A Long Time Coming free porn video

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She slides into bed. She is excited and hopeful. It has been a while. 

Michelle made her husband his favorite meal for dinner. Instead of watching television, she set the table, dimmed the lights, and used their gifted silver-plated candle sticks. She wondered why people still gave those as wedding presents. Maybe it was how married people secretly told newlyweds that those candle sticks would be needed for evenings like this.

Michelle dressed nice, flattering, but not sultry or desperate. She was nervous and did not want to be that obvious, but she did her best to set the mood. Michelle wanted a romantic evening to end with sex. It was that simple, yet their life no longer was. Work was stressful and Derek had been working long hours. They rarely saw one another and Michelle feared they were growing apart. It had been months and she hoped tonight she could end their draught.

After a relaxing drink and some light conversation, Derek decided to retire early. Michelle was excited to leave the dirty dishes for tomorrow and followed him to their bedroom. It was dark when she entered so she undressed, pulled back the duvet, and slid her naked body against the warm back of the man she shared a bed with for over ten years. She pulled the duvet across her body, trapping them and their warmth underneath.

Even though it was dark, Michelle closed her eyes as she pushed her body closer to his, squeezing her breasts against his back. Her cheek rested on his neck and she enjoyed the familiar scent she had fell in love with so many years ago. Her heart fluttered as she felt his body sigh. He then turned to her and pulled her body close to his. Derek wrapped Michelle in his arms and as she readied herself for a kiss, he mumbles, “Great dinner, Hun. Thanks.”

Ignoring his grogginess, Michelle found one of his hands and interlocks their fingers. She led her man across her hip and slides him between her legs, hoping he would realize she was ready for him. As their hands slid closer, her body tingled, and she took a deep breath anticipating his touch. All her planning had paid off. She would make love to her husband tonight with hopes of connecting in a way husbands and wives should. Michelle heard his deep breaths becoming more shallow and steady. She then realized he had fallen asleep, once again.

Michelle fought her tears but this was too much. She wondered what more could she do to regain her husband’s love and affection. Maybe he no longer found her attractive, or worse, maybe he no longer loved her. Her disappointment turned to sobs and streams of hot tears flowing down her cheeks. Once again, it seemed like Michelle was in for another love-less evening where she would cry herself to sleep. 

Instead, Michelle wiped away her pain and frustration as she climbed out of bed, not caring if she startled or woke him. Her frustration and hurt had turned into anger and need. 

She tossed her pillow on the floor, and sat on it as she backed against her side of the bed. She listened to his selfish snoring as she grabbed the tablet from her night stand. The screen glowed against her bare skin as it filled the room with a soothing blue warmth. Earlier in the day, when she told her friend about the evening she had planned, her friend suggested one of those naughty websites where she could read something that would get her in the mood. Michelle assured her friend that she did not need anything, but things had changed, and the evening did not go as she had planned.

After typing Lush Stories, Michelle looked over her shoulder at her husband before she pressed enter. Her heart pounded against her chest. She had never done anything like this. She did not look at internet porn and she certainly did not read dirty stories, but tonight she would. 

Her friend said she did not have to, but if she joined the site, she would have access to other things like forums and chat rooms, and other members. Most of the people were pretty great to talk to but some of them were cunts. She had to be careful. Michelle said fuck it, threw caution to the wind, and signed up. There was so much to look at but tonight she just wanted to read something hot and sexy, to take the place of what should have happened behind her.

So many categories, so many stories, so many writers, where does one begin, she wonders. Then one story catches her eye, Café Au Lait, by some guy named Ping. 

I like coffee, she thought to herself, justifying what she was about to do. She clicked on the title and a black and white picture of a sexy, naked man holding a coffee cup over his genitals got an immediate reaction. She could only imagine what was behind his cup. Michelle must have been smiling more than she realized, because she felt tightness in her cheeks. That familiar tingling had also returned.

A woman gets more today than the coffee she ordered…

Who comes up with this shit?

Michelle covered her mouth to contain her giddiness. She was actually doing this, she thought. What she felt reminded her about the first time she touched a man’s penis. She was nervous but enjoyed it. 

Would she enjoy this too?

She then read the story, not really knowing what to expect, and did not pause until she finished. She couldn’t. It was a story she related to. It was about a woman who had not had sex in a long time and ended up getting it in a coffee shop’s bathroom while standing against the inside of the bathroom door. It also made her laugh because the woman appreciated that the bathroom was clean. I would too, she thought.

The story was unlike any experience she had ever had or even thought about. As she read, she immersed herself, first sitting across from the handsome stranger, then following him to the bathroom, then getting pressed up against the locked door as he took her from behind. 

Michelle noticed her crossed legs were bouncing from the excitement and then saw the wet mark on the pillow case. She had been leaking from the excitement. She did not know if she should be horrified or impressed by what the story had done to her. Sex had always been so vanilla bean, but realizing how aroused she became from the idea of being spontaneously and aggressively taken, changed her perception of what turned her on. Instead of medium roast, her arousal had become an exotic blend.

Michelle started reading the story again, focusing more on what it must have felt like to have a stranger’s big penis enter her body. As she read, she slowly rubbed herself and circled her excited area. The idea of having her hands held high above her head, as the stranger entered her from behind, made her insides begin to ache. It was building. 

She rolled one hardened nipple as her other fingers easily slid inside. She became mesmerized by the words as the sex leapt off of the screen and into her mind. Her breathing deepened as her fingers moved faster, bringing her closer to a much needed orgasm.

She cautiously listened to the rolling thunder of snores, confirming Derek was still asleep, hoping he would not interrupt her activity. She thought if he did wake, she could quickly click on the next tab, which was Ebay, before arousing any suspicion. All seemed safe so she gave herself approval to cum to the thought of having sex with someone other than her husband. 

Her fingers moved faster now, as did her heaving breasts from her breathing. She closed her eyes and rolled to the side, laying face down as she started humping her hand, as her pelvis pressed into the pillow on the floor. Michelle quickly lost control and her walls clutched against her fingers as the throbbing began. To remain quiet, she bit her lip as her orgasm rushed through her body, causing it to twitch and spasm on their bedroom floor. 

Yes, it had been much too long. Her orgasm seemed like it would never end, nor did she want it to.

While recovering, with her chest still heaving from her new adventure, Michelle imagined her body being like a white, downy feather, floating back and forth down to earth. It was peaceful. Michelle then heard a whistle. Her heart jumped again and she panicked. HOLY SHIT! She wondered if she had time to change the computer screen, or was it too late. She opened her eyes, fearing Derek’s next words. 

She covered her mouth, gently grazing against the warmth of her flushed lips and cheeks, while she slowly removed her wet and sticky hand from between her legs. But she then heard more snoring. Derek was still asleep. She was relieved but wondered what the hell that sound was when she noticed a little black box at the top corner of her tablet’s screen.

It was a message from someone who was asking her to chat. Oh my god! She did not expect that. What to do? What TO DO? With Derek still safely sawing logs behind her, Michelle again said fuck it, and decided to answer and say hello. 

What’s the worst that could happen?

Michelle patiently waited for him. In fact, she had been anxiously waiting all day. They agreed he would contact her after dinner, her time. If Derek was home, she would contact him after her husband fell asleep. If he was working late, then they would do something else. The thought of what that could be intrigued Michelle.

The previous night, while Derek snored away, they had discussed taking it to the next level. They would exchange pictures, which meant much more than smiling faces and fully clothed body shots. There was even talk of trying 'FaceTime' and 'Skype'. 

Michelle nervously thought that she would no longer need to rely on his words for her pleasure. Instead of her words, he could watch her masturbate and orgasm. She could see the big cock he described and watch it cum while he stroked himself to her image and mutual activity. A couple of weeks ago, she would have never considered doing anything like this, but she had become bolder with this cyber experience. 

Yet again, like almost every night over the past two weeks, Derek either came home late and went to straight to bed, or called to say he had to work late. He always apologized because each night, he did not eat the dinner Michelle had prepared for them. She sensed his guilt but his words quickly lost their meaning. 

On this night, he called to say the team was going out for dinner and then was returning to the office. The deadline was looming and there was still so much to finish. Derek’s absence was enough motivation for Michelle to agree to 'Skype' if it was suggested. If he did not, she considered suggesting it herself.

Twenty minutes passed, then thirty. This fucking guy was becoming a disappointment just like her husband. This tardy pattern of his was annoying, and tonight more than ever, was becoming a problem.

Why did he disappear like this?

As much as Michelle wanted to have sex with this man, she was beginning to think she was being played. She was new to this. Her friend did say to be careful because there were some cunts here. Or maybe, he had just overextended himself and was not really the man he portrayed himself to be. Thirty-one minutes. Damn it!

Michelle decided to contact him. 

She searched for his profile to send him a request, but his profile was gone. She typed it again, and the screen glared back saying that profile did not exist. Michelle became furious, tossed her tablet across the bed, and started weeping. She felt humiliated that she let this man lead her on this way. She thought it might have been some punk kid or some old dirt bag that got his kicks leading on desperate women. She then realized what she called herself – a desperate woman - but it was true. She was a desperate, lonely woman in an unsatisfying marriage. She had convinced herself she could find something on line to fill that void in her marriage.

Or maybe, he was married and his wife caught him. Or worse, maybe he really did not find her attractive and did not know how to break it off, so he bolted instead.

Oh, For Fuck Sakes! You Bastard…Fuckstick! Cunt!

Michelle stood naked, now staring at her husband’s side of the bed, shocked that she just called someone the word her friend used. She was also having very nasty thoughts of what she would like to do tonight with Derek’s body while he slept. She knew she was smart enough, but not strong enough to dispose of his corpse. She became enraged that his selfish, inattentiveness pushed her to these lengths. She had become that woman that was searching for on-line love, or lust, or... whatever the fuck it was. 

All she wanted to do was have sex with her husband! What the hell! 

Then, her tablet whistled.

Ready to both tear a strip off of the prick but also forgive him, she lunged across the bed for the tablet. She landed on her stomach with her knees bent and her ankles crossed as she turned over the tablet to look at the blue screen. Shit! 

It was someone else. Without hesitation, she typed hello and sent her reply.

Michelle was more careful this time, but also more aggressive. This time, she was the one in control. Curiously, she appreciated that Rick respected her privacy and did not ask for any pictures. So, she did not ask for any of him. Instead, they exchanged descriptions of one another. Rick said he was an average guy, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and that he liked to workout. He wore a suit and tie that during the day hid a few large and colorful tattoo choices from his youth. Michelle liked tattoos and wanted to see them, but decided not to ask him to send pictures. She hoped she would see them in person since she learned that they lived in the same city.

Michelle quickly became smitten with this new guy. Rick was smart, made her laugh, was very respectful, and seemed emotionally available, something she missed from her husband. They talked about relationships and how lonely they both were. They both just wanted to connect with someone and coincidently, they quickly did with each other. 

Another thing she liked about this guy is that he did not want to cyber with her. Sure, they had been tempted on several occasions, partaking in some vigorous one-handed typing. Many times, she thought of him after they logged off, having more than one orgasm inducing sleep. But, he wanted to be with her. He said that, call him old fashioned, but if they were to have sex, they should have sex. Nothing else could replace that. That was all Michelle needed to hear and she agreed to meet him for coffee.

It had been several weeks since Michelle first read Café Au Lait. At Rick’s suggestion, they would meet at the coffee shop in the Four Seasons hotel downtown. Although she told him about the story and what she liked about it, they never talked about it again.

When she entered the coffee shop, she immediately saw the hallway that led to the washrooms. Part of her wanted to run down that hall and wait for him in the bathroom. Instead, she walked to the counter and ordered the drink and muffin as she said she would. The uneaten muffin displayed on the table was how he would know for certain, who she was. 

The barista told her she would bring her coffee and muffin to her, so Michelle found a table for two in the corner near the hallway. Her mind began to race and wander. The bathroom was right there. 

How cool would that be to re-enact that scene from her favorite story?

After she sat, Michelle became nervous and wondered if a caffeinated beverage was the right choice. She was already shaking.

Derek had missed dinner every night this week. It had gone beyond ridiculous. She found it hard to believe anyone’s work could be this demanding. Alone with her thoughts so many nights, and again now while she waited, she considered that Derek quite possibly was having an affair. The signs were there. She wondered if subconsciously she knew this and that was why it was so easy for her to meet a stranger in a coffee shop, as a prelude to sex. When she shifted in her chair, her body then reminded her how aroused she was.

Michelle watched the barista approach and immediately noticed there was a problem with her order. She ordered both to stay, but her coffee was in a take-out cup and her muffin was in a bag. Before Michelle could speak, the barista handed her an envelope. The girl smiled at Michelle, said an attractive man named Rick asked her to give this to her. She smiled and then returned to her work behind the counter. Michelle looked around searching for anyone fitting Rick’s description, but there was no one that did. Michelle was ready to scream. Another fucking asshole! She was attracting them like flies to shit.

She tore open the envelope and as she unfolded the note, a key card fell out.

Michelle, I trust if you get this note, you are waiting for me in the coffee shop. I am so excited that you agreed to meet me. I’ve wanted to meet you since the first time we talked. I was hoping we could meet in private. Our privacy is important to both of us and I thought that this would be better. I am waiting for you in a suite. You will need this key card to access the dedicated elevator to take you to the suite. The penthouse has a balcony and lovely views of the river valley. I was hoping we could share the coffee and muffin while we talked. Thank you for everything! - Rick

Michelle embarrassingly returned the note to the envelope and placed it in her purse. She felt silly that she had overreacted and almost made a scene in the café. She grabbed her coffee, muffin, and key card, and walked through the lobby to the elevators. She located the one dedicated to the upper floors, walked in and inserted her card. The doors closed and whisked her away to the sixty-fifth floor. She had always wondered what it was like up here. When the doors opened, she noticed there were only two penthouse suites, 6501 to the left and 6502 to the right. 

She stepped right to their suite, pushed the key card in and waited for the light before pushing open the door. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered her a twilight panoramic view of the river valley, and she observed a suite bigger than the main floor of her home. The room was quiet but the noise from the suite’s closing door startled her. She turned and saw another note taped to the door, with an arrow pointing to a blindfold on the door knob. 

Thank you from coming. Please lock the door, remain facing the door, and put the blindfold on. Please, tell me when you are ready.

Except for some scented, flickering candle light, the hotel room was twilight dark, silent, and still. I wanted to smile but I was also afraid. I did not expect this. I’ve watched movies that started this way, and most did not end well. Rick then startled me when, for the first time, I heard his voice.

“Michelle, please face the door,” he whispered from around the corner, reminding me of the note. “Please!”

I hesitated, while unsuccessfully trying to locate Rick’s reflection in one of the large windows, but then I did as he asked. This began to feel familiar, like the story, and I liked it.

Rick then added, “If you have not done so already, please put on the blindfold.” He again added, “Please.”

“What do you want me to do with the muffin and coffee?”

“Oh, right.” 

He had forgotten. I thought that was funny. Maybe, he was nervous too. “Put them on the floor beside you.”

Surprisingly, my hands shook as I did, and they shook even more when I pulled the silk fabric over my hair and down my face. The last light I saw was through the peephole into the abandoned hallway. I jokingly wondered if that would be the last time I saw the light.

I now stood, waiting, patiently, wondering what Rick would do next. I then remembered the note had asked me to inform him when I was ready. I did that.

“Thank you, Michelle. You look stunning this evening. You are a beautiful woman.”

He must been watching me when I arrived at the coffee shop. After I got the note, Rick must have raced to the elevator before me.

“Please raise your hands above your head and place them against the door.”

Again feeling familiar, I raised both hands above my head and crossed my wrists, feeling the first sensations of my long building anticipation. I stood there waiting, and thinking, of that lady in the story. My back began to involuntarily arch, as my upper body leaned into the door, and I presented my back side to my stranger.

He moved fast and his distinctive cologne caught up, washing over me with his masculine scent. It reminded me of mischief and deception. I found myself repeatedly inhaling him as he rested the side of his face against my hair, until his warm breath entered my ear. 

“Hold still,” he again whispered as I felt his hand grab mine, our first real touch. At first, I thought he was using a tie or soft rope to bind my hands, but when I heard the zip-click, I knew whatever he used required a key. It happened so quick I had no time to react.

Rick then stretched my arms until I was on the tips of my toes. He was taller than me, but I still could not tell by how much. His body pressed mine into the door, and the links connecting the soft bracelet caught onto something metal sounding, high above. When I tried to lower myself, I could not, and I remained fully stretched, and on the tips of my toes. If he had not been so gentle, I might have considered this to be something more devious.

Rick quickly released his hold on me and took the coffee and muffin away to the other room. I felt his scented breeze return and it gave me goose bumps. I was now in a position for him to take me any way he wanted. This was different from the story and it was slightly unsettling.

Without warning, I felt both his hands slide around my body, each cupping one of my breasts over my dress. His fingertips traced the pattern of my bra and slowly circled where he thought my nipples would appear. It did not take long before he found them, or rather, they found him.

When I moaned, he just whispered, “Let it out, baby.” And so I did.

After a little play with my nipples through my clothes, Rick forced his body against mine, compressing my breasts against the door. His hands slowly traveled along my belly, and lower, until they reached the hem of my dress, which with my hands hung high, had caused it to be pulled up on my thigh. My skin followed his sliding fingers until I shuddered when they found the waist band of my panties, and then without hesitation, dove inside. My growing ache caused my thighs to clench together while his fingertips followed the natural path on each side of my pelvis.

I now trembled as his fingertips stopped just short of my folds, my dripping wet, fully engorged labia. Rick took his time and just caressed either side, careful not to directly touch them. It was driving me nuts, and he could tell.

“What do you want me to do, Michelle?”

I never thought I would be the girl begging a stranger to fuck me, but that is what I wanted him to do. Before I could answer, he hushed me by softly blowing in one ear. To my frustration, he then removed his touch and stepped away.

Rick, where are you going?

He was not gone long but when he returned, I felt his hands on my hips. He lifted the hem of my dress again, but this time, he pulled my damp panties down, releasing an intensely sexual aroma I had not shared for years. He pulled them to my ankles and tapped on my feet, instructing me to bring them together. I was not sure if he wanted to remove my shoes and then panties, but I brought my ankles together as he wished. I then felt the same soft felt on my ankles as I did my wrists, just above my lowered panties, and then the distinctive clicks. 

Oh shit.

Again, I would have protested but his gentle touch and calming nature comforted me. I was nervous, even more so now having both my wrists and ankles locked together, but I did not feel I was in any danger. I was at his beck and call, his sexual mercy. I just went with it and hoped it would lead where I wanted it to go, that hopefully not being the morgue.

His hands traveled up the outside of my legs and found their way to my hips again. That is when I first felt wetness physically leaving my body and dripping down my inner thighs. There must have been enough flickering candle light for him to see, because he stopped one of the trickling beads with his fingertip. I heard him swallow so I assumed Rick had just had his first taste. 

Rick placed his hand back on my hips, lifting my dress high on my lower back. Given I was on my toes and my arms were stretched above my head, I had little ability to stick my ass out for him, but I did the best I could.

“You have a beautiful ass,” he whispered, but again hushed me before I could respond. His hands now cupped and played with each cheek, the same way he had played with my breasts, probing my flesh like he was checking for freshness before selecting a piece of fruit. My thighs and pelvis quaked, craving that he touch me where I burned. The urge to be filled with something, anything was now overpowering my thought. And that is when he stepped away again.

No! Not again!

Come back, please!

Rick again returned quickly. I heard some rustling behind me, but had no idea what it was. I had hoped he removed his clothes and was ready to fuck me against the door. Please, make my storied dream come true, I pleaded to myself. My lady juices now freely flowed down both sides of my inner thighs. My body was drooling for his attention. I was ready, but he was not. Rick again tapped my feet, giving me instructions.

The best I could, I elevated one foot, and then the other. Rick kept my shoes on but removed my soaked panties. I soon discovered how soaked they were. His sex-scented finger gently circled my mouth, wiggled opened my lips, as I prepared to suck my juices off of his finger. Instead, as he teased open my mouth, he pushed my moist, balled-up panties against my tongue, and told me to close my mouth. It was unexpected and no man had ever done that to me before.

I suspected he anticipated some loud moaning and even some screaming once he started, and that is why he did this. He was right to assume that. It would be difficult for me not to.

Rick lifted my dress higher and tucked the hem into my bra strap across my back, and then said something that chilled me to the bone. My mood instantly changed from prepared arousal to erotic overload.

“You have been a naughty girl, Michelle, haven’t you?”

For a moment, I thought about what he might be referring to. Did he mean naughty in a sexually playful way, or that I was cheating with him on my husband, or was it something completely different. My mind raced for the answer.

Why was he asking me this and what was it he wanted to hear?

Without warning, my ass received the stinging slap of what felt like a large hand. I almost cried out, but knew I shouldn’t, given someone could be on the other side of the door. The fiery strike on my ass clenched my cheeks and I felt my tears pooling, then slowly being absorbed by the blindfold. 

I have seen this and read about this, but never thought this would happen to me. This was not for me. I immediately wanted to bolt, but I couldn’t. I was essentially suspended by my wrists, barely keeping my body weight supported on my toes. I was a defenseless, bare assed, sexual piñata.

Rick then struck me a second time, and then quickly a third, all three seemed stronger, each one leaving an intense burning sensation on my ass. My skin was on fire and yet, between my legs, I felt the flood gates open as my arousal poured out of my body. I felt my warm fluid trickle down, past the side of my knees, around behind them, and down along the backside of my calf. I was uncontrollably leaking all over myself. No one had ever caused me to do this before.

Why would Rick think I would like this? 

Shit. How did he know?

Now trembling with both fear of uncertainty and this crazy new fucking pleasure, I felt his hands under my breasts again, but this time lifting the bra’s fabric, up and over my hard nipples, rubbing against them until they popped up. He then cupped my breasts as he squeezed each one, while nibbling on my ear lobe. I barely heard his whisper through my whimpering, panic-induced hyperventilation. I was both scared and intensely turned on.

“I would like to fuck you now, Michelle, I really would, but I’m not sure you are ready.”

I almost laughed, but dared not for fear of another stinging strike. I was ready the first time we chatted on line. I was damn well ready the moment I woke up this morning. He must know that. 

His teeth held my ear as I felt his one hand leave my breast and those fingers slip between my legs, over my throbbing clit, and easily enter my body. I bucked against the door as he both rubbed and reached the right spots, thrusting his fingers on and inside me, instantaneously jolting me into a massive, dizzying orgasm. 

My shoulders tugged on my bound arms, now screaming from this prolonged position, as my exposed breasts slapped against the cold door. I was screaming in my head, “He made me cum! He made me cum!” as my weakened legs barely held me up. But instead of finger fucking me while I came, he pulled out and started slapping my pussy, adding another excruciating dimension to this experience, almost causing me to pass out.

While still cumming, Rick began to fuck with me, saying, “I’ve changed my mind.”

Oh no! What happened?


I struggled to understand with my messed up mind, as endorphins still charged through my trembling body, and Rick continued to slap my throbbing parts.

“I think I would prefer to fuck you someplace else.”

Oh, thank God!

With a sigh of relief, and in my weakened state, he lifted me, and my hands unlatched from whatever hook device that they had been caught on. As I rested back on my heels, Rick told me to keep my arms in the air as he lifted my dress from my body. I leaned back against him, feeling his sweaty, naked chest, fearing I might tumble over from fatigue. My bra then dropped to the floor as he told me to stand still. In one motion, he lifted me over his shoulder, like a fuck toy prize he had just won in battle, and was now taking it back to breed in his cave. It felt so deliciously primal.

Rick carried me a few steps, passed the aroma of my coffee, until he carefully lowered me, into a sitting position, onto the edge of what felt like a large bed. He placed my cuffed hands between my legs then turned me over, rolling me until my face rested down, between two pillows. I felt how incredibly wet I was but as much as I wanted to, I refrained from touching myself. I was again in a compromised position. It would be easy for him to strike me again, given my ass was facing him. Although I thought about it, I was not certain I wanted to feel that sting again. 

Rick removed my shoes and I was now naked, bound, and completely compromised, under his control. It then struck me that another man, a man other than my husband, has just made me cum harder than I could remember. But this submission, this taking of my body, had dominated my thoughts for so long, that I surprisingly felt no guilt or worry. My husband should have done this to me years ago. I needed this more than anyone could have known, including me.

“Lift,” was all he said as he motioned with one hand along my hip. I scrunched like an accordion and he placed a pillow under me, relieving some lower back pressure, and better presenting my entrances to him. 

Shit! I just thought entrances.

Oh God, what is he doing to me?

Rick then adjusted my hands so my finger tips were in direct contact with my hot, little button.

“Do as I say, do you understand?”

I nodded I did the best I could given my face being lodged between two large, downy pillows. I knew a threat when I heard one. To remind me of what could come, he used my tender cheeks as support, placing his hands right where he had struck me, when he climbed over and straddled my body. His hot cock then fell against the crack of my ass and his warm balls rested against the back of my thighs. I was moments away from feeling another man inside me. It would not take me long to cum again. I just knew it.

Rick leaned back and pressed my calves to the mattress as I felt his rigid cock slide between my greasy cheeks. The smooth head rubbed along my star and then along my slick lips, parting them as it passed. My shudder made my body jiggle, and I felt the fleshy ripples from head to toe. I felt his eyes glaring at my entrance, watching his cock rub along my labia, teasing my body to beg for his cock. The delay was torture. My body screamed to let him in.

With each pass, I hoped it was the one, the one he would push inside. I begged, I pleaded, and I even began to pray. Finally, my prayers were answered, but before they were, Rick grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled my head back as if they were reins.

His cock held its position and rested at my inflamed opening. He then said it again.

“You have been a naughty girl, Michelle, haven’t you?”

Before I could ask myself why he again asked that, Rick slowly pressed his cock into me, parting me slowly but smoothly, not stopping for any of the sounds I was making from my opening’s stretch. Once the head was in, he pulled out slightly, causing me to beg again, and then Rick thrust into me with all his force, until his hips hit my cheeks and my head snapped back like I was howling at the moon.

The combination of the pain from him pulling my hair, and the scream from the sudden filling of my body, numbed my brain again. I couldn’t think. I felt my eyes roll back into my head. I was again dizzy and felt like passing out. I was nowhere yet I knew where I was. All I could do was feel what was happening, and take whatever he gave me, that being his cock now repeatedly slamming into my body. This was no love making, it was an all-out fucking war.

His thrusts quickened and each time he slammed into me, he pulled my hair back. I could feel the tension in my jaw line and the pressure on my stretched throat made it harder to breathe and swallow. I became hoarse and needed air and water. He maintained his rhythmically fast pace, grinding his hips into me like he was rocking in a saddle. He fucked me like he knew I needed to be fucked, and then did something to again push me over the edge.

“Do you feel your clit, Michelle?”

Damn. I had completely forgotten where my hand was. The entire time, his thrusting had caused me to rub myself. And at that very same moment, the moment I realized I was in contact with myself, Rick stuck his thumb into my ass and I exploded beneath him.

I stopped breathing and shook, and felt the tension start in my face and travel out my thumb-plugged ass. This time, he did not stop thrusting as I came, and kept rocking my body, fucking me with wild, reckless abandon. Both his hand on my hair and his hand, on and in my ass, gripped harder to give him more leverage as he sped up, fucking me hard through my convulsing body. It seemed like he was never going to stop.

While I was still experiencing weakening shakes and tremors, Rick did pull out of my body, turned me over, crawled forward, and told me to open my mouth. Now straddling my face, he quickly pulled out my panties and replaced them with the head of his hot and slippery cock.

My flavor was all over him and I wanted so desperately to see him now, more than anything, but the blindfold held tight. Rick leaned forward, forcing more of his cock into my mouth, and then he grabbed the sides of my head, fucking my throat hard and fast, something I had not allowed to be done for a very, very long time. I instinctively used the portion of hands that I could move, cupped his ass, and pulled him forward with each remaining thrust. 

He then said it one more time, “You have been a naughty girl, Michelle, haven’t you?” and growled as he shot the back of my throat with that familiar warm, creamy white seed. I tried my best not to gag, but he came so much that it was hard not to gag a little.

“Swallow every last drop, Michelle. EVERY fucking last drop.”

I tried my best and did, pulse after pulse until there was no more. Rick then leaned back and placed his hands on my hips, telling me to continue sucking his softening cock, swallowing all traces of his straggling semen. We remained in this position for several minutes, until his cock finally felt flaccid in my mouth. He finally rolled off and lay beside me, his body shaking from all the effort. As we both began to regain our breath, Rick chuckled, a deep-voiced man giggle, and the sound reminded me of something. 

A song? 

A tune?

A nursery rhyme? 

No, it was something else. I could not place it, but it sounded familiar. Maybe, something I heard on the radio or at the gym? Damn it, I hate getting an ear worm.

Rick then whispered for me not to move and that he would return shortly. I now lay on my back, mouth flavored by his cum, while I imagined my pussy gaped wide open and red, and fucked numb, ankles bound together, bound hands resting together on my mound, and my blindfolded head tucked between two big, fluffy pillows, with my blindfolded, flushed face looking at the ceiling.

What a bloody vision I must be.

I assumed Rick was getting something to clean our sexy mess, or maybe he was returning with a drink for me to cleanse my palate, or damn, maybe he was taking pictures. Shit! But Rick had not done any of those things. Instead, he went further than I could have ever imagined.

Tears immediately filled Michelle’s eyes when she heard the first flawless chord from his guitar. 

With her handcuffed hands, Michelle ripped off her blindfold and sat up to see her husband playing the song he had written for her, and sang to her on their wedding day. Michelle lost control and uncontrollably sobbed. Dabbing her weeping eyes with the blindfold, she watched Derek’s own emotion challenge him, but being the consummate professional that Derek was, he finished the song, with no missed chords or wavering of voice. Just like on their wedding day so many years before.

This night had been a long time coming.

Derek later explained how one evening, he woke to the blue light from Michelle’s computer. He watched, and after some time, he realized what Michelle was doing. And, he also realized what he had not done. 

Derek said he got scared. He thought he had lost his wife to the man behind the screen. Their conversations were intense. Derek has unintentionally abandoned his wife and his commitment to her.

Derek guessed, seeing her screen name, and knowing Michelle was a creature of habit, her not-so-secure password. He then, in a very convincing manner, told the other guy he was a cyber security consultant, and that it was in his best interest to leave the married lady alone. He assured him if he did not, Derek would educate the man’s wife about the horny, cheating married man’s nocturnal activities. That was all that was needed to make him disappear. Derek rolled the dice, gambling that the man was married, and won.

In an obscure way, Michelle felt somehow, that her husband had defended her honor. It both surprised and pleased her that her hardworking IT husband was that conniving. 

Derek admitted he had work to do. Michelle countered that they had work to do, but she loved him and that they were in this together. Derek then renewed his vow, kneeling at his bride’s feet, proclaiming that he would never take his beautiful wife for granted again. She held his head against her naked belly, the one that bore them their children, as she uncontrollably sobbed again. This was what her life was missing. This is what it was supposed to be. She was grateful it was getting a second chance.

Derek then directed Michelle’s attention to the weekend bag he had packed, and told her that he had made arrangements for their eldest to care for the other children. They would celebrate their renewed love and commitment for the rest of the weekend. He told her he had also planned for a few more surprises.

Later, as they lay in bed, Derek on his back with her belly on his side, both glowing after another round of, albeit a more passionate session of love making, and with Michelle holding her cold coffee on her husband’s chest and sharing with him the muffing that sat beside it, she gripped Derek’s balls with her free hand. 

“RICK, if you ever spank me again, I’ll cut your fucking balls off.”

Derek smiled at his beautiful wife, recognizing her thinly veiled threat as being a playful, little fib, and began rubbing her flushed ass with the palm of his hand. Michelle’s eyes widened as Derek continued his circular motion, causing her soft, fleshy ass to redden again from the friction. She may not have realized this turned her on, but he did, when her pelvis began to gently grind against his thigh. 

Michelle gripped the cup when she felt his hand rise above her ass. She placed her face in the space between his arm and his chest, arched up her ass, and waited for his bare-handed slap on her sweaty skin. 

She also thought Derek was right. She had been a naughty girl… and Michelle planned to behave that way for a very, very long time.



"When I first read Cafe Au Lait by Ping, I never imagined that not only would it spark such a wonderful friendship but also lead to my own writing as well. I could never give my friend enough gratitude for his constant guidance, encouragement, laughter, for being a shoulder to cry on and also being there to share the joy. You are the brother I wish I had and I wish you all the happiness in the world that you deserve."



Same as A Long Time Coming Videos

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Springtime on the Farm

It’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...

4 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 5 Lazy Springtime Dreams

Eventually Joan Simpson stopped gesticulating with her hands and just pointed to a building through the trees that she wanted Hank and Lynn to take the car up to. Once the car was parked the proprietor of the Success Nudist Resort would catch up with them and give them all a proper tour of the facilities. This naked woman then disappeared back into the Admin Building leaving Hank and Lynn to climb back into the car and drive up to the building she had pointed out to them. Tom just sat there...

2 years ago
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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

2 years ago
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Second Comings

Second Comings Part I: August Jordan Secord had, like so many professors in this day and age, managed to avoid a tenure tracked position at any reputable university with a breathtaking adroitness that had left his many peers dumbfounded. How could an intellect so curious, a historian and practitioner of American foreign policy of such wide achievement not have been snapped up by a Harvard or a Princeton? It just made no sense at all. Secord was indeed generally well-regarded wherever he...

3 years ago
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Mistress playtime Pt 2

I untie you and move you to the bed. I restrain you to the bed by tying your hands above your head, then spreading your legs. By doing this I have great access to your ass. I look at you looking at me, waiting. I leave your nipples and cock alone for now and get to work on your ass. Using lube and a toy. I get between your legs. My nails are sharp but short. I have to really dig into your skin to scrape you and leave red marks behind. I scrape my finger nails up your inner thighs and grab your...

3 years ago
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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

2 years ago
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Longhorns Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment! ***** It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth… ‘Don’t tell her where I...

2 years ago
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Longhorns Ch 03

Author’s Note: This is Meredith’s chapter, I plan to write a concluding chapter wrapping up the story from all sides next. This one took me a long time to complete, thanks to a ton of travel recently. Hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint. This might take a bit of a left turn for the Romance category, which is somewhat monogamy-oriented, so caveat emptor. As always, I appreciate all your feedback, and I hope this chapter lives up to the story so far. -Theworldspins ***** When it got dark, the...

3 years ago
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Longhorns Ch 02

***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins*** There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum. Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut. ‘This one’s from Madison,’...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

4 years ago
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                         - Everlong -Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Don't rape people in real life,don't kidnap them and don't stick needles into them against theirwill.She's lying on a bed, naked, arms and legs spread. Coils of rope bindher hands and wrists to the posts of the bed. It is warm, almost hotin this windowless cellar, lit by countless candles of red and whiteon the floor, on shelves on the wall. Her body is stretched, her firmbreasts riding high, her skin golden in the...

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When Times Are Toughby: counterparts199Mature audiences only - I'm a pacifist, and this is fantasy:"Times have been tougher.  Since the nuclear wars society has rebounded and then stabilized.  International treaty had hopefully made nuclear war a thing of the past.  A rule of order has been established, creating strong senses of border, and allowing the full weight of a strong United Nations to come to bear on any nation crossing another's line.  The only major exceptions are excessive...

2 years ago
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