For Three Transgressions… free porn video

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Though the overhanging black expanse of a new umbrella kept the pouring rain away from Amos Jefferson’s head, it could not keep his face free of the saline moisture that had formed about his ebony eyes. As he stood silently, the gusting October wind began to whip the raindrops sidelong at the lower extremities of his pants. Tilting his umbrella to compensate, Amos noticed that the dribbles of rain on his mother’s tombstone had formed a rivulet. Nearly an hour had passed at the grave site during this twelfth annual sojourn back to Little Rock, with Amos alternately weeping and talking aloud to his mother’s memory. As he watched the swelling stream of water, his thoughts turned to the last time that he had seen her alive.

* * * * *

‘You remember that time when you imagined that Talitha and little Kumi had gone off to fight in Iraq?’ Amos queried his mother, Bonita Jefferson, about her two young grandchildren, his own niece and nephew, who had been mere tots during the time of her confusion. He gently massaged her right hand from the side of her North Little Rock Memorial hospital bed. Despite the residual impact of her recent stroke, Bonita snorted a hearty laugh of assent.

‘You were in and out of reality for a long while back then. Who’d have thunk that a bladder infection could cause serious dementia like that?’ Amos asked rhetorically. ‘Doctor Blevins said it poisoned your bloodstream, but it took ’em forever to figure that out.’ He watched his mother nod her recollection of the aftermath, though he knew that she had very few memories from the actual period of her dementia. Amos was thrilled to see that her long-term memory was still intact, notwithstanding the other obvious effects of her recent stroke. He tested the waters a little further.

‘It was about that same time that you started comin’ up with all that nonsense about your friends at the nursing home dyin’ suspiciously.’ He watched her eyes for a glimmer of remembrance, but instead saw the twinkle of mirth disappear. ‘What? You don’t remember that?’ Bonita’s eyes closed, though whether in response or simply in repose, Amos could not tell.

For the next half hour, Bonita drifted in and out of consciousness, finally awakening fully when one of the hospital’s kitchen assistants delivered her dinner. Amos carefully and delicately spoon-fed her as he had done for each of her meals over the past several days. Because the stroke had made swallowing difficult for her, the main source of her nutrients was a protein-filled gelatinous dessert. As he was feeding her the gelatin, the shift nurse flounced into the room.

‘How y’all doin’ today?’ she questioned cheerily.

‘Pretty good, pretty good — Momma’s a tough ol’ bird,’ Amos responded, ‘She even likes this loaded Jell-o.’

‘That’s pretty potent stuff,’ quipped the nurse, ‘One of the kitchen staff sneaked that stuff for about six months and put on about sixty pounds!’

At that, Bonita’s eyes lit up and she began to cackle with gusto. Amos could feel the bed quivering against his left knee.

Throughout the remainder of the evening, Amos continued to hold Bonita’s hand as they reminisced together, laughed together, prayed together, and even sang together. Amos was amazed at the clarity of Bonita’s articulation as she sang old hymns with him, especially given the slurring of her speech in normal conversation. He briefly stopped singing and simply listened, lost in the recollection of Bonita clad in a purple satin choir robe with yellow neckerchief, joyfully belting out praises from the platform of his childhood church. He fought back the tide of emotion that threatened to sweep him out to a sea of forlorn expectations. He knew that Bonita needed his strength now more than ever, but he knew that his strength alone was not sufficient.

As the time drew near for Amos to return to the airport, he drew out his Bible from his briefcase. With his mind on Bonita’s difficulty with swallowing, Amos turned to the sixth chapter of the book of Matthew and began to read from the 25th verse: ‘For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?’ Amos felt a gentle squeeze from Bonita’s hand, and observed a serene smile on her face.

‘It’s time for me to go, Momma,’ whispered Amos, his voice unable to find power. He managed a smile, and saw unrestrained love in her eyes as she beamed back at him. ‘I love you, Momma — I’ll see you at Thanksgiving.’ He leaned his cheek against her face, embracing her fondly before kissing her gently on the forehead. She squeezed his hand one more time and smiled from her eyes before he turned toward the door to leave.

* * * * *

‘Your attention, please — please direct your attention to the flight attendants at the front and midsections of the cabin as they direct you in our pre-flight safety instructions,’ the automated voice droned over the intercom. Amos roused from his restless slumber, but his attention was not drawn to the obligatory spectacle of seat-belt demonstrations. His mind instead wandered back to the same Little Rock to Washington flight after the days spent with his mother in the hospital twelve years earlier. That time, his worries had been directed toward Bonita’s expected long road to recovery. Little had he realized that she would die suddenly and — to him, at least — unexpectedly, merely three days later, shortly after being transferred back to her Pine Bluff nursing home residence, just down the street from the apartment of his brother Hosea. Amos had been on the phone with his brother Joel, who lived in California, when the grim call from Hosea — Talitha’s and Kumi’s father — had interrupted on Joel’s cell phone, announcing Bonita’s demise. His airline tickets for a joyous return trip to Arkansas at Thanksgiving were converted into a heart-wrenching trip back for his mother’s funeral.

Amos was no longer the aspiring young businessman that he had been when his mother had passed on. His career as an actuary had blossomed over the last several years. Regrettably, he had not had the satisfaction of seeing his mother’s reaction when he had obtained his fellowship in the Society of Actuaries. An achievement in itself, the designation carried even more significance for Amos, an African-American who had been raised by his widowed mother in impoverished circumstances. Now — the fall of 2022 — he was in charge of an entire division in the Office of the Chief Actuary (OCACT) at the Social Security Administration (SSA). Amos felt that he should be at the peak of career satisfaction. Instead, his work seemed to carry little genuine significance. Somewhat daunted by the fact that he was now older than his late father had ever been, and troubled by the sense that he had no legacy of his own — no wife, no children, no purpose — he sometimes wondered if he should have followed in his father’s footsteps as a Baptist minister. Thoughts of career alternatives meandered through his mind as Amos drifted back to sleep…

* * * * *

‘I still have a dream…’ Amos heard the booming baritone voice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. resonating from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., somewhere deep in his sleepy subconscious. Amos’ father, Walter Jefferson, had participated in the March on Washington as an angry young teenager. As an adult, Walter had become a man of gentle persuasion, teaching Amos that anger reflected a perception of injustice, serving to warn us that we needed to fix the perception or fix the injustice. He had often spoken to Amos of the impact that Dr. King had had on his thinking from that historic late August day in 1963 onward. Walter — like his icon — had died all too young. W
alter succumbed at age 41 to a massive heart attack, several years before Amos entered his own angry teen years.

The sweltering heat of Amos’ dream was stifling, and he perspired profusely as he twisted in his reclined airplane seat. His subconscious rolled forward.

‘I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

With that cue, Amos’ subconscious rocketed backward in American history. He found himself standing beside Thomas Jefferson, from whom Amos’ own surname had been derived. In Amos’ dream, Jefferson was oblivious to Amos’ presence, despite his close proximity. Amos was surprised at the American forefather’s delicate, porcelain-like facial features, contrasting with the square-jawed hero who has been portrayed on the front side of each American 5-cent piece minted from the days of the Buffalo Nickel forward. Amos moved behind Jefferson and peered over the patriot’s shoulder. He watched him scrawl with his quill pen through a line in the third paragraph on the parchment page: ‘We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable: that all men are created equal…’ was replaced with ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal…’ As Jefferson’s scribbling of changes continued, Amos watched a still sacred theme emerge: ‘…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…’

Amos’ cranial motion picture careened further back in time. He found himself in ancient Israel, circa 750 B.C., in the city of Beth-El, listening to a bearded shepherd from Tekoa, a town further south in Judah. In his dream, Amos was inexplicably able to understand the Hebrew tongue spoken by the nomadic prophet who shared his first name:

‘Thus says the LORD, ‘For three transgressions of Tyre and for four, I will not revoke its punishment, because they delivered up an entire population to Edom, and did not remember the covenant of brotherhood…”

‘Thus says the LORD, ‘For three transgressions of Edom and for four, I will not revoke its punishment, because he pursued his brother with the sword, while he stifled his compassion…”

‘Thus says the LORD, ‘For three transgressions of the sons of Ammon and for four, I will not revoke its punishment, because they ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead in order to enlarge their borders…”

‘Thus says the LORD, ‘For three transgressions of Israel and for four, I will not revoke its punishment, because they sell the righteous for money, and the needy for a pair of sandals…”

‘But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream…’

* * * * *

At that moment, the plane lurched with turbulence. Amos, suddenly wide-eyed, found himself reaching for the airsick bag in the cloth flap behind the seat in front of him. He retched violently, not sure whether from the bumpy ride or the frightening scenes evoked by the prophet’s vivid incantations near the tail end of his dream.

Able to regain his composure, amble to the restroom, dispose of the bag, and get a drink of water prior to buckling back in for the plane’s landing, Amos weaved his way through his mental checklist of things to do upon arrival. His emotional and physical exhaustion argued for grabbing his bags and heading home to bed, but other allegiances warred for his attention.

Despite finding that his annual visits to Bonita’s grave increasingly left him disconsolate about the meaning in his career and his life, Amos still took his job seriously. Though the hour was now late, he decided to drop in at his office at OCACT, which had been re-located to Washington from Baltimore several years earlier.

‘Hey there, Amos — you’re back!’ The genuine fondness that Sam, the night security guard, held for Amos was evident in his broad, neon grin. Amos returned the greeting as he approached the security desk and, after swiping his security card on the electronic reader, decided to invigorate his lethargic bones by climbing the stairs to his fourth floor office.

As he rounded a corner to the third floor landing, Amos was stunned to see the sprawling figure of Hugh MacKnight lying in a crumpled heap at the foot of the next set of concrete stairs. Amos clutched Hugh by his shoulders and shook him gently, trying to stir him to consciousness. Hugh’s eyes opened, but could not seem to focus.

‘Hugh, buddy — it’s me, Amos! What happened to you?’

‘Compression… of… the… distribution…’ muttered Hugh slowly, his thick Scottish brogue nowhere to be found.

‘Hugh — what’re you talkin’ about?’ Amos pleaded. His eyes fixed on a cherry red, almost black, oozing wound near the crown of Hugh’s burnished head. ‘Did you fall down the stairs?’ Amos shuddered at the sheer stupidity of his question. There was no reply. Hugh’s eyes closed once again.

‘Hugh, listen to me — we’ve gotta get you to a doctor. Lie still and let me call 911.’ Amos nearly swore as he fumbled the cell phone that he was extricating from his shirt pocket. After picking it up, Amos saw that there was no signal — a common frustration caused by the thickness of the building’s walls, but now looming as far more serious than the typical transient inconvenience.

‘Crap,’ muttered Amos. ‘Hugh, I’m going to get help. Stay there ’til I get back.’

Amos bounded down the stairs to find Sam and quickly explained the situation. While Sam issued the emergency call and waited to show the paramedics where they were needed, Amos raced back up the stairs to assist Hugh. He sat on the floor beside Hugh and cradled his friend’s head on his inner elbow.

‘Hang in there, buddy — help’s on the way,’ Amos offered, feeling helpless and unnerved.

Hugh’s eyelids fluttered once more. ‘Help… them…’ he whispered. Hugh’s neck went limp.

‘Hugh, buddy — wake up!’ Amos shouted desperately. He tried to administer CPR to Hugh, but it was to no avail. By the time the paramedics arrived, it was clear to Amos that his friend was dead. The official proclamation was made at the hospital a short time later.

* * * * *

Hugh had by no means been one of Amos’ closest friends, but the two had worked together on several projects at OCACT and shared a certain sense of comfortable camaraderie. Hugh was a fellow actuary, though his credentials had been earned through a different professional body, the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, prior to his arrival in Washington. Amos had always enjoyed Hugh’s sarcastic wit, as well as his heavy Edinburgh accent. Hugh had been responsible for performing numerous mortality studies over his years at OCACT. Amos found it disturbing that Hugh would so soon become one of those statistics.

In the weeks following Hugh’s funeral, Amos found himself increasingly puzzled by the final phrases spoken by his late friend. ‘Compression… of… the… distribution…’ … ‘Help… them…’ Amos also found himself haunted by recurrences of his dream about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, and the prophet Amos.

On a blustery Tuesday in late December, two days after a brown but frigid Christmas, Amos received an innocuous mass-distribution email notice from the Society of Actuaries. It solicited his nomination for the 2023 Robert J. Myers Service Award. While the rest of the world was enjoying a long holiday break with their families, Amos sat motionless behind his office desk, pondering the email’s content. He reflected on whether the award had ever been made posthumously, and wondered whether Hugh would somehow qualify. ‘The award recognizes actuaries for a single noteworthy public service achievement and actuaries who have devoted their careers to public service,’ he read aloud. He knew from past history that there was a tendency to grant the award for lifetime service, but Hugh had been too young to qualify on that
criterion. He probed his recollection of Hugh’s body of work, but could not fathom a single crowning achievement on which he would otherwise qualify for the award.

Amos was roused from his musings by a rapid burst of knocks as his office doorknob turned. A silver-haired, bespectacled gentleman peered from behind the frosted glass of the door. Amos recognized the man as Henry Petersen, a paradoxical being if there ever was one, for he was both an actuary and a politician. Petersen’s reputation had reached near-mythical proportions, he was known to be not only keenly intelligent, but also cunning and articulate.

‘Jefferson, I need you to look into something for me,’ Petersen stated flatly. He appeared blatantly unaware of the lack of any direct reporting relationship or accountability channel between the two. Amos leaned forward, eager to hear Petersen’s request, despite his inner resentment that Petersen’s tone seemed to demand rather than to ask.

‘I’ve been trying to justify to Congress why our 2022 OASDI Trustees Report still shows an under-funding problem,’ Petersen continued. ‘I don’t think the assumptions have been updated sufficiently to reflect emerging experience. MacKnight was working on some new assumptions, but his untimely tumble has left me without the recommendation I need. You’ve got to make somebody available to assist me.’

‘Well, Congressman, we’re all strapped for resources. Hugh didn’t work in my division. Why do you want somebody from my staff?’

‘Damn it, Jefferson, you’re like so many of our fellow actuaries — always identifying the problems rather than looking for solutions!’

‘Look here, Congressman, I resent that remark,’ retorted Amos. ‘You, more than anybody, should know that when you’re allocatin’ scarce resources, you have to develop priorities. I’m just tryin’ to figure out whether this belongs in the queue, and, if so, where it stacks up.’

‘Fine — sorry, Jefferson,’ apologized Petersen, ‘but this is really important. It will affect next spring’s Congressional budget in a significant way. Even minor changes to the assumptions could keep us from having to raise payroll taxes or cut Social Security benefits once again.’

‘I see,’ conceded Amos, ‘but I still don’t know why you’re comin’ to me. Hugh’s old department should already have a runnin’ start on it.’

‘To be honest, I wasn’t satisfied with their work thus far. ‘Paralysis by analysis,’ you know. I need this done, and I need it done yesterday. I already know what the assumptions should be — I’ve seen the experience data. I just need somebody with authority to look over the proposed assumption changes and bless them.’

Amos felt an involuntary shiver run up the length of his spine. Results-oriented judgments — he’d heard about them from his lawyer friends, but he hadn’t often heard them suggested by his actuarial peers, at least not in the public sector. ‘Tell you what, Congressman,’ he said, ‘I’ll take a quick look at their files and see what I can do. But I want you to understand that I’m makin’ no promises at this point.’

‘Thanks, Jefferson, that’s all I can ask,’ replied Congressman Petersen. He withdrew from the room in as sudden a fashion as he had entered.

* * * * *

The early days of 2023 brought a pristine blanket of bright dust-like snow to the nation’s capital. Amos pushed the fringed ends of his woolen scarf inside the neck of his heavy black trench coat. His frosty breath hovered in a mist about his face as he trudged westward along the Mall grounds. He always found a walk around the monuments to be productive at those times when he needed to engage in some heavy mental weight-lifting.

‘Results-based assumptions,’ he thought. ‘That’s what it sounded like when Petersen barged into my office. But that’s not what the numbers bear out.’ He kicked a frozen wedge of snowy ice off the salted asphalt. ‘Hugh’s mortality experience studies really do show that the cost of Social Security benefits is flattening out — maybe even declining. But what was taking Hugh so long to recommend that the assumptions be updated to reflect that reality?’

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They say things come in Threes

They say things come in Threes.... I've noticed the last few weeks this man with dark hair, striking blue eyes and good looking has been driving slowly as he drives by me. Doesn't make sense I'm not young or skinny but I keep noticing him around town. The funny thing is he is always in a different vehicle. It was starting to worry me some when I started noticing him driving down the street I live on. Just in case I always locked my doors and kept the windows locked. Then one night I heard...

4 years ago
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Forgetful Maid

Forgetful Maid by Sally Tranz 1 - Dressing for Sunday chores My silent alarm buzzed and my arm jerked slightly as the watch brought me out of my light sleep. Although it had been a late night, I rarely slept past 7am, but Sunday was a special day. Sometimes, the alarm was set as late as 9am, which meant that I lay in bed even when awake. Sunday was the day my lady was treated very special. Today it was 7.30. As I eased out of our bed, the gentle breathing of my lady reassured...

3 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 9

[Jessica] Early July In an unrecognized form of self-punishment, Jessica resisted the urge to call Julia after she moved out. In fact, she resisted for almost a week, until the day the case documents arrived at the lawyer's office. During that week, Jessica hardly left her room. Her landlady was a kindly woman with strong mothering instincts. Like almost everyone, she felt the urge to help Jessica, and after a few days, she had the whole story. Jessica found it surprisingly therapeutic to...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 10

[Missy] Mid July The Farnsworths arrived at the main entrance of the Tee on Saturday morning. After considerable discussion, Andy and Andi had been chosen to be their greeters and escorts. They were clad in standard staff shorts and shirt. "Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth," Andi said as Andy opened the door. "Welcome to Transformations. I'm sure Missy will be happy to see you." That, of course, was a blatant lie, and both parents' expressions showed that they realized the falsehood....

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 13

Sunday proved to be very interesting at Fran's house. Melanie (Mel), Fran's doctor, was a former dorm mate and casual sex partner. When Carson talked her through the plan, she was enthusiastic, but had a great many questions. When she ran out of questions, she insisted it be tried out on someone besides Fran first. To no ones surprise, Carson volunteered. They decide just to do his elbow as a test, in case they ran into a problem. They also did not want to use up too much of the supply of...

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Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...

4 years ago
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Christmas Changes Come In Threes

Christmas Changes Come in Threes By: Alexis © 2007 Wolf-Pup Publishing Prologue Bill looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. 30 years old and alone again on Christmas Eve. Not just alone, he was dressed up in women's clothing. He was wearing plain cotton panties, such as one's mother would wear, tan pantyhose that looked strange on his unshaved legs, and a 48C bra with empty cups. Bill...

2 years ago
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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 46

Chapter 4 "Well that was odd," Stephen commented as he carried the last of the bags into the house. "Did you notice the way those women were dressed?" He asked his wife. "I did," Emily replied. "But who are we to judge? It's a small community and they could think the same way about us." Stephen looked a his wife before shrugging his shoulders. She did have a point. "And what about those 3 women?" he continued. "They hardly said a word through dinner and they all seemed to ignore me....

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 1316

Chapter 13 Emily sighed as she got into her car at the end of the day. It had been a weird day. First she learned about the truth of Stepford and what was going on here, then she was given a choice. A choice to which Emily felt that she had no reason other than to accept. At least until she could figure a way out of this place. Emily spent the rest of they pretending to play along while she came up with an escape plan. When she got home she would grab Stephen and then under the cover...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 2325

Chapter 23 "This wasn't what you were expecting was it?" she asked Emily as she reached for some nuts. Emily slowly shook her head slowly. Trying to come to grips with it all. "Don't worry," Natalie said with a smile. "You'll get used to it." Stephen returned a few minutes later with Emily's drink. While he had been in the kitchen he had donned an apron similar to Richard's. Emily watched with a mixture of fascination and shock as Richard handed her her drink. He gave Emily a...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Threesome With The Babysitter Part Three

After finishing up my vacation with the kids, I dropped them off at my parent’s for the weekend. Rex was entertaining clients and would be home later in the evening. I wanted to have a sexy weekend with my husband. I had been thinking about Sandy, the babysitter. My husband and I had a threesome with her for our anniversary. I wanted to surprise Rex with another threesome with her. I couldn’t stop thinking about our threesome. Sandy and her squirting orgasms made me hot. Several times on...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Good Things Come in Threes

Good things sometimes come in threes, and such was the case with a local guy I met on three separate occasions. I usually can’t meet for play in my home town because of risk of discovery (I am a married professional), but in this case I made an exception. My acquaintance was a senior manager at a local construction company. His wife allegedly had some kind of medical issue that prevented her from having/enjoying sex. I met him online, and he described himself as a middle-aged top with average...

2 years ago
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Good Things Come in Threes

Good things sometimes come in threes, and such was the case with a local guy I met on three separate occasions. I usually can’t meet for play in my home town because of risk of discovery (I am a married professional), but in this case I made an exception. My acquaintance was a senior manager at a local construction company. His wife allegedly had some kind of medical issue that prevented her from having/enjoying sex. I met him online, and he described himself as a middle-aged top with average...

Gay Male
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Three Days Of Threesome

Anjali’s hand was just above her vagina over the gown. She couldn’t resist rubbing it as she was too excited. The other hand slowly touched her breasts and slipped inside through the zip opening. Her eyes were closed and imagined Mayur caressing her body sensuously. His thin and hard lips munching her pouty ones. The very thought was generating anxiety in her and she couldn’t wait for him to come. There was a knock on the door which brought her back to earth and Anjali rushed to open it. There...

4 years ago
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Hartford Eds first days

He hated moving. It was never a bad thing; he was a good-looking guy, standing six foot even with black hair and green eyes. He was fairly built from all the jobs he’d had around the states. He was an athlete, though not publicly. He made friends easily. All in all, he was pretty average. But when it came down to it, he was the subject of whispers and bad luck more than anything else. After all, there weren’t many kids with his situation. Ed trudged into the office and stood in front of...

2 years ago
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Hartford Eds first days

Introduction: i apologize just in case this is fucked up aesthetically. Edward Lichen walked through the gates of his new school and sighed, doing a slow spin and looking up at the gray, seamless, cloudy sky. The gates of the school were two brick columns with iron gates attached, students flowing through like cattle in a pen. The school building was old weathered red brick that looked more brown that anything else in the light of the day. A warm wind caught the tassels of Eds jacket and the...

3 years ago
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Unforeseen Circumstances Part Three

Gail knocked twice on the door at Room 318. Richard opened the door standing before her naked. He already was displaying a thick hard dick that stood out eight inches from between his legs and curved like a banana. She had hardly taken a half dozen steps in the door when he pushed her to her knees stuffing himself down her throat.The man wasn't gentle like her husband. He was rough but not brutal when he threw her on the bed fucking her missionary, then doggie.He lasted for a long long time,...

Group Sex
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 5

It has often been said that Christmas amplifies emotions like no other event in the year. It was hard to imagine how the emotional level for the Halls could get any higher. Mary had been a complete basket case since the kidnapping, and the supposed joy of the season had hardly dented her anguish and depression. Officially losing her daughter through manumission was a far more cruel blow than Lindsey realized. Despite all her hangups, motherhood was still the cornerstone of Mary's existence....

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Transformations ImmersionChapter 15

Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...

3 years ago
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 16

Sarah had quit her job and moved back to room with Sonja. They would be getting a place together as soon as she found a new job. She arrived in town at the time Judy's piece on Transformations was getting wide exposure. As soon as she arrived at Sonja's, Sarah called Lindsey and Mark and asked them to come over Sunday afternoon. She told them that she and Sonja had worked out the perfect way to deal with their brother Frank Schermer. The plan required a great deal of work, but Sarah...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 13

[Caz] Late August It was through his close surveillance of the Reverend William Matthews that Caz became aware of Transformations. When Matthews began his harangues from the pulpit against Transformations, Caz was notified by his 'inside' contact and immediately sought to find out more. If Matthews was so vehemently against the organization, it might be something that Caz should support. Or perhaps, it could somehow aid Caz in his long-sought revenge - 'the enemy of my enemy is my...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 18

[Caz & Cy] Early October "Counsel for Reverend Matthews called and they want to negotiate," Caz's lawyer told him over the phone the morning after Marty dropped her bombshell. "I will give the Reverend the same opportunity to negotiate that he gave me," Caz said sharply. "Absolutely none." "I was hoping you would say that." Caz could hear his lawyer grinning over the phone. "I still have someone on the inside," Caz replied. "Is it all right to refer to absolute turmoil...

4 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 32

[Erica & Julia] Late February "Is it OK if I start wearing clothes again?" Erica asked Julia after dinner one night. "Of course it's all right, Erica. As a matter of professional interest, can you tell me why you don't want to be naked any more?" "I guess it's because I don't need it any more," Erica answered. "In fact, it's starting to make me feel different from the other kids. No, wait - that's not right. I felt different from everyone from the first. I thought I could...

2 years ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 4

There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years. Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still...

1 year ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 14

Lindsey spent a very fitful Friday night. She again slept on the hideabed in Sonja's apartment, and Sonja could here her tossing several times during the night. Sonja felt sorry for her, but there was not much she could do but be a friend. The hardest part for Sonja was that she knew exactly what Lindsey was feeling. At Dex's holiday party, Amy had pulled Sonja into the singing, and she had been 'discovered.' Her parents were there, and their anger at her performance had taken a lot of...

4 years ago
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Sanford E Xavier Institute Sexy Spring I

It was late April and the weather was getting warmer on the campus of Sanford E. Xavier Institute of Education. I had decided to return to college after burning out doing home remodeling and rehabbing. In just a few years nomading for different building contractors in the sunbelt, I had a hefty bankroll and a pretty nice tan.While there was quite a bit of opportunity to succumb to the sexy diversion of the house MILF while performing some suddenly necessary light bulb changing,  I was needing a...

College Sex
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The sunset on her left was gorgeous as Jeanette Brennan hiked along the trail with Bob, but she looked to her right more often. The little radio had forecast rain before morning. Now, although the radio was not packed where she could reach it, she could make her own forecast. The rain would start sooner than morning. They wanted a campsite upslope from the trail. They reached one that had been used before but was empty now. They didn't change their pace as they turned off the trail, but they...

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Fort Whore

Fort Whore ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2010The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Fort Vauxrein was the worst Foreign Legion posting in Algeria. It was originally...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable Erotic Week With Massuer Part 3 Cumseal Breakfast

Hi guys this continuation of d story to enjoy full experience please  read the previous parts Introduction Hi, guys and girls. My name is Shahid. I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialized in massages which is a science and art. I have learned the art to relax any girl/women and to give her ultimate pleasure. Any girl/women who want to get satisfaction along with massage can contact me. I also have special massages for brides and...

3 years ago
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Transformer Saga

Peter Faulk had an ordinary life so far except for one or two things. A nerd thru out high school he was ignored. Average in every way. Except for one. He had superpowers. Unique superpowers that he had hidden away for a long time. He could transform things giving them superpowers of his own choosing. He had mind and emotion control abilities and super hypnosis. He had magical skills that he practised with out people knowing. All of this was going along with his plan. To control a group of...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Californian Slut

Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...

2 years ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 5

A long and winding path The mountain grew ever more unkind. Its many bare faces looked down upon a lonely figure, slowly but surely making its way through the rocks, gravel, low grass and loose dirt. His hood was down, revealing a stern but humble face. Care lines dotted his forehead, and one could easily spot he was not a man prone to laughing easily. His face was adorned by a beard grown out of necessity, not choice, and his thin long hair was unkempt; a few wild strands jutted in strange...

4 years ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 18

The Pilgrim aroused Molo from his fretful sleep with a nudge. Molo woke up with a gasp, his body tense, his face and palms sweaty. The Pilgrim thought his brother was troubled, as he had been for the last two nights. It was as if the spirits of the land and sky were not in his dreams; as if they did not safekeep him from the malevolence of the archenemy. He would pray for his brother at dawn; he hoped something lesser was troubling him. Some lover, or a wife. His children, perhaps. He...

3 years ago
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Christmas Threeway

She had caught the eye of my best friend at the time, Don. Don had invited her over to my house on Christmas eve, I wasn't home yet, I was with family. I was a little worried, I knew what his plan was, to nail her. She wasn't legal yet but he had brought a forty of Jack and was pretty bent on getting all of us, once I arrived, pretty wasted. We had a good time, laughing and playing video games for a while, my room was large and dimly lit by the TV. She still liked me, I could tell,...

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