Righting Wrongs
- 4 years ago
- 43
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One day, at about 9 in the evening, the Brigadier’s attendant came running to us and said, “Saab is not well. He has fever. Please call the doctor. He has instructed me not to call anyone but just inform you.”
We were about to go to bed. Sumi was in her night gown and was preparing to put the children to bed. As soon as she heard that, she dropped everything and rushed to the Brigadier, leaving me to finish the job. I joined her later. She said that the Brigadier had a high fever. He was semi-conscious. I phoned the doctor. The doctor was not in town. On the phone, he asked us to give him some medicines. The servant went and fetched the medicines from a local store. The doctor told us that we should watch the Brigadier for the whole night and not let his body temperature rise.
Soon after we administered the required medicines to the Brigadier and were seated by his bedside; the Brigadier’s attendant got a phone call from his town. The attendant’s father was on the deathbed. The attendant told us that he had to leave immediately right then, but he was reluctant to leave because of the Brigadier’s condition.
Sumi asked him to leave immediately and told him that we would look after the Brigadier. The Brigadier had two attendants. One was already on leave. That meant that Sumi and I had to take care of the Brigadier at least for the next two days.
After the attendant left, I checked the Brigadier’s fever and pulse. He had a high temperature. We had to apply wet sponge on his forehead constantly. The next day was a school day and the children had to go to school. Sumi went back to our house and returned after an hour with some “Khichuri’ (Rice and Lentil mixed porridge). I woke up the Brigadier. Sumi served him and made him eat some of it. She then asked me to go to our house to check if the children had gone to sleep or not and to secure the doors properly.
I did as I was told and returned after about forty-five minutes to relieve my wife. When I was about to enter the room, I was a bit surprised at the sight I saw inside. My wife sat with her legs folded with the Brigadier’s head in her lap. She rested on the bed-head. The Brigadier lay under a blanket. She was applying wet cotton sponge on his forehead and gently massaging it with her fingers of one hand. Her other hand was inside his blanket. She perhaps was caressing his hairy chest to feel his fever. The Brigadier saw me. Feeling awkward, he tried to move away from my wife’s lap. I waved him to stay as he was and I sat on a sofa just adjoining the bed.
I told the Brigadier, “It’s okay. You have high fever. The doctor has asked us to be in constant attendance and you are going to follow our commands until you get well. So just be a good guy and follow our commands. Okay? We are going to be with you through the night”
The Brigadier meekly nodded his head, looked at Sumi and closed his eyes. He seemed to fall asleep gradually under the tender caresses and forehead sponging by my wife Sumi.
I asked Sumi if she would like to go home and rest. I told her that I would attend to the Brigadier whilst she could go home and be fresh in the morning for tomorrow to be with the Brigadier. She refused and asked me to go home instead; if I wanted to. She said she was fine. She had to perform her duty, she said. She was determined to stay with the Brigadier through the night. I decided not to pursue the matter further. I sat on the sofa and stayed there in case the Brigadier’s health worsens and if Sumi needs any assistance.
Some hours passed. I must have dozed off. When I woke up, I found that my wife Sumi had fallen off to sleep with the Brigadier’s head still in her lap. She had leaned on the brigadier with her chin almost resting on the Brigadier’s chest. My wife’s lovely firm and ample bosoms pressed onto the Brigadier’s face. I got up, touched the Brigadier’s hand. It was hot. I switched off the lights and sat on the sofa resting by the back of the sofa. I could still see them in dull light.
I decided to pretend to fall asleep and wanted to see if something happened. Nothing happened for a while as all were asleep. After some time, I sensed that the Brigadier shook a little. He sensed my wife’s bosoms pressing onto his face and covering his nostrils. He spoke something softly to my wife. Sumi woke up with a start she sat up straight and resumed sponging the Brigadier’s forehead. The Brigadier gave out a faint grunt. He still had some fever. Soon his regular breathing told me that he fell asleep.
Sumi saw me sleeping whilst sitting on the sofa. She got up from the bed. She shook me to wake me up and told me in a hushed voice to quietly stretch my body and lie down on the sofa and go to sleep. I signalled that I could sponge the Brigadier’s forehead and she could sleep for a while. However, she just repeated her earlier instructions. I nodded, picked up a blanket covered myself fully and stretched on the sofa and pretended to fall off to sleep. I was just an arm’s length away from them. I had kept a peeping gap in the blanket and could see them clearly from where I was.
Sumi, returned to the Brigadier’s bed. This time she sat by the Brigadier’s side (between the Brigadier and me) folding her legs to stay on the bed and resumed sponging the Brigadier’s forehead, caressing his chest and neck by occasionally inserting her hand in his blanket to feel his body temperature. She sat in an uncomfortable posture and after a while, she again dozed off to sleep. When her head fell on the Brigadier’s head again, she woke up, resumed sponging with her upper hand. To be a bit more comfortable, she stretched her legs a little along the side of the brigadier and folded her knees, turning towards the Brigadier, facing him, putting the weight of her head on her lower arm. She lay awkwardly on the edge of the bed. I feared lest she might fall off the bed in the position that she was in.
Again she fell asleep and her head slipped off her palm’s support. To stay on the bed with some comfort, she gradually stretched full length to lie by the side of the Brigadier with her face facing the Brigadier. Her one hand rested on the Brigadier’s head with the sponge in her fingers and the other folded to support her head. Nothing happened for a while. Then I saw the Brigadier move a little. He must have opened his eyes and seen Sumi’s face close to his. She was fast asleep, snoring a little. He raised his head to look if I was asleep. He must have noticed that my wife was resting almost on the edge of the bed. I lay quietly and breathed as if I was in deep sleep.
Brigadier’s fever seemed to have gone down. Reassured that I was fast asleep, He gently removed the sponge from Sumi’s hand. He then gently rested her hand on her full length body taking care not to wake her. Sumi gave out a few grunts but remained asleep. The Brigadier pulled Sumi closer to him so as to increase the space between her and the edge of the bed and enveloped her in an embrace in his arms.
I was not sure if Sumi was too sleepy to notice that or pretended to be so. Sumi’s face was opposite the Brigadier’s face. The Brigadier pulled my wife closer to him. They were both lying close to each other’s body. The Brigadier was inside the blanket and Sumi outside. Seeing them in that condition, made my cock harden. This was the first time that I watched my wife lying close to another male.
It must be the Brigadier’s moustaches tickling my wife’s nose that Sumi seemed to have woken up suddenly after a while and saw that she was in close embrace with the Brigadier. She raised her head a little and looked behind at me to see that I was fast asleep. She then whispered something in the Brigadier’s ears that I could not hear. The Brigadier murmured something back and pulled my wife still closer to his body.
Sumi mumbled something cosy and snuggled up to the Brigadier in his arms. I thought she said something like, ‘it is cold’. The Brigadier pulled his blanket over sumi. They were both covered inside the Brigadier’s blanket. I was sad as well as excited. Sad, that I would not be able to watch movements of their hands from outside. Excited because at that point, they were then completely entwined in a close and intimate embrace with each other with the Brigadier’s arm over my wife and perhaps exploring her shapely behind.
My cock was on fire. I quietly opened my fly and took my enlarged cock out in my hand and began to crank it slowly. I felt from the movements inside the blanket that the Brigadier’s fingers were exploring my wife’s back and reaching down her buttocks. It was clear that Sumi was awake and did not offer any resistance. However, Sumi did turn her head behind once in a while to ensure that I was asleep.
Again some minutes ticked by. Both of them fell asleep and nothing significant happened. I felt that it was time to move forward. I inserted my hand inside the blanket and pinched my wife’s buttocks hard and pushed her into the Brigadier to hint to her that I was awake and that I wanted her to let the Brigadier explore her more. At the same time, I began to snore louder. This was a clear signal to her that I won’t mind her moving ahead.
Sumi caught my hand and pinched it back to signal that she understood my desire. She quickly removed the blanket over both of them. She murmured, “Oh! It’s hot inside the blanket” and cuddled up to the Brigadier. Either she felt hot inside or she wanted me to witness their playact.
She again whispered, a little louder, “How are you feeling dear? Are you feeling better now?” into the Brigadier’s ears in a sleepy tone. Her addressing the Brigadier as ‘Dear’, seemed to have stirred up the Brigadier a little and he began to press Sumi harder with both his hands close into his body.
It was obvious to me from the energetic moves of the Brigadier that the Brigadier’s fever was completely gone by that time. Seeing his dream girl close in his arms and her addressing him as ‘Dear’; he seemed to have all his energy and virility flowing through his veins. I increased the sound of my snoring to give both of them the sense of comfort that they badly needed to sooth their nerves, which must be tense at that point of time.
The Brigadier gradually rose over my wife and rested his mouth on her lips. Sumi saw him looming on her face. She was slightly surprised. However, she adjusted her face and let the Brigadier kiss her hard on her lips with, “mmm…..” I was thrilled to see my wife kissed by another male for the first time. I was sure, she was thrilled equally.
They both kept kissing for some time. I heard her mmm… and the Brigadier’s aaahhhs…” I knew the Brigadier’s joy knew no bounds. This was his dream come true. His nostrils had not smelled female fragrance for a long time. He had no occasion to feel a woman’s lips and body close to his for longer than he cared to remember. Besides, he was not kissing just any woman. He was kissing the woman he was masturbating and ejaculating for. I could guess that his throbbing cock must have been rock hard and must be poking into the split between my wife’s thighs.
The Brigadier’s hand was running up and down the length of my wife’s gown exploring her back and squeezing Sumi’s buttocks hard. He kept running his fingers all along the curves of Sumi’s curvaceous behind. He wanted perhaps to remember each of her curves, so that when alone, he would resurrect the information from his memory and relish the details later. He was trying to feel her buttock muscles and ass crack. Sumi giggled when she felt the Brigadier’s hand feeling her buttocks. Breaking the kiss for a few seconds, she murmured and I could hear her clearly, “Prem, you are driving me nuts. You are making me hot.”
They kept kissing and feeling each other for some time, making my cock fully erect.
Sumi reciprocated the kisses of the Brigadier heartily and sucked on his tongue. There was muffled slurping sound of their lips and tongues licking each other’s skin and sucking each other’s saliva. Breaking the lip lock only to speak, the Brigadier mumbled into my wife’s ears, “Gosh! You are lovely Sumi…. are you up to it….?”
Sumi murmured back, “Are you ok, darling? You had high ever. You think you can….? Do you want to…?” She then trailed off into significant silence, her lips sucked back into kissing her lover.
I could sense the Brigadier’s impatience. He kept kissing her hard and then after a gap of a few seconds, trying hard to keep his voice down, he whispered, “I am fit like a horse; as perhaps you can feel. I am ready more than ever, if you are and if you think we can, honey…”
Out of breath, slowly both disengaged from a long and passionate kiss. Sumi turned over on her side resting on the bed on her back. The Brigadier gently rested one of his hands over Sumi and kept caressing Sumi’s face, neck and portion above her breasts in such a way that his hand occasionally just brushed her breasts. As soon as it brushed them he would withdraw his hand quickly. Sumi understood that the Brigadier desired to feel her breasts, but lacked the courage to touch them.
She caught his hand and placed it on one of her breasts. This was just the signal the Brigadier was waiting for. Having got the go-ahead, he slowly pushed apart the flaps of Sumi’s gown and inserted his hand inside. When the Brigadier fumbled with the bra, Sumi rose a little in the bed and unclasped the straps of her bra.
That moment must have been of monumental importance for the Brigadier. He was feeling my wife’s that part, which had made him sleepless for many nights. I was afraid lest he might ejaculate simply by the feel of my wife’s luscious breasts. As he felt my wife’s naked breasts in his hands, I felt him jerk visibly.
The Brigadier was becoming impatient to move forward, whilst my wife was trying to restrain him, whispering in his ears that I was sleeping close by. At the same time, she did not resist his moves.
I again punched Sumi from behind to push her to move ahead. I heard her grumble a little acknowledging my push. She made the Brigadier turn and rest on his back and slowly rose her head and upper body a little and rested her head on one of her palms. Pretending to look behind at me to check, if I was awake, with the other hand, she began to fumble with the Brigadier’s trouser’s’ fly. The Brigadier quickly opened his trouser’s zip to extract out his hard and fully erect cock that uncurled like a fat snake getting up from its hole, ready to attack the opponent.
I kept looking at the fully erect flagpole of a cock standing atop the Brigadier. I was sure Sumi looked at it with complete bewilderment too. She was a bit hesitant to feel it. Then she gently touched it. I gave her a nudge from behind her. She looked back at me and winked at me smilingly as if hinting to me that she was going forward as per my instructions.
Sumi began to stroke the Brigadier’s big penis with slow deliberate movements, rubbing his foreskin and spreading his pre-cum lubricating all parts of his thick and long shaft. I saw the Brigadier tightening himself up in the bed in ecstasy; it was a long time since any woman had touched his cock. She caught his testicles and gently caressed them, lifted and felt them and lovingly massaged them in her palm with her delicate fingers as only she knew how.
The Brigadier caught Sumi’s one free hand and kissed it to express his gratitude for giving him the treatment. The Brigadier was on cloud nine. He had not expected Sumi to offer herself to him on a platter. He had been dreaming of Sumi and masturbating himself to ejaculation daily. It was just too much for him to see the same dream girl pumping his cock in his bed.
The Brigadier slowly rose from the bed and took a good look at me. He asked her in low whispering voice (and that time, I could hear him), “Is he asleep?”
Sumi saw him looking at me, she told him, “Don’t worry. He sleeps like a log. You cannot wake him now even if you beat drums in his ears.”
I heard it and poked a finger hard into my wife’s bum’s crack to hint to her that I heard her. She gave out a muffled ‘ouch’ as the result. The Brigadier wondered and asked her in a hushed tone, ‘What happened?”
Sumi replied, “Nothing. Perhaps a bed bug.” She whispered back to him.
The Brigadier was hard at work on my wife’s ripe breasts. He had pulled down my wife’s gown well below her breasts and had removed her bra with a little bit of cooperation from Sumi. The Brigadier caught one of her breasts in one hand and sucked on the other breast whilst he caressed my wife’s torso with his other hand inserting his other hand inside my wife’s gown.
Sumi tugged at the vest of the Brigadier and asked him, “How are you feeling Prem? Are you feeling temperature anymore? Do you think you can dispense with this?”
The Brigadier replied in clear voice removing his vest and resuming sucking Sumi’s breast, “I never felt better. I am horny as hell, as you can see.”
Sumi began kissing the Brigadier’s hairy chest. Sumi’s other hand was busy caressing and shagging the Brigadier’s cock. She was astonished to feel the Brigadier’s cock as big and thick and hard as a rod. She asked the Brigadier,
“Prem, you are hard as a rock. Did you ever fancy me in this way in your arms dear?”
Without hesitation, the Brigadier replied, “Every day without fail. I watched you in wet clothes doing exercises. I ejaculated almost daily. However, I just fancied this. I never thought this would ever happen in reality. I cannot say how much thankful I am. You have made me many years younger.”
Sumi said, “Don’t thank me, Prem. We are lovers now. Lovers never thank each other for their love. You don’t have to masturbate now on. I will not like your semen to be wasted. I want to take it in as much as I can. Don’t worry. I am not going to be pregnant. You have earned my love. One is either destined or deserves to be a relative. You deserve to be my love. Lovers do all they can, for each other; without thanking or expecting thanks.”
Sumi kept cranking the Brigadier’s rod. From behind her I again nudged her, egging her on to move faster. She pulled the Brigadier’s trousers down. The Brigadier quickly pulled down his trousers and got rid of his under wear. He was fully naked on the bed. Sumi kept playing with his testicles and with the girth of his thick cock.
The Brigadier made Sumi to sit up in bed so that he could pull Sumi’s gown over her shoulders. They were both fully naked on the bed.
Playing with the Brigadier’s big shaft, Sumi said, “Prem, you have a thick and big cock. How is it so even at this age?”
“Well, Sumi, for one, I try to remain fit through long walks and exercises. That plays a part. But the most important part is you.” Pointing at his cock he continued, “Today he has seen an opportunity to meet a beautiful companion and he wants to impress the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.”
I could see Sumi blushing profusely at the compliment. She kicked a punch in the Brigadier’s rib and said, “Don’t flatter me falsely. I am not the prettiest woman you have seen.”
The Brigadier was slowly getting rid of his hesitation with Sumi. He pulled my wife on his lap. She must have felt the Brigadier’s rock hard cock on her pussy. Perhaps she adjusted her position to take his cock between her thighs without letting it enter her. She caught his head between her hands and pulled his mouth on her mouth inviting him to kiss her.
However, before mating with her lips, the Brigadier said, “I do not know of any prettier woman than you are. You are not just pretty for the eyes. You are pretty at heart. You are indeed the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on. I know you are driven by compassion for this old man.”
Sumi put her finger on the Brigadier’s lips and was quick to reply back. “Don’t give me that credit. Believe me, Prem, I was taken in the first time I saw you. You may be aged. However, I knew you are young where it matters.” By mistake, she blurted out that I had told her that the Brigadier had a long cock. However, the Brigadier did not seem to notice that.
He said, “Whatever; you are indeed the most wonderful thing that has happened to me at this stage in my life. I feel as if I am reborn to....” before the Brigadier could complete his sentence, Sumi jumped on him and kissed him hard repeatedly saying in between breaths, “You speak too much. Don’t speak. Kiss me. Make love to me.”
That was too much for me to bear. I began cranking my cock faster. I wanted them to fuck quickly. However, Sumi was playing games with the Brigadier. She was delaying the inevitable. Was it because she was apprehensive about his long and thick manhood causing her some pain? Or did she want to excite me? I wondered.
They kissed so intently and for so long that they were bound to be out of breath. Both trying to regain their breath, separated. Prem laid Sumi gently on the bed. He spread his one palm on Sumi’s body and rested it at her navel hesitating to massage her pussy area. Sumi caught it and made him rub his palm on her pubic area. She then whispered, “Prem, tonight, I am yours. Don’t hesitate. Make love to me as much as you want. But pray be silent. I would rather my hubby remained asleep.”
The Brigadier looked at me. I continued pretending I was fast asleep. However, I smiled tongue in cheek. I felt that we would have to make the Brigadier aware that I was in this too. However, the time would be of my wife’s choosing.
The Brigadier spread his large palm over my wife’s lovely pubic area and caressed it lovingly. Sumi always kept her pussy clean and shaved. The Brigadier was pleased with the smoothness he felt when he caressed Sumi’s pubic region. He said, “Sumi, you are nice and smooth.”
“Do you like it this way, Prem?” Asked Sumi.
“I love it darling.” said the Brigadier taking the initiative to call my wife ‘Darling’.
“Well, Raj always likes me clean shaven and smooth there.” hinted Sumi about my existence.
“Can I suck you there?” asked the Brigadier.
“I said, do what you want. Don’t ask. Remember, you are now my love darling.” replied Sumi getting a little irritated, yet responding to ‘darling’ from the Brigadier.
“I am yours for the whole night. You may suck me, fuck me and do everything except anal sex. I don’t like it. We never do it. Look, Prem, now we have a relationship that is far beyond that of neighbours or even friends. I and my husband Raj both are on the same page regarding this. Today my willingness to be shared by you has manifested because of your fever and our concern for you. I decided today to confirm our relationship. My husband and I would like you to share me with my husband. We both agree that you deserve a female companion and I and my husband both feel and you will perhaps agree with us that I could be as good a companion for you as you can get. Do you agree?”
The Brigadier was overawed at my wife’s frankness. He was touched. He meekly nodded his head. Sumi saw the Brigadier’s expressions and said, “Come now, my lover, prepare me to serve you.” She grabbed the Brigadier’s head and signalled him to move towards her legs.
The Brigadier gingerly moved towards her legs and made my wife spread her legs far apart. He slid down to at the end of the bed to place his mouth between her legs. Oh! What a sight it was! It looked as if the Brigadier was trying to find his lost youth between her legs (which I thought, he indeed was). Sumi spread her legs wide enough to let Prem dig his head deep between them licking and poking her clit with his tongue. Whilst he was digging his tongue deep into the recess of my wife’s spread out cunt, he was also squeezing her breasts and occasionally pinching her nipples with one hand. The Brigadier wanted to drive her to a point, which would compel her to beg the Brigadier to mount and fuck her.
I must admit grudgingly that he was doing a good job it; because as the result of his actions, Sumi was undergoing unprecedented convulsions with her body shaking and ‘Ooohh…’ and ‘Ahhh…’ repeatedly escaping her lips even when she was trying hard to remain silent.
I did offer this treatment to my wife often. However, either I would get tired too soon or she would not get the ecstatic moments that I thought I would have liked to give her. On the other hand, the Brigadier’s stamina far exceeded mine and he was able to extract such grunts, sighs, giggles and exclamations from Sumi; which I was never able to do. From the way Sumi began sighing and moaning, it was evident that she was nearing her orgasm.
And the Brigadier was in a hurry for her to expedite it. He certainly knew how to drive his paramour to the highest level of ecstasy. I could now relate to what he had told me about his experiences in his active service. The Brigadier withdrew his mouth and replaced his tongue with a finger of his hand. He then inserted one finger into her pussy hole and began to gently massage her clitoris.
Sumi was just about to explode with her first orgasm and with the Brigadier’s finger digging into her love hole, she did with a rather loud sigh. This let loose all the restraint Sumi could manage in spite of the highly titillating activities from the Brigadier. She was trying hard to control her decibels. However, she could barely able to control her ecstasy. She started crying out to the Brigadier, “What are you doing, Prem? This is driving me nuts. Oh… Ahhh…”
I knew she was having a huge orgasm. He clit was her weakest point. When I needed to pep her up; that was the formula I used and now the Brigadier also learned of my secret weapon. She shook and trembled for a while, closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh enjoying her high.
She then stretched her hands to invite the Brigadier to come in her arms. The Brigadier climbed up atop her gently, taking care not to put any weight on her. His thick and long penis hung down. Sumi held his penis in her one hand whilst held the Brigadier’s head in her other hand moving her fingers through his hair and guiding his lips onto her lips in a passionate and hungry kiss. I could clearly see that she was hot as hell to get fucked by the long and fat cock of the Brigadier. I could hardly blame her for that.
The Brigadier kissed her for some time and raised himself to kiss her long and thick hair. He then descended to kiss and lick her neck with his tongue. He kept kissing her neck for some time, then began kissing her breasts and above. His saliva was flowing down my wife’s juicy breasts. I could see that Sumi was relishing each brush of the Brigadier’s tongue on her lithe body. She twitched her eyelids or gave out an ecstatic moan as he brushed her tongue on sensitive parts of her body.
When the Brigadier reached her navel, Sumi twitched. The Brigadier poked his tongue into her navel and rubbed it around affectionately to arouse Sumi. Sumi caught his head and pushed it to between her legs. After licking her vaginal area and inserting his tongue into her pussy for a while, the Brigadier again resumed kissing Sumi, this time slowly, lovingly but seductively, rubbing and caressing her breasts and other sensitive parts of Sumi’s body, whilst my lovely wife held his head in her hands caressing his cock with the other.
Sumi was hot and ready for the final action. She extended her hand surreptitiously in my direction and caught my arm. She pinched my arm hard. She wanted to notify me that she was then ready to be fucked by her new found paramour. I immediately pinched her back to confirm my approval.
Sumi pushed the Brigadier to make him come on top of her. She adjusted her body on the bed and rubbed the Brigadier’s hanging long john on her pussy lips. The state of her horniness was evident by the way her juice flowed out from her pussy. The Brigadier’s cock was hard and ready to reach the unknown depths of my wife’s interior, where no one except me had ever entered.
She rubbed his cock on the periphery of her pussy lips so as to lubricate his thick cock for easier passage. She then inserted tip of his cock into her fold of pussy lips to feel a new chapter in her life. She looked intently at her paramour’s face. Their eyes met. The Brigadier smiled lovingly at her and bent and kissed her lips and then one of her breasts. I could see Sumi blush and let out a half smile. Having gone as far as that, she must be wondering in her mind if her decision was right; although she knew it was too late to speculate on that.
The Brigadier was more than ready to taste the feel of his manhood entering, playing with and rubbing the most sensitive interiors of his dream woman. He knew it would be something more than what he had ever experienced even at the prime of his youth. He looked up to the ceiling. I guessed, perhaps he was thanking the almighty for offering him the opportunity to serve his most beloved woman, who was in his arms under him waiting for him to make love to her.
Perhaps, my Sumi read his mind and murmured, ‘What are you thinking darling? I am the luckiest woman today. You have been and are a very distinguished soldier and commander of a brigade with thousands of soldiers ready to sacrifice their lives at your single command. However, today you are my love slave and my own lover, who will perform his services for my personal pleasure. Of course, I shall also do the same for you.”
The Brigadier smiled, bent and kissed her nipple and straightened. He focused his attention between her legs and gently made an entry into her waiting pussy. The entry was a bit tight and a small sigh escaped Sumi’s lips. However, she smiled encouragingly at her lover looming over her.
The Brigadier pushed his dick a little bit deeper and this time my wife must have felt a bit of pain for she stretched her eyebrows and closed her eyes instinctively, but did not utter a word. Perhaps the Brigadier knew that Sumi’s tight passage was causing her a bit of pain. He withdrew and pushed his thick cock into her love hole again. He did this several times. That made the passage much smoother than before, as his and Sumi’s skin got fully lubricated with their pre-cum.
He pushed in and withdrew a bit, pushed still deeper and withdrew a little bit. After a few gentle and loving strokes, when he felt that she was able to accept his rod into her with much less strain, with a gentle thrust he pushed his cock all the way into my wife with low grunt. His long and thick shaft was well and truly inside my delicate wife’s pussy. She was feeling the effect of it and I could read from the expressions on her face that she was enjoying every movement of his thrust and feeling his thick and long meat deep inside her love tunnel.
The visual of the Brigadier’s naked body with his neck straddled between my wife’s white shapely naked legs on his shoulders; stroking in impaling one thrust after another into my wife’s leaking pussy, was something, I would never forget. Sumi not only enjoyed getting fucked; she made her partner doubly enjoy fucking her by making such sounds and exclamations that made her mate feel that he was her best lover ever and that the enjoyment that he was giving her was way above any other pleasure she had ever had.
I could see the Brigadier trying to pleasure her in various ways. As he kept impaling his thick meat into my wife’s pussy, he did not hide his emotions of utter satisfaction, nay delight on his face. He looked lovingly at his beautiful and shapely mate who lay beneath him between his folded knees with her eyes closed mostly, opened only to look at her lover’s face, twinkling in delight at the experience of mating of their flesh and feeling of his long meat rubbing continuously all along the walls of her love tunnel.
After a few minutes of laboured fucking, the Brigadier slowed down and stopped. His fuck mate and my wife Sumi asked him, “What happened Prem?”
The Brigadier replied, “Sumi, I just don’t want this to end like any other sex session that couples engage in. Tonight is a very special night in my life. Believe me Sumi, I have a new life today. If I say that I am reborn today, it would not be wrong. You might not know but I was broken inside. I gave everything to my family, my wife and my children. However, as I aged and when I needed them the most, they left me one after another. My wife died but my sons left because they wanted to leave their life and to make a career for themselves. I loved them so much. I do not blame them at all. However, that made me feel isolated and unwanted. You have given me cause to live. I now feel that I am wanted. I want this to be a real love making. I don’t want to fuck you; I want to make love to you.”
What a sight it was to see the Brigadier and my lovely wife Sumi in a tight embrace. The Brigadier made my wife rise to sit in his lap from laid back position whilst leaving his cock embedded in her pussy; he took Sumi in a close, intimate and emotional embrace and began pecking her hair, forehead, nose, ears, lips, cheeks and chin; showering liberally his affection on her; which must have been deeply buried for months in his heart.
Sumi straightened her face, smiled affectionately looking straight into the Brigadier’s eyes and said rather softly, “Now you are all mine for the rest of our lives. I am a very possessive lover. Now on, do not make a pass at any other woman. I will not tolerate it. Besides, I will not allow you to masturbate anymore. No need now for you to hide behind a curtain to see me half dressed or undressed. When you are horny, just find the time and opportunity to slip into our bedroom. Of course be careful with the children and your attendants. You need not worry about my hubby. My hubby is with us all the way. Aren’t you honey?” Smiling rather broadly, she spoke loudly looking in my direction.
Her voice was a signal to me that it was time for me to sit up and announce my acceptance of their relationship.
Sumi looked at me as I sat up on the sofa and looked at them. That the brigadier’s condition was awkward would be an understatement of the year. He was bewildered. He was completely foxed seeing that Sumi and he got caught red handed. He could not utter a word.
Looking at the shocked expressions on the Brigadier’s face, Sumi said, “Come on Prem. Relax. Don’t get disturbed. It’s ok. As I told you, Raj and I are on the same wavelength as far as this relationship is concerned. It was my husband, who persuaded me for this adventure and I am glad he did. Mind you, he has been watching whatever we did. We are sorry for the deception. However, that was just to avoid you feeling guilty and to make you feel relaxed.”
Then looking at me and my hard erect and eager cock, she continued, “As you can see Prem, he enjoyed our love making. Did you not honey?”
Without answering, I stood up stripping off my dress and in no time was fully bare. My cock stood hard pointing up wards. The Brigadier watched me wide-eyed and speechless. It took him some time to reconcile with the situation. I stood fully naked by the side of the bed watching my lovely naked beauty Sumi ensconced in the Brigadier’s lap. It looked to me as if their bodies were joined like simian twins and did not want to separate.
Sumi took my cock in her hand and stretching her arms wide inviting me inside them, she said, “I see that the show was erotic enough to make you so erect and hard. Now don’t be a spoil sport. Come in my arms and join us, will you?”
I quickly snuggled closer to my wife, poking her side with my erect and hard cock onto her breasts, waist and went into her arms and said in low voice, “This was what I was waiting for. I wanted you both to feel relaxed and make love. Love is so blissful. Love is giving happiness and accepting it; when your lover gives it to you. Love is not snatching happiness or trying to take it forcefully. Prem, we want you to be our love mate. I want you to share and enjoy Sumi with me. Traditions and social conventions and beliefs be damned.”
I caressed my wife’s hair and enjoyed the feeling down her smooth naked contours leading to her lovely and tantalizing breasts. I squeezed her breasts with both my hands. Sumi jerked with the touch of my fingers and let out a loud moan. She did not have to control her moans anymore. I slowly inserted my palm between their bodies. It was wonderful to feel their bodies stuck to each other with no sign of their genitals.
The experience was so exciting for her. There were two lovers to fuck her. There was no feeling of guilt for having violated the sacred marriage vows, because this was what her husband desired and as per vows she had taken, she was duty bound to fulfill husband’s sexual desires. She was therefore perfectly within her moral, social and religious domain to copulate with another male lover.
The Brigadier had fully reconciled to the strange and entirely unexpected situation. My gestures were also a signal to make him go on.
In no time, both Sumi and the Brigadier resumed their fucking in that rather awkward position. Sumi had to work harder and that was what she liked when she was horny. Both of them kept pumping each other for a while. After some time, she stopped and said, “Prem, come on top of me again and fuck me hard. I am your bitch in heat.”
The Brigadier moved away. Sumi slowly lay again on the bed with her face looking up. His hard erect shaft stood gleaming coated all round with their slime. It was eager to find its way into my wife’s Sumi’s waiting pussy hole. The Brigadier gingerly mounted atop Sumi. Sumi looked at him smiled and closed her eyes. She caught his cock in her hand and centred it on her pussy lips. She rubbed his cock on her pussy lips for a minute or so and symbolically pulled it into her hole. The Brigadier gave a good thrust and pushed it all inside my wife’s pussy. Sumi sighed. Was it due to pain on account of the Brigadier’s fat and long cock thrust all the way inside in one go? Or was it due to the fulfillment of dreams and excitement of experiencing him; as I brazenly watched her being fucked by another male, I could not know. Perhaps, her sigh seemed to be a mix of all these emotions.
The Brigadier caught Sumi’s boobs in his hands and resumed thrusting his rod into my wife’s eager cunt. As the pace of their fucking increased Sumi’s moans turned louder. The Brigadier panted as he increased his pace with my wife responding to his thrusts in equal measure. I was sure; she wanted to be fucked by the Brigadier many more times. I could imagine her inner delight at feeling her whole passage full of his meat.
She moaned and kept calling, “Prem, this is nice. Oh God.. Fuck me, darling. You are doing fine. Oh Prem, fuck me harder…”
Her own juices mixed with the Brigadier’s pre-cum had fully lubricated her passage and it was then smooth for the Brigadier to fuck her. This was the first time for months for the Brigadier to fuck a woman of his love. He loved my wife and dreamed of fucking her and creamed out for several months since we had moved into the next house.
The Brigadier increased his speed of fucking. As Sumi got used to the Brigadier’s long and thick cock and gradually increasing pace of his skillful strokes, she began to reciprocate his thrusts and bounced up to match the Brigadier’s rhythm. To facilitate the Brigadier’s pelvic thrusts, upon Sumi’s signal, I inserted a pillow beneath my wife’s shapely bum to raise her pussy angularly so as to enable her to receive the Brigadier’s shaft fully inside her passage deep down her body.
In a short time, Sumi matched the Brigadier’s thrusts with her up wards thrusts. His testicles slapped my wife’s bums at increasing pace and created “Futch… Futch…. “ sound. Both the Brigadier and Sumi kept letting out sounds such as “Hmmm…. Aahhh…”, as they pulled and pushed into each other. Gradually their tempo mounted. It did not look as if the Brigadier had quiet high temperature some hours ago.
This was a momentous experience for me too. I was seeing my wife fulfilling the desire of an old person who had been suffering from loneliness and celibacy for the past one year and who we felt deserved to be satisfied. This was a novel experiment for me and my wife. We were treading on an unknown and perhaps a dangerous path which was a social taboo.
The Brigadier appeared not able to hold much longer as he reached a high. Sumi looked at him and from the expressions on his face understood that her lover was about to reach his climax. She stopped the Brigadier and asked him to dismount her.
My wife asked the Brigadier to lie on his back on the bed and climbed up on top of him straddling him between her legs. I thought she wanted to cum with her lover and give him the pleasure that she felt he deserved. That action was designed perhaps also to delay the Brigadier reaching his climax.
She held his still hard, fully coated cock with the slimy juices from both the mating lovers. As soon as she assumed her position, she gently inserted his rock hard cock into her hole rubbing it just a little on her pussy lips. The Brigadier was re-energized and was able to sustain a bit more. My wife kept pushing and pulling into her mate with a frantic pitch. It was then the turn of her mate; the Brigadier to thrust his pelvis upwards to push harder into his lover Sumi. The Brigadier grabbed my wife’s flying boobs into his hands and squeezed and massaged them as Sumi fucked the Brigadier hard.
Sumi pumped into the Brigadier and moaned out loud. The Brigadier, in turn, reciprocated her groans with huge sighs as he pumped his cock up into my wife’s cunt. Their matching duet resonated through the bedroom. Their huffs and puffs and the smell of sex spread across the room. From the increase in the pace of their grunts indicated that they both were about to reach their climax.
With a big sigh from Sumi followed by a loud Ohhh…. My…. that was great… from the Brigadier. Both ejaculated. My wife’s cunt began to overflow as both collapsed exhausted on the bed. There was a huge energetic ebullient expression on the Brigadier’s face even though he was exhausted. Sumi had a great satisfying expression, that surfaced on a hungry person’s face when he has filled his stomach with stuff he relishes eating.
It took them a minute or two to recover. Sumi looked at the Brigadier, smiled and stretched her arms to take him into a big embrace to convey without speaking; her appreciation of how wonderful the Brigadier was in bed. The Brigadier kissed my wife hard on her lips for a few seconds and kissed her forehead, mouth cheeks and neck to express his profound gratitude for being a wonderful lover. I was watching their mating and then their post-copulation loving mutual appreciation sitting on the bed.
The Brigadier looked at me and said, “Raj, I cannot tell you how touched I am at your wonderful gesture. But for your feelings and understanding, my life would have been like a desert. You and Sumi have come as an oasis in the desert. I beg to be forgiven for having even considered building a sole relationship with Sumi. I am touched to learn that it was your initiative that we could do what we did today. I guarantee you on oath that this incident will be buried with me and no one would even get a whiff of the smell of our adventure. You have my word that irrespective of whether we have another such opportunity or not, this and any such incidents in the future, will remain strictly between us.”
Needless to say that the experience drove me up so much that I made my tired wife lie again on the bed and climbed up on top of her and fucked her hard as the Brigadier watched. I filled her already full cunt with my semen, when I finished.
I do not know if what I did was right or wrong? Reader’s, please enlighten me.
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Theron won the great sparta and Queen of Sparta. By doing sexual war with Queen Gorgo. [email protected]
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Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...
nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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one I woke to the chime of my cell, and as usual this week I considered it with a mix of fear and anxious excitment. If all of this was to end today, my period and my dominance by the sentient Flo app, I wasn't sure what I would do. I had been pushed to my limits, but I had to admit I had rather enjoyed my experiences. Would I return to work wearing only lingerie in a couple of days? Or would I enjoy being the new me, with gorgeous nails and my new hair cut? Hard within my panties...
The Island Final Part By Lauren Westley (Authoress Comment: All disclaimers to all my writings hold true here. If you think it was you or any character reminds you of someone then I hope it's with fond memories but it isn't about them but maybe me. To all of those who wished I would finish the Island here it is. I stopped writing this because I had some nasty comments about the scat. So,...
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This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...
I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...
Finalityirishmik60 It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...
Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...
My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...
Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...
"There it is…" breathed James, eyes still locked on the beautiful and intimidating idol. The group's reverie was shattered by the loud clanking of metal growing closer, and they all whipped their heads around to see the two animated suits of armor clambering slowly down the stairs. Ash turned to James and took his hand in both of hers. "Go destroy the idol; we'll hold off these brutes." She kissed James on the lips, then turned to face the approaching knights. "Hold on," said James,...
I made love to Katherine that night, and saw her, and Cindy off the next morning. I gave them both a hug, and kiss goodbye. Katherine told me to have fun with Candice while I was here, and that she would see me back home in L.A. in a few weeks. Then she smiled, and winked before heading to catch her flight. I drove home sad. Sure, I had permission to sleep with other girls, but I really missed just spending time with Katherine, and felt a little empty whenever she wasn't around. Even the...
“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...