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After my graduation from college as a certified teacher, I had to repay my college loan over a two year period by way of service, which meant that I had to teach wherever I was told to go. My first appointment was at a school with a principle that was an arsehole. Mr. Arlen did not like me, and the feelings were mutual. I was always in trouble. Several warnings and reprimands later, I was relocated to a school in the far north to teach me a lesson. The small town I was sent to was in the middle of lumberjack-land, and the school catered to kids from the surrounding area.

As you may well imagine, I was as thrilled as a condemned man. Being young and gay, my social life had just been flushed down the toilet. I had read many gay stories about lumberjacks but was sensible enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality. The school was charming, and my new principle very engaging. At least, my new workplace was going to be far less troublesome than my former school. The kids were also fantastic, and far better disciplined than the brats I formerly had to contend with. So things weren’t all bad... I supposed.

The town had eight shops and a large pub, frequented by all the locals. I managed to secure a fairly nice apartment above one of the shops, a stone’s throw away from the school. This was my lot, and I had to grin and bear it for the next eighteen months. Within a few days, I had settled into my new home, and workplace. The people I encountered were friendly and helpful, and unlike the city, they always greeted me. Being educated, and a teacher, also put me on a higher plain of respect. This really amused... and okay… delighted me. I almost became tired of my name, with the constant, ‘Hi Sydney, and bye Sydney,’ that seemed to punctuate my every move.

Saturday evenings at the bar was the main event in the town. It was apparently always jam-packed. I decided that I had to join in, and meet all the locals on my first weekend. I was also keen to observe the butch talent on display, cognisant of the fact that I would have to be on my best behaviour. Being gay could be dangerous in these parts, and I knew I would have to show great restraint. It would definitely not thrill the locals, to learn that the new schoolteacher was a gay man. At around eight p.m. I finally made my way to the pub, and as predicted, it was pumping.

After grabbing a beer, I began observing my fellow patrons. Most of the men were brawny and very masculine, with facial hair, denim, and plaid shirts, the standard custom. The woman all had overdone makeup and tight-fitting apparel, which seemed to be the order of the day for all the ladies. As I suspected, there were quite a few stunning guys. During the evening I had to concentrate on not drooling, as I engaged many of the guys in conversation. Everyone knew I was the new teacher, and I was rather flattered by the fuss they made over me.

At around eleven, I finally made my way back to my apartment. It had been a very enjoyable if somewhat frustrating evening. How the fuck was I going to cope, surrounded by all this untouchable talent? I began to jerk-off with my mind in a spin. My imagination went into overdrive, as flitted from one hunk to the other, with my brain envisioning a multitude of sex-filled scenarios. I finally shot a massive load panting like a deranged person. After cleaning up my mess I got into bed, before drifting off moments later.

The following week, I got into the full swing of things at the school. Apparently, my teaching methods were far less offensive to this new principle, and by the end of the week, she had received quite a few compliments from satisfied parents. I had always had a great rapport with kids and so at least on the occupational front, my life was going along very well. I even got invited to dinner, by one of my fellow teachers on Wednesday, and spent a very enjoyable evening with him and his wife.

I decided not to torment myself again the following Saturday, and instead opted for a visit to the bar on a Friday evening. After collecting a beer from the counter, I sat on a barstool across from the bar. There were a number of tall round tables scattered about, each surrounded by three or four barstools. The bar was fairly empty, with a dozen or so people milling about. Again, I got a number of smiles and “howdy’s,” from most of the patrons.

As I sipped my beer a hairy giant entered the bar. He stood at least six-foot-six inches tall. I had never seen such a large man. He wasn’t fat, just huge. He had a full black beard that only exposed his eyes, forehead, and nasal region. The brush cut hair on his head was also black.

I observed him in conversation with the barman, frequently glancing in my direction. Shortly, he began to move toward me. His boots looked like to boats, and after removing his jacket, I noticed that he was attired in the standard issue.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked.

“Not at all,” I replied.

Extending his right hand he said, “Names Grizzly.”

‘Fuck me,’ I thought, ‘even his hands are covered with hair.’ I stood and introduced myself as he completely sheathed my hand in his huge paw.

“So you’re the new teacher,” he stated sitting opposite me. I nodded in agreement. When he asked me why I had chosen to live here, I gave him a brief history of the events leading up to my arrival in these parts. Turning the tables on him, I asked about his life. He was a lumberjack and owned a cabin ten miles out of town. He had also grown up in a city but preferred the outdoors. Several years before, he had decided on his current lifestyle and moved here to learn his trade. He loved the peace and quiet this place offered.

After he finished his story I asked, “What’s your real name?”

“Angus,” he replied.

“Do you mind if I call you Angus?”

With a shrug, he answered, “Suit ye’self.”

“But would you mind,” I affirmed.

Smiling he replied, “Nah, not at all”.

Angus was twenty-five-years old which surprised me, as I would have guessed him closer to thirty. As I began to engage him more and more, I realized how good looking he actually was. His eyes were dark green and lively. His slightly uneven teeth were sparkling white and very sexy. He had an impish, naughty smile, and we conversed as easily as two old friends.

When I later asked about any hobbies he may have, he told me he did wood sculptures. I told him that I was crazy about sculpture, and would love to see his work at some point. Observing me for a few seconds he said, “Come tomorrow”.

Puzzled I inquired, “Beg your pardon?”

To which he replied, “What time do your duties at the school finish tomorrow?”

“Two p.m.,” I responded.

“Well… then I’ll pick you up at three... Bring a toothbrush?” he concluded.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“You’ll be staying the night… Cause after dinner, and a few drinks, it would be stupid to drive you home. Folks around here take drinking and driving very seriously,” he stated

Shrugging, I questioned, “Are you sure?”

“Sure I’m sure”, was his reply. “You said you wanted to see my work, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be any bother,” I countered.

Almost irritated he answered, “Fuck, do you want to see my work or not?”

My final reply was, “Yes, okay, that would be great, thank you.”

The following day at three, Angus pulled up in front of the store below my apartment. Grabbing my small bag I ran down the stairs immediately. Before he had time to phone me I was already in his vehicle, and soon we were on our way.

His log cabin looked fantastic. We were greeted by two large Huskies upon our arrival. “Will I be safe?” I asked getting out of the pickup.

“Sure, they haven’t eaten human flesh… well, so far,” he replied laughing.

Entering his cabin my breath was taken away. It was huge and beautifully decorated, in a very masculine way. I immediately observed his sculptures that he had placed all around, and began complimenting him. Angus loved birds, and most of the sculptures were of our feathered friends. Before I got the grand tour of his cabin, he lit a roaring fire. His place was open and impressive, but very cozy. There was the homely aroma of stew simmering on the stove, which I was told would take another few hours. After an astonishing tour, we sat on a huge leather sofa facing the fire.

Looking at me he asked, “So whose heart did you break when you left the city?”

“Nobodies, I didn’t have a girlfriend.” I answered.

Sniggering he said, “I find that hard to believe. A good looking guy like you, you must have had the ladies falling over themselves.”

Trying to extricate myself from the corner I was in, I retorted, “Well what about you… Why is there no little woman in your life?”

Smiling ruefully, he replied, “Who would want to live with a man resembling, Bigfoot?”

Without thinking I said, “You are a very sexy man, Angus”.

With a glint in his eyes, he responded, “That’s a strange statement, coming from another guy”.

Blushing furiously, I apologized, only sinking further into the hole that I had created for myself.

“I have a feeling, that you may prefer men to women Sydney,” he said softly. Seeing the defeated look on my face he chuckled. It wasn’t a derisive laugh, but an encouraging one.

With a smile, he uttered, “I promise you Sydney, your secret is safe with me.”

Once I had calmed down I asked, “What about your love life?”

Shaking his head he replied, “I don’t have one. The women here are all man-catchers. I was warned about them early on. And as far as the guys are concerned, never met one that gave me any reason to believe they’d want to play around.”

Stunned, I asked, “So… you’ve considered guys?”

He sat silently for a while before replying, “Maybe.”

An eerie silence followed before I asked, “And what does that maybe depend upon?”

Another pause followed, before he measuredly answered, “On whether you’ll insist on sleeping in the spare room tonight.”

As we observed the fire for a long while, he self-consciously began chatting about the food he had prepared. He seemed almost hurt and I got the feeling that I should have replied to his earlier statement. Did he think my silence was a rejection?

I became panicky and interrupting him, blurted out, “I would love to sleep in your bed tonight.”

After a short hush, a smile broke out on his face before he said, “You might not feel that way when you see me naked, I’m fucking hairy”.

“Well, then I will just have to give you a good brushing before we go to sleep,” I replied.

Angus almost convulsed with laughter. He stood up and pulling me off the sofa, gave me a long bear hug. Putting me down eventually, we moved through to the kitchen and were soon enjoying his fantastic stew.

As we ate I apologized for my earlier delay, explaining that I had been completely stunned and afraid that he might have been pulling my leg. He then told me about his insecurity due to his excessive hairiness. After moving here he had also been rejected by a woman after undressing, who just couldn’t cope with his extreme furriness. He had all but given up on sexual encounters, due to his condition, which is termed hypertrichosis. It wasn’t worth the anguish according to him.

After dinner, we again sat around chatting before heading for bed at around nine p.m. Once in the room, I could sense his nervousness as we kissed fully clothed. He was an incredible kisser, and his huge body felt remarkable during our embrace. Whispering in his ear I assured him that I wanted to make love and wasn’t bothered by his hairiness.

After undressing, I got a good look at him and he was even hairier than I had imagined. His entire body was covered with fur. The hair was soft and felt luxuriant to the touch. Angus had a substantial uncut cock that looked smaller than it was, due to the mass of black hair surrounding his crotch. I got the feeling that he couldn’t wait to get into bed so that his hairiness wouldn’t be on full display.

As I lay on my back he moved his upper body onto me and continued kissing. His excitement was palpable as he began licking my ears, frequently returning to my mouth. With our faces moulded together, my hands caressed his arms, shoulders, and torso. He then moved his entire body onto me, supporting most of his weight on his knees and elbows. My grizzly lover ground his stiff knob between my thighs, as he overwhelmed me with hair. The hair excited me unbelievably and I told him so. Moving his arms under my arms, his paws clamped my head between his palms. With a grunt of pleasure, he began rubbing his beard all over my face.

As our kissing intensified, Angus became overexcited and scooted up my body on his knees. His dick, festooned in a mane of hair, located my mouth. As I adjusted to his oral onslaught my hands began to tour of his hips and backside. I captured tresses of hair between my fingers, gently pulling the pelt outwards. Humping my face animatedly, his hands held my head firmly. Having conquered my throat I let him have his way. From his cries, I knew he is about to erupt and prayed I would be able to cope with the deluge.

With his balls slapping my throat, his first emissions began to spray. I swallowed like crazy as more and more lava cascaded down my throat. He was almost convulsing with pleasure as the final drops were force-fed to me. When his cock exited my mouth I savoured his tasty cream.

Moving his body downward again, his tongue scoured the last morsels of seed from my mouth. Angus then placed his head next to mine, ear to ear, and began sobbing. I held him as tight as I could, and let him vent. When he finally lifted his head I wiped the tears from his eyes.

Afterward, Angus rolled over and lay next to me. I moved in close to him, and hugged by my giant teddy bear we lay contently for a long time.

Breaking the silence, I eventually said, “Don’t ever cut one hair off your body. You are perfect just as you are.” He smiled, appreciatively.

Lifting eventually, Angus reversed his body position and moving on top of me in a sixty-nine position, sucked on my cock. With a mass of hair surrounding my head, I began licking and sucking his balls. As my impending orgasm started to approach, my erratic breathing signalled my ejaculation. His anxious lips encouraged me as I pumped into his suctioning mouth and erupted in a state of complete rapture. Angus’ feasting was accompanied by grunts of approval.

Spinning his body around after his feeding, he lifted my legs and placed them over his shoulders, before manically locating my manhole. After he gained entry, his prodding became frenzied. Angus’ second discharge exploded into me within minutes. After pushing my legs down, Angus completely cocooned me, enveloping us in his manly smell. My ‘Yeti’ had me under his control and I was in seventh heaven. Gone were my angry regrets about my expulsion to this backward enclave. My new life was becoming blissful and I blessed the day I arrived in this territory.

After our session, my werewolf lover and I fell asleep. It had been a very intense afternoon with emotions running wild. Angus was a wonderful human being and I was very pleased we had met. Strangely, his hairy condition did not bother me at all. I wasn’t sure about the road ahead, but having a rather fatalistic mind-set I wasn’t going to get in a flap about it. My new life had taken a very surprising turn and with the contentment I felt at my workplace, this strange little town was turning into a real gem.

Waking up from time to time during the night, I observed the hairy man mountain next to me. What would the future hold? Would there even be one with him?

When I awoke the following morning Angus was in the shower. Not sure about his bathroom likes and dislikes, I decided to let him do his thing before taking my turn. When he finally re-entered the bedroom I asked if he would mind me having a shower. Jokingly, he said that he would have liked company in the shower, but didn’t want to wake me. I promised myself that I would never again let a chance like that go a begging.

By the time I had finished all my ablutions, breakfast was on the go. After our exertions of the previous evening, the sustenance was heartily enjoyed.

As we ate Angus looked like he had something on his mind. After swallowing another mouthful he finally said, “I would like you to stay with me today, I promise to return you home early tomorrow morning.”

My initial answer was a simple, “I would love to.”

Regrettably, I then resumed and said, “As long as I am not in your way.”

He looked at me sternly, before answering, “I want you here, why would you be in my way?”

Realising my stupidity, I answered, “I am sorry, that was a stupid reply.”

After observing me for a short while, Angus smiled and said, “The one thing you should know about me Sydney, is that I always mean what I say.”

After breakfast I helped with the dishes. After we finished the washing-up, Angus moved behind me, and encasing me in a bear hug, began tweaking my nipples while lightly biting my ears. Soon his massive hips were banging me up against the sink. Moving his hands downward he undid my belt buckle, before unzipping my jeans. After my pants and underpants were pushed down I heard him unzipping himself. My torso was pushed down before he began prodding my hole. I was beginning to learn that my Grizzly lover liked it rough and his entry was urgent. I also got the feeling that my gasping and groaning really excited him.

Grabbing my hips tightly he lifted me and with me impaled on his knob, walked through to the lounge. My body was flung over the back of the huge leather sofa before his hips sprang to life. Battering my hole with his knob, an additional dynamic was added as he began slapping my backside. Alternating between gripping my butt cheeks, Angus’ huge right hand also administered whacks to my arse. The more I whimpered, the louder my bear lover grunted and howled. I thanked goodness for the remoteness of his home because the cacophony emanating from us was mind-blowing. Even the Huskies outside joined in.

Angus then spun me around, forcing me to my knees. As he humped my face I held onto his tree-trunk legs. With drool dribbling onto my chest, he intensified his thrusting. Shuddering, Angus unloaded into my mouth.

Next, pulling me up off my knees Angus turned my body upside down facing him, before placing my legs on his shoulders. With my body dangling down his chest, his warm mouth sheathed my dick. As he blew me, I again began licking and sucking on his knob. My smaller dick was no problem for him and his mouth and tongue stimulated me unbelievably. I was being given a masterclass in cock-sucking and after a few minutes couldn’t hold back any longer. Panting furiously I came in his mouth, accompanied by the customary grunts of approval from Angus.

My hanging body was then carried to the front of the fireplace before being placed on the thick woollen rug. Angus now climbed on top of me and for the next few minutes, we kissed as his stiff knob speared into my crotch. Finally lifting his body up off me and moving my legs apart, he grabbed my balls and began whipping them with his rigid cock. I yelped and writhed, to grunts of approval from him. Then, turning me onto my stomach again Angus fell on top of me. He began spearing his dick in and out of me.

Upon pulling out he would let my sphincter relax for a few seconds before piercing into me again. On and on Angus relentlessly plundered my backside. The incredible stimulation of this technique caused me to spray my seed all over the rug.

Picking up on my release, Angus lifted his torso on outstretched arms and fucked me manically. The grunts emanating from him as he climaxed were mind-boggling.

After our hectic session, we dressed and were soon on an extensive walk all around his property with Mutt and Jeff, the two Huskies that accompanied us on our journey. The dogs were, as I was told, outdoor animals. Angus had built two beautiful dog houses for them on his porch. The surrounding area was magnificent and I fully understood Angus’ love for this place.

After an extensive ramble we finally returned to the cabin. Angus recommended a late lunch/early supper upon our return. We spent the next few hours chatting and enjoying the warmth of the fireplace.

Angus marinated steaks for dinner and after a salad and potatoes had been prepared, the meat was grilled. After an excellent meal, we again moved through to the lounge and settled on the huge sofa facing the fire. For the next few hours, we continued to enjoy one another’s company. I was told that we needed to be in bed by eight because we had to be up at five-thirty a.m., the following morning.

“Are you always in bed by eight?” I asked.

Smiling, he replied, “No, usually by ten, but we need at least one hour for entertainment.”

Joking, I asked, “I don’t recall seeing a television in the bedroom?”

To which he impishly countered, “There ain’t one. We’re supplying the entertainment.”

Before we headed off to bed, Angus sat quietly with a serious look on his face before asking, “Sydney, would you consider moving in with me?” Raising his hand immediately, with his palm facing me in a ‘let me finish’ gesture, he continued, “Don’t give me your answer now. Think about it during week. I’ve been alone for too long and really need someone in my life. I can be difficult, but I am sure we can work things out.”

After another silence, he resumed, “I don’t want rent from you, and if you contribute to the groceries that would be great. I haven’t enjoyed anyone’s company as much as yours for a very long time. I’m fucking lonely and I need you.” Another long pause followed, before he concluded, “If you’re not up for it and only want to visit on weekends, that would be okay. It’ll be disappointing, but I will accept that.”

We again sat quietly for a long while, before eventually moving through to the bedroom.

After arriving in the bedroom he asked, “Are you working on Saturday?”

“No,” I replied. We were only expected to work alternating Saturdays at the school and having done so the previous day, I would be off duty the following weekend.

“Good, then I call around your place on Friday evening and you can give me your answer,” he suggested. I just smiled respectfully, nodding my head. The request had been made and I would have to make my decision during the week.

That night Angus surprised me with a complete change of pace. Our love-making was far less hectic than all prior encounters. We fondled, kissed, and his penetration was gentle and loving. The biggest surprise came when he turned onto his stomach and invited me to penetrate him. I climbed on my bear and penetrated him slowly and tenderly. The low murmurs from him as I continuously varied my pace were awesome. I made sure that the session lasted, with no intention of rushing our encounter. His contentment was profound and he sighed contentedly throughout the session.

The following week my mind was in a spin. What concerned me most was that he had lived on his own, for a long time. Once I moved in would he find sharing his space with me irritating, rather than enjoyable? In addition, what would the people here make of our living together? Would rumours eventually start circulating? The rougher side of his sexual needs didn’t me worry too much, but would they escalate? I loved his cabin and the incredible surrounding area. It was infinitely preferable to the small fully furnished apartment I was renting, but at least my apartment belonged to me. In turmoil, I began dreading Friday’s decision.

When Friday night finally arrived there was a knock at my door. Angus then entered and sat on my small sofa. After a short time, he asked, “Did you give my request some thought, or do you need more time?”

Looking at him intently I answered, “Two things worry me. Firstly, after years of living on your own a newcomer will be invading your private space. Will you be able to cope with that? Secondly, what will people here make of our living together?”

After listening to me, he waited a while before answering. “You’ll teach me to adapt. Secondly, who gives a fuck what people think? We’ll make it work Sydney, simple as that.”

The passion in his eyes overwhelmed me and caught up in the moment I blurted out, “Okay, let’s give it a go.”

Shrugging he replied “So what the fuck are you waiting for? Pack your things and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“Tonight, you mean now?” I asked.

“Sure, pack up and let’s go home, Mutt and Jeff are hungry. Next week you can sort out the details with your landlord.” I began to laugh, to which he responded, “Get moving, I’m also fucking hungry.”

I packed my two suitcases and presently followed him in his pickup to the cabin. En route I noticed the name: ‘Ursus,’ painted on the back of his pick-up for the first time. With a smile on my face, I drove home behind him.

After we arrived the dogs were fed and the fire lit, before his pre-prepared meal was being warmed. It felt strange as I scanned my new abode while he prepared our meal. I hoped like hell I had made the correct decision. With butterflies in my stomach I sat down and enjoyed the delicious food. At least the guy could cook!

After dinner and the customary dishwashing, we snuggled up on the huge couch in his lounge. He told me that he had arranged a special treat for me as we necked on the sofa. Somewhat apprehensive, I wondered about the revelation that awaited me.

Moving through to the bedroom later, I was somewhat flabbergasted by the surprise. Angus had secured a five by four-foot, thick woollen rug to the wooden wall in his bedroom. There were two metal rings on either side of the rug, six-foot off the ground. A leather cuff hung off each of the rings. No imagination was needed to comprehend the purpose of this construction.

Had the escalation of his sexual requirements just begun? Remaining calm, I smiled and said that it looked very interesting. I was told that he wanted to tie me up and fuck me while I was bound by the restraints. I didn’t find the setup too enticing, but I figured that having made my bed I now had to lie in it. Somewhat worried, I began to undress.

As Angus secured me to the rings facing the rug, he instructed me to place my feet on two wooden blocks mounted below the rug. These blocks were one-foot off the floor. Truthfully, I had not noticed these before but did as I was told. Spread-eagled, I awaited his imminent penetration. Instead, there was a swishing sound, followed by a sharp stinging as he began whacking my backside with a short strap. The first two or three strikes had me wailing but he continued unperturbed. After ten smacks, as my arse started becoming numb I became very turned-on and began rubbing my hard cock up against the wall rug.

After fifteen strikes he asked if he should stop. I was bristling with horniness and loving my spanking by now. “No, you bastard, has your arm become slack?” I challenged him.

Angus intensified the next five strikes before finally dropping the strap to the floor. His huge body then compressed me against the rug. With my arse already on fire his entry felt less brutal than on former occasions. Banging my body, he pummelled my backside hectically. As he tweaked my nipples his horny gasps became animalistic. The divine agony I was experiencing negated my earlier anticipation; I had definitely made the right choice. Angus had completely subjugated me and the level of gratification I was receiving was fantastic.

Angus plundered my body like a blood-obsessed Viking on a rampage. My hole was thumped as he slammed me against the rug.

I was so turned-on that I started shouting, “Fuck me harder, is that all you’ve got.”

Screeching like a bird of prey, his five-day-old cache of cum exploded into my bowels as he shuddered with ecstasy. I had never been fucked so comprehensively! After I was untied we both collapsed on the bed, laughing and panting with exhaustion. Staring at the ceiling, we lay quietly as we regained our composure.

Finally, with a laugh he asked, “How did you enjoy your housewarming gift?”

I had loved my housewarming gift despite my earlier reservations. Prior to meeting Angus I had never considered bondage and spanking. A year before, an acquaintance who was into the rougher stuff had told me that pain and pleasure are closely related. At that time I hadn’t really paid much mind to his philosophy, but it now appeared he was spot-on. Having finally been initiated into this practice I was totally intrigued. I also planned to engage Angus on this subject the following day. I was interested to learn what had sparked his curiosity in the darker side of sexual habits.

After my earlier spanking, our further sexual interaction that evening was much more subdued. The change of pace was very pleasant. We made love twice more during the night.

After breakfast the following day, I broached the subject of his predilection. Initially, he seemed somewhat uncomfortable, but as he thawed he became more animated on the subject. I explained that I was enthralled and really wanted to understand his wants and needs. We also made a pact that if anything became too hectic for me during sexual activity, I would refer to him by his nickname, Grizzly, which would be my ‘out’ word. Angus promised to show me a few DVD’s that turned him on, the following day.

The next morning we took a drive to a few of his favourite spots in the area. It was a wonderful outing and by two p.m. we found ourselves at a scenic picnic spot. Angus surprised me by unpacking a basket of wine and cheese, with biscuits and preserves. We spent the next hour imbibing the wonderful atmosphere and enjoying the refreshments that he had brought along. By four we eventually arrived back home. After settling in the lounge, we watched one of his favourite DVD’s. It was a dungeon scene with rugged men fucking, spanking, fisting, and pissing on one another.

When the movie ended an hour later, we had not spoken a word throughout the viewing. I knew that I had to break the ice. He had played his card, and it was now my turn to show my hand. “Tell me what you really want, sexually,” I asked.

“I like the pissing and spanking, but the fisting is optional. I don’t expect you to take my fist, but I would like you to fist me. I also want you to whip me.” He observed me for a while before continuing, “I want it hard, no holding back.”

After a long pause, I said, “I am pleased; you don’t expect to fist me, your hands are way too large. I also hope that scat is never involved, because that’s not negotiable.

“No problem, I am also not into scat at all,” was his reply.

“Is a sling acceptable?” he asked with a naughty smile.

“I haven’t seen a sling,” I replied.

“That’s because it hasn’t arrived yet. It’s on order and should here this week,” he stated, before resuming, “I thought we could install it in the study, which I use as a storeroom. We can also move the wall carpet and rings into the same space and make that our fuck-room,” Angus mischievously concluded.

“Sounds good to me,” was my reply.

Shortly, dinner was on the go and before long we sat down to eat. After dinner, we again moved to the lounge and I got to view another of his favourite DVD’s. The fisting in this movie was even more hectic than the previous one. I had also never realized that men could expel so much piss. After our smut viewing marathon, we headed to the bedroom.

Angus handed me a larger strap than the one he had used on me. Getting onto the bed on his stomach, I was instructed to commence striking him on the arse. My initial thwacks were subdued but due to the urgency in his tone, I began to intensify my assault. Putting my back into it, I really began striking him with might. His grunts of approval left me in no doubt that I was pleasing his needs. I was instructed to expand my strikes to his upper legs, and all over his back. Grunting and groaning ecstatically, he writhed in appreciation.

When my arm tired I threw the strap down and jumped on his back. Pushing straight into him, I began fucking like crazy. Running my hands over his back I could feel the welts I had inflicted. Growling, he encouraged me to fuck him even harder. As I lay on top of him, I curled my arms around his torso and began giving his nipples a severe working over. His escalating moans clearly signalled his approval.

My hands moved to his shoulders as I humped my teddy bear. Clamping onto him excitedly my orgasm swiftly approached. Not able to hold back any longer, I began discharging into him. After rolling off him, he immediately mounted me. He started kissing me hard, demonstrating his approval of my prior performance. His oral attack was so fervent that it almost felt that like he was going to suck my lips off my body. Lifting off me eventually, he sat at the edge of the bed, before pulling my body across his lap.

Snorting like a wild boar, he began to smack my arse with his bare hand. With my body pinned down by his left hand, his right hand hammered my arse with metronomic intensity. His severe slaps had me wailing as he roared his approval. I had definitely become a discipline junky! Finally flinging me on the bed he repaid me in kind, skewering my backside with his rigid knob. His thrusting was so vigorous that I prayed the bed wouldn’t break. With all the stimulation he had undergone earlier, he was like a tightly coiled spring finally releasing its projectile. As he came he thumped into me, like a rodeo bull bucking wildly to dislodge its rider.

Afterward, as we lay there panting with him on top of me, I wondered if I had opened Pandora’s Box.

He kept whispering, “Thank you, baby,” over and over again. After the potency of what we had just been through, we were asleep soon after.

The following morning when I awoke, he was staring at me. Running his hand over my face he smiled before gently leaning in and kissing me. Getting up later he led me to the shower. Angus placed a towel on the shower floor, before lying on his back. He told me to get on top of him in the sixty-nine position. A torrent of piss began spaying out of him. I allowed the fountain to cover my head, before directing his dick into my mouth.

As this happened I felt his hands kneading my butt cheeks, encouraging me to release my flow. The taste of his piss was delectable and I was fascinated by how much I enjoyed the taste. Piss-play would really not be a problem in future and in fact, I felt that I could easily get addicted to the taste. After we had both run dry I lifted off him. He asked me how I had liked the taste. Smiling, I said it was great. He then admitted that he had been drinking his own piss for years.

After showering, we made our way to the kitchen.

That Sunday and all the following week, our sexual activity was fairly subdued. I fully understood that we could not continuously sustain the hectic sessions and it would be tragic if they became ordinary.

The sling did arrive the following Friday and this addition proved to be a great enhancement to our sexual exploits. My life with Angus was getting better all the time and I was really growing to love the man. Strangely, fisting had thus far not been requested, much to my relief. Getting my head around that discipline was very intimidating.

Two weeks on our lives took another unexpected turn, wen Ignatius Buck, who insisted on being referred to as Bucky, (because he hated his name), entered our lives. He had joined the lumberjack crew where Angus worked. Because of a shortage of accommodation in the area, Angus’ foreman, aware of the additional apartment that Angus had above his garage, asked Angus to take Bucky in until alternative accommodation became available.

The small apartment above Angus’ garage was really very nice. It was fully furnished, with its own kitchenette and bathroom. Years before Angus had renovated this space with the idea of earning extra income. Once the revamp was complete, however, Angus decided against the idea of having a tenant.

With a little effort, Angus and I prepared it for Bucky’s arrival and on Friday evening Bucky moved in. As Bucky wouldn’t be living in the main house, we believed that his presence wouldn’t be a problem for us. As far as everyone was concerned, I was simply renting Angus’ spare room.

When Bucky arrived I couldn’t help smiling. He wasn’t good looking but extremely cute; make that, fucking cute!

Bucky was stocky and stood six-foot tall. He had reddish-blond hair that always looked unkempt. He had a thick moustache and a tuft of hair a half inch wide extending two inches past his chin. He had freckles on his face and a gap between his upper front teeth. His blue eyes were wild and lively and his nose was plump. Bucky had a stud on his left eyebrow and wore thick round silver earrings. He also had the goofiest smile I had ever seen on a human being and walked in a cumbersome, almost awkward fashion.

When Bucky laughed he sounded like a hick. His foolish manner, however, was infectious and every fibre of your being just wanted to hug him. When we shook hands, my hand barely fitted around his palm. Bucky had the broadest hands I had ever seen. Nobody was in Angus’ league where hairiness was concerned, but Bucky didn’t do too badly.

The first few nights with our lodger went very well. He ate dinner with us and by eight-thirty headed off to his own apartment. Breakfasts were also consumed together at six-thirty and the sandwiches, which I always made in the morning, now included an additional person.

Angus bought a television for Bucky during the first week after his arrival. Thankfully, he was very respectful of our space, only joining us for meals and otherwise when invited to do so.

On the second Saturday after Bucky’s arrival, Angus decided to visit a larger neighbouring town for provisions that were unavailable in our neck of the woods. After Angus left, I invited Bucky for coffee. We chatted while consuming our coffee and biscuits.

Out of the blue is said, “You and Angus make a great couple.” Almost choking on my coffee, I spluttered a pathetic explanation about being a lodger and that Angus and I were just good friends.

Shrugging after my speech he apologized for, ‘getting it wrong.’ Intrigued, I asked why he had assumed that we were a couple. He then replied, “Well, because of the way you look at each other. Besides, the noises I regularly hear coming from the house at night, it sure sounds like people are fucking to me.” I just sat there with a mouth full of teeth.

A short while later, he got up and walked towards the study. Fortunately, it was always locked. Asking what kind of room this was, he inadvertently turned the door handle and the door opened.

‘Fuck,’ I thought, ‘we have forgotten to lock it!’ After opening the door he was confronted with a full-on sex pit, sling and all.

Observing the den for a short while, he looked back at me and asked, “May I have a look?” The horse had bolted and all that was left for me to do was shrug foolishly. As he toured the den of iniquity, I almost shat myself.

After a few minutes when Bucky re-joined me all I could muster was, “Would you like some more coffee?”

“Yeah, that would be great,” he replied. Graciously, he made no comment about the room and after his coffee departed.

When Angus returned at twelve I gave him the bad news. To my amazement he just laughed, before saying, “Shit happens.”

An hour later, Bucky joined us for lunch as usual. Indulging in general chit-chat, we consumed the meal. As we were nearing the end of the meal Angus looked at Bucky and asked, “So what did you make of the play-pit?”

“Fucking awesome!” was his reply.

“I hope that you won’t be broadcasting your discovery at work,” Angus retorted.

With an evil grin, Bucky answered, “Well that depends...”

“On what does that depend, Bucky?” Angus asked, smiling.

“On whether I also get to try it out as well,” Bucky countered.

“I kind of figured you’d be into girls,” Angus replied.

“Nah, the ones here are all man-catchers as all you guys have warned me. Don’t need to be saddled with a woman at my age. Of course, a horny guy like me needs some release and if the women are too dangerous, well, a man’s got to make a plan,” Bucky concluded.

We all began to laugh. After a short while, Bucky again took up the reins, “Never seen a play-pit before and sure would appreciate a demonstration on how it works.”

Still laughing, Angus asked, “So all you want to do is watch?”

“Hell no, only if I have to,” Bucky responded, before resuming, “Of course, if I participate that would force me to keep my mouth shut.”

After more laughter, Angus warned, “Once you enter that room Bucky, there’s no backing out, no matter what happens.”

Bucky’s succinct reply was, “Bring it on.”

After we finished eating we all helped with the washing-up. After grabbing a few beers afterward, we all settled in the lounge.

“Bucky, I need to discuss your proposal with Sydney,” Angus said after a time. Both sets of eyes now turned to look at me and I found the spotlight somewhat uncomfortable. “Do you need some time to think about it, Sydney?” Angus then asked.

After a pause, I said, “It’s your call, Angus; I’ll go along with your decision.”

Turning to Bucky, Angus said, “I am going to discuss this with Sydney privately and we will give you an answer at dinner.” Shortly after, somewhat sheepishly, Bucky left for his apartment. I was really sorry that my answer had not been more positive, fearful that I might have hurt his feelings.

The morning and lunchtime revelations had been a lot for me to digest. I thought Bucky was hot and if I had met him in a bar, or club, I would definitely have considered a scene with him. This, however, was a totally different dynamic. The introduction of a third person could ultimately be problematic. In addition, I had also never before had a threesome before. My sex-life was becoming more interesting by the day.

That afternoon, Angus and I discussed the matter fully. We both agreed that we found Bucky very sexy and admitted that if we had met him individually, we would happily have gone to bed with him. We also agreed upon basic ground rules for any interaction with Bucky. It would be made very clear that our sessions would be three-way and that pairing off would not be tolerated, unless one of us elected to take a break. In addition, his presence would be by invitation only.

Angus then also dropped the bombshell by saying that he wanted to be fisted that evening. He had also acquired the necessary pills that would help him relax during the process.

Prior to Bucky’s arrival at six, Angus entered the bathroom to prepare himself physically for his fisting initiation. After thoroughly cleansing himself, I followed suit.

At six, after Bucky arrived and after we were seated in the lounge, Angus gave him the good news with all the ground rules. Bucky was then taken to our bathroom, where Angus tutored him in proper cleansing.

Shortly after they returned to the lounge, Angus got the ball rolling by announcing that it was time to enter the play-pit. After stripping in the lounge, Bucky held up a bottle of poppers before asking, “Do you at least mind if enter the play-pit with this?” A round of laughter followed.

After entering the play-pit I got my first good look at Bucky naked. His fair-skinned body was incredibly solid and powerful, and covered in a lovely reddish-blond fluff. His eyes were livelier than normal and almost spinning with horniness. His thick cock was absolutely rigid in anticipation and his tight foreskin fought to contain the fat mushroom head it held prisoner. His droopy balls looked like a bag containing two small apples as it flopped around.

As he tugged on his knob the foreskin liberated its captive, releasing a purple head that glistened with pre-cum. Angus moved behind me and after encasing my body invited Bucky to close the sandwich.

Bucky moved in and instantly locked onto my mouth, as Angus extended his arms to encompass Bucky’s body. Completely encased by my two bears, my head was turned to the side as three mouths began to wrestle frenziedly. With two hard cocks crushing into me, a mass of grinding bodies began uttering groans and sighs of contentment. All my former apprehension faded as I became a devotee of three-way action.

This was fan-fucking-tastic! Tongues began licking my neck, ears, eyes, nose, and head. I was practically delirious with lust and had to have a cock inside me instantly.

“I have to be fucked right now,” I cried.

Picking me up, Bucky placed me in the sling. “You go first,” Angus announced before Bucky tied my legs to the restraints.

As Bucky located my hole, Angus moved to my head and my spit-roasting got underway. Bucky was the front-runner when it came to sexual noises and his supercharged grunting was totally guttural. With my legs encased in his arms, his hips went into overdrive. Angus had a hard time steadying the sling as Bucky wildly bashed into my butt-hole. Sweating profusely, Bucky announced that he was about to unload in me after a short while. As he did so, his manic actions became fit-like, with unearthly sounds emanating from him.

Slumping onto me afterward, my hands caressed Bucky’s sweaty head. Angus then moved around my body and announced that his turn had arrived. As Bucky lifted off me, Angus slid straight into my well-lubed hole. Having watched Bucky, Angus was in horny overload and humped me forcefully.

Bucky tried in vain to blow me but gave up due to Angus’ hectic performance. I began wanking myself frenziedly and timed my eruption perfectly with Angus’ delivery. Keeping his cock inside me after we had both unloaded, Angus stood still for a while before flooding my arse with his piss.

This really turned Bucky on, whom moments later began spraying my entire body with his yellow sap. I even joined in and let rip all over myself and Angus’ chest.

After our session, we all consumed a well-earned beer. Bucky’s cock did not know the meaning of defeat and remained rigid throughout our liquid intake. He kept sniggering and stabbing me with his dick as we sipped our beers.

After our short interval, Angus got his strap and pushed my face down onto the sling. As he began whipping my butt, Bucky went into a trancelike state.

Uttering horny growls, he kept repeating, “Fuck-yeah, whip that fucking arse,” to Angus. After twenty strikes, Angus then pulled me up off the sling and after getting on the sling on his stomach, handed the strap to Bucky.

“Go for it bro,” Angus ordered then ordered Bucky. Being much more powerful than me, Bucky gave Angus the beating of his life.

After ten strikes, Angus yelled at Bucky to broaden his range. Angus’ back and thighs now began receiving Bucky’s ardent attention.

After twenty strikes, Bucky threw the strap down. Angus then groaned that the time had come. Fully comprehending his meaning, I retrieved the tub of aqueous cream. Bucky was riveted as I started applying the lubricant to Angus’ arse, as well as my right hand and forearm.

With my fingers clutched together like a closed lotus flower, I commenced prodding at Angus’ butt-hole. Angus grunted as I probed ever deeper. When my knuckles finally broke through, Angus’ head swayed to and fro before his sphincter clamped on my wrist. Bucky was totally mesmerized by the sight before him.

After a minute of adapting, I prodded ever deeper into Angus. Balling my fist, with my forearm halfway up Angus’ butt, Angus groaned and began sweating profusely as I agitated my arm from side to side.

Bucky just kept uttering, “Fuck, yeah,” over and over again.

I slowly started moving my arm in and out with ever increasing-momentum, as guttural sounds emanated from Angus. Bucky tugged on his cock with his right hand, while frantically tweaking his nipples with his left, all the while uttering ever louder “Fuck yeah’s.”

When I finally commenced punching Angus’ hole, Bucky could no longer restrain himself and shot a load over my forearm and Angus’ arse.

Gesturing to Bucky to take over from me, I extracted my arm from Angus. Bucky lubed-up and replaced me in a heartbeat. The extra size of his hand and arm had Angus bashing his head on the leather sling. Angus’ vocal escalation intensified dramatically as Bucky went to town.

Bucky now began screeching, “Hot, this is so fucking hot, fuck me, Jesus, this is so fucking hot,” as he relentlessly pummelled into Angus.

Angus joined in the verbalizing, exclaiming, “Harder, bro, fucking punish my arse you bastard, hurt me.” Bucky did not fail in his duty, and when he began punch-fucking Angus, the cacophony from the two scaled new heights.

“You want this fist in your arse,” Bucky bellowed.

Which was followed by, “Is that all you’ve got you fucking sissy,” from Angus.

On and on the verbal banter escalated. Finally, flopping over onto his back after Bucky had extracted his arm, Angus started plucking his knob as Bucky tugged on Angus’ balls. When Angus finally shot his load, his breathing had become frenetic. With his chest heaving dramatically, Angus finally slumped in total exhaustion. I knelt down behind his very swollen manhole and licked on the flabby folds that had been misused so intensively. Bucky then licked Angus’ stomach clean.

As his breathing returned to normal, Angus uttered, “That was fucking awesome, guys,” with a huge smile.

Bucky was practically bristling with horny overload and made it clear that he also wanted to receive a whipping and definitely wanted to be fisted as well. Frowning, Angus issued a warning, “Once we start, there will be no turning back, no bailing.”

With a look of defiance, Bucky said, “Bring it on, bro.” Positioning his body face down on the sling, he once again looked back at Angus challengingly, as if to say, ‘Show me what you’ve got.’

Angus picked up that strap and tossed it to me before moving to Bucky’s head. Securing Bucky’s head between his hands he nodded to me to let loose, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

A swish sounded, as the first blow hit, with Bucky letting out a gasp. Nodding, Angus egged me on. Strike two and Bucky commenced bleating. Strike three and expletives started pouring out of his mouth. Another nod came from Angus before strike four followed. More curses gushed out of Bucky’s mouth as he squirmed and writhed.

Three more strikes rained down as Angus intoned, “Take the pain you begged for it and now you’re getting it.” I really wanted to relent, but Angus’ eyes left me in no doubt that I had to comply. After strike nine, Bucky began to whimper like a contented baby.

Bucky’s murmurs began to take on an air of contentment as strike ten hit. “Fuck yeah, hit me harder you pussy, is that all you’ve got,” he grunted.

Grabbing the strap from me Angus went crazy with the following five whacks. Bucky yelped with pleasure as Angus lay into him. When Angus finally dropped the strap, I commenced lubricating my arm. Bucky had been thoroughly softened up and just lay there groaning. Encouraging his legs apart, I began my entry into Bucky’s hole. As my hand prodding intensified, Bucky gasped. When my knuckles broke through, he began squealing. With his arse-lips clenching on my wrist, I paused to allow him time to settle.

By the time I had started my in and out thrusting, Bucky’s mouth was being mugged by Angus’ tool. The muffled groans emanating from him became more and more contented as our double action ensued. When Angus neared climax, he rushed over towards me, exclaiming that he wanted to unload in Bucky’s arse. A minute later, Angus creamed Bucky’s arse before I was invited to churn the cream.

Plugging straight in, I also did not last too long. With froth oozing out of his butt, I unloaded my spunk into Bucky. Holding still afterward, I decided to give Bucky’s arse a thorough cleansing and began spraying a bucket load of piss into his backside. Bucky sighed like a contented kitten, uttering his approval.

Once done, Angus moved up and gave Bucky a double cleansing. Afterward, Angus commanded Bucky onto his back on the sling and told me to rim him. Angus then commenced sucking Bucky’s knob. Bucky’s sloppy hole tasted delicious as I lapped on the puffy lips. Once Bucky had cum, Angus dribbled Bucky’s load into my eager mouth.

After our session, we each had a beer while towelling off. I grabbed a mop afterward and quickly cleaned the sling and floor. Heading off to the kitchen, Angus heated then plated up some food that he had pre-prepared. We all enjoyed the meal and helped with the dishes afterward. With bedtime upon us, Bucky got a forlorn look on his face.

Angus smiled and said, “Bucky, I don’t think you’ll be seeing much of your apartment from now on,” before a huge smile broke out on Bucky’s face. Continuing, Angus then added, “Thank goodness I’ve got such a big king-sized bed!”

Although I had made it clear that I wouldn’t allow myself to be double-fucked, the two guys concocted a plan of their own. Once on the bed, Bucky lay on his back and asked me to straddle him. After impaling myself, I lowered my body onto his torso before we began kissing. Angus moved to the back of us, servicing Bucky’s dick, balls, and my arse simultaneously. The entire scene was wonderfully erotic and I was really getting into this three-way action. With Bucky’s legs together and my knees on either side of him, I felt Angus’ body move in behind me.

Sensing what would happen next, I tried to lift my body. Clamped in Bucky’s vice-like grip, however, my torso was going nowhere. When I felt the added prodding of Angus’ knob, I began to plead like crazy.

“Shush, baby,” Angus whispered, as Bucky chuckled impishly.

“Noooo… please don’t,” I implored as two cocks ravished my backside.

Angus began sliding his knob in, amalgamating their two fat dicks in my arse. I thought I would never be able to cope. Clamped as I was, however, I was totally at their mercy. Slowly Angus started supplying the momentum as my manhole succumbed to the double entry. I didn’t realize that from here on out, being double-fucked would be a regular occurrence in my life and I would come to love and crave it. My torso kept being passed up and down as I got stretched and pummelled. The guys were out to make this last, relentlessly fucking me for ten solid minutes. With a numb arse, I ultimately flopped onto the bed to recover from my initiation.

We lay around chatting for a while as the two guys teased me about my tribulation. I, of course, feigned mock annoyance at having been taken advantage of. Laughing and kissing one other for a short while afterward, Angus then surprised us by announcing that he had a special dessert planned.

Arriving back in the bedroom, he had three large bananas in his hands. The bananas were peeled before we were instructed to insert them in our arses. We were then ushered onto the carpeted floor, where we formed a butt to mouth human triangle. Once done, we all began pushing the bananas out gradually, feeding one other. Nibbling and licking we were nourished on this wonderful berry; that most people believe to be a fruit.

The sounds stemming from all three of us sounded like appreciative chefs at a gourmet gathering. Fortunately, Angus had three more bananas and we all opted for seconds. Sated after our second helping of dessert, we lustfully climbed back on the bed and went ballistic. The ménage continued for the next thirty minutes, as butts and mouths were continuously invaded. Completely exhausted, we all finally fell asleep.

Over the ensuing months, Bucky and I grew full beards and also looked like mountain men with our hairy appearance. We didn’t give one fuck and revelled in our masculinity. We all grew the hair on our heads much longer and eventually all sported ponytails.

Angus’ former insecurity also became a thing of the past. On ‘Sadistic Saturday’s’ as we referred to it, fisting and whipping took place in our home.

Bananas always remained our favoured dessert and our three-way relationship deepened and intensified.

Life was fucking great!

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The petite chocolate treat Noemie Bilas is trying to study for an upcoming exam. Her boyfriend usually lets her do her thing, but today he came out of work horny as fuck. All he wanted to do was pound her tight brown pussy. Noemie is too much of a nerd though and refuses to take a break. Her boyfriend then gets the perfect idea. She is already studying in a hot doggystyle position, so maybe he can fuck her while she studies? The first point of ion had Noemie feeling good, but getting an orgasm...

2 years ago
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Heading West Ch 02

‘So Janine, yeah, the last time we spoke, I was telling you about that incredible thing that Scott and I did in Texas on our trip out west. You know, when I fucked him while he drove the car down the highway? That was so good, you HAVE to do it with Billy. I was so turned on, you have NO idea. And when that other car passed by us, it really was so hot. But let me tell you, that was not the only crazy thing we did. Yes, I know. We were completely uninhibited, it was so great! What? You want to...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Bailey

My brother's wife Bailey is a fox. She is the sexiest woman I've ever met and for years I have lusted for her. Not that anything would ever come of my lust. My wife would kill me if I ever acted on my lust for Bailey and if she didn't my brother most certainly would. I couldn't touch, but I could look and I did. I could also flirt and I did that too. Bailey was aware of the effect that she had on me and it pleased her to tease me every chance she got. I've never seen her in the nude, but...

3 years ago
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The Ark Part 2Chapter 21

Captain Abigale Bell, her Platoon officers, and Squad NCOs are in Captain Bell’s meeting room at SCC 1. Captain Bell says, “During the past two days, we have gone out to the other SCCs and made arrangements to relieve Companies C, D, and E. Today is the day, so let’s deploy so they can return to the Ark. “Sergeants Redman and Creswell’s Squads will remain here with me. Lieutenant Diaz, you are to take your Third Squad to SCC 2 and relieve Company C. Lieutenant Cruz, you are to take your...

2 years ago
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Poker Game

The young woman had finished bathing, dressing, and putting on her makeup, and she was ready to leave for work. She stepped out of her bathroom and was confronted by a tall man she had never seen. She was frightened and about to try to run when another man appeared, a man she knew and despised, her nearest neighbor who lived a half mile down the gravel, country road that wound its way within a thick forest. The man she did not know turned to the neighbor and nodded. "She'll do," he said. For a...

3 years ago
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new roommate

I enjoy sucking real man was figured out at a younger age then some. I was 18 just moved to college and ended up in a dorm room with someone right around my size. I never played sports never got fat just stayed in regular skinny shape, he on the other hand had a really muscular ass and waist it was just shaped like an apple however he stood and it reminded me of a womens booty. Also his thighs were extremely smooth and skinny and he stayed tan. I didn't talk to him much the first...

2 years ago
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Project Epic

You know it’s ironic. I have spent almost a decade perfecting a singular chemical. It was the key to all that I wanted and more. I knew that, but I hadn’t quite figured out how to get it to work as intended. I lived for a singular purpose, to perfect my chemical. But we will get back to that. You see I was a nerd. Like a nerd to the extreme. I had been in high school, and I continued that legacy all the way through to the end of my doctorate. You see I wanted to make drugs. I wanted to make the...

Mind Control
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 33

Chuck had just finished fucking Cindy, his young horny daughter-in-law in an effort to knock her up with another baby. Cindy was wanting some more hard cock from Chuck, however, and she also wanted another lusty deposit of his babymaking semen deep inside her hot pussy before their evening of lusty fucking was over. Chuck loved seeing a bit of his cum seeping from between Cindy's pussy lips when he pulled his cock out from her pussy after their first coupling. His cock was coated with his...

1 year ago
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Few days ago my nighbour wanted to hang out on the day before christmas so we planed on smoking some weed in one of his close firends shed. He also mentioned that he would bring some girls along so i was up for it . It was finaly the day before christmas and me and my friend was on our way to the shed. When we got there 3 girls showed up . In the shed altogether were 6 people. 3 guys and 3 girls.we decided to roll up a joint and smoke some out of a bong and so we did. After we were stoned as...

2 years ago
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Clues Clothes

Author’s note: This is a story in my style, if you have a dislike for the men and women I create, please do not continue. She was packing for a business trip. What I saw was not anything I had seen before. Sometimes troubles in relationships are not talked about, but there are often clues. I am Frank Smitter and when I saw what was in her carry on case, I was 37 and had been married to Carol for six years. If I did not end it, I would not be married for seven. I first met Carol Smitter...

1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 1

"Hey, stud," said the girl to my left, "How about sharing some of that big old cock of yours with this empty pussy of mine?" I looked across to her at the end of another deep thrust between the sweet thighs of the mewling fuck beneath me as I pounded her well-stretched snatch into the mattress. Instinctively, the younger woman clasped me tighter to her as her long black stockinged legs wrapped themselves around my splayed thighs and pounding buttocks. I was on auto-pilot. Doing the same old...

1 year ago
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Amar Ammar Birat Bacha

HI folks this is the first story by me hope u all will enjoy it. jokhon theke amar modhe joubon asche thokhon thekei ami meyeder shorirer proti khubi akristo hoi.kintu ar shobar moto ami amar shomoboyoshi meyeder proti akristo hotam na.ami shuru thekei moddho boyoshi mohilader pochondo kori.majh boyoshi mohilader boro boro dudh ar pacha deklei jibhe pani chole ashto.amader building e 3 jon aunty thake.ekjon er boyosh pray 35 hobe.besh mota ar chowra deho.dui ta meye ache tar,ekta class 5 e...

3 years ago
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I’d been to a friends BBQ in the afternoon & we was all drinking. I had a little to much & felt unwell. I went and lay down on their bed and woke @ 7:30pm.I was a little startled to where I was at first, I began to walk downstairs and I could hear my husband chatting still. I went and found him and apologised for sleeping so long. I was handed a drink and we all continued drinking. It got to about 10 and the guest started to go home. My husband made the suggestion that we do to. I went...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Publicly Disturbing That Pussy

My partner and I were dispatched for a public disturbance. We arrived at what seemed like 3 suspects arguing at a corner. Turns one of the guys walked in on the suspect fucking his wife. When he asked the man to leave his house the suspect started swinging. This is when we arrived to break it up and take the suspect in for public disturbance. The suspect told us “ It ain’t my fault that she loves the big black dick!! Shit I’d fuck her again!!” so before dropping him at the station we decided to...

3 years ago
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The MissionChapter 4

One nice thing about stopping in to the division HQ is the food. They had actual cooks and hot grub. The coffee didn't come out of a pouch either. The cooks had adopted Kat as much as anybody had and whenever she came through the line her tray was piled up too high to see over. One of them would usually help her get to the table with it. It is almost sickening to see a big burly Master Sergeant with more hair coming out of his ears than on his head try to hold the door for the little girl in...

2 years ago
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A fantasy that will get you off for sure

You gasp when you feel me unhook your bra, but allow it to remain covering your breasts. I finish unzipping your dress then pull you to your feet and let the dress fall to the floor around your ankles. Then I take your bra with two fingers and looking at you to assure you it was all right, you release the bra to me. I then remove it and look at you lovingly. I hook my thumbs in your panties and lower them to join your skirt. Your breathing gets heavy as I help you step away from your skirt...

1 year ago
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Sweet Painted Lady

I can’t explain what happened. Maybe I wasn’t the lover that she had always dreamed about. Maybe I didn’t empathize like she expected when she needed to vent. Maybe I didn’t bring her flowers often enough. Maybe, just maybe, she met someone new. All of those ‘maybes’ swirling in my head leaving me dazed and heartbroken. Whatever the cause, I was single again, in pain and as lonely as hell. It was time to get away and go someplace my ex and I had never been. Staying in Chicago had too many...

2 years ago
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First Cums Fuck then Cums Marriage

Summary: A nude model and art professor fuck after class. Note 1: This is a VALENTINES DAY 2016 Contest story. Note 2: Thanks to goamz86, Robert, Wayne and cuckdynasty for editing this story. FIRST CUMS FUCK, THEN CUMS MARRIAGE It’s funny how life works. It’s funny how one random conversation leads to one trivial decision, which leads to one amazing encounter that ultimately changes your life forever. As I look into my bride’s eyes and the minister begins to speak, I reflect on the crazy...

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A Night Out

A deviant smile spread across Lynn’s face as she reached under the table, wrapping her tiny hand around the teased hard cock in Thomas’ pants. He had treated her with a surprise that night, taking her for the first time to the Hard Rock Casino, and so far she was quite shocked by how much fun she was having. He had only told her they were going out to eat, and to dress as sexy as possible. He left the destination a secret until they had stepped into the elevator from the parking garage. She...

2 years ago
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Pehli Baar Meri Gaand Main Lund 8211 Part 2

Hi Indian sex stories readers, First part me maine btaya ki kaise havsi budhdhaa meri gand maarne mere ghar aa dhamka Kundi lagate hi o mujhpe tut pda aur siskiya lete hue bola aaj mai tumhari gand maarunga aur pura din mje lunga bhut tadpaya h. Meri raani chudogi naa.Mere lund pe sawar ho aa mai tumhe jannat ka shair kraunga.Uska diwanapan meri rago me khun ki tarah daudne lga tha aaj mera puri body uspe neochaavar hone k liye taiyar tha uski ragad ne mujhse pagal kar dia.o puri josh me...

Gay Male
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A Love TimelessChapter 13

“And to present the award for ‘Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama’, Two-time Academy Award winner and three-time Golden Globe winner Corinne DeLoie, along with her husband Mattson Childers, and their son Bradford Childers!” The crowd applauded and cheered, especially the upper balconies, where people not part of the entertainment industry found their seats. Corinne walked out holding Mattson’s hand while he carried their son. She was dressed in a royal blue gown of...

2 years ago
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Internet Encounters

My favourite thing I used to do was get some horny dude riled up by describing myself as some ideal girl, getting them to meet me somewhere, and watching them get angry, or look disappointed in a diner or a parking lot. My favorite at the time was a guy who beat up his own steering wheel on Valentines Day. I had a pretty good thing going for a while. Then I turned 17. 17 was a hard year, I guess it was the year I became the horniest, and the loneliest. December when school was out was the...

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The Dark Gods

"Greetings," you hear a feminine voice say. "We've been watching you Derek. We gods are only swayed by people who are willing to bow to our whim, and you have been chosen. We six are choosing you to be the next to change the world. Once you receive this gift, it is all up to you in how you use it. Be warned, though, there are forces who will try to stop you. I'm sure you'll use your gift to stop them, however." (If you feel like it, don't be afraid to add your own chapters to my story, as long...

Mind Control
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Cousin Ki Wife Tour Per Chudai

Hi friends, kese ho ye meri dusri story h . Jo ek real story h . Mera naam vedant h main delhi me rhat hu . Dikhne me kafi handsome hu . Apko story kesi lagi muje mail jarur krna meri email id h ab apko boor na krte hue story per aata hu. Last summer me hamara haridwar or rishikesh jane ka program bana family k sath bua ji bhi ghr aayi hui thi bua k ladke ki newly sadhi hui thi bua ki family bhi sath jana ka program ban gya . Sunday raat ko hum delhi se nikle maine mere friend se car xchnge...

2 years ago
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The Other Cock

I've been married to Mara for almost seven years, and this is the first time since then (that I know of!) that she's had another cock inside her. This experience is not an "itch" but a determined progression. She was reluctant at first, but the notion, which I suggested, grew on her. After experimenting with some other enhancements to our sex life, here we are, and she seems to be enjoying The Other Cock.We're all naked, and she's lying face-up on the bed, head off the edge, tilted back, hair...

3 years ago
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A Touch of Honey

A Touch of HoneyLizzie got up from bed with her husband still half asleep. She thought about waking him and making him get the breakfast, but in all honesty it was her turn. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Derrick.A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Derrick would have a bit of...

1 year ago
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Friend Request Accepted

One day as we were talking, Sarah told me that she went to her cousin sister’s place (who just got recently married) and her cousin sister was talking to Sarah about her first night experiences. Sarah told me that the way her cousin sister described it was awesome and it made her really horny. “If your feeling that horny, why don’t you start fingering yourself now,” I told her and started laughing. “If you are ok with it, then ya sure,” she replied with a giggle. This made me really hot and I...

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SecretsChapter 13

The next morning dawned bright and clear and Linda was at her desk early hoping there might have been some news overnight. Alas, however, Shelia, who Brad swore actually lived in the office, was there well ahead of her, but had nothing to report. “Well, I guess Iʼm out of here,” smiled a sleepy Brad reaching for his hat and starting for the door. He met Nikki at the door, but instead of her usual smile she held her head low and turned away from him, uncharacteristically wearing sunglasses...

2 years ago
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Kept Aunt Sravya Company During Husband8217s Absence

Hey guys, I am Vimal from Chennai. This is not my first story I already posted a story but this one has no connection with the previous one. Coming to the story, my uncle got married about 9 months back. My aunt’s name is Sravya and she was one smoking hot lady. Her body figure was around 34-28-34. Ever since I saw my new aunt, I fantasized a lot about her. My father works abroad so my father along with my mother lives abroad and I live alone here. So I became close to my aunt very...

3 years ago
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Courtesan Ch 10

Kelly patted my butt. "Sweetie let's finish getting dressed. We have a big night ahead of us." Both of us hurriedly put on our clothes. As soon as we were dressed I followed Kelly back into her office closet. Tonya had brought us four shopping bags. I watched while Kelly filled them with sexy lingerie, exotic dresses and several pairs of spike heeled shoes. Once she was done Kelly turned to me and said, "There, that should be enough sexy clothing for several very hot fashion shows." I smiled....

1 year ago
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Tuk Tuk Patrol

A lot of people have this idea of The Porn Dude as a fat slob who never leaves the basement and is always coated in a layer of food, lube, and his own filth. It’s not true, I tell you! I have interests besides jerking off to pornography every waking moment of the day, and I leave the house all the time. Hell, I’m a globetrotting motherfucker. I just got back from Thailand, a country with so much to offer: Asian MILFs eating cock, young Thai girls who love the smell of tourist money and jizz,...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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MyNaughtyMassage Yuki Ito 22763

When you’ve got problems with the wife at home, there’s always one surefire way to relieve your stress: the massage parlor! Van takes his friend’s recommendation and goes to Yuki Ito for what he’s told will make him “happy.” He finds out soon when he arrives and she doesn’t speak a lick of English, but she’s down with licking his cock and balls! The sexy Japanese masseuse gets both of them naked and warmed up with oils and nuru-style massage! After that she’s ready to fuck and give Van the...

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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 2

Tom and I had an amazing night on the yacht reliving the fun this young girl so unexpectedly showed us. If you've never ridden your man on the bow of a ship in the moonlight, I highly recommend it. We slept out there naked in each others' arms for hours before retiring to our cabin, where we both caught a second wind and stayed up another hour hungry for each other's bodies. Late the next morning, we met up with Karine and her boyfriend Patrick in town. Karine looked exactly the same as...

3 years ago
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A Brothers Revenge1

The only words that could escape his mouth after his door bell rang in that fridgid January morn. "It's 3am. I dont know why you could not have at least called first." He was pissed she knew. After all, her older brother and her never got along. She was the only girl of the four of them and could, hell did get away with everything. From the drunken teenage parties, to the drugs and having a child at 16, her father mearly looked the other way. Her older brother Mike, on the other hand,...

2 years ago
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Girls Gone Wild Girls Night In

It was yet another hot summer night in Chicago and coincidentally Noelle's AC broke down during the heat fest. It was so hot in her penthouse even with all the windows rolled down that we decided to just strip down to our bras and panties and carry the party onto her balcony. I've known Noelle for five years so it was like second nature to see my best friend practically naked. It was the night after graduation, so we were celebrating with a Margarita Night. After a few too many margaritas and...

2 years ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 4

“You were always a good kid, take your time, and meet Livvie at the ballroom at seven. She’ll find it sweet if you’ve forgotten how to dance.” Dad laughed and put his empty mai tai on the counter. “I’m sorry it’s come to this point,” I looked up. He squeezed his hand on my shoulder. “I don’t accept your apology.” He shook his head. “Not until you got some clue what you should or shouldn’t apologize for.” “Yeah,” I agreed. I could see something on Ellie’s face and I didn’t want to push...

2 years ago
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Part Time Job For Kim 2

After her eye opening time with Sue Kim went home as she got out of her car her dress rode up and the wind hit her freshly fuck cunt and tingles shot up her spine she felt alive her puss throbbed her tit begged to be touched and she could still taste the pussy juice on her lips her whole life she had been told that girl to girl sex was wrong but my god how good she felt right now. On weak legs she went inside her daughter says hi mom but Kim just goes to her room lays on the bed and...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 8

Cockatoo Part 8Shane's lips brushed mine so gently I wasn't sure he had kissed me atall, as if he was still giving me the chance to back out. I closed myeyes and pressed my lips onto his and I felt the pressure increase andwe were kissing properly, his lips crushing mine. I felt lightheaded,and the blood began to pound in my ears as I felt his arm pull mecloser. I hesitantly put my hand up to his face to stroke his cheek, andI was shocked to feel his stubble beneath my fingers. It was enough...

1 year ago
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Janets dirty games part 6 A Shitting Lesson

At this day, windows were open to get in a more oxygenic air than it was usual in our old school building. Accordingly to the season, farmers had brought out manure to the fields outside the city, so the air wasn't really clean and fresh, anyway. Maybe this smell in the air triggered Janet to get into one of her shitgames again - I never found out. Anyway - at this day, the teacher was showing an educational video tape to the actual topic of the history lessons. I remember the videos of this...

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Hijabi Humas sex adventures PART 1

ll the incidents in this story are 100% true only names have been changed and no offence is meant to any person.HUMA was a 18 year old Pakistani Hijabi girl living in the outskirts of Karachi. She belonged to a rich family but a very strict religious family but she was not a religious girl at all and she hated how she was forced to do all these religious things pray and fast and worst of all wear this stupid hijab. She hated all the men in her family her father and both her brothers but she...

1 year ago
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Do What Ya Wanna Do

I'll just admit it right off the bat. I don't like policemen, not one little bit. It isn't that I have any big crime planned or that I've ever committed any - I just don't like the cops I've run into during my life. Of course it's possible I always happen to run into policemen that are not truly representative of the upstanding moral fiber of the majority, but I doubt the fuck out of that, personally. No matter the specifics of the situation, every cop I'd ever dealt with in his or her...

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Grandma does porn 4

It had been a few weeks since I had last seen or spoken to my grandmother, but then one afternoon my grandmother suddenly called me."I need to ask you something?" said my grandmother on the phone "Are you keeping money from us?""No" I replied "Why would you think that?" I then asked."Because we've made three videos now and even though the money was good the last few weeks, its suddenly dropped off again!""That's because people aren't spending their money on your films, they've seen them...

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