Verkehrskontrolle Gerät Außer Kontrolle free porn video

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Polizist Dirk Mathies war mit seiner Partnerin Katja Metz, 32, 1,74 groß, schlank, braune Augen, blonde Haare, mit nicht zu großen festen Brüsten, Wespentaille, Knackpo, herrlichen schlanken, langen Beinen auf Streife unterwegs. Wie so oft klappte mal wieder das Funkgerät in ihrem Streifenwagen nicht und so kam nicht die Meldung durch daß drei Vergewaltiger ausgebrochen waren und auch bewaffnet waren.

Bei den Nachtschichten passierte normalerweise nicht viel, doch plötzlich raste ein VW Golf ohne Licht mit überhöhter Geschwindigkeit bei Rot über die Kreuzung vor ihrem Streifenwagen her. Mit Blaulicht rasten sie nun mit ihrem Streifenwagen hinterher, nicht ahnend, daß es die Ausbrecher waren. Sie gaben eine Meldung per Funk an die Zentrale, doch auch diese Meldung kam nie dort an.

Es ging schnell aus der Innenstadt Hamburgs raus in die Randbezirke, an einem einsam gelegenen Waldparkplatz hatten sie den Golf gestellt und auf dem Parkplatz angehalten. Da die Beiden meinten es handele sich nur um Verkehrssünder, denn sie hatten schon ausgemacht daß drei Mann in dem Auto saßen, gingen sie ohne die Waffen zu ziehen, Dirk auf die Fahrerseite und Katja auf die Beifahrerseite zu.

Es wurden die vorderen Seitenscheiben herunter gelassen und freundlich gefragt was denn los sei. Dirk bat den Fahrer auszusteigen und ihm seinen Führerschein und die Fahrzeugpapiere zu geben. Langsam stieg der Fahrer aus, während sich Katja in den Wagen beugte und ehe sie sich von dem Schreck erholt hatte, als sie sah, daß das Auto kurzgeschlossen worden war hatte sie eine Pistole am Kopf, die Scheibe wurde hoch gefahren und ihr Kopf war eingeklemmt, und der Beifahrer rief : "Los Bulle, wenn Deiner Bullenhure nichts passieren soll dann ergib Dich und lasse die Waffe fallen."

Um Katja nicht zu gefährden ließ Dirk die Waffe fallen, bekam mit der Pistole des Fahrers eine übergezogen und ging ohnmächtig zu Boden. Der Beifahrer streichelte Katja sanft über die Wange, denn die Drei hatten schon direkt gewußt, als Katja auf ihren Wagen zukam, was sie alles mit ihr anstellen wollten, sie wollten ihren Spaß haben und so eine geile Bullenschlampe konnte man gut an perverse Zuhälter im Osten verkaufen. Katja biß ihm jedoch kräftig in die Finger, doch es war unklug in ihrer Position, mit dem Handrücken gab er ihr links und rechts eine schallende Ohrfeige, ihre Wangen brannten und ihr Kopf flog hin und her. Der hinten sitzende Vergewaltiger stieg aus und meinte : "Na der Nutte zeige ich es schon mal direkt hier." Dirk wurden Waffe und Handschellen abgenommen und dann wurde er mit einem Seil an einen Baum gefesselt und mit Klebeband geknebelt.

Der Gangster stieg aus, und ließ sofort eine Hand über Katjas knackigen Hintern, der sich in der eng sitzenden Uniformhose prima abzeichnete, gleiten. Sie wollte loszappeln, doch der Beifahrer packte sie in den blonden Haaren und sah ihr gefährlich blitzend in ihre sanften braunen Augen. "Halt still die Bullenschlampe, sonst geht es Dir dreckig." Katja hatte nun endlich verstanden, ihr wurden die Waffe und die Handschellen abgenommen und sofort fesselte ihr der hinter ihr stehende Gangster die Arme mit den Handschellen auf den Rücken.

Eine Hand von ihm wanderte nun von hinten zwischen ihre Schenkel, verzweifelt versuchte Katja ihre Beine fest zusammen zu drücken, da gab er ihr einen derben Klaps auf den Arsch, der sie zusammen zucken ließ. "Spreitze etwa die Beine Du Miststück." In ihrer Situation hielt sie es besser nun zu parieren und stellte sich leicht breitbeinig hin. Der Gangster zog ihr den Gürtel aus der Uniformhose und schlug ihr damit hart auf den Arsch. "Ja Meister heißt das Du Nutte." "Entschuldigung Meister" Gröhlend lachend drehte er sich zu dem Fahrer um und meinte daß sie mir der kleinen Hure noch viel Spaß haben würden. Der nickte ebenfalls und lachte.

Der Beifahrer holte seinen Schwanz aus der Hose, angstvoll sah Katja ihn an. Doch er grinste nur und streichelte ihre Wangen, diesmal ließ es Katja widerstandslos geschehen.

Katja hatte ihre Uniformjacke im Auto gelassen und ihre Bluse war etwas aus ihrer Hose gerutscht und auf die nackte Haut oberhalb des Hosenbundes legte nun der Gangster seine Hand und schob ihre Bluse hoch. Ihr knapper roter Spitzen BH blitzte schon hervor, da riß er ihr mit einem Ruck die Uniformhose bis auf die Knöchel herunter und er konnte ihren nackten Arsch bewundern, denn ihr roter Ministring war zwischen ihre geilen Arschbacken geglitten. Katja hörte es nur noch ratschen als ihr ihre Hose von den Knöcheln geschnitten wurde und noch ein Schnitt und ihr String war ebenfalls Geschichte.

Er rieb nun seinen Unterleib an ihrem Arsch und sie konnte schon seine deutliche Erektion durch die Hose spüren, dann merkte sie wie er den Schwanz heraus holte und ihr damit auf die Backen schlug. Verzweiflung machte sich bei ihr breit, er spreizte ihre Backen, sein dicker Schwanz fuhr ihre Pospalte herauf und herunter, Tränen liefen ihre zarten Wangen herunter.

Er spuckte ihr genau oberhalb der Pospalte auf den Rücken und sie spürte wie seine Spucke langsam in ihre durch die Spreitzung geöffnete Pospalte lief, sich in ihrem Poloch fing, von dem Gangster nun mit einem Finger in ihren jungfräulichen Arsch geschoben wurde, dann hörte sie es klatschen, als der Fahrer Dirk schlug, damit er die Augen aufschlug und dann mit ansehen mußte wie der Gangster ihr hart seinen Prügel in ihr kleines Arschloch rammte, sie schrie auf und wahre Sturzbäche liefen nun über ihre Wangen, durch den Schrei hatte sie ihren Mund geöffnet und nun den Prügel des Beifahreres bis zum Gaumen im Mund stecken, der Schwanz war zuerst ca. 4 cm in ihren Arsch eingedrungen, beim zweiten Stoß schon 8cm und dann rammte er ihr so hart in den Po, daß sein Becken gegen ihre Backen schlug und er steckte ganz in ihrem Arschloch.

Verzweifelt beobachtete Dirk was mit seiner Partnerin geschah, hilflos zerrte er an den Fesseln.

Katja knallte bei jedem Stoß in ihren Hintern mit den Schultern gegen die Scheibe, sie wußte nicht was schlimmer war, der Schmerz an den Schultern, der Schwanz bis tief im Rachen, der sie würgen ließ oder der Schwanz der ihr förmlich ihren kleinen Arsch auframmte.

Katja wurde nun nach allen Regeln der Kunst anal und oral durchgerammelt, und die beiden Vergewaltiger hatten schon sehr lange keine Frau mehr gehabt und hatten dadurch ein unheimliches Standvermögen, erst nach 30 Minuten spritzten sie Katja ihre Sahne in den Rachen und ihren Darm, Katja´s Tränen waren schon lange versiegt. Der Analvergewaltiger riß ihr nun den BH herunter, putzte sich damit seinen Schwanz ab und warf ihm denm Beifahrer durch den Fensterspalt hinein und der stopfte Katja den BH als Knebel in ihr verficktes Maul.

Der Fahrer rief nun : "Los, wir müssen jetzt weg, damit wir schnell unser Versteck erreichen." Er warf dem Verbrecher der Katja anal entjungfert watte die Handschellen von Dirk zu, die damit nun Katja die Fußgelenke fesselte. Der Beifahrer ließ das Fenster etwas herunter und der Arschficker riß Katja zurück und warf sie auf die Rückbank. Er sprang hinterher, der Fahrer auf den Fahrersitz und schon rasten sie mit quitschiedenen Reifen davon.

Der Arschficker bearbeitete nun mit einer Hand hart ihre Muschi und ihren Kitzler, dabei flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr was sie alles mit ihr anstellen würden um sie gefügig zu machen, für ihre neue Aufgabe als Nutte im Ostblock. Sie waren schon fast 3/4 Stunden unterwegs als der Wagen auf einen Feldweg abbog.

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Crystal touched crystal in threesome, adding to the sparse but happy din of the deck at our second favorite winery.“A toast to friends,” I inserted and Tina and the freshly seated Daniel repeated.The sun shone, the air was an agreeable temperature, Tina was comfortable in one of her thin cotton dresses that accentuated her bubble butt. We talked about normal things and our tentative plans for the afternoon if all worked out and we had already consumed a bottle by the time her long-awaited...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land

Chapter 1I stuffed my last cardboard box of personal belongings into the cargo hold of my girlfriend's Toyota Rav4, jumped into the passenger seat, and waited while she fussed over a map with directions to our new home. Darlene was like that - a stickler for details.She flipped her shoulder-length hair out of her eyes for the umpteenth time and squinted to read the tiny letters. Mapmakers tended to hide the most critical information in the smallest print known to man.Finally finished, she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Control Chapter III

Control Part IIIJosh made it home before four and put the roast on that his mother had instructed him to do that morning. The roast that had been marinated in his cum. He watched TV for an hour or so and heard his Mom drive up. “Hi, Mom,” he said as she walked through the door.“Oh good, I can smell the roast. You didn’t forget,” Julie said. It had been a long day at the diner and Julie was ready to spend a relaxing evening doing nothing that is until after supper was finished. She had not...

3 years ago
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Consequences A New Life Part Two

This is an extended version of the one I posted last month. Thanks to Robyn Hood for the support and proof reading! Part 2 The examination with Doctor Fields couldn't be more embarrassing. He's come up to Manchester especially and has been given an office at the Manchester Royal Infirmary just for this purpose. I suppose I should feel special, but all I do feel is the cold plastic of a chair against my bare bum as I sit here in the inadequate gown they gave me. I have already...

3 years ago
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Office Sluts Evil Clowns From Outer Space

It was three AM. I woke up to a sudden noise in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and found Bonnie sitting next to me. “I can’t sleep,” she said. “Close your eyes,” I told her. “And count sheep…” “Please...” she told me. “I had a nightmare.” I sat up. Having a bad dream can have its effect on your whole day. I recalled all the stuff I read about it on the Internet. I turned on the lava lamp. Bonnie was covered with sweat. I got up, found her a dry T-shirt and brought her a glass of water...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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With Great PowerChapter 3 Hounsis Canzo Servant at the Altar

We were both very quiet on the flight home. For most of the flight Jasmine gripped my hand so tightly that my fingers were turning white, while her other hand never left her belly, either stroking it or simply resting on top of it. I still can’t explain it, or even believe it myself, but I could “feel” the energy flowing through Jasmine. I wish I had an explanation for how we apparently traveled back to Jacienthe’s time, but it remains just as much a mystery as when I first met her. I was...

1 year ago
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Empty Rooms

You wake up completely naked. You can't remember who you are or anything about yourself. The first thing you notice is how incredibly horny your are. Your throbbing cock feels like its going to explode. You hobble up and squint the brightness. You look slowly around you and shocked to find that you are in a small, completely-white room. On the wall in front of you is a white shelf, on which is only a black vase. Odder though, is what is on the wall farthest from you: an ass. Or more...

2 years ago
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Pass Around Girl

I arched my back as he thrust deeply into me and exploded. My pussy held his cock tight as he pumped his seed into me filling my womb. After his balls were drained he pulled out of me and I stood up and turned to him. He pulled his pants up and told me thanks and went back into the bar. I loooked around the parking lot and pulled my pants up and headed for my car. As I walked I could feel that my pussy was all gooey. I got in my car and headed home. It only took ten minutes for me to get home...

3 years ago
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Im Not Man Enough

[Make sure you read the guidelines on the story summary. -- Torg] I felt very out of place at the nightclub. Not Kelly though- god, she looked good- the tight white dress showing off her incredible body to mouthwatering perfection! Every guy in the place was checking her out; as usual they thought I was her father... "We can go, if you want," she shouted in my ear. "No, you go and have a dance. I'm fine, honestly!", I lied. "I'll only dance if you come with me," she implored. I laughed and...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 4 Carol Lobegeiger

My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...

4 years ago
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The Hunters Tale

It was mid October. Across the bristling hillside the cedar and silver birch trees were slowly swallowing the withered sun. Soon the night would reclaim them. And soon, thought Larissa as she felt the evening frost sting her fingers, soon the snows would come, and then perhaps he would come too. He had come to her last fall. Trekking back to Fort Compton to sell his furs and to shelter for the winter, he had asked whether he might rest awhile. He had stayed nearly a week. In their giving and...

4 years ago
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One Of The Girls

Having been initiated into the gang of the popular girls in school and now released from Miss Caitlin’s lair, Megan finds that her pussy and her bum are both rather tender and sensitive from the deep, sensual treatment she received the night before. In fact, for many days it remains incredibly sensitive and she struggles to concentrate completely on schoolwork when her extra-curricular escapades involve intense pleasure: either giving or receiving. The blonde girl that had managed to sneak a...

2 years ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 11

I had left Khrystiana’s place around 11:00 after having witnessed a totally unexpected turn of events after the dinner with Khrys and Klara, Khrys’ younger sister.  Klara had been very hurt by Khrys’ lack of confidence in her when she arrived at the beginning of the summer.  Klara decided, in front of me, to give her sister a very thorough and intense spanking.Some background information would probably be useful.  Khrys had moved to the United States a couple of years ago after taking a job...

3 years ago
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No Panties Friday

No Panties FridayThe Journey to Workby Kinky TashaEarly one Friday morning, somewhere on the outskirts of the fair city of Perth, Dr Mia Rose was rudely awoken by a noisy council refuge vehicle which had stopped momentarily, down on the street right beneath her bedroom window, to empty half a dozen rubbish packed wheelie bins. Dr Rose glanced over towards her brightly lite red LED clock which sat upon her dressing table to see that it was only 0630 hours, so she rolled over on to her side,...

3 years ago
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Dad Quest

Tom couldn't wait to play Dungeons and Dragons for the first time. Sure, it was nerdy, but after transferring to a new school, since the death of his father, Tom had wanted nothing more to make new friends. New friends meant that he could get away from his mother, who had become quite mean in the last few years. Also, it mean that Tom got a chance to try out his new camera. He had been told the boys had always done wacky things while playing D&D, and he wanted to get pictures of these things....

2 years ago
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Khala Ko Pyaar Se Choda

Mera naam saahil hai. Main india mein u.P. Ke kanpur city ka rehen wala hoon. Meri age 22 years hai. Main iss ke regular reader hoon but yeh meri pehli story hai.Mujhe nahin pata ki story likhne ka sahi tarika kya hai main wohi likh raha hoon jo mere saath ghata. Ab main time na barbaad karte hue seedhe apni kahani par aata hoon. Meri ek real khala (aunty) hain unka naam anjum hai woh is samay teen bachchon ki maa hain , unki age lagbhag 35 saal hogi , unka figure bahot shandar hai , height...

2 years ago
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Discovered Dreams

There she was sitting next to her windowsill gazing out and watching the heavy rain fall. She sat there sad and lonely thinking about her life and what it had become. ‘Everything’s changed!’ Hoku thought as she’d seen the last couple of years of her life pass by like the drops on the window, and also turned her thoughts to those of Korie. That was biggest blow to Hoku’s heart, losing her lover, best friend, confidant, partner, and her soul. A tear ran down her cheek as she recalled what...

2 years ago
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Building It Up Part 2

By the time I got my things and got to the office, it was about 4 in the morning  I parked in the back as I unloaded everything and then moved my car to the public lot across the street. I did that just in case somebody from the office came by and saw in the lot and got a little nosey.Everything I got was wireless. It was also on its own private Wi-Fi so it couldn’t be hacked or accessed by anyone in the building but me. I will be the only one to have access. Aunt Steph has enough going on....

2 years ago
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Probably Both

"Which bedroom do I use?" That was the question that I had originally intended to use as the title for this story. But this new title is not the answer to the above question. Here's why. My cock had been at half mast for hours as I had debated with myself how she would react to the words that I had been trying to properly phrase for most of those hours. Should I use subtle seduction or should I just plain hit on her, you know, 'I'd like to fuck you? Would her eyes pop open or would they...

2 years ago
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Alien Abduction Bliss

I will start by introducing myself, my name is Kiley. I'm twenty six, medium build, with brown hair and eyes. I have large C cup breasts, stand about five foot three and I was abducted by aliens. I know what you're thinking, "another looney with the anal probe story", and technically you would be right, at least about the anal probe part. I'm not lying however. I had the soreness and the "cum" stains to prove it. How about I start from the beginning. I was at home. I had just got in from a hard...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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As we walk into my bedroom, the soft scent of my favorite perfume assails your senses. You love the way the candles flicker, throwing muted shadows over the silk sheets of the turned back covers. You notice the selection of oils and flavored rubs setting on my nightstand. Turning back to me, you smile as you can see the yearning look in my eyes. ‘I love to feel a man’s muscles under my hands as I give you a massage. Your body is so sexy to me. I don’t think you realize how much I want us to be...

3 years ago
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Emancipation 03 Anatomy Lesson

"I'm sure Joe won't pass up a chance to be close to Sue's snatch, and I'm questioning how much I DO know so yes, I'd like a tour too ... of my sister's pretty pussy? Yeowww!" [44] "Let me know if I leave out something you want to know more about. Most of what I'm going to show you is right out of textbooks, but some is specific to Sue and my experience with others. I'll avoid clinical terms when I can. If you try to memorize what I show you, it may become too technical and seem it...

1 year ago
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MomSwap Brandi Love Silvia Saige Recovering From The Divorce

After Brandi’s divorce, she seeks comfort in her friend Silvia who invites her and her stepson Joshua to go on a getaway trip with her and her stepson Tyler. Once they all get settled in, they spend some time by the pool where Brandi confesses to Silvia that she hasn’t had sex in a really long time and is feeling extremely horny lately, so Silvia tells her how she’s been picking up young boys at the college bars lately and has been having a blast! They both point out how handsome each other’s...


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