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Polizist Dirk Mathies war mit seiner Partnerin Katja Metz, 32, 1,74 groß, schlank, braune Augen, blonde Haare, mit nicht zu großen festen Brüsten, Wespentaille, Knackpo, herrlichen schlanken, langen Beinen auf Streife unterwegs. Wie so oft klappte mal wieder das Funkgerät in ihrem Streifenwagen nicht und so kam nicht die Meldung durch daß drei Vergewaltiger ausgebrochen waren und auch bewaffnet waren.

Bei den Nachtschichten passierte normalerweise nicht viel, doch plötzlich raste ein VW Golf ohne Licht mit überhöhter Geschwindigkeit bei Rot über die Kreuzung vor ihrem Streifenwagen her. Mit Blaulicht rasten sie nun mit ihrem Streifenwagen hinterher, nicht ahnend, daß es die Ausbrecher waren. Sie gaben eine Meldung per Funk an die Zentrale, doch auch diese Meldung kam nie dort an.

Es ging schnell aus der Innenstadt Hamburgs raus in die Randbezirke, an einem einsam gelegenen Waldparkplatz hatten sie den Golf gestellt und auf dem Parkplatz angehalten. Da die Beiden meinten es handele sich nur um Verkehrssünder, denn sie hatten schon ausgemacht daß drei Mann in dem Auto saßen, gingen sie ohne die Waffen zu ziehen, Dirk auf die Fahrerseite und Katja auf die Beifahrerseite zu.

Es wurden die vorderen Seitenscheiben herunter gelassen und freundlich gefragt was denn los sei. Dirk bat den Fahrer auszusteigen und ihm seinen Führerschein und die Fahrzeugpapiere zu geben. Langsam stieg der Fahrer aus, während sich Katja in den Wagen beugte und ehe sie sich von dem Schreck erholt hatte, als sie sah, daß das Auto kurzgeschlossen worden war hatte sie eine Pistole am Kopf, die Scheibe wurde hoch gefahren und ihr Kopf war eingeklemmt, und der Beifahrer rief : "Los Bulle, wenn Deiner Bullenhure nichts passieren soll dann ergib Dich und lasse die Waffe fallen."

Um Katja nicht zu gefährden ließ Dirk die Waffe fallen, bekam mit der Pistole des Fahrers eine übergezogen und ging ohnmächtig zu Boden. Der Beifahrer streichelte Katja sanft über die Wange, denn die Drei hatten schon direkt gewußt, als Katja auf ihren Wagen zukam, was sie alles mit ihr anstellen wollten, sie wollten ihren Spaß haben und so eine geile Bullenschlampe konnte man gut an perverse Zuhälter im Osten verkaufen. Katja biß ihm jedoch kräftig in die Finger, doch es war unklug in ihrer Position, mit dem Handrücken gab er ihr links und rechts eine schallende Ohrfeige, ihre Wangen brannten und ihr Kopf flog hin und her. Der hinten sitzende Vergewaltiger stieg aus und meinte : "Na der Nutte zeige ich es schon mal direkt hier." Dirk wurden Waffe und Handschellen abgenommen und dann wurde er mit einem Seil an einen Baum gefesselt und mit Klebeband geknebelt.

Der Gangster stieg aus, und ließ sofort eine Hand über Katjas knackigen Hintern, der sich in der eng sitzenden Uniformhose prima abzeichnete, gleiten. Sie wollte loszappeln, doch der Beifahrer packte sie in den blonden Haaren und sah ihr gefährlich blitzend in ihre sanften braunen Augen. "Halt still die Bullenschlampe, sonst geht es Dir dreckig." Katja hatte nun endlich verstanden, ihr wurden die Waffe und die Handschellen abgenommen und sofort fesselte ihr der hinter ihr stehende Gangster die Arme mit den Handschellen auf den Rücken.

Eine Hand von ihm wanderte nun von hinten zwischen ihre Schenkel, verzweifelt versuchte Katja ihre Beine fest zusammen zu drücken, da gab er ihr einen derben Klaps auf den Arsch, der sie zusammen zucken ließ. "Spreitze etwa die Beine Du Miststück." In ihrer Situation hielt sie es besser nun zu parieren und stellte sich leicht breitbeinig hin. Der Gangster zog ihr den Gürtel aus der Uniformhose und schlug ihr damit hart auf den Arsch. "Ja Meister heißt das Du Nutte." "Entschuldigung Meister" Gröhlend lachend drehte er sich zu dem Fahrer um und meinte daß sie mir der kleinen Hure noch viel Spaß haben würden. Der nickte ebenfalls und lachte.

Der Beifahrer holte seinen Schwanz aus der Hose, angstvoll sah Katja ihn an. Doch er grinste nur und streichelte ihre Wangen, diesmal ließ es Katja widerstandslos geschehen.

Katja hatte ihre Uniformjacke im Auto gelassen und ihre Bluse war etwas aus ihrer Hose gerutscht und auf die nackte Haut oberhalb des Hosenbundes legte nun der Gangster seine Hand und schob ihre Bluse hoch. Ihr knapper roter Spitzen BH blitzte schon hervor, da riß er ihr mit einem Ruck die Uniformhose bis auf die Knöchel herunter und er konnte ihren nackten Arsch bewundern, denn ihr roter Ministring war zwischen ihre geilen Arschbacken geglitten. Katja hörte es nur noch ratschen als ihr ihre Hose von den Knöcheln geschnitten wurde und noch ein Schnitt und ihr String war ebenfalls Geschichte.

Er rieb nun seinen Unterleib an ihrem Arsch und sie konnte schon seine deutliche Erektion durch die Hose spüren, dann merkte sie wie er den Schwanz heraus holte und ihr damit auf die Backen schlug. Verzweiflung machte sich bei ihr breit, er spreizte ihre Backen, sein dicker Schwanz fuhr ihre Pospalte herauf und herunter, Tränen liefen ihre zarten Wangen herunter.

Er spuckte ihr genau oberhalb der Pospalte auf den Rücken und sie spürte wie seine Spucke langsam in ihre durch die Spreitzung geöffnete Pospalte lief, sich in ihrem Poloch fing, von dem Gangster nun mit einem Finger in ihren jungfräulichen Arsch geschoben wurde, dann hörte sie es klatschen, als der Fahrer Dirk schlug, damit er die Augen aufschlug und dann mit ansehen mußte wie der Gangster ihr hart seinen Prügel in ihr kleines Arschloch rammte, sie schrie auf und wahre Sturzbäche liefen nun über ihre Wangen, durch den Schrei hatte sie ihren Mund geöffnet und nun den Prügel des Beifahreres bis zum Gaumen im Mund stecken, der Schwanz war zuerst ca. 4 cm in ihren Arsch eingedrungen, beim zweiten Stoß schon 8cm und dann rammte er ihr so hart in den Po, daß sein Becken gegen ihre Backen schlug und er steckte ganz in ihrem Arschloch.

Verzweifelt beobachtete Dirk was mit seiner Partnerin geschah, hilflos zerrte er an den Fesseln.

Katja knallte bei jedem Stoß in ihren Hintern mit den Schultern gegen die Scheibe, sie wußte nicht was schlimmer war, der Schmerz an den Schultern, der Schwanz bis tief im Rachen, der sie würgen ließ oder der Schwanz der ihr förmlich ihren kleinen Arsch auframmte.

Katja wurde nun nach allen Regeln der Kunst anal und oral durchgerammelt, und die beiden Vergewaltiger hatten schon sehr lange keine Frau mehr gehabt und hatten dadurch ein unheimliches Standvermögen, erst nach 30 Minuten spritzten sie Katja ihre Sahne in den Rachen und ihren Darm, Katja´s Tränen waren schon lange versiegt. Der Analvergewaltiger riß ihr nun den BH herunter, putzte sich damit seinen Schwanz ab und warf ihm denm Beifahrer durch den Fensterspalt hinein und der stopfte Katja den BH als Knebel in ihr verficktes Maul.

Der Fahrer rief nun : "Los, wir müssen jetzt weg, damit wir schnell unser Versteck erreichen." Er warf dem Verbrecher der Katja anal entjungfert watte die Handschellen von Dirk zu, die damit nun Katja die Fußgelenke fesselte. Der Beifahrer ließ das Fenster etwas herunter und der Arschficker riß Katja zurück und warf sie auf die Rückbank. Er sprang hinterher, der Fahrer auf den Fahrersitz und schon rasten sie mit quitschiedenen Reifen davon.

Der Arschficker bearbeitete nun mit einer Hand hart ihre Muschi und ihren Kitzler, dabei flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr was sie alles mit ihr anstellen würden um sie gefügig zu machen, für ihre neue Aufgabe als Nutte im Ostblock. Sie waren schon fast 3/4 Stunden unterwegs als der Wagen auf einen Feldweg abbog.

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Seven o’clock, the black numbers showed clearly against the silver LED background. Tanner noted the time with a sense of detachment, not concerned or hurried, but with an awareness that his guest would soon arrive. A geisha, Tanner thought while gazing out through the expanse of windows in his penthouse apartment.Tanner rolled the word through his mind again, sampling its meaning as if he could taste its implications. Would she offer sex? Probably, but there was no guarantee. From what little...

Straight Sex
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 19 The OHPF Club

Ron ordered his new pets to clean Amy up so she could make them all some lunch. While Louise drained Henry's cum from her twat, Marilyn performed a little analingulus to drain her ass of Jerry's seed. As soon as she was cleaned up, she headed for the kitchen; she had actually already prepared lunch and simply needed to heat everything up in the microwave. While waiting, most of the guests took some time to play a few of the regular games found in the game room (sex free); Lana, however,...

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Dressed To Kill Ch 11

I apologise for the delay in posting this, but a recent death in my family and then an extended stay in hospital after an emergency operation, has made it difficult to complete the chapter. I hope you find it worth the wait! Best regards, Gray Chapter 11 Noella had set her alarm early so that she could make an early call to Steve and so by 8am she was up and dressed in jeans and lacy top with some fire red heels, breakfasted and on the phone. The weekend now seemed like a dream and she...

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Public masturbation in hot tube

We today I decided to go swimming at a hotel. So i was enjoying my afternoon with a few people swimming. Then a birthday party was in the next conference room. They all came in the pool to swim. And all I could do was stare at all them sexy ass ladies in small swimsuits. 11 thin ladies, 4 bbw, 6 mature chubby ladies. A few younger teens. Well I'm sure we all know what happen. Lol I said in a corner in the pool. Watching as they get in the pool hoping to get a glimpse of some pussy while they...

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The PhotographerChapter 7

The next day Dan called Adrianne at her home using his throw-away cell phone. He told her to take Bitsy to a mall that was about two miles from her house and drop her off. After Bitsy was dropped off she was to start walking in any direction that she wanted and she was to change directions frequently. He told Adrianne that he would pick Bitsy up and take her to their meeting place. He hung up before Adrianne had a chance to respond. Later Dan sat in his car watching the spot that he had...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 56 A Death in the Family

The Denayian ambassador was surprised to receive an urgent request to visit the castle. He had dined with the king only the evening before. The king had offered his apologies for the delay and then apologized again when he gave the news he was about to depart for several weeks. Siegfried Mueller had met the king’s advisers and found them all to be very friendly. He hoped that the summons wasn’t because he was to be sent away to advance a coup attempt. King Olaf was firmly aligned with...

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My Gulf Sister

Hi ISS Members I am Jeyan aged 27 from Tamilnadu Kerala Border.My Periamma lived in Kerala Hill Area Location.She has one daughter widow then aged 42.She has two female children.Both are studying in High School.My Periamma daughter (widow)name is Suseela (name changed )working as a home nurse in Kuwait.So my Periamma and her granddaughters only at home. One fine morning we heard about the death of my Periamma.At that time her widow daughter was on vacation and stayed at home.So every rituals...

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The gossip

"Ti-Ti-Ti" is a fun comedy story that evolves in Sao Paulo, which tells about the professional, family and love rivalry between Andre Spina and Ariclenes Martinz, or Ari, as everyone calls it.The two were good friends during the c***dhood years and have been fighting a lot, they have been meaningless fights for the same girlfriends. The time goes by, and Ariclenesh fails to realize professionally, unlike André, who has become a popular modeling artist known to Sao Paulo's society as Jacques...

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Are Your Curtains Closed

She was my dirty secret!! I used to watch her from my bedroom window as she got undressed. I would peer at her valuptious body through a crack in the curtain with the lights out and my cock in my hand. Her bedroom window was directly opposite mine at the bottom of my back garden,and at eleven thirty mostly every night she would appear there.She never drew her curtains,there was no reason to.No one could see her…he he he. Or so she thought! I could see though..oh yes i could see everything.And...

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Dost Ki Biwi Sunita Bhabhi Ko Satisfy Kiya

Hello dosto mai ashmit fir se aapke samne ek story lekar aya hu,yeh story mere aur mere dost anil ki biwi sunita yadav ki chudai ki hai,sunita bhabhi ki age 29 hai aur colour bilkul fair dekhne me bilkul heroine lagti hai, unki marriage ke abhi 3 years hue hai ,unka nature bahut jolly aur friendly hai ,hm log aksar ek dusre ke ghar jate the ,pahle mera intention unko lekar galat nhi tha lekin ek din mujhe dost ke ghar kisi kaam se jana pada , Maine door bell bajayi bhabhi ne darwaja khola ,abhi...

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Purgatorys ChildrenEpilogue

Benni fell back into the spongy bed completely naked. He reveled in the feel of the soft material on his back and buttocks as he wiggled in the cool freshness of clean sheets. He slowly waved his arms and legs like a swimmer in water, feeling the same coolness on his limbs. The luxury felt decadent and he wondered what other wonders were in store. After all, Zylis had apologized about the sparse quarters of a military ship when they came aboard. The passageways were nearly empty, they had...

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Weekend with Grandma Part 6

So far the weekend was more than any young man just learning the ropes of sex should be allowed to experience. But life was just about to get wicked when Jen's Mamma and my own Grammy joined her in seeing just how much of a man I could be!Millie was not just a talented kisser, she was the best! And though she probably had at least 60 years on me (remember, she was much older than my 50 year old Grammy) she had me wanting to drown in her embrace! She put my hands on her breasts and slid me...

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The NeverEnding BuffetChapter 8

On Saturday morning I awoke to a light murmuring conversation and a marvelous sensation at my groin. Opening my eyes and looking down I saw Mika instructing Jennifer in the finer points of blow jobs. They were huddled with their heads over my morning erection. "Good morning ladies. You know that if you keep that up, there may be some very messy results." "There is no mess if I swallow Walter," Mika said, "but I was going to stop before it got that far. I think that I would like another...

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ModernDaySins Lilly Bell Cum Gluttons On Edge

Lilly Bell and her boyfriend Joshua Lewis are exchanging goodbyes, because Joshua has to go on a trip for a whole month. Lilly tells Joshua to swear his devotion to her before he leaves. He promises to stay completely loyal while he’s away, saying he won’t spend time with other girls, or even TALK to them. She smiles and says that’s sweet, but she wants him to be even MORE loyal – she doesn’t want him to even watch porn or touch himself. She wants him to think only...

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Me My Gf And Her Roomy

Hello friends I am Yash again explaining my threesome experience to you. Me, my gf and her roomy. Meri gf Sarika jo ki bahut sexy ladki h jiske boobs bahut tight h or gand gori chikni. Or meri gf ki roomy Rosini she is soo soo soo sexy that I can’t explain her sexy body mai to usse kapdo m dekh kar hi jhad jata hu uske bade bade boobs ahha haaa or uski jhaat bhari choot maja dila deti h.. Maine meri pehli story m bbatay kaise maine Rosini ko choda aab mai apna doosra experience batane ja rha hu...

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Family Paisley Porter Say Goodbye To Your Sis First

Paisley Porter can not believe her step brother is leaving on tour. She is going to miss that hard cock so much! There is nothing like the sex that Small Hands gives her! Small Hands tells her that there is only one pussy for him and it’s his step sisters wet shaved pussy! He gives her everything she wants and maybe a little more before leaving. She loves feeling her step brothers hard cock in her pussy and there is nothing like watching your step sister gaze up into your eyes as you cum...

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Helping Hands

It had been several weeks ago when, albeit in some way my own terrible fault I had decided to cross the road while on my way to college, and was struck by a car that I didn't notice. Although I survived, I ended up with two broken legs, fractured wrists and severe bruising. Over the next few weeks, as I rested up in hospital and recovered the best I could, I eventually was released into my family's care with my arms bandaged up and in slings, and one of my legs still in plaster as it hadn't...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Elleven

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven - An Offer You Can't Refuse! Michele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. "So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when...

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Skiing Tights Got the Picture

Throughout the whole story, there's one thing that I never clarified about Marlene and me: the exact nature of our relationship. If you've been keeping up, you know that it's intimate, to say the least. But the background in this is we met by accident. It was a warm October. She was finishing her drink and leave the lounger as it had become quiet. We were the only two people at the fancy bar, both dressed and not knowing that there was some big single's shindig across town. So, I sat beside...

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Courthouse Liaisons

He noticed her immediately as he entered the Court. Her deep, blue eyes fixed upon him, he smiled friendlily and walked to the “Accused Bench”. He could feel her eyes on him as he faced the Magistrate. She could only but wonder why this kind, soft looking gentleman was in trouble with the Law? The Magistrate continued with her business in a rude fashion, yet he addressed the Court in a professional, polite way. She realized that he was definitely not the average criminal. He was embarrassed...

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Splat Bukkake

SplatBukkake slid into my DMs this morning, and I immediately dug out my raincoat and a pair of safety goggles to protect the ol’ peepers. Just from the name alone, I knew this was going to be a messy one. I’m not sure there is such a thing as clean, well-contained bukkake, but I guess that’d be a hell of a gimmick if anybody could ever pull it off. On the other hand, the SPLAT in the title here hints at an extra sloppy, cum-drenched extravaganza of ejaculation that sounds a lot hotter than...

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Vaticans Best EscortsChapter 6 VBE Employment Opportunities

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your decision to join Vatican's Best Escorts. We are the largest personal service provider in the world, but that isn't what makes us special. The quality of our employees and their ability to satisfy our valuable customers can be our only measure of success. Since our inception nearly eight years ago VBE has exceeded all expectations but our own. We demand of ourselves a level of commitment far beyond the ordinary. Extraordinary. That is who and...

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Joyous Ending

“I have an appointment,” he nervously told the young lady behind the desk. “Hanson, Drew Hanson.” The lady’s fingers glided across the computer key pad. She smiled as she stood with his receipt. He noticed her bulging bust and his heart began to pound in his chest. He tried hard not to stare at her ample cleavage, but he couldn't resist. Her breasts strained against the fabric of her top and looked as if they could pop out at any time. He smiled as he took the pen to sign the...

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Our First Anal Adventure

Zee had very conflicted feelings about anal sex. The first time I asked her if she was into it, she replied "That part of me is an exit. Just an exit." I thought that was the end of it.Every so often, though, she'd bring it up. Usually it was in relation to her part-time job as a cam model. I didn't tell you that? Well, don't judge me, OK? There were always members asking her to do anal. I don't blame them for asking, either.I always said that Zee's ass was perfect for doggy style. It was also...

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