chum, my fault, I should not have seen it.”
Dev laughed at my awkwardness and said, “Bhaiya, why should you not see this picture? I don’t know how many people saw her half naked in person clad in the bikini, on the beach that day. You are not an outsider. You are our close friend. If you can’t see her like this; then who can? I mean, if you had a picture of Ritu like this, would you not have shown it to me?”
I nodded my head and replied awkwardly, “Yah, sure! I would have shown it to you.”
Dev smiled broadly, handing over the entire packet to me and said, “Bhaiya, keep this for some time and see all the pictures in there. These are our honeymoon pictures. You will see Devika and me in some sexy poses. You can see them to your heart’s content. Bhaiya, you will agree that now we are not just close friends. We are now very intimate with each other. Aren’t we?” He asked me. I nodded my head.
Dev smile broadly. He looked behind to check if my wife Ritu was not nearby and then whispered in my ears, “I wish I had taken some pictures of Devika and me doing sex. I would have loved to share them with you too.”
Returning to his seat he continued, “I do not want to hide anything from you two. I feel that there should be no secrecy, difference or distance at all between Devika, you, Ritu bhabhi and me. We must share everything that we have without exception. I mean you should treat Ritu and Devika in the same way and I should too. Don’t you think so?”
Like a silly boy, I nodded my head again. As he was leaving almost as an afterthought, he stopped and said, “And by the way, by all means, please share these pictures with Ritu bhabhi too and share with her what I have just told you.” before he left.
Dev had unveiled his heart’s desire. At first, I could not fathom the deep meaning of his revelation. As I kept thinking deeper, after Dev left; what he wanted to hint through his sentence, became clearer to me. The most important part, I thought was the sequence in which he rolled out our names. He first took his wife’s name, followed by mine, then my wife’s and then his own name.
I thought he was hinting that I should treat Devika in the same way as I treated Ritu. Similarly Dev could treat Ritu in the same way as Devika. That my wife should treat Dev same way as she treated me and Devika should treat me in the same way as she treated her husband. I should treat Devika like my wife and Dev should treat Ritu like his wife. He was clearly hinting at wife swap. A huge bell started ringing in my brain. I had goose pimples, just thinking about Dev’s hint.
As the meaning became clearer, I thought that was exactly what I was thinking too! My God! How two devils think alike! Dev was a real business man. He knew that to get something, you must offer something that the other person wants, in return. He was offering me the access to his wife, in return to his access to my wife. Well, that was what I wanted too. Then what was there to think? Well, we had to think of a good strategy to achieve our goal. I started thinking seriously.
The first thing that hit my mind was a doubt. I had a fleeting suspicion for quite some time that my wife Ritu was not happy with my sexual performance. By going for such barter, should I not be careful; lest I lose my dear wife to Dev? Dev was virile, strong and could be better than me in bed. Suppose Ritu falls in love with Dev?
But that was not possible; because Dev also loved his wife too much. Then he had to think of his daughter too. Ritu and I also had our son Munnu. So there were too many obstacles in that happening. My doubt was adequately addressed.

- 20.05.2022
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- Category:
- Seduction