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ch König Gregor IV.

Vier Jahre ist es her, dass mein geliebter Vater bei einem Jagdunfall zu Tode gestürzt war und ich seither seinen Thron besteigen muss.

Heute war Thing. Der einmal im Monat stattfindende Gerichtstag. Mein Großvater hatte ihn eingeführt. Menschen aus unserem Königreich konnten kommen und ihre Händel vortragen. An uns Königen lag es, dann zu entscheiden, wem welches Stück Land zustand, wer welche Rechte worüber haben sollte, was mit dem Ehebrecher zu geschehen habe und so weiter.

Gott, wie einfach hatten es da doch unsere Ruprechte, die über so einfach Dinge wie Raub und Mord zu Gericht zu sitzen hatten.

Heute nun hatte ich mir ein langes Frühstück gegönnt, das um Schlag 7 Uhr begann und um 8 Uhr enden musste, weil ich pünktlich um neun zum Thing zu sitzen hatte. die Zeit nach dem Frühstück vertrieb ich mir ansonsten meist mit dem Lauschen der Berichte meiner Maier, meiner Burschen und Musikanten, die durch mein ganzes Königreich schwärmten, um mir zu berichten, wie das Volk lebt, denkt und arbeitet.

Vor dem Thing war mir heute aber nicht danach gewesen. Ich würde noch genug Gerede hören, so war ich denn schnurstracks in die den Stall geeilt, wo ich hoffte Rodrick noch anzutreffen. Er war Sohn eines armen Bauern gewesen und zu dessen Leidwesen mit roten Haaren geboren worden. Rodrick war zu einem ausnehmend hübschen und lebhaften Knaben herangewachsen, allein seine Körperstärke ließ zu wünschen übrig. die anderen Söhne des Bauern waren kräftige, gedrungene Kerle, die schon in jungen Jahren ihren Mann bei der Arbeit auf dem Feld zu stehen wussten. Nicht so Rodrick. Er verbrachte die meiste Zeit im Wald, kam von dort mit selbst gebauten Musikinstrumenten zurück. Mal eine Pfeife, mal eine Rassel und gar eine Harfe hatte er dort angefertigt. So entschied sich sein Vater, ihn auf dem Markt zu verkaufen. Einer meiner Köche fand Rodrick wohl anziehend und erwarb den Jungen. Beim Auftragen eines Festmahles war Rodrick mir dann buchstäblich in den Schoß gefallen.

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When I get back to our room, I come in and throw myself on the bed. "What's wrong with you?" Alex barely glances up from the TV. "Where's Beth?" He shrugs, "Went out. Told me ta stay put. Was real bitchy, so I ain't argue." "Kai's married." That got his attention. "Come again?" "Da's engaged. Her wedding's next year." "Married?" "That's what she said." I don't know why this has me so upset. People go on cruises to have flings. It's supposed to be meaningless,...

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I wake this time as she gets out of bed and slips into the bathroom. 5:30am. I really should go swim. When she comes out, she sits on the edge of the bed. "Morning." She leans in slightly and I kiss her. "Mornin'. You up kinda early." "I was about to say the same of you. This is my regular time. I like to read the paper before I go to work." "I usually swim uh couple miles 'fore school." "A couple miles? How many laps is that?" "One. I ain't in uh pool; it's open...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 11

We three meet up again in the cabin in time for dinner. As we're dressing, there's a knock at the door. Beth answers it casually, "Oh hey, come in." I glance up in the mirror and smile to see Barb in a mini dress and stiletto heels. I turn around. "Hello Ms. Robinson." Alex pops out of the bathroom, naked, then jumps back again. "Whoa! Jeez! Hey! Warn uh guy!" "I don't mind." Barb winks at me. He comes out again, wrapped in a towel and grabbed a shirt and pants then dashes back...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 12

I wake up in the examination room with Barb literally sitting on my chest saying things like 'it's ok' and 'calm down'. "I'm calm." I reply. "You're a maniac, is what you are." She snaps. "I'm sorry." Then I think a moment. "What I'm I sorry for?" "For trying to disable Steve, maybe? For scaring the life outta me?" I think for another moment. "No. I have no idea what you're talking about." "You didn't just dislocate Dr. Gorman's shoulder?" That sounds like...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 15

In our room, there's a note from Beth. 'Go see Steve.' I call Barb and we head down to the infirmary. Steve's off-shift but he left long instructions for us and permission for us to use the infirmary's satellite internet. The lab has a website; we could check our results on line. Over Alex's shoulder, I breathe a sigh of relief as we view the list of negative results. Only one positive. A yeast infection. I've got it too. "How the fuck do guys get a yeast infection?" Alex mutters...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 16

The morning we docked in Singapore, Barb joined us for breakfast. "Room for one more?" she asks as she puts her plate down and pulls up a chair. "Hey, Barb." Alex barely looked up but glances at his watch. "Tour leaves in half an hour." She looked at me in surprise. "What's with him?" "He wants ta be uh pirate when he grow up." Beth giggles but Alex lets it slide. We make the early tour which includes the Botanical Gardens which were unbelievable and the BirdPark. We gave up...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 17

Our last day was at sea. I woke before Barb did and thought maybe I'd skip my morning swim and spend the whole day with her. She curled against me with a sigh and I held her tightly. "Shouldn't you be up?" She murmured. "Rather be with you." I kissed her temple. "You just think you'll get lucky." "I already am lucky." I was very glad I wasn't falling in love with her. That would make today heartbreaking. I stroked her back and tried to memorize exactly how her body felt...

4 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 18

By 10:30 am, we were at the base of the gangplank, saying goodbye. The Captain had agreed to let us leave the bulk of our luggage on board but we had to clear off while the ship re-fit. We could return when the crew did. Barb got us a hotel room. The Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Plaza. "What's the point of being an executive with the chain if I can't throw my weight around on occasion? They're sending a car for you." "What about you?" I slipped my hand behind her neck...

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Bravo ForceChapter 38 Beijing

Xing came into Pru's office, where she and Maeve were working on their after-battle reports. "May I see you for a moment, Pru?" he said. Pru stepped out of the office. "Yes, Xing, what is it?" "A rather large shipment has arrived for you, m'am. I need to know what to do with it." Xing had a broad smile on his face. "Where is it from, Xing?" "Dublin, Pru." Pru put her arm around the little sergeant major's shoulder and headed him down the hall. "Xing, I need your help....

4 years ago
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Mrs. Kelly's class was usually a rather quiet one; Not necessarily because her student's obedience or interest in her monologue on history, but because most students found it excruciatingly boring. It wasn't rare to see a variety of students supporting their head only with one hand or arm, dozing off, while they emptily stared at their teacher's back as she filled the black board with information to copy. Today, however, was different. The class room was filled with a sound that most of the...

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Before we begin, you need to make some choices to better enhance your... experience. First off: the world of Attack on Titan is a grim, depressing place. Would you rather the story take place in a modern AU, or will you test your luck with the original timeline? Remember, being in a modern AU would give better access to certain things that might make the story a little more interesting...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 5 Oral Obeisance

For the last five minutes, the plump, inexperienced Novice lay limp and submissive beneath him, her newly initiated sheath tender from the extended reaming, her mons bruised and sore from his relentless hammering of its fleshy prominence. She was whining and mewling with pleasure although, now, her desires were sated. Finally, his own lust reinvigorated, the priest decided that his naive conquest was ripe for his next objective. "Ohh, Sister Susan. I can't. I can't let Satan have you...

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Saving Sister SusanChapter 3 Oral Obeisance

For the last five minutes, the plump, inexperienced Nun lay limp and submissive beneath him, her newly initiated sheath tender from the extended reaming, her mons bruised and sore from his relentless hammering of its fleshy prominence. She was whining and mewling with pleasure although, now, her desires were sated. Finally, his own lust reinvigorated, the priest decided that his naive conquest was ripe for his next objective. "Ohh, Sister Susan. I can't. I can't let Satan have you...

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Arbeiten kann hart sein in der Villa der Lust

Ronda hatte die Nase gestrichen voll. Der deutsche Beamte hatte ihr unmissverständlich klar gemacht, das ihre Deutschkenntnisse nicht ausreichten. Wieder einmal hatte sie die Stelle nicht bekommen und langsam wurde es finanziell knapp. Seit ihrer Ankunft aus Afrika vor gut drei Monaten, versuchte sie sich anzupassen. Ihre Sprachkenntnisse waren noch sehr schlecht, aber sie war lernbegierig und hatte gehofft, das sie wie ihre 23 jährige Schwester Sidan, die knapp vier Jahre älter war und schon...

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Arbeiten mit Rohypnol

Unsere Tochter ist seit 2 Jahren, ihrem 18. Geburtstag, mit einem jungen Studenten eng befreundet. Da sein Studienort mehr als 200 Km von uns weg liegt, besuchen sie sich abwechselnd über das Wochenende. Wenn er bei uns ist. sehen wir beide kaum, da sie fast permanet im Bett sind. Vor 1 Woche überraschte Katja uns mit der Nachricht, sie wolle ein Kind. Alle Versuche, sie davon abzubringen, schlugen fehl. Mir wurde ganz anders, als ich zum ersten Mal bewußt daran dachte, dass Sven katja...

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PART 2, ok so I'm still extremely high and I'm on the corner of samo blvd and st andrews and we are now attracting multiple cars driving past and staring and i have no idea what I'm doing i was just so nervous being dressed like a CHEAP WHITE SISSY AND my top ts momma has basically made me understand that we are gonna stay here with about 6-7 other tgirls that are older and all are mexican and black,, they were yelling at me and saying that because I'm young and white I'm basically gonna...

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PART 1 I was 18 high and drunk when i stumbled onto a tranny hooker neighborhood and i stupidly picked up a sexy girl not realizing she had a huge 9in uncut cock and was almost twice my age!! I'm 18 thin great body lots of girlfriends and this night changed it all!!!!!i went back to her place and we got naked and started smoking and parting and listning to house music and thats when i realized that i wasn't the top in this situation!!i was gonna bottom !!!! she dressed me up and shaved...

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ex wife bein slut in pub

well if u read my othere posts u will no my wife was turnin in2 a little slut we were in bed and tina said do u want me 2 tell u how i met those black guys i said love 2 she put her hand round my cock and slowly started 2 wank me tina said it realy turns u on doesent it guys fuckin me yes well when u went on the stag weekend 2 blackpool sue cam round and we were chatin and she said do u still want 2 try diffrent guy she said she would go with her 2 pub with her 4 an hour then leave she said...

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