Old V Young. Women's Wrestling free porn video

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OLD V YOUNG – goes with gallery of same name

The ex-professional wrestler and boxer Bertha Hynes offers ‘masterclasses’ to young women wanting to further their career in the lucrative business of private basement and apartment combat. Although Bertha retired as a professional fighter several years ago she still enjoys the thrill of fighting another woman especially when they are both naked, so she insists that all her wrestling masterclasses are conducted in the nude.
The young Italian fighter Louisa Spata has bought two days of training, the first day is to be devoted to wrestling and then the second day later in the month to boxing. The wrestling masterclass takes place in a basement garage of an empty office block with the action being videoed by Bertha’s husband Michel. At the start of the class Michel introduces the two fighters to a fixed video camera before he takes over the recording himself.
Michel takes the camera off its tripod and starts the clock as the two fighters come face to face in a classic staredown.
"You need to master the staredown as much as the fighting" explains Bertha. "Your opponent will try to intimidate you as I am now, but you must fight back with your eyes and your body! Do not show any fear, project your confidence!"
Bertha steps back and starts to walk casually round Louisa looking down at her body.
"This is a good tactic for intimidating your opponent and also for getting a good look at their body. Walk round examining them, looks for any scars or bruises or any other weakness. Sometimes the referee will try to stop you to get the fight started, but hold out as long as you can to unsettle your opponent."
Having completed a circuit of her opponent, Bertha moves up to Louisa and rubs her breasts against the young Italian's chest.
"Your breasts aren't large enough to do this, but fighters with bigger tits often like to intimidate less well endowed opponents this way. Don't fall back or look down, keep you head up and look your opponent in the eyes as you resist the pressure. Some of them will try to tit slap your breasts, just lean into them so they have to move back. Once you get used to this stuff you will learn to enjoy it!"
Bertha stepped back and Louisa relaxed a little. "OK now let's fight!" says Bertha with a smile on her face.
The morning session of the masterclass is devoted to submission wrestling while the afternoon session is to be devoted to pin wrestling.
The fight starts and Bertha immediately takes control of her young pupil and soon has her in a combination of bodyscissors and full nelson. Slowly she increases the pressure on both holds.
"Don't hold out, submit before there is any chance of getting hurt!" says Bertha.
"I SUBMIT!" yelps Louisa.
The fight restarts immediately and a few minutes later Bertha has Louisa in a headscissors. The Italian resists for over a minute, but then Bertha gets Louisa's left arm in hammerlock which leads to an instant submission.
"Good," says Bertha, "you submitted quickly as soon as your left arm was in trouble, but we need to work on escaping from headscissors!"
The fight restarts without a break and this time Louisa takes control getting a quick submission from her teacher with a combination armbar, wristlock and headscissors.
“Nice work Louisa that was good wrestling!” says Bertha massaging her wrist. “See how quickly I submitted once I knew I couldn’t escape. There is no point fighting when submission is inevitable!”
Louisa smiles at being given this praise and advice. “Thank you Maestra!”
The fight restarts and after just over 3 minutes of hard wrestling Bertha takes control by getting her young pupil in a chin-pull. Slowly Bertha bends Louisa backward while all the time the Italian is trying desperately to pull Bertha’s hands away from her face. Bertha holds Louisa stretched backwards for about 30 seconds waiting for her submission, but still Italian won't give. Eventually Bertha releases the hold allowing Louisa to flop onto her face on the mat.
Bertha looks angrily at Louisa. “Why didn’t you submit? You were not going to get out of that hold and I could have seriously injured your back. You must learn to tap-out when it is hopeless!”
“I am sorry Maestra, but I wasn’t hurting, so I thought I could hold out longer!”
“Well don’t do that, if you can’t escape you must submit otherwise you could get hurt!”
“I’m sorry Maestra!” says a contrite Louisa.
“And don’t call me Maestra, just call me Bertha! Right let's take a 5 minute break.”
Bertha’s husband stops the clock and the two fighters take a short break to cool down and take a drink. Bertha continues to give Louisa tips about the various techniques and tactics that work best in this type of naked wrestling.
Louisa is reinvigorated by the short break and when the session restarts she throws herself into fight and soon has Bertha is a figure 4 headscissors. The veteran fighter tries to get out of the hold by bridging her body, but when Louisa grabs her ankles and forces her to her knees the older woman quickly taps out her submission.
“Excellent fighting – well done!” says Bertha bringing a smile of pleasure from Louisa.
Louisa fights hard for the next couple of minutes, but eventually Bertha gains control of the young Italian with a half cradle hold. Louisa struggles to escape, but just can’t escape.
Bertha smiles as she offers Louisa some advice: “Now this hold isn’t hurting you, but I don’t think you can escape, so rather waste your energy it would be best to submit.”
Louisa chooses to ignore her teacher’s advice for another 30 seconds, but then she is forced to submit.
Bertha now turns up the pace of the fight, focusing on demonstrating some unusual leg holds on her young student. Louisa earns praise from Bertha when a hanging leglock brings a quick and emphatic submission from the young Italian.
“That was a good clear submission!” praises Bertha.
“Oh I had to get out of that right away, it hurt so much!” replies Louisa
The fight continues for several minutes with Louisa resisting all of Bertha’s attempts to trap her in another leg hold. After nearly 5 minutes of hard wrestling, Bertha extracts a submission from Louisa with a reverse leg-crank.
After Bertha releases the hold Louisa rolls over onto her back looking slightly shattered, “Oh my god that was hard!”
“OK let’s take another break!” says Bertha
Bertha takes a short break to recover from Louisa’s choking headscissors and when the fight restarts the older woman takes immediate control as if to reassert her authority as the teacher. Within a couple of minutes Bertha has Louisa in her own headscissors, but the young Italian resists stubbornly and Bertha has to pull the youngster’s face into her pubic bush to finally get her to tap-out.
Bertha looks critically at her pupil who is picking hair out of her mouth. “You held out too long again and got a face full of pubic hair as a result!”
“Ha, it’s not so bad a thing!” laughs Louisa in response.
Bertha can’t help laughing too at the young Italian’s cheery response.
The masterclass now continues with a period of energetic wrestling with both fighters trying to gain control. Having been fighting for over 40 minutes Louisa may have thought that her veteran teacher would be starting to tire by now, but Bertha is still in top form at the fight passes the 45 minute mark. After nearly 8 minutes of uninterrupted combat Bertha succeeds in pinning Louisa in a folding matchbook pin.
Michel speaks up from behind the camera: “Don’t forget this is the submission session, this afternoon is the pins session!”
“I haven’t forgotten, I am just waiting for her submit!” replies Bertha looking straight at the camera.
Louisa eventually submits after over 2 minutes trapped in the matchbook pin.
After over 50 minutes of wrestling both fighters are now sweating profusely, but when Bertha suggests that they have a short break Louisa says she would rather continue for a little longer before having a rest. It occurs to Bertha that maybe her student is thinking that being younger her energy will outlast that of her veteran teacher.
When the fighting resumes Louisa does indeed take control and after another four minutes of intense wrestling the youngster gets her fourth point with a camel clutch submission hold.
"That was a good hold and well executed!" says Bertha wiping sweat from her face. "Now let's take that break!"
Having had nearly an hour of wrestling Bertha decides that they should have a longer break of 15 minutes so she and Louisa can use the bathroom, etc.
When they return to the mat both Bertha and Louisa are re-energised by the longer break. For four minutes they exchange clinches and throws without either wrestler being able to take full control. Eventually at the 60 minute point Bertha manages to manoeuvre Louisa into a chicken-wing backbreaker. The youngster tries desperately to wriggle out of the hold, but Bertha grips the Italian’s arms tightly, and then twists and turns her own body to keep flexing Louisa across her back. After 90 seconds of being bent and twisted Louisa calls out her submission.
Bertha lets her young student slide off her back to the mat. “I bet you will never meet that hold again!” chuckles Bertha.
“I definitely hope not!” groans Louisa rubbing her back.
Bertha gives Louisa a short time to recover from the back stretching hold and then they return to the fight. Louisa fights hard to try to take control, but once again Bertha’s greater experience wins over the Italian’s youthful energy and she takes control with an anaconda choke hold. Louisa tries to pull Bertha’s right arm away from her throat, but when she fails to get any slackening of the hold she quickly taps her submission.
“Are you OK?” asks Bertha as she massages Louisa neck.
When Louisa confirms she is ok, Bertha adds “Nice clean submission – well done!”
The masterclass resumes immediately and in less than 3 minutes Bertha has her student trapped in a boston crab submission hold.
"OK, time to submit!" declares Bertha, but the plucky Italian refuses, "No, no!"
Bertha slowly increases the pressure on Louisa's body all the time demanding her submission, but despite her groans the Italian still refuses to give. Frustrated at Louisa's refusal to submit Bertha moves backwards and sits down on the young woman's head and then levers her thighs apart in a painful and humiliating legspread.
"Oh shit.... I give, I give!" groans Louisa while banging her hand on the mat.
Bertha releases the hold immediately allowing Louisa's body to flop to the mat. "Goodness girl, you are so stubborn... brave, but stubborn!"
Bertha had expected her student to be subdued after being subjected to the humiliating legspread, but instead Louisa looks feisty and determined as she gets to her feet. The fight restarts and the young Italian throws herself into it energetically and soon Bertha is struggling to defend herself. The Bertha's age is beginning to tell and she is starting to sweat heavily. In just over 4 minutes Louisa has her teacher in a figure 4 headscissors that is crushing her nose.
Bertha grunts and bangs her hand on the mat. Louisa smiles and cheekily asks "Is that a submission or are you just complaining?"
"I give!" croaks Bertha in response.
Louisa uncrosses her legs and Bertha rolls over and onto her front. "OK, let's take a break" she says massaging her aching nose.
Bertha and Louisa return to the mat after a 10 minute break. Although Bertha is re-energised by having the break, so too is Louisa. The young Italian attacks vigorously from the moment the fight restarts and Bertha is forced to go on the defensive. After five minutes of hard wrestling Louisa traps Bertha in a well executed guillotine choke. With the blood pooling in her head the veteran wrestler wastes no time in tapping out her submission on the young Italian’s arm.
“That was really good wrestling!” exclaims Bertha after she has recovered from the effects of the choke
After losing two points in succession Bertha comes back pretty strongly, she's clearly determined not to lose the next point to her pupil! After less than three minutes she is stretching Louisa in a leglocked surfboard hold. For two minutes the older woman pulls hard on her young student's arms, but despite Louisa's grunts and groans she does not submit.
After over two minutes Bertha gives up on the surfboard hold and and moves her feet onto the backs of Louisa's thighs to lift her in a Romero or Ceiling hold. Louisa yelps in surprise and alarm as Berth hoists her into the air splaying her thighs wide apart. Louisa twists and flexes to try to unbalance Bertha, but the veteran wrestler compensates perfectly to keep her young student held aloft. After some 30 seconds in theWhen Bertha restarts the fight Louisa is noticeably slower and less agile after being held for so long in the ceiling hold. After 3 minutes Bertha traps Louisa in another headscissors. hold Louisa submits.
The Italian tries to escape from by bridging her body upwards and trying to pull her head from between Bertha’s thighs.
“Nice try Louisa, but I have a trick to show you that should stop you succeeding!”
Bertha abruptly lifts herself into a kneeling position which forces the young Italian to flip herself over. Louisa lands on her knees with her head still trapped between Bertha’s thighs, but now she is in a worse position as her face is pressed into Bertha’s pubic bush. With no easy way to escape Louisa croaks out her submission. Bertha smiles conspiratorially at her husband before getting to her feet and allowing Louisa to straighten.
“Hope you like that move!” chuckles Bertha looking smugly at her young student.
“No, not really!” moans Louisa wiping her face with her hand.
The fighters take a short break to cool off and then the masterclass resumes with both teacher and student struggling hard to take control. Despite Louisa’s youth and energy it is the wily veteran who takes control after some 8 minutes by getting the Italian in an inverted bearhug. Louisa groans in discomfort as Bertha bounces her up and down as if trying to shake the youngster’s breakfast out of herAfter a minute with Louisa refusing to submit Bertha suddenly drops to her knees and for a split second it looks as if the young Italian’s head is going to hit the mat, but at the last moment Bertha’s thighs lock round Louisa’s head saving her from impact with the ground.
Still holding Louisa upside down in the bearhug Bertha comments, “I could so easily have piledriven you into the mat! You should have submitted before I could do that to you!”
. But despite her hopeless predicament the Italian still refuses to submit.
Bertha pivots forwards on her knees to bring herself and Louisa down to mat. The young Italian lands belly first on the mat with loud slap and a grunt as Bertha thumps down onto top of her. Before Louisa can escape from beneath her teacher Bertha locks her legs around her head in headscissors. Winded by the impact with the mat and the pain of the headscissors Louisa quickly submits.
The fight restarts without a break and for over 4 minutes both fighters struggle to take control. At last Louisa succeeds in getting the better of Bertha and traps the veteran fighter in a leg-split boston crab hold. Bertha is quick to tap out before she suffers any injury.
“Nicely done Louisa!” exclaims Bertha swiping the sweat off her face with her right forearm. “Let’s take another short break and then go through to the end of the session.”
“Just when I am starting to get the advantage we have to take another break!” complains Louisa half jokingly.
“OK, let’s just grab a drink and then go on to the end!” replies Bertha.
The two fighters take a very short break just to grab a drink and then go back to the fight. After nearly 2 hours of wrestling Bertha's age is now beginning to really tell and her energy and coordination are suffering. Louisa senses the increasing weakness in her teacher and fights with renewed determination to try to gain more points. After another 5 minutes of wrestling Louisa gets another point from Bertha with a superb lotus lock submission hold.
Although Bertha would dearly like to get a couple of minutes break Louisa presses her to keep going saying "there's only just over 8 minutes left in the session!" So the fight restarts, but now Bertha is very fatigued and Louisa soon takes control getting a submission with a triangle choke after a little over 4 minutes of wrestling.
Bertha is totally exhausted as the two fighters lock up for what must be the last round of this session. Although Louisa is tired she still has some energy to spare and she leaps on her teacher and takes her to mat determined to get another score in the final moments of the session. The Italian locks her legs across Bertha's chest and starts to squeeze her teacher's ribcage with all the strength left in her aching muscles. Bertha tries to bridge out of the bodyscissors, but Louisa grabs her legs to stop her from escaping. Berth gasps for breath as Louisa squeezes hard, her leg muscles bulging with the effort.
"OK I give!" croaks Bertha and at the same time her husband calls time on the session.
"Ha... Another point to me!" exclaims Louisa with delight as she releases the bodyscissors and rolls Bertha off her legs.

There now follows a discussion as to whether Louisa's last point is valid as Bertha's husband, Michel, says Bertha actually submitted some 4 seconds after the end of the session. However Bertha rules that the session actually ended when she submitted, so the point stands and the final score of the master class is 14-10 to Bertha.

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Cuckolds In Corsets

CUCKOLDS IN CORSETS by Throne Carl Clinton was in the kitchen, wearing rubber gloves and washing dishes. All he had on was an apron that barely reached below his pubic region in front and left everything uncovered in the back. He also wore three inch heels and, because he'd been standing there for a while, he could feel a strain building in his calves. As he shifted his feet around to avoid getting muscles cramps, he thought about how smooth his legs were. There wasn't a single...

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Arnold 2

You may have gotten the idea that Arnold was just a gay guy or sheep lover from the first part of this little story. Well, that would be wrong. Arnold was much more than that. Arnold was quite a pervert of the N’th degree. One of the things he liked to do was to make obscene phone calls to the women in the area. I used to like listening to him talk to those women and see how long he could keep them going before they hung up the phone. I would say that around a third of them would go along with...

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A Wild Vacation Of Wrestling

My wife and I had decided to take a vacation down to Jamaica. We had planned this trip for about a year and couldn’t wait to see what Jamaica was all about. We stayed at a beautiful resort that was just outside a small town. We had heard several stories about some of the things that go on in Jamaica and we or at least I had wanted to see if the stories were all true. The first day my wife and I laid on the beach most of the day. We had seen a few women without tops and a few with some really...

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Celebrity Sex Wrestling

I enter the gym with a little tension . The public is so much and can not wait to attend a match like the one scheduled for today ... I just know that my opponent will be a famous woman , but not who. The referee comes over and tells me : " I remember you the the only rule ... the first to have an orgasm loses and becomes the slave of the winner ... are you ok with this ? " I look at him and nods, convinced i can beat a woman in few seconds , and I get in the ring . After a few moments I see...

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Celebrity Sex Wrestling

Entro nella palestra con un po' di tensione. Il pubblico è tanto e non vede l'ora di assistere ad un incontro come quello in programma oggi...so solo che la mia avversaria sarà una donna famosa,ma non ancora chi. L'arbitro si avvicina e mi dice:"ti ricordo le regole..anzi,l'unica regola...il primo ad avere un orgasmo perde e diventa lo schiavo del vincitore...ci stai?" Lo guardo annuendo,convinto di poter facilmente battere una donna,e salgo sul ring. Dopo pochi istanti vedo salire la mia...

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Orgasm wrestling

Entri nel palazzetto convinto di partecipare all’evento di oggi. Ti hanno sempre incuriosito questo genere di match ma non avevi mai avuto il coraggio per iscriverti. Ti avvicini al banco e la ragazza ti dice:”bene..per l’iscrizione è tutto a posto...l ‘unica regola è che il primo ad avere un orgasmo perde e per il resto della giornata diventa lo schiavo del suo avversario,qualsiasi questo sia. Accetti e la ragazza ti guida verso gli spogliatoi:”vuoi partecipare subito al torneo principale o...

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I was having this conference that was running for 4 days and I was soexcited about it cause I just arranged to crash on one of my old mates'couch.One of the dudes back in collage. I remember we were a huge group of guysbut now as life goes on , it took us here and there and everybody goes withtheir own life, living in different citites and states.His name is Josh. Josh is a tall blue eyed guy, long blond curly hair witha body of a swimmer. We both now are 28 years of age. He had a hairlesschest...

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Despite their enthusiastic response and the immediate effect on their sexlife, Ben and Jeff needed some time before they could discuss what hadhappened with Craig. It had been an old fantasy they were happy to haverealised but it remained dangerous, given how close friends they were withCraig. At least, this is how Jeff, more rational than Ben, saw things.Later on the same week, they met Craig by coincidence when eating out.When Craig left his table to use the restroom, Ben followed him as...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 10 Futasrsquo Horny Wrestling

My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon glowed in the night sky, looking down at me in the midst of the haunted...

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Jim McGuire skidded his bike to a stop in front of the large blue sided house. Setting the bike up against the white picket fence, the eighteen-year-old glanced at his watch. He smiled as he saw that he was right on time. Not that Mrs. Burke would've been angry if he had been a little late, but it was a matter of pride to the sandy-haired young man that he showed up places when he said he would. Originally, he had planned to spend this week in Florida. His parents had promised him a trip to...

1 year ago
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I finally made it, I have a full football scholarship to a small college and I’m away from home, for the first time in my life. I checked in, they had a whole staff to help you if you needed it, but I was fine, so I got my schedules, both football and academic and the key to my room. I knew I was getting a roommate, it was a small school and I was curious to see how the luck of the draw worked for me. He was already in the room and unpacked when I got there, it took me all of thirty seconds to...

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Harold and Wendy

This is my first short story, any feedback would be welcomed. I’m planning on writing more so let me know how to improve. Hope you enjoy. ***** Harold Thompson has woken up promptly at 8 o’clock every morning for the last six months and sees nothing but an empty side of the bed where his wife used to sleep. Her name was Deanna. He thinks about her every day how she’d always smile as he woke up and tells him good morning. Now there are no more good mornings for Harold. At age 56, Harold was...

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Goldilocks the sexy version

It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...

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Goldilocks the sexy version

It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...

Straight Sex
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STARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...

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Harold Saves Her Husband Part 01

Harold saves her husband (Part 1)This is a sequel to the earlier story “Harold Plays The Hero” ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This is the first part of the sequel. . ...

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Harold Saves Her Husband Part 03 and Last

Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...

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Cuckolding Positive For Some Couples

Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...

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Harolds First Time Part I

There is one thing in this world that will always be consistent, the sexual desires of a teenage boy for older women who are clearly out of their league. Having been a teenage boy and knowing how much truth there is to it I decided a little story about a young G.I. and a barber might be something worth sharing…Harold was 17 years old when he enlisted into the military. He was about 6 foot tall, 160 to 175 lbs, medium build, black, and in pretty good shape due to high school athletics. He was...

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Harold Saves Her Husband Part 02

Harold Saves Her Husband Part Two Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************“Why is it called The Dancing Room?” Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and...

1 year ago
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Harold Freak Attraction

I was born a freak. At eighteen and a half, I'm still a freak--and I love it. I didn't always think that way, however. For a long time, I thought it was a curse. "How," you ask, am I a freak? Very simple, really. I was born with two cocks. No, really, I was. I've still got 'em too. You see, two cocks and either one or two sets of balls in their own sacks, is a condition known as biphallia. Google it if you don't believe me. It's a really rare condition, but it does happen. In some...

4 years ago
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Harold Saves Her Husband Pt 02

Copyright Oggbashan November 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Why is it called The Dancing Room?’ Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and Serena’s reply. ‘He couldn’t call it a...

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Harold Plays The Hero

Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character's imagination of what India might seem to be...

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Cuckolded By A Punk Rock Band

Introduction: A mother and daughter are being neglected by their sports obsessed, aand probably cheating husbands. The trophy wives decide to cuckold their husbands with a famous, ribald punk rocdk band at the bands after concert private party (orgy) CUCKOLDED BY A PUNK ROCK BAND SPORTS FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dales spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a...

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