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She needed a new way out. They weren’t listening to her anymore. They didn’t believe her anymore when she told them things were about to happen. Things they wouldn’t be able to stop. She wrote about it all the time. All the horrors that were going to unfold, she saw them, they came to her in dreams and waking visions. But no one cared, no one understood just how scared she was. No one understood just how much she feared for them all until she was no longer there, until she was gone, and no one knew where to find her. She had many scares, but she also knew which ones were not from her doing. She knew which were from him.
So she ran, as far and as fast as she could as soon as she knew he was after her for real. She needed to keep them safe, all those she loved. She left clues for him, she knew would follow her. She couldn’t let her loved ones know. She knew they would follow if they could. She left clues in the one place she knew they wouldn’t go but he would. She left notes in the places she knew they would look. They needed to know she wasn’t coming back for a long time. That they needed to forget about her and move on like she was never there, like she had never been there. She knew a few wouldn’t be able to do that. So she removed what she could of herself from their lives before disappearing. But stull she knew, at least one would not let her go that easily. She left him the longest note. The one that explained everything. From the dreams and the visions, to the things she had never told him. The one that said I know I said I would come back, but as long as he is on my trail I cant. The one that told him that if he could to meet her in the park, in a city far away from where they grew up, a month from then. The one that said she would be there no matter what for 24 hours, unless he caught her. but his note also read that if anyone else came with him she would stay hidden. She would disappear. And stay that way until it was safe to come back. No one could know of this plan, no one could know of this meeting.
In her heart of hearts she prayed he showed up, but in her mind she hoped he didn’t, she hoped he stayed away, stayed safe, and moved on. To have her loved ones safe meant more to her than her happiness, than her safety. She knows he can take care of himself, more so than she can, but if she gets the threat away then he doesn’t have to do that. He can be safe.
So away I went, leaving the notes in a pile on my bed at school, packing everything I could into my car in the middle of the night, and driving away. I didn’t know where I was going, all I knew was that I needed to get away. I couldn’t live in the fear that he would find me when I was with my family and there would be no way for me to protect anyone. I was told nothing would happen, that I was worrying for nothing. But I started getting messages, and I knew they were from him. I was told not to tell anyone or he would go after my sister. That scared me more than I could comprehend. It was that night that I packed and left. My roommate thought I was doing homework, but instead I was writing my good bye letters. I don’t think anyone is really going to understand. They all think that something will happen to put him away before he gets me. I know for sure that won’t happen. I feel horrible leaving everyone with nothing but a letter. I even left my phone but not before taking all the important number out of it first. It means no one can track me, and it will be one less phone to pay for later on. As I cross state border after state border, things start to blur together. If I can last a month, if I can make back to NY in time to see him. If, if, if… if I can survive this, if he doesn’t find me, if I don’t crack, if I don’t fumble, if I can keep off the radar. Then maybe I will survive to see NY again.
It’s been two weeks, I don’t know how but I’ve stayed off the radar so far. I check on my loved ones by going into libraries and checking facebook. There are posts all over my wall of people wondering where I am. Telling me to get in touch, hoping I’m still alive, it’s kind of funny I don’t talk to most of these people. It’s the people I miss the most that leave the most posts, telling me to come home, that they love me, they miss me, that they will take care of everything if only I would come back. These posts make me cry. I check out their walls see what they have been up too. My sister is sad and her statuses are about hope of seeing me again, love for me, hate of me for leaving, and sadness. My parents are reaching out to people hoping to find me, my friends are a mix of both and a mix of their lives. There is one post to my wall that makes me stop and stare, it says cut the bullshit, come home now. A few days later it says ok. I take that to mean that he will meet me in NY, this makes me smile and that’s all I need to know. I have three more weeks to make it on my own, and I can do it if I know he’s going to come.
I have a week left and things are getting harder, I’ve been in NY for a couple hours and things are not going well. I have to get farther away. Being so close had me worried. I don’t think I thought I would go so far away. But I don’t want to do what expected, its what’s kept me safe so far. I don’t think anyone expected me to be able to stay away for this long.
Today is the day, the park is small, the smaller the better I thought when I found this place. Now I’m not so sure. I’ve been here for about twelve hours, and now my twenty-four hour wait starts. I hope he comes. If not I will understand, I mean I’ve been gone for a month.
I’m a couple hours into my wait when I look up and see him, he’s walking into the park, looking all around. I choose this tree for a reason, it gives me a view of the whole park, but people don’t always look at a tree closely. It gives me a chance to watch him a minute before letting him see me. He looks tired, and worried. I start to stand and I watch as his eyes snap to me. It’s like all the breathe is knocked from me as soon as I meet his eyes. I can see the anger from here. I stay where I am, not able to move, his eyes locking me in place. The closer he gets, I can see the anger flowing out of him, turning into relief, like he’s not sure it’s really me. Once he is standing in front of me, I open my mouth to say hi, but he lifts his hand, slowly, and I snap my mouth shut before I can say anything. His hand slowly comes up and touches my cheek, like he’s checking that I’m real. Before I can react he has me in his arms, hugging me, holding me tight. I wrap my arms around him, holding on as tight as I can because if I don’t he will disappear on me. It’s really you is whispered into my neck, making me start to cry. I start to apologize over and over, telling him I had to leave, I had to protect her. He just shushed me and rocked me back and forth until I stopped crying and had calmed down enough to breathe.
We sit down on the blanket I had been waiting on, and he just holds me for a time. After a little while he sighs, and I look down at our entwined hands, sigh myself, and tell him to just ask. He asks me why I left, I knew he would, so I showed him the messages I had gotten. He asked why I didn’t come to him with these or the police, I told him I couldn’t. That I was told I was being watched, which was why I left instead of telling anyone. He asked me why I believed what I was being told, and I told him, the pictures did a lot in helping prove the point. When he asked what pictures, I showed him the ones I received. The ones that had him leaving my dorm, the picture showed him between cross hairs, the next was my sister in cross hairs, the third was me getting dressed in my room. I told him, I wrote the notes, packed and left. I couldn’t stay, not knowing how much danger everyone was in just being near me. At this point I’m pretty some people hate me for leaving, but it was a choice I had to make. He sighed again, hugged me tighter and told me that he was happy I was there n
I had been looking out at the park around us while we talked, but now I looked at our hands. I tried to take mine back, but it was like he knew what that meant. He held on tighter saying no, but I sighed, and told him, you know I can’t go back yet right? He’s still after me, he won’t stop until he has me, or I’m dead, or he is. I’ll come back when it’s safe, I need you to comfort our girl. She must hate me to an extreme by now. He hugged me tighter to him, and started whispering things into my hair, things I couldn’t understand.
We stayed that way for a while, not really paying attention to those around us. I started to pull away and he clung to me harder, saying just let me hold you, please. So I did, until I heard clapping and laugher. I turned to see what was going on, when I spotted the person I had been running from. I jumped up and in doing so pulled away from the arms holding me. I turned to him with a look I knew asked if he had done this. I look he gave me spoke volumes, it said so much but none of what I wanted it too. I knew my face showed betrayal, I gave him one last look before turning and running as fast as I could. I knew I would never escape, but I figured I could give it one last shot. I was caught before I even left the park, I was thrown to the ground, and I landed hard, jarring hands and knees enough to bleed. He laughed, and came at me waving a gun around like it was a toy. He pointed it back at the one I was trying to protect. He cocked the hammer back and I had enough time to jump up and slam into him before he could shoot. Although me slamming into him took him so off guard that the gun came around with his finger still on the trigger. I could see the anger, the hatred, the intent in his eyes just before the gun went off. I heard it go off, and I flinched from the sound because it was so loud. I heard screaming from off to the side of me. I didn’t understand who was screaming or why, but it was getting annoying. So I turned to tell the person off for screaming when it had been so quiet before. But as I turned I slipped and fell to my knees. As I caught myself I saw a pair of legs go by, I turned in time to see two people fighting, until a second gun shot went off and they both slumped to the side.
I was so scared, I needed to know who was shot and who wasn’t, I tried to get back to my feet, but it was like my body wasn’t working right. It wasn’t doing anything I told it too. I looked up in time to see one person stand, he turned to me with a terrifying expression. Like he was watching the person he loved most die before his eyes. I finally understood the term burning man. I couldn’t understand his expression but I was so relieved that it was him that had stood. He came towards me like I was a wounded animal. He caught me, when I didn’t even realize I was falling. He kept apologizing over and over and I was so confused. Why was he sorry? I probably just didn’t have any strength left to stand, I hadn’t eaten in a couple days, it had happened before.
It wasn’t until he started pressing on my stomach did I feel the burning sensation that just spread, until it felt like every breath was made of fire. I looked up at him and told him it wasn’t his fault. That he had to take care of our girls now. I told him how much I loved him and everyone I had left behind. I needed him to know, before I couldn’t tell him. Words were becoming harder to form. But suddenly I wasn’t in his arms anymore. His arms made it better, his arms made it less painful. I needed him back, I called his name over and over, until I couldn’t form words anymore. I reached out to him and waited for him to take my hand. But it wasn’t his hand that took mine. I tried to look for him but I wasn’t allowed to move. I needed him back, I needed him to tell me it was ok. I was starting to fade, the edges of everything was growing burry and dim. I didn’t understand what was going on and I need him here to tell me. He always tells me when I don’t understand. The fading was getting worse, until the last thing I heard was my name as everything faded out completely.
I woke up to beeping. Kind of like in all those books that I read when something happens to the main character and they almost die. I felt stiff and sore. I opened my eyes to a semi dark room. Like hospital room dark. I looked around and found that that was exactly where I was. Now I feel like a clichéd book character. I looked around to see if I could figure out where I was or if anyone I knew was around. I saw no one and nothing to help me. so I searched for the call button, once I found it I called for a nurse.
It took a minute but one came in, and she seemed really happy to see me. she asked me how I was and if I needed anything. I told her I was fine, but I wanted to know where I was, state wise. She told me home, I was back in NH. She told me after I was out of surgery I was transferred home. I asked if anyone was around. She told me to look in the corner. I did. My mom was curled up in the window bed, and he was sleeping in a chair. She asked me if I wanted her to wake them, I told her not too. They looked tired even when sleeping. She told me to try and sleep more, and she left, but I watched them sleep instead, it had only been a month but I could see the toll my disappearance had taken on them both.
I was starting to get thirsty, so I looked around for the water, and I found it next to me on the side table. I tried to reach it but as soon as I stretched my arm out to get it a shooting pain drove itself into my side and stomach. I hissed out a breath trying to make too much sound. I closed my eyes and leaned back trying to calm my breathing. When the pain had quieted enough I opened my eyes to see him watching me. I watched him as he came to my side. I looked up at him and said a quiet hi. He looks at me and says you almost die and all you can say to me is hi. I just smile at him and slowly tried to sit up and reach out to him, I only got a little ways up before he had to help me. He sat on the edge of the bed and stayed very still, like he’s scared of moving or hurting me. So I wrap my arms around him and sighed. This is where I wanted to be when they took me away, this is where I needed to be. That’s all it took for him to wrap his arms around me too. He kissed my forehead and helped me lean back again, he grabbed the water and handed it to me, when I handed it back he helped me move over so he could be with me on the bed. He looked over at my mom and whispered that she was going to be mad at him for not walking her up, but that she could really use the sleep. I whispered back that it was ok, that I was getting tired again. I looked up at him and told him, I was waiting for you to tell me it was ok. He looked confused, so I elaborated, I needed you to tell me it was ok before I could go. I couldn’t leave otherwise. The look he gave me told me he understood, it told me that he had been about to say it too. That he is realizing just how close he came to losing me, and not just in the sense of she out there somewhere and I don’t know where that is, in the sense of she’s gone and there is no way for me to get her back.
He told me to try and get some more sleep, I told him to do the same, but to also not let me go. He told me he wouldn’t. He then fell asleep while I stayed awake, thinking about everything that had come to pass. Mom was still sleeping and I was starting to think about one of my girls, when she walked in, as if called by my thoughts alone. She carried three cups with her, all with coffee in them for its all I smelled. She walked over to my mom, I was about to tell her to let her sleep, but all she did was place the cup on the floor. The other cup she placed by the chair, the one he was in before. She never once looked at the bed, so I watched her as she went and sat in another chair, one that was turned so she could see me if she turned, but not so she was looking me. I watched her as she pulled out her phone and texted someone. I heard his phone go off, and guessed she had texted him, i
t was the noise of his phone going off that drew her attention to the bed and to me. I watched as she braced herself first, before looking, like she knew what she was going to see and knew she wouldn’t like it.
She turned and just stared at me. I watched emotions flash across her face from shock to anger, to happiness to caution. She got up slowly as if waking from a dream and crossed the room quickly, I reached a hand out to her slowly so as not to wake the sleeper beside me and to not cause any more pain. She grabbed my hand as if it was a life line, held on so tight it almost hurt. Her eyes accused me of so many things I had to look away, I even tried to pull my hand away but she wouldn’t let me. I couldn’t understand it, she was accusing me of the worst things without saying anything, she was showing me how hurt she was, how anger she was, but she wouldn’t let me go, she just squeezed harder, until he put his hand on hers and brought her back from where she had been. She looked at him then, and all he said was I know. I know. But you don’t know the full story, you weren’t there, you didn’t see, you didn’t hold her when it looked like she was going to die right there in my arms. I looked up at her and over at him and felt like everything I had tried to do to protect them just made things worse. I tried to pull away from him too, but he wouldn’t let me. It was like he was reading my mind, because he pulled me closer and kissed my temple. I understand now, he told me and looking up into his eyes I could see that he did. He understood my need to leave, the pain I went through staying away. She didn’t, not yet, no one did yet, but she would, they all would.
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After giving June a mind blowing orgasm from eating her, now she ready to fuck and so am I. I climb on top of her like before and start rubbing the head of my dick against her clit causing her to moan loud. She asked me to stop teasing her and I acted like I didn't hear her and kept going , she is so fucking wet. I start sliding my cock into her slow and she is really going crazy. When I finally get balls deep in her, June is squeezing my cock with her pussy and telling me how big an hard I am....
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Hi all gurls and boyzz…how are you…well let me first introduce myself…my name is gagan luthra..from new delhi age 23. I am working as engineer in motorola..and i regualrly visit this website…i regularly read stories…but i nver rite my own story coz nothing had happen…so what i could rite…but today i got a chance to put my own experience. It all happen today itself in afternoon… Actually i was travelling in a crowded bus. Bus no 507. The bus was over crowded. And i just some how get inside…and...
That was the last straw. The Janglers wanted the Arlo to wipe out the Mongers. The Arlo community was against such drastic action, but something had to be done to eliminate the threat from the Mongers. Unfortunately, none of the people directly involved could come up with an acceptable solution, so I proposed my own idea. I suggested that CC (Central Computer) come up with a sector not currently occupied by residents. So many people had been lost during the gamma-ray burst that there was no...
Chapter 1 My family has always seemed pretty normal, you know, the standard-issue Mom and Dad and younger brother. I'm Becky, sixteen, and my brother is Kent, fourteen but just about to turn fifteen, then there's Mom and Dad, they're thirty-nine and forty-two, respectively, if you want to know. Mom is a very attractive blond and I've inherited her looks; her hair color, like mine, comes from a salon. We're both trim and with some decent curves, both of us look good in bikinis. Dad is...
Nathan stopped off at Flossie’s on the way home. His sisters were still there, and he sent them home. Flossie, after spending a day with the girls, was in much better spirits. She still moved stiffly, but she was getting around. “I couldn’t paint, seeing as how my paint was all gone,” she joked. “Sorry about that, said Nathan.” “It was for a good cause, as far as I’m concerned,” said Flossie, seriously. “Thank you.” “I couldn’t let him...” Nathan turned away. The vision of his father...
Our first year anniversary was coming up. We’d only known each other for under a month before we got together, but as the days slowly passed and we got to know each other more and better, we ended up falling in love. Looking at my beautiful boyfriend, David, I couldn’t even think about what I would do without him. I didn’t know what I would do if he left me or if he was taken from me. He’d become such a major part of my life and I was completey and utterly devoted to him, and he was to me. It...
Ive got it all paid and finance by my university being one of the best students has its perks. The last 6month of my degree is going to be the best , I tought all semester before finally leaving for californiaI woud be working at the Hostel on their iphone app interface with a senior engineer who now run the hostel , named Mike and i would have free time to enjoy the city and beach alotI got to the place at noon and Mike was beind the counter welcoming me shaking my hand with his big firm black...
3: Elevation Sweet-faced Angela Briscoe with sensuous lips and a flattering cleavage had become the darling of management at Baldacci, Guy, Reinhardt & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, before her unmasking. It would have been her sensational unmasking but for an amazing substantial cover-up. In Part 3 the final, Angela is promoted to the corporate headquarters of Kingdom Law. Eighteen months after Angela Briscoe’s career in law office support had edged to the brink of facing court appearances in...
I have been living with 'my' ladies for a few months now and life for a guy who loves hairy women like I do, this really is heaven.These women could in no way be described as beautiful in the usual sense but to me they really are beautiful in their own way and it's all down to the fact that they do not shave and that not shaving doesn't bother them at all, and it shows in their general demeanour, they do not give give a damn about what other people think of them.They continue to wear very sexy...
The young woman who was a college freshman did not know what her supervisor wanted. She had only been on her shift for a couple of hours when she reported to office in the back of the restaurant. “I just got a call from Melanie,” the manager began. “Something unexpected came up at the last minute and she can’t be here tonight. Can you work part of her shift? I mean, if you have something planned already, we’ll manage somehow. But if you could help me out, I’d really be grateful to...
The slap to my face was quick and harsh. “Richard Jefferson Michael O’Hara. How dare you say that? I have been waiting too long to share you like that. Now kiss me some more ... I like it.” “I’m sorry, Caroline. It was meant as a joke, I didn’t mean it.” We resumed kissing, as I started to take off my tie and shirt. I didn’t want to be disconnected from her mouth, so I went slowly with my kissing and fast with my disrobing. After I unbuckled my slacks and let them drop, I picked up...
„Das hätte ich nie im Leben gedacht daß du meinen Kleinen so gut verträgst…es ist schon eine Weile her daß den mal jemand weggesteckt hat und das war kein junger zarter Bursch wie du. Wenn du nicht deine geile Faustfick-Vorführung abgehalten und nicht meinen Dicken so schön eingecremt hättest – ich hätte nie den Versuch unternommen dich aufzubocken.“ David bekam noch einen dicken Schmatz auf den Mund. „Komm gehen wir unter die Dusche wir kleben ja schon förmlich zusammen“ meinte der schwere...
The rest of the way to school was just plain weird. Betsy Lou was always back where I could see her, almost like she was afraid she'd get lost if I got out of her sight. I knew she was watching me but every time I turned around, she was looking someplace else. The assemblage at the gate seemed larger today and they had that "Hi, Schlong" thing down pat. Just about everyone I passed on the way to my locker said something to me, too. Guys and girls. That was new. We were in different...
I could not manage to make it home before Adam, who caught me red handed with my Bordelle shopping bags. We had agreed to be financially cautious this month and I watched his transient ischemic attack as he processed the label with its bankruptcy potential, weighed against the number and variety of fucking it promises. I quickly dashed into my closet and buried the bags in some corner. He frowned and scowled at the closed door while I gave him a peck on the cheek and promised that I did not do...
Hi readers! I am Vipul back again with the next part of our beloved Priya Bhabhi’s sex adventure in Chandigarh. I loved the responses I got from my readers. You people are great. And I feel good as a writer that my story had the intended effect on most of you. You can read my previous story as well. If you haven’t read the last part, please read it here before reading this story, as it is a continuing series. Priya gets out of Vikas’ hold, runs naked to the bedside, and picks up her call. She...
this happened when i was around 16 it is true i was a very horny bastard comment if you want if you don want to all is well!!!!!this happened some 20yrs ago, when i was 16. i was out late one night on a school night just wandering the streets and ran into one of my mothers friends. this woman was nothing to look at but she had nice fat tits. she was out with her husband and mind both of them were a bit slow, or at least the husband was. well to say the least me and her had gotten to fucking,...
This is a fantasy story a friend asked me to write about her. We hope you'll enjoy it.It is in 3 parts. Here's the first. Please feel free to comment. If you'd like a fantasy story written for you, please contact me!Have fun.Beach………..I knew, from the moment I walked into the room for my job interview, that she was going to be a tough boss. Five years ago I believed I could crack her, soften her, humanize her but I was wrong. I couldn’t find the code to unlock that cold outer crust. That frosty...
Vengeance Synopsis: A former intelligence agent who lost everything in a terrorist attack decides to get revenge. His methods are quite unconventional... [email protected] ********************************************************************** Vengeance "Comfy?" The man on the cot turned his head, startled from a fitful sleep. He started to move, and immediately was restrained by the shackles on one leg and one arm. He glanced up, past the glare of...
Chapter Twenty-Three LEVERIA “…do you see that?” A nasally voice cut through the darkness. The darkness had been pure bliss, a blanket of nothing to drape over my mind, gently dulling the cruel light of life. The voice was an interloper, a screeching rooster at dawn’s window, rousing me unbiddenly from the deepest of slumbers. “What is that?” Another voice asked. Oh, it was a sweet sound, a songbird’s melody to announce the gentle rise of the sun, its warm rays filtering through my...
The Rabbit Hole: Chapter 10 By Trixie Adara Edited by ALewdEditor ** Warning, some of the scenes in this chapter are graphic and can be triggering. If you want to avoid them, skip over everything in italics. They are not vital for the plot. ** Penny Nurse wraps the bandage around Penny's head, stopping the bleeding. She sings a sweet song to comfort her patient, something about butterflies. Penny must have been good. Nurse never sings sweet songs, her voice is sharp and...
Roman Pleasures What the history books say : 'Sex and violence were as closely coupled in the ancient world as they arein the world of today. After Ovid's death the great Colosseum was built whichbrought the two elements to a nadir of depravity. The insatiable public wasable to see not only killings, but re-enactments of mythical couplings betweenbeasts and humans. The one of 'Pasiphae and the Bull' in which the bull waslowered in a harness on to the poor female victim may have been a type of...
Introduction: An Innocent teenager discovering the wonderful world or love and women […It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedbacks will be appreciated…] […It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedback will be appreciated…] The story revolves around a teenager named Joey who lives with his mother in a small farm. It is situated near the Berg Lake which is close to the Mount Robson of the Canadian Rockies. Joey is...
Me and my husband just moved into our own small bungalow here. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any offspring, we decided to have one room as a homegym. Working out is a big part of our lifes. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch in my workout pants. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch pole and a realy nice ass. When the weather is hot enough, we workout topless, just in our briefs. The benefits of a homegym. Often enough, we leave...
We were lying on the living room floor, ignoring the late movie on TV, necking. Our tongues were sparring and my hand was up under her sweater, holding one of the plump round breasts she herself had liberated when I had had a bit of trouble with the bra catch. The breast felt so cool and smooth and unexpectedly weighty in my hand that I wanted to see it; I pushed up her sweater to look and was not disappointed. It was beautiful, a big scoop of the smoothest, silkiest ice cream, round and creamy...
WARNING: this story includes woman-to-woman coercion, violence, rape and murder, with an inter-racial theme of black-on-white dominance. It is entirely fantasy, and is not meant to suggest that anyone behaves like this in reality. IF THESE THEMES ARE LIKELY TO OFFEND YOU, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER. You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and...
My Little Toy Sissy-boiChapter 1By CDJackieI was standing at the sink with my lingerie about half done when I heard the door bell ring. I didn’t care for the interruption but thought what could I do so I went to the door figuring I’d just send away whoever it was. When I opened the door my young lover was standing there and it ticked me off, when I talked to her earlier on the phone I had told her to come over to see me but to not arrive for at least 2 hours since I was going to be busy.I let...
Once Smitten, Twice Shy, by Armond Smitten. Ah, the delicious irony, that an ancient Germanic adjective for striking and beating also defines lovesick infatuation. When I think of smitten, I call to mind buff, blond Siegfried, hammering an enormous fist onto his anvil chest, and bellowing to Br?nnhilde, -in operatic vibrato!- 'Ja! Ich smitten! Smitten Ich!' Hyperbole, I grant you, but surely this is the Fates' warning that no good comes from such an obsession. ...
In the future, sexual repression will be considered especially heinous. Enlightened parents will enroll their 16 year olds in sexual schools, which include rigorous college preparation. In the United States, female graduates of the Wingate school are members of an elite squad known as the Wingate Girls. These are their stories. * * One of the most important classes for Wingate First Year girls was Basic Oral, commonly called BJ 101. The prerequisite for enrollment? Each 16 year old was to have...
It’s a busy weekday morning in the office, but nothing I can’t handle. Lists dwindle as the 'things to do' get dispatched. A nice, uneventful day so far. While I’m figuring out which item gets next priority, my tummy does a crazy flip. It’s done that intermittently for the past three days so I know damn well it’s not the mango I had with breakfast. I motor through another item on the agenda. Done.For some reason, a racing pulse has decided to keep the tummy flip company. I know only too well...
MasturbationSunlight streamed in through the bedroom window in a thick (albeit slanted) golden pillar, its base lying at the foot of a king-sized bed with a single occupant. The sleeper lay tangled in the sheets, wearing a tired smile after an apparently restless, though pleasant night. The broad square of daylight slowly moved up the side of the bed as morning wore on, eventually creeping over a pair of dainty feet, wrapped around a twist of blanket. With the change in temperature, the sleeper groaned...
Vee was a very good student. The Wanzor did as well in the sciences but couldn't keep her mouth shut in Art History ... mostly because she'd been there. The pictures of huge codpieces on Kings, Dukes ... even knights were products of artists staying alive. So too were massive chests and well turned calves. Noses were shrunk and chins grew. Paintings of wives and children were more the product of imagination than the real thing. Sometimes the beauty of a child was found in the model found...
I'm 5 feet and six inches tall I weigh 135 pounds soaking wet with long brown hair. Mom and Auntie Karen are both 6'2" with huge breasts and long legs. I walked into the Den to see them watching some shemale porn together. I sat down across the room from there with trembling knees and tears running down my cheek on the right side. Mom said come and sit down next to us, so I crossed the room and sat between them they both kissed me on the cheek and said We have a confession honey.Timmy I'm not...
Who doesn’t like to see beautiful babes show off their tatas? I am sure we all just love to see these sluts get down and dirty, and if that is what you were hoping for as well, I am here to introduce a wonderful place called r/ratemyboobs/. This is a subreddit dedicated to chicks who would love for you to rate their tits, and you have sluts of all shapes and sizes.The whole point is for you to rate their tits, so they want to be judged and looked at by strangers, ain’t that neat? Now, if you...
Reddit NSFW ListDiamond Foxxx isn’t on a new dating app looking for someone to date; she’s looking for a project – a nice young one with a big dick and hearty stamina. And when she sees her son’s friend Rion on there, she thinks she’s found just what she’d been looking for. A call later and Rion’s over at Ms. Foxxx’s home as she gives him pointers on the abysmal profile on his profile, the one that calls him a self-made millionaire. Rion confesses and tells her he...