Who I Am Ch. 03 free porn video

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I hope you enjoy this!

Ms. Angel Sand

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Chapter 3

‘You know you are one crazy person’, Katherine mumbled as she curled into the fetal position under the covers. ‘I can’t believe you want to go out with Jamie after all he put you through.’ That last statement wrecked my heart with guilt. I’d been with Jamie for so long that I didn’t have the courage to let my family know we’d broken up due to me losing my mind at the thought of being penetrated. I never really told a complete lie, but when my parents assumed he broke it off, I didn’t correct them. I just needed to escape their questioning and prodding. This was one of my character flaws. I would always allow people to come to their own conclusion, as long as it resulted in what I wanted.

So, I guess Katherine is right, I am a crazy person. But, I can one up her, because I have just realized I am also a manipulator. An addict, a manipulator, a crazy, a virgin, and mostly alone. How messed up can one person be? If I am truly committed to being alone, I need to fix these things about myself. Maybe not the virginity part because that means I am going to have to let someone in there. Which is NOT happening!

‘Can I tell you something without you hating me’, I whispered while staring at the ceiling.

‘Of course. Unless it’s that you slept with Tom. I don’t have the strength to murder you this time of night, morning or whatever you want to call it’, Katherine joked trying to lighten the mood. She was never good at heartfelt conversations.

‘Tom wishes!’ I chuckled after I was greeted with a pillow blow to my face. ‘In all serious Juicy, I have misled you, mom, and dad.’ I had to pause right here. My heart is beating out of my chest. How do you tell the person you know will defend your honor to the ground that you’re really not that honorable? You can’t – I mean I can’t. I need to use my lovie. I can’t do this right now. Yes, lovie always brings me back to sanity.

‘What is it Sissy? You can tell me anything’, Katherine turned to face me after I took a little too long to continue.

I looked her in the eye and said, ‘I have to use the rest room’. In one swift movement, I grabbed the lovie from where I hid it under my bed and ran to the bathroom. After staring at myself in the mirror fighting back tears and repeating my mantra under my breath, ‘If I spend the rest of my life regretting my decisions I will die tomorrow.’ I finally raised the hand that was holding my lovie to eye level. I contemplated its pleasure and considered how much I valued its presence. Was it really worth it? Lovie was an overnight bag staple. I would even bring it with me to Carter’s house when I spent the night. When he went to the shower or to the kitchen for breakfast I would bring out lovie for a morning session. At night after he was asleep, I would slide to the floor, grind lovie until my release, and return to spoon him for the remainder of the night. I didn’t see anything wrong with it until he caught me the second time.


Six months ago…

I imagined what it would feel like to have my mouth totally clasped around him. Would he be sweet and salty or salty and savory? Would he grab the back of my head and steadily thrust into my mouth leaving me with no other choice but to wrap my lips around my teeth to protect and massage his shaft? Would he understand the joy I experienced from the understanding that every ounce of his pleasure was provided by me? Would he send his hand southward to test my arousal? Would the knowledge of what he found there cause him to drive deeper and deeper into my hungry mouth? Yes, it would. Yes, it would! This affirmative answer encouraged my hips to flail vigorously upon my lovie. My breathing was labored by my approaching orgasm and my low moans were from pure excitement. Right as my body was about to release, I felt my hips fly into the air and pussy was met with the blessing of kisses from warm soft lips. With my body already on edge, he sucked my clit as if he were taking a long sip from a straw receiving refreshing drink and I was undone. I began to buck in his face and let out moans that were mostly caught in my throat due to my intense spasms.

As soon as I came down, he laid me across his lap and rubbed my bottom. I sighed in contentment but was immediately returned to full alert by an abrupt slap and the subsequent stinging of my behind. Before I could bring my hand around to protect myself, I felt another firm slap. Then the third brought tears to my eyes. The fourth and final contact was followed gentle kneading and rubbing. ‘Why did you do that’, I whined.

‘You promised to let me help you the next time you needed to cum. If I didn’t come in here and catch you, you would’ve broken that promise. I deserved some retribution. This spanking satisfied your debt.’ Carter took a deep break, ‘Let me ask you one thing K, didn’t my mouth make you feel better than humping that rag?’

The answer to this question was yes, but I didn’t want to have to explain that using my lovie was a comfort thing, almost like a nervous tick. I had use it at some point during the day or I wouldn’t feel whole. This would only lead him to believe he didn’t complete me which wasn’t at all true. Then I thought of what to say, ‘You make me feel amazing. I just feel guilty asking you to help me out when I am not ready to return the favor. Heck, I haven’t even seen it before. What kind of girl would I be to put you through that?’ Yep, that should make him feel better about the whole thing. But, I was wrong.

‘Karen, are you ready to move forward in this relationship or not?’

‘What do you mean? You know I am.’

‘No, I know you like to rub your clit on some stupid ass piece of cloth instead of being with your man. I know you call me on the phone when you are at home and tell my how you want to suck my dick… excuse me suck my ‘penis’ but back out when the opportunity arises. I know I am ready to be with you the way a man is supposed be with his woman and you need to decide what you really want. While you are deciding, I think it is best if you stop sleeping over here’, he calmly stated.

‘Do you want your key back?’

‘No, I just can’t handle you in my bed if I can’t touch you. And now that I’ve tasted you, I’m not sure I can control myself anymore. Do you know how sweet you are?’ He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what was happening.

‘I’m going to be ready soon. You know how I feel about premarital sex. I feel like it is the gateway to multiple sexual partners which I don’t want. If we were married, we are more likely to stay together because we took the extra effort to make a legal commitment.’

‘You know I’m proposing when the time is right, K. You don’t have to doubt me on that. But, you still can’t spend the night over here until you are ready for all of this’, he smiled and grabbed his manhood through his pajama pants.

I pushed his shoulder in jest. I made a plan that day to really work on coming to terms with the fear I would be addicted to sex and the fear of intercourse itself. But, my coming around took a little too long as you already know.



I fell to the bathroom floor and tucked my lovie in my underwear. I began grinding as usual, but my orgasm wouldn’t build. I was getting stimulation but I just couldn’t get ther
e. I sat on the floor and threw my lovie in the corner. I guess this was time to face the music. My body didn’t want to feel any type of pleasure until I made amends with my sister. I washed my hands and went back to bed.

‘Are you okay, Sissy.’

‘Yes, I am just nervous about what I’m about to say. So let me first apologize. I am very very sorry I kept this from you’, I paused briefly, took a deep breath and continued. ‘Jamie didn’t break it off with me the way you think. We were actually about to have sex and I got scared and said somethings to push him away. I later realized I really only wanted him to go away for a moment but it turned into forever. In my mind, he is guiltless in this whole thing because I wasn’t truthful with him, just like I wasn’t with you.’

‘You were about to have sex’, Katherine exclaimed as she sat straight up. ‘You have to tell me everything right now!’

‘It is 3 o’clock in the morning. I need to know if you forgive me and can’t I just tell you in a couple hours over breakfast?’

‘Of course, I forgive you but don’t ever pull this shit again.’

‘I won’t, Sissy’, we hugged and kissed each other on the lips as it was our normal make up ritual. I felt so relieved. I couldn’t bear the thought of being at odds with my sister.

‘And about breakfast, Tom and I have been texting all night. Our always the traitor mother gave him my new number. And well, I’m going home tomorrow. Tom and I are going to work it out. Grinding on all those dudes tonight made me feel gross. Tom is the only one who really knows how to handle all this ass.’

‘You know all mom’s betrayals are in love’, I snickered. ‘I’m glad you came to your senses, Juicy. So I’ll make a deal with you. I will tell you every detail about me and Jamie if you tell me why you didn’t mention his visit to Atlanta. You go first’, I rushed the last part out.

‘Of course you want to make me wait for the goods. Fine, Jamie was at Uptown Comedy Corner with some of his friends and Jacob- who has grown into a cutie by the way. Tom and I were there, but we weren’t feeling to well. I think we got some food poisoning or something. Jamie recognized me and came over. I introduced him to Tom who was dry but like I said he was sick. But, the moral of the story is Jamie gave me his card to give to you. I didn’t because I thought it would hash up old wounds and you seemed to be doing well with Carter. I thought I was doing the right thing. Especially, since you had me thinking he was a dick and all.’

‘I understand why you did it. You just looked so guilty when he called you out. But now to the good stuff…’ I proceeded to tell her about my final real encounter with Jamie. She was hanging on to my every word. When I got to the end, I started to really feel nervous about lunch, if I wasn’t already.

‘Sissy, you are a crazy person. Do you know how lucky you were to have a man that would cuddle you after you let him get the tip wet? Just for that he is one in a million in my book and you are a dumb ass for letting him walk away.’

‘He deserved a whole woman’, I stated in matter of fact tone.

In a matching tone she replied, ‘You better decide if you are a whole woman and quick because he is only interested in you for one of two reasons or maybe even both. One has been waiting for you and is ready to claim what is his. Or two he wants to tease you the way you teased him for revenge’. The room fell completely silent. Why did I say yes to this foolishness? I just married myself and I am already going on dates with ex-boyfriends? What kind of spouse was I? I couldn’t back out because I was now committed to being a woman of my word. I had to level the field.

He gave me his card and told me to text him the address. I hadn’t done that yet. Instead I asked him to meet me at Tokyo Kitchen for dinner, a cute little hibachi restaurant in Montclair. Now I would be protected from anything too intimate and I’d have all day to consider my position. The group dining atmosphere should keep the conversation light. Comforted in my new plan, I turned over to go to sleep. Before my eyes completely shut, I heard my phone buzz.

-What are you doing up so late? J. Johnson

-Talking with my sister. What are YOU doing up so late? Loving Me

-Waiting for your address so I could drop by for a good night kiss. J. Johnson

-Not going to happen buddy. Like I said, I will meet you at the restaurant tomorrow. Loving Me

-Just teasing Honey. I wouldn’t go there. I still remember what happened the last time I kissed you. J. Johnson-

I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t want to respond. I should just cancel the lunch. No, I’ll ask Katherine what to do. ‘Juicy are you sleep yet?’

‘Yes, I am’, she grumbled.

‘Great, Jamie is texting me and I don’t know what to say.’

‘Let me read chain.’ She took the phone and read texts. She immediately text something back without asking and handed me the phone back and turned over. I guess that is all the help I am getting from her at this point.

When I read the message she sent, I could have disappeared right then.

-Glad to know you are still thinking about kissing me. Loving Me

I anxiously waited for Jamie’s response. When it finally appeared I was afraid to read it.

-See you at 5:30pm sharp. Have a good night. J. Johnson.

That is all he had to say? I am now totally freaked out. But eventually fatigue caught up with me and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


I slept way too late and woke up the next afternoon to a piece of paper scotch taped to my forehead. I could leave it to Katherine to do something ridiculous to me before she left. I still wish she would have woken me up to a least say good bye. But, I had more pressing issues, it was already two o’clock and I didn’t have a clue what I was going to wear. I would have to complain about her exit at another time.

I rummaged through my closet trying to find something to wear that didn’t say come hither or I’m a stone cold, career driven, crazy cat lady. To clarify this statement, I hate cats. I will never own one. Their eyes are so scary to me. But back to the issue at hand, scanning the closet is turning out to be a very good exercise for me. I really only have a few categories of clothes. Skirt suits and dresses for work, cocktail dresses, and date dresses was all I could find. And didn’t I own any pants that weren’t made for yoga? I made a mental note to buy some jeans and settled on a knee length charcoal shift dress. It wasn’t too professional and it wasn’t tight either. Satisfied with my choice I set out to take a shower.

After a long light of dancing, forgetting to wrap my hair, and shower steam, my flat iron wasn’t looking so hot. I opted to for a high bun with silver hoop earrings and black strappy pumps. My make-up was flawless and I was out of the door by 4:00pm. I knew I was pushing it because even on a Sunday California traffic from Culver City to Montclair could be a beast. But, right now I really don’t mind because the time in the car will allow me to continue to think about this dinner. One thing I am sure of is I am not looking to see where anything goes or entertain the idea of rekindling our relationship. But I’d be a down right liar if I wasn’t dying to know if Jamie was.

He captured my heart and mind for years and if I wasn’t too scared he could’ve conquered my body long ago. I knew I was giving up the best friend I ever had when I forced him to give up on me. His all business personality with a jokester flare, his familiar touch and knowing smile after an especially intimate kiss were highlight of my days. As I mentioned before, that first intimate experience with him is still unrivaled. So we are all clear, I am a virgin not completely innocent. Before Jamie, I kissed two boys who both sucked at it and let one of the squeeze my butt which I thought was quite a generous gift.

Again, that was before Jamie. The first
time my lips touched his, it felt like a fluttering breeze cocooned my entire body. The sensation generated from the top of my head to the very bottom of my feet. I could swear it was magic. He would take me to the park and read Psalms and Song of Solomon to me. To remind me he was still all male he would write short letters explicitly detailing all of the pleasure he would give me when I became his wife. He never judged me for being uncertain about my sexuality, he probably saw it as an opportunity to groom me just for him.

None of that mattered anymore. He walked out of my apartment and my life and never looked back. I can’t really blame him either. Every time we took a sexual step forward I would always feel guilty for liking it so much. Then I would start asking him is that all he wanted me for. Now that I think about it, he probably should’ve broken up with me my Senior year. It was my 18th birthday and the first time I let him touch my clit. His hand felt so good I wasn’t sure I could ever let him stop. When he tried to remove his hand from my underwear I grabbed his wrist and vigorously humped the hilt of his palm until I came. All he asked me was if it was good and I lost my head. I accused him of tricking me into it so that I would jack him off. Mind you, I have never seen even seen Jamie’s penis. He spent four years waiting for me to grow up and when I finally did, I spazzed out on him. Did he start treating me poorly after this? No! He kept assuring me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him. He enjoyed the excitement and anticipation of when I would be completely his. Yeah, and like a fool, I pushed him out the door for the last time.

Like a crack addict, my dating life post Jamie was chasing a high. I spent the balance of my college years intently looking for the same feeling I received from Jamie. I am ultra-ashamed to admit that I spent time and effort searching out guys with lips like his in hopes they could mimic the feeling of the day I almost gave him everything he deserved. Of all 15, none came close to the standard Jamie set. I would continue to see these guys until watching them jack themselves off was no longer good enough. I wasn’t going to give my flower to the undeserving. I definitely couldn’t add a new addiction to my life. If I could go through 15 guys in 3 years just to get them to go down on me without much in return, there was no telling what I would do if sex is all I think it could be.

When I graduated, I put a stop to all of my oral and hand to penile promiscuity and only dated men I was hooked up with. This was somewhat of a buffer for me. I wouldn’t do anything too far out there because I wouldn’t want anything being reported back to those I was close to. I was on the blind date merry go round for a few years until I met Carter.

Carter charmed my heart right out of my chest. He was intelligent, progressive, Christian, and very handsome. I wanted to concentrate on getting to know him so I never let him go down on me. Our sex games started out with me laying naked on the bed with him staring between my wide open legs while he jacked off. After some time we moved to breast sex and I would always turn my head to the side for fear the tip of his penis may touch my lips. When he caught me with my lovie for the second time and smoothly sucked the orgasm right out of me, we moved to him going down on me followed by rubbing his dick on my pussy or between my butt cheeks until he came. I was pretty satisfied by the whole interaction but Carter was really looking for more.

This trip down memory lane helped the drive fly by. I made here in record time and now I had 30 minutes to kill. I decided to close my eyes for a moment to try to relax before I walked into the scenario curiosity created for me. My chest is getting tight and my palms are clammy. I hope this meeting was actually friendly and he didn’t plan to embarrass me and throw a drink in my face.


Chapter 4 coming soon! Thank you so much for reading your emails and comments again. I am so very grateful. Please continue to vote! It means the world to me.

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I awoke confused; the bed beside me was empty, thank God! But that still didn’t explain the who of it from last night, because I know for damned sure the woman I fucked last night wasn’t my wife, although I’m pretty sure she was family. ‘Start at the beginning, ‘ I thought, let’s go over the events and see just what we can figure out. Karen and I had been invited to a party at her parents’ house. Well, they call it a house; it’s pretty palatial by my standards with eight bedrooms, plus a...

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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

3 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 9

Three days later I was about to head off for another meeting with Jack and Melissa when the AI spoke up suddenly. "Message for Lieutenant Carter. Report to the main hangar bay, oh-six-thirty tomorrow morning." "Uh. Okay. Any idea why?" "No details accompanied the message." I frowned, then realised the AI was simply passing on an order from someone else. When I told Jack about it at the start of the meeting, he laughed. "I've got to go as well. It's 'cos we're in the...

3 years ago
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College Changed Everything Part 2

I've been home a couple of days now and it was now the weekend. Riley has been texting me a bit but we've yet to have a repeat performance. She did tell me that she's on the pill now and that my sister doesn't know that we fucked. Melanie doesn't know either but the two of them have their suspicions . Ive also been chatting to Logan, my old high school best mate, who happens to be back in town from college as well. We've planned to meet up tonight at a local dinner for a catch up. It was about...

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Boy Toy

     Look at that tight little ass, I thought as the waiter came over and poured coffee in my cup. the bulge in his jeans gave me good reason to compliment his uniform.   "Those are some nice jeans, my dear', I told him. 'are the uniforms furnished here?"      "Ah thanks', he smiled, showing off sparkling white teeth, ' no madam, they only supply the tee shirt."  He looked at me like a virgin entering college. "Would you like a little cream", he asked. (come home with me and I'll give you all...

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die Grundidee ist: Die Schöne und das Biest. ein hübsches Mädchen kommt an wiederliche, deutlich ältere Versager die sie und ihre Liebe benutzen: von diesem Kontrast soll die Geschichte leben... Anna schlenderte durch die Stadt. Das Zwinkern der Männer registrierte sie schon nicht mehr - es war Alltag wenngleich auch ein unangehnemer, aber Anna hatte die Gabe dererlei Auszublenden oder schlicht zu akzeptieren. das sie hübsch war stand außer Frage und wer hübsch war der durfte sich auch nicht...

1 year ago
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Never Visit a GH drunk Gay

I knew I shouldn’t have gone. But I was horny and I thought I’d get someone to suck my dick and I’d be out of the bookstore in 15 minutes. But I had been out all night drinking and partying and I knew my dick wouldn’t probably even get hard, but again, I thought a good cocksucker might make me hard.I stumbled into the bookstore; it was busy. I could hear sucking noises and my dick swelled. I went into one of the glory hole booths and I started to play with my dick. I didn’t even look in the...

1 year ago
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Exchanging Flesh With MIL 8211 Part I

This story is my experience with my MIL. Recently we attended a wedding at my MIL’place . she was at the wedding, too. There was no initial attraction between us. I mean she was my wife’s mom . Her name is Lakshmi ,she was fifty-one and a typical middle-aged housewife with five children. Malini being the youngest. Malini’s father had died . when Malini was young. Treating me like a son rather than a son-in-law. But I noticed a sadness in her. we developed a bond. Nothing sexual. That is until...

3 years ago
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The Erotica Dream

My name was Cassandra Drewe and I was different from the girls my age at school. Unlike them, I was born with a penis. So I was half girl, half boy. When I was in my mother's womb I began to grow a penis so they initally thought I was going to be a boy. It wasn't until I was six or seven my parents noticed my hair was growing long a beautiful chest nut colour that I was looking more like a girl than a boy except for my small penis. They'd called me Mark Drewe when I was born but then changed it...

2 years ago
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In The Shop 2

I lost words getting into that bizarre situation with one breast exposed in front of two adult males. Mr. Pyaremohan’s eyes as if popped out of his socket as he ogled at my big naked breast. Without wasting any time, he readily grabbed my naked left mammary and started stroking my exposed nipple and areola with his fingers. I tried to stop him with my hands, but he was much stronger than me and quickly got hold of the situation. My condition was simply awful! My left breast was now first...

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Jasons Story Chapters 50 58

Author's Note: Thanks to Joni W for her help in editing. Chapter 50 That night while Jason lay in bed, he thought about all the changes going on in his life and how he had gotten to this point. Earlier in the day, Julie, Julie's mother, Kathy, Sue, his Aunt Sally and his mother were all with him as Michele did her magic. He had spent a lot of this summer fully as Kelly, but had kept away from the general public as much as possible. Mostly he and his friends had...

4 years ago
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Sex Ki Hawas

Story start krne se phle m apne bare m btati hu. Mera name mohini(only name change) h. M delhi m rhti hu. Me married hu meri shadi 1 year phle hui thi mere hubby shopkeeper h. Meri height 5’6 h. Meri boobs 36 h and meri waist 28 and ass 36 h.Mera weight 56 kg h. Ek khas bat h meri vo ye h ki meri neck ki lambai 5 inch h jo kafi bdi dikhti h. Ab m apni story pr aati hu. Bat jbki h jb m 19 sal ki thi or college ki first year m admission liya tha dehradun ki college m. M vha ek ldke se mili jo...

2 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 14

An original story by Starrynight. The heavy door to the house swung open and Presley walked in, carrying a large duffle bag. She looked around, smiling to be back at her parents' house, and put the bag down with a thud. "Hey, I'm home." She called out, looking around, but there was no answer, the only sound coming from the animals outside. It was strange weather, like nature had not decided if it was leaning towards summer or towards winter, and despite the sun shining, there was a chill...

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Surefuck Bones The Darling Mysteries

"Wadshot!" exclaimed Bones the instant I stepped into his residence. "A visitor is scheduled to arrive momentarily." "I can return later," said I. "Nonsense. You are just in time. Sit, Wadshot. I always value your company and your assistance." "Thank you," replied I. I was always most interested in the curious cases Bones was involved in. I sat in an armchair separated only by a table and lamp from Bones' identical armchair. I was currently at 34D Cummings Street, the lodgings of...

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Karis Exhibitionism and Beyond

He then stood up, pulled his pants up and said, "your husband is a lucky man." and turned around and left Kari there on her knees. Shortly after marrying my beautiful young wife, Kari, we were out having drinks at a local club when she complained about some guy staring at her. I had to chuckle at this when I saw not one, but several guys around the club trying to subtly check her out. "He's not the only one," I said, "and besides, who can blame them? I'd be checking you out myself if I wasn't...

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Stacys Secret is Discovered

Michelle and Stacy had been half sisters for 10 years since Michelle’s mother had married Stacy’s dad. Michelle had always looked at Stacy as more of a friend than a half sister and now that she was 19 and Stacy was 25 Michelle looked forward to Stacy dropping round for a coffee or heading over to her place for a chat. Although they didn’t look alike there were enough similarities between the two girls for people to believe they were actually full sisters. They had a similar build, both slim...

1 year ago
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Wedding Day to Remember

Here comes the bride should be here cums the bride – well that was how my wedding was. Supposedly the best day of my life – well I will never forget it – put it that way. Everything went perfectly – up until just before the wedding. I had finished dressing in my beautiful strapless gown and I wanted a few moments to my self so I asked everyone to leave me for a while so I could really enjoy the last few moments as a single woman before I committed my self to Tony – my childhood...

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Wonder Years

Kevin Arnold was just stepping out of the shower, as he got ready for his date with Winnie Cooper. Kevin was 15 at the time and had been dating Winnie for 2 years already. But even though they had dated for 2 years, they had not gotten past kissing and some light touching. Kevin was hoping that tonight would be different. As he was stepping out of the shower, his brother Wayne was walking into the bathroom. When Wayne walked in he apologized and giggled at Kevin, calling him squirt. Kevin just...

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Blackmailed fiancee Part 3

The next day after Leon fucked me for the second time my fiancee called and said he was on his way home and that he wasnt going to leave town again until after the wedding,this was a surprise and relief to me that way I wouldnt have to be alone with Leon again. That afternoon my fiancee came over to see me before he went to the house to work I was very scared that he may sense that something was wrong because im not good at hiding things,there was a part of me that wanted to tell him but I knew...

2 years ago
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B Movie BabefestChapter 5

The car was hot with energetic bodies, the young stud's mouth devouring Miss Crome's ruby red lips. His hands caressed her half undressed body, teachers blouse, grey short skirt, high black heels. Her hair, cut into a 30's bob was as black and shinny as her stilettos. Her thin fashion model face stared lustfully into the boy's excited eyes. His hands stroked her butt then the length of her thigh. Her hand in turn clawed his back under his shirt, the other hand unbuckling his belt. "Oh...

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Fucked My Innocent Radha Bhabhi

Hi ISS readers this is Ram and this story is about how I went into a sexual relationship with my mother like innocent Bhabhi, Radha. We are two brothers Murli and I and I was younger and around 18 years old my brother Murli was married to Radha Bhabhi. She was hot and sexy female from Pune. She was homely but no one would stop staring at her beautiful body. She had huge busty boobs and lean waist and bulgy round ass. She was tall enough and also had long black hair. She was very down to earth...

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Road Trip Fun

I found out that Anna and I needed to go to Key West for business, and because we needed to meet some clients in between here and there, we'd need to drive down there. Although the drive to Key West was long, I had always enjoyed talking to Anna, so I figured it actually would be a pretty good trip. I was much older than Anna, but I never thought of people in terms of age, and all I knew was that she was gorgeous, and her smile melted me. I knew right away I was going to try and make the most...

Oral Sex
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Deal with a Horny Devil A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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Doggie Farm

Chapter 1 Toni Baline stared out of the open French windows of the second floor guest bedroom and shielded her eyes with her hand to survey the green blanket of sweet-smelling manicured grass and linear hedges. They were flanking the cobblestone path leading from the breakfast patio to the kidney-shaped swimming pool whose cement rim ribboned out into the gently rolling hillocks beyond. The palatial house, situated in the lush, green hills bordering the western edge of Jameston,...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 19

At breakfast with Bill, Josie couldn't resist alluding to the remarks he had made the day before about not letting our bedroom gymnastics interfere with today's tryout. "He slept, undisturbed, for eight and a half hours," she reported. Bill caught the implication immediately. "Hmmm. I left you two twelve hours ago. What about those other three-plus hours?" Josie could only laugh. "If anybody's interested," I said, "I'm just fine this morning ... I could drop down and give you --...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Rachael Cavalli Naked Girl At The Door Gets Fucked

Rachael Cavalli was knocking at Sean’s house. She was out of gas and needed somebody to take her to the gas station to fill up her canister. But Sean was in the middle of reading his Penthouse magazine. He couldn’t be bothered with helping neighbors. He told her a firm no. He was not planning on leaving the house today. It knocked again. Sean was more upset as he went to the door. Rachael was there, all in sexy underwear. He said nice try. And closed the door again. Back to his Penthouse...

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Massge To Threesome With Couples In Mysore

Hi, I am Puni from mysore karnataka.I am well built with 6 feet height and athletic body. I give body massage to both men and women if anyone interested in getting massage or any aunties or girls who want wonderful massage sex can contact me at I generally give massage in the customers home itself Coming to the incident which happened recently I ‘m posting this story with permission of the couples. As usual names are changed because of the privacy issue.They were kiran and shilpa both working...

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Punish the PlagiaristChapter 4

While Sally was finishing off the other men, Phil ordered various other BDSM toys in addition to the spanking frame and paddle. He bought several tubes of anal lubricant. When her time was up Phil sent her husband to collect her from the glory hole. "Don't let her wipe herself, just let her put her dress on and bring her straight out." When she emerged, her dress was sticking to her front, and there was semen on her face and in her hair. She blushed scarlet as she walked up to Phil in the...

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Blind Faith Ch 03

Chapter 3: Total Immersion. The room I had chosen had an en-suite so I was refreshed and dressed in the previous days clothes when Anne knocked and came in with clean underwear that fitted me it but left me feeling naked rather than dressed. The bra just came to my nipples and the thong, the first I had worn, left me feeling strangely exposed. Having re-dressed in the scandalous outfit under my severe business suit I felt very strange. I joined Anne for breakfast. There was no sign of Bill....

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BrattyMILF Rocky Emerson More Than A Massage

Rocky Emerson is feeling super sore from going out dancing with her friends last night. Her stepson, Nathan Bronson, confesses that he’s been taking some massage therapy classes in college. He offers to massage Rocky to help her out. Rocky is happy to agree, but unbeknownst to her, Nathan pervs on her as she’s undressing. Popping out those big tits is one thing, but once Nathan spies Rocky’s fine ass and bare pussy he knows exactly what he’s going to do. The massage...

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Peeping Tom

My girlfriend and I share an old house in the city with another couple. They have the top two floors, we have the bottom two. There are no keys for the doorlocks in the house, but we trust each other.It so happens that our bedroom faces their bathroom. There's a short flight of stairs in between, but if I open my bedroom door, I can look right into their bathroom. Of coursen usually when they're in there, they close the door.Usually.I don't remember what triggered me, probably the fact that I...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 13

Adulation from fans was what paid the bills. For most of the actors and actresses it was enough to sign a card or shake a hand. So Willy noticed quickly that Peter had done a bit more with one particular fan. She dressed like an older woman but nicely clothed and with a distinguished gentleman, Peter had made it a point for them to meet him in his dressing room. Willy had found the spying area that Ken and Barbara had used to see Michael with Mary. This time Peter was intimately involved with...

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KINKChapter 3 The Chat

“Wow? Is she always like that?!” Dillon asked Mihara with a hollow laugh. He didn’t know why but his heart hurt for this Suki chick. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like something was off. “Eh. Just leave her be,” Mihara said with a sigh and a dismissive hand wave. She wanted as much of the attention on herself and not on her emotionally volatile friend who had just caused a massive scene. “So Theodore, “ she said, regaining her bubbly demeanour. “What section would you like...

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Harold grinned in anticipation. It had taken months of planning. He had acquired things from all over the world. Drugs. Nanobots. Magical fetishes. Potions. Curses. Hypnoscreens. Even alien ray guns. Everything ever conceived of to carry out a single purpose: to turn normal women into sex toys, body, mind and soul. This was going to be the best party ever! "Yvette!" He called out. The maid that had once been his sister scurried forth, her bare tits jiggling. "Yes Mr. Harold, Sir?" She asked...

Mind Control
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Sisters Gift VI

Part VI End of Part V: After witnessing such an erotic display, and cumming for what felt like the 15th time of the day, I needed some sleep. Abby and Gabby decided to join me, but only after they licked my cum of the other’s body. Both mentioned that it was their favorite after-sex dessert. With all three of us beaming, we quickly fell into a peaceful and deep sleep with my girls on either side of me. After such a peaceful sleep, I awoke refreshed, and ready to attack the day. Or my two...


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