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This is something I wrote a couple of years ago. It’s autobiographical, I wanted to compare different kinds of trauma and how we deal with them, or fail to The site it was originally posted to has gone west, so I thought I’d transplant it. Names have obviously been changed…
‘I can do this…’
A mountain. A climber high on the mountain. Thinking. The ramp that he’d followed had run out and the choices for upward progress weren’t looking good. The groove ahead looked loose, overgrown and dirty, the wall to the right looked clean but devoid of holds. Almost. There was a narrow ledge running the width of the wall about a metre from the top, but how to get to it? A step up on to a block and footholds far out to the right. How to use them? A tiny indentation in the smoothness of the wall, a marginal fingerhold, but would it do? Once he was standing on those edges the ledge was in reach and once his hands were on the ledge the route was in the bag, but that fingerhold……..
‘I can do this…’
He knows he must not fall. The belay is about forty feet behind him with three pieces of protection in between. None of them inspire confidence but that’s all there had been. All the way up, the climb had been like that. Loose, slippery and poorly protected. Little chance of falling, but if you did…….
‘I can do this…’
Holding on with his left hand he extends his right leg outwards and upwards until it’s placed on the outer of the two small edges. leaning into the wall he lets go with his left hand and leans across to lock the fingertips of his right hand into the indentation. He’s breathing hard now, but not from effort as he palms the wall with his left hand and drags himself out right until his weight is over his right foot and he can place his left foot on its hold, stand up and grasp the ledge above. The golden key to the climb. He breathes out, heart still hammering and reaches up to the ledge…
‘Shit. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Shit…’
The ledge is a red herring, it slopes so much it’s useless and he knows he’ll never reverse the moves that got him here. He’s in trouble and he knows it, but he’s been in worse situations. The wall tops out a metre above his fingertips, less than a metre. He needs to make one more move, where are the holds? What can he use?
‘I can do this…’
A pocket out to the left looks promising but it’s shallow and muddy, he tries it, takes his hand away. ‘What can I use?…’
Suddenly he’s aware he’s falling. Tumbling and bouncing down the face. He has no idea how it happened.
‘I can’t do this…’
A house. A staircase. Halfway down the stairs a man sits hugging his knees. A song plays in his mind in a endless loop.
‘Halfway up the stairs is the stair where I sit. There isn’t any other stair quite like it…’
He grins as he remembers the puppet singing the song on a childhood TV show. He knows he’s crying in the same way he knows he’s breathing. He knows he should get down the stairs. He knows he should eat something. He knows he should go to work. He does not know how to make his body do any of these things. He is aware that something is wrong. His body and his mind seem to be adrift and it’s as if he’s watching them from behind glass.
‘I can’t do this…’
His leg flops forward and his heel hooks the stair below. He drags himself downward one step at a time.
‘I can do this…’
He’s hanging on the rope. The fall has stopped and he knows that soon the pain will arrive. He looks up at Duncan. Duncan looks terrified.
He’s aware of the pain now. He can’t move the fingers of his left hand and he knows that arm is broken. It hurts to breathe and to twist his torso and he knows that means he’s broken one or more ribs on his right side. His right leg is damaged and in pain, but unbroken. He doesn’t know it at this time, but his knee is badly dislocated. Later it will occur to him that his injuries are light considering the length of the fall and the ground, but not now. He looks up. The belay is thirty or forty feet above him and the ground is easy angled, less than a minute to get there with the body he had a few moments ago. Now it isn’t possible. Can Duncan rig a hoist? A shouted conversation reveals that he can’t…
‘I can do this…’
The situation is simple. They are alone and tied together. One of them is hanging injured below the belay and the other is holding him there on the rope. It will be night soon and neither of them has bivouac gear. If they remain as they are then the injured one will almost certainly be hypothermic by morning and may not survive. His partner can do nothing until both of them are at the belay but he doesn’t have the necessary knowledge to get him there. If he lets go of the rope, the other will fall. The important things in life are always simple and the simple things in life are always hard. This thought arrives perfectly formed and whole in his mind. He has to climb back up to the belay or he will probably die.
‘I can do this…’
He shouts instructions up to Duncan, who ties a knot in the rope above his belay plate so it can’t run through. Now he has both hands free. He drops a loop of rope down which the injured one clips into his belay plate, configuring it in guide mode so it won’t run backwards. He has cord loops clipped to the back of his harness which are for climbing a rope in just this situation, but he can’t reach round to them without his injured ribs screaming at him. He takes a sling from round his neck and ties it around the rope in a klemheist knot. It will slide up the rope, but not down. By standing up in the loop with his uninjured leg he can gain height. As Duncan pulls in the slack and shortens the loop he can hang in his harness, push the klemheist up the rope again and stand in it, allowing Duncan to take in more slack. It will be slow, but it will get him to the belay.
‘I can do this…’
Because the slope is steep, but not vertical, there comes a point where he is forced to put weight on his injured leg for balance. It folds sideways, he screams………
This happens three more times before he reaches the ledge.
Six weeks ago she’d told him the relationship was over. She never said why. Yesterday was their son’s birthday. She had mentioned she’d be moving out the following day. That morning he’d got the kids up, made them breakfast and walked with them to school. Now he’s home from work, at his front door and he knows the house will be empty. It is. Halfway across the front room he slumps to his knees, hugs the sofa and his mind shuts down…
At the belay ledge, he’s suddenly bone-tired. He wants to close his eyes and just drift off – Is he dying? Duncan is talking about untying and going for help. He knows this is a bad idea, but he just wants to lie there and rest – He doesn’t want to think any more. Part of him tries to believe that Duncan should go, and for a few minutes they discuss ways off the ridge and he lets himself believe he’ll be off the hill soon…….. Slowly he comes back to reality. He doesn’t know what they should do, but he knows this isn’t it. It’s getting dark, the system of ledges that Duncan proposes to follow is steep, grassy and leads nowhere, he’ll die if he tries that. There’s no way off the ridge except the way they were going and they’ve lost the light. They must wait for daylight, suffer the cold and Duncan must finish the route and get help that way. Maybe there’ll be a phone signal at the top? – they already know there’s none here. He tells this to Duncan and suggests wryly, that the groove that he disdained might be a better idea than the wall…….
He can’t stop crying when he’s alone. It starts when he wakes up and remembers she’s not there. At work he’s a zombie. He stops feeling hungry. Eating becomes an effort h
e often can’t be bothered to make. In his daydreams he dies. One night, in desperation he calls the Samaritans and he realises how detailed his suicide plan had become. He slowly forgets what it feels like to be happy. Dark thoughts and this flat lifeless mood become normal to him. His world is shrinking to a point. He sees it and he doesn’t care.
The night is cold and stretches on forever. Later it will seem like the beat of a butterfly’s wings but there, in that place, there was no time. Just the endless wind and the dark and the cold. The injured one is lying with his feet in Duncan’s rucksack which is clipped to the belay. It offers his legs some protection from the wind and gives his good leg something to push against to take weight off his injured leg and also his harness. The ledge slopes steeply away, so they’re clipped to the belay and their harnesses are taking weight. There’s little comfort to be had here, they can lie flat and that’s about it. Duncan has given his companion his waterproof and is lying to windward to shelter him somewhat. And so they pass the night…
Love is what saves him. Love of the mountains, Love of climbing and a good friend. A climbing partner he’d all but lost touch with. Progress is slow and he’s painfully aware of how far he’s let himself go over the years. Slowly, so very very slowly he learns how to climb again. How to think like a climber, how to turn off his mind and exist in the moment. It doesn’t happen often at first. Winter comes and for the first time in more than twenty years he plants an axe into ice. Instantly he’s hooked again. He and Robert make a good team, Robert is by far the stronger climber and confident almost to the point of recklessness. He jokes that Robert doesn’t know the meaning of fear – or any other word with more than three letters. He on the other hand, has a knack for survival and a talent for rope tricks. In the course of two failed attempts on Tower Ridge and the ensuing epic retreats he learns that he can supress panic in a difficult situation and that he and Robert can depend on each other. They evolve a system whereby Robert climbs the hard pitches and when things go pear shaped he does the scary abseils. He loves epics because he never thinks about his children or their mother during them.
Duncan left the belay ledge over an hour ago. It must be over an hour. The injured one has been belaying him as best he can lying down. The loose, dirty groove that he disdained seemed to go easily enough. Why did he pick the hardest way? he wonders. The rope stopped moving some time ago. He tried shouting up to Duncan but his voice is strangely muted. Later he will discover this is because one of his lungs is leaking but then it passes with barely a thought. Duncan has to be at the top, why hasn’t he pulled the rope up? He tries to pull it back down but it doesn’t move. Duncan very wisely has tied it off so that the other can’t retrieve it and dislodge any loose rocks in doing so, he’s not pulled it up behind him for the same reason. The injured one does not know this, all he thinks about is leaving the rope behind and how he’s sworn never to do that again, but ropes can be replaced……
Time stops again for him. He’s alone on the mountain in the endless present. he’s wearing two waterproofs and the sound that the hoods make as he shivers inside them sounds like the beating of rotor blades, so eventually he stops pulling them down to listen for the helicopter he hopes will be coming soon. Once a Christian, his faith evaporated long ago, but he can still recognise the value of this experience as long as he survives it, which, he knows now, he probably will. The stark beauty of the mountain landscape cuts through the pain and fires the fierce love he has for this place. Nothing that happens to him here can be bad…..He thinks of his words to Duncan walking up to the base of the route, this time yesterday ‘It’s a dif, so I’m not going to fall and it’s a ridge so I won’t lose the route’ – He’d done both…. He hasn’t said a prayer in a long time, but there on the ledge he offers his thanks to the Mountains for teaching him humility.
When the helicopter noses its way around the ridge he knows the sound immediately……..
As he climbs more, he meets more climbers. Because his experience outstrips his ability he finds himself climbing with relative novices. He finds he enjoys teaching people and he makes some new friends. One day he sees a post on a climbing website from a climber whose partner has dropped out of a trip to Scotland – does anyone want to take his place? He contacts the poster for some details. It’s a five day trip. A day walking in, another to walk out and three days of climbing. Nothing above Severe, but all long mountain routes. Just his kind of climbing…
‘I can do that.’ He thinks.
From the curved seat at the fantail of the private, two-masted schooner, “Nevis”, I watched the fourteen-year-old French Jewish boy, Emile, moving about in the rigging overhead like a nimble monkey. He was all deeply tanned arms and legs, moving deftly like a circus acrobat, changing the sheeting to match the change in the wind as the schooner raced down the French coast toward Casablanca, our goal of refuge for Reggie’s exile--or escape, depending on who you talked to. I was along because I’d...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Candace didn’t know why she let her friends Charlie (Charlene) and Anne talk her into going to this convention. Sundays were her rest days after clubbing on Saturday nights she needed Sundays to recuperate. Now she would go to work tomorrow and be all dragged out. Candace, Charlie and Anne had been walking around the large convention for the past hour when Charlie asked, “Candace isn’t that your Ginny from high school.” That caught Candace’s attention...
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Candy and William walked along the beach of Bermuda, enjoying the moonlit night and each other’s company. Never in her life had Candy felt as comfortable with a man as she did with William. The young Adonis was everything a girl like her could ever want and it didn’t even bother her that he was a few years younger. He made up for it in other ways. Only her father made Candy’s little heart pound the way that William did. ‘Penny for your thoughts?’ William asked as he spun the attractive blonde...
“What can I do to help?” Angie asked, as I undid the straps on the car-top carrier. “If you would just stand at the front of the vehicle and gently guide the canoe away if it gets too close, that would be great help,” I answered. “Otherwise I should be able to get it.” I lifted the canoe deftly off the rack and proceeded to walk it down to the water’s edge. “Wow, pretty impressive,” Angie said. I rolled the canoe onto my hip, and then laid it on the sand. “I’ve done this a few times...
"Quick!" I whispered, pushing down between Tiffany's slender shoulders. "Bend over." "Josh!" she exclaimed just as softly and every bit as urgently. "We're going to get caught!" "No we won't!" I grinned at her, ignoring the feigned annoyance that spoiled her otherwise perfect smile. "You're so romantic," she sighed, trying her best to make me feel guilty. "Just hurry up. Everyone's waiting for dessert." "I know. Spread your legs ... Hold on..." I pulled up her frilly...
“Push off from that hummock.” “Roger that,” I replied. I placed my paddle on the raised clump of marsh grass and pushed us to the right. We continued on our journey through the fen. The creek we were traversing was about fifteen feet wide and usually a couple of feet deep. Occasionally I would spot a scraggly shrub, a clump of blueberry bushes, or a Pitcher plant. The creek wound its way back and forth, as it made its way through the marsh. The grasses in the water looked like green snakes....
Friday, July 20th, 2001The sun beat down on Heather’s bare skin. It was hot and it was humid. She had started sweating the moment she had stepped off the airplane two days ago, and hadn’t stopped since. The only time she felt remotely comfortable was when she was wearing her bikini—as she was now. It wasn’t much of a bikini either. She’d bought it, especially for this trip. “If I’m going to be on the beach in Cancun, I’m going to do it right,” she had told her mother when she made the...
TrueCandice: The Bride the Groom Didn’t Recognise Copyright Oggbashan February 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. WARNING: this story is intended for an adult audience. It should not be found in locations accessible to those less than 18 years of age or the age...
Chapter 1The year was 2002, it was summer and I wanted to take a canoe camping trip. There was no one I knew who would go with me except one.Betty and I had met on the internet on a dating site. I had looked at her profile where she had posted a picture of herself. I looked at that picture and she looked like an old schoolmarm from the early 1900s. I read her profile, she had stated, “If you are looking for a real woman then look no further.” “Humpfff,” I thought to myself, ‘I’ll bet. She is...
[ ]Setting across from Kristian and Hanna, his wife, I admit that I found it difficult to think of anything else but fucking her.As we sat outside at the small bistro, sipping sweetened tea, Hanna was showing me pictures she had taken of some of their sight-seeing around Rabat. I tried to concentrate on the images she showed me, and to listen to her enthusiastic appraisals of the architectural details of the various places they'd gone to, but whenever I looked up into her face, the only thing...
Chapter 1 — Beginnings: Their love of Jamaica brought them together. Introduction: A naïve, insecure, and inhibited 26-year-old, mulatto, Jamaican woman trying to get over her European boyfriend who cheated on and then dumped her, goes online and meets a mature, sophisticated, and experienced 41-year-old Caucasian American man who recently separated from the woman he believes was his last hope for happiness. They soon bond with one another through their common love for the beauty of Jamaica....
It was the middle of a hot summer. I was off on a Tuesday. I was looking forward to paddling down a quiet river near my home. I like having a day off in the week as the parks, local rivers and lakes are usually quiet from the weekend crowds. I was looking forward to getting some sun on my legs so I picked out my favorite white short shorts. They are about two sizes too small with only about an inch of inseam. The material is a thin cotton that becomes transparent when wet. I enjoy wearing them...
Gay MaleThe next morning we awoke to rain. Not a nice gentle rain. Not a warm misty rain. No, it was the hard, bone chilling rain. I put on my rain suit and went out into the nasty weather. Fortunately, the water appeared to be draining nicely away from my tent. It was a good quality tent. It had high sidewalls, so I wasn’t too worried about water getting inside. I remembered those camping days from my youth. Hard rains would tend to creep inside the tent. Somewhere in the night, your air mattress...
Chapter 8 – Experiences: She experiences the joy of being submissive. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: BDSM: in this chapter, a young Jamaican woman experiences a Dominant/submissive relationship. Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the story of a pair of naked Mulatto Jamaican women...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
“What a great way to wake up,” I thought to myself. My left hand cupping and massaging a full, tight breast with a rock hard nipple poking into the palm, and my cock pressed between two firm ass cheeks. Her hair smells like strawberries and her neck tastes sweet, but wait, I went to sleep alone. There’s no one else in the house but , but, but, my daughter! I jerked back and away as she moaned, low and long. Finally opening my eyes I see the sprawl of Candice, my only daughter, as she turned...
IncestCanes Girl CBA Billie was moving around on the stage with cat like grace, slowly taking off her clothing one item at a time, all the while keeping to the beat of the music. She had become quiet skilled at making the movements and swinging on the pole, pretending like it was her lover. She would make little twerking movements while making eye contact with the various patrons in the audience, coaxing as much money as she could out of their pockets. She was quiet adept at getting...
Over the next few weeks, we found ourselves sliding back into our old routines. Angie worked a few additional shifts to help a pregnant co-worker, and I found myself tied up with several very detail oriented projects. We saw each other when we could, but those occasions had become much less frequent than we would have liked. One Saturday I invited Angie over for a late lunch. I had picked up some fresh fruit, yogurt, and some sausage made by a local butcher. I had also whipped up some waffle...
Chapter 7 — Revelations: She makes and has several revelations. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: BDSM: this chapter tells of a young Jamaican woman’s first exposure to being a submissive exhibitionist and her learning about her parents’ and best friend’s membership in a BDSM club. Exhibitionist...
Candi Box By Zedd I volunteered to watch over my girlfriends place until she came back from her trip to Las Vegas. She was already filthy rich! The house she had was furnished exquisitely, with real paintings hanging on the walls, and real sculptures sitting on oak or marble pedestals. I made myself comfortable easily enough, and mostly watched television or read until her return. After a few days of this however, I found myself exploring every nook and crack she had in the...
Chapter 4 — Jambalaya: She must pose in a public bar without underwear. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s adventures during a series of challenges, including going to a public bar wearing revealing clothing and...
Canoeing on holiday in Sweden.In my mid-twenties I enjoyed wilderness canoeing in Scandinavia. I endeavour to have some me time, as I work surrounded by people 24/7. At the end of my ninth day I drag my canoe up to one of Sweden’s camping areas. These are just wooden lean-tos and an area to make a fire; if you’re lucky an earth toilet. If I’d found anyone at the site I would have camped a little ways on, happily it’s deserted. The weather is fine and warm so I layout just a sleeping mat and...
"Please remind me never to try this again!" she whispered with a smile, while resting her heels on the backs of his thighs. "Canoes do not make good beds!" Matt backed away from her a bit, and then moved back to kiss her gently on the lips. Moving down he also ministered to each barely visible but very erect nipple. Moving carefully to avoid upsetting said canoe he eventually stood, reached down and carefully pulled up his shorts from down at his ankles. Grabbing the gun'ls he equally...
I was up and out of the tent before Ron. I started clanging some pans to wake him up. We had agreed on attempting to get an early start. To save some time, I put a pot of water on the fire. We were just going to have some oatmeal and bread for breakfast. That should minimize any food prep and cleanup that had to be done. I had packed away our lunch and other supplies earlier. I couldn’t see the water from where I was standing. A heavy fog hung over the lake. The world around me seemed to be...
My name is Jamel and I've been a cop for several years now. I've been happily married for most of those. My wife, Nabila, is absolutely gorgeous with brunette hair and brown eyes complementing her curvy body. She works as a dispatcher in my department, which is where we met.The problems started on patrol one night. I received a lookout for a black male, about 6'4" tall and 220 lbs, wearing all black. The black man had just robbed a liquor store only two blocks from me and was last seen running...
I thought I am lucky because I live in 21st century. It is the age of smart and creative men. I am a young engineer who earns pretty satisfying and who promises future. I am not tall or well built, even I could say I am skinny and not strong. Therewithal I am kind, clever, funny and understanding. I think I am a nice gentleman for young educated, smart and independent ladies. Well, I also have a girlfriend whom when men lock their eyes on her on the street. Anna is a blue eyed blonde girl (1.72...
I thought I am lucky because I live in 21st century. It is the age of smart and creative men. I am a young engineer who earns pretty satisfying and who promises future. I am not tall or well built, even I could say I am skinny and not strong. Therewithal I am kind, clever, funny and understanding. I think I am a nice gentleman for young educated, smart and independent ladies. Well, I also have a girlfriend whom when men lock their eyes on her on the street. Anna is a blue eyed blonde girl (1.72...
Chapter 9 – Risqué Tours: Her mother adds spice to the Jaunt. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the adventures of two beautiful Jamaican women wearing revealing clothing, driving topless, and posing naked for room service. Interracial Love: this story...
I have been married to Lynn for a little over six years. It was a good marriage and we both were very happy. Our sex lives were super and we usually fucked and sucked every day and on the weekends three or four times. She was one of those ladies that if she is touched with a hard cock she gets so wet and horny she just has to fuck.Lynn is 28 years old, 5?9? tall, 112 lbs., long dark blond hair, very blue eyes, long shapely legs, great butt and perfect tits with long suck able nipples. Her...
Scotland 1953As the months past. and the summer holidays drew near, Stella and Dawn often talked about what sort of thing happened at WEBLEY HALLTrust me Stella, you are going to be the biggest hit there.Dawn would tell her.Well what sort of things go on there then,Stella asked a few times.Each time Dawn would say.Well all sorts of things really,Mike and the Major.Discussed throughly, what people wanted to do when they could go to a place with no sexual boundaries.And you would be surprised at...
The time had come. Punchline and I had waited a year since our summer trips of ’09 to get back on an airplane, ditch the uncharacteristically cloudy California summer, and fly to the land of green landscape, midnight sun, no religion, expensive beers, and beautiful women: Scandinavia.Denmark We arrived in Copenhagen on a Wednesday afternoon, tired and grimy from fourteen hours of flying. We’d each slept no more than two hours on the plane, so after checking into our hotel, we crashed with the...
MILFThey decided to send out for pizza, Amy didn’t want to leave Geoff’s arms to make dinner, and he didn’t want her to. He set the Canon to play repeatedly, and they cuddled and kissed on the couch till the buzzer rang from the gate. They ate on the couch too, snuggled hip to hip. Geoff’s arm stayed around her shoulders, and hers around his waist. It was awkward – till they began to feed each other, laughing. They talked quietly. There was much to talk about – but all that could wait. They...
‘Wow.’ Amy stared at Geoff as he stood in the doorway of her room, and he stared at her. ‘Likewise,’ he said. Amy wore a chocolate-brown evening dress that hugged her curves. It was perhaps a tiny bit shorter and a tiny bit lower-cut than was quite proper, but she looked ravishing. The dress contrasted fetchingly with her ivory-pale skin, and her hair was pinned up in Geoff’s favorite Victorian style. Her jewelry was a blue topaz necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, and her purse...
SCOTLAND 1960Stella Brown was in her office at St Augustine Catholic girls school.It was 16:30 and she was waiting for Mary Jones a lower Forth former to knock on her door.Mary Jones had been caught cheating in her Maths exam and therefore had her 2nd appointment in two months with Miss Brown and the Cane for Cheating.Knock Knock.Come in.Mary walked into the office her face fell as soon as she saw Miss Brown sitting at her desk bending the cane between her hands.Stella Brown the aforementioned...
Chapter 11 – Risqué Lessons: She learns how to spice up her dancing. Notice: Jamaican Beauties is posted under Literotica’s category of Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur – this chapter includes the story of two young Jamaican girls dancing naked at a V.I.P. lounge. Interracial Love – the story is about a developing relationship between a Mulatto Jamaican woman and a...
Chapter 6 — Renewals: She renews her efforts to become uninhibited. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the stories of a busty Jamaican woman dressed revealingly as she dances in a nightclub and shops in a clothing store. Interracial Love: this is a...
My wife wanted a vacation somewhere warm and with the current money situation I told we could not afford it. My wife brought up the subject almost every week, when I finally gave in. I found a deal to Jamaica for a week at an all inclusive resort with a private island for au natural bathers. I presented a deal to my wife that if she would agree to a few things, I would find a way for us to go. Without knowing the details, she agreed. I told my wife I would choose her wardrobe for the trip and...
2nd Thursday – 5th day as BBC slut wife, Jaye and her new Master humiliate B. Jaye is fisted in pblic. B submits to his own Master: After I cleaned up their morning fuck, theyh eaded for the shower together. My wife smiled sweetly at me and gave my cock a quick squeeze as she passed by. "Order us room service, B! And ask if Andre (our usual waiter in the restaurant) can deliver it!" I called in the order. Andre was in early and available to deliver. I started to get dressed, but when Jaye came...
I was just moments from being taken into the arena to be disciplined. I was in the waiting area of the arena, which was the modern socially acceptable name for the Discipline Centre. They still kept men and women separate and so I knew that I would be disciplined by a female disciplinarian and the watching crowd would be made up of women and girls. Of course, the minimum age requirement for anyone in the arena, either attending to be disciplined or to watch or, indeed, to be a disciplinarian,...