Franziska - Fickend Durchs Leben free porn video

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„Was bin ich froh, wenn das alles vorbei ist“ seufzte Franziska und blickte aus dem Fenster: Es war ein wunderschöner Tag im April, bereits früh morgens strahlte die Sonne am Himmel, die Blumen begannen zu blühen und das Thermometer zeigte um 9:20 Uhr schon 22 Grad Celsius. Franziska ließ den Kopf auf den Tisch, genauer gesagt in ihr Mathematikbuch plumpsen und regte sich eine Weile nicht. Die Abiturtermine standen an und besonders in Mathe hatte sie schon immer einige Probleme gehabt. Aber ihre Mutter Susanne hatte damals beschlossen, dass sie aufs Gymnasium gehen sollte. Franziska sollte es später mal einfacher haben als sie selber, einen guten Job bekommen und ihr eigenes Geld verdienen und weniger von dem Einkommen des Lebenspartners abhängig sein. Sie hatte sich von Franziskas Vater scheiden lassen, als diese 7 Jahre alt war. Inzwischen hatte Sie einen neuen Partner gefunden, Carsten. Als sich die beiden kennen lernten war dessen Frau vor 5 Jahren gestorben und schon bald zogen Susanne und Franziska zu ihm und seinen Sohn Michael. Michael war inzwischen aber nach Berlin gezogen um zu studieren. Carsten verdiente als Ingenieur gutes Geld, wodurch eher sich ein schönes Haus hatte leisten können, wovon er allerdings nicht so viel hat, da er häufig auf Dienstreisen vor Ort unterwegs ist.

Aber zurück zu Franziska: Leider hatte Susanne die Fähigkeiten ihrer Tochter ein wenig überschätzt, Franziska quälte sich ziemlich durch die Schulzeit. Selten waren ihre Noten während der Abiturzeit besser als 8 Punkte, was einer 3 entspricht, meist sogar eher schlechter. Inzwischen waren ihr die Noten auch ganz egal, sie wollte einfach nur das Abitur bestehen, danach würde sich bestimmt schon etwas für Sie ergeben. Ihre Cousine zum Beispiel hatte Glück: Über ein Praktikum in der Stadtverwaltung war Sie zu einer Festanstellung gekommen und verdiente nicht grade wenig Geld mit minimaler Arbeitsbereitschaft. Ansonsten kann sie sich immer noch einen reichen Mann angeln, dachte sich Franziska und grinste. Und mit dieser Einstellung könnte Sie durchaus recht haben, denn auch wenn Franziska ein bisschen einfältig, naiv und nicht übermäßig klug ist, so kann sie optisch definitiv überzeugen: Sie ist 1,72 Meter groß und hatte einen amazonenhaften Körper: Ihre leuchtend blonden Haare gehen ihr bis über Schulterblätter und glänzen wie ein goldener Vorhang, wenn Sie sie offen trägt. Ihre blauen, kristallklaren Augen halten die Blicke ihre Gesprächspartner häufig gefangen, nur während ihrer Fahrstunden muss Sie eine Brille tragen, denn der Augenarzt hatte eine leichte Kurzsichtigkeit bei ihr festgestellt. Doch auch ihr Körper war eine Klasse für sich: Sie war nicht eins dieser Size-Zero Hühner, so ein Klappergestell wie viele andere Tussis aus ihrem Jahrgang. Sie hatte mit ihren 18 Jahren einen wunderbar kurvigen Körper mit ausladenden Hüften, trotzdem eine schmale Taille und geradezu gigantischen, festen und wohlgeformten, kugelrunden Brüsten der Größe 75H. Beim Volleyball, was sie in ihrer Freizeit leidenschaftlich gerne spielt, albern ihre Team-Kameradinnen immer herum, ob nun die Volleybälle oder Franziskas Titten größer sind und diese Frage lässt sich nicht ohne weiteres beantworten. Franziska war sehr stolz auf ihren Körper, der ihr eine Menge Aufmerksamkeit einbringt.

„Scheiße, ich schaffe es niemals alleine noch alles zu lernen“ nuschelt Franziska in die Seiten von ihrem Mathebuch. Sie braucht jemanden, der ihr beim Lernen hilft, soviel steht fest. Leider ist Michael noch in Berlin, der kannte sich immer gut aus mit Mathe. Franziska schnappt sich ihre Bücher und verstaut Sie in ihrer Tasche, hier zu Hause fällt ihr ja doch nur die Decke auf den Kopf. Sie setzt sich als auf ihr Fahrrad um ein bisschen das schöne Wetter zu genießen und fährt zu ihrer besten Freundin und Klassenkameradin Isabelle. Zu zweit lernen ist immer noch die bessere Alternative als alleine zu Hause zu verzweifeln. Als Sie bei Isabelle ankommt stellt Sie ihr Fahrrad ab und drückt die Klingel.

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CuckoldSessions Syren DeMer Second Appearance

After repeated surveillance a shoplifting team of Husband and Wife have been detained by the mall security team. The wife Syren is very mouthy when first brought in and denies she was guilty of anything. Once presented with the evidence right from her own purse she claims they planted it on her. Will, the head of security then shows her that they already have her look out husband in custody caged and handcuffed in a hood. Given the choice of both of them going down to the real booty jail or...

3 years ago
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Love of lusty lesbian with boss

Hi Dear this is Urmil again with my lesbian relation. Hopes you love it and would mail back for steamy reaction.this is the first sexperience of my life.I had never been with another woman before, but every time I looked at Preeti, my feelings grew. Just a few weeks before had I accepted the fact that I wanted to sleep with her and stare into those dark eyes forever. She was my boss, and being as short as she was, it was a long way down to her ass, so I dared not look in fear of her catching...

1 year ago
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My daughter Alice

Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real life! When my daughter was 2, my wife left us. I was left to raise her all on my own. I think that I babied her. When she asked if she could get her ears pierced I said no. When she was invited to a sleep-over, I wouldn’t let her go. I didn’t want her to be exposed to anything bad. When she turned 12, my life changed. “DADDY!!” Alice screamed from the bathroom. I went running to find Alice sitting on the toilet, she had got her...

4 years ago
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Difficult Part

Copyright© 2004 There was a young idler named Blood, Made a fortune performing at stud, With a fifteen-inch peter, A double-beat metre, And a load like the Biblical Flood. Do you want to know the most difficult thing about having a sexual relationship with your mother? Without a doubt - it has to be the fact that you can never tell a soul about it. This is before the age of common Internet access - before there was anonymous ways to communicate with others with, lets say,...

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God of LoveChapter 5 Consummation

Although very confusing, it’s not like Rose couldn’t answer, she was mostly trying to figure out how to respond. If she said she wasn’t attracted to Lucas, Rose would be lying. Although the twenty-year gap between the two, Rose grew up watching Lucas, and often thought things like ‘he’s going to grow into a wonderful man’. Rose has never admitted to herself, but thoughts about Lucas have become recurrent in the last two years, especially after becoming very aware that he’s growing...

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Dial 911

Sometimes your life-changing moments aren't apparent until well after they are over. My cell phone rang. No big deal, or so I thought. I had a 1990 Porsche 911 for sale and the guy on the other end was several hundred miles away. The car was exactly what he was looking for and the price was right. He was headed my way this weekend on a business trip with his wife. Would I meet him half way if he brought certified funds? Hell yes I would. I drove the 2 hours hoping I would not be...

3 years ago
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I know now Im a cuckold

I was absolutely exhausted after the long drive home from the city as I made my way up the driveway. I had just finished a grueling 13 and a half hours at work, and was sure everyone would be home and in bed by now even though I was a couple hours earlier than usual. It was late.As I pulled up to the garage, I noticed that my daughter’s car wasn’t there, but instead, an older model gray SUV. I didn’t think much of it other than one of the girls she plays volleyball with must have brought her...

2 years ago
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The House on Chestnut Avenue

THE HOUSE ON CHESTNUT AVENUE There are many old houses in our town, but none quite so sadly romantic as Number 27 Chestnut Avenue. It isn't a particularly large house; I would guess about four bedrooms, and is set back off the road in a reasonably sized garden - which is now much overgrown, to the point where it is virtually impossible to see the house from the road. The reason that Number 27 is both sad and romantic is that it has stood empty for the last sixty years quietly...

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TransSensual My First Time With A Ladyboy

I lay naked on the freshly washed bed sheet and tried to get comfortable. There was the faintest aroma of lavender still prevalent in the air. Outside the open bedroom window, crickets chattered relentlessly in the trees and bushes. The air was deliciously cool. Unable to get back to sleep, I sat up in the bed and reached for the remote control. Whilst channel surfing, I happened upon a channel that offered live horoscope readings by day, and soft-core pornography after midnight. Accompanying...

3 years ago
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Changing Jimmy

Changing Jimmy By Margaret Jeanette Jim and Carol Dawson had a pretty good marriage. The only downside was Jim sometimes expressed a macho side that would upset Carol. Jim was on the slim side and only five eight in height. Carol passed it off as him trying to make up for his build, but it was getting harder and harder for her. She was having lunch with her best friend Beverly when she complained. "Some times Jimmy makes me so mad with his macho posturing. Yesterday I had a ton...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 23

[Tennessee] I said, "It's late. Let's get to our rooms and get an early start tomorrow. I think we need to go out to the farm so Missy and Mark can pack and get ready to leave. Bethany slept in our room on one side of Jane while I slept on the other. I was going to have to talk to Jane about these sleeping arrangements. We hadn't been married long enough and our "niece" was much too attractive to be sleeping with us. I woke up in the morning with Jane draped over my body and my...

2 years ago
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 8 July Dependence Day

"I feel like such an idiot. I can manage just fine, you know," Mitch groused as Tory helped him out of her car and led him into his house. "First off, it wasn't your fault, so you have no reason to feel like an idiot" Tory soothed. "You didn't cause that accident. But, you can't 'manage just fine' otherwise the hospital wouldn't have insisted that someone stay with you during your recuperation. Besides," Tory continued, after ushering Mitch into his house and settling him in a...

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Piss Whores in Training Sharing Dani With My Boyfriend

We lay on the floor at Dani’s for a while, letting the feelings of recent orgasms subside, with Dani still curled up next to me, whereas Karissa rested her head on my chest. It was actually quite comfortable there, the shop had a thick, brown carpet that was soft enough to lay on, and coming down from the high of a wonderfully depraved and perverted fuck was just the best feeling. After a while, though, I noticed a different feeling, and stretched, my body suit now clinging tightly to my skin....

4 years ago
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As I layed down on my beach blanket watching the sun go down on the most beautiful beach I've ever been on. I thought to myself " This must be what Heaven is like". If not just being on the world most perfect beach is not enough that's not what makes this place Heaven it's everything. The hotel, the food,the service which by way is run by beautiful black goddess called Hannah. Anyway back to the story. The thing that makes this place heaven is the women!! I've never seen so many of the most...

4 years ago
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Pleasure With My Close Friend

Hi all, my name is Ananya. I am a hostelite in pune. This is my first story on ISS. I have done my college from pune itself and now working as software professional. I had a great friend circle of my college friends, office friends and other friends. Since childhood, I was not too much friendly with girls. I always liked to play with boys because the games that girls used to play never interested me. So I always had guys around me. When I grew up, the girl-talk never fascinated me, so even in...

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childhood lovers

by naughtymonster I've always known since i was 9 years old i was a VERY sexual girl. I knew i liked being bad and when my daddy woculd bend me over his knee and spank my 9 year old ass cheeks... oh how my pussy tingled at the thought. I'm about 5'6" long pullable brown hair, half asian half white, tan skin, and the most seductive hazel eyes you'll ever see. I'm sixteen and in my sophmore year, i moved out awhile ago to live with my master/boyfriend. My boyfriend, Shane is 6'...

2 years ago
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Private Lucy Heart Two Cocks For Horny Blonde

Horny, blonde, and a spectacular body, that’s right its Lucy Heart and she has come to My Kinky Diary to take on the well-armed stallions Marc Rose and Freddy Flavas in a threesome you will not forget! Lucy strips down to her underwear and entices both studs in for a taste of her pussy before getting down and dirty on her knees and giving a great double blowjob. Then watch her put that beautiful figure to work, taking turns riding and fucking with some fantastic anal and DP action that...

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Making The Sale

Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...

2 years ago
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Martha Martha Martha

I felt the bed move. It caused me to wake. I lay there a few seconds before I realized I was not alone. Lying next to me was my 14-years old neighbor girl. I could her hear her quiet and regular breathing, sleeping soundly in the afterglow of our sex. She appeared not to have a worry in the world. It wasn't like that a few weeks ago though when she was sitting on my couch, sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks, begging me not to tell her parents what I had just seen. After some careful...

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