Franziska - Fickend Durchs Leben free porn video

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„Was bin ich froh, wenn das alles vorbei ist“ seufzte Franziska und blickte aus dem Fenster: Es war ein wunderschöner Tag im April, bereits früh morgens strahlte die Sonne am Himmel, die Blumen begannen zu blühen und das Thermometer zeigte um 9:20 Uhr schon 22 Grad Celsius. Franziska ließ den Kopf auf den Tisch, genauer gesagt in ihr Mathematikbuch plumpsen und regte sich eine Weile nicht. Die Abiturtermine standen an und besonders in Mathe hatte sie schon immer einige Probleme gehabt. Aber ihre Mutter Susanne hatte damals beschlossen, dass sie aufs Gymnasium gehen sollte. Franziska sollte es später mal einfacher haben als sie selber, einen guten Job bekommen und ihr eigenes Geld verdienen und weniger von dem Einkommen des Lebenspartners abhängig sein. Sie hatte sich von Franziskas Vater scheiden lassen, als diese 7 Jahre alt war. Inzwischen hatte Sie einen neuen Partner gefunden, Carsten. Als sich die beiden kennen lernten war dessen Frau vor 5 Jahren gestorben und schon bald zogen Susanne und Franziska zu ihm und seinen Sohn Michael. Michael war inzwischen aber nach Berlin gezogen um zu studieren. Carsten verdiente als Ingenieur gutes Geld, wodurch eher sich ein schönes Haus hatte leisten können, wovon er allerdings nicht so viel hat, da er häufig auf Dienstreisen vor Ort unterwegs ist.

Aber zurück zu Franziska: Leider hatte Susanne die Fähigkeiten ihrer Tochter ein wenig überschätzt, Franziska quälte sich ziemlich durch die Schulzeit. Selten waren ihre Noten während der Abiturzeit besser als 8 Punkte, was einer 3 entspricht, meist sogar eher schlechter. Inzwischen waren ihr die Noten auch ganz egal, sie wollte einfach nur das Abitur bestehen, danach würde sich bestimmt schon etwas für Sie ergeben. Ihre Cousine zum Beispiel hatte Glück: Über ein Praktikum in der Stadtverwaltung war Sie zu einer Festanstellung gekommen und verdiente nicht grade wenig Geld mit minimaler Arbeitsbereitschaft. Ansonsten kann sie sich immer noch einen reichen Mann angeln, dachte sich Franziska und grinste. Und mit dieser Einstellung könnte Sie durchaus recht haben, denn auch wenn Franziska ein bisschen einfältig, naiv und nicht übermäßig klug ist, so kann sie optisch definitiv überzeugen: Sie ist 1,72 Meter groß und hatte einen amazonenhaften Körper: Ihre leuchtend blonden Haare gehen ihr bis über Schulterblätter und glänzen wie ein goldener Vorhang, wenn Sie sie offen trägt. Ihre blauen, kristallklaren Augen halten die Blicke ihre Gesprächspartner häufig gefangen, nur während ihrer Fahrstunden muss Sie eine Brille tragen, denn der Augenarzt hatte eine leichte Kurzsichtigkeit bei ihr festgestellt. Doch auch ihr Körper war eine Klasse für sich: Sie war nicht eins dieser Size-Zero Hühner, so ein Klappergestell wie viele andere Tussis aus ihrem Jahrgang. Sie hatte mit ihren 18 Jahren einen wunderbar kurvigen Körper mit ausladenden Hüften, trotzdem eine schmale Taille und geradezu gigantischen, festen und wohlgeformten, kugelrunden Brüsten der Größe 75H. Beim Volleyball, was sie in ihrer Freizeit leidenschaftlich gerne spielt, albern ihre Team-Kameradinnen immer herum, ob nun die Volleybälle oder Franziskas Titten größer sind und diese Frage lässt sich nicht ohne weiteres beantworten. Franziska war sehr stolz auf ihren Körper, der ihr eine Menge Aufmerksamkeit einbringt.

„Scheiße, ich schaffe es niemals alleine noch alles zu lernen“ nuschelt Franziska in die Seiten von ihrem Mathebuch. Sie braucht jemanden, der ihr beim Lernen hilft, soviel steht fest. Leider ist Michael noch in Berlin, der kannte sich immer gut aus mit Mathe. Franziska schnappt sich ihre Bücher und verstaut Sie in ihrer Tasche, hier zu Hause fällt ihr ja doch nur die Decke auf den Kopf. Sie setzt sich als auf ihr Fahrrad um ein bisschen das schöne Wetter zu genießen und fährt zu ihrer besten Freundin und Klassenkameradin Isabelle. Zu zweit lernen ist immer noch die bessere Alternative als alleine zu Hause zu verzweifeln. Als Sie bei Isabelle ankommt stellt Sie ihr Fahrrad ab und drückt die Klingel.

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by Salacious © 2002 It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning – the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her – he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....

3 years ago
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Patient K

This is a free translation of a famous short story published at the beginning of the decade on a well-known American site of erotic tales.---Apart from the fact that I am a psychologist and that I really participated in the treatment of a patient with the psychological disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), the rest, all: names, dates, places, facts are all fictitious just tô preserve the identity of the patient and also mine, since what happened involved me in a completely...

1 year ago
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 6 Command performance

By the time another fifteen minutes had passed with no more sign of life, I felt that some action was necessary. I still had things to do. But what about Connie? I could hardly leave her back at the college in a post-orgasmic trance and reeking of sex; nor for the same reason could I put her on a train for her home on the other side of London. Somewhere she had to be cleaned up and made presentable. I could think of nothing for it but to take her back to my place; with any luck by the time we...

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LittleAsians Scarlett Bloom She Creams For Asian Ice Cream

Is there any better way to cool off on a hot day than with a little bit of ice cream? Scarlett Bloom agrees, which is why she is snacking on a little cream by the pool. She gets so into it that she ends up rubbing it all over her nipples. Then, she snacks on our studs special ice cream cone. He sticks his fat cock in her mouth and she licks it like it’s a big lollipop. He takes her inside and slams her pussy on the bed, filling her to the brim with hard man meat. Then, she squirts all over as...

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Party Animal Male stripper short

My name is Tony and I have a small outside catering business in Brighton. The business was hard work and I was struggling to keep it going, until recently that is. I am 23, six ft tall, well built (thanks to my swimming, I am in the local team) and have been told that I am more than adequately endowed by my past lovers. One Friday I got a call from a woman called Jill to see if I could do the food for a hen night, it had been called at very short notice and was for tomorrow night at eight. She...

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BetrayalChapter 21

Max pulled up to the Sheriff's house and gritted his teeth. The place smacked of trailer park elegance. All Sheriff Warner needed was a giant felt Elvis welcoming visitors and it would be perfect. The house, a custom job, was a gaudy combination of Swiss Château, hunting lodge and Mediterranean excess. Parked out front were several vehicles. In addition to the Yellow Hummer, there was a golf cart with chrome wheels, a classic Ford Mustang, and several four wheel drive trucks from the mining...

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Rob and EllenChapter 2

I watched him walk out to the garage and was glad that he would never know the truth of my night with Stu. The truth would just kill him. The truth was that Stu had given me the best sex of my life. It had been so good that I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have run away with him if he had asked. I really do love Rob and I'm sorry now that Stu and I played. I told the truth about the guilt I was carrying, but deep in my heart I know that I had kind of lied when I said 'never again.' It would...

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Stacys Diary Chapter 1 Part 2

I awoke the next morning, the sun blinding me though the windows. I looked at the clock and it read 7:30 am. I shook my head; this was eariler than when i usually woke up. My hand rasied to my mouth as I covered a yawn. I blinked rappidly, clearing my foggy vision. My computer was still on so i got off my bed, almost tripping over my open, unfilled suitcase and sat down in the chair. I stared at the screne, wondering how my e-mail was already open. I dimissed the thought that someone was...

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Dannys Cleavage Part 5 of 6

(End of Part 4 - to be continued) Danny's Cleavage - part 5 of 6 In which Danny outgrows his AA-cup bra, his underwear is replaced by girl's panties, his breasts are revealed at school, additional girl's clothing is added to his wardrobe, he continues dating Cindy and spends less time with Wil, he enjoys playing with his breasts and is kicked out of gym class. Cindy Haworth and I continued to date through the rest of our sophomore year. There were a couple of times when we went to...

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God of LoveChapter 23 Bisexual

Finally satisfied with his training, Lucas stood up and watched Violette, who had passed out. During the tests, she had passed out twice, and the last orgasm made her lose consciousness a third time. Whenever that happened, he used his cold hand to wake her up. At first, he thought about leaving her there, but remembering the bet with May, he knew he couldn’t. “Hey, wake up sleepyhead.” Feeling Lucas’s cold hands, Violette woke up, and the first thing she saw was Lucas’s face. With a smile,...

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My mom porn actress

well...i ...i was barely 18 years old living with my beautiful mom at our house after dad left her ...i was passing most of the weekend in my room in front of my computer while my mom was at work...she was working in some big company for almost half the day which left me a lot of free time at one day i was surfing some porn sites looking for something to jerk off...went to some porn blog a**** my fav these days was milfs and mom categories..i found some nice looking movie...

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Second ChanceChapter 5

Thank God for the internet. The things I didn't learn by osmosis and from Roberta, I looked up online. People post all kinds of convenient things these days, like: 'Proper Toe Polishing Techniques, ' and 'How to Apply Mascara Without Making a Mess.' Between the video assistance and the previous practical lessons, I managed to get myself together in such a way that people wouldn't point and howl in laughter or pass out from the fright. A military chopper flared and landed right in the...

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Confessions of a Stripper

Today was like any other day… I worked the stage whenever it was my turn, I performed lap dances for the customers that wanted to get a little rise, and also was lucky enough to get a few customers that wanted the more expensive VIP dances. The VIP dances are in a small private room where the customer and I can be alone and I'm able the bend the rules a little more than normally for a more satisfied customer. Don't get me wrong, I never really went all the way as in having sex with a...

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Making a Small Motel ProfitablePart 2

This organized duo kept on track and celebrated their two-year anniversary with a weekend at a luxury resort. Carl had his VP in marketing and Ollie had her degree. They were ready for the next phase and had talked a little bit about that. He made enough money that she decided to take a break and not do her internship right away. Carl loved having all her intimate attention after so much time. Her Mom and step-dad were looking at retirement and got a good price for the flourishing motel...

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Polka Dot Dress

Ms Wifey was amazingly sexy! She wore a dark blue dress with white polka dots while in my passenger seat. Her amazingly sexy legs were covered from the knees up, but every now and again a breeze would provide a small flip, exposing a bit more of her thigh than she might have wanted me to see. Her husband was out of town for the weekend, which happened to be the same as the Classic Car show. We worked together and shared this love of the classics, so I offered to go with her in his stead. Her...

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The AcademyChapter 63

Ed Evans: I was playing with the kids Saturday afternoon when the announcement was made that what had been done to Donna and I was 'a cautionary tale.' I'd known that -- it's what Manny told me -- but having it put out on the public address system was a surprise, to say the least! I went over my feelings in the matter and, well, the whole area was kind of numb after three or four days, to tell the truth. Donna was gone and we were broken as a family -- but I had the kids, and Manny...

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TommyChapter 2

Tommy’s story: “Uh, Mimi, don’t sell yourself short. You don’t have to be one of ‘those people’. There are ways out. I work with a bunch of miracles every day.” “I thought you said you were an engineer.” “I am. But some of my co-workers have come through some rough times themselves and I can’t think of a better bunch for you to talk with.” And I was thinking how so brave of me to already start volunteering the services of friends and co-workers for this person I’d just met. A thought...

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My Sister Was a Daddys Girl

My sister Ellie was two years younger than me and the summer after she graduated from high school the secretary at our church in our small hometown went on a maternity leave and Ellie replaced her. It didn't take long for the preacher to get his pecker up her butthole. We weren't hillbillies but cornholing was a polite and respectful way to have sex, Ellie could remain a virgin and not have to worry about getting preggers. She was quite happy to do it and to accept the belt-whippings that went...


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