Mandy_(2) free porn video

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My uncle, aunt, and their family were going on a vacation for a little more than two weeks. My uncle had asked me if I could stay at their house and watch it while they were gone. I was home from college for the summer. He offered to pay me and as a college student I was also looking for ways to make some money. I worked during the day, but agreed I could be there nights and weekends. My uncle had also asked me to mow the grass every Saturday, for which I would be paid extra.


On the Friday they were to leave I drove them to the airport and then returned to their house to start my house sitting. When I returned there was a car parked in the driveway next door. I got a glimpse of a young women walking into the house. She looked good from a rear view, but I did not see her face before she disappeared inside. I used the remote I was given to open the garage door and parked my car in the garage. I went over to the lawn mower and made sure it was ready for tomorrow. It was all gassed up and ready to go. I should have not expected less. My uncle was very meticulous and almost a perfectionist in a lot of ways. I started the mower just to make sure I understood the instructions he had given me on the way to the airport. Again his attention to detail coming out. I shut the mower off, closed the garage door, and went inside.

I spent some time in the kitchen learning where things were and what food was available. I had been told I could have anything that was there. My aunt had made a number of things for me to eat and they were in the refrigerator, neatly labelled with cooking or reheating instructions. I then went to the bedroom, the guest bedroom, where I would be sleeping. The bed was neatly made. Replacement bedding was neatly folded and sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. The bathroom nearby was stocked with towels and other essential items. I had forgotten to bring in my suitcase so I went to the car and brought it in. I put my clothes away and my toiletry items in the bathroom. I went downstairs to refresh myself where the gas, water, and electrical mains were. My uncle had me over the week before to go through a whole list of items. Finally I fixed myself a sandwich and sat down to watch a little television.

After some time I heard the door of the car in the driveway next door shut. On my way to the window I heard the engine start. I got there in time to see the same sandy, blonde woman drive away. I still didn't get a real look at her face because she was wearing sunglasses.

It had started to cool off as the sun went down so I went out onto the deck on the back of the house. My uncle’s house was a split level and was set up on a hill from the house next door where I had seen the woman.

The house next door was a walkout. The sliding door on the bottom level opened to a fenced in area with a pool. From the deck I was on I could see down too most of the pool area. Because of the privacy fence around the pool the deck appeared to have the only line of sight to the pool area in the neighborhood. I gazed at the water below thinking a swim would be very refreshing before bed. However I had no access or permission to use the pool. Beside I hadn’t even brought my swimsuit. I stood for awhile watching the fading sunshine reflect off the water below. When the mosquitoes began to buzz around I went back inside.

I watched a little more television, then took something to help me to sleep. I always have a hard time sleeping well the first night in a strange bed. I checked to make sure everything was locked up, before taking a book to bed with me. I read until I was tired enough to sleep. I put the book on the night table, turned off the lights, and tried to get to sleep. About 30 minutes later I heard the car next door return. The engine stopped and I heard the car door shut.

I began wondering about the woman next door. The house next door seemed too big for just one person. My uncle had introduced me to the neighbors across street. They were in their 30’s with 2 young children. There was an older couple on one side of the house and then the woman I have seen in the house on the other side. I wondered who this woman was. I wondered if I would meet her. How old was she? What did she look line behind the sunglasses. Would I even get a good loook at her? I slowly fell asleep. I dreamt of meeting her and taking her out for a meal. Even in my dream she was still wearing sunglasses. Dreams are funny sometimes. I think I dreamed of her all night.

When I awoke I made a simple breakfast. I waited until 9:30 before I started mowing. My uncle’s back yard was rather small, at least the part that had to be mowed. My aunt and uncle had done some extensive landscaping in the back yard. There were several flower beds with various flowers and green plants. There was also a good-sized garden, leaving a small amount of area for grass. I finished that quickly and moved to the front. It took a little longer, but before too long the mowing was done. Now came the time consuming task of trimming along the edges including the fence between my uncle’s yard and the pool. I cleaned the mower, my uncle’s instructions and put it away. I took out the electric edge trimmer and took it around back. I located the outlet my uncle told me was there. 30 minutes later I had finished trimming except for the fence enclosing the pool. As I moved along the fence I could see some nicks from contact with the trimmer in the past. I heard the sliding glass door open and someone sigh and say, “maybe in an hour” before the door closed. It was truly a privacy fence, I couldn’t see anything on the other side. I finished along the fence and moved to the front yard. The front electrical outlet was easy to find. There was less to trim in the front and I finished in 15 minutes. I cleaned everything and put the trimmer away.

I had purposely waited to take my shower until I finished the yard work. I enjoyed the shower, especially the hot water cascading over my body. I took a long shower, at least long for me. I got out, put on underwear and shorts. Then an idea came into my head. Was the neighbor going to be out in the pool area later? She had said something about an hour. I grabbed my book and went out on the deck. I moved a chair near the rail where I had a good view of the pool area next door. However because of a wooden bench that ran nearly the length of the rail on that side of the deck someone in the pool area would have a hard time seeing me. The day was warming up now. It had been a little cool earlier. I lay back in the chair and picked up reading where I had left off.

The book was interesting. One of those science gone wrong stories. 20 minutes later I heard the sliding door next door open. I looked over just moving my head, but making no noise. There was the young woman with a towel, sunscreen, a glass with a drink of some kind in It, and again those sunglasses. She was wearing a very skimpy bikini. The glass and sunscreen were set on a table and the towel laid out on a lounge chair. I was probably 25 - 30 feet away, but had a very good view. She began rubbing on the sunscreen. I was entranced watching her move her hands all over the upper half of her firm, soft body. I even watched as her hand slipped under her bikini top to get sunscreen on her good-sized breasts. First her right one and then her left. She was very adept, never exposing her breasts. She had apparently done this many times before. She seemed to pause and look around. I stayed very still. She sat and began rubbing sunscreen on her legs. They were long, trim, and sleek. I again watched intently when her hands went up to the hem of her bikini bottoms. Her hands slipped up under her the fabric and rubbed across her groin area. Her hands adjusted her bikini before standing up. Again nothing was exposed. She put some more sunscreen in her hands and began rubbing it under her bikini bottoms on her butt cheeks. She was almost facing directly at me and I got a very good view of her cleavage. I hadn’t noticed until now, but my penis had stiffened and had created a tent in my shorts. I watched her breasts jiggle back and forth as she continued to coat her ass. I wondered how she was going to get the sunscreen on her back. I was willing to volunteer, but of course did not wish to reveal I was there. When she withdrew her hands she picked up a cloth I hadn’t noticed before. She applied sunscreen to it and rubbed it across her back like one would dry one’s back coming out of the shower. So much for needing a volunteer. She moved the strap crossing her back and applied sunscreen in the same manner. Then it occurred to me that she was preparing to sunbathe in the nude. I know I am slow sometimes.

This refocused and heightened my attention, if that was possible. She again looked around and stared up at the deck where I was For a number of seconds. She seemed to relax. She removed her sunglasses and set them on the table. She took a drink from her glass. When she put the glass down I got my first look at her full face. I gasped. It was Amanda, a girl I had known in junior high school. We had actually gone on a couple of dates, before she moved. Her father owned a business that had become quite successful and Amanda’s mother wanted a larger house. I had no idea this is where they had moved to. Amanda had certainly developed and become much more beautiful than I remembered. It was apparent that my gasp had gone unnoticed.

Amanda laid down on her stomach on the lounge chair. My rapt attention was on the figure below. It was a wonderful sight. After a minute she reached around and unhooked her bikini top. Then she pulled her bikini bottom down toward her knees. Soon she had wriggled out of it and kicked it off onto the pool deck. Her rear end was exquisitely round and shapely. I imagined putting my hands on it and squeezing the soft, warm, smooth flesh. Of spreading her cheeks wide and tickling the hole between them. Kneading and massaging them to her squeals of pleasure. Her skin looked perfect. It was tanned, smooth, and blemish free. I pictured myself kissing up her back. Slowly moving up from her tailbone to her neck and then back down again. Then slowly tracing my fingers along her arms, then down her back, and continuing down her legs. Bringing them up them up along the inside of her legs.

I found myself in some discomfort, because of my extreme hard-on. I carefully released my rod from the confinement of my shorts and underwear. It stood straight out as I experienced some relief. I could still feel it throbbing with each beat of my heart. Just then the sun moved to a point where the sunlight was glistening off parts of her body. Hyperbole, but it made her look angelic.

I shifted in my chair slightly and it creaked. Amanda raised her head in reaction to the sound. Again she looked my direction. She shaded her eyes from the sun and looked around some more. Seemingly satisfied it was just an outdoor sound she relaxed. She put a hand on the back of her leg for a couple of seconds, then flipped over. I almost gasped again, but managed to stifle it. Although the uprights in the railing around the deck did a good job of obstructing her view of my face, my eyes were in a great position to have a great view of her.

With her now lying on her back I was able to see her breasts, her trim, toned stomach, and the patch of trimmed pubic hair just above her pussy. Her legs were together so I could only see the start of her pussy lips. Her breasts were good-sized and the skin there was a slightly lighter shade than the rest of her tanned body. Her areolas were a little darker and just a bit larger than I would have expected. Her nipples were pink and erect, but from this distance and position I could not tell how big they were. This didn’t stop me from imagining my hands on them. Caressing and massaging them to her moaning in pleasure. Then kissing and sucking on her nipples until they hardened in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around them, before moving down to her womanhood. I gently pushed her legs apart and used my fingers to spread her pussy lips and moved my tongue to taste her. I got startled from my daydream when I fell off the chair.

“Who's up on the deck,” came Amanda’s voice from the pool area below.

I slowly stood up.

“Come down here now! We need to talk!” she insisted.

I pulled on my shorts and underwear before going down the stairs to the patio below. I turned toward the privacy fence wondering what was going to happen. I got to the fence after going down the slope to the yard next door. I walked up to the gate in the fence.

“Unlatch it, come in, and shut it behind you,” she said in a gruff voice.

I unlatched the gate. She was standing beside the lounge chair with the towel wrapped around her. I stepped through, then turned to shut the gate. When I turned around she had a frown and a mad look on her face.

“What do you think you were ...” She started saying angrily.

She paused. She looked intently at me. Her expression turned into a puzzled look. Then brightened with a look of surprise.

“Andy? Andy is that you?” Amanda asked.

“Yes … yes it is,” I stammered.

She took a couple of quick steps to where I was standing. I didn’t know whether I should protect myself or just wait to see what she was going to do.

She looked me over then said, “My you've grown. I like what I see.”

She grabbed me in a bear hug letting the towel become pressed between us before it had time to fall off her body. I hugged back. My penis had softened some but it pressed up against her through my clothing and the towel between us. It had started to stiffen again because of the contact and the images still in my head.

“I see someone else liked what they were seeing too,” she whispered in my ear.

One of her hands dropped and pushed between our bodies. She found what she was searching for. The tips of her fingers ran from my tip down to my balls.

“Ooo! It is big and long,” she commented.

“Amanda it is good to see you again. You are beautiful,” I said back to her still holding her in a tight hug.

“It’s Mandy now. It is less formal and just comes off the tongue easier,” she explained. “I saw someone mowing this morning, but I didn’t realize it was you. I just thought they had hired someone to mow while they are gone.”

“I am watching the house while my uncle and his family are on vacation,” I informed her.

“It is good to see you again,” Mandy said. “It’s been over six years. We dated a couple of times. I remember some kissing and some touching. Then my mom decided we were moving. New city, new school. I thought about you a number of times, but life gets in the way.”

My mind went back to our last date. We went to a movie. She had insisted that we sit in the back corner. I don’t remember what movie we “saw”. As soon as the lights went down we were kissing. My first real kiss with that was not a relative. We were a little awkward at first, but improved quickly. We moved to each other’s necks. I got a little “oh” from her when my lips accidentally grazed her ear lobe. I decided to kiss, lick, and nibble her ear lobe. She told me “that feels good”. I alternated between her neck and ear. I lightly rubbed the back of her neck. She shivered. It “tingles” she told me. I felt her hand on my thigh move up between my legs. I let out an “ahh” when she first touched my growing rod. No one had ever touched me there before, not like this. I had masturbated, but this was gentle and soothing. I put a hand on her breast. Even through the fabric of her top and bra it felt wonderful. It was firm yet pliable. I repeated the same on the other breast. After a couple of minutes she whispered, “between my legs”. I moved my hand lower. Mandy had spread her knees. I moved from her waistband going lower. It got warmer, then I felt a moist spot. I circled my fingers around the moist spot. Mandy squirmed in her chair, pushing harder and harder against my fingers. Mandy had continued running her fingers along the length of my shaft, increasing pressure as time moved forward. I could no longer contain myself and creamed the inside of my pants. Mandy whispered “just a little longer”. Within a minute she shook and shivered, the moist spot became wet and very warm. Mandy went limp in her seat before gently pushing me away.

“Finished!” she said collapsing back in her theatre seat.

I got snapped back into the present.

“You want to go swimming!” Mandy said.

It was a command and not a question.

“I don't have a swimsuit,” I responded.

“You don’t need one!” she said smiling a devilish smile before giving me a kiss.

Maintaining the kiss her body backed away from mine. The towel dropped to the pool deck. She pressed back against me before hooking her thumbs on my waistband and dropping my pants to join the towel. Mandy giggled, turned, walked to the pool and dove in. I enjoyed the view of her rear end bouncing and swaying for the short time I was able. She came up on the other side of the pool and stood so just the tops of her breasts were above the water. She smiled back at me, a wicked, devilish smile.

“Are your parents here?” I asked not needing a father or mother with a shotgun to appear to “rescue” their daughter.

“No! They are both gone for the weekend to some realtor seminar out of town,” Mandy answered.

I kicked off my shoes and socks. I pulled my shirt off over my head and threw it aside as I moved to the edge of pool. I couldn’t tell how deep the pool was below me, so I jumped in. It was a little more than 4 feet deep. I looked over at Mandy. She still had the same smile. I went underwater and swam toward her. I watched her as I approached. Her breasts were my main focus. They were so tremendous. They were perfect in shape. Complete mirror images of each other. The cooler water had caused her nipples to become erect and they appeared to point my direction. The light bouncing, reflecting off the water caused Mandy to shimmer, shine, and darken over her body as I moved toward her. Her knees were bent to keep just her shoulders and head above the water. The area between her upper thighs was in a shadow. This made her pussy unobservable. I moved right up in front of her. I was close to her, but trying not to touch her. I did make slight contact with her breasts and one of her knees. When I stopped I was face to face with her. I gazed into her eyes. I kissed her softy at first, becoming more intense as she joined in the action. Her back was against the wall of the pool and her firm breasts pushed into my chest. I put less pressure on her not wishing her to feel trapped. She used her tongue expertly, exploring the inside of my mouth. I returned the favor to the best of my ability. I moved down to her neck, mostly kissing, but mixed with a few licks and light nibbles. Mandy purred and moaned an approving moan. She stood up a little causing her breasts to move above the surface of the water. I didn’t get the hint quick enough so she pushed on the top of my head urging me to go lower. My mouth covered her nipple and areola. I kissed and began sucking. My tongue swirled around and over her nipple that had been cooled by the water. It soon warmed up, remaining erect and hard. I pushed my tongue against it pressing it into her breast.

“Yes! That’s wonderful! Yes!” she exclaimed. “Go to the other one!”

I released the first and moved to the other one. I again pressed my lips on her breast and sucked hard. My tongue teased her nipple. I took a little nibble. “Ooo” exited her lips before she pressed my head tighter against her. I again pressed my tongue on her protruding nipple pushing it into her breast. She moaned gratefully.

After a few minutes I felt her hand on top of my head pushing down. I took a deep breath before I moved down lowering my head under the water. I was kissing her stomach as I went down. I licked her belly button. She twitched, she continued pushing down on my head. I reached her trimmed patch just above her pussy. Her pubic hairs brushed my nose as my lips touched the top of her pussy lips. I stuck my tongue into the tight folds briefly touching her clitoris. Again I felt her twitch. She continued pushing until my mouth was in front of the middle of her pussy. My tongue licked the length of her crack. I pushed tight against it and tried to suck. Bad idea underwater. I had sucked in a small amount of the pool water, when I realized my error. Her hand had left the top of my head and I freely moved along the length of her slit. I knew I was coming to the end of my time underwater. I pressed my tongue on her clit, getting a reaction from her, before I came up for air.

Upon surfacing I was face to face with Mandy. She was smiling. I caught my breath. Her hand went to the top of my head and gently pushed downward again. I took a couple deep breaths and lowered myself into the water once more. I used my fingers to spread her lips and concentrated on her hole and then her clit. I knew this was not going to work because I couldn’t stay under long enough. I grabbed one of her legs and put it over my shoulder. Then I took the other one and put it over my other shoulder. I’m sure Mandy was wondering what I had in mind. I pressed my mouth and nose into her pussy. I slowly straightened up moving away from the wall at the same time. Mandy hung onto the side of the pool to keep her head from going under the water. So now her body was straight out floating on the water between me and the wall.

I was now able to breath as needed and aggressively attacked her love box with my mouth and tongue. I kept her pussy lips spread and concentrated my attention on her clit. I licked around the hood and soon her clit stuck out and was hard and prominent. I felt her warmth increasing dramatically now that it was out of the water. My tongue swirled around and then pressed firmly on it. Mandy responded with moans and body movements which pushed firmly against my mouth and tongue. Mandy's breathing became short and erratic. She gasped when I inserted 2 fingers into her love hole. I pushed then in and out slowly at first then steadily increasing in speed. Mandy bent her knees and pressed her heals into my back. She started moving in coordination with the movement of my fingers. Mandy took a deep breath and held it. With a grunt she exhaled, before taking a few short breaths and then another deep breath. When she exhaled next her body shuddered and spasmed. Splashing some water in my face. I tasted the sweet, salty, musky liquid released by her orgasm. She continued to gasp for breath for several seconds. I continued intensely with my mouth and fingers. Soon the second orgasm overwhelmed her. It appeared to be more intense than the first. Mandy arched her back out of the water putting pressure on my shoulders and then squeezing my head tight with her thighs. She shrieked. I don’t know how loud because her thighs covered my ears. Her body splashed down on the water, before her back arched again with another shriek and a squeeze of my head. After her body splashed down again, she released my head.

“Stop! Stop!” she implored breathlessly.

I lifted my head from her pussy and watched her wonderful mounds in front of me heaving with each breath and shudder she experienced. Slowly her breathing returned to normal and her body relaxed into the water. Her face was “stuck” in a huge contented smile.

I slipped her legs off my shoulders and lowered her feet to the bottom of the pool. I moved forward and hugged her pressing her body into mine. My penis was fully erect and slid up her trimmed pubic hair, nearly up to her navel.

“Somebody’s excited,” she said sensuously.

Her hand moved down between us and wrapped around my rod with her thumb moving around the tip. It jerked at her touch and I could feel the blood pulsing through it with each heartbeat. I moaned.

“Your turn,” she said as she caused us to pirouette until my back was against the side of the pool.

She gave me a kiss before she lowered herself below the water. Soon her lips engulfed the head of my penis. I moaned due to the fabulous sensation. Her tongue swirled around shooting a second wave of pleasure through my body. She started sucking but suddenly shot up out of the water. She coughed and gagged a few times.

“I see why you had a problem,” she sputtered.

She took a deep breath and submerged beneath the surface again. I felt her moving my legs over her shoulders like I had done with hers. With her head between my thighs She backed away while standing up. I hung onto the side of the pool as her head reappeared along with my penis, which came up out of the water like a periscope. My body was now basically floating in the water between the side of the pool and Mandy. Her hand came up and began slowly pumping me. She licked the underside of my rod sending tingles up my spine. I quickly realized that the base of my shaft was level with her mouth. I bent my knees and hips resting my calves on her shoulders. She was able to get her mouth over the head of my penis. She sucked strongly on it as it stiffened again. I had had a hard-on now, at least for the most part, for over an hour. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the fantastic sensations I was feeling. Mandy took more and more of me into her mouth. Moving up and down taking me deeper until I hit the back of her mouth. I resisted cumming until it felt like I was pushing into her throat. No one had ever taken me this deep before. Seconds later I could feel the inevitable getting ready to happen.

“I’m going to cum,” I said.

Mandy sucked harder and I exploded into her. I don’t know if it shot straight down her throat, but nothing came out of her mouth until the last squirts caused some to escape the corner of her mouth. It floated on the water slowly moving away from us caught in the current created by the pools circulation. Mandy continued sucking, licking, and moving up and down until she was satisfied and I started to soften. When I got back to breathing normal she pushed my legs off her shoulders. They drifted down until they reached the bottom of the pool and I was able to stand. She came over to me and we hugged and kissed for several minutes.

“Let’s get out of the pool and let the sun warm us up,” Mandy suggested.

I carried her to the shallow end of the pool and up the steps. I put her down on the lounge chair she had been in when I was watching her from the deck next door. I lay down in the chair that was next to hers.

“It’s good to see you again,” Mandy said snickering.

“You certainly made that clear,” I retorted staring at her lovely body laying in the chair. “It’s good to see you again! All of you!”

She laughed again.

“How long does it take you to reload?” Mandy asked. “My sister will be home in about 90 minutes and I can’t wait to feel your monster inside me.”

I choked at her brashness.

“I … (choke) mmm … mmm,” I cleared my throat. “Give me about 15 minutes.”

I wasn’t sure I would be ready that soon, but I sure didn’t want to miss a chance to be inside her. She reached over a grabbed her phone from the table nearby.

“Ok! Timer set!” she said.

I looked over at her watching her chest move up down with each breath. I was mesmerized. I thought back. Mandy’s sister, Miranda, was a few years younger than Mandy, probably 18 or19 now. She was just a kid when I saw her last.

“Is Miranda working?” I asked.

“Yes. She is waitressing a lunch shift,” Mandy answered. “She is saving money for college in the fall. She is working at the same restaurant as I do. I work the lunch shift tomorrow.”

I went back to concentrating on Mandy’s gorgeous body lying in the chair next to me. I rolled on my side and reached over and put my hand between her legs. I began to rub her pussy lips. Soon I felt the warmth and moisture building up. I dampened my fingers with her juices. I slid my fingers up and down her lips. One along the crack and two along the outside of each of the lips. I pushed the middle finger deeper as her natural lubricant increased. She began to moan and move around on the chair. The alarm on her phone went off. Mandy shut off the alarm. She reached over and wrapped her hand around my manhood which had already began to stiffen. Up and down her hand slid quickly causing my rod to be engorged with blood. She circled a finger around the rim of my head. My finger circled her clit and moved across it. Mandy jerked and squirmed in response. Her fingers moved to my scrotum and lightly scratched across my balls and then in between them. She then pinched my sack causing an almost electric shock to go through me. I returned the favor pinching her love button. She jerked, but squealed with delight. She went back to pumping my penis. Suddenly she stopped and withdrew her hand.

“You make the next move,” Mandy stated matter-of-factly.

I got out of my chair and climbed onto her chair above her. She spread her legs for my knees to go between her legs. She put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around me and pulled me down onto her. I positioned my penis to enter her. I immediately felt her warm steamy love hole envelope the head of my penis. I pushed farther into her until I was halfway into her tight welcoming tunnel. I had had sex with a couple of women who had told me they were virgins. Mandy although thigh was not that tight. I began to move up and down to continue to go deeper into her. Mandy’s vaginal walls gripped me with unexpected firmness.

“I want you to go slow. I want to enjoy your huge member inside me,” Mandy said firmly.

She was squeezing me so firmly that it took definite effort to continue to move up and down. I moved slowly but with definite purpose getting marginally deeper with each thrust down.

“Ooo, yes! That’s perfect!” Mandy moaned. “Keep going slow and easy. Let’s enjoy each other.”

I kept going at the same pace. This was keeping me fully stimulated and just on the edge of climax. Gradually I moved deeper and deeper into Mandy still reveling in the fantastic feeling of her tightness. Eventually the pressure on the tip of my penis lessened and it seemed I had reached the end of her love tunnel.

“Can you go deeper?” Mandy asked.

“I think so,” I replied.

I pushed the last of my manhood into her and the tip pushed against something soft, moist, and hot. From my understanding of anatomy I imagined it was her cervix. Mandy moaned loudly at the contact. Her hand slid down to her clitoris and she began aggressively stimulating it. She moaned again and her breathing became shorter and more rapid.

“Go fast and hard!” she instructed.

I began pounding her with long deep strokes. Her back arched and she took and deep breath and held it. Her breath came out with a whoosh. The lounge chair creaked as she began writhing around as her orgasm began. Her vaginal muscles contracted and relaxed spasmodically around my shaft. I pounded her a few more times before I exploded inside her. The chair collapsed to the pool deck as I continued injecting her with my semen.

“Ouch!” we said together as we landed.

I slowed down, but continue moving in and out of her while her orgasm subsided.

“Stop! Stop,” she said. “Just hug me.”

I hugged and felt the last trembling of her vaginal walls as I began to soften. She took the sides of my face and we kissed.

“We destroyed the chair,” she said giggling.

I got off of her and stood up. I helped her to her feet.

“It looks like some of the nuts loosened and the bolts came out, because of our activities,” I explained. “I can fix it.”

In a few minutes I had the chair back to normal.

“I will need to come back with tools to tighten everything completely,” I explained.

Mandy threw her arms around me and kissed me again. I felt her breasts pushing into my chest. My penis began to respond.

Mandy sensed this and said, “No time for another round now. Miranda will be home soon. But, who knows what will happen in the next 2 weeks.”


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Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...

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I started the story about how I shared my husband with my daughter Lily. I have another daughter named Amanda. She and Lily are almost like twins, even though they are almost five years apart in age. I knew that opening the door for Lily meant letting Mandy in, too. Things went well with Lily and Amanda needed the instruction, too. I'll let Chuck tell Mandy's story... Lily's breakup from Chris was hard. He was pretty pissed when he found out she'd gone to bed with me. The little shit came...

3 years ago
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This story relates to these photos in 1999 I split from a GF but who I later got back with 9 months later. During that period I took my friendship with one woman to the next level and she became my fuck buddy. I also met another woman and that also led to sex. Mandy would come to where I worked and would sit in the garden for some peace at lunch time. One day we got chatting and it turned out she lived and worked locally and whilst the...

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It had been an OK party so far. I was in Los Angeles for the week, enjoying spending some time with my cousin. While Paul and I were not real close, he was good for a free place to stay. So when he got invited to a party I was naturally invited also. So here I was, in a town 2,000 miles from home on a Friday night, drinking beer with people I did not even know. What a dull way to spend the night. Well, at least there was a keg for me to pull from. Most of the people here were kids....

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I was sitting in a bar having a beer one night.It was Friday night so it was pretty crowded.After chatting with the bartender for a little I started looking around the bar.I noticed three cute young women sitting at a table and they were looking my way.I smiled politely and they giggled talking between themselves. Then one got up and headed my way.I thought she was going to the restrooms,but she stopped and said "hi." "Hello" I said.She introduced herself as Mandy.I introduced myself. She said...

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my hometown, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited.Except today.I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

3 years ago
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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my home town, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited. Except today. I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

1 year ago
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Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...

2 years ago
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Bob Milton was 55, his life was a mess. He was literally broke. He had had enough. More then anyone could take, he thought as he parked his Ford F150 Pickup Truck in front of the liquor store. He was a recovering alcoholic but tonight he just couldn't take anymore. He just could not think. He could not handle the thrashing he had gotten from his ex-wife about their financial affairs or for forgetting important things. He was three months shy on his alimony. It was just beyond his means for...

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(This is a story I wrote back in 2003 to fulfill an online friend's desire for an interracial story, which it is. But I'm just enough of a history buff and a mushball who likes happy endings that this is what the end result was.)The last thing that Abraham Lincoln Tucker remembered was a loud blast as the tank he was walking next to hit another of Rommel's mines. The force of the blast knocked him across the road and into a small grove of trees, where his helmet protected him from a...

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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 4

After their lunch together, Erin pulled away from him. She didn't come on-line to chat, and she turned him down a couple of times when he asked her to the movies. She also made excuses for not having lunch with him the three times he had gone to the library and asked her if she wanted to join him. Jack could see the confusion and indecision in the depths of her dark eyes and wanted to be able to push a button and set things right in seconds. He wasn't impatient, he just wanted her to be...

3 years ago
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Mine is much bigger than yours

Another true story of me and my wife Emma...As I walk into the bedroom I know my wife Emma is naked under the covers. I take off my clothes, the anticipation building and I get into bed and lie down beside her.I start to feel her tits and nipples, soft in my hands. I move my mouth to each, licking and sucking them. My left hand moves further down, over her soft belly. Then I feel her strap on cock against my finger tips. I move my hand around it, up and down slowly. I turn my face to her and...

2 years ago
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AN UNUSUAL CHURCH – TRUE PENANCE, PART ONE:Cycling back to my Volvo with no panties on below my short skirt was exhilarating to say the least. Like most of my close friends, I keep my pussy shaved and almost completely bare and as I rode along the hilly lanes with my mind ablaze at the thoughts of Pastor Rachel, I could feel my slit (very wet) sliding on the saddle, and particularly so going up some of the hills. The extra effort of leaning forward and half standing as I pedaled up the hills...

2 years ago
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Lyin EyesChapter 7

Mark's Story: "I have a grandson," Carl announced. I glanced at him over the rim of the big mug of coffee. I had a feeling sometimes I was keeping Juan Valdez in business; the main office always had a huge urn of coffee brewed and I drank my share and a little more. Lately, I had to switch to decaf in the afternoon or I went home to Alyssa with my nerves jangling and my fingers dancing on the steering wheel. Carl drank tea. I think he avoided most of my problems with the brew. "Yeah, I...

3 years ago
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My Spring Break in Aruba

In my second year of college, I went on vacation to Aruba with my friend Julie, and we agreed before we went that we were going to let our hair down, kick up our heels, and have a wild time, no holds barred. We bought new outfits and little bikinis; we were hot. Not bragging, just the truth. We were sure we'd meet lots of cute guys, and they'd be hanging all over us. We were ready for whatever – hopefully involving hooking up with some good-looking guys! Somehow, for the whole trip, it just...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Banged A Hot MILF In Bangalore

Hey, guys, this is Rahul again from Bangalore. I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to post a lot. And you guys know, I’m into a MILF’s or mature women in their 30’s or 40’s. This a true sex story which happened last week, this one was the best experience in my sex life. So If you guys haven’t read my sex story you should read my older ones from this link- If any older woman from Bangalore is looking for some fun you can reach me at So...

3 years ago
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My Maid And Me

Let me introduce myself, I am Ravi, I live in Mumbai and am 24 years old, I work as a banker and have an amazing story. Before I start, let me tell you that I have been a great fan of IndianSexStories ever since I turned 20, reading such amazing stories, I decided it was time I shared mine with you all. This was back in 2006 when I was only 18 years old. I used to live in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). All during my young teenage life I had very less female interactions. I had 2 female friends with...

2 years ago
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Your Brand New Job

You're name is John Doe So, you've run out of money. Luckily, you managed to find an ad in the newspaper that solves your issue. Looking for Live-In 'Assistant' Will Provide Shelter, Food, and Comfort Female Preferred, But Flexible Underneath that, there is the address. You leave to go to the address listed. You really need the payment. You arrive in front of the house, and you knock on the door. A man comes to the door, and looks at you. "I, uh, I'm here for the assistant ad?" He looks at...

3 years ago
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The Foundation Club

Number 25 of a series of individual stories. The Foundation Club by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please email me with any comments or ideas of where the saga can go!) Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. "We have been invited by Kate and Karl for the weekend," said Sally Anne, "and the condition is...

3 years ago
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Daddys new Girl

Mommy, Look What I FoundI just wanted to check something on Wiki........."Mom, can we talk?"Jill put down the shirt she had been folding, Saturday, washing day and looked at her daughter, "Sure Sam, whaaarsssss's upp?""'s a long talk". Having a lawyer for a husband - father had helped and started both into thinking, logically, and to listen. Forming ideas for rebuttal was how he put it. Both Sam and Jill had set up a little game, fun things were 'short talks' and usually had...

1 year ago
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Mom in law

I received a PC from my grandfather for my 18th birthday and spent most of senior year discovering the wonders of the internet. I quickly became the one to beat in chess club with the intricate and advanced strategies I learned from chess sites. I became fairly decent at drawing my favorite cartoon characters, I studied photography, weightlifting, golf, military history, anything that sparked my interest.While waiting patiently in the lunch line one day at school, I was snapped out of my...

4 years ago
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Wifes pay back

Me and Craig had bin together for almost 22 years, he was all I'd known he was my first love and probably always will be.. he was the first person I'd slept with and I was hoping the last. We had 3 gorgeous girls a house and everything I wanted they were all I needed.. but I was I out one night with a mate and seen some girl I'd not seen in a while she came up and asked how I was doin and wat I'd bin up to.. I'm fine chick not bad at all. How's you and ur k**s? Yea all fine thanks then she said...

2 years ago
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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 4

Leesha had just left the driveway. She looked in her rearview mirror, as if to make sure she wasn't being followed. She retrieved her cell phone from her purse, and put it in the glove box. She reached into the center console and picked up another phone. She pressed the number one for speed dial, and pressed "TALK" She nervously listened to first one ring, then two. Finally on the third ring, a man answered. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hi ya handsome." Leesha said seductively. "I'm...

3 years ago
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Jasons Story Chapters 2425

Chapter 24 "Ok Kelly, let's go get you ready for the evening." Julie said. Julie and Jason headed into his room, and Jason retrieved his clothes. "I had to do a quick change, back into boy clothes to come out and greet your Mom," Jason told her sheepishly. "Yeah, that outfit would have had my mother's head spinning," she laughed. Jason went into the bathroom, got changed and came back into his bedroom. "So Kelly, do you want me to teach you how to do what I did for you...

3 years ago
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A Mermaids Tale

This story only available on Lush Stories. “E’er starlit water greets rolling mist And emerald tides greet smiling moon, Thou shalt hearest Neptune’s splash: Beware yon mermaid’s doom.” For some people, stuff like in the films never happens. I never win competitions, and I never win prizes or the lottery (okay, I never enter or buy a ticket, but it’s not the point). I am always just seconds too late to pick up the wallet full of money that earns the honest person a reward for handing it in. And...

4 years ago
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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, from a neighbor’s party in Cocoa Beach. We staggered upstairs, brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and...

2 years ago
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Playing with his tool in the cool pool was hot! by Oediplex 8==3~ Jimmy, my son, sat beside me in the car, on our trip up the New York Thruway. It was a two hour trip to the lodge, a two week stay we had planned. Our friends, the Jansens had asked us to house-sit their posh second home in the Catskills. It was just going to be Jim and me. My husband, Ted, was tied to his work in the City for the duration, on a critical project he had to supervise. I would miss Ted, but my kid was...

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At The Zoo Nonfiction

A couple of weeks ago I went to the zoo in Golden Gate Park. I was in the Pachyderm House, which is a very large building which houses very large animals having lots of skin, mostly gray and all huge. In the middle is a large floor area for visitors, and the animals are arranged around the edges. No bars, just sort of a ditch and railing to separate critters from spectators, and the ceiling is about forty feet high. The hippopotami were hanging out like they usually do, mostly sub aqua, with...

2 years ago
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The Doctor the ExconChapter 5 Carmine

I decided that I had better call Nan before going any further towards seeing Ruben, my son. If she got it in her head I was trying to go around her to talk to Ruben, she could make trouble for me with my PO. I didn't want any trouble at this stage that could land me back in prison. I didn't need that and I didn't want to give her the wrong idea. While I never hated my time there, and the friends I made were good and valuable, I didn't want to go back to the loss of freedom. Just sitting...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Jessica Rex Sex Crazed Step Sister

When Logan Long walks in on his stepsister Jessica Rex in the shower washing her tits and ass, he can’t help but pull out his hard dick and start stroking it. When Jessica is a bitch to Logan in the kitchen he wonders if she’s worth it, but when he catches a glimpse of her changing into her cheer uniform the following morning he knows he can’t stay away. He’s once again busy masturbating to his stepsister when she realizes he’s watching her. She’s initially...

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Chinese actress gets training

The men who controlled the Hongkong film industry had been angered by Connie Suen. The beautiful bitch," said one of the film moguls. "Needs to be taught manners." He was talking to one of his triad contacts - the leader of a powerful gang which operated rackets from protection to drugs and prostitution. "My men will make sure she is more respectful. They are experts. When they are finished she'l do as she's told." A six-strong group of triad toughs were briefed by their boss. "Don't damage the...

Group Sex
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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 03

After lying in the sun for two hours I started feeling sleepy and went back to the cabin to take a nap. Angel was flirting with three guys by the pool when I left. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. After about an hour the sound of Angel and her three admirers laughing and staggering into the cabin in an intoxicated state woke me. Two of the guys then grabbed me and lifted me from the bed, stripped me against my struggling and protesting and then proceeded to tied me in a...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Yellow

I had always believed my life would suck until one day three weeks ago. I had grown up being a nerd, dork, doof, whatever you want to call people like me. I went through high school without a date, let alone getting laid. Which meant I spent a great amount of time in my room with various porn subscriptions. So on this day I just so happened to be walking home from the library, when I saw Mrs. Gracey, my neighbor. She was walking a few feet ahead of me, wearing a tight yellow cardigan and skinny...

First Time
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Dr Felacio and the Bimbo Ray Ch 01

The evil scientist, Manuel Felacio sat in his massive leather chair, behind a heavy oak desk, with thick panelling around the sides. Under the desk knelt a young twenty-something woman, bobbing up and down on his cock. Her tongue lapped and swirled around the scientist’s throbbing member as she took him down her throat again and again, her gag reflex a distant memory as she swallowed him down with ease, nose pressing against Dr Felacio’s neat pubic hair each time. The scientist started panting...

8 months ago
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EvilAngel Jessica Starling Titty Fuck BJ 3Way

Busty blonde Jessica Starling looks hot in skimpy lingerie, teasing and touching herself through a heated intro. The wild hottie whips out her big boobs and shakes them for the camera, ready to feel her sweet mouth filled with dick. Irrepressible Jessica models a shirt that reads, ‘CUM ON MY FACE.’ Pornographer Jonni Darkko and hung stud Jovan Jordan arrive to quench her cock lust. Jovan slaps his big Black cock over Jessica’s knockers, and the young babe reciprocates the...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 14

Aron woke me in the night and then the three of us went back to sleep. I woke up energetic, even if I had less than the usual amount of sleep. By the time Aron and Helen got down, their breakfast was on the table. Helen gave me a kiss for my efforts and Aron, not wanting to be outdone, hugged me. I guess it wasn't a bad trade for the time and effort. Just after Aron left us, Helen said, "Some of the girls have been asking me stuff. For the last while it was about you now it is about ah......

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 254

A short one from Gary You know the honeymoon is over when she comes in to take a dump while you’re brushing your teeth. Yep! ✧ ✧ ✧ Thanks Allan B for this group::::: Health Alert for Men If you are taking the Viagra pill, make sure it says “Made in USA”! We do not want the Russians meddling in our erections! A wife said to her husband, “When I’m talking and you answer, it interferes with the dialogue between us”. Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the Shell station A...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyRAW Nicole Sage Wants More Sex

Nicole Sage is so busy checking out Instastory that she doesn’t notice the man approaching her with a phone camera pointed at her naked body. The stunning hottie quickly sets aside her phone as soon as she sees the man. Nicole looks chaotically beautiful with her messy hair. Even after doing a scene with the lucky stud, Nicole still has the energy for an interview. All the talking made the giggly bombshell feel horny again. She teases the man with her big tits before giving him a blowjob...

1 year ago
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What have you done for me lately

The holidays are a bummer for me, I hate hanging out with my in laws, and typically I end up staying home alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas while my wife and kids visit her sister. We have been married almost 18 years and dated 2 years prior to that. Her older sister lived with us for a while and while I was always respectful of her, I knew she was quite the slut. She liked to party and have a good time which she did with a string of different men during that time. She is also a bitch who...

Quickie Sex
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Black Stallion

I was club hopping, in the hopes that I might be able to hop some guy’s club. The club would have to be a biggie, no simple night-stick or tonfa. I needed a massive weapon, that held authority and was wielded with skill. In short, I wanted a weapon of mass distraction, to distract me from Black’s massive weapon. My pussy throbbed as I looked at myself in the mirror. If there is one thing on this earth that I can sell, it’s sex, and the way I was looking there would be a bull market rush for my...

1 year ago
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Sex Adventure With Working Bhabhi

Hi it’s been my first story . I am 28yrs old ,tall boy with slim physique . My email id is I hope you would like my story. I used to live in delhi on rent, there a beautiful lady of age 37 yrs old used to pass from my street in colorful dresses ,sometime saree and sometime in suit and jeans . Whatever she wore she looked beautiful and younger than her age. I used to watch her from my balcony, but she never looked at me ,initially. I kept on trying on her, and gradually i started noticing some...

3 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter XII

We were on the road before I woke. I don’t think there is a much better way to wake up than the gentle rocking and vibration that you get laying on a bed in a motor home as it goes down a turnpike at 70 miles an hour. There are usually regular rhythmic motions in conjunction with the occasional unexpected motion. I thought of Bruce. He had looked so disappointed last night when I told him I had to sleep alone. More than two days of sucking and fucking had totally worn me out. The...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 221

On the 17th Jenny and I went to another doctor's appointment to check on her progress. Another sonogram, more blood tests and other tests; it looked like my first estimate was right that she had been 10 weeks at the first appointment. That would make her 14 weeks now. Dr. Peterson said we should expect Jenny's belly to start popping out any day. Exercise and a fitness routine could only hold off the affects of Mother Nature so long, especially when carrying twins. If Dr. Peterson saw the...

2 years ago
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Suzanne and I Enjoy the Cabin

About two weeks after our first time by the pool, John invited me out to his cabin for the weekend. School had just ended, so I agreed. It wasn’t much of a question really, since I hadn’t seen his mom Suzanne since, either. After what happened last time, I couldn’t wait to see her again. So I packed up my bag and hit the road. When I knocked oh John’s door, Suzanne answered. ‘Hey, Dave! Long time no see!’ she said with a wink. ‘Yeah, not since that day in the pool!’ I replied with a grin.  Just...

2 years ago
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How I got my step mom and her best friend

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteAngela was my mom's best friend! Smoking hot, 5-09 with long blonde hair, a figure to kill for, and legs that any red blooded male would love to have wrapped around his ears! I was 18 years old when this story begins, and I was totally in lust with Angela! 38DD tits held up by...

3 years ago
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Ruby and Bettys sexy undies

As our sexual and friends relationship continued to grow through the years, Ruby and Betty shared many ideas on how to keep the spice growing.It started with oils and creams followed by experimenting in bed with positions. Both ladies knew how much I loved them naked and shaven but they wanted to feel the silky things most women enjoyed. I got a bonus at work and when I went home to them, I gave each $200 to do with what they wanted to excite them as well as me in bed. My thank you for that was...

3 years ago
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Employed for their pleasure Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station

The trip from home to the space station. The supply ship was docked at the main space port and shuttles were taking things up to it and loading supplies to take to various planets and space stations throughout a five light year radius from us. The master of the ship was out purchasing the things that he had orders for. Master is the name now most often used for the ship’s captain. Three or four good trips would pay for his ship and then he would be making huge profits for his crew and...

2 years ago
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The Making of Michelle Part 1

“Fancy going for a walk, honey?” I asked Michelle, my gorgeous wife. It was one of those warm, sunny days where the delights of the countryside beckoned. And I was horny! “Okay, love,” Michelle replied. “Where do you want to go?” “Just somewhere quiet in the country,” I replied. Somewhere you can get your clothes off, I thought. If there was one thing that got me going, it was my wife showing off her lovely body to anyone around. Not that she did – it’s just that I dreamed she would one day. I...

3 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi

Hi friends mera name Arsh hai. Meri age 24 year hai. Me Delhi me rahta hoon. Me is site ki stories regular padta rahta hoon. Mujhe is ki sari stories pasand hai.Ye storie meri or mere padose me rahne wali bhabhi ki hai jo bahut hi hot hai. Ager koi delhi ki ladki ya aunty ya bhabhi mujh se friendship kerna chahti hai to wo mujhe mail ker sakti hai meri e-mail id hai. Aap ka time west na kerte huye me seedhi stories per ata hoon. Me delhi me rent ke room per rahta hoon mere padose me ek bahut...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 80 Road to Hell

Fourteen of us waited inside the massive dwarven gates which led to the Deep Roads: Aedan, Alistair, Duncan, Jowan, Anders, Gorim, Bel, Oghren, Faren, Sten, Shale, Zevran, Prince, and, of course, me. For a moment I was a little bit concerned about being trapped with eleven men and only Shale for female company, but quickly realized it was silly. Neither Alistair nor my brother, honorary father, or brother-in-law would allow anything untoward to happen to me; the darkspawn were the threat, not...

2 years ago
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The House Sitter

The House Sitter I don't want him taking care of our house when we go on vacation. I think he is snooping through my clothes and maybe even wearing them. You're overreacting Carol. John's an honest guy and wouldn't do that. Besides he is the only one we know that can do it. That's fine Tom, but if he goes through my things and wears them we will find out, and he will be sorry. Alright Carol I'll call him and remind him that we are going next week. I answered the...

2 years ago
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Naina Ki Seal Todi Pyar Se

Hi Indian sex stories readers. Sabhi khade laudo ka maal nikalne or pyaari chuto ko gila karne ke liye mai Pyara Prince haajir hu. Ye ek sachi kahani hai. Jise yakin ho kare na ho to koi bhi chut jab chahe mere saath is kahani ko repeat kar sakti hai. Mera mail id hai Ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jab me meeting ke liye Delhi se Mumbai gya tha. Hum ek paanch sitara hotel me ruke the or lagbhag wahan 55 log the jisme 3 ladki thi. Usme se ek ladki thi Naina joki delhi se hi saath me gayi thi....

3 years ago
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The White GhostChapter 5

Walking Bear came running up to Joe once the fight was definitely over. "Please accept my apologies for that unbelievable breach of honor! Sly Fox was told the rules of the contest, and he agreed to follow them. Please don't blame all of us for that failure of good manners and courtesy." "I understand, Walking Bear, that you had no way to foresee what would happen. I don't blame anybody but Sly Fox, and he has paid for his transgressions. Do you want to stop the contest now, or do you...

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