My Michelle Ch. 04 free porn video

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The author waives all liability for any technique described herein even more so than usual. Weak stomachs please bail out here.


Things had been going amazingly with Michelle. The one problem was we just seemed to keep bumping into my former neighbor and her former cocaine dealer Joe. Every time we ran into him on campus, which our class schedules made nearly inevitable, Michelle got depressed and shaky, which did not do wonders for her state of mind. She would come out of the depressions fairly quickly, but I had finally made the very coldblooded decision that Joe really wasn’t very much use to me alive.

The preparations to dispose of him were fairly simple for someone with the proper training and background. I admit this would be my first solo job on American soil, but one does what one must. I picked a random weeknight, one where Michelle had an extra load of studying to do. Everything was in place, and an ongoing reconnaissance program had proven the target would probably be there. If not, I’d try again later.

I kissed Michelle goodbye at the front door like normal people do. ‘Remember to lock the doors, honey, and if anyone tries coming in, feel free to shoot them. Unless it’s me of course.’

‘Are you sure I can’t go with you?’

‘Michelle, I’m just going to go run a few errands and grab some groceries, and if I have you along it will spoil any surprise presents I get for you.’ We kissed again.

‘All right, sir, I promise I’ll be good and I’ll be waiting for you.’

‘That’s what I wanted to hear. See ya soon.’ She and I still didn’t say ‘I love you’ since the weirdness of our master/slave, rehabber/rehabee relationship was precluding much hope of real emotional love so far. It was not what any normal person would have considered healthy, but I fell off the normal train about 1979.

I didn’t just have my usual .45 with me tonight. Tonight I’d pulled a genuine relic out of storage. I was carrying a .22 High Standard target pistol modified with a 1944 Bell Labs sound suppressor assembly, what most people think of as a ‘silencer’. It had fallen off the Army inventory at the end of WWII when the Office of Strategic Services deactivated, and came into my hands when a dying old man passed it on. I had known him for a few years. He knew I walked the same path he did, and he hadn’t wanted his grandchildren to know the sins of his past. Some of those sins had been weighing heavily on his mind as the cancer got worse. They got his medals and some stories. I had the High Standard, some other very illegal tools and toys, and an education in advanced homicide. I also carried an electric stun gun, one of the early ones.

My Cavalier had been outfitted for the night’s work while Michelle was taking a nap. The trunk was double-layered in heavy black plastic sheeting. There were two other license plates in the trunk, both acquired around campus out of trash cans, and both were redone with the best home-made hand-painted registration stickers I could do. A couple layers of heavy clear packing tape would give the fake ‘sticker’ a realistic glossy look in the dark. I’d been saving them for a rainy day. Both were fitted with magnets and would slap on or off in a pinch. My old Papa John’s Pizza delivery shirt was in the car, along with a pizza delivery bag I’d saved when I quit the year before. Neither design was obsolete yet. And the lack of a car-top sign was no big deal. Most of the delivery drivers in Cambridge skipped them. You only got paid a quarter extra per run to have the sign on your car, but it was a neon sign for the cops so the added attention didn’t pay off. And by my last count, there were 17 red Cavaliers, 1991-1993, on campus. Ideally I’d have a sterile car for this job, but I didn’t have the budget of the CIA or the Mafia. Assumption of some risk.

The target lived in an out of the way area off the Cambridge cops’ patrol routes, and was very close to the road I would be taking into the heart of the adjoining National Forest off Highway 30. The idea was to get clear of town without seeing anything with a blue light on it.

I pulled over in the dark and changed shirts. My faded black Pink Floyd shirt went in the glove compartment. I was now a Papa John’s delivery driver again on a very temporary basis.

Pulling over again much closer to Joe’s house, I executed the license plate swap. The magnets slapped the Alabama tag on neatly and removed the front tag. Alabama only uses rear ones. The cordless electric drill with a screwdriver bit had the front plate off, including the bracket, in forty seconds. The screws went into the ashtray and the plate went under the passenger seat.

I stopped a little up the block from Joe’s. I took an old pair of 7×50 artillery spotter’s binoculars from under the passenger seat and eyeballed the house. No other cars were there, and only one light was on. I was having to cut it short on the surveillance. I didn’t like this, but I was trying to keep this whole operation totally secret from everyone for obvious reasons, including Michelle. And it’s hard to have an intelligent, perceptive woman in your house and not have her notice the preparations for a very thoroughly premeditated murder. I knew she’d be happier knowing Joe was gone, but I didn’t want her knowing how he’d gone. Several cold-case homicides a year are solved when ex-wives or old girlfriends talk, and I never wanted to be in that position. I trusted Michelle to a point, but why take chances?

I got out of the car, opened the trunk, and then pushed it back down until it almost latched. The trunk light burned out years before, so there was no telltale gleam.

Pulled the hat down way over my face and using a gloved left hand, I unscrewed the porch light bulb just until it went out. I then kept that gloved hand under the pizza bag which had a nice piece of 3/4′ plywood in it to give it shape. It would also make a dandy impact weapon in a pinch if the two pistols and the stun gun failed me. The High Standard and the stun gun were on tape loops on the plywood, while the Colt was under my shirt. I elbowed the doorbell. Again, I was happy there was no storm door in the way.

‘Who is it!’ I heard from inside. Joe’s voice.


He opened the door. ‘I didn’t order any-wha?’ but it was too late. I drew the stun gun and tagged him in the neck. I threw the stunner back in the pizza bag, and slid my arm around him. In the dark, I looked to anyone watching like a guy helping a drunk buddy. Yeah, I helped him right into the trunk where some half-inch wide 36′ cable ties quickly hogtied him. I duct-taped his mouth shut, and slammed the trunk. I could return and burgle his house at my leisure later.

I jumped in, fired up the car, and headed for the National Forest. I’d had a hole waiting for a while. It predated Michelle’s arrival in my life, going back to my original feud with Joe. It was a ‘just in case’ measure I’d learned from another old gentleman with an Italian last name. Ten feet deep, three wide, and six long. It had taken me a couple weekends of digging, and it was covered by more plywood and a thin layer of dirt and leaves.

The rest of the dirt was scattered around conveniently, along with six fifty pound bags of quicklime wrapped in plastic. There was a neat trick I learned years later with a stepped hole, a plastic liner, and gallons of industrial drain cleaner, but you never know what you don’t know. Quicklime alone was hard to get. The Mafia had used it to dispose of inconvenient corpses for years to the point it was generally restricted. This stuff I’d gotten off the loading dock at the Southaven sewage treatment plant.

Before exiting the car, I put the sort of Tyvek shoe covers worn by house painters on over my jungle boots. The boots were a worn-out pair due to be resoled. The shoe shop in town had done several pairs for me over the years and would see nothing unusual in this even if asked about it. But no
fresh National Forest dirt would go home with me tonight. I pulled on another pair of heavy household rubber gloves.

I pulled a steel folding chair out of the back seat, and pulled Joe out of the trunk. More zip-ties quickly secured him to the chair. I then pulled the duct tape off his mouth.

‘All right, Joe, we’re going to do this fast and accurately. Where are you keeping your cash these days?’

‘Aw, fuck you man, you’re just fucking nuts over ‘Chelle’s pussy. She ever tell you how many times she fucked me for some coke?’

I decided I was going to have to take a bit more time with the morality lesson than I intended. Punching him in the side of the throat to keep him quiet and cooperative, he gasped for breath as I pulled the same roll of two-inch green mil-spec duck tape out of the trunk. I wrapped it around his mouth four times. Looping twice more around the top of his head and under his jaw locked the whole mess shut. He was about to scream loudly enough with enough jaw extension that just tape-gagging him the conventional way across his mouth wouldn’t work. I’d just have to cut it quickly if he puked, otherwise he’d drown in it like Jimi Hendrix or Bon Scott. I didn’t need him dead yet.

I then pulled an eight-pound sledgehammer out of the back seat. ‘Joe, this is your last chance to start talking to me before I fuck you up so badly you’re walking funny for the rest of your short-ass life.’ I still read a mixture of defiance and disbelief behind his eyes. Too bad for him.

An eight-pounder is not the heaviest sledgehammer they make. You can find 12 and 16 pound varieties in your average hardware store. But as a longtime winner of the ring-the-bell-with-the-hammer games at various Renaissance Festivals and carnivals with the skill I picked up working construction, I prefer a lighter hammer for control and velocity. That control was essential as the hammer whipped through a controlled arc and landed directly atop the arch of his left foot. It was safe to say he fairly exploded in agony. Tears burst, he convulsed all over, and I was right. If it hadn’t been for the extra loops of tape, his muffled scream would have escaped the gag. ‘Joe, it never pays to anger a man who might well just beat you to death with a hammer before this night is done. If you tell me what I want to know, and the data checks out, then I’ll even drop you off at the hospital myself and we’ll say you fucked up your foot changing a tire. So leave Michelle out of the conversation. She’s mine.’

He frantically nodded.

‘Think about this for a minute.’

I walked off, out of his field of view. I sipped my Mountain Dew, fifth of the day, and thought about it. I was taught never to trust anything you get before three good shots of the hammer, but Sergeant Major was used to dealing with the Viet Cong, the Pathet Lao, and the Sandanistas of Nicaragua. Those fellows would die for a cause. Joe was a two-bit rich suburban kid who wanted more cash than Mom and Dad would give him, more pussy than his looks and personality deserved, and figured dealing coke was the way to do it. He’d break quickly.

I walked back over into his view. ‘Now, as yours is a cash profession, you accumulate a lot of it before you go to your wholesale supplier and buy more product, correct? He nodded. ‘Do you keep it in multiple places?’ Nod. ‘Three?’ A shake of the head. ‘Two?’ Nod. ‘Unprofessional, Joe. Multiple cache sites are key to maintaining operational security and redundancy.’ He had no idea what I was talking about, but a firmly delivered, calmly phrased monologue reinforced his lack of control here. ‘Now where would I find this money of yours? I’ll take a guess and say most of it is in your house, and maybe some hidden elsewhere, like a safe deposit box.’ He nodded again, a frantic look in his eyes.

I actually knew about the safe deposit box. He talked too loudly in the days when he and I had apartments that shared a wall. It was a damn shame I couldn’t get the safe deposit box money, but I certainly couldn’t take Joe to the bank and pick it up. The box was right on the Square in downtown Cambridge across the street from City Hall, and Joe was never leaving these woods alive even if he was too naive to know it. Ripping off his house was enough of a risk. But eventually the box rent would be unpaid and the bank would probably skim the money for themselves.

‘Joe, your next problem is that I don’t believe you.’ I picked up the hammer again. ‘Maybe if I bust your knee….’ I made a great show of thinking about it. While his eyes were watching the hammer, I then stomped down on his shattered foot with a boot heel. Again, he exploded with the agony of it. It was great misdirection. I was proud of myself for coming up with that one.

‘Now Joe, I’m going to hit you with this thing one more time, just because you piss me off.’ I walked around him a couple times. His forearms were tight against the steel chair, hmmm, might not break the bone but I knew it would hurt like hell. With me behind him, he was trying to look back over his shoulder to see what was coming. Too late. I wound up and swung, catching his right forearm with the hammer. The impact almost knocked him over onto his face. There was a lot more muffled screaming and sobbing. I then gave the forearm a good shake. Yep, it was broken all right.

I walked back in front of him. ‘All right, Joe, I’m going to cut the tape, and you’re going to answer a few questions. There’s no one out here but us, some meth cookers, and deer poachers, and they won’t care if you scream. Just in case, if you do scream…’ I went over to the hole and pulled the last piece of plywood back, ‘I have a nice unmarked grave here with your name in it. If you do anything to draw attention to our little chat, I can have you dead and into that hole long before help arrives, and still have a pretty fair chance of getting out of here down the logging road.’

The look in his eyes was no longer one of defiance, but instead one of absolute defeat. I peeled back the tape. He sat without a word. ‘All right, now where is the money, and how much are you holding?’

He spit blood from where he’d bitten his tongue. None landed on me. I made a great show of scooping up that contaminated spot with the shovel and throwing that dirt down in the hole.

‘Dave, man, you don’t have to do this-‘

‘Joe, I’ll tape your mouth back up and break both your fucking legs in the next two minutes if you don’t shut the fuck up and tell me what I want to know. Now, what’s in your house and what’s in your bank box?’

‘I can’t believe you’re going to kill me over a piece of ass.’

‘I’m going to kill you because you’re pissing me the fuck off.’ I picked up the tape and peeled the end off the roll. That was all it took.

‘The cash is in my house. I only have ten grand in the box, that was my emergency stash. The bank’s never open when I need it to be.’

‘Anything else in the box?’

‘Just a pistol.’

‘That lousy Ruger 9mm you bought that time?’


‘Forget it, I’ll pass. They’re a revolver company. Their semis suck’. Fifteen years later they still haven’t made one to my taste. I digress. ‘How much is cash in the house?’

‘I’m saving up for a five-key deal and a new car.’

‘Numbers, Joe.’

‘Probably a hundred and fifty thousand. Fucking take it, man. Look, I know people you can get rich working for doing what you do. Fuck, I can make you rich. This is the perfect audition for a hitman. Just don’t kill me.’

Right. Joe was buying his cut product from another suburban Scarface wannabe up at Memphis State. I was working a target folder on him a few months back, just to stay in practice. He was probably the one buying it from the Bloods or Crips or someone with the infrastructure to move real weight from the point of importation down to the city level. I couldn’t figure why Joe would want to go for five keys, he didn’t go through that much product. Eleven pounds
of cut cocaine, jeez. That was enough to last Sorority Row for most of the semester. Maybe he was promised a volume discount. But I didn’t see anyone in his chain who was set up to make me rich as a professional ‘mechanic’, let alone him, and I had Michelle to worry about now. I wasn’t killing Joe because he was a drug dealer, I was killing him because he was a negative influence on my….possession? Girlfriend? Anyway, Michelle would not be getting much better as long as she had Joe’s shadow around. Better to make him disappear for her sake. The money was incidental. Nice, but incidental. If he was telling the truth about what he was holding, it would make a nice reserve with which to start my post-college life without having to work bail bonds, deliver pizza, bounce bars, go back in the Army, or do other sleazy semi-violent jobs to make ends meet. Believe it or not, I really didn’t enjoy doing shit like this. I just happened to be good at it.

‘Joe, I would say it wasn’t personal, but it wasn’t business either. You you’re your problems my problems, and you’re such an unlikeable shit you made it personal for Michelle’s sake.’ With that, there was nothing else to say. I shoved the High Standard into the hollow behind his ear and fired two subsonic rounds up into the brain pan. Both made less noise than fingers snapping, and neither exited the skull. The 40-grain soft lead projectiles, as planned, just whizzed around inside the skull causing instant death via brain trauma. Neither would be in any shape to give a ballistic trace even if Joe was ever found under ten feet of north Mississippi dirt.

I cut off all the cable ties and threw them in the bottom of the hole. The two shell casings went in the hole. Then Joe went in the hole. I busted him in the mouth with the hammer to confuse the dental work a little just for extra piece of mind. The three hundred pounds of quicklime covered the body and would start dissolving the flesh soon enough. A five gallon water jug from the back seat of the car gave the reaction a nice chemical kick-start.

All the plastic wrapping from the trunk of the car went in the hole. The steel folding chair was wiped down with an ammonia-soaked rag to mess up fingerprint oils or blood traces and went in the back seat. It would be sanded and repainted at earliest opportunity, then mixed in with the three hundred or so identical chairs in the music building’s back room where I’d borrowed it. The Papa John’s hat, shirt, and pizza bag went in the hole. So did the Alabama license plate. A Missouri plate went on in its place. I wouldn’t uncover my normal one until I was safe in the driveway. Joe’s wallet would be left in a bar bathroom in Memphis minus the cash to misdirect anyone looking for him. Meanwhile I’d leave it in a plastic bag out here in the woods. I sure as hell wouldn’t keep it near me. His car keys would go into the Tallahatchie River, a detour on the way home. Yes, it’s that same bridge Billie Jo McAlister supposedly jumped off in that old song.

A fair bit of shovel work later, it was time to carefully restore the clutter of the forest floor. I’d check it again later in daylight, as this road did lead to a clearing the ROTC battalion once used for a helicopter landing zone. I’d call it a picnic or hike if I was ever seen. Hell, I suspected some hippies from campus had a marijuana patch out here someplace near the cadets’ land navigation course.

Before I swung my legs into the car, the Tyvek painter’s booties went into a McDonald’s bag. The bag would go into a public dumpster on the side of the highway. The boots would go to the shoe shop to be resoled tomorrow.

I fired up the car and drove back down the old logging road to the highway, and drove back toward town. The bag went in the dumpster as planned.

I pulled up and parked half a block away again. The porch light was still out. I quickly entered, and began a slow methodical search of the house. A fresh pair of rubber gloves kept me from fingerprinting anything. I was a year or two from having to worry about leaving a stray hair. Cambridge didn’t have that sort of CSI equipment or resources anyway, and it was known I’d been to Joe’s house socially in happier times.

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The Night I Fucked Britney Spears

My name is Tim. I just turned 50 years old. I had a great time on my birthday. Had lots of birthday wishes from old friends and relatives. Had a great party too! I really can’t believe I’m that old now!Fifty years…! A half century! When I was young, I made fun of my dad when he turned 50! Called him an old coot. Now……I’m an old coot! I mean…..when my dad turned 50…he really did look old. I look in a mirror now….I don’t look old… least I don’t think I do!Turning 50 has also made me take...

1 year ago
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You Know I Can See You Right 2

We texted back and forth the next day, and the day after that. I was like we were afraid to Skype again, for fear of, ... I don't know what. Afraid it would happen again? Not really, I wished it would. Afraid that she would be forever freaked out, once she had come back to reality? Very!On Friday afternoon I had just gotten home from work. I was going to see Marianne later. She had to work late, but we were going out at about 10:00 PM. I was undressing and down to my shorts and dress shirt when...

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Watching Her First Porn

Watching Her First Porn 1 &hellip,There always has to be a first time a girl watches her first porn. Im Tanya and mine was a porn video. I was doing a sleepover at my girlfriend Sissys house and her brother was a pest. He was older and loved to pick on us girls. That night he decided to try and get us all horny. He was always trying to feel up Sissy. She wouldnt let him but secretly liked the attention. I wanted him to try and feel me up, but he wouldnt. He knew my dad would pound his ass if...

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My Wifes Promiscuous Past Part Two

Anyway, the apartments she lived in had a private gate. In order to get in, you would have to call the apartment number and when the person answered, they could buzz you in. So at about one a.m., her phone rang. She had a good idea who it was but wasn't able to pick up because she was right in the middle of fucking a guy that she had been seeing for a short time. He was an older guy with a long pencil dick that never really got hard. He would cum almost as soon as she put it in. She didn't like...

4 years ago
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Beach Party Au Naturel

Cassie babbled on the drive to the beach where the party was being held. It was the nude beach which was technically closed for the evening but the authorities looked the other way as long as things didn’t get out of hand. “Ooooo, my pussy is tingling with anticipation!” said my date in an excited voice. “I’m so glad we ran across each other last week. This may be like that spring break between a few years ago when I was dating your buddy and you went with us to Florida. You two guys screwed...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz chapter 6 part 4

So there we were. JJ laying on the floor with cum coming out of her ass and pussy, Joyce going to town on her sisters pussy and Becky banging away at my ass. Where were Gwen and Lizzie you ask, well Gwen took the opportunity of Ann being eaten out by her sister to sit on her face with her pussy for Ann to munch on. Ann went right to work. Licking the outer lips of Gwens hot box and then ever so gently flicking her tongue over her clit and making Gwen shake with delight. Gwen thought by sitting...

4 years ago
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Maa Ka Massage Center

HI, Mera nam Viren hai, mai 28 sall ka ladka hu. Mai college tha tabhi ek ghatana hui. Mere dady ka accident hua..mai, meri bahen, maa our dady aysa hamara parivar hai. Mere bahen shadi-shuda thi. Papa ke accident ke wajase wo bhi hamare ghar thode dino ke liye ayi hi. Papa ko usi doran paralysis ka attack bhi aya, tha…maa ek padhi kikhi thi.. usne beauty our massaj parla bhi khola tha.. lakin wo bhi kuch dino ke lye band tha. Dhire dhire papa thode thick ho gaye. Papa our bahen ne maa ko...

2 years ago
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How I Became Incest 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Fiscolaal, age 19, 6 ft tall with a 6 inch dick. Anyone son, mom or any horny aunties out there, who wants to talk about mom son relationship can write to me on This story will be in parts and describe the whole process of a boy turning into an incest and trying to fuck his own mom. Now lets come to the story. I live in a family of four people my mom 42 , dad 46, brother 21 and me 19. Let me tell you a bit about my family. My father has his own business of importing goods and...

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Bound to Please

My name is Tabitha. No, I'm not a witch and I can't wiggle my nose. My mother, however, was a big fan of the old television show "Bewitched" and yes, that's where she came up with my name. Anyway, the firm I work for insisted I attend the grand opening of a new branch office in Baltimore. I didn't relish the thought of being away from my husband for a week but my employer wasn't looking for a volunteer, it was part of my job. My unusual story really began on the last night of my...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Part II

Rainy Day – Part II   Bill was mesmerized by Susan’s naked upper body now perched straddling his groin area. Her pussy pinned his cock down to his body, the only visible portion, its head, slowly regaining a hint of pink after   having released a huge load only minutes prior.   Susan had her hands firmly planted on Bills defined pecs . Her eyes closed for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin. His chest hair interwoven amongst her fingers,...

Love Stories
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The First time I knew I was born gay

It started out I never had any interest in girls I loved hanging out with my friends we’d sleep in the same bed in our briefs and I used to tell him I loved the way his body looked in it. We were standing up and he’s twirling showing me the front and the back I pushed so it showed his ass cheeks tell him this is way better and roll up the front of it he tells be lick my penis and lick up and down my ass crack I’ll do it to you I took his briefs off and began licking his cock I look at him and...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 51 for A Little Side Trip

Chuck, Melissa and Darren pulled their rental car into the lobby of a nice airport Hilton, where they were to meet Holly by prearrangement. “Why here?” asked Darren as he fished to heavy bags out of the trunk. “Holly hasn’t been anywhere in some 25 years. This was the only hotel she remembered near the airport,” he said. They walked up to the desk and confirmed their reservation. “What room is our friend, Miss Compton, in?” Chuck asked as he fumbled for his wallet. “She is in 414, right...

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Dusky Babysitter

I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...

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The Scandalous Stewardess

"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 2 It was six o'clock. The sun was brilliant but low in the Decembersky as Trish and Randy settled down in the big bed in the attractivebungalow which Trish had rented at French Leave. They had bothundressed immediately, Trish still eager for the loving only her brothercould give her. Her climax in the MG had only made her more eager forlove making, and she hungered for the youth's trim, sun-tanned body, forhis young mouth and his mammoth cock. She never grew...

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The Farm

“Ok Grandpa, I can come down for the weekend. I’ve missed seeing you and Grandma. I have someone who I’d like you to meet.” I said as Grandpa was getting excited that I met someone. He knew my ex-boyfriend and knew he was nothing but trouble. “I sure hope he’s good to you.” Yes he is, in so many ways,” I reply. “We will be down by 4 in the afternoon on Friday, if that’s ok with you and Grandma?”My boyfriend Jimmy is thrilled to be going to visit with my grandparents, I talk about them all...

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Nurse Deana Chpt 2

Bryan turned red, put his hand up in front of himself and boldly exclaimed, “Oh God, Deana, that’s so gross, you’re acting like a freaking whore.” When she tried to explain herself, he would refuse to listen, giving her the same ole excuse, “Good girls don’t act like that.” Deana loved sex, and although she loved being with Bryan, she couldn’t help but think of the exciting time she had with Jack. Her body quivered and she whispered under her breath, “Why couldn’t Bryan be that...

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Today I am in the lobby coffee shop of a five-star hotel waiting for Marta, my latest assignment to arrive. She insisted on meeting me in lobby to check me out. Thus far all I know about her is she is in town on business and in her mid-forties. Ten minutes after the agreed time a tall, slim, very attractive, blond appears and I introduce myself. She is dressed in killer heels and a light weight knee length coat. She is teasing me as she crosses her fabulous legs and I look her over. “A few...

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Office Ka Dost 8211 Part II

Hai all im divya from dehradun mere life ka pehli sex incident ‘Ofiice Ka Dost’ ko maine sab ke saath share kiya roj mere id pe itane emails arahe socha 2month pehele jo huwa o bhi batake mann ka boj halaka karalu, jaise aap logo nay pada meri pehli kahani me ‘office dost’ me kaise aaku nay mujhe bf ke hote hue bhi patakae chodha, uss din raath bhar nindh he nahi aaya pehli chudai ka dard aur sex ki talaf sone nahi diya saath me bf ko dokha dene ka guilty feeling bhi nindh uda diya tha, phirr...

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AFWhat are friends for The ballad of Jessica

"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...

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Orgy At The End Of The World

[Re-titled version of a previous horror-based erotica. 2nd ever story, still progressing.]It had been 3 long weeks since it all kicked off. The end of the world as we know it. Martha had fallen victim, so had all the rest of the family, the neighbours, friends, co-workers. He'd heard that there were survivors dotted around the country but didn't hold out much hope. He just wasn't that lucky. Still he plodded on, the car was still going - just - but he knew before long the petrol would just be...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 29

Sandwiched between Georgia and Debbie in bed, Oscar was in heaven. Debbie was running her tongue around his nipple with great effect. No one had ever told him that his nipple was an erogenous zone. The sensations her tongue produced propagated directly to his cock. Even if they hadn’t, Georgia’s hand around his erection would have been sufficient to drive him out of his mind. He raised his hand and held Debbie to his nipple. Georgia noticed his action and slipped down to tease his other...

1 year ago
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Tennis Moms Take On Family

Linda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with , and a runway model's body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvacious.  They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public). Stacy...

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How my girlfriend turned me gay The End

He did stay that night, and the three nights after that. He left the house only to work, I left it only to get more groceries and lay in supplies of beer and wine. We were naked most of the time, and I lost count of how many times we had sex. A few times I topped him, but mostly he topped me, although we often just sucked or jacked each other. We did it in the bed, in the shower, on the floor in front of the fire. Once we grabbed sleeping bags and stole out of the house naked -- it was cold but...

Gay Male
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My cousin Chris Part 2

Introduction: Okay.So I had an idea for this part but I didnt want to forget it so I just wrote it. Who was he?…. I grabbed the blonde guy by the back of his head and pulled his head up.The minute I saw him, there was a smile on my face.I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Rory! When did you get here?! I missed you so much! I heard him give a small laugh. Well.I heard Chris was here, and anywhere Chris goes, theres a chance youd be there.Besides, I wanted to visit my...

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Supermarket Checkout

There are a few supermarkets near us, the main reason i go to one of them is to get served by one of the checkout staff. She is an older lady called Maria who is always dressed well and has a smile and a chat for me.:ast week when I was there one afternoon we got chatting with Maria saying that I was her last customer and would I like to continue our little chat at her place just around the corner. I looked at her as she gave me a wink saying she would get the biscuits and meet me outside in 5...

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THE ADDAMS FAMILY The Perfect Torture

THE ADDAMS FAMILY Created by Charles Addams Parodied by Ron Dow75 Please note: I have come up with a new pronoun system: -he-she, etc.- he accepts that he is a male with a female body. -she-he, etc.- he accepts that he may becoming female. -`he', etc.- he does Not accept that he is in a female body. -`she', etc.- he struggles to face facts. * And, of course, they have the reverse meaning for a born-female. 01) The Perfect Torture "Wednesday?" Morticia asked,...

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Problem Solved

Note: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

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The Stranger At My Door

I was on a business trip to a Caribbean Island. It did not go how I planned. I was alone and far away from home. I arrived at the hotel and unpacked my bags. I opened my computer and reviewed the presentation that I was to give one more time. I was very anxious and nervous; if it were approved, I would get a promotion and transfer.The next day I set up for the briefing. I surveyed the room making sure everything was perfect. Everyone arrived and took their places. I scanned all the faces and...

Quickie Sex
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 8

I knew Caitlin would want to sleep with me again that night. I should say I expected her to want to do that. And when she came to my room, naked, I felt compelled to do something about it. "Sweetheart, you have no idea how good it makes me feel that you want to do these things with me and sleep in my bed, but that is a very bad idea tonight." "Because you want more," she said. I was astonished. For someone so young, she was very astute. "Yes," I said. "I understand," she said....

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From Best Buddy To Fuck Buddy 8211 Virgin Story

Hello guys, my name is Aashish and I’m from Mumbai. I’m 19, 6’3 with 7 inch cock and a well built muscular body. About Kajal (name changed), she is about 5’11, fair skinned, with more than a handful of boobs and a really great ass. She has a really nice figure that any guy would die for. Coming to the story. Due to personal reasons, I was unable to take admission in college on time but luckily I got admitted in the second round. I met her on the very first day of college itself and we became...

2 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 3

I headed back toward town and stopped at a small business that rented canoes and other types of water craft. On my way down, I had made a mental note to check it out. The yard was strewn with kayaks, surfboards, and wind-surfers. I picked out a boat that had a streamlined shape and appeared to have a comfortable seat. "Do you have any suggestions on where I can go?" I asked the young man who was helping me. "Your plates tell me that you're not from here, so I'd suggest the lagoon to...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 9 You Make Loving Fun

Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early morning, January 9, 2003 I was a little surprised that I slept like a log last night. Previously when I shared a bed with a lady for the first time, there often was that ‘invasion of space’ or privacy factors at play, which hinder quality sleep. With Kaleigh, however, I awoke slightly before my wristwatch alarm went off at 4:40ish in the morning, feeling great and refreshed. The first thing I did when I woke up was check on two things. The first was...

2 years ago
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Mysore Couples Fantasy Fulfilled To The Brim

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story My life real time sexual experience stories are already written and published. I am happy to help guys/girls/aunties with wild hot real stories in their life. You can share me in detail if possible with pictures (for a clear detailed story). I can write and publish in their stead. About Me: I am a Madhan (NO QUESTIONS, NO STRINGS, JUST RAW...

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A Massage Quest

Yesterday I wanted to find a new massage place, growing tired of the Thai massage parlor I have been going to. During my walks I had since this place on the third floor of a building that looked good. After I had climbed the three flights of stairs, I found that no one would answer the bell. After ringing the entrance bell a few times I game up and went back down. At the bottom there was an older Japanese guy who in broken English told me that place was closed. He told me that there was a...

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EdChapter 5

Ed, Sally and Paul had a light evening meal and afterward Ed asked if he could use the kitchen table. He had to do the paperwork that he usually did during the day on Sundays. His job required he travel through out the state to calibrate the machines that his company manufactured. This was done once a month and took him into several hospitals and even into the State Medical Examiner's laboratory. His firm also did some work for the weights and measures lab. Not difficult but he had to be...

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