Formula 267.30 free porn video

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It had been a long day in the lab. Formula 267.30 had taken 6 hours to prepare, and it was finally done. Now I could inject it into the test subjects and set up the camera. Then in the morning I could see if there had been any changes.

I pulled some into a hypodermics and went to the testing lab. I looked at the chart and saw that cage 6 was available. I went over and looked over the notebook on the top. Ahhh, perfect. Subject F34 met all my needs. About 10 months old, she was the only female mouse in a cage with 6 males. While not aggressive with them, she always set herself apart, not joining in the nest for sleeping but staying apart. And other than if they absolutely forced it she would not engage in sex with any of them.

I smiled, made notes in the notebook, and gently pulled her out of the cage. A little swab of alcohol, I administered the injection and put her back in. It was like she was looking up through the top of the cage staring at me, as she went back to her own little corner.

“Oh, come on now 34, it's not so bad. Just a little prick.” I chuckled, and then watched for a few minutes. Then I saw one of the males perk up his head from their nest on the other side of the cage and sniff the air. He sniffed for about 15 seconds and crawled out of the bundle of other mice and work his way to her corner.

I then saw a second mouse give the same reaction. By this time, the first male (number M28) had approached F34. He went over to her and after sniffing her several times he crawled behind her and got in a position to mount. Now I remembered seeing this several times, but each time F34 would react the same way. Pulling away, showing teeth, backing up so her rear was against the glass of the cage. But not this time! Her head went down, and I saw M28 mount her. And for around 30 seconds he humped her like crazy then scurried off when he had finished.

He had just moved away when I saw M103 do the same thing! And once again F34 did nothing! I continued to watch as each and every male in the cage mounted her, 3 of them twice before all the males went back to their corner of the cage.

What in the hell had I found? I was supposed to be working on a d**g to help with the symptoms of menopause, that is why my subjects were females between 9 and 11 months old. This is roughly comparable to female humans between 35 and 45 years old. Ovulation stops, hormone levels change, hair follicles start to die, almost all the same symptoms, just time compressed.

But here was something I did not expect. The idea was that this could become a d**g to be used in treatment of symptoms, nothing more. Hot flashes, mood swings, even loss of sexual desire maybe, these were all things I had hoped this would cure. At the most maybe alleviate hair loss.

“Well F34," I said with a chuckle. “It seems that at least one symptom has been cured.” I injected the lone female mouse in each of the other cages, and each time it was the exact same result. A female that was past breeding age and therefore of little interest in sex was suddenly the center of a mousie gangbang.

The next day I pulled another sample and went to cage 9. I selected F67 and gave her the injection. Within 5 minutes the second of six males in her cage was mounting her and rutting like crazy. Apparently I had discovered something completely unexpected. As the night before, all females tested, all with the same result. They no longer fought off attempts to mate, and the males almost fought for them.

Over the next 2 days I tested it on all 12 of my female mice. And each time it was the exact same reaction. While none of the other females were as active in refusing male sexual activity as F34 was prior to the injection, within 2 minutes the males would start to approach her and mating would commence. Each time continuing until each of the male mice had mated with her. Sometimes 2 and even 3 times. One vigorous little fucker M423 mounted F62 5 times before he crawled back to his nest.

I collected up all my notes and headed home. By now I had made some graphs, which were interesting but told me nothing. Injections less than 4 hours apart had no effect. But each time so long as they were 4 hours apart would cause the same reaction in males and females alike.

On Monday I went to the “Zoo”, the basement level where all our mice were bred and kept unless they were needed. I selected 4 new female subjects, each one close to a year old or more. These were all well post-menopausal, and went back to my lab. F34, F62, F67, and F51 were removed and put into a euthanasia box and sent down to the vivisection lab as I introduced the new females to their new homes. 2 of them nested with the males, the other 2 nested alone. And there was no mating activities.

A few hours later after the lab was empty I gave them their injections. And it was the same results! Each time I injected them, within 2 minutes the males were surrounding them and pumping away with their little mousie rumps. And the females would do nothing, simply wait for them to finish.

Fascinating. Had I invented an orgy d**g?

Well, it was clear Formula 267.30 was causing some kind of reaction. I read over the vivisection results the next morning on the 4 subjects I sent down. Physiology was perfectly normal for mice into their middle age. Ovulation had apparently ended in 3 of the 4, none was gravid, no apparent negative bodily changes.

The next week after much testing I sent all the mice to vivisection and selected 12 females of 3-4 months of age, and 72 males. This time the females were entering their peak breeding age. And after each injection the same thing happened. Males would mount them furiously, this time for over 45 minutes for each female, one after another. But repeat injections had to come over 6 hours apart, and repeat performances were maybe 1 or 2 times.

Were these younger females causing the males to basically fuck themselves out? I held off the next morning in cage 12, and gave the injection to cage 11. Same reaction, for almost 45 minutes the males rutted on her. I then removed the males and swapped them with the males on Cage 12.

And as soon as I put them in cage 11 they immediately went to her. Another 45 minutes of non-stop mouse sex ensued, and the female almost looked comatose at the end. The next day I repeated the experiment, but after cage 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8 had their way with F96 in a span of 4 hours, I saw that she was not responding. I waited until all the males were satisfied. I had already learned that trying to remove a female during the frenzy risked getting bit by one of the males and possibly even one of the females!

I pulled her out and laid her in an examination tray. I looked closely, no apparent respiration. I touched, no apparent pulse I could find. I checked with a stethoscope, she was dead. Good god, did they actually fuck her to death?

The rest of the week I did a more careful repeat. But now carefully never more than 24 males for 1 female. And in all of these the females looked exhausted but recovered after 5 or 6 hours. The vivisection results from F96 came back. No obvious cause of death, not gravid, no abnormalities.

Once again another batch of mice the next week, others sent for vivisection. I repeated the experiment again, this time with males over 1 year old and 4 month old females. The males were only able to accomplish 1 or 2 matings each. By the end of the week 3 of the males had died, 2 of them “in the saddle”. All sent off for vivisection on Friday.

The latest batch had just been delivered and I was preparing for the first test of this round. This time I had 72 female mice, 6 in each cage. I was curious what the reaction of a female mouse would be to one of these with the injection. And then, I was fucking clumsy.

My phone rang as I was finished filling a syringe, and it distracted me. I ended up not putting the needle into the protective covering, but instead it went into my hand. And it apparently hit a nerve, because instead of my hand jerking away from the needle in a reflex motion, my hand did the opposite and jerked towards the needle. And I injected myself with Formula 267.30.

I felt sick, I felt scared. I quickly secured the lab, and called my supervisor and told him I was not feeling well and had to go home. I went downstairs to my car, and once getting in I laid there for an unknown amount of time. My body felt hot, and I was uncomfortable. And even my clothes did not seem to feel right. I realized I could not drive home in this condition, so headed to the train station.

Something felt funny in my walk, and even my shoes seemed as if they were too large for my feet. I used my bank card to buy a ticket and leaned against a sign as I waited for my train. Then I saw a man come up and stand next to me. I looked over at him, he was around 40, and I think Hispanic. He looked at me, and pulled me away from the sign and had me bend over leaning against it.

I felt my pants being pulled over my hips, and realized that they had been snug at my hips, something that should not have been. I felt fingers move between my legs, and it was... wrong. The hand should have been grazing my balls, and instead found a fleshy area that caused me to moan into my hand when rubbed. I then felt something hard and blunt pressed up there, and thought “Oh good god, this guy is going to fuck my ass and I can't stop him!”

And I moaned as he slid into me. But he did not slide into my ass, he slid into another opening which was positioned lower. I felt a sharp tearing pain as he entered, then pleasure! Oh good god sweet pleasure! I rested one arm on the sign and moaned into my other hand, as feelings like I had never felt before swept through my body. Then I felt a pulsing, then the man withdrew. I gasped as he left my body, and felt wetness on my thigh. Then another man entered me. I moaned and my hand moved away from my mouth, moving down to my chest. But I did not touch my chest, I touched breasts. I felt the part of my brain still working telling me that if I had breasts, then the men that were in me and not in my ass must be in my pussy.

My pussy! Good god, I was now female!

Number 2 finished, and was quickly replaced with number 3. And I realized I was feeling something I had never felt before. A tightness in my lower belly, like an anticipation. I looked over my shoulder and say the guy in me this time could not be more than 18, and I thought he was cute. And just then I lost all control, moaning as my legs wanted to give out and I realized I was having an orgasm!

Number 3 pulled out of me, and I knew for sure I was leaking fluids down my thigh. I saw number 1 move behind me, and gasped as he entered my body yet again. I recovered enough to look around the platform. There was another man standing a few feet away, just rubbing himself and watching. “Curious” I thought in the back of my mind, as I realize he looked effeminate and wore eye shadow. Watching, but not wanting to participate.

The females though, that was stranger still. They were ignoring what was happening. Not watching, not turning away. It was like I was not even there, and there were not multiple guys fucking me one after the other. Number 1 finished again, and I felt somebody get shoved and another penis plunged into me. I looked over my shoulder again, it was young number 3. And after 2 minutes he once again finished, and I can only assume number 2 took his second turn.

Finally I felt no more men. I pulled up my briefs and pants, and indeed my waist was smaller and my hips larger. I tightened my belt as much as I could, and only my wider hips prevented my slacks from sliding off. I felt like a wet sticky mess between my legs, and carefully walked into the train when it arrived and took a seat. I selected one at the back of the train, it was 3 seats wide. I took a seat, and saw that the 6 men inside the car were all looking at me. And the 8 women were all ignoring me.

Then one man 3 rows forward stood up and turned towards me. He opened his pants as he walked, and when he got to me he rotated my body and pushed me onto my back so my head was against the wall of the train, my legs over the seat hanging into the isle.

He opened my slacks, pulled them down to my knees, then moved my legs so they were pointing straight up. His hips moved against mine and I looked down. Indeed I was correct, my penis was gone. There were breasts on my chest, and I looked down my body between them and saw a mat of pubic hair, and I could only assume below that out of my sight was a vagina. A vagina that the man was pushing himself into.

I lost total count of how many men used me on that trip home. At least 10, maybe 15. I know several were more than once. One Asian guy who could have been 15 or 25 did me 4 times. Finally I heard my stop on the PA and said “Enough”, reaching up and pushing on the chest of the man inside of me. He pumped me a few more times, then grunted and came inside of me. I pulled my slacks back into place and stood up on feet that would barely support me.

I managed to get home without further incident, but did notice that females that passed me acted as if I was not there, and males across the street would stop and act like they were sniffing and looking for something. I got inside the house and went to the bathroom, stripping as I went. Then I took a deep breath and looked into the mirror.

Good god, I was really cute. My face had softened, looking more female. My hair was the same length, barely touching my shoulders. But it looked, nicer. My breasts really were breasts, maybe a C cup. I looked down my body in the mirror, afraid of what I would see, but also resigned to it.

Yes, my penis was gone, and obvious distended and swollen vulva peeked out between my thighs. And, they were a mess! Swollen and pulled slightly apart, thick white goop was slowly flowing out from between them, and some would drip down my thigh as some dripped down onto the floor.

I reached down, and touched myself. I moaned as my fingers made contact with what was now my clitoris, and shivered. Then down more, my lips were spread, and cum was leaking everywhere. I turned on the shower and spent 20 minutes cleaning myself down there. Then I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

My mind was full of dreams as I slept. I felt aroused, reliving all the guys that had fucked me on my trip home. Man after man, each one mounting me and I did nothing to stop them. Did nothing to discourage them until I realized I had to get off the train or risk having to switch trains and repeat this all over again.

And during these strings of dreams, I realized it felt good.

I woke up at around 6 in the morning, having slept for almost 15 hours. And I reached down, and felt my cock again. I went into the bathroom and took a piss, and everything functioned perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw nothing different.

Had it been just a dream? Was the day before all a hallucination, caused by the injection I had accidentally given myself? I took another shower, having sweated heavily as I was dead to the world in slumber. Then I got out and after shaving I got dressed.

I went back into the bathroom to get my wallet from the day before out of my slacks. And I froze when I picked them up, and saw the inseam inside was stiff and white with something crusty. I set them on the counter and picked up my briefs from the day before. The center was the same, stiff and crusty.

That is when I realized it had not been a hallucination or a dream. I went to work and ran the experiment I had planned. On Monday and Tuesday I injected 1 female in each cage. And sure enough, all the other females ignored her. In fact, it was like they were avoiding her. They would not look at her, if she moved near them they moved away. In 1 cage I injected all 6 females, and they settled into 6 different areas of the cage. For some reason, if a female was injected with Formula 267.30, it was like they did not even exist to other females.

On Wednesday I sent them for vivisection, and pulled 72 male mice. In each cage I selected 1 male and injected him. And watched as over about 30 minutes they morphed into females, and the other 5 mice repeatedly mounted them. In cage 2 I injected 2 males, and the same thing. But each female settled on the opposite side of the cage as they were mounted over and over again.

I sent them all off for vivisection. And the results came back and I sat in my office and pondered them.

No pregnancies in any mouse given Formula 267.30. All males were normal males with no deviations outside of the expected norm. 6 of the reports even noted I had made a mistake on my end, reporting the males dissected as being female. So there was a post-mortem reversion back to male, even after death.

On Friday I locked up my lab and after putting a few vials in my pocket headed home. But first, I found myself stopping at a thrift shop. I selected 2 dresses that looked like they would fit, and a skirt that seemed like it would fall to my knees. Then a pair of sandals. I then went home.

I had a few drinks, then went into my bedroom. I removed all my clothes, and set my camera up to film what would happen. I laid on the bed, then gave myself an injection. And it was a repeat of the last time. I felt hot, sweaty, light-headed. I felt drunk, and could barely think for maybe 15 minutes. Then my head mostly cleared. I looked down, and sure enough I was female again.

I smiled as I reached down and explored myself. Breasts were indeed more sensitive on a girl than on a man. Moving down I found new places that caused reactions my old body never had. I moved all the way down, and checked all the parts. Clitoris, Vulva, Labia Majora and Labia Minora were all there. And oh so sensitive. I felt my Vagina, and could only get the first part of my finger inside.

I pressed and pushed, feeling an obstruction which was not really comfortable. Then I gasped as I felt something tear and my finger went back inside. Good god, it hit me as my finger slipped fully into myself, my hymen had returned! I experimented with my finger, and it felt amazing. I laid there and gave myself 3 orgasms, and each one felt better than the last!

Finally I took a shower, and threw on one of my white short sleeve shirts and the skirt. I had not gotten any panties, so just put my feet in the sandals and went outside. I had 2 chairs and a reclining lounger in front of the house, and took a seat on one of the chairs and watched the neighborhood, pondering what this all meant.

I saw Billy from next door on the sidewalk walking towards the house. He was a nice k**, about 16 and I sometimes let him mow my grass. I appreciated his doing it, and he appreciated the money. I waved at him, and he waved back. “Hi, are you a friend of Dr. Cassius?”

My mind raced. “Uhh, I'm his sister, Christine. Christopher is my brother.”

He turned and started to walk up my walk towards me. “Hi Christine, I'm Bill. I live next door.”

“Call me Chris please,” I said, and just then I noticed he had stopped walking and was just standing there staring at me. He walked more upright towards me. He lifted me out of the chair, and I felt his young but strong hands turning me around so I was facing my house, and pushing me over.

And my body did nothing to resist him as I bent forward and my hands grabbed the back of the lounger, and I felt the back of my skirt lifted up. Then I heard a zipper being lowered and Billy slid inside. He lasted a few minutes, then I again felt the throbbing inside, then wetness. He pulled out of me, gasping. Then 2 minutes later he was pushing into me yet again. This time he lasted over 5 minutes, and I came towards the end. Then more of that internal throbbing, and more wetness.

When he pulled out I moved over and collapsed onto the lounger, laying on my back and panting as I looked up at him. His face still looked slack, and like there was little thought in his head. Inside my head I was yelling that this is wrong, he was only 16 and I had to stop him. But I just lay there, and a few minutes later saw his cock stiffening yet again.

I could not control my thighs as they spread yet again. There was no control, it was like my body recognized a cock that was hard and ready for use, and wanted that use. Billy laid on top of me and my body welcomed him inside. This time I was feeling a body against me as it should be, his cock rutting inside of what was now my pussy, and I was moaning as I realized the rubbing against my clit was exactly what I needed. This time little Billy (who was not so little, he must have been 6 inches long) lasted for over 15 minutes and I came 2 more times before he once again spent himself inside of me.

I reached up and pushed him away, telling him we were done and he had to go home. He nodded, then pulled his pants back up. Then he simply turned and walked home. I went inside myself, and took another shower. I was feeling exhausted and crawled into bed.

The next day I gave myself another injection. I laid in bed and masturbated twice once the transformation was complete. One thing for sure, my orgasms were so much stronger as a female. I had just finished and heard a knock on the door. I threw on a robe and went to answer it.

“Oh, hi Chris. This is my friend Jack, we saw your lawn was a bit thick. We were wondering if your brother...”

That was as far as he got. I saw Billy and his friend standing there, slack jawed and looking at me. Jack gently pushed me inside, and Chris followed. Thankfully he also closed the door, because less than a minute later I was laying on my back in my living room, my robe on the ground and Jack both between my legs and inside of me. He lasted maybe 2 minutes, and right after he came he moved off and Billy took his place. Then 3 minutes later they swapped again.

I came again as Jack pushed into me for the second time, and he lasted over 5 minutes this time before spending in me. I felt him move off, and Billy had recovered enough to mount me again. I had yet another orgasm, my hands and legs wrapping around him, feeling so much better when a guy was on top of me rather than behind me. I came yet again as he did, feeling that throbbing inside my pussy.

When he pulled out I felt a large glob slip out from between my lips and ooze down over my asshole and then lower. By then Jack was once again moving between my thighs, and I spread them and my arms wide open to welcome him in.

Each repeat was now taking longer, as it was harder for them to cum each time. But this also allowed the boy not in me more time to recover himself. Each boy fucked me 5 times, and I was starting to get sore. I knew my pussy was a sloppy mess, and it felt like each time they pushed into my pussy, more of their cum was pushed out to flow over my ass and drip onto the carpet.

Finally I sat up as Billy finished number 5. “Enough, time for you boys to go home. You want to mow my brother's grass Billy? Come back tomorrow, he should be home by then. For now, get dressed and get out.”

I pulled on my robe, and the boys got dressed again. They headed towards the front door and I stopped them. “No, go out the back. I do not want anybody to see you two leave. Now go, goodbye.” I realized I needed another shower, I was a mess in more than one way. The mixture of my cum and theirs had not only run out of my pussy and over my ass, it had flowed up the crack of my ass when I was laying on my back. And now that I was upright, it was oozing down each of my thighs.

They had barely left when I heard another knock on the door. I opened it, and saw Bill there, Billy's dad. We sometimes had a few beers together, but I did not know him well.

“Oh, hello. You must be Chris' sister Billy told me about. I was looking for my son...”

I saw his nostrils flaring, and he moved closer. I sighed inside my mind, and moved back into the living room. I heard Bill following, and asked him to close the door. I dropped my robe on the floor and laid down, thighs already parting as I watched him drop his ugly Bermuda shorts. Then felt my pussy quiver as I realized that monster that must have been 9 inches long and thicker than I could ever imagine was about to be inside of me. I opened my thighs and arms again, welcoming him down and inside of me. And even though in the back of my mind I was gibbering, the part that was inside my body knew I could not resist this until it had its fill.

I felt his weight on top of me, my sensitive nipples being rubbed by the fabric of his shirt, and all thought left as I felt the fat head of his cock pressing between my labia.

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From German Teacher To Class Slut Part 8211 2

“It was an eventful week!” I thought as I entered the class in the clothes these guys had suggested. Well, demanded rather! I had to change in the railway bathroom (the newly built AC one at Thane station for those of you know the area) before coming to class. There was no way I could leave home dressed like that! I had to go to various unknown places alone and shop for the clothes they had specifically asked. The most difficult was buying the ‘G-string panty’. You don’t get that in every...

4 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 21

"Trouble till the end."#English- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: we arrived at Carl's club around 22:30 pm that evening there was already a long line of people waiting to be let in. Robin and Rik saw me and Erik-Jan coming toward the club and rushed up to meet us. "Hey guys! How are you two doing?", they asked concerned. "We are doing just fine. But why...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose cuckold

I am lying on the bed wearing my sheer to the waist tan pantyhose and stroking my cock through the nylon when suddenly the door is thrown open and my wife is standing there looking at me. " I knew you were up to something when I went out" she says. " Well it's going to cost you, get off the bed and sit in the chair" I do as she says and sit in the chair with my cock shrinking. " Stay there and just watch until I tell you you can move" " You can come in now" she says and you walk through the...

3 years ago
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ldquoDeclaration of principlesrdquo

1] All human beings are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives a person to meet his/her destiny, his gift obliges that person to share with others which is good in him/her. A human being must know when to use power, and when to use compassion.4] Each human being...

3 years ago
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The Toy Shop

THE TOY SHOP Roxy hated having to get out of bed and get ready for work. It was cold and snowing outside and all she wanted to do was stay in bed with a warm cup of cocoa. She would much rather be watching a good porn with her new vibrator she nicknamed Bruno. Bruno was one of the newest models out and was guaranteed to have the power like no other. She longed to have a big dick pounding away inside her tight pussy, however she had no man in her life, so Bruno would have to do for now. She had...

2 years ago
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The Spirit is WillingChapter 5

We were having such a good time that the afternoon passed too quickly. We didn't realize how late it was until it began to grow dark outside. At this time of year, during a snowstorm, it is almost dark by 4:30 PM. We all returned to our rooms to get a little rest before starting to get ready for dinner. In my little group's case, we all went to my bedroom to talk. I began, "Well, we haven't found a way back home, but we learned a lot so far. We know what our names are, and where we are...

3 years ago
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Paris in Flames

The first time I saw her was at a small Parisian bistro, walking distance from the Louvre. Le Petit Flore on Rue Croix des Petits Champs, a favorite of mine. Unpretentious and inexpensive. The day had been moody, despite being the first day of summer. It was, in fact, that moodiness which first drew me to her, the sun suddenly bursting from the clouds, illuminating her, setting her fiery mane ablaze. The sudden image of a moth fluttering too near a candle flame gave me but a moment’s pause as I...

Straight Sex
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Stranded Siblings Pt 2

Unlike my previous submissions this is a brand new story. It is the second part to Stranded Siblings and I look forward to turning it into a whole series. I appreciate your comments and ratings. ----------------------------------------------------As day broke and the bright tropical sun began to shine through his eyelids, Jack woke up to find himself still entangled with his sister Kelsey. As he laid there facing his sleeping sister, he felt both joy and fear as he recalled the memories of what...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 38

Jessica and Fiona had heard me say fire. They each had a hold of my arms, trying desperately to cut off my circulation. "Jeanie, can you tell me where the fire is?" I asked. "The front corner ... where you were, when the window was shot out. What closet are you in?" "The hall closet with all the coats." "The three of you?" Jeanie asked wondering how we fit. "Yes." The woman from the central office cut in. "Is the door hot? Check the door handle as well, but for Gods sake,...

1 year ago
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Were Nothing But Animals Chapter 1

Let's face it, I'm a bit of a freak. Jess thought I'd like that stupid fifty shades of bullshit because it's right up my alley. If horrible writing were right up my alley... Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me and all that. It was hard for me to find a guy to play with like that. No one could keep up with my insatiable libido, despite all my looking. I took another long sip of my espresso as my blue eyes glared daggers into my friend. "Never... Again... A...

1 year ago
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Vanessa Spends a Night Semialone

One night I was laying around bored, so I decided to get all sexied up for no one but me. I got out one of my favorite outfits, which you can see in my picture. I was so excited as I undressed, and laid everything out that I was about to slip on.First I put on my sexy Victoria's Secret thong. It was white with black lace, and it felt so hot as it slid on. Then, I put on the matching bra. It had a lot of padding, so even though I have a little bit of a chest, it really helped to give me that...

3 years ago
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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 3

Arthur sat there and watched as she wandered around the wastelands. He had been watching her for a few weeks as she tried to scavenge supplies from the ruined buildings scattered around. He was dying to introduce himself to her but every time he thought of it, he was returned to the harsh reality of things. He knew she’d think he was a monster, just like the other humans did but then again standing over seven feet tall with a bulky, dark green figure, he couldn’t really blame them. He sighed...

3 years ago
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My Life Requested Update

As a relatively non-erotic entry, I figured I would give a bit of an update. Now, a bit of a backstory about me for those who haven't been following along as I have shared my adventures. To the outside viewer, I live a relatively 'normal' life, in a very nice upscale village north of San Diego. I guess if you dug very deep you would realize that it is actually quite unconventional. After suffering through the unexpected loss of my first wife, I had been urged by my daughter to start...

3 years ago
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FirstTime Swingers

Robert and Sheila Baldrick began fucking as oversexed sixteen-year-old sweethearts while Juniors in High School. They would normally use a vaginal spermicide called Emko to prevent pregnancy. Neither could abide condoms. Sheila would keep the Emko in her backpack to ensure it was always on hand when needed.Robert always got a kick out of shoving the Emko tube up Sheila’s pussy and depositing the spermicide deep in her womb. He would sometimes fuck her with it, as if it was a dildo. Sheila would...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Megan Pt 8

We got to our room and my dad opened the door. As soon as it was open my dad pushed me into the room where I was instantly grabbed by two naked men. They grabbed me by my arms as my dad shut the door. Then my dad said to them, "Go on, have your way with Megan." They pulled me towards the bed as my dad sat down in chair next to a table in the room. "You guys fuck my daughter while I sit here and watch." I was still a bit startled by all of this so I was still struggling a bit as I...

1 year ago
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Delivery man

Jeremy rang the front bell and waited several seconds until the door swung open and a middle aged man invited him in! "That will be fifteen fifty," Jeremy said as he pulled the large pepperoni pizza out of the "hot bag"!!! The man was ready with a twenty dollar bill and as he traded it for the piping hot pie he asked softly, "Do you have time for my usual!?!" Jeremy looked at his watch and replied, "I'm kinda in a hurry, but if we make if a quickie, I guess it would be all right!!!" "Oh thank...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Birthday Present from Daddy 1

“I’m busy- come back later,” was the response she got. She sighed a little bit and kept walking to her room. She wanted to kiss him hello. It was their little ritual. In her room, she set her bags down and started to undress in front of her mirror. Shirt off, black bra. Pants off, lace panties. She pulled on her dress. It was incredibly tight and was in the hue of a red cherry. She checked herself from behind to see that it barely covered her shapely ass. She smiled to herself, but when...

4 years ago
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The Assignment Part One

It's early autumn and the new semester is beginning at a local American university. Two college-aged males, roughly between the ages of 20-22 walk along down a grassy-path on campus. They appear to have just been in class, considering they are each holding a couple textbooks. One male has dark brown hair, is a relatively average weight and wears a school sweatshirt and jeans. The other dons a buzzcut and has a somewhat muscular build. He wears a t-shirt that fits tightly along with...

3 years ago
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Giving into duality Part II

One evening after one of our intense fucks Della and I were laying there on my bed and she seemed a little preoccupied with her thoughts. I kissed her on her forehead and asked her if she had anything on her mind that she might want to talk about? She appeared conflicted and somewhat concerned. It was a cool Friday evening and Della and I took in a movie earlier in the evening across town together. We decided to take in a movie and kept our appearances in public very platonic and almost...

2 years ago
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Her Daddys Harem

by BrettJ © 2010 Watching from her bedroom, 16-year old CJ Bennett watched her father eagerly fucking her best friend Rachel. Olive-skinned Rachel was howling and moaning, her bikini long discarded as the 37-year old football coach screwed her poolside. CJ’s fingers were flying in and out of her horny, teenage cunt. She had discovered sexual pleasures 2 years earlier and masturbated every night. Her pussy was constantly horny and as her body matured, she became insatiable for sex. ...

3 years ago
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Angels Initiation ch1

By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** Scott was reading by the fireplace as Angel finished with the chores in the kitchen. Angel was deep in thought, again. She liked to think things out. She is also a bit of a "worry wart" when she lets her insecurities get the better of her. Angel also likes to be prepared for whatever may be asked of her. It...

2 years ago
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Just a movie night

Tessa and Ronnie seemed to have nothing in common when they first met, but somehow they managed to get along right from the start. They met online on a social site, Ronnie was forward and bold and she liked it more than she let out. To prove to him that it was her in her profile pictures she sent him new pictures exactly like he requested them. She was not happy that she had to do that but did it anyways.For a few months, they stayed in touch as friends, getting to know each other slowly but...

First Time
2 years ago
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Tales of Viveria The growling couple

"I could imagine setting up some vases right over here with trumpet flowers, and over here we could find some ebon wood to replace these boards and-" the man ran back and forth, filling the house with potential ideas as the wolf of a man could only stand to watch him go. "-and right here we could even get a comfortable chair that could fit the two of us." The wolf stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder "such unbound optimism, it's why I fell in love with you Matt" "It is and...

2 years ago
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Msnovember Explains The Step Dad Teaching Me

Msnovember Explains The "Step Dad Teaching Me Sex" Epic Prequel Trilogy, On Sheisnovember.comA sexual journey that was three years in the making, filmed in four different cities, and loosely based on real life experiences. presents"Step Dad Teaching Me Sex" prequel series starring Msnovember and Producer JDG Pornart. Finally reaches its surprising and epic conclusion. Detailing the events of how neglected Step Daughter and flawed Step Dad began their risky, secrete,...

4 years ago
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Fiery Tongue

It was early morning; the rays of the sun had already touched the awakening desert when she came out of nowhere. Or so it seemed. One moment I was feeding the chickens and when I looked up, she sat there proudly on a mustang horse. With the sun behind her, I had to shift my position to see who she was. My focus immediately went to her left knee-high moccasin in the stirrup and her naked thigh before my gaze traveled upwards to her poncho-clad torso and her beautiful face, her long black hair...

First Time
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Heat of The Day

It’s been a hot day, the air heavy with the promise of a storm, but it’s grown a little cooler as the afternoon wears on. The cotton blinds are drawn, shutting out some of the glare of the sun. Somewhere outside and downstairs comes the sound of kids playing ball. After my shower, I’m feeling pleasantly lazy, not like doing much of anything, not even getting dressed. I’m sitting in a chair with a cold drink in my hand, half listening to the music on the stereo, half reading a magazine but not...

3 years ago
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Fairy fuck parents

When you're younger and have a shity life gou get fariy god parents when you're 18 and you have a shity life you can get the fairy sex parents they will grant wishes that aren't against the rules now who are you and what do you wish (If you cant tell its inspired by fairly odd parents)

1 year ago
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What Dreams May Come

I'm totally infatuated by a woman who works in the cubicle next to mine here at the office. Just a few seconds ago she and I were talking about some of the other women who work at our company and how attractive they are, or aren't. I wanted to tell her badly how much I love her and how I think about her all the time. I wanted to tell her how pretty she looks today and how great her hair smells and that to make love with her would be so wonderful, how just one kiss from her would be all it...

1 year ago
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Seducing the Straight Girls

It's been a long week. I had three tests, two papers due, two presentations, and to top it all off, I've been horny as fuck. It's been a long time since I've gotten any action, and my girl has been craving attention. About two weeks ago, I broke up with my bitch of a girlfriend, Lily. Turns out the slut was cheating on me with- not one- but two other women at the same time. She tried saying she was sorry and she was bawling and shit, but I dumped her ass, threw away her stuff, went to he...

3 years ago
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Long Haul

Alice was so beautiful she took my breath away every time I saw her. I asked her out a couple of times and she turned me down on both occasions. The second time was just after she split with Dougie Laughery and I thought I had a real chance this time. Dougie was an asshole, I had been competing with him toe-to-toe since junior high. I couldn’t see what Alice saw in him even before he had been caught with his pants down in company with Sissy Hollins, whose reputation went before her almost as...

2 years ago
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My Ice Queen

'Jesus Christ, Lottie,' Michael said to me once. 'Where did you even learn to do that?'Michael and I had been seeing each other for a few months, perhaps, and I was getting to be quite impressed with how things seemed to resist going stale. We desired each other and consumed each other with a wild and imaginative passion, our lovemaking a kind of abstract expressionist canvas of jagged lines, extreme angles and liquid splatters. There on the pure, clean sheets of my bed, my room around us a...

2 years ago
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Build a Sex Demoness

Thank you for calling IMP INC. We are here to supply all your needs. How may I direct your call? If you know your party's extension please dial it now... Please listen carefully for some of our menu options have changed.

3 years ago
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dr who clara and amy

The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor’s tinkering under...

4 years ago
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The Bad Boy

I was in-between boy friends and getting a little lonely and a lot horny. Who should I run into but Kenny. Back in grade school I had a class mate Robert who lived down the street from us. Kenny was Robert’s little brother. He was on the short side around 5’8” to my 5’11” but his muscular build more than made up for his short comings. I just loved those pecks, big arms and tight ass. Kenny looked like a bad boy with many tribal tattoos all over his arms to the wrist and on his chest a bit....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Life With Tina

My Life With Tina This is new tale. It is from my dark side. Peace Belle. My name is Anne. That is not the name I was born with. I was born Alan. To start my tale I must take you back in time. About five years ago. I just got off of work and decided to a couple of cold beers at my favorite bar and catch up on the ball scores. I walked in the bar and Tina was on duty. How can I describe Tina in ten words oe less. I can't. To say she beautiful is an understatement. She is tall for a...

2 years ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 10 Tender Moments

In a soft, contralto voice Jean asked, "Billy, what are you thinking? I mean, what do you think of us?" "What?" I replied, almost stupidly. I'd heard the words but I didn't understand them... they didn't make any sense. None would have. I was still out there, dumb and floating in some post orgasmic stupor, largely incapable of rational thought. With a low laugh, she nudged me with her toe. "Earth to Billy... Earth to Billy." Some small part of my brain knew where I was, but my...

1 year ago
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Jenna and Sara

Me and Sara have been bestfriends since 6th grade, one friday night in the summer of sophmore year we had a sleepover. We both had boyfriends and both thought we were straight. She came over my house and we layed on my bed talking about, friends, school, boys. She asked me then, "Hey, Jenna how far have you gone?". I said "well i mean ive given my boyfriend a blow job what about you?" "Me and Jake had sex for the first time 2 weeks ago and he broke up with me a week later and i dont know why he...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 174 Poor Donnas Lesson

Monday, May 2, 2005 (Continued) At home, Carol pulled Ava's vibrator out of her bag to show me. Carol plugged it in and turned it on. It was an impressive machine, with a little 'thumb' that stuck out and ... Well, if you're a female you know what it did (besides boggle my mind). If you're a male you've got no need to know, and it's kind of disquieting to see, so I'll not describe it. I was tempted to ask for a real demonstration, in our bedroom rather than the kitchen, but Carol...

2 years ago
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Anal part 2

My second anal encounter came when I attended a house party thrown by a local chap I know. There were a number of people there some familiar some not so. Anyway about 10.30 I needed the toilet so made my way upstairs. Unfortunately someone was in the toilet so I decided to wait. Another chap I recognised came upstairs. "You need the loo" he said. "Yes desperately" I said. "There's an en suite in the bedroom over there use that one" he said. I did in a hurry. What I didn't realise was that he...

3 years ago
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Tinys Tavern

The year is 2483. It's been 500 years since a nuclear war broke out between the United States and Soviet Union. The tragic event was triggered by human error and the Able Archer 83 exercise between the NATO nations. Already on-edge, the Warsaw Pact-locked countries reacted violently on the third day of the exercise when it seemed they were going be to facing an immediate invasion from the Western super powers. Missiles were launched and retaliation was due. The world burned for hundreds of...

3 years ago
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Today she turned 18 finally a woman Part 1

Sophie had been with Dave for only 5 months but she was so in love with him. She'd never felt this way about anyone, the he held her, caressed her and kissed her lips so sweetly. They knew it was love, so did everyone else. When she brought him home only 2 months ago her parents loved him too. He brought out the good side of her, and the naughty side. He was the only one who she could ever trust with her life. They spent her birthday together, it felt like it was only the two of them in the...

Love Stories
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Birthday Wish

My name is Marie and I have been married for five years to my Husband Jake. I have a part time job as a secretary for a lawyer and Jake is the manager of a department store. On the surface everything would seem okay in our marriage but the truth is that our home life has become very dull and routine. I have been planning for Jake's 28th birthday but didn't have any fresh ideas. My best friend Susan suggested I place numbered ping-pong balls in a basket and have Jake pick a number at random....

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