Beijing Cherry (Chapter 1) free porn video

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The young waitress approaches our table with all the enthusiasm of a slug on tranquilizers. She stops beside me, not bothering to say a word or make eye contact, and slams the bowl of noodles down so hard that a wave of hot soup splashes onto the table-top.

“Hey!” I bark, loud enough to get her attention over the war-like clatter of cheap metallic bowls and raging voices all around us.

She turns back, tired eyes blinking through a haze of cigarette smoke. “What?”

“I said no coriander.” I give the bowl a poke to highlight my point. It slides a few inches across the table.

Her sour face creases, as if to ask: Where the hell do you think you are? It’s the same question I’ve been asking myself for the past month. And the answer: I’m right back where I started. No wonder I’m going crazy.

“You can take it out yourself,” the waitress suggests after a few seconds, shrugging as she retraces her steps to fetch another (probably wrong) order from the kitchen.

“We can swap if you want,” mumbles Dan, the girl opposite me. “They didn’t put as much in mine.” I stare into my friend’s bowl. Her soup is swimming with green specks, more so than mine. I tell her it’s okay, although I’m seething inside. Nothing here works the way it should.

“I hate this place,” I hiss under my breath.

“Come on, Fei,” she pleads, pasting a smile on for my benefit. “It’s not so bad, is it?”

Sun Dan, my oldest friend, is a reflection of the former me. She’s content to take whatever this place has to throw at her – thick clouds of smoke; a kid pissing right beside her sandaled foot; the guy at the next table sneezing into the back of her head as he turns round to spare his lunch - all without standing up and shouting: “This is not fucking good enough!”

Right now, though, I need Dan to understand; I need her to see that this restaurant, these people, this city – none of them are good enough.

“Have you heard of reverse culture shock?” I ask.

She sucks the meat from around a tiny bone and spits the remains onto a growing mound beside her bowl. “No.”

“Well, you know what culture shock is, right?”


I’m about to dive into an explanation of the two terms when the bare-bellied oaf behind her turns round and lets rip with yet another almighty sneeze. I close my eyes and hold the smoky air in my lungs for as long as I can before coughing, which turns out to be just over three seconds. Unfazed by the germy onslaught, Dan slurps down a long noodle and looks at me with sudden excitement. “Are you doing anything after lunch?”

“I was planning to go home and take a nap,” I say.

I don’t usually take afternoon naps, since I’m not eighty, but the apocalyptic summer sunshine that’s been turning the grass brown and the locals browner for the past couple of weeks isn’t conducive to much else.

“Oh,” she murmurs.

I know she wants me to ask. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’ve got a job interview in half an hour. I thought maybe, well, maybe you could come with me.”

“What kind of job?”

Dan flashes me a cheeky grin. “Dancing.”

Obviously she’s not talking about joining the Bolshoi. In downtown Lu’an there’s only one place girls dance for money – and that’s the seedy club in Renmin Park frequented by middle-aged businessmen and government officials. I know because it’s a stone’s throw from my home. That, and my uncle just so happens to be one of those officials.

“Dancing?” I splutter. I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I’m not a prude – as evidenced by a couple of drunken exploits during my year abroad – but stripping isn’t a path I thought any of my close friends in Lu’an would ever consider.

“It’s good money,” she beams. “They’re looking for girls with decent figures and a background in dance.”

Dan certainly scores top marks in the first category. Ever since she filled out during the first year of senior middle school, young men have been falling over themselves to admire her curves and engage her in conversation. In that order.

She breathes in and out a few times, lost in thought, the grin gone but her eyes full of mischief. Each time she exhales, I notice those substantial breasts stretching the tight cotton of her black and white striped dress. I’m sure I can see her nipples pressing through. She’s not wearing a bra.

“So are you coming?” she presses.

I’m stunned into silence for a moment. Do I really want to accompany my best friend – the girl I grew up with - to a strip club and watch as she gyrates topless onstage in front of the boss and whoever else happens to be milling around? I can’t do much, except clap when her routine comes to an end. Then again, my presence would keep her safe from any unwanted attention. I’ve heard about the whole casting couch set-up – and, given her family situation, I’m sure she’s desperate enough to do whatever it takes to secure such a high-paying job.

“I’m in,” I blurt out suddenly.

“Great. Let’s get going.”

Dan jumps up from the stool with a fresh smile curling her lips. I follow with slightly less gusto, and a minute later we’re in a taxi shooting across the city. The driver is on his mobile – he took the call as he pulled over to pick us up. I tune his scratchy voice out and look over at my friend.

I’m not sure what to say without sounding patronizing, so I soon turn my gaze to the river and park running beside us instead. A dozen or so elderly women are hunched over at the bank, rubbing clothes with soap in the scummy waters. I’d hate to wear anything that’s been washed (and I use that word loosely) in the treacly Pi River and then bashed dry on the gum-encrusted concrete slabs that line it.

The car swerves into Qiupai Road, which skirts the vast circular expanse of Qiupai Park, and zooms past my apartment building. I look out at the six-storey structure, at the chipped and stained white tiles covering its front. It appears to be on the verge of collapse, although it’ll probably outlive me – unless some businessman with the right connections snaps it up for redevelopment and replaces it with a skyscraper that will, alas, look equally shoddy six to eight months after completion.

Though the mouth of the narrow road that leads to Renmin Park is approaching, the driver doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He’s still babbling away on his phone.

“Renmin Park,” I remind him, trying not to sound too pushy.

The driver keeps the phone pressed to his ear with one hand – and keeps bellowing into it - while using the other to turn the steering wheel hard. As we cut through a lane of traffic, we’re immediately treated to a chorus of beeps and toots from offended vehicles. It’s a miracle we’re in one piece when the car finally screeches to a halt.

I pay the five kuai fare and hop out, holding the door for Dan as she slides her bottom over the grimy carpet that’s been laid over the back seat and emerges into the baking early afternoon sun.

“You’ve still got time to change your mind,” I say, one hand shielding my eyes from the nuclear glare.

Instead of responding, she pulls me into motion and we set off down the cobbled road. Fifty metres later we’re in the park, which is utterly deserted.

I remember coming here with my mum and dad. That would make it almost two decades ago. Back then it was the only proper park (i.e. with grass) in the downtown area, so hundreds of families would wile away their weekends here. As we march further into the depths, I get a chance to examine the ghostly remains of my childhood – an empty swimming pool pocked with weeds; a lifeless merry-go-round that sports rusted metal rods where horses once stood; and, perhaps most depressing of all, a boat I once rode with my parents now half-sunk in an algae-covered pond.

“This place is dead,” I sigh.

Dan wipes the beads of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, then points ahead to the two-storey brick building that’s slowly revealing itself through a canopy of trees. “Not quite.”

“How did you hear they were recruiting?” I wonder.

“A girl on the street told me. She said I’d be perfect for it.”

Despite her jolly tone, Dan’s not smiling at all now. Is she starting to have second thoughts? It wouldn’t surprise me. The structure we are currently approaching is shielded from almost all sunshine, which makes it look haunted. To be honest, I’ve rarely seen such a grim and foreboding place.

Inside it’s even worse. There’s no light, artificial or otherwise, so the tunnel we find ourselves pacing down seems to extend on forever into dark nothingness. The air is suddenly old and stale, too, spiked with the twang of cheap disinfectant. I can only imagine what messes they’ve had to clean up here recently.

Dan pauses next to an open door and waits for me to catch up. I stand beside her and we gaze into a small office. A man, late thirties or early forties, is sitting behind a huge wooden desk that was clearly designed for a company president. He’s running one hand through his slicked-back hair and puffing on a cigarette. He looks up from a magazine.

“You ladies here for a job?” he asks. His vocal chords sound like they’ve been scoured with sandpaper.

“Maybe,” Dan replies, stepping into the smoky cell. She’s holding my hand again, so I have no choice but to follow.

The man at the desk closes his magazine and proceeds to inspect the pair of us. I notice his gaze lingering on Dan’s full chest.

“I’m just here with my friend,” I blurt out.

His gaze skims over my modest boobs and lands on my face. “Pity,” he says, treating me to a sleazy wink before turning back to his original target. “You can call me Mr Yan,” he tells her. “And what’s your name?”

“Sun Dan,” she says croakily. She coughs and repeats her name in a clearer voice.

Yan drops the end of his cigarette into a paper cup on the desk. There’s a brief hiss as the fire dies.

“Do you have any dancing experience?” he asks.


“Well, experience isn’t essential. We’re more interested in girls with great figures.” A hungry look spreads across his face as silence envelops the room. He lights another cigarette and takes a long puff before continuing. “I’m sure you know what this job entails.”

Dan nods.

The combination of smoke and stagnant air is making me feel light-headed, so I slump down on a rickety wooden chair against the wall. I consider asking Yan to open the small window behind his head, but I don’t really want to engage him in conversation. The way he looked at me earlier… I’d rather pass out and choke to death than suffer that seedy wink again.

“If you can impress me, you’ve got the job,” he says, eyes still fixed on Dan’s chest. The cigarette is perched on his lips, slowly burning down.

Her face is stone. She must know what he’s looking at. “Okay.”

“Okay,” he repeats.

I can only imagine what comes next.

My question is answered a few seconds later when Yan reaches under his desk and pulls out a hi-fi. Dan is frozen on the spot, hands by her sides, palms pressed against her outer thighs. If she wants this ordeal to end, all she has to do is say so. Just one word.

She doesn’t make a sound.

Yan presses play and music suddenly fills the room, a sensual track with a gentle beat and – in the background, but loud enough to be heard – the orgasmic breathing of a young woman. I’m caught unawares by how sexy it sounds, and for a moment I forget just how sordid this situation is.

Dan is already swaying from side to side, eyes shut, lost in some faraway place. Her hands creep up from her thighs, over her smooth stomach and onto her breasts. She cups each one, squeezing and kneading as her body writhes on the spot. In the fevered confines of Yan’s office, those soft mounds of flesh peeking out above her dress are moist with sweat. Every few seconds, as she contorts her top half, the droplets converge and trickle down the deep valley created by her breasts. A wet patch is growing across her chest.

Yan is entranced by the seductive vision before him. The cigarette has burnt out on his lips, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Surely he’s had hundreds of girls pass through this office, desperate for a job, willing to dance – and almost certainly more – for his approval? Then again, most Lu’an girls don’t possess the kind of curves that my friend does.

Dan’s hands trace her shape back down to her sides and her fingers slowly wrap around the hem of her tight dress, which covers her behind by two or three inches at the most. Her eyes are still closed. I have no idea where her mind is or what she’s thinking of. The music, the smoke, the heat – they’ve swept her to another place entirely and left behind a mere shell of raw sexuality.

The girl in the song lets out a yelp. In response Dan begins to raise her dress. The cotton creeps up inch by inch until the pink and black striped boy shorts that cling to her sweaty cheeks are fully exposed. She continues to raise the material, slowly and delicately, until the dark skin of her toned stomach is also on show.

Yan leans forward. His mouth opens and the dead cigarette falls out, bouncing a few times on the table-top before rolling onto the cold concrete floor. His eyeballs are about to burst out of their sockets, or so it seems.

“Stop!” I screech, shooting out of my chair like a missile.

Dan opens her eyes and immediately lets go of her dress, which tumbles back over her stomach. At the back it sticks to her damp skin, forcing her to pull it down manually. She’s breathing heavily, like the girl in the song, but she’s no longer in a trance. Her eyes blink through the veil of smoke and heat, and she’s back in the room. I take a step forward and seize her hand.

Yan stands up and turns off the music. I’m expecting him to fly into a rage or possibly launch a physical assault, so it comes as a huge shock – and relief – when he sits back down and lights the final cigarette in the pack.

“Nice work, Dan,” he says, treating her to the same sleazy wink that I got just a few minutes ago. “But you’re going to have to go further if you want to impress our regulars.” He tries to blow a ring of smoke, but fails miserably. “Come back tonight, around 8pm, if you think you’re up to it.” His focus shifts to me all of a sudden. “And you’re just as welcome.”

“Never!” I squeal.

I hear Yan laughing to himself as I yank Dan’s hand and march out of his debauched office.

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The Cherry PopperChapter 6

Cindy was walking toward the cafeteria for lunch when she heard someone call her name. When she turned around she saw Lizz Chang hurrying toward her. "So, you're finally talking to me again," she said, giving the oriental girl a welcoming smile as she caught up and pushed her long black hair out of her face. "Yeah," Lizz said with an embarrassed half smile. "I guess I should apologize for ignoring you over the past year. But you've always been such a prude I was sure you'd be...

1 year ago
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Cherry Popped

She was sixteen years young, beautiful and innocent. Her name was Cherry, and she was just as tasty. Dark blonde hair hung damply over perfect C-cup breasts and she had full lips, hips and toned limbs. She bent down to the lowest shelf on the refridgerator and giggled at the brush of cold air that slid past her pussy. She became quickly excited and ran upstairs, completely forgetting about her drink. She threw her towel onto the floor and hurriedly shut her bedroom door. Laying back down...

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CherryChapter 13

The business meetings These stopped for a couple of weeks at Christmas but were soon back on. I’m earning a fortune from them, and having a lot of fun as well. The men keep asking me to get another girl to come along but Piper keeps saying that she can’t persuade her mum to let her come into town on another night. Allison’s shop I got Ben to order those extra words to dangle over my pussy but Allison won’t change her mind about me wearing the other words. I guess that I can see her...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 12 Futas MindControlled Cherry Girlfriend

Chapter Twelve: Futa's Mind-Controlled Cherry Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Chloe Quick I trembled as Stacey approached. My best friend had a nervous look on her face as she came up to me and Kendall, one of my mind-controlled lovers. I had my hand shoved into the pocket of my skirt gripping my wet panties. My nipples throbbed and ached against my babydoll t-shirt. My pussy clenched and my futa-dick throbbed in my panties. It was...

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Lesbian Mind Control Incest Chapter 2 Nubile Daughters Cherry

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Nubile Daughter's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only eighteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, nineteen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her...

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CherryChapter 14 Easter holidays sleepovers at Piperrsquos

Piper and I agreed, then got her parents and Ben to agree, to me going to Piper’s for a few days before Easter, then her coming to stay with Ben and me for a few days after Easter. We were both looking forward to it as I wanted to see what Isaac was going to make us do (Piper’s parents would be at work); and Piper eagerly wanted to see some of the things that I had told her that I got up to. I really hoped that the weather would be just a little warmer so that I could get her ‘out and about’...

4 years ago
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CherryChapter 24

We got back home the day before school started again. I’d had so much fun over the school holidays and I wasn’t looking forward to going back. Also, I was so knackered that after checking that I had something to wear for school, I went to bed. The next morning Ben woke me in the best possible way and that sort of set me up ready to face what I was expecting to be a crap day starting year 10. The weather wasn’t too bad as I walked down the lane to the main road to catch the bus to school. I...

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The Cherry PopperChapter 10

Friday night Sue sat in an easy chair in the living room and watched her brother Dave as he, Cindy, and Janet enjoyed a three way. "Fuck me, Dave, fuck me," Cindy shouted as she bounced up and down on Dave's cock. At the same time Janet screamed in pleasure as she sat on Dave's face so he could eat her blonde cunt. Sue watched them and groaned in frustration as she tried to satisfy herself with her hand. Now that she was so close to losing her cherry the young girl felt more frustrated...

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Losing the cherry at Cherryville Lake Pt 2

(All characters are make-believe. Continuation to Part 1 of Cherryville)On the other side of Lake Cherryville is where the Girl Scouts are making camp. There are approximately 20 girls ranging from 12-15. The most popular girls are Brandy, Amy, and Stacy. Brandy is the leader. She’s 14 blonde hair and blue eyes. Amy is 14 as well with green eyes and curly red hair. The youngest of the 3 is Stacy. She has grey eyes with brunette hair. The 3 girls always setting trends and all the other Girl...

3 years ago
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Losing the cherry at Cherryville Lake

(Fictional story. None of the characters are real.) It was summer time and the Boy Scouts from Cherryville where packing up to go on a camping trip at the lake for a week. The scouts where from the ages of 12-14. They were all excited about going because they heard the rumors about the Girl Scouts from their town where going as well and setting up camp on the opposite side of the lake. As the boys are loading the vehicles up the camp counselors are discussing the plans for the week and which...

1 year ago
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Cherry Picker

Tad's hands were shaking as he handed a wad of dollar bills to Cherry. "That's nineteen, and, uh, I got the rest right here..." He mumbled as he began to fish around in his right pocket for the last dollar, which was made up of many coins that jingled heavily as he tried to scoop them out. Cherry quickly counted the wad of money, and when she saw the trouble the nervous little boy was going to for his last dollar, she reached out and touched his wriggling wrist. "That's OK," Cherry...

2 years ago
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Virgin Cherry Adventure In Las Vegas

Hello ISS readers.. I’m Cherry. M26. Hyderabad. Tall and handsome. This write up is real which has happened to me 3 years back. It’s gonna be a bit long write up but please do read till the end to know what happened in Vegas and to my Cherry.. Mail your Comments to In 2013 January, I was 23.. By then Had done all sort of naughty things when I was teen, as in, squeezing hot girls boobs in city buses, trains, crowded places.. Especially in Bangalore shopping malls, in scary house, special...

4 years ago
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Anastasias Cherry

Anastasia's Cherry Gets Popped By Anastasia Messier I didn't have to wait long to find out what was going on in the minds of these devious women. I was pushed to the bed face down and Audrey grabbed my left hand as Melissa grabbed my right. Wrist restraints were quickly put on my wrists and I found out I was in no position to go anywhere. My wrists were strapped one to the footboard and one to the headboard. Renee told me, "Get on your knees...

2 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 6

Jared has completed his work on the project, been rewarded by each of the girls in turn and given the most spectacular release of his sexual career. But now it's just him and the woman who lured him there - Vanessa. The redhead had thrown on her shirt and it clung about her courtesy of a single button beneath her breasts. She had brushed out her hair into voluminous waves and was holding the moulding tube. “Good job,” she said, peering down it. “I got exactly what I need. It’s gonna make...

Straight Sex
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CherryChapter 23

The next morning I woke up lying on my side with my back to Ben and his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. “I love it when you wake me like that Ben.” I said. “Ben wakes you like that as well does he? Tanya loves it too.” Ryan replied. “Oh sorry Ryan, I forgot that it was you that fucked me last night.” “That’s okay Cherry; Ben’s probably waking Tanya like that as well. If we stay quiet I may get the chance to wake Piper this way as well.” We slowly fucked until I’d cum then instead of...

1 year ago
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Madame Morgan Michele Parts 1 3 A Cherry Girl Story

Madame Morgan: Michele Prologue When Mike and Danyelle finally reach the motel Danyelle asks, "So which one's ours?" "Wow you're really horny! Usually I have take a girl out to dinner to get her in bed," said Mike. "Oh well I was hoping we'd go afterwords you know work up an appetite first," said Danyelle as Mike opened the door and walked in the room not even waiting for Danyelle. When Danyelle walked in she saw something that immediately drew his attention. Danyelle...

2 years ago
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My brother busted my cherry

This is for all you men and women out there that like some taboo stories.Chapter 1Cathy Jones, walking home from school, felt a secret tingle in her pussy. She had done something at lunch time she shouldn't have done, and now she was busily trying to hide the knowledge of it from herself." Another day, another night of study," she muttered to herself. Lost in her thoughts, she wasn't aware of the heads she turned.She was only sixteen years old, but she was a traffic-stopper. Her youthful hips...

1 year ago
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Cherry picking

“Here,“ mum said placing the two weathered wicker baskets – probably hand woven by my nan around the Second World War - into my hand. There had to be some sort of sentiment behind them, as she still insisted on using them even though they were coming apart around the rim. “You need to fill at least these two if you want both cherry jam and a cake tomorrow,” she said. “And take that –“ she lowered her voice to a whisper, “useless boyfriend of yours with you.”My boyfriend, Will was in my room,...

2 years ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 1 Brother Takes My Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother Takes My Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson I heaved a sigh of relieve when Ms. Samuels's class ended. I wasn't a fan of history, even with the delight at looking at the busty Ms. Samuels, her breasts almost falling out of her low-cut top and bouncing as she moved around. She dressed like such a wanton woman, like she wanted every nineteen-year-old boy in her class...

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The Neighborhood MILF Cherry

There is a woman that isn’t exactly part of our neighborhood, but deserves mention with all of my other sex-starved friends. Cherry is a house sitter and dog walker for an elderly couple down the street. She’s only around for a few months in the winter when the Mitchells are making their home in the warm weather of Scottsdale, Arizona.The Russian beauty with the unmistakable silky black bangs and slender body is quite a hit with many guys on the block, especially with her sexy broken accent....

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Take My Cherry

“If you want, you can take my cherry!” I’m not sure how it came that I heard it at all, with the music blaring much too loud through the worn-down speakers and the crowd around me shouting and jumping. Someone had bumped into me, as if I hadn’t been miffed enough after Kirsty and Jo-Anne had somehow up and vanished from the party. I had swiped the spilled Tequila Sunrise from the front of my red tank top as good as I could and cursed the gods. This should have been our big end-of-year party,...

2 years ago
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Cherry Slave Girls

It was about six months ago that our life changed, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at t Chapter 1 ? Sir Michael Winston?s Offer It was about six months ago that our life changed drastically, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at the textile plant that was owned by Sir Michael Winston. Our mother had departed from us 17 years ago after the birth of my younger twin sister Jamie. So we are now legally orphans. My...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

3 years ago
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DeannaChapter 4 Cherry Picking

On the way back to the house she moved over really close to me and put her arms around my arm but didn't say a word. It was uncannily silent during our trip back, but that was ok. She was nervous, as any young lady would be when she knows she's only going to be a virgin for another hour or so. She was in her own thoughts and I wouldn't even attempt to venture a guess at what they might be. I just let her be silent and made sure I was there to be held. We pulled into the garage and let...

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CherryChapter 3 I Meet my Uncle Ben

This last summer, my dad thought that it would be a good idea for me to go and spend the summer with his brother. Now I hadn’t seen the guy or his family since I was about 4 years old and couldn’t even remember what he looked like. Mum said that he was married and had a daughter just a little bit older than me and that it would be good for me to make friends with someone my age. So, very early one Saturday morning my dad took me to the bus station with me wearing only my school uniform and...

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CherryChapter 5 The Slut at the Manor House

That Saturday evening Ben drove me to the big manor house and told me which door to go to. He then told me that he would be back at exactly the same place at 9 o’clock in the morning. The door was opened by a butler called Henry who told me to follow him. He led me to a room where 3 other girls were, all a few years older than me and all in just knickers. One of them came over to me and said, “So, you’re the star of the evening little girl. It’s a long time since they’ve had a cherry to...

3 years ago
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CherryChapter 7 Benrsquos Friends Help Me Out

That Wednesday I decided to have a day improving my tan and waiting and hoping that the goodies that Ben had ordered would arrive. It was so quiet at the cottage on my own. I was inside getting a drink when the front door opened and the postman walked in. I’m not sure who got more of a shock. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. I normally just bring the post in and put it on the table. No letter box and everyone around here never lock their doors. I guess that you must be...

3 years ago
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CherryChapter 16

The Country Club My Sunday evenings there are proving quite lucrative and my bank balance is looking quite healthy. Ben says that it would take him 4 or 5 years to earn what I’ve got in the bank. He keeps telling me that I don’t know how lucky I am, getting paid huge amounts just to have some fun. Actually, I do know how lucky I am. I know that I won’t be able to have this much fun when I get old and fat. Anyway, there’s one man in particular who always calls me over and gets me to fuck...

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